FASGrad-LastName FirstName StudentNumber SVForm SP16
FASGrad-LastName FirstName StudentNumber SVForm SP16
FASGrad-LastName FirstName StudentNumber SVForm SP16
Student Name:
Ravneet Sohi
Company Name:
Sierra Wireless
Supervisor Name:
Sapinder Samra
Work Term (Highlight the corresponding item):
Yes No
Supervisor Title:
Manager, Software Test
What is your plan for next semester? (Highlight the
corresponding item)
Continue for 4
8 months
Return to School
Other (provide details)_________________________________
Work Term Report Highlight ONE report each term. Details are provided in the report Guidelines. If you have
further questions, please check with your direct Co-op Coordinator.
The Site Visit is an opportunity to review your work term progress with a Co-op Coordinator. Clearly documenting and
discussing your activities will allow you to identify your achievements, learning, and areas for improvement. The Co-op
Coordinator visiting you will use this information as a basis for discussion with you and your supervisor, and toward the
overall assessment of your work term.
Please respond to the questions below providing sufficient detail use as much space as needed even if it
exceeds what it is provided for each question
Answer 3: This co-op has met my overall expectations; except for one thing which is I wanted to have
opportunity to write test cases on my own. Most challenging part of this co-op (especially in 2 nd term has
been to learning to manage time.)
Question 4 Accomplishments
What are your significant accomplishments on this work term? How have these accomplishments
impacted your team, project, department, and/or company?
Answer 4: One of significant achievement in this term is handling work in two teams simultaneously. I
have had unique opportunity to work in two teams - software test team and manufacturing test team. Thus
challenge is not just to have wider skills set but also manage time between different teams. My work in
manufacturing test team is helping to ease pressure from already strained resources and helping to speed
up things in that team.
Question 5 Personal Improvements
What is one skill (technical or personal) that you think you need to improve to do better in this job? How
would you do this? What support would you need and from whom?
Answer 5: Time management is one key area which I need to improve, if want to successful in this job and
deliver projects on time. I think, attending Time Management Workshop from MITACS can be helpful in this.
Question 6 Applied Learning
Describe how you have applied the knowledge you have learned in the following areas to your current
Co-op. Please provide an explanation as to why each area was of benefit:
Answer 6 : Coursework (identify specific academic courses completed at SFU or another institution):
ENSC 897-6 MEng Project with Dr. Jie Liang was great in preparing me and making me familiar
with the concepts of wireless networks. Apart from this ENSC 835: Communication Networks by
Dr. Ljiljana Trajkovic proved useful in getting concepts of Computer Networks right.
Previous Co-op (if applicable):
Not Applicable
Extracurricular Experiences (if applicable):
Not Applicable
Question 7 Supervision and Feedback
Please rate the quality of the following (Highlight) (1-Very Poor; 2-Poor; 3-Neutral; 4-Good; 5-Very Good):
Orientation and Training
Support (answer questions,
Additional comments:
I would like more feedback about my work from the team.
Question 8 What qualities and skills do you admire or respect amongst your teammates, mentor, or
supervisor? What features of the workplace do you particularly like?
Answer 8 : I really admire my supervisors ability to facilitate things and ability get things done on time,
before putting any undue pressure on any of the team members. All my teammates are dedicated set of
individuals; whos professionalism is something I really admire.
Question 9 Assisting Other Co-op Students
Imagine you are the person responsible for hiring someone to fill your current co-op position. What
skills, experience, and/or personality traits would you look for? What advice would you give another student
who is about to start his/her co-op here? If you remember, please provide some examples of technical
and/or non- technical questions the employer asked you during the interview.
Answer 10: I am planning to do one more term at Sierra Wireless and wont be returning to school
next term.
Question 11 How Can We Help You Further?
Answer 11 : Do you have any specific questions that you would like to ask at the site visit (i.e., co-op
processes and/or future professional career planning & development)? If you were part of the Computing
Science Co-op Team, what would you do to improve the co-op program? What can we do to improve in our
communication to Co-op students?
I think co-op staff is doing good enough job, providing vital industry experience to the students.
Question 12 Additional Comments:
PART 2: SUPERVISOR - This part is to be completed during the site visit meeting by visiting Co-op Coordinator
Visiting Co-op Coordinator:
In Person
SECOND (or later) work term: Please comment on the students growth during their second or
later work term:
What can the student improve/develop? Have these areas for growth been discussed with the
Question 4 What can Co-op do to better support you in the hiring process and/or supervising
the students?
Question 5 Are there other ways that Co-op and your organization should be working together?
Do you need students from a specific option? Do you need Graduate level students in CMPT/Big Data, ENSC or MSE for specific roles?
Do you have need for SIAT, Communications, Arts, Business, or Science Co-op students?
Are there any opportunities for research collaborations, sponsorship or advancement relations, with your organization?
Would you/your organization be interested in participating in SFU: Job Fairs, Information Sessions or Online Facilitation?
What is your favorite interview question? (And can we share this question with our students?)
Comment on the importance of: Technical Skills, Communication Skills, Academic Projects, Personal Projects, Extracurricular Activities, Work
Experience, or GPA.
Comment on the importance of the Cover Letter. Do you read the Cover Letter before, after, at all? Do view the application digitally or in
Are you and SFU Alumni? Did you do Co-op during your degree? From your own experience do you have any career advice that you can
offer the student?