MIDI Boutique Brochure PDF

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division of Largonet Ltd.

MIDI Boutique
digital technology
serving the music

11 important questions answered


What is MIDI about?

MIDI technology stays on the border between well-known traditional instruments and the modern digital sound
producing devices. In the near past playing meant producing acoustic sounds by mechanical action (pressing a key,
pulling a string, blowing a ute, hitting a drum etc.).
Since in the most of contemporary systems the sound is being produced by electronic equipment, like synthesizers,
sampled or modeled virtual organs, organ expanders etc., there should be a way player to produce sound on them,
still using most natural playing techniques (pressing keys etc.). Here is how we come to the need of interfacing. The
player's action has to be translated to commands and signals understandable by any modern digital soundproducing equipment.
MIDI is the language of this equipment. There are three major tasks related to MIDI interfacing/conversion. They are
MIDI encoding, MIDI decoding and MIDI processing. Each of these tasks is executed by specic MIDI components,
namely MIDI Encoders, MIDI Decoders and MIDI Processors.
MIDI encoders serve to convert player's activity into MIDI messages, understandable by MIDI synthesizers. The most
typical devices that need MIDI encoders are keyboards, pedalboards, expression pedals, switches etc. Vice versa,
MIDI decoders convert such MIDI messages into real action, controlling solenoid-driven organ pipes, relays, lamps,
step motors, servos etc.
MIDI Processors stay between MIDI Encoders and MIDI Decoders and do variety of tasks related to MIDI date like
routing, mapping, coupling, recording/ playback etc.

Who are we?

We are small (in business terms) family company, producing a wide range of products to meet not only standard
MIDI conversion projects but a vaste list of custom dened tasks. In fact, more than 50% of our workload consists of
custom projects. Nevertheless, we have a wide list of "standard" products that can be used in most of the
conventional systems.
Being small company, we are extremely exible for new developments. Our products are made exclusively in
Bulgaria, European Union, using materials from quality providers only. Although we don't have our own equipment for
production of big series, we do have reliable local sub- contractors that do this for us. Series of up to few hundreds
can be produced by us, in fact crafted, using manual or semi-automatic assembly and personal testing, assuring best
quality and long product life.



What we offer?
We offer a wide range of MIDI devices of our own design, belonging to each of above major groups: MIDI Encoders,
MIDI Decoders, MIDI Processors. Our production list has been growing in more than 12 years now, by materializing our
own design ideas as well as customer's design ideas. We are always open to any new developments. If your
requirements cannot be met by any of our existing products, we can design and produce a new one, specially
tailored for you.

What are our advantages compared to our competitors?

We don't sacrice the quality in exchange to extremely small size or extremely modularity. Crossing certain line of
miniaturization and modularity would make customers life much harder, making them to build systems out of
countless number of miniature sub-modules, pulling countless wires between them, having to congure them one-byone in boring procedures. We don't sacrice the functionality neither for saving connectors, power regulators, fuses
etc., nor for using low-cost (meaning low-quality) parts. Most of our products are plug-and-play, self contained
modules, including all necessary on-board connectors, sockets, power regulators etc. We offer fast, reliable and
adequate personal communication with our customers. Not to mention our wide experience compared to most of
competitors in our niche :).




Where is our market?

Worldwide. So far we have had customers from 52 countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia i
Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia,
Malta, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, Russia,
Scotland, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands, UK,
Our customers are not only individual hobbyists but also proven professionals in organ building or MIDI conversion

Which are our most typical products?

We do almost everything related to MIDI equipment. At this moment we have more then 100 different products,
entirely manufactured by ourselves. Our products are generally divided into four groups.
MIDI Encoders. These are intended for MIDI-conversion of keys, switches wired in scanmatrix or scanrow, as well as
potentiometers, air pressure and temperature transducers. Most typical products of this group are hwce2 and
hwce2x scanmatrix organ console encoders, mpc32xrs pedalboard MIDI encoder, mpc64up and mpc96up scanrow
keyboard/stop encoders, mkcv64smf velocity sensitive scanmatrix encoder, mkcv128sn scanrow velocity sensitive
MIDI Decoders. These allow MIDI control over various kinds of loads: electromagnetically operated pipe valves and
stops in organs, Stop-Action-Magnet switches, light/stage shows and any other AC/DC loads. Most typical decoders
are mddp128u series, mr series MIDI relays, hwlcd series LCD displays for Hauptwerk.
MIDI processors. These allow processing/memorizing/ playback MIDI events. Most typical products of this group are
mr4 MIDI router/ lter, SMP MIDI ler, msed64 MIDI stop piston encoder/decoder.
Interfaces. This category includes various units that don't belong to any of above groups. Here are keymux64 key
multiplexor and sm8x8 spread board for interfacing existing scanrow contact systems to scanmatrix MIDI encoder
inputs, various USB/MIDI interfaces, 2x2 MIDI Merger/router, Reed contact system for keyboards and pedalboards,
long-wire MIDI interfaces (for up to 3000m) etc.

Do we do custom projects?
Yes, we do. Signicant part of our customers has been requesting more or less exotic solutions. If a custom solution
cannot be done by rmware customization of existing (standard) products, we can design full custom system per
customer specication.
We have designed many classical organ solutions including console encoders, organ decoders, capture systems
with own presets memory.
We can proudly say that the biggest private pipe organ (as to 2010) in Europe with more than 1550 pipes, based in
Munich, Germany, has been entirely equipped with our MIDI conversion products, including:
2 manuals (one with second touch), 1 pedalboard, 2 virtual manuals, 86 stops, 10 couplers/solo-couplers, 2880
memory presets, organized in 5 banks (1 common segment plus 4 - player-owned segments accessible thru key)
allowing different players to keep their own presets without interfering with other's presets, 40 Crescendo banks each
30-step, 30-step programmable Crescendo, 30-step Swell, LED numeric display for Bank:Preset and Crescendo, LED
bargraph display for Swell etc.
Another interesting line of products we have been designing together with our partner H-Pi Instruments of USA are
their microtonal instruments, including TBX1 Tuning Box, TPX series keyboards with up to 1266 non-velocity keys and
their MegaPlex keyboard with up to 1536 velocity sensitive keys.



Are our products suitable for Hauptwerk?

Yes, denitely. Few of our products have been dedicated to Hauptwerk by design and have been approved by
Milan Digital Audio. Moreover, we are proud that Milan Digital Audio have been using some of our Hauptwerk-related
products in their demonstration consoles.
Hauptwerk, being fully MIDI- compliant would communicate with virtually any of our MIDI products.

Are our products exclusively organ related?

Absolutely not. They are all MIDI which means they are universal and can be used with any equipment that is
declared to be MIDI-compliant. Check our Gallery page and you will see various applications of our products,
including organs, pianos, piano players, carillons, percussions, accordions, guitars, light equipment, stage equipment,
water and re shows and many non- standard and micro- tonal instruments built by our customers.



Do we have customer testimonials?

Many. Here are some of them:
...your products are absolutely brilliant!!!!
I would recommend your products to anyone with basic electronics skills. The help you provided was rst class!!
It is now clear to me that you spend many hours of clever design work behind each MIDI product you sell.
We are very happy. Your products are worth every cent.
Thanks so much.
God bless you!
M. Richards
Sydney, Australia
I am very impressed by the robustness of your device and the many possibilities for application. That's excellent
...thank you for all your help and advice and support over the years. Your products have been bullet proof reliable
and I never fear using them in the organs that I build and sell.
I. Arnstein
Garland, TX, USA

How to contact us?

By email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
By phone:
+359 52 602 062 (ofce),
+359 888 457 085 (mobile)
By Facebook:
By mail or visiting:
Largonet Ltd.
ul. Han Krum 8
Varna 9000

division of Largonet Ltd.

MIDI Boutique
digital technology
serving the music


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