Philips Export B.V. v. CA

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G.R. No. 96161, 21 February 1992, SECOND DIVISION, (Melencio-Herrera,
A corporation has an exclusive right to the use of its name, which may be
protected by injunction upon a principle similar to that upon which persons are
protected in the use of trademarks and tradenames.
Philips Export B.V. (PEBV), a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the
Netherlands, although not engaged in business here, is the registered owner of the
trademarks PHILIPS and PHILIPS SHIELD EMBLEM. Philips Electrical Lamps,
Inc. (Philips Electrical, for brevity) and Philips Industrial Developments, Inc.
(Philips Industrial, for short), authorized users of the trademarks PHILIPS and
PHILIPS SHIELD EMBLEM, were incorporated on 29 August 1956 and 25 May
1956, respectively. All suchcorporations belong to the PHILIPS Group of
Standard Philips Corporation (Standard Philips), on the other hand, was issued a
Certificate of Registration by SEC on 19 May 1982. PEBV filed a letter complaint
with the SEC asking for the cancellation of the word "PHILIPS" from Standard
Philips corporate name in view of the prior registration with the Bureau of Patents
of the trademark "PHILIPS" and the logo "PHILIPS SHIELD EMBLEM" in the name
of PEBV and the previous registration of Philips Electrical and Philips Industrial
with the SEC.
Standard Philips refused to amend its Articles of Incorporation. PEBV filed with the
SECa Petition praying for the issuance of a Writ of Preliminary Injunction claiming
that the use of the word PHILIPS amounts to infringement and clear violation of
PEBVs exclusive right to use the same considering that both parties engage in the
same business. The SEC Hearing Officer ruled against the issuance of the writ as
there is no confusing similarity between PEBVs and Standard Philips' corporate
names as those of the PEBV contain at least two words different from that of the
Standard Philips. SEC en banc affirmed the dismissal. The CA dismissed PEBVs
petition ruling that Standard Philips' products consisting of chain rollers, belts,
bearings and cutting saw are unrelated and non-competing with PEBVs
products i.e. electrical lamps. Hence, this petition.
Should Standard Philips change its corporate name given that PEBV acquired
exclusive right over the word PHILIPS, hence, there is confusing similarity, if not
infringement, between the two corporate names?
As early as Western Equipment and Supply Co. v. Reyes (1927), the Court
declared that a corporation's right to use its corporate and trade name is a


property right, a right in rem, which it may assert and protect against the world in
the same manner as it may protect its tangible property, real or personal, against
trespass or conversion. It is regarded, to a certain extent, as a property right and
one which cannot be impaired or defeated by subsequent appropriation by another
corporation in the same field.
Sec. 18 of the Corporation Code cannot be any clearer. To come within its
scope, two requisites must be proven, namely:
(1) that the complainant corporation acquired a prior right over the use of
such corporate name; and
(2) the proposed name is either:
(a) identical; or
(b) deceptively or confusingly similar
to that of any existing corporation or to any other name already
protected by law; or
(c) patently deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing law.
The right to the exclusive use of a corporate name with freedom from
infringement by similarity is determined by priority of adoption. In this regard,
there is no doubt with respect to PEBVs prior adoption of' the name ''PHILIPS" as
part of its corporate name. Philips Electrical and Philips Industrial were
incorporated on 29 August 1956 and 25 May 1956, respectively, while Standard
Philips was issued a Certificate of Registration on 12 April 1982, 26 years later.
In determining the existence of confusing similarity in corporate names, the
test is whether the similarity is such as to mislead a person, using ordinary care
and discrimination. In so doing, the Court must look to the record as well as the
names themselves. While the corporate names of PEBV and Standard Philips are
not identical, a reading of PEBV's corporate names inevitably leads one to
conclude that "PHILIPS" is, indeed, the dominant word in that all the companies
affiliated or associated with the principal corporation, PEBV, are known in the
Philippines and abroad as the PHILIPS Group of Companies.
Given Standard Philips primary purpose (i.e. electrical wiring devices,
electrical component parts, and/or complement), nothing could prevent it from
dealing in the same line of business of electrical devices, products or supplies
which fall under its primary purposes. Besides, there is showing that Standard
Philips not only manufactured and sold ballasts for fluorescent lamps with their
corporate name printed thereon but also advertised the same as, among others,
Standard Philips. Standard Philips choice of "PHILIPS" as part of its corporate
name [STANDARD PHILIPS CORPORATION] tends to show Standard Philips
intention to ride on the popularity and established goodwill of said PEBVs
business throughout the world. The subsequent appropriator of the name or one
confusingly similar thereto usually seeks an unfair advantage, a free ride of
another's goodwill.


PHILIPS is a trademark or trade name which was registered as far back as
1922. PEBV, therefore, have the exclusive right to its use which must be free from
any infringement by similarity. Such principle proceeds upon the theory that it is a
fraud on the corporation which has acquired a right to that name and perhaps
carried on its business thereunder, that another should attempt to use the same
name, or the same name with a slight variation in such a way as to induce persons
to deal with it in the belief that they are dealing with the corporation which has
given a reputation to the name. Notably, too, Standard Philips name actually
contains only a single word, that is, "STANDARD", different from that of PEBV
inasmuch as the inclusion of the term "Corporation" or "Corp." merely serves the
Purpose of distinguishing the corporation from partnerships and other business
The fact that there are other companies engaged in other lines of business
using the word "PHILIPS" as part of their corporate names is no defense and does
not warrant the use by Standard Philips of such word which constitutes an
essential feature of PEBVs corporate name previously adopted and registered andhaving acquired the status of a well-known mark in the Philippines and
internationally as well.
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 31 July 1990, and
its Resolution dated 20 November 1990, are SET ASIDE and a new one entered
ENJOINING private respondent from using "PHILIPS" as a feature of its corporate
name, and ORDERING the Securities and Exchange Commission to amend private
respondent's Articles of Incorporation by deleting the word PHILIPS from the
corporate name of private respondent.

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