Mastering Python - Sample Chapter

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The key takeaways from the document are that decorators can be used to add functionality to functions and classes in Python like debugging, validation, argument handling etc. Generators and coroutines are advanced Python techniques related to asynchronous programming.

Decorators in Python are used to modify or extend functions and classes without permanently changing them. They allow adding common behavior to multiple functions easily.

Decorators can be used for debugging, validation of arguments, converting argument and return types, adding common functionality etc. Examples given are argument validation, ignoring warnings, wrapping functions etc.


Python is a dynamic programming language. It is known for

its high readability and hence it is often the first language
learned by new programmers. Python being multi-paradigm,
it can be used to achieve the same thing in different ways
and it is compatible with different platforms. Even if you find
writing Python code easy, writing code that is efficient, easy
to maintain, and reuse is not so straightforward.
This book is an authoritative guide that will help you learn
new advanced methods in a clear and contextualized way.
It starts off by creating a project-specific environment using
venv, introducing you to different Pythonic syntax and
common pitfalls before moving on to cover the functional
features in Python. Gradually, you will move towards
more advanced techniques such as coroutines, async I/O,
metaclasses, and extensions written in C/C++. In addition
to that we will see how these can be used for debugging,
profiling, and performance improvements. You will learn to
optimize application performance so that it works efficiently
across multiple machines and Python versions. By the end
of the book, you will be able to write more advanced scripts
and take on bigger challenges.

Almost anyone can learn to write working script and

create high quality code but they might lack a structured
understanding of what it means to be Pythonic. If you are a
Python programmer who wants to code efficiently by getting
the syntax and usage of a few intricate Python techniques
exactly right, this book is for you.

Learn what it means to write Pythonic code

Use the functional programming paradigm
effectively and how it relates to Lambda Calculus
Get familiar with the different ways the
decorators can be used and created
Understand the power of generators,
coroutines, and asynchronous I/O



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Generate useful and readable documentation

out of documents and code using Sphinx
Learn how to track and optimize application
performance, both memory and CPU
Use the multiprocessing library, not just locally
but also distributed across multiple machines
Get a basic understanding of packaging and
creating your own libraries/applications

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Create metaclasses and learn how they are

the building blocks of Python classes

Rick van Hattem

Who this book is written for

What you will learn from this book

Mastering Python

Mastering Python


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Mastering Python
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E x p e r i e n c e

Rick van Hattem

In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 5 'Decorators Enabling Code
Reuse by Decorating'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Mastering Python

About the Author

Rick van Hattem is an experienced programmer, entrepreneur, and

software/database architect with over 20 years of programming experience,

including 15 with Python. Additionally, he has a lot of experience with
high-performance architectures featuring large amounts of concurrent users
and/or data.
Rick has founded several start-ups and has done consulting for many companies,
including a few Y Combinator start-ups and several large companies. One of the
startups he founded,, is one of the largest social networks for fashion
in the world, featuring millions of users and the performance challenges
to accompany those.
Rick was one of the reviewers on the book PostgreSQL Server Programming,
Packt Publishing.

Python is a language that is easy to learn and both powerful and convenient from the
start. Mastering Python, however, is a completely different question.
Every programming problem you will encounter has at least several possible
solutions and/or paradigms to apply within the vast possibilities of Python. This
book will not only illustrate a range of different and new techniques but also explain
where and when a method should be applied.
This book is not a beginner's guide to Python 3. It is a book that can teach you about
the more advanced techniques possible within Python. Specifically targeting Python
3.5 and up, it also demonstrates several Python 3.5-only features such as async def
and await statements.
As a Python programmer with many years of experience, I will attempt to rationalize
the choices made in this book with relevant background information. These
rationalizations are in no way strict guidelines, however. Several of these cases boil
down to personal style in the end. Just know that they stem from experience and are,
in many cases, the solutions recommended by the Python community.
Some of the references in this book might not be obvious to you if you are not a fan
of Monty Python. This book extensively uses spam and eggs instead of foo and bar in
code samples. To provide some background information, I recommend watching the
"Spam" sketch by Monty Python. It is positively silly!

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started One Environment per Project, introduces virtual Python
environments using virtualenv or venv to isolate the packages in your Python projects.
Chapter 2, Pythonic Syntax, Common Pitfalls, and Style Guide, explains what Pythonic
code is and how to write code that is Pythonic and adheres to the Python philosophy.


Chapter 3, Containers and Collections Storing Data the Right Way, is where we use
the many containers and collections bundled with Python to create code that is fast
and readable.
Chapter 4, Functional Programming Readability Versus Brevity, covers functional
programming techniques such as list/dict/set comprehensions and lambda
statements that are available in Python. Additionally, it illustrates their similarities
with the mathematical principles involved.
Chapter 5, Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating, explains not only how to
create your own function/class decorators, but also how internal decorators such as
property, staticmethod, and classmethod work.
Chapter 6, Generators and Coroutines Infinity, One Step at a Time, shows how
generators and coroutines can be used to lazily evaluate structures of infinite size.
Chapter 7, Async IO Multithreading without Threads, demonstrates the usage of
asynchronous functions using async def and await so that external resources no
longer stall your Python processes.
Chapter 8, Metaclasses Making Classes (Not Instances) Smarter, goes deeper into the
creation of classes and how class behavior can be completely modified.
Chapter 9, Documentation How to Use Sphinx and reStructuredText, shows how
you can make Sphinx automatically document your code with very little effort.
Additionally, it shows how the Napoleon syntax can be used to document function
arguments in a way that is legible both in the code and the documentation.
Chapter 10, Testing and Logging Preparing for Bugs, explains how code can be tested
and how logging can be added to enable easy debugging in case bugs occur at a
later time.
Chapter 11, Debugging Solving the Bugs, demonstrates several methods of hunting
down bugs with the use of tracing, logging, and interactive debugging.
Chapter 12, Performance Tracking and Reducing Your Memory and CPU Usage, shows
several methods of measuring and improving CPU and memory usage.
Chapter 13, Multiprocessing When a Single CPU Core Is Not Enough, illustrates that
the multiprocessing library can be used to execute your code, not just on multiple
processors but even on multiple machines.


Chapter 14, Extensions in C/C++, System Calls, and C/C++ Libraries, covers the calling of
C/C++ functions for both interoperability and performance using Ctypes, CFFI, and
native C/C++.
Chapter 15, Packaging Creating Your Own Libraries or Applications, demonstrates
the usage of setuptools and to build and deploy packages on the Python
Package Index (PyPI).

Decorators Enabling Code

Reuse by Decorating
In this chapter, you are going to learn about Python decorators. Decorators are
essentially function/class wrappers that can be used to modify the input, output, or
even the function/class itself before executing it. This type of wrapping can just as
easily be achieved by having a separate function that calls the inner function, or via
mixins. As is the case with many Python constructs, decorators are not the only way
to reach the goal but are definitely convenient in many cases.
While you can live perfectly without knowing too much about decorators, they give
you a lot of "reuse power" and are therefore used heavily in framework libraries such
as web frameworks. Python actually comes bundled with some useful decorators,
most notably the property decorator.
There are, however, some particularities to take note of: wrapping a function creates a
new function and makes it harder to reach the inner function and its properties. One
example of this is the help(function) functionality of Python; by default, you will
lose function properties such as the help text and the module the function exists in.
This chapter will cover the usage of both function and class decorators as well as the
intricate details you need to know when decorating functions within classes.
The following are the topics covered:

Decorating functions

Decorating class functions

Decorating classes

Using classes as decorators

Useful decorators in the Python standard library

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

Decorating functions
Essentially, a decorator is nothing more than a function or class wrapper. If we
have a function called spam and a decorator called eggs, then the following would
decorate spam with eggs:
spam = eggs(spam)

To make the syntax easier to use, Python has a special syntax for this case. So, instead
of adding a line such as the preceding one below the function, you can simply
decorate a function using the @ operator:
def spam():

The decorator simply receives the function and returns ausually

differentfunction. The simplest possible decorator is:
def eggs(function):
return function

Looking at the earlier example, we realize that this gets spam as the argument for
function and returns that function again, effectively changing nothing. Most
decorators nest functions, however. The following decorator will print all arguments
sent to spam and pass them to spam unmodified:
>>> import functools

>>> def eggs(function):




def _eggs(*args, **kwargs):


print('%r got args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (


function.__name__, args, kwargs))


return function(*args, **kwargs)


return _eggs

>>> @eggs
... def spam(a, b, c):

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Chapter 5

return a * b + c

>>> spam(1, 2, 3)
'spam' got args: (1, 2, 3) and kwargs: {}

This should indicate how powerful decorators can be. By modifying *args and
**kwargs, you can add, modify and remove arguments completely. Additionally,
the return statement can be modified as well. Instead of return function(...),
you can return something completely different if you wish.

Why functools.wraps is important

Whenever you are writing a decorator, always be sure to add functools.wraps to
wrap the inner function. Without wrapping it, you will lose all properties from the
original function, which can lead to confusion. Take a look at the following code
without functools.wraps:
>>> def eggs(function):

def _eggs(*args, **kwargs):


return function(*args, **kwargs)

return _eggs

>>> @eggs
... def spam(a, b, c):

'''The spam function Returns a * b + c'''


return a * b + c

>>> help(spam)
Help on function _eggs in module ...:
_eggs(*args, **kwargs)

>>> spam.__name__

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

Now, our spam method has no documentation anymore and the name is gone. It has
been renamed to _eggs. Since we are indeed calling _eggs, this is understandable,
but it's very inconvenient for code that relies on this information. Now we will try
the same code with the minor difference; we will use functools.wraps:
>>> import functools

>>> def eggs(function):




def _eggs(*args, **kwargs):


return function(*args, **kwargs)


return _eggs

>>> @eggs
... def spam(a, b, c):

'''The spam function Returns a * b + c'''


return a * b + c

>>> help(spam)
Help on function spam in module ...:
spam(a, b, c)
The spam function Returns a * b + c
>>> spam.__name__

Without any further changes, we now have documentation and the expected function
name. The working of functools.wraps is nothing magical though; it simply copies
and updates several attributes. Specifically, the following attributes are copied:

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Chapter 5

Additionally, __dict__ is updated using _eggs.__dict__.update(spam.__dict__),

and a new property called __wrapped__ is added, which contains the original (spam in
this case) function. The actual wraps function is available in the file of
your Python distribution.

How are decorators useful?

The use cases for decorators are plentiful, but some of the most useful cases are with
debugging. More extensive examples of this will be covered in Chapter 11, Debugging
Solving the Bugs but I can give you a sneak preview of how to use decorators to
keep track of what your code is doing.
Let's assume you have a bunch of functions that may or may not be called, and you're
not entirely sure what kind of input and output each of these is getting. In this case,
you could, of course, modify the function and add some print statements at the
beginning and the end to print the output. This quickly gets tedious, however, and it's
one of those cases where a simple decorator will make it easy to do the same thing.
For this example, we are using a very simple function, but we all know that in real
life, we're not always that lucky:
>>> def spam(eggs):

return 'spam' * (eggs % 5)

>>> output = spam(3)

Let's take our simple spam function and add some output so that we can see what
happens internally:
>>> def spam(eggs):

output = 'spam' * (eggs % 5)


print('spam(%r): %r' % (eggs, output))


return output

>>> output = spam(3)
spam(3): 'spamspamspam'

While this works, wouldn't it be far nicer to have a little decorator that takes care of
this problem?
>>> def debug(function):



def _debug(*args, **kwargs):

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


output = function(*args, **kwargs)


print('%s(%r, %r): %r' % (function.__name__, args, kwargs,


return output


return _debug

>>> @debug
... def spam(eggs):

return 'spam' * (eggs % 5)

>>> output = spam(3)
spam((3,), {}): 'spamspamspam'

Now we have a decorator that we can easily reuse for any function that prints the
input, output, and function name. This type of decorator can also be very useful for
logging applications, as we will see in Chapter 10, Testing and Logging Preparing for
Bugs. It should be noted that you can use this example even if you are not able to
modify the module containing the original code. We can wrap the function locally
and even monkey-patch the module if needed:
import some_module

# Regular call
# Wrap the function
debug_some_function = debug(some_module.some_function)
# Call the debug version
# Monkey patch the original module
some_module.some_function = debug_some_function
# Now this calls the debug version of the function

Naturally, monkey-patching is not a good idea in production code, but it can be very
useful when debugging.

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Chapter 5

Memoization using decorators

Memoization is a simple trick for making some code run a bit faster. The basic trick
here is to store a mapping of the input and expected output so that you have to
calculate a value only once. One of the most common examples of this technique is
when demonstrating the nave (recursive) Fibonacci function:
>>> import functools

>>> def memoize(function):


function.cache = dict()




def _memoize(*args):


if args not in function.cache:


function.cache[args] = function(*args)


return function.cache[args]
return _memoize

>>> @memoize
... def fibonacci(n):

if n < 2:
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

>>> for i in range(1, 7):


print('fibonacci %d: %d' % (i, fibonacci(i)))

fibonacci 1: 1
fibonacci 2: 1
fibonacci 3: 2
fibonacci 4: 3
fibonacci 5: 5
fibonacci 6: 8

>>> fibonacci.__wrapped__.cache
{(5,): 5, (0,): 0, (6,): 8, (1,): 1, (2,): 1, (3,): 2, (4,): 3}

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

While this example would work just fine without any memoization, for larger
numbers, it would kill the system. For n=2, the function would execute fibonacci(n
- 1) and fibonacci(n - 2) recursively, effectively giving an exponential time
complexity. Also, effectively for n=30, the Fibonacci function is called 2,692,537 times
which is still doable nonetheless. At n=40, it is going to take you quite a very long
time to calculate.
The memoized version, however, doesn't even break a sweat and only needs to
execute 31 times for n=30.
This decorator also shows how a context can be attached to a function itself. In this
case, the cache property becomes a property of the internal (wrapped fibonacci)
function so that an extra memoize decorator for a different object won't clash with
any of the other decorated functions.
Note, however, that implementing the memoization function yourself is generally not
that useful anymore since Python introduced lru_cache (least recently used cache) in
Python 3.2. The lru_cache is similar to the preceding memoize function but a bit more
advanced. It only maintains a fixed (128 by default) cache size to save memory and
uses some statistics to check whether the cache size should be increased.
To demonstrate how lru_cache works internally, we will calculate
fibonacci(100), which would keep our computer busy until the end of the

universe without any caching. Moreover, to make sure that we can actually see how
many times the fibonacci function is being called, we'll add an extra decorator that
keeps track of the count, as follows:
>>> import functools

# Create a simple call counting decorator

>>> def counter(function):

function.calls = 0




def _counter(*args, **kwargs):


function.calls += 1


return function(*args, **kwargs)

return _counter

# Create a LRU cache with size 3

>>> @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=3)
... @counter
... def fibonacci(n):
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Chapter 5

if n < 2:
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

>>> fibonacci(100)

# The LRU cache offers some useful statistics

>>> fibonacci.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=98, misses=101, maxsize=3, currsize=3)

# The result from our counter function which is now wrapped both by
# our counter and the cache
>>> fibonacci.__wrapped__.__wrapped__.calls

You might wonder why we need only 101 calls with a cache size of 3. That's because
we recursively require only n - 1 and n - 2, so we have no need of a larger cache
in this case. With others, it would still be useful though.
Additionally, this example shows the usage of two decorators for a single function.
You can see these as the layers of an onion. The first one is the outer layer and it
works towards the inside. When calling fibonacci, lru_cache will be called first
because it's the first decorator in the list. Assuming there is no cache available yet,
the counter decorator will be called. Within the counter, the actual fibonacci
function will be called.
Returning the values works in the reverse order, of course; fibonacci returns its
value to counter, which passes the value along to lru_cache.

Decorators with (optional) arguments

The previous examples mostly used simple decorators without any arguments. As
we have already seen with lru_cache, decorators can accept arguments as well since
they are just regular functions, but this adds an extra layer to a decorator. This means
that adding an argument can be as simple as the following:
>>> import functools

>>> def add(extra_n=1):

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


'Add extra_n to the input of the decorated function'


# The inner function, notice that this is the actual


# decorator


def _add(function):


# The actual function that will be called




def __add(n):


return function(n + extra_n)


return __add


return _add

>>> @add(extra_n=2)
... def eggs(n):

return 'eggs' * n

>>> eggs(2)

Optional arguments are a different matter, however, because they make the extra
function layer optional. With arguments, you need three layers, but without
arguments, you need only two layers. Since decorators are essentially regular
functions that return functions, the difference would be to return the sub-function or
the sub-sub-function, based on the parameters. This leaves just one issuedetecting
whether the parameter is a function or a regular parameter. To illustrate, with the
parameters the actual call looks like the following:

Whereas the call without arguments would look like this:


To detect whether the decorator was called with a function or a regular argument
as a parameter, we have several options, none of which are completely ideal in
my opinion:

Using keyword arguments for decorator arguments so that the regular

argument will always be the function

Detecting whether the first and only argument is callable

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Chapter 5

In my opinion, the first oneusing keyword argumentsis the better of the two
options because it is somewhat more explicit and leaves less room for confusion.
The second option could be problematic if, for some reason, your argument is
callable as well.
Using the first method, the normal (non-keyword) argument has to be the decorated
function and the other two checks can still apply. We can still check whether the
function is indeed callable and whether there is only a single argument available.
Here is an example using a modified version of the previous example:
>>> import functools

>>> def add(*args, **kwargs):


'Add n to the input of the decorated function'


# The default kwargs, we don't store this in kwargs


# because we want to make sure that args and kwargs


# can't both be filled


default_kwargs = dict(n=1)


# The inner function, notice that this is actually a


# decorator itself


def _add(function):


# The actual function that will be called




def __add(n):




return function(n + default_kwargs['n'])


return __add


if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]) and not kwargs:


# Decorator call without arguments, just call it


# ourselves


return _add(args[0])
elif not args and kwargs:


# Decorator call with arguments, this time it will


# automatically be executed with function as the

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


# first argument




return _add




raise RuntimeError('This decorator only supports '


'keyword arguments')

>>> @add
... def spam(n):

return 'spam' * n

>>> @add(n=3)
... def eggs(n):

return 'eggs' * n

>>> spam(3)

>>> eggs(2)

>>> @add(3)
... def bacon(n):

return 'bacon' * n

Traceback (most recent call last):

RuntimeError: This decorator only supports keyword arguments

Whenever you have the choice available, I recommend that you either have a
decorator with arguments or without them, instead of having optional arguments.
However, if you have a really good reason for making the arguments optional, then
you have a relatively safe method of making this possible.

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Chapter 5

Creating decorators using classes

Similar to how we create regular function decorators, it is also possible to create
decorators using classes instead. After all, a function is just a callable object and
a class can implement the callable interface as well. The following decorator
works similarly to the debug decorator we used earlier, but uses a class instead
of a regular function:
>>> import functools

>>> class Debug(object):


def __init__(self, function):


self.function = function


# functools.wraps for classes


functools.update_wrapper(self, function)


def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):


output = self.function(*args, **kwargs)


print('%s(%r, %r): %r' % (


self.function.__name__, args, kwargs, output))


return output

>>> @Debug
... def spam(eggs):

return 'spam' * (eggs % 5)

>>> output = spam(3)
spam((3,), {}): 'spamspamspam'

The only notable difference between functions and classes is that functools.wraps
is now replaced with functools.update_wrapper in the __init__ method.

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

Decorating class functions

Decorating class functions is very similar to regular functions, but you need to be
aware of the required first argument, selfthe class instance. You have most likely
already used a few class function decorators. The classmethod, staticmethod,
and property decorators for example, are used in many different projects. To
explain how all this works, we will build our own versions of the classmethod,
staticmethod, and property decorators. First, let's look at a simple decorator for
class functions to show the difference from regular decorators:
>>> import functools

>>> def plus_one(function):

def _plus_one(self, n):
return function(self, n + 1)
return _plus_one

>>> class Spam(object):

def get_eggs(self, n=2):
return n * 'eggs'

>>> spam = Spam()

>>> spam.get_eggs(3)

As is the case with regular functions, the class function decorator now gets passed
along self as the instance. Nothing unexpected!

Skipping the instance classmethod and

The difference between a classmethod and a staticmethod is fairly simple.
The classmethod passes a class object instead of a class instance (self), and
staticmethod skips both the class and the instance entirely. This effectively makes
staticmethod very similar to a regular function outside of a class.

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Before we recreate classmethod and staticmethod, we need to take a look at the

expected behavior of these methods:
>>> import pprint

>>> class Spam(object):


def some_instancemethod(self, *args, **kwargs):


print('self: %r' % self)


print('args: %s' % pprint.pformat(args))


print('kwargs: %s' % pprint.pformat(kwargs))




def some_classmethod(cls, *args, **kwargs):


print('cls: %r' % cls)


print('args: %s' % pprint.pformat(args))


print('kwargs: %s' % pprint.pformat(kwargs))




def some_staticmethod(*args, **kwargs):


print('args: %s' % pprint.pformat(args))


print('kwargs: %s' % pprint.pformat(kwargs))

# Create an instance so we can compare the difference between

# executions with and without instances easily
>>> spam = Spam()

# With an instance (note the lowercase spam)

>>> spam.some_instancemethod(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
self: <...Spam object at 0x...>
args: (1, 2)
kwargs: {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

# Without an instance (note the capitalized Spam)

>>> Spam.some_instancemethod()

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: some_instancemethod() missing 1 required positional argument:
# But what if we add parameters? Be very careful with these!
# Our first argument is now used as an argument, this can give
# very strange and unexpected errors
>>> Spam.some_instancemethod(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
self: 1
args: (2,)
kwargs: {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

# Classmethods are expectedly identical

>>> spam.some_classmethod(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
cls: <class '...Spam'>
args: (1, 2)
kwargs: {'a': 3, 'b': 4}
>>> Spam.some_classmethod()
cls: <class '...Spam'>
args: ()
kwargs: {}
>>> Spam.some_classmethod(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
cls: <class '...Spam'>
args: (1, 2)
kwargs: {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

# Staticmethods are also identical

>>> spam.some_staticmethod(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
args: (1, 2)
kwargs: {'a': 3, 'b': 4}
>>> Spam.some_staticmethod()
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Chapter 5
args: ()
kwargs: {}
>>> Spam.some_staticmethod(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
args: (1, 2)
kwargs: {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

Note that calling some_instancemethod without an instance results in an error

whereby self is missing. As expected (since we didn't instantiate the class in that
case), for the version with the arguments, it seems to work but it is actually broken.
This is because the first argument is now assumed to be self. This is obviously
incorrect in this case, where you pass an integer, but if you had passed along some
other class instance, this could be a source of very strange bugs. Both classmethod
and staticmethod handle this correctly.
Before we can continue with decorators, you need to be aware of how Python
descriptors function. Descriptors can be used to modify the binding behavior of
object attributes. This means that if a descriptor is used as the value of an attribute,
you can modify which value is being set, get, and deleted when these operations are
called on the attribute. Here is a basic example of this behavior:
>>> class MoreSpam(object):

def __init__(self, more=1):

self.more = more


def __get__(self, instance, cls):

return self.more + instance.spam


def __set__(self, instance, value):

instance.spam = value - self.more

>>> class Spam(object):


more_spam = MoreSpam(5)


def __init__(self, spam):


self.spam = spam

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

>>> spam = Spam(1)
>>> spam.spam
>>> spam.more_spam
>>> spam.more_spam = 10
>>> spam.spam

As you can see, whenever we set or get values from more_spam, it actually calls
__get__ or __set__ on MoreSpam. A very useful feat for automatic conversions and
type checking, the property decorator we will see in the next paragraph is just a
more convenient implementation of this technique.
Now that we know how descriptors work, we can continue with creating the
classmethod and staticmethod decorators. For these two, we simply need to
modify __get__ instead of __call__ so that we can control which type of instance
(or none at all) is passed along:
import functools

class ClassMethod(object):
def __init__(self, method):
self.method = method
def __get__(self, instance, cls):
def method(*args, **kwargs):
return self.method(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return method

class StaticMethod(object):
def __init__(self, method):
self.method = method
def __get__(self, instance, cls):
return self.method

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Chapter 5

The ClassMethod decorator still features a sub-function to actually produce a working

decorator. Looking at the function, you can most likely guess how it functions. Instead
of passing instance as the first argument to self.method, it passes cls.
StaticMethod is even simpler, because it completely ignores both the instance and
the cls. It can just return the original method unmodified. Because it returns the
original method without any modifications, we have no need for the functools.
wraps call either.

Properties smart descriptor usage

The property decorator is probably the most used decorator in Python land. It
allows you to add getters/setters to existing instance properties so that you can add
validators and modify your values before setting them to your instance properties.
The property decorator can be used both as an assignment and as a decorator. The
following example shows both syntaxes so that we know what to expect from the
property decorator:
>>> class Spam(object):

def get_eggs(self):


print('getting eggs')


return self._eggs


def set_eggs(self, eggs):


print('setting eggs to %s' % eggs)


self._eggs = eggs


def delete_eggs(self):


print('deleting eggs')


del self._eggs


eggs = property(get_eggs, set_eggs, delete_eggs)




def spam(self):


print('getting spam')


return self._spam

[ 121 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating




def spam(self, spam):


print('setting spam to %s' % spam)


self._spam = spam




def spam(self):


print('deleting spam')


del self._spam

>>> spam = Spam()

>>> spam.eggs = 123
setting eggs to 123
>>> spam.eggs
getting eggs
>>> del spam.eggs
deleting eggs

Note that the property decorator works only if the class

inherits object.

Similar to how we implemented the classmethod and staticmethod decorators,

we need the Python descriptors again. This time, we require the full power of the
descriptors, howevernot just __get__ but __set__ and __delete__ as well:
class Property(object):
def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None,
self.fget = fget
self.fset = fset
self.fdel = fdel
# If no specific documentation is available, copy it
# from the getter
if fget and not doc:
doc = fget.__doc__
self.__doc__ = doc

[ 122 ]

Chapter 5
def __get__(self, instance, cls):
if instance is None:
# Redirect class (not instance) properties to
# self
return self
elif self.fget:
return self.fget(instance)
raise AttributeError('unreadable attribute')
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if self.fset:
self.fset(instance, value)
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
def __delete__(self, instance):
if self.fdel:
raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")
def getter(self, fget):
return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel)
def setter(self, fset):
return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel)
def deleter(self, fdel):
return type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel)

As you can see, most of the Property implementation is simply an implementation

of the descriptor methods. The getter, setter, and deleter functions are simply
shortcuts for making the usage of the decorator possible, which is why we have to
return self if no instance is available.
Naturally, there are more methods of achieving this effect. In the previous paragraph,
we saw the bare descriptor implementation, and in our previous example, we saw
the property decorator. A somewhat more generic solution for a class is to implement
__getattr__ or __getattribute__. Here's a simple demonstration:
>>> class Spam(object):

def __init__(self):
self.registry = {}
[ 123 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


def __getattr__(self, key):


print('Getting %r' % key)


return self.registry.get(key, 'Undefined')


def __setattr__(self, key, value):


if key == 'registry':


object.__setattr__(self, key, value)




print('Setting %r to %r' % (key, value))


self.registry[key] = value


def __delattr__(self, key):


print('Deleting %r' % key)


del self.registry[key]

>>> spam = Spam()

>>> spam.a
Getting 'a'
>>> spam.a = 1
Setting 'a' to 1
>>> spam.a
Getting 'a'
>>> del spam.a
Deleting 'a'

The __getattr__ method looks for the key in instance.__dict__ first and is called
only if it does not exist. That's why we never see a __getattr__ for the registry
attribute. The __getattribute__ method is called in all cases, which makes it a
bit more dangerous to use. With the __getattribute__ method, you will need a
specific exclusion for registry since it will be executed recursively if you try to
access self.registry.
[ 124 ]

Chapter 5

There is rarely a need to look at descriptors, but they are used by several internal
Python processes, such as the super() method when inheriting classes.

Decorating classes
Python 2.6 introduced the class decorator syntax. As is the case with the function
decorator syntax, this is not really a new technique either. Even without the
syntax, a class can be decorated simply by executing DecoratedClass =
decorator(RegularClass). After the previous paragraphs, you should be familiar
with writing decorators. Class decorators are no different from regular ones, except
for the fact that they take a class instead of a function. As is the case with functions,
this happens at declaration time and not at instantiating/calling time.
Because there are quite a few alternative ways to modify how classes work, such
as standard inheritance, mixins, and metaclasses (more about that in Chapter 8,
Metaclasses Making Classes (Not Instances) Smarter), class decorators are never strictly
needed. This does not reduce their usefulness, but it does offer an explanation of
why you will most likely not see too many examples of class decorating in the wild.

Singletons classes with a single instance

Singletons are classes that always allow only a single instance to exist. So, instead of
getting an instance specifically for your call, you always get the same one. These can
be very useful for things such as a database connection pool, where you don't want
to keep opening connections all of the time but want to reuse the original ones:
>>> import functools

>>> def singleton(cls):


instances = dict()




def _singleton(*args, **kwargs):


if cls not in instances:


instances[cls] = cls(*args, **kwargs)

return instances[cls]
return _singleton

>>> @singleton
... class Spam(object):

def __init__(self):
[ 125 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


print('Executing init')

>>> a = Spam()
Executing init
>>> b = Spam()
>>> a is b
>>> a.x = 123
>>> b.x

As you can see in the a is b comparison, both objects have the same identity, so
we can conclude that they are indeed the same object. As is the case with regular
decorators, due to the functools.wraps functionality, we can still access the original
class through Spam.__wrapped__ if needed.
The is operator compares objects by identity, which is implemented
as the memory address in CPython. If a is b returns True, we can
conclude that both a and b are the same instance.

Total ordering sortable classes the easy way

At some point or the other, you have probably needed to sort data structures.
While this is easily achievable using the key parameter to the sorted function,
there is a more convenient way if you need to do this oftenby implementing the
__gt__, __ge__, __lt__, __le__, and __eq__ functions. That seems a bit verbose,
doesn't it? If you want the best performance, it's still a good idea, but if you can
take a tiny performance hit and some slightly more complicated stack traces, then
total_ordering might be a nice alternative. The total_ordering class decorator
can implement all required sort functions based on a class that possesses an __eq__
function and one of the comparison functions (__lt__, __le__, __gt__, or __ge__).
This means you can seriously shorten your function definitions. Let's compare the
regular one and the one using the total_ordering decorator:
>>> import functools

>>> class Value(object):

[ 126 ]

Chapter 5

def __init__(self, value):


self.value = value


def __repr__(self):


return '<%s[%d]>' % (self.__class__, self.value)

>>> class Spam(Value):


def __gt__(self, other):


return self.value > other.value


def __ge__(self, other):


return self.value >= other.value


def __lt__(self, other):


return self.value < other.value


def __le__(self, other):


return self.value <= other.value


def __eq__(self, other):


return self.value == other.value

>>> @functools.total_ordering
... class Egg(Value):

def __lt__(self, other):


return self.value < other.value


def __eq__(self, other):


return self.value == other.value

>>> numbers = [4, 2, 3, 4]

>>> spams = [Spam(n) for n in numbers]
>>> eggs = [Egg(n) for n in numbers]
>>> spams
[ 127 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

[<<class 'H05.Spam'>[4]>, <<class 'H05.Spam'>[2]>,
<<class 'H05.Spam'>[3]>, <<class 'H05.Spam'>[4]>]
>>> eggs
[<<class 'H05.Egg'>[4]>, <<class 'H05.Egg'>[2]>,
<<class 'H05.Egg'>[3]>, <<class 'H05.Egg'>[4]>]
>>> sorted(spams)
[<<class 'H05.Spam'>[2]>, <<class 'H05.Spam'>[3]>,
<<class 'H05.Spam'>[4]>, <<class 'H05.Spam'>[4]>]
>>> sorted(eggs)
[<<class 'H05.Egg'>[2]>, <<class 'H05.Egg'>[3]>,
<<class 'H05.Egg'>[4]>, <<class 'H05.Egg'>[4]>]
# Sorting using key is of course still possible and in this case
# perhaps just as easy:
>>> values = [Value(n) for n in numbers]
>>> values
[<<class 'H05.Value'>[4]>, <<class 'H05.Value'>[2]>,
<<class 'H05.Value'>[3]>, <<class 'H05.Value'>[4]>]
>>> sorted(values, key=lambda v: v.value)
[<<class 'H05.Value'>[2]>, <<class 'H05.Value'>[3]>,
<<class 'H05.Value'>[4]>, <<class 'H05.Value'>[4]>]

Now, you might be wondering, "Why isn't there a class decorator to make a class
sortable using a specified key property?" Well, that might indeed be a good idea for
the functools library but it isn't there yet. So let's see how we would implement
something like it:
>>> def sort_by_attribute(attr, keyfunc=getattr):

def _sort_by_attribute(cls):


def __gt__(self, other):


return getattr(self, attr) > getattr(other, attr)


def __ge__(self, other):

return getattr(self, attr) >= getattr(other, attr)

[ 128 ]

Chapter 5

def __lt__(self, other):


return getattr(self, attr) < getattr(other, attr)


def __le__(self, other):


return getattr(self, attr) <= getattr(other, attr)


def __eq__(self, other):


return getattr(self, attr) <= getattr(other, attr)


cls.__gt__ = __gt__


cls.__ge__ = __ge__


cls.__lt__ = __lt__


cls.__le__ = __le__


cls.__eq__ = __eq__


return cls
return _sort_by_attribute

>>> class Value(object):


def __init__(self, value):


self.value = value


def __repr__(self):


return '<%s[%d]>' % (self.__class__, self.value)

>>> @sort_by_attribute('value')
... class Spam(Value):


>>> numbers = [4, 2, 3, 4]

>>> spams = [Spam(n) for n in numbers]
>>> sorted(spams)
[<<class '...Spam'>[2]>, <<class '...Spam'>[3]>,
<<class '...Spam'>[4]>, <<class '...Spam'>[4]>]

[ 129 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

Certainly, this greatly simplifies the making of a sortable class. And if you would
rather have your own key function instead of getattr, it's even easier. Simply
replace the getattr(self, attr) call with key_function(self), do that for other
as well, and change the argument for the decorator to your function. You can even
use that as the base function and implement sort_by_attribute by simply passing
a wrapped getattr function.

Useful decorators
In addition to the ones already mentioned in this chapter, Python comes bundled
with a few other useful decorators. There are some that aren't in the standard
library (yet?).

Single dispatch polymorphism in Python

If you've used C++ or Java before, you're probably used to having ad hoc
polymorphism availabledifferent functions being called depending on the
argument types. Python being a dynamically typed language, most people would
not expect the possibility of a single dispatch pattern. Python, however, is a language
that is not only dynamically typed but also strongly typed, which means we can rely
on the type we receive.
A dynamically typed language does not require strict type
definitions. On the other hand, a language such as C would
require the following to declare an integer:
int some_integer = 123;

Python simply accepts that your value has a type:

some_integer = 123

As opposed to languages such as JavaScript and PHP, however,

Python does very little implicit type conversion. In Python, the
following will return an error, whereas JavaScript would execute
it without any problems:
'spam' + 5

In Python, the result is a TypeError. In Javascript, it's 'spam5'.

[ 130 ]

Chapter 5

The idea of single dispatch is that depending on the type you pass along, the correct
function is called. Since str + int results in an error in Python, this can be very
convenient to automatically convert your arguments before passing them to your
function. This can be useful to separate the actual workings of your function from the
type conversions.
Since Python 3.4, there is a decorator that makes it easily possible to implement the
single dispatch pattern in Python. For one of those cases that you need to handle a
specific type different from the normal execution. Here is the basic example:
>>> import functools

>>> @functools.singledispatch
... def printer(value):

print('other: %r' % value)

>>> @printer.register(str)
... def str_printer(value):


>>> @printer.register(int)
... def int_printer(value):

printer('int: %d' % value)

>>> @printer.register(dict)
... def dict_printer(value):



for k, v in sorted(value.items()):



key: %r, value: %r' % (k, v))

>>> printer('spam')
>>> printer([1, 2, 3])
other: [1, 2, 3]
>>> printer(123)
[ 131 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

int: 123
>>> printer({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
key: 'a', value: 1
key: 'b', value: 2

See how, depending on the type, the other functions were called? This pattern can be
very useful for reducing the complexity of a single function that takes several types
of argument.
When naming the functions, make sure that you do not
overwrite the original singledispatch function. If we had
named str_printer as just printer, it would overwrite the
initial printer function. This would make it impossible to
access the original printer function and make all register
operations after that fail as well.

Now, a slightly more useful exampledifferentiating between a filename and

a file handler:
>>> import json
>>> import functools

>>> @functools.singledispatch
... def write_as_json(file, data):

json.dump(data, file)

>>> @write_as_json.register(str)
... @write_as_json.register(bytes)
... def write_as_json_filename(file, data):

with open(file, 'w') as fh:


write_as_json(fh, data)

>>> data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)

[ 132 ]

Chapter 5
>>> write_as_json('test1.json', data)
>>> write_as_json(b'test2.json', 'w')
>>> with open('test3.json', 'w') as fh:

write_as_json(fh, data)

So now we have a single write_as_json function; it calls the right code depending
on the type. If it's an str or bytes object, it will automatically open the file and call
the regular version of write_as_json, which accepts file objects.
Writing a decorator that does this is not that hard to do, of course, but it's still
quite convenient to have it in the base library. It most certainly beats a couple of
isinstance calls in your function. To see which function will be called, you can use
the write_as_json.dispatch function with a specific type. When passing along
an str, you will get the write_as_json_filename function. It should be noted that
the name of the dispatched functions is completely arbitrary. They are accessible as
regular functions, of course, but you can name them anything you like.
To check the registered types, you can access the registry, which is a dictionary,
through write_as_json.registry:
>>> write_as_json.registry.keys()
dict_keys([<class 'bytes'>, <class 'object'>, <class 'str'>])

Contextmanager, with statements made easy

Using the contextmanager class, we can make the creation of a context wrapper
very easy. Context wrappers are used whenever you use a with statement. One
example is the open function, which works as a context wrapper as well, allowing
you to use the following code:
with open(filename) as fh:

Let's just assume for now that the open function is not usable as a context manager
and that we need to build our own function to do this. The standard method of
creating a context manager is by creating a class that implements the __enter__ and
__exit__ methods, but that's a bit verbose. We can have it shorter and simpler:
>>> import contextlib

>>> @contextlib.contextmanager
... def open_context_manager(filename, mode='r'):

fh = open(filename, mode)
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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


yield fh



>>> with open_context_manager('test.txt', 'w') as fh:


print('Our test is complete!', file=fh)

Simple, right? However, I should mention that for this specific casethe closing of
objectsthere is a dedicated function in contextlib, and it is even easier to use.
Let's demonstrate it:
>>> import contextlib
>>> with contextlib.closing(open('test.txt', 'a')) as fh:

print('Yet another test', file=fh)

For a file object, this is of course not needed since it already functions as a context
manager. However, some objects such as requests made by urllib don't support
automatic closing in that manner and benefit from this function.
But wait; there's more! In addition to being usable in a with statement, the results
of a contextmanager are actually usable as decorators since Python 3.2. In older
Python versions, it was simply a small wrapper, but since Python 3.2 it's based on the
ContextDecorator class, which makes it a decorator. The previous decorator isn't really
suitable for that task since it yields a result (more about that in Chapter 6, Generators and
Coroutines Infinity, One Step at a Time), but we can think of other functions:
>>> @contextlib.contextmanager
... def debug(name):

print('Debugging %r:' % name)




print('End of debugging %r' % name)

>>> @debug('spam')
... def spam():

print('This is the inside of our spam function')

>>> spam()
Debugging 'spam':
This is the inside of our spam function
End of debugging 'spam'
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Chapter 5

There are quite a few nice use cases for this, but at the very least, it's just a convenient
way to wrap a function in a context without all the (nested) with statements.

Validation, type checks, and conversions

While checking for types is usually not the best way to go in Python, at times it can
be useful if you know that you will need a specific type (or something that can be
cast to that type). To facilitate this, Python 3.5 introduces a type hinting system so
that you can do the following:
def spam(eggs: int):

Since Python 3.5 is not that common yet, here's a decorator that achieves the same with
more advanced type checking. To allow for this type of checking, some magic has to
be used, specifically the usage of the inspect module. Personally, I am not a great fan
of inspecting code to perform tricks like these, as they are easy to break. This piece of
code actually breaks when a regular decorator (one that doesn't copy argspec) is used
between the function and this decorator, but it's a nice example nonetheless:
>>> import inspect
>>> import functools

>>> def to_int(name, minimum=None, maximum=None):


def _to_int(function):


# Use the method signature to map *args to named


# arguments


signature = inspect.signature(function)


# Unfortunately functools.wraps doesn't copy the


# signature (yet) so we do it manually.


# For more info:


@functools.wraps(function, ['__signature__'])




def __to_int(*args, **kwargs):


# Bind all arguments to the names so we get a single


# mapping of all arguments


bound = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs)

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Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


# Make sure the value is (convertible to) an integer


default = signature.parameters[name].default


value = int(bound.arguments.get(name, default))


# Make sure it's within the allowed range


if minimum is not None:


assert value >= minimum, (


'%s should be at least %r, got: %r' %


(name, minimum, value))


if maximum is not None:


assert value <= maximum, (


'%s should be at most %r, got: %r' %


(name, maximum, value))


return function(*args, **kwargs)

return __to_int
return _to_int

>>> @to_int('a', minimum=10)

... @to_int('b', maximum=10)
... @to_int('c')
... def spam(a, b, c=10):

print('a', a)


print('b', b)


print('c', c)

>>> spam(10, b=0)

a 10
b 0
c 10
>>> spam(a=20, b=10)
a 20
b 10
c 10
>>> spam(1, 2, 3)
[ 136 ]

Chapter 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: a should be at least 10, got: 1
>>> spam()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'a' parameter lacking default value
>>> spam('spam', {})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'spam'

Because of the inspect magic, I'm still not sure whether I would recommend
using the decorator like this. Instead, I would opt for a simpler version that uses
no inspect whatsoever and simply parses the arguments from kwargs:
>>> import functools

>>> def to_int(name, minimum=None, maximum=None):


def _to_int(function):




def __to_int(**kwargs):


value = int(kwargs.get(name))


# Make sure it's within the allowed range


if minimum is not None:


assert value >= minimum, (


'%s should be at least %r, got: %r' %


(name, minimum, value))


if maximum is not None:

assert value <= maximum, (


'%s should be at most %r, got: %r' %


(name, maximum, value))

[ 137 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating


return function(**kwargs)


return __to_int


return _to_int

>>> @to_int('a', minimum=10)

... @to_int('b', maximum=10)
... def spam(a, b):

print('a', a)


print('b', b)

>>> spam(a=20, b=10)

a 20
b 10
>>> spam(a=1, b=10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: a should be at least 10, got: 1

However, as demonstrated, supporting both args and kwargs is not impossible as

long as you keep in mind that __signature__ is not copied by default. Without
__signature__, the inspect module won't know which parameters are allowed and
which aren't.
The missing __signature__ issue is currently being discussed
and might be solved in a future Python version:

Useless warnings how to ignore them

Generally when writing Python, warnings are very useful the first time when you're
actually writing the code. When executing it, however, it is not useful to get that
same message every time you run your script/application. So, let's create some code
that allows easy hiding of the expected warnings, but not all of them so that we can
easily catch new ones:
import warnings
import functools

def ignore_warning(warning, count=None):

[ 138 ]

Chapter 5
def _ignore_warning(function):
def __ignore_warning(*args, **kwargs):
# Execute the code while recording all warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws:
# Catch all warnings of this type
warnings.simplefilter('always', warning)
# Execute the function
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
# Now that all code was executed and the warnings
# collected, re-send all warnings that are beyond our
# expected number of warnings
if count is not None:
for w in ws[count:]:
return result
return __ignore_warning
return _ignore_warning

@ignore_warning(DeprecationWarning, count=1)
def spam():
warnings.warn('deprecation 1', DeprecationWarning)
warnings.warn('deprecation 2', DeprecationWarning)

Using this method, we can catch the first (expected) warning and still see the second
(not expected) warning.

[ 139 ]

Decorators Enabling Code Reuse by Decorating

This chapter showed us some of the places where decorators can be used to make
our code simpler and add some fairly complex behavior to very simple functions.
Truthfully, most decorators are more complex than the regular function would
have been by simply adding the functionality directly, but the added advantage of
applying the same pattern to many functions and classes is generally well worth it.
Decorators have so many uses to make your functions and classes smarter and more
convenient to use:



Argument convenience (pre-filling or converting arguments)

Output convenience (converting the output to a specific type)

The most important takeaway of this chapter should be to never forget functools.
wraps when wrapping a function. Debugging decorated functions can be rather
difficult because of (unexpected) behavior modification, but losing attributes as well
can make that problem much worse.
The next chapter will show us how and when to use generators and coroutines. This
chapter has already shown us the usage of the with statement slightly, but generators
and coroutines go much further with this. We will still be using decorators often
though, so make sure you have a good understanding of how they work.

[ 140 ]

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