Chapter Questions

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The following questions apply to each chapter we will cover in this course. Before we start a
chapter, please read the questions that we have prepared for that chapter and use them to
guide your reading of the chapter. We would recommend preparing written answers to the
questions we have asked so you can refer to them in class. In class, we will discuss the
questions we asked you to think about as well as other questions related to them.
Chapter 1: Human Resources Management (HRM) in a Changing Environment

What is HRM?
Give some examples of HR problems that occurred in organizations where you worked.
Explain why the organizations line managers (i.e., lower lever supervisors) often do not
comply with the directives of the HR department and discuss why it is important for them
to do so.
4. What is measurement and why is the use of measurement critical for successful

Chapter 3: The Legal Environment: EEO


Name all the laws you can think of that impact HRM in organizations.
What is discrimination?
What types of discrimination are prohibited by Title VII?
What is the EEOC and why is it important in the effective functioning of discrimination
What disparate treatment?
When is it legal for an employer to commit disparate treatment?
What is disparate impact? Give examples of how different devices can have a disparate
impact against a protected group.
When can an organization use a device that has a disparate impact on a protected

Chapter 4: Work Analysis and Design

1. What is job analysis and why is it important to HRM?
2. What other HR activities are affected by job analysis? Discuss how effective job analysis
helps make these other activities effective (give examples).
3. What is the difference between job analysis and a job description?

Chapter 5: HRM Planning and Recruitment

1. What is HR planning and why is it important for organizations to carry out HR
2. How can organizations predict the demand for employees at some future point in
time (i.e., what techniques can be used)?
3. How can organizations predict the supply for employees at some future point in time
(i.e., what techniques can be used)?
4. What are some alternatives for dealing with short/long term shortages in
5. What are some alternatives for dealing with short/long term surpluses in
6. What are the advantages/disadvantages of internal vs. internal recruiting?
7. What are Realistic Job Previews and why are they effective?
Chapter 6: Personnel Selection
1. Define predictors, criteria, systematic selection, random selection, and validity.
2. Give some examples of predictors that are used in the staffing process?
3. What is the validity of the typical interview? Why do most organizations interview
applicants in staffing?
4. What are structured interviews and how are they created?
Chapter 7: Performance Management and Appraisal
1. Why do organizations appraise employees performance?
2. Describe the necessary steps in creating an effective p.a. system.
3. Describe the things that can go wrong with a p.a. system.
Chapter 8: Training and Development
1. Describe how you would ensure that training is linked to organizational objectives.
2. When performance declines, the first management response o the problem is to train
the employees. What is your reaction to this?
3. What is the difference between training and development?
4. Think back about training you have received in any organizationDescribe the extent this
training was designed well.
5. What would you consider when selecting training methods (e.g., classroom, on-the-job,
Behavioral Modeling? Choose a job that you are familiar with and discuss training
method(s) that you feel is (are) appropriate for training employees for that job.
6. How would you measure the effectiveness of the training you described in Q. 5 above?
7. Why do you feel that most training is not evaluated by assessing its Return on
Investment (ROI)? What are the implications of not measuring training effectiveness?
What could be done to increase the extent that training is evaluated more


Chapter 10: Direct and Indirect Compensation

1. How is the government (law) involved in compensation?
2. Why is equity so important in compensation (discuss internal, external and individual
3. What is job evaluation and how does it work (explain the job evaluation process)?
4. Why do internal and external equity often conflict and what can be done when they do?
Chapter 11: Pay for Performance (PFP)
1. Why do organizations use PFP systems? What is the organization trying to achieve?
2. Explain the different types of PFP systems?
3. How are Performance Appraisal and merit pay/bonus plans related, and why will
ineffective P.A. systems destroy merit pay/bonus systems?
Chapter 13: Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
1. Why do employees join unions (i.e., what benefits do employees get from unionization)?
2. Why do employers (both owners and supervisors) want to prevent their employees from
3. What are the steps in the unionization process?
4. What is collective bargaining, and what must employers bargain about?
5. What are strikes? Why are they legal? What is an employers best course of action if the
employees go on strike?
6. What is a grievance? Describe the grievance process.
Chapter 14: Employee Health and Safety
1. How is the government (law) involved in safety and health in organizations?
2. How can management balance productivity and safety/health compliance with the law?
What are the implications of this balance to various organizational stakeholders (e.g.,
employees, management, government)?
3. Under what circumstances would employees act in an unsafe manner? How can
employees be motivated to work safely?
4. What recommendations would you make to prevent workplace violence?
5. What are the responsibilities of leadership, management, employees, and the HR
Department (if one exists) for the well being of employees?

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