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: 1. Donnyanto Adrian Limadinata

2. Irviandi Hadiputra
3. Jessica Zagita Gema


: Collague/Friend/Classmate

Date of Practice

: Wednesday, 21st October 2015

Date of Presentation

: Thursday, 5th November 2015


: 16.00 PM


: Project Room 3 Architecture

In order to attract audience attention when delivering a presentation, the

presenter must deliver their presentation in relax way and with a confidence.
However, for most people this is very difficult and challenging to achieve.
Since this is my final presentation for delivering the project result, nervous has
become my main problem. In addition, the presentation will be delivered in
English which is my second language. Although, in the past I have been
presenting in front of the expert before, the fear of tough question that may arise
during presentation still makes me nervous. This problem also happened during
the practice session.
In order to resolve this problem, I prepare a dot points for every information that
I need to deliver in the presentation. Moreover, I keep practicing my presentation
in front of the mirror to ensure that I can deliver the presentation in more relaxed
way. There are two points that I want to achieve through this practice. The first
on is by memorizing the important points in the presentation, I hope to get more
confidence and can deliver the presentation in more relaxed manner. The second
points is by preparing a dot points, I can have a small notes in my hand that I
can look through in case I get stuck during the presentation.
In addition, I also train my presentation skill in front of friends who are PhD
candidate to obtain more feedback towards my presentation and also to test my
ability to answer the questions that might be asked during the presentation. This
practice was really helpful since they gave me a lot of feedback on how to make
the presentation flows better and give a better structure.
The other problem that I encounter was the number of graph that presented in
my slide. One of my collegue feedback on my presentation is the number of
graph that exist in my slide which not directly relevant with the topic. In addition
to this, with a lot of graph that need to be explained, my presentation time
exceed the time limit.

In order to tackle this problem, I tried to talk with my supervisor on which data
that can be combined and merged. In addition, he also asked me to make the
graph more visible, especially a line graph since the colour that differentiate
each graph is not clearly visible.

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