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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 81 (2013) 449 453

1st World Congress of Administrative & Political Sciences (ADPOL-2012)

Good Local Public Administration and Performance. An Empirical

Ani Matei a*, Elis-Bianca Enescu a

National School of Political and Administrative Studies, 6 Povernei, Bucharest, Romania

The performance of local public administration it is an extremely actual topic and its research has a strategical importance. The
objective in this paper is to see how Romanian local authorities understand the sense of performance and its aspects. It is very
important for local collectivities to have a good local public administration and a continuous process of performance
improvement. To get to the improvement process you have to start with evaluation. The purpose of the study is to build a mirror
of different aspects of Romanian local public administration performance, in the limit of information collected from the loca l
public administration units investigated: communes, towns and municipalities. The method used for this research was the
analysis of documents about the performance management of public services and the local and regional development, legislation,
studies and reports with relevant content. The main tool of the research was the questionnaire and its questions were groupe d in
six investigation dimensions. The interpretation of results was made in the light of information collected. Conclusions and
recommendations of the study were pertained to the meaning of public administration performance from the specialized literature
and legislation. The set of the performance indicators suggested in the paper represents the starting point of an appropiate
performance evaluation in the context of Romanian local public administration.
2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer review under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Andreea Iluzia Iacob.

Selection and peer review under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Andreea Iluzia Iacob.
Keywords: Performance, Local Public Administration, Performance Indicators, Performance Evaluation;

1. Introduction
First concepts about performance are from the XIX century. The scientific management promoted the analysis of
nowadays, we have a different approach of the public sector performance. Keywords like delegation,
decentralization, outsourcing, privatization, public-private partnership, define the increase of performance and the
, public administration performance is directly connected
with the quality of public services. People need better public services, more efficacy and efficient services, equity,
non-discriminatory treatment, diversity in management, respect for the right, democracy, fairness and dignity.

* Corresponding author: Elis-Bianca Enescu. Tel.: +4-0747-285-871

E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-0428 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer review under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Andreea Iluzia Iacob.


Ani Matei and Elis-Bianca Enescu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 81 (2013) 449 453

2. Managerial approaches of performance

Many important authors tackled the performance theory and there are some important publications written in this
domain by: Bouckaert and Halligan (2008), Bruijn (2004), Kerney and Berman (1999), Demmke (2006), Doherty
and Horne (2002), Matei (2009), Pollitt (2006) or Matei (2008).
From the managerial point of view, performance of public administration means: efficiency, efficacy, economy
and ethics (equity, empathy, ecology), (Doherty & Horne, 2002). As a result of this approach we may speak about
the performance quadrilateral, instead of performance triangle. In this context, ethics has three dimensions: equity
refers to equal and non-discriminatory treatment; empathy means the ability of anticipating and to accept the
responsibility of the consequences of the public
impacts that can exist in the environment.
The quality layout in local public administration, in Kerney and Berman (1999) opinion, it is another approach of
performance. The literature presents some principles which must be followed for assuring quality of the public
services: local collectivity is first and the most important assessor of quality; quality should be built in all processes
which make up the delivery of a public service; prevention on the variability of the public service; better results by
working in team, and not by individual working; strong organizational attachment through organizational culture.
Other authors, like Bouckaert, Peters and Verhoest (2010), consider that performance in public sector can be
achieved through a good coordination between public institutions. Nowadays public sector evolved, expanded a lot,
and the incoherence of the actions is present. Often, organizations from public sector have an individual behavior
Coordination, in this
context, is represented by a set of instruments and mechanisms through we achieve, in a voluntary or forced way,
harmonization of the tasks and efforts of the organizations from public sector. In this way, by using coordination, we
avoid redundant actions and contradictions. Coordination has two aspects. In this context we may speak about a
negative or a positive coordination. Negative coordination it is about the understanding between public institutions,
Positive coordination it is the
even in a tacit way,
one that builds coherence, not just minimize a possible conflict.
3. Measurement of performance
In the last 25 years there has been a great interest in measuring the performance of the public sector through
different ways. The most important method in performance measurement is the one which uses performance
indicators: public administration should define some performance indicators and after fulfills its objectives must
compare them with the default indicators and the associated costs. Performance measurement, in the opinion of
Bruijn (2004), in local public administration case, has three functions:
it creates transparency has an important role regarding responsibility in front of local collectivity; every
member of local collectivity should know which are the services that can access and which are the associated costs;
local public administration can make a step forward when uses performance
encourages learning
measurement as a tool for learning;
it can have as a consequence, the measure of sanction performance evaluation can have as a result some
awards or, in the case that the achieved results are not good, we can have to do with drastically sanctions.
4. An empirical study about good local public administration and performance
The scope of the study is the identification of the mechanisms and directions through which the quality of local
public services it is influenced by a managerial aproach focused on performance. In the triangle resourcesrepresents the latent side, the
management-public service, we have the following components: resources
managerial act (administrative decision) it is the active side and the result it is the performance of the public

Ani Matei and Elis-Bianca Enescu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 81 (2013) 449 453


For this study we think that the six features that Byrne (1994) and Andrei
et al.(2009) identifies are very important because in this way he defines the local government for local public
local government is chosen by the citizens;
a) local government has a multi-purpose - every local public authority has many tasks and delivers many public
b) each local public authority has responsabilities only in his own and certain area;
local government has a clear and relevant structure;
local government has his own local system for taxes.
The study was made on 63 administrative-terirtorial units. From this number 67,4% are communes, 25,6% are
towns and 7% are municipalities. According to relevant statistics in Romania, from the total administrativeterritorial units, 90,1% are communes, 6,7% are towns and 7% are municipalities. The data we have creates the
premises of this research that investigates those aspects regarding local public administration performance.
The method used for this research is the analysis of documents about the performance management of public
services and the local and regional development, legislation, studies and reports with relevant content.
The tool we used in this study is the questionnaire and its questions were grouped in six investigation
human resources from the functional structures of the administrative-territorial units and their distribution
in the functional compartments;
the percentage of the communitaire services of public utilities: the service of administration the public and
private domain of local interest, the public service of water supply; waste management public service; lighting
public service; local transport public service.
mechanisms that regulate the activity of each communitaire services of public utilities: framework
regulation for the structure and the operation of the public service; development strategies; tools for the evaluation
; tools for auditing the performance mangement;
the performance of administrative-territorial units in the light of administrative acts issued/adopted;
the percentage of administrative-territorial units that have framework regulation for the circuit of
administrative acts;
the existence of the documents that reflects the transparency of the local governing act.
At first level of analysis our research starts with the premise that performance means the continous improvement
of the public service in terms of efficincy, efficacity, economy and needs of the local collectivity. Achieving a high
standard of a public service through involvement of the beneficiaries, of the human resources and institutional
management it is very important. In this case, performance should be evaluate by establishing national standards, for
national providers of public services and local standards which local public administration should respect. In this
context, it would be usefull that before designing a sistem for measuring performance, to define the priorities for
every local collectivity. A well done local development strategy is the key for every administration authority.
opinion about the quality of public services can show the deficiencies on
local public administration activities and they have a multiple scope: beneficiaries can assure a continious
monitoring of the public service quality; they can come with ideas regarding the improvement of the public service;
it can be created a permanent dialog for adjusting standards and quality of the public service. In addition, after the
study we concluded that a performance measurement sistem must be corelated with the resources we need for
collecting performance indicators.
Regarding the human resources and communitaire services of public utilities dimensions, our results of the
research showed the fact that the number of workplaces in local public administration and the five public services
studied are according to romanian legislation. For example, the number of workplaces in local public administration
there is established through a Romanian Government act, Emergency Ordinance no.63/2010 and we have the
following results:


Ani Matei and Elis-Bianca Enescu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 81 (2013) 449 453

Table 1 Number of workplaces in Romanian communes, towns and municipalities, considering the population criteria
Number of inhabitants

No more than 1500


Number of
workplaces in
and maximum
min=10; max=13
min=17; max=22
min=22; max=30
min=30; max=43
min=44; max=60

Number of workplaces in
towns(minim and
maximum number)

Number of workplaces in
municipalities(minim and
maximum number)

min=25; max=33
min=35; max=51
min=53; max=75
min=76; max=130
min=131; max=189

min=100; max=165
min=171; max=349
min=350; max=575
min=600; max=699
min=700; max=800

5. Conclusions
One of the most important conclusions of the study refers to the improving of documents for planning, analysis,
monitoring, evaluation and control. The research we made highlighted that not all the administrative-territorial units
have such documents, even they are compulsory. We recommend the elaboration of those documents that shows the
reality of the facts. In addition, we believe that is necessary a standardization of them, so we can benchmark.
Regarding the transparency of the local governing act we have the following data:
Table 2 Transparency of local governing act
Name of the document that must exist in public institutions
The strategy regarding the economic, social and environment status of the
administrative-territorial units

Percentage (%) from the total

administrative-territorial units

Annual report regarding the economic, social and environment status of the
administrative-territorial units


Annual report regarding decisional transparency


The documents presented in Table 2 are very important and from our study we underline the following:
a) only 63,3% of the people know about the existence of a local strategy;
b) about 70% of the people think there is important to be involved in the elaboration process of the strategy.
After this short presentation of the results we have, the main conclusion is related of the performance indicators.
Investigating all the dimensions of the questionnaire, we saw that local public administration authorities do not have
developed performance indicators. We believe that this is the first step in performance evaluation and improvement.
Our suggestion regarding performance indicators is in Table 3.
Table 3 Performance indicators (examples)
Name of the indicator
Decisions of the Local Council attacked by the prefect in the Administrative Court
Decisions of the mayor attacked by the prefect in the Administrative Court
Decisions of the Local Council attacked by the National Agency of Civil Servants in
the Administrative Court
Decisions of the Local Council that the Administrative Court ascertained the
Decisions of the mayor that the Administrative Court ascertained the illegality

Type of performance indicator

legislative/managerial performance
legislative/managerial performance
legislative/managerial performance
legislative/managerial performance
legislative/managerial performance

Ani Matei and Elis-Bianca Enescu / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 81 (2013) 449 453
The degree of the incomes achieved, calculated as a ratio between the total incomes
cashed in and the programmed incomes for the period we report
The degree of the own incomes achieved, calculated as a ratio between the total own
incomes cashed in and the programmed own incomes for the period we report
The setting up of public administrator workplace
Total number of public services
Total number of the domains of public services
Satisfaction of local collectivity


financial performance indicator

financial performance indicator
utility performance indicator
utility performance indicator
utility performance indicator
quality performance indicator

During our research we ascertained that even if satisfaction of local collectivity it is an important performance
indicator of local public administration, local authorities do not use it very often. They see local public
administration performance only by complying the norms and standard procedures. It is true that we need to respect
the legal framework, but, in our opinion it is not enough for talking about performance. We have to allow for the
efficiency, efficacy, economy of public services and, we should greet the necessities of local collectivity.
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