DelCostello v. Teamsters, 462 U.S. 151 (1983)

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462 U.S.

103 S.Ct. 2281
76 L.Ed.2d 476

Philip DelCOSTELLO, Petitioner,

al. UNITED STEELWORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIOCLC, et al., Petitioners, v. Donald C. FLOWERS and King E.
Nos. 81-2386, 81-2408.
Argued April 25, 1983.
Decided June 8, 1983.

The issue in each of these cases is what statute of limitations applies in an
employee suit against an employer and a union, alleging the employer's
breach of a collective-bargaining agreement and the union's breach of its
duty of fair representation by mishandling the ensuing grievance or
arbitration proceedings. United Parcel Service, Inc. v. Mitchell, 451 U.S.
56, 101 S.Ct. 1559, 67 L.Ed.2d 732, held in a similar it that an
employee's claim against the employer was governed by a state statute of
limitations for vacation of an arbitration award rather than by a state
statute for an action for breach of contract, but left open the issues as to
what state statute should govern the employee's claim against the union or
whether, instead of applying a state statute of limitations, the provisions of
10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act establishing a 6-month
limitations period for making charges of unfair labor practices to the
National Labor Relations Board should be borrowed. In No. 81-2386,
respondent local union brought a formal grievance under the collectivebargaining agreement based on petitioner employee's alleged improper
discharge. After a hearing, a joint union-management committee informed
petitioner of its conclusion that the grievance was without merit, and the
committee's determination became final on September 20, 1977. On
March 16, 1978, petitioner filed suit in Federal District Court, alleging
that the employer had discharged him in violation of the collectivebargaining agreement, and that the union had represented him in the

grievance procedure in a discriminatory, arbitrary, and perfunctory

manner. The District Court ultimately granted summary judgment against
petitioner, concluding that Mitchell compelled application of Maryland's
30-day statute of limitations for actions to vacate arbitration awards to
both of petitioner's claims. The Court of Appeals affirmed. In No. 812408, petitioner local union invoked arbitration after it was unsuccessful
in processing respondent employees' grievances based on the employer's
alleged violations of the bargaining agreement arising from jobassignment practices. On February 24, 1978, the arbitrator issued an
award upholding the employer's job assignments, and on January 19,
1979, respondents filed suit in Federal District Court, alleging that the
employer had violated the bargaining agreement, and that the union had
violated its duty of fair representation in handling respondents' claims.
The District Court, applying New York's 90-day statute of limitations for
actions to vacate arbitration awards, dismissed the complaint against both
the employer and the union. Ultimately, the Court of Appeals, acting in
light of the intervening decision in Mitchell, rejected the contention that
10(b) should be applied; affirmed the dismissal as to the employer under
the 90-day arbitration statute; but reversed as to the union, concluding that
New York's 3-year statute for malpractice actions governed.
1. In this type of suit, the 6-month limitations period in 10(b) governs
claims against both the employer and the union. Pp. 158-172.
(a) When, as here, there is no federal statute of limitations expressly
applicable to a federal cause of action, it is generally concluded that
Congress intended that the courts apply the most closely analogous statute
of limitations under state law. However, when adoption of state statutes
would be at odds with the purpose or operation of federal substantive law,
timeliness rules have been drawn from federal laweither express
limitations periods from related federal statutes, or such alternatives as
laches. Auto Workers v. Hoosier Corp., 383 U.S. 696, 86 S.Ct. 1107, 16
L.Ed.2d 192, distinguished. Pp. 158-163.
(b) An employee's suit against both the employer and the union, such as is
involved here, has no close analogy in ordinary state law, and the
analogies suggested in Mitchell suffer from flaws of both legal substance
and practical application. Typically short state limitations periods for
vacating arbitration awards fail to provide the aggrieved employee with a
satisfactory opportunity to vindicate his rights, and analogy to an action to
vacate an arbitration award is problematic at best as applied to the

employee's claim against the union. While a state limitations period for
legal malpractice is the closest state-law analogy for the c aim against the
union, application of such a limitations period would not solve the
problem caused by the too-short time in which the employee could sue the
employer, and would preclude the relatively rapid resolution of labor
disputes favored by federal law. In contrast, 10(b)'s 6-month period for
filing unfair labor practice charges is designed to accommodate a balance
of interests very similar to that at stake here. Both the union's breach of its
duty and the employer's breach of the bargaining agreement are often also
unfair labor practices. Moreover, in 10(b) "Congress established a
limitations period attuned to what it viewed as the proper balance between
the national interests in stable bargaining relationships and finality of
private settlements, and an employee's interest in setting aside what he
views as an unjust settlement under the collective-bargaining system."
Mitchell, supra, 451 U.S., at 70-71, 101 S.Ct., at 1567-1568 (Stewart, J.,
concurring in judgment). Pp. 163-172.

2. The judgment in No. 81-2408 is reversed because it is conceded that the suit
was filed some 11 months after respondents' causes of action accrued.
However, in No. 81-2386 the judgment is reversed but the case is remanded
since petitioner contends that certain events tolled the running of the limitations
period until about three months before he filed suit, but the District Court,
applying a 30-day limitations period, declined to consider any tolling issue. P.

679 F.2d 879 (CA4 1982), reversed and remanded; 671 F.2d 87 (CA2 1982),

William H. Zinman, Baltimore, Md., for petitioner in No. 81-2386.

Robert M. Weinberg, Washington, D.C., for petitioners in No. 81-2408.

Bernard S. Goldfarb, Cleveland, Ohio, for respondents in No. 81-2386.

Isaac N. Groner (appointed by the Court), Washington, D.C., for respondents in

No. 81-2408.

Justice BRENNAN delivered the opinion of the Court.

Each of these cases arose as a suit by an employee or employees against an

employer and a union, alleging that the employer had breached a provision of a
collective bargaining agreement, and that the union had breached its duty of fair
representation by mishandling the ensuing grievance-and-arbitration
proceedings. See infra, at 162; Bowen v. United States Postal Service, --- U.S. --, --- - ---, 103 S.Ct. 588, 593, 74 L.Ed.2d 402 (1983); Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S.
171, 87 S.Ct. 903, 17 L.Ed.2d 842 (1967); Hines v. Anchor Motor Freight, 424
U.S. 554, 96 S.Ct. 1048, 47 L.Ed.2d 231 (1976). The issue presented is what
statute of limitations should apply to such suits. In United Parcel Service, Inc.
v. Mitchell, 451 U.S. 56, 101 S.Ct. 1559, 67 L.Ed.2d 732 (1981), we held that a
similar suit was governed by a state statute of limitations for vacation of an
arbitration award, rather than by a state statute for an action on a contract. We
left two points open, however. First, our holding was limited to the employee's
claim against the employer; we did not address what state statute should govern
the claim against the union.1 Second, we expressly limited our consideration to
a choice between two state statutes of limitations; we did not address the
contention that we should instead borrow a federal statute of limitations,
namely, 10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. 160(b).2
These cases present these two issues. We conclude that 10(b) should be the
applicable statute of limitations governing the suit, both against the employer
and against the union.
9* A.

Philip DelCostello, petitioner in No. 81-2386, was employed as a driver by

respondent Anchor Motor Freight, Inc. and represented by respondent
Teamsters Local 557. On June 27, 1977, he quit or was discharged3 after
refusing to drive a tractor-trailer that he contended was unsafe. He took his
complaint to the union, which made unsuccessful informal attempts to get
DelCostello reinstated and then brought a formal grievance under the collective
bargaining agreement. A hearing was held before a regional joint unionmanagement committee. The committee concluded that the grievance was
without merit. DelCostello was informed of that decision in a letter dated
August 19, 1977, forwarding the minutes of the hearing and stating that the
minutes would be presented for approval at the committee's meeting on
September 20. DelCostello responded in a letter, but the minutes were approved
without change. Under the collective bargaining agreement, the committee's
decision is final and binding on all parties.


On March 16, 1978, DelCostello filed this suit in the District of Maryland
against the employer and the union. He alleged that the employer had
discharged him in violation of the collective bargaining agreement, and that the
union had represented him in the grievance procedure "in a discriminatory,

arbitrary and perfunctory manner," App. 19, resulting in an unfavorable

decision by the joint committee. Respondents asserted that the suit was barred
by Maryland's 30-day statute of limitations for actions to vacate arbitration
awards.4 The District Court disagreed, holding that the applicable statute was
the three-year state statute for actions on contracts.5 DelCostello v.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 510 F.Supp. 716 (Md.1981). On
reconsideration following our decision in Mitchell, however, the Court granted
summary judgment for respondents, concluding that Mitchell compelled
application of the 30-day statute to both the claim against the employer and the
claim against the union. 524 F.Supp. 721 (Md.1981).6 The Court of Appeals
affirmed on the basis of the District Court's order. 679 F.2d 879 (CA4 1982)

Donald C. Flowers and King E. Jones, respondents in No. 81-2408, were

employed as craft welders by Bethlehem Steel Corporation and represented by
petitioner Steelworkers Local 2602.7 In 1975 and 1976 respondents filed several
grievances asserting that the employer had violated the collective bargaining
agreement by assigning certain welding duties to employees in other job
categories and departments of the plant, with the result that respondents were
laid off or assigned to non-craft work. The union processed the grievances
through the contractually established procedure and, failing to gain satisfaction,
invoked arbitration. On February 24, 1978, the arbitrator issued an award for
the employer, ruling that the employer's job assignments were permitted by the
collective bargaining agreement.


Respondents filed this suit in the Western District of New York on January 9,
1979, naming both the employer and the union as defendants. The complaint
alleged that the company's work assignments violated the collective bargaining
agreement, and that the union's "preparation, investigation and handling" of
respondents' grievances were "so inept and careless as to be arbitrary and
capricious," in violation of the union's duty of fair representation. App. 10. The
District Court dismissed the complaint against both defendants, holding that the
entire suit was governed by New York's 90-day statute of limitations for actions
to vacate arbitration awards.8 The Court of Appeals reversed on the basis of its
prior holding in Mitchell v. United Parcel Service, Inc., 624 F.2d 394 (CA2
1980), that such actions are governed by New York's six-year statute for
actions on contracts.9 Flowers v. Local 2602, United Steelworkers of America,
622 F.2d 573 (CA2 1980) (mem.). We granted certiorari and vacated and
remanded for reconsideration in light of our reversal in Mitchell. Steelworkers
v. Flowers, 451 U.S. 965, 101 S.Ct. 2039, 68 L.Ed.2d 344 (1981). On remand,

the Court of Appeals rejected the argument that the six-month period of 10(b)
applies. Accordingly, following our decision in Mitchell, it applied the 90-day
arbitration statute and affirmed the dismissal as to the employer. As to the
union, however, the Court reversed, concluding that the correct statute to apply
was New York's three-year statute for malpractice actions.10 671 F.2d 87 (CA2

In this Court, petitioners in both cases contend that suits under Vaca and Hines
should be governed by the six-month limitations period of 10(b) of the
National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. 160(b). Alternatively, the
Steelworkers, petitioners in No. 81-2408, argue that the state statute for
vacation of arbitration awards should apply to a claim against a union as well as
to one against an employer.11 We granted certiorari in both cases and
consolidated them for argument. --- U.S. ---, 103 S.Ct. 442, 74 L.Ed.2d 599


As is often the case in federal civil law, there is no federal statute of limitations
expressly applicable to this suit. In such situations we do not ordinarily assume
that Congress intended that there be no time limit on actions at all; rather, our
task is to "borrow" the most suitable statute or other rule of timeliness from
some other source. We have generally concluded that Congress intended that
the courts apply the most closely analogous statute of limitations under state
law.12 "The implied absorption of State statutes of limitation within the
interstices of the federal enactments is a phase of fashioning remedial details
where Congress has not spoken but left matters for judicial determination
within the general framework of familiar legal principles." Holmberg v.
Armbrecht, 327 U.S. 392, 395, 66 S.Ct. 582, 584, 90 L.Ed. 743 (1946).13 See,
e.g., Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160, 180-182, 96 S.Ct. 2586, 2599-2600, 49
L.Ed.2d 415 (1976); Chevron Oil Co. v. Huson, 404 U.S. 97, 101-105, 92 S.Ct.
349, 352-354, 30 L.Ed.2d 296 (1971); Auto Workers v. Hoosier Corp., 383 U.S.
696, 86 S.Ct. 1107, 16 L.Ed.2d 192 (1966); Chattanooga Foundry v. Atlanta,
203 U.S. 390, 27 S.Ct. 65, 51 L.Ed. 241 (1906); Campbell v. Haverhill, 155
U.S. 610, 15 S.Ct. 217, 39 L.Ed. 280 (1895).


In some circumstances, however, state statutes of limitations can be

unsatisfactory vehicles for the enforcement of federal law. In those instances, it

may be inappropriate to conclude that Congress would choose to adopt state

rules at odds with the purpose or operation of federal substantive law.

"[T]he Court has not mechanically applied a state statute of limitations simply
because a limitations period is absent from the federal statute. State legislatures
do not devise their limitations periods with national interests in mind, and it is
the duty of the federal courts to assure that the importation of state law will not
frustrate or interfere with the implementation of national policies. 'Although
state law is our primary guide in this area, it is not, to be sure, our exclusive
guide.' " Occidental Life Insurance Co. v. EEOC, 432 U.S. 355, 367, 97 S.Ct.
2447, 2454, 53 L.Ed.2d 402 (1977), quoting Johnson v. Railway Express
Agency, 421 U.S. 454, 465, 95 S.Ct. 1716, 1722, 44 L.Ed.2d 295 (1975).


Hence, in some cases we have declined to borrow state statutes but have instead
used timeliness rules drawn from federal laweither express limitations
periods from related federal statutes, or such alternatives as laches. In
Occidental, for example, we declined to apply state limitations periods to
enforcement suits brought by the EEOC under Title VII of the 1964 Civil
Rights Act, reasoning that such application might unduly hinder the policy of
the Act by placing too great an administrative burden on the agency. In
McAllister v. Magnolia Petroleum Co., 357 U.S. 221, 78 S.Ct. 1201, 2 L.Ed.2d
1272 (1958), we applied the federal limitations provision of the Jones Act to a
seaworthiness action under general admiralty law. We pointed out that the two
forms of claim are almost invariably brought together. Hence, "with an eye to
the practicalities of admiralty personal injury litigation," id., at 224, 78 S.Ct., at
1203, we held inapplicable a shorter state statute governing personal injury
suits. Again, in Holmberg, we held that state statutes of limitations would not
apply to a federal cause of action lying only in equity, because the principles of
federal equity are hostile to the "mechanical rules" of statutes of limitations.
327 U.S., at 396, 66 S.Ct., at 584.


Auto Workers v. Hoosier was a straightforward suit under 301 of the Labor
Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. 185, for breach of a collective
bargaining agreement by an employer. Unlike the present cases, Hoosier did
not involve any agreement to submit disputes to arbitration, and the suit was
brought by the union itself rather than by an individual employee. We held that
the suit was governed by Indiana's six-year limitations period for actions on
unwritten contracts; we resisted the suggestion that we establish some uniform
federal period. Although we recognized that "the subject matter of 301 is
'peculiarly one that calls for uniform law,' " 383 U.S., at 701, 86 S.Ct., at 1110,
quoting Teamsters Local v. Lucas Flour Co., 369 U.S. 95, 103, 82 S.Ct. 571,
576, 7 L.Ed.2d 593 (1962), we reasoned that national uniformity is of less

importance when the case does not involve "those consensual processes that
federal labor law is chiefly designed to promotethe formation o the collective
agreement and the private settlement of disputes under it," 383 U.S., at 702, 86
S.Ct., at 1111. We also relied heavily on the obvious and close analogy
between this variety of 301 suit and an ordinary breach of contract case. We
expressly reserved the question whether we would apply state law to 301
actions where the analogy was less direct or the relevant policy factors

"The present suit is essentially an action for damages caused by an alleged

breach of an employer's obligation embodied in a collective bargaining
agreement. Such an action closely resembles an action for breach of contract
cognizable at common law. Whether other 301 suits different from the
present one might call for the application of other rules on timeliness, we are
not required to decide, and we indicate no view whatsoever on that question.
See, e.g., Holmberg v. Armbrecht, 327 U.S. 392 [66 S.Ct. 582, 90 L.Ed. 743] . .
. ." 383 U.S., at 705, n. 7, 86 S.Ct., at 1113, n. 7.


Justice Stewart, who wrote the Court's opinion in Hoosier, took this caution to
heart in Mitchell. He concurred separately in the judgment, arguing that the
factors that compelled adoption of state law in Hoosier did not apply to suits
under Vaca and Hines, and that in the latter situation we should apply the
federal limitations period of 10(b). 451 U.S., at 65-71, 101 S.Ct., at 15651568. As we shall explain, we agree.


It has long been established that an individual employee may bring suit against
his employer for breach of a collective bargaining agreement. Smith v. Evening
News Assn., 371 U.S. 195, 83 S.Ct. 267, 9 L.Ed.2d 246 (1962). Ordinarily,
however, an employee is required to attempt to exhaust any grievance or
arbitration remedies provided in the collective bargaining agreement. Republic
Steel Corp. v. Maddox, 379 U.S. 650, 85 S.Ct. 614, 13 L.Ed.2d 580 (1965); cf.
Clayton v. Automobile Workers, 451 U.S. 679, 101 S.Ct. 2088, 68 L.Ed.2d 538
(1981) (exhaustion of intra-union remedies not always required). Subject to
very limited judicial review, he will be bound by the result according to the
finality provisions of the agreement. See W.R. Grace & Co. v. Local 759, --U.S. ----, at ----, 103 S.Ct. ----, at ----, 75 L.Ed.2d ----; Steelworkers v.
Enterprise Corp., 363 U.S. 593, 80 S.Ct. 1358, 4 L.Ed.2d 1424 (1960). In Vaca
and Hines, however, we recognized that this rule works an unacceptable
injustice when the union representing the employee in the grievance/arbitration
procedure acts in such a discriminatory, dishonest, arbitrary, or perfunctory

fashion as to breach its duty of fair representation. In such an instance, an

employee may bring suit against both the employer and the union,
notwithstanding the outcome or finality of the grievance or arbitration
proceeding. Vaca, 386 U.S. 171, 87 S.Ct. 903, 17 L.Ed.2d 842; Hines, 424 U.S.
554, 96 S.Ct. 1048, 47 L.Ed.2d 231; Mitchell, 451 U.S. 56, 101 S.Ct. 1559, 67
L.Ed.2d 732; Bowen, --- U.S. ---, 103 S.Ct. 588, 74 L.Ed.2d 402; Czosek v.
O'Mara, 397 U.S. 25, 90 S.Ct. 770, 25 L.Ed.2d 21 (1970). Such a suit, as a
formal matter, comprises two causes of action. The suit against the employer
rests on 301, since the employee is alleging a breach of the collective
bargaining agreement. The suit against the union is one for breach of the
union's duty of fair representation, which is implied under the scheme of the
National Labor Relations Act.14 "Yet the two claims are inextricably
interdependent. 'To prevail against either the company or the Union, . . .
[employee-plaintiffs] must not only show that their discharge was contrary to
the contract but must also carry the burden of demonstrating a breach of duty by
the Union.' " Mitchell, 451 U.S., at 66-67, 101 S.Ct., at 1565-1566 (Stewart, J.,
concurring in the judgment), quoting Hines, 424 U.S., at 570-571, 96 S.Ct., t
1059. The employee may, if he chooses, sue one defendant and not the other;
but the case he must prove is the same whether he sues one, the other, or both.
The suit is thus not a straightforward breach of contract suit under 301, as was
Hoosier, but a hybrid 301/fair representation claim, amounting to "a direct
challenge to 'the private settlement of disputes under [the collective-bargaining
agreement].' " Mitchell, 451 U.S., at 66, 101 S.Ct., at 1565 (Stewart, J.,
concurring in the judgment), quoting Hoosier, 383 U.S., at 702, 86 S.Ct., at
1111. Also unlike the claim in Hoosier, it has no close analogy in ordinary state
law. The analogies suggested in Mitchell both suffer from flaws, not only of
legal substance, but more important, of practical application in view of the
policies of federal labor law and the practicalities of hybrid 301/fair
representation litigation.

In Mitchell, we analogized the employee's claim against the employer to an

action to vacate an arbitration award in a commercial setting. We adhere to the
view that, as between the two choices, it is more suitable to characterize the
claim that way than as a suit for breach of contract. Nevertheless, the parallel is
imperfect in operation. The main difference is that a party to commercial
arbitration will ordinarily be represented by counsel or, at least, will have some
experience in matters of commercial dealings and contract negotiation.
Moreover, an action to vacate a commercial arbitral award will rarely raise any
issues not already presented and contested in the arbitration proceeding itself. In
the labor setting, by contrast, the employee will often be unsophisticated in
collective-bargaining matters, and he will almost always be represented solely
by the union. He is called upon, within the limitations period, to evaluate the

adequacy of the union's representation, to retain counsel, to investigate

substantial matters that were not at issue in the arbitration proceeding, and to
frame his suit. Yet state arbitration statutes typically provide very short times in
which to sue for vacation of arbitration awards.15 Concededly, the very brevity
of New York's 90-day arbitration limitations period was a major factor why, in
Mitchell, we preferred it to the six-year statute for breach of contract, 451 U.S.,
at 63-64, 101 S.Ct., at 1564-1565; but it does not follow that because six years
is too long, 90 days is long enough. See also Hoosier, 383 U.S., at 707, n. 9, 86
S.Ct., at 1114, n. 9. We conclude that state limitations periods for vacating
arbitration awards ail to provide an aggrieved employee with a satisfactory
opportunity to vindicate his rights under 301 and the fair representation

Moreover, as Justice STEVENS pointed out in his opinion in Mitchell, analogy

to an action to vacate an arbitration award is problematic at best as applied to
the employee's claim against the union:


"The arbitration proceeding did not, and indeed, could not, resolve the
employee's claim against the union. Although the union was a party to the
arbitration, it acted only as the employee's representative; the [arbitration panel]
did not address or resolve any dispute between the employee and the union. . . .
Because no arbitrator has decided the primary issue presented by this claim, no
arbitration award need be undone, even if the employee ultimately prevails."
451 U.S., at 73, 101 S.Ct., at 1569 (opinion concurring in part and dissenting in
part) (footnotes omitted).


Justice STEVENS suggested an alternative solution for the claim against the
union: borrowing the state limitations period for legal malpractice. Id., at 7275, 101 S.Ct., at 1569-1570; see post, at 174 (STEVENS, J., dissenting); post,
at 175 (O'CONNOR, J., dissenting). The analogy here is to a lawyer who
mishandles a commercial arbitration. Although the short limitations period for
vacating the arbitral award would protect the interest in finality of the opposing
party to the arbitration, the misrepresented party would retain his right to sue
his lawyer for malpractice under a longer limitations period. This solution is
admittedly the closest state-law analogy for the claim against the union.
Nevertheless, we think that it too suffers from objections peculiar to the
realities of labor relations and litigation.


The most serious objection is that it does not solve the problem caused by the
too-short time in which an employee could sue his employer under borrowed
state law. In a commercial setting, a party who sued his lawyer for bungling an
arbitration could ordinarily recover his entire damages, even if the statute of

limitations foreclosed any recovery against the opposing party to the

arbitration. The same is not true in the 301/fair representation setting,
however. We held in Vaca, and reaffirme this Term in Bowen, that the union
may be held liable only for "increases if any in [the employee's] damages
caused by the union's refusal to process the grievance." 386 U.S., at 197-198,
87 S.Ct., at 920-921; --- U.S., at ---, ---, 103 S.Ct. 588, 593, 74 L.Ed.2d 402; see
Czosek, 397 U.S., at 29, 90 S.Ct., at 773. Thus, if we apply state limitations
periods, a large part of the damages will remain uncollectible in almost every
case unless the employee sues within the time allotted for his suit against the

Further, while application of a short arbitration period as against employers

would endanger employees' ability to recover most of what is due them,
application of a longer malpractice statute as against unions would preclude the
relatively rapid final resolution of labor disputes favored by federal lawa
problem not present when a party to a commercial arbitration sues his lawyer.
In No. 81-2408, for example, the holding of the Court of Appeals would permit
a suit as long as three years after termination of the grievance proceeding; many
States provide for periods even longer.18 What we said in Mitchell about the
six-year contracts statute urged there can as easily be said here:


"It is important to bear in mind the observations made in the Steelworkers

Trilogy that 'the grievance machinery under a collective bargaining agreement
is at the very heart of the system of industrial self-government. . . . The
processing . . . machinery is actually a vehicle by which meaning and content
are given to the collective bargaining agreement.' Steelworkers v. Warrior &
Gulf Navigation Co., 363 U.S. 574, 581 [80 S.Ct. 1347, 1352, 4 L.Ed.2d 1409]
(1960). Although the present case involves a fairly mundane and discrete
wrongful-discharge complaint, the grievance and arbitration procedure often
processes disputes involving interpretation of critical terms in the collectivebargaining agreement affecting the entire relationship between company and
union. . . . This system, with its heavy emphasis on grievance, arbitration, and
the 'law of the shop,' could easily become unworkable if a decision which has
given 'meaning and content' to the terms of an agreement, and even affected
subsequent modifications of the agreement, could suddenly be called into
question as much as [three] years later." 451 U.S., at 63-64, 101 S.Ct., at 15641565.


See also Hoosier, 383 U.S., at 706-707, 86 S.Ct., at 1113-1114; Machinists

Local v. NLRB, 362 U.S. 411, 425, 80 S.Ct. 822, 831, 4 L.Ed.2d 832 (1960).19


These objections to the resort to state law might have to be tolerated if state law

were the only source reasonably available for borrowing, as it often is. In this
case, however, we have available a federal statute of limitations actually
designed to accommodate a balance of interests very similar to that at stake
herea statute that is, in fact, an analogy to the present lawsuit more apt than
any of the suggested state-law parallels.20 We refer to 10(b) of the National
Labor Relations Act, which establishes a six-month period for making charges
of unfair labor practices to the NLRB.21

The NLRB has consistently held that all breaches of a union's duty of fair
representation are in fact unfair labor practices. E.g., Miranda Fuel Co., 140
N.L.R.B. 181 (1962), enforcement denied, 326 F.2d 172 (CA2 1963). We have
twice declined to decide the correctness of the Board's position,22 and we need
not address that question today. Even if not all breaches of the duty are unfair
labor practices, however, the family resemblance is undeniable, and indeed
there is a substantial overlap. Many fair representation claims (the one in No.
81-2386, for example) include allegations of discrimination based on
membership status or dissident views, which would be unfair labor practices
under 8(a)(1) or (2). Aside from these clear cases, duty-of-fair-representation
claims are allegations of unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment of
workers by unionsas are virtually all unfair labor practice charges made by
workers against unions. See generally R. Gorman, Labor Law 698-701 (1976).
Similarly, it may be the case that alleged violations by an employer of a
collective bargaining agreement will also amount to unfair labor practices. See
id., at 729-734.


At least as important as the similarity of the rights asserted in the two contexts,
however, is the close similarity of the considerations relevant to the choice of a
limitations period. As Justice Stewart observed in Mitchell:


"In 10(b) of the NLRA, Congress established a limitations period attuned to

what it viewed as the proper balance between the national interests in stable
bargaining relationships and finality of private settlements, and an employee's
interest in setting aside what he views as an unjust settlement under the
collective-bargaining system. That is precisely the balance at issue in this case.
The employee's interest in setting aside the 'final and binding' determination of
a grievance through the method established by the collective-bargaining
agreement unquestionably implicates 'those consensual processes that federal
labor law is chiefly designed to promotethe formation of the . . . agreement
and the private settlement of disputes under it.' iHoosier, 383 U.S., at 702, 86
S.Ct., at 1111. Accordingly, '[t]he need for uniformity' among procedures
followed for similar claims, ibid., as well as the clear congressional indication
of the proper balance between the interests at stake, counsels the adoption of

10(b) of the NLRA as the appropriate limitations period for lawsuits such as
this." 451 U.S., at 70-71, 101 S.Ct., at 1567-1568 (opinion concurring in the
judgment) (footnote omitted).

We stress that our holding today should not be taken as a departure from prior
practice in borrowing limitations periods for federal causes of action, in labor
law or elsewhere. We do not mean to suggest that federal courts should eschew
use of state limitations periods anytime state law fails to provide a perfect
analogy. See, e.g., Mitchell, 451 U.S., at 61, n. 3, 101 S.Ct., at 1563, n. 3. On
the contrary, as the courts have often discovered, there is not always an obvious
state-law choice for application to a given federal cause of action; yet resort to
state law remains the norm for borrowing of limitations periods. Nevertheless,
when a rule from elsewhere in federal law clearly provides a closer analogy
than available state statutes, and when the federal policies at stake and the
practicalities of litigation make that rule a significantly more appropriate
vehicle for interstitial lawmaking, we have not hesitated to turn away from state
law. See supra, Part II-A. As Justice Goldberg cautioned, "in this Court's
fashioning of a federal law of collective bargaining, it is of the utmost
importance that the law reflect the realities of industrial life and the nature of
the collective bargaining process. We should not assume that doctrines evolved
in other contexts will be equally well adapted to the collective bargaining
process." Humphrey v. Moore, 375 U.S. 335, 358, 84 S.Ct. 363, 376, 11
L.Ed.2d 370 (1964) (opinion concurring in the result).


In No. 81-2408, it is conceded that the suit was filed more than ten months after
respondents' causes of action accrued. The Court of Appeals held the suit
timely under a state three-year statute for malpractice actions. Since we hold
that the suit is governed by the six-month provision of 10(b), we reverse the


The situation is less clear in No. 81-2386. Depending on when the joint
committee's decision is thought to have been rendered, the suit was filed some
seven or eight months afterwards. Petitioner DelCostello contends, however,
that certain events operated to toll the running of the statute of limitations until
about three months before he filed suit. Since the District Court applied a 30day limitations period, it expressly declined to consider any tolling issue. 524
F.Supp., at 725. Hence, the judgment is reversed and the case is remanded for
further proceedings consistent with this opinion.


It is so ordered.



Justice STEVENS, dissenting.

For the past century federal judges have "borrowed" state statutes of limitations,
not because they thought it was a sensible form of "interstitial law making", but
rather because they were directed to do so by the Congress of the United


Today the Court holds that the Rules of Decision Act does not determine the
result in this case, because it believes that a separate federal law, growing out of
"the policies and requirements of the underlying cause of action," ante, at 159,
n. 13, "otherwise require[s] or provide[s]." The Court's opinion sets forth a
number of reasons why it may make good sense to adopt a six months statute
of limitations, but nothing in that opinion persuades me that the Constitution,
treaties, or statutes of the United States "require or provide" that this particular
limitations period must be applied to this case. 2


Congress has given us no reason to depart from our settled practice, grounded
in the Rules of Decision Act, of borrowing analogous state statutes of limitation
in cases such as this. For the reasons set forth in my separate opinion in United
Parcel Service, Inc. v. Mitchell, 451 U.S. 56, 71, 101 S.Ct. 1559, 1568, 67
L.Ed.2d 732 (1981), I believe that in a suit for a breach of the duty of fair
representation, the appropriate "laws of the several states" are the statutes of
limitations governing malpractice suits against attorneys. I would apply those
laws to resolve the worker-union disputes in these two cases. And I would
continue to abide by our holding in Mitchell in resolving the employeeemployer dispute presented in No. 81-2386.


For these reasons, I respectfully dissent.


Justice O'CONNOR, dissenting.


As the Court recognizes, "resort to state law [is] the norm for borrowing of
limitations periods." Ante, at 171. When federal law is silent on the question of
limitations, we borrow state law in the belief that, given our longstanding
practice and congressional awareness of it, we can safely assume, in the
absence of strong indications to the contrary, that Congress intends by its
silence that we follow the usual rule.1 In Auto Workers v. Hoosier Cardinal
Corp., 383 U.S. 696, 86 S.Ct. 1107, 16 L.Ed.2d 192 (1966), we applied the
"norm" to a suit under 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29
U.S.C. 185. I see no reason in this case to depart from our usual practice of
borrowing state law, for we have no contrary indications strong enou h to

outweigh our ordinary presumption that Congress' silence indicates a desire that
we follow the ordinary rule. As a result, I would look to state law for a
limitations period. For the reasons given by Justice STEVENS in his separate
opinion in United Parcel Service, Inc. v. Mitchell, 451 U.S. 56, 72-74, 101 S.Ct.
1559, 1569-1570, 67 L.Ed.2d 732 (1981), I think that a malpractice action
against an attorney provides the closest analogy to an employee's suit against
his union for breach of the duty of fair representation, and I would apply the
state's statute of limitations for such an action here. In DelCostello's action
against his employer, I, like Justice STEVENS, would follow Mitchell.2

Only the employer sought certiorari in Mitchell. Hence, the case did not present
the question of what limitations period should be applied to the employee's
claim against the union. See 451 U.S., at 60, 101 S.Ct., at 1562; id., at 71-75
and n. 1, 101 S.Ct., at 1562 and n. 1 (STEVENS, J., concurring in part and
dissenting in part).

49 Stat. 453. That section provides in pertinent part:

"Provided . . . no complaint shall issue based upon any unfair labor practice
occurring more than six months prior to the filing of the charge with the Board
and the service of a copy thereof upon the person against whom such charge is
made. . . ."
The petition for certiorari in Mitchell presented only the question of which state
statute of limitations should apply. The parties did not contend in this Court or
below that a federal limitations period should be used instead of analogous state
law. Only an amicus suggested that it would be more appropriate to use 10(b);
moreover, application of 10(b) rather than the state arbitration statute of
limitations would not have changed the outcome of the case. Hence, we
declined to address the issue. 451 U.S., at 60, n. 2, 101 S.Ct., at 1562, n. 2.
Justice Stewart, concurring in the judgment, would have reached the issue and
would have applied 10(b) rather than any state limitations period. Id., at 6571, 101 S.Ct., at 1565-1568. See also id., at 64-65, 101 S.Ct., at 1564-1565
(BLACKMUN, J., concurring); but see id., at 75-76 and nn. 8-9, 101 S.Ct., at
1570-1571 and nn. 8-9 (STEVENS, J., concurring in part and dissenting in

The employer contends that DelCostello's refusal to perform his work

assignment was a "voluntary quit"; DelCostello contends that he was
wrongfully discharged. The joint grievance committee upheld the employer's

Md.Cts. & Jud.Proc.Code Ann. 3-224 (1980).

Id., 5-101.

Respondents argue that DelCostello did not raise the argument below that the
applicable limitations period is the six-month period of 10(b). He did raise
the 10(b) point perfunctorily in opposition to respondents' motion for
reconsideration, however, App. 264, and he brie ed it more thoroughly in the
Court of Appeals, App. 282-290. Respondents likewise addressed the 10(b)
issue fully on the merits in the Court of Appeals; they did not raise any
contention that DelCostello had waived the assertion. Court of Appeals Brief
for Appellees 41-45.

The other petitioner is the United Steelworkers of America, with which the
Local is affiliated. The two labor organizations will be treated as one party for
purposes of this case. Bethlehem Steel Corporation was a defendant below but
is not before this Court in the present proceeding.

N.Y.Civ.Prac.Law 7511(a) (McKinney) (1972).

Id., 213(2).
(BRENNAN, J., concurring). The suits at issue here, of course, are amalgams,
based on both an express statutory cause of action and an implied one. See
infra, at 164-165 and n. 14. We need not address whether, as a general matter,
such cases should be treated differently; even if this action were considered as
arising solely under 301, the objections to use of state law and the availability
of a well-suited limitations period in 10(b) would call for application of the
latter rule.


Id., 214(6).


DelCostello (petitioner in No. 81-2386) also contends that, if we decide that

application of state law is appropriate, our decision in Mitchell should not be
applied retroactively. We need not reach this contention.


In some instances, of course, there may be some direct indication in the

legislative history suggesting that Congress did in fact intend that state statutes
should apply. More often, however, Congress has not given any express
consideration to the problem of limitations periods. In such cases, the general
preference for borrowing state limitations periods could more aptly be called a
sort of fallback rule of thumb than a matter of ascertaining legislative intent; it
rests on the assumption that, absent some sound reason to do otherwise,
Congress would likely intend that the courts follow their previous practice of

borrowing state provisions. See also Auto Workers v. Hoosier Corp., 383 U.S.
696, 703-704, 86 S.Ct. 1107, 1111-1112, 16 L.Ed.2d 192 (1966).
Justice Stewart pointed out in Mitchell that this line of reasoning makes more
sense as applied to a cause of action expressly created by Congress than as
applied to one found by the courts to be implied in a general statutory scheme
especially when that general statutory scheme itself contains a federal statute of
limitations for a related but separate form of relief. 451 U.S., at 68, n. 4, 101
S.Ct., at 1564, n. 4 (opinion concurring in the judgment); see also McAllister v.
Magnolia Petroleum Co., 357 U.S. 221, 228-229, 78 S.Ct. 1201, 1206, 2
L.Ed.2d 1272 (1958)

Respondents argue that the Rules of Decision Act, 28 U.S.C. 1652, mandates
application of state statutes of limitations whenever Congress has provided
none. The argument begs the question, since the Act authorizes application of
state law only when federal law does not "otherwise require or provide." As we
recognized in Hoosier, 383 U.S., at 701, 86 S.Ct., at 1110, the choice of a
limitations period for a federal cause of action is itself a question of federal law.
If the answer to that question (based on the policies and requirements of the
underlying cause of action) is that a timeliness rule drawn from elsewhere in
federal law should be applied, then the Rules of Decision Act is inapplicable by
its own terms. As we said in United States v. Little Lake Misere Land Co., 412
U.S. 580, 93 S.Ct. 2389, 37 L.Ed.2d 187 (1973):
"There will often be no specific federal legislation go erning a particular
transaction . . .; here, for example, no provision of the . . . Act guides us to
choose state or federal law in interpreting . . . agreements under the Act. . . . But
silence on that score in federal legislation is no reason for limiting the reach of
federal law. . . . To the contrary, the inevitable incompleteness presented by all
legislation means that interstitial federal lawmaking is a basic responsibility of
the federal courts. 'At the very least, effective Constitutionalism requires
recognition of power in the federal courts to declare, as a matter of common law
or "judicial legislation," rules which may be necessary to fill in interstitially or
otherwise effectuate the statutory patterns enacted in the large by Congress. In
other words, it must mean recognition of federal judicial competence to declare
the governing law in an area comprising issues related to an established
program of government operation.' " Id., at 593, 93 S.Ct., at 2397, quoting
Mishkin, The Variousness of "Federal Law": Competence and Discretion in the
Choice of National and State Rules for Decision, 105 U.Pa.L.Rev. 797, 800
See also Western & Lehman, Is There Life for Erie After the Death of
Diversity?, 78 Mich.L.Rev. 311, 352-359 and nn. 122 and 142, 368-370, 377-

378, 380, n. 207, 381-385 (1980); n. 21, infra.

Respondents rely on a few turn-of-the-century cases suggesting that the Rules
of Decision Act compels application of state limitations periods. See also post,
at 173, n. 1 (STEVENS, J., dissenting). These cases, however, predate our
recognition in Erie R. Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 58 S.Ct. 817, 82 L.Ed.
1188 (1938),
that "the purpose of the section was merely to make certain that, in all matters
except those in which some federal law is controlling, the federal courts
exercising jurisdiction in diversity of citizenship cases would apply as their
rules of decision the law of the State, unwritten as well as written." Id., at 7273, 58 S.Ct., at 819 (footnote omitted); see also Warren, New Light on the
History of the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789, 37 Harv.L.Rev. 49, 81-88 (1923).
Since Erie, no decision of this Court has held or suggested that the Act requires
borrowing state law to fill gaps in federal substantive statutes. Of course, we
have continued since Erie to apply state limitations periods to many federal
causes of action; but we made clear in Holmberg v. Armbrecht, 327 U.S. 392,
394-395, 66 S.Ct. 582, 583-584, 90 L.Ed. 743 (1946), that we do so as a matter
of interstitial fashioning of remedial details under the respective substantive
federal statutes, and not because the Rules of Decision Act or the Erie doctrine
requires it. "The considerations that urge adjudication by the same law in all
courts within a State when enforcing a right created by that State are hardly
relevant for determining the rules which bar enforcement of [a] right created not
by a State legislature but by Congress." Id., at 394, 66 S.Ct., at 584; see also
Guaranty Trust Co. v. York, 326 U.S. 99, 101, 65 S.Ct. 1464, 1465, 89 L.Ed.
2079 (1945); Board of Commissioners v. United States, 308 U.S. 343, 349-352,
60 S.Ct. 285, 287-289, 84 L.Ed. 313 (1939); Hoosier, 383 U.S., at 703-704, 86
S.Ct., at 1111-1112; id., at 709, 86 S.Ct., at 1115 (WHITE, J., dissenting);
Employees v. Westinghouse Corp., 348 U.S. 437, 463, 75 S.Ct. 489, 502, 99
L.Ed. 510 (1955) (Reed, J., concurring).
We do not suggest that the Erie doctrine is wholly irrelevant to all federal
causes of action. On the contrary, where Congress directly or impliedly directs
the courts to look to state law to fill in details of federal law, Erie will ordinarily
provide the framework for doing so. See, e.g., Commissioner v. Estate of Bosch,
387 U.S. 456, 463-465, 87 S.Ct. 1776, 1781-1782, 18 L.Ed.2d 886 (1967)
(applying Erie rules as to the proper source of state law in a tax case); 1A J.
Moore, W. Taggart, A. Vestal & J. Wicker, Moore's Fed ral Practice 0.325
(2d ed. 1982); 19 C. Wright, A. Miller & E. Cooper, Federal Practice and
Procedure 4515 (1982); Western & Lehman, supra. But, as Holmberg
recognizes, neither Erie nor the Rules of Decision Act can now be taken as
establishing a mandatory rule that we apply state law in federal interstices.

Indeed, the contrary view urged by respondents cannot be reconciled with the
numerous cases that have declined to borrow state law, see infra, at 162-163,
nor with our suggestion in Hoosier that we might not apply state limitations
periods in a different case, 383 U.S., at 705, n. 7, 707, n. 9, 86 S.Ct., at 1113, n.
7, 1114, n. 9.

The duty of fair representation exists because it is the policy of the National
Labor Relations Act to allow a single labor organization to represent
collectively the interests of all employees within a unit, thereby depriving
individuals in the unit of the ability to bargain individually or to select a
minority union as their representative. In such a system, if individual employees
are not to be deprived of all effective means of protecting their own interests, it
must be the duty of the representative organization "to serve the interests of all
members without hostility or discrimination toward any, to exercise its
discretion with complete good faith and honesty, and to avoid arbitrary
conduct." Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S. 171, 177, 87 S.Ct. 903, 909, 17 L.Ed.2d 842
(1967). See generally Steele v. Louisville & N.R. Co., 323 U.S. 192, 65 S.Ct.
226, 89 L.Ed. 173 (1944); Ford Motor Co. v. Huffman, 345 U.S. 330, 337, 73
S.Ct. 681, 685, 97 L.Ed. 1048 (1953); Syres v. Oil Workers International
Union, 350 U.S. 892, 76 S.Ct. 152, 100 L.Ed. 785 (1955); Humphrey v. Moore,
375 U.S. 335, 342, 84 S.Ct. 363, 367, 11 L.Ed.2d 370 (1964); R. Gorman,
Labor Law 695-728 (1976). The duty stands "as a bulwark to prevent arbitrary
union conduct against individuals stripped of traditional forms of redress by the
provisions of federal labor law." Vaca, 383 U.S., at 182, 87 S.Ct., at 912.


The majority of States require filing within 90 days (22 States and the District
of Columbia) or three months (seven States). See also 9 U.S.C. 12. Only two
States have longer periodsone for one year, the other for 100 days. Other
statutes allow 30 days (six States), 20 days (three States), or 10 days (two
States). The remainder of the States either impose time limits based on terms of
court or have no statutory provision on point.


Besides its brevity, use of an arbitration limitations period raises knotty

problems of categorization and consistency. Application of an arbitration
statute seems straightforward enough when a grievance has run its full course,
culminating in a formal award by a neutral arbitrator. But the union's breach of
duty may consist of a wrongful failure to pursue a grievance to arbitration, as in
Vaca and Bowen, or a refusal to pursue it through even preliminary stages. The
parallel to vacation of an arbitral award seems tenuous at best in these
situations; it is doubtful that many state arbitration statutes would themselves
cover such a case in a commercial setting. Yet if it were thought necessary to
apply different state rules to these different possibilities, the result would be
radical variation in the treatment of cases that are not significantly different

with regard to the principles of Vaca, Hines, and Mitchell. Moreover, the
difficulty of detecting and mustering evidence to show the union's breach of
duty may be even greater in these situations, and it may not be an easy task to
ascertain when the cause of action accruesobviously a matter of great
importance when the statute of limitations may be as short as 30 days.

Inability to sue the employer would also foreclose use of such equitable
remedies as an order to arbitrate. See Vaca, 386 U.S., at 196, 87 S.Ct., at 919.


One State's limitations period for legal malpractice is 10 years. Other statutes
allow six years (10 States); five years (four States); four years (five States);
three years (10 States and the District of Columbia); two years (16 States); and
one year (four States).


The solution proposed by Justice STEVENS also has the unfortunate effect of
establishing different limitations periods for the two halves of a 301/fair
representation suit. A very similar consideration led us to reject borrowing of a
state statute in McAllister v. Magnolia Petroleum Co., 357 U.S. 221, 78 S.Ct.
1201, 2 L.Ed.2d 1272 (1958). See also Vaca, 386 U.S., at 186-188 and n. 12,
87 S.Ct., at 914-915 and n. 12; Clayton v. Automobile Workers, 451 U.S. 679,
694-695, 101 S.Ct. 2088, 2098-2099, 68 L.Ed.2d 538 (1981).


This is not to say that the sole options available are a federal statute of
limitations or a state one. As Holmberg and Occidental show, see supra, at 161,
162 we have sometimes concluded that Congress's intention can best be carried
out by imposing no predefined limitations period at all.


Justice STEVENS suggested in Mitchell that use of 10(b) is inappropriate

because there is no indication in its language or history that Congress intended
the section to be applied in the present context. 451 U.S., at 75-76 and nn. 8, 9,
101 S.Ct., at 1570-1571 and nn. 8, 9 (opinion concurring in part and dissenting
in part). With all respect, we think that this observation, while undoubtedly
correct, is beside the point. The same could be said with equal or greater
accuracy about the intent of the New York and Maryland legislatures when
they enacted their respective arbitration or malpractice statutes of limitations.
See Occidental Life Insurance Co. v. EEOC, 432 U.S. 355, 367, 97 S.Ct. 2447,
2454, 53 L.Ed.2d 402 (1977);
n. 12, supra. In either situation we are applying a statute of limitations to a
different cause of action, not because the legislature enacting that limitations
provision intended that it apply elsewhere, but because it is the most suitable
source for borrowing to fill a gap in federal law. See also Mitchell, 451 U.S., at
61, n. 3, 101 S.Ct., at 1563, n. 3; n. 13, supra.


Vaca, 386 U.S., at 186, 87 S.Ct., at 914; Humphrey, 375 U.S., at 344, 84 S.Ct.,
at 369; see Mitchell, 451 U.S., at 67-68, n. 3, 101 S.Ct., at 1566, n. 3 (Stewart,
J., concurring in the judgment).

In 1789 the First Congress enacted the Rules of Decision Act (the Act),
Rev.Stat. 721, 1 Stat. 92, plainly stating:
"That the laws of the several states, except where the constitution, treaties or
statutes of the United States shall otherwise require or provide, shall be
regarded as rules of decision in trials at common law in the courts of the United
States in cases where they apply."
In 1895, construing that Act, we held that state statutes of limitations provided
the relevant rules of decision in patent infringement actions, explaining:
"That this section [Rev.Stat. 721] embraces the statutes of limitations of the
several States has been decided by this court in a large number of cases, which
are collated in its opinion in Bauserman v. Blunt, 147 U.S. 647 [13 S.Ct. 466,
37 L.Ed. 316] . . . . Indeed, to no class of state legislation has the above
provision been more steadfastly and consistently applied than to statutes
prescribing the time within which actions shall be brought within its
jurisdiction." Campbell v. Haverhill, 155 U.S. 610, 614, 15 S.Ct. 217, 218, 39
L.Ed. 280 (1895). Accord, McClaine v. Rankin, 197 U.S. 154, 25 S.Ct. 410, 49
L.Ed. 702 (1905).
In response to the suggestion that the Act was not intended to govern
nondiversity cases raising federal questionssuch as patent suits or suits under
the National Labor Relations Actwe bluntly observed that "[t]he section itself
neither contains nor suggests such a distinction." 155 U.S., at 615, 15 S.Ct., at

When the Court recognized the cause of action in Vaca v. Sipes, 386 U.S. 171,
87 S.Ct. 903, 17 L.Ed.2d 842 (1967), the majority explained, "We cannot
believe that Congress, in conferring upon employers and unions the power to
establish exclusive grievance procedures, intended to confer upon unions . . .
unlimited discretion to deprive injured employees of all remedies for breach of
contract." Id., at 186, 87 S.Ct., at 914. But nothing in the language, structure, or
legislative history of the National Labor Relations Act compels the further
conclusion that Congress intended the federal judiciary to abandon the
traditional practice of borrowing state statutes of limitations when no federal
statute directly applies. Saying that a statute impliedly creates a cause of action
is not the same thing as saying that it impliedly commands the courts to
abandon the standard procedure for choosing limitations periods and instead to
borrow a period that Congress established for a different purpose.

I believe, basically for the reasons given by the Court, ante, at 159-161, n. 13,
that our practice of borrowing state periods of limitations depends largely on
this general guide for divining congressional intent. See, e.g., Auto Workers v.
Hoosier Cardinal Corp., 383 U.S. 696, 704, 86 S.Ct. 1107, 1112, 16 L.Ed.2d
192 (1966); Holmberg v. Armbrecht, 327 U.S. 392, 395, 66 S.Ct. 582, 584, 90
L.Ed. 743 (1946). I agree with the Court that the Rules of Decision Act, 28
U.S.C. 1652, only puts the question, for it simply requires application of state
law unless federal law applies. See ante, at 159-161, n. 13. Therefore, I am
unable to join Justice STEVENS's dissent. My disagreement with the Court
arises because I do not think that federal law implicitly rejects the practice of
borrowing state periods of limitations in this situation.

It is quite appropriate to apply Mitchell retroactively. Mitchell did not represent

a "clear break" with past law, see Mitchell, 451 U.S., at 61-62, 101 S.Ct., at
1562-1563, application of its rule in this case would further the goal of
promoting early finality for arbitral awards, id., at 63, 101 S.Ct., at 1564, and
there is no inequity in applying the rule here. See Lawson v. Truck Drivers,
Chauffeurs & Helpers, 698 F.2d 250, 254 (CA6 1983); see generally Chevron
Oil Co. v. Huson, 404 U.S. 97, 92 S.Ct. 349, 30 L.Ed.2d 296 (1971).

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