Massachusetts v. Mellon, 262 U.S. 447 (1923)

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262 U.S.

43 S.Ct. 597
67 L.Ed. 1078

MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, et al. FROTHINGHAM
v. SAME.
Nos. 24, Original, and 962.
Argued May 3 and 4, 1923.
Decided June 4, 1923.

Mr. Solicitor General Beck, of Washington, D. C., for Mellon and others.
[Argument of Counsel from pages 448-459 intentionally omitted]
Messrs. Alexander Lincoln and J. Weston Allen, both of Boston, Mass.,
for Massachusetts.
[Argument of Counsel from pages 459-475 intentionally omitted]
Messrs. Wm. L. Rawls and George Arnold Frick, both of Baltimore, Md.,
and William H. Lamar and Lucius Q. C. Lamar, both of Washington, D.
C., for Frothingham.
[Argument of Counsel from pages 475-478 intentionally omitted]
Mr. Justice SUTHERLAND delivered the opinion of the Court.

These cases were argued and will be considered and disposed of together. The
first is an original suit in this court. The other was brought in the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia. That court dismissed the bill and its decree
was affirmed by the District Court of Appeals. Thereupon the case was brought
here by appeal. Both cases challenge the constitutionality of the Act of
November 23, 1921, 42 Stat. 224, c. 135, commonly called the Maternity Act.
Briefly, it provides for an initial appropriation and thereafter annual
appropriations for a period of five years, to be apportioned among such of the
several states as shall accept and comply with its provisions, for the purpose of

co-operating with them to reduce maternal and infant mortality and protect the
health of mothers and infants. It creates a bureau to administer the act in cooperation with state agencies, which are required to make such reports
concerning their operations and expenditures as may be prescribed by the
federal bureau. Whenever that bureau shall determine that funds have not been
properly expended in respect of any state, payments may be withheld.

It is asserted that these appropriations are for purposes not national, but local to
the states, and together with numerous similar appropriations constitute an
effective means of inducing the states to yield a portion of their sovereign
rights. It is further alleged that the burden of the appropriations provided by this
act and similar legislation falls unequally upon the several states, and rests
largely upon the industrial states, such as Massachusetts; that the act is a
usurpation of power not granted to Congress by the Constitutionan attempted
exercise of the power of local self-government reserved to the states by the
Tenth Amendment; and that the defendants are proceeding to carry the act into
operation. In the Massachusetts Case it is alleged that the plaintiff's rights and
powers as a sovereign state and the rights of its citizens have been invaded and
usurped by these expenditures and acts, and that, although the state has not
accepted the act, its constitutional rights are infringed by the passage thereof
and the imposition upon the state of an illegal and unconstitutional option either
to yield to the federal government a part of its reserved rights or lose the share
which it would otherwise be entitled to receive of the moneys appropriated. In
the Frothingham Case plaintiff alleges that the effect of the statute will be to
take her property, under the guise of taxation, without due process of law.

We have reached the conclusion that the cases must be disposed of for want of
jurisdiction, without considering the merits of the constitutional questions.

In the first case, the state of Massachusetts presents no justiciable controversy,

either in its own behalf or as the repres ntative of its citizens. The appellant in
the second suit has no such interest in the subject-matter, nor is any such injury
inflicted or threatened, as will enable her to sue.

First. The state of Massachusetts in its own behalf, in effect, complains that the
act in question invades the local concerns of the state, and is a usurpation of
power, viz. the power of local self-government, reserved to the states.

Probably it would be sufficient to point out that the powers of the state are not
invaded, since the statute imposes no obligation but simply extends an option
which the state is free to accept or reject. But we do not rest here. Under article

3, 2, of the Constitution, the judicial power of this court extends 'to

controversies * * * between a state and citizens of another state' and the court
has original jurisdiction 'in all cases * * * in which a state shall be a party.' The
effect of this is not to confer jurisdiction upon the court merely because a state
is a party, but only where it is a party to a proceeding of judicial cognizance.
Proceedings not of a justiciable character are outside the contemplation of the
constitutional grant. In Wisconsin v. Pelican Insurance Co., 127 U. S. 265, 289,
8 Sup. Ct. 1370, 1373 (32 L. Ed. 239), Mr. Justice Gray, speaking for the court,

'As to 'controversies between a state and citizens of another state': The object of
vesting in the courts of the United States jurisdiction of suits by one state
against the citizens of another was to enable such controversies to be
determined by a national tribunal, and thereby to avoid the partiality, or
suspicion of partiality, which might exist if the plaintiff state were compelled to
resort to the courts of the state of which the defendants were citizens.
Federalist, No. 80; Chief Justice Jay, in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 419, 475;
Story on the Constitution, 1638, 1682. The grant is of 'judicial power,' and
was not intended to confer upon the courts of the United States jurisdiction of a
suit or prosecution by the one state, of such a nature that it could not, on the
settled principles of public and international law, be entertained by the judiciary
of the other state at all.'

That was an action brought by the state of Wisconsin to enforce a judgment of

one of its own courts for a penalty against a resident of another state, and, in
pursuance of the doctrine announced by the language just quoted, this court
declined to assume jurisdiction upon the ground that the courts of no country
will execute the penal laws of another.

In an earlier case it was held that a proceeding by mandamus by one state to

compel the Governor of another to surrender a fugitive from justice was not
within the powers of the judicial department, since the duty of the Governor in
the premises was in the nature of a moral rather than a legal obligation.
Kentucky v. Dennison, 24 How. 66, 109, 16 L. Ed. 717. In New Hampshire v.
Louisiana and New York v. Louisiana, 108 U. S. 76, 2 Sup. Ct. 176, 27 L. Ed.
656, this court declined to take jurisdiction of actions to enforce payment of the
bonds of another state for the benefit of the assignors, citizens of the plaintiff
states. In Georgia v. Stanton, 6 Wall. 50, 75, 18 L. Ed. 721, and kindred cases,
to which we shall presently refer, jurisdiction was denied in respect of questions
of a political or governmental character. On the other hand, jurisdiction was
maintained in Texas v. White, 7 Wall. 700, 19 L. Ed. 227, The State of Florida
v. Anderson, 91 U. S. 667, 23 L. Ed. 290, and Alabama v. Burr, 115 U. S. 413,

6 Sup. Ct. 81, 29 L. Ed. 435, because proprietary rights were involved; in
Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Co., 206 U. S. 230, 237, 27 Sup. Ct. 618, 51 L.
Ed. 1038, 11 Ann. Cas. 488, because the right of dominion of the state over the
air and soil within its dominion was affected; in Missouri v. Holland, 252 U. S.
416, 40 Sup. Ct. 382, 64 L. Ed. 641, 11 A. L. R. 984, because, as asserted, there
was an invasion, by acts done and threatened, of the quasi sovereign right of the
state to regulate the taking of wild game within its borders; and in other cases
because boundaries were in dispute. It is not necessary to cite additional cases.
The foregoing for present purposes sufficiently indicate the jurisdictional line
of demarcation.

What, then, is the nature of the right of the state here asserted and how is it
affected by this statute? Reduced to its simplest terms, it is alleged that the
statute constitutes an attempt to legislate outside the powers granted to
Congress by the Constitution and within the field of local powers exclusively
reserved to the states. Nothing is added to the force or effect of this assertion by
the further incidental allegations that the ulterior purpose of Congress thereby
was to induce the states to yield a portion of their sovereign rights; that the
burden of the appropriations falls unequally upon the several states; and that
there is imposed upon the states an illegal and unconstitutional option either to
yield to the federal government a part of their reserved rights or lose their share
of the moneys appropriated. But what burden is imposed upon the states,
unequally or otherwise? Certainly there is none, unless it be the burden of
taxation, and that falls upon their inhabitants, who are within the taxing power
of Congress as well as that of the states where they reside. Nor does the statute
require the states to do or to yield anything. If Congress enacted it with the
ulterior purpose of tempting them to yield, that purpose may be effectively
frustrated by the simple expedient of not yielding.


In the last analysis, the complaint of the plaintiff state is brought to the naked
contention that Congress has usurped the reserved powers of the several states
by the mere enactment of the statute, though nothing has been done and nothing
is to be done without their consent; and it is plain that that question, as it is thus
presented, is political, and not judicial in character, and therefore is not a matter
which admits of the exercise of the judicial power.


In Georgia v. Stanton, supra, this court held that a bill to enjoin the Secretary of
War, and other officers, from carrying into execution certain acts of Congress,
which it was asserted would annul and abolish the existing state government
and establish another and different one in its place, called for a judgment upon a
political question and presented no case within the jurisdiction of the court. Mr.
Justice Nelson, speaking for the court, said (6 Wall. 77, 18 L. Ed. 721):


'That these matters, both as stated in the body of the bill, and, in the prayers for
relief, call for the judgment of the court upon political questions, and, upon
rights, not of persons or property, but of a political character, will hardly be
denied. For the rights for the protection of which our authority is invoked, are
the rights of sovereignty, of political jurisdiction, of government, of corporate
existence as a state, with all its constitutional powers and privileges. No case of
private rights or private property, infringed, or in danger of actual or threatened
infringement, is presented by the bill, in a judicial form, for the judgment of the


In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 5 Pet. 1, 8 L. Ed. 25, an injunction was sought

to prevent certain acts of legislation from being carried into execution within
the territory of the Cherokee Nation of Indians, the original jurisdiction of this
court being invoked on the ground that plaintiff was a foreign nation. It was
asserted that the acts in question, if executed, would have the effect of
subverting the tribal government and subjecting the Indians to the jurisdiction
of the state of Georgia. It was held that the Cherokee Nation could not be
regarded as a foreign nation, within the meaning of the Judiciary Act (1 Stat.
73), but Chief Justice Marshall, delivering the opinion for the majority, said,
further (5 Pet. 20, 8 L. Ed. 25):


'That part of t e bill which respects the land occupied by the Indians, and prays
the aid of the court to protect their possession, may be * * * doubtful. The mere
question of right might perhaps be decided by this court in a proper case with
proper parties. But the court is asked to do more than decide on the title. The
bill requires us to control the Legislature of Georgia, and to restrain the exertion
of its physical force. The propriety of such an interposition by the court may
well be questioned. It savors too much of the exercise of political power to be
within the proper province of the judicial department.'


And Mr. Justice Thompson, with whom Mr. Justice Story concurred, in the
course of an opinion, said (6 Wall. 75, 18 L. Ed. 721):


'It is only where the rights of persons or property are involved, and when such
rights can be presented under some judicial form of proceedings, that courts of
justice can interpose relief.


'This court can have no right to pronounce an abstract opinion upon the
constitutionality of a state law. Such law must be brought into actual, or
threatened operation upon rights properly falling under judicial cognizance, or a
remedy is not to be had here.'


See, also, Luther v. Borden, 7 How. 1, 12 L. Ed. 581; Mississippi v. Johnson, 4

Wall. 475, 500, 18 L. Ed. 437; Pacific Telephone Co. v. Oregon, 223 U. S. 118,
32 Sup. Ct. 224, 56 L. Ed. 377; Louisiana v. Texas, 176 U. S. 1, 23, 20 Sup. Ct.
251, 44 L. Ed. 347; Fairchild v. Hughes, 258 U. S. 126, 42 Sup. Ct. 274, 66 L.
Ed. 499.


It follows that, in so far as the case depends upon the assertion of a right on the
part of the state to sue in its own behalf, we are without jurisdiction. In that
aspect of the case we are called upon to adjudicate, not rights of person or
property, not rights of dominion over physical domain, not quasi sovereign
rights actually invaded or threatened, but abstract questions of political power,
of sovereignty, of government. No rights of the state falling within the scope of
the judicial power have been brought within the actual or threatened operation
of the statute, and this court is as much without authority to pass abstract
opinions upon the constitutionality of acts of Congress as it was held to be, in
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, supra, of state statutes. If an alleged attempt by
congressional action to annul and abolish an existing state government 'with all
its constitutional powers and privileges,' presents no justiciable issue, as was
ruled in Georgia v. Stanton, supra, no reason can be suggested why it should be
otherwise where the attempt goes no farther, as it is here alleged, than to
propose to share with the state the field of state power.


We come next to consider whether the suit may be maintained by the state as
the representative of its citizens. To this the answer is not doubtful. We need
not go so far as to say that a state may never intervene by suit to protect its
citizens against any form of enforcement of unconstitutional acts of Congress;
but we are clear that the right to do so does not arise here. Ordinarily, at least,
the only way in which a state may afford protection to its citizens in such cases
is through the enforcement of its own criminal statutes, where that is
appropriate, or by opening its courts to the injured persons for the maintenance
of civil suits or actions. But the citizens of Massachusetts are also citizens of
the United States. It cannot be conceded that a state, as parens patriae, may
institute judicial proceedings to protect citizens of the United States from the
operation of the statutes thereof. While the state, under some circumstances,
may sue in that capacity for the protection of its citizens (Missouri v. Illinois
and Chicago District, 180 U. S. 208, 241, 21 Sup. Ct. 331, 45 L. Ed. 497), it is
no part of its duty or power to enforce their rights in respect of their relations
with the federal government. In that field it is the United States, and not the
state, which represents them as parens patriae, when such repres ntation
becomes appropriate; and to the former, and not to the latter, they must look for
such protective measures as flow from that status.


Second. The attack upon the statute in the Frothingham Case is, generally, the
same, but this plaintiff alleges, in addition that she is a taxpayer of the United
States; and her contention, though not clear, seems to be that the effect of the
appropriations complained of will be to increase the burden of future taxation
and thereby take her property without due process of law. The right of a
taxpayer to enjoin the execution of a federal appropriation act, on the ground
that it is invalid and will result in taxation for illegal purposes, has never been
passed upon by this court. In cases where it was presented, the question has
either been allowed to pass sub silentio or the determination of it expressly
withheld. Millard v. Roberts, 202 U. S. 429, 438, 26 Sup. Ct. 674, 50 L. Ed.
1090; Wilson v. Shaw, 204 U. S. 24, 31, 27 Sup. Ct. 233, 51 L. Ed. 351;
Bradfield v. Roberts, 175 U. S. 291, 295, 20 Sup. Ct. 121, 44 L. Ed. 168. The
case last cited came here from the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia,
and that court sustained the right of the plaintiff to sue by treating the case as
one directed against the District of Columbia, and therefore subject to the rule,
frequently stated by this court, that resident taxpayers may sue to enjoin an
illegal use of the moneys of a municipal corporation. Roberts v. Bradfield, 12
App. D. C. 453, 459, 460. The interest of a taxpayer of a municipality in the
application of its moneys is direct and immediate and the remedy by injunction
to prevent their misuse is not inappropriate. It is upheld by a large number of
state cases and is the rule of this court. Crampton v. Zabriskie, 101 U. S. 601,
609, 25 L. Ed. 1070. Nevertheless, there are decisions to the contrary. See, for
example, Miller v. Grandy, 13 Mich. 540, 550. The reasons which support the
extension of the equitable remedy to a single taxpayer in such cases are based
upon the peculiar relation of the corporate taxpayer to the corporation, which is
not without some resemblance to that subsisting between stockholder and
private corporation. 4 Dillon, Municipal Corporations (5th Ed.) 1580 et seq.
But the relation of a taxpayer of the United States to the federal government is
very different. His interest in the moneys of the treasurypartly realized from
taxation and partly from other sourcesis shared with millions of others, is
comparatively minute and indeterminable, and the effect upon future taxation,
of any payment out of the funds, so remote, fluctuating and uncertain, that no
basis is afforded for an appeal to the preventive powers of a court of equity.


The administration of any statute, likely to produce additional taxation to be

imposed upon a vast number of taxpayers, the extent of whose several liability
is indefinite and constantly changing, is essentially a matter of public and not of
individual concern. If one taxpayer may champion and litigate such a cause,
then every other taxpayer may do the same, not only in respect of the statute
here under review, but also in respect of every other appropriation act and
statute whose administration requires the outlay of public money, and whose
validity may be questioned. The bare suggestion of such a result, with its

attendant inconveniences, goes far to sustain the conclusion which we have

reached, that a suit of this character cannot be maintained. It is of much
significance that no precedent sustaining the right to maintain suits like this has
been called to our attention, although, since the formation of the government, as
an examination of the acts of Congress will disclose, a large number of statutes
appropriating or involving the expenditure of moneys for nonfederal purposes
have been enacted and carried into effect.

The functions of government under our system are apportioned. To the

legislative department has been committed the duty of making laws, to the
executive the duty of executing them, and to the judiciary the duty of
interpreting and applying them in cases properly brought before the courts. The
general rule is that neither department may invade the province of the other and
neither may control, direct, or restrain the action of the other. We are not now
speaking of the merely ministerial duties of officials. Gaines v. Thompson, 7
Wall. 347, 19 L. Ed. 62. We have no power per se to review and annul acts of
Congress on the ground that they are unconstitutional. That question may be
considered only when the justification for some direct injury suffered or
threatened, presenting a justiciable issue, is made to rest upon such an act. Then
the power exercised is that of ascertaining and declaring the law applicable to
the controversy. It amounts to little more than the negative power to disregard
an unconstitutional enactment, which otherwise would stand in the way of the
enforcement of a legal right. The party who invokes the power must be able to
show, not only that the statute is invalid, but that he has sustained or is
immediately in danger of sustaining some direct injury as the result of its
enforcement, and not merely that he suffers in some indefinite way in common
with people generally. If a case for preventive relief be presented, the court
enjoins, in effect, not the execution of the statute, but the acts of the official, the
statute notwithstanding. Here the parties plaintiff have no such case. Looking
through forms of words to the substance of their complaint, it is merely that
officials of the executive department of the government are executing and will
execute an act of Congress asserted to be unconstitutional; and this we are
asked to prevent. To do so would be, not to decide a judicial controversy, but to
assume a position of authority over the governmental acts of another and
coequal department, an authority which plainly we do not possess.


No. 24, Original, dismissed.


No. 962 affirmed.

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