01 Serapio v. Sandiganbayan

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01 Serapio v.

G.R. 148468
28 January 2003
Rule 114, Sec. 2: Conditions of the bail; requirements
Petitioner Edward Serapio, was a member of the Board of Trustees and the Legal Counsel of the Erap
Muslim Youth Foundation, a non-stock, non-profit foundation established in February 2000
ostensibly for the purpose of providing educational opportunities for the poor and underprivileged
but deserving Muslim youth and students, and support to research and advance studies of young
Muslim educators and scientists.
Sometime in April 2000, as trustee of the Foundation, he received on its behalf a donation in the
amount of Two Hundred Million Pesos (P200 Million) from Ilocos Sur Governor Luis Chavit
Singson through the latters assistant Mrs. Yolanda Ricaforte. Petitioner received the donation and
turned over the said amount to the Foundations treasurer who later deposited it in the Foundations
account with the Equitable PCI Bank.
In the latter part of the year 2000, Gov. Singson publicly accused then President Joseph E. Estrada
and his cohorts of engaging in several illegal activities, including its operation on the illegal numbers
game known as jueteng. This triggered the filing with the Office of the Ombudsman of several
criminal complaints against Joseph Estrada, Jinggoy Estrada and petitioner, together with other
Subsequently, Serapio filed two petitions for certiorari assailing the resolutions of the Third Division
of the Sandiganbayan denying his petition for bail, motion for a reinvestigation and motion to quash,
and a petition for habeas corpus, all in relation to Criminal Case No. 26558 for plunder wherein
petitioner is one of the accused together with former President Estrada, Jinggoy Estrada and several
Issues (G.R. No. 148468):
1) WON petitioner should first be arraigned before hearings of his petition for bail may be
2) WON petitioner may file a motion to quash the amended Information during the pendency
of his petition for bail?
3) WON petitioner was deprived of his right to due process and should thus be released from
detention via a writ of habeas corpus?
1) NO. The arraignment of an accused is not a prerequisite to the conduct of hearings on his petition
for bail. A person is allowed to petition for bail as soon as he is deprived of his liberty by virtue of his
arrest or voluntary surrender. An accused need not wait for his arraignment before filing a petition for
In Lavides vs. Court of Appeals, this Court ruled on the issue of whether an accused must first be
arraigned before he may be granted bail. Lavides involved an accused charged with violation of

Section 5(b) Republic Act No. 7610 (The Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation
and Discrimination Act), an offense punishable by reclusion temporal in its medium period to
reclusion perpetua. The accused therein assailed, inter alia, the trial courts imposition of the condition
that he should first be arraigned before he is allowed to post bail. We held therein that in cases where
it is authorized, bail should be granted before arraignment, otherwise the accused may be precluded
from filing a motion to quash.
However, the foregoing pronouncement should not be taken to mean that the hearing on a petition for
bail should at all times precede arraignment, because the rule is that a person deprived of his liberty
by virtue of his arrest or voluntary surrender may apply for bail as soon as he is deprived of his
liberty, even before a complaint or information is filed against him. The Courts pronouncement in
Lavides should be understood in light of the fact that the accused in said case filed a petition for bail
as well as a motion to quash the informations filed against him. Hence, we explained therein that to
condition the grant of bail to an accused on his arraignment would be to place him in a position
where he has to choose between (1) filing a motion to quash and thus delay his release on bail
because until his motion to quash can be resolved, his arraignment cannot be held, and (2) foregoing
the filing of a motion to quash so that he can be arraigned at once and thereafter be released on bail.
This would undermine his constitutional right not to be put on trial except upon a valid complaint or
Information sufficient to charge him with a crime and his right to bail.
It is therefore not necessary that an accused be first arraigned before the conduct of hearings on his
application for bail. For when bail is a matter of right, an accused may apply for and be granted bail
even prior to arraignment. The ruling in Lavides also implies that an application for bail in a case
involving an offense punishable by reclusion perpetua to death may also be heard even before an
accused is arraigned. Further, if the court finds in such case that the accused is entitled to bail
because the evidence against him is not strong, he may be granted provisional liberty even prior to
arraignment; for in such a situation, bail would be authorized under the circumstances. In fine, the
Sandiganbayan committed a grave abuse of its discretion amounting to excess of jurisdiction in
ordering the arraignment of petitioner before proceeding with the hearing of his petition for bail.
2) YES. The Court finds that no such inconsistency exists between an application of an accused for
bail and his filing of a motion to quash. Bail is the security given for the release of a person in the
custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any
court as required under the conditions set forth under the Rules of Court. Its purpose is to
obtain the provisional liberty of a person charged with an offense until his conviction while at
the same time securing his appearance at the trial. As stated earlier, a person may apply for bail
from the moment that he is deprived of his liberty by virtue of his arrest or voluntary surrender.
On the other hand, a motion to quash an Information is the mode by which an accused assails
the validity of a criminal complaint or Information filed against him for insufficiency on its
face in point of law, or for defects which are apparent in the face of the Information. An accused
may file a motion to quash the Information, as a general rule, before arraignment.
These two reliefs have objectives which are not necessarily antithetical to each other. Certainly,
the right of an accused right to seek provisional liberty when charged with an offense not
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, or when charged with an offense
punishable by such penalties but after due hearing, evidence of his guilt is found not to be
strong, does not preclude his right to assail the validity of the Information charging him with

such offense. It must be conceded, however, that if a motion to quash a criminal complaint or
Information on the ground that the same does not charge any offense is granted and the case is
dismissed and the accused is ordered released, the petition for bail of an accused may become moot
and academic.
3) NO. As a general rule, the writ of habeas corpus will not issue where the person alleged to be
restrained of his liberty in custody of an officer under a process issued by the court which jurisdiction
to do so. In exceptional circumstances, habeas corpus may be granted by the courts even when the
person concerned is detained pursuant to a valid arrest or his voluntary surrender, for this writ of
liberty is recognized as the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against
arbitrary and lawless state action due to its ability to cut through barriers of form and procedural
mazes. Thus, in previous cases, we issued the writ where the deprivation of liberty, while initially
valid under the law, had later become invalid, and even though the persons praying for its issuance
were not completely deprived of their liberty.
The Court finds no basis for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus in favor of petitioner. The
general rule that habeas corpus does not lie where the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty is
in the custody of an officer under process issued by a court which had jurisdiction to issue the same
applies, because petitioner is under detention pursuant to the order of arrest issued by the
Sandiganbayan on April 25, 2001 after the filing by the Ombudsman of the amended information for
plunder against petitioner and his co-accused. Petitioner had in fact voluntarily surrendered himself
to the authorities on April 25, 2001 upon learning that a warrant for his arrest had been issued.
The ruling in Moncupa vs. Enrile that habeas corpus will lie where the deprivation of liberty which
was initially valid has become arbitrary in view of subsequent developments finds no application in
the present case because the hearing on petitioners application for bail has yet to commence. As
stated earlier, the delay in the hearing of petitioners petition for bail cannot be pinned solely on the
Sandiganbayan or on the prosecution for that matter. Petitioner himself is partly to be blamed.
Moreover, a petition for habeas corpus is not the appropriate remedy for asserting ones right to bail.
It cannot be availed of where accused is entitled to bail not as a matter of right but on the discretion
of the court and the latter has not abused such discretion in refusing to grant bail, or has not even
exercised said discretion. The proper recourse is to file an application for bail with the court where
the criminal case is pending and to allow hearings thereon to proceed.
The issuance of a writ of habeas corpus would not only be unjustified but would also preempt the
Sandiganbayans resolution of the pending application for bail of petitioner. The recourse of
petitioner is to forthwith proceed with the hearing on his application for bail.
IN THE LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby rendered as follows:
1. In G.R. No. 148769 and G.R. No. 149116, the petitions are DISMISSED. The resolutions of
respondent Sandiganbayan subject of said petitions are AFFIRMED; and
2. In G.R. No. 148468, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The resolution of respondent
Sandiganbayan, Annex L of the petition, ordering a joint hearing of petitioners petition for bail and
the trial of Criminal Case No. 26558 as against former President Joseph E. Estrada is SET ASIDE;
the arraignment of petitioner on July 10, 2001 is also SET ASIDE.

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