Roland W. Peeples, Applicant v. Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense No. A-452, 444 U.S. 1303 (1979)

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444 U.S.

100 S.Ct. 381
62 L.Ed.2d 300

Roland W. PEEPLES, Applicant,

Harold BROWN, Secretary of Defense, et al.
No. A-452.
Nov. 29, 1979.

Mr. Justice REHNQUIST, Circuit Justice.

Applicant Peeples has presented me with what his attorney denominates as

"Application for Stay and Injunction Pending Appeal," "pending appeal from
an order of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denying
him a stay pending appeal to said court." Application 1. I have quoted verbatim
from the application in order to permit some insight into my firm conviction
that I have no idea as to what grounds applicant would urge upon the Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in seeking reversal of the judgment of the United
States District Court for the Northern District of California. The application is a
hodgepodge of assertions as to the applicant's good character, his 19 years of
service in the United States Navy, and his participation in an alcoholism
therapy program.

Applicant complains at one point in the application, id., at 3, that some of the
evidence considered by the Administrative Discharge Board related to a prior
enlistment and, under a precedent decided by the Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit, should not have been considered; applicant also states that he
made "disclosures to his doctors of isolated apparent incidents of off-duty offbase homosexual behavior while severely intoxicated," ibid., although on the
same page of the application he alleges that "[a]ll of the examining Navy
doctors and alcohol counselors stated that he was not homosexual." Ibid.
(emphasis in original).

According to the application, applicant's chief convened an Administrative

Discharge Board, which heard the evidence obtained during therapy and, over
his protest, found him guilty of acts of sexual misconduct and recommended

his discharge. He then appealed his discharge to the Secretary of the Navy, who
denied the appeal without "any basis in fact or written explanation, and ordered
his immediate discharge within 5 working days, whereupon he sought
injunctive relief from the United States District Court for the Northern District
of California." Id., at 4. Respondents agreed that applicant would be retained in
the service at Treasure Island, Cal., pending the hearing of the preliminary
injunction; meanwhile, according to applicant, his request for discovery under
the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, was objected to "and the
District Court below refused to rule on Appellant's motion to compel."
Application 5.

Thereafter, still according to the application, "[t]he District Court granted

[respondents'] motion for summary judgment and declined to rule on
[applicant's] motion for a preliminary injunction. A 10-day stay pending appeal
to the Ninth Circuit was granted by the trial court. On November 23, 1979, the
Ninth Circuit denied [applicant's] Emergency Motion for a stay and injunction
pending appeal whereupon the instant motion was filed." Ibid.

Applicant urges that he will suffer irreparable injury because he has 19 years of
time in the service, because he will be stigmatized by discharge for sexual
misconduct, because he will lose flight time, and because "[s]uch a traumatic
rejection by the government to whom he has given loyal service could more
than likely destroy the successful alcohol rehabilitation efforts to date." Ibid.

Applicant's moving papers, though consisting of nine typewritten pages, are

remarkably skimpy in their reference to decisions of this Court. O'Callahan v.
Parker, 395 U.S. 258, 89 S.Ct. 1683, 23 L.Ed.2d 291 (1969); Vitarelli v.
Seaton, 359 U.S. 535, 79 S.Ct. 968, 3 L.Ed.2d 1012 (1959); Harmon v.
Brucker, 355 U.S. 579, 78 S.Ct. 433, 2 L.Ed.2d 503 (1958); Service v. Dulles,
354 U.S. 363, 77 S.Ct. 1152, 1 L.Ed.2d 1403 (1957); and SEC v. Chenery
Corp., 332 U.S. 194, 67 S.Ct. 1575, 91 L.Ed. 1995 (1947), are the only cases
cited, with no more than cryptic allusions to their relevance to this case.

Applicant makes no effort to indicate what the less than verbatim transcript
before the Administrative Discharge Board indicated by way of support for the
findings of that Board, or what the law prescribes as the standard of review for
the Secretary of the Navy in reviewing the action of the Administrative
Discharge Board. Applicant's moving papers even fail to identify either the
standard of review of the United States District Court or that of the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in reviewing the action of the
District Court unfavorable to applicant. In short, I am presented with what
applicant's attorney undoubtedly feels is an appealing set of facts, but with

virtually no law to accompany them. If either the District Court or the Court of
Appeals gave any explanation for their conclusion in the form of an opinion or
memorandum order, applicant has not seen fit to attach them to his application
here. Even if applicant's claim on the merits were more comprehensible and
persuasive, in my judgment he would still have failed to show the necessary
irreparable injury required for a mandatory injunction. As this Court noted in
Sampson v. Murray, 415 U.S. 61, 91, 94 S.Ct. 937, 953, 39 L.Ed.2d 166
(1974), the legislative history of the Back Pay Act, 5 U.S.C. 5596, "suggests
that Congress contemplated that [that Act] would be the usual, if not the
exclusive, remedy for wrongful discharge."

Since what applicant actually seeks is not a "stay" in any orthodox sense of that
term, but an injunction from me, a single Justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, forbidding the carrying out of the judgment of the
Administrative Discharge Board, the Secretary of the Navy, the District Court,
and the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, he labors under a heavy burden
indeed. In my opinion, he has not met that burden, and his application is


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