3D Printing Designs: Design An SD Card Holder - Sample Chapter
3D Printing Designs: Design An SD Card Holder - Sample Chapter
3D Printing Designs: Design An SD Card Holder - Sample Chapter
C o m m u n i t y
D i s t i l l e d
Learn how to design 3D-printed objects that work in the real world
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3D Printing Designs:
Design an SD Card Holder
Joe Larson
$ 19.99 US
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3D Printing Designs:
Design an SD Card Holder
Joe Larson
3D printing makes virtual things real, and sometimes, those things need to match
back up to an object in the real world. So, it is often very important that accurate
measurements be made when planning and then be applied to the modeling of a 3D
object. While most people don't consider Blender up to the task, it is actually capable
of modeling objects with CAD-like precision. This book will get you up to speed on
using Blender, then give you a project to follow along with in order to teach you the
techniques to make objects that satisfy a measured precision.
3D Printing Basics
As cool as 3D printing is, there is a lot of hype around it, which sometimes causes
confusion. Before starting to design for 3D printing, it's best to know a little bit about
3D printing technologies.
3D printing is a limitless technology in the sense that there is no end to the things it
can make. Still, that doesn't mean that it can make anything without limitations. 3D
printing can make things that no other manufacturing method can, but it has rules
that need to be followed to ensure success. There are different types of 3D printing
as well, and each type comes with its benefits and drawbacks:
3D Printing Basics
What is 3D printing?
What is 3D printing?
3D printing is cool. It seems as if not a day passes without another mention of
3D printing online in the news and media. Everyone is getting excited about 3D
printing. But when you look deeper, it seems as if everything is being 3D printed,
and anything could be. Does 3D printing something make it better? What exactly is
3D printing?
In many ways, 3D printers are just tools, the same as any that you'd find in a wood
shop or garage. These tools make cool things, but not on their own, and just because
something is made with, say, an electric drill press, that doesn't automatically make
it better than something that isn't. It's the things that people, like you, are doing with
these tools that make them cool.
I'm not saying that 3D printing isn't cool by itself. 3D printing lets you create things,
test them, change their design, and try something new quickly until you get it right.
It makes things of incredible complexity and, because it's additive manufacturing,
generates comparatively little waste. The availability of cheaper and faster 3D
printers means that there's a chance that there's a 3D printer near you.
Chapter 1
3D Printing Basics
For FFF 3D printers, a computer takes a 3D model and translates it into commands
that the printer can follow. The printer then takes a roll of plastic filament on a spool
and uses a feeder mechanism to feed it into the hot end, where the plastic filament
is melted and squirted out at a controlled rate onto the print bed, where the print
is built up. The extruder head and print bed are moved relative to each other in 3
dimensions, using some sort of movement system in order to create the 3D model:
Drawing a print layer by layer like this takes, as might be expected, a little bit of
time. The larger the object, the longer a print will take. FFF 3D printing isn't a fast
process. But once the process is done, a new thing will have been created.
Chapter 1
The following are the different parts shown in the preceding image:
Layers: FFF prints in layers, with each layer sitting on the one below it. Prints
can be made with thicker layers so that they print faster or thinner layers so
that they look better.
Outlines: When starting a layer, the outline of that layer will usually be
printed first. FFF prints often have two or more outlines so that the outside
of the print is strong.
Infill: once the outline is done, the rest of the layer is filled in. If an area of
the print will not be seen from the outside when the print is done, a loose
infill is used to save material and give layers above something to sit on.
Top layers are filled in completely. Most FFF prints are largely hollow.
3D Printing Basics
Because of the troubles with supports, it's a good idea to design for
supportless 3D printing.
Supportless 3D printing
Think about building a snowman or sand castle. There's a lot that can be done with
the medium of sand or snow, but try to get too fancy with the design and it will fall
apart. As long as every part is sitting on top of something, chances are it will hold
together. You could even slope gently outwards, as long as you don't push it too far.
Chapter 1
It's the same with 3D prints. Because it prints in layers, each layer needs to have
something to lay down on. If a design is made so that a part has nothing underneath
it and is dangling in the air, then the printer will still extrude some plastic to try
to print the part, but with nothing to print on, the plastic will just drool from the
extruder until it gets wiped off on some other part, making an ugly mess and
ruining the print.
As long as you put some thought into it, you can make designs that will succeed in
most cases. There are a few rules that can help, and these rules can be illustrated with
the letters Y, H, and T.
Y gentle overhangs
Think about 3D printing a capital letter Y, standing up on the build platform
something like this:
As the print gets to the part where the arms of the Y branch out, the change is
gradual. It is possible to have the current layer slightly larger than the previous one,
provided the overhang is gentle. Generally, a 45-degree overhang is safe. Hence,
a shape like the letter Y will successfully print standing up.
3D Printing Basics
However, if the overhang is too great or too abrupt, the new layer will droop,
causing a print to fail. Some 3D printer owners pride themselves in pushing their
overhang and have seen success with angles as steep as 80 degrees, but to be safe,
keep your angles no more than 45 degrees.
H bridging
If a part of the print has nothing above it but has something supporting it on
either side, like a capital letter H standing up, then it may be able to bridge the
gap when printing:
Use caution when bridging. The printer makes no special effort when making
bridges; they are drawn like any other layer: outline first, then infill. As long as the
outline has something to attach to on both sides, it should be fine. But if that outline
is too complex or contains parts that will print in midair, it may not succeed. Being
aware of bridges in the design and keeping them simple is the key to successful
bridging. Even with a simple bridge, some 3D printers need a little bit more
calibration to print it well.
Chapter 1
Hence, a shape like the capital letter H will successfully print most of the time
because of bridging.
T orientation
If you were to try to print a capital letter T standing up on the build platform,
you would surely run into problems:
The top arms have far too much overhang to print successfully. Of course, the
solution to this is simple: when designing, flip the T over or lay it down. In fact,
every letter of the alphabet will print successfully if laid on its back, but the letter T
illustrates this best. Sometimes, when designing a part for 3D printing, it's good to
turn it around and orient it so that it prints well. Not every print needs to be printed
in the same way it's going to be used.
3D Printing Basics
Wall thickness
There is a minimum size of things that a 3D printer can print. This size is determined
by the size of the hole in the nozzle, called the nozzle diameter. The most common
nozzle diameter is 0.4 mm; however, most printers will not print a wall with a single
extrusion thickness. They require that a wall be at least as thick as two nozzle widths,
which in most cases means walls need to be at least 0.8 mm. However, because of
the way slicers calculate outlines, 0.8 mm isn't just a minimum wall thicknessit's
a target. For instance, if the wall is 1 mm thick, it won't be able to fill in the gap
between the outlines, and there will be an air pocket. And while 0.4 mm is a very
common nozzle diameter, it is not the only nozzle diameter, so a 0.8 mm wall may
still be too thin for some 3D printers.
For thickness, it's best to err on the side of caution. A 2 mm wall is thick enough that
slicers can use one or two outlines without conflict and still have room for a little
infill, no matter the nozzle diameter. This will make solid prints that will succeed in
almost all cases, and 2 mm is still fairly thin, allowing for considerable detail. Unless
you are designing for a specific printer or planning to share your model with others,
always make your walls a minimum of 2 mm thick to be safe.
Holes in models
Models for 3D printing must be closed, that is to say, they must have no holes in
them. In a classic cartoon, there was a scene where bubbles were blown, but they
were not bubble shaped. They were square, squiggly, and pink-elephant shaped.
But no matter their shape, they were still bubbles. If a hole developed in them,
they popped. In the same way, models for 3D printing cannot have holes:
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Chapter 1
3D printing is cool and allows the creation of fantastic and detailed objects without
needing much interaction with people after the design is done. But designing for 3D
printing is a lot like designing for any other type of manufacturing. It helps to know
a bit about the process involved and design with that process in mind.
Fused filament fabrication 3D printing, or FFF for short, is one of the oldest, most
mature, and cheapest forms of 3D printing, so this series will focus on designing for
it. It involves melting a plastic filament and drawing the object layer by layer, with
each layer sitting on top of the one below it.
Designing for the most effective FFF printing means thinking about overhangs and
supports and about the parts of the prints that don't have anything underneath them
when they print. To avoid needing supports when printing, it can help to remember
the letters Y, H, and T when designing, in order to remember to consider gradual
overhangs, bridging, and orientation. In addition, it's important to remember that
details should be, generally, about 2 mm thick.
Now that the mechanics of 3D printing and how they affect design have been
covered, the next chapter will deal with the specific software that will be used
in this series.
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