Religion and Politics

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Religion and Politics:

By Mattrick Pathew Holb

I am writing this in an attempt to convince others of the suicidal
tendencies of western culture, and its imminent conclusion, which I believe
may be the ultimate end of humanity on this planet, or its enslavement under
global neo-feudalism, or the dark ages all over again. Some would say that
humanity is inherently evil, and therefore deserves deletion from the family
tree of evolution, especially by way of its own stupidity, with all of its
misguided action, or that enslavement is just if the people are fool enough to
accept it. Nonetheless, to any logical person it is an undesirable conclusion,
which our present world order may be headed towards. I am writing this to
also convince people that there is a solution or an alternative to this
outcome, which they can choose to support.
However, because the spiritual and political aspects of this topic are
inseparable, I must explain both sides equally. The spiritual side is beyond
religions, their institutions, dogmas, whatever, and resides in the holy
moment, of which the western world cannot perceive without enlightenment.
The political side is beyond politics, their institutions, dogmas, whatever,
and resides in the economy of human potential, of which the western world
cannot conceive of without enlightenment.

The following cannot be backed by science, and doesn’t have to be,

but might not be opinion either; the following conclusions are the result of
objective observation:
We are avatars, we are the cosmos looking back at itself as if into a
mirror, all-that-we-are can be god experiencing its own creation with the
simple recognition that it may be so. Simply ask yourself, what am I?
The first answer to come to mind may be to say, “I am a
human,” or “a person.” However, whatever answer one gives, the answer
cannot be correct, because they will answer with words. Words are the map,
and what you are is the territory. You are what you are, but aren’t what you
think you are.
In order to begin comprehending what you are, you must
consider the history of the elements that grew to form life, and the process of
that life form, through the tree of evolution, up to you, and your personal
history simultaneously. This is difficult and therefore rarely comes up in
philosophical discussion, and is mostly denied by western religious
institutions. However, that it does not get talked about does not mean it is
any less true.
That being said, the only appropriate metaphor for the universe is a
body. This body is a wonderland, fractal, meaning self-similar and complex
in nature. The greater the distance from my immediate experience of body,

the greater the complexity as if able to magnify to infinity—the possible
distance, and every thing possible, I would say, is more than fractal in
immensity and awesomeness; and in consideration, like energy, a living
force—and so is the environments complexity: all the people out in the
distance, animals and trees, and air; all the interactions and coincidences that
happen; everything beyond me is magnified with time and distance, and I
am beyond my self. That is the nothing we must all be conscious of.

Imagine for a moment, that the human body can actually be

considered a sophisticated gaming consol, as anything we create is either an
extension of our being or a representation of ourselves, videogame consoles
are a representation of our existence as gaming consoles. Like a videogame,
our virtual existence is total—everything we experience is taking place in
the brain, the so-called physical world we see is a representation of reality,
like that of an interactive video representation of reality displayed on a
television but more amazing by far. The human consol is ideal; it works as
the players’ avatar, controller, and consol simultaneously, allowing the
consol itself to interact, and the player to effortlessly enjoy the experience.
This perspective, however strange, can be understood with historical
backing and common sense. After all, that life is a game has been a common
idiom for centuries, and whether it is acknowledged or not, that is the way
life has been in operation for as long as it has existed, by its every species—
unknowingly. The very will to live could be viewed as a condition for play.
That being said, what is the point, where is the meaning to be found?
The meaning may just be subjective or untraceable, but clues could lie in our
own reasons for playing videogames etc. In fact, the reason could be as
simple as entertainment, or as deep as self-fulfillment. Either way, the
metaphor can teach us more than just meaning. Because the player, which is
genderless, faceless, and timeless, creates meaning, meaning is relative.
Heaven and hell exist here and now, depending upon the choices we make,
and the perspectives we take.

It is at this point that the political aspect of this alternative paradigm

can be explained. Because life can be inherently precious, or inherently the
scat of the universe, it is difficult to come to conclusions at all about what
choices to make, or perspectives to take. However, if we desire to live, as
most of us do, with prosperity, liberty, and happiness, then one must assume
that life is a commodity—no matter how great its abundance—, which must
be cultivated with delicate, conscious process. That process may be

government, religion, philosophy, science, and business, or a combination of
the five, and others that I haven’t thought of.
Nevertheless, the system that we call society, unaware of itself
and its processes of cultivation, could be considered blind, like a fetus that
has yet to develop eyes. That being the case, how does a system like society
develop sight to see itself? How does enlightenment come into being, so that
a mind can observe itself objectively, and start to make changes in its habits
and programming?
The mind of society can be called culture. But like most other terms,
culture is general, and has a generalizing affect on those who express it, and
in order to really understand it, it must be seen. However, as provided
preferences, culture manifests itself in persons in self-similar fashion to one
another, through clothing and the like. But regardless of whatever culture
may be in the person that expresses it, it is a reflection of how humanity sees
itself. (When I use the phrase, “sees itself” I’m talking about how one
experiences or interprets information.)
(Character, in my opinion, is something that has yet to be deeply
discovered and understood by human beings, which is why culture still
exists as it does today; fads, fashions, trends, and scenes are all influences
that might keep a person from expressing their true character, or cultivate
and open it depending upon the person. These large groups of people are
self-similar characters in some way, which might be why they dress similar,
act similar, and wear similar cloths. This would make sense if they were
The media plays a very important role in culture, and should not be
taken for granted as a mere entertainment or news service. Propaganda, of
the black kind, meaning propaganda of the harmful kind, or in other words,
lies, exaggerations, big lies, and the sort that influence public opinion—to
benefit institutions not addressed in the media—is the sort that can be
observed with a keen eye. However, in order to spot propaganda, one must
be intelligent, and wise to the game that is being played around them
(symbolism and other messages the go directly to the subconscious). Sadly,
most Americans/Western Europeans are not so aware.
In western culture, everything (how we: eat, dress, behave, view
certain groups, etcetera) is influenced by propaganda if it is culturally
accepted. How can I say such a general statement? Because it couldn’t be
less obvious—our culture is a propaganda culture.
The preferred mechanism of control of what I call the global corporate
empire, propaganda is the means by which the mind of society is
manipulated, and kept blind. By restricting certain information, and

exaggerating other information, the public mind is kept out of control of its
own destiny, and remains powerless. It is by choice that the people make no
real or radical changes to the System
(government/society/culture/civilization)—to improve our lives and the
standards of living for the majority of the people living here, rather than the
small minority.
If it is not in the best interest of the small-minority controllers of the
System to do so, progress will not happen without revolution. However,
revolution is a loaded word, full of grief and perpetuity. Evolution however,
is not as repetitive as the term re-evolution implies. To establish the kind of
changes that removes the financial elite from their positions of influence, a
new kind of revolution must be waged, one without violence—a revolution
of ideas.

Evolution of the Process and System is possible, only with the

enactment of a people without hypocrisy, behind an idea that is powerful and
real enough to remove the power structure of centralized banking, and the
financial elite—who provide only superficial benefit to humanity by
donations and the like (to situations they likely had a hand in causing in the
first place). In order to start such a revolution, a problem must exist that is
great enough to rally against, and in order for a great problem to exist, so
must a great solution.
An alternative to the power structures of today exists; a solution to the
depression of our lives exists. It is called the world Citizen: a global
government founded on the principles of wisdom, logic, and the precept that
every human being is equal generally, but that individually we are not equal,
and that every human being relative to one another has the potential to
benefit humanity relative to his or her potential, and everyone has the right
to choose to do so.
However, under this precept, the benefit one bestows upon another
must be reciprocated. How we do that now is through paper currency most
of the time. What I propose is the primary use of electronic entitlements,
used as currency, granted to those who are working at all, and based upon
the observable benefit an individual bestows to the people.
Further, the government regards ones work as taxes. Because any
work one does may benefit society, and because society can be viewed as
the body and soul of government, government can be required to reciprocate
benefits to the individual who benefits society. The benefits that government
then grants to its productive citizens, under this precept, are food, clothing,
shelter, transportation, and information.

Citizenship would be a term used to describe the productive members
of society, who choose to request evaluation of their work. Evaluation,
handled by a managerial office that would replace much of the defense
offices in government (defense will be something which will be unnecessary
if this system is accepted), would be a way to personally, and unequivocally
discern the productivity of a person. Rather than using hours to designate
pay, a person’s quality of work will discern their rate of entitlement, but will
have no effect on their rights.
The reason this idea can be so powerful is that regardless of ones
quality of work, they are still being fed, still being sheltered, and still being
clothed, transported and informed. However, because of entitlements, one
can still work to earn better and better conditions for themselves: better food,
better clothing, better furnishing and decoration of their home, etcetera. All
one has to do is be productive to have what is today considered self-
actualization. And that is the goal of this system, to self-actualize the people
of the world.
Nevertheless, the overall system of our world will see little change,
and so will our daily lives. Rather than complicating the lives of people with
paper work, stagnant bureaucracy, and illegitimate processes of taxation, the
only changes to peoples’ lives would be their increased leisure and
happiness. (Admit it to your self) Life, as a person in the twenty first
century, can be better than this.
Demand will change the marketplace because of a wise and informed
public—understanding the harm some products cause to nature, a public
informed causes a responsible public. With such changes, culture would
gradually become more developed, and the people more sophisticated, more
bohemian. With these positive changes, the increased interconnectedness of
people will gradually cause an evolution of consciousness on this planet, and
a revolution in the way life is practiced.

Ignorance is not bliss, it’s selfishness, which seems likely to be the

root of all suffering and disorder in the world. And what’s worse is willful
ignorance; it requires constant avoidance of reality, and an obsession with
convenient lies. With a real news agency—meaning one that doesn’t preach
nationalism, and acts as a critical agency for the auditing of government
immorality—ignorance would be the sole enemy of the people.
Humanity deserves self-actualization through truth, love, and dignity.
Without truth, intelligence and honesty cannot come into being; without
love, enlightenment courage cannot come into being; and without dignity,
society cannot cope with the coming changes that face its future, and it will

inevitably destroy itself. Conscious action, conscious life is the key to truth,
love, and dignity in our individual affairs.
Every aspect of society, irrespective of its function, must be dignified,
meaning aware of itself relative to everything else, and in conscious control
of whatever it is doing, aware of why it’s doing it, and where it’s going in
this process. All too often things get out of hand because of ignorance and
self-perpetuity, so that one is like a toddler, aimless and unknowing. The
ultimate conclusion is a system or individual that harms their self and others
for no justifiable purpose.
An unjust system is an undignified one. Often unjust systems lack
truth, and are therefore founded upon lies in order for their continuity. The
unfortunate reality is that most governments have no dignity, being founded
on untruthful nationalistic histories, or premises told to the people that are
fundamentally baseless.
Corruption is a symptom of an undignified system. Because it is not
conscious at every level, it does not act correctly, which would come
naturally if it were. Another symptom is a diseased people. The reason we
are so unhealthy is because we are both uninformed—a symptom of
untruthfulness, meaning corruption—and unconscious of the right way to
live, and what is good for our health. Because we are unconscious,
regardless of whether we are informed or not, we continue to act incorrectly.
Unconsciousness is the ultimate plague of the twenty-first century.
The second plague is willful ignorance. Willful ignorance (and lies) causes
delusions, caused by a will to be secure in easy, convenient, and reinforced
conclusions, which have been handed down—most of them sources other
than first hand—to be taken for granted by the receiver.

Strangely, there is no words to express who I am, no paper work that

could prove that I have experienced myself. Nonetheless I continue, and like
every part of the environment, I continue to complexify as time develops. I
am not only the environment that I perceive; I am the perceiver as well, and
there lies my soul, there lies my significance.
The soul is the reason why we all deserve a government that is
dignified, a people that can handle such responsibility—as putting its
government to the challenge of serving the people—, and a people that can
handle such freedom as self-actualization. When the second-hand lies and
traditions are let go, and stripped of ones mind, what is left of a person but
their actual self: not the combination of any fact or idea, but the result of
how they (use and) see themselves, and the world?

When recognized, this honest way of looking at oneself can dissolve
any delusions one may have, and erase the passion one has for “their
religion” or “their politics,” replacing them with logical, rational, and
conscious conclusions, which then can be called truth. Once one has come to
an understanding or realization independently, that conclusion is more valid
than any second hand source can ever be, unless the second hand source is
telling them that truth is first hand.
The idea that we are all one, and the very way in which we are one,
has never been recognized by government, or by society (the result is
unconsciousness: a lack of knowledge, but also an avoidance of the truth
that we are all the same creature as a collective, and the avoidance or
ignorance of the truth—that may still be alive, and which lives through life
—as the Body of Life). The fractal, holographic nature of humanity, once
recognized, could provide a premise and paradigm, through which a
government could be both socialist, capitalist, free market, and conservative
with absolutely no government interference necessary for the people to
benefit from each other’s hard work. The notion that socialism is always bad
is something that is founded in both propaganda of opposing ideologies, and
the imperfections and corruptions of past systems of so called socialism.
Not all socialism is the same. The idea that new forms of social
cooperation can be formed, which are not based on the principles of Karl
Marx, Stalinist and Communist Russia, may be something that people need
to get over in order for their world to change or improve in the direction of
societal unity. The notion that we are equal—and therefore deserve the same
conditions and rewards for our work—is nonsense in general. That is to say,
we are all equal generally, but in the specifics of our abilities and skill levels
we are all still very much different. Taking that into account, socialism can
encourage progress similar to capitalism, but without the restraints of the
profit motive and designed obsolescence that comes with it.
Over the many years of the united States’ so called progress, the
developments have been in the direction of corporate power, greed, and
domination over the people. Corporations are legally people, and have the
rights of people, and were not originally so. The ability for corporations to
say and do whatever they want, defended by the first amendment right of
free speech, has led to their greater ability to influence the public with
The ability for corporations to lobby government officials is another
problem, which cannot be helped without the amendment of our currency.
When everything is based in entitlements that one cannot easily transfer to
another without a device, the ability for a corporate executive to bribe a

government official is drastically reduced—and so are black market sales for
that matter.
I am not advocating for the disuse of paper currency, but rather the
use of entitlements would be an option, which would allow people to more
easily purchase things without liability like debt or interest. Paper currency,
as well as bartering could be used and would be encouraged. The
government would be heavily restricted as to the limitation of these
In fact, the restriction of government from limiting the rights of the
people may be more important than the progression of government and
civilization. The restriction of government, and corporations with it, may be
the most important goal of any revolutionary movement in the twenty-first
century. Without such a movement, the rights of the people are doomed to
creep back into the dark ages, and the result may be neo-feudalism.
By neo-feudalism, I mean the enslavement of the people to a select
few corporations or individual families, which have consolidated enough
wealth, and control enough of the systems of government with monetary
influence, that the people of the world are bound to indentured service at
birth, according to these masters. Due to the gradual dumbing down of
society, this theory is becoming more and more plausible with time.
As the generations unfold, the new generations have no idea what they
are missing, how free their ancestors were, and what was worth fighting for,
or that things were worth fighting for at all. The enslavement of mankind
comes incrementally; gradually the pot gets hotter until the frog is cooked
without it’s noticing. With a gradually stupider public, this gets easier and
easier, and so can get faster and faster. Combine this with a greater and
greater plethora of technology and entertainment, and you have a stupid,
distracted public, who would be willing to give up their children's freedom
as long as they get to play X-Box.
This is the insanity of the twenty-first century; as the government has
always been the mortal enemy of the people’s freedom, and immoral on its
own without the commanding grasp of the peoples will, the people are
loosening their grasp to go play videogames, or watch television in their free
time. Entertainments are killing not only our command of our government,
but our will to live as well.
Notwithstanding the innate stupidity of unconscious people, the world
has become as if drunken from a poison. In the development of a body, this
is something that can only be saved with consciousness: this consciousness
—not awareness, but awareness of the nature and purpose of humanity—has
been striped and even denied most of mankind through false leaders, false

prophets, and propaganda regimes and empires which encroach upon our
every day lives today—must be restored to the people through quality
education, which teaches them truth, which is reality—which is observable;
observation is a manifestation of reality—there is no separation between the
observer and the observed.
On their own, corporations are harmless, but combine their products
with the same inherent toxicity of atrophy, willful ignorance, and a general
disregard for the world around us, and the result is a prison without bars.
When the purpose of labor is to buy things we don’t need, but are literally
hypnotized to think we want, the result is our perpetual servitude without
bail, and a debt that is not repayable. In other words, our cyclical
consumption is a form of modern slavery, whereupon the only salvation is to
recognize and change our daily habits and programming, and then stand in
opposition of the program.
In order to change the program, a spiritual and political evolution
must take place in the consciousness of the people, in you the reader just as
much as me the writer. Without individual change, and reconsideration of
perspective, values, and premises, our world will never be corrected. Unless
you want to see the world get worse, I suggest you take the time to consider
for yourself what is the point of your life as it is, and where the world as a
whole is headed. We have the power to collectively make this game however
we want it; that is how it was designed. As co-creators, we have the power to
change the world.
Forget what you’ve been taught—that god is something outside of
your self, and that there are powerful authorities outside of you, which have
the right to dictate their will upon you. No one, no being has the right to
make you a slave; no being has the right to be your master unless you submit
that they are in the first place. You are a light to your self, you the master of
your own existence. That is not to say that you are the god, but that everyone
(every thing) is god experiencing itself through the Body. We are all equals.
Instead of making one feel full of hubris this divinity and power should be
very humbling, because everyone, behind their mask called person, is the
same divinity or sacred eminence, and the same rights, which must be
tailored for the innate, and subtle complexities of humanity.
Collectively, we are all equal as innately divine, but individually and
specifically we are all self-similar, but different in subtle and obvious ways
—this is a fractal principle immediately recognizable in life. As spiritual
beings of the universe however, we are all equal, and in that equality we
deserve this world to be a paradise for Gods experience. The ignorance of
this, and even the denial of this, has been the cause of every mistake by

mankind in the past. With this enlightened principle, there can be a new
form of philosophical premise at the foundation of government and society.
Progress, backed by critical thought, magnified by critical involvement,
founded on the will to play the real game that the people would otherwise
miss out on, will carry the future generations towards outer and inner space
—to infinity and beyond. (The people playing Life (the game) in the service
of others or not, the people will participate—if paradise is guaranteed with
the acceptance of a new form of government that must be multinational in
order to work.) But if this is a symbol of what is possible… such an idea
may be just crazy enough to work.


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