Arabia Was Previously A Hindu Land

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Dr. P. V. Vartak
M.B.B.S.,F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Washington DC).

Email: [email protected]
Phone No.+91 020 24450387
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Founder President of Veda Vidnyana Mandal (
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Date : 20.12.2012


Aristotle was told by a Jew scholar that the Jews were Hindus. This is a very important statement, but to accept that saying
as a true fact, without evidence is not proper. We must find out the evidence to prove it. We must first see who were the residents
of Palestine in those days. It is important to note that the Hindu religion had spread all over the world and the Hindus had colonized
many parts of the globe. Palestine was not an exception to that fact. Pandit Ruchiram, a member of Arya Samaj, who vouched to
propagate Arya religion, had been to Arabia and roamed there for seven years in various parts of Arabia. He has written his
travelogue titled as Seven Years in Arabia in which very important information is recorded. In short, it is as follows:
1] He started on foot from Karachi. He visited various places in Baluchisthan. He saw port Pasani, where are shops of the Sindhi and
Gujarati Hindus. They are staying there for nearly two thousand years as recorded in the history there.
2] After Iran, he visited port Gwanar where also the Hindus inhabited for the last two thousand years. Most of them are Gujarati
Hindus. Their traditions and customs are like those of Indians. Sindhi, Gujarati and Arabs are in treading.
3] At the southern coast of Arabia there is a port called as Mokalla or Mokala. Hindus are residing there for about two thousand and
five Hundred years. However the tread is in the hands of Indian Shiya Muslims.
4] Residents of Yemen were the Hindus till the upsurge of Mahammad who established Muslim religion. Mahammad came with his
followers in this province and wrote to the king there with threat, Accept me as a Paigambar and accept Muslim religion, otherwise
there will be forceful conversions with bloodshed. The king and the people were not able to defend themselves and had to bow
before the Muslim invaders and embrace the Muslim religion.
5] In Syria there is a small Hindu kingdom, which is governed by French. The people call themselves Durja. They are very brave.
Their population is about twenty to twenty-five thousand. Pandit Ruchiram and others describe them as follows : They say they are
Hindus. They keep a wad of hair, shaving the whole skull. They worship idols of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Their religious
preceptors and spiritual teachers get livelihood through religious donations. If they meet some Hindu from India they feel great
happiness and they honour him. They tell, In the past there was fought a great war and after it we came here to reside. They
observe that day of entry into that province as a holy, auspicious day and celebrate it. Their customs and traditions are just like the
Hindus in India. In addition to the book of Pandit Ruchiram, other evidences also support this view, which is given below.
6] Mr. Philip Smith says in his book named as Students Ancient History, that the Arabs formerly shaved their heads clean keeping a
tuft of hair intact, on the crown of head, called as Shikha. One great warrior in the past was named as Muthapph.
{B} Dr. D. C. OLeary states in his book Arabia before Muhammad that in the Christian Patriotic literature the Arabs were said to be
the Hindus.

{C} About a hundred years ago Major Bill Ford was told by the Hindus in India that Macca was Hindus holy place. In about the same
period Jain people had told Dr. Buchanon that in the past, many Hindus lived in Arabia and their king Parashwa Bhattaraka ruled
over Macca.
Hindu Inhabitations Surrounding Arabia
This is the case of Arabia. If there were no colonies of the Hindus around Arabia, more evidence was necessary; but
fortunately it is not a state. It can be proved by the circumstantial evidence that Arabia was formerly inhabited by the Hindus, if we
get evidence to show that majority of people were the Hindus residing in many countries in Europe and Asia, except Arabia, in the
past. To the west of Arabia are territories of Europe and Africa. To the north of Arabia are Turkasthan, Russia and Siberia. To the east
of Arabia are the Iran, Afghanisthan and Baluchisthan. To the south is the sea. These are the four boundaries of Arabia and if they
are proved to be Hindu habitations, then it is certain that the Arabia, which was encircled by the Hindu colonies, could not be a nonHindu state. Therefore, let us see if we can get evidence of the Hindu inhabitations encircling Arabia.
a] Africa - Touching Arabia, in the continent of Africa, there are countries like Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia (Abyssinia). These countries
were inhabited by the Hindus. After the Mahabharata war many clusters of people went from India outside to settle in Africa,
Europe and the eastern as well as the western parts of Asia. The Mahabharata war took place in 5561 B.C. according to a Historical
and Astronomical evidence shown by Dr. P. V. Vartak, in his Marathi book titled as Swayambhu. Even before the Mahabharata war,
the Hindus had gone out of India to settle in various countries. [This point is also proved by Dr. P. V. Vartak, in his famous Marathi
book Vastava Ramayana, which is now available in English as A realistic approach to the Valmiki Ramayana, published by Blue
Bird, Pune]
Let us now see about colonies of Africa, Egypt and Ethiopia. Colonel Alcot states, Egypt was inhabited by the Hindus at
least 8000 years ago and decorated Egypt by their great culture. Archaeologist and Egyptologist Dr. Brugshbe is well known as the
modern and reliable expert about Egypt. He states, In the remote past unknown to the history the Hindus from India spread and
crossing many countries they came to Egypt where they settled on the banks of the river Nile. Nile is a word transformed from
original Sanskrit word Neela. The ancient literature of Egyptians has recorded that those people came from the Gods country to
settle in here. There is carved a map in the Queens temple at Der es Bani, in Egypt. This map clearly shows that the land of the God
was India. Egyptians call their previous land as Panta Desha or the Gods land. The author of a book namely India in Greece states,
The Sindhis from Sindh, India were expert in trading and were courageous. Those Sindhis and some Punjabi warriors went via the
Arabian Sea to Iran. They crossed the Red sea to enter Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia (Abyssinia) where they colonized that land. Later
some of them went further to establish in Greece.
Pocock states in his history book, It is proved by many evidences that the Hindus from the North-West India and the
Himalayas went to Africa and settled there in colonies. His classification of evidence is as follows:
A) The provinces and the rivers are named after the great rivers in India.
B) Similarly some lands are named after the cities and provinces of India.
C) The rulers were named after Indian kings e.g. Ramesh or Ram = Rameshis.
D) Carvings and buildings are similar to India in their grandeur and skill.
E) Egyptian words are derived from and are similar to Sanskrit words.
All these points prove that Egypt was inhabited by the Indian Hindus.
Prof. Hiren examined the skulls of Indian and Egyptian people when he was surprised to see marked similarity between the
two. From that observation he has concluded that the Egyptian people were originally Hindus. He also examined social, religious and
political aspects, structures, establishments, traditions and customs when he found marked resemblance between Egyptians and

Indian Hindus. Therefore he concluded that Egypt was definitely colonized by the Hindus. He adds further that Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
was also a Hindu land.
Sir William Johns states, Abyssinia and India both are the countries of one extraordinary race. Usabius states, The
people near Sindhu River came to Egypt and settled as a colony. One Egyptian author named as Philastratus says, Hindus were
more knowledgeable than any other race and the Hindus came to colonize Egypt. There they preserved their knowledge and
customs and traditions and maintained the memory of their mother land alive, told my father. In the third century A. D. Julius
Africanius had reported some information, which was kept documented by Uselius and Sincelus. Prof. Hiren has reported in his book
Historical Research that the ancient Abyssinians were the people who came from the river Abusin ( an ancient name of the river
Sindhu) to Africa for settlement. In the ancient era there was continuous tread between Abyssinia and India to a great extent.
Colonel Todd has stated that the towns established near the pools of Gambia and Senegal had been given Indian Hindu names. He
further states in the Asiatic Journal Part 4, quoting from a book named as The Second Journey of Park during 325 A.D. that there is
a big list of Sanskrit names given to the internal parts of Africa, and those names are still present in India in various parts. The history
of Hinduism in Iran, Afghanisthan and Baluchisthan is so fresh that it need not be retold.
Colonel Todd has stated the saying of Abdul Gazi that Tamaka, the son of Tura and his colleagues established settlements in
Turkasthan. These people are referred to as Turushka in the Puranas. Turkeys are known as Turanians in English. About those
people the Mahabharata says that they were cursed people and their rights as heir were denied legally. Col. Todd states, The
traditional history of Jasalmeer tells that Yadus and Balhikas reigned in Khorasan after the Mahabharata war, and these people are
called as IndoScythic by Greek historians. Many people of Kuru dynasty settled in the region from the Central Asia to the Western
Asias border. The epic Mahabharata states about Uttara Kuru, the same are mentioned by Greek historians as Otoro Kurani
people. One Muslim historian states in his book named as The History of China that the Hindus first came to colonize Khat.
From India the Hindus migrated outwards for colonizing the central Asia and then they went farther north to establish in
Siberia. They built its capital named as Vajrapur. Lord Shri Krishnas sons (Varadamana, Samba and Gada) migrated there with many
Brahmins and Kshatriyas. The elder became the king after the death of the king there. When Lord Krishna expired, those people
returned to Dwaraka, India, in condolence, as stated in the Hari Vamsha. After some period they again went back, crossing the
Sindhu river to Kabulisthan and onwards up to Samarkand they colonized the region. In Siberia even today some of their lineage is
found in pure status. Their language is also Indo- German according to Asia Poligota authored by Caproth. The coins and stamps of
the ancient Hindu kings are discovered in the Asia Minor and Turkasthan. On those coins on one side there are the Moon and the
Sun while on the other side there are Shiva and Nandi. The names of the Hindu kings are also carved on the coins. Pure Sanskrit
names are still found to the towns and villages in Asia Minor and Turkasthan. The people there were named as Turushka in the
Europe :
England, Sweden, Norway, Irland (Arya-Land), Germany, Italy, France, etc were all inhabited by the Hindus. This is proved by
many evidences. Similarly it is proved by Shri. Chamanlal in his book Hindu America that before Europeans entered into America,
there were the Hindus situated there in many states, kingdoms, nations etc. Many evidences are showered by him to prove his
thesis. In the same way it is no wonder that Arabia was also inhabited by the Hindus. This statement has support of not only the
above points, but there are many supports to prove it. For example, marked prevalence of Sanskrit words in their language, their
traditions existing even today, their clothes showing similarity with the Hindu clothes, the archaeological findings, their history and
stories, legends, etc, and such other many testimonies from many aspects and many fields spread all over the world show that in
ancient times Hindu culture ruled the earth. There are many findings to prove that the Hindus inhabited in Arabia and Palestine too.
Evidence about India in Palestinian Language :
Let us see first the evidence of language. Like other countries, Arabia also possesses a lot of Sanskrit words as well as Tamil
words. The evidence is here:- When Jesus was crucified, he exclaimed some words which are preserved carefully. He uttered, Talith
Kumi Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabaktheni. It is a Tamil sentence. Its meaning is Oh God, why are you crushing me like this?

In a deadly, critical situation, in excitation he must have uttered the above sentence inevitably, in his mother tongue. At
that time in Palestine Aramaic language was in common use. Aramaic is a word transformed from a Sanskrit word Arvam. Tamil
language was known as Arvam. In that time, in the Jews, there was difference between a scholar and an ordinary man. Scholars
were called a Pharisees. They used to tell their Gotra after the name of an Indian sage, like Brahmins from India. It is for this reason
that the Jew Pundits told Aristotle that they belonged to genealogies of Indian sages. Later they forgot the specialty of Gotra and
began telling that they are descendants of Philosophers. [Gotras are now being forgotten even in India.]
Palestines Arabic Language was Tamil :
It is stated above that Arabic language was known as Arvam. Let us find out its root. The Jews are called as Hibrews. Hibru is
a corrupt word derived from Habiru. Habiru is derived from Abhira. A in Tamil means cattle. Bheera means brave. The word
Abheera got converted to Ameer or Avir in the local language there. According to natural conversions in language Amir became
Aribh and then Arib or Arab. The Jews were known as Habiri and also Khabiri. These are the original words there. If we go deep
to find out how these words occur, we find that both these words are different from each other, but were applied to the same race.
Khabiri is the word arisen out of geography, while Habiri arose from race, according to experts. In Arabia and Palestine Tamil
people had settled. (This will be proved later with different evidence). Those Tamil people were from banks of the river Kaveri. The
river Kaveri, which is reputed in Madras Province,(Tamilnadu), is one of the most celebrated rivers, out of the seven ranked as the
great river Ganga. During a bath usually these seven names of the rivers are uttered as a Mantra. These seven are Ganga, Yamuna,
Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri. This river Kaveri was supposed to be great and so the people residing at its banks
saw it as their specialty and they gave identity following Kaveri. The name Kaveri corrupted to Khabiri according to some experts.
Those Abhiras or Yadavas were dark in complexion. It is famous that Lord Krishna was also dark in complexion. The dark complexion
is called in Sanskrit as Shyama. This Shyama colour of Yadavas got corrupted to Shema and then in English got converted to
Semaite. Semaite means about Shyama colored or about Shem people. It is no wonder that the Greeks, according to their style of
language, called the residents of Palestine and region up to Cyprus, as Shyamaites or Semitics.
Chaldeans Aramaic - some similar words :
Dr. Bhandarkar had given a lecture in Madras University on the topic Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture. In that
lecture he told that the word Yavhe of Chaldeans got corrupted to Jehova, in the Old Testaments (earlier part of Bible) of the
Jews. At that time many Hindu articles were found in archaeological excavations near Mesopotamia, Syria etc. On that background
he said that the word Jehova or Yavhe might have entered Vedic language from some external language. He used the word
Chaldean language, but it was Aremaik language. Aramaic was a corrupt Tamil language and the words Yahva or Yahava and Jahva
or Jahava are Tamil names. It is well known that Y and J always interchange, eg Yajna = Jajna.
The Old Testament and the Biblical stories of ancient men :
There are many legends in the Bible. The similarity of words is recognized by the legends. From the similarity of words we
can consider the names and stories also. Let us see it here. Abraham was a great personality of the Jews or the Hebrews. In the
original literature the name recorded is Abram. The experts of Biblical language say that the Prefix Ab in Abram is a short form of
the word Abba. Originally the real word was Abbaram, which later converted to Abram and then corrupted to Abraham. Some
prefixes of present language were suffixes in ancient era. For example, Kanhaiyya = Ayya Kannu, Kannu Swami = Swami Kannu, Appa
Kutti= Kutti Appa = Kuttippa. In the same fashion Biblical Abbaram was originally Ramappa, who was Shri Rama, famous in the
Ramayana. How is it? See here:
The wife of Biblical Abraham, according to a Biblical story, was taken away by Philistine. This Philistine means Pulastiyan.
Ravana was a Poulastya, a descendant of sage Pulastya, according to the Ramayana. In the same sense the word Philistine is used in
the Bible. A friend of Abraham according to the Bible was Aner. Aner is a corrupt word derived from Wanara. This Wanara was
Hanumana. The Bible is not a book of stories, so the whole story could not be reported in it. But whatever is stated in short points to

[According to Dr. Vartak Wanara is a word composed of Wa + Nara. Nara means a human being. Wa is a prefix
suggesting doubt. Whether he was a man or not was doubtful, so Wanara. In other words he was not a man A + Nara. Thus Anara
means Wanara. The name Anara later got corrupted to Aner. In English the pronunciation of E is the same as A. For example, take
the word Berth, and see how E is pronounced like A. Thus Anara became Anera and then Aner.]
The word Shree in Sanskrit converts to Tiru, Thiru or Siri in Tamil language. It is applied to the name of a city in Madras
province and that style has gone to the west Asia. When the Jews spread away from that city, they honored that original habitat,
that first city developed by their ancestors as a holy place. Therefore, they called it Siri Salem. Probably Sri Shailam got converted to
Siri Salem. Later Siri Salem converted to Jerusalem, which became popular. There is a valley near Salem, they named it as Shaveh
(Shaiva or Shiva Dari). In Madras near Salem there was a place named as Shiva Pet. It is still present there. So it is concluded that
Salem, Siri, Sri Salem and Shevadari nearby were the names of places originally in Madras area, which went to the west Asia. This
logic is acceptable.
In the Bible the Geeta is mentioned. In the English or European script there is no T
Tadaga, Tanu, Tara, Teerth, Turanga, Taila, Toya, Toulam etc.) The class of T like

r (as in Teheran, or Sanskrit words

r]Fk]n]/k] is not present in the Roman script.

Thereore for r T is used and for n D is used. xhrk has to be written as Geeta in the Roman script. However in Sanskrit r is replaced
many times by n- For example, rr~ & rn~- Therefore Geeta was written as Geeda and while talking some force is used so that Geeda
became as Gheeda. H represents the force. Due to the difference in the language and the script and due to the poverty of
syllables and letters other scripts cannot write Sanskrit words correctly. In the Bible it is often stated that now I shall quote some
parables from Gheeda. It is similar to the fashion of Sanskrit where sayings of sages are quoted stating, Iti Uktam . Gheeda
means Geeta as seen above. Therefore those quotations from Gheeda must be from the Geeta. There is no book named as Gheeda
in Europe or the west Asia or Palestine. Thus the parables are the quotations of the great personalities or from the books of some
secret knowledge or from the teachings of the Geeta. In turn, it shows that the person who told the Bible knew the Geeta too, and
he preached its teachings to his followers. From this information and the similarities between the words, any man will admit that the
Geeta is retold in the Bible. Some Tamil words like Matala, Patela, Mashala, etc are found recorded in the Bible and their meanings
tally with the Tamil sense. Therefore we have to conclude that Gheeda means the Geeta. It is not necessary to go into details.
In the Old Testament there is a reference to a book of Joshua, where a story of Jasher, five kings of Jash and their war is
recorded. To whom does this story refer to ? This story might have gone there, from Indian Puranas, with the Hindu settlers,
because in Palestine there was a Hindu settlement. There are some corrupt words in Latin, transformed from the original language,
for example, Church from Karka, Cheri from Keri, Surukka from Kurukka, Joshua from Jeshua etc. Jeshua is a word transformed from
Keshua, which is a corruption of the word Keshao or Keshawa. In the Old Testament there are words like Og and Makkedah. Og is
told to be a giant and Makkedah a king. This Og means Agha Asura and Makkedah means Magadhesha (Jarasandha).

o = ;. For example Vyankappa

becomes Yankappa. Many a times Y is replaced by J. ; = t. For example, Yajna becomes Jajna. ;K = tK. Yogi converts to Jogi. In
Let us now think about Jasher, which means of Jash. In Tamil W transfers to Y,

the same way, Yash is converted to Jash, and Yash is converted from Vyas. Thus the original word was Vyasa, the name of the
famous sage who wrote the epic Mahabharata. Therefore, the story of the five kings in the book of Jash was the story of five
Pandawas written by the sage Vyasa in the epic Mahabharata. The war was fought between Pandawas and Kourawas. Jeshua,
mentioned in it, is Keshawa (Keshao) or Krishna. Og is Aghasura and Makkedh is Magadhesh Jarasandh. Thus, if we search the origins
of the words and their corruption we find many Hindu Pauranik stories and persons included in the Old Testament. But we must
point our finger to a definite evidence, for our satisfaction. These references and stories are the abridgments of those taken by the
originally settled Hindus in that region of Arabia and Palestine. Lakshagruha, the inflammable house built by Kauravas for burning
Pandawas, is also found in the Old Testament.
One more evidence is here: The Sanskrit words Hastin and Hasti are written in Pali as Hattin and Hatti. Hittites are
mentioned in the Bible and its corrupt form Hatti is found carved in the west Asia. The Hittite is a book authored by A. E. Kaule and
The Kings of Hittates is authored by D. G. Kogart, both include the word Hatti. It shows that the Hettite kings mentioned in the
Old Testament were the kings of Hastinapura. The word Hastin got converted to Hattin and its adjective became Hettite. In the
New Testaments the word Kurios is present. It is a transformation of Kuruja i.e. born of Kuru family. Kuruja definitely refers to the

princes of Kuru dynasty. Naturally there is no doubt that it shows Kaurawas. Earlier it is shown that the name Vyasa has taken the
form of Jash in Palestine. The same word is present in Arabic language. Yashar was the name of the grand father of Abdulla
Mahammad Ibra Ishak, author of biography of Mahammad. This name was usual in Arabia.
The Deities of Arabia were The Hindu Gods :
The commonly worshipped God in Arabia and around was Shankar or Ishana. Ishana is one of the several names of Shankar.
Therefore, wherever there was a reference to the God or Ishwara it was to Shankar. The son of God was famous as Skanda or
Kartikeya. The name Skanda was in use in Arabia and around and was corrupted to Skandar and then Kandar. The famous place
Canterburry in England was Kandarpuri or Skand-Puri. Skanda was converted to Kandar and then in Arabic converted to Eskandar. In
India, too, those who are not in touch with Sanskrit pronunciate Skanda as Iskanda, Snana as Isnana, Smarana as Ismarana, Kula as
Iskula. They have to add A or E before uttering Ska or any other compound word or letter. We have experienced this fact in the
territory under the Islamic pressure. They said Snan as Asnan and Smarana as Asmarana. Therefore it is no wonder that the
name Skanda got converted to Askandar or Iskandar outside India. Skanda was the Chief General of the army of the Gods according
to the Hindu Puranas. Skanda was therefore accepted as the God of war. In the west Asia and regions around it, the Divine General
was supposed to be Iskandar in Arabia and in Persian language he was Sikandar. Thus Sikandar, Iskandar, Skandar etc was Skanda or
Kartikeya the son of Shankar, who was appointed as the general of divine army. Shankar is also known as Mahesh and Isha in the
Indian literature. This Mahesh or Isha was worshipped commonly in the West Asia and the European territory nearby. This name
Mahesh got corrupted to Mozes. A book named as Ancient Fragments written by Kori tells the previous form of Mozes as
Moyeses. Greek and other languages were close to Sanskrit, but in them the Visarga took the form of S. If this S or Visarga is
removed from Moyeses the form becomes Mozes. Mahesh = Mohesh=Mozes are very close to each other. H is replaced by Y
while other parts remained the same. In Bengal Mahesh is uttered as Mohesh. Similar change occurred there and further Mohesh
changed to Moyesh and Mozes. He may be changed to Ye. Let us see some more similarities now.
Similarity between Arabic and Tamil languages :
In the Bible there is a puzzle of Psalm 68, about its ability and function. It is well known that in India here was a great
dynasty famous as Maurya. In the Indian history their fame has become immortal. King Ashoka was a famous emperor from it. He
had sent scholars to spread Buddhism in the western countries as well as the eastern countries. Those preachers had gone to Egypt,
Syria, Palestine, Syrine, Aepirus, Greece, Macedonia, etc. Bauddha was a philosophical religion which was difficult to understand to
uncultured and nomadic people, because it was full of the commandments like Truth, nonviolence etc. If such nomads, uncultured
people inhabited the western territories up to Greece, it was futile to preach such a high-grade philosophy to them. But it was not
the case. The Hindus were inhabited there and the Hindu religion embraced the best philosophy and ethics. Therefore it is evident
that the people there were capable to learn and understand the language and concepts of Bauddha preachers. In the Christ Church,
Psalm 68-31, in the common prayer Morians are referred to.
European scholars connected Morians to Abyssinia. But it is important to note that in the Bible those original Aramaic
words are kept intact, because of their significance and auspicious nature. In its translations also, those words are kept intact. They
are still present in Madras region of India, in the Tamil language, even though two thousand years have passed. These words are
spoken and written in the present Tamil. Therefore, it is evident that Aramaic language is a perverted form of Tamil. It is for this
reason that the Morians mentioned in Aramaic language are the famous Mauryas of the Hindu dynasty of India. It is also natural that
the Mauryas are mentioned in the Bible by the Hindu people of the Hindu cult. There should not be any doubt in mind to accept this
It is stated already that the words uttered by Christ are preserved in the original form in the Bible as well as in its
translation. For example, let us see here some words. In the Bible there are two words Korwan and Korapanam, which are
originally Tamil words and are corrupted in translations. In fact these are two separate words. Korwan means the thing offered to
the God or a victim offered to a deity. This word is corrupted in Aramaic to Korbani or Kurbani. Korapanam means a thing or
money kept in front of a deity with prayer. However in the Bibles translation both the words are supposed to be a thing kept for a
deity. In Tamil Korapanam or Korikkapanam means the money offered to a deity in worship. Korban= Kodubbanai is also a Tamil

word. It is not necessary to tell that Tamil is converted to Aramaic. A word Boanerjes means Vaneruje in Tamil and both these
similar words mean Son of Thunder producer.
When crucified Christ said, Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabacthani. These words are almost Tamil, with a little change. The original
form of this sentence is Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabac tha ni. = Eloi, Eloi, Sabac Lama thani. = The Pure Tamil sentence is , Eloi, Eloi,
Sabikka Lamada Ni. The meaning of this sentence is Oh God, why are you crushing me like this? Why do you not take me away
quickly to you? [In the modern Tamil the sentence as told by a Tamil person in Pune, to Dr. Vartak is, Ennai, Sabic Lamada Ni .
Ennai = to me. Sabic = curse or crush. Lama= God. Da is a suffix showing triviality. Ni=you.] Many such similarities may be shown.
However whatever is told is quite sufficient, but I cannot avoid the fascination to show very important and attractive words showing
similar meaning.
In Arabia including Palestine there were Hindu colonies established. In the same areas the Hindus who migrated later went
to reside, after the Mahabharata war. The Hindus going outside India in a still later phase also went to the same establishments. It is
quite natural. In Tamil as well as in Sanskrit language, Alla, Amma, Akka, are the names applied to the Goddess, who is the mother
of this Universe. It was inevitable that these words went with the Hindus to Arabia. In Arabia and around it, in the past Shankar,
Durga, Vishnu were worshipped as principal deities. Therefore the names of the Goddess were rampantly used by the people there.
Out of these words Alla is commonly used as a favourite by Muslims. Originally Alla is a feminine word in Sanskrit, but Muslims
use it as a masculine in gender. Its meaning is supreme deity. It is told previously that Kurios is a word used for those born in Kuru
family. Mahammad who introduced Muslim religion was born in a race named as Koresh according to history. This race Koresh was
the people who were related to or were on the side of Kuru dynasty, but they migrated from India to Arabia. Kuru dynasty is famous
from the Mahabharata. Kurus were from the race called as Chandravanshiya, which means they held that they were born from the
Moon, according to the Mahabharata. Therefore those Koresh had a sign of the Moon on their flag. The same sign of the Moon is
used by Mahammad as a sign of religion. Thus the Koresh were related to Kouravesh of the Moon dynasty.
Now let us see one more evidence, which may be a bombshell to readers. Jesus Christ is the name formed of two parts.
Jesus is derived from a Greek word Jeshua, according to one author Din Farrar. Kim says, Jeshua is a form of Jeshu, but it is not true.
Jeshus is not a corruption of the name Shesha or Sashu, it is a corruption of Jeshua. In that period, in the western countries,
Jeshua and Joshua were the two forms of the same name. Many preserved it either in one form or the other.
It is very meaningful to note that the governor named as Pilet, who sentenced Jesus, called Jesus not only as Jesus Christ
but as Jesus the Christ. To learn the meaning of this the let us see other names like Shivaji the Great, William the Conqueror,
Bajirao the Great, Alexander the Great. There is a special meaning to these words. Shivaji or William may be the names of many
persons, but the great Shivaji and the great Alexander were one and only one persons. In the same way Jesus may be a name of
many people, but Jesus who became a Christ was only one person. Therefore the title Jesus the Christ was used by the Greek
government officers. Hence it is clear that Christ was a sort of degree applied to Jesus. On this line we have to think in this matter
of the two words. We have seen earlier that during the time of Jesus, his mother tongue was Tamil in the form of Aramaic. The same
was the language of the whole of that country. Jesus is an English form of the Greek name Jeshua or Joshua. It is usual that a word
from one language is taken by another language with a little change or modification. Because Tamil or Aramaic were the languages
of the Hindu people, it is impossible to have a name as Jeshua or Joshua in them. Therefore this corruption in Greek must be from an
original Hindu name. Jeshua or Joshua is the corruption of the name Keshawa or Keshao. The name transformed thus - Keshawa Keshao- Keshua- Jeshua-Joshua.
Let us now consider the word Christ. Krishna is a Sanskrit word, which is corrupted to Krishto or Krushto in Bengali as a
love-word. Bengali folks always utter the name Kristo or Krusto or Krushto while singing a poem in worship of the Lord. It is well
known in Maharashtra that Vitthal of Pandharpur is called as Vithal or Ithal while singing a song in praise of Vitthal. In such songs
pronunciation is not done clearly and harshly, but is done loosely or softly to exhibit love and affection towards the God. In
Tamilnadu and even in Karnataka, the name Krishna is pronounced as Krista in a language full of love, devotion and sentiments
while singing devotional songs. The name Krista got transformed to Christ in the western countries. Jesus was a name of a person
called in Sanskrit as Keshao. This unique person was honoured by a title Krishna or Krista in Tamil and Aramaic languages. The
Hindus always believe in the concept of Avatara i.e. descent from the God or incarnation of a deity. It appears that the Jesus or

Jeshua or Joshua or simply Keshao was a person who was believed to be an incarnation of Krishna, because of his divine powers and
spiritual abilities. Therefore, he was called as Keshao, the descent of Krishna in Sanskrit. This concept got transformed in Arabia as
Jesus the Christ. A title was applied after the name in that ancient era, while at present a title is applied before the name. It is
already shown that in Arabia worship of Shiva and Vishnu was popular and prevalent. Therefore Jesus was supposed to be an
incarnation of Vishnu or Krishna by the worshippers of Vishnu and Krishna. On the other hand the worshippers of Shiva supposed
him to be an incarnation of Shiva. Evidence of this fact will be forwarded later. Here we are considering only about names. Here it is
important to note that from the name Jesus the Christ, the is lost and only Jesus Christ came in use after a lapse of some period.
Jesus Christ means Keshao Krishna. He was also called as Iso Christ, which means Isho Krishna. He was also named Iso Messiah
which appears to be a corruption of Isha Mahesh. Keshao or Isha was his personal name while Krishna and Mahesha are honourable
degrees. Those honours or degrees were applied because of his greatness in divine knowledge. This consideration of words is
enough. Now let us go to other evidence.
The Customs and Traditions of Arabs are same as Hindus in India.

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