Ball Screw Design

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Motion Control

BRUCE GRETZ | National Key Accounts Manager

Steinmeyer Inc.

the nut and a bent tube. To make internal

returns easier to manufacture, Steinmeyer
ing gear was a ball
fabricates deflectors in-house by milling
screw used on sev(steel or brass) or other additive metheral automobiles in
ods (plastic). Combining these fabricathe 1950s and 60s. It tion techniques with modern CAD tools,
features a dual-tube
the company economically designs and
return that recircumanufactures a variety of complex shapes
lates several ball
in high volume.
bearings in separate
Steinmeyers internal returns fall into
six categories: track-to-track, liner, and
four variations on through-the-nutZUltraSpeed, Deflector, endcap, and heavy duty.
Track-to-track: The track-to-track return is the original
Steinmeyer design and still the most widely used. It is available on the widest range of shaft diameters and nut types.
It uses ball deflectors to lift balls across the shafts outer
diameter and guide them directly into the next (or previous)
track. Each deflector serves one turn, which corresponds to
one ball circuit.
Deflectors are made of metal or plastic and sealed into bore
holes in the shaft. Its impossible for lubricant to leak out. The
deflectors are arranged symmetrically to balance radial forces
and are flush with the nuts outer surface.
This design is compact and features the smallest nut diameters of all ball returns. It is also the preferred choice for small
The Saginaw steer-

The Advantages
of Internal Ball Returns

Over the past decade, CNC machine tools have been a leading user of ball screws. This application requires pre-loading,
which presents challenges for tube returns. One key measure
of ball-screw performance is the speed rating (DN), expressed
as the shaft diameter (mm) times the maximum rotation rate
(rpm). Tube-return ball screws are limited to a DN of around
70,000. Not only that, the pins required to deflect the balls in
tube returns are subject to failure.

Exterior tube returns create noise, slow the balls down, and cause
jams. They are also a source of lubrication leaks. Internal
returns solve all these problems and much more.

ead screws are one of the most common linearmotion devices, thanks to their low cost and reliability. And recent advances in modern machining
can make them extremely precise with lead errors
below 1 micron. Thats why they can be found in linear drives
for machine tools, aerospace controls, precision stages, and a
host of industrial devices.
However, lead screws are fundamentally limited. The sliding
between the threads of the shaft and nut generates high frictional forces. As a result, lead screws struggle to reach even 50%
in efficiency. Of course, the friction also generates heat, which
limits the rotational speed to a few hundred rpm. Furthermore,
there is backlash because of play between the threads.
For some applications, such as actuation and coarse, lowload positioning, efficiency is not that important and backlash
can be tolerated. But for many others, particularly high-load
CNC machining, these limitations are critical. Low efficiency
requires much larger drive motors, and backlash interferes
with precision servo control. Any attempt to eliminate backlash by pre-loading causes even higher friction and lowers
efficiency to below 30%.
Placing ball bearings inside the nut assembly and pre-loading them to maintain contact overcomes these problems; efficiency soars to over 90% and backlash is eliminated. Adding
those bearings gave rise to the ball screw.

One challenge in ball-screw design is ball recirculation.

Historically, the most common designs used tubes that jutted
outside the nut and provided a return path back to the beginning of the ball track inside the nut. But tube returns force



Steinmeyers UltraSpeed return system uses through-the-nut technology. Axial deflectors (the two black pieces on the end of the nut)
send balls recirculating back through the nut, helping give the screw

At Steinmeyer, engineers have taken a different approach,

exclusively favoring internal returns over tubes. Their overriding design principle with returns is to follow the natural
trajectory of the ball. Consequently, all Steinmeyer returns
are based on tangential deflection. This
minimizes the required deflection forces,
resulting in higher efficiencies and reliability. And with no tube connection, no
FOR CENTURIES, THE conventional lead screw (threaded shaft and nut) was the prilubricant escapes the nut.
mary mechanism for converting rotary motion to linear motion. They were inexpensive
One historical argument against interto manufacture and reliable.
nal returns is that they are incompatible
Ball screws date all the way back to the late 19th century, when some ingenious
with rapid design and high-volume manuengineer placed ball bearings inside the nut threads to reduce friction. This eventually
facturing. After all, the reasoning went,
led to efficiencies of over 90% and the elimination of backlash.
external returns require only a hole in
In 1898, The Practical Machinist published what may have been the first publicly
Nut body

a speed rating (DN) of 160,000.

each ball to change direction by 90 deg. at the end of each tube.

This extreme change in motion causes higher frictional losses
and increases the risk of balls jamming. It also increases the
variation in frictional torque.
Tube returns suffer a loss of lubricant, too. The port where
the tube enters or leaves the nut body is difficult to seal. As a
result, tube-return ball screws tend to leak, a costly and messy
maintenance problem.
Tubes are also generally incompatible with rotating nut
configurations. The reason is that the tubes create asymmetric
radial forces as the nut rotates. Radial forces cause vibrations
and instability at high speeds.





Lead screw

Track-to-track ball returns are a feature of

the original tubeless ball screw from Steinmeyer and remain the most widely used.
These work well with small balls and lead/

documented ball screw. The Cleveland Machine Screw Co. is credited with the design.
However, the performance of this device was probably quite limited. Ball bearings
were just emerging around that time, so the most likely limitation was inconsistently
sized balls, making recurring jams in the return tubes a problem. It was not until the
post-war era that ball-bearing fabrication caught up, which partially took care of the
problem. But return tubes were still a problem.
One of the first commercial ball screws was designed into the famous Saginaw
steering gear. This gear was used on many vehicles as diverse as the Ford Fairlane
(1956-78) and Chevrolet Corvette (1962-82). The Saginaw design used a ball screw
to transform rotation of the steering wheel into perpendicular linear motion of a rack.
It featured a tube return. Actually, two tubes were employed to recirculate the several
dozen balls on separate circuits. No pre-loading was necessary due to the coarse
positioning requirements. However, the tubes were still subject to jamming. To mitigate this problem, some designs used alternating balls, with every other one 0.001 in.
larger than its neighbors.

diameter ratios under 0.5.



Motion Control

The liner return developed at

Through-the nut ball

Steinmeyer is popular for aero-

returns were developed

space applications because it

for high-speed operations.

provides both safety and reliabil-

Their DN can be as high as

ity. In case of failures, balls can-

160,000, and the nut can

not leave the nut and interfere

travel at up to 1.5 meters

with other machinery.

per second.

balls and lead/diameter ratios less than 0.5. It can have a DN

Through-the-nut (UltraSpeed): Through-the-nut
as high as 120,000.
returns were originally developed for high-speed operation
Liner: The liner return is a variation on track-to-track of high-lead ball screws. The UltraSpeed, for example, uses
deflectors. The liner essentially consists of several deflectors deflectors at each end of the nut. Balls get lifted off the shaft,
arranged and manufactured as a single component. It is placed guided through a bore inside the nut body, and set back onto
entirely inside the nut, eliminating the need for bore holes.
the shaft. One pair of deflectors serves one circuit, which
It was developed for the aerospace industry, where coarse- includes several turns.
positioning ball screws must reliably control aerodynamic surThis nut design is normally used for lead/diameter ratios
faces, cargo doors, and cockpit-seat adjustments. None of these greater than 0.5 and dual start threads (that is, two sepaapplications require pre-loading, so tube
rate thread paths on the shaft) It can
returns dominate older, legacy designs.
reach a D N of 160,000. This speed
But liner returns have many advantages
corresponds to more than 90 m/min
especially suited to aerospace applications:
(1.5 m/s). Dual-start threads are typi They generate higher load capacities
cally employed in vertical-axis appliper unit nut length, so shorter and
cations, because two deflectors per
lighter nuts can be used.
start are able to provide redundancy
They are easier to assemble compared to
against failure.
individual ball deflectors because there
Through-the-nut (Z-Deflector):
are no holes in the nut and fewer parts.
The Z-Deflector is another version
Unlike tube returns, liners require no
of the through-the-nut return. It was
additional hardware for the return, and
designed for shafts with solid bearlubricant leaks are impossible.
The Z Deflector, a variation on the throughing shoulders on both ends of the
Liner returns provide safety and reli- the-nut return, is for shafts with solid shoul- threaded shaft. On these shafts, it is
ability. Unlike tube returns, balls cannot ders on both ends. It simplifies installation of impossible to thread the nut on from
leave the nut if a deflector or the liner fails. the nut and balls.
a sleeve with the balls in place. Thus,

technicians install the nut on the shaft without balls, then track return. (Previously, the largest balls were about 11 mm
insert balls through the opening in the nut body, and finally in diameter.)The resulting ball screws had dynamic capacities
affix the Z-Deflector.
up to about 800 kN. More recently, the firm developed a ball
Through-the-nut (endcap):
return that consists of several
The endcap return is similar to
through-the-nut returns along
the UltraSpeed return, except that
the length of the nut. Plastic
caps at both ends of the nut serve as
deflectors move balls tangenball deflectors. This design is nortially out of the nut raceway.
mally used for lead/diameter ratios
The return is available in shaft
greater than 0.5, and nuts with two
diameters from 32 to 160 mm
or more start threads for high load
and leads of 10 to 30 mm. For
capacity in a short nut. The endthe smallest diameters, they have
cap is usually made of plastic, which
a dynamic capacity of over 100
lowers weight and keeps the ball
kN (about four times as high as a
screw 50% quieter when operating.
standard 32-mm screw). For the
Furthermore, the extra length of the Endcap returns use plastic caps on each end of the nut to largest diameter, dynamic capacendcaps accommodates combina- serve as deflectors. They can handle accelerations over 1 g ity approaches 1,400 kN.
tion wipers, which include both a and are known to be exceptionally quiet in operation.
The main purpose of the
felt ring and plastic fingers.
UltraThrust return is to let ball
Endcap returns are available on
screws replace hydraulics in a
shaft diameters from 5 to 20 mm
greater number of applications.
and leads from 2 to 30 mm. They
Electromechanical drives offer
can handle up to five ball circuits,
improved efficiency and lower
which pushes the dynamic load
environmental impact, which is
capacity to over 30 kN.
leading to increased demand for
This return withstands accelerahigh-thrust screws.
tions over 1 g. As a result, one of
Steinmeyer is constantly
its main applications is in devices
working on further development
requiring speeds greater than 2 m/s.
of deflectors, both in terms of
Through-the-nut (UltraThrust):
improving the geometry as well
To increase the load capacity of Heavy-duty nut returns use oversized balls to carry larger as minimizing size and cost. We
ball screws, Steinmeyer engineers loads. Their capability of handling larger loadsup to 1,400 expect to achieve these advances
placed oversized balls (15 to 19 kN in dynamic capacitylets it replace hydraulics in many through better materials and
mm) in their standard track-to- heavy-duty applications.
manufacturing processes.


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