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Carliles exposure was originally printed by instalments in a radical magazine called The
Republican in 1825. An earlier book version was issued in 1831. Over the course of
successive publications, Carliles commentaries were revised significantly. Carlile, with a
background in workingclass activism and radical publishing, which included several years
of imprisonment for issuing blasphemous writings (specifically Thomas Paines Age of
Reason), initially attacked Freemasonry from a materialist and anti-religious point of
view, dismissing the pretensions of the fraternity to fantastical antiquity and denouncing
its social influence as pernicious.
In subsequent editions of the exposure, as Carlile shifted his views on the subject under
various influences, his commentaries were rewritten, firstly reflecting the idea that
Freemasonry derived from ancient solar cults (this idea perhaps derived from Thomas
Paines Essay on Free Masonry, but it reflects a more general intellectual fashion of the
period to explain all manner of religions in terms of solar myths, as reflected in the works
of Jacob Bryant, Godfrey Higgins, and others) and interpreting its teachings in terms of
astronomical mythology (apparently under the influence of Robert Taylor, a former
Anglican clergyman, nicknamed The Devils Chaplain, with whom Carlile associated after
his release from prison in 1825), and finally emphasising the moral teachings of the
craft. (Carlile later fell out with Taylor and deleted a reference to him in his introductory
Key-stone to the Royal Arch; in the earlier version, Carlile tells us that he claimed to
Godfrey Higgins that he and Taylor were the third and fourth Freemasons in England.)
On PS Review of Freemasonry read:
The Devil's Freemason': Richard Carlile and his Manual of Freemasonry
This work is in the public domain.
This electronic edition issued by Celephas Press


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Introduction: The Key-Stone of the Royal Arch .

First Degree, or Entered Apprentice.

Second Degree, or Fellow Craft .

Third Degree, or Master Mason .


Introduction .

The Tau and the Cross

Ceremony of Installation for the Chair, or Past Master .

A Description of Royal Arch Masonry .

Masonic Orders of Chivalry: the Knights Templar

A Table of some of the Names of the Sacred Scriptures .

Mark Man .

Mark Master .

The Architects Degree in Masonry .

Grand Architect


Introduction .

Scotch Master or Superintendent

Secret Master

Perfect Master .

Intimate Secretary, or English Master .

Intendant of the Buildings, or Master in Israel

Past Master (brief description) .

Excellent Masons (brief description)



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Super-Excellent Masons (brief description)

Nine Elected Knights .

Elect of Nine (brief description) .

Second Elect of Nine, or Peregnon .

Third Elect, or Elect of Fifteen .

Priestly Order of Israel, or Provost and Judge .

Provost and Judge, or Irish Master .

Noahite, or Prussian Knight .

Red Cross Sword of Babylon .

Knight of the Sword of the East .

Red Cross of Rome and Constantine

Knights of the White Eagle or Pelican .

Rosicrucian or ne plus ultra Degree .




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IF we make ourselves acquainted with all that Masons know

of their freemasonry, we shall find a blank, and that, in fact,
they know nothing worthy of being called a secret. I am of
opinion, that nothing useful to be known should be made a
secret, and that there is nothing of the kind a secret among
mankind. I hold, that the mere profession of having such a
secret is a vice. The question reasonably arises, why should it be
a secret? Of Freemasons, I boldly say, that they have no
secret; but there is a secret connected with their association,
and they have not known it. The late Godfrey Higgins once
observed to me, without explanation, that there were but two
Masons in Englandhimself and the Duke of Sussex. I put
in a claim to be a third. He asked me to explain, on the condition that he was not to commit himself by any observation.
I did so, as here set forth. He smiled and withdrew. The
secret is now out. I will clear up the doubt and difficulty and
teach Masonry to Masons.
The following forms of opening, working, and closing lodges
are literally and truly the formularies of the three common degrees in Masonic Lodges, or that secret system which is called
Craft Masonry. It has been communicated to me by Masons;
it has been confirmed by other Masons; it has been the Standard Manual of Masonry, since it was first published in The
Republican, in 1825; it has made many Masons without
the lodge initiation, and, by its direction, I have been assured

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that men who were never in a lodge have successfully and profitably taught practical masonry. The higher degrees form the
subject of other volumes.
They are not common; are
denominated orders of chivalry ; and but very few Masons go
beyond the Royal Arch Degree.
The great subject of Masonry is Solomons Temple. The two
first secret words are Boaz and Jachin, the pillars of the porch
of that temple. Through all the Masonic degrees, ancient or
modern, the subject continues to be a dark development of the
building of the temple. I am about to throw light upon it. My
historical researches have taught me that that which has been
called Solomons Temple never existed upon earth : that a nation of people called Israelites never existed upon earth : and
that the supposed history of Israelites and their temple is
nothing more than an allegory relating to the mystery of
physics generally, and the moral culture of the human mind.
Hence the real secret of masonry.
The word temple is derived from the Latin word tempus,
time; and, therefore, the ancient structures called temples were
in reality intended to be records of time and archives of human
knowledge. Such institutions would have been a great benefit
to mankind ; but the veil of superstition was thrown over
them ; it was deemed politic or profitable to the few to deceive
the many ; that which should have been a simple record of
fact was worked up into an allegory : there arose an esoteric
doctrine for those initiated in the secrets of the temple, and a
deceptious exoteric doctrine for the multitude; and this was
the origin of a priesthood ; this the lamentable change from
science to priestcraft ; this the secret of Freemasonry, the key
of the mysteries of the Christian religion, and the basis of
Judaism. Judaism, Christianity, and Freemasonry, are, in
principle, one and the same, as to secret origin and mystery.
Let us endeavour to turn the stream ; to go from priestcraft to
science, from mystery to knowledge, from allegory to real

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But for planetary motion, there could have been no division

of time. The relations of the sun to the planets and fixed stars
make up all the natural divisions of time; such as the day,
the month, the year, and the corresponding seasons. The
day is marked by the motion of the earth on its own axis.
The month (lunar) by the appearances of the moon; and (solar
or calendar) by the grouping of stars into twelve divisions,
which are called the Zodiac, pictorially marked by signs, and
seen opposite to the solar side of the earth, in the successive
months. The year is complete when the sun appears to return to a given spot from which it is said to start. The polar
motions of the earth cause the sun to appear in a state of
birth, growth, maturity, decay, and death, in the course of a
year, producing our seasons. These appearances have been
poetically allegorized and personified; and hence all that has
been invented about god or gods, about new born god, living
god, dying god, descending god, resurrection god, ascending god.
There is no plain historical truth, no revelation, about god, in
existence, other than those of the relations of the sun to the
planets and stars, in physics, and the cultivation of the human
mind in morals. All other such pretensions to history may be
historically disproved. We are prepared with historical disproofs of the existence of such a people as Israelites or Jews as
a nation. They were a religious or philosophical sect, who
had been made adepts in the higher Pagan Mysteries : a sect
among nations ; but not a nation among sects.
Our common temples, like those of the ancients, have generally, and only with a few modern exceptions, been built due
east and west, in respect to the rising and setting of the sun.
The steeples have been conical emblems of flame, which is
again emblematical of the sun. Etymology will carry every
word connected with religion back to primitive sun-worship,
and mental cultivation. The emblems of the most ancient temples of which we have ruins, are emblems of time, of planetary bodies, their motions and relations, and of sun-worship,

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&c. It is therefore calling for no great stretch of the imagination, for no strange credulity, to call for the admission
that the first temples were dedicated to the sun ; that the first
principles of religion consisted of a scientific record of the
suns annual path through the signs of the Zodiac, with
other then known science ; and that the first efforts of priestly
and cunning men would be to deceive the vulgar upon this
subject, to preach the reality of the personified god, which
science forbad, and the existence of which the principles of
matter or of nature rendered impossible.
When man began to make God like himself, he began also to
give God a dwelling-place, such as he found or could make
on earth. The first temples that were imagined by ingenuity
were temples in the heavens, time marked by planetary partitions. Thus we read of the New Jerusalem, coming down from
heaven as a dwelling-place for the saints of the earth. The
seven churches of Asia were seven imaginary temples in heaven, reduced to a figurative tale, and then imitated on earth.
Thus again that which is called the building of the first Solomons Temple never took place on earth ; but the story of the
temple was fabricated; and the first Jewish historian we have
(Josephus) allows that it was allegorical and emblematical of
the universe, or of all the physical phenomena. The true
meaning, then, of the building of Solomons temple, in Freemasonry is, and the practice of the lodges should be, to the
effect that the grand secret of all religion is this allegorical
typification of the solar relations and planetary motions with
mental and moral cultivation, and that such, in truth, is the
great lost secret of Freemasonry. The masons have lost the
initiatory secrethave been numbered among the vulgar, and
deceived with the exoterical doctrine of personified deity.
Mr. Paine had a glimmering light on this subject, but he
was ignorant of the details. He made a shrewd guess at the
thing, and guessed rightly as to a part of the principle, though

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he could not fill out the history and origin. The esoterical
principle of Freemasonry, and of Christianity and of Judaism,
Paganism of the Hunan race. Mr. Paine guessed at this in
relation to Freemasonry, but knew it not in relation to
Christianity and Judaism.
I purpose to furnish here nothing more than the Key-stone
to the Arch of Freemasonry, which is the moral and gist of
the Royal Arch Degree, at which Masons have played, not
worked, without knowing what they were about. For a further
proof that I present the right key, I refer the reader to the
theologico-astronomical, or Sunday evening discourses, at the
Rotunda, of the Rev. Robert Taylor. They are so many philosophical lectures on masonry, though the exposure professedly relates to Christianity. They form two volumes of a
cheap publication, entitled The Devils Pulpit. I refer him
also to the works of Dupuis, Volney, Sir. William Drummond,
and Rhegellini.
Masons claim Pythagoras as one of their fraternity. They
may also claim every Grecian and Roman sage, who sought
out the Pagan mysteries. But the Modern Masons are not
very worthy disciples of those ancient men.
The proper business of a Mason is astronomical, chemical,
geological, and moral science, and more particularly that of
the ancients, with all the mysteries and fables founded upon
it. A good Mason would, in fact have no superstition. It
should be his boast, that his science takes him out of modern
religion. He who can build Solomons Temple, in the allegorical sense, is disqualified from being a fanatic. Deism has
been charged upon, and even boasted of, by modern Masons ;
but as a sect, they are innocent of any science that can take
them out of the common impressions of modern religious

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Astrology, gipsy fortune telling, Modern Freemasonry,

Mahometanism, Christianity, and Judaism, now so called,
have sprung from, and are so many corruptions of, the ancient
mysteries of the Pagans. Star-gazing, without proper human
culture, has been the source of all religion. Lunacy is a disorder improperly ascribed to Luna, or the Moon ; for moonstruck madness had never befallen any one who had not been
corrupted in education, and had the brain badly cultivated.
The first professions of Christianity, as visible in the New
Testament, were professed revelations of the ancient Pagan
mysteries ; but, as a revelation, it was a failureand it would
have been better if the ancient Paganism had not been superseded by the grosser mysteries that have, in ignorance, been
adopted, of the Gods-spell or gospel.
However, let them all now repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and the key will be freely given to anyone
who will unlock and enter.
That there was no such a nation as the Israelites, is a truth
found in the consideration that they are not mentioned beyond the Bible in any records whatever. Egypt knew them
not, Persia knew them not, Hindoostan knew them not, Scythia
knew them not, Phnicia knew them not, Greece knew them
not, as a nation. And in the first general notice that we have
of the Jews, they are introduced to the world as a sect, or a
series of sects, being Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes ; and
in that general notice, beyond that sort of mistaken allegorical
history which Josephus has copied from the books of the Old
Testament, and which is not otherwise corroborated, and no
better authority than the book of the Old Testament, there is
no presentation of the Jews as the descendants of a larger
nation of Israelites ; as a religious or philosophical sect of distinction, mixed up with, and found in real human history,
they are not to be traced higher than the century before the
Christian era. It is satisfactory to be able to show the origin

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of anything, for such a knowledge is a common passion and

curiosity among mankind ; and I think the Rev. Robert Taylor has discovered and developed the origin of the titles of
Hebrew, Israelite, and Jew.
The Eleusinian mysteries were Pagan; the same in relation
to Isis in Egypt, as to Ceres in Greece, and continued in relation to the Virgin Mary, as a part of the mistaken Christian
mystery. It is the fault of Freemasonry, that it has had nothing feminine belonging to it ; the ladies make no part of its
mysteries, and to the ladies it has been a matter of great uneasiness. They very naturally, and very properly, suspect the
propriety of all exclusively male association. The Jews have
nothing feminine in their religion. No religion has provided a
paradise, or future happy state, for earthly women. They
should be all infidels of course. The modern construction and
mistaken reading, under what is called the Christian Religion,
has become a great burlesque on them.
The word Eleusis is the Greek of Adventus, the Latin, the
Advent, of the Christian mystery; and signifies THE
COMING (emphatically), and literally, the coming of light.
The story of the transfiguration on the mount, in the New Testament, is an imperfect description of the holding of a Lodge
of association in the highest degree of the Eleusinian mystery.
The Lodge was held by Peter, James, and John, or the personified months of January, April, or June, July, and August.
The degrees of Freemasonry are allegorical of the same mystery. The very miracles of the New Testament are allegorical
sketches of the different degrees of the same mysteries. The
turning of water into wine is the process of vinous vegetation,
and one of the mysteries of Bacchus, who was also that light
which was to come, the Messiah; the Sun, in physics, or the
physical saviour ; the Logos, Christ, or principle of Reason ;
as the moral saviour. The marriage of Cana, in Galilee, was
the marriage supper of the Lamb ; the spring of the year ;

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the midway between the watering-pot of Aquarius, or watery

season, and the ripening of the grape. Woman, said Jesus
to his mother, what have I to do with thee? My time is not
yet come. Summer and autumn are the time of Bacchus. But
he turned the water into wine, and so he does every year.
The feeding of the multitude with 8 few small loaves and fishes
is a mystery significant of the prolific power in the earth in
the growth of corn, and of the water in the production of fishes.
The curing of diseases, of lameness and blindness, casting
out devils, allaying a storm, walking on the water, the resurrection of the dead, and the ascension into heaven, are all so
many solar mysteries or allegorical relations of the suns action
upon the earth, figured with an association of scientific
and moral powers in man. The sacrament of the Lords Supper is the joint mystery of the union of Ceres and Bacchus
the Pagan producers of corn, or bread and wine, which are
truly, in an allegorical, physical sense, the real body and blood
of Christ. We shall find that Freemasonry has been a corrupted continuation of all those mysteries ; and that the Masons have really, as they confess they have, lost their own
secret. Let us see what learning can do to restore it to them.
Much of the ritual of our church, even of our English church,
is but a misunderstood continuation and corruption of the
words and ceremonies of the ancient Pagan mysteries. The
Rev. Mr. Taylor, has beautifully explained this in his discourses. I have only room to glance at it here.
The scenes and characters of the mysterious drama, as found
in the Eleusinian Orgies of Greece, were:
ELEUSISThe Advent, or coming-in of light ; the birth
and character of the subject of the dramathe title of the
whole play or mystery.
HIEROPHANTThe Expounder of the mysteries, the
High Priest, the Pope, the Archbishop.

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HUPEREETThe Minister or Ordinary Priest.

DIACONOSThe Deacon, or Lower Officer.
DIADOCHOSThe Torch-Bearer.
PHOTAGOGUEThe Bringer-in of Light.
AUTOPTOSThe Candidate admitted to see the sight.
The visitor of the Templethe Church and Chapel goer.
AUTOPSYThe sight itself.
HEBREWThe initiated Candidate who had passed
through all the degrees of the mystery.
TELEIOSThe adept, or perfected.
ISRAELITEGod-seer, purified from all guile.
JEWThe God himself, or the mysterious perfection and
deification of the human character.
The whole a type of what may be made of human nature by
cultivation of mind, which is the conditional promise of paradise, or kingdom of heaven. This is the revelation of all the
Hebrew, Israelite, and Jew, are Syriac, Phnician, and Egyptian terms used in the mysterious degrees; and it would be
as reasonable to argue that the Freemasons are a dispersed nation, as that the Jews are, or were, a dispersed nation. The
modern religion of both Jew and Christian is a misunderstood
and forgotten connection, corruption, and continuation, of the
ancient Pagan mysteries. Freemasonry is a secret attempt of
the same kind, but a failure. The word revelation, throughout
the New Testament, signifies the revealing of a mystery ; but
until now, or speaking as far as we can see any record, the real
mystery has never been revealed. The true revelation of God
the true gospel or word of God, is a revealing, that all the
allegories and mysteries of religion refer to the sun as the
physical God ; to the science of the human mind as the moral
God. This was the secret of the Eleusinian mysteries. That

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is religious truth, and the whole of religious truth ; and the

placing of the church on such a rock, as against which the gates
of hell shall not prevail. Freemasonry is but a professed concealment of the same revelation, and may be properly styled
a bastard or illegitimate mystery.
With this key in his hand, the reader of the following MANUAL OF MASONRY will gain more knowledge of MASONRY as he
proceeds, than MASONS themselves gain in their Lodges. Not
one of them has had sense and learning enough to discover the
real secret of the craft ; and I claim this circumstance as a
proof that it is INFIDELITY, as modern criticism and science
have been calledmodern infidelity, which is really becoming
the light of the world, which is the light, life, and knowledge
needed, and which is morally, scientifically. and properly speaking, the true Eleusis or Advent, or HE THAT SHOULD
The sacred scriptures, or the books of the Old and New Testament, were not written with an intention that they should
be used as they are now used ; they were not intended to be
translated into any vulgar language, and made the commonplace book or text book of the multitude, to be wrested, as St.
Peter has forcibly observed, to their destructioncertainly to
their injury ; but they are deeply mysterious writings, not revealing, but concealing, and misrepresenting, the ancient mysteries ; forming from them a new mode of association, and
making a new religion of the old Pagan materials, precisely
upon the principle that we now see one sort of secret association
springing from anotherthe Odd Fellows, for instance, in relation to the Masons ; one sect of religious association springing from another, through common ignorance and fanatical but
mistaken conceit of spiritual knowledge, as Quaker, Unitarian,
and Methodist, springing from the Church of England, that
from the Church of Rome, that from the Church of Greece or
Egypt, those from the Persian, and the whole from the general

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Pagan mysteries; and precisely upon the principle that one

language is seen to emanate from another, all having a common
In the first preaching of the allegory of Christ crucified, there
was no imposition ; there was a deeply laid and mysterious
allegory, which the multitude took in its literal sense, and made
for themselves a history from fiction. So it has been with the
addition and union of the books of the Old Testament. The
books of the Sibyls have been also supposed to be prophetic of
the Christian religion : but the mystery is cleared up, when
we find the root of the Christian and of the Jewish in the Pagan
system whence all those books were formed. A development
of this kind is the one great thing needful for universal brotherhood, which has not been found in Freemasonry, nor in Christianity, nor in Judaism, yet or now so called.
The Key, then, to the mysteries of Freemasonry, as well as
to the mysteries of the Christian and the Jewish religions, is
the Eleusinian mysteries of the Pagan religion ; and the further
Key to all those mysteries, is a worship of the Sun as God,
under a variety of personifications, in all its Zodiacal transits,
in the personification of the year, of the seasons, of the months,
of time generally, and of all the divisions of time, and as the
source of all physical and all moral phenomena. The Masonic
building of Solomons temple is the getting a knowledge of the
celestial globe, knowing the mysteries of all the figures and
grouping of stars on that globe ; knowing further, that this
globe is the foundation of all religion, knowing how to calculate the precession of the equinoxes, the return of comets and
eclipses, and all the planetary motions and astronomical relations of time. Such is not the knowledge now gained in Masonic Lodges; I will present the reader with that knowledge ;
but such should be the knowledge ; for such would be real and
useful knowledge. The ancient priests thought that knowledge
should be concealed from the multitude, or found it profitable

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that it should be so ; and hence our sacred and mysterious

writings. But now, we do not think that knowledge should
be kept from the multitude, and hence our infidelity and our
It may be well to mention here, that I am in possession of
entire disproofs of the present pretended historical origination
of the Christian religion; and I was in that possession, before
I attempted to seek any other origin. I have long felt the
necessity of tracing another origin, and I now do so, in connecting it with the ancient Pagan mysteries. On reading the
New Testament, with the Key which I here present, and with
the remembrance that, in relation to history, the book is altogether, from beginning to ending, a fiction; and on reading
the Old Testament in the same way, there will remain on the
mind something like knowledge gained from its mysterious
matter ; but now, in the course of reading under the commonly
received notions of it, and beyond its moral precepts, there is no
knowledge gained. Such is the case with modern Freemasonry.
I sum up these observations, with the conclusion that the
Key Stone of the Royal Arch of Freemasonry is the ancient
science of the Zodiac, with its moral counter-part of human
culture made mysterious in secret and priestly associations;
which is also the science of all religions that pretend to revelations ; and also of the religion of the Druids, and of all the
Pagans from Hindostan to Rome.
l have omitted all those remarks which, in the Nos. of the
Vol. 12 of The Republican, must have been so offensive to
Masons. My great object is here to instruct Masons as well
as others, and not to give them offence. They ask for light.
Here is light. They ask for fellowship. Here is the only basis
of true and general fellowship. I see the evils of sectarianism
among mankind, and I labour hard ; I endure persecution
patiently, for the sole purpose of rooting out those evils. I
have objections for all societies, excepting those divisions of

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mankind which are essential, or may be essential, to good government and the most happy existence. Here we are, like
other animals, for life, and nothing more ; and it will be wise
if we so carry ourselves, as to enjoy the greatest possible
amount of happiness, and to make it an essential and primitive
point of that happiness, to inflict no pain on man, woman,
child, or other animal. However unpleasant or objectionable
this doctrine may be, in relation to present education, it is
true ; and nothing opposed to it is true ; for we cannot alter
the facts of nature ; we cannot change that which is immutable ; though we may regulate our moral, we cannot regulate
our physical, destiny. Necessity is less stern in morals than
in physics, and in morals, is called liberty. I have studied well
the purpose and business of life ; I have determined to spend
mine well, and to form the best character the present times
require. I strive to be the most useful and most important
man living. My principles are Republican in politics, and
Atheistical only as to a God made up of human ignorance, an
idle God, nowhere more denounced than in the Bible. This
signifies a fair equality of condition in life, and no pretentions
to future 1ife. These appear to me to be the extreme of good
in principles : indeed I am sure that they are so ; for the greatest
amount of happiness among the greatest number cannot be
imagined on any other ground of principle. We have seen
enough of the mischief of monarchy and priestcraft, of mystery, sectarianism, and secret societies. Let us now be open,
or inquisitive, and be equal in knowledge. Any secret recipe
for human disorder is but murder towards those who need it
and cannot reach it. I rejoice in having no secrets ; I rejoice
in being able to expose to the world the professed secrets of
others. I am sure that secrecy is a vice ; and I therefore
expose and explain Freemasonry.

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THERE are three degrees in Craft-Freemasonry: FirstEntered Apprentice. SecondFellow Craft. ThirdMaster
A Lodge of Masons consists of the following officers: a
Master who is styled Worshipful, and may be considered the
President of the body. There are also Past Masters who have
served as Masters, and are distinguished as such in the Lodge.
The next in order to the Master is the Senior Warden, then the
Junior Warden, Senior Deacon, and Junior Deacon ; lastly, an
Inner Guard, and Tilers, or Door Keepers, the one inside,
the other out. The Tiler is armed with a sword. Their several duties are explained by a description of the opening of an
Entered Apprentices Lodge. There are some slight variances
in the proceedings of the different Lodges ; but the following is
the most correct.

When the Brethren are assembled to open a Lodge, the

Master calls to order by giving a knock,* which is repeated by
the Wardens, and the following dialogue begins :
* In all ordinary affairs of the Lodge, as to call attention either by the Master, Tiler, or Inner Guard, one single rap is made use of, but in opening, closing,
&c., in the First or Entered Apprentices Degree, three distinct knocks are
given:in the Second or Fellow-Crafts Degree, there is a distinction, and they
are not given at equidistant time ; a pause being made after the first, and the
two subsequently in quicker succession. And in the Third, or Master-Masons
Degree, the pause is made between the second and third, the two first being
given quickly, thus reversing the plan in the Fellow-Crafts Degree. The Tiler
always gives one rap as an alarm, when any one applies for admittance, and the
inner Guard comes out to prove the applicant, if unknown. By this means, the
mode is concealed from intruders.

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Worshipful Master. Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge.

To the Junior Warden, Br. N: What is the first care in
the Lodge?
Junior Warden. To see the Lodge properly tiled.
W. M. Direct that duty to be done.
J. W. Brother Inner Guard, ascertain that the Lodge is
properly tiled.
The Inner Guard gives a rap on the door, which is answered in the same way by the Tiler, or Outer Guard, and
indicates that all is right, that there are no cowans* or listeners about the Lodge. The Inner Guard reports to the
Junior Warden; and the latter with three knocks, reports
to the Worshipful Master that the Lodge is properly tiled.
The W. M. then asks, What is the next care, Brother Senior
Warden ?
S. W. To see the Brethren appear to order as Masons.
W. M. See that duty done.
The Senior Warden examines any present if thought necessary by the sign of an Entered Apprentice, and with the
same sign reports to the W. M. that none but Masons are
W. M. To order Brethren, as Masons in the first degree.
Brother Junior Warden, how many principal officers are there
in a Lodge ?
J. W. Three; namely the Worshipful Master and his Two
W. M. Brother Senior Warden how many assistants are
there ?
S. W. Three ; besides the Outer Guard or Tiler ; namely,
the Senior and Junior Deacons, and the Inner Guard.
W. M. Brother .Junior Warden, where is the Outer Guard
or Tiler placed?
J. W. Without the door of the Lodge.
W. M. His duty ?
J. W. Being armed with a drawn sword, to keep all cowans
and listeners from Masons, and to see that the candidate for
admission comes properly prepared.
* The word Cowan is a flash word, peculiar to Masons. It signifies Enemy;
but formerly it was expressive of Kings, and all those who had the power to
persecute and who did persecute the associated Masons.

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W. M. Brother Senior Warden, where is the Inner Guard

placed ?
S. W. Within the entrance of the Lodge.
W. M. His duty ?
S. W. To admit Masons upon proof, to receive the candidate in due form, and to obey the commands of the Junior
W. M. Brother Junior Warden, where is the Junior Deacon placed ?
J. W. At the right of the Senior Warden.
W. M. His duty ?
J. W. To carry the messages and commands of the Worshipful Master from the Senior to the Junior Warden, that
the same may be punctually obeyed.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, where is the Senior Deacon placed ?
S. W. At the right of the Worshipful Master.
W. M. His duty ?
S. W. To carry communications and commands from the
Worshipful Master to the Senior Warden, and wait the return
of the Junior Deacon.
W. M. Brother Junior Warden, your constant place in the
Lodge ?
J. W. In the South.
W. M. Why are you placed there ?
J. W. To mark the Sun at its meridian, to call the Brethren from labour to refreshment, and from refreshment to
labour, that profit and pleasure may be the result.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, your constant place in the
Lodge ?
S. W. In the West.
W. M. Why are you placed there ?
S. W. To mark the setting Sun, to close the Lodge by the
command of the Worshipful Master, after seeing that everyone
has his just dues.
W. M. Worshipful and worthy Past Master, where is the
Masters situation in the Lodge ?
P. M. In the East.
W. M. Why is he placed there ?
P. M. As the Sun rises in the East to open and enliven the
day, so the Worshipful Master is placed in the East to open

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and enlighten his Lodge, to employ and instruct the Brethren

in Masonry.
W. M. Brethren, our Lodge being thus duly formed, before
I proceed to declare it opened, let us invoke a blessing from
the Great Architect of the Universe upon all our undertakings.
May our labour, thus begun in order, be conducted in peace,
and closed in harmony.
P. M. So mote it be. (The Past Master then advances
three steps, opens the Bible at the Chapter of )
and remains with his hand on it, until the ceremony finishes.
W. M. Brethren, in the name of the Great Architect of the
Universe I declare this Lodge duly opened, for the purposes of
Masonry in the first degree.
The W. M., S. W., J. W., I. G., and T., then give three
knocks each, in rotation, which announce the Lodge opened ;
the Brethren take their seats, &c., and the business of the
Lodge proceeds. If any doubtful Brethren appear, they are
made to take a new oath that they are real Masons, and that
they have not been expelled from any Lodge.

The Lodge being duly opened, and a. candidate applying

for initiation, he has to sign a declaration, that he wishes to
become a Mason : and on its being presented to the Lodge,
and the candidate approved, which is generally done by
ballot, a Brother, called the Steward, is sent out to prepare
him in an antechamber. This preparation consists in the
candidate being divested of all money and metal, of having
the right arm, left breast, and left knee bare, the right heel
slip-shod ; in being blindfolded, and a rope, which is technically called a Cable Tow, is put round the neck, with
a sword pointed to the breast. In this state, the Steward
leads the candidate to the Tiler, or Outer Guard of the
Lodge Door. The Tiler examines and sees the candidate
properly prepared, and announces his approach by three
The Inner Guard gives the alarm, and is ordered to ask who
is there. The Steward or Tiler answers:
A poor candidate in a state of darkness, who comes of his
own free will and accord, and also properly prepared, humbly

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soliciting to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of

I. G. How does he hope to obtain those privileges ?
T. By the help of God, and the tongue of good report.
I. G. Halt, till I make due report.(Turning to the
Master.) Worshipful Mastera poor candidate in a state
of darkness, who has been well and worthily recommended,
regularly proposed and approved in open Lodge, now comes
of his own free will, and also properly prepared, humbly
soliciting to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of
W. M. How does he hope to obtain those privileges ?
I. G. By the help of God, being free born, and of good
W. M. The tongue of good report has already been heard
in his favour : do you, Brother Inner Guard, vouch that he is
properly prepared ?
I. G. I do.
W. M. Then let him be admitted in due form.
I. G. (to the candidate at the door.) Enter, free born and
of good report.
He is received by the J. D. from the Steward.
W. M. (to the candidate.) As no person can be made a
Mason unless he is free born and of mature age, I demand
of you, are you free by birth, and of the age of twenty-one
years ?
Candidate. I am.
W. M. Thus assured, I will thank you to kneel, whilst the
blessing of Heaven is invoked on our proceedings.
(W. M. prays.) Vouchsafe thine aid, Almighty Father and
Supreme Governor of the Universe, to this our present convention, and grant that this candidate for Masonry may so dedicate
and devote his life to thy service, as to become a true and
faithful brother among us. Endow him with a competency of
thy divine wisdom, that, assisted by the secrets of this our
masonic art, he may the better be enabled to display the beauties of true godliness to the honour and glory of thy holy name.
So mote it be.
W. M. To the candidate, Mr. N. In all cases of
difficulty and danger in whom do you put your trust ?
Mr. N. In God.

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W. M. Right glad I am to find your faith so well founded ;

relying on such sure support, and since your trust is so firmly
placed, you may safely rise and follow your leader with a firm
but humble confidence ; for where the name of God is invoked,
we trust no danger can ensue. The brethren from the North,
East, South, and West, will take notice, that Mr. N is about
to pass in view before them, to shew that he is a candidate properly prepared, and a fit and proper person to be made a mason.
He is then conducted round the Lodge, for the view of the
Brethren, and to see that he is properly prepared ; he is instructed in the South and West by the Junior and Senior
Wardens, and the J. D. gives three knocks on their shoulders,
with the candidates hand, on which the demand who comes
there ? is made ; to which the same answers are given as at the
door ; and after their pronouncing, pass, free born and of good
report, he is presented to the W. M.
S. W. Worshipful Master, I present to you Mr. N, a
candidate properly prepared to be a mason.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, your presentation shall be
attended to; for which purpose I shall address a few questions
to the candidate, which trust he will answer with candour.
Mr. N, do you seriously declare, on your honour, that,
unbiassed by the improper solicitations of friends against your
own inclinations, and uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motives, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself a candidate for the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry ?
Mr. N. I do.
W. M. Do you likewise pledge yourself, that you are
prompted to solicit those privileges from a favourable opinion
preconceived of the institution, a general desire of knowledge,
and a sincere wish to render yourself more extensively serviceable to your fellow-creatures ?
Mr. N. I do.
W. M. Do you further seriously declare on your honour
that, avoiding fear on the one hand, and rashness on the
other, you will steadily persevere through the ceremony of
your initiation, and, if once admitted, will afterwards act and
abide by the ancient usages and established customs of the
order ?
Mr. N. I will.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, you will direct the Junior

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Deacon to instruct the candidate to advance to the pedestal in

due form.
S. W. Brother Junior Deacon, it is the Worshipful Masters command that you instruct the candidate to advance to
the chair in due form.
This form is by three irregular steps.
W. M. Mr. N, it is my duty to inform you, that
Masonry is free, and requires a perfect freedom of inclination
in every candidate for its mysteries. It is founded on the
purest principles of piety and virtue. It possesses great and
invaluable privileges to worthy men, and, I trust, to the
worthy alone. Vows of fidelity are required ; but let me
assure you, that in those vows, there is nothing incompatible
with your civil, moral, or religious duties. Are you, therefore,
willing to take a solemn obligation, founded on the principles
I have stated, to keep inviolate the secrets and mysteries of
the order ?
Mr. N. I am.
W. M. Then you will kneel with your left knee, keeping
your right foot in the form of a square, place your right hand
on this book, which is the volume of the sacred law, while, with
your left, you will support one point of these compasses to
your naked breast, so as not to hurt yourself, and then repeat
the following obligation:
I, Mr. N, in the presence of the great Architect of the
Universe, and of this warranted, worthy, and worshipful Lodge
of free and accepted Masons, regularly assembled and properly
dedicated, of my own free will and accord, do, hereby and
hereon, most solemnly and sincerely swear, that I will always
hele, conceal, and never reveal, any part or parts, point or
points, of the secrets and mysteries of, or belonging to, free and
accepted masons in masonry, which have been, shall now, or
hereafter may be, communicated to me, unless it be to a true
and lawful brother or brothers, and not even to him or them,
till after due trial, strict examination, or sure information from
a well-known brother, that he or they are worthy of that confidence, or in the body of a just, perfect, and regular lodge of
accepted Freemasons. I further solemnly promise, that I will
not write those secrets, print, carve, engrave, or otherwise them
delineate, or cause or suffer them to be done so by others, if in
my power to prevent it, on any thing moveable or immoveable

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under the canopy of heaven, whereby or whereon any letter,

character, or figure, or the least trace of a letter, character, or
figure, may become legible or intelligible to myself, or to any
one in the world, so that our secrets, arts, and hidden mysteries, may improperly become known through my unworthiness.
These several points I solemnly swear to observe, without evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation of any kind, under no
less a penalty, on the violation of any of them, than to have my
throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the root, and my body
buried in the sand of the sea at low water mark, or a cables
length from the shore, where the tide regularly ebbs and flows
twice in twenty-four hours, or the more efficient punishment of
being branded as a wilfully perjured individual, void of all
moral worth, and unfit to be received in this warranted lodge,
or in any other warranted lodge, or society of masons, who
prize honour and virtue above all the external advantages of
rank and fortune : So help me, God, and keep me steadfast in
this my great and solemn obligation of an Entered Apprentice
Free Mason.
W. M. What you have repeated may be considered a sacred promise as a pledge of your fidelity, and to render it a
solemn obligation, I will thank you to seal it with your lips
on the volume of the sacred law. (Kisses the Bible.)
W. M. Mr. N, having been kept a considerable time
in a state of darkness, what, in your present situation, is the
most predominant wish of your heart ?
Mr. N. Light.
W. M. Brother Junior Deacon, let that blessing be restored
to the candidate.
The Junior Deacon removes the bandage from the eyes of
the candidate.
W. M. Having been restored to the blessing of material
light, let me point out to your attention, what we consider the
three great, though emblematic, lights in Masonrynamely,
the Volume of the Sacred Law, the Square, and the Compasses. The sacred volume is to rule and govern our faith : the
square to regulate our actions : and the compasses to keep us
within due bounds to all mankind, particularly with our brethren
in Masonry. Rise, newly obligated brother among masons.
(He rises.) You are now enabled to discover the three lesser
lights in Masonry. They are situated East, South, and West,

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and are meant to represent the Sun, Moon, and Master of

the Lodge. The Sun to rule the day, the Moon to govern the
night, and the Master to rude and direct his lodge.
By your meek and candid behaviour this evening, you have
escaped two great dangers ; but there is a third which will
await you to the latest period of your existence. The dangers
which you have escaped are those of stabbing and strangling ;
for, at your entrance into the lodge, this sword was presented
to your naked left breast, so that, had you rashly attempted to
rush forward, you would have been accessory to your own
death by stabbing. Not so with the Brother who held it ; as he
would have only remained firm to do his duty. There was
likewise this Cable Tow, with a running noose about your
neck, which would have rendered any attempt to retreat equally
fatal by strangling. But the danger which will await you to
your latest hour, is the penalty of your obligation, that you
would rather have your throat cut across, than to improperly
divulge the secrets of Masonry.
As you have taken the solemn obligation of Masonry, I am now
permitted to inform you, that there are several degrees in Freemasonry, and peculiar secrets restricted to each. These, however, are not communicated indiscriminately, but are conferred
on candidates according to merit and abilities. I shall now
proceed to intrust you with the sign of this degree, or those
marks by which we are known to each other and distinguished
from the rest of the world. I must first premise, for your
general information, that all squares, levels, and perpendiculars (alluding to the positions of the body and its limbs), are
proper signs by which to know a Mason. You are, therefore,
expected to stand perfectly erect, with your feet formed into a
square, your body being thus considered an emblem of your
mind, and your feet the rectitude of your actions. On your
advancement from West to East, you advanced by three irregular steps; irregular from the situation you were then in,
not knowing where you were then going ; but they allude to
three more regular steps, namely, right lines and angles,
morally teaching us upright lives and well-squared actions.
You will now advance towards me by one pace with your left
foot, bringing the right heel into its hollow.That is the first
regular step in Freemasonry; and it is in this position that the
secrets of the degree are communicated. They consist in a
sign, a grip or token, and a word.

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You will place your right hand in this position (level, with
the thumb extended in a square, towards the throat), and the
thumb to the left of the windpipe. The sign is given by
drawing the hand smartly across the throat, and dropping it
to the side. This is in allusion to the penalty of the obligation ;
implying, that, as a man of honour and a mason, you
would rather have your throat cut across, than improperly divulge the secrets intrusted to you. That is the sign.
The grip or token is given by a distinct pressure of the top
of the right-hand thumb, of the first joint from the wrist, of
the right-hand fore-finger, grasping the finger with the hand.*
This demands a word, a word highly prized among masons, as
the guard to their privileges : too much caution cannot, therefore, be used in communicating it. It must never be given at
length ; but always either by letters or syllables ; to enable
you to do which, I must first tell you what the word is. It is
BOAZ. As in the course of the evening, you will be called on
for this word, the Junior Deacon will now dictate the answers
you are to give.
Here the J. D. proceeds to instruct the candidate as to the
common mode of salutation among masons. Giving him the
grip, he asks
What is this ?
Brother N. The grip or token of an Entered Apprentice
J. D. What does it demand ?
B. N. A word.
J. D. Will you give me that word ?
B. N. At my initiation I was taught to be cautious ; I will
letter or halve it with you, which you please, and begin.
J. D. B.
B. N. O.
J. D. A.
B. N. Z.
J. D. This word is derived from the left-hand pillar of the
porch or entrance to King Solomons temple, so named after
the great-grandfather of David; a prince and ruler in Israel.
The import of the word is strength.
* This is also a penal sign with masons. It refers to a supposed custom
among the inhabitants of Tyre of losing a finger at that joint for a crime.

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W. M. Brother Junior Deacon, pass the candidate to the

Junior Warden.
J. D. Brother Junior Warden, I present to you Brother
N, on his initiation.
J. W. I will thank Brother N, to advance towards me
as a mason.
He advances with the step and sign.
J. W. Have you anything else to communicate ?
Brother N. gives the grip.
J. W. What is this ?
B. N. The grip or token of an Entered Apprentice Freemason.
J. W. What does it demand ?
B. N. A word.
J. W. Will you give me that word ?
B. N. At my initiation I was taught to be cautious. I will
letter or halve it with you.
J. W. Which you please, and begin.
(The word is then given as before with, the Junior Warden,
and the Junior Deacon passes the brother to the Senior Warden,
where the same ceremony is repeated ; after which he is presented to the Master.)
S. W. Worshipful Master, I present to you Brother
N, on his initiation, for some further mark of your
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, I delegate to you the authority to invest him with the distinguishing badge of a mason.
S. W. Brother N, by the worshipful Masters command, I invest you with the distinguishing badge of a
mason, which is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or
Roman Eagle ; more honourable than the Star and Garter ;
or any other order in existence ; being the badge of innocence
and the bond of friendship. I strongly exhort you ever to
wear and to consider it as such. And I further inform
you, that, if you never disgrace that badge, it will never disgrace you.
W. M. Let me add to the observations of the Senior Warden, that you are never to put on that badge, should there
be any brother in the lodge which you are about to visit
with whom you are at variance, or against whom you entertain
animosity. In such case, it is expected that you will invite

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him to withdraw, in order to settle your differences amicably,

which, if happily effected, you may then clothe yourselves,
enter the lodge, and work with that love and harmony, which
ought always to characterize Freemasons. But if, unfortunately, your differences be of such a nature as not to be
easily adjusted, it were better that one or both of you should
retire, than that the harmony of the Lodge be disturbed by
your presence.
W. M. Brother Junior Deacon, you will place our Brother
N at the north-east part of the Lodge.
W. M. Brother N, it is customary at the erection of
all stately and superb edifices, to lay the first foundation stone
at the north-east corner of the building. You, being newly
admitted into Masonry, are placed at the north-east part of the
Lodge, to represent figuratively that stone ; and from the
foundation laid this evening, may you raise a superstructure
perfect in its parts and honourable to its builder. You now
stand, to all external appearance, a just and upright mason. I
give it you in strong terms of recommendation ever to continue
and act as such. Indeed I shall immediately put your principles in some measure, to the test, by calling upon you to exercise that virtue which may justly be denominated the distinguishing characteristic of a Freemasons heart,I mean
Charity. I need not here dilate upon its excellencies ; doubtless, it has often been felt and practised by you : suffice it to
say, that it has the approbation of heaven and of earth, and,
like its sister Mercy, blesses him that gives as well as him that
receives. In a society so widely extended as that of the Freemasons, whose branches are spread over the four divisions of
the globe, it cannot be denied that we have many members of
rank and affluence ; neither can it be concealed, that, among
the thousands who range under its banners, there are some,
who, perhaps, from circumstances of unavoidable calamity and
misfortune, are reduced to the lowest ebb of poverty and distress : on their behalf, it is our usual custom to awaken the
feelings of every newly-made brother, by such a claim on his
charity, as his circumstances in life may fairly warrant. Whatever you feel disposed to give, deposit with the Junior Deacon,
and it will be thankfully received, and faithfully applied.
B. N. I have been deprived of every thing valuable, or I
would give freely.

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W.M. I congratulate you on the honourable sentiments by

which you are actuated, and likewise on the inability which in
the present instance precludes you from gratifying them. Believe me, this trial was not made with a view of sporting with
your feelings : far from us be any such intention ; but it was
done for three especial reasons ; first, as I have already promised, to put your principles to the test ; second to evince to
the brethren, that you had neither money nor other metallic
substance about you ; for, if you had, the ceremony of your
initiation thus far must have been repeated, which would have
brought a blush on the face of your guide for having so improperly omitted that part of his duty : and thirdly, as a warning to your own heart, that should you, at any future period,
meet a brother in distressed circumstances, who solicits your
assistance, you may recollect the peculiar moment in which
you were received into Masonry, poor and penniless, and you
will then cheerfully embrace the opportunity of practising that
virtue which you have professed to admire.
You may now retire, for the purpose of being restored to
your necessary comforts, then return into the lodge and return
thanks, after which I shall give you further instructions, and
deliver a charge upon the excellency of our order and the
qualifications of its members.
Brother N then retires to restore his dress, and, on his
return, is placed in the west, or opposite to the Master, where.
after making the penal sign of an entered apprentice, he returns thanks in the following words :
Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Senior and
Junior Deacons, and Brethren of this Lodge, I return you my
most hearty and sincere thanks for the honour you have done
me, by making me a Mason, and by admitting me a member of
this ancient and honourable Society.
W. M. Brother N, as, in the course of the evening you
will be called upon for certain fees for your initiation, it is
but proper that you should know by what authority we act.
These, therefore, are our warrant from the Grand Lodge of
England, the book of constitutions and the bye-laws of the
Lodge ; both of which I recommend to your most serious contemplation, as by one you will be instructed in the duties you
owe to the craft in general, and by the other in those you owe
to this lodge in particular.

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I now present to you the working tools of an Entered Apprentice Freemason, which are the twenty-four inch gauge, the
common gavel, and the chisel.
The twenty-four inch gauge is the first instrument put into
the hand of the workman, to enable him to measure and ascertain the size and extent of the work he is about to engage in,
thus to compute the time and labour it may cost.
The common gavel is an important instrument of labour,
and highly esteemed as an implement of art ; though recognised
by various artists under different appelations, it is yet admitted
by them all, that no work of manual skill can be completed
without it.
The chisel is a small instrument, though solid in its form,
and of such exquisite sharpness as fully to compensate for the
diminutiveness of its size. It is calculated to make impression
on the hardest substance, and the mightiest structures have
been indebted to its aid.
But, as we have met, on the present occasion, as speculative,
rather than as operative Masons, it is the moral conveyed in
those emblems that we are called upon more particularly to
From the twenty-four inch gauge, we derive a lesson of
daily admonition and instruction ; for, as it is divided into
twenty-four parts, it recalls to our mind the division of the
natural day into twenty-four hours, and directs us to apportionate them to their proper objects ; namely prayer, labour,
refreshment, and sleep.
To a Mason, however, it may be further considered as the
scale which comprehends the numerical apportionment of the
different degrees, according to the several lodges, of which I
am permitted to say, the first seven are appropriated to the
Entered Apprentice.
From the common gavel, we learn that skill without exertion
is of little availthat labour is the lot of man ; for the heart
may conceive and the head devise in vain, if the hand be not
prompt to execute the design.
From the chisel, we learn that perseverance is necessary to
establish perfection, that the rude material can receive its fine
polish but from repeated efforts alone, that nothing short of
indefatigable exertion can induce the habit of virtue, enlighten
the mind and render the soul pure.



From the whole we deduce this moral, that knowledge

grounded on accuracy, aided by labour, prompted by perseverance, will finally overcome all difficulties, raise ignorance from despair, and establish happiness in paths of

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As you have now passed through the ceremonies of your

initiation, allow me to congratulate you on being admitted a
member of our ancient and honourable society. Ancient, no
doubt, it is, as having subsisted from time immemorial ; and
honourable it must be acknowledged to be, because, by a natural tendency, it conduces to make all those honourable who are
strictly obedient to its precepts. Indeed, no institution can
boast a more solid foundation than that on which Freemasonry
reststhe practice of social and moral virtue. To so high an
eminence has its credit been advanced, that, in every age,
monarchs themselves have been the promoters of the art : have
not thought it derogatory from their dignity, to exchange the
sceptre for the trowel ; have patronized our mysteries, and
have even joined our assemblies.
As a Mason, I would first recommend to your most serious
contemplation the volume of the sacred law, charging you to
consider it as the unerring standard of truth and justice, and to
regulate your actions by the divine precepts which it contains.
Therein you will be taught the important duty you owe to God,
to your neighbour, and to yourself. To God, by never mentioning his name but with that awe and reverence which are due
from the creature to his Creator, and by imploring his aid on
all your lawful undertakings, and by looking up to him in every
emergency for comfort and support ; to your neighbour, by acting with him upon the square, by rendering him every kind
office which justice or mercy may require, by relieving his distresses, by soothing his afflictions, and by doing to him as, in
similar cases, you would wish him to do to you ; and to your
self, by such a prudent and well-regulated course of discipline
as may best conduce to the preservation of your corporeal and
mental faculties in their fullest energy ; thereby enabling you
to exert the talents wherewith God has blest you, as well to
his glory as to the welfare of your fellow-creatures.
As a citizen of the world, I am next to enjoin you to be

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exemplary in the discharge of your civil duties, by never

proposing, or at all countenancing, any act that may have a
tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society ; by
paying due obedience to the laws of any state which may for
a time become the place of your residence, or afford you its
protection ; and, above all, never losing sight of the allegiance
due to the sovereign of your native land ; ever remembering
that nature has implanted in your breast a sacred and indissoluble attachment to that country from which you derived your
birth and infant nurture.
As an individual, I am further to recommend the practice of
every domestic as well as public virtue. Let prudence direct
you ; temperance chasten you ; fortitude support you ; and
justice be the guide of all your actions. Be especially careful
to maintain, in the fullest splendour, those truly masonic ornaments which have already been amply illustratedbenevolence
and charity.
Still, however, as a Mason, there are other excellencies of
character to which your attention may be peculiarly and forcibly directed. Among the foremost of these are secrecy,
fidelity, and obedience.
Secrecy may be said to consist of an inviolable adherance to
the obligation you have entered into, never improperly to reveal any of those masonic secrets which have now been, or may
at any future time be, intrusted to your keeping ; and cautiously to shun all occasions which might inadvertently lead
you to do so.
Your fidelity must be exemplified by a strict observance
of the constitutions of the fraternity, by adhering to the ancient landmarks of the order ; by never attempting to extort
or otherwise unduly obtain, the secrets of a superior degree,
and by refraining to recommend anyone to a participation
of our secrets, unless you have strong grounds to believe that,
by similar fidelity, he will ultimately reflect honour on our
So must your obedience he proved by a close conformity to
our laws and regulations ; by prompt attention to all signs and
summonses : by modest and correct demeanour whilst in the
Lodge ; by abstaining from every topic of religious or political
discussion ; by ready acquiescence in all votes and resolutions
duly passed by the brethren ; and by perfect submission

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to the master and his wardens, whilst acting in the discharge of their respective offices.
And, as a last general recommendation, let me exhort
you to dedicate yourself to such pursuits as may enable you
to become at once respectable in your rank of life, useful to
mankind, and an ornament to the society of which you
have this day been admitted a member : that you will more
especially devote a part of your leisure hours to the study
of such of the liberal arts and sciences as may lie within the
compass of your attainment , and that without neglecting
the ordinary duties of your station, you will consider yourself called upon to make a daily advancement in masonic
From the very commendable attention which you appear
to have given to this charge, I am led to hope that you will
duly appreciate the excellency of Freemasonry, and imprint indelibly on your mind the sacred dictates of truth,
honour, and virtue.

The usages and customs of masons have ever corresponded with those of the ancient Egyptians, to which they
bear a near affinity. Their philosophers, unwilling to expose their mysteries to vulgar eyes, concealed their particular tenets and principles of polity and philosophy under
hieroglyphical figures, and expressed their notions of
government by signs and symbols, which they communicated to their Priests or Magi alone, who were bound by
oath not to reveal them. Pythagoras seems to have established his system on a similar plan, and many orders of a
more recent date have copied their example. But masonry, however, is not only the most ancient, but the most
moral institution that has ever existed, as every character,
figure, and emblem depicted in the lodge has a moral tendency, and tends to inculcate the practice of virtue.
Let me first call your attention to the form of the Lodge,
which is of an oblong square: in the length from east to
west, in breadth between north and south, in depth from
the surface of the earth to the centre, and even as high as
the heavens. The reason that a Freemasons Lodge is

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represented of this vast extent is to show the universality

of the science, and that a Masons charity should know no
bounds save those of prudence. Our Lodge stands on
holy ground ; because the first Lodge was consecrated on
account of three grand offerings thereon made, which met
with divine approbation : first, the ready compliance of
Abraham to the will of God, in not refusing to offer up his
son Isaac as a burnt offering, when it pleased the Almighty
to substitute a more agreeable victim in his stead ; second,
the many pious prayers and ejaculations of King David,
which actually appeased the wrath of God, and stayed a
pestilence which then raged among his people, owing to his
inadvertently having had them numbered : and thirdly,
the many thanksgivings, oblations, burnt sacrifices, and
costly offerings, which Solomon King of Israel made at the
completion, dedication, and consecration of the Temple of
Jerusalem to Gods service. Those three did then, have
since, and I trust, ever will, render the groundwork of Masonry holy. Our Lodge is situated due east and west; because all places of divine worship, as well as Masons regular, well-formed, and constituted Lodges are, or ought to
be, so situated : for which we assign three Masonic reasons : first, the sun, the glory of the Lord, rises in the east
and sets in the west ; second, learning originated in the
east, and from thence spread its benign influence to the
west ; a third, last, and grand reason, which is too long to
be entered upon now, is explained in the course of our lectures, which you will have many opportunities of hearing.
Our Lodge is supported by three grand pillars. They
are called wisdom, strength, and beauty. Wisdom to contrive, strength to support, and beauty to adorn. Wisdom
to conduct us in all our undertakings ; strength to support
us under all our difficulties, and beauty to adorn the inward man. The universe is the temple of the Deity whom
we servewisdom, strength, and beauty, are both his
throne and pillars of his works ; for his wisdom is infinite
his strength is omnipotent, and beauty shines through the
whole of the creation. In symmetry and order the heavens he has stretched forth as a canopy; the earth he has
planted as his footstool; he crowds his temple with stars, as

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with a diadem ; and his hands extend their power and

glory. The sun and the moon are messengers of his will,
and all his law is concord. The three great pillars supporting a Masons Lodge are emblematical of those divine
attributes, and further represent, Solomon King of Israel,
Hiram King of Tyre and Hiram AbiffSolomon King of
Israel for his wisdom in building, completing, and dedicating the temple at Jerusalem to Gods service ; Hiram King
of Tyre for his strength in supporting him with men and
materials ; and Hiram Abiff for his curious and masterly
workmanship in beautifying and adorning the same. As
there are no noble orders in architecture known by the
name of wisdom, strength, and beauty, we refer them to the
three most celebratedthe Doric, Ionic, and the Corinthian.
The covering of a Freemasons Lodge is a celestial canopy of divers colours, even as the heavens. The way by
which we, as masons, hope to arrive at it is by the assistance of a ladder, in Scripture called Jacobs ladder. It is
composed, of many staves, or rounds, which point out as
many moral virtues.
Three are principal onesFaith,
Hope, and Charity. Faith in the great Architect of the
universe ; hope in salvation; and to be in charity with all
men. It reaches to the heavens, and rests on the volume
of the sacred law ; because, by the doctrines contained in
that holy book, we are taught to believe in the wise dispensations of Divine Providence, which belief strengthens
our faith and enables us to ascend the first step. This
faith naturally creates in us a hope of becoming partakers
of the blessed promises therein recorded, which hope enables us to ascend the second step. But the third and last
being charity, comprehends the whole ; and the Mason who
is possessed of that virtue in its most ample sense, may
justly be deemed to have attained the summit of his profession, figuratively speaking, an ethereal mansion veiled
from mortal eye by the starry firmament; emblematically
depicted here by seven stars, which have an allusion to as
many regularly made Masons, without which number no
Lodge is perfect, nor can any candidate be legally initiated
into the order.

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The interior of a Freemasons Lodge is composed of ornaments, furniture and jewels. The ornaments of the Lodge
are the Mosaic pavement, the blazing star, and the indented or tesselated border. The mosaic pavement is the
beautiful flooring of a Freemasons Lodge ; the blazing
star, the glory in the centre ; and the indented or tesselated
border, the skirtwork round the same. The mosaic pavement may justly be deemed the beautiful flooring of the
Lodge, by reason of its being variegated and chequered.
This points out the diversity of objects which decorate and
adorn the creation, the animate as well as the inanimate
parts thereof. The blazing star or glory in the centre refers us to that grand luminary the sun, which enlightens
the earth, and, by its benign influence, dispenses its blessings to mankind in general. The indented or tesselated
border refers us to the planets, which, in their various
revolutions, form a beautiful border of skirt work round
that grand luminary the sun, as the other does round
that of a Freemasons Lodge. The furniture of the Lodge
is the volume of the sacred law, the compasses and the
square. The sacred writings are to govern our faith. On
them we obligate our candidates for Masonry. So are the
compass and square when united to regulate our lives and
actions. The sacred volume is derived from God to man in
general. The compasses belong to the Grand Master in
particular, and the square to the whole craft.
The Jewels of the Lodge are three moveable and three
immoveable. The moveable jewels are the square, level,
and plumb-rule. Among operative Masons, the square is
to try and adjust all irregular corners of buildings, and to
assist in bringing rude matter into due form ; the level, to
lay levels and prove horizontals ; and the plumb-rule to try
and adjust all uprights while fixed on their proper basis.
Among free and accepted Masons, the square teaches morality, the level equality, and the plumb-rule justness and
uprightness of life and actions. They are called moveable
jewels because they are worn by the Master and his Wardens, and are transferable from them to their successors on
nights of installation. The Master is distinguished by the
square; the Senior Warden by the level; and the Junior

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Warden by the plumb-rule. The immoveable jewels are

the tracing board and the rough and perfect ashlers. The
tracing board is for the Master to lay lines and to draw designs on. The rough ashler for the entered apprentice to
work, mark, and indent on ; and the perfect ashler for the
experienced craftsman to try and adjust his jewels on.
They are called immoveable, because they lie open for the
brethren to moralise upon. As the tracing board is for the
Master to lay lines and draw designs on, the better to enable the brethren to carry on the intended structure with
regularity and propriety, so the volume of the sacred law
may justly be deemed the spiritual tracing board of the
great Architect of the universe, in which are laid down
such divine laws and moral plans, that were we conversant
therein and adherent thereto, they would bring us to an
ethereal mansion not built by hands, but eternally in the
heavens. The rough ashler is a stone, rough and unhewn,
as taken from the quarry, till by the industry and ingenuity of the workman it is modelled, wrought into due form,
and rendered fit for the intended building. This represents the mind of man in its infant or primitive state,
rough and unpolished as that stone, till by the kind care
and attention of his parents or guardians in giving him a
liberal and virtuous education, his mind becomes cultivated, and he is thereby rendered a fit member of civilised
society. The perfect ashler is a stone of a true die, square,
and fit only to be tried by the square and compasses. This
represents the mind of man in a decline of years, after a
regular and well-spent life in acts of piety and virtue,
which can no otherwise be tried and approved than by the
square of Gods word, and the compasses of his own selfconvincing conscience.
In all regular, well-formed, constituted Lodges, there is
a point within a circle round which a Mason cannot err.
This circle is bounded between north and south by two
grand parallel lines, and one represents Moses, the other
King Solomon. On the upper part of this circle rests the
volume of the sacred law, which supports Jacobs Ladder,
the top of which reaches to the heavens; and were we as
adherent to the doctrines therein contained as both those

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parallels were, it would not deceive us, nor should we
suffer deception. In going round this circle, we must
necessarily touch on both those parallel lines and on the
sacred volume, and while a Mason keeps himself thus
circumscribed he cannot err.
The word Lewis denotes strength and is here depicted
by certain pieces of metal, which, when dovetailed in a
stone, form a cramp, and enables the operative Mason to
raise great weights to certain heights with little encumbrance, and to fix them on their proper bases. Lewis
likewise denotes the son of a Mason. His duty is to bear
the burden and heat of the day, from which his parents,
by reason of their age, ought to be exempt; to help them
in time of need, and thereby render the close of their days
happy and comfortable. His privilege for so doing is to
be made a Mason before any other person, however
Pendant to the corners of the Lodge are four tassels,
meant to remind us of the four cardinal virtues, namely,
whole of which tradition informs us were constantly
practised by a great majority of our ancient brethren.
The distinguishing characters of a good Freemason are
virtue, honour and mercy ; and should those be banished
from all other societies, may they ever be found in a
Masons breast.

Masonry, according to the general acceptation of the
term, is an art founded on the principles of Geometry,
and directed to the service and convenience of mankind ;
but Freemasonry, embracing a wider range, and having
a nobler object in view, namely, the cultivation and improvement of the human mind, may, with more propriety, be called a science ; inasmuch as, availing itself of
the terms of the former, it inculcates the principles of
the purest morality, though its lessons are for the most
part veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. To
draw aside this veil, therefore, or more properly speaking, to penetrate throughout it, is the object of directions
in Freemasonry, and by a careful and appropriate attention to them we may hope, ultimately, to become acquainted with all its mysteries.

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The Lecture of the First Degree is divided into seven
sections, and each section is subdivided into three
clauses. Throughout the whole virtue is painted in the
most beautiful colours, and the duties of morality are
everywhere strictly enforced.
The principles of knowledge are imprinted on the memory by lively and sensible
images, well calculated to influence our conduct in the
proper discharge of the duties of social life. The mode of
Masonic instruction is. catechetical ; I shall, therefore,
Brethren, without further comment, challenge you by the
usual questions, and I have no doubt but you will reply
to them in a becoming manner. Assured, then, Brother
Senior Warden, by a previous conviction, that you are a
Freemason, let me ask you, in that character, from
whence came you?

Q. Brother Senior Warden, from whence came you ?
A. From the West.
Q. Whither are you directing your course?
A. To the East.
Q. What is your object ?
A. To seek a Master, and from him to gain instruction.
Q. Who are you that want instruction ?
A. A free and Accepted Mason.
Q. What mode of introduction have you to recommend
yourself to notice as a Mason ?
A. (Gives the E. A. sign.) A salute of respect to the
Master in the chair.
Q. Any other recommendation ?
A. (Gives the sign.) A hearty salute to all under his
Q. For what purpose came you hither?
A. To regulate my conduct, correct my passions, and
make a progress in Masonry.
Q. How do you know yourself to be a Mason ?
A. By the regularity of my initiation, repeated trials
and approbations, and a readiness at all times to undergo an examination, when properly called on.
Q. How shall I know you to be a mason ?
A. By signs, tokens, and perfect points of my entrance.
Q. What are signs.
A. All squares, levels, and perpendiculars; and those
when duly given a Mason will hail and obey.

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Q. To what do they serve ?

A. To distinguish a Mason by day.
Q. What are tokens ?
A. Certain peculiar and friendly grips, which, when
reciprocally given, will distinguish a Mason by night as
well as by day.
Q. What are the perfect points of entrance ?
A. Points which I am bound most carefully to conceal.
Q. Give me the number?
A. Three are known to me.
Q. I also acknowledge three,will you name them ?
A. Reciprocally with you, I will.
Q. Begin then:
A. Of.
Q. At.
A. On.
Q. Explain them.
A. Of, with respect to apparel. At, the door of the
Lodge. On, my left knee bare and bended.
Q. Why are they called perfect points of entrance ?
A. Because they include the whole ceremony of initiation.
Q. How so ?
A. Of, includes the whole ceremony of preparation; At,
that of due submission; and On, that of a solemn obligation.
Second Clause.
Q. Where were you made a Mason ?
A. In a Lodge, just, perfect, and regular.
Q. What do you mean by a Lodge ?
A. An assembly of Masons met to expatiate on the
mysteries of Freemasonry.
Q. What makes it just ?
A. The volume of the sacred law unfolded.
Q. What makes it perfect ?
A. The number seven.
Q. Of whom is the number composed ?
A. Three Masters, two Fellow-Crafts, and two Entered
Q. Why so?
A. That every order of Masonry may be virtual1y present by their representatives, to ratify and confirm the
proceedings of the whole.

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Q. What makes it regular ?

A. The warrant of constitution.
Q. What is the warrant of constitution ?
A. The sanction of the Grand Master presiding over
Masons for the country in which the Lodge is held.
Q. When were you made a Mason ?
A. When the sun was at its meridian.
Q. In this country, Masons' Lodges are generally held
in the evening : How do you account for this, which at
first appears a paradox ?
A. The sun being a fixed body, the earth constantly revolving round on its own axis, it necessarily follows that
the sun is always at its meridian, and Freemasonry being
universally spread over its surface, it follows as a second
consequence, that the sun is always at its meridian with
respect to Freemasonry.
Q. By whom were you made a Mason ?
A. By the Worshipful Master, assisted by the Wardens, and
in the presence of the Brethren assembled.
Q. Where was the Master placed ?
A. In the East.
Q. Why so ?
A. As the sun rises in the East, to open and enliven the
day, so is the Worshipful Master placed in the East to
open the Lodge, and employ and instruct the Brethren in
Q. Where was the Junior Warden placed ?
A. In the South.
Q. Why so ?
A. To mark the sun at its meridian, to call the Brethren
from labour to refreshment, and from refreshment to labour,
that profit and pleasure may be the result.
Q. Where is the Senior Warden placed ?
A. In the West.
Q. Why so?
A. To mark the setting sun, to close the Lodge by the
command of the Worshipful Master, after seeing that everyone
has his just due.
Q. What do they conjointly represent ?
A. The sun in the three stages of its diurnal progress.
Q. Illustrate this farther.
A. As the sun rises in the East to open the day, and
dispenses light, life, arid nourishment to the whole creation, it is well represented by the Worshipful Master, who

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is placed in the east to open the Lodge. and who imparts
light, knowledge, and instruction to all under his direction.
When it arrives at its greatest altitude in the
south, where its beams are most piercing and the cool
shade most refreshing, it is then also well represented by
the Junior Warden, who is placed in the south to observe
its approach to the meridian, and at the hour of noon to
call the Brethren from labour to refreshment. Still pursuing its course to the west, the sun at length closes the
day, and lulls all nature to repose; it is then fitly represented by the Senior Warden, who is placed in the west
to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master,
after having rendered to every one the just reward of his
labour, and after enabling them to enjoy that repose
which is the genuine fruit of honest industry.

Third Clause.
Q. Why were you made a Mason ?
A. For the sake of obtaining the knowledge and secrets
preserved among Freemasons.
Q. Where are those secrets kept ?
A. In their hearts.
Q. To whom are they revealed?
A. To Masons, and to Masons alone.
Q. How are they revealed?
A. By signs, tokens, and particular words.
Q. By what means is any further conversation held ?
A. By means of a key equally singular in its construction and in its operation.
Q. Where is this key found ?
A. Within an arch of bone.
Q. Where does it lie ?
A. It does not lie, it is suspended.
Q. Why so?
A. That it might be always ready to perform its office, and
never betray its trust through negligence.
Q. What is it suspended by ?
A. The thread of life.
Q. Why so nearly connected with the heart ?
A. To lock its secrets from the unworthy, and to open
its treasures to the deserving.
Q. Of what is this key composed ?
A. It is not composed of metal, nor formed by any
mortal art.



Q. Explain this mystery.

A. It is the tongue of good report, ever ready to protect, never to betray.
Q. What are its distinguishing characteristics ?
A. To defend the interests of a Brother in his absence,
to speak favourably of him, if truth will permit ; and
when that cannot be done with propriety, to adopt a
Masons peculiar virtue, silence.

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We have now, Brethren, closed the first section of our

lecture ; which, though it professes to embrace little more
than preliminaries, will serve to teach us that the zeal of
Masons in the acquisition of knowledge is bounded by no
space, since they travel from East to West in its pursuit,
and the principles which actuate the pursuit are highly
conducive to morality,namely, the attempt to rule and
subdue the passions ; and lastly, where candour cannot
commend, their silence will at least avoid reproach.

Q. What preparation is necessary to be made a Mason ?
A. A preparation of a twofold nature, internal and external.
Q. Where does the first take place ?
A. In the heart.
Q. That being internal, how is it to be exemplified ?
A. By the declaration I was called on to make with respect to the motives which induced me to seek the privileges of Freemasonry.
Q. Of how many parts is that declaration composed?
A. Three.
Q. Repeat them.
A. First, that I was free by birth, and of the full age
of twenty-one years. Second, that unbiassed by the improper solicitation of friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary or other unworthy motive, I freely and voluntarily
offered myself a candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry. Thirdly, that I was prompted solely by a favourable opinion preconceived of the institution, and a desire of knowledge ; and that I would cheerfully conform to
all the ancient usages and established customs of the

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Q. What further testimony were you required to give

as proof of the sincerity of your intentions ?
A. I was required to sign my name to the substance of
the foregoing declaration.
Q. Where did the next or external preparation take
place ?
A. In a convenient room adjoining the Lodge.
Q. How were you prepared ?
A. I was deprived of all metal, and hoodwinked,my
right arm, left breast, and left knee made bare,my right
heel slipshod,and a cable-tow put round my neck.
Q. Why deprived of metal ?
A. That I might bring nothing offensive or defensive
into the Lodge, as the principles of Masonry forbidding
the one, render the other unnecessary.
Q. The second reason ?
A. To prove to me that wealth and distinction, however
valued in the world, could have no influence in procuring
my admission or advancement among Masons.
Q. The third reason?
A. To imprint on my memory the peculiarity of a circumstance which occurred at the building of the Temple
of Jerusalem, under the auspices of King Solomon, inasmuch as, during the whole time, there was not the sound
of axe, hammer, or any other tool of brass or iron heard
within the precinct of Mount Sion, to disturb the peaceful sanctity of that holy place.
Q. How was this structure completed without the aid
of those implements P
A. The stones were hewn in the quarry, there carved,
marked, and numbered. The timber was felled and prepared in the forest of Lebanon, and conveyed by floats
from Tyre to Joppa. The metals were fused and cast on
the plains of Zeredathah. After which, the whole was
conveyed to Jerusalem, and there set up by means of
mauls and other implements, prepared for that purpose.
Q. Why were the materials prepared so far off ?
A. The better to distinguish the excellence of the
Craft ; for, although the materials were prepared at so
great a distance, when they came to be set up at Jerusalem, the whole appeared more like the work of the Great
Architect of the Universe than of mortal hands.



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Q. Why were metallic tools prohibited ?

A. That the Temple of God might not be polluted.
Q. What is the moral inference which we derive from
their prohibition ?
A. That our ancient and venerable institution depends
not for its support and permanency on any principle of a
compulsive or coercive nature, but is best cemented by the
perfect union and harmony of its constituent parts.
Second Clause.
Q. Why were you hoodwinked?
A. In case of refusal to undergo the accustomed ceremonies in making a Mason, I might be led out of the
Lodge without discovering its form.
Q. The second reason ?
A. That, as I was received into Masonry in a state of
utter darkness, until duly brought to light, so it was considered that I should keep all the world in ignorance of
our institutions until they were lawfully gained.
Q. The third reason?
A. That my heart might be taught to conceive before
my eyes were permitted to discover.
Q. Why was your right arm made bare ?
A. As a token of confidence, and to show that I was
unarmed and unguarded.
Q. Why was your left breast made bare ?
A. As a token of sincerity, and to show that I was no
Q. Why was your left knee made bare ?
A. As a token of humility.
Q. Why were you slipshod ?
A. It alludes to a very ancient custom of slipping the
shoe from off the foot, as a pledge of fidelity to the articles of any solemn compact.
Q. Why was a cable-tow placed round your neck ?
A. That if, influenced by fear, I should attempt to fall
back, all hopes of retreat might be cut off.
Q. Being thus properly prepared, where were you conducted, and by whom ?
A. To the door of the Lodge by a friend, whom I afterwards found to be a Brother.
Q. Why in that condition ?
A. That I might thence learn as a Mason to practise



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universal beneficence, to be as eyes to the blind, and feet

to the lame : that, whenever in my progress through life,
I should meet with a worthy man, particularly a Mason,
in that state of distress, the appearance of which I then
voluntarily assumed, I should stretch forth my right hand
of Fellowship to comfort and protect him.
Third Clause.
Q. Being in a state of darkness, how did you know it to
be a door?
A. By meeting with opposition, and afterwards gaining admission.
Q. Whom did you meet to oppose your entrance?
A. One whom I afterwards found to be the Tiler.
Q. What is his peculiar duty? .
A. To be armed with a drawn sword, to keep away all
cowans and listeners from Masonry, and to see the candidate come properly prepared.
Q. How did you gain admission ?
A. By three knocks on the door.
Q. To what do they allude ?
A. To a venerable exhortation, seek and ye shall find,
ask and ye shall have, knock and it shall be opened unto
Q. How do you apply that exhortation to your then
situation ?
A. I sought in my mind, asked of my friend, he
knocked, and the door of Masonry became opened unto
Q. Who then came to your assistance ?
A. One whom I afterwards found to be the Inner
Guard ?
Q. What is his peculiar duty ?
A. To admit Masons upon proof, to receive the candidate in due form, and to obey the commands of the
Junior Warden.
Q. What did he demand of the Tiler ?
A. Who he had got there.
Q. The Tilers answer ?
A. Mr. N, a poor candidate, in a state of darkness,
who has been well and worthily recommended, regularly
proposed, and approved in open Lodge. who now comes

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of his own free will, properly prepared, humbly soliciting

to be admitted to the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry.
Q. What said the Inner Guard ?
A. How does he hope to attain those privileges ?
Q. The Tiler's answer ?
A. By the help of God, being free-born, and of good report.
Q. Were you admitted on this ?
A. No. I was desired to halt till duly reported to the
Worshipful Master, who, after having observed that the
tongue of good report had already been heard in my favour, was pleased to order my admission.
Q. On what were you admitted ?
A. On the point of a sharp instrument presented to my
naked left breast.
Q. For what purpose ?
A. To distinguish my sex, and to show that I was no
Q. After gaining your admission, how were you disposed of ?
A. I was conducted by the Junior Deacon through the
exterior avenues, till I arrived at the portal of the Lodge
itself, the Inner Guard all the while holding a sword to
my naked left breast, and the Junior Deacon a cable-tow
round my neck. On halting there, the Worshipful Master
was pleased to observe, that as no person could be made a
Mason unless he was free-born and of mature age, he
demanded of me whether I was free by birth, and of the full
age of twenty-one. To which I agreed that I was.
Q. What was then required of you?
A. To kneel while the blessing of Heaven was invoked on
our proceedings..

The moral of the second section of our lecture is the instruction that we should be, firstly, qualified by birth and
age, to go in pursuit of knowledge in important secrets ;
secondly, that we should be as humble in mind, as, at our
initiation, we are presented in bodily posture and apparel : thirdly, the hoodwinking represents the dark state
of our minds at that period ; fourthly, being bereft of



money, the circumstances, that the humility of poverty is

more favourable to the pursuit of useful knowledge, than
the possession of riches that may inflate our natural
pride ; and fifthly, that the steady pursuit of knowledge is
more peculiarly the province of the male sex.

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Q. What is Freemasonry ?
A. A peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory
and illustrated by symbols.
Q. What are the three great principles on which Freemasonry is founded?
A. Brotherly love, relief, and truth.
Q. I will thank you to illustrate Brotherly love.
A. Brotherly love is the sacred principle which combines and cements our fraternity in the practice of moral
virtue and the pursuit of scientific attainment. By this
generous sentiment, we are taught to divest ourselves of
each selfish consideration and narrow prejudice, reflecting that we are united by a strict and endearing relation,
as creatures of the same God, children of the same first
parents, and Brethren of the same solid tie.
Q. I will thank you to illustrate relief.
A. Relief is a duty which every man owes to his fellow
man in consideration of the common infirmities of human
nature : but stronger is the claim of those to whom we are
voluntarily and reciprocally pledged in the bond of
brotherly love and affection, and therefore unquestionably it is the right of Masons to rely upon each other for
succour in the hour of need, by pecuniary aid, or by procuring assistance, advice, and protection, according to
their relative circumstances and conditions in life.
Q. I will thank you to illustrate truth ?
A. Truth is a principle of inimitable and eternal
nature, derived from the great Father of Light, conformable with his holy will, and interwoven with the laws of
his creation. It is the duty of every true Mason who
seeks to walk according to the light, to make that sacred
principle the guide of his words and actions, ever remembering that truth and wisdom are the same ; and to him
who makes truth the object of his search, that truth will
assuredly prove the reward of his perseverance.

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Q. How many principal points are there in Masonry ?

A. Four.
Q. To what do they refer ?
A. To the ceremony of initiation, are denominated from so
many parts of the human body, and are called Guttural, Pectoral, Mental, and Pedal.
Q. To what do they further allude ?
A. To the four cardinal virtuesTemperance, Fortitude,
Prudence, and Justice.
Q. To which of those virtues does the Guttural allude ?
A. Temperance, which demands such a cautious habit of
restraint as may be necessary to preserve us from the risk of
violating our obligation and incurring its penalty.
Q. To which the Pectoral ?
A. The Pectoral more particularly refers to the virtue of
fortitude, which is equally necessary to defend our hearts
against the powerful influence of allurements to terrors, that
might prevail over our weakness, and, by extorting from us
the secrets of Masonry, would plant an eternal torment in our
Q. To which the Mental ?
A. The Mental reminds us of that deliberate and steady
prudence which ought to guide our actions, forbidding us to
seal with the sacred pledge of our right hand what the heart
has not sanctioned with its approbation.
Q. To which the Pedal ?
A. The Pedal is the point on which we receive the first
great recommendation of the Master, ever to continue, as we
then appeared, upright men and Masons. It therefore denotes
the duty of universal justice, which consists in doing to others
as we would they should do un to us.
Q. I will thank you to illustrate Temperance.
A. Temperance is more peculiarly the virtue of prosperity, as
it guards the soul against. those insidious allurements by
which its nobler feelings are too often corrupted. But her influence is not confined to the hour of prosperity alone : she
forms the mind to a general habit of restraint over its appetites, its passions, and even its virtues ; any of which, if allowed to acquire exclusive influence over the soul, would
concentrate the faculties in a single point, absorb its feelings,
and confine its energies, insensibly producing intolerance of

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sentiment, and degenerating into an excess scarcely less pernicious than vice itself. Temperance may, therefore, be styled
the crown of all the virtues. Her influence, like the masters
of the ancient lyre, can modulate the varied chords of lively
sympathy, or generous feelings, till each acquires its due tone
and vibration, and the whole become blended in one sweet accordant harmony.
Q. I will thank you to illustrate Fortitude.
A. Fortitude is that virtue which arms the soul against
the storms of adversity, enables it to rise superior to distress
and danger, and gives its strength to res3ist the temptations
and allurements of vice. But this virtue is equally distant
from impetuous rashness on the one hand, and from dishonest cowardice on the other. The truly brave neither shrink
from the evils which they are constrained to encounter, nor
rush on danger without feeling and estimating its full extent.
Fortitude, therefore, differs from constitutional hardiness, as
real benevolence is distinguished from weakness, being actuated
not by a principle of blind instinctive daring, but by the nobler
motives of virtuous energy. He who with steady aim pursues
the course which wisdom recommends, and justice consecrates,
can cheerfully meet the hour of trial, smile at impending danger, and contemn every sordid or unworthy motive which
would deter or seduce him from the path of duty; whilst
fearing God alone, he knows no other fear, and dares do all
that does become a manever remembering, that he who dares
do more is none.
Q. I will thank you to illustrate Prudence.
A. Prudence may justly be defined the clear and distinct
perception of the several relations between our actions and the
purposes to which they are directed. In this view, it deserves
to be considered as the first great principle of human wisdom ;
and justly has the Roman moralist declared, that where prudence rules the mind, fortune has no influence. The prudent
man, before be engages in any enterprise, maturely reflects on
the consequences which may probably result from it, balancing
with steady deliberations the several probabilities of good and
evil, extending his views into futurity, and revolving in his mind
every circumstance of doubtful event affecting the end which
he has in view, or the means which he purposes to use. He
decides not hastily, and when he has decided, commits nothing

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to chance ; but, comparing the three great periods of time with

each other, from the reflection of the past regulates the present,
and provides for the future ; by which means he neither wastes
his energies improvidently, nor meets the occurrences in life
Q. I will thank you to illustrate Justice.
A. As prudence directs us in the selection of the means most
proper to attain our ends, so Justice teaches us to propose to
ourselves such ends only as are consistent with our several
relations to society, rendering to all, without distinction, those
dues, which they are respectively entitled to claim from us ;
bending with implicit obedience to the will of our Creator, and
being scrupulously attentive to the sacred duties of life ; zealous in our attachment to our native country ; exemplary in
our allegiance to the government under which we reside ; treating our superiors with reverence, our equals with kindness, and
to our inferiors, extending the benefit of admonition, instruction, and protection.
Q. Is there any symbolical reference to be derived from
these points ?
A. The speculative Mason beholds a symbolical allusion
to the four great rivers which flowed out of the Garden of
Q. I will thank you to illustrate them.
A. In Pison our first parents revered the fountain of Prudence. In Gihon they beheld the sacred stream of Justice.
The rapid and irresistible torrent of Heddekel denotes Fortitude. And the Phrath, or Euphrates, the mild but steady
current of Temperance. Happy was their state, while these
sacred dictates were impressed upon their minds ; and happy
may be our future lot, if we, through life, observe the lessons
which they inculcate. Instructed by Prudence, guided by
Justice, strengthened by Fortitude, and by Temperance restrained.

Here, Brethren, we close the third section of our lecture.

This section may, with strict propriety, be called didactical,
or preceptive. This assertion is fully made out, that morality is the great subject with which Freemasonry is conver



sant. Hence it follows, that the virtuous Mason, after he has

enlightened his own mind with those sage and moral precepts,
is the more ready to enlighten and enlarge the understanding
of others.

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(The Master gives a knock, which is answered by a knock from

each Warden as a call to order.)
W. M. Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge.Brother
Junior Warden, the constant care of every Mason ?
J. W. To prove the Lodge close tiled.
W. M. Direct that duty to be done.
J. W. Brother Inner Guard, you will prove the Lodge
close tiled.
(The I. G. gives three knocks on the inside of the door, which
are answered by the Outer Guard, or Tiler, in the same way,
which indicates that the Lodge is close tiled.)
I. G. Brother Junior Warden, the Lodge is close tiled.
(This communication is made with the Entered Apprentice
sign; the Junior Warden gives three distinct knocks, makes
the sign, and says, Worshipful Master, the Lodge is close
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, what is the next care ?
S. W. To see the Brethren appear to order as Masons.
W. M. To order, Brethren, as Masons.Brother Senior
Warden, your situation in the Lodge ?
S. W. In the West.
W. M. Your duty when so placed ?
S. W. As the sun disappears in the West to close the day,
so the Senior Warden is placed in the west to close the Lodge
by command of the Worshipful Master, after seeing that every
one has his just dues.
W. M. Our Lodge being thus duly formed, before I proceed to declare it closed, let us with all humility and reverence
express our gratitude to the great Architect of the Universe
for all favours already received ; and may he still continue to
support our order, by cementing and adorning us with every
moral and social virtue.
P. M. So mote it be.

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W. M. Brother Senior Warden, our labours being ended,

you have my command to close the Lodge.
S. W. Brethren, in the name of the great Architect of the
Universe, and by the command of the Worshipful Master, I
declare this Lodge closed.
J. W. It is accordingly so done, and stands closed until
the barring all cases of emergency, of which the Brethren
shall be apprised by summons.
(The W. M., S. W., J. W., I. G., and T., give three knocks in
rotation, and pronounce the Lodge closed, and each, lays down
the instrument which is the ensign of his authority.)
P. M. Brethren, nothing more remains to be done; but, according to ancient custom, to lock up our secrets in the safe
and sacred repositories of our hearts, with FidelityFidelity
Fidelity ; and may God be with us. (The Bible is closed.)
A charge is occasionally delivered at the closing of the Lodge
by the Master, to the following effect:
When the Lodge is closed you are at liberty to enjoy yourselves with innocent mirth, but carefully avoid excess. Do not
compel any Brother to act contrary to his inclination, or give
offence by word or deed ; but enjoy a free and easy conversation. Avoid immoral or obscene discourse, and at all times
support, with propriety, the dignity of your character. Be
cautious in your words and carriage, that the most penetrating
stranger may not discover or find out what is not proper to be
intimated ; and, if necessary, waive the discourse, and manage
it prudently, for the honour of the fraternity. At home, and in
your several neighbourhoods, behave as wise and moral men.
Never communicate to your families, friends, or acquaintances,
the private transactions of our different assemblies ; but, on
every occasion, consult your honour, and the reputation of the
fraternity at large. Study the preservation of health, by
avoiding irregularity and intemperance, that your families may
not be neglected and injured, or yourselves disabled from attending to your necessary employments in life.
If a stranger apply in the character of a Mason, cautiously
examine him in such a manner as prudence may direct, and
agreeable to the forms established by Masonry, that you may
not be imposed upon by an ignorant, false pretender, whom
you are to reject with contempt ; and beware of giving him
any secret hints of knowledge.

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But if you discover him to be a true and genuine brother,

respect him ; if he be in want, without prejudice relieve him,
or direct him how be may be relieved ; if you can employ him,
do so, or direct him to employment. However, you are not
charged to do beyond your ability, only to prefer a poor
Mason, who is a good man and true, before any other man in
the same circumstances.
Finally, these rules are always to be observed and enforced,
and also the duties which have been communicated in the
lecture. Cultivate brotherly love, the foundation and copestone, the cement and glory of this ancient fraternity ; avoiding, on every occasion, wrangling and quarrelling, slandering
and backbiting ; not permitting others to slander honest
brethren ; but defending their characters, and doing them
good offices, as far as may be consistent with your honour and
safety and no farther. Hence all may see the benign influence
of Masonry as all true Masons have done from the beginning of the world, and will do to the end of time. Amen,
so mote it be.



(The Master knocks to call attention, and is answered by the

W. M. Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Second Degree.Brother Junior Warden, the first care of every
Fellow-Craft Mason ?
J. W. To see the Lodge properly tiled.'
W. M. Direct that duty to be done.
J. W. Brother Inner Guard, you will see the Lodge properly tiled.
I. G. (Gives the knocks.) Brother Junior Warden (with the
sign), the Lodge is properly tiled.
J. W. (With the knocks and sign.) Worshipful Master, the
Lodge is properly tiled.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, the next care ?
S. W. To see the Brethren appear to order as Fellow-Craft

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W. M. Brethren, to order as Masons in the Second Degree.Brother Junior Warden, are you a Fellow-Craft Freemason ?
J. W. I am ; try me ; prove me.
W. M. By what instrument in architecture will you be
proved ?
J. W. By the square.
W. M. What is the square ?
J. W. An angle of ninety degrees, forming the fourth part
of a circle.
W. M. Since you are so well informed yourself, you will
prove the Brethren present to be Fellow-Craft Freemasons,
by three-fold signs, and demonstrate that proof to me by copying their example.
J. W. Brethren, by command of the Worshipful Master,
you are desired to prove yourselves Fellow-Craft Freemasons
by three-fold signs : and to prevent confusion, observe the
Senior Warden ; (all make the signs, and the Junior Warden
says :) Worshipful Master, the Brethren present having
proved themselves Fellow-Craft Freemasons, by three-fold
signs, I, in obedience to your commands, demonstrate that
proof to you, by copying their example.
W. M. And I acknowledge the correctness of those signs
(repeating them). Brethren, our Lodge being thus duly formed,
before I proceed to declare it open, let us invoke a blessing
from the grand Geometrician of the Universe, that the rays of
Heaven may shed their benign influence over us, to enlighten
us in the paths of nature and science.
P. M. So mote it be (and opens the Bible at the ).
W. M. In the name of the grand Geometrician of the
Universe, I declare this Lodge open on the square, for the
intruction and improvewent of Fellow-Craft Freemasons.
(The Master gives the proper knocks, and is followed by
the Wardens, Inner Guard, and Tiler, and the Brethren take their

W. M. Brethren, Brother N is this evening a candidate to be passed to the second degree; but it is first requisite



that he should give proofs of proficiency in the former ; 1 shall

therefore proceed to put the necessary questions.

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(The Master now puts the following questions of the first degree,
and then enquires if any brother has any other question to ask. The
candidate is then considered as qualified.)
Q. Where were you first prepared to be made a Freemason ?
A. In my heart.
Q. Where next prepared ?
A. In a convenient room adjoining the Lodge.
Q. Describe the mode of preparation ?
A. I was deprived of all metal, and hoodwinked ; my right
arm, left breast, and left knee made bare ; my right heel slipshod, and a cable-tow put round my neck.
Q. How did you gain admission ?
A. By three knocks on the door.
Q. Why were you made a Freemason ?
A. For the sake of obtaining the knowledge and secrets
preserved among Freemasons.
Q. Where were you made a Freemason ?
A. In the body of a Lodge, just, perfect, and regular.
Q. How do you know yourself to be a Freemason ?
A. By the regularity of my initiation, repeated trials and
approbations, and a readiness at all times to undergo an examination, when properly called upon.
Q. Since you know yourself to be a Freemason, what means
have you of communicating it to others ?
A. By signs, tokens, and particular words, which when
reciprocally given serve to distinguish a Freemason by night
as well as by day.
Q. When were you made a Mason ?
A. When the Sun was at its meridian.
Q. In this country, Fteemasons Lodges are usually held in
the evening, how do you account for this, which at first appears a paradox ?
A. The Sun being a fixed body, the earth constantly revolv-



ing round it on its own axis, it necessarily foIIows, that the

Sun is always at its meridian ; and Freemasonry being universally spread over its surface, it follows, as a second consequence, that the Sun is always at its meridian with respect
to Freemasonry.
Q. What is Freemasonry ?
A. A peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, and
illustrat by symbols. .

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W. M. Brother N, you will come this way. Do you

pledge your honour as a man, and your fidelity as a Mason,
that you will steadily persevere through the ceremony of
being passed to the second degree ?
B. N. I do.
W. M. Do you likewise pledge yourself that you will conceal what I shall now impart to you with the same strict caution as the other secrets in Masonry ?
B. N. I will.
W. M. Then I will trust you with a test of merit, which
is, a passing grip and a passing word leading to the door of the
Lodge into which you seek to be admitted. The passing grip
is given by a distinct pressure of the thumb of your right hand
between the joints of the first and middle fingers of the right
hand of a brother. This demands a passing word, which is
SHIBBOLETH. The word Shibboleth denotes plenty, and is
usually depicted in our Lodges by an ear of corn near a fall
of water. You will be particularly careful to remember this
word, as without it, you cannot gain admission to a Lodge in
a superior degree.
(Brother N withdraws, and the Lodge is opened in the
second degree, as during his examination and instruction it could
only be opened in the first degree. After the examination of the
candidate by the Tiler, as to the passing grip and word, the
knock takes place at the door, and the Inner Guard demands
who is there, and reports.)
I. G. Worshipful Master, at the door of your Lodge stands
Brother N, who has been regularly initiated into Masonry, and has made such progress as he hopes will recommend him to be passed to the degree of a Fellow-Craft, for
which ceremony he comes properly prepared.

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W. M. How does he hope to obtain the privileges of the

second degree ?
I. G. By the help of God, assistance of the square, and the
benefit of a passing word.
W. M. We acknowledge the propriety of the aid by which
he seeks it. Do you, Brother Inner Guard, vouch that he is
in possession of that passing word ?
I. G. I do, Worshipful Master.
W. M. Then let him be admitted in due form, Brother
J. D. In the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, enter in due form a Lodge of Fellow-Craft Masons upon
the square, an instrument which brings rude matter into due
form, and as brethren of this degree are obligated on it, so are
they bound by every law, moral and divine, to act upon it with
all mankind, more especially a Brother Mason. (The candidate
is not now hoodwinked ; but his left arm, right breast, and right
knee are made bare, and the left heel slipshod.) Brother Deacon, let the candidate kneel while the blessing of Heaven is
invoked on what we are about to do. (Master prays.) We
supplicate the continuation of thy aid, O merciful Lord, on
behalf of ourselves and of him who kneels before thee. May
the work begun in thy name be continued to thy glory, and
ever more established in us by obedience to thy precepts. So
mote it be. (The candidate is then raised, and led three times
round the Lodge, that all may see he is properly prepared. As
he comes to the Wardens he gives them the pass-grip and word,
as at the door, and he is then presented to the Master.)
S. W. Worshipful Master, I present to you Brother N
candidate properly prepared to be passed to the second degree.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, you will direct the Senior
Deacon to instruct the candidate to advance to the pedestal in
due form.
S. W. Brother Senior Deacon, it is the Worshipful Masters
command that you instruct the candidate to advance to
the east in due form.
W. M. Brother N as in every case the degrees of
Freemasonry are to be kept separate and distinct, another
obligation will now be required of you, in many respects
similar to the former ; are you willing to take it ?

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Br. N. I am.
W. M. Then you will kneel on your right knee, your left
foot in the form of a square, your body erect, place your right
hand on the sacred volume of the law supporting your left arm
with the compasses, the whole forming a square, and say,
after nle.
I, N. N., in the presence of the Grand Geometrician of the
Universe, and in this worshipful and warranted Lodge of
Fellow-Craft Masons, duly constituted, regularIy assembled,
and properly dedicated, of my own free will and accord, do
hereby and hereon most solemnly promise and swear that
I will always hele, conceal and never reveal any or either of
the secrets or mysteries of, or belonging to, the second degree
of Freemasonry, known by the name of the Dellow-Crafts ; to
him who is but an Entered Apprentice, no more than I would
either of them to the uninitiated or the popular world who
are not Masons. I further solemnly pledge myself to act
as a true and faithful craftsman, obey signs, and maintain
the principles inculcated in the first degree. All these points
I most solemnly swear to obey, without evasion, equivocation,
or mental reservation of any kind, under no less a penalty, on
the violation of any of them, in addition to my former obligation, than to have my left breast cut open, my heart torn therefrom, and given to the ravenous birds of the air, or the devouring beasts of the field, as a prey : So help me Almighty God,
and keep me stedfast in this my great and solemn obligation
of a Fellow-Craft Mason.
W. M. As a pledge of your fidelity, and to render this a
solemn obligation, which would otherwise be but a serious
promise, I wIll thank you to seal it with your lips twice on
the volume of the sacred law. Your progress in masonry is
marked by the positions of the square and compasses.
When you were made an Entered Apprentice, both points
were hidden. In this degree one is disclosed, implying that
you are now in the middle of Freemasonry ; superior to an
Entered Apprentice, but inferior to what I trust will hereafter
be communicated to you. Rise, newly obligated Fellow-Craft
Freemason. You, having taken the solemn obligation of a
Fellow-Craft Freemason, I shall proceed to intrust you with
the secrets of the degree. You will advance towards me as at
your initiation. Now take another pace with your left foot,

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bringing the rignt heel into its hollow, as before. That is the
second regular step in Freemasonry, and it is in this position
that the secrets of the degree are communicated. They consist, as in the former instance, of a sign, token, and word ; with
this difference, that the sign is of a threefold nature. The first
part of a threefold sign is called the sign of fidelity, emblematically to shield the repository of your secrets from the attacks
of the cowan. (The sign is made by pressing the right hand on the
left breast, extending the thumb perpendicularly to form a square.)
The second part is called the hailing sign, and is given by,
throwing the left hand up in this manner (horizontal from the
shoulder to the elbow, and perpendicular from tlte elbow to the
ends of the fingers, toith the thumb and forefinger forming a
square.) It took its rise at the time when Joshua fought the
battles of the Lord in the valley of Rephidem, and from the
memorable event of Moses having his hands supported by his
brother Aaron whilst Joshua was fighting the Amalekites. It
was also the position of Joshua when he prayed fervently to the
Almighty to continue the light of day, that lIe might complete
the overthrow of his enemy. Ancl Moses also, when he came
down from the mount, hailed his brethren with this double sign
(the first and second part) in order to arrest their attention, as a
signal for them to attend to what he was about to deliver, and
as a pledge of his sincerity and truth, and also of the importance of what he was about to declare. This was the origin of
the sign, and on the morning that the foundation stone of the
Temple was laid, King Solomon adopted the same double sign :
the right hand as a token of the sincerity of his holiness and
piety towards God, and the left hand as a token of an upright
hand and heart in earnest prayer, imploring the blessing of the
Most High on their pious undertaking, in erecting the Temple
of Jerusalem to his holy service. The third part is called the
penal sign, and is given by drawing the hand across the breasts
and dropping it to the side. This is in allusion to the penalty
of your obligation, implying that as a man of honour, and a
Fellow-Craft, you would rather have yonr heart torn from your
breast, than to improperly divulge the secrets of this degree.
The grip, or token, is given by a distinct pressure of the thumb,
on the second joint of the hand or that of the middle finger.
This demands a word ; a word to be given and received with
the same strict caution as the one in the former degree, either

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by letters or syllables. The word is JACHIN. As in the course

of the evening you will be called on for this word, the Senior
Deacon will now dictate the answers you will have to give.
S. D. What is this ?
Brother N. The grip, or token, of a Fellow-Craft
S. D. What does it demand ?
Br. N. A word..
S. D. Will you give me that word ?
Br. N. I was taught to be cautious in this degree, as well
as in the former : I will letter or halve it with you.
S. D. Which you please, and begin.
Br. N. Ja.
S. D. Chin.
W. M. This word is derived from the right hand pillar of
the porch or entrance to King Solomons Temple. The import
of the word is to establish and when joined to the one in the
former degree, signifies stability. (To the Senior Deacon.)
Pass Brother N to the Junior W wen.
S. D. Brother Junior Warden, I present to you Brother
N, on being passed to the second degree.
J. W. I will thank Brother N - to advance toward me as a
Fellow-Craft (Brother N makes the step and gives the sign.)
J. W. What is that ?
Br. N. The hailing sign, or sign of prayer.
J. W. Have you anything else to communicate ? (Brother
N gives him tke grip or token.)
J. W. What is this ?
Br. N. The grip or token of a Fellow-Craft Freemason.
J. W. What does it demand ?
Br. N. A word.
J. W. Will you give me that word ?
Br. N. I was taught to be cautious in this degree as well as
in the former ; I will letter or halve it with you.
J. W. Which you please, and begin.
Br. N. Ja.
J. W. Chin.
Br. N. JACHIN. (He is then passed to the Senior Warden.)
J. W. Brother Senior Warden, I present to you Brother
N, on being passed to the second degree.

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S. W. I will thank Brother N to advance to me as a

(He advances with the step of the second
S. D. What is that ?
Br. N. The second regular step in Freemasonry.
S. W. Do you bring anything else with you ?
Br. N. I do. (Gives the sign of fidelity.)
S. W. What is that ?
Br. N. The sign of fidelity, enlblematic of shielding the
repository of my secrets fromthe attacks of the cowan.
S. W. Do you bring any thins else with you ?
Br. N. I do. (Gives the hailing sign.)
S. W. What is that ?
Br. N. The hailing sign, or sign of prayer.
S. W. Whence did it arise ?
Br. N. At the time when Joshua, &c. (See former account.)
S. W. Do you bring anything else with you ?
B. N. I do. (Gives the penal sign.)
S. W. What is that ?
B. N. The penal sign of a Fellow-Craft Freemason.
S. W. To what does it allude ?
Br. N. To the penalty of my obligation, implying that as a
man of honour and a Fellow-Craft Mason, I would rather
have my heart torn from my breast, than to improperly divulge the secrets of this degree.
S. W. Have you anything else to communicate ?
Br. N. I have. (Gives him the grip or token.)
S. W. What is this ?
Br. N. The grip or token of a Fellow-Craft.
S. W. What does it demand ?
Br. N. A word.
S. W. Will you give me that word ?
Br. N. I was taught to be cautious in this degree, as well
as in the former ; I will letter or halve it with you.
S. W. Which you please, and begin.
Br. N. Ja.
S. W. Chin.
S. W. From whence is this word derived.
Br. N. From the right-hand pillar of the porch, or entrance

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to King Solomons Temple.

S. W. The import of the word ?
Br. N. To establish.
S. W. And what, when conjoined to the other in the former
degree ?
Br. N. Stability.
S. W. Worshipful Master, 1 present to you Brother N
for some further mark of your favour.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, I delegate you to invest
him with the distinguishing badge of a Fellow-Craft Mason.
S. W. Brother N, by the Worshipful Masters command, I invest you with the distinguishing badge of a
Fellow-Craft, to mark the progress you have made in the
W. M. Let me add to what has been stated by the Senior
Warden, that the badge with which you have just been invested, points out to you that as a Craftsman, you are expected
to make the liberal arts and sciences your future study, that
you may the better be enabled to discover your duty as a
Mason, and estimate the wonderful works of the Almighty.
Brother Senior Deacon, you will place our Brother N at
the south-east part of the Lodge. (Being so placed, he is thus addressed by the Master.)
Brother N, masonry being a progressive science, when
you were made an Entered Apprentice, you were placed at the
north-east part of the Lodge, to show that you were newly admitted. You are now placed at the south-east part, to mark
the progress you have made in the science. You now stand,
to all external appearance, a just and upnght Fellow-Craft
Mason ; I give it to you in strong terms ot recommendation,
to continue and act as such, and as I trust the import of the
former charge neither is nor ever will be effaced from your memory, I shall content myself with observing, that, as in the
former degree you made yourself acquainted with the principles of moral truth and virtue, you are now permitted to extend
your researches into the hidden mysteries of nature and science.
I now present you with the working tools of a Fellow-Craft
Mason, which are the square, level, and plumb-rule. The
square is to try and adjust all irregular corners of buildings,
and to assist in bringing rude matter into due form. The level,
to lay levels, and to prove horizontals : and the plumb-rule to

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try and adjust all uprights, while fixing on their proper bases.
As we are not all operative Masons, but rather free and accepted, or speculative, we apply those tools to our morals. In
this sense, the square teaches morality, the level equality, and
the plumb-rule justness and uprightness of life and action.
Thus by square conduct, level steps, and upright intentions,
we hope to ascend to those immortal mansions, from whence
all goodness emanates. You are now at liberty to retire, in
order to restore yourself to your personal comforts, and on
your return to the Lodge, I shall call your attention to an
explanation of the tracing board, if time will permit. (On his
return, he is placed in tlie west, and returns thanks in the following words.)
Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Senior
and Junior Deacons, and Brethren of this Lodge, I return
you my most hearty and sincere thanks for the honour you
have done me this evening, in passing me to the honourable
degree of a Fellow-Craft Mason.

Brother N, being advanced to the second degree of

the Order, we congratulate you on your preferment. The internal, and not the external qualifications of a man are what
masonry regards. As you increase in knowledge, you will
consequently improve in social intercourse. It is unnecessary
to recapitulate the duties, which, as a Mason you are now
bound to discharge ; or enlarge on the necessity of a strict adherence to them, as your own experience must have established
their value. It may be sufficient to observe, that your past behaviour and regular deportment have merited the honour which
we have conferred ; and in your new character, it is expected
that you will not only conform to the principles of the order,
but steadily persevere in the practice of every commendable
virtue. The study of the liberal arts, that valuable branch of
education, which tends so effectually to polish and adorn the
mind, is earnestly recommended to your consideration ; especially the science of geometry, or masonry, origjnally synonymous terms, is of a divine and moral nature, and enriches with
the most useful knowledge ; while it proves the wonderful
properties of nature, it demostrates the more important
truth of morality.

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As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be particularly attentive to your behaviour in our regular assemblies. You are to preserve our
ancient usages and customs sacred and inviolable ; and induce
others by your example to hold them in due veneration.
The laws and regulations of the order, you are strenuously
to support and maintain. You are not to palliate or aggravate the offences of your brethren ; but, in the decision of
every trespass against our rules, judge with candour, admonish
with friendship, and reprehend with mercy.
As a craftsman in our private assemblies, you may offer
your sentiments and opinions on such subjects as are regularly introduced in the lecture, under the superintendence
of an experienced master, who will guard the landmarks
against encroachment. By this privilege, you may improve
your intellectual powers ; qualify yourself to become an useful member of society ; and, like a skilful brother, strive to
excel in what is good and great.
All regular signs and summonses, given and received, you
are duly to honour ana punctually to obey ; inasmuch as
they consist with our professed principles. You are to encourage industry and reward merit ; supply the wants and
relieve the necessities of brethren and fellows, to the utmost
of your power and ability ; and on no account wrong them
or see thenl wronged ; but to apprise them of approaching
danger, and to view their interest as inseparable from your own.
Such is the nature of your engagements as a Craftsman,
and these duties you are now bound to observe by the most
sacred ties.

At the building of King Solomons Temple, an immense

number of Masons were employed. They consisted of Entered
Apprentices and Fellow-Crafts. The entered Apprentices received a weekly allowance of corn, wine, and oil. The FellowCrafts were paid their wages in specie, which they went to receive in the middle chamber of the temple. They got there by
way of a porch, at the entrance of which their attention was
particularly struck by two great pillars : that on the left was

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called Boaz, which denotes strength ; that on the right Jachin,

which denotes to establish ; and when conjoined, stability ; for
God said, in strength will I establish this mine house, to stand
firm for ever. The height of those pillars was thirty-five
cubits, the circumference twelve, the diameter three. They
were formed hollow, the better to serve as archives to Masonry ;
for therein were deposited the constitutional rolls. Being
formed hollow, the outer rim or shell was four inches, or a
hands breadth in thickness. They were made of molten brass,
and were cast on the plains of the Jordan, in the clay grounds
between Succoth and Zeredatha. The superintendent of the
casting was Hiram Abiff. Those pillars were adorned with
two chapiters, each five cubits high. Those chapiters were enriched with net-work, lily work, and pomegranates. Net-work,
from the connexion of its meshes, denotes unity. Lily-work,
from its whiteness denotes peace. And pomegranates, from
the exuberance of their seed denote plenty. Those pillars
were further adorned with two spherical balls on which were
delineated maps of the celestial and terrestrial globes. They
were considered finished, when the net-work or canopy was
thrown over them. They were placed at the east of the temple, as a memorial to the children of Israel of the miraculous
pillars of fire and cloud, which had two wonderful effects, the
fire to give light to the Israelites during their escape from
their Egyptian bondage ; the cloud proved darkness to Pharaoh and his followers when they attempted to overtake them.
King Solomon ordered them to be placed at the entrance of the
temple, as the most proper and conspicuous situation for the
children of Israel, to have the happy deliverance of their forefathers continually before their eyes, at going to and returning
from divine worship. After our ancient brethren bad passed
those two great pillars, their ascent was opposed by the Junior
Warden, who demanded of them the pass-grip and pass-word,
leading from the first to the second degree. The pass-word,
I dare say you recollect, is Shibboleth, and is here depicted by an
ear of corn near a fall of water. The word Shibboleth dates its
origin from the time that an army of Ephraimites crossed the
River Jordan, in a hostile manner, against Jephtha, the renowned Gileaditish general. The reason assigned for this unfriendly visit was, that they had not been called out to partake
of the honours of the Ammonitish war ; but their true aim was

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to partake of the rich spoils with which, in consequence of that

war, Jephtha and his army were then laden. The Ephraimites
were always a clamorous, turbulent people ; but then broke
out in open violence, and after many severe taunts to the Gileadites in general, threatened in particular to destroy their
victorious commander and his house with fire. Jephtha, on his
part, tried all lenient means to appease them, but finding those
ineffectual, had recourse to rigorous ones. He therefore drew
out his army, gave the Ephraimites battle, defeated and put
them to flight, and to render his victory decisive, and secure
himself from the like molestation in future, he sent detachments of the army to secure the passages of the River Jordan,
over which he knew the insurgents must of necessity attempt to
go, in order to regain their own country, giving strict orders
to his guards, that, if a fugitive came that way, owning himself
an Ephraimite, he should be immediately slain ; but if he
said nay, or prevaricated, a test word was to be put to him,
which was, to pronounce the word SHIBBOLETH. The Ephraimites, through a defect in aspiration peculiar to their dialect,
could not pronounce it properly, but called it Sibboleth, which
discovered their country and cost them their lives. And
Scripture informs us, that there fell on that day, in the field of
battle, and on the banks of the Jordan, forty-two thousand
Ephraimites ; and as Shibboleth was then a test word to distinguish a friend from foe, King Solomon afterwards caused it
to be adopted as a pass-word in a Fellow-Crafts Lodge, to prevent any unqualified person from ascending the winding staircase, which led to the middle chamber of the temple.
After our ancient brethren had given those convincing proofs
to the Junior Warden, he said, pass SHIBBOLETH, or Brother.
They then passed up a winding staircase, consisting of three,
five, seven, or more. Three rule a Lodge ; five hold a Lodge ;
seven or more make it perfect. The three that rule a Lodge,
are the Worshipful Master and his two Wardens. The five
who hold a lodge, are the Master, two Wardens, and two
Fellow-Crafts. The seven who make it perfect are two Entered Apprentices, added to the former five. Three rule a
lodge ; because there were but three Grand Masters who bore
sway at the building of the first temple at Jerusalem, viz., Solomon, King of Israel ; Hiram, King of Tyre ; and Hiram
Abiff. Five hold a Lodge, in allusion to the five Noble Orders

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in Architecture, viz., the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and

Composite. Seven, or more, make it perfect ; because King
Solomon was seven years, and upwards, in building, completing, and dedicating the Temple at Jerusalem to Gods service. They have likewise an allusion to the seven liberal arts
and sciences, viz., Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic,
Geometry, Music, and Astronomy.
After our ancient brethren had gained the summit or the
winding staircase, they arrived at the door of the middle
chamber of the temple, which they found open ; but properly
tiled by the Senior Warden, against all under the Degree of a
Fellow-Craft. After our ancient brethren had given him those
convincing proofs, he said, pass SHIBBOLETH, or Brother. They
then passed into the middle chamber of the temple. They
went there to receive their wages, which they took without
scruple or diffidence. Without scruple, knowing they had
justly earned it. Without diffidence, from the unbounded confidence they placed in the integrity of their employers in those
When our ancient brethren were in the middle chamber of
the temple their attention was particularly drawn to certain
Hebrew characters, which are now depicted in a Fellow-Crafts
Lodge by the letter G, denoting God, the Grand Geometrician
of the Universe, to whom we must all submit, and ought humbly to adore.

Section 1.Clause One.

Q. Brother, are you a Fellow-Craft ?
A. I am so taken and accepted among brethren and fellows
of the Craft.
Q. How shall I know you to be a Fellow-Craft ?
A. By signs, tokens, and words.
Q. How did you attain them ?
A. By duly passing from an Entered Apprentice to a FellowCraft, in a regular and well-constituted Lodge. of FellowCrafts, there met and assembled.
Q. Of how many did the lodge consist ?
A. Of five in number: the Worshipful Master, the two

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Wardens, and two Fellows of the Working C1ass.

Q. At what time did this take place ?
A. At evening, after the sun was set.
Q. By whom were you passed to a Fellow-Craft ?
A. By the Worshipful Master, the Senior and Junior Wardens, and the brethren assembled.
Q. Where stood the Worshipful Master ?
A. In the east.
Q. Why so ?
A. To mark the point where the sun was rising.
Q. Where stood the Senior Warden ?
A. In the west.
Q. Why so ?
A. To mark the pomt of the suns setting.
Q. Where was the situation of the Junior Warden ?
A. In the south.
Q. Why so ?
A. To mark the place of the sun below the horizon.
Q. Why were you passed to a Fellow-Craft when the sun
was below the horizon ?
A. To intimate to me that the labours of a Fellow-Craft are
directed by the firmament and the steady light of truth and
Clause Two.
Q. How did you gain admission to a Lodge of FellowCrafts?
A. Having duly and truly served my time as an Entered
Apprentice, I was, by consent of the brethren, prepared, admitted, and obligated in due form.
Q. In what manner were you presented ?
A. In a state of due preparationMy left arm, left breast,
and right knee made bare, left heel slip-shod, and formed upon
the square.
Q. Why so made bare, and placed in due form sign of
an Entered Apprentice ?
A. In token of my sincere conformity with my obligation
as an Entered Apprentice.
Q. Where were you then led, and by whom ?
A. To the door of the lodge by a brother and Fellow-Craft.

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Q. How did you gain admission ?

A. By knocks one and two.
Q. Who came to your assistance ?
A. The Inner Guard, who demanded my name and the purpose for which I came there.
Q. What answer was returned ?
A. Brother N, who having been regularly initiated in
the first degree, and having made such progress in Masonry
as he hopes will entitle him to be passed to the degree of a
Fellow-Craft, and for which purpose he comes properly prepared.
Q. What further did he demand of you ?
A. The pass-grip and word, which I readily gave him.
Q. What did he then do ?
A. He then reported me to the Worshipful Master, who
ordered him to admit me.
Q. In what form were you admitted ?
A. Upon the squareto intimate to me that I was admitted
upon the square, in order that I might make further progress
in the art of Masonry, and no longer be received as a stranger
in a hostile manner, but as one entitled to the privileges of a
true and lawful brother.
Clause Three.
Q. How were you then disposed of ?
A. I was led to the left of the Senior Warden, and commanded to kneel whilst the favour and protection of Heaven
were invoked.
Q. How next ?
A. I was led twice round the lodge, that the Masters and
Fellow-Craft might. see that I was properly prepared, and no
Q. What occurred in the courne of your progress ?
A. The Worshipful Master demanded of me the sign, token,
and word, of an Entered Apprentice, which I accordingly
Q. What was done afterwards ?
A. I was duly presented to the Worshipful Master by the
Senior Warden.
Q. What said the Worshipful Master ?

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A. I will attend to your presentation, Brother Senior Warden. You will direct the Senior Deacon to instruct the candidate to advance towards the east with his proper steps.
That being done, the Worshipful Master said, as the secrets
of the different degrees of Freemasonry are at all times to be
kept separate and distinct from each other, an obligation
will be required of you to preserve inviolate the secrets of
this degree from an Entered Apprentice as from the rest
of the world : are you ready and willing to take an obligation of this kind ? Answering to these questions in a
satisfactory manner, I was instructed to advance in due
Q. In what does that form consist ?
A. Of certain steps, which I am ready more fully to explain
when duly called upon.
Q. How many steps ?
A. Five winding.
Q. What was then done ?
A. The Master received me and placed me in the due form
of a Fellow-Craft.
Q. What is the. nature of that form ?
A. Kneeling on the right knee, with the right hand on the
sacred volume of God, and a square placed in the left elbow,
supported by the compasses.
Q. What does that denote ?
A. My respective duties to God and the Craft in conformity
to my obligation.
Q. Which obligation you will be pleased to repeat.
The conclusion of the first section is a mere detail of what I
have given in the making, and would be tediously repeated

Q. What was the first instruction you received as a FellowCraft Mason ?
A. I was first instructed in the history of our ancient
fraternity, from the time that it received its present institution.
Q. At what period was that ?
A. About the year of the world 3000, at the building of the
Temple of Jerusalem by King Solomon.

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Q. From whence did our present forms arise ?

A. From the order observed in classing and distinguishing
the multitude of workmen there employed, as well as for paying them their respective wages, as for preserving good government among them.
Q. How many Masons were there in all ?
A. Three thousand six hundred, who presided over the ordinary workmen.
Q. How were they distinguished ?
A. As Fellow-Crafts and Entered Apprentices.
Q. How were they divided ?
A. Into lodges or companies of seven Entered Apprentices,
or five Fellow-Crafts.
Q. How many Entered Apprentices ?
A. Two thousand one hundred, making three hundred
lodges or companies.
Q. How many Fel1ow-Crafts ?
A. Fifteen hundred, of whom three hundred were styled
Gibeonites, on account of their excellent skill as workmen ;
and of these three hundred, each presided over a lodge or company of Fellow-Crafts or Entered Apprentices.
Q. What wages were given to them ?
A. A certain allowance of corn, wine, and oil, to each lodge
or company ; besides wages in money to the master of the
Q. Where were those wages received ?
A. In the middle chamber of King Solomons Temple, to
which none but Fellow-Crafts were admitted.
Q. How were Fellow-Crafts alone admitted ?
A. By means of a pass-word and grip, still preserved among
Fellow-Craft Masons.
Q. How many Master Masons were there ?
A. Three only, to whom the true secrets of a Master were
known ; namely, Solomon, Hiram, and Hiram Abiff.
Q. Who Wag Hiram ?
A. The King of Tyre, and the ancient friend of King
Q. What part had he in the building ot the Temple at Jerusalem ?
A. He furnished the timbers from the forest of Lebanon, in
exchange for stipulated proportions of corn, wine, and oil. He

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also sent his fleet to Ophir to fetch gold and precious stones for
King Solomon, with whom be entered into a strict correspondence and reciprocal friendship.
Q. Is the correspondence between those two princes preserved ?
A. It is, in the five chapters or the first book of Kings, and
the second chapter of the second book of Chronicles.
Q. What further assistance dill Hiram give ?
A. At the request or King Solomon, he sent a man of consummate knowledge and skill, who thoroughly understood the
principles of every art and science, to preside over the workmen and direct their labours.
Q. Who was this extraordinary man ?
A. His name was Hiram Abiff. He was the son of a widow
of the tribe of Napthali, and his father was a man of Tyre.
Under his directions was the glorious temple completed in little
more than seven years.
Q. Where and how were the materials procured ?
A. The timbers were felled in the forest of Lebanon, where
a levy of thirty thousand men of Jerusalem were employed
by monthly courses of ten thousand : and the stones were cut
and wrought in the quarries of the mountains of Judea, by
eighty thousand men, assisted by seventy thousand who bare
Q. By what model was this building finished ?
A. It was according in all things with the model presented
by God himself to King David, the father of Solomon, who nevertheless was not permitted to build this sacred temple, as his
hands had been stained with blood.
Q. When was it begun and finished ?
A. It was begun in the month of Zif, in the fourth year of
King Solomons reign, A. L. 2992, and finished in the month
of Bul, or eighth month, in the eleventh year of his reign, A. L.
Q. How was it dedicated ?
A. King Solomon celebrated the feast of Dedication with
prayer and sacrifice, in the presence of all the people of Israel,
and the feast lasted fourteen days.
Q. Is the prayer of Dedication still preserved ?
A. It is, in the eighth chapter of the first book of Kings and
the sixth chapter of the second book of Chronicles.



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Q. Was it consecrated with any particular marks of divine

favour ?
A. The divine Shekinah, or brightness, which was a visible
token of Gods presence entering the temple from the eastward, settled over the mercy seat, whereon was placed the ark
of the covenant.
Clause Two.
Q. By what means was the system of masonry extended ?
A. Our Grand Master Solomon, observing the effects produced by strict order adopted among the Masons employed in
his work, conceived the great idea of uniting the wise and good
in every nation, in the bond of brotherly love and in the pursuit of scientific acquirements.
Q. How was he enabled to effect this glorious design ?
A. He admitted to the participation of this system those
illustrious sages, who resorted to Jerusalem, even from the
uttermost parts of the east, to be instructed in his wisdom ;
and they, returning to their respective homes, diffused the
system of Freemasonry over the whole face of the Eastern
Q. Where did our institution more especially flourish ?
A. In Tyre and Sidon, and the whole coast of Phnicia,
under the patronage of Hiram, King of Tyre, and his successors.
Q. Who brought the knowledge of it westward ?
A. The Phnicians, in their commerce with this part of the
world, spread an imperfect knowledge thereof over the northern
coast of Africa and the whole of Europe.
Q. Who was the most especial founder thereof in the west ?
A. Pythagoras, a Grecian philosopher, born at Samos, about
450 years after the building of King Solomons Temple at Jeusalem.
Q. What is recorded of him ?
A. That he travellecl into Egypt for instruction in the
sacred mysteries of the priests of Memphis, and returning by
Phnicia, was there initiated into our purer rites. After
which he retired to Italy, and founded the Italian School of
Philosophy at Crotona.
Q. What masonic observations do we find in his instructions ?

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A. He enjoined his disciples a long probation of silence

and inviolate secrecy ; a strict love for, and fidelity towards,
each other. He distinguished them by secret signs, and divided them into classes, according to their abilities and knowledge ; but chiefly distinguished them as exoterics and esoterics.
Q. What does the first of these appellations denote ?
A. Outward hearers, they being admitted to know only a
portion of the mysteries, and separated from the higher classes
by a veil.
Q. What is meant by the latter ?
A. Those within the veil, who were permitted to see and
hear all things.
Q. By what medium were his doctrines illustrated ?
A. By the direct and relative qualities and powers of
numbers, under which are concealed truths of the greatest
Q. What discoveries are particularly attributed to him ?
A. The true system of the universe; the foundation of all
proportional geometry in the 47th problem of the second book
of Euclid ; and other points of science which will be illustrated
in their proper places.
Q. By whom were the doctrines of Pythagoras received and
particularly conveyed ?
A. By Plato, an Athenian philosopher, who lived about 150
years after Pythagoras, and derived his knowledge from the
same sources.
Q. In what manner were his doctrines conveyed ?
A. By means of geometrical symbols, which have a correlative power with the numbers of Pythagoras.

(The Master knocks to order, which is followed by the two

W. M. Brethren, assist me to close this Fellow-Crafts
Lodge. Brother Junior Warden, what is the constant care of
every Fellow-Craft Freemason ?
J. W. To prove the lodge close tiled.
W. M. Direct that duty to be done.

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J. W. Brother Inner Guard, you will prove the lodge close

tiled. (The Inner Guard and the Tiler both give the FellowCrafts knocks.)
I. G. Brother Junior Warden, the lodge is close tiled.
J. W. (Knocks and makes the sign). Worshipful Master,
the lodge is close tiled.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, the next care ?
S. W. To see the Brethren appear to order as Craftsmen.
W. M. To order, Brethren, as Craftsmen.Brother Junior
Warden, in this character what have you discovered ?
J. W. A sacred symbol.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, where is it fixed ?
S. W. In the centre of the building.
W. M. Brother Junior Warden, to what does it allude ?
J. W. To God, the Grand Geometrician of the Universe.
W. M. Brethren, let us remember wherever we are, and
whatever we do, his all seeing eye beholds us ; and while we
continue to act as faithful Fellow-Craft Masons, let us never
fail to discharge our duties towards him with fervency and
P. M. So mote it be.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, our labours being closed
in this degree, you have my command to close this FellowCrafts Lodge. (Gives the knocks.).
S. W. In the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, and by command of the Worshipful Master, I declare
this Lodge of Fellow-Craft Freemasons duly closed. (Gives
the knocks.)
J. W. It is accordingly so done.



W. M. Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Third

Degree ; Brother Junior Warden, what is the first care of a
Master Mason ?
J. W. To see the lodge properly tiled.

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W. M. You will direct that duty to be Done.

J. W. Brother Inner Guard, you will see the lodge properly tiled. (The fellow-Crafts knocks are then given on the
door by the Inner Guard and Tiler, to prove the lodge close
I. G. Brother Junior Warden, the lodge is properly tiled.
(This is given, with the sign ; and with, a similar sign, and the
Fellow-Crafts knocks, the J. W. reports to the Master.) Worshipful Master, the lodge is properly tiled.
W. M. Brother Senior Waiden, the next care of every
Master Mason ?
S. W. To see the brethren appear to order as Craftsmen.
W. M. To order, brethren, as Craftsmen.Brother Junior
Warden, are you a Master Mason ?
J. W. I am, Worshipful Master ; try me ; prove me.
W. M. By what instrument of architecture will you be
proved ?
J. W. By the square and compasses.
W. M. Since you are so well acquainted with the mode
yourself, you will prove the brethren present to be Master
Masons, by signs, and demonstrate that proof to me by copying
their example.
J. W. Brethren, by command of the Worshipful Master,
you will prove yourselves Master Masons by signs ; and to
prevent confusion, observe the Senior Warden. (The signs
are given by all present, and the J. W. reports.) Worshipful
Master, the brethren present having proved themselves Master
Masons by signs, I, in obedience to your commands, demonstrate that proof to you, by copying their example.
W. M. And I acknowJedge the correctness of those signs.
Brother Junior Warden, from whence came you ?
J. W. From the East.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, whither are you directing
your course ?
S. W. Towards the West.
W. M. Brother Junior Warden, for what purpose ?
J. W. In search of that which was lost, which by your assistance, and our own endeavours, we hope to find.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, what was that which was
lost ?
S. W. The genuine secrets of a Master Mason.

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W. M. Brother Junior Warden, how came those secrets

lost ?
J. W. By the untimely death or our Master, Hiram Abiff.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, and where do you hope to
find them ?
S. W. With a centre.
W. M. Brother Junior Warden, what is a centre ?
J. W. A point within a circle, from which every part of
the circumference is equally distant.
W. M. Brother Semor Warden, why with a centre ?
S. W. Because from that point no Master Mason can err.
W. M. Brethren, I will assist yon in your researches ; and
may heaven prosper our united endeavours.
P. M. So mote it be.
W. M. Brethren, in the name of the Most High, I declare
this lodge open on the centre for the instruction and improvement of Master Masons. (The Master and Wardens then say
ALL GLORY TO THE MOST HIGH, and make the sign.
This js done by the Master thrice, by the Senior Warden twice,
and by the Junior Warden and all the Brethren present once.
The Master and Wardens give the knocks, and the lodge is
declared open.)

(The lodge is open in the Second degree, and the brethren thus
addressed by the Master.) Brethren, Brother N is this
evening a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree ; but it
is first requisite that he should give proofs of proficiency in the
former : I shall therefore proceed to put the necessary questions. (The candidate is then examined as to his proficiency in
the former degree, by the Master, and by any other member present who chooses to question him.)

Q. How were you prepared to be made a Fellow-Craft ?

A. In a manner somewhat similar to the. former degree,

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but with this differencethat I was not hoodwinked, my left

arm, right breast, and right knee were made bare, my left
heel slipshod.
Q. On what did you enter ?
A. On the square.
Q. What is a square ?
A. An angle of ninety degrees, forming the fourth part of a
Q. For what were your researches in this degree ?
A. For the hidden mysteries of nature and science.
Q. As it is the hope of reward that sweetens labour, where
did our ancient brethren go to receive their wages ?
A. Into the middle chamber of King Solomon's Temple.
Q. How did they receive it ?
A. Without scruple or diffidence.
Q. Why in this peculiar manner ?
A. Without scruple, knowing they had justly earned it;
without diffidence, from the unbounded confidence they placed
in the integrity of their employers in those days.
Q. What were the names of the two pillars placed at the
porch-way of King Solomon's Temple ?
A. That on the left Boaz; that on the right Jachin.
Q. That were their separate and conjoint meanings ?
A. The former, strength; the latter, to establish ; conjointly,
W. M. Brother N, will you come this way? Do you
pledge your honour as a man, and your fidelity as a Mason,
that you will steadily persevere through the ceremony of
being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason ?
Brother N. I do.
W. M. Do you likewise pledge yourself that you will conceal
what I shall now impart to you with the same strict caution as
the other secrets in Masonry ?
Br. N. I will.
W. M. Then I will instruct you with a test of merit, which
is a pass-grip and a pass-word, leading to the degree into
which you seek to be admitted. The pass-grip is given by
a distinct pressure of the thumb between the joints of the
middle and ring fingers. This demands a pass-word, which
is TUBAL CAIN, who was the first artificer in metal ; and the
import of the word is worldly possession. Yon will be par-

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ticularly careful to remember this word, as without it, you

cannot gain admittance into a lodge, in a superiur degree.
(Brother N retires to be properly prepared, which is to
have both of his arms, breasts, and knees bare, and both heels
slip-shod. In the interim the lodge is opened in the Third
The same ceremonies take place at the door,
as in the former degrees, with, the difference of the distinctive grip word, knocks, &c., and, the Inner Guard reports to the
I. G. Worshipful Master, Brother N is at the door of
the lodge, who has been regularly initiated into Masonry,
passed the degree of a Fellow-Craft, and has made such progress as he hopes will recommend him to be raised to the
sublime degree of a Master Mason, for which ceremony he
comes properly prepared.
W. M. How does he hope to obtain the privileges of the
Third Degree ?
I. G. By the help of God, the united aid of the square
and compasses, and the benefit of a pass-word.
W. M. We acknowledge the powerful aid by which he
seeks it ; do you, Brother Inner Guard, vouch that he is in
possession of that pass-word ?
I. G. I do, Worshipful Master.
W. M. Then let him be admitted in due fonn. (He is then
admitted) Brother Deacons, let the candidate kneel while
the blessIng of heaven is invoked on our proceeclings. (He
kneels and the Master prays.)
Almighty and Eternal God, the Architect and Ruler of the
Universe, at whose creative fiat all things first were made :
we, the frail creatures of thy providence, humbly implore thee
to pour down on this convocation assembled in thy holy name,
the continual dew of thy blessing ; and especially, we beseech
thee, to impart thy grace to this thy servant, who offers himself a candidate, with such fortitude that in the hour of trial
he fail not ; but pass him safely under thy protection through
the valley of the shadow of death, that he may finally arise
from the tomb of transgression, to shine as the stars for ever
and ever.So mote it be.
W. M. The brethren will take notice, that Brother N,
who has been regularly initiated in Freemasonry, and has
passed the degree of a Fellow-Craft is about to pass in view

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before them, to show that he is properly prepared to be raised

to the Third Degree. (He is then, conducted three time round
the lodge by the Deacons. At the first time he shows the sign
of the first degree to the W. M.: then the first sign with the
grip to the J. W. At the second round, he shows the second
sign to the W. M. and J. W., and communicates both sign and
grip to the S. W. At tlte third round, he shows the second
sign to the W. M. and J. W., and shows the sign and communicates the Masters pass.grip and pass-word to the S. W., by
whom he is presented to the Master.)
S. W. Worshipful Master, I present to you. Brother N,
a candidate properly prepared to be raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, you will direct the Deacons to instruct the candidate to advance to the pedestal in
due form.
S. W. Brother Deacons, it is the Worshipful Masters
command that you instruct the candidate to advance to the
East in due form.
W. M. It is but fair to inform you, that a most serious
trial of your fortitude and fidelity, as well as a most solemn
obligation, await you ; are you prepared to meet them as you
ought ?
Br. N. I am.
W. M. Then you will kneel on both knees, place both
hands on the volume of the sacred law, repeat your name at
length, and say after me:
I, N N, in the presence of the Most High, and of
this worthy and worshipful lodge, duly constituted, regularly
assembled, and properly dedicated, of my own free will and accord, do hereby, and hereon, most solemnly promise and swear,
that I will always hele, conceal, and never reveal, any or either
of the secrets or mysteries of, or belonging to, the Degree of
a Master Mason, to anyone in the world, unless it be to him
or them to whom the same may justly and lawfully belong ;
and not even to him or them, until after due trials, strict examination, or full conviction, that he or they are worthy of that
confidence, or in the bosom of a Master Masons Lodge. I further, most solemnly engage, that I will keep the secrets of the
Third Degree from him who is but a Fellow-Craft Mason, with
the same strict caution as I will those of the Second Degree

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from him who is but an Entered Apprentice Free Mason : the

same, or either of them, from anyone in the known world,
unless to true and lawful Brother Masons. I further solemnly
engage myself, to advance to the pedestal of the square and
compasses, to answer and obey all lawful signs and summonses
sent to me from a Master Masons Lodge, if within the length of
my cable-tow, and to plead no excuse except sickness, or the pressing emergency of my own private or public avocations. I furthermore solemnly pledge myself, to maintain and support the
five points of fellowship, in act as well in word ; that my hand
given to a Mason shall be the sure pledge of brotherhood ; that
my foot shall traverse through danger and difficulties, to unite
with his in forming a column of mutual defence and safety ;
that the posture of my daily supplications shall remind me
of his wants, and dispose my heart to succour his distresses,
and relieve his necessities, as far as may fairly be done
without detriment to myself or connexions ; that my breast
shall be the sacred repository of his secrets, when delivered
to me as such ; murder, treason, felony, and all other offences
contrary to the law of God, or the ordinances of the realm, being at all times most especially excepted, or at my own option :
and finally, that I will support a Master Masons character in
his absence as well as I would if he were present. I will not
revile him myself, nor knowingly suffer others to do so ; but
will boldly repel the slanderer of his good name, and strictly
respect the chastity of those who are most dear to him, in the
persons of his wife, sister, or his child : and that I will nof
knowingly have unlawful carnal connexion with either of them.
I furthermore solemnly vow and declare, that I will not defraud a Brother Master Mason, or see him defrauded of the
most trifling amount, without giving him due and timely notice
thereof ; that I will also prefer a Brother Master Mason in all
my dealings, and recommend him to others as much as lies in
my power, so long as he shall continue to act honourably,
honestly, and faithfully towards me and others. All these several points I promise to observe, without equivocation or
mental reservation of any kind, under no less a penalty, on the
violation of any of them, than to have my body severed in two,
my bowels torn thereout, and burnt to ashes in the centre, and
those ashes scattered before the four cardinal points of heaven,
so that no trace or remembrance of me shall be left among men,

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more particularly among Master Masons : So help me, God,

and keep me stedfast in this grand and solemn obligation, being
that of a Master Mason.
W. M. As a pledge of your fidelity, and to render this
binding as a solemn obligation for as long as you shall live, I
will thank you to seal it with your lips three times on the volume of the sacred law. (This is done.) Let me once more
call your attention to the position of the square and compasses.
When you were made an Entered Apprentice, both points of
the compasses were hidden. In the Second Degree, one was
disclosed. In this Degree, the whole is exhibited, implying,
that you are now at liberty to work with both these points,
in order to render the circle of your Masonic duties complete.
Rise, newly-obligated Master Mason.
Brother N, you having now solemnly entered into an
obligation of a Master Mason, are entitled to demand of me
that last and greatest trial by which alone you can be admitted
to a participation of the secrets restricted to the Third Degree
of Masonry. But it is my duty, previously, to call your attention to a retrospect of those Degrees in Masonry through
which you have already passed, whereby you will be enabled to
distinguish and appreciate the connexion of our whole system,
and the relative dependence of its several branches. Your admission among Masons, in a state of helpless indigence, was
an emblematic representation of the entrance of all men upon
this their mortal existence. It inculcated the striking lesson of
natural equality and mutual dependence. It taught you, in the
active principles of universal beneficence and charity, to seek
the solace of your own distress, and to extend relief and consolation to your own fellow creatures in the hour of affliction.
It enabled you to free the soul from the dominion of pride and
prejudice, and to look beyond the narrow limits of particular
institutions, whether civil or religious, and to view in every son
of Adam a brother of the dust. Above all, it taught you to
bend with humility and resignation to the Great Architect of
the Universe, to dedicate your heart, thus purified from every
malignant passion, and to prepare for the reception of truth and
wisdom, to his glory and the good of your fellow creatures.
Proceeding onwards, and still guided in your progress in the
principles of moral truth, yon were passed into the Second Degree of Masonry, wherein you were enabled to contemplate the

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intellectual faculties, and trace them from their development

through the paths of heavenly science, even to the throne of
God himself. The secrets of nature, and the principles of moral truth, were thus unveiled before you. You learn the just
estimate of those wondrous faculties with which God has endowed the being formed after his own image, and feel the duty
which he has thereby impressed on you, of cultivating this divine
attribute with the most diligent and unremitting care and attention, that you may be enabled to show forth his glory, and
render yourself useful to the happiness of mankind. To the
man whose mind has thus been modelled to virtue and science,
nature presents one great and useful lesson morethe knowledge
of himself. She prepares you, by contemplation, for the closing hours of existence, and when by means of that contemplation, she has conducted you through the intricate windings of
this mortal life, she finally instructs you how to die. Such, my
brother, are the peculiar objects of the Third Degree in Freemasonry. They invite you to reflect on this awful subject, and
teach you to feel that, to the just and virtuous num, death has
no terrors equal to the stain of falsehood and dishonour. Of
this grand truth, Masonry affords a glorious example in the unshaken fidelity and noble death of our Master, Hiram Abiff,
who was slain just before the completion of King Solomons
Temple, at the construction of which you, no doubt, are well
aware, he was the principal architect. The manner of his death
was as follows:
Fifteen Fellow-Crafts of that superior class appointed to
preside over the rest, finding that the work was nearly completed, and that they were not in possession of the secrets of
the Masters degree, which were only known to Solomon,
Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff, conspired together, to
ohtain them by any means, and even to have recourse to violence. At the moment of carrying their conspiracy into execution, twelve of the fifteen recanted ; but three, of a more determined and atrocious character than the rest, persisted in their
impious design, in prosecution of which, they planted themselves respectively. at the east, north, and south entrances of the
Temple, whither our Master Hiram Abiff had retired to pay
his adoration to the Most High, as was his wonted custom at
the hour of high twelve.
His devotion being ended, our Grand Master attempted to

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return by the north door, but found himself opposed by the

first of the three ruffians, who, for want of another weapon, had
armed himself with a heavy plumb-rule. In a threatening
manner he demanded of our Grand Master the secrets of a
Mason, declaring to him that his death would be the
consequence of a refusal ; but Hiram Abiff, true to his obligation, replied that those secrets were known only to three, and
could only be made known by consent of them all ; that diligence and patience could not fail to entitle the worthy Mason
to participate in those mysteries, but that he would sooner suffer death than betray his sacred trust. On receiving this answer
the ruffian aimed a blow at his head, but, startled by the firmness of his demeanour, it missed the forehead, and only glanced
upon his right temple, yet with such violence, as to cause our
Grand Master to reel and sink on his left knee. Recovering
from this situation, he rushed to the south door, where he was
accosted bv the second ruffian in a similar manner, and answered as before, with undiminished firmness ; when the assassin, who was armed with a level, struck our Master Hiram
a blow on the left temple, which brought him to the ground
upon his right knee. Finding his escape thus cut off in both
these quarters, he staggered faint and bleeding to the east door,
where the third ruffian was posted, who, on receiving a similar
reply to his insolent demand (for our G. M. still remained unshaken even in this trying moment), struck him a violent blow
full in the middle of the forehead with a heavy setting maul,
under which thig excellent man sunk lifeless at the foot of the
murderer. Such was the manner of his death ; and I have
already pointed out to you the instructive lesson which his
death and fortitude so powerfully inculcate in the heart of
every faithful brother. Such, in like circumstances, will be the
magnanimity of every man whose mind is well constituted, who
squared his life upon the principles of moral truth and justice :
who, by improving his faculties in the glory of God, and the
good of mankind, has answered the great end of his creation,
and has learned to contemplate death as the end of afflictions,
and the entrance to a better life. Nor will you, I trust, sink
beneath the influence of terror, now that your trial approaches ;
though you stand before me a devoted victim ; though the hand
of death be upon you, and though this awful moment be your

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(At this part of the ceremony the brother is struck on the forehead, and thrown down ; and, while shamming a dead man, the
Master thus proceeds.)
The brethren will take notice that, in the recent ceremony,
as well as in his present situation, our brother has been made
to represent one of the brightest characters recorded in the annals of Masonry ; namely, our Master, Hiram Abiff, who lost
his life in consequence of his unshaken fidelity to the sacred
trust reposed in him. And I hope this will make a lasting
impression on his and your minds should you ever be placed
in a similar state of trial.Brother Junior Warden, you will
endeavour to raise the representative of our Master Hiram by
the Entered Apprentices grip. (He takes him by the forefinger,
and then lets it slip from his hand.)
J. W. It proves a slip, Worshipful Master.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, try the Fellow-Crafts
S. W. It proves a slip also, Worshipful Master.
W. M. Brother Wardens, having both of you failed in
your attempts, there yet remains a third method, namely, by
taking a firm hold of the sinews of his hand, and raising him on
the five points of fellowship, of which, with your assistance, I
will make a trial. (The Master then raises him by grasping,
or rather clawing his hand, or wrist, by putting his right foot to
his foot, his knee to his knee, bringing up the right breast to his
breast, and with his hand over the back.) This is practised in
masonry as the five points of fellowship.
W. M. It is thus all Master Masons are raised from a figurative death to a reunion with the former companions of their
toils. Let me now beg you to observe that the light of a Master
Mason is darkness visihle, serving only to express that gloom
which rests on the prospect of futurity. It is that mysterious
veil which the Eureka of human reason cannot penetrate, unless
assisted by that light which is from above. Yet even by this
feeble ray you may perceive that you stand on the very brink
of the grave into which you have just figuratively descended,
and which, when this transitory life shall have passed away,
will again receive you into its cold bosom. Let the emblems
of mortality which lie before you, lead you to contemplate your
inevitable destiny, and guide your reflection to that most interesting of human study, the knowledse of yourself. Be careful

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to perform your allotted task while it is yet day ; continue to

listen to the voice of nature, which bears witness, that even in
this perishable frame resides a vital and immortal principle,
which inspires a holy confidence that the Lord of Life will enable us to trample the king of terrors beneath our feet, and lift
our eyes to the bright morning star, whose rising brings
peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human
You are now at liberty to retire, in order to restore yourself
to your personal comforts, and on your return into the lodge,
the signs, tokens, and words shall be explained to you, and the
history resumed.
(On returning into the lodge, Brother N is desired to approach the Worshipful Master as an E. A. and F. C., who thus
addresses him:)
I cannot better reward the attention you have paid to the
exhortation and charge, than by intrusting you with the secrets
of this Degree. You will advance towards me as a FellowCraft. Take another pace with your left foot, and bring the
right heel into its hollow, as before. That is the third regular
step in Freemasonry, and it is in this position that the secrets
of the degree are comnlunicated. They consist of signs,
tokens, and words. Of the signs, the first and second are
casual, the third is penal. The first casual sign is called the
sign of horror, and is given from the Fellow-Crafts hailing
sign, by dropping the left hand and elevating the right, as if to
screen the eyes from a painful sight, at the same time throwing
the head over the right shoulder, as a remove or turning away
from that sight. It alludes to the finding of our murdered
Master Hiram by the twelve Fellow-Crafts. The second casual
sign is called the sign of sympathy or sorrow, and is given by
bending the head a little forward, and by striking the right hand
gently on the forehead. The third is called the penal sign,
because it alludes to the penalty of your obligation, and is given
by drawing the hand across the centre of the body, dropping it
to the side, and then raising it again to place the point of the
thumb on the naval. It implies that, as a man of honour, and
a Master Mason, you would rather be severed in two than improperly divulge the secrets of this Degree. The grip or token
is the first of the five points of fellowship. The five points of
Fellowship are : first, a grip with the right hand of each others

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wrist, with the points of the fingers : second, right foot parallel
with right foot on the inside : third, right knee to right knee :
fourth, right breast to right breast : fifth, hand over shoulder,
supporting the back. It is in this position, and this only, except
in open lodge, and then but in a whisper, that the word is given.
It is MAHABONE or MACBENACH. The former is the ancient,
the latter the modern word.
(Brother N is now conducted to the S. W., who presents
him to the W. M.)
S. W. Worshipful Master, I present to you Brother N,
on being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason, for
some further mark of your favour.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, I delegate you to invest
him with the distinguishing badge of a Master Mason.
S. W. I now invest you with the distinguishing badge of a
Master Mason, to show that you have arrived at that sublime
W. M. I must state that the badge with which you have
now been invested, not only points out your rank as a Master
Mason, but is meant to remind you of those great duties
which you have just solemnly engaged yourself to observe ;
and while it marks your own supenority ; it calls on you to
afford assistance and instruction to your brethren in the inferior Degrees.
(Brother N is then conducted back to the W. M., who
I now present you with the working tools of a Master
Mason, which are the skirret, pencil, and compasses. The
skirret is an implement which acts on a centre pin, from
whence a line is drawn, chalked, and struck, to mark out the
ground for the foundation of the intended structure. With the
pencil, the skilful artist delineates the building in a draft or
plan for the instruction and guidance or the workmen. The
compasses enable him with accuracy and precision to ascertain
and determine the limits and proportions of its several parts.
But as we are not operative, but speculative, or free and accepted, we apply those tools to our morals. In this sense, the
skirret points to us that straight and undeviating line of conduct laid down for our pursuits in the volume of the sacred law.
The pencil teaches us that our words and actions are observed
and recorded by the Almighty Architect, to whom we must

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give an account of our conduct through life. The compasses

remind us of his unerring and impartial justice, which having
defined for our instruction the limits of good and evil, will
reward or punish us as we have obeyed or disregarded his
divine commands. These, the working tools of a Master
Mason, teach us to have in mind, and to act according to the
laws of the Divine Creator, that when we shall be summoned
from this sublunary abode, we may ascend to the Grand Lodge
above, where the worlds great Architect lives and reigns for
We left off at that part of our traditional history which mentioned the death of our Master Hiram. A loss so important as
that of the principal architect could not fail of being generally
and severely felt. The want of those plans and designs, which
had hitherto been regularly supplied to the different classes of
workmen was the first indication that some heavy calamity had
befallen our Master. The Masters or Presidents, or, familiarly
speaking, the Overseers, deputed some of the most eminent of
their number to acquaint King Solomon with the utter confusion into which the absence of Hiram had plunged them, and
to express their apprehensions, that to some fatal catastrophe
must be attributed his sudden and mysterious disappearance.
Solomon immediately ordered a general muster of the workmen
through the different departments, when three of the same class
of Overseers were not to be found. On the same day, the
twelve Crafts who had originally joined in the conspiracy came
before the king and made a voluntary confession of all they
knew down to the time of withdrawing themselves from the
conspiracy. This naturally increased the fears of King Solomon for the safety of the chief artist. He, therefore, selected
fifteen trusty Fellow-Crafts, and ordered them to make diligent
search after the person of our Master Hiram, to see if he was
yet alive, or if he had suffered death in the attempt to extort
from him the secrets of his exalted degree. Accordingly, a
stated day having been appointed for their return to JerusaIem,
they formed themselves mto three Fellow-Crafts Lodges, and
departed from the three entrances to the Temple. Many days
were spent in fruitless search, and one class returned without
having made any discovery of importance. A second was
more fortunate, for on the evening of a certain day, after they:
had suffered the greatest privations and personal fatigues, one of

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the brethren rested himself in a reclining posture, and in order

to assist his rising, caught hold of a sprig that grew near,
which, to his surprise, came easily out of the ground. On a
closer examination, he perceived that the earth had been recently disturbed ; he, therefore, hailed his companions, and,
with their united endeavours, reopened the ground, and found
the body of our Master Hiram very indecently interred. They
covered it again, with all respect and reverence, and, to distinguish the spot, struck a sprig of cassia at the head of the grave.
They then hastened to Jerusalem, to impart the afflicting intelligence to King Solomon, who, when the first emotion of his
grief had subsided, ordered them to return, and raise our Master Hiram to a sepulchre as became his rank and exalted
talents : at the same time informing them, that by his untimely
death, the secrets of a Master Mason were lost. He therefore
charged them to be very careful in observing whatever casual
sign, token, and word, might occur while paying this sad office
of respect to departed merit. They performed their task with
the utmost fidelity, and on re-opening the ground, one of the
brethren looked round observed some of his companions in
this situation (showing the sign of horror), as struck with horror at the afflicting sight. While others viewing the ghastly
wound still visible on his forehead, smote their own in sympathy of his sufferings. Two of the brethren then descended the
grave and attempted to raise him by the grip of an Entered
Apprentice, which proved a slip. They then tried the FellowCrafts grip, which also proved a slip. Having both failed in
their attempts, a zealous and expert brother took a more firm
hold by the sinews of the hand wrist, and with their assistance
raised him on the Five points of Fellowship : while others, more
animated, exclaimed Mahabone or Macbenach, both words
having nearly a similar import,one signifying the death of a
brother, the other, the brother is smitten. King Solomon, therefore, ordered, that those casual signs, tokens, and words, should
designate all Master Masons through the universe, till time or
circumstance should restore the genuine ones.
It now only remains to account for the third class, who had
pursued their researches in the direction of Joppa, and were
meditating their return to Jerusalem, when accidentally passing the mouth of a cavern, they heard sounds of deep lamentations and regret. On entering the cavern to ascertain the

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cause, they found three men answering the description of those

missing, who, on being charged with the murder, and finding
all chance of escape cut off, made a full confession of their
guilt. They were bound and led to Jerusalem, where King
Solomon sentenced them to that death which the perniciousness of their crime so ampJy merited.
Our Master Hiram was ordered to be re-interred as near the
sanctum sanctornm as the Israelitish law would permit ; and
there, in a grave, from the centre three feet east, three feet west;
three feet between north and south, and five feet or more perpendicular. He was not buried in the sanctum sanctorum,
because nothing common or unclean was suffered to enter
there, not even the High Priest, but once a year, nor then, till
after many washings and purifications against the great day of
expiation of sins ; for by the Israelitish law, all flesh was
deemed unclean. The same fifteen Fellow-Crafts were ordered to attend the funeral, clothed in white aprons and gloves,
as emblems of innocence.
The ornaments of a Master Masons lodge are the porch,
dormer, and square pavement ; the porch is the entrance to the
sanctum sanctorum ; the dormer, the window that gives light
to the same ; and the square pavement for the High Priest to
walk on. The office of the High Priest is to burn incense to
the honour and glory of the Most High, praying fervently, that
the Almighty, through his benign wisdom and goodness, would
be pleased to bestow peace and tranquillity to the Israelitish
nation for the ensuing year.
You have already been informed of the working tools with
which our Master Hiram was slain. They were the plumbrule, level, and heavy maul. The coffin, scull, and cross bones
being emblems of mortality, allude to the untimely death of
our Master, Hiram Abiff.
You have likewise been informed of three signs in this Degree. The whole are five, corresponding in number with the
five points of fellowship. They are the sign of horror, the
sign of sympathy, the penal sign, the sign of grief and death,
and the sign of joy and exultation, likewise called the grand
and royal sign. For the sake of regularity, I will go through
the whole. This is the sign of horror (described). This is the
sign of sympathy (described). This is the penal sign (described).
The sign of grief and death is given by passing the hand over the



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forehead. It took its rise at the time when our Master Hiram
was making his way from the north to the south entrance of the
Temple, when his agonies were so great, that the perspiration
stood in large drops on his face, and he made use of this sign
as a temporary relief to his sufferings. This is the sign of joy
and exultation (to raise both hands over your head, and exclaim,
O Worthy Masons !) It took its rise at the time the Temple
was finished, when King Solomon and the princes of his household went to view it, and being so struck with its magnificence,
that with one simultaneous feeling, they exclaimedO Worthy
Masons !

Q. How were you prepared to be made a Master Mason ?

A. Both my arms, both breasts, both knees made bare, and
both heels slip-shod.
Q. On what did you enter ?
A. Upon both points of the compasses presented to both my
Q. On your entrance into the lodge did you observe anything
different from its usual appearance ?
A. I did : all was dark, save one glimmering light in the
Q. To what did that darkness allude 1
A. Even to the darkness of death..
Q. Am I given to understand that death is the peculiar subject of this Degree ?
A. You are.
Q. From what circumstance ?
A. From the untimely death of our Master Hiram Abiff.
Q. What were the instruments made use of at his destruction ?
A. The plumb-rule, level, and heavy maul.
Q. How came you in possession of those secrets ?
A. From having figuratively represented him when I was
raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason.
Q. How were you raised ?
A. Upon the five points of fellowship.
Q. Which I will thank you to name, and afterwards briefly

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A. 1st, hand to hand ; 2d, foot to foot; 3d, knee to knee;

4th, breast to breast ; and 5th, hand over back.
1st.Hand to hand, I greet you as a brother ; and when the
necessities of a brother call for my aid and support, I will be
ever ready to hand him such assistance to save him from sinking, if I find him worthy thereof, as may not be detrimental to
myself or connexions.
2d.Foot to footI will support you in all your just and
laudable undertakings. Indolence shall not cause my footsteps
to halt, nor wrath to turn them aside. But forgetting every
selfish consideration, I will be ever swift of foot to save, help,
and to execute benevolence to a fellow-creature in distress ; but
more particularly to a Brother Mason, if worthy.
3d.Knee to kneebeing the posture of my daily supplications, shall remind me of your wants. When I offer up my
ejaculations to Almighty God, a brothers welfare I will remember as my own ; for, as the voices of babes and sucklings
ascend to the throne of grace, so most assuredly will the breathings of a fervent heart ascend to the mansions of bliss, as our
prayers are certainly received for each other.
4th.Breast to breastthat my breast shall be a safe and
sacred repository for all your just and lawful secrets. A brothers secrets, delivered to me as such, I would keep as my
own, as to betray that trust might be doing him the greatest
injury he could sustain in this mortal life ; nay, it would be
like the villany of an assassin, who lurks in darkness to stab
his adversary, when unarmed and least prepared to meet an
And, 5th.Hand over backthat I will support a brothers
character in his absence, equally as though he were present. I
will not wrongfully revile him myself, nor will I suffer it to be
done by others, if in my power to prevent it. Thus, by the
five points of fellowship, are we linked together in one indivisible chain of sincere affection, brotherly love, relief, and

The Worshipful Master and Wardens knock to order.

W. M. Brethren assist me to close the Lodge in the Third

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DegreeBrother Junior Warden, what is the constant care

of every Master Mason ?
J. W. To prove the lodge close tiled.
W. M. Direct that duty to be done.
J. W. Brother Inner Guard, you will prove the lodge close
titled. (The Masters knocks are given on the door by Inner
Guard and Tiler, which proves it close tiled.)
I. G. Brother Junior Warden (with the sign), the lodge is
close tiled.
J. W. (With the knocks and signs.) Worshipful. Master,
the lodge is close tiled.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, the next care ?
S. W. To see the brethren appear to order as Master
W. M. To order, brethren, as Master Masons.Brother
Junior Warden, from whence came you ?
J. W. From the west, whither we have been in search of
the genuine secrets of a Master Mason.
W. M. Brother Junior Warden, have you discovered the
object of your researches ?
S. W. Worshipful Master, we have not; but we have discovered certain substituted secrets, which, by your permission,
we are willing to impart.
W. M. Let those substituted secrets be regularly imparted.
(The Junior Warden gives the signs, tokens, and words to the
Senior Warden, and he to the Master.)
S. W. Worshipful Master, deign to receive the substituted
secrets of a Master Mason.
W. M. I shall be happy to receive them, and for the instruction of the brethren present, you will repeat them aloud.
(S. W. gives them) Brethren, these substituted secrets being
regularly imparted to me, I, as the humble representative of
King Solomon, and as the Master of this lodge, do ratify .and
confirm, that these substituted secrets shall designate you and
all Master Masons, until further time and circumstances shall
restore the genuine ones.
P. M. With gratitude to our Master, we bend.
W. M. Brother Senior Warden, our labours being ended,
in this Degree, you have my command to close this Master
Masons Lodge. (He gives the knocks and sits down.)
S. W. Brethren, in the name of the Most High, and by the



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command of the Worshipful Master, I declare this Master

Masons Lodge closed. (Gives the knocks and sits down.)
J. W. It is accordingly closed. (Knocks and sits down.
The Inner Guard and Tiler give the knocks, which concludes
the ceremony.)


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IN exploring the cause of secret associations, and the disorders among mankind, I find it in the want of that truly one
thing needful, HUMAN CULTURE. That every human
being born is not duly cultivated up to the extent of equality
of knowled2e, as far as capacity to acquire is in question, is
most certainly the crime of the rulers of the state. That the
means to such an end are as available as the culture of the
soil, or the necessity of labour to that end, is a circumstance
most evident. The plea of useful ignorance is not to be tolerated ; for it is the boast of all rulers, that their mental culture and qualification give them the right to rule, and that the
mass of the people are not in a mental condition to manage
their own affairs by the election of representatives for
that purpose. The root of all tyranny and oppression, of all
social and human ills, is found in the withholding from the
masses of each community mental culture, or knowledge that
may be conferred on all. To this may be added, the evils
arising from a wrong direction, as the consequence of superstition, or mistakes about ancient language, customs, and ceremonies prevailing among, and influencing the actions of,
That one great scheme for the necessary culture of the
human race has been propounded, I find a proof in the
foundation of the Christian religion. Not that superstitious
resting upon the letter of the Old and New Testament, and
the traditions of the Grecian or Roman Church, which now

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and for centuries have made up what is miscalled the

Christian Religion; but THAT REVELATION which is
embodied in all the mysteries of all the sacred writings, in
all the customs, ceremonies, and traditions of all the Churches
within or beyond the miscalled Christian era, which reveals nothing contrary to the evident and immutable principles of nature and the relative condition of man ; the first
and final principle of which is, the eternal necessity of the
mental culture of each succeeding generation, since mind is
not a heritable property, independent of cultivation, but must,
season after season, be sown and planted, nurtured, weeded,
pruned, and formed, in each human being.
Looking at the language of the gospel, or Gods mystery, and
putting an interpretation on that language, which shall
become equal to a revelation or a truth, I find the declaration, that a second birthbirth of mind or mental culture,
is distinguished from first birth, or birth of body from the
parentis essential to human salvation from evil. I find this
declared to be the incarnation of God or Christ in man. I
find the word worship as a relation between God and man,
to be significant of nothing more than mental culture, such
being its root in all languages, and such being the only sense
in which any action upon that word can realise an evident
good. I find prayer to signify the necessary labour to acquire knowledge. I find the word repentance, when etymologically traced to a root, to be of precisely the same meaning ;
as applicable to the culture of mind, signifying reflection,
consideration, animadversion, and, when referable to a conditional future state, as referable only to that better future state
of mankind that is to be produced when all are made Christians or reasonable men, by due culture, in the acquirement of
knowledge. I find the promise of peace and good-will among
men, which most certainly has not been realised in any place
yet called Christendom, to be a promise founded on the reality
of Christianity, or of equal knowledge, and all its high accompaniments. The true advent of Christ is only to be historically
realised by a necessary state of the human mind. It is reserved for the human race to be the creator of Christ, which is
a principle, that of reason or intellect ; and not a man, or any
other being, independent of that principle. Christ comes from
the worship of God, which means, when the words have a

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meaning, and a natural and rational application, the best culture

that can be made of the human mind, the best
action that can be educed from the man. I find the word
soul to have no other true meaning than the word mind, no
other physical origin or existence. It may be made immortal by cultivation ; without cultivation, it can be scarcely said
to be born,there is no second birth. The first is the physical
birth ; the second, cultivation, an affair of art, the birth of mind
or soul. The Christianity of man is wholly artificial, moral,
or the produce of art. Even so have been all superstitious
notions and the direful mistakes about Christianity. The
kingdom of Heaven must be the moral work of human art
founded upon honesty. It has nothing to do with physics,
but in human knowledge of physical powers. It is in the
birth of mind alone that virgin birth, or immaculate conception, can be truly imagined. The Pagan Mythos illustrates
this in the birth of Minerva, while the salutation, submission,
overshadowing, conception, blessing, and annunciation, or
thanksgiving, breeding and birth of Christ by the Virgin Mary,
form but another version of that beautiful mythos, ever pregnant with physical truth and all its moral applications. The
miracles and teachings of Christ are : the first, mythological,
developments of physical nature ; the second, the moral duties
of human nature. It is the principle that teaches, and not
the example or power of man, by knowledge in the form of
a mystery or allegory, or even of Christ in man, to make supernatural changes or appearances. It is the knowledge of
the principle in man that teaches the moral duty. The arraignment, condemnation, crucifixion, passion, death, burial,
resurrection, and ascension, are but figures of the consequences
that follow the labours of reason in seeking to reform the condition of man, of the institutions, churches, and states of society. The moral is purely political, and superstition cannot
make a truth of it in any other shape.
Such is not only true Christianity, but such is true Masonry.
Though I still deprecate all secret associations, all oathmakings, or absolute promises, as not necessary to the present
welfare of English society, I have, by research, arrived at quite
another general view of Masonry, to that which I took on first exposing it in the year 1825, while a prisoner in Dorchester gaol.

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I then dealt with it as I and others were then dealing with the
letter of the Old and New Testaments. Not knowing the
spirit of the allegory, I knew nothing more than the historical
defects and other improprieties of the letter : that letter which
St. Paul, in his Second Epistle to the Corinthians, chap. iii.
verse 6th, says, killeth, or leadeth the mind to confusion and destruction, as distinguished in meaning from that spirit, or revelation of the allegory of the New Testament, which giveth life
or true knowledge. To know the letter, to carry the whole
Bible in the memory, is still to be as ignorant as the man who
never saw or heard of it, unless there be a knowledge of the
spirit, revelation, or the meaning of its allegory ; because the
letter of the moral precepts is nothing more than was
taught by the philosophers of all nations, who never saw or
heard of either Old or New Testament, as recorded in the
Such also is Masonry. To follow the ritual and routine of
all the degrees, to have the language in memory, and to be able
from memory to practise all its required steps, positions, grips,
or motions, just amounts to nothing at all, in the making of a
true Mason. As with the Bible, the spirit or revelation of the
allegory of Masonry is required, both as knowledge and practice, to make out the character of a real Mason. A true
Mason is the same character as a true Christian. That
character is formed by the acquisition of all possible knowledge, with the benevolent desire of extending it among the
whole human race; that recognises in every man a brother
who has need of every other mans good-will and assistance. We have now among those who claim the distinction, neither practical Masons nor practical Christians. All
are misled with the delusions of the letter, ritual, or ceremony ; none understand the spirit or revelation of the allegory.
Having negatived, in various publications, discourses, and
discussions, the assumption that the Bible is a book of historical record, standing prepared to meet any call or challenge
upon that head, I affirm it to be an emanation from the ancient mysteries, and precisely similar in its character to the
ritual of Masonry. It is a mystery, an allegory, or a series of
mysteries, and allegories, that requires a revelation. That
revelation is not in the book, is not now in any Masonic

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Lodge ; but it should be in the Church, it should be in

each Masonic Lodge, it should be in the mind of every
It would be nonsense to publish a mystery and revelation
together, because the revelation is sufficient to all practicable
purposes without the mystery ; but wherever there is mystery, in writing or in the ritual of ceremony, there a revelation is essential to be known, as the true meaning of the
matter, or nothing useful is known.
The true meaning, then, of the revelation of the mysteries
of Judaism, Christianity, and Masonry, is, that man is a creature to be improved by cultivation ; that knowledge of things
is the source of improvement ; and that time is the material to
be properly used to that end ; labour the means of application ;
any existing thing an instrument to be worked with and comprehended. Toward the accomplishment of the practice of
this revelation, the exhortations of Masonry, as of the Bible,
are equally good ; but unfortunately for those concerned, the
letter or mystery has engaged too much attentionhas been
made of too much importancehas been ignorantly substituted as the one thing needful, for the spirit or revelation ; the human race has been thereby much damaged,
has fallen from a better state, and requires to be raised
by the spirit, revelation, knowledge, or better state or
The mind that could construct a mystery developing so
much important instruction under the form of an allegory,
must have been a higher and better state of mind than that
of those who have ignorantly followed the letter or mystery
without knowing what it meant, and to whom the spirit or
revelation has been wanting. This is evidence of a fall, in
the order of generations of the race, from a higher state.
The spirit or revelation possessed will carry us back to all
those advantages which earlier races must have had, when
superstition had no authority, and when science was the pride
of man.
As to the history of Masonry, I am not now disposed to
limit its existence to any time, nor to confine its origin to
any place. Knowing and proving that Christianity was
known as a mystery, before the era called Christian, that
Judaism finds no resting-place on earth before the time of

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Alexander of Macedon, except in the conclave of the mysteries ;

and, seeing that the ritual of Masonry is wholly formed from,
or as the Bible mystery, I can as readily believe, that Masonry has truly emanated from the ancient mysteries of
Egypt and other countries, as I can so believe of Judaism,
Christianity, or the Bible. Indeed, I cannot otherwise account for the present character and existence of Masonry. To
believe otherwise, I must believe that which I do not believe,
that some one in modem times, or a hundred years ago, has
understood the spirit and revelation of the Bible. The two
forms of the mystery so coming down, side by side, afford me
a proof that there has been none of the devotees of either
equal to the understanding of the spirit or revelation. The
letter of either is full of superstition, nothing but superstition
has been built upon it. There is more in the spirit or revelation. Hence I award to Masonry a rank in antiquity,
meaning, and purpose, with Judaism, Christianity, or the
I am not insensible how great is the difficulty to the present general state of mind, in any effort to comprehend this
question in the position here taken. It is like every other
kind of knowledge, dark and apparently difficult to those
who are ignorantclear and easily comprehended to those
who understand. The very language necessary to state the
case, is a novelty to the present generation. It is equivalent
to the statement of a new science, for which words are, at
first, much wanted. It is necessary to know something of
mythology and theology to approach the subject. It is necessary to know much of the divinity of ancient history. It
is necessary there should be knowledge enough of the physical sciences to raise the individual above the despicable
slavery of superstition. Some knowledge of ancient languages
becomes necessary, as, the more knowledge of ancient language, the more easily to be comprehended is the science of
mystery and revelation, of letter and spirit, of prophecy and
interpretation, of theology and gnomology.
The ritual of Masonry, like the Old and New Testaments,
has its two-fold lecture on theology and gnomology ; the
first, a mysterious discourse about God, and the relations of
the physical to the moral world ; the second, the moral precepts and exhortations of the political and social duties of

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man toward man. The building of Solomons temple, which

is the gist of Masonry, in its physical allusion, signifies the
gaining a knowledge of the physical world ; in its moral
allusion, signifies the best temple that can be made of the
human body, by culture or product of mind. The letter,
figure, or instruments of the symbolization, just mean nothing
at all in relation to the subject of the secret or spirit ; thus
it is called sacred, mysterious, &c. As practical workmanship in the letter, it is symbolical of the labour of acquiring
knowledge. As apparent history of the past, it is the history
of principles ascertained, which affect alike all people, at all
times, in all climes and countries. Hence the spirit of prophecy is most truly founded on the knowledge of those principles, so that every real Jew, real Christian, or real Mason,
becomes a prophet, and prophecies most truly in the name of
Lord or God ; Lord or God here meaning the knowledge
that has been acquired ; that knowledge being, to its degree,
a picture of the physical or moral power, born, deified, and
personified in the man or prophet.
In the degrees of Masonry, we begin with the Entered
Apprentice, which signifies a beginning to learn. Then comes
the Fellow-Craft, which signifies something learnt and applied,
under the direction of a Master. The degree of Master implies a capability to teach or to direct instruction. The Royal
Arch completes the philosophic character, and is the acme of
the Masonry of the present Grand Lodge. And all that the
Templar degrees of the Christian orders can add, is a new
form of the allegory. The Grand Lodge Masonry of the
present day is wholly Jewish. But a full understanding of the
subject presents the three orders of Judaism, Christianity,
and Masonry, as one and the same allegorical scheme for human improvement.
All the particulars of Freemasonry being now laid before
the public eye, there remains not the shadow of an excuse
or reason why it should be continued as a secret association. The legislature being about to deal with other secret
societies, would do well now not again to make an exception of Masonry. And Masonry, now no longer a secret,
had better deal with the revelation than the mystery, and
devote its united powers to public instruction. Having done
for Masonry what I have also done for the Jewish and Chris-

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tian religions, the Old and New Testaments, shown how it

may be made respectable and useful, I seriously propose to
the Masonic Lodges, that they allow me to come among them,
and openly and publicly to lecture among them on the subject.
I cannot consent to go through any of their obligations, because they are neither legal nor moral ; but I offer to
give a scientific and moral explanation of those principles of
Masonry which are the true revelation of their mysterious
My exposure of Freemasonry in 1825 led to its exposure in
the United States of America ; and a Mason there of the name
of William Morgan, having announced his intention to assist
in the work of exposure, was kidnapped under pretended forms
and warrants of law, by his brother Masons, removed from the
State of New York to the borders of Canada, near the falls of
Niagara, and there most barbarously murdered. This happened in 1826. The States have been for many years much
excited upon the subject ; a regular warfare has arisen between
Masons and Anti-Masons ; societies of Anti-Masons have
been formed ; newspapers and magazines started ; and many
pamphlets and volumes, with much correspondence, published ;
so that, before the Slavery Question was pressed among them
all parties had merged into Masons and Anti-Masons. Several
persons were punished for the abduction of Morgan ; but the
murderers were sheltered by Masonic Lodges, and rescued
from Justice. This was quite enough to show that Masonry,
as consisting of a secret association, or an association with secret oaths and ceremonies, is a political and social evil.
While writing this, I have been informed that individual
members of Orange Lodges have smiled at the dissolution of
their Lodges, with the observation, that precisely the same association can be carried on under the name of Masonry. This
is an evil that secret associations admit. No form of anything
of the kind, when secret, can protect itself from abuses ; and
this is a strong reason why Masonic associations should get rid
of their unnecessary oaths, revise their constitutions, and
throw themselves open to public inspection and report. There
is enough that may be made respectable in Masonry, in the
present state of mind and customs, to admit of scrutinising
The common mistake of the superstitionists, under the name

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of Jew and Christian, has been to read the Sacred Scriptures

as pieces of profane history, instead of understanding them to
be fane or temple history, history of universal principles relating to the whole human race, and not a record of the acts of
the people of any particular time or country. All such records
are distinguished as profane, or something recorded of individual human action, beyond or without the business of the
temple, and are further styled uncanonical and apocryphal.
Profane history is the truth of human action in particular times
and places, and of a particular people. Sacred history is the
Catholic record of principles, for the guidance of mankind
through life, not appertaining or confined to any particular people, but presenting the principles of nature, or what is known
of God, to the Catholic or universal instruction of the human
race. The disposition of the mistaken Jew is to monopolise
his portion of the Sacred Scriptures, as a charm or benefit prepared and presented to his people in their sectarian character.
The disposition of the nominal Christian, though mistaking, as
between sacred and profane history, has latterly been to freely
circulate his Sacred Scriptures, ever to proselyte the Gentiles
or people of all nations, and to bring them within the sphere of
his imagined benefits. The Christian is, therefore, of the two,
the more philanthropic character, in the abstract ; though, in
his zeal for conversion of mind, or uniformity of creed, he has
been practically a most intolerant and furious destructive,
which the Jew, in his selfish sense of peculiar and exclusive
advantage, with relation to Deity, has not been. But this has
been the mistake both of Jew and Christian. Reading their
Sacred Scriptures in their true mythological character, receiving the inspiration of their spirit and their truth, understanding
what they reveal, the Jew and the Christian become one and the
same character as to the acknowledgment of principles ; and
originated their first distinctions in the spirit of two rival philosophical sects, the basis of whose philosophy was the same.
Under that spirit of distinction, they have sadly persecuted
each other, the weaker party being the greater sufferer ; and
superstition springing up as a weed, where their original philosophy ceased to be cultivated,the four quarters of the globe
have been swamped with human blood, instead of having been
cultivated into a paradise. The reign of Christ and the Jewish
Messiah, one and the same prince, has still to begin. May it

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soon begin, and may all be united on sound principles under

that reign. The Messiah or Christ, will be the reign of the
Logos, or principle of reason among men.
It is then the truth, defensible by physical science, by historical science, and by moral science, that the Bible, in its theological
character is wholly, independently, entirely, exclusively, a mythological book ; and that, from the name of Adam to the name
of Jesus Christ, in the supposed line of Jewish descent, there is
not the name of anyone human being that has lived and passed
the stage of life ; every such name being the name of a principle, relating to the human condition; and the whole corresponding in character with what we have ignorantly, and
contemptuously, because ignorantly, styled the thirty thousand
gods and goddesses of the Pagan world.
Christianity was a philosophical improvement on the general
mythology of Pagans and Jews, inasmuch as it aspired to the
encircling of the whole human race within the influence and
reign of the best principles ;. a high cultivation of the mind, as
the necessary foundation of all that is desirable in manners.
Oh ! what a fall, from that height down to the present superstition !
Masonry has been more like Judaism, professing the possession of a benefit, which has been exclusively held under the
guise of secrecy or mystery ; but which, had it been better understood as a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols, would have been passionately extended to the
whole human race.
In the first three degrees of Masonry, the Entered Apprentice,
Fellow-Craft, and Master, we find the ceremonies, the symbols, and the language, founded upon the Scriptures of the Old
Testament are wholly Jewish, relating to the building of Solomon's Temple ; which, in its relation to human nature, is a
figurative allusion to the building up of the temple of the human mind, or, as Josephus describes that temple, an allegorical picture of all that is known of physical and moral
Another meaning signifies a temple to be a convenient
building, containing all the necessary implements, both as to
men and things, for the culture of the human mind, of which a
Masonic Lodge is an emblem, and should be a reality ; and
which also should be the practical and applicable character of

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the building called a Christian Church ; thus harmonising that

system which is now mistakenly pregnant and productive of the
most bitter dissent ; and instructing those sects which profess
to hold something important, the true secret, revelation, or
meaning of which they know not, and cannot apply to their
But the inner and more important meaning in which the word
Temple is to be, understood, as Solomons Temple, the House of
God, Church of Christ, Temple of the Holy Ghost, Kingdom of
Heaven, is the mind of man, cultivated from time to time in
the best possible manner, and productive of the best possible
effects, making, in fact and truth, a Temple of Reason. This is
the meaning of the secret, or sacredness, or sacrament of the
Scriptures of both Old and New Testament, and the mystery of
Masonry. Each and all is one and the same thing as to principle. No such building as Solomons Temple according to
the literal reading of the Books of Kings and Chronicles in the
Bible, was ever raised in that country now called Judea ; but
the mythological sketch existing, a colony of men, called Jews,
under the protection and sanction of the Ptolemies of Egypt,
about two thousand years ago, did build a temple on a spot of
ground in Syria or Palestine, which was called the Second
Temple, and became subject to the fate of all such structures ;
and at or after the building of that temple, the name of Jerusalem was first given to the city by which it was to be surrounded,
and the name of Judea to the district of land that had previously been called Palestine : the former Jerusalem having
meant nothing more than a mythological city, as it is explained
in the fourth chapter of the Epistle to the Galatians, and in the
Book of Revelation, a Jerusalem, or City of Peace yet to be built.
In coming to the fourth, or fifth, if the Masters Degree be
considered one, the Royal Arch Degree becomes a link or step
as between Judaism and Christianity ; the Logos or WORD
in relation to Christ, is more distinctively introduced ; and the
building of the Second Temple, described as the Lords
Temple, which, in relation to Judaism, is meant to signify the
Temple of Christianity ; the temple of Judaism as the first in
relation to the second, passing under the distinction of a bondage, captivity, absence of freedom, or a temple of the law ; a
distinction without a real difference arising from the sectarian
spirit, as between the nominal Jews, and Christians, but made

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symbolical of the progress of humanity from ignorance to knowledge ; and, in the sense of a former fall, from knowledge or
observance of the laws of God or nature, to the bad habits of
superstition and ignorance.
Masonry has been considered complete in the Royal Arch
Degree, and even in the Masters Degree ; but the spirit of
sectarianism, so difficult to be kept out of human systems of
philosophy, has created new degrees, under the distinction of
Christian or Cross Degrees, originating the various ancient systems of knighthood, as knights of the various coloured crosses,
Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, &c. These degrees of
orders of knighthood were certainly at one time engaged in
active and cruel warfare with the followers of Mahomet, and
were beaten in the end ; but there is a higher and moral or
mental distinction applicable to the whole fraternity, and that
is, the better sense of symbolical philosophy, in which the cross
is understood as the great symbol of science; the enemies of
the cross, as the tyrants who seek to subdue the mind of man,
and subject it to superstition ; and the knights, or soldiers of
the cross, as the scholars of the earth chivalrously warring with
ignorance and superstition, and exposing themselves to all the
dangers and sufferings consequent thereon. This view leaves us
a true picture of human nature; and as we go on to subdue
superstition, we shall be enabled to make a beautiful development of ancient symbolical mythology, and to unlock and open
the correct history of the past with the key of science, or those
cross keys of physical and moral sciencethe keys of life and
death, of heaven and hell, the key-stone of Royal Arch Masonry, of which, in the scheme of Christian symbols, St. Peter
is the custos, that rock on which the church of Christ is to be
I shall, in this volume, give the order of Knights Templar
as the most prominent order in the cross degrees of Masonry,
but shall reserve the multifarious degrees of both Testaments,
that have been constructed and observed as portions of Masonry, for the contents of another. The curious reader, in the
interim, may find them roughly sketched, if he can obtain
that now scarce and much sought work, the twelfth volume of
the Republican; of the pecuniary value of which, while
compiling it in Dorchester Gaol, I had not an idea, or I might
have made it a source of great profit. It is not now to be

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purchased, unless with the set of fourteen volumes at five

The advent of the Jewish Messiah, the advent of Christ, and
the advent of a reasonable state of society, in which mystery
and superstition shall yield to plain practical science, in the
constitution of the human mind, are to be one and the same
reality, the moral of the mystery of Judaism, Christianity, and
Masonry. If the nominal Jew, Christian, or Mason, aim at
or expect anything else, he will die deceived through life. It
is one of the immutable laws of nature, that no other kind of
advent that can save from evil shall happen. This is the key
to the mystery of Judaism, of Christianity, and of Masonry.
Each party avows mystery in his ceremonies, of which he is
morally ignorant ; each professes to be waiting for the development of that mystery ; and each will never understand
and agree with the other without the use of the key I offer,
to unlock the whole of the mysteries. I trace the sacred admission of the principle throughout Masonry, throughout the
New Testament, and throughout the Old Testament. The plan
of each is the proper culture and discipline of the human
mind ; and get knowledge, get wisdom, get salvation, get
liberty, is the motto, marrow, key, and substance of the whole.
Deliverance from bondage, from darkness, from ignorance,
from evil, is the effort to be made ; and Jehovah, Jesus, Lord,
or Logos (reason), the principle, or help, or means to be
sought as necessary to accomplish the end. Man has it all to
do for himself ; and this he is clearly taught in the Bible, and
in the Masonic mystery. He cannot either deserve or obtain
it but by qualifying himself.
The revelation of Masonry has been one of the means by
which I have been led on to a full revelation of the Judaic and
Christian mysteries. The mysteries are all purely of a mythological character. If not so, they are not to be at all understood. So understood, the key or revelation is the reason of
science applied to symbolical language. Why the mysteries
were invented and followedwhy knowledge was so secretly
and ceremoniously communicated, is not the question now to
be settled. Apologies may be found in the poetic pleasure of
similitudes ; in the dramatic amusement afforded ; in the
importance which the lower state of the human mind has ever
attached to things with difficulty obtained ; in the spirit of

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tyranny, aristocracy, priestcraft, and sectarianism ; in the love

of the marvellous, which predominates where human nature is
left ignorant ; and on many other grounds. I see, with a perfect sight, the whole of ancient mysteries ; and a true revelation of them will, by-and-bye, form a delightful history of the
human race, and illuminate that darkness which has been
formed in the human mind, by a resting of the letter of
some of those mysteries as profane historical fact. That
which the enlarged mind of ancient genius could symbolize
by virtue of its inspiration, as the history of principles incident to human existence, under the form of united similitudes
of physical and moral nature, well suited to man's instruction, when understood, has by erring ignorance, guided by
cunning, deceitful, and plundering priestcraft, been adopted
as a literal history of the human race, and a record of all
its action. The mistake has been the same, as if any other
poetic or mythological picture had been taken for the reality,
instead of the spirit or principle of an existence ; as if Venus
had embodied all the love, and Mars all the spirit of war
that had existed in the human world ; instead of understanding that Venus is a name given to that principle of love
which is diffused through human life ; and Mars a name for
the evil spirit of war which, lamentably, has too much prevailed and has been too much encouraged by human beings
so erring and misled. As Minerva was a name given to the
principle of wisdom, insufficiently scattered in the human
character, miraculously born from and immaculately conceived in the brain of Jupiter ; so precisely is the whole
character and history of Jesus Christ, the only-begotten but
not made son of God. In the latter case, the instrumentality of the Virgin does not change the spirit of the Mythos.
The whole mythological family of every nation will be found
true to nature, in the delineation or revelation of principle.
And this is all that is necessary to be learnt by those who
meddle with ancient writings and symbols. In so meddling,
we deal with the poetry, pageantry, and customs of ancient
men, who, we should ever remember, lived on the same planet
as we live on, and saw the same external and internal things
only which we now see, having no other existences about them
than those we now have, on and of which to construct their
language. I see and prophecy, that this general view of the

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mythological, theological, or mysterious subject, is the only one

that can make a brotherhood of the human race, by leading
them to truth.
In standing forward as the harbinger or prophet of this the
greatest of all the advents that have yet blessed the human
race, it must be seen that I stand clear of all bad motive,
and have sufficiently studied the current of human nature in
society, so as not to delude myself with any hope of a living
reward, or any thing beyond that memorable stone hereafter,
which is commonly the useful mans substitute for the want of
bread here. I have passed through all the defects of Superstition, of Deism, of Atheism, of Materialism ; I renounce all
such names and distinctions, as far as they make systems in the
mind. I hate secrecy, abhor concealment of knowledge, and
have so far studied as to know that man is born ignorant, and
has need of mental culture, that knowledge is his one thing needful ; that it is criminal to withhold any kind of knowledge, in
its due season for use, from any human being ; assured, that
nothing but a near approach to an equality of knowledge can
be a near approach to an equality of high condition for the
human race, to all that they have called coming peace, goodwill, and paradise. I see a plan for this approach to an
equality of knowledge in the mythological rudiments of the
Christian scheme, and without wishing to be thought at all
alike in character with those who have wrongfully usurped the
title, I declare myself to be in reality a Christian, free from superstition, the cultivator of science not to be monopolised, but
to be extended to all who can receive it. In that same sense,
I am a Mason ; in the same, a Jew. A name has never formed
the basis of brotherhood, it must be sought in the extended
knowledge of the necessary principle. It is not person, but
principle, that we ought to study. It is not a history of the
human race that can serve us ; but a history of the principles
that have led it to good or to evil ; and this is what the Bible,
and all other mythological books and mysteries, were meant to
In this spirit, and with this knowledge, I call upon Masons
to take me by the hand, and to make their association of more
importance than they have yet made it. Let them not wait
to be disbanded by the Legislature, as a useless and mischievous
association ; but let them anticipate the spirit of a coming age,

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and assist me in the union of all the mysteries, by this one

great revelation of universal application. Our grip shall be the
sign of wisdom ; our word shall become a quickening spirit ;
and we shall realise the old masonic sentiment of (intellectually)
setting the world on fire. The deluge of mystery has not only
overwhelmed Babylon, but Egypt, Greece, Rome, and will, if
we do not light up the spirit of revelation in time, most assuredly overthrow this British nation. It is even now in danger, from the dissension of its internal mysteries, of becoming
an easy prey to some more barbarously mysterious power.
Thus fell Babylon, Egypt, Jerusalem, Greece, Rome, and why
not Britain, if Britain retain those seeds of disease and weakness ? Tell me not, that the safety of a country is in its superstition, or in its secret and mysterious bands ; I know it to
be safe only, where knowledge is dispersing its superstition and
mysteries, in a submission to, and a unity of sentiment founded
upon, that knowledge. If the bigot will not yield to reason,
he will be sure to draw the sword of civil war, or traitor-like,
call in a foreign aid to further his wickedness or madness. This
has been every where the case ; this is what is taught by the
moral of the mysterious death of Hiram Abiff, and of Jesus
Christ ; and this it will be well that we rightly comprehend, in
due season, to save our country, and leave a land to our posterity. To get rid of the mysteries, will be to make a holy
land of every country. This is revelation.
The spirit of the warfare among the cross degrees of Masonry, means a warfare with superstition and mystery. The
meaning of the church militant is lost to those who have made
a mystery of Christianity, without retaining the revelation.
The church militant is the church of people fighting against
error, mystery, superstition, idolatry, with no other weapon
than revelation, knowledge, reason, where that is sharp enough.
The sword of steel should never be used but on the defensive.
I claim the distinction of having been the best and most enduring soldier of Jesus Christ that the church has produced
within these last fifteen hundred years, a true and trusty Knight
Templar, using the right weapons in the right way.
I read, in the year 1834, from the Knight Templar, and
Masonic tomb-stones, in the ruins of the Chapel of HolyroodHouse, at Edinburgh, that Masonry has been a pure, though
mysterious. descent from the ancient mysteries; retained in

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letter, practised in ceremony, but not understood in revelation.

In the Antiquarian Museum of that city, I saw specimens of
the cross dug up in Scotland, that were wreathed as symbols
of science, and evidently older than the Christian era. I saw
the rude pulpit of John Knox, and lamented that such a fanatical brute had ever gained power in Scotland, to make the
ceremony of mystery more fanatically mysterious and mischievous. I saw a brighter past in Scotland, than the whisky-spirit
of the present devotion to mystery will allow to be recovered
through a long future. The late lamented OBrien has in his
Essay on the Round Towers, shown as much of Ireland ;
and died a lamentable instance of genius smothered and murdered by ignorant an(l wicked mystery. I either inherited or
prepared a set of nerves suitable to the task I had to perform,
and the persecution to be endured. Ten years of imprisonment
have not destroyed me.
Retiring from the murky,
deathly atmosphere of the London winter, I feel as young
and as spirited as ever. I will continue the fight, and will
not be killed, while a crust and Christ can be found.
The difficulty I feel in making progress is, that learned impostors shrink from discussion, and abuse the ignorance which
they rule by calumniating the honesty and courage that, with
more learning, seeks to instruct. The position which I take
with every man is, a desire to instruct him, or to be instructed
by him. If any other view be taken of my character, it stands
misrepresented. In assailing what I have discovered to be superstition, I have, from time to time, used what I have felt to
be the most powerful weapons. If I have varied the use of
my weapons it has been from no other motive than to work
more effectually. I have learnt to think with Paine, that falsehood is not entitled to complaisance ; and I have most conscientiously spurned all acquaintance with hypocrisy, wickedness, and unsteadiness of character. That I have made more
enemies than friends, I am well informed by painful experience ; for I have found ignorance and hypocrisy to be the
rulers of the world. But that I have found some most valuable
friends, sustaining, satisfying, sympathising, cheering, that have
made me feel life worth preserving, and man in general as worthy of the struggle I have made for his better future welfare, it
would not only be ingratitude in me to deny, but I cannot do so,
as I almost daily enjoy the company of a few such characters.

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The true secret of universal brotherhood must be in equality

of knowledge, and honesty of its application. All other pretence is trick, deceit, and inefficiency.Masonry, in its mysterious ceremony, makes this pretence ; but it is a failure,
every where a failure, in relation to universality. And it is
only by construing the spirit of Masonry to mean a universal
equality of knowledge, that its profession of brotherhood can
be sustained.
The field of ancient science, which a true knowledge of
mythology opens to our view, is the only redemption we have
from present superstition. Strong minds, by their own scientific perceptions, may see through superstition ; but the multitude of this day is not strong of mind, and wants careful direction to abate its fears, to appease its alarms, and to unfold to
its understanding the realities of past, present, and future.
Let the Synagogue, the Church, and the Masonic Lodge, become schools for that purpose. Let mystery be sunk by science, and imposture by honesty, that a bleeding and starving
world may have some hope of better state in the future of this,
instead of being cheated into contentment with ignorance and
misery here, under the delusion of attaining happiness hereafter.
The immediate present and to-morrow, is that which it becomes
man to be earnestly providing for.
This, my playing Knight Templars, is making up the character of a real Christian soldier ; and I hope to see and to say

The Tau is a figure constructed of five lines, thus |, and is

considered an important emblem or badge in Royal ArchMasonry. It is also styled a Triple Tau, or Triple Cross; the
Tau of the Greek being like the T of the Egyptian, Roman,
or English Alphabet. There were other forms of the Cross.
One was the Crux Ansata, thus

; another tripled thus

In some, there were circles attached to each end thus


: a cross within a circle, thus


, . The Roman X,

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or Cross of St. Andrew ; the Cross Keys of St. Peter, and all
the varied figures of the Cross, found in Heraldry, are symbols
of science, or keys of mystery. In every recorded mythology
or religion, one or the other form of the Cross has been adopted ;
and from the most ancient Phalic ceremonies and processions,
down to the superstition of the present day, it has been the immediate symbol worshipped.
Life may be said to have two departments, or to be of two
distinct kindsthe physical and the moral ; the sensual and
the intellectual ; the latter growing out of, and being closely intertwined with the other. Superstition has inverted the order,
and made the latter the creative power. of the former ; the intellectual of the sensual, or the moral of the physical. This is
the grand mistake ! All the evidences of nature are to the contrary, and leave to man the spirit of liberty, choice in many circumstancesa soul, reason, Christ, and moral responsibility ;
while the former is the doctrine of fatality, carried through both
the physical and moral world, leaving man no spirit of liberty,
no choice, no soul, no reason, no Christ; a mere helpless, useless, predestinated or fatal creature, without moral responsibility : for if a superior, immutable, intellectual power has
designed, that power is alone responsible for what happens.
Such a doctrine is the invention or mistake of man, and has no
warrant in science. It is a mistake made about the ancient
mythology. In reasoning from what we know, we cannot
reach a knowledge of anything of an intellectual character
preceding or equal to physical power. Intellectual power is
human art, applied to the varying or extension of effects by
other combinations of physical causes, than those which physical nature presents to us. I maintain, that no true science or
morality can be taught on any other general ground.
The science of symbols teaches us, that the same symbols
may be made or meant to represent the two departments of
life. For instance; the great order of creation and preservation is, both physically and morally, of a generative kind.
The Cross, in varied figures, might have been, as it has been,
made to represent both departments ; the physical, as the first
principlethe moral or intellectual, as the second principle of
life ; the first and second birth of the New Testament. Then,
as an emblem, the figure or symbol may be made an instrument for abuse in the indulgence of sensual excesses, as

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it has by mistake been made an instrument of abuse

in superstitious or devotional excesses. It may even be
abused in intellectual excesses, which often endanger the
physical organization, and lead to insanity. This will account for all the various abuses, uses, and views that have been
made and taken of mythological symbols. Human nature may
and does use and abuse every thing that can be subjected to its
sphere of action ; and the only remedy available and applicable,
is proper intellectual culture, which is the true and best
religionthe best pastime, the best filling up of the hours of
life not required in sleep, in the cultivation of the earth, and
preparation of other necessary comforts. The grand question
for man to solve is, how can the time of human life be best spent ?
The Triple Tau has been adopted by the Jewish, or Old
Testament order of Masonry ; the Cross, by the Christian, or
New Testament order. In original meaning and general application, they are one and the same symbol of science, denoting what is known of physics by the intellectual or moral, whatever addition can be made to that knowledge. Here we see
also the union of principle in Judaism and Christianity. And
how appropriate is the symbol of a key or cross to the unlocking, not only of those mysteries which scientific men have constructed in language ; but also that knowledge, or the search of
it, is the key wherewith to unlock all the mysteries of physical
nature, which are mysteries as far as we are ignorant, but
which cease to be mysteries as we acquire knowledge. Knowledge is the one thing needful ; the lost word sought in Masonry ; but truly has superstition misdirected the human mind,
and caused a fall from the ancient knowledge possessed and
signified by symbols. Let all go in pursuit of knowledge, and
thus harmonize human dissent and its evil consequences. Men
agree in and teach whatever they know : they dissent only
where both parties are ignorant, and neither can explain the
mystery of ancient language and symbols.
As we see that the Cross is the symbol of science, we reach
the grand denouement of the meaning of the conversion of Constantine, the Roman Emperor. The story goes, and is told in
the Cross-degrees of Masonry, that Constantine saw a figure of
the cross in the heavens, with an inscription, In hoc signo vinces :
By this sign or symbol, thou, shalt overcome ; and that this sight
converted him from Paganism to Christianity. We now see

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that the Cross was originally a Pagan symbol, and could have
been nothing new to Constantine. The moral of it, as here
presented in the name of Constantine, is, that by science man
may overcome all the difficulties that wait on his ignorance.
This, if any, was the discovery or development to the mind of
Constantine. And this was the truth so desirable to be known
by all men. The Christian religion was introduced in this
way, and carried on by symbols. Ancient ecclesiastical history is full of them. Here we have a wheel within a wheel,
as to the cross and inscription said to have been seen by Constantine in the heavens. Not only is the phrase, In hoc signo
vinces, most strictly applicable to the power of knowledge or
reason ; but in the initials of the words, we have the celebrated
I. H. S., which the Latin Fathers translated, Jesus hominum
Salvator, or Jesus the Saviour of man ; but which is traced to
the Pagan altars of Bacchus, as a Greek inscription of the
letters, Iota, Eta, Sigma, signifying Yes, or Saviour. In the
inscription of the Cross as said to have been seen by Constantine, we have only to take up and add the initial of vinces, and
we make the Latin Jesu. It is thus the whole thing called the
Christian religion, throughout its nomenclature, has been constructed : this is what it is in principle ; and nothing of it as it
has been read according to the letter, as a piece of profane
history, has been true. The name of Jesus is found to be a
Pagan name, or the Greek for Saviour ; as Christ has also a
root in the Greek language signifying Anointed. Jesus Christ,
the Saviour Anointed, that is, chosen by mankind : in which,
in the rendering, that the salvation consists of knowledge or
reason, none better can be found to be adopted or anointed.
Here is nothing peculiarly of Jewish origin ; but of Grecian deduction, corresponding precisely with the parallel Mythos of
Prometheus bound and unbound. All books and epistles denominated Christian, have come down to us from the Greek
language. We cannot trace one of them into the Hebrew language, or that of the Jews, though we can trace the principle
upon which the Mythos is constructed into Persia, Hindostan,
and among very anciently known people from the Hindoo to
the Druids of this island. The Jews have the same Mythos
in their Jehovah, Moses, David, &c. It is the Mythos Logos,
the mysterious power of reason or intellect in the human being,
emanating from the mysterious or unknown power of the physical universe.

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Modern, self-styled Masons have played with the symbols of

this mysterious science without understanding, and consequently without making of it any useful application : they have,
in fact, used it to their injury. The same may be said of modern, self-styled Christians and Jews. A full development of
this mistake is now, for the first time, made known, and I invite to its aid the criticism and discussion of all existing talent.
Let it not be considered as anything of mine ; but let it be examined as if it had an anonymous author.
Through ignorance of its mystery, many defects and anachronisms have crept into the ceremonies of Modem Masonry.
Without having seen the interior of a Masonic Lodge, I could
correct them, by virtue of my knowledge of the true Masonic
Science. I have done so in the Royal Arch Degree accompanying this introduction, as I had to make it up from many varying forms used in this country and in America. In my present edition of the Royal Arch Degree, there is nothing out of
order, and nothing that is valued, omitted.
As my pursuit of Masonic Science is closely coincident with
my general warfare with superstition, further elucidations of the
subject may be expected from me ; but I should prefer to send
them forth in the shape and practice of Lectures among Masons, as some preparatory initiation, by education somewhere,
is essential to the full understanding of the mythological matter.
I have among my Masonic illustrations, many definitions of
the Tau, such as that it meansT. H. or Templum Hierosolyma, Temple of Jerusalem; that it means a treasure, or a
place in which the treasure is deposited. These are but symbolical meanings of the symbol. The true literal and moral
meaning is the key to science, or the diving of the intellectual
power into the physical mysteries, and thus obtaining revelation. It has been described as the Nilometre, an instrument
by which the waters of the Nile, at their overflowing, were
measured. As T. upon H. it may be defined as the cross upon
the name of Jehovah, or the mystical union between the
Father and the Son, the letter H representing Jehovah, or the
Father. This would be still but a symbol or mystery ; and what
we want is the revelation of the mystery, which we can only
find in reading it as a symbol of science.
That man is physically born ignorant, and has need of intellectual cultivation, is the root and foundation of all useful

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knowledge. Superstition has smothered for a time this the

first necessary item of knowledge. It must be redeemed before human society can recover its lost position. We have in
the church and its property all the machinery necessary wherewith to re-commence the suspended task ; and as the property
is a public one belonging to the whole people, there can be no
ground of exclusion or want of qualification because of poverty.
It is the fallacious boast in the ceremony of Masonry, that
it may be obtained without money. The candidate is deprived of everything valuable, and received only as a figure of
humility ; as a picture of the human mind proceeding from
ignorance to knowledge.
A thorough series of Masonry should represent the creation
of the earth, &c. ; of man and woman, by the Logos or Jehovah ; the disposition of Jehovah, that man should be happy as
the cultivator of the soil ; the possession of the Garden of
Eden; the loss of that possession; the slaying of Abel by
Cain ; the building of the Tower of Babel ; the confusion of
tongues and dispersion of the people ; the bondage in Egypt ;
an Exodus from that bondage ; the passing of the Red Sea ;
giving the law from Mount Sinai ;* sojourn in the wilderness ;
the gaining possession of a holy or fruitful land ; building a
temple in the city of Jerusalem ; the loss or destruction of that
temple and city ; the captivity in Babylon ; the restoration
from that captivity ; the re-building of the temple and city ;
the advent of Jesus Christ, as a new incarnation of the Logos ;
the persecution and crucifixion of that incarnation ; its death
and burial, resurrection and ascension ; the apostolic preaching of the gospel for the institution of Christianity, and its
effect on mankind ; the invasion of the Holy Land by infidels ;
the combined efforts of Christians to expel them ; the varying
success of that effort ; final triumph according to the prophecies.
The present practised system of Masonry embodies all
these subjects, without proper order and arrangement, and
* A modern traveller through Egypt and the surrounding desert informs me
that Mount Sinai is the theatre of one of the most powerful echoes known on
the earth, and singularly adapted for any kind ot divine or priestly imposition
upon an ignorant people. I do not remember that any other traveller has noticed
this echo. This gentleman is about to publish his travels, with some new illustrations by geological data of the creation of the earth.

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without sufficient instruction as to its mythological character.

Neglects, mistakes, and want of written documents have thrown
the whole into a medley. The dramatic arrangement of the
contents of the Bible is a perfect picture of the struggles and
mishaps of human nature ; and the promised happy future is
the conditional promise of purification by the aid of Christ, the
Logos, or practical reason, in the race. The mistaken use is to
treat it as profane history, and not to receive it as a warning
example in the statement of principles. To the purpose of any
theological instruction, it is not necessary that the details be
literally true as profane history. It partakes of the character
of novel or other dramatic writing, of instruction as to character
and principles by fiction, which to this day is received and
most read as the most agreeable and satisfactory style of writing. Our present public mind cares very little about simple,
common-place practical truths. Human nature seems to crave
mystery ; to be fond of riddles and the marvellous ; and,
doubtless, it was ever so, and so provided for in the Bible and
other mythological and dramatic booksso provided for in




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BEFORE proceeding to an exaltation in the Royal Arch, the

candidate must have been initiated in the degree called Past
Master, which is also necessary as a qualification for the chair
in Craft Masonry.
The candidate is proposed or balloted for as in the Masters
Degree. The officers are the same, and the lodge is opened and
closed in nearly the same manner. When the candidate
is proposed for the chair, he is first obligated by kneeling on
both knees, laying both hands on the Bible covered by the
square and compasses, and takes the following oath :
I, A. B., of my own free will and accord, in the presence
of Almighty God, and this Worshipful Lodge of Past Master
Masons, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely
promise and swear, that I will not divulge the secrets of a Past
Master Mason, or any of the secrets pertaining thereto, to any
one of an inferior degree, nor to any being in the known world,
except it be to a true and lawful brother or brethren, or within
the body of a just and lawfully constituted Lodge of Past
Master Masons, and not unto him or unto them, whom I shall
hear so to be ; but unto him and them only, whom I shall find

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so to be, after strict trial, examination, or lawful information,

under no less a penalty, in addition to all former obligations, of
having my hands lopped off at the wrist : so help me God, and
keep me stedfast to this my lawful obligation as a Past Master
Mason.(The Bible to be kissed four times.)
The candidate is raised from his knees, with the grip of a
Past Master, and is entrusted with the grip, word, and sign.
The grip is to grasp the brother with the Masters grip, and
then extend the grip above the elbow with both hands. The
word is Giblum, with some Chibbelum. The first sign is to
place the thumb of the right hand perpendicular on the lips,
with the fingers clenched. In some lodges there is a second
sign, which is to extend the right arm at length, in a right
line with the thumb and finger appearing to hold the plumbline. The obligated candidate is then placed in the chair,
and the brethren salute the new Worshipful Master with the
proper sign, and the late Worshipful Master presents him
with the various implements of the order, thus addressing
him :
Worshipful Master, I now present you with the following
implements or our profession, which are emblematical of our
conduct in life.
First.The Holy Writings, those records of Masonic Light,
will guide you to all truth ; you may learn from them how to
form your own body into a temple of happiness, learning to
practise the whole duty of man.
Second.The Square, as a figure, teaches the regulation of
our actions by rule and line, and how we should harmonize our
conduct by the prescriptions of virtue.
Third.The Compasses, as a figure, teaches us to limit our
desires in every station ; thus rising to eminence by merit, we
live respected and die regretted.
Fourth.The Rule or Gauge directs that we should carefully
measure our duties, press forward in the path of morality, and
not swerve from the dictates of conscience.
Fifth.The Line teaches the criteria of moral rectitude, that
we should avoid dissimulation in conversation and action, and
seek the path that leads to immortality.
Sixth.I present you with the Gavel, an instrument with
which I presume you are already too well acquainted to need
much illustration.



(When the Master Mason takes this degree in order to preside over a Craft Lodge, he is presented with, the Book of
Constitutions, to make known in the lodge ; and, lastly the
Bye Laws of the Lodge are placed in his hands, which he is
charged to see carefully and punctually executed.)
The lodge is then closed unless the following lecture be introduced :

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Q. How were you made a Past Master ?

A. In the character of a Master Mason.
Q. What procured you admission ?
A. The knocks and word of a Master Mason.
Q. In what manner were you then dealt with ?
A. I was conducted in the usual form to receive the obligation.
Q. In what manner were you placed to receive the obligation ?
A. Upon both my knees, my hands upon the Holy Bible,
square, and compasses.
Q. What was the reason of this peculiar position ?
A. As my hands had been instrumental in duly executing
the noblest parts of operative masonry, placing them on the
Holy Bible, strongly figured to my mind that Gods word
was to be the standard of every operation in my future life,
that I might thereby arrive at the summit of masonry, by
passing through the speculative degree of this mortal life to
that glorious and celestial lodge, where the grand password of the Almighty Architect will procure us admission,
and with whom peace, order, and harmony will eternally
Q. Can you repeat the obligation ?
A. Yes. (See obligation.)
Q. How did you confirm it ?
A. With my lips four times on the Holy Bible.
Q. In what manner were you raised ?
A. By the grip of a Past Master.
Q. Will you advance and give it to me with the signs. (This
is done.)
Q. In what manner did you enter the lodge of a Past
Master ?

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A. Upon four points of geometry, formed by the square and

compasses united ; and the letter G in the centre.
Q. Why were you initiated in this manner ?
A. Because the compasses are the principal instrument
belonging to the Master Mason ; and the two points elevated
above the points of the square denoted that I had arrived at
the summit of operative masonry. The letter G in the centre
was the proper passport, that being the initial of the password of this degree, signifying a Mason that is master of his
Q. Can you communicate the chief word and its signification ?
A. Giblum or Chibbelum. It means a workman who is
master of his profession ; but more especially alluding to the
excellency of his sculpture, in the stone-work of Solomons
Q. Where were you placed after your obligation ?
A. After circumscribing the lodge by the Right Worshipful Masters command, from east to west, I was placed in the
chair as a Past Master, to prove to all the brethren then present,
that I was eligible to act in future to superintend this order.
Q. What was next said to you ?
A. I was presented, First, with the Holy Writings : Second,
the Square : Third, the Compasses : Fourth, the Rule or
Gauge : Fifth, the Line : Sixth, the Gavel; Lastly, the Book
of Constitutions and the Bye-Laws; on all of which I was
Q. Can you repeat the admonition on the Holy Writings ?
A. I was admonished that they were records of Masonic
Light, and would guide me to all truth ; that I may learn from
them how to form my own body into a temple of happiness, by
reducing to practice the whole duty of man.
Q. Can you repeat the admonition delivered with the
Square ?
A. That the Square was a figure, which taught the regulation
of our actions by rule and line, and how we should harmonize
our conduct by the prescriptions of virtue.
Q. Will you give the admonition on the Compasses ?
A. The Compasses, as a figure, teach us to limit our desires
in every station, thus rising to eminence by merit, we live
respected and die regretted.



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Q. What was said of the Rule or Gauge ?

A. The Rule or Gauge directs that we should carefully measure our duties, press forward in the path of morality, and not
swerve from the dictates of conscience.
Q. Was anything said on the Line ?
A. The Line teaches the criterion of moral rectitude, that
we should avoid dissimulation in conversation and action, and
seek the path that leads to immortality.





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The Masons of this degree are called Companions, and when
assembled a Chapter. They are so arranged as to form the
figure of an arch. There are nine officers. Zerubbabel, as
Prince ; Haggai, as Prophet ; Jeshua, as High Priest ; the
three principal officers, or High Chiefs, form the key-stones of
the arch. Principal, Senior, and Junior Sojourners form the
basis. Ezra and Nehemiah, Senior, and Junior Scribes, one
on each side ; Janitor or Tyler without the door. The Companions assembled make up the sides of the arch, representing
Jachin and Boaz, the pillars of Solomons Temple. In the
front of the Principals stands an altar, on which are the initials
of the names of Solomon, King of Israel ; Hiram, King of
Tyre, and Hiram Abiff. When convenient, an organ should be
in the Chapter Rooms. A Chapter is considered a type of the
Sanhedrim of the Jews.

The principal officers having robed, and taken their sceptres,

all take their stations in the Arch.
Zerubbabel, as Prince, thus addresses them:
Companions, assist me to open the chapter. Companion
Junior Sojourner, what is the chief and constant care of every
Royal Arch Mason ?
J. S. To prove the chapter properly tiled.
Z. See that duty done.
(The Junior Sojourner gives one knock on the door, which is
answered from without by the Janitor, and then says)Most
Excellent, the chapter is properly tiled.
Z. Companion Junior Sojourner, your duty in the Chapter ?
J. S. To guard the First Veil, and to allow none to enter but

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those who are in possession of all pass-words, signs, and tokens

thereunto belonging ; and not then without first acquainting the
Senior Sojourner.
Z. Companion Senior Sojourner, your duty in the chapter ?
S. S. To guard the Second Veil, and to allow none to enter
but those who are in possession of all pass-words, signs, and
tokens thereunto belonging ; and not then without first acquainting the Principal Sojourner.
Z. Companion Principal Sojourner, your duty in the chapter ?
P. S. To guard the Third Veil, and to allow none to enter
but those who are in possession of all pass-words, signs, and
tokens thereunto belonging ; and not then without first acquainting the Principals.
Z. Companion Ezra, your duty in the chapter ?
E. To register all records, acts, laws, and transactions, for
the general good of the chapter.
Z. Companion Nehemiah, your duty in the chapter ?
N. To aid and assist Companion Ezra in his duty, and to
introduce all candidates for exaltation.
Z. Companion Jeshua, your duty in the chapter ?
J. To aid and assist in carrying on the Lord s works.
Z. Companion Haggai, your duty in the chapter ?
H. To aid and assist in completing the Lords works.
Z. Companions, let us pray: O God, thou Great and
Grand Architect of the Universe, Grand Prince, causer of all
existence, at thy word the pillars of the sky were raised, and
its beauteous arches formed. Thy breath kindled the stars,
adorned the moon with silver rays, and gave the sun its
resplendent lustre. We are assembled in thy Great name to
acknowledge thy power, thy wisdom, and thy goodness, and
to implore thy blessing. We pray thee, O Gracious God, to
bless us in our undertaking through life for this great end.
Endue us with a competence of thy most holy spirit, that we
may be enabled to trace thee out in all thy wonderful works,
as far as it is agreeable to thy divine will, that thy praises
may resound with the fervent love of thy creatures from
pole to pole ; and rebound from the vaulted canopy of the
heavens, through universal nature. Grant this, I God,


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In the beginning was the word.

And the word was with God.
And the word was God.

Z. Companions, Principals, what are the great attributes of

these mysterious words ?
H. Omniscience.
J. Omnipotence
N. Omnipresence. To the all-wise, all powerful, and allpresent Being, around whose throne may we hereafter engage.
Z. Most excellent Haggai, from whence came you ?
H. From Babylon.
Z. Most excellent Jeshua, where are you going ?
J. To Jerusalem.
Z. Most excellent chiefs, why leave you Babylon to go to
Jerusalem ?
H. To assist in rebuilding the second temple, and to endeavour to obtain the sacred word.
Z. Let us celebrate this grand design (which is done as
The three principals and each three companions form the
triangles, and each of the three takes his left-hand companion
by the right-hand wrist, and his right-hand companion by the
left-hand wrist, forming two distinct triangles with the hands,
and a triangle with their right feet, amounting to a triple triangle, and then pronounce the following words, each taking a
line in turn :
As we three did agree,
In peace, love, and unity,
The sacred word to keep;
So we three do agree,
In peace, love, and unity,
The sacred word to search ;
Until we three,
Or three such as we, shall agree,
This Royal Arch Chapter to close.
The right hands, still joined as a triangle, are raised as high
as possible, and the word JAO-BUL-ON, given at low breath,
in syllables in the following order. so that each companion has
to pronounce the whole word :

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Jao - - Bul - - On
- - Jao - - Bul
On - - - - Jao
Bul - - On - -
Z. Companions, is the word correct ?
On each set replying in the affirmative, Z. gives five knocks,
and declares the chapter duly opened. The J. S. gives the
five knocks on the door, and is answered from without by the
five knocks from the Janitor. The companions then take their
Z. Companion Ezra, you will read the minutes of the last
(This being done, Z. inquires if any companion, has anything to
propose.) If there be no candidate for exaltation, the following
charge, or lecture, or both, are delivered :

Companions, the masonic system exhibits a stupendous and

beautiful fabric, founded on universal wisdom, unfolding its
gates to receive, without prejudice or discrimination, the worthy professors of every description of genuine religion or
knowledge ; concentrating as it were into one body their just
tenets, unincumbered with the disputable peculiarities of any
sect or persuasion. This system originated in the earliest of
ages, and among the wisest of men. But it is to be lamented,
that to the desponding suggestions of some of the weaker minds
among our own fraternity, the prejudices of the world against
our invaluable institution are in a great measure imputable.
Unable to comprehend the beautiful allegories of ancient wisdom, they ignorantly assert that the rites of masonry are futile ;
its doctrines inefficient. To this assertion, indeed, they give,
by their own misconduct, a semblance of truth, as we fail to
discern that they are made wiser or better men by their admission to our mysteries.
Companions, I need not tell you, that nature alone can provide us with the ground of wisdom ; but masonry will teach
and enable us to cultivate the soil, and to foster and strengthen
the plant in its growth. Therefore, to dispel the clouds of ignorance, so inauspicious to the noble purpose of our order

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and to hold forth a moral whereby we may see the power and
greatness of the all-wise Disposer of events, the Royal Arch
Degree gives us an ample field for discussion, by which we are
shown, in the sad experience of the once-favourite people of
God, a lesson how to conduct ourselves in every situation of
our existence ; and that when fortune, affluence, sickness, or
adversity attend us, we ought never to lose sight of the source
from whence it came, always remembering that the power
which gave is also a power to take away. Having in itself this
grand moral which ought to be cultivated by every man among
usto do unto others as we would wish to be done by: and
it is the ultimatum of all terrestrial happiness, imitating in
itself every virtue man can possess. May we, as companions,
so study virtue, as to hand down to posterity a name unspotted
by vice, and worthy of imitation.

Z. (Knocks to order, and says): Companion Junior Sojourner, the constant care of a Royal Arch Mason ?
J. S. To prove the chapter tiled.
Z. Let that duty be done.
(The J. S. gives the five knocks, which are answered from
without by five from the Janitor.)
J. S. (With the penal sign.) Most Excellent, the chapter is
close tiled.
Z. (Gives the five knocks, and says.): Companions, assist me
co close this Royal Arch Chapter.
The chiefs, sojourners, and companions form into threes, join
hands and feet, give the word, as at opening, and pronounce as
As we three did agree,
In peace, love, and unity,
The sacred word to keep ;
So we three do agree,
In peace, love, and unity,
The sacred word to keep ;
Until we three,
Or three such as we, shall agree,
This Royal Arch Chapter to open.



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Zerubbabel, Junior Sojourner, and Janitor, give the five

knocks, and the Prince declares the chapter closed.
Some chapters close in this short way:The companions,
scribes, and sojourners stand round the floor-cloth, exhibiting
the penal sign. The three principals form a triangle, each
holding to the Bible. They salute the book, and pass it round
for each person present to do the same. Then they form the
grand triangle, and say:We three do agree, this Royal Arch
Chapter to close, and, in love and unity, the sacred word of a
Royal Arch Mason to keep, and not to reveal it to anyone in
the world unless it be when three, such as we, do meet and
agree, a Royal Arch Chapter to open.

The candidate for exaltation having been ballotted for and

approved, is conducted by the Junior Scribe to the door. Four
knocks are given by the Janitor.
The Junior Sojourner, within, says: Most Excellent Zerubbabel, a report (making the penal sign.)
Z. See who wants admission. .
J. S. (Opening the door.) Who comes there ?
Brother N, who has duly and truly served his time as
an Entered Apprentice, passed the degree of a Fellow-Craft,
and has been, in due time, raised to the sublime degree of a
Master Mason, upon the five points of fellowship, with the
respective signs, words, and pass-words thereunto belonging ;
and lastly, having been duly elected master of a lodge of
Master Masons, installed in the chair and intrusted with the
grip and word, the sign and salutation of a Past Master, now
presents himself, properly prepared, for admission into this
chapter, and for exaltation into the sublime degree of Royal
Arch Masonry.
J. S. Halt, while I make due report.(He repeats the application to Zerubbabel.)
Z. Companions, is it your wish that Brother N be
admitted ?
C. It is, most excellent.
Z. Companion Junior Sojourner, is he in possession of requisite particulars, and properly prepared ?
J. S. To the best of my knowledge, most excellent.

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Z. Let the candidate be admitted in due form. (The form

is to pass the candidate under an arch made by the companions
holding their rods so as to resemble a Gothic arch. He is placed
in the west.) Brother N, we understand that you seek
preferment in our order; but, before you can be admitted, we
must first ascertain whether you voluntarily offer yourself for
the mysteries of this exalted degree ?
Br. N. I do.
Z. We must also further ascertain, whether you are properly qualified to receive the mysteries of this exalted
The High Priest Jeshua advances, orders him to kneel, and
thus prays :
Almighty God, who art the sole Architect of the Universe, at
whose command the world burst forth from chaos, and all created matter had its birth, look down, we pray thee, at this time
in a more peculiar manner, on this thy servant, and henceforth
crown him with every blessing from thine inexhaustible store.
But, above all. give him grace to consider well his present undertaking, that he may neither proceed therein lightly, nor
recede from it dishonourably; but pursue it steadily, ever
remembering the intention, which is the acquisition of true wisdom and understanding, by searching out thy great and glorious
works, for promoting thy honour and glory, for the benefit of
the whole creation and his own eternal welfare. So mote it
Brother N is then led to the altar, where the Prophet
Haggai receives him, exhorts him on the solemn nature of his
situation, and appraises him that he now stands before a representation of the Grand Sanhedrim, or famous court of Judicature among the ancient Jews.
The High Priest here reads the second chapter of the book of
Proverbs :
My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee ; so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding ; yea, if thou
criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding ; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for
hid treasures ; then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom,
out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He

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layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous : he is a buckler to

them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment,
and preserveth the way of his saints. Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity ; yea, every
good path. When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and
knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul, discretion shall preserve
thee, understanding shall keep thee ; to deliver thee from the
way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward
things ; who leave the path of uprightness, to walk in the ways
of darkness ; who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked ; whose ways are crooked, and they
froward in their paths : to deliver thee from the strange woman,
even from the stranger which flattereth with her words ; which
forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant
of her God. For her house inclineth unto death, and her
paths unto the dead. None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of the paths of life. That thou mayest walk
in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.
For the upright shall dwell in the land and the perfect shall
remain in it. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth,
and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.

Zerubabbel then administers the obligation.

I, A. B., of my own free will and accord, in the presence
of the Grand Architect of the Universe, and this Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons, do hereby and hereon most solemnly
and sincerely promise and swear, in addition to my former obligations, that I will not reveal the secrets of this degree to any
of an inferior degree, or to anyone except he be a true and
lawful Companion Royal Arch Mason, or within the body of a
just and legally constituted chapter, under the penalty of
having the crown of my skull struck off, in addition to all my
former penalties. So help me God, and keep me firm in this
my obligation of a Royal Arch Companion. (Kisses the Bible
five times.)
Z. In whom do you put your trust ?
Br. N. In Jehovah.
Zerubbabel makes the following exhortation :In the name
of that Omnipotent Being, arise, and may the remembrance of

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the sprig of cassia, which was found on the grave of him, who
was truly the most excellent of Masons, and who parted with
his life, because he would not part with his honour, ever stimulate his successors to imitate his glorious example ; that the
essence of virtue may enshrine our moral laws, and like the
beautiful rose of Sharon, in conjunction with the lily of the
valley, exalt our intellectual part. When death, the grand leveller of all human greatness, hath drawn his sable curtain
round us, and when the last arrow of our mortal enemy hath
been dispatched, and the bow of this mighty conqueror broken
by the iron arm of time, when the angel of the Lord declares
that time shall be no more, and when, by this victory, God
hath subdued all things to himself, then shall we receive the
reward of our virtue, by acquiring the possession of an immortal inheritance in those heavenly mansions veiled from mortal
eye, where every secret of masonry will be opened, never to be
closed. Then shall the great Jehovah, the Grand Master of
the whole Universe, bid us enter into his celestial lodge, where
peace, order, and harmony shall eternally reign. (The candidate is directed to retire.)


The following ceremony, called Passing the Veils, is dispensed with in some chapters ; but as it is an original part, it
is introduced to make this work complete.
The candidate is prepared with a blindfold, his knees are
bared, and his feet slipshod, with a cable-tow round his waist.
The three sojourners act as the guardians of the three veils.
The Junior scribe is the conductor of the candidate, and gives
four knocks at the door of the First Veil, which is opened, and
the candidate admitted by giving the Past Masters word,
Giblum, and the sign. He is conducted round that part of the
room, while the High Priest reads the third chapter of Exodus,
verses 1 to 6 :
Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the
priest of Midian ; and he led the flock to the backside of the
desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.

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And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of

fire, out of the midst of the bush ; and he looked, and, behold
the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
(The bandage is taken from the candidates eyes, and he sees a
bush on fire.) And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see
this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the
Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out
of the midst of the bush, and said,Moses, Moses. And he
said, Here am I. And he said, Draw not nigh hither; put off
thy shoes from off thy feet (the candidate here has his shoes
slipped off), for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And
Moses hid his face ; for he was afraid to look upon God.
The High Priest Jeshua then reads the 13th and 14th verses
of the same chapter :
And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the
children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your
fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me,
What is his name ? what shall I say unto them ? And God
said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM. And he said, Thus shalt
thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto
The candidate is here informed that I AM THAT I AM is one
of the words of the Royal Arch Degree, or the Pass-word from
the First to the Second Veil.
This constitutes the passing of the First Veil. The candidate is then led to the Second Veil, and challenged by the
Guard, who demands the Pass-Word, which is given by the
candidate :I AM THAT I AM. He enters the Second Veil,
wherein is placed the figure of a Serpent and Aarons Rod.
Jeshua reads the first five verses of the fourth chapter of the
Book of Exodus :
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not
believe me, nor hearken unto my voice ; for they will say, The
Lord hath not appeared unto thee. And the Lord said unto
him, What is that in thine hand ? And he said, A rod. And
he said, Caste it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground
and it became a serpent ; and Moses fled from before it. And
the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by
the tail. And he put forth his hand and caught it, and it be

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came a rod in his hand : that they may believe that the Lord
God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob, appeared unto thee.
The candidate is told to pick up the rod cast down before
him ; that the act is the sign of the Second Veil, and that the
Pass-words are Moses, Aaron, and Eleazer. With these words
he passes the Guard of the Third Veil. Jeshua reads from the
6th to the 9th verses of the fourth chapter of Exodus :
And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine
hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom ;
and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.
And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he
put his hand into his bosom again ; and plucked it out of his
bosom, and behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither
hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the
voice of the latter sign. And it shall come to pass, if they will
not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice,
that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon
the dry land; and the water which thou takest out of the river
shall become blood upon the dry land.
The candidate is told that the signs of the leprous hand and
the pouring out of the water are the signs of the Third Veil,
and that HOLINESS TO THE LORD are the pass-words to the
Sanctum Sanctorum. He is shown the ark of the covenant,
containing the tables of stone, the pot of manna, also the table
of shew-bread, the burning incense, and the candlestick with
seven branches. After which, he is withdrawn to enter as a

(The five knocks are given at the door.)

J. S. Who comes there ?
N. Three Sojourners from Babylon, who wish to offer their
services to the Sanhedrim sitting in council, to assist in the rebuilding of the Temple.
J. S. Wait, while I report to the Most Excellent Principals.
Most Excellent,Three Sojourners crave admission to offer
their services for the rebuilding of the Temple.
Z. Let them be admitted. (They are accordingly admitted.)
Sojourners, what is your request ?

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S. First, we beg leave, Most Excellent, to sojourn among

you ; and having heard that you are about to rebuild the Temple of the Lord, we beg your acceptance of our best service in
promoting that glorious work.
Z. We greatly commend your conduct, and should be glad
to know who you are.
S. We are of your own kindred and people, sprung from
your tribes and branches, and from the same original stock,
equally with you, descendants of our forefathers Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. But we have been under the displeasure of
Almighty God, through the offences committed by our ancestors, who deviated from the true Masonic principles and
laws, and not only committed numberless errors, but ran into
every kind of wickedness ; so that the Almighty, being displeased, gave his judgment against them, by the mouth of
Jeremiah and other prophets, by whom he declared, that the
fruitfulness of the Lord should be spoiledtheir city become
desolate and an abomination, and that they should feel the
weight of his wrath for seventy years. This actually began to
be fulfilled in the fourth year of the reign of JehoiakinA. L.
Z. Our knowledge of the facts, and the candour with which
you have related them, leave no doubt of your sincerity ;
but we beg to be informed who were your immediate ancestors.
S. We are not of the lineage of that race of traitors, who
fell away during the siege and went over to the enemy, when
liberty and kindred had most need of their assistance : nor of
the lower class of the people left behind by Nebuzaradan, the
chief of Nebuchadnezzars officers, to cultivate the vineyards
and for other servile purposes ; but the offspring of those
princes and nobles carried into captivity with Zedekiah. The
seventy years of captivity being expired, and the anger of the
Lord appeased, he hath stirred up the heart of Cyrus King of
Persia and Babylon, who hath issued his proclamation, sayingWho is there of the Lords people, his God be with
him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judea, and
build him a house to the Lord God of Israel ; for he is the
only true and living God. We, therefore, have taken the
advantage of this proclamation, and have returned for that

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Z. Sojourners, how have you been employed during your

captivity in Babylon ?
S. In Masonry, Most Excellent.
Z. What do you mean by Masonry ?
S. That grand and universal science which includes all
others ; but more especially that which teaches the knowledge
of ourselves, and the duties incumbent on us as men and
Z. In what labour do you wish to engage ?
S. We deem the lowest situation in the Lords house an
honour ; therefore, we only beg employ.
Z. Your humility bespeaks your merit, and we doubt not
but you are qualified for some superior office. Those being
full, you will be furnished with tools for the purpose, and we,
for the present, shall appoint you to go and prepare for the
foundation of the Second Temple. But let me lay this injunction upon youthat should you meet with anything belonging
to the First Temple, you will communicate no part thereof to
anyone, until you have faithfully made your report to the
Sanhedrim here sitting in chapter. Go, and may the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, be with you and prosper you.
The sojourners retire, and are furnished with a pickaxe,
shovel, and crow-bar, of the ordinary size, generally made of
wood, and kept for that purpose. After a short time, they return, give the knocks, and enter as before. During their absence, they are supposed to have been at work, and to have
made a discovery, of which they come to make a report.
After being duly reported and admitted, they are thus addressed :
Z. Sojourners, we are informed that you have made a discovery.
S. We have, Most Excellent ; for being at our work early
this morning, our companion broke up the ground with his
pickaxe ; and we judging from the sound thereof that it was
hollow, called upon our companion with his shovel to clear
away the loose earth, and discovered the perfect crown of an
arch. With my crow-bar I removed the key-stone. Our
curiosity was excited to know what it contained ; but being
afraid of danger, we cast lots who should first go down, which lot,
Most Excellent, fell upon me. We also agreed upon proper
security against danger. I was then let down with a cable tied

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round my waist, and another at each hand. Having arrived at

the bottom without impediment, I gave the signal for my freedom, and in searching the arch, found this scroll. From the
want of light, I could not discern its contents ; for the sun had
but just come to the portico of the eastern door, and darting its
beams parallel to the plane of the horizon, I could not discover
what it contained. I, therefore, gave the agreed signal, and
was drawn up. We have, as in duty bound, thus come to
make our report.
Z. The discovery you have made is of the greatest importance. It is no less than the long-lost book of the holy law.
You now see that the world is indebted to Masonry for the preservation of this sacred volume. Had it not been for the Masonic wisdom and precaution of our Grand Master, this the
only remaining copy of the law, would have been lost at the
destruction of the Temple. We cannot too much praise you
for your fidelity and promptness in this discovery and report ;
and you will now return and make further search, observing, as
before, the same precaution.
(The Sojourners retire ; after a while return, and are admitted
as before, to report further discoveries, as follows :)
Z. Sojourners, we are informed that you have made another
S. We have, Most Excellent ; for, on recommencing our
labour, we found a second crown of an arch, and with difficulty
removed the key-stone. On descending the arch, nothing of
consequence was found ; but judging from the sound thereof
that it was hollow beneath, our curiosity was excited for a further search. We discovered a key-stone of a third arch ; on
removing it, the sun, having now gained its meridian height,
darted its rays to the centre. It shone resplendent on a white
marble pedestal, whereon was a plate of gold. On this plate
was engraved a triple triangle, and within the triangles some
characters which are beyond our comprehension ; therefore,
we have, as in duty bound, brought it, and made our second
Z. Pray, Sojourners, give us that which you have found, and
explain the characters.
S. That, Most Excellent, we should be glad to do; but must
confess our ignorance, like wise men. We should deem it too
great a presumption in us to attempt it.

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Z. Sojourners,These three mysterious words, in a triangular

form, is the long-lost sacred word of the Master Mason, and is
too incomprehensible for individual expression ; but in reward
for your industry and zeal, you will now be put in possession
of a full explanation of this the Grand Omnific Royal Arch
Word. (This is communicated to the candidate in due form, for
which, see page 111.)
Z. In drawing forth the third key-stone, you have obtained
the Grand Omnific word, the prayer being the first, and the
obligation the emblem of the second key-stone, as moral similitudes of material things. I have now to make you acquainted
with the following five original Royal Arch Signs :
The first is the penal Sign, which is given by circling the forehead with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, alluding
to the penalty of the obligation ; and also in allusion to the
Sojourners guarding his eyes from the intensity of the suns
rays, when the perpendicular reflection shone so brilliantly on
the gold plate, which was found on the pedestal at the withdrawing of the third key-stone of the secret arch, and which
contained the Grand Omnific word; and further, in allusion to
the fall of man.
The second is the Reverential Sign, or Sign of Sorrow, which
is given by laying the right hand on the forehead for support,
and the left at the heart in a bowing humble attitude. It represents the attitude in which our first parents met Jehovah in
the garden of Eden after their transgression.
The third is the Penitential, or Supplicatory Sign, which
is given with the hands raised in the attitude of prayer, and the
knees slightly bent, in allusion to the expulsion of our first
parents from the garden of Eden.
The fourth is the Monitorial Sign, or Sign of Suffering, which
is given by placing the right hand on the heart, and supporting
an inclination of the head with the left, in allusion to the pain
that arose from toil in having to till the land.
The fifth is the Fiducial Sign, or the sign of Faith and Hope,
which is given by raising the hands above the head, in allusion
to the prospect of redemption from the fall.
I have now to invest you with the badges of a Royal Arch
Mason, the apron, sash, and jewel. They are badges of honour
and of our order. The apron and sash are of mixed colours,
purple radiated with crimson. The purple implies awe and

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reverence, and the crimson in rays signifies justice tempered

with mercy.
The character on the apron is designated the Triple Tau, one
of the most ancient of emblems ; and as Masonry is the science
of sciences, so this emblem may be styled the emblem of all
emblems, for it is the grand emblem of Royal Arch Masonry ;
and its depth of meaning reaches to the creation of the world,
and all that is therein.
The jewel is a double triangle within a circle of gold. The
intersecting triangles denote the elements of fire and water.
The sun in the centre with its diverging rays is an emblem of
the Deity. The encircling ring is an emblem of eternity and
infinity, whose centre is everywhere and circumference
nowhere, denoting omnipresence and perfection.
I have now to congratulate you on your exaltation. You
will now take your station in the chapter, and when a lecture
is delivered, the mysteries into which you have been initiated
will be further explained.

Q. Are you a Royal Arch Mason ?

A. I am.
Q. How shall I know you to be such ?
A. By the Royal Arch Sign.
Q. Can you give me that sign ?
A. I can. (He gives it.)
Q. Where did you learn that sign ?
A. In a Royal Arch Chapter.
Q. Who were present 1.
A. The three principals, Zerubbabel the Prince of the people,
Haggai the Prophet, and Jeshua the High Priest, with the rest
of the companions, men chosen for virtue and moral rectitude ;
the better to enable them to superintend the carrying on of
the works of the Second temple.
Q. How did you gain admittance ?
A. By having been initiated into the first degree of Masonry,
as an entered Apprentice, passed to the Degree of a Fellow-

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Craft, raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason,

by being in possession of a Past Masters word and signs.
Q. Do you recollect the Past Master's word ?
A. I do.
Q. Will you give it to me ?
A. Giblum, or in some chapters Chibbelum.
Q. What does that word denote ?
A. An excellent Mason.
Q. When admitted, how were you placed ?
A. On both knees to receive the benefit of a prayer.
Q. How were you then disposed of ?
A. I was led to the altar, where the prophet Haggai received
me, and gave me an exhortation.
Q. Can you give me the substance of it ?
A. I can :That as I was about to undertake a solemn and
glorious work in entering into an obligation before the grand
Sanhedrim, it was essential that sincerity and truth should
accompany all the future undertakings of my life.
Q. Did you enter into that obligation ?
A. I did, after the High Priest had read a portion of Scripture. (Prov. c. ii.)
Q. Can you repeat the obligation ?
A. I can. (See the exaltation.)
Q. What was then required of you ?
A. In whom did I put my trust.
Q. Your answer ?
A. In Jehovah.
Q. Why were you obligated ?
A. To teach me to avoid the offences committed by our ancestors, who, deviating from true Masonic principles and laws,
brought on themselves and their posterity that heavy burthen,
and on their city and temple that ruin and desolation, whereby
the holy word was so long lost, and afterwards so miraculously
Q. What was next said to you ?
A. I was ordered to arise in the name of that omnipotent
Being, and the Principal, Zerubbabel, delivered the following
exordium. (See page 112.)
Q. How were you next disposed of ?
A. I was desired to retire, to be further prepared.



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Q. How were you prepared to pass the veils ?

A. I was blindfolded, both knees bare, both feet slip-shod,
and a cable-tow round my waist.
Q. How did you gain admission to the first veil ?
A. By four knocks, the Past Masters word and sign.
Q. Why were your feet slip-shod ?
A. In allusion to the condition of Moses, before the burning bush in the wilderness, who was told to put his shoes
from off his feet, for the place whereon he stood was holy
Q. Why were your knees bare ?
A. That I might offer up my prayers to the Great Jehovah,
in the most humble manner, to thank him for mercies received,
crave pardon for past offences, and implore his aid and protection in my future conduct.
Q. Why was the cable-tow used ?
A. In commemoration of a singular benefit derived from it
by the sojourners, in preparing the foundation of the second
Q. After entering the first veil, what happened to you ?
A. I was led round, and desired to be attentive to a portion
of Scripture (Exodus, chapter 2, verses 1 to 6), and when I
halted, the bandage was removed from my eyes.
Q. What was then presented to your notice ?
A. THE BURNING BUSH. I was also intrusted with the passwords.
Q. Have you remembered those pass-words ?
A. I have.
Q. Will you give them to me ?
Q. How did you pass the guard of the second veil ?
A. By the benefits of the pass-words I have just given.
Q. On entering the second veil, what was presented to your
notice, and how were you disposed of ?
A. The figure of a serpent and Aarons rod were pointed
out to me, and I was desired to be attentive to a portion of
scripture (Exodus, chap. 4, verses 1 to 5), and was taught the
sign and pass-words.
Q. What is a sign ?

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A. Picking up Aarons rod, in allusion to the serpent.

Q. Have you got the pass-words ?
A. I have.
Q. Will you give them to me ?
Q. What gained your admission to the third veil ?
A. The sign and pass-words with which I was intrusted in
the second veil.
Q. On passing the third veil, what was said to you ?
A. I was again desired to be attentive to a portion of scripture. which was read to me (Exodus, chap. 4, verses 6 to 9),
and taught the signs and pass-words to the sanctum sanctorum.
Q. Can you give me those signs and pass-words ?
A. I can. (He gives the sign as at page 119, and the passwords), HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
Q. To what else was your attention directed in the third
veil ?
A. I was shown the ark of the covenant, containing the tables of stone and golden pot of manna : also the table of shew
bread, the burning incense, and the candlestick with seven
Q. Did those signs and pass-words gain you admission to
the sanctum sanctorum ?
A. They did.
Q. How were you disposed of ?
A. I was desired to withdraw, to prepare for further instruction.

Q. On your next application how were you accosted ?

A. The junior sojourner demanded who I was.
Q. Your answer ?
A. A sojourner from Babylon, who begs to offer his services
in rebuilding the temple.
Q. What was the reply ?
A. I was desired to wait until reported to the principals
sitting in Sanhedrim.
Q. Were you then admitted ?
A. I was, and my request was demanded by the most excellent Zerubbabel.
Q. What was the nature of your request ?

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A. To sojourn and assist in rebuilding the temple.

Q. What attention was paid to your application ?
A. I was complimented on my offer of service, and had to
explain of what kindred and lineage I was.
Q. Your explanation ?
A. That I was descended from their own kindred and people,
sprung from their own tribes and branches, from the same
original stock, equally with the descendants of your forefathers,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But that we had been under the
displeasure of Almighty God, through the offences committed
by our ancestors, who deviated from true Masonic principles
and laws, and not only committed numberless errors, but ran
into every kind of wickedness ; so that the Almighty, displeased,
gave judgment against them, by the mouth of Jeremiah and
other prophets, by whom he declared that the fruitfulness of
the Lord should be spoiled, their city become desolate, and
an abomination, and that they should feel his wrath for seventy
Q. What was next said to you ?
A. I was complimented on my candour and sincerity, and
asked who were my immediate ancestors. To which I replied
that I was not of the lineage of that race of traitors, who fell
away during the siege of that city, and went over to the enemy,
when liberty and kindred had most need of their assistance,
nor of the lower class of people left behind by Neburzaradan,
the chief of Nebuchadnezzars officers, to cultivate the vineyards, and for other servile purposes : but the offspring of
those princes and nobles carried into captivity with Zedekiah.
Q. Were you questioned on the occasion of your return ?
A. I was ; and explained, that the seventy years of captivity
having expired, and the anger of the Lord appeased, he hath
stirred up Cyrus, King of Persia and Babylon, to issue his proclamation that those of the Lords people who were inclined,
might go up to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple, for that he,
Cyrus, had discovered the God of Israel to be the only true
and living God..
Q. What further enquiry was made you ?
A. I was asked how I had been employed in Babylon. I
answered in Masonry : and to a question as to what it meant,
that it was the grand and universal science, that included all
other sciences, but more especially the moral one, which

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formed the knowledge of ourselves and the duties incumbent

on us as men and Masons.
Q. Were you asked in what labour you wished to engage ?
A. I was, and stated that I deemed the lowest situation in
the Lords house an honour, and therefore I only sought employ.
Q. How were you then disposed of?
A. I was accepted with the injunction, that as all the superior offices were filled, I should be furnished with tools to prepare the foundation of the second temple ; but that if I found
anything belonging to the first temple, I was not to discover
it to anyone, until I had faithfully made a report to the Sanhedrim in chapter.
Q. Did you make any discovery ?
A. I did. Being at work with my companions early in the
morning, breaking up the ground with my pick-axe, and judging from the sound thereof that it was hollow, I called upon
one of them to remove the soil with his shovel, when I discovered the perfect crown of an arch. Finding that it had no entrance, with my crow-bar I removed the key-stone. Our
curiosity was excited to know what it contained; but afraid
of danger, we drew lots which should descend. The lot fell
upon me. I was let down with a cable-tow round my waist,
which was held by my two companions, and to which I held
with my hands. Having reached the bottom, I found a scroll ;
but from the want of light I could not discern its contents,
for the sun had but just come to the portico of the eastern
door, and darted its beams parallel to the plane of the horizon.
Remembering the injunction of the Sanhedrim, I was drawn
up by signal, and proceeded to make the report.
Q. What did it prove to be ?
A. The long-lost book of the law, for the preservation of
which, Zerubbabel observed, we had been indebted to Masonry ; for, if our Grand Masters had not used their Masonic
wisdom and precaution in the construction of this arch, this
the only remaining copy of the law, would have been lost at the
destruction of the temple.
Q. Was anything further said to you on that occasion ?
A. I was praised for my fidelity and promptness in the discovery and report, and ordered to return and make further
search, observing the same precaution.

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Q. Was there any further discovery ?

A. There was. On recommencing the search, we found a
second arch, beneath the first. The key-stone was removed with
great difficulty. Descending that arch, nothing was found in it ;
but judging from the sound that it was hollow beneath, we
made further search, and found the key-stone of a third arch.
In removing it, the sun having gained its meridian height,
darted its rays to the centre. It shone resplendent on a white
marble pedestal, whereon was a plate of gold. On this plate
was engraved a triple triangle, and within the triangles some
characters, of which we immediately proceeded to make report. When we made the report, we were asked if we understood the characters on the gold plate, to which we replied in
the negative.
Q. Were you instructed as to what they meant ?
A. We were. Zerubbabel informed us, that the mysterious
characters, within the double triangle, were the long-lost word
of the Master Mason, and too incomprehensible for individual
expression ; but that, in reward for our industry and zeal, we
should be put in possession of a full explanation of this, the
Grand Omnific Word of a Royal Arch Mason. We were further told, that as the drawing of the third key-stone had obtained us the grand omnific word, it had been so obtained by
the prayer, which was an emblem of drawing the first, and the
obligation, which was an emblem of drawing the second keystone, as similitudes of material things.
Q. Were you then invested ?
A. I was invested with the sash and apron of a Royal Arch
Mason: and also intrusted with the various branches of their
laws and mysteries.

Q. What are you ?

A. A citizen of the world, a brother to every worthy Mason,
and a companion for those of our Royal Arch Degree.
Q. Pray, sojourner, who are you ?
A. Of your own kindred and people, sprung from the noble
and illustrious race of ancestors whose honours we hope to
merit, by a steady pursuit of wisdom, truth, and justice.

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Q. From whence came you ?

A. From the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem.
Q. Who were present ?
A. Zerubbabel the Prince of the people, Haggai the prophet,
and Jeshua the High Priest.
Q. What do the Principals of the Royal Arch Chapter represent.
A. Zerubbabel, Haggai, and Jeshua, represent the three keystones, by which we learn, that in drawing them forth, the discovery is complete; and by the passing of the sojourner
through each of these offices, the mystical knowledge of our
Royal Arch Chapter is to be obtained.
Q. What do the two scribes represent ?
A. The two scribes, Ezra and Nehemiah, represent the two
columns or pillars, that supported the entrance of the Arch ;
and thereby, also, is signified, their duty of registering and
entering on our records every act, law, or transaction, for the
general good of the chapter.
Q. What do the three sojourners represent ?
A. The three sojourners represent the three stones, whereon
the three Grand Masters kneel to offer up their prayers for
the success of their work. And hereby we have a lesson, that
in every thing we undertake, we ought to offer up our prayers
to the Almighty for success.
Q. Why do we, as Royal Arch Masons, sit in this form ?
A. To represent the Holy Royal Arch and hereby, we have
a lesson to pursue unity and concord ; for as one stone drawn
from an arch endangers the whole, so may the improper conduct of one member endanger the whole chapter.
Q. Why was the ceremony of drawing the three key-stones
observed ?
A. To teach us not to rely on our own reasoning and abilities for our conduct through life ; but to draw forth our rules
or government from the law and the prophets, and also to
commemorate the discovery of the Royal Arch.
Q. What was this part of their discovery ?
A. The pedestal of perfect white marble, worked in the
form of a double cube. On the top a plate of gold containing
the figure of a triple triangle. Within the figure are the mysterious characters, which the Grand and Royal Chapter informed us were the grand omnific word itself.

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Q. Were you intrusted with the grand word ?

A. I was. They gave me the grand movement, taught me
the sign, and intrusted me with the sacred word, which is too
incomprehensible for an individual to express.
Q. Was that word ever lost ?
A. It was.
Q. In what manner ?
A. By the untimely death of our Grand Master, Hiram
Abiff, who was slain by a conspiracy of the craft, in order to
extort it from him ; therefore, as the word was incomprehensible without three Grand Masters being present, another word
was substituted in its room, until the Grand Architect of the
universe caused it to be discovered.
Q. How was that discovery made ?
A. By the three sojourners preparing for the foundation of
the second temple, who made the report thereof to the Royal
Arch Chapter. As the labourers were clearing away the rubbish, they Perceived the crown of an arch. At the time of the
destruction of the temple, the roof and walls fell in, and remained full seventy years a heap of rubbish. The arch, being
unknown to any but the three Grand Masters, was their secret
and royal council room. It was made and remained proof
against the destroying flames and fury of the enemy, until the
discovery was made and its contents known.
Q. At what time did that discovery happen ?
A. The discovery was made in the first year of the reign of
Cyrus, King of Persia and Babylon, on the return of the Jews
from the Babylonish captivity. The three sojourners discovered the pedestal perfect and entire, having withstood the
fury of the flames and rage of war, being defended by HIM
who hath declared that he would place his word there, never to
pass away. Hence we may learn the vanity of all human
pursuits against the arm of Omnipotence.

Q. Can you describe the grand pedesta11

A. It was on a chequered pavement, to represent the uncertainty of life and the instability of things terrestrial. It was of
perfect white marble, cut into the form of the altar of incense,
being the only true double cube, and thereby, both in figure

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and colour, the most perfect emblem of innocence and purity.

On the base of the pedestal is the letter G, which signifies Giblum, a common name for all Masons who are masters of their
business. Hereby, we have a lesson of humility and brotherly
love : for there is no doubt, it was most highly finished, as the
work of the great Hiram Abiff himself ; he would not assume
the honour, but affix the common name, that every companion
might be a sharer. On the front were inscribed the names of
the three most excellent grand masters. On the top was a plate
of gold, in which was engraved a triple triangle, and within the
figure the grand omnific word.
Q. Can you explain the jewel ?
A. On the bottom of the scroll is inscribed the motto: Nil
nisi clavis deest,nothing but the key is wanting ; which may be
taken in its literal sense. Then, the circle is an emblem of
eternity, with the motto : Talia si jungere possis, sit tibi scire
satis,if thou canst comprehend these things, thou knowest enough.
The two intersecting triangles denote the elements of fire and
water, with a motto, declaring that the wearer is desirous of
doing his duty, and filling up, with justice, that link in the
chain of creation, wherein his great Creator had thought proper
to place him. Within is another triangle, with the sun in its
centre, its rays issuing forth at every point, an emblem of the
Deity, represented by a circle, whose centre is everywhere and
circumference no where, denoting his omnipresence and perfection. It is also an emblem of geometry. And here we find
the most perfect emblem of the science of agriculture : not a
partial one, like the Basilidean, calculated for one particular
climate or country : but universal, pointed out by a pair of
compasses issuing from the centre of the sun, and suspending a
globe denoting the earth, and thereby representing the influence of that glorious luminary over both the animal and vegetable creation : admonishing us to be careful to perform every
operation in its proper season, that we lose not the fruits of our
labour. Under these, is the compound character, | or the
Royal Arch Masons badge.
Q. What explanation have you to give of this deeply mystical character ?
A. It signifies, in its figurative appearance as T. H., Templum Hierosolyma, the Temple of Jerusalem, and is always used
as the Royal Arch Mason's badge, by which the wearer

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acknowledges himself a servant of the true God, who had

thereby established his worship, and to whose service that glorious temple was erected. It also signifies Clavis ad Thesaurum, a key to a treasure ; and Theca ubi res pretiosa deponitur, a place where a precious thing is concealed ; or Res ipsa
pretiosa, the precious thing itself. Hence we have the greatest
reason to believe, that what was there concealed was the sacred name itself. But these are all symbolical definitions of
the symbol, which is to be simply solved into an emblem of
science of the human mind, and is the most ancient symbol of
that kind, the prototype of the cross, and the first object in
every religion or human system of worship. This is the grand
secret of Masonry, which passes by symbols, from superstition
to science ; as ignorance dealing with ancient mysteries and
symbols passed from science to superstition.
Q. Explain the five grand original signs.
A. The first parents of mankind, formed by the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the utmost perfection, both of body and
mind seated in a paradise of pleasure, bounteously supplied
with means for the gratification of every appetite, and at full
liberty for enjoyment, to the end of time itself, with only one
prohibition by way of contract, whereon should depend their
immortality, soon became disobedient, and thereby obnoxious
to sin, misery, and death. To preserve us from which, and as
a memento to guard us from the like error, we adopted the
penal sign.
Scarcely had our first parents transgressed, conscious of their
crime, and filled with shame and horror, they endeavoured to
hide themselves from the presence of that Being, in whom before had been their chief delight ; but hearing the summons of
his awful voice, and unable to bear the splendour of his appearance, in a humble bending posture, they approached with awe
and palpitation of heart, their right hand at their forehead for
support, and their left at their heart, as a shield against the
radiant glory ; and hence arose the reverential sign, or sign of
It was now they heard pronounced the dreadful sentence,
that the ground, for their sakes accursed, should no longer pour
forth in such abundance ; but themselves be driven from that
happy region, to some less friendly climate, there to cultivate
the hungry soil, and so earn their daily food by sweat and la-

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bour. Now banished from the presence of their God, and impelled by the wants and calls of nature to constant toil and care,
they became more fully sensible of their crime, and with true
contrition of heart, they, with clasped hands, implored forgiveness ; and hence arose the penitential or supplicatory sign, or sign
of sorrow.
Now fervent prayer, the grand restorer of true peace of mind,
and only balm to heal a wounded conscience, first raised a
gleam of hope, and encouraged them to pursue their daily task
with greater cheerfulness : but seized with weariness and pain,
the sure effects of constant toil and labour, they were forced to
lay their right hands to the region of the heart, and their left
as a support to the side of their heads ; and thus arose the
monitorial sign, or sign of admonition.
Now their minds being more calm, their toil seemed less
severe, and cheered by bright-eyed hope, with uplifted hands
and hearts, they clearly saw redemption drawing on ; and
hence arose the last sign, called the fiducial sign, or sign of
faith, and hope.
Q. Why do we use rods in the Chapter ?
A. In Anno Lucis 2513, our most excellent grand master
Moses, tending the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, at the
foot of Mount Sinai, was called by the Almighty, and commanded to go down into Egypt, and deliver his brethren from
their cruel bondage. Moses, then in banishment, greatly hesitated, saying, Who am I, that I should go ? The Lord, to encourage him, promised to be with him. Moses, still doubting,
begs of him a sign, to convince him of his power, and to confirm his promise. The Lord asked, what is in thine hand.
Moses answered, A rod. The Lord said unto him, Cast it on
the ground. This done, it immediately became a serpent : and
Moses fled from it. The Lord said unto Moses, Put forth
thine hand, and take it by the tail ; and it became a rod.
With this rod he smote the two rocks in the wilderness, from
whence the waters gushed out. With this rod he divided the
waters of the Red Sea, and made them to stand as two great
heaps. With this rod he wrought his wonders in the land of
Egypt ; and, therefore, to commemorate these singular events,
and as emblems, we make that use of them in our Royal Arch
Q. What definition have you of the banner of the Chapter ?



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A. The banners of the twelve tribes of Israel, which we have

for many purposes, especially to commemorate the great wonders which he wrought for the children of Israel during their
travels in the wilderness, where they were first setup around
their encampments, and about which each tribe was to pitch
its respective standards. The devices thereon were emblematical of their posterity and after ages.





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The Ceremony of Installation in the Masonic Cross Degree of
Knights Templar of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitallers of St.
John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and of Malta.


Profane History gives us no account of these Knights anterior to the time of the Crusades ; but the Revelation of Sacred
History and Ancient Mystery, supposes them to have been
orders in the degrees of the Temple, as they now assume to be
in Masonry. The title of Hospitaller is traceable only to a
provision for pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem in Palestine ;
while the distinction of Knights of Rhodes and of Malta was
acquired in the crusade wars, by their Knights getting and defending the possession of those islands. They had two residences in London : that which is now called St. Johns-square,
and the Temple by the river.

In the Masonic Degree of Knights Templar, the names of

the officers vary in different Encampments. The following are
found amongst them :Grand Master, Grand Prior, Grand
Sub-Prior, Grand Captains first and second, Grand Orator,
Grand Prelate, Grand Chancellor, Grand Chaplain, Grand Recorder, Grand Drapers, Grand Preceptor, Grand Herald,
Grand Equerries, Grand Almoner, Grand Councillor, Grand
Admiral, Grand Treasurer, Grand Hospitaller, Grand Marshal
or Grand Vice-Admiral, Grand Bailiff, Grand Commander,
Grand Master of the Ceremonies, Equerries of the Outposts,
and a Janitor or Tyler.
Some encampments make the Order of Malta to be distinct
from that of the Templar ; while others create a Knight at
once as a Knight Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, of Palestine, of Rhodes, of Malta, and Knight Templar of Jerusalem.



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The Penal Signs are the Chin or Beard Sign, which is a right
hand thumb and finger stroking the chin or beard ; and the
Saw Sign drawing the thumb or finger across the forehead, as
indicative of the penalty of having the skull sawn asunder.
The Grand Sign is emblematic of the death of Jesus Christ on
the Cross, with arms extended, head dropping on the right
shoulder, and the right over the left foot.
THE WORD is Emanuel. The Grand Word of all is
Adonai. The Word Necum, which signifies revenge, is also
used by the Knights Templar on the Continent, and sometimes
in this country.
THE GRIP is to grasp each others arms across, above the
elbow, to represent a double triangle.
There is no exact regularity or fixed form in these Degrees
of Chivalry, as they are not recognised by the Grand Lodge of
THE PASS-WORDS vary in encampments to the following
extent: I am that I am, Jao-bul-on, Jerusalem, Calvary, Golgotha, Arimathea, Emanuel, Ehihu or Elihu.
In the Maltese Order, Eli, Eli, Lama Sabacthani, are the
grand words : and Gethsemane, Capharsoleum, or Caiphas and
Melita, are with some the pass-words.

There is a pass-word and grip called the Mediterranean Pass.

These knights were in the habit of traversing the Mediterranean
Sea. Such as had served a year against the Mahometans were
entitled to the pass-word and grip, which enabled them to return free from molestation by their brother knights. The
word is A-montra, a corruption of the French verb Montrer, to
shew, to shew a sign. The knights on one side hail, by a
trumpet, those of the other with A-montra. It is answered by
the token, which is to seize a man by the thigh, as if in the act
to throw him. The real pass-word is Maher-shalal-hash-baz,
also spoken through a trumpet.
The banners of the encampment are two: the first, black,
with a white maltese cross of eight points, which is called the
number of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John; the second,

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white, with a red cross, which is that of the Templar. The

Grand Commander has his own family banner.
A candidate for installation is habited as a pilgrim, with
sandals, mantle, staff, and cross, scrip and wallet, a belt or cord
round his waist, with bread and water, and, in some encampments, a burthen on the back, which is made to fall off at a
view of the cross. The whole ceremony is purely Christian,
according to the vulgar notions and the literal sense of Christianity.
In the following ceremony the officers are a Grand Commander, First and Second Captain, Past Grand Commander,
Grand Prelate, Grand Herald, Master of the Ceremonies,
Grand Registrar, and Grand Orator, Equerries of Outposts, and

G. C. Does it meet with your approbation, sir knights, to

open this grand Christian encampment ?
Answer (all). It does.
G. C. Sir knights, assist me to resume the duties of this
grand Christian encampment. To order, as Knights Templar.
(All draw their swords, and rest the points on the left hand.)
Sir Knight First Captain, what is the first duty of Knights
Templar met together in arms ?
F. C. To see the grand Christian encampment well guarded
both within and without, and the sentinels well posted.
G. C. Sir Knight First Captain, are the guards and sentinels well posted on their respective duties, and this grand
Christian encampment secure ?
F. C. I will issue your commands to that effect. (First to
the Second Captain)See that the guards and sentinels be well
posted on their respective duties, and that this grand Christian
encampment be secure.
S. C. Trumpeter, sound the alarm. (This being done and
answered by the sentinels, the Second Captain reports to the First)
The guards and sentinels are properly posted on their respective duties, and all is well.
F. C. Grand Commander, the guards and sentinels are properly posted on their respective duties, and all is secure.
G. C. What is it ?

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F. C. Faith in Jesus Christ, peace and good-will towards

G. C. Where is the Second Captains place in this grand
Christian encampment ?
F. C. In the north-west.
G. C. (To the Second Captain.) Your Christian duty when
there placed ?
S. C. As Christ arose at high meridian and ascended into
heaven to bring glad tidings to the believing world ; so it is
my duty to preside in the north-west, to call the sir knights
from the field to refreshment, that the Grand Commander
may have the pleasure, and the sir knights the profit consequent.
G. C. You have a second duty.
S. C. To receive, obey, and disperse all general orders from
the Grand Commander and the First Captain, and to see them
duly executed. Also, to guard the entrance of the grand
Christian encampment, that none pass therein, but those who
are duly qualified.
G. C. Where is the situation of the First Captain in this
grand Christian encampment ?
S. C. In the south-west.
G. C. (To the First Captain.) Your Christian duty when
there placed ?
F. C. Joseph of Arimathea, being a just and devout man,
went to Pilate to beg the body of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ, which being granted he wrapped it up in clean linen
and laid it in a new sepulchre wherein never man was laid, and
closed the entrance thereof, which closed the first day of mans
salvation. And the First Captain guards this sepulchre.
G. C. You have a second duty.
F. C. To receive and dispatch all general orders from the
Grand Commander to the Second Captain, and to see them
punctually obeyed.
G. C. (To the Past Grand Commander.) The Grand Commanders place in this grand Christian encampment ?
P. G. C. In the east.
G. C. His Christian duty when there presiding ?
P. G. C. Very early on the first day of the week, came
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to the sepulchre.
And lo ! there had been a great earthquake, and an angel of

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the Lord descended from heaven ; rolled back the stone which
covered the entrance to the sepulchre, and sat thereon. Which
opened to us life from death : for as by the first man Adam,
came death : so by the second Adam, came life everlasting.
So it is the Grand Commanders place to preside in the east
to superintend, govern, and regulate the grand Christian encampment, by projecting schemes and plans for its general
welfare, and to see that all orders and distinctions are preserved
and duly executed with every becoming warlike enterprise. To
order the sound of the alarmto call the sir knights from refreshment to the fieldto fight the battles of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, and, after the grand prelate has
offered up his prayer, to open the grand Christian encampment.
The Grand Prelate prays thus :O thou great Emmanuel and
God of infinite goodness, look down upon this conclave with an
eye of tender compassion, and incline our hearts to thy holy
will, in all our actions, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(He then, reads the first six verses of the last chapter of the Gospel
according to St. Mark.)
And when the sabbath was past Mary Magdalene, and
Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had brought sweet
spices, that they might come and anoint him. And very early
in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. And they said among themselves who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the
sepulchre ? And when they looked, they saw that the stone
was rolled away : for it was very great. And entering into the
sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side,
clothed in a long white garment ; and they were affrighted.
And he saith unto them, be not affrighted : Ye seek Jesus of
Nazareth, which was crucified : he is risen ; he is not here :
behold the place where they laid him.
G. C. (The knights in the posture of the grand sign.) As our
blessed Saviours resurrection from the dead opened life and
salvation unto men ; and as all those who sincerely believe on
him may rest assured of eternal life through his name ; the life
of grace with all its comforts herethe life of glory with all its
unutterable blessedness hereafter, both being effectually obtained by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who hath
opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. So, in his

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names of Christ our prophet, Christ our priest, Christ our

king, I now open this grand Christian encampment, for the
dispatch of such business as may come regularly and duly
before us.
P. G. C. So mote it be.
(The swords of the G. C. and the two captains are then placed
in the form of a triangle, on the floor, opposite to the G. C. All
the other Knights sheath their swords.)
N. B. In some encampments, the G. C. merely pronounces
that it is his will and pleasure, that this grand Christian encampment be open for the dispatch of business. This is repeated by the two captains and the Master of the Ceremonies.
After which, the G. C. pronounces it open in the name
of Christ our prophet, Christ our priest, and Christ our King.

G. C. Sir knights, assist me in the duties of closing this

grand Christian encampment. To order, as Knights Templar.
(All draw their swords and rest their points on their left hands.)
Sir Knight First Captain, what is the constant duty of Knights
Templar when under arms ?
F. C. To see the grand Christian encampment well
guarded, both within and without, and the sentinels well
G. C. Sir Knight First Captain, are the guards and sentinels well posted on their respective duties, and this grand
Christian encampment secure ?
F. C. I will issue your commands to that effect.
(First to the Second Captain.) See that the guards and sentinels be well posted on their respective duties, and that this grand
Christian encampment be secure.
S. C. Trumpeter, sound the alarm. (This being done and
answered by the sentinels, the Second Captain reports to the
First.)The guards and sentinels are properly posted on their
respective duties ; and all is well.
F. C. Grand Commander, the Guards and sentinels are
properly posted on their respective duties ; and all is secure.
G. C. With what is it secured ?
F. C. Faith in Jesus Christ, peace and good will to all

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G. P. (Praying.) May the blessing of our Heavenly Captain descend upon us, and remain with us now and ever more,
Amen. (Reads the last six verses of the fifteenth chapter of the
Gospel according to St. Mark.)
And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph of Aramatha, an honourable councillor, which also waited for the
kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and
craved the body of Jesus. And Pilate marvelled if he were
already dead : and calling unto him the centurion, he asked
him whether he had been any while dead. And when he
knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. And
he brought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him
in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out
of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre.
And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus beheld
where he was laid.
P. G. C. So mote it be. (The Knights in their grand sign,
G. C. When our Saviours agony was at the summit, and
he knew that all things were accomplished, having received the
vinegar, he said, it is finished. He then bowed his head, gave
up the ghost, surrendered that life, which otherwise could not
have been taken from him, as a ransom for many, and freely
resigned his soul into his fathers hands. The work of redemption completedthe full atonement madeall the types and
prophecies fulfilledthe laws magnified by a perfect obedience
unto deaththe justice of God satisfied, and salvation to sinners secured. Thus was our great surety laid under the arrest
of death, and consigned to the silent mansions of the grave, that
he might make the clods of the valley sweet to us ; prepare our
bed of dust, perfumed with his own glorious body, and comfort
us in the reviving hope of following him through the grave, the
gate of death, into a joyful immortality. After our blessed
Saviours example, may we, by faith, when time shall be no
more, cheerfully commend our departing souls to our heavenly
Fathers keeping, until the happy resurrection morn, when
fashioned like unto Christs glorious body, our sleeping ashes
shall be reanimated that we may then be taken to dwell with
him in his eternal kingdom, where all terrestrial things will
close. So, in his names of Christ our prophet, Christ our



priest, and Christ our king, I now close this grand Christian
encampment, until that time you are next summoned to attend by my orders from the Grand Registrar.
P. G. C. So mote it be.

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Habited as a Pilgrim, with sandals, mantle, a belt or cord
round the waist, a staff with a cross, scrip and wallet, with
bread and a bottle of water, having been elected by ballot, or
otherwise, according to the custom of the encampment, the
candidate is conducted by the Master of the Ceremonies to
the entrance of the encampment. On the approach, an alarm
is sounded with a trumpet, and a report is made within by the
Second Captain.
2nd C. Grand Commander, an alarm at the outpost.
G. C. Ascertain the cause, and accordingly report.
2nd C. (To the equerry without.) See who approaches our
E. Who comes here ?
C. A pilgrim, on his travels, hearing of a Knights Templars Encampment, has come with a hope of being admitted.
E. From whence came you 1
C. From the wilderness of Judea, which I have traversed,
exposed to great danger, until I met with tl1is worthy knight,
who promised me protection and safe conduct to the Holy
E. Do you come of your own free will ?
C. I do.
E. What are you desirous to do ?
C. To devote my life to the services of the poor and the sick
for the sake of Jesus Christ, and to pray for my own sins with
those of the people.
E. What recommendation have you ?
C. The Sign and Word of a Royal Arch Mason.
E. Have you worked at the second temple ?
C. I have.
E. Have you received Christian Baptism ?
C. I have.

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E. Do you believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God
the Holy Ghost ?
C. I do.
E. Do you believe that God the Son was made man to
save us ?
C. I do.
E. Do you believe in the inspiration of the Holy Ghost ?
C. I do.
E. Are you willing to protect the Christian Faith, at the
expense of your life ?
C. I am.
E. Wait while I make a report to the grand Christian encampment.
(Report.To the Second Captain.)
A weary pilgrim from the wilderness who claims attention,
and craves admission to join the encampment.
2nd C. Is he worthy of admission 1
E. I have put to him the usual probationary questions, and
have received satisfactory answers and proofs.
2nd C. Grand Commander, a poor weary pilgrim from the
wilderness craves admission.
G. C. Is he worthy to be admitted ?
2nd C. He has given satisfactory answers.
G. C. Let mm be admitted under the proper form. (The
candidate is admitted : a saw is applied to his forehead at his
entrance by the 2nd Captain. All the sir knights appear under
2nd C. (To the candidate on his entrance : with the saw to
his forehead.) Who are you that dare approach thus into our
encampment ?
C. A poor weary pilgrim from the wilderness of Judea.
2nd C. Have you come of your own free will ?
C. I have.
2nd C. What are you desirous to do ?
C. To devote my life to the service of the poor and sick for
the sake of Jesus Christ, and to pray for my own sins with
those of the people.
2nd C. What recommendation have you ?
C. The Sign and Word of a Royal Arch Mason.
2nd C. Give me that sign and word. (He gives them).
Have you worked at the second temple ?

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C. I have.
2nd C. Have you received Christian Baptism ?
C. I have.
2nd C. Do you believe in God the Father, God the Son,
and God the Holy Ghost ?
C. I do.
2nd C. Do you believe that God the Son became man to
save us ?
C. I do.
2nd C. Are you willing to protect the Christian Faith at
the expense of your life ?
C. I am.
(This examination is repeated by the F. C. and G. C.) The
candidate is ordered to kneel on both knees for the benefit of a
prayer, and the Grand Prelate prays thus :O Emmanuel, our
great heavenly captain, look down, we beseech thee, on this
encampment of thy devoted servants, and impart thy holy
Spirit to the candidate now before us, that he may become a
good and faithful soldier in thy service, and be worthy of thy
acceptance and salvation.
P. G. M. So mote it be.
G. C. As we must have a further trial of your faith, you
must perambulate the encampment seven times, in order to
prepare yourself, by meditation, to take a solemn obligation.
(This is done.)
G. C. You must now kneel on both knees, take the Gospels in your hand, and receive the obligation from our Grand
G. P. Pilgrim, you are kneeling at the altar for the purpose
of taking a solemn obligation, appertaining to the degree of a
Knight Templar. If you are willing to proceed, repeat your
Christian and surname, and say after me :
I, A. B., in the name of the Blessed Trinity, and in commemoration of St. John of Jerusalem, that first faithful soldier
and martyr of Jesus Christ, do most solemnly promise and
swear that I will never illegally reveal the secrets of a Knight
Templar to a Royal Arch Mason, nor to any person beneath
the dignity of this noble order, nor aid in the Installation of a

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Knight Templar, unless five are present, under the penalty of

all my former obligations.
(The pilgrims staff and cross are taken away, and a sword
placed in his hand by the Grand Commander, who says)In
the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I arm you with
this sword, which you will employ in the defence of the
Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, against all
I do furthermore swear, that with this, the sword of my faith,
I will guard and defend the sepulchre of our Lord Jesus Christ,
against all Jews, Turks, infidels, heathens, or other opposers of
the Gospel.
I do furthermore swear, that I will never knowingly draw the
blood of a brother Knight Templar, nor cause it to be drawn in
wrath ; but will espouse his cause, knowing it to be just, though
I should endanger my own life. Even when princes are engaged in war, I will not forget the duty which I owe to him as
a brother. If ever I wilfully violate this my solemn compact,
as a brother Knight Templar, may my skull be sawn asunder
with a rough saw, my brains taken out and put in a charger to
be consumed by the scorching sun, and my skull in another
charger, in commemoration of St. John of Jerusalem, that first
faithful soldier and martyr of our Lord and Saviour. If ever I
wilfully deviate from this my solemn obligation, may my light be
put out from among men, as that of Judas Iscariot was for
betraying his Lord and Master.
(Here the sword is taken from the candidate, and a skull
placed in his hand.)
Furthermore, may the soul that once inhabited this skull, as
the representative of John the Baptist, appear against me in
the day of judgment, so help me God, our Lord Jesus Christ,
and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation of a
Knight Templar, and of St. John of Jerusalem.
(The Grand Prelate then directs the candidate to kiss the
Gospels seven times, to rise, to deposit the skull on the triangular
table, resume the staff, and thus addresses him:).
Pilgrim, thou hast craved admission to pass through our solemn ceremonies, and enter the asylum of our encampment ;
by the sandals, staff, and scrip I judge thee to be a child of
humility : charity and hospitality are the grand characteristics
of this most Christian order. In the character of Knights

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Templar, we are bound to give alms to the poor and weary

pilgrims travelling from afar, to succour the needy, feed the
hungry, clothe the naked, and bind up the wounds of the
As you are desirous of enlisting in this noble and glorious
warfare, lay aside the staff and take up the sword, fighting
manfully thy way, and with valour running thy course : and
may the Almighty, who is a strong tower and defence to
all those who put their trust in him, be thy support and thy
I now place in your hand a lighted taper, and admonish you
to perambulate the encampment five times in solemn meditation ;
and if you have any prejudice or enmity with any Christian
man, as a qualification for further honours, it is necessary you
should forgive, otherwise fly to the desert ; and rather than
appear unworthily among us, shun the knights of this order.
(At the end of this perambulation, the candidate stops before a
cross, when his wallet or burthen is made to fall from
his back. He is then divested of the pilgrims dress, conducted to the Grand Commander, and required to kneel. The
Grand Commander lays his sword on the candidates right and
left shoulder and on the head, and saysI hereby install you a
Masonic Knight Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta, and also a Knight Templar. The
Grand Commander then takes the candidate by the hand, and
saysRise, Sir Knight A. B.; receive a hearty welcome into
the Christian Order, which will be ever ready to defend and
protect you.)
G. C. I now invest you with the paraphernalia of the order.
First, I clothe you with a mantle. Receive it as the Lords
yoke ; for it is easy and light, and will bring rest to your soul.
As a habit, it is of little worth, and we promise you nothing
but bread and water.
Secondly, I invest you with apron, sash, and jewel. The
emblems within the triangle, the star on the sash and the
Maltese cross jewel, you will have explained in the lecture.
Lastly, I present you with a shield and sword, which, in the
hand of a valiant and Christian Knight, is endowed with three
most excellent qualities. Its hilt with justice ; its blade with
fortitude ; its point with mercy ; which gives this important
lesson, that having faith in the justice of our cause we must

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press forward with undaunted fortitude, ever remembering to

extend the point of mercy to a fallen foe.
I shall now make you acquainted with the signs, words, and
tokens, and our Grand Herald will then proclaim your installation.
First, the Mediterranean pass-word and sign. The hailing
word is A-montra. The pass-word is Mahershalalhashbaz.
The sign is to seize a man by the thigh, as if in the act of
throwing him overboard.
The Knights Templar signs and words are, first the penal
sign, which is to draw the fore-finger or the thumb across the
forehead, indicative of the penalty of having the skull sawn
asunder. The grand sign is to represent Jesus Christ on the
cross, arms extended, head drooping on the right shoulder, right
foot laid over the left. The word is Emanuel. The grand word
of all is Adonai. Necum is also used by some Knights Templar, particularly on the continent.
The token or grip, is to grasp each others arms across above
the elbow, to represent the double triangle.
The motto of a Knight Templar is, In hoc signo vinces.
Our worthy companion, the Grand Herald, will now proclaim your installation.
G. H. In the name of the Holy Trinity, and by order of the
Grand Commander : hear ye, Sir Knights, that I proclaim Sir
Knight A. B. to be duly installed Knight Hospitaller of St.
John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta, and a Knight
Templar. (To be thrice proclaimed.)
In some encampments, the following is a concluding part of
the ceremony :
One of the equerries, dressed as a cook, with a white night
cap and apron, and a large kitchen knife in his hand, suddenly
makes his entrance, and kneeling on one knee before the new
Sir Knight, says : Sir Knight, I admonish you to be just,
honourable, and faithful to the Order, and not to disgrace yourself, or I, the cook, will hack your spurs from off your heels
with my kitchen knife. He then retires.
At the conclusion of the ceremony of installation, it is usual
for bread or biscuit to be handed round to the Sir Knight. A
cup of wine is presented to the Grand Commander, called the
cup of brotherly love. He drinks, and desires the Sir Knights
to pledge him in that cup of brotherly love, in commemoration



of the last supper of out grand heavenly Captain, with his

twelve Disciples, whom He commanded thus to remember
Him. (The cup is passed round.)
The Grand Orator usually delivers the following charge :

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G. O. Sir Knight Companion, as you have passed the first

degrees of Masonry, and have been balloted for, admitted and
dubbed a Knight Companion of our most Christian and sublime
Order, you are to mark and learn all those parts of our rules
and mysteries which you will find to be ingeniously calculated
to form and qualify you to engage in services of great moment.
We have been informed that you earnestly desired and sought
to be admitted, initiated, and united to our Christian order ;
and that from free and disinterested motives, abstracted from
pecuniary or secular views ; so we kindly entreat you to receive
the instructions which we do now or may hereafter inculcate
and enjoin. However strange and difficult our ceremonies
may at first appear, we trust that you will persevere with unremitting zeal, and expect that you will be modestly inquisitive
and uniformly attentive, in order to acquire such pleasing
instructions as will be most expedient to forward the great
purposes of rational and social converse.
From what has been suggested, it appears that the order of
Knights Templar is universally acknowledged to be the most
sublime and refined, the most Catholic and efficiently useful
department of Freemasonry. Its votaries are formed into a
select body, self-existing and self-dependant only, being under
no subordination whatever, the great and immutable scheme of
Christian morality excepted.
As we are orderly assembled for the most valuable of all purposes, so we are likewise enlightened in a peculiar manner and
strongly connected in the bonds of brotherly love, governed by
certain and allowed rules, supported by decency, guarded by
secrecy, skilled in mystery, both delightful and instructive,
possessing the affection of each other, and seriously devoting
ourselves thereto at stated times and seasons, apart from all
temporal concerns ; conversing together without dissimulation
or reserve, and abounding in mirth, affability and good humour.
We conceive you to be well informed in the three great quali-

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fications which are essential to form the character of a grand

Masonmorality, secrecy, and brotherly love, and shall not
therefore rehearse them here.
We expect that you will join with us in all things, in labour
and refreshment, in silence and mirth, always rejoicing with
us in prosperity, and sympathizing with us in adversity, and
to be, like the rest of your brethren, obedient to the Grand Commander, or his Deputy, respectfully attentive to all the presiding officers, decent and diligent while in the encampment,
and always ready either to give or receive instruction. You
are on no account to disobey the summons of your Encampment ; but, if your time will possibly allow, be punctual to the
hour appointed. To all these promises, we expect that you
will cheerfully comply, and we sincerely wish you much success
in the issue of your labours.
As an earnest of your desire to fulfil the respective duties
which you have just heard proposed, you will be pleased to
attend to the Grand Commander, who will question you on the
great subject of Christian charity, that great scheme of brotherly love, which has been framed by the all-wise Providence,
to procure for mankind, and more especially for Masons, the
highest happiness. In the course of your answer, you shall
have requisite assistance.
G. C. Wherein doth Christian charity, or the love of which
you have just now heard, consist ?
Sir Knight. In doing all the good offices for, and shewing
unfeigned kindness towards a brother. If he be virtuous, it
will make us esteem him. If he be honest, but weak in judgment, it will raise our compassion to commiserate and aid him.
If he be wicked, it will incline us to give him pious admonition
and timely exhortation, in order to reclaim him : and if he
reform, it will augment our happiness. But if through perverseness and self-will, he continues in an idle course and evil
habit, it will excite our pity to pray for him, and if possible
to administer to his necessities. It will at all times throw
a veil over the reproach he may deservedly incur ; but if his
character shall at any time suffer violence without a just cause,
I will then exert my best abilities to wipe off every unjust
aspersion by openly vindicating his character in a fair and
honourable way. If from birth, honour, state, or wealth, he
is my superior, it will teach me to be attentive, tractable,

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obliging, and modestly submissive. If he be my inferior, it

will make me affable, courteous and kind. If he be my equal,
it will teach me to preserve equity and candour towards him,
in a social way. Lastly, if I receive good from him, it will
make me thankful and desirous to requite it. If I receive evil
at his hands, it will make me slow to anger, easy to be entreated, and of long forbearance, when impelled to exact restitution. In this last act of infliction, mercy shall always
triumph over judgement, to my brother's edification and
G. C. I thank you, Sir Knight Companion, for the ready
earnest which you have so cheerfully given of your intention to
serve your brethren, with respect to your abilities and their
several necessities and conditions in life. The Grand Registrar
will now read the rules of our Grand Christian Encampment,
in order that the Knights Companions may be more fully informed of their whole duty, and become better prepared to
acquit themselves agreeably to the honourable and friendly
confession, which our worthy companion and the rest of the
Knights have already made.
G. R. Sir Knight Companion, the Grand Commander has
signified his pleasure to me, that the rules be now read, which
have been subscribed by all the Sir Knights Companions of
this Grand Christian Encampment. Hear ye, hear ye, each
and all, Sir Knights Companions present, the whole of the
rules of your Grand Christian Encampment, as they have been
written for your own good peace, order, and pleasure, and
afterwards distinctly heard, assented to, and freely subscribed,
not by another, but by and for yourselves.
All answer, We will hear.
G. R. And, whereas, the Sir Knights Companions of this
most Christian Order and Encampment of High Knights Templar have drawn up, approved, and agreed to the following
rules, the better to prevent feuds, controversies, animosities,
or debate, with a single eye to the glory of God, the honour
of his Majesty, the welfare and prosperity of the kingdom,
and the well-being and happiness of each other, all of which
they profess most religiously to observe ; they are now to be
declared and known

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To be observed by the Knights Companions of the Conclave.

I. That the Encampment submit to the Grand Encampment

of England, under the command of his Royal Highness the
Duke of Sussex, our most Eminent Grand Master, and his
II. That the Eminent Grand Master of this Encampment be
elected annually, on the Encampment next following the .
And that he may be re-elected by the Grand Council, as often
as they shall think proper so to do.
III. That on the evening of the election, none attend but
the Grand Council.
IV. That as soon as the Grand Master has entered upon his
office, he be empowered to choose his Council, which do consist of Sir Knights, of good character and education, who
shall wear Gold Crosses ; the other Companions crosses of
Silver only.
V. That the Eminent Grand Master do elect his officers of
various rank out of those Councillors who shall have attentively served in that exalted capacity at least one year.
VI. That no candidate be received into this Royal Encampment, unless it be satisfactorily proved that he has behaved
like a faithful brother, and has been a Royal Arch Mason at
least ; unless, for particular reasons, a dispensation
should be granted by the G. M. or his Deputy.
VII. That on all occasions a regular ballot be instituted,
and that exclude a candidate ; and be it observed, that a
second ballot may take place, on the suspicion that a mistake
has been made by a companion ; provided that such second
ballot take place on the same evening, the result of which be
final and decisive.
VIII. That the admission-fee be not less than registering in Grand Conclave and other customary fees ; and
that this rule be subject to such alterations as the Grand
Council may at any period find expedient to make.
IX. That such R. A. Masons. who may belong to any other
Encampment shall not be allowed to visit, unless subject to
visiting fees ; and should they wish to become members they
become subject to a ballot, and charges of reception.

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X. That the property of the Encampment be managed by

the Grand Council, but that the whole Encampment be consulted whenever any weighty matter should come before the
Council, which might cause an extraordinary expenditure of
the funds.
XI. That the Chancellor of the Encampment be allowed a
Vice-Chancellor to assist him in the accounts of the Conclave ;
and that a regular statement of such accounts be laid before
the Conclave, on the Encampment following the in every
XII. That each companion provide himself with a Shield,
Cloak, and Sword, and wear in Conclave all the insignia of his
XIII. That due respect be paid to the laws of the Supreme
Grand Conclave of England, and to the regulations of this
Encampment ; and that disobedience be punished in the following manner ;First offence, by reprimand in Conclave.
Second offence, by suspension, for a certain period, from
appearing in arms. The third offence, expulsionaccording
to the usage of chivalry. This last punishment to be likewise resorted to on any occasion of bad conduct against the
laws of the country which protect us, or for any other weighty
XIV. That particular attention be paid to that most excellent Masonic virtue, which is silence ; and should any Companion of the Encampment be found guilty of disclosing the
otherwise innocent transaction of the Conclave, even to a Knight
Companion not a member, he be amenable for such conduct to
the Grand Council, and be judged accordingly.
XV. That each Companion inscribe his name in the list of
Sir Knights, suspended in the chapter-house of the Order.
XVI. That the quarterly fees be regularly discharged ; and
that any Companion who shall omit paying four succeeding
fees, in quarterly payments, shall no longer be considered a
member ; and that it be considered as a point of honour not to
quit the Encampment until all the fees be fully and regularly
XVII. That visiting fees be charged .
XVIII. That the Sir Knights celebrate one day in each year
in festivity, by dining together.
XIX. That a committee be appointed by the Grand Council,



consisting of six Sir Knights and the Chancellor, or his Vicechancellor, to regulate the affairs of the Order, and that five
out of seven be competent to act.
XX. That each Knight Companion supply himself with a
copy of the rules, and do make a good use of the same.

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Q. Where were you prepared to be made a Knight Templar ?
A. Adjoining a Grand Christian Encampment.
Q. How were you habited ?
A. As a pilgrim, with sandals on my feet, a mantle on my
shoulders, a staff with a cross in my hand, a belt round my
waist, a scrip and wallet, with bread and a bottle of water.
Q. How were you introduced ?
A. In that condition I was led towards the entrance of the
Grand Christian Encampment, by the Master of the Ceremonies, and a trumpet was sounded.
Q. What followed ?
A. I was challenged by an Equerry.
Q. What was that challenge ?
A. Who came there.
Q. Your answer ?
A. A pilgrim, on his travels to the holy city, hearing of a
Knights Templar Encampment, has come with a hope of
being admitted.
Q. What other questions were put to you ?
A. I was asked from whence, and if came of my own free
will, and what I was desirous of doing.
Q. Your answer to these questions ?
A. That I came of my own free will from the wilderness of
Juda, which I had traversed, exposed to great danger until I
was met by the worthy Knight who accompanied me, and who
promised me protection and safe conduct to the holy city ; and
that I was desirous to devote my life to the service of the poor
and the sick, for the sake of Jesus Christ, and to pray for my
own sins with those of the people.
Q. Were you further examined ?
A. I was asked what recommendation I brought with me.

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Q. Your answer ?
A. The sign and the word of a Royal Arch Mason.
Q. Were they called for ?
A. They were.
Q. How were you further tried ?
A. In being asked if I had worked at the Second Temple ;
if I had received Christian Baptism ; if I believed in God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost ; if I believed
that God the Son was made man to save us ; if I believed in
the inspiring power of the Holy Ghost ; and if I was willing
to protect the Christian faith at the expense of my life. To
all which I answered in the affirmative.
Q. What occurred next ?
A. I was ordered to wait until a report had been made to
the Grand Commander and the Sir Knights of the Encampment.
Q. How were you admitted ?
A. A saw was placed to my forehead by the Second Captain, after examining me over again on the same subjects presented by the Equerry. I thus entered the Encampment, and
found the Sir Knights under arms. I was subjected to the
same examination by the First Captain and by the Grand Commander ; after which, I was ordered to kneel on both knees,
and receive the benefit of a prayer from the Grand Prelate.
Q. What was further said to you ?
A. The Grand Commander said, we must have a further
trial of your faith. You must perambulate the Encampment
for meditation and further preparation.
Q. What was done with you then ?
A. I was conducted to the west, desired to kneel on both
knees, with my face to the east, my hand on the gospels ; in
which position I received the first part of my obligation.
Q. Be pleased to repeat it.
A. I, A. B., in the presence of the Holy Trinity, and in
memory of St. John of Jerusalem, that first faithful soldier
and Martyr in Christ Jesus, do most solemnly promise and
swear, that I will never illegally reveal the secrets of a Knight
Templar to a Royal Arch Mason, nor to any person beneath
the dignity of this noble order ; nor aid in the installation of
a Knight Templar unless five are present, myself included,
under the penalty of all my former obligations.

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Q. After you had received the first part of your obligation.

what was then done with you ?
A. My staff was taken from me, and I was presented with
a sword as a substitute, with my hand still on the Holy Gospels, and in this prostrate form I was taught to repeat the
second part of my obligation.
Q. Be pleased to deliver it.
A. I do furthermore swear, that, with this the sword of
my faith, I will guard and defend the tomb and sepulchre of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, against all Jews, Turks,
Infidels, and Heathens, and other opposers of the gospel.
Q. After you had taken the second part of your obligation,
what did the Grand Commander do with you ? Did he not
address you on the presentation of the sword ?
A. He said, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost, I arm you with this sword, as a distinguishing mark
of our approbation ; and I am persuaded that you will only
employ it in the defence of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ, against all those who may oppose the same.
Q. Be pleased to conclude the obligation.
A. I do furthermore swear, that I will never knowingly
draw the blood of a Brother Knight Templar, nor cause it to
be drawn in wrath ; but will espouse his cause, knowing it
to be just, though I should endanger my own life. Even when
princes are engaged in war, I will not forget the duty which
I owe him as a brother. If ever I wilfully violate this my
solemn compact, as a Brother Knight Templar, may my skull
be sawn asunder with a rough saw, my brains taken out and
put in a charger to be consumed by the scorching sun, and
my skull in another charger, in memory of St. John of Jerusalem, that faithful soldier of our Lord and Saviour. If ever
I wilfully deviate from this my solemn obligation, may my
light be put out from among men, as that of Judas Iscariot
was for betraying his Lord and Master ; furthermore, may
the soul that once inhabited this skull, as the representative
of St. John the Baptist, appear against me in the day of judgment : so help me God, and keep me stedfast in this my solemn obligation of a Knight Templar.
Q. Was anything added ?
A. I was ordered to kiss the gospels seven times, and received the charge of the Grand Prelate, who exhorted me to

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fight manfully and run my course with valour, trusting in

our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Q. What were you then desired to do ?
A. I was then ordered to take a lighted taper in my hand,
and to perambulate the encampment five times, in solemn
meditation, with the admonition, that if I had either prejudice
or enmity towards any man, I was to dismiss it as a necessary
qualification for further honours ; and that, if I would not
forgive my enemies, I had better fly to the desert, to shun
the sight of the Knights of this order, than to appear so unworthily among them. This I promised to do.
Q. How were yon then disposed of 1
A. The veil was taken from the cross, at the sight of which
my burthen fell from my back.
Q. And then 1
A. I was divested of my pilgrims dress, desired to kneel,
and to receive the order of Knighthood.
Q. How was that done ?
A. The Grand Commander laid his sword on both my
shoulders and my head, and bade me rise a Masonic Knight
Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and
Malta, and also a Knight Templar : giving me a hearty welcome into the Christian Order, that would be ever ready to
defend and protect me.
Q. What followed ?
A. I was intrusted with the signs, words and tokens, clothed
with the mantle of the Order, at which I was told to receive
the Lords yoke, for it was easy and light, and would bring
rest to my soul, and that I was promised nothing but bread
and water, with that habit of little worth.
Q. What next ?
A. I was invested with the apron, sash and jewel.
Q. What was then explained to you ?
A. The Encampment and its furniture. First, the three
Equilateral Triangles representing the Trinity in unity, in the
centre of which was placed the omnipotent and all seeing eye.
Second, the figure of St. John of Jerusalem holding out the
Cup of Salvation to all true believers. Third, the Cock which
was a memento to Peter. Fourth, the Lamb. Fifth, the Cross
on Mount Calvary. Sixth, the Five Lights on the New Testament, as emblematical of the birth, life, death, resurrection,

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and ascension of our blessed Redeemer. Seventh, the Sword

and Sceptre. Eighth, the Star which appeared at the birth of
Jesus. Ninth, the Ladder with the Five steps. Tenth, the Saw.
Eleventh, the Sepulchre and Gospels. And Twelfth, the
Q. What was then explained ?
A. The seven agonies of our Saviour. First, that which
he experienced in the Garden of Gethsamene. Second, being
seized as a thief or assassin. Third, his being scourged by the
order of Pontius Pilate. Fourth, the placing on his head a
crown of thorns. Fifth, the mockery and derision of the Jews
by putting on him a scarlet robe, and a reed in his hand as a
sceptre. Sixth, nailing him to a cross ; and Seventh, the
piercing of his side.
Q. What was finally done ?
A. My installation was thrice proclaimed by the Grand
Herald, and I partook of bread and wine, in commemoration
of the Lords Supper, with the whole of the Sir Knights in the
Encampment drinking from the cup of brotherly love.



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In an introduction to each of the former parts, I have revealed, that Freemasonry rightly understood, is the science of
the Spirit of the Bible. It remains, in this, to make that revelation more ample, and to show the masonic brotherhood, that,
though never in a lodge, I can teach them the very science or
spirit of Masonry, such as they do not find taught in any

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lodge now existing. In this introduction they shall find the

climax of the philosophy which they hold in allegory, and of
which, in their lodges, they have no understanding, beyond the
reading and uttermg of the letter or mystery. They are in
precisely the same condition with the Jewish and Christian
churches, resting on the letter ; blind, deaf, dumb, and dead to
the spirit or science of the sacred scriptures.
The great mistake of the two churches, Jewish and Christian
has been to read the Old Testament and gospel as historical
scripture of human action, limited to time and place. As such,
it could have only been the word of man ; and not the word of
God. The Bible is of higher meaning, is not the word of man ;
but is, in truth, the word of God. To write history, inspiration
is not necessary ; the most common-place memory is sufficient ;
so inspiration makes no part of history, has no communion with
it, they cannot be mixed up together ; hence the Sacred Scriptures are inspired writings, and not history of human action.
History of God, they may be styled, and this is what is meant
by sacred history : and it is worthy of note, that the contemptible history of man was not begun before the time of Herodotus ;
or five hundred years before the Christian era, while the Sacred
Scriptures are not to be limited to any time, though first submitted to public and general notice, in a translation from the
Hebrew into the Greek language, at Alexandria, in Egypt, about
twenty-three centuries since. This refers mlore particularly to
the Old Testament Scriptures ; but we can trace the first Greek
version of the gospel to the same city, and nearly if not fully up
to the same period, in the Therapeutan churches ; while the
tragedy of Prometheus, by Eschylus, is an older Greek version
of the same gospel, as handed down from Persia and Hindostan.
With God, or the word of God, there is no beginning ; no
origin in time or place ; no subject for the limits of human
God is immutable. Immutability establishes eternity. God
is eternal. Eternity is the antithesis of beginning, but not of
creation. God, therefore, had no beginning, but is a creating
power. Creation being a composition of elements, the elements, and not the thing created, are eternal. The power is
immutable, the composition mutable. And it is a human error
in the translation of divine language, to say or suppose that
God began at any time to act upon a new scheme or altered

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plan with the human race. It is the letter, and not the spirit
of the gospel that thus states the case. That letter is nothing
more than a drama prepared for personification, the spirit is in
the principle or power to be personified. The letter is but a
new version of the thing in every succeeding language, from
the Sanscrit to the Grecian. The spirit is eternal, beyond all
language, and, as the word of God, is co-eternal with God.
There are but two distinct states of the human mind ; the one
founded as on the letter of the Sacred Scriptures, the other on
the spirit ; the one a state of error and superstition, and the
other a state of truth and science. In the same sense, and
under the same distinction, there can be but two kinds of
churches and Masonic Lodges ; the one founded on, or made
op of, the letter, the error, the superstition ; the other founded
on, or made up of, the spirit, the truth, the science. All ancient
priesthoods of which we have any records, and all the ancient
mysteries, were presented under the two-fold distinction of
letter and spirit ; the letter an exoterical doctrine, a lie and
superstition for the people without : the spirit and esoterical
doctrine, the truth and science of the thing, for the priesthood and initiated within. This was the game, until both the
priesthood and Masonic Lodges lost their own secret, their
word, their revelation. It is now all mystery, all letter, all
error, all superstition ; no revelation, no spirit, no truth, no
science. It has been, and continues to be, my endeavour to
bring the church and Masonic Lodges back to a knowledge of
the revelation, the spirit, the truth, and science of their symbolical allegories, to throw a little scientific and intellectual
life into them, to make them respectable and respected by the
people at large, to stay dissent, and to make society a Catholic
or Masonic brotherhood.
In furtherance of this ohject, I shall now present the Masonic reader with a glossary of Bible names, or rather a translation of such names, for they have not been translated into
our English language, in any other way than as a table or
glossary. They are left in our English versions of the Bible
to appear as names of human beings, and are read by the letter
readers as names of human beings. The same sort of reading may be applied to the sacred writings of the Hindoos, and
to the names of their avatars, and the same mistake be made ;
while we now know, that these avatars, though called succes-

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sive incarnations of God in man, were in spirit and science,

large astronomical periods of time, presenting various conditions of the earths surface, and various physical and moral effects on human nature. Such I take to be the meaning of the
Sacred Scripture names from Adam to Jesus Christ ; it is
physically an astronomical genealogy, morally a mental one.
There was a translated table of names in the Bibles pubfished in the reign of Elizabeth. The introduction tells me that
the translation has been corruptly, purposely, and wickedly withheld from the Bibles printed in the reign of Henry
VIII, Edward VI, and Mary I, and I find it was suppressed
in the new translation of the Bible ordered by James I. The
old introduction is a curiosity worth transcribing ; and though
the author (Hervey) does not appear to have known the whole
subject, he leaves us to guess that he knew something about it.
I will give the matter in his own language, as far as the introduction goes ; but I shall take some liberties with his translations, and give more of the spirit of the thing than he has
given. I cannot rest until I have made myself a thorough
master of the Hebrew language, if I can live long enough for
that purpose, for I almost daily make discoveries of spiritual
meanings in that language, which none of our priests or translators have hitherto taught us..
Whereas the wickedness of time, and the blindness of the
former age hath been such, that all things altogether have been
a.bused and corrupted, so that the very right names of divers
of the holy men named in the Scriptures have been forgotten,
a.nd now seem strange unto us, and the names of infants, that
should ever have some godly advertisement in them, and should
be memorials and marks of the children of God received into
his household, have been hereby also changed, and made the
signs and badges of idolatry and heathenish impiety, we have
set forth this table of the names that are most used in the Old
Testament, with their interpretations, as the Hebrew importeth : partly to call back the godly from that abuse, when they
shall know the true names of the godly fathers, and what they
signify, that their children, now named after them, may have
testimonies by their own names, that they are within this
faithful family, that in all their doings had ever God before
their eyes, and that they are bound by those their names to
serve God from their infancy, and have occasion to praise him



for his works wrought in them and their followers : but chiefly
to restore the names to their integrity, whereby many places
of the Scriptures, and secret mysteries of the Holy Ghost, shall
better be understood.

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Translated from the Hebrew and the Greek into the English Language.

Aaron. A lofty or elevated teacher, or power of teaching,

High Priest of Israelthe Holy Spirit, or Spirit of Truth, as
described in the New Testament.
Abednego. A servant or follower of the Lord God, or of
Christ as the life and light of men, whose integrity and fidelity
the fiery furnace of persecution cannot destroy. One baptised
with fire, or perfected in the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Abel. The City of God made low and desolate. Jerusalem
weeping and mourning.
Abez. The city of cotton, of tiresome labour, of low wages,
dark and muddy, the Manchester of Judea. (See Calmets
Dictionary for the authority, as also for the general authorities
of this Dictionary.)
Abiah or Abijah. The Father God, or God the Father.
The law or will of necessityThe physical system of the UniverseThe tyrant ignorance of physical power, ro be relieved
from which the Israelites sought a king, but finding still a
tyrant power of evil Spirit in their ignorant king, they had no
relief from their grievances, until Christ, Shiloh, and Solomon

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came as the Spirit of Liberty and Prince of Peace and Abundance, arising from wisdom and the King or Spirit of Righteousness. Hence was or rather is to be built, a Church of Christ,
and Temple of God the Holy Ghostthe true Masonic Temple.
Abialbon. God the Father, &c.The CreatorThe Building FatherThe Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, or of Intelligence, Mind, Soul, Spirit.
Abiathar. God the Father, as the Father of the excellent
and risen ChristThe Holy Spirit, as a High Priest, Lofty
Teacher, and successor of Aaron.
Abida. God the Father, as the Omniscient, or Father or
Knowledge. (Without God the Father there could be no God the
Son : without a thing to be known, there could be no knowledge of the thing. He that hath ears, let him hear. Hence
the meaning of the material system of the universe, as eternal,
and of immateriality of the soul, as immortal.)
Abinan. God the Father, as the Father of the, Son, Soul,
or Judgment.
Abigail. God the Fathers Wife, or Joy, ftom whom was
born Daniel, the Son or Judgment of God.
Abikail. God the Father, as Lord of Hosts, of Strength, of
Praise, of Glory.
Abihu God the Father, &c.
Abijam. God the Father, as Father of the Sea, or the
creative and productive power of Water. (The sense in which
the Spirit of God moved on tha face of the waters or the
Abimael. The Messiah, or Sent from God the Father.
Abimalech. God the Father as the Royal or Kingly Father.
Abinadab. God the Father as Father of a Covenant or
Vow, of Moral Law and a F'ree-minded People, such as the
Abinoam. God the Father, as the Father of Beauty, and
its Vanity and Weakness without Deborah or Wisdom, the
Minerva and Pallas of the Sacred Scriptures.
Abishag. God the Fathers Ignorance, or a Married
Abishai. God the Father, as the Father of the Sacrifice or
Abishua. God the Father, as the Father of the Crucified
Saviour, crying, Eli Eli Lama Sabacthani.

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Abitub. God the Father, as the Good God.

Abiud. God the Father, as the Glorious God.
Abner. God the Father, as the Father of Light, of the Son,
the Lord Jesus Christ.
Abram, Abraham. God the Father, as the Father of Isaac,
the Sacrifice ; God the Holy Spirit, as the High and Elevated
Father or Teacher of the Spirit of the Children of Israel. The
same as the incarnation of the Brama of the Hindoos. The
Father of the two Covenants. As Abraham, the spiritual
father of all nations.
Adam. God the Father, as the progenitor of Jesus Christ.
The First in relation to the Second Birth of man. The earthly,
physical, or parental birth. The passions, as distinct from the
Reason or Christ. The blood-life of man, which must be crucified to be Christianized. The first man and woman united.
The first born of the Sea or of Water. The first parent of the
human mind.
Adonibezek. God the Father, in relation to the powers of the
Electric Fluid or Lightning..
Adonilcam. The Resurrection of the Lord, or the return of
Israel from the Captivity of Mystery to Science.
Adoniram. The ascension of the Lord, or the Triumph of
Christ over death, hell, and captivity.
Adonizedek. The same as Malchisedec, the Lord or King of
Righteousness, Justice, Mercy, and Peace.
Ahaz. The Imaginative Power of the human Mind, that is
made up of visions, and that leads to nothing but idolatry and
Ahaziah. The same as Ahaza false worship of God.
Ahiam, Akiak, Ahijah. James, the Brother of the Lord
the Brother of the Motherthe Brother of the Seathe Brother or Friend of the Nation.
Ahiezer. Brotherly help, counsel, or assistance.
Ahihud. Brotherly union, strength, and joy.
Akikam. Brother of resurrection, that restores the longlost Revelation of the Law and the Gospel.
Ahimaaz. The beautiful counsel of a Brother.
Ahiman. The ready strength of a Brothers right hand.
Ahimelech. The Royal Brother.
Ahimoth. The Brother dead, or whose days are spent.
Ahinadab. The liberal Brother, with princely offerings.

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Ahinoam. The Daughter of Ahimaaz, or the beauty or the

united counsel of brother and sister, or of man and wife.As
the wife of Saul, motioned or counselled evil.As the wife of
David, motioned or counselled good, love, and peace.
Ahira. An Evil Brother.
Ahisamach. A Brother that supports and strengthens.
Ahitopkel. A brother of evil counsel.
Ahitub. A brother of goml counsel.
Amalek. An ignorant irritable, quarrelsome, and fighting
Amariah. The Word or Lamb of God.
Amasa, Amashai. The working people, or tax and tribute
payers ; the oppressed people.
Ammiel. A people of God as a wise people.
Ammishaddai. An almighty people, revolting against
Ammon. The people of any country.
Amos. A people strong to bear a burden.
Amraphel. A judge that speaks of hidden things.
Anammelech. The choral answer of the King in Council.
Ananias. The dark cloud or power of divination.
Anath. The song of poverty and affliction.
Anaviah. Affliction or crucifixion of the Lord.
Angel. An intellectual messenger of the Holy Spirit. Destroying Angel signifies error and superstition, as to the mind :
disease as to the body.
Ani, Uni. Poor or afflicted. A musician that answers.
Areli, Ariel. The light of God on the altar ; figuratively,
the Lion of God, Judah, the sixth sign of the Zodiac.
Aretas. The pleasure of virtue.
Aridai, Aridath, Arisai. The sons of Haman, signifying
the state of mind that is accused before or by the Lords
People, the Jews or Israelites.
Arimathea. The light of the death of the Lord.
Armageddon. The high and mighty revelation of the
Gospel. The last battle to be fought among mankind, as the
bringing in of Jerusa1em, or a city as a state of peace.
Arnan, Arnon. The sacred light of God the Son : the
secret thing contained in the Ark, the Law and the Gospel ;
still waiting for revelation.
Arpad. The light of redemption.

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Arphaxad. A Healer, a Worshipper, one that cultivates the

health both of body and mind ; an Israelite, a Jew, a Christian, as one and the same state of mind.
Asa. A physician, a teacher, healer or curer of body and
Asahel, Asaiah. The teaching and creative power of mind,
as God the Son.
Asaph. A collector of Psalms, of Hymns, Songs, and
Asarelah. The Druidical Worshippers of the oak, as emblematical of the strength and eternity of God.
Aseroth. The rural worship of false Gods.
Ashbel. The expiring fire of old age.
Asher. Happiness as blessedness.
Ashtemoth. The perfect man of intellectual fire.
Ashuath. The morality of human nature.
Ashur. The fire of liberty, or of a free mind, or a free
Asiel. The strength of God, the Goat of the Lord, or the
twelfth sign of the Zodiac, December.
Askebon. That which is weighed and found wanting ; that
which is infamous.
Asmodeus. The Devil or Principle of Evil, as a consuming
or destroying fire.
Asrael, Asriel. The beatitude and strength of a perfect
intellectual mind.
Athaliah. The time of the Lord, or of an intelligent people
to remove their oppressors..
Baal. The Sun, the Lord.
Baal-berith. The Lord of the Covenant.
Baalida. The Lord or Master of Knowledge.
Baal-shalissa. The Trinity in Unity.
Babylon. Mystery, Confusion, Captivity.
Bahalhanan. The grace or gift of God; that which is
agreeable to God..
Balaam. A Priest, an Elder.
Baladan. The Lord God, as ripeness of Judgment.
Balak. The Destroyer.

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Bani. The Son to build the Temple of Knowledge. (A

masonic name.).
Baptism. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy GhostIs, first, to dip into Nature, or God the Father, for physical science, of which water is the symbol. The
second is to dip into Jesus Christ, as the Fountain of moral
science, of which water is still the symbol. And the third is
to dip into the Holy Ghost, for intellectual, oratorical, prophetic, and poetic inspiration, of which fire is the symbol.
Hence Baptism by water is symbolical of infant and adult
education, and Baptism by fire signifies inspiration, or the
highest intellectual attainment of the Holy Ghost, belonging
not to the many called, for all are called ; but to the well
organized few that are chosen.
Barak. God the Father, as Jupiter Tonans, the Thunderer
Hence the meanmg of the phrase, The stars in their courses
fought against Sisera.
Bathsheba. Daughter of an Oath, and Mother of the Prince
of Peace and Wisdom.
Bathshua. Daughter of Salvation.
Beeliada. A Master of Science.
Belshazzar. Master of Sacred Treasures.
Benaiah. The Son of the Lord, or understanding of the
Benjamin. The accumulated strength of painful labour.
Son of the Right Hand.
Beninu. Sons, Intelligent Architects or Masons.
Beraiah. The ripeness of the Lord.
Besodiah. The sacred counsel of the Lord.
Besor. Evangelization, or Incarnation.
The Hebrew Beth may be taken throughout as signifying
Temple, School, House, or State of mind.
Bethabara. The Temple, School, or Heuse of Passage from
one to another state of mind. It signifies also a place of passage through water, as the baptism of John beyond Jordan.
Bethachara. The House of Knowledge, or of the Vineyard
in the. sense in which Christ is the true vine of the human
Bethanath, Bethany. The House of Affliction, of Humiliation, of Song and Praise.
Betharabah. The House of Safety and Caution in the Night.

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Bethazmaveth. The Strong House of Deathof the physical law of necessity.

Bethaven. The House of Women with Child, and of them
that sing from joy.
Bethaven. The House of Vanity, Iniquity, and Trouble.
Bethbarah. The House of the Son, or of the Bread of Life.
Bethbasa. The House of Confusion and Shame.
Bethbirei. The House of God, the Creator or mind, of health
and choice.
Bethca. The House of the Lamb of God, of Knowledge.
Bethdagon. The House of God, that creates, increases, and
multiplies the loaves and the fishes for human sustenance.
Betheked. The House of Shepherds, or of a virtuous and
scientific priesthood.
Bethel. The House of God.
Bethesda. The House of the effusion of the spirit of mercy.
Bethgamut. The House of Separation and Reward.
Bethanan. The House of Grace, Mercy, and Gift, in the
intellectual sense.
Bethlehem. The House or Birth-place of the Bread of Life,
Jesus Christ.
Bethmillo. The House of Plenitude and Reflectionthe
fulness of the Holy Ghost.
Bethnimrah. The House of Bitterness and Rebellion.
Bethogla. The House of Festivity.
Bethoron. The House of an Indignant People asserting
their liberty against the tymnt and oppressor.
Bethpalet. The House of Deliverance.
Bethpazzez. The House of Division among the people.
Bethpage. The House of Meeting.
Bethrapha. The House of Medicine or of Health.
Bethshalisha. The House of the Holy Trinity.
Bethshemesh. The Temple of the Sun worshipped as God.
Bethzecha. A Prison or House of Fetters and Chains.
Bethzur. The House of the Lord, built on a rock. The
House of Peter.
Bazaleel. The Shadow of God.
Bildad. Old Friendship.
Bilhah. Old and Fading; an old maid.
Boaz. Strength, Firmness.

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Cain. The evil principle of Envy or Jealousy.
Caiphas, Cephas. A Student of the Sciencesthe rock of
science on which the Church of Christ is built.
Caanan. A Land of Merchants.
Capernaum. The Field of Unity of Mind or City of Comfort. One of Robert Owens communities when practicable.
Carchemist. The Lanlb of God, or Messiah.
Carmel. The Circumcision of the Lamb, or Baptism by
Chebar. Force, Strength, physical power of ignorance.
Cheran. The Lamb of Knowledge.
Chorazim. A Secret or Mystery.
Cosbi. A Liar..
Dagon. The Fish God, Jonah, Joannes or John the Baptist, the teacher of the arts and sciences.
Dan. Judgment.
Daniel. Judgment of God.
Dardu. House of Knowledge.
Darius. A Student.
Dathan. Law or Rites.
David. Well-beloved, Dear, the Love of the Father for the
Sen, as physical love ; or rather of the Son for the Father, as
intellectual love.
Debir. The Word, or a City of Letters.
Deborah. Wisdom, the Jewish or Israelitish Minerva.
Delilah. Consumption of Intellectual Strength and Glory,
by improper attention to the sex. A waste and destruction
of the brain of the wise and strong man.
Deuel. Knowledge of God.
Dibon. UnderstandingAbundance of Knowledgea
Building up of the Temple of the Lord and of the Holy Ghost
in the human mind.
Dibongad. A Tribe of Intelligent People, intellectually
equipped at all points.
Dibri. The Word of the Lord.
Dinah. Judgment.



Dorda. Generation of Knowledge.

Dura. Generation.

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Ebat. The Decay of Age.
Eden. The Garden of Pleasure and Delight : a Paradise
which all the earth may be made, when human history shall
be freed from the trammels of superstitious priests and ignorant kings.
Eglan. Ignorance ; the oppressor of the Spirit Israel, Bulleyed.
Egypt. In relation to the Spiritual Israel, the land of bondage and oppression ; something like the original sin of ignorance of the human mind.
Ehud. KnowledgePraisethe deliverance of Israel from
ignorance, bondage, and oppression.
Eladah, Elead. The eternal witness, that God the Father is
a system of prey and necessity as well as of creation, the
Creator, Preserver, Destroyer.
Elai. The Almighty God the Father.
Eldaah, Eliada. Science, or Knowledge of God.
Elealeh. Gods Ascension.
Eleasah. The work of God.
Eleazar, Eliezer. Help or Council of God.
Elhanan. Grace, Gift, or Mercy of God.
Eliab. God the Father.
Eliaba. The Shield of God.
Eliah, Elijah, Elias. The Lord God, or God of Necessity.
Eliakim. Resurrection of God.
Eliam. The God of the Peopleor the People of God :
Knowledge, the power of the people.
Eliasaph. The Accumulating, Perfecting, or Finishing
Eliasib. The God of Conversion.
Eliathah. The Advent of God.
Elidad, Eldad. Same as David, the love or favour of God.
Eliel. Strength of God.
Elioreph. The Power of God the Father in the season of
Elimelech. God the King, or Council of God.
Eliani, Elihoenai. My tears fall towards the Lord.

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Eliphal, Eliphaleh, Eliphaleth. The Miraculous or admirable deliverance or judgment of God.

Elisha, Elishah, Elishua. God the SaviourLiberty
FreedomThe Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of
the world.
Elishama. God Hearing.
Elshaphat. God Judging.
Elishur. The Rock, Strength, or Church of God, founded
on physical and moral science.
Elihud. The Glory, Praise, or Knowledge of God.
Elizaphan. The hidden yet beholding God.
Elkanah. The zeal of God.
Elkoth. God the Fathernecessity.
Elmodam. The God of Mathematics.
Elhanan. The God of BeautyAdonis.
Elnathan. The Gift of God.
Elpaal. The Work of God.
Elteketh. The Ark, Shield, or Armour of God.
Eltekon. Yhe Witness or Assurance of God.
Eltolad. Generation of God.
Eluzai. The Strength of God, Force, Necessity, as of God
the Fatherpersuasion, choice, liberty, as of God the Son.
Elzabad. An endowment from God.
Enaim. The fountains of Tears.
Enan. The Tricks of Mystery and Priestcraft.
Endor. Fountain, Habitation, or Eye of Generation.
Eneglaim. Round or Bull-eyed ; which the phrenologists
call the Organ of Language.
Engannim. A garden Fountain.
Engastrimuthi. Ventriloquists.
Engedi. Goat-eyed, Happy.
Enhaddah. Clear-eyed, Joyful.
Enoch. Perfected in Discipline.
Enon. Dark or Clouded-eye.
Enos. Mortality of man.
Epher, Ephra, Ephron. Ashes, Dust, Earth, or vegetable
Ephlal. To Pray for Judgmentto seek Knowledge, as a
qualification for Judgment.
Ephraim. The Growth of Fruit or Vegetating Power.
Esau. To Do, Act, or Finish.

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Esdras, Ezra, Help or Aid of the Court.

Eshban, Ishbosheth. The Heat or Fire of the Sun.
Eshban. The Fire or Intelligence, or the Builder of the
Temple of the Holy Ghost.
Eshek. Violence or Calumny.
Eshtaol. The strong womanDeboraMinerva, the fire of
the labour of prayer or knowledge seeking.
Esther. The Secret or Healing Power of knowledge.
Etham, Ethanim, Ethnan, or Ethni. The Strength, Spirit,
or gift of Prophecy.
Eve. Living Life or Enlivening, the parent of life, the
desire of the physical man, Adam.
Erbon. One who is eager to Learn.
Ezekiel. The Strength of God in the Spirit of Prophecy.
Ezrahite. One who has Risen, or Returned from Captivity.
Gaal. An Abomination.
Gabriel. The Strong Man or Messenger of God.
Gad, Gaddi, Gidgad. Happily armed, and prepared to Fight
the Battles of Israel.
Gaddiel. Goat of God, or of the Zodiac.
Gamaliel. The Recompense or Reward of God.
Gedaliah. The Greatness and Glory of the Lord.
Gemariah. Perfection of the Lord.
Gideon. A Destroyer of Errors.
Gilboa. A Revolution or overthrow of the mind.
Gilead. The Heap or Mass of Testimony.
Gilgal. A circle of Testimony for the Covenant.
Gilok. A Revealer of Secrets.
Girgashites, Gergesenes. Pilgrims.
Golgotha. A Skull, the Crucifixion of Christ incarnate, with
five wounds, mythologically signifies the expansion of the
skull of the living human being, more particularly in the forehead, through the best use that can be made of the five
Goliath. Captivity, or a Passage and Revolution from
Bondage, accomplished by a Prince or Saviour of Israel.
Gomer. Perfection.
Gomorrha. A Revolting and Rebellious People.
Guel. The Redemption of the Crucifixion.

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Habbakuk. The Embracer or Wrestler with the Lord.
Habazaniah. The Hiding of the Lords Shield.
Habalah. The Hidden Love and Affection of the Lord.
Hachaliak. Waiting for the Lord.
Hagar. RuminationMount Sinai.
Haggai. Festivity. The Dance of the Circle.
Haman. He that Conspires for Evil.
Hamuel. The Anger of God the Father.
Hanameel, Hananeel, Hananiah, Haniel, &c. The Grace
and Mercy of God.
Hannah. The Giver of Good Things.
Hareth. The Refuge of Freemen.
Hasadiah. Mercy of the Lord.
Hashabiah. Account or Reckoning with the Lord.
Hashabnah. Haste of the Intelligent.
Hazael. One who sees God.
Heber, Hebrew. A Companion or Associa.te in the Ancient
Mysteries, of the first degree.
Heshbon. Invention, Industry, or Thought.
Hezeldah. Strength of the Lord.
Hiram. The Height of intellectual life and Liberty.
Hodaiah, Hodaviah. The Praise or Confession of the Lord.
Hor, Hur. Conception of Idea. Liberty.
Hosea. Saviour.
Hoshaiak. God the Saviour.
Huldah. The world.
Jabin. He that Buildeth on Understanding.
Jabneel. Understanding of God.
Jachin. To Establish in Wisdom.
Jacob. A Supplanter by pursuit of Knowledge.
Jada. Knowing, Skilful.
Jadiael. Science or Knowledge of God.
Jahaziah. Vision of the Lord.
Jahdiel. The Unity of God.
Jair. Brightness, Enliglltenment.
Jamnia. The Right-hand or Understanding of God.
Japheth. Extension of Mind by Persuasion.

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Japhia. That which Enlightens or Teaches.

Jarib, Joiarib. He that Disputes or Pleads: an Advocate.
Jathniel. Gift or Recompense of God.
Jattir. He who Excels by Examination and Research.
Ibnah, Ibneiah. Understanding or Building of God.
Jechemiah, Jehoiakim, Joachim. Resurrection of the Lord.
Jecoliah. Consummation of the Lord.
Jeconiah, Jekoiachin. Preparation or Strength of the Lord.
Jehoadah, Jedaiah, Joiadak. Science or Knowledge of the
Jehoasah, Josiah. The Fire of the Lord.
Jehosadak. The Justice of the Lord.
Jeoshaphat. The Judgment of the Lord.
Jehu. God Himself.
Jehubbah. The Hidden or Sacred Love of the Lord.
Jehucal. The Infinity and Eternity of God.
Jehud. He that Praises, in the sense in which Praise is the
benefit and result of Prayer or Pursuit of Knowledge. To
praise one must know.
Jehudi. God is my Praise :God is my Knowledge.
Jehudijah. The praise or Knowledge of the Lord.
Jeiel, Jeuel. The Devil ; one driven from the presence or
knowledge of the Lord, by Error, Idolatry, Superstition, and
its consequent wickedness.
Jekameam, Jokmeam. The Resurrection, Insurrection, and
Vengeance of an Enlightening people on superstitious Priests
and Tyrants.
Jekuthiel. Hope in God, or in an assembly of Wise Men,
as the People of God.
Jemima. The Beauty of the Day.
Jarahmeel. Mercy of God.
Jeremiah. An Inspired Man; like Aaron, a lofty, mountainous, or elevated teacherthe distinction and office of the
Holy Ghost.
Jeriah, Jeriel, Jeruel, Irijah. The Protection or design of
the Lord.
Jeribai. An Advocate or Partisan.
Jericho. The Moon.
Jeroboam. The Opposer and Oppressor of the people, by
cause of schism and dissension, through Idolatry and superstion.

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Jerubbaal. The Advoca.te of Baa.l.

Jerubeseth. Let the Idol of Confusion, the Mystery,
Letter, and supposed human History of the Bible, defend itself.
Jerusalem. Vision ot the perfect or of real Jews. The
City of Peace that is hoped for by wise and good men, to arise
out of the improvement toward perfection of the human race
by scientific education. Its more secret. or Masonic meaning
is, that it is the peaceful bosom of a Jew, or of a spiritual and
scientific man.
Jesaiah, Jeshaiah, Jeshua, Joshua, Jehoshuah, Jesse, Jesus,
Isaiah. With a multitude of other names, all alike signifying the Healing, Cure, or Salvation of Mankind by
Jether, Jethro. Excellenee acquired by Examination and
Jeush. A Leprous or Scorbutic man. Some of the Ancients,
in contempt, called the Jews by this name.
Jew. The original meailing of the name and distinction of
Jew was that of a wise and perfect man, by devotion to science.
The word is of the same meaning as Jehovahliterally, it is
the God of man. The Holy Ghost or inspired Spirit of man.
Jezamiah. Attention to the Lord.
Jezebel. An Idolatrous Church, Symbolised by Feminine
Jezaiah. The Solar Rays, or the Brightness of the Lord
Physically Symbolised.
Immanuel. God with us.
India. Praise, Law, Knowledge, the original Judea.
Job. He that suffersChrist Crucified. Dramatic personification of principle, such as persona, by sound, through metallic tubes, or ventriloquism, the hollow and varied speaking
of the belly. The whole sum, substance, and meaning of the
appearances, voice, and sight of God, in the Sacred Scriptures.
Joelah. The Teacher that removes the Curse of Ignorance.
Jogli. The Joy of Revelation.
Johah. The Vivifier, by Second Birth or Intellectual Life.
John, Johanan. The Grace, Gift, Love, or Mercy of the

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John Baptist. The Fish or Water God, that taketh away

the Sins, Original Sin, or Ignorance of the World, leaving the
man a Hebrew. Jesus is the Lamb-like innocence, or suffering patient God, that taketh away the sin or ignorance of mankind, leaving man an Israelite. And the Holy Spirit is the
God of Intellectual Fire, that purges the remaining sin, purifies and perfects the holy man, the Hebrew, Israelite, Jew, or
Jokdeam. The Captivity of the People.
Joktheel. The Union and Assembly of the People.
Jonadab. A Liberal Prince.
Jonathan. The Gift of Prophecy from the Lord.
Jordan. The River of Judgment. So that Baptism in the
Waters of Jordan meant intellectual trial by witnesses and
judgment. An examination of a student by competent teachers
or examiners.
Joseph, Josephiah. Intellectual increase and addition.
Joshabad. Endowed by the Lord.
Joshbekashah. A Student.
Joshaviah. The Equity, Justice and Equality of the Lord.
Joshibiah. The Return of the Lord, or Lords People
from Captivity.
Jotham. Perfection of the Lords People.
Irpeel. The Health or Physic of God. Tuition.
Isaac. Laughter or Joy for the Birth of Salvation.
Iscariot. The wages of Sin and Death.
Ishbak. Empty, Exhausted, and Abandoned.
Ishbosheth. The Man of Sin or Shame who retardeth Knowledge by Idolatry and Vice.
Ishmael. God that Hears.
Ishmaiah. To Hear and Obey the Lord.
Ishtob. A Good Man.
Ismachiah. United to and supported by the Lord.
Israel. The man that sees God by Wrestlinh, Prayer,
Knowledge Seeking. The Princely Power of Knowledge.
Issachar. Price, Recompense, or Wages.
Ithiel, Ittai. Sign of the Advent of God.
Judah, Judas, Judith, &c. Praise by Knowledge.



Judea. The Land of Knowledge, the same as India, applies to the whole continent of Asia, or land of fire and happiness, as first enlightened with intellectual fire. Its application
to Syria and Palestine has been but an abuse of the word
within the last 2000 years. Its more secret or sacred meaning
is, that it is the cultivated human bodv, the body of a real or
spiritual Jew.
Izrahiah. The Rising or Brightness of the Lord.
Israel, Jezreel. The Seed of God.

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Kabzeel. Congregation of God.
Kadmiel. The Antiquity or Eternity of God.
Karta, Kiriath. The City or Place of a Lecture.
Kerdar. Black.
Kelaiah, Kolaiah. The Voice of the Lord.
Kiberothavah, Kiberothattaavah. The Graves of Lust.
Kirjathsepheir, Kirjathdebir. The City of Letters, of Words,
or of Books.
Kashaiah. The Chaining of the Lord, exemplified in the
tragedy of Prometheus Bound, by Eschylus.
Laadan. The Pleasure that Devours or Destroys Judgment,
exemplified in the story of Samson and Delilah.
Laban. White.
Lameck. Poor, Low, Stricken, Miserable.
Leah. Painful, Wearied.
Lemuel. God with him.
Letushim. Working Men of the Hammer or of Metals.
Levi. Under the Tie of Religion.
Leummim. Gentiles, without the Living Waters.
Lot. Sacred or Secret.
Machbanai, Mackbenah. My Poor Sonor the Death of
the Builder. The Word of the Master Mason in Freemasonry
on the death of Hiram Abiff.

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Machir. He that sells his Knowledge.

Machpelah. Of Double MeaningSacreda meaning shut
up in an allegory or mystery.
Madmannah. The Mathematics.
Madon. A Debate.
Magdalen, Migdalel. Of Magnificent Intellect.
of IntellectLofty ForeheadName of the Lamb written
there. Proof of Ancient Knowledge of Phrenology. Greatly
misused, when applied to the signification of a once-lewd
Magdiel. He who Publishes, br Proclamation, that God
or Science is the most precious fruit of human life.
Magi. Interpreters of Sacred Mysteriesthey who apply
themselves to tlie study of sacred things.
Mahalaleel. The Illumination and Praise of God.
Mahath, Mehida. He that Blots Out or Suppresses Knowledge, or that conceals knowledge in an enigma, mystery, or
dark saying.
Malazioth. One who sees a Sign or Spirit in the letter of
Sacred Scripture..
Makkedah. Elevation by Prayer or Knowledge Seeking.
Malachi. My Angel or Messenger. The Spirit of the Word.
The Holy Spirit.
Malchiah, Malchiel, Malchijah, Melchiah. The Lord is my
Malchiram. My King or Lord is Exalted.
Malchishua. My Saviour is a King.
Mallothi. Fulness of Language. The Bull-eye of the
Phrenologists. Full of the Holy Ghost.
Mammon. Avarice, Desire, Riches.
Mamre. Bitter Rebellions.
Manahem, Menahem. The Comforterthe Holy Spirit.
Manasseh. Forgetfulness of God.
Manhu, Manna. What is this ? It is the food of Angels.
The Immaterial Bread of Life. The Intellectual food of an
Israelite. The Body of Jesus Christ, as intellectually eaten by
all disciples and communicants.
Maralah, Meremoth, Merome. The Bitterness of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Maranatha. The Lord comes.
Mark. Polite Learning.

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Martha. The Cares and Bitterness of Teaching.

Maschil. An Instructor or Teacher.
Mattaniah, Mattathias. Gift, Hope, expectation of the Lord.
Matthew. A Gift of God.
Mebunnai. A Building by Understanding, as the Temple of
Solomon or of the Holy Ghost must be built in the human
Mehujael. Smitten of God.
Mejarkon. Stagnant Water, stagnant state of the human
Mekonah. The Foundation on which to build an understanding.
Melatiah. The Deliverance of the Lord.
Melchisedec. The Messiah, Jesus Christ, King of Righteousness, and Prince of Peace. A masonic order of the Holy
Ghost in the Ancient Mysteries, into which the Hebrews were
a first initiation.
Memra. The Word of God. Hence our words memory,
memorial, memorandum, as things of the mind.
Merah. He that Debates or Multiplies arguments.
Meraiah, Meraioth, Merari. The Bitterness of Provocation
and Rebellion toward the Lord.
Meroz. Secret, Mystery, by LetterAdversary of the
Lord, Curse ye Meroz, curse it ; for it has been a curse to
Mesha, Messa, Meshach, Messiah, Moshe, Moses, Myses, as
Bacchus. Words of the same meaning, signifying taken out of
the Water, Saviours of Israel or Salvation. Yes, another name
of Bacchus, the I.H.S. of our altar-pieces, in Greek Letter,
is Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, mythologically to be understood as the Saviour born from the Virgin Sea or Water, perpetual parturiting Virgin, and theologically or spiritually as
the Baptism of Water, or Salvation, passing through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost or of Fire, to perfect the man for all
spiritual offices. Alas ! how few are now truly called by the
Holy Ghost.
Michah, Michael, Macaiah. Who is like to God for Humility
and Strength ?
Michmas. The Place where the Poor are heavily Taxed.
England at Present is Michmas.
Miriam. Mary, Maria. Lady or Mistress of the Sea. The



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Virgin Water Impregnated by the Spirit of God. The Spirit

or power of Teaching.
Miskam. The Saviour of the People.
Mispar. An Accountant or Book-keeper.
Mithredath. He that Explains or Meditates upon the Law.
Mordecai. One who, by Humility and Repentance, learns
to become a Teacher.
Moriah. A place whereon to teach the Doctrine and Fear
of the Lord.
Moseroth. The Discipline and Order of Erudition.
Naam, Naaman. The power of Beauty to move the feelings.
Naamathite. Beauty that moves to Death.
Naashon. Their Auguries.
Nabal. A Fool, Senseless.
Naham, Nahum. The Consolation of Repentance.
Naomi. Beautiful.
Naphish. The Growing Soul.
Napthali. That Argues by Comparison.
Nathan. A Giver.
Nathaniel. Gift of God.
Nebajoth, Naboth. Words of Prophecy.
Neballot. A Sacred Prophet that Prophesies in a Riddle.
Nebusashban. Words of Prophecy that expand the Mind.
Nedebiah. The good pleasure of the Lord.
Nehemiah. The Consolation of the Repentance of the Lord.
Neiel. Motion of God.
Nemuel, Jamuel. God that Sleeps, or Sleep of God.
Neriah. Light or Land of the Lord.
Nethaniah. Gift of the Lord.
Neziah. The Strength and Victory of Necessity, the Eternal.
Nibhaz. To Prophesy..
Nicodemus, Nicolas. Victory of the People.
Nimrod. Rebellion against the LordTyranny, Despotism.
Nineveh. An agreeable dwelling.
Noadiah. The Witness or Testifier of the Lord.
Noah. The Righteous, Man that Saves Himself from the
Common Idolatry and Superstition.



Nob. Discourse or prophecy.

Nod. A Vagabond.
Nun. A Son.

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Obadiah. A Student, Teacher, or Servant of the Lord.
Obed. A Servant.
Oboth. Spirits of Python or False Oracles.
Og. A Cake.
Ornan. One that Rejoices in the Light of the Son of God.
Othniel. The Time or Hour of God.
Pagiel. Prayer of God.
Petal. That Prays to Judge.
Paltiel, Pelatiah, Phalti. Deliverance or Flight of God.
Pashur. The Growth and Increase of Popular Liberty.
Pedahzur. Saviour, Rock of Redemption.
Pedahel. Redemption of God.
Pedaiah. Redemption of the Lord.
Pekahiah. The Lord that opens the eyes to give Liberty.
Pelaiah. Miracle, Mystery, or Secret of the Lord.
Pelaliah. Who thinks on, Meditates or Prays to, the Lord.
Peleg. Division.
Peniel, Penuel, Phanuel. Vision or Sight of God.
Peter, Petra. Rock. See Caiphas, Cephas, &c.
Pethahiah. The Opening of the Gates of the Lord.
Pathuel. Month, Word, or Persuasion of God.
Pharoah. The Devil, the Spoiler.
Phinehas. Prospect of Protection.
Phlegon. A Burning Zeal.
Phut. Prayer, Knowledge-seeking, that leads to Grace.
Pihahiroth. The Opening or Dawning of Liberty.
Pilate. Armed with a Dart. Applied to Christ, signifies
the Archer that shot him sore. The most ancient svmool of
Crucifixion, of which sculptured monuments remain.
Pison. Opening the Mouth to Speak.
Pispah. Shutting the Mouth for Silence.
Pithon. The Persuasive Gift of Speech.
Pockhereth. Violent Stopping of the MouthTyranny.
Pubasthus. The Mouth of Contempt.



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Raamiah. The Thunder of the Lord.
Rab. Great.
Rabbath, Rabbith, Rabboth.
A Great Multitude,
either of Errors or ot People.
Rabmag. A Destroyer or Overthrower of a Multitude
of Errors; or a People angrily espousing them.
Raca. A Fool, Brainless.
Rachel. Sheep of God.
Raguel. Shepherd of God.
Ramiah. Elevation or Sublimity of the Lord.
Rapha. Medicine that relaxes.
Raphael, Rephaiah. Gods Physic, applicable both to
body and mind.
Razis. Gospel, Secret, or Mystery of the Lord.
Realiah. The Lord that Inebriates in the Sense of Inspiration ; making man the companion of the Lord.
Rehabiah. God is my Limit.
Rehoboam. The Prince who gives Liberty to the People.
Remaliuh. The Crucifixion of the Lord.
Rephaim. Mental Giants, who administer medicine
both to body and mind ; Curers, Healers, such as the
Therapeut, the first known Apostolical Christians by existing record. A True Christian is one of the Rephaim.
Reseph. The Devil.
Reuben. Vision of the Son, or the Son of Vision.
Reuel. Shepherd or Friend of God.
Revelation. To find out the Secret of a Mystery, Allegory, or Gospel. The Revelation is not in the Mystery,
Allegory, or Gospel. It must be interpreted or found out.
In relation to mind, it is passing out of an Exodus, or
passover of ignorance, the coming in of new light or
knowledge, a remova.l of the dark veil of ignorance.
Ribai. A Disputer and Reprover.
Ripath. Remedy or Medicine, Release or Pardon.
Rogah. Glutted with Discourses and Meditations; to
be full of Grace; with Wine, as Noah, and with Fatness,
as Rebekah. &c.
Ruth. Drunk with the Spirit, Satisfied.

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Sabacthani. Thou hast Forsaken or Sacrificed me.
Sabaoth. Armies, Hosts ; in the intellectual Sense, Arguments, Angels, Omniscience ; in the Astronomical sense, the
planetary system of countless suns and stars.
Sacrament. A Secret or Mystery to the mind that needs
revelation. Revelation reduces all Mysteries to plain, intelligible, and practical science.
Salah, Selah. The Sent that is Spoiled with Darts. The
Amen. The Consummation. The End. To stir and keep the
Intellectual Fire Burning.
Salathiel, Shealthiel. Lent, Sent, or Borrowed from God.
Salem. The Peace of God which passeth or proceedeth from
understanding. The City of Shiloh or Jerusalem.
Salissa, Shalisha, Shilsha. The Trinity in Unity.
Salmon. The Reward of Peace and Perfection.
Samson. The Sunthe Hercules of the Sacred Scriptures.
The Strong man brought low and made weak by a woman :
one illustration of the fall of man.
Sarah. Lady, Princess, Star, Brightness, Parent or Glory
of the Sacrificial lsaac, or the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sarameel. Happiness of the People of God.
Satan. An Adversary or Accuser.
Saul. The Evil Spirit of Uncultivated Ignorance.
Semachiah. One who Supports the Religion of the Lord.
Sephar. Book, or Scribe, applicable to Letters or Figures.
Seraiah. The Princely Power of the Lord.
Seraphim. Men of Burning or Shining Intellect.
Sered. Suppression of Government; Dispersion of Monarchial Authority; Cutting off of the Line of Descent.
Sheba. Captivity, or Human Ignorance.
Shebam. Conversion, Improvement of Mind, or a Peoples
Return from Captivity.
Sheban. The Ignorance that holds a People Captive.
Shebaniah. The Law or Power of mlnd that Converts
a People and Restores them from Captivity, Want, and Degradation.
Shebarim, Skeber. The Hopes of an Intelligent People
lnsurgent against the Ignorant Tyrrany and mere Physical
Power in Government.
Shebuel. Conversion, Return, or Rest, the Captivity of God.

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Shecaniah. The Inward Dwelling of the Lord. The same

as Immanuel, or God within us. The Peace of God, or of
Cultivated Mind, which passeth all understanding.
Shedei, Shaddai. Almighty Creator, Preserver, Destroyer.
God the Father, or Law of Nature and Necessity. God as a
Consuming Fire. The Holy Spirit as a Consuming Intellectual Fire.
Sheariah. The Dawning of the Lords Day.
Shekinah. The Divine Presence in the Tabernacle, or
School for the Dispersion of Human Ignorance.
Shelemiah. The Peace, Happiness, and Perfection of the
Lord, as Shecaniah.
Shelomith. The Peace, Happiness, and Recompense of
Shelumiel. The Peace of God, Immanuel, or Cultivated
Mind in Man.
Shemaiah. He that Hears and Obeys the Lord.
Shemariah. The Care, Guardianship,. and Protection or
Providence of the Lord.
Shemeber. The name and fame of that force and power
which is merely physical ; to be Routed and Destroyed by the
Intellectual Power of Abraham or the Holy Spirit.
Shemida. Astronomy or the Science of the Heavens.
Shemiramoth. The Name of the Most High, the Sun.
Shemuel, Samuel. Received from, or Given by, God.
Shephatiah. The Judgment of the Lord.
Sherebiah. The Waste of Physical Energy, that drieth up the
fountain of the Lord or of Intellect.
Sheva. The vanity of Tumultuous Fame.
Shibboleth. The Growth of the Ear of Corn, by the capillary attraction of water.
Shibmah. Conversion, Removal of Ignorance, or Return
from Captivity.
Shicron. The Sin and Wages or Evil Consequences of
Shiggaion. The Error of David or Love, an Excess of Indulgence in Physical Pleasure, abative of Intellectual Power
and Pleasure.
Shihon. Thunder, Lightning, or the Voice of the Lord.
Shiloh. Peace, Abundance, the first of which often Deceives and Mocks, and makes insolent.



Shoback, Shobai, Shobi, Shubael. Captivity, Conversion,

Rest, and Return from Captivity.
Shuam. The Humility that Meditates upon the Word.
Shulamite. The Recompense of Pacific Perfection. The
Feminine application of the word Solomon.
Siloam. The Fountain of the Water of Life sent from
Simeon, Simon, Shimeon, &c. To Hear and Obey the Word
of God.
Solomon. Peace, Perfection, Recompense.
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Taheal. Good God.
Tebaliah. Baptism of the Lord.
Tiria. That Searches and Examines.
Tob-Adonijah, Tobiah. The Good God, or the Goodness of
the Fountain of the Lord.
Tophet. Wanting Understanding.
Tubalcain. Worldly Minded.
Ur, Uri. Fire, Light.
Uriah, Urijah. The Light of the Lord or Science.
Urim and Thummim. Lights and Perfections. The Shining and the Perfect. Doctrine and Judgment. Declaration
and Truth. The Law and the Gospel.
Uz. Counsel.
Uzzah. Strength.
Uzziah. Strength of the Lord.
Uzziel. Strength of God.
Vaniah. Nourishment of the Lord.
Zaanannim. Dreamers.
Zabdiah, Zabdiel, Zebadiah, Zebedee. The Dowry or Portion of God.
Zabud, Zebudah. A Portion or Dowry, one endowed.
Zaccai. Pure, Clean, and Justified. The same as the name

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Zacchur, Zichri. Memory.

Zachariah, Zechariah. Memory of the Lord or Knowledge.
Zacher. Memory of Evil
Zadok. Justified.
Zaham. Impurity.
Zalmon, Zalmonah, Zalmunna. A Portrait or Image : the
Idol Forbidden. Man-worship, or that which Prevails and
Damages the Human Character, and Condition, both in Politics and Religion. The Worship of God in Spirit and in
Truth, is a Worship, Cultivation, Understanding, and Application of Principles, both in Politics and Religion; for Men
are Mortal, Fallible, and Weak ; but Principles are Strong,
Unchangeable, Immortal, and belong to the eternal Attributes
of God.
Zanzummin. Projectors of Crime, of Idolatry, Superstition,
and all Wickedness.
Zanoah. The Forgetfulness of Sleep.
Zaphnath-Paaneah. The Saviour of the World, that Reveals the Gospel, as a discovery of hidden things ; now verified in the Editors state of mind.
Zaphon. The Observer and Searcher of that which is
Zarah, Zorah. Leprous, Scabby.
Zaraite. The Brightness of the East.
Zrephath. The Crucible of Criticism, that Purifies Language and Ideas.
Zaresh-Shakar. The Blackness or Cloudy Pride of the
Zebul, Zebulun. Habitation, Dwelling, Endowment.
Zedekiah. The Justice of the Lord.
Zekiel. The Justice of God. An Angel of the First Order.
Zeeb. A Wolf.
Zephaniah. The Secret, Mystery, or Gospel of the Lord.
Zepkat, Zephatak. One that Beholds, Sees into, Uncovers,
and Reveals a Secret or Mystery.
Zerahiah. Brightness of the Lord in the East.
Zereda, Zeredathak. The Ambush that accomplishes Change
of Dominion or Descent of Rule.
Zerubbabel. A Pilgrim, a Stranger or Exile at Babylon. A
Captive Disperser of the Confusion of Mystery that returns
to assist in a Re-building of the Temple. The Editors Hint
or Example to teach Masonry to Masons.

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Zeruiah. Crucifixion of the Lord.

Zimmah. Evil Thought, Contrivance, or Crime.
Zion. The Human Head Cultivated, to become the foundation of the Temple of the Lord, or the Fountain of Knowledge. The only Dwelling-place of God.
Ziphion. The Beholder and Revealer of Secrets.
Zipporah. Beauty.
Zophim. An Audience in a Theatre attending to Religious
Instruction ; the most ancient mode of worship.
Zuriel. Stone, Strength, or Rock of God. Physical and
Moral Science. The same as Cephas, &c.
Zurishaddai. The Almighty Rock of Physical and Moral
Science on which the Catholic Church of Christ must be built,
to triumph over the assaults of the adversary. The Masonic
meaning of Building the Temple of Solomon.
With the help of this Table, the Masonic Reader must bear
in mind, that God as the Father, is all the outer world to man ;
and that God, the Son, the Word, lost, sought or recovered,
signifies various states of the human mind, and is altogether
a possession of the human brain, as a spiritual being. The
same is meant by Temple Building. The Perfect Mason
finishes the Temple, and restores the Word in himself as a
spirit ; and then God the Son, being a knowledge of God the
Father, dwells within him. The Temple Destroyed is the
Fall of Man. Such is the Word Lost. Calvary, on which the
Word is crucified, signifies the uncultivated animal head of
man. Zion, the Holy Hill, where God dwells, is the high.
intellectual, and cultivated head of man, the Temple to be
built by ScienceMasonic Science.





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The ceremony of opening the Lodge, as far as it goes, is

precisely the same as in the Fellow Crafts degree, and would
be superflously printed. The Catechism will be all that is
necessary to explain the distinctions of the degree. The
Masons call it a LECTURE ; but a lecture, in fact, is a discourse
read, and not a catechism.

WORSHIPFUL MASTER. Brother Senior Warden, in what

manner do we prepare our candidates in this degree ?
SENIOR WARDEN. As a Fellow Craft, with the additionaI
characteristic of this degree on his apron.
W. M. What is that characteristic ?
S. W. The ten mathematical characters, to correspond with
the nine figures and cypher in arithmetic ; the signature of
Hiram Abiff, and the mark of this degree.
W. M. Why is he thus prepared ?
S. W. To denote the official duties of this class of Masons
at the building of King Solomons temple, and the discovery
made by the brethren, when they were repairing the temple.
W. M. Being thus prepared, in what manner did you
enter ?
S. W. By three reports (knocks), varying in sound from
those of a Fellow Craft.
W. M. Having gained your admission, how were you dealt
with ?
S. W. I was conducted round to repair the temple in a
manner peculiar to this degree, and having made a valuable
discovery, I afterwards received the solemn obligation to keep
sacred the secrets of this Order. After I had taken the oblig-

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tion and sealed it in the usual manner, I was raised in the

ancient form of.a Master Mason.
W. M. Having thus bound yourse1f to keep sacred the secrets of this Order, what were the mysteries with which you
were then entrusted ?
S. W. The sign, token, and word of a Mark Man.
W. M. What does the sign denote ?
S. W. The penalty of the obligation.
W. M. Why was it introduced into this Order of Masonry ?
S. W. To commemorate the signal used by our ancient brethren of this degree, when the first temple was erected in the
city of Jerusalem..
W. M. What was that signal ?
S. W. The trumpet.
W. M. Why was it used ?
S. W. To denote the approach of danger.
W. M. What does the grip or token denote ?
S. W. One of the penal laws of ancient Tyre united with
the famous link of a Mark Man.
W. M. What does the word denote ?
S. W. Everything past, present, or to come.
W. M. Why was this grand, majestic word introduced ?
S. W. To hold in commemoration a. very remarkable circumstance that occurred on the morning that the foundationstone of the temple was laid. Whilst King Solomon was in
the act of congratulating our Grand Superintendent, Hiram
Abiff, on the occasion of his having discovered the celebrated
problem in masonry and geometry, one of the precious stones
fell from the royal crown to the ground, which, being perceived by the senior master of the Order of Mark Men, who,
with the chief officers, were in attendance on this grand and
solenm assembly, he picked it up and returned it to the king.
This stone was of the carbuncle kind, and represented the
tribe of Judah and our Saviour. It was formed into that
great and glorious name, which King Solomon permitted to
be used in the test word of this degree, in commemoration of
its having been found by one of the chief brethren of this
W. M. What was the original number of Mark Men at
the building of King Solomons temple ?
S. W. Two thousand.

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W. M. Who were they ?

S. W. The Senior and Junior Wardens of the Fellow Crafts
W. M. How many lodges of Mark Men'were there in the
city of Jerusalem ?
S. W. Twenty.
W. M. Why limited to twenty ?
S. W. In allusion to the height, length, and breadth of the
sanctum sanctorum, or holy of holies.
W. M. How many Masons in each lodge ?
S. W. One hundred.
W. M. What was the employ of these mark men ?
S. W. To mark the materials, as they came out of the hands
of the workmen, to enable them to put them together with
greater facility and precision, when brought from the quarries
of Tyre, the Forests of Lebanon and the clay ground of the
Jordan, between the Succoth and Zarthan, to the holy city of
W. M. What were the peculiar marks on that occasion ?
S. W. Certain. mathematical figures, consisting of squares,
levels, and perpendiculars, that King Solomon commanded to
be used on that occasion, which have ever since been denominated the Freemasons Secret Alphabet or Mystic Characters.
W. M. Can you describe those characters ?
S. W. With that circumspection peculiar to Masons, I will
meet you on the line parallel, by giving you one part, leaving
you to your own free will in giving the remainder.
W. M. I will thank you to proceed.
The S. W. rises, salutes the W. M. with the sign, advances
to him, and lays his two penal fingers* (first and second) on
those of the W. M., and thus forms the index to the secret
alphabet, by joining the horizontal parallel to two perpendicular
* A square, its portions, and the different positions, into which those portions
may be placed, with the aid of the dot, will form an alphabet of twenty-four
letters, without the use of a quarter or single side, such as the Roman I. This
is the secret alphabet of Masonry. It is very probable, that the circle, triangle,
and square, their divisions, and the varied divisions of those divisions, first gave
the idea of letters and an alphabet. The Egyptian letters are plainly of this
character. One of the Greek letters is a triangle. The circle is common in
almost all alphabets ; the square in many, the united divisions of both in all.

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W. M. What is the mark of this degree ?

S. W. The H T or Tau in ancient characters.
W. M. What is the chief signature of this degree ?
S. W. The first is H. A. B., and the word is STODAN.
W. M. In what manner are they depicted in a Mark Mans
lodge ?
S. W. On the under surface of the key-stone of King Solomons Arch, which they discovered to be a little loosened, at
the time that they were inspecting the subterraneous passages,
and making preparations for the repairs of the temple.
W. M. What else was there discovered ?
S. W. Round the circle surrounding the letters H. A. B.,
and between the other letters forming the remainder of the
signature of this degree, we found conspicuous in Hebrew characters the word Amasaphus, or, as some say, Amethyst.
W. M. How many Mark Men were there employed in the
quarries of Tyre ?
S. W. Fourteen hundred.
W. M. How many lodges were there in those quarries ?
S. W. Fourteen.
W. M. How many Mark Men in each lodge ?
S. W. One hundred.
W. M. What was the pay of each Mason in this degree
per day ?
S. W. Nine shekels, equal to 1. 2s. 6d. of our money.
W. M. What was the sum total paid on this class of workmen, at the finishing of the temple of Jerusalem ?
S. W. Six million, two htmdred and twenty-five thousand,
seven hundred and fifty pounds.
W. M. What was delineated on this ancient coin ?
S. W. On one side, the pot of manna, and the words, Shekel
of Israel ; on the other, the rod of Aaron budding, with the
word, Jerusalem the Holy.
W. M. Give me the historical account of this degree ?
S. W. At the building of King Solomons temple, the valuable and curious key-stone, containing many valuable coins and
the ten letters ill precious stone work which Hiram Abiff took
so much pains to complete, was lost, supposed to have been
taken away by some of the workmen, and a reward was offered
by King Solomon for the speedy finding or making of another
to fit the place. An ingenious Entered Apprentice made one

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and fixed it in the vacancy in the arch, which, being known to

some of the Fellow Crafts, they conceived it a disgrace to their
Order to let an inferior degree bear the palm of honour. They
therefore, in the heat of jealousy, took it and threw it into the
Brook Kedron, adjacent to the temple. A reward was also
offered for the finding of this second stone, which excited the
brother who had made it, to go, with two other Entered Apprentices, in pursuit of it ; and when they had found it, they
received equally among them the last reward, and with it the
degree of a Fellow Craft. The Brother who made it received
the first reward to his own share for his ingenuity, and had
the honour with his two Companions to fix it the second time
in the arch, previous to which, the brother who made it cut
on the under-side the word Amasaphus ; and in addition to his
former rewards, he was honoured with the degree of Mark
Man, which is done by going round the lodge of a mark man
putting in his hands as a fellow craft to receive his wages. He
is desired to state on what ground he claims those honours,
and having informed them of his discoyery and what he had
made, they then acknowledge his claim to be just; and he being
desired to fetch the said key-stone, he finds it in his way to
the arch, by kicking against the ring of it concealed under
ground, the original key-stone that Hiram Abiff had made,
with the proper characters and signatures to it. He is then
taught to put in his hands in due form for the payment of
his wages, after which he receives the secrets of this degree.
W. M. Brethren, I now crave your assistance in closing this
lodge of mark men.

W. M. Brother Senior Warden, what is the internal signal

for closing this Order ?
S. W. Three reports varying in Sound.
W. M. By whom are they given ?
S. W. By the Worshipful Master and Wardens.
W. M. When are they to be given ?
S. W. Immediately after all the brethren of this degree
have given the proper sign.
W. M. Brethren, be pleased to give me the sign. (The
reports are then given.)

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W. M. Why are those reports given ?

S. W. As a perpetual memorial of the labour of our ancient
brethren in the three famous places where the materials of the
temple were prepared :the Quarries of Tyre, the Forests of
Lebanon, and the Clay Ground of the Jordan between Succoth
and Zarthan.
W. M. To what do the reports further allude ?
S. W. To the class of workmen that compose this degree.
W. M. Then, Brethren, as the master of that class, I
declare this lodge duly closed, till our Fellow Craft brethren
bave furnished us with fresh materiab to be MARKED and
PASSED to the spot on which we intend to erect a building to
the service of the Grand Architect of heaven and earth.


The opening of the lodge in this degree exhibits nothing
different from that of the others, but in the distinctive sign,
word, token, and knocking.

W. M. Brother Senior Warden, you will describe the

form of preparation that the candidate has to undergo in this
degree ?
S. W. He is first prepared in the character of a Master
Mason, with this additional characteristic on his apronthe
H T is reversed, and in the ancient Masonic form.
W. M. For what reason is he so prepared ?
S. W. To point out the chief duties that this class of workmen had to perform when the materials were brought to
them to be marked and passed in due form.
W. M. In what manner did you enter the lodge after your
preparation ?
S. W. With five reports, and all of them distinct and loud.
W. M. Why did you give this signal of your approach ?
S. W. To denote the No. of this degree as the fifth.
W. M. There is a second reason for this branch of the cere.
mony ?
S. W. In allusion to the peculiar number and class of work-

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men employed in and about that magnificent building in the

holy city of Jerusalem.
W. M. Having gained your admission, how were you dealt
with in this degree of a Mark Master ?
S. W. I was conducted rounel the lodge five times.
W. M. For what reason ?
S. W. To point out to me that, without the full enjoyment
of the five external senses, I could not have received the privileges of this degree.
W. M. In what manner were you proved as to the posses-.
sion of those senses ?
S. W. After traversing from west to east, I was commanded
to kneel to hear and receive the benefit of the prayer ; and
having been taught to repeat it from the delivery of the proper
officer, my possession of this faculty was fully acknowledged.
In the second round, the Holy Bible was presented to me,
from which I was desited to read that passage where the
word of a Master Mason is to be found. This ceremony
proved the faculty. of seeing..
In the third round, the compasses were opened at an angle
of ninety degrees, and applied from the gutteral to the pectoral
part of my body, till my countenance, on some particular emotion, denoted that I retained the noble faculty of feeling.
In the fourth round, the pot of manna was presented to
me, and having partaken of its contents, and declared the
same good, the proper officer acknowledged my possession of
the faculty of tasting.
I was then delivered over to the Senior Warden, who kindly
conducted me round, for the last probation, to the Right
Worshipful Master in the east, where, standing in due form
behind the sacred altar, I was taught to kneel before the pot
of incense : being commanded to pronounce its contents, I
was acknowledged by the master to be in possession of all the
five external senses, and was accordingly passed in due form
to receive the further ceremony of this degree.
W. M. What was the chief thing that entitled you to the
sacred Mysteries of this Order ?
S. W. My free acceptance of the great and solemn obligation.
[He then seals the. sacred obligation by pressing the Holy
Bible to his lips five times, and is raised from the foot of the

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altar, in due ancient form, both hands on the Holy Bible, &c.]
W. M. Having now by the most solemn ties of honour,
fidelity, and brotherly love, bound yourself to the religious performance of your sacred test, what was your reward for that
voluntary sacrifice ?
S. W. The communications of its sacred mysteries.
W. M. Name the three first.
S. W. The sign, token, and word of a Mark Master.
W. M. What does the sign denote ?
S. W. The penalty of the obligation.
W. M. Why was it introduced in this degree ?
S. W. In commemoration of the signal used by the ancient
brethren of this Order, at the erection of that famous temple
in the holy city of Jerusalem, by our most excellent grand
master, Solomon, King of Israel.
W. M. What was that signal ?
S. W. The celebrated Light House on the highest part of
Mount Lebanon.
W. M. For what purpose was it there set up ?
S. W. To guide and direct the ancient mariners employed
in fetching gold, ivory, and precious stones, from Ophir, for
the ornamental parts of the temple.
W. M. What does the token denote ?
S. W. Another of the penal laws of ancient Tyre united
with the link of a Mark Master.
W. M. What does the word denote ?
S. W. Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.
W. M. To what does it further allude ?
S. W. To one of the names of the Almighty Creator of
heaven and earth ; which name, with all its glorious attributes,
King Solomon caused to be entirely displayed in the centre of
his audience-chamber. It was this grand ineffable name, with
all its glorious attributes subjoined, and aided by the admirable eloquence and wisdom of Solomon, that wrought the conversion of his noble friend and ally the great and learned King
of Tyre ; and which he, in conjunction with Solomon and our
grand superintendent, Hiram Abiff, conferred on the brethren
of this degree as one of their distinguishing characteristics.
W. M. What was the original number of Mark Masters at
the building of the first, glorious temple of Jerusalem ?
S. W. One thousand.

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W. M. Who were they ?

S. W. The right worshipful Masters of the Fellow Crafts
W. M. How many lodges were there in this degree during
the building of King Solomons temple ?
S. W. Twenty.
W. M. Why confined to twenty ?
S. W. In allusion to the breadth of the holy place.
W. M. How many masons in each lodge ?
S. W. Fifty.
W. M. What was the employ of these masons ?
S. W. To re-examine the materials, after they were brought
to Jerusalem, that every part might duly correspond, and prevent confusion and mistake, when they were employed in fitting
the respective parts to their proper places; and by their additionaI marks, in the form of an equilateral triangle, they
proved and fully passed the work previously examined by the
Mark Men.
W. M. What were the marks or characters used by the
brethren of this degree ?
[Here the brother, instead of answering in the usual manner,
gives the division of the Tau, in the ancient and masonic character, formed by his hands thus
; and the right worshipful Master answers him with his Hiram in a similar manner.]
W. M. How many Mark Masters were there employed in
the quarries of Tyre ?
S. W. Seven hundred.
W. M. How many lodges were there in the quarries of Tyre ?
S. W. Fourteen.
W. M. How many Mark Masters in each lodge ?
S. W. Fifty.
W. M. What was the pay of each Mark Master per day ?
S. W. Twenty-five shekels, equal to 3l. 2s. 6d. of our
W. M. What was the sum total paid to this class of workmen at the buIlding of the first temp1e at Jerusalem ?
S. W. Thirty-one millions, one hundred and twenty-eight
thousand, seven hundred and fifty pounds.
W. M. What was delineated on that ancient coin ?
S. W. The same as on that of the Mark Man, with the addition of the proper signature.

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W. M. Brethren, I now crave your assistance to close this

lodge. (They rise and stand in due order as Mark Masters.)
Brother Senior Warden, what is the internal signal for closing
this degree ?
S. W. Five reports.
W. M. By whom are they given ?
S. W. By the right worshipful Master and his wardens.
W. M. When are they given ?
S. W. Immediately after the brethren have all given the
signs of this degree.
W. M. Let that sign be given. (It is given and the reports
or knocks follow.) Why are these reports given ?
S. W. In allusion to the five points of fellowship.
W. M. What is the second allusion ?
S. W. The five noble offerings for the glorious temple of
Jerusalem. First, the grand offering of Araunah the Jebusite
on the holy mount Moriah. Second, the noble offering of
King David. Third, the princely offering of King Solomon.
Fourth, the mariners and voluntary offering of the princes and
mighty men of Jerusalem. And, lastly, the magnificent offering of the celebrated Queen of Sheba.
W. M. What is the third allusion of these reports at the
close of the lodge ?
S. W. To the class of workmen that composed this Order.
W. M. Then, brethren, as master of that class, I declare this
lodge duly closed, until our brethren have furnished us with
fresh. materials for labour in our mystical science of free and
accepted masonry.


[Of the degrees of Architect and Grand Architect, I have
two descriptions, as practised in different lodges, one by Finch.
As far as possible, I have united them ; where not possible, I
exhibit both.]ED.
The lodge is hung with black, in remembrance of the loss
sustained by the death of a former architect, and is lighted
with twenty-one lamps. A throne is elevated in the east ; a
table is placed in the centre, on which are a Bible, a pair of com-

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passes, a square, and a trowel in an urn. The contents of the

latter is a mixture of milk, oil, flour, and wine, which is supposed to be the heart of a worthy brother.
The drawing on the floor is an oblong. The emblem on it a
triangle enclosing a flaming star ; in the centre the letter G.
and below, the letters S. W. G. and G. H. S.
The master represents Solomon, and is called the Right
Worshipful Overseer of Master Architects, in some lodges
Most Mighty ; the wardens are called Senior and Junior
Superintendents and most respectable, and the brethren Mastet
Architects and most venerable. They wear a deep red sash,
and their aprons are edged with the same colour.
In opening the lodge, the master strikes seven, (Finch says
six,) observing a distance between the third and fourth. The
ceremonies of caution as to the close tiling of the lodge are
then gone through, and the master asks,What is the time ?
A. The hour of a perfect Mason.
Q. What is that hour ?
A. The first instant of the first hour of the first day that the
Grand Architect created the heavens and the earth.
R. W. O. This is the first instant of the first hour of the first
day, that I, as a master, open and hold this lodge. It is time
to begin our labours.

The candidate, who has been divested of his sword and blindfolded, is led in and placed between the wardens or superintendents, and is thus addressed by the master.
R. W. O. Brother , before we can admit you into this
mysterious degree of Masonry, you must declare your abhorrence of the crime of those worthless ruffians who caused the
vacancy of an architect. As a test of your integrity, we require
you to partake of the heart of this innocent victim, for which
purpose we have presented it in this urn.
The R. W. O. takes the trowel, and giving on the point of
it a small portion of the contents of the urn, thus addresses
him :May this you now receive be the cement and bond of
union between us. May it remain indissoluble. Say with us,
misfortune to him who would disunite us. At this time the
obligation is administered, the penalty of which, in addition to
all former penalties, is to be deprived of the rites of burial.

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[On his rising from his knees, the candidate is thrown on his
face, so that his mouth covers the blazing star on the floor, and
the bandage is taken from his eyes.]
Q. What do you see ?
A. The flaming star and the letter G.
Q. What does it signify ?
A. Glory, grandeur, and geometry.
[Candjdate rises, and is presented with an apron and sash.]
R. W. O. Brother , I reward you with zeal for Masonry,
by declaring you an architect. The difference which you observe in this apron proves the superiority of this degree, as, in
future, you will be employed only in the elevation of the temple.
The sash with which I invest you is a mark of distinction over
the inferior orders, and its colours are to remind you, that
a former architect chose rather to shed his blood than to reveal
our mysteries. After his death the works were at a stand,
and Solomon was zealous to complete it; for this purpose, he
convened those masters who had distinsrnished themselves by
their genius, capacity, and manners, and formed them into a
lodge to effect it.
As those selected were no longer to be confounded with the
multitude of the workmen, Solomon commanded that the distinct mark that they had worn should be changed, and that
they should in future have a right to enter the sanctum sanctorum, having previously been placed upon the letter G and
flaming star.
By the original design of the edifice, Solomon perceived that
the first elevation was perfect. He, therefore, ordered a second
to be placed with the same proportions, under the direction
of the Lodge of Architects. Under the desire of one of these,
Solomon directed that, in succeeding ages, another should be
alected to prevent this valuable part of masonry from being
obliterated ; that this brother, before his admittance, should
engage himself, by promises such as you have entered into
and may you many years associate and enjoy this happiness
among us !

Q. Are you an Architect ?

A. I am.
Q. In what place were you received ?


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In the sanctum sanctorum.

Did you ever work at a thing memorable ?
At a grand masters tomb.
Describe the inscription ?
S. W. G. on the superfice, and G. H. S. on the side ot

Q. What signifies S. W. G. ?
A. Submission, union, and gomar or beauty.
Q. Why is it said to be beauty ?
A. Because it was the first word the first man pronounced.
Q. What signifies G repeated a second time ?
A. Gabaon, the proper and original name of the ground
on which the sanctuary was built, and which was adopted as
the word to distinguish Architects from other Masons.
Q. The H. I am well acquainted with; the other, S, remains to be explained.
A. Stolkin, the name of the first discoverer of a certain
Q. Of what use are these letters ?
A. To instruct posterity in the mysteries of Masonry.
Q. In what do you employ yourself as,an Architect ?
A. In perfecting the science, and in regulating the workmen.
Q. By what means were you received an Architect ?
A. By the cement which united the stone of the temple.
Q. What were the materials of this cement ?
A. Milk, oil, wine, and .flour.
Q. Of what is the cement further allegorical ?
A. The valuable remains of a great architect.
Q. By what can you prove yourself to be an Architect ?
A. By two signs that are only made at the opening or in
the lodge, and by a third sign to be used at discretion.
Q. Describe the former.
A. To place the right hand, the thumb erect, upon the
heart, to make a diagonal line forward to the height of the face,
to bring it horizontally to it, putting the thumb on the forehead, so as to form a triangle.
Q. What name do you give to this sign ?
A. The sign of surprise and defence.
Q. How is it disposed of ?
A. By the sign of sorrow.

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Q. Describe it.
A. To place the right hand flat on the breast, making a motion as if to retire, and in so doing, pass the right foot behind
the left foot, so as to form a square.
Q. What is the third sign t.o use at discretion.
A. To draw the right hand over the right hip.
Q. The utility of this sign ?
A. To gain admittance. into a lodge of Architects.
Q. What time is it ?
A. The last day, the last hour, the last instant, that the
master holds his lodge.
The brethren strike seven times, as they do at the opening,
and the lodge is closed.

R. W. O. Brother Senior Superintendent, why do we open

and close in this degree with six reports ?
S. S. In allusion to the six days of Creation.
R. W. O. In what manner is it performed ?
S. S. The R. W. O. gives two on the tracing board before
him, as emblematic of the first and second days ; and the
senior and junior Superintendents do the same, as emblematic
of the other four days.
R. W. O. How is the candidate prepared in this degree ?
S. S. With the outward plans of the temple.
R. W. O. For what purpose ?
S. S. To prove himself a Master Architect.
R. W. O. How did you enter ?
S. S. By three distinct and two quick reports.
R. W. O. Why so ?
S. S. In allusion to the number of this degree.
R. W. O. Why given by three distinct and two quick
reports ?
S. S. To represent the square of the Nos., which King
Solomon commanded should be well practised and understood
by Mfaster Architects, to keep in remembrance that noble discovery by Hiram Abiff.
R. W. O. Why do we go through the ceremony of being
conducted round the lodge ?
S. S. In commemoration of King Solomon and the twelve
tribes of Israel going in Jubilee-procession three times round

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the foot of Mount Moriah, on the morning that the foundation

stone of the temple was laid.
R. W. O. To what does the sign to this degree allude ?
S. S. The first or external elevation of the temple.
R. W. O. To what does the token allude ?
S. S. To the union of the five penal fingers of an Entered
Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Mark Man, Mark Master, and Master Mason.
R. W. O. What does the word denote 1
S. S. A peculiar branch of the duty of the brethren of this
R. W. O. Be pleased to name it.
S. S. Comforters and Overseers of the People appointed by
King Solomon for that purpose.
R. W. O. What was the chief masonic employ of the brethren of this Order ?
S. S. To give the plans and elevations of the outer temple.
R. W. O. What number of lodges, and what branch of Masons, formed this Order ?
S. S. Our lodges only consist of Senior and Junior Wardens
of the twelve Master Masons lodges.
R. W. O. How were these Masons disposed of in their employ in the plains of Zarthan ?
S. S. In the same manner as in the holy city of Jerusalem.
R. W. O. How were they arranged in the Forests of Lebanon ?
S. S. In one lodge with eight in number.
R. W. O. What was their pay per day ?
S. S. Thirty-six shekels, equal to about 4l. 10s. of our money.
R. W. O. What was the sum total paid to this class for
their share in the labour of the building ?
S. S. Two hundred and ninety-eight thousand, eight hundred and thirty-six pounds.
R. W. O. By what is the Master Overseer distinguished ?
S. S. A crimson robe, with a broad belt round the waist,
with divisions for holding the plans of the temple.
R. W. O. By what is the Master Overseer further distinguished ?
S. S. By that famous banner which distinguished the brethren of this Order that were enrolled as Eastern Knights in
the Holy war.

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R. W. O. Be pleased to describe that banner.

S. S. It was made of black velvet, in the form of a square.
In the centre, the arms were quartered. At the ends of each
bar, which formed the CROSS to quarter the arms, were placed
two letters of words of this degree. In the centre of the said
cross bars, forming the quarterage of the arms, were the other
two. In the first and fourth quarters, a right hand painted in
a manner somewhat resembling the token of this degree. In
the second, the initials of this degree ; and in the third, Jerusalem the holy, in the ancient masonic characters. The crest
was a slight emblem of the sign of this order, the right hand
elevated, and the full word in ancient masonic characters
formed the motto.
R. W. O. In what part of the lodge is this banner placed ?
S. S. Over the head of the Right Worshipful Overseer.
R. W. O. Describe the Jewel worn by the R. W. O.
S. S. The compasses open at ninety degrees, with the points
circumscribed by a tragic board, in the form of a G, radiant
from the centre of the head of the compasses; the line and
plummet suspended.
R. W. O. Describe the Jewel worn by the Junior Superintendent ?
S. S. Two hands emblematical of the token.
R. W. O. Be pleased to describe the Jewel worn by the
Junior Superintendent.
S. S. The right hand elevated nearly in due form.


This lodge is to be in the same state as the preceding degree : with the exception. that there is no urn. A double
triangle is to be formed on the drawing. Twenty-seven
lamps to be burning. A Jewel is worn by the brethren pendant to a blue sash : a double triangle formed by a pair of
compasses and a level ; and their aprons are edged with blue.
In this degree the master is called Ruler of Grand Architects, or Mighty Master; the wardens are called Senior and
Junior Overseers ; and the brethren are caIled Senior Master



The candidate is prepared as before, and the master opens

the lodge as in the first degree to receive him.

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MASTER. Most venerahle brethren, the second elevation of

the temple is finished, and in conformity to the supreme orders, we are to erect a third, that will terminate the height of
it, according to the original design. The superintendence of
this third part must be committed to the care of an able, a
diligent, and complete workman, such a one as we have not at
present among the grand architects. We are now convened,
and as we have not any particular business before us to engage
our attention, the time cannot be better spent than in selecting an addition to our lodge, who by his assiduity and experience, may be worthy of the appointment to which I allude.
(An interruption here occurs, by a report, that brother Moabon, an architect, is in waiting, to be examined for a superior
The work has met with obstacles that have impeded its
progress ; but it cannot with propriety be longer suspended.
Our choice must be speedily made. It is fortunate for that
architect, whose report you have just witnessed, that he has
applied in time to be a candidate : let him be, according to his
request, examined, and with caution, for it is the work only of
Grand Architects to erect structures in the air. The task is
too great for inferior craftsmen. They only know by admiring them at a distance when done. Let us now put the finishing stroke to the Temple. If Moabon is qualified, may he succeed, and ever after live with glory, happiness, and prosperity,
and may his name exist to the end of time, as a mighty and
respectable word among great architects.
(The brethren place their hands thrice upon, the drawing,
which is the sign of assent for his examination; he is introduced
and placed in the west, and thus addressed by the Master.)
Worthy architect, the degree to which you aspire, is a point
of elevation to which you are a stranger. The superior art required to be displayed on this occasion, makes us apprehensive that your abilities are by no means equal to the task.
The difficulties you have to encounter are great, and can only
be surmounted by the extent of your knowledge and the utmost exertions and limits of your skill. A perfect design for

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the third structure of the temple is required from you, and as

the necessity of raising it is urgent and will not admit of delay, you must return to us as soon as you have completed
your design.
The candidate is then led twenty-seven times round the
room, and a drawing of the temple (usually on paste-board)
with a third elevation, is put into his hands. He is stopped
in the west, and acquaints the Master that he is prepared
with a design, and presents it for their approbation. With
three steps he is led to the tluone, to deliver it to the Master,
who passes it round the lodge. While this is doing, the candidate kneels, his right hand is on the Bible and his left on a
sword, with a pair of compasses over the wrist. In this position he takes the obligation, which is, not to reveal the secrets of
the degree to anyone who has not produced a design for the
third elevation, under the penalty of expulsion from the order
and the lodge.
MASTER. Rise, and let the veil of obscurity be removed,
for Moabon is worthy of beholding our labours. (At a signal
the brethren salute him.)
MASTER. My brother, it is a satisfaction that we have been
witnesses of your skill and ability, and of your endeavours to
give satisfaction in the task prescribed to you. The execution
of your design impels us to admit you a Grand Architect.
May this new favour conferred on you stimulate you to merit
the illustrious degree which succeeds, and which derives its
splendour from the circumstance, that it will fall to the lot of
one of us to be recognised therein as a Grand Master. Approach and receive the marks of rank to which you are entitled, and to which alone your perseverance has elevated you.
To distinguish ourselves as grand architects, there is a sign, a
grip, and a word. The sign is to place the two hands on the
head, to form a triangle with the thumb and fore finger of each
hand. It is to be answered by the hands being in the same form
above the head.
The grip is to take one another by the right hand indiscriminately, and to turn them thrice alternately above and
below each other. The word is your name Moabon, to be
pronounced by syllables, in making the turning of the hands.
This sash and this jewel are indicative of the degree of which
you are now in possession, and it is the only mode of your



expressing yourself to be such out of the lodge. The sign, word,

and grip are considered as sacred, and are not to be used
elsewhere. If accident should occasion your visiting the lodges
of the inferior degrees, and you are not provided with your
sash and jewel, you are at liberty to tuck the left corner of
your apron into the band, and by that you will be recognised
a grand architect. You will now pay your respects to the
brethren, and afterwards attend to the

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Q. Are you a grand Architect ?

A. I am.
Q. Where were you received ?
A. In the middle chamber.
Q. Why there ?
A. The lodge was held there when the second elevation was
Q. Who gave the design of the temple ?
A. The Grand Architect of the Universe.
Q. To whom ?
A. To Solomon.
Q. By what means ?
A. By inspiration.
Q. In what manner were you employed in the middle
chamber ?
A. In designing a third elevation.
Q. By what means were you admitted a Grand Architect ?
A. By the perfection of the drawing which I presented to
the Master.
Q. What reward did you receive in return ?
A. A sign and grip.
Q. Deliver them to the next brother (This is done). What
was the word pronounced ?
A. The name of a great architect.
Q. Declare it..
A. Mighty Master, I will give you one syllable, if you will
give me another.
Q. I am agreeable
A. Mo.
Q. A.
A. Bon.



Q. How old are you ?

A. Twenty-seven years.
Q. What remains to be performed ?
A. To veil the Lodge of Grand Architects.
The master strikes twenty-seven times and declares the
lodge to be concluded.

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Right Worshipful Ruler. Brother Senior Overseer, why

do we open and close this degree with seven reports ?
S. O. In allusion to the six days of the creation, and the
institution of the seventh as a sabbath.
R. W. R. How is it represented in the lodge ?
S. O. The R. W. R. gives two reports on the base of the
column containing the first great light. The Senior Overseer
gives two on the shaft of his pillar containing the second great
light. The Junior Overseer gives two on the chapter of his
column containing the third great light. And the seventh
representing the holy Sabbath is given by the R. W. R. with
his Hiram on the holy writing.
R. W. R. How is the candidate prepared in this degree ?
S. O. With the inward plans of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.
R. W. R. What reason do we assign for this ?
S. O. To prove to the brethren present, that he has been
duly initiated into the degree of Architect, and then stands
fully prepared to receive the promotion of Grand Architect
of the Temple as the representative of our inspired grand
superintendent, Hiram Abiff.
R. W. R. In what manner did you make your entry into
the lodge ?
S. O. By three distinct and two quick reports.
R. W. R. Why in this manner ?
S. O. In allusion to the No. of this degree.
R. W. R. Is there a second reason why wc give these
reports ?
S. O. That the squares of the Nos. may be represented by
us when we enter the lodge of the Grand Architects, which
our Grand Master, King Solomon, in conjunction with his
worthy colleague, the learned King of Tyre, commanded to
be practised, for the better understanding of the basis of that

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valuable discovery made by our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff,

on the morning that the foundation-stone of the Temple was
laid by the hand of that wise and super-excellent King of the
R. W. R. Why is the ceremony of traversing the lodge in
this degree observed ?
S. O. Because King Solomon, with the high priest and
elders of the Israelites, went, in public procession round the
Temple when the cape stone was laid and the building
R. W. R. To what does the sign of this degree allude ?
S. O. To the second or inward elevation of the Temple.
R. W. R. To what does the token allude ?
S. O. To the number of lodges that compose the secret
words of this degree.
R. W. R. To what do the words allude ?
S. O. To the dignity which King Solomon conferred on the
brethren of this order.
R. W. R. What was the chief masonic employ of the brethren of this degree ?
S. O. To give the plans and elevations of the Inner Ternple.
R. W. R. What were the number of lodges, and what
branch of Masonry formed this degree ?
S. O. One lodge, consisting of the Masters of the twelve
Master Masons Lodges.
R. W. R. How were these Masons arranged, and in what
manner did they assemble during the time in which they were
employed in the plains of Zarthan ?
S. O. In the same manner as in the holy city of Jerusalem.
R. W. R. In what manner were they arranged in the
Quarries of Tyre ?
S. O. In one lodge, with eight in number.
R. W. R. How were they arranged in the Forests of
Lebanon ?
S. O. In one lodge, with four in number.
R. W. R. What was the pay per day ?
S. O. Forty-nine shekels of silver, equal to 6l. 2s. 6d. of
our money.
R. W. R. What was the sum total paid to them ?
S. O. Two hundred and three thousand, three hundred, and
seventy-four pounds, ten shillings.

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R. W. R. By what is the Right Worshipful Ruler distinguished ?

S. O. By a scarlet robe, with a broad belt round the waist,
for holding the plans of the inner ornaments of the Temple.
R. W. R. What other distinguishing mark of honour does
Right Worshipful Ruler bear ?
S. O. That famous banner which distinguished the
brethren of this degree that were enrolled as the Knights in
the Holy Wars.
R. W. R. I will thank you, Brother Senior Overseer, to
describe that banner.
S. O. The banner was made of black velvet, in the form
of a geometrical square. In the centre, were their own
peculiar arms quartered ; and the whole circumscribed by a
star, with twelve points containing the twelve letters, forming
the characteristic words of this degree. In the first quarter
was painted the left hand ; in the fourth, the right hand, the
palms outwards. In the second quarter, a hand and two
fingers ; and in the third, the hands with the backs outwards.
The crest was a brother in ancient armour, with an emblematic
representation of a part of the sign of this order. The words
of this degree formed the motto.
R. W. R. In what part of the lodge is this banner placed ?
S. O. Over the head of the Right Worshipful Ruler.
R. W. R. What is the jewel of this degree belonging to the
Right Worshipful Ruler ?
S. O. The compasses, open at an angle of ninety degrees,
with the points circumscribed by the Holy Bible, so as to form
a triangle ; and in the centre, a geometrical square, formed by
the two hands and two fore fingers.
R. W. R. Be pleased to describe the jewel worn by the
Senior Overseer.
S. O. Two hands, one forming a level, the other a perpendicular.
R. W. R. What is the jewel bv which the Junior Overseer
is distinguished ?
S. O. Two fingers forming a right angle.

R. W. R. Brethren, I will thank you to assist me in closing

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the lodge in this degree. What is the last duty, Brother Senior
Overseer ?
S. O. To see that wc are properly tiled externally.
R. W. R. What is the next duty, Brother Senior Overseer ?
S. O. To see that we are properly closed internally, to deposit the Royal Standard in the pedestal, and to crave a
blessing on the work.
R. W. R. Then, brethren, I will crave your assistance to
enable me to close our labours with peace, unity, and form ;
therefore, brethren, I will thank you to advance, from the
west to the pedestal in the east, and to assist each other in
taking down the royal standard, to see it safely deposited,
with the Holy Law and Jewels, in our ancient and sacred
The brethren now advance in due form, and when arrived
under the banner, they pull gently the plummet, suspended
fronl the crown of the standard, which, being connected with
a set of pullies mechanically arranged, they lower it a little by
degrees, while the organ plays a. solemn march. The last
brother that advances is the Senior Overseer, who takes it down
and puts it into the pedestal. He then returns, with the rest
of the brethren, to their respective places, by the proper advances, and stop in due form, when the R. W. R. and S.
and J. O. close the lodge, by seven knocks, and the grand
honours are given by all the brethren.
In this degree, the Master is called very powerful, and the
brethren very honourable. The decorations of the apartments
are splendid. The ensigns of the different orders in Masonry
are designed in colours, and, at proper distances, receive the
aid of eighty-one lights. On the drawing, the furniture or
sacred utensils of the Temple of Solomon are delineated, the
ark of alliance, the altar of incense, the golden candlestick,
the table of shew-bread, the brazen altar, the brazen sea, &c.
The jewel is worn pendant to a red sash, and the apron is
bordered with red. A transparency of the temple is in the



east, and the lodge opens as in the preceding degree of Grand

Architect. The candidate is prepared as before, with the
exception of the blindfolding ; the necessity of the distinction
will appear evident in the cause of

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The candidate is admitted by the signal of a Grand Architect. The Wardens place him between them, and thus addresses the Master :Very Powerful, Moabon is present, and
ardently desires to participate in our labours. You gave him
to understand, in the preceding degree, that there was wanting
yet a ceremony for him to undergo, before he would be in
complete possession of the secrets of Masonry. His zeal has
brought him into your presence to obtain them.
V. P. Brother Moabon, we cannot sufficiently applaud
your perseverance in endeavouring to explore our secret mysteries. They are withheld from every one until we are well
satisfied of the conduct of those who solicit them ; for our prudence will only permit us to grant them to those whom we
have all tried. Your conceptions upon this business are
most probably erroneous ; for it is scarcely possible for you
to conjecture the object or intent of our meeting. The grandeur of this degree is immense, and with the permission of
the very honourable brethren who assist me, I will declare it.
The mighty degree which we now bold is that of a Superintendent Scotch Master. The Temple is raised from the foundation to a cape-stone : the elevations are perfect, and the sacred
utensils only remain to be prepared, after the drawing of the
greatest Master that ever lived. We are to elect a successor,
who will complete with honour and with glory the models
which he designed. Move about the lodge, exercise your
genius, and present to us the result.
The candidate traverses eighty-one times round the drawing,
and at length the Wardens give him designs for the furniture, which he presents to the Master.
V. P. Moabon, the designs are worthy of the subject ; but
there is an obligation to which you are to submit, before you
can be inade acquainted with our secrets. This engagement
differs from those which you have already taken, inasmuch
as that they were entered into in darkness; whereas, this is
offered to you without restraint. It is now for you to decide.



We have the power to release you from your professions, even

of those which you have made with us. It is a matter of indifference, if you reveal all that you already know on the subject
of Masonry. We care not if it becomes the amusement of the
popular world. What is now required of you is, an act of sincerity, and, as such, it is transcribed for your perusal and approbation. If you do not concur with the contents, say so, and
we will act accordingly. If you consent, read it with an audible voice, and we will attend to you.

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Upon the possession of my senses, upon the existence of my

reason, and upon the understanding that supports, guides, and
enlightens me, I promise, swear, and vow, that I will keep inviolate all the secrets, signs, and mysteries which have been to
the present time unveiled, or that shall be revealed to me in
future. If I am not faithful to this engagement, may my body
be exposed to pains and penalties ; may the veins of my temples be opened, and may I be exposed upon a pyramid to the
heat of the sun, the cold of the night, and the rigours of the
winds ; may my blood run slowly, drop by drop, till the spirit
is extinguished that animates the substance ; may I augment
my sufferings, if I fail herein ; may nourishment be given to
me daily, proportionate and sufficient only to preserve and
prolong a miserable existence, as no punishment can sufficiently atone for my perjury.
If the candidate refuses to repeat it, the Wardens point their
swords to his back, and drive him before them twenty-seven
times round the lodge, and then thrust him out of doors. This
is called pumping. If he accepts, he pronounces the obligation
in an audible voice, and the paper is committed to the flames.
V. P. Brother Moabon, your zeal having engaged you to
persevere with the firmness of a good Mason, we shall now
proceed to your proclamation as a Superintendent Scotch Master, a ceremony which from time immemorial has always taken
place in the eastern part of the temple. Prior to this, it has
been deemed a mark of respect, and upon the present occasion
it must not be omitted to meditate for a few moments on the
tragical end of him whom you are called to succeed. Silence
is a sincere sentiment of grief. Let the homage done to his
name be perfect, as every particular respecting hfin is such.

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The Master pronounces CIVI : the brethren put one knee to

the ground. The Master knocks thrice ; and the brethren place
their heads on their hands for a few moments, in a pensive
posture. The Master then says CAKI : the brethren rise to salute each other, and unanimously address the candidate :We
adopt Moabon as our brother and we acknowledge him to be
our Grand Master.
V. P. Very honourable brother, it is with extreme pleasure
that I behold your proclamation to an illustrious Superintendent Scotch Master. Words will not express the sentiments
which my heart dictates. I will, however, confide to you the
mysteries which are reserved for this degree. Advance and
receive them.
The sash will give you authority over Masons of an inferior
order. To distinguish ourselves as Superintendent Scotch
Masters, there are three words, two signs, and a grip. The
words are Urim, Thummin, and Zididiac. The signs are to
present the hands in the form of a triangle to the forehead,
sayingTriangular at the forehead is my point of support.
The other is to put the right hand upon the eyes, inclining the
head and bending the knee. The grip is to take the two right
hands, as in the Architects Degree; but, instead of turning
them thrice, mutually give three slight strokes with the fore
fingers closed. Put the left hand on the brothers right shoulder
and say :Virtue unites two hearts, two heads, two bodies,
and everything makes us one.
As Scotch Master, you are to preside in the lodge as soon
as you are capable of instructing the brethren. I shall resign
my present power, and shall cheerfully submit to your government, as you have conformed to mine. The mysteries of this
degree, to which I require your attention, will be best explained in


Very honourable brother, are you a Scotch Master ?

I am.
What do you find in that degree ?
I know the grand light of the third apartment.
Where were you received ?
In a high place.
What is your occupation ?

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A. To prepare the altars and to adorn them with precious

Q. Have you any other employ ?
A. To form the sacred utensils and to ornament them with
Q. What are the utensils ?
A. The ark of alliance, the altar of incense, the table of
shew-bread, the golden candlestick, the brazen altar, and the
brazen sea.
Q. What are the ornaments of the ark of alliance ?
A. Two cherubims support and cover it with their wings.
Q. What does it contain ?
A. The written law that was given on Mount Sinai.
Q. Give me the sign of that law ?
A. By placing the hands upon the head, the fingers open,
which is the symbol of the ten commandments.
Q. What were the materials used in forming the ark ?
A. Shittim wood, overlaid with gold.
Q. What were the proportions ?
A. It was two cubits and a half in length, one and a half in
breadth, and as much in height.
Q. How came you to acquire this knowledge ?
A. In return for the designs which I presented at my initiation.
Q. What pledge was exacted from you before this magnificent discovery ?
A. A voluntary engagement, which my heart approved and
my month pronounced.
Q. What succeeded this obligation ?
A. My proclamation.
Q. The use of it ?
A. An unanimous acknowledgment from every one present
that I was a Superintendent Scotch Master.
Q. What is represented by the triangle ?
A. The divine properties ot the Grand Architect of the
Q. Name them.
A. Eternity, science, and power.
Q. What do the letters within the triangle signify ?
A. The sacred word, and its situation evmces that the
Creator is the centre and source of masonry.

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Q. What is the signification of the circle round it ?

A. That the Supreme Being had no beginning and consequently no end.
Q. Why is the jewel pendant to a ribbon the colour of fire ?
A. To keep in remembrance the ardour which enabled us to
obtain this degree.
Q. In what place was the first lodge of Superintendent
Scotch Masters held ?
A. Between three mountains, inaccessible to the ignorant,
and in a valley where peace, virtue, and union reign.
Q. Name the mountains.
A. Moriah, Sinac, Harodim.
Q. Where is the last situated ?
A. In the north of Scotland, from whence it is termed Scotch
Masonry. In this place, a cock never crowed, a lion never
roared, and a woman never tattled.*
Q. What is to be understood by a deep valley ?
A. The tranquil1ity of our lodge.
Q. What produces it ?
A. The retaining of the original marks of Masonry.
Q. What are the marks ?
A. Three words, two signs, and a grip.
Q. How old are you as an Architect ?
A. Twenty-one.
Q. How old are you as a Grand Architect ?
A. Twenty-seven.
Q. How old are you as a Scotch Master ?
A. Eighty-one.
V. P. Very Honourable Superintendent Scotch Masters,
this is the ultimatum, the highest number in the archives of
Masonry. It is the boundary beyond which there is no passing.
This is the last instant of the last hour of the last year that
this lodge is to be held. The very honourable brethren give
one knock each until eighty-one are counted, and the lodge
is closed.
* The continental Masons of the last century bad a tradition among them
that pure Masonry had been preserved by the inhabitants of a cave in a mountain near Aberdeen. So powerful was the tradition, that some Gennan Masons
were deputed to ascertain from those of Aberdeen, if such were the fact. The
ignorant Masons of Aberdeen were astonished at such an application, and told
the deputation that they were totally ignorant of pure Masonry : indeed, they
had a notion that it had only been preserved on the continent.R. C.





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This lodge is hung with black, strewed with tears. The Master
represents Solomon, and is styled Thrice Puissant. He comes
to the temple, to the seven expert Masters, to repair the loss
of Hiram Abiff. In this lodge there is but one Warden, who is
called Adoniram. It is he who had the inspection of the
workmanship done on Mount Lebanon, before the death of
Hiram Abiff. He was the first SECRET MASTER.

Solomon sits in the east, clothed in black, lined with ermine ;

holds a sceptre in his hand ; before him is a triangular altar,
on which is a crown of laurels and olive leaves. Adoniram
sits in the west, is called inspector, and does not make use of
any iron tool, because the work was suspended by the death of
Hiram Abiff. Solomon is decorated with a broad blue
ribbon from his right shoulder to his left hip, at the bottom of
which hangs a triangle, but no apron.
Adoniram is
decorated with a broad white ribbon, with black borders, has
a triangular collar, to which is pendant an ivory key, with
the letter Z in the wards. All the brethren have a similar
collar and key, with white aprons and black strings. The
white signifies the candour and innocence of the Master, and
the black the mourning for their chief. The flap of the apron
is blue, with an eye of gold painted on it. This lodge should
be lighted with eighty-one lights, in branches of nine to each ;
but may be done with three times three.

T. P. Brother Adoniram, are you a Secret Master ?

A. Thrice Puissant, I have passed from the square to the
compasses, I have seen the tomb of Hiram Abiff, and have,
in company, with my brethren, shed many tears over it.
T. P. What is the clock ?
A. The dawn of day has driven away darkness, and
the great light begins to shine in this lodge.



T. P. If the great light begins to shine in this lodge, and

we are all secret Masters, it is tIme to begin our work. Give
notice, Brother Adoniram, that I am about to open the lodge.
Adoniram gives this notice ; the Thrice Puissant strikes
seven times with his hands and makes the sign of silence, by
putting the two first fingers of his right hand upon his lips.
Then all the brethren strike seven times, and answer the sign
by putting the two first fingers of the left hand upon their lips.
The Thrice Puissant says : this lodge is open.

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The Blue Master, or candidate, must be examined by an expert Master in his third degree, before be is introduced. He
is then bound ; a large square is hung over his face, with a
great light in his hand. The master of the ceremonies knocks
seven times at the door, when be enters and gives an account to
Adoniram, who reports the same to the Thrice Puissant, and
desires that he may be introduced to him, Adoniram. He is
so introduced, examined, led to the pillow or cushion, and told
to kneel on his right knee. The Thrice Puissant, seeing him
with a square on his forehead, a light in his hand, and kneeling, thus addresses him :
My dear brother, you have seen little more than a thick
veil which covers the sanctum sanctorum of Gods Holy Temple. Your fidelity, fervour, and constancy have gained you
the favours which I am now about to grant ; that is to show
to you our treasure, and to introduce to you the number
destined to fill the loss of our dear brother Hiram Abiff, in
hope that God will enable you one day or other to arrive at
the secret vault, there to contemplate the pillar of beauty. Do
you find yourself capable to keep the secrets with which we
are willing to entrust you; and are you willing to take an
obligation ?
Candidate. I consent.
The penalties of this obligation are, to have the penalties
of all former obligations inflicted, guaranteed by seven repetitions of the word amen.
Adoniram raises candidate, and the Thrice Puissant invests
him with a ribbon, key, and apron ; crowns him with a crown
of laurel and olive leaves ; after which he addresses him as
follows :

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My dear brother, I receive you a secret Master, and give

you rank among the Levites, to fill the nunlber of one whom
we have lost. This laurel represents the victory you are to
gain over your passions : the olive is the symbol of peace,
which ought always to reign among us. It is for you to deserve the favour, that God may enable you to arrive one day
in the secret place to contemplate the pillar of beauty. I decorate you with an ivory key, hung to a black and white
ribbon, as a symbol of your fidelity, innocence, and discretion.
The white apron and gloves are the marks of the candour of
the secret Master.
My dear brother, by the rank which you now have among
the Levites, in quality of secret Master, you have become the
faithful guardian of the temple, and are one of the seven to
substitute the loss of Hiram Abiff, of whose melancholy history
you have already been informed. The eye on the flap of your
apron is to remind you that you are to keep a careful eye or
watch on the workmen in general.
Our signs are, first, the one puts two first fingers of the
right hand on his lips, and the other answers by the same sign
with the left hand.
The grip is, first, the Master Masons, then creep up to the
elbow and balance seven times, crossing your right leg during
the balance.
The pass-word is Zizon, a Hebrew word, signifying balustrade, which is a little row of turned pillars. The second
word is, Job, Adonai, Ina. They are the three first names
which God gave himself to Moses on the mountain: the initials
of which you see traced on the triangle.
Go, my brother, pass before the brethren, and then listen to
our doctrine.


Are you a secret Master ?

I am, and glory in it.
How were you received a secret Master ?
I passed from the square to the compasses.
Where were you received ?
In Solomon's Palace.
Who made you a secret Master ?

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A. Solomon, with Adoniram, the inspector of the works of

the Temple.
Q. Did you perceive anything at your entrance ?
A. Evident marks of the Divine presence.
Q. Did you distinguish anything particular ?
A. I perceived a triangle in a great circle, in the centre of
which is enclosed a blazing star, which blinded me with holy
respect and contemplation.
Q. What signifies the Hebrew character in the triangle ?
A. Something beyond the common knowledge of human
nature which I cannot pronounce.
Q. We are in a lodge, and therefore pronounce it.
A. I have seen the great dazzling light without knowing it.
Q. What was enclosed in the great brightness ?
A. The great ineffable name of the Grand Architect of the
Universe. Moses was alone on the mountain when God appeared to him and pronounced it. It was forbidden by a law
of Moses to be publicly mentioned, by which the true pronunciation was lost ; but I hope one day to arrive at the knowledge thereof.
Q. Did you perceive anything more ?
A. I perceived nine other words in Hebrew characters.
Q. Where were they placed ?
A. In nine beams which came from the luminous triangle.
Q. What signify those names ?
A. The names which God gave himself, speaking to Moses
on the mountain, giving him hopes that his future issue should
know the real name.
Q. Give them to me, with their signification.
A. Eloah, Adonai, Jehovah, Jaohe, Job, Elohim, Echad,
Ozze, and Jesai. The nine words are composed of letters
which compose seventy-two names, and are taken from the
name of the divinity, according to the angels alphabet and the
cabalistical tree.
Q. What signifies the circle that surrounds the triangle ?
A. It is a meteor, which ought to guide us to Divine
Q. What signifies the letter G in the blazing star ?
A. Glory, grandeur, gomel.
Q. What do you mean by these three words ?
A. By glory I mean God: and by grandeur, I mean the

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man that may be great by perfection : and by gomel, I mean

a Hebrew word which signifies thanks to God for his supreme
power and goodness. It was the first word that Adam spake
when he beheld Eve.
Q. What signify the five points of the blazing star ?
A. It reminds us of the five orders of architecture which
were used in the construction of the Temple ; also of the five
senses of nature, without which no man can be perfect.
Q. What more did you see ?
A. The ark of alliance, the golden candlestick with seven
branches, and the table of shew-bread.
Q. Where were they placed ?
A. In the middle of the sanctum sanctorum.
Q. To what do the ark and the blazing star allude ?
A. As the ark was the emblem of peace, an alliance which
God made with his people, it was put under shadow of the
wings of the cherubims. In like manner is the circle, which
encloses the triangle in the blazing star, under the emblems
of the alliance of brother Masons.
Q. Of what form was the ark ?
A. An oblong square.
Q. Of what was it made ?
A. Of shittim wood, lined within and without with gold,
with a golden crown, and supported with two cherubims of
Q. What was the title and purpose of the ark ?
A. The propitiatory, or place that served to appease Gods
Q. What did the ark contain ?
A. The testimony which God gave to Moses on the two
tables of the law.
Q. What did the two tables contain, and of what were they
made ?
A. They were made of white marble, and contained the ten
complandments in Hebrew, as dictated to Moses by the Almighty, and thus divided, the four first respecting our duty to
God, and the six last of our duty to man.
Q. Of what use was the table ?
A. To put the twelve loaves of bread of proportion on, which
ought to be always in the presence of God, as he ordered

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Q. Of what were the loaves made ?

A. Of the finest flour.
Q. How were they placed ?
A. Six on the right side and six on the left, forming two
Q. What was put over them ?
A. A very pure and bright ewer.
Q. Why ?
A. In order that they should be an ornament to the obligation made to God.
Q. What was the name of the sanctum sanctorum ?
A. Debur, a Hebrew word.
Q. What does it mean ?
A. Speech.
Q. Why was it so called ?
A. Because there the Divinity resided, and from thence
delivered his oracles.
Q. Who constructed the ark ?
A. When Moses was ordered by God to construct the ark
he made choice of Bazaleel, the son of Uri, of the tribe of
Judah, the son of Mariam, sister to Moses. He likewise chose
Aholiab, the son of Ahishemek, of the tribe of Dan ; two able
workmen for that purpose. Upon these occasions, the people
of Israel showed so much ardour and zeal, that Moses, by the
advice of those who had the direction of the work, was obliged
by the sound of the tnunpet to make it known that he had no
further occasion for more assistance. Moses likewise had particular directions for the number of vessels for the tabernacle
and for the use of the sacrifices.
Q. How comes the candlestick to be composed of seven
branches ?
A. Because the No. 7 represents the number of the planets.
Q. What was on the top of each of them ?
A. A lamp, and each pointed north and south.
Q. Of how many parts did they consist ?
A. Seventy.
Q. What does that number of parts represent ?
A. The twelve signs of the Zodiac, through which the
planets move.
Q. What does the fixed eye in the lodge present ?
A. One only light, that dispels the darkness from us.

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Q. How did they get up into the galleries of the temple ?

A. By a staircase, contrived as a screw in the inner wall
of the temple, by which they ascended, by three, five, or seven
steps. It is called Cockles, because it is made like a screw.
Q. How many doors are there in the sanctum sanctorum ?
A. Only onein the east, which was covered with purple,
hyacinth, gold, and azure.
Q. What do these colours represent ?
A. The four elements.
Q. How old are you ?
A. Three times twenty-seven, which are ejghty-one.
Q. What is your pass-word ?
A. Zizon.

T. P. Brother Inspector, what is the clock ?

A. The close of the day.
T. P. What remains to be done ?
A. To practice virtue, shun vice, and renlain in silence.
The Thrice Puissant, addressing himself to the brethren,
says : as nothing is to be done but to practice virtue, and to
shun vice, we will be silent, and let the will of the Lord be
done. It is time to rest. Brother Inspector, give notice to the
brethren, that I am about to close the lodge by the mysterious
The Inspector repeats this to the brethren. The Thrice
Puissant claps seven times with his hands, and then all the
brethren imitate him.
He makes the sign of silence, which they answer, and the
lodge is closed.



This lodge is hung with green ornaments and with four

white columns, erected at equal distances on each side. It is
illuminated by sixteen lights, four at each angle of the cardinal
points. In the east is a red canopy, with a table before it covered with black and strewed with tears.

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The Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Master, who presides, represents the noble Adoniram, the
son of Abda, of the tribe of Dan, who conducted the works of
the Temple, before the arrival of Hiram Abiff at Jerusalem.
Afterwards, he was sent to mount Lebanon, to inspect the
work that was there carrying on for the use of the Temple.
He was recalled on the death or Hiram Abiff, and had the
honour of being the first of the seven that were substituted
in his stead. He is decorated with the orders of the degree of
perfection, and those of Prince of Jerusalem.
He sits in Solomons chair under a canopy, holding a setting
maul. There is but one warden, who represents Stolkin. He
is ornamented with a jewel of perfection, and sits in the west,
holding a mallet. He does the duty of Inspector. The master
of the ceremonies represents Zerbel or Beneia, Captain of King
Solomons Guards. He is decorated with a green ribbon
round his neck, in the form of a collar, to which is hung a
pair of compasses, the points of which form an angle of ninety
degrees ; which is the jewel of this degree. His apron is white,
lined with green, and he carries a naked sword in his hand.
All the brethren are decorated in the same manner with Zerbel,
with a similar collar, jewel, and apron ; the flaps of the apron
down, and the jewel embroidered or painted thereon.
In the middle of the apartment are painted four circles on a
square stone, with the letter I in the centre ; the outer circle
enclosing the other three.

T. P. I. R. W. M. Brother Inspector Stolkin, is the lodge

tiled, and are we all Perfect Masters ?
S. Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Master, it is, and we are all Perfect Masters ?
T. P. I. R. W. M. If so, give notice that I am about to
open the lodge of Perfect Masters.
S. Respectable brethren, the Thrice Puissant, Illustrious,
Respectable, and Worshipful Master gives you notice that he
is about to open the lodge of Perfect Masters.
As a call to order, the Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Master knocks four times ; the Inspector
does the same ; and the same is done by one brother in the
south, and another in the north. Then all the brethren make



the sign of admiration, with their eyes lifted up to heaven,

their arms extended, and hands open. Then, looking down
upon the earth, they cross their arms upon their bellies and
exclaim altogetherCONSUMMATUM EST.
T. P. I. R. W. M. Brother Stolkin, what is the clock ?
S. It is four.
T. P. I. R. W. M. If so, it is time for the workmen to begin their labour. Give notice that the lodge of Perfect Masters is opened.
The Inspector gives this notice, and the work begins in a
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The candidate or secret Master being in the preparing room,

decorated as such, the master of the ceremonies moves from his
seat in solemn silence, and striking the Inspector four times
on the right shoulder, thus addresses him :Venerable Brother Inspector, Brother N, a secret Master is now in
the antechamber, and solicits the favour of being admitted a
Perfect Master.
The Inspector then reports him to the chair, on which the
Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful
Master asks :Is he deserving this honour, and do you answer
for his zeal, fervour, and constancy ?
S. Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful
Master, I do.
T. P. I. R. W. M. Let him then be instructed in the usual
The Inspector orders the master of the ceremonies to go and
introduce the candidate, who is to be first examined in the
former degrees. He is also divested of his sword and every
thing offensive. A green silk cord is thrown round his neck,
both ends of which are held by the master of the ceremonies
in his left hand, with a naked sword in his right. He is thus
led to the door of the lodge, on which the master of the ceremonies strikes four times. The Inspector inside repeats the
four knocks, and informs the lodge that somebody knocks as
Perfect Master. The Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable,
and Worshipful Master orders the Inspector to inquire who
knocks. The Inspector orders the Tiler to open the door cautiously, and to inquire who it is. The Tiler obeys, and is answered by Zerbel, that Brother N, a secret Master, is

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desirous of being admitted to the honours of a Perfect Master.

The Tiler then shuts the door, and reports the candidates
request to the Inspector, who communicates it to the Thrice
Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Master, who
orders the candidate to be introduced. The door is opened,
and he is led to the south side, near the tomb, having the sign
of a secret Master on him. The Thrice Puissant, Illustrious,
Respectable, and Worshipful Master, seeing him in that attitude thus addresses him:
What do you desire, my brother ?
CANDIDATE. The favour of being received a perfect Master.
T. P. I. R. W. M. Brother Inspector, teach the brother to
The Inspector leads him by the green silk cord from the
south passing by the west, four times round the lodge. At
each angle he gives the different signs, from the apprentice
upward, and does the same every time he passes the Master.
After which, he is carried to the tomb, which he is made to
cross saltier (by a leap). He is then led up to the altar, with
his right knee a little bent, having still the sign of a secret
Master on him. After a short pause the Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Master bids him advance, kneel, and lay his hand on the Bible, to take the obligation. The penalty of which is dishonour, in addition to all former obligations and penalties.
The Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Master takes one end of the cord that is round the candidates neck and draws it off, saying : my dear brother, I draw
you from your vicious life, and by the virtue of the power
which I have received from the most illustrious of Kings, I raise
you to the dignity of a Perfect Master, on condition that you
fulfil and faithfully observe every thing that is prescribe by
our bye-laws. This the candidate promises to do.
The first sign of this degree is a sign of admiration. Extend
your arms, open your hands, and look towards heaven. Then
let your hands fall, and cross them on your belly as low as you
can, with your eyes looking mournfully towards the earth.
The second sign is, to bring the toes of your right foot reciprocally to each other, until your knees touch. Lay your
hand on your heart, and then draw it across your breast,
forming a square with your elbow.



The third sign is, to clench each others wrist, like the Masters : carry your left hand between each other's shoulders,
and press four times hard with the fingars on the back, when
you give the Masters word, which is Mahabone or Macbenach. Then, interlace the four fingers of your right hand
with the thumbs upright, passing against each other and
forming a square. The pass-word is Acassia : the sacred
word gave.

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Solomon, having been informed that the body of Hiram

Abiff was found and already deposited on the outside of the
temple, towards the north, near to a well, in which his Jewel
had been found, was happy to have the poor consolation of
finding the precious remains of so great a man. He gave orders and strict charge to his Grand Inspector, the noble Adoniram, that the funeral obsequies should be as pompous and
magnificent as for the king himself. He likewise ordered
that all the brethren should attend it with white aprons and
gloves, and strictly forbad that the bloody stains should be
washed away, until he had wreaked his vengeance on the perpetrators of the horrid deed. The noble Adoniram, chief of
the works of the temple, soon finished a plan for a beautiful
monument, which was erected and finished in nine days. It
was made of black and white marble. The heart of Hiram
Abiff was enclosed in an urn, and exposed for nine days on
the three steps of the sanctum sanctorum, previous to the
finishing of the temple, and. then placed on the top of a beautiful obelisk, which was built on the side of the temple, at the
west door, a little to the north, in order to mark out the place
where the murderers had first deposited him in a pit, before
they removed him to the place where Stolkin found Jiim under
the sprig of Cassia. The heart of the excellent Hiram Abiff
was then exposed to public view in the urn with a sword run
through it. The brethren came to express their grief on the
occasion, kneeling on the first step which led to the sanctum
sanctorum. At the expiration of nine days, the heart was
deposited on the obelisk, and covered with a triangular stone,
on which was engraved, in Hebrew, the characters I. M. B.
The I is the initial letter of the ancient master's word, and
M. B. are initials of the new word. A sprig of Cassia was engraved over the I.

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After this, Solomon had all the triangular medals taken

from the Masters, and the Masters word changed to that now
wven in the third degree. The body of the respectable Hiram
Abiff was buried in the middle of the great chamber, separated
from the temple, with all the honours due to so great a man.
It was in this chamber that Solomon used to hold his cbapter,
and confer with Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff, on
the sacred mysteries. Three days after the ceremonies were
over, Solomon, surrounded by all his court, went to the Temple, and all the workmen were placed in the same order as on
the day of the funeral. The king offered up a prayer to the
Almighty, then examined the tomb, the canopy, the repeated
triangle, and the letters which were engraved thereon. He
also examined the pyramid, and finding everything perfectly
executed, he cried, in ecstasyCONSUMMATUM EST. All the
brethren answered with the sign of admiration, and said,
Amen, amen, amen.

Q. Are you a perfect Master ?

A. I have seen the circle and the square enclosing the two
Q. Where were they placed ?
A. On the place where was deposited the body of our
Master Hiram Abiff.
Q. What do the columns represent ?
A. The columns of Jachin and Boaz, through which I must
have passed to arrive at the degree of Perfect Master.
Q. What could Solomon mean by establishing this degree ?
A. He did it in honour of Hiram Abiff, in order to imprint
on the minds of the people an unaffected love and respect for
his memory, and to incite in them a desire to find out his murderers ; for, at this time, it was not known of the murderers
audaciousness to mix themselves with the brethren, and to partake in the general expressions of consternation and grief, in
order to conceal their guilt, and prevent suspicion. Solomon,
to ascertain this ordered a general muster of all the workmen,
and found that they all answered to their names excepting the
ruffians who had run away. He therefore ordered the noble
Adoniram to build an elegant monument for him, at the westsouth-west part of the temple, that there the body should be

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privately interred, and no brother admitted to the knowledge of

it, who was not a secret master. The body was also privately
embalmed and some time after removed to another apartment,
separated from the temple, where the King held the chapter.
The heart of that great man, after being exposed nine days, on
the third step of the sanctum sanctorum, and having received
the homage of the brethren who knelt on the first step, was then
deposited in the urn, and fixed on the top of the obelisk, with
a sword pierced through it, implying that such an atrocious
deed had cried aloud for public vengeance.
Q. What instructions have you received from the different
degrees through which you have passed ?
A. By them I have learned to regulate my morals, to
cleanse my heart from all stain, in order to qualify myself for
the high desire of perfection, at which I hope some day to
Q. What does the square atone in the middle of the circle
mean ?
A. It teaches us, that the foundation of our building
must be laid on a living rock, of which we are originally
Q. For what are the circles ?
A. They are an emblem of the Divinity, which hath neither
beginning nor end.
Q. What do they altogether represent ?
A. The creation of the universe, which was accomplished
by the will of God, and the power which he gave to the primitive qualities.
Q. What do you mean by. primitive qualities ?
A. I mean heat, cold, and moisture, from the combination
of which the four elements sprung.
Q. How came they to be mentioned here ?
A. In order to remind us, that God is everywhere, and
that without the divine influence, no solid building can be
Q. What does the letter I, in the middle of the square stone
signify ?
A. It is the initial letter of the Perfect Masters word.
Q. Will you pronounce it ?
A. Jave.
Q. What does it mean ?

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A. It is the name by which I know the Grand Architect of

the Universe.
Q. How have you been received Perfect Master ?
A. By a point to my heart and a rope round my neck.
Q. Why a point to your heart ?
A. In memory that I have consented that my heart should
be plucked out.
Q. Why had you a rope round your neck ?
A. To teach me that by this humbling power, I must not
pride myself in the progress which I make in Masonry and
Q. How many signs have you ?
A. One by five.
Q. Why one by five ?
A. To call to my memory the degrees through which I have
Q. How many tokens have you ?
A. One by five, which reminds me of my five points of
Q. What are they ?
A. The four rounds about the Temple, and the fifth, the
sign of admiration.
Q. What does the tomb represent, which you perceived
when you entered the lodge ?
A. The burial of our respectful Master Abiff, in the
Q. Why is it placed at the north part of the sanctuary ?
A. To teach us, that a man must divest himself of all
worldly care, to be qualified to enter the sanctum sanctorum.
Q. What is the meaning of the rope that comes from the
coffin in the north, goes by the obelisk in the south, and binds
the columns together which are fixed crossways ?
A. It represents the rope which the brethren made to draw
up the body, and afterwards to let down the coffin. That rope
was made of green and white.
Q. Does it signify anything else ?
A. It further signifies, that we have broken through the
darkness of sin.
Q. What have you done in entering the lodge ?
A. I came to the altar, working as an Entered Apprentice,
Fellow-Craft, and .Master: to cross the two columns.

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Q. Why so ?
A. To remind me, that it was by the means of having
passed through those degrees, that I have obtained the honour
of being made a Perfect Master.
Q. Is there no mystery couched under this explanation ?
A. It teaches us that we cannot arrive at the sanctum sanctorum by any other method than by a purity of morals, a rectitude of intention and secrecy, which are to be learnt in the
first degree.
Q. Why did you enter the sanctum sanctorum by the side ?
A. That I might learn by it to avoid the common way of
Q. What is your colour ?
A. Green.
Q. For what reason ?
A. To imprint on my mind, that, being dead to sin, I expect to gain new life by practice of virtue, and to make a progress by these means in the sublime science, which I hope some
day to be acquainted with, by arriving at the highest degree.
Q. Who can communicate them to you ?
A. God alone, whose knowledge is infinite.
Q. What do the two pyramids on your draft represent, one
being in the south and the other in the north, and what signify
the figures on them ?
A. The two pyramids represent Egypt, where the sciences
were much cultivated, and whence some had their origin. On
the South pyramid is drawn the meteor which guided the Master, in search of the body of Hiram Abiff ; and on the north
pyramid, the Perfect Master Masons Jewel is represented.
Q. What does the Perfect Master Masons Jewel signify ?
A. It puts us in mind, that as Perfect Masters, we should
act according to the strict rules of propriety, caution, and
attention" in the whole tenor of our proceedings through life.
Q. What was the name of the Master of the Apprentices ?
A. His name was Boaz, and to him Solomon dId the honour
of calling the column on the left side of the Temple after him.
Q. Who was the Master of the Fellow-Craft ?
A. His name was Jachin, a man much esteemed and respected by Solomon, who did him the honour of calling the
nght hand pillar after his name, and at which place he paid the
Crafts their wages..

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Q. What was the name of the Master of the Masters ?

A. His name was Mahabone or Macbenach, a very virtuous
man, held in the highest esteem by Solomon, and one of the
first intendants of his building. He was also the intimate
friend of Hiram Abiff, which induced Solomon to send him in
search of the body of his deceased friend, when every former
attempt to find it had proved ineffectual. Solomon ordered
him to go, and requested three things of him ? first, that he
should bring back that respectable mans jewel ; second, that he
should bring with him that ever-to-be-Iamented man, dead
or alive ; and third, that he should discover the perpetrators
of that horrid deed.
Q. Did Macbenach comply with these three orders ?
A. With fifteen others, who were chosen to attend him on
this search, he first went to the Temple, where, seeing the
blood that had been spilt in many parts, he traced it to a well
in the north part of the Temple, whence he concluded, that
Hiram Abiff had been killed and thrown into this well. Thus
prompted, and further encouraged by a luminous meteor
which stood over the well, he determined to have it drawn
dry. This being done, he went down into it, found not the
body, but the Masters jewel. It appears, that Hiram Abiff,
when attacked by the ruffians, must have plucked off this
jewel, and thrown it into the well near the great staircase,
rather than it should fall into the hands of such villains. Macbenach blessed heaven, and jointly with his companions,
offered up a prayer of thanksgiving for their signal success.
After this they went on, in order to comply with the other
part of their instructions. They had the meteor still for
their guide, when they stopped at a small hill between Lydria
and Joppa, to rest awhile, and then it was that Brother
Stolkin found the body of the respectable Hiram Abiff, as is
related in the third degree.

T. P. I. R. W. M. What is the clock, Brother Stolkin ?

S. Thrice Puissant, Illustrious, Respectable, and Worshipful Adoniram, it is five oclock.
T. P. I. R. W. M. Since it is five oclock, and the work
is ended, it is time to refresh ourselves, so give notice that I
am going to close the lodge.



S. Take notice, brethren, that this lodge is about to be

closed. (Adoniram, Stolkin, a brother in the south, and another
in the north, each knock four times. They all make the sign of
admiration and consternation at the tomb, and Adoniram
pronounces the lodge closed.)

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This lodge is lighted with twenty-seven lamps, in three

branches, nine in each, and placed, as in the third degree,
east, west, and south, hung with black, and strewed with
At a reception, there are only two brethren in this lodge,
who represent Solomon, King of Israel, and Hiram, King of
Tyre. They are dressed in blue robes, lined with ermine,
with crowns on their heads, and sceptres in their hands. A
table stands between them, on which are placed two swords,
a cross, and a roll of parchment. The brethren in this lodge,
are called Perfect Masters, wear white aprons, lined, bordered,
and trimmed with fiery red, a collar of the same to hang
round their necks, with a plain triangle painted on the flap of
the apron, and white gloves bordered with red.
The room in which this lodge is held represents the Hall
of Audience for Masons. It is opened and closed by twentyseven knocks of a hammer, nine strokes at short intervals,
and an interval betweeen the eighth and ninth.

Solomon strikes his twenty-seven, and Hiram does the

The brethren present bend their right knees, cross their
hands, and raise them so that their thumbs touch their fore-



head. Then, altogether, they repeat the word Jova in a low

voice. They then draw their swords and retire ; Solomon
having appointed them guards, with a captain and lieutenant,
whose business it is to see that the others behave themselves
with decency, to keep the lodge well tiled, and to drive away
brethren who would come near it : thus there remain in the
lodge only the two kings.

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The candidate being in the anti-chamber, the Captain of

the Guards orders one of the men to take away his hat, sword,
gloves, apron, and jewel of Perfect Master. He is then placed
at the lodge-door, which is purposely left on the jar, that he
may peep in at the two kings. When he is well fixed, the
Guards make a noise, which being heard by Hiram, he looks
about, and seeing a man peeping, throws up his hands and cries
in a rage: O heavens ! we are overheard ! Solomon says, that
cannot be, as my guards are at the door. Hiram, without
reply, runs to the door, seizes the listener by the hands, and
drags him into Solomons presence, and says, here, see then !
Solomon asks what shall be done with him. Hiram says we
must put him to death, and puts his hand on his sword.
Solomon quits his place, runs to Hiram, lays his hand upon
the sword, and says : Stop, my brother. He then strikes hard
on the table, on which the Captain and his Guards enter and
salute the kings, by drawing their right hands from their left
shoulder to their right hip. Solomon says to them : take away
this guilty man, and let him be forthcoming when wanted : your
lives must answer for him. (They depart with the prisoner.)
Solomon and Hiram remain alone for some time, as if in
contemplation, and talking very low. Solomon strikes the
table loudly, when the Captain and his guards enter, leading
the candidate, and remain with him in the west, till by a sign
given by Solomon, they bring him before the throne. The
brethren then take their places, and Solomon thus addresses
the candidate :
By my treaties and solicitations, I have so far prevailed
on my ally, the King of Tyre, whom you by your curiosity,
had so offended, as to oblige him to pronounce a sentence of
death upon you ; I have so far prevailed on him, as not only
to procure his pardon for your offence, but have even obtained

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his consent to receive you as an Intimate Secretary to the articles of our new alliance. Do you think that you can inviolably
keep secret what we are about to communicate to you, and will
you bind yourself to do it by an inviolable obligation ?
Answer. I do and will.
The penalty of this obligation is to have the body opened,
entrails plucked out, heart torn to pieces, and the whole
thrown to the wild beasts of the forests, guaranteed by three
Solomon then shows the draft of the lodge to the candidate,
and thus explains it to him. The window represented in the
clouds is an emblem of the dome of the Temple. In the glass
of it is the letter I, which is the initial of the name of the
Grand Architect of the Universe, Jova. The building at a
distance represents Solomons Palace, with the door and great
gate to go in by the mausoleum. The tears marked out represent the masons audience chamber, hung with black, where
Solomon used to shut himself up, when he could spare a minute
from business, to lament the unhappy fate of Hiram Abiff.
It was in this chamber, that Hiram King of Tyre, found him
in a deep meditation, when he came to visit him. The letter
A signifies alliance ; the first P to the right of the mausoleum
promise ; the other to the left perfection.
Solomon orders the candidate to advance, and says to him, I
receive you as Intimate Secretary, on the condition that you
will as faithfully fulfil your duty, and be as much attached to
this order, as the person was whom you are about to succeed
in office. The colour of the ribbon with which I now decorate
you must ever bring to your memory the wounds which that
great man received from the traitors who so inhumanly murdered him ; and, likewise, of the blood which he rather chose
to spill than to reveal the secrets with which I am about to
entrust you. We expect, my brother, that your fidelity will be
proof against all temptations and dangers ; and that the sword
which I give you will serve to protect you against any villain
who shall dare attempt to surprise you into a confession of
our mysteries.
The first sign is to draw your right hand from your left
shoulder to your right hip, as the penalty of your obligation.
The second sign is to raise both your hands, cross them, and
let them fall by your sword, at the same time lifting up your
eyes to heaven.



The grip is to take each others right hand, in the usual

manner of saluting. The one turns the others hand, and says
Berith, which signifies alliance. The other turns and says
Neder, which is promise. The first turns again, and says
The pass-word is Joabert, which is the name of the favourite
of Solomon, that peeped in at the door, and the answer is
Zerbel, the name of the Captain of the Guards. The sacred
word is Jova.

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Solomon, in consequence of the treaty established between

him and the ambassadors of Hiram, King of Tyre, solemnly
covenanted to furnish Hiram with a certain number of measures of oil, honey, and wheat, and a grant of province consisting of thirty governments, in exchange for timber, hewn,
formed, and drawn from the Forest of Lebanon, by King
Hirams people, and hewn stones to be formed in the quarries
of Tyre, and fitted for immediate use. This treaty was to have
been fulfilled as the Temple should be finished. But Solomon
allowed a year to elapse, without paying any regard to its fulfilment ; during which, Hiram visited the province, and had
the mortification to find it a barren and sandy soil, inhabited
by an uncultivated people, so that its possession was rather
likely to be a burthen than a benefit. Not hearing from Solomon, he determined to go in person to Jerusalem, to expostulate with him for haying neglected to comply with the terms
of the treaty. On his arrival, he entered the palace, went
through the guard room, where Solomons court was assembled, and rushed direct]y into the kings apartment, who
happened to be alone, bemoaning the loss of Hiram Abiff.
Hiram walked so hastily, and seemingly in so passionate a
manner, as to raise the suspicion of Joabert, one of Solomons
favourites. Struck with a notion that Hiram had some evil
design on Solomon, Joabert followed to the door to listen, and
was discovered there by Hiram, who exclaimed :O heavens ! we are discovered ! and running to the door, seized
Joabert by the hand and dragged him into Solomons presence,
saying, here he is ! Solomon, who could not doubt the trespass, said, what shall we do with this criminal ? Hiram
replied, we must kill him, and drew his sword for that pur-

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pose; on which Solomon, rushing from his throne, cried, stop,

my brother, and suspend your wrath awhile. He gave a hard
knock on the table, on which the guards came in. Solomon
said to them, seize that guilty man, and be answerable for his
appearance when, requested. The guards retired with their
prisoner, and Solomon thus addressed Hiram. This man,
sir, is the only person among my favourites, and the lords of
my court, who has zeal and an affectionate attachment to my
person. I know him sufficiently to be convinced that his indiscretion is less to be attributed to an imprudent curiosity,
than to his apprehensions for my safety. Your looks, change
of countenance, and hasty manner of passing through the
guard room, were the causes that excited his curiosity and
alarm for my person. I, therefore, entreat of you to recall the
sentence of death which you have pronounced against him,
and I will be answerable for his zeal and discretion. Hiram,
seeing how agreeable it would be to Solomon that his favourite should be pardoned, readily consented, and the two kings
renewed their treaty, which was to be perpetual with different claims, and promises on both sides of lasting friendship,
to which Joabert was Intimate Secretary. This, my dear
brother, is what is represented to you in your reception as Intimate Secretary.

Q. Are you an Intimate Secretary ?

A. I am (with the eyes lifted to heaven.)
Q. How were you received ?
A. By my curiosity.
Q. Did you run any risk by it ?
A. Yes, a risk of losing my life.
Q. What was done to you after you were elected ?
A. I was committed to the care of the guard, and expected
to have sent ence of death passed upon me.
Q. Were they Intimate Secretaries of Perfect Masters ?
A. I was then ignorant of it, but have since found that my
resolution, firmness, and perseverance, procured me the favour
of being the first initiated into this degree.
Q. What are the pass-words ?
A. Joabert and Zerbel.
Q. What do they signify ?

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A. Joabert is the name of him that listened at the door,

and Zerbel is the name of the captain of the Kings Guards.
Q. What is your grand word ?
A. Jova.
Q. What were you before vou were an Intimate Secretary ?
A. A favourite of King Solomons.
Q. From what country did you come ?
A. From Capula.
Q. What is your name ?
A. Capulist.
Q. How many governments did Solomon give to Hiram
King of Tyre, in return for the work done by his people for tht
temple ?
A. Thirty.
Q. Where was it that you were received ?
A. In Solomons hall hung with black and illuminated
with twenty-seven lamps.
Q. What signifies the letter I which you saw in the window ?
A. Jova.
Q. What does the word signify ?
A. It is the third pronunciation of the Grand Architect
of the Universe, which in this degree signifies to return thanks
to God, the work is complete.
Q. What signify the A and two Ps in the triangle ?
A. The A means alliance, the first P, promise, the second,
Q. Why is the lodge lighted with twepty-seven lights ?
A. To represent the twenty-seven hundred candlesticks
which Solomon ordered to be made for the illumination of the
Q. What does the door in the draft lodge represent ?
A. The door of Solomons palace.
Q. What means the triangle that hangs to your ribbon ?
A. The three theological virtuesfaith, hope and charity.

Solomon strikes twenty-seven, by three-times nine ; which

are repeated by Hiram. The brethren bend their right knees,
cross their hands, raise them so as to bring their thumbs to
their temples, and, in a low voice, pronounce the grand word





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This lodge is hung with red, and illuminated with twentyseven lights, distrubted by three times nine, besides five great
lights, which are placed at the foot of the altar, opposite to the
Thrice Puissant Master, who represents Solomon, King of
Israel. The first warden represents Tito Prince Harodim ; the
second, Adoniram, the son of Abda. Solomon stands in the
east, and the wardens in the west, forming a triangle. Adoniram acts as Grand Master of the ceremonies. All the brethren
wear a red triangle collar round their necks, to which a triangle
is suspended, on one side of which are engraved the initials of
the following wordsBenhoram, Echad, Jachinaisignifying
Freemasons have one God. Oh! the eternal! On the reverse, the initials of Judaha, Ky, Jacasignifying God, the
Lord. In the middle of the triangle, on the one side, is engraved G, and on the other side, the letter A, signifying Grand
Architect. The apron is white, lined with red, and bordered
with, green. It has a star in the middle, darting nine rays.
Above that is drawn or embroidered a pair of scales. On the
flap is a triangle: with the letters B, A, I, in the angles.
The Thrice Puissant Grand Master holds a sceptre in his
hand and says,Illustrious brethren, are we tiled ?
A. Thrice Puissant Master, we are safe and secure here.
Q. What is the clock ?
A. It is break of day.
The T. P. M. then strikes the altar five times which is
repeated by Tito and Adoniram with their mallets.
T. P. M. As it is break of day, it is time to begin our
work. My brothers, this lodge is opened.
All the brethren clap their hands five times, and make the
sign of admiration, by carrying their right hand to their foreheads, the finger a little extended to prevent the light ; then
extend their arms and hands, looking to heaven. After this,
they let their hands fall on their bellies, forming a triangle, with
the two thumbs and fore-fingers.



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The candidate must be barefoot. The Thrice Puissant

Master saysBrother Tito, how shall we repair the loss which
we have sustained by the melancholy and traitorous murder of
our never-to-be-forgotten master, Hiram Abiff ? You know
that it was he alone who was to be entrusted with the decorations of the secret chamber, where everything the dearest and
the most respectable initials were to be concealed. There the
ark was to be deposited, and, by the presence and protection
of the Almighty, was insured. Scarcely had this great master
set about this work, when he was snatched from us by the
most horrid and infamous plot. Most illustrious wardens,
advise me what to do.
Tito. Thrice Puissant Master, I am fully aware of the loss
we have sustained, as well as of the difficulty we have to repair
it. In my opinion, the only remedy we have is, to appoint a
chief for each of the five orders of architecture, and that we
unite to give him every assistance in our power towards the
completion of this third secret master.
T. P. M. Most illustrious prince and brother Tito, your
advice is too good to be neglected ; and to show you how much
I am swayed by it, I now appoint you, Brother Adoniram, and
Abda his father, to inspect the work. Go to the middle chamber, and see if there be any of the chiefs of the five orders of
architecture there.
The grand Master of the Ceremonies withdraws to the other
room, and inquires if there be any chiefs there. The candidate
answers,I am here. The G. M. C. puts to him the following
Q. Are you possessed of zeal to apply with scrupulous attention to the works which the Thrice Puissant Master will
commit to your care ?
A. I look upon it as the greatest happiness and advantage I
am blessed with, to have an opportunity of conversing with
him on the great and glorious work, when he purposed to erect
a temple to the Almighty, worthy of his glory.
Adoniram receives from the candidate the sign, token, and
word of the three first degrees ; after which he leads him to
the door of the lodge, and knocks three, five, and seven times,
at intervals. The door is opened by a brother, to whom Adoniram says,The brother, whom I introduce, is one who works

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in the middle chamber. He is allowed to pass, and is taken by

the hand by Adoniram, with the masters grip, to the middle
of the lodge, where he is instructed to kneel on a square flag
stone, opposite to a table, behind which Tito sits, who puts a
sprig of cassia, or any other green sprig, into his hand, and
then, in that position, he takes the obligation : the penalty of
which is, to observe all rules laid down by the grand council
of the princes of Jerusalem, under the penalty of all former
obligations, with the addition, that his body may be severed
in two, and bowels torn out, and given as a prey to the fowls
of the air, in justice and equity. Amen. Amen. .Amen.
The obligation over, a brother comes behind, covers him
with a red veil, lifts him up, sets him on a stool in the middle
of the lodge, and thus addresses him :
My dear brotherSolomon, King of Israel, being willing and
desirous to carry on to the highest degree of perfection, if possible, the works commenced by Hiram Abiff, he has thought
proper, to effect this business, to employ the five chiefs of the
five orders in architecture, assisted by the three Princes of
Harodim, Tito, Abda, and his son Adoniram. He was well
convinced of their zeal and abilities, and therefore hoped to see
the work completed in a masterly manner. We flatter ourselves, my dear brother, that you will contribute with all your
might to this grand end. As you represent a dead man, it
must be to you an emblem, that, in order to succeed in this
great work, you must execute it with the same spirit as our
respectable master, Hiram Abiff, would have done. You must
also be possessed of the same spirit and resolution as he was
which was to prefer death to the divulging of the mysteries of
the Order. We hope you will follow his example. I will now
raise you, not as you were raised before, but as Hiram Abiff was
raised by Stolkin.
Adoniram takes the candidates right elbow in his left hand,
with the right gives him the masters grip, and, by three pulls,
lifts him and throws the veil from his face. All the Puissant
Grand Masters give him the sign, token, and word.
The first sign is that of amazement and surprise, which is
done by lifting your hands as high as your cheeks, the fingers
perpendicular, and both thumbs touching the ears, so as to
form two squares. In walking, you stop as if astonished ; and
when standing, throw your body back.

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The second sign is to clap your right hand to your forehead

with your fingers and nails turned on the eyes, and say,Benhoram. Your brother answers by interlacing the fingers of
both hands, and by putting the back part of them to the left
side of the belly, and looking up to heaven, says,Echad.
The third sign is that of grief, figurative of the Fellow Crafts
sign. Carry your right hand to your heart, and at the same
time your left hand low down on the left side, as if to struggle.
Then move your elbow three times in a circu1ar manner from
side to side, and say,Ky ; to which the other responds,
The token is to touch each others heart, pass and take each
other with the right hand by the middle of the arm, and, with
the left hand, by the elbow : pass it three times. The one
utters the grand word Jachinai, and the other answers Judah.

Q. Are you an Intendant of the Building ?

A. I have taken five steps of exactitude, and have penetrated
into the inner part of the temple. I have seen the effects of the
great and resplendent light, in the middle of which I have seen,
in Hebrew characters, the three mysterious lettersI, I, I,
without knowing what they mean.
Q. How were you received Intendant of the Building ?
A. By acknowledging my ignorance.
Q. Why were you raised to that degree ?
A. In order to expel the darkness in which I am encircled,
and to get such light as would regulate my heart, and enlighten
my understanding.
Q. In what place were you introduced ?
A. In a place full of wonder and charms, where virtue and
sovereign wisdom reside.
Q. What is the duty of an Intendant of the Building ?
A. To keep the brethren steady in the practice of virtue, by
setting them a good example to correct their works.
Q. Why is it required, in this degree, before you are admitted, to show that you are well instructed in the three first
degrees of Masonry ?
A. To shew that it is only gradually that we can arrive at
Q. What do you learn from the three first degrees ?

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A. The first teaches moral virtue ; the second, political virtue ; and the third, heroic virtue.
Q. Why were you obliged to take your steps backwards as
well as forwards in your di.fferent degrees ?
A. To show that the progress towards virtue was slow and
gradual ; that we must by humility curb that pride which is
natural to us, before we can presume to hope for perfection :
and also, that we must judge so far impartially of our actions,
and so far effectually govern our passions, as not to leave anything exceptionable in our conduct.
Q. Can you explain the mysteries of our lodge ?
A. I will endeavour to do it in the best manner I can.
Q. What do the three mysteries in your jewel signify ?
A. Jachinai signifies divine beautyJudah divine wisdom.
The three letters I, in the middle of the triangle of the blazing
star, are the initials of the sacred and nameless word.
Q. What does the circle in the inside of the third triangle
imply ?
A. The immensity of Gods power, which hath neither beginning nor end.
Q. What do the three in the circle mean ?
A. Oh ! the Eternal alone possesseth the attributes of Divinity.
Q. What are the chief attributes of the Divinity ?
A. Beauty 6. Omniscience 11. Justice 7. Wisdom 7.
Eternity 8. Compassion 10. Boundless 10. Perfection 8.
Creation and mercy 14. These make in all the number 81.
Q. Explain to me the square of nine, which you see in the
triple triangle.
A. Nine, thrice multiplied by three, makes 81.
Q. Why do you place Solomon, King of Israel, in the temple ?
A. In memory of his being the first who constructed a temple to his Lord.
Q. Why do you place a brazen sea in the temple ?
A. To let us know that the temple of God is holy, and
that we must not enter it before we are purified from all uncleanness.
Q. What does the left side of the temple signify ?
A. Masonry, under the laws of types and ceremonies.
Q. What does the right side of the temple signify ?

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A. Freemasonry, under the laws of grace and truth.

Q. What is the meaning of the tomb, which is under the
threshold of the door of the sanctuary in your degrees of Perfect Master and Provost and Judge ?
A. It shows that we must be purified by death, before we
can enter into the mansions of bliss.
Q. What does the candlestick with seven branches signify ?
A. The presence of the Holy Spirit in the heart of those
who faithfully observe the law.
Q. Why are you barefooted at the time of reception ?
A. Because Moses was so when on the mount.
Q. What did you hear before you entered the lodge ?
A. Five great strokes.
Q. What do they denote ?
A. The five points of felicity.
Q. What happened in consequence, and what was done
with you ?
A. A warden immediately appeared, who supported and
carried me round the temple five times.
Q. What was his intention in so doing ?
A. Surprise, wonder, and grief took possession of my mind
all the time.
Q. Why were you thus affected ?
A. I was thus affected at the sight of what was enclosed in
the blazing star.
Q. Pray what could that be ?
A. Something that was mysterious, and appertaining to
the Grand Architect of the universe, which I hope to be acquainted with in time.
Q. Why had the stars five points or rays ?
A. It was to show, first, that in the construction of the
temple the five orders of architecture were made use of : second,
to represent the five points of felicity : third, the five senses,
without which man is imperfect : fourth, the five lights of
Masonry : and fifth, the five zones of Masonry.
Q. What are the five points of felicity ?
A. To walk, to intercede for, to pray, to love, and to assist
your brethren, so as to be united with them in heart and mind.
Q. Why were you seized with wonder ?
A. It was on seeing the beauty and ornaments of the
temple, whereof I saw but a part.

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Q. Why did you not see the whole ?

A. A thick veil concealed a part of my view; but I hope
that the strong desire which I have to improve in my zeal for
the royal art will disperse the cloud in time, which now
obstructs my sight from them.
Q. Why were you seized with grief ?
A. Because all the wonders I saw brought to my remembrance the melancholy end of our respectable master, Hiram
Q. How were you made to walk ?
A. By the five points of exactness.
Q. And what do you mean by this ?
A. I mean the five solemn steps which I took in advancing
to the foot of the throne of the powerful King of Israel, where
I took my obligation in his presence.
Q. Why, at your reception, were you obliged to represent a
dead man ?
A. It denotes to us that good Masons should be silent to
the world, and refrain from its vices.
Q. What do the scales imply which are put into your hands ?
A. An emblem of justice to my brethren. By the said scales
I ought also to weigh my own actions, and to regulate my own
conduct, in order to justify the good opinion conceived of me
by appointing me a master in lsrael, and an Intendant of the
Q. Have you Seen your illustrious and Perfect Master today ?
A. I have seen him.
Q. Where was he placed, and how clad ?
A. He was placed in the east under a canopy bespangled
with brilliant stars, and clad with azure and gold.
Q. Have you any remains of darkness about you ?
A. The morning star lights me, and the mysterious stars
guide me.
Q. Where were you thus conducted ?
A. I cannot tell you.
Q. How old are you ?
A. Twenty-seven.
Q. What number have you marked ?
A. Five, seven, and fifteen.
Q. Where did you remark them, and what do you mean ?



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A. I remarked them in the arrangement of the lights, and

have already explained the, two first numbers. The last represents the fifteen masters, headed by Mahabone, who found
the body of Hiram Abiff.
Q. Why do you wear a green ribbon, and the same colour
on your apron ?
A. To teach me that virtue and zeal in Masonry are the
only roads to lead me to true and sublime knowledge.
Q. What does your jewel represent ?
A. The triple essence of the Divinity.

T. P. M. What is the clock, Illustrious Warden ?

A. Thrice Puissant, the day is at an end.
T. P. M. Remember, illustrious brethren, and think often
of the five points of felicity. It is time to rest.
The T. P. M. and wardens strike five times each. All the
brethren clap five, seven, and .fifteen times, and the lodge is



W. M. How were you prepared as a Past Master of arts

and sciences ?
P. M. In the character of a Master Mason, and properly
W. M. Why were you hoodwinked ?
P. M. To point out to me, that the secrets of this degree,
perceptible by vision, were to be hidden from my sight, until
the light of my understanding had qualified me to receive
W. M. What procured you admission ?
P. M. Four distinct knocks, and the pass-word of a Master
W. M. In what manner did you enter the lodge of a past
Master ?

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P. M. Upon four points of geometry, formed by the square

and compasses united, and the letter G in the centre.
W. M. Why were you initiated in this manner ?
P. M. Because the compasses are the principal instruments
belonging to the master mason; and the two points elevated
above the points of the square, denoted that I had arrived at
the summit of operative Masonry. The letter G in the centre
was the proper passport, that being the initial of the password of this degree, signifying a Mason that is master of his
W. M. In what manner were you then dealt with ?
P. M. I was conducted in the usual form, and by the proper
steps of advancing, to receive the obligation.
W. M. In what manner were you placed to receive the obligation ?
P. M. Upon both my knees, my hands upon the Holy Bible
and my mouth holding a pair of compasses over my hands.
W. M. What was the reason of this peculiar position of rhw
compasses ?
P. M. As my hands had been instrumental in duly executing
the noblest parts of operative Masonry, my mouth was thus
employed to denote that I was then about to be passed as a Past
Master of Arts and Sciences. And as my head was then confined with the compasses by my hands on the Holy Bible, it
strongly figured to my mind that the compass of Gods word
was to be the standard of every operation in my future life,
that I might thereby arrive at the summit of Masonry, by
passing through the speculative degree of this mortal life, to
that glorious and celestial lodge where the grand pass-word
of the Almighty Architect will procure us admission, and
with whom, peace, order, and harmony, will eternally reign.
W. M. Be pleased to arise, and in proper position deliver
the obligation.
[The additional penalty of this obligation is to have the
hands struck off at the wrist.]
W. M. How did you confirm it ?
P. M. With my lips four times on the Holy Bible.
W. M. In what manner were you raised ?
P. M. By the grip of a Past Master.
W. M. Be pleased to advance, and give it to me with the
first sign.

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[The grip is to lay hold of the left hand of one brother by

the right of the other, at the wrist, grasping it tight. The
sign, to place the thumb perpendicular on the lips, between
the nose and chin, is indicative of silence.]
W. M. To what do they allude ?
P. M. The grip alludes to the part of the obligation, of
having my hands struck off at the wrists ; and the sign alludes
to that other part of the obligation, of having my arms struck
off from my body and both hung at my breast, suspended at
the neck, as an index of infamy till time and putridity consume
the same.
W. M. Be pleased to deliver the second sign and its signification. (By extending the arm at length, and, with the thumb
and finger, as if holding the plumb-line).
P. M. It alludes to the manner of distinguishing a brother
of this degree at such a distance, that it prevents us from
making use of any other method.
W. M. Be pleased to communicate the chief word, and its
P. M. Giblum or Chibbelum. It means a workman who
is master of his profession; but more especially alluding to
the excellency of the sculpture, in the stone-work of Solomons
W. M. To what does the pass-grip allude ?
P. M. That memorable characteristic which distinguished
the ancient Sidonia workmen at the building of Solomons
W. M. To what does the pass-word allude ?
P. M. To the first and most distinguished workmen in the
Porphyry stone-work, during the erection of that edifice.
W. M. What is the distinguishing mark or signature used
by the brothers of this degree ?
P. M. The initial of its first noble chief officer, at that time
in Jerusalem, to be placed in conjunction with the initial of that
famous class of workmen, who distinguish themselves in
that branch of operative masonry set apart for finishing the
Porphyry materials.
W. M. Where were you placed after your obligation ?
P. M. After circumscribing the lodge by the Right Worshipful Masters command from east to west, I was placed in a
circle, in the centre, as a Past Master, to prove to all the



brothers then present that I was eligible to act in future, in

conjunction with them, to superintend the workmen up to
this order inclusive.
W. M. Why is our Lodge in this degree dedicated to the
noble prince Adoniram ?
P. M. Because he was next in rank to Hiram Abiff, and
also Grand Superintendent over the levy of Jerusalem, and
the first Right Worshipful Master who presided over the
Master Masons at the memorable period of time.

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W. M. How were you prepared as an Excellent Mason ?

E. M. In the character of a Past Master of Arts and Sciences,
and properly hoodwinked.
W. M. Why were you hoodwinked in this degree ?
E. M. It alludes to the darkness of the Jewish nation,
prior to the delivery of the two tables of stone by the Almighty
to Moses, which was to bring them to the light of those religious and moral laws that were ever after to be the standard of
their future lives and actions.
W. M. What procured your admission ?
E. M. Five distinct knocks, and the pass-word of a Master
of Arts and Sciences.
W. M. In what manner did you enter ?
E. M. Upon the Trinity in Unity, figured out by five triangular points in geometry.
W. M. Why were you introduced in that manner ?
E. M. To denote that I was about to enter on the foundation of geometric Masonry, the superstructure of which was
the laws of that celestial Trinity which this instrument, on
which I entered emblematically, represented.
W. M. In what manner were you then dealt with ?
E. M. I was conducted round the lodge in due form.
W. M. What were you then ordered to do ?
E. M. To advance by the same number of steps as I had
then made in Masonry, accompanied with their respective

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W. M. In what manner were you placed to receive your

new obligation ?
E. M. Upon both knees bare and bended, my right hand on
the Holy Bible, and the left extending the passport of my
W. M. Why called passport of admission ?
E. M. Because, if I had not previously proved myself qualified to perform those excellent branches of operative masonry,
as a complete architect, in all its beautiful designs of sculpture,
painting, tapestry, and ornaments, I should not have been
found eligible for the sublime secrets contained in this degree ;
therefore, my left hand, extending this honourable emblem of
admission, was to denote to the brethren present, that I was a
fit candidate for this degree; and extending it in full view of
all the brothers, was the last signal for any of them to examine
me, if they had any doubts of my pretentions or qualifications
to become a member of this order.
W. M. How did you confirm your obligation ?
E. M. With my lips five times upon the Holy Bible.
W. M. How were you raised ?
E. M. By the grip of an Excellent Mason.
W. M. Be pleased to advance in due form and give it.
W. M. To what does it allude ?
E. M. To the penalty of the obligation.
W. M. Be pleased to give me the grand emblematic sign,
and tell me to what it alludes.
E. M. It alludes to that memorable event of Moses receiving
the Ten Commandments upon the thrice famous Sinai, in the
wilderness of Arabia.
W. M. To what does this word allude ?
E. M. To that grand period of time when the Almighty
condescended to converse with Moses at the foot of mount
Horeb, and gave him his commission to go to Pharaoh, and demand the liberation of the Jews from their Egyptian bondage.
W. M. Being obligated and. initiated, where were you
placed ?
E. M. Behind the veil of the temple, where I was ordered
to restore myself to light, which enabled me to find, by a most
singular phenomenon, that I stood upon holy ground.
W. M. With what were you invested ?
E. M. With the distinguishing external of an Excellent

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Mason, to certify that I stood exalted by my merit above the

degree of a Past Master of Arts and Sciences.
W. M. With what is the Jewel of this degree ornamented ?
E. M. A star with as many points as will take in the initials
of the conjunct words of this order in Masonry.
W. M. What is the mark or signature of this degree ?
E. M. The three peculiar initials of the Redeemer of
W. M. What is the masonic allusion of these three ?
E. M. The first alludes to the strongest pillar of Solomons
temple ; the second alludes to the grand architect of that temple ; and the third to those Masons who performed the operative part.
W. H. Where did the ancient brethren of this order assemble during the period employed in building that famous religious edifice ?
E. M. On one of the famous adjacent mounts, since called
Mount Sion ; but during the dedication of the temple, they
assembled for divine worship in the third round of courts.
W. M. What was the onginal number in this excellent degree ?
E. M. Eighty-one masons, formed into nine lodges, with
nine in each lodge.
W. M. Why is this degree dedicnted to Moses ?
E. M. Because he presides over that lodge where those two
excellent Masons, Aholiab and Bezaleel, performed their pious
work in the wilderness, agreeable to the injunctions of the
Almighty, when they were ordered to prepare the furniture
and other sacred utensils for the holy tabernacle, which was
first set up in the wilderness during the forty years pilgrimage, prior to their entrance into the promised land.



W. M. How were you prepared as a super-excellent Mason ?

S. M. I was habited as the High Priest, hoodwinked, and
both feet slip-shod.

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W. M. Why habited as a High Priest ?

S. M. Because this part in Masonry constituted the most
solemn part of the employ at Jerusalem, when King Solomons
temple was erected : namely to survey all the sacred utensils
and ornaments that were to adorn the inner part of the temple.
The most solemn and religious duties of mankind, in all ages
and countries, have been appropriated to the priesthood ; and
Aaron, the brother of Moses, being the first High Priest, by
command of the Almighty, we prepare onr candidates in the
habits of the High Priest in commemoration thereof.
W. M. Why were you hoodwinked ?
S. M. In commemoration of the custom of our predecessors
the nine deputy grand masters, the founders of the degree,
who met in the holy place, prior to the dedication of the
temple, from which all natural light was totally excluded, and
which only received the aid of that remarkable artifidal light,
the three great candles, which were kept continually burning ;
therefore, in commemoration thereof, we are deprived of our
natural light ; and the first light we afterwards receive is the
representation of these three famous great candles, or artificial
lights, in this sacred place.
W. M. Is there a second reason why you were hoodwinked ?
S. M. Because, in the sanctum sanctorum, or holy of
holies, there was no other light than the supernatural.
W. M. Why were you slip-shod ?
S. M. Because that part of the temple, in which the brothers
of this degree first assembled, was called the holy place, and
being situated on holy ground, we were, for that purpose,
W. M. Being thus prepared, what gained your admission ?
S. M. Three distinct and three quick reports.
W. M. In what manner did you enter ?
S. M. Upon the six famous points of geometry.
W. M. In what manner were you then dealt with ?
S. M. I was conducted round the lodge in due form.
W. M. What were you next ordered to do ?
S. M. To advance by six steps, accompanied with their respective signs.
W. M. In what manner were you prepared to receive your
new obligation ?
S. M. Upon both knees, with my right hands upon the

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Holy Bible, and my left extended with the emblem of my admission.

W. M. Why was your left hand unemployed ?
S. M. Because that emblem, being the double equilateral
triangle, and containing six sides, denoted the six peculiar
branches of the noblest office in the Temple that I was then
called upon to fulfil, namely first, to survey the constitutional
rolls previous to their being deposited in the famous archives
of masonry ; second, the precious stone work ; third, the holy
place ; fourth, the sanctum sanctorum ; fifth, the ark of the
covenant ; and, lastly, all the other utensils, and these were
emblematically pointed out by the double equilateral triangle.
W. M. Be pleased to deliver the obligation.*
W. M. How did you confirm it ?
S. M. With my lips six times on the holy Bible.
W. M. In what manner were you raised ?
S. M. By the grip of a super-excellent Mason.
W. M. Be pleased to advance and give it.
W. M. To what does it allude ?
S. M. To that part of the obligation where that peculiar loss
of both the arms constitutes the penalty attached to any
.voluntary breach thereof.
(Finch says, here an explanation of the signs in this degree
are next given, but he cannot even glance at them without
danger of exposing what he dare not commit to paper, but
brothers that belong to this degree cannot be at a loss to know
what part of scripture to refer to for a full and beautiful explanation.)
W. M. Be pleased to deliver the words and their allusion.
W. M. In what part of the lodge were you placed ?
S. M. In the centre, to represent a point within a circle.
W. M. Why there ?
S. M. As a point is the smallest portion of geometrical
matter, and the circle the largest of any within the plane of its
surface, I was thus placed, to represent that point ; as one of
* I have not the form of this obligation. Indeed, there is no fixed form in
these branching degrees of Masonry. The new penalty is to lose both arms.
R. C.
This is done, but the manner is not known to me.
R. C.
This is done in due form, but that form is not known to the writer.

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the smallest particles of created matter, and the Deity was

aptly represented by the circle, whose centre is everywhere,
and circumference nowhere.
W. M. What is the distinguishing mark or signature of this
degree ?
S. M. The initials of the four famous double-bodied stars,
situated east, west,. north, and south.
W. M. With what is the jewel of this degree omamented ?
S. M. In the twelve points fonning the star are the initials
of our distinguishing united words.
W. M. What was the original number of this degree ?
S. M. Nine, formed into three lodges with three in each.
W. M. Why is this degree dedicated to Aaron, the High
Priest ?
S. M. Because he was the first priest who presided over the
first most excellent and sacred lodge held in the Tabernacles in
the wilderness of Arabia. So also were the brothers of this
degree appointed by King Solomon, as super-excellent Masons,
to survey all the sacred furniture and jewels of that glorious
building, for the same pious purpose as those in the Tabernacle of Moses.



The chamber in which this chapter is held represents the

apartment in Solomons palace. The hangings are red and
white columns intermixed and strewed with flames. The master represents Solomon, King of Israel, and is styled the most
sovereign. There is but one warden, who sits alone in the
west, representing Stolkin, and is called the Inspector. All
the rest of the brethren must be in black and placed in the
south, as the lights are placed, eight close, and one at a distance. When there is a reception, all the brethren, being in
mourning, sit with their hats flapped, and the right leg over

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the left, their heads leaning on their right hands, in a doleful

character. Their aprons are lined and bordered with black.
They wear a broad black ribbon from their left shoulder to
their right hip, on the breast of which are painted three heads
of fear and terror. A poniard hangs to this ribbon, with nine
red roses painted on it near the bottom, four on each side, and
one in the centre. Each brother has a naked poniard lying at
his feet. The plan of the draft of the lodge or chapter is an
oblong square, at the upper part of which, to the right, is
drawn the city of Jerusalem. At the left is represented a cave
near the sea-side, and the river Joppa, surrounded with rocks,
in which a man is seen, lying with his head on a rock, a lamp
burning by him, a poniard at his feet, a running stream of
water, and a cup. Over the mountain the setting sun is seen.
In the middle of the dr:aft appears a bush, which seems to be
on fire, occasioned by the reflection of a rainbow. A brilliant
star is fixed immediately over the cave to point out the retreat of the murderer. On the draft is likewise seen a winding road which leads from Jentsalem to Joppa. On this road
a dog is seen near to the cave, which is the figure under which
the unknown person is drawn. A man closely follows, and, at
a distance, are seen eight other men walking without order.
Near the room where this chapter is held there must be a
small room made to represent a cave, and a large stone in it
for the candidate to sit upon, a little table with a lamp lighted,
and, under it, the word REVENGE written. A poniard lies on
the table, a spring or fountain runs in the room, a cup to drink
out of, and an effigy of a man asleep.
In this chapter, the sovereign sits under a canopy, in an elevated chair of state covered with black. Before him stands a
table covered with black and a grey coloured carpet, on which
is a bible, a sceptre, and a dagger. Solomon strikes with his
sceptre, and Stolkin strikes with his poniard, which he holds
in his hand as a symbol of revenge.

Q. Are you an elected Knight ?

A. One cavern received me, one lamp gave me light, and
one spring refreshed me.
Q. What is the clock ?
A. Break of day.



The Master knocks eight and one. The inspector imitates

him, and the brethren clap the same number with their hands.
The Master saysThis chapter is opened.

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The master of the ceremonies brings the candidate to the

door, knocks eight and one, which are repeated by the Master, all the brethren being in their proper postures. The
Inspector rises and receives the candidate, whom he brings
into the middle of the chamber, opposite to the Thrice Puissant. After a little silence, he is asked by the Master:
What do you want here ?
A. I am come to solicit the favour of being initiated into
the degree of the Nine Elected Knights.
Q. What motives induce you to think that you deserve to
have the honour conferred upon you ?
A. My zeal, fervour, and constancy, which I promise shall
be doubled hereafter, have made me aspire to this favour.
T. P. M. Learn, my brother, that you are to impute your
present admission into this chapter, less to a desire in us to
confer this degree upon you, than to an inclination to
make a trial of your conduct and courage, and of your compliance with the obligations which you have contracted in
the different degrees through which you have already passed.
Know, my brother, that, at this moment, we have in our
power one of the murderers of our respectable Master, Hiram
Abiff, who groans under the enormity of his guilt and expects
every instant to undergo the rigorous torture which his crimes
justly merit, to serve as an example to deter others. This I
have learnt from a stranger, who will conduct those I send to
the place where the miscreant is hidden.
My dear brother, this chapter is fully convinced of your
zeal, and is much disposed to confer higher degrees on you.
So, now the opportunity offers of your being the first to revenge the craft, by bringing this villain to condign punishment, if possible, adequate to the enormity of his crimes.Do
you find yourself disposed to vindicate the royal art, and to
sacrifice the traitor, in honour of masonry ?Give me an
A. I shall be happy of the opportunity to :cevenge the death
of our dear Grand Master.

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T. P. M. I must previously inform you that this man is,

perhaps, one of your acquaintances, probably your friend, or
your brother ; but in such a case as this every sentiment must
give way to that of revenge, which, with you, is to stifle
every other consideration, because no bad consequences will
attend your accomp'lishment of this revenge. Besides, this is
the only opportunIty that offers of making us sensible of your
zeal, by which you will be admitted in.to this degree; therefore, determine immediately.
A. I am determined.
T. P. M. Suffer yourself to be conducted, and follow the
stranger to the place where the criminal is hidden.
The candidate is now blindfolded and conducted to the cave,
where he is seated on a stone, opposite to the sleeping murderer. When seated, the guide teIls him that he shall have to
leave him for a while ; another brother shakes a parcel of
chains and groans heavily. The guide places the candidates
left hand on the table, tells him to lay his head on his arm,
and his right hand on his thigh; and thus addresses him :
My dear brother, I must leave you a little while, be of good
courage, and not daunted. Promise me faithfully that you
will remain in the posture in which I now leave you, however
much alarmed you may be by any noise which you may hear.
Attend to what I say ; for, if you neglect it, your life may be
the cost. As soon as you hear a masonic knock, take the
bandage from your eyes, and closely examine every object
that is around you. When you hear a second knock drink out
of the cup, which you will find near your left hand. When
you hear a third knocking you must do exactly as a voice
shall bid you. Although I leave you alone, believe me, the
eyes of the whole chapter are upon you ; therefore, I beg that
you will not fail to comply with these instructions. Farewell,
I leave you. He quits the room, and shuts the door sharply
after him. In a minute or two he knocks three distinct,
knocks ; after a while he knocks again, as before; and then
again, when a voice tells the candidate to take that dagger and
strike the villain, first on the head, then in his heart. Cut off
the head and follow me with it in your left hand, and the
dagger in the right. He is again brought to the door of the
lodge, and knocks eight and one. The door being opened, the
Master saysWho comes there ?

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A. Joabert, who has discovered where the traitor was concealed, and having revenged the death of our respectable Master, Hiram Abiff, comes to lay the villains head at the feet of
Solomon, King of Israel.
He is then admitted. Holding the head out, he strikes at it
with the dagger, which brings to the throne, where he
falls on his knees, with the head and dagger exposed in his
hands. The king, seeing the candidate, rises with great indignation, and says :Wretch ! what have you done ? My orders
were, that the traitor should be taken and brought to me, not
that you should put him to death. Your disobedience of orders
shall, therefore, cost you your life. Stolkin, put him to death.
(On hearing this the brethren fall on one knee, and beg pardon
from Solomon for the candidate, saying, that it was an excess
of zeal and love for the memory of our respected Master,
Hiram Abiff, that prompted him to disobey the Kings orders.
While this entreaty is making, Stolkin seizes the candidate,
and stands ready to execute his orders. Solomon says stop :
My Brother Joabert, I freely forgive you, the second time, as
you meant no wrong, but beware of the third offence.The
head and poniard are then taken from him, and the obligation
is administered.)
The penalty of this obligation embraces all those of the
foregoing, with a promise to revenge masonry in, general ; to
protect the order of ones own brethren with all ones might
and power ; to submit ones self to perish br the same weapon
which will be given as an honourable mark of this order, and
as a reward for zeal and constancy.
The Thrice Puissant raises the candidate and gives him the
dagger, saying :I deliver you this vindictive weapon: make
a good use of it when required.
The first sign of this order is for one to take a poniard or
sword and stab another on the forehead. The one that is struck
claps his hand to his forehead to see if it is bloody.
The second sign is to strike your poniard to the heart of
another, and say Necum. The other answers by laying his
hand upon his heart, and sayingJoabert.
The grip is to take the thumb of the other's right hand, and
in the bottom of yours, clench all the fingers of both hand,
and place the thumb erect. It signifies the elect eight close
and one by itself.



The pass-words are Necum, Joabert, and Stolkin.

The grand word is Begulgal, signifying faithful guardian,
chief of the Tabernacle, friend and chosen favourite.
The candidate is led to the seat, the brethren resume their
proper attitudes, and the Thrice Puissant delivers the following

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Thrice respectable brother elect, the unanimity and earnestness with which this respectable assembly require your pardon,
disposed my heart to grant it, especially as your crime was
only an overflow of zeal. In this you have imitated Joabert,
the favourite of Solomon, King of Israel, as I am about to
relate. You doubtless recollect the lamentable catastrophe of
our respectable Master, Hiram Abiff. His death is the constant subject of our griefs and tears, and, in this, we imitate
the wisest of kings, who bemoaned the irreparable loss which
he had sustained. You know that Solomon, on hearing that
he was missing, put a stop to the building, and swore that no
person should be paid his wages, until this great man was
found dead or alive. You also recollect that the brethren went
in search of him, and that Stolkin, at length, found him assassinated, and buried under or near a sprig of cassia. Stolkins
good luck, on this melancholy occasion, endeared him to the
king, and procured. him his greatest confidence. Nor was
Solomon contented with having the funeral obsequies of that
great man celebrated with as much splendour and maganificence as possible ; but was also determined to take public
satisfaction on the perpetrators of that horrid crime, and to
sacrifice them to the manes of his deceased friend. He issued
a proclamation, offering a reward to any person who would
give information where the villains were concealed ; and that
he would even forgive the real assassin if he would come into
his presence, acknowledge his guilt, and give up his accomplices, so that they might suffer condign punishment for the expiation of the greatest of crimes. This proclamation was long
out to no purpose. But one day, when Solomon was sitting
in his hall, giving audience to more than ninety masters and
other officers of the order, Jerbel, Captain of the Guards, entered and informed him that an unknown person wanted to
speak to him in private, as he had a matter of high importance

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to impart. The brethren were alarmed at the readiness with

which the king consented to a private audience from fear of
danger to his person ; but the audience being short, a speedy
return removed those fears. He informed them, this unknown
person was acquainted with the retreat of the murderers of
Hiram Abiff, and had offered to accompany such people as
would accompany him and inform themselves of the truth of
what he asserted. The brethren, to a man, immediately stood
up and offered their services on that occasion. The king was
highly pleased at their zeal, but declared, that among such a
number of virtuous brethren, they who should be employed in
the honour of taking these victims of vengeance should be determined by lot. The names of the Intendants of the Buildings
who were present were put in a box, when the king declared
the nine whose names should be first drawn should follow the
unknown stranger and bring the traitors alive, to be made an
example to the latest posterity. Lots were accordingly drawn,
and joy gladdened the faces of those whose names came out.
These received instructions from the king to follow the unknown man, who would conduct them to the cave which was
the retreat of the traitors. They departed, but one of the nine,
Joabert, whom you this day represent, animated with uncommon ardour, and thinking his brethren walked too slow, got
before them, and was the first that came to the cave, which
was situated near the sea-side, not far from Joppa. Near it
was a bush, which seemed to burn ; and a star, which had
conducted them, stood fixed over the cave. Joabert, inflamed
with rage, entered, and by the aid of a lamp which was burning,
saw the villain asleep lying on his back. A dagger lay at his feet,
which Joabert seized and struck with all his might, first on the
head, and then in the heart. The villain sprang up with fury ;
but, immediately dropped dead at his feet, and pronounced the
word Necum. Joabert cut off his head, and then quenched his
thirst at the spring in the cave, when he was joined by his
brethren, whom he was just going to meet. They, seeing the
head of the villain, represented to Joabert that he had committed a fault by his zeal, and that thus putting an end to the
villains life, he had rescued him from the tortures which Solomon had prepared for him. They promised to intercede and
use their influence with the king to procure his pardon. All
quenching their thirst, Joabert taking the head, they walked

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back to Jerusalem. On seeing them Solomon was about to

give orders for the intended tortures ; but, espying the villains
head in the hands of Joabert, he could not restrain his wrath,
and ordered Stolkin to put him to death. This would have
been instantly executed had not all the brethren thrown themselves on their knees and begged him off, as the illustrious
brethren of this chapter have done for you. From the historical circumstances related you may see what useful instruction
can be drawn. First, by the traitors death, you see that crimes
never go unpunished ; but that, sooner or later, they meet
their deserts. Secondly, you may learn from Joaberts danger,
how unsafe it is to exceed orders ; and that it is a necessary
duty strictly to comply with the orders of your superiors.
Thirdly, by the pardon procured for this zealous brother, you
may learn, how easily the heart of a good king is influenced to
be merciful. You also see how necessary it is to have friends
who will interest themselves warmly for us on critical occasions. And now, my dear brother, we will put an end to this
discourse by applause your reception with eight and one.

Q. Brother, are you a master elect ?

A. I have been made acquainted with the cave.
Q. What have you seen in the cave ?
A. A light, poniard, and a fountain, with the traitor
Q. Of what use to you were these things ?
A. The light to dispel the darkness of the place, the dagger
to revenge the death of our respectable master Hiram Abiff,
and the fountain to quench my thirst.
Q. Where were you made a master elect ?
A. In the hall of audience, in Solomon's palace.
Q. How many Intendants of the Building were there present at that time ?
A. Nine, of which I was one.
Q. From what order or number of people were those
chosen ?
A. From upwards of ninety, mostly Intendants of the
Building, and some masters.
Q. By what motives were you prompted to become a master ?

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A. The desire of revenging the death of our respectable

Master, Hiram Abiff, by destroying his murderer, Ehyroh.
Q. Where did you find the assassin ?
A. At the bottom of a cave, situated at the foot of a burning bush, by the seaside near to Joppa.
Q. Who showed you the way ?
A. An unknown person.
Q. What road did you pass through ?
A. Through dark and almost inaccessible roads.
Q. What did you do when you came to the cave ?
A. I laid hold of a dagger, there found, and, with it, struck
the villain so forcibly on the head and the heart, that he immediately expired.
Q. Did he say anything before he expired ?
A. He only answered one word.
Q. What was it ?
A. Necum, which signifies revenge.
Q. How was your election consummated ?
A. By revenge, disobedience, clemency, and 8 and 1.
Q. Explain this.
A. By revenge, I destroy the traitor ; by disobedience, I
exceeded the orders given to me by the king ; by clemency
through the intercession of my brethren, I obtained the kings
pardon : and, lastly, by 8 and 1, as we were only nine chosen
for the business.
Q. What did you do after killing the traitor ?
A. I cut off his head, quenched my thirst at the spring, and,
quite fatigued, laid myself down to sleep, where I remained
until my companions entered the cave crying out revenge.
Q. How did Solomon receive you on presenting the head of
the traitor to him ?
A. With indignation, as he had proposed to himself much
gratification in punishing the villain, and even doomed my
death ; but on account of my zeal forgave me.
Q. What did the dark chamber represent, into which you
were conducted before your reception ?
A. It is the representation of the cave where the traitor
was found by me.
Q. How came you to be left there blindfolded ?
A. To call to my mind the traitors sleep, and how often
we may think ourselves secure, after committing a crime, when
we are in the most danger.

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Q. How did the elect walk ?

A. Darkness obliged them to put their hands before their
heads, to prevent injury, by. coming against an obstruction.
And, as the road was bad and uneven, they were obliged to
cross their legs, and, for that reason, we sit in that position in
the chapter.
Q. What does the dog represent, which you see in the
draft ?
A. The unknown person, or good citizen, who conducted
the elect.
Q. What does the naked arm with the dagger mean ?
A. That revenge ever attends guilt.
Q. What does the black ribbon with the poniard signify ?
A. The grief still subsisting for Hiram Abiff, though his
murderer was punished, as it was perpetrated by masons, and
some of them yet unpunished.
Q. What emblems do you use to explain the number of
nine elected ?
A. First nine red roses, at the bottom of our black order.
Second, nine lights in the chapter. And third, nine strokes
to gain admittance. These are the emblems of the nine
elected, and red is the emblem of the blood that was spilt in
the temple, and ordered to remain there, till revenge was completed.
Q. How do you wear the black order in this chapter ?
A. From the left shoulder to the right hip, with a poniard
hanging to the bottom of it.
Q. What colour is your apron ?
A. A white skin bordered and lined with black, spotted
with red, and on the flap is painted a bloody arm holding a
bloody dagger.
Q. With what is this chapter hung ?
A. White ; red and white mixed with flames ; white flames
and red flames ; and red on the white. The one indicates the
blood that was spilt, and the other, the ardour and purity of
the elect.
Q. Why have you no more than one warden ?
A. Because the chapter was always held in Solomons palace, where there was no one but his favourite privy to what
Q. What was there more to be done ?

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A. Nothing, as everything is achieved, and Hiram Abiff

Q. Give me the pass-word.
A. Necum.
Q. Give me the grand word.
A. Begulgal is a word which signifies faithful guardian or
chief of the tabernacle, friend or chosen favourite.
Q. Have you any other pass-words.
A. There are two.
Q. Give them to me.
A. Stolkin, Joabert.
Q. At what time did the nine elected set out on their journey
to the cave ?
A. Just at dark.
Q. When did they return ?
A. At the break of day.
Q. How old are you ?
A. 8 and 1 perfect.

Solomon makes the sign by putting his hand to his forehead

and says :My brethren, let us renew our obligation. (The
brethren make the sign with their daggers, first striking the head
and then the heart. Solomon strikes 8 and 1 : Stolkin does the
same : and the chapter is closed.)


This lodge represents the cabinet .of Solomon. It is lighted
with nine lights. Two arm chairs are placed in the east. As
the lodge is called the council of nine, it cannot be held unless
that number of brethren be present. Two kings are supposed
to be included, and are seated in the centre, and the other
members of the lodge surround the infant. One of the kings
has a dagger in his hand; the other a sceptre. Emblems of
mortality are displayed on the clothing, and the words conquer



or die are conspicuous round the room. The names by which

the kings are distinguished, is, Solomon, the most wise, and
Hiram the most powerful.

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M. W. Most powerful king, what is your motive in assisting at our present council ?
M. P. Most wise king, I attend your deliberations to demand justice. A murder has been committed, and the injury
has been unredressed. Punishment must follow, and vengeance
will be satisfied.
M. W. Most powerful king, you shall be witness to the inquiry that shall be instituted in order to detect the assassin,
and it will remain for you, if we are successful, to determine
the punishment. Placing the sceptre on the head of a brother,
he saysI appoint you, most respectable brother, Intimate
Secretary. You are to watch for the safety of the council ;
assure yourself of the qualifications of the members present.
(The Intimate Secretary salutes the kings, and having taken
the sign, token, and word from, the others, reports, that all present are faithful subjects.)
M. W. My brethren, whom the Creator has enlightened,
whom equity directs and truth guides, I pronounce that the
council is resumed. Intimate Secretary, the profane are excluded, and, under this name, we comprehend Masons, who
are honoured with the title of Master Elect. Place a guard
without the door, let the avenues be searched, and return
quickly with your report.
I. S. Most wise king, all is covered. The guards environ
the door of the palace, and our mysteries are secure from the
penetration of the world.
The Master strikes seven equal knocks and two quick, saying Necum Nicum, which signifies vengeance.
M. W. Brethren, you have witnessed the grief I experienced
on a lamentable occasion. In vain have I dictated steps to be
taken, as a prelude to a discovery. Each of us is interested to revenge our loss. My royal brother is come hither to
demand it. To him, therefore, I will refer you. He will inspire you with sentiments worthy of the cause which he undertakes, and you will now attend to its recital. After a silence,

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the most powerful king draws his dagger, and pointing it towards the infant, thus addresses the lodge :
The pledge is before us, which this great man has left. This
will soften and stimulate you to virtuous deeds. If his memory
be dear to you, the cries of this child, his tears and his prayers,
will move your compassions. He asks vengeance for the loss
of his parent, who was your companion and your friend. Unite,
therefore, your efforts to discover the inhuman wretch, that he
may meet his reward.
The lodge exclaims, Necum Nicum.
The master in collecting these votes is interrupted by a
noise at the door, and says, Intimate Brother, who occasions
this, and how are my orders obeyed ?
The brother retires and immediately returns to report that
the council is betrayed. The lodge unanimously reports Necum Nicum. The master adds :The sceptre is raised, our indignation must yield to the necessity of hearing the particulars
of the report. Tell us, Intimate Secretary, who has caused
this interruption, and who has the audacity to penetrate to the
august council.
I. S. I behold, with surprise, that a brother has clandestinely entered the adjacent apartment, and I am apprehensive that he has heard the secrets of the council. It is with
horror, I relate, that he appears to be guilty of murder. His
hands and his sword are stained with blood. Every particular
testifies against him, and all unite to excite my suspicion.
M. W. He shall be satisfied.
The other king deliberates and says :My brother, attend
to your usual wisdom, and be not too rash. Let the wretch be
disarmed, bound, and introduced, and let him reply to the interrogations that shall be put to him.
This degree appears to be but another version of that of Intimate Secretary, or Joaberts second slip. The sign is made
by drawing two daggers with the right hand, and lifting it as
if to strike in the front. The answer to it is, to shut the right
hand, and the fist thus closed, is raised and turned quick. The
token for him who asks is delivered, by erecting his thumb,
while his right hand is closed, and presenting it to his companion. The answer is to seize the thumb with an extended
arm. The word is Necum Nicum.



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The decorations are the same as in the foregoing degree, and
it only differs by being lighted with twenty-seven lamps, disposed in groups of nine. The lodge is opened by the masters
asking, if there are any other mysteries in quality of Master
Elect, than those of Necum Nicum. He is answered, that the
appendage of the letter P is another mystery. The words of
this degree are Romvel Gravelot, Abiram. The ceremony
concludes with telling the candidate, that the business of this
degree is to prepare him for another, which is the
This lodge is hung with black and decorated with three skeletons. It is opened with fifteen strokes, and ligrted with fifteen lamps. At a reception, only fifteen brethren are permitted
to be present. The sign is to shut the right hand with the
thumb elevated, as in holding a dagger, to place it under the
chin, and then drop it, as in the act of separating the body, indicative of the penalty of the obligation. It is answered by
stretching out the hand, as if to cut off the neck with the thumb.
The token is to give little strokes of the forefinger upon the
joint of the little finger. It is answered by taking the right
hand, with the fingers of the right hand extended, and shaking
it thrice, which signifies three times five, the number of the
fifteen elect.The word is Zeomet, and the answer to it



This lodge is held in Solomons private arch, under the sanctum sanctorum, and over the sepulchre of Hiram Abiff, in
which place he was finally installed with his jewel.
* I have no further particulars of the last two degrees than those stated.

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The officers are twelve ; Tito Zadok, the High Priest ; King
Solomon ; Hiram, King of Tyre, with nine grand officers.
The two kings are under the High Priest. The first of the
nine grand officers is called Senior Provost.
The lodge is hung with red, and illuminated with twelve
great lights in the form of a triangle..
The High Priest sits under a rich blue canopy, ornamented
with purple, scarlet and gold, the four famous colours that
adorned the veil of King Solomons Temple and the Tabernacle in the wilderness, under Moses, the great and inspired
Tito Zadok, in addition to the office of High Priest, bears
that of Prince of Jerusalem and Harodim. Solomon and Hiram are styled royal chiefs. These three officers have each a
sceptre in his hand. The two kings wear crowns, and the
High Priest the regular habit of the office.
The candidate for this degree, having been admitted and
obligated, is thus addressed by the High Priest.
Brother N, you having taken the solemn obligation of
this degree, I do, in virtue of the power to me given, constitute and appoint you a Provost and Judge, with the title of
High Priest of Jerusalem and Harodim, and Grand Superintendent over the Architects of the Temple, in the place of
your late Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. And we do here invest you with these four golden keys, suspended to this red
ribbon, and with this apron bound with the same colour, as an
emblem of the ardour and zeal of Hiram Abiff. The first of
these keys will open the private arch of King Solomon. The
second will let you into the tomb of the immortal widows
son. The third will let you into the sanctum sanctorum, or
holy of holies. And the other will enable you to find the
sacred treasure in the ark of the covenant.

Q. What is denoted by Tito Zadok ?

A. Tito Zadok, the Prince and High Priest of Jerusalem.
Q. What means the second name ?
A. It denotes the High Priest to be just.
Q. What was the intention of King Solomon in forming
this degree ?

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A. To appoint grand superintendents over the architects to

carry into execution the plans of Hiram Abiff in the outer
works of the Temple, and to honour the great servant of the
most high lord, who was, for that purpose, created Prince of
Harodim and Jerusalem, set above the great and learned King
of Tyre, and the most powerful king then on earth, whose
wisdom far exceeded that of all men. This High Priest was
the first admitted by these two kings into this degree, and
within the holy place of the temple.
Q. Who was the second Mason exalted to this degree ?
A. Zadok, the great favourite of King Solomon, and to him
was entrusted the four keys of the sacred treasures contained
in the oracle, above it in the obelisk of Hiram Abiff, and below
it in the sacred private arch of Solomon.
Q. In what manner did Zadok obtain admission into these
sacred places ?
A. Into the obelisk he had free access without attendance.
Into the sanctum sanctorum, or holy of holies, only with the
permission and in the presence of Tito Zadok, the High Priest,
who opened with the second key of the door the holy
place leading to the sanctum sanctorum, and having the
glorious veil of the temple, which separated the holy place from
the most holy sanctum sanctorum, thrown aside by twelve of
the priesthood, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, he was
permitted, during the reading of the law by the Senior Priest
of the tribes of Israel, to view that glorious treasure exhibited in
due form by the High Priest. Into Solomons private arch
he entered, accompanied by Solomon himself and Hiram, King
of Tyre, while the nine grand officers guarded the nine arches
that led from the residence of the king on Mount Sion to the
arch under the holy Mount Moriah. And with his fourth key
he entered the sepulchre of Hiram Abiff, under the arch of
Solomon, and, on that solemn and secret spot, he took the
great obligation of this degree, in the presence of the kings of
Jerusalem and Tyre.
Q. What was the result of the initiation of Zadok the High
Priest into this degree ?
A. He was so struck with admiration, in beholding the furniture of this holy place, in the bowels of the earth, that he
fell prostrate, and pronounced J.
Q. What does that denote ?

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A. The glorious light of God. King Solomon perceived

him in that attitude, at the instant the words were pronounced advanced and raised him exclaiming, Jazb.
Q. What does that denote ?
A. The sight of God. Solomon delivered to him the four
keys belonging to this degree, by which his knowledge was daily
Q. What else was to be seen in that sacred lodge ?
A. A triangle in the middle of the circle, and in centre of
it the T T two crosses, like the cross of mount Calvary.
Q. What is denoted by the two roses ?
A. The white rose represents the purity and innocence of
Hiram Abiff ; and the red, on the circle stone, his blood open
for the honourable cause of Masonry.

High Priest. Companions and explorers of the bowels of the

earth, be pleased to assist me in closing the lodge of Judges of
the holy city of Jerusalem. Pray, Senior Companion, what
is the last duty ?
Senior Provost. To seal the sepulchre of our departed grand
master, lock up our secrets, and retire in peace from the mansion of the dead..
H. P. Take the emblems of your office, and see that duty
faithfully performed.
The Senior Companion receives from the two kings their
sealsthe one with the arms of Jerusalem, the other with the
rod of Aaron buddingwith which he closes the tomb, and
seals the sepulchre of Hiram Abiff.
The High Priest does the same with the seal which represents the arms of the twelve tribes. Each joins the proper
report as pointed out, and the lodge is closed.



This lodge is hung with red, and illuminated with five great
lights ; one of which must be in the centre, and the others at



the four angles. The master is placed in the east, under a blue
canopy bespangled with golden stars. The masters title is
that of thrice illustrious and puissant. He represents Tito
Prince Harodim, the eldest of the Provost and Judges, first
grand warden and inspector of the three hundred architects,
who drew plans for the workmen of the temple. The second
senior master acts as senior warden, and the brethren are to
be placed to the right and left according to seniority. The
wardens, sit in the west.

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The thrice illustrious and puissant master strikes four quick

and one slow, which is repeated by the warden. The master
asks the following questions :
Q. Illustrious brother warden, are we tiled ?
A. Thrice iIlustrio:us and puissant master we are tiled and
can begin to work.
Q. Where stands your master ?
A. Everywhere, thrice illustrous master.
Q. Why so ?
A. To supervise the conduct of the workmen, to attend to
the business done by them, and to render impartial justice to
each of them.
Q. What is the clock ?
A. It is break of day, eight oclock, two oclock, seven
The master strikes four and one on the altar, which is reported by the wardens. The master says :As it is eight, two
and seven o'clock, it is time for the workmen to begin their
work. The lodge is opened, and the brethren clap four and

The master holds a sceptre in his hand, and orders the grand
master of the ceremonies to go and prepare the candidate. He
goes, brings him to the door, and knocks as before, which the
warden repeats, and after him the master. The warden informs
the master that somebody knocks as Provost and Judge. The
master sends to inquire who is there, which being done, the
answer returned is, Brother N stands at the door, and
solicits the favour of being admitted to the degree of Illustrious

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Master Provost and Judge. The master desires the candidate

to be examined and admitted. The master of the ceremonies
introduces him, places him between the wardens, and retires.
The senior warden takes the candidate by the hand, makes him
kneel, and pronounce CIVI, and lays his naked hand on his
shoulder. Thus he remains awhile, until the thrice illustrious
and puissant master pronounces the word Ky. Then the
junior warden raises him, and leads him seven times round the
lodge. At the first round he gives the Apprentices sign, and
every other in rotation as he goes round. He is now brought
to the foot-stool of the throne, and thus addressed by the
master :
Respectable brother, it gives me pleasure to have it in my
power to reward. your zeal for masonry, and your attention and
attachment to the master of masters. This I do by appointing
you Provost and Judge over all the workmen of this lodge ; for
as we are fully convinced of your discretion, we do not scruple
to confide in you, and to communicate our most important
secrets to your bosom, which will encourage you to do your
duty in this degree, as you have done in the former, to which
you had the honour of being admitted. I trust you with the
key of the place, where lies deposited the heart and remains of
Hiram Abiff ; but you must bind yourself by a solemn obligation that you will never divulge the secrets. Kneel, and
contract your obligation.
Candidate. I promise to render strict and impartial justice,
to pay just and due obedience to the regulations and orders of
the council of the Princes of Jerusalem, with all my former
obligations ; so God keep me in truth, equity; and justice.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
The candidate is ordered to rise ; the master gives him a
stroke on each shoulder with his sceptre, and thus addresses
him :
Brother N, by a power to me given, and with which I
am now invested, I appoint you a Provost and Judge over all
the workmen and the works of the temple ; and, as such, I
ornament you with this golden key, suspended to a red ribbon,
which you are to wear as a collar. Your apron is lined with
the same colour, as an emblem of the ardour and zeal of the
masters. The pocket in the middle is intended to keep the
keys of the plans.



The sigu of this degree is to carry the two first fingers of the
right hand to the lips, the thumb under the chin forming
a square. The pass-word is Tito. The token is to interlace
the little finger of each others right hand, and with the
middle finger to strike each other on the palm of the hand
seven times. The words are seven-foldCivi, Ky, Jua, Stolkin,
Hiram, Geometras, Architect, and Xinxy. The grand word is
Jachinai. On the flap of the apron a key is painted, being the
Jewel of this degree.

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Q. Are you a Provost and Judge ?

A. I distribute justice to all workmen impartially.
Q. How did you gain admittance into the lodge of Provost
and Judge ?
A. By striking four knocks quick and one slow.
Q. What do you mean by four quick and one slow ?
A. The four first are emblematical of the four fronts of the
temple, and the fifth of the unity of God, whose temple it is,
and to whom we owe homage.
Q. What did you meet with on your entrance ?
A. A warden who conducted me to the west part of the
Q. Then what became of you ?
A. The Senior Warden made me kneel on my knee : and
pronounce the word Civi.
Q. What answer did the illustrious master make you ?
A. He pronounced the word Ky.
Q. What did the Thrice Puissant do next ?
A. He constituted me Provost and Judge.
Q. What did he give you ?
A. A golden key to distinguish me as a member of this
degree, and with it a sign, token, and word, by which I am
Q. What is the use of the key ?
A. To open a small ebony box, where all the plans for the
construction of the temple are kept.
Q. What do you mean by this ?
A. I mean that we are only entrusted with a. secret to know
where the heart of our respectable Hiram Abiff is deposited.
Q. What is your word ?

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A. Tito.
Q. What does it signify ?
A. It was the name of the first grand warden. He was a
prince of Harodim, the oldest of the Provosts and Judges, and
Inspector of the three hundred architects of the temple.
Q. What was the intention of Solomon in creating this
degree ?
A. It was necessary. to establish order and regularity
among such a number of workmen. For this purpose, Solomon created Tito Prince of Harodim. Adoniram was created
chief of the Provosts and Judges ; and the kings favourite,
Joabert, was then initiated into the mysteries of this degree.
To him the key was given to open the ebony box that contained all the plans of the buildings, such as you have in the
degree of secret master. This box was hung under a rich
canopy. Joabert was so much struck with admiration, that he
fell on his knees, and pronounced the word Civi. Solomon
seeing him in this attitude, pronounced the word Ky, and then
put the seals into his hand, by which his knowledge daily
Q. What did you perceive in the lodge ?
A. A fringed curtain with a canopy under it, to which was
suspended the ebony box containing the plans.
Q. Did you see anything else ?
A. A pair of scales, which are the emblem of rectitude,
with which we should execute the duties of this degree, as we
are appointed Judges to decide all disputes that may occur
among the workmen of the temple.
Q. Where is his heart interred ?
A. In a golden urn, which is shut up in the obelisk.
Q. What Means the two letters X and I, which appear in
this draft ?
A. Xinxy and Jachinai. The first signifies the seat of the
soul, and the second is one of the names of the Grand Architect
of the universe.
Q. What means the letters I H S ?
A. The letter I signifies Jua ; the H signifies Hiram, King
of Tyre ; and the S signifies Stolkin, the name of him who
found the body of Hiram Abiff under the sprig of Cassia.
Q. What do the letters M B mean ?
A. Mahabone, who found the Jewel of our respectable
master, Hiram Abiff.

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Q. Where were you placed ?

A. In the middle chamber.
Q. Have you .done any remarkable work since you have
been Provost and Judge ?
A. I have ornamented the tomb of the respectable Hiram
Q. With what did the Thrice Illustrious and Puissant Master ornament you, when you were received into this degee ?
A. With a white apron, lined with red, upon which were
white and red roses, and a pocket in the middle of it.
Q. What was the intention of the pocket ?
A. The eldest of the Provosts and Judges made use of it, to
put the plans in which he communicated to the master who
drew them out on the tressel board.
Q. What do white and red roses mean ?
A. The red is an emblem of the blood spilt from the respectable master, Hiram .A.biff, and the white denotes the candour
and fidelity of the masters.

Q. How old are you ?

A. Four times sixteen.
Q. From whence came you ?
A. I come and go everywhere.
Q. What is the clock ?
A. Break of day, eight, two, seven oclock.
Q. Why so ?
A. Because a Perfect Master or Provost and Judge should
be everywhere at all times or hours, so as to be at hand to
administer justice.
The master, wardens, and all the brethren strike four quick
and one slow, and the lodge is closed.


The origin of this degree is deduced from the tower of
Babel, or from a son of Noah. The officers are:
1st, A Grand Commander.
2nd, A Knight of Introduction.

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3rd, A Knight of Eloquence.

4th, A Knight of Finances.
5th, A Knight of Chancery, and
6th, A Knight of Defence.
The members are denominated Knights or Prussion Masons.
The mysteries for the initiation are only to be celebrated when
the moon is at its full. None to be admitted but Masons. At
the time of the Crusades the Knights of the various nations
were confederated in Palestine, and mutually communicated
their secrets in Masonry. The Prussian Knights initiated the
Christian Princes and their attendants who were Masons.
The apartment in which the reception takes place must not
be in a confined situation, as the only light permitted is from
the moon. The members of this degree wear their swords,
aprons, and gloves, trimmed with yellow, and their jewels pendant by a black ribbon to a button of their waistcoats. The
form is triangular, and an arrow with its point towards the earth
is the symbol. The members should be ranged on each
side forming an avenue ; the Grand Commander in front
facing the moon.
The chapter is opened by the G. C. striking thrice with the
blade of the sword, and returning it to the scabbard. He then
raises his hand towards the moon, the brethren doing, the same,
and, in this posture, declares that the chapter is lighted. The
Knights examine the drawing until the candidate is properly
prepared for introduction. He is to be uncovered, without a
sword, and to wear a white apron and gloves. The drawing is
to be divided into two apartments: the ground of one is blue,
a silver moon and golden stars are to be depicted on it ; the
other is black, with a triangle and a golden arrow delineated.
The Knight of Introduction, who precedes the candidate,
strikes thrice ; and the Knight of Defence, whose department
is to take care of the avenues, announces him by one on the
inside, opens the door, and demands the secret of the order,
which is delivered and reported to the Grand Commander ;
who replies :The Worthy Knight is at liberty to enter, if he
be alone ; but if accompanied it remains for him to be acquainted with the motives that induce his companion to wish
for admittance. This is answered, that it is a master who is
desirous of being admitted a Prussian Mason.
G. C. Let him enter and be examined.

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The Knights draw their swords, and present the points to the
G. C. I declare, brave Knights, that he is worthy of your
countenance. Give me your assent [which is done]. Brother
N, will you renounce pride all the days of your life ?
Candidate. I promise so to do.
G. C. Example is far superior to precept ; commence your
career with an act of humility.
The candidate is led to the feet of the Grand Commander,
by three reverences on his left knee, and being prostrate before
him, is commanded to kiss the pommel of his sword. Before
he is permitted to rise the Knight of Eloquence addresses him
on the subject of vanity, and draws his conclusions on the evil
consequences attending it from the example of Peleg and
G. C. Do you promise upon the faith of a Mason, to keep
the secrets with which I shall entrust you, on the conditions
first, that you will never reveal to any of the children of
Adam the mysteries of our order ; second, that you will associate with us in future ; third, that you will never suffer
at the peril of your life any man to wear the Jewel of this
order, unless he makes himself known to you as a Prussian
Mason ?
Candidate. I engage myself to fulfil the prescribed conditions.
G. C. Knight of Eloquence you are at liberty to make
known the history of our excellent order.
K. E. To every Prussian Mason be it known notwithstanding the recent vengeance which the Deity had taken upon
mankind for their iniquities, by causing universal deluge
notwithstanding the Deity had given the rainbow as a sign of
reconciliation, vouchsafing that favour declared that the world
should not be again destroyed by waters, the descendants of
Noah, from their want of faith in the divine prediction, being
apprehensive of a second deluge, said,Let us build a city
whose top may reach the heavens, and let us make a name lest
we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth. To accomplish their designs, they began to erect a high tower in the
plain of Shinar ; but this enterprise being displeasing in the eyes
of their Maker, as tending to frustrate or delay the execution
of his design, that mankind should not always continue together, he obliged them to discontinue the project, by confound-

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ing their language, so that one could not understand another.

From this circumstance the city took its name of Babel,
which signifies confusion ; and a dispersion of the people and
a planting of nations ensued. It was on the night of the full
moon that the Lord worked this wonder, in remembrance of
which, the Noahites hold their lodges at this season. The
architect was named Peleg ; at least, it was he who gave the
idea of this building. As a punishment for his contumacy,
and the presumption of his brethren, he was deprived of hir
speech ; and to avoid the outrages of his companions, who considered him as the cause of the failure of their design, he travelled into countries remote from Shinar, and from thence
only by moonlight, as he was fearful of massacre if his person
were recognised. His place of retirement was Prussia, where
having erected a triangular dwelling, he, by humiliation, and
contrition for the part he had taken in the plain of Shinar,
obtained remission for his sins, and had his speech restored
to him. This dwelling of Pelegs was discovered fifteen cubits
deep from the surface of the earth, in the year 553. In it
was found a stone of white marble, on which was inscribed the
particulars I have related in the Hebrew tongue, and, adjacent was the following epitaph :Here repose the ashes of
the grand architect of the tower of Babel. The Lord had pity
on him because he became humble.
Thus we communicate our grand secret to you, unknown to
every one but ourselves. We trust it to you with pleasure.
Misfortune to you, if you are weak enough to transcribe it.
Be circumspect, and for that purpose practise humility, after
the example of our grand architect.
The knights sheath their swords, and the candidate is invested with his. The Jewel is tied to the button of his waistcoat. His apron and gloves are decorated with yellow borders, and he is entrusted with the sign, grip, word, and password.
The ceremony is concluded by the G. C.s observing, that
the lodge is obscured, and that it is time to retire. A table
lighted with candles is introduced, and, if a supper be provided it is to consist wholly of vegetables.

Q. Who are you ?

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A. Tell me who you are, and I will tell you who I am.
Q. Do you know the children of Noah ?
A. I know three of them.
Q. Who are they ?
A. I particularise them by their initials S H I.
Q. Tell me the words.
A. Begin and I will reply.
Q. Shem, Ham.
A. Japhet.
Q. What does this letter signify ?
A. The initial letter of the secret word.
Q. Present the signs.
A. The arms extended towards the moon ; and the face towards the east.
Q. Why is the face towards the east ?
A. Because it is the part in which the moon rises.
Q. Give me the grip.
A. The hand is clenched thrice.
Q. Deliver the pass-word.
A. Peleg.
Q. How do you know the architect of the tower of Babel ?
A. I have mentioned him.
Q. Who acquainted you with his history ?
A. The Knight of Eloquence.
Q. In what lodge ?
A. In a lodge where the moon gave light.
Q. Was this edifice praiseworthy ?
A. It was not, as it was never completed.
Q. What is the reason to be assigned ?
A. The foundation was laid in pride.
Q. Is it to imitate the children of Noah that you retain it
in your memory ?
A. No ; but to avoid the danger which they experienced..
Q. Where were the remains of Peleg deposited ?
A. In a tomb.
Q. Was he not consideted a reprobate ?
A. No. The stone on his remains inform us that his Creator
had mercy on him on account of his subsequent humility.
Q. In what manner were you received a Prussian Mason ?
A. By three humiliations ; and by kissing the pommel of
the sword of the Grand Commander.



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Q. Why did you submit to these humiliations ?

A. As a proof of my obedience to the dictates enjoined in
this degree.
Q. Why do knights wear a triangle ?
A. In memory of the temple of Peleg.
Q. Why is the arrow reserved in the centre of it ?
A. In remembrance of the remission that took place from
his contrition, and that the cup of wrath was turned away
from him.
G. C. So may it be turned aside from all his successors,
and with this sentiment I close the lodge of Noahites.



OfficersCyrus, Mithredath, Senior Prince, Junior Prince,

Senior General, Junior General, Eastern Knight, Southern
SceneBabylon with two towers, and a bridge over the river
Cyrus is called, most potent sire.
For the solemnities of this order, two apartments are required. One is considered as the council chamber of Cyrus,
King of Persia and Babylon. A throne is placed in the east,
and behind it a transparency, descriptive of a dream of that
monarch, lighted with. seventy lamps, to represent seventy
years of the captivity of the Jews.

CyrusBrother companions, assist me to open this sovereign chapter of Knights of the Red Cross Sword of Babylon.
Princes, Generals, the days of the seventy years for the captivity of the Jews are expired. My intention is to liberate
them, and to that purpose, I will relate to you the particulars
of a dream. Interpret. the words, and assist me with your
In my sleep, I perceived a lion ready to devour me, and at
a distance, Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, my predecessors,

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in chains. They were contemplating a GLORY, which masons

show as the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe.
In the clouds appeared an eagle, from whose beak issued an
order to RENDER LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVES ; I was astonished
and confounded. The dream vanished, but my tranquillity is
disturbed. Princes deliberate ; assent or dissent to the term
of vision.
They draw their swords, and present their points to the air,
then to the earth ; by which they assent to the will of the king.
Then they lift up the points, which denotes liberty, and let
them remain in that position.
Cyrus. Brother companions, the captivity shall be concluded. Princes, Generals, the Chapter of Knights of the Red
Cross Sword of Babylon is opened.

The candidate, being properly prepared, is brought to the

door of the outer tower of Cyruss palace, and gives the proper
report. One of the kings guards of that tower opens the door,
and demands, who comes there ?
Zerubbabel. The first among my equals, a Mason of rank,
and a royal captive in Babylon.
Guard. What is your desire ?
Z. To approach the presence of our sovereign.
G. What is your name ?
Z. That is well known. Not one in Babylon but that
knows my name and dignity.
[Here Zerubbabel throws aside his outer garment, and discovers the rich dress that he usually wore at the court of Cyrus, by which with his well-known features, he makes himself
known to the guard.]
G. What is your age ?
Z. Seventy years.
G. What is the nature of your present application ?
Z. To remedy the miserable situation of my brethren.
G. Attend, whilst I report you to the king and council.
Here the guard knocks, as a Knight of the Red Cross Sword,
seven distinct or slow, three quick, an interval, and two quick.
Answered from within, he reports, that the Prince Zernbbabel
solicits an audience of the king. He is commanded, after a
pause, to introduce him to the middle tower. The Senior

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Prince of the court of Babylon, who now represents Cyrus, the

king, comes to him and says :Worthy Prince, for what do
you appear before us ?
Z. I implore your good will and justice.
S. P. Upon whose account ?
Z. My own, and that of my companions, who have been in
servitude seventy years.
S. P. Signify the extent of the favour you request.
Z. To grant us our liberty, to permit us to return to Judea,
and to assist us in rebuilding the temple of our Creator.
S. P. Since motives so just and honourable have brought
you here, you shall speak to us face to face.
The council chamber door is thrown open, and, upon entering, Zerubbabel kneels before the throne of Cyrus. The kings
representative, during the time of his kneeling, delivers the
substance of the request. Cyrus says :Arise, worthy prince,
I have long witnessed the weight of your captivity, and am
ready to release you this instant, if you will communicate to
me the mysteries of your order of Masonry ; for which I have
always had the most profound veneration.
Z. Most potent Sire, your situation renders it impossible
for me to entrust you with them ; for Solomon, when he first
gave us the principles, taught us that equality, fidelity, and
brotherly love, were ever to be the criterion among Masons.
Your rank, your titles, your superiority, are incompatible with
the mansions where the sacred mysteries of our order are prevalent. Our exterior marks are unknown to you. My engagements with my brethren are inviolable, and I dare not reveal
to you our secrets. If my liberty is only to be purchased in
this manner, I prefer captivity.
Cyrus. I admire your zeal and your courage. Princes,
generals, this worthy prince merits liberty for bis attachment
to his solemn compact. (The brethren assent by lowering the
points of their swords.) With much pleasure, I grnnt the remission you requested, ancl consent to your liberty. (The
chains are removed frum the captive.) Go into your country
of Judea. I permit you to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem,
destroyed by my predecessors ; and your treasure shall be
returned you before the sun is set. I appoint you chief among
your brethren, and to preside over your equals ; and I command that they shall honour you as they have hitherto me.

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I expect a small tribute from you, and will send to receive it

even under the porches of your new temple as soon as erected.
I ask a model of your temple. It is not for the single value
that I require it ; but to convince your neighbours and surrounding nations, that you are still under my protection.
Henceforward, you are to be to me, and I will be to you, a
friend. I now arm you with this sword as a distinguishing
mark above vour fellow companions. You are to consider it
the same sword that Nebuchadnezzar received from your king,
Jehoiechim, at the time of his captivity ; and I am persuaded,
that you will employ it in the defence of your country, religion,
and laws. I, therefore, create you a Knight of the Red Cross
Sword, and, as a proof of my esteem, I invest you with this
apron and sash, which we have adopted in imitation of your
own architects. These marks are circumscribed with particular mysteries, which I grant to the Princes and Companions
of this Court as an honour : and you will hereafter enjoy
among them the same distinctions. I also present you with
these remnants of your former temple, that were brought away
at the captivity ; this Red Cross Jewel ; this olive branch, as
an emblem of peace between us ; and the secrets of the Red
Cross Sword Degree, as a proof of permission to leave this country for your own. That you may pass without impediment
through the provinces between this and Judea, you must give
to the three first Babylonish Guards in succession the words
of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and altogether to the
fourth. These words will carry you to your native country :
but if more is demanded of you, give them the sword up and
down as a sign.
The candidate retires ; the lodge or chapter is made to represent a public road with a bridge over the river Euphrates
in Babylon, with guards at each end. Zerubbabel appears, and
is stopped by the first guard, who challenges him withWho
comes there ? He gives the answer, sign, word, etc., and the
same to the second guard. He passes through the dominions
of the King of Babylon, and reaches the confines of Judea.
On passing the bridge of the Jordan, he gives the third word tc
the first guard, and to the last the three words. The guard repliesThrice tried and thrice approved companion, pass in the
name of the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The
best scenery for this ceremony, that the place where the chapter is held will admit, is used.



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The candidate has now put off his rich attire as Zerubbabel,
Prince of Jerusalem, and has put on that of first sojourner.
Zerubbabel, Haggai, and Joshua, are supposed to have gone
through the ceremonies of the Red Cross Sword Degree, and
to have become principals, holding a Chapter or Sanhedrim on
their own account at Jerusalem, to examine all who returned
from their captivity, to prove that they are legitimate descendants from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ezra and Nehemiah
are also officers of the Sanhedrim, the whole present being
A report is made at the door by five distinct and two quick
knocks ; and to the question of who comes there, is answered
A sojourner, a descendant of your forefathers, Abraham,
lsaac, and Jacob, come out of Babylon to live with his brethren in Judea, and to assist in rebuilding the temple of the Lord.
Janetor (door-keeper). What is your age ?
Sojourner. Seventy years.
J. None but architects and grand architects can be admitted
to the honour which you seek. If you possess the necessary
qualifications, there is a vacancy not yet occupied, and you
may by civility and perseverance acquire those honours which
avail true merit, without regard to birth or fortune.
The candidate gives the signs of the ten preceding degrees,
and enters upon the proper level.
J. In the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
enter the grand Sanhedrim of Jerusalem, and give immediately an account of yonr recent deliverance from your Babylonish captivity, and endeavour to prove that you are worthy
of distinctions.
On entering, he salutes the Sandedrim with the signs of the
ten preceding degrees, and proceeds with the following narration :
Most excellent. In due time I appeared before the throne
of Cyrus, King of Persia and Babylon, who admitted the propriety of my application for freedom with fervency and zeal :
and as the seventy years of our captivity had expired, he granted
liberty that I should depart. He also armed me with this
sword, and honoured me with the appellation of Brother and

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Knight Companion of the Red Cross Sword. He furthermore

gave me this apron and this sash, with this olive branch and
these relics of our former temple, which I now present as a
proof of the goodness of Cyrus your deliverer.
Z. Brother architect, the decorations convince us that your
integrity and fortitude have been put to the test, and convince
us also that pomp and grandeur will not triumph over the
honours of Masonry. Cyrus, in decorating you with these,
was guarded by a noble spirit ; but not that of equality which
inwardly accompanies us. The distinctions of this prince you
have nobly merited, and you have also pursued those of Masonry ; but, before you can be entrusted with the remaining
secrets, you must further say that your bondage has not obliterated from your mind the sentiments of a free man, that you
are not incapacitated from attaining the mysteries of the order.
Therefore, you must first give me the signal which you received from Cyrus.
The signal is given, and some other ceremony previous to the
obligation, of which there is no copy among my documents ;
but we have seen enough to see that they are all alike, and
that the tenor of the one is the tenor of all. The obligation
taken, Zerubbabel addresses the candidate in the following
strain :
It is onr intention, in future, to acknowledge those only as
members of our order, whom we know to be true and legitimate
masons ; not merely by their outward form, but by their
manners and actions : and even they must bring with them as
a pledge some part of the remains of the former temple. The
intent of our labours is to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem.
The sword which Cyrus gave you must be used in defending
your brethren and companions in arms, and to prevent all those
who would profane the august edifice that we are now about to
raise to the honour of the Supreme Being. It is on these conditions that we entrust you with our secrets. After your deliverance Cyrus created you a Knight of the Red Cross Sword. I
now present you with this trowel, which will serve as a perpetual memorial of your dignity, and that, in future, you will
work with your trowel in your hand, and your sword by your
side, during the time that the temple is rebuilding.
This sash is to be worn in all lodges and chapters ; and it
will be the mark, that you have received two degrees of knight-



hood. The chief emblem is the sword and trowel placed


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THERE is another degree, so much like the former, as to be
made up of nearly the same words, with some slight variations :
EAST. The ceremony is precisely the same with regard to the
dream of Cyrus. The reception and dismissal of Zerubbabel
are precisely the same, only the tribute demanded is three
lambs, five sheep, and seven rams. An escort is furnished to
Zerubbabel. Without the escort we found that he travelled
safely : with it he gets robbed on the bridge of all the insignia
of the order which Cyrus had given him ; but as they could
not rob him of the secrets, he, of course, is received at Jerusalem as a good masonic Jew. The penalty of the obligation
is never to reveal the secrets of a Knight of the Sword, without suffering captivity for life. The sign of a masonic Knight
of this degree is to place the right hand on the left shoulder ;
letting it fall diagonally to the right side, as if cutting the
body in two. The answer is to place the right hand upon the
left hip, and to traverse the body to the right hip. The grip
is to place the right hand upon the sword, and to draw it, as if
to fight. Then to make a movement with the body as if to
repel an enemy ; the left hand lifted up and closed. The
words are Judea and Babylonia. The pass-word Liberty. The
catechism will serve for either degree.

Q. Brother, how came you to the eminent degree of Knight

of the Sword ?
A. By humility, patience, and frequent application.

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Q. To whom do you address yourself ?

A. To one who is greater than a king.
Q. What is your name ?
A. That you will find upon your records.
Q. Your country ?
A. Judea ; I am born of noble parents, and of the tribe of
Q. What art do you profess ?
A. Masonry.
Q. What edifices do you build ?
A. The temples and tabernacles.
Q. Where do you raise them ?
A. For want of ground we bui1d them in our hearts.
Q. What is the genuine appellation of a Knight Mason ?
A. A Free Mason.
Q. Why called a Free Mason ?
A. Because the Masons who were chosen by Solomon to
work at the temple were declared, with their descendants, free
and exempt from all imposts, duties, and taxes. They had
also a privilege to bear arms. Since the destruction of the
Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, they were carried into captivity
with the Jewish people ; but the good will of Cyrus gave them
permission to erect a second temple, having first given them
liberty. It is since this epoch that we bear the name of Freemasons.
Q. What was the first temple ?
A. It was the wonder of the world for riches and grandeur.
Its porch would contain 200,500 people.
Q. Who were the architects of this grand edifice ?
A. The Creator of the world gave the design, and Solomon
directed the workmen.
Q. Who placed the first sign ?
A. Solomon.
Q. At what hour ?
A. Before the rising of the sun.
Q. Why ?
A. To point out the alacrity required in the worship of the
Q. Why is the No. 81 held in so much veneration among
Masons ?
A. Because this number explained the, triple essence of the

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Divinity, figured by the triple triangle, by the square of nine

and the number three.
Q. Why were the chains of the captives triangular ?
A. The Assyrians understood that the triangle was considered as an emblem of the name of the Eternal by their captives. They, therefore, made their chains in that form, to
render their situation more mortifying and severe.
Q. Why is it prohibited that masons shall not work but at
regular structures ?
A. To teach us a duty that irregular lodges are not to be
Q. What were the injunctions given by Cyrus respecting
the second temple ?
A. That it should be an hundred cubits long, sixty broad,
and sixty high.
Q. Why did Cyrus commend them to take the wood from
Lebanon and stone from Tyre ?
A. That the second temple might in these respects be equal
to the first.
Q. Who was the immediate architect ?
A. Bebot.
Q. Why were the workmen armed with swords ?
A. As they were liable to be interrupted in carrying the
materials, and even the work itself.
Q. Are you a knight of the sword ?
A. Look at me(draws his sword.)
Q. Give me the sign(given). Give me the words.
A. Judea and Babylonia.
Q. Give me the pass-word.
A. Liberty.
Q. Give the grip(given). Where have you worked ?
A. At the rebuilding of the temple.
Q. The instant of rebuilding ?
A. Present.
Q. Very Excellent, since we are happy enough to have rebuilt the temple in its splendour, let us preserve the memory
and remarks of it by our silence.



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The Grand Master of this degree is called Constantine ; his
deputy, Eusebius. There are also a Senior General, a Junior
General, a Grand Standard-bearer and a Janetor or Tyler. We
have seen that the forms of opening and closing in all the
degrees are alike, the object being to ascertain that the members are not overlooked : that none but membersof the degree
are present. In this degree, there is a difference only in the
names of the officers, and the opening proceeds thus :
Constantine. Sir Knights Companions, assist me to open
the conclave of Sir Knights Companions of the Red Cross of
Rome and Constantine. (All the knights rise, draw their swords,
and stand in due form).
C. Sir Knight Eusebius, what is the first duty of the
Companions of this order ?
E. To see the conclave is properly cemented, and that the
Janetor is at his post, duly armed and clothed.
C. Sir Knight Junior General, see that duty done. (This
is done with two reports, in the usual form ; and the same internally, as in the other degrees ; after which, the conclave is
declared open, in the name of Constantine, its noble and royal
founder, by giving sixteen knocks and the grand honours.)

Q. Why do we open and close in tIlls degree with sixteen

reports ?
A. In allusion to the sixteen stars, surrounding the sixteen
letters composing the Grand W ords In hoc signo vinces, in the
form of the cross of Constantine, in the heavens.
Q. How do we prepare our candidates for this degree ?
A. In the clothing of a Roman soldier : the cross of Constantine in his right hand, and in his left a New Testament.
Q. For what reason ?
A. To hold in commemoration the miracle that wrought the
conversion of Constantine and his enemies, his pious zeal

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for Christianity, and to denote that he was the first Roman

Emperor to embrace the Christian faith, and to propagate the
same by the force of arms.
Q. Why do we enter the conclave with two reports ?
A. In commemoration of the famous cross and vision seen
by Constantine in the heavens.
Q. Be pleased to explain them.
A. One evening, the army being upon its march towards
Rome, Constantine, intent upon various considerations upon
the fate of sublunary things and the dangers of his approaching expedition, sensible of his own incapacity to succeed
without divine assistance, employed his meditations upon the
opinions which were then agitated among mankind, and sent
up his ejaculations to Heaven for an inspiration with wisdom
to be able to choose the path proper to be pursued. As the sun
was declining, there suddenly appeared a pillar of light in the
heavens, in the fashion of a cross, with this inscription :In
hoc signo vinces. By this thou shalt overcome. So extraordinary an appearance did not fail to create astonishment, both
in the emperor and his whole army, who reflected on it as
their various dispositions led them. They who were attached
to Paganism, prompted by their auspices, pronounced it to be
a most inauspicious omen, portending the most unfortunate
events. But it made a different impression on the emperors
mind, who was further encouraged by the visions of the same
night. He, therefore, the following day, caused a royal standard to be made, like that which he had seen in the heavens,
and commanded it to be carried before him in his wars, as an
ensign of victory and celestial protection.
Q. Was there any other thing remarkable in the life of our
royal founder ?
A. The arms of his soldiers, the public prayer, his charity,
and tomb.
Q. Be pleased to explain.
A. As for the arms of his soldiers, which were newly sprung
from gentility, not forgetting his vision and victory, he garnished with the sign of the cross, that thereby they might the
sooner blot out from. their remembrance their old superstitious
idolatry, and, in the spirit and truth, to worship the only true
God. He also took into his service, and bountifully rewarded,
all such soldiers as had been cashiered upon the account of

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their being Christians, and prescribed them a form of prayer

by way of confession of faith, in these words :We acknowledge thee only to be our God: we confess thee to be our King :
we Invoke and call upon thee to be our helper : by thee we
obtain our victories : by thee we vanquish and subdue our
enemies : to thee we attribute whatever conveniences we enjoy :
and by thee we hope for good things to come. To thee we
direct our suits and petitions, most humbly beseeching thee
to protect and preserve Constantine our Emperor, his noble
children, and all Christians : and beg of thee, our everlasting
King, to continue theni long in Hfe and give them victory over
their enemies, through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
The good emperor gave liberally to the maintenance of
schools erected for the encouragement of piety and learning,
and granted large privileges to universities, commanding the
scriptures to be diligently kept and continually read in all
churches. He also liberally relieved the necessities of the
poor, remitting the fourth part of his rents and revenues to be
disposed of for these and other pious uses.
His tomb of grey marble continues at Constantinople to this
day. Even the Turks retain a veneration for the memory of
this worthy emperor.
Accounting the six years Licinius reigned with him, the
time of the persecution amounts to just three hundred years,
when it ceased with this great emperor, who laid a lasting
foundation for the honour of the Christian name. Upon this
account his memory will flourish in the minds of all good men
and Christian Masons, till time shall be no more.
Q. In what manner do we enter the conclave at the time of
our exaltation ?
A. On the triangle, and with the pass-word, Constantine.
Q. Why are we conducted round the conclave twelve times
when we are exalted to this degree ?
A. In commemoration of Constantines going twelve times
round the plot of ground at Rome set apart for the church
that he commanded to be built for the use of the Christians,
when he carried upon his imperial shoulders twelve baskets of
earth for the foundation, in memory of the twelve apostles.
Q. Is there not a second reason ?
A. In allusion to the twelve great pillars that support the
Church of Rome, on which was delineated an ahstract of the
Acts of the Apostles.

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Q. Is there not a third reason why we are conducted round

twelve times ?
A. In commemoration of the twelve grand points connected with the cross of Christ, the zeal of our grand and
noble founder, and that of his mother, St. Helena.
Q. What was the first grand point ?
A. The humility of Christ upon the cross.
Q. The second ?
A. St. Helena going from Rome to Jerusalem.
Q. The third ?
A. The pious and diligent enquiry of St. Helena after the
sacred spot Golgotha.
Q. The fourth ?
A. St. Helena finds three crosses, and is much perplexed to
know which is that of Jesus Christ.
Q. The fifth ?
A. Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, directs St. Helena how
to discover the cross of Christ from those of the two thieves.
Q. The sixth ?
A. The first public acts of St. Helena and Constantine after
the cross of Christ had been found.
Q. The seventh ?
A. The two festivals of the Christian Church.
Q. The eighth ?
A. The cross taken away by one of the heathen emperors.
Q. The ninth ?
A. The restoration of the cross of Christ.
Q. The tenth ?
A. The Emperor Heraclius recovers for the Christians the
cross of Christ, and carries it himself in his royal robes and
pomp of state.
Q. The eleventh ?
A. Heraclius divests himself of his robes of royalty, and, in
pious humble state, carries the cross into the church on Mount
Q. The twelfth ?
A. The reign of the Son of God in the day of Judgment.
Q. What are the grand words of this order ?
A. In hoc signo vinces.
Q. What are the pass-words ?
A. Constantine and. M atthias.



Q. What is the chief funuture of this degree ?

A. A grand transparent cross placed in the east, formed by
sixteen stars, and, in the centre, the sixteen letters forming the
grand words.
Q. What is the jewel and mark of this order ?
A. A cross with the initials of the grand words I. H. S. V.
In the closing of this degree, there is an invocation of thirteen saints, or the twelve apostles and Saint Paul, in the true
Roman Catholic style.

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This degree in Scotland has been also called that of Knights
of the Rosy Cross of Saint Andrew, and has been taken as the
ne plus ultra of Masonry. In some cases it has borne that distinction, which has also been the case with several other degrees before new ones were invented : I have another degree
to come called ne plus ultra. This must pass as that of Knights
of the Eagle and Perfect Mason. This degree has two points,
and requires two apartments. The first to represent Mount
Calvary ; and the second the instant of the Resurrection. In
this, and in the ne plus ultra degree, we have a going down
into hell !
The first apartment is hung with black, and lighted with
thirty-three lights upon three candlesticks of eleven branches.
Each light is enclosed in a small tin box, and issues its light
through a hole of an inch diameter. These lights denote the
age of Jesus Christ.
In three angles of the room, north-east, south-east, and
south-west, are three pillars, of the height of a man, on the
chapiters of which a word is written, making Faith, Hope, and
Every lodge or chapter has its picture or draught, descriptive of its form, and of the proper places of its officers and
emblems. The draught of this degree represents its lodge as
a long square, with triple signs, on the exterior of which are
written the words Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty, and on

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the interior, east, south, north, and west. On the east, at the
south and north angles, the sun and moon and a sky studded
with stars are painted. The clouds very dark. An eagle is
seen beating the air with his wings, as a symbol of the supreme
There are also drawn three squares, containing three
circles which contain three angles, or an equilateral triangle,
each allegorical of Mount Calvary. On the summit is a
cubic stone pointed and painted, as if sweating blood and
water, typical of the sufferings of the Son of God. Upon
the cubic stone is a rose, which is compared to his sweetness, and the letter J, which means Jehovah, the expiring
The space round the square is filled with darkness, to represent that which happened at the crucifixion. Below it are all
the ancient instruments and tools of Masonry, with the columns
broken and divided into many parts, to denote that all the depending parts of the work of a mason could not be worked at
the death of him who was master of it. Lower down is the
veil of the temple rent into two parts. On the exterior of the
oriental line is the colour, with the seven knots of union as
perfect masons. Before the master is a little table, lighted by
three lights, upon which, instead of the Bible, the gospel, compasses, square, and triangle are placed. All the brethren are
clothed in black, with a black scarf from the left shoulder to
the right side. An apron doubled with black, which must
not be worn out of the first apartment. The master and the
other officers wear on the neck a wide ribbon of black mohair,
from which hangs the jewel. The masters jewel is a blazing
star of seven rays, in the middle of which is the letter G. The
rays of the star are commonly of stone, and the mounting gold.
The jewel of the Senior Warden is a triangle ; that of the
Junior Warden a square and compasses. The other officers wear
their ordinary jewels, which are covered with a small bit of
black cloth. The jewels of each brother are formed by the compasses mounted, the points upon a quarter circle. At the head
of the compasses is a blown rose, the stalk of which loses itself
in one of the points. In the middle of the rose is the letter G
mounted upon a small crown. In the middle of the compasses
is a cross, of which the first extremity is comisant at the head
of the compasses ; the second, opposed to it, touches the

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middle of the quarter circle : the third and fourth abut on the
middle of the points. Upon the cross is a pen in mosiac gold
and silver. On each side, upon one reverse of the cross, is,
in the middle, an eagle adosse, the wings stretched over the
side, and the talons contracted up to the body. On the other
is a pelican adosse, the wings extended, and having round her
breast seven young ones, the beaks open and held up to receive
the blood which flows from her wounded bouy to nourish them.
This should be of gold or gilt, and is worn in the first apartment, at the bottom of a large Scotch red ribbon, with a small
black rosette fastened at the top, and which marks the said
The second apartment, representing the instant of the resurrection, is hung with tapestry, luminous lights and full of glory,
without a human figure. The three chandeliers, with thirtythree lights, illuminate this apartment, but without the boxes.
The master, the officers, and brethren, on entering this apartment, take red sashes and aprons, with the jewels before mentioned. They wear the sword and scarf, as in the preceding
degree. The picture of this apartment, is a long square with
quadruple signs, with the words Faith, Hope, Charity, East,
South, West, and North, written on the exterior, and an indented tuft in the east. In the angles of the north and south,
are the sun and moon in a sky studded with stars. In the first
part of the east, a cross surrotmded with a glory and a cloud,
with seven angles ; upon the cross is a rose of Paradise, in
the midille of which is the letter G. Below are three squares,
in which are three circles, having three triangles, to form the
summit, which is allegorical of Mount Calvary, upon which the
Grand Architect of the Universe expired ! Upon this summit
is a blazing star, with seven rays shining with all its splendour,
and in the middle of it the letter G. The star represents, allegorically, the Son of God resuscitated in all his glory. On
the south side is a pelican, upon its nest piercing her bosom,
whence issues three streams of blood to nourish the seven young
ones ; which is an image of parental tenderness. On the
north is an eagle beating the air with its wings, as an image
of supreme power. Below is the tomb. In the lower part of
the said square, upon the middle line from the east to the
west, are the compasses, drawing board, crow, trowel, and
square. Upon the south line is the cubic stone pointed, and

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its hammer, the rule and level. Upon the north line, the rough
stone and hammer, the mallet and chisel, the plumb-line and
the perpendicular. On the exterior of the east line, the column
and the seven knots of union as perfect masons.
The Master of this lodge allegorically represents the person
or Wisdom and Perfection, which gives him the title of most
wise and perfect master. The wardens are styled most excellent
and perfect. The other officers most puissant and perfect
brothers, adding the title of their office. The brethren are
called most respectable and perfect Masons, having the title of
perfect only in the second apartment.
In the second apartment there are no other tables but that
on the right of the master, very small, and of a triangular
form. There is nothing. upon it but the book of the gospel,
the tools of masonry, and three lights. The officers and the
brethren, when in this apartment, take the red sashes and
aprons, adding thereto the jewels, which they wore in the first
apartment, at the bottom of the black sash.

The brethren assembled, master in the east and wardens in

the west, he says, aid me to open this lodge. The wardens repeat the words. The master gives seven slow reports with the
mallet, and a double distance of time between the sixth and
seventh. This is called reporting as a Knight of the Eagle.
The wardens repeat the report.
Master. Most excellent brother Senior Warden, what is the
first duty of a Mason ?
S. W. Most wise and most perfect, it is to see if the lodge
is tiled.
M. Let the most excellent brother Junior Warden examine
if the lodge be covered.
The Junior Warden does this, and reports to the Senior, and
he to the Master, that the lodge is covered.
M. Most excellent brother Senior Warden, what hour is
it ?
S. W. The hour of a perfect mason.
M. What is the hour of a perfect mason ?
S. W. The instant when the veil of the temple is rent,
when darkness and consternation spread upon the face of the



earth, the light is obscured, the tools of masonry are broken,

the blazing star disappears, the pointed cubic stone sweats
blood and water, and the word is lost.
M. Most excellent brother, since masonry undergoes so
great a preparation, let us emply our diligence in fresh labours
for the recovery of the word. The Lodge of Knights of the
Eagle is open.
The wardens repeat the same words, and then all give three
huzzas and remain silent.

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The candidate is clothed in black, decorated with a red ribbon, an apron doubled with the same colour, and a sword and
scarf. His eyes are not covered. The deacon who prepares
him, says :The temples of the Masons are demolished, the
tools and columns are broken, and the word is lost since the
last reception. In spite of the precautions we had taken, we
have lost the means of regaining it, and the order in general is
in the greatest consternation.
The candidate ready, the deacons conduct him to the door of
the lodge, and make the report of seven. The Junior Warden
answers from within, and gives him the seven upon the mallet of the Senior Warden, he returns seven upon the mallet
of the Junior Warden, who says :Most excellent and
perfect Brother Senior Warden, one knocks at the door of the
lodge after the manner of the Knight of the Eagle. The Senior Warden makes the report to the master, who says :Most
excellent and perfect brother Senior Warden, let the most excellent and perfect Brother Junior Warden see who knocks at
the door of the lodge, with the usual precautions. The Senior
repeats this to the Junior Warden, who goes to the door, exchanges seven reports with the deacons, opens it, and asks who
is there ?
Deacon. It is a Knight Mason, wandering among the woods
and mountains, who, since the destruction of the temple, has
lost the word, and requests your assistance to seek and recover it.
The Junior Warden knocks again on the mallet of the
Senior, and receives the compliment in return. He then reports the words of the Deacon, ahd the Senior reports them to
the Master.

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M. Most puissant and perfect brothers, do you consent to

his introduction ? (They assent by striking their hands against
the lodge.)
All now appear in consternation and affliction, sitting with
the right hand on the heart and the left on the face, the head
droopmg, and the elbow on the knees. The Master leans forward on the table after saying :Most excellent and perfect
brother Senior Warden, let the most excellent and perfect
brother Junior Warden introduce the Knight Mason and place
him in the west, to answer the questions which will be put to
him. The Senior communicates the. order, and the Junior
goes to the door, makes the seven reports, and receives the same
from the Deacon. He opens the door and conducts the candidate to the west : then gives seven reports upon the mallet of
the Senior Warden, and receives his reply, when he says :
Most excellent and perfect brother Senior Warden, I bring
to you a Knight Mason, who requests the word. The Senior
repeats this to the Master.
M. Brother, corruption has glided among our work. It is
no longer in our power to labour, you perceive the consternation that reigns here. At this moment a strange confusion
exists among us and over the face of the universe. The veil
of the temple is rent. Darkness covers the earth. The sun is
obscured. Our tools are broken. The blazing sun has disappeared. The pointed cubical stone sweats blood and water,
and the word is lost.
You see that it is not possible to give it you ; however, it is
not our design to despair : we will find out the new law, that
we may recover the word. Are you also desirous of following
the new law of the Christian Religion ?
Candidate. Yes, Most Wise.
M. Most excellent and perfect brother Junior Warden,
make him travel for the space of thirty-three years, by the
west, north, east, and south, that he may approve the beauties
of the new law.
The Junior Warden conducts the candidate thirty-three
times round the lodge without stopping. In this travel, he
makes him remark the three colunms in the three parts of the
lodge. As he leads him to each, he tells him their names are
Faith, Hope, and Charity,bidding him well remember these
names, because they must henceforth be his guide.

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He leads him back to the west, where he gives seven reports

with the mallet upon that of the Senior Warden, who returns
the same.
J. W. Most excellent and perfect brother Senior Warden
the mysterious voyage is accomplished. The Senior Warden
reports it to the Master.
M. Brother N , what have you learnt in this journey ?
Candidate. Three virtues, to be my guide henceforth.
Faith, Hope, and Charity. Teach me if there be any others
to seek and follow.
M. No, my brother, these are positively the principles and
the pillars of our new master ; approach and take with us the
engagements we require. The Senior Warden makes him approach the table, and kneel with his right knee upon the gospel ; and in this posture he takes the following

Yes, I promise, by the same obligations which I have taken

in the former degrees of masonry, never to reveal the secrets of
the Knight of the Eagle, to any Knight Mason, Grand Architect, Master Mason, Fellow Craft, or Entered Apprentice, nor
to the uninitiated, under the penalty of being for ever deprived
of the true word, of remaining in perpetual darkness.
That a river of blood and water shall issue continually from
my body, and under the penalty of suffering anguish of soul,
of being steeped in vinegar and gall, of having on my head the
most piercing thorns, and of dying upon the cross ; so help
me the Grand Architect of the Universe.
The Senior Warden leads the candidate to the right, and
puts the black apron upon him, telling him that it is the
mark of all masons, who have not aided in causing our grief,
but that it ought to represent to us the image of it, and to
serve us for a knowledge of those among us, who seek to receive the true word, and to be enlightened in the new mystery,
by a real contrition and perfect humility.
In taking the sash, and passing it from the left to the right,
he says :The sash is a symbol of our sorrow for the loss of
the word. You ought to know it is a mark of grief, until that
is recovered. Go to the west and assist us in recovering the loss
of that word.

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The candidate places bimself between the two Wardens.

The master gives seven reports, which are answered by the
Senior warden. The brethren raise their heads, cross their
arms with a hand on each breast, and appear less sorrowful.
M. Most excellent and perfect brother Senior Warden, what
is the motive of our assembling ?
S. W. The pointed cubical stone sweating blood and water,
through the relaxations of masons from labour, and through
the errors of Masonry, exposed on the summit of a mountain,
cut with the point of a diamond.
M. What means this mystery ?
S. W. The loss of the word of a Mason, which is lost
indeed ; but may, we hope, by our aid be recovered.
M. What must be done to regain it ?
S. W. We must embrace the new law, and be well convinced of its three virtues, which are its pillars, its base, and
M. What are they ?
S. W. Faith, Hope, and Charity.
M. How shall we find these three pillars ?
S. W. In travelling and wandering in the greatest obscurity.
M. How long ?
S. W. The space of three days.
M. Let us go, brother, from the east to the south, from
the south to the west, from the west to the north, and endeavour not to lose siKht of the sentiments which may
guide us.
All rise in silence, and make thirty-three steps of the round
of the lodge. Before the last seven, the master goes from that
apartment to the other, where he gives up his sash and black
apron to take the red ones. He is followed by all the brethren,
who do the same. He then walks towards the door of the
second apartment, which is expressly prepared for

The apartment for the preparation and for this reception is a

third, the most remote from the others, and made as terrifying
as possible, to resemble the torments of hell. It has seven
chandeliers, with grey burning flambeaux, whose mouths represent deaths head and cross bones. The walls are hung with
tapestry, painted with flames, and figures of the damned.

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In entering the second apartment, the Master gives seven

equi-timed reports, which are called the report of the Perfect
Mason. The door is opened by a brother appointed to guard
it, and to whom each gives the report of a perfect mason and
the pass-word Emanuel. The candidate comes last, and reports as a Knight of the Eagle, and is deficient of the password, on which admittance is refuued. He says, I am one
of the brothers, who seek the word lost, by the aid of the new
law and the three columns of masonry. At these words,
the guard who knows h.im to be a candidate, takes his sash
and apron from him, saying, these marks of decoration are not
humble enough to qualify him to find it, and that he must
pass through much more vigorous trials. He then covers him
with a black cloth, covered with dirty ashes, so that he can
see nothing, telling him that he is to be conducted to the
darkest of places from which the word must come forth
triumphant to the glory and advantage of masonry, and that
he must abandon all self-confidence. In this condition, he is
conducted into an apartment in which there is a steep descent
up and down which he is directed to travel : after which, he is
conducted to the door and has the black cloth removed. Before
him stand three figures dressed as devils. He is then ordered to
parade the room three times, without pronouncing a word, in
memory of the mysterious descent into the dark places, which
lasted three days. He is then led to the door of the apartment, covered with black cloth, and told that the horrors through
which he has passed are as nothing in comparison with those
through which he has to pass ; therefore he is cautioned to
summon all his fortitude, to meet the dreadful scene.
Thus prepared, he is brought to the door of the second apartment, and whilst the Wardens are answering the reports, he
is instructed how to answer their questions, and told that a
misfortune will befall him if he does not answer correctly. The
ceremony of successive reporting takes place within, and the
Junior warden is instructed to enquire with the usual precautions. These precautions are the reports and the challenge of
Who comes there, and what is your request ?
Deacon. It is a Knight of the Eagle, who, after penetrating
the deepest place, hopes to procure from you the word as the
fruit of his research.
The door is again shut, and the usual ceremony of reporting

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gone through. The Master orders the candidate to be introduced, which is done in the same ceremonial form, finally introducing him to the Master, as a Knight of the Eagle, desirous of recovering the lost word, and of becoming perfect
M. From whence came you ?
N. From Judea.
M. Which way did you come ?
N. By Nazareth.
M. What is the name of your conductor ?
N. Raphael.
M. Of what tribe are you descended ?
N. Judah.
M. Give me the four initials of these four words.
N. I. N. R. I.
M. What do these four letters signify ?
N. Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.
M. Brother, the word is found; let him be restored to
The Junior Warden quickly shakes off the black cloth, and
at the signal of the master, all the brethren clap their hands
three times and give three huzzas. The Master says, approach
my dear brother, that I may communicate to you the last words
of perfect masonry. He is conducted to the Master, who gives
him the sign, word, and grip.
M. Our signs, to know each other in this degree, are, first,
to raise the eyes to heaven, crossing the hands, with the forefinger pointed upwards, and letting them fall together on the
belly. This is cailed the sign of admiration. The second
which is the answer to it is, to lift the right hand and to point
the index towards heaven, the other fingers being clenched to
denote that there is but one being, who is the sovereign and
pure truth.
The grip is to lay the hands on the breasts of a brother and
to begin with one. To know a brother you place either hand
cross-ways, or the right hand to the right breast. He answers
\vith his left hand to your left breast, and with the other
hands in the same manner. This is called the good posture.
The word is the I. N. R. I., and the pass-word Emanuel.
The candidate is told to practise the grip and word with each
perfect mason in the lodge, and lastly with the Master.



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After which he receives the rosette and jewel or a Knight of

the Eagle and Perfect Mason, and has it attached to the bottom
of his grand Scotch ribbon.
M. Brother N, this rosette is to remind you of the loss
of the word, and this jewel will teach you, by its symbol, that
masonry includes a mvsterious allegory concealed from all but
perfect Masons. The cross of your jewel should be known to
you better than I can explain it. May you never lose the
memory of it. We will proceed to your instruction in


After the rebuilding of the temple, the Masons having neglected their labours, and abandoned to the rigours and vicissitudes of the times the valuable buildings which they had
raised with so much pains, their works fitted with so much
decency, the wisdom of their workmanship, the strength of the
materials and the beauty of the architecture were alike exposed to corruption, confusion, and disorder. The grand Architect of the Universe determined to manifest his glory, and to
abandon the support of the materials to the vicissitudes of
time, in order to erect in its stead the sublime and spiritual
geometry, whose existence human power should not be able to
attack, and whose duration should be through an eternity of
ages. It is in consequence of this resolution that men have
seen the miraculous phenomenon, that prodigy of prodigies,
the cubical stone sweating blood and water, and suffering
anguish of soul. It was then that the stone, the corner of the
building, was torn by the workmen from the foundation of the
temple, to be thrown among the ruins, and that the mystic
rose was sacrificed on a cross, planted on the summit of the
mountain, which is elevated above the surface towards the
celestial globe, by three squares, three circles, and three
triangles, cut with the point of a diamond.
In an instant Masonry was destroyed, the veil was rent, the
earth was covered with darkness, the light was obscured, the
tools of Masonry were broken, the blazing star disappeared,
the word was lost. It may easily be imagined into what a
depth of misery every mason was plunged. At that fatal

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moment, an unaccountable dismay, a vast consternation was

the least of their pains. They were obliged, for the space of
three days, to wander in the deepest obscurity, uncertain,
whether, by some fresh accident, it would be taken from them.
Never before was such great perplexity experienced by the
human heart. But the will of Him, who conducts and rules all
events, and who had caused this universal astonishment, at
the expiration of three days, caused the light to shine again ;
but as a brilliant testimony, behold a new phenomenon.The
broken tools of masonry were again made entire ; the blazing
star shone in all its splendour, nay, with a greater brilliancy,
and the word was found again. This happiness happened,
however, only to those Masons who had shaken off the
negligence and hardness of heart into which they had fallen.
Some of them, having travelled the space of thirty-three years,
in search of the word, taught others, that it was necessary to
know the three pillarsFaith, Hope, and Charity, and to follow the new law, in the hope of re-entering on the mystic labours of their order. It was only by means of these new principles, that masonry re-appeared in the light of man, under the
rules which allegorically conducted them to practise it in their
actions. From this time, masons no more built material edifices ; but occupied themselves in spiritual buildings. They
fortified their works by temperance, prudence, justice, and
strength ; and they no longer feared the vicissitudes of the
May you, my dear brother, never want these supports, and
may the Grand Architect of the Universe be your aid and

The Master and Wardens give the seven reports.

M. Most excellent and perfect Brother Senior Warden,
what hour is it with perfect masons ?
S. W. The moment when the word has been recovered, when
the pointed cubical stone has been changed, the mystic rose
and blazing star restored with greater splendour, when the
tools are restored entire, and the light has re-appeared to our
eyes with greater brilliancy, when the darkness is dispersed,
and the masonic law firmly established among the labourers
in masonry.



M. Most excellent and perfect Brother Senior Warden, following this law, because it is the end of all the wonders which
have astonished our eyes, I pronounce that the lodge of perfect Masons is closed. The Wardens repeat these words, and
an the brethren give three claps and three huzzas.

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This dignity is considered as the ne plus ultra of masonry.
The possession of it is of that importance, that the members
have a right to be admitted into inferior lodges without examination. Yet the Knights of the Rosy Cross are more particular in demanding demonstrative proof from strangers, than
any other order of masonry. They will not accept as a visitor
any brother unless he is well known, or can give a ready answer to any question proposed. They advance no person who
has not been admitted into all the preceding degrees.
There are three points in the Rosicrucian system : the first
and second are called sovereign chapters, and the third the
mystic supper. The latter of which is held only four times
a year.
The officers are called most wise, orator, secretary, and mas-ter
of the ceremonies. The brethren are styled most respectful
The jewel of this dignity is a triangle formed by a compass
and a quarter of a circle. In the centre is a cross, upon which
is a rose, and upon the quarter of the circle is a pelican, bleeding to feed her young. The jewel is tied to a black rose, and
pendant to a black collar, in the first point, and to a crimson
in the second.
The decorations of the lodge, in the principal apartment, are
first a triangaular altar on seven steps. Behind it is a large
transparency, with a cross and a rose painted on its middle,
and an inscription over it, of Jesus of Nazareth, the King of
the Jews. Broken columns are visible on one side of the trans



parency, and a tomb on the other in the east, with three large
lights in the west.
This preparation serves for the three points, except at a reception, when, for the first point, the whole is covered with
black, and three columns are placed, with the theological virtues on them, or Faith, Hope, and Charity.Two other apartments are essential for the introduction ; one is denominated
the chamber of the last degree, and the other is called the obscure chamber, no other light being admitted.

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The Most Wise is seated on the third step of the altar, with
his head supported by one of his hands. He strikes five equal
and two quick strokes, saying,What hour is it ?
A. The first hour of the day.
M. W. It is time, then, to commence our labours. Invite
the most respectable knights to assist us to open the sovereign
chapter of the Rosy Cross. We are overcome with grief ; the
veil of the temple is rent ; the columns of masonry are broken ;
the cubical stone has sweated blood and water ; the word is
in danger of being lost, and it is almost finished.
Most respectable Knights, let us confer with each other, and
trace the outlines of the word before it is too late. (They
make up the word I. N. R. I.) I congratulate you all, that
the word is known. What else remains for us to do ?
Orator. Most Wise, we respect the decrees of the Most
High, render homage to the Supreme Architect, and bend the
knee to him from whom we derive our existence.
The chapter rises and turns towards the east, makes the
sign, bends forward and kneels. Then all rise up and strike
seven with their hands, saying, Oyer.
M. W. I declare this sovereign chapter to be assembled.
Give notice to the candidate to present himself.
The candidate is in the chamber of the last degree, and
writes his name, his address, the degrees of Masonry through
which he has passed, and states his age to be thirty-three.
The master of the ceremonies conducts him to the door, and
demands admission as a Knight of the Red Cross, which is
answered with the report of a Rosicrucian.
M. W. See who waits.

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M. C. A candidate requests entrance to explore the mysteries of this degree.

A ballot for his admission takes place, and, if in the affirmative, the chapter gives seven plaudits, exclaiming Oyer three
M. Z. Permit the candidate to enter.
At this moment the M. C. puts the insignia of a Rosicrucian on him, and conducts him into the chapter. The members appear sorrowful. He presents him by acquainting the
Most Wise that a Worthy Knight of the Red Cross requests
the honour of obtaining the favour of being admitted to the
sublime degree of a Rosicrucian.
M. W. Worthy Knight, who are you ?
Candidate. I was born of noble parents, and of the tribe
of Judah.
M. W. What do you possess ?
N. Masonry.
M. W. Worthy Knight, you inspire us with esteem ; but
you perceive, that sorrow abides with us. All is changed.
The ground support of the Temple is no more. The veil is
torn. The columns are broken. The most precious ornaments
are taken, and the word is in danger of being lost. It may
be recovered by your courage, and we shall certainly employ
you in that pursuit. But you may assure us, by an obligation
that if you obtain the knowledge of our mysteries, you will
never communicate them to others, unless they are qualified
to receive them. If you are willing, approach the altar, bend
your knee to the ground, and place your right hand on the
Holy Law, repeating the obligation after me :
The penalty of this obligation is, to be dishonoured and banished from all the lodges, as being unworthy to form a companionship with virtuous Masons.
M. W. Worthy Knight of the Red Cross, this is the last
time I salute you as such. Henceforward, you will be dignified with greater power. The Master of the Ceremonies will
conduct you where you are to obtain it. The columns before
you are emblematical of the theological virtues. Imprint them
on your mind, and let them be the foundation of your future
welfare. Proceed now on your pilgrimage: but remember,
that we await your return. May it be happy, and may you
bring with you peace and felicity.



The candidate is led to the dark chamber. Chains are rattled to intinlidate him : during which he traverses it seven
times. In the interim, the columns are taken away and the
black cloths removed, in the sovereign chapter, which makes
it a transition to the apartment for

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The candidate is brought into the chapter, and the subsequent answers are dictated to him by the Master of the Ceremonies.
Q. Worthy Knight, from whence came you ?
A. Judah.
Q. By what place have you passed ?
A. Nazareth.
Q. Who has conducted you ?
A. Raphael.
Q. Of what tribe are you.
A. Judah.
Q. Collect the initials of the names.
A. I. N. R. I.
M. W. It is the same as the inscription over the cross. It
is the word which your zeal will render invincible, and which
will be by you perpetuated till time shall be no more. Advance and receive the honour due to your merit. (Advances
and kneels.) In virtue of the power that I have received from
the metropolitan lodge of Harodim and in the presence of this
august asselnbly of Knights, my brothers and my equals, I admit, receive, and constitute you, at present, and for ever, a
Knight Prince of the Eagle and of the Pelican, Perfect Mason,
Free of Harodim under the title of sovereign of the Rosy
Cross ; by which you enjoy the titles and prerogatives of Prince
Perfect Mason, into the sixth degree of Knight of the Rosy
Cross, without being in need of our particular authority ; our
only reservation being that of the degree you have now received.
The candidate rises, is invested with the crimson sash and
jewel, and is entrusted with the sign, word, and grip.



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Begins with the form of finding the word, already repeated.

Q. What is the word among us ?
A. The secret word of the knight of the Rosy Cross.
Q. How did you come to the knowledge of this degree ?
A. By three theological virtues.
Q. Name them.
A. Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Q. In what were you farther instructed ?
A. A sign and grip.
Q. Give the sign and grip.
A. Cross hands and arms and look to the east. The grip
is made by mutually placing the hands on each shoulder, that
the arms may cross each other. The one says pax vobis ; the
other, holy ends.
Q. Have you any knowledge of the Pelican ?
A. I have, Most Wise.
Q. What does it import ?
A. A symbol of the Redeemer of the World, and of perfect
Q. Why does the Pelican pierce its breast with its bill ?
A. To nourish its young with its blood, and thereby to
show that Christ our Redeemer so loved his young and old
people, as to save them from death, by the shedding of his blood
for your sins and mine.
Q. What is the aim of the Rosicrucians ?
A. To respect the decrees of the Most High, to render homage to the Deity.
M. W. It is our duty, as men, to do so, more particularly
as masons, to bend the knee before him who gave us being.
Master of the Ceremonies what is the hour of the day ?
M. C. The last hour of the day.
M. W. Since it is so, recollect our situations as Knights of
the Rosy Cross, and retire in peace.
The M. W. strikes seven, and the whole chapter give the
sign and say Oyer. The sovereign chapter is closed.

The third point is never held, except after the second, and then
when it is held, the preceding point is not held for it. A side-

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board is prepared. This is covered with a table cloth, and on

it are placed as many pieces of bread as there are Knights, and
a goulet of wine. The paper with the sacred initials upon it
is deposited on the altar. Every Knight has a white wand in
his hand. The M. W. strikes his upon the earth twice, and
declares that the chapter is resumed. Then he leads seven
times round the apartment, and is followed by all present,
each stopping in front of the transparency, to make the
sign. At the last round each Knight partakes of the bread ;
and, still preserving the form of a circle, the M. W. takes
the goblet, drinks out of it, and passes it round. When it comes
to him again, he places it upon the altar, and the Knights
give each other the grip. The paper, with the sacred word
upon it, is put into the empty goblet and burnt. The Knights
make the sign, and the Most Wise says,

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