ABAP Best Practices - Code Inspector
ABAP Best Practices - Code Inspector
ABAP Best Practices - Code Inspector
TCS Confidential
Syntax check; extended program check
Analysis of WHERE clauses for SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE; SELECT statements
that bypass the table buffer; Low performance operations on internal tables ; table
attributes check
Usage of critical statements; dynamic and cross-client database accesses; use of ADBCinterface
Check of SY-SUBRC handling; suspect conversions; activation check for DDIC objects
Programming Conventions
Naming conventions
Search Functions
Search of ABAP tokens; search ABAP statement patterns; search for ABAP statements
with regular expressions
You can combine any of these single checks into so-called "check variants", for example to
check for the adherence to given programming guidelines.
Best Practices
Developers can use the Code Inspector to support their everyday work. For example, the search
functions or metric checks of the tool can be a great help when restructuring the code.
The Code Inspector allows developers to define which objects are to be checked and which
quality aspect of the code is to be inspected (e.g. performance, security).
It is also possible to define global check variants as general programming guidelines, to ensure
standardized programming within a development community. Check variants can prescribe for
example naming conventions or other rules. The global check variants 'DEFAULT' and
TCS Confidential
TCS Confidential