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Welcome to the topic on queries in SAP Business One.

In this topic, you will learn to create SQL queries using the SAP Business One
query tools Query Wizard and Query Generator. You will also see how to restrict
access to saved queries.

Queries enable you to quickly display and format data from an SAP Business One
company database. You can use queries in several ways, for example:
with customization tools (alerts, approval procedures, and user-defined values
added to existing fields or user-defined fields)
to produce ad hoc reports for users
to generate a sample report as an initial step when you create a custom report,
to validate the contents of a table or field during data migration. You can quickly
display all the imported fields for a table.
You should understand that the query tools are primarily designed to produce ad
hoc reports and for use with customization tools. If you need to produce complex,
fully formatted reports or print layouts, you should use Crystal Reports.

SAP Business One provides two different query tools that you can access from
the SAP Business One client:
Query Wizard
Query Generator
Both tools assist you in creating queries using the structured query language
(SQL). SQL is a standardized set of commands for accessing and formatting data
in relational databases.
Although both tools produce the same results in the end, you should understand
their differences.

The first tool, the Query Wizard, guides you step-by-step through the process of
creating a query. You should use this tool if you do not have much experience with
SQL commands and syntax. The system walks you through the process of
creating a SQL query and generates the SQL statements in the background so
you do not require precise SQL syntax knowledge. However, because this is done
by a wizard it takes several steps to produce the query.
You should also find the Query Wizard easier to use if you do not have much
familiarity with SAP Business One tables and how they are related to each other.
When you select a table, the Query Wizard will show you all tables that are related
to your chosen table, allowing you to select data from multiple tables.

The second tool, the Query Generator, allows you to create the SQL in a single
screen. If you have some basic SQL knowledge, you will find the Query Generator
much faster than the Query Wizard.
The system displays the full SQL command and allows you to edit the SQL directly
if necessary.
You can also enter an entire SQL statement directly into the Query Generator.
Like the Query Wizard, the Query Generator will automatically supply the inner
join when you select more than one table for a query. Although it does not show
you the list of tables related to your chosen table, fields that are keys to related
tables are shown in bold. You can drag and drop the bolded field to the table
selection column and the Query Generator will open the related table, allowing
you to select fields from that table.

In order to run queries you need to know the names of the SAP Business One
tables and fields.
In SAP Business One, many objects are represented by more than one database
table. For example, the sales order document uses different tables for the header
and document rows the table ORDR stores the header data and the table RDR1
stores the document rows.
SAP Business One uses this convention for all marketing documents - the header
table starts with O and the row table uses the last three letters of the header
table name.

You can use System Information to display the table and field names for a window
that you are viewing in SAP Business One.
1.First you toggle on the functionality from the View menu. The short cut key is
Control plus Shift plus I.
2.Next, open a document or window in SAP Business One. In our example here
we have opened the Business Partner Master Data window.
3.Now, when you move your mouse over a field (for example the Code), the
second line of the status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the name of the
table (OCRD) and the field name from the table (CardCode).
You now have the table name and field name to enter in your SQL query.
Other information about the field is displayed, such as the maximum length of the

The system information also shows, in addition to the table and field name, the
item number and column number for the field.
For example, in a sales order, the item number for the CardCode field is 4. The
column number for the CardCode field is not displayed, since this is a header field
and the column number for all header fields is 0.
If you open other marketing documents, you will see that the CardCode field is
always 4. Although the table changes for each document type, the item number
for a field is consistent.

When you refer to fields in the row area of a marketing document, the column
number is displayed in addition to the item number. In the example here you can
see that the ItemCode field in the sales order document has item number 38 and
column number 1.
You will notice that the item and column number for a field is the same across
similar document types, for example, the ItemCode has item number 38 and
column number 1 in all sales and purchasing documents.
Why is this useful? You can use the item and column number instead of the table
and field name in a query. This makes it possible to to use the same query for
multiple document types. Obviously, a query that used the table and field name
would not work across multiple document types.


You will find that the table and field name is not displayed for some fields, mostly
totals and prices. One example is the document total field in marketing
documents. In a document this field is concatenated with the currency symbol,
whereas in the database the amount and currency are stored in different columns.
Therefore this field does not exist in the database.
You can still run a query using these fields, you just need to look up the field name
in the query tool. An easy way to do this is to create a document, then run a query
on the table and select all fields.


In this demo you will see the System Information display.


The SAP Business One query tools will help you assemble the various elements
of the query, but you still need to have some knowledge of SQL syntax.
A query, or the underlying SQL statement, contains one or more of the basic
elements listed on the slide:
Selection of fields
Conditions for selection (where clause)
Sort order (order by clause)
Grouping and summarizing (group by clause)
SQL also provides functions to perform calculations on data. In the sample query
the getdate() function is used to return the current date and time.
The sample query shown in the top right part of the screen will show information
for open purchase orders posted in the last 7 days.
The query selects data from the purchase order table. The name of this table is
The results of the query, a simple snapshot from the database, is shown.
Note that SQL is not case sensitive, therefore the commands do not have to be
upper case.


This demo will show how to create and run a simple query using the Query


The Select statement is the only mandatory part of a query. The Select command
is normally used to fetch and display table fields. In the example, we want to
display the document number, business partner code, business partner name and
total amount from the Purchase Order table OPOR.
When the query runs, headings for the report columns are taken from the
database column names, but you can change these in SQL using the as
keyword and entering the heading name in quotes. For example, to change the
column heading for the DocTotal field, use Select DocTotal as Total Amount.
You can also specify calculation fields that display the result of an addition,
subtraction, multiplication, or division of two fields.
If you need more than one table for a query, you normally need to create
relationships between them. The Query Wizard and Query Generator tools make
this easy for you by automatically creating joins. For example, if you select the
purchase orders table (OPOR) and also select the business partners master data
table (OCRD), the query tools will link these tables using the business partner
code which is common to both tables.


The optional Where clause lets you select only records that meet specified
criteria. For example, in our sample query, only purchase orders that are open
(DocStatus O) will be displayed. To find out the possible values for a field such as
DocStatus, the easiest way is to run a query on the table and select the field
name. You will see the possible values that are stored in the database.
In the Where clause you can include:
Fixed conditions as comparisons
Calculations and functions
AND and OR operators. In the example query, we only want to include
purchase orders that were posted in the last 7 days; therefore we use the AND
operator to add a second condition to match the posting date value to the
current date 7.
Variables. Variables are specified as [%0], [%1], [%2], etc. When you include a
variable, the user will be prompted to enter a value as a parameter when the
query runs.


You can optionally sort the results by adding the Order By clause to the query.
The results will be sorted by default in ascending sequence using the specified
field. In this example the rows of results (purchase orders) will be sorted by
posting date (DocDate).
You can sort by descending sequence by adding the keyword DESC
You can sort by multiple fields, and these fields can be either part of the select
clause or other fields in any of the tables of the query.


The optional Group By clause allows you to display the query results grouped or
summarized by a specified field, for example, by business partner. In our example,
the query has been rewritten to use the Group By element and is shown
underneath the original query on the slide.
The grouped results are collected into sets using the Group By field or fields as
the common value.
Group by is usually used in conjunction with a mathematical (aggregate) function,
such as Count or Sum.


When the query runs it will count the number of open Purchase Orders, then sum
the total amount of each PO. The selected fields are displayed according to the
Group by clause, therefore the results are consolidated by vendor, and the query
shows one consolidated row for each vendor, with the count and the total amount
of all open purchase orders for the vendor.
Notice that we need to supply the column headings for the fields that are counted
and summed, since these fields are not in the database. We supply these
headings in the Select statement, for example, SUM(DocTotal) as Total Amount.
The heading name must be encased in quotation marks.
You can group by more than one field. One word of caution though; the fields that
you use in the Select statement must appear in either the Group By clause or the
aggregate function.


In this demo, you will see how to create a query using the Query Generator.


You can save a query for later use, or for other users to run. When you save a
query you must assign it to a category. Categories are used to organize related
The General category is provided in the system, but you can add your own
categories too. In the example here we have categories for sales, marketing, and
purchasing queries.
Queries that you save are located as User Queries. To run a saved user query,
choose the Tools menu in SAP Business One, and then select the category and
the query name.


When a new user is added to the system, the user does not have any
authorization to run saved queries. Each user must be granted authorization to run
a saved query. There are two parts to the authorization process:
1.When you create a new category, you select one or more report authorization
groups for the category.
2.To authorize a user to run the reports in the category, you assign the user to the
report authorization group. You can find this authorization in the general
authorization hierarchy under Reports > Query Generator > Saved Queries
Group No.
There are 15 different report authorization groups, and you must select at least
one authorization group, or you will not be able to save the category.


Once a user is authorized to a report authorization group, they can then run all
queries saved in any category with that authorization group.
Let us look at the example provided here.
Here you can see that authorization groups 1 and 2 are assigned to the category
called Sales. Authorization groups 2 and 3 are assigned to the category called
Marketing, and authorization group 4 to the category Purchasing.


Users Bill and Donna are assigned to authorization group 1.

Users Sophie and Tim are assigned to authorization group 2.
So, Bill and Donna can run all queries saved in the Sales category through its
association with authorization group 1. Sophie and Tim can run all queries saved
in both the Sales and the Marketing categories through the association with
authorization group 2.
If you want to make saved queries available to end users, you need to carefully
plan the categories and the authorization groups to ensure that users get
authorization only to the correct reports.
Note: You can assign full or read-only authorization to a user, as desired. You can
also use general authorizations to define which users can create new queries, and
which users can modify the existing SQL syntax in a saved query.


This demo will show how to save and manage queries.


Here are some key points to take away from this session. Please take a minute to
review these key points:
SQL queries can be used with customization tools, to produce ad hoc reports,
as the first step to design a more complicated report, and to validate migrated
data by reporting the contents of tables.
System information can help identify table and field names, or item and column
numbers. Use the View > System information command to enable the system
information display.
Two tools exist to help you create SQL queries the Query Wizard and the
Query Generator. Try both tools to see which you prefer.
You can save queries as user queries and organize them by category.
Users need authorization to run saved user queries. First you select an
authorization group for the category in which the query was saved, then assign
to the user the general authorization for the categorys authorization group.


You have completed the topic for queries in SAP Business One. Thank you for
your time!



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