TX700 - Manual v11

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The document discusses the technical specifications, operation, and safety considerations of the TX700 wireless system.

The technical specifications section discusses the inputs/outputs, hardware specifications, physical dimensions, and legal information.

Factors discussed that affect range include antenna gain, frequency/wavelength, transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, and whether a diversity system is used.


2013, November 11

Revision/ updates
Date, updates, and person
Revision 1.1 03-12-2013, By Patrick M

Affected pages, ETC


Revision/ updates .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Technical specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Inputs/Output connectors ................................................................................................................................. 3
Hardware specifications .................................................................................................................................... 4
Physical Dimensions .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Legal Information .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Adapter wireing ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Binding ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Change unique ID code...................................................................................................................................... 8
Output Power selection button ......................................................................................................................... 9
Failsafe ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Compatibility TX-RX ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Compatible RC's ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Head Tracker.................................................................................................................................................... 10
Compatible Headtrackers ................................................................................................................................ 10
Option Board ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Modem Setup Option Board ........................................................................................................................... 11

How to get best range ..................................................................................................................................... 11

LED indicator.................................................................................................................................................... 11
Range Check .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Known Limitations ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Abbreviations................................................................................................................................................... 12
FPV general trouble shooting guide ................................................................................................................ 15
Radio Technical stuff ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Warning and Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................. 19

Technical specifications
RF Output power : 500mW/1000mW/2000mW
RF Output connector BNC female.
The power of the transmitter is user selectable via easy to access 3 way switch.
(We recommend to use as little as possible power, so power up is possible in case an out of range situation is experienced)
The Transmitter can handle full power, continually no time limit.
The Antenna output is designed for 50 Ohm load; however the transmitter stage is specially protected and
can handle full power at both open and shorted antenna.
It is normal to perform range check with antenna removed and 500mW setting.

The PPM input signal can be either constant frame repeat time or variable, Positive or Negative
polarisation, the special double speed Futaba PPM signal is also accepted, Auto detects and auto handle.
The Main PPM signal must contain from 4-12 servo channels, if main PPM signal has under 4 ch it will be
refused. Note Graupner call each way a servo travel for a channel, so in Graupner terms a 24 Channel
setting handle 12 servoes and is what we call a 12 channel signal.

Inputs/Output connectors
DIN 3 pin female screw type for POWER and MAIN-PPM input


The female DIN connector seen from outside the TX

Stereo Jack for Audio Demodulator input and Headtracker PPM input

The top of the connector is Head-Tracker PPM input (shorted HT)

The Ring of the connector is AUDIO input from the wireless video system receiver.
Ground is common for both signals.
Shielded cables are recommended to avoid cross talk.

Hardware specifications
Supply voltage 5-25V for 500mW power
Supply voltage 6-25V for 500mW-1000mW-2000mW power
Supply power usage is 3 times the transmit power.
Supply current at 20V (500mW x 3 = 1.5W / 20V = 0.075 Ampere)
Supply current at 10V (500mW x 3 = 1.5W / 10V = 0.15 Ampere)
Supply current at 6V (2000mW x 3 = 6W / 6V = 1 Ampere)
Battery life - The TX unit draw about 1.5W as mentioned at 500mW out, to find the current it draws we use
ohm law. Like in the examples, watt / supply volt = Current, the supply voltage can be anything from 6-25V.
Example with a 3S lipo: 1.5W / 11V = 0.126A
To find the time you can run with a given battery size, take your battery mAh and divide with current usage
also in mA. Example: 1000mAh / 126mA = 7.9 hrs, remember to keep a good safe margin, some batteries
like LIPO do not like to be totally empty.
When using the power-up feature, input supply power will also go up. The unit has about 30-40%
efficiency, so an easy rule is the input usage is 3 times as much power as the output power. At 2W RF out;
the TX unit consume almost 6W, this means 4W is radiated as heat.

The TX unit can deliver 500mW out at only 5V as supply voltage; it will stop working at 3.3V or under.
For 1W and 2W output, you need supply voltage of at least 6V. Maximum is 25V !
Peak operating heat sink temperature -40 C to + 80 C
Suggested Operating heat sink range - 20 C to + 60C
PPM input both, main PPM and HT PPM level 1.5Vpp to 10Vpp
AC or DC coubled, this means it is also JR and Graupner student signal compatible, however for serious
stable long range flight, it is recommended to use a 3-5V DC coupled PPM signal for best stable signal to
noise margin.

Physical Dimensions







280 grams

Legal Information
The radio system is using frequency hopping, random sequence, and very short timeslots, the time per
channel is only 15mS, this means it apply to the 10mW pr average channel regulation in EU and many other
areas, this means the 500mW peak setting can be used legally without any radio amateur licence.

Adapter wireing

The binding function stores the TX signal unique ID code and PPM frame rate and number of servos into the
receiver; this must be done every time the number of servos is changed on the RC unit. (or another RC
system is used with this system)
To bind
1. Power off Tx and Rx.

2. Powerup the TX, (we assume right plane memory is recalled on your RC unit).

3. Hold down bind button on TX while connection adapter cable.

4. Remove finger from the bind button.

5. Power up receiver, make sure both antennas are connected and within 20 meter distance.
6. Wait 1-2 sec, see the RX LEDs go from lit into fast blink mode.

7. Power off Tx (Rx is still on).

8. Power on Tx (Rx is still on).

9. Test all servo functions on plane works and have ultra fast and smooth response.
10. With TX on, try to power OFF, and ON the rx and prove it lock to the tx very fast after power on.
Instruction video on how to bind and store failsafe - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2wXoorQHQaYmoSLE5_esg
If you use external battery for the LRS TX, then the binding procedure is a little bit different. Leave the RC
unit on all the time and connected to the LRS TX, the power on/off to the TX as mentioned in the binding
procedure is only the LRS TX, now it will work, the binding mode is only activated when button is held down
while power to the LRS TX is applied.

Change unique ID code

Remove the top lit, inside the TX unit you will find a DIP switch with 8 tiny white slide up/down buttons,
note the text ID code next to it. If you need to create a take-over mission, then the two TX units must have
the same ID code to be accepted by the RX. If you need to fly side by side with a friend, just be sure you use
different ID code. After ID code change, a new bind must be performed.

Output Power selection button

The 3 way transmit power switch is located near the antenna connector on the top. Its most easy to access
while in flight. Move the connector close to the antenna connector for low power mode. It is recommend
to use as little as possible power, so power-up is possible in case an out of range situation is experienced,
this way it is possible to regain control and fly back home.

The same push button on the top is used both for binding and for storing failsafe into the receiver.

When the button is pressed while the TX is powered on its in the binding process.

When the TX is in normal flight mode, the button is used to store failsafe.
Link to binding guide on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BO-uwYcfys
Read about the failsafe store and different modes of failsafe in the receiver manual.

Compatibility TX-RX
All versions of TSLRS RX units can be binded and work together with any versions of TSLRS TX units,
because the over air signals are kept the same from the very start. The TSLRS system parts is NOT TX-RX
compatible with any other brands of long range systems, we all use our own radio modulation system.

Compatible RC's
Any Radio Control remote system with PPM output should be able to use, check your manual for student
out and if it is compatible with PC simulators and other types of RC systems, then you know you got a PPM
signal and not a special un-compatible digital signal. The PPM signal can be any polarity and also variable
speed and even the special Futaba double speed mode is supported.

Head Tracker
The Head tracker input must be 6 channels PPM. It accepts positive or negative polarization, variable or
fixed frame rate auto detect and auto handle. Channel 5 and 6 are the two HT (PAN/TILT) signals. They are
added after the used MAIN-PPM channels. In case the main PPM signal has 12 channels, there are no free
channels to use. Then the two HT signals will be merged into channel 10 and 11, leaving channel 12 free to
use for the main PPM. The reason for this is easy to understand, look at the receivers: The channel 12
connector can be either PPM out or servo channel 12 out, the different output mode is configured on the
RX. In case you need PPM out and use a HT at the same time, of course you need the HT signals to be on ch
10-11 where normal servo connectors exist.

Compatible Headtrackers
The Fat Shark, M.I.G. Tracker, Magnetic Inertial Gyro or any other type with the required signals, see Heat
Tracker section above.

Option Board
The extra add on board called Option-Board can be installed by the user.

The extra features are:

Firmware upgrade via USB connector.

Both the TX main board and the Option board CPU can be upgraded with this option board.

Data Demodulator and PC USB interface for UAV systems. (live 2 way data is then possible)

Voltage monitor with audio alarm.



Modem Setup Option Board

The audio signal is 1200 Baud FSK from a video receiver, the level can be from 200mV to 2000mV
adjustable from the upgrade board trimmer, adjust trimmer for carrier LED LIT, find the two points where
the LED is not lit and set it in the middle of that for best margin to both sides. Install FTDI232 VCD driver on
the PC, run your UAV control software to display live flight parameters.

How to get best range

Archived range is only the result of the wanted signal to noise ratio. Local noise emitters are the most
common way to ruin good receivers capabilities to pick up weak signals at long range. The system has got a
transmitter to receiver calculated line of sight range of over 100 km. We know at least one customer who
actually performed a full flight over 100 km out and back. To be able to get the full possible range this
system can deliver, you need to be very sure nothing on your plane emit noise in the used frequency band,
if it does it will affect the range.. This means also it is very easy to detect using range checks.

LED indicator
Constant light = PPM OK, POWER SUPPLY OK
Blinking LED = Power supply ok, but no valid PPM
No Light = No power supply voltage

Range Check
Can be done just like any conventional RC systems, in this case simply unmount the TX antenna, and set it
to low power, then expect 4-10 meters of range, then check you have same (short) range with motor
on/off, and with video cams and video transmitters on/off, if no change in the range result, then mount TX
antenna again and fly. If any unit on your plane affect your range, you are supposed to seek and fix it, if you
want to take full advantage of the systems capabilities or at least obtain a system with best possible signal
to noise margin.


Known Limitations
Landscape variations and noise pollution in the flight area is known to shorten the range of any wireless
link. Use at least 1/10 of the distance as height. For example at 3 km distance stay 300 meters up to get full
range. Standard transmitter with 500mW and the standard quarter wave antenna will give you a 3-5km
range in normal city area may be much longer in areas with no noise pollution.

Names often used on UHF LRS pages and when talking about radio control and video links and FPV.
RC - Radio Control, remote wireless control of something.
RC unit - The radio control unit you hold in your hand, can be a Futaba, JR, Graupner, Multiplex or other.
Servo - when connected to rudders/ailerons/elevator they steer a plane.
Servo pulse - is a digital pulse width that hold position information, 1.5mS is centre position.
LRS - Long Range System, often a short for this system sometimes also called UHF LRS
UHF - Ultra Height Frequencies, is 300-3000MHz, but radio amateurs often call UHF = 70CM band, also
known as the 430-470MHz area
TX - Transmitter used to transfer a signal to a receiver
RX - Receiver used to receive the radio signal and output the signals, pulses, audio, video, data
RC RX - Radio control receiver, can be any type any brand and any coding system, they all output standard
servo pulses
LRS TX - the metal box containing the 500mW transmitter used for this long range system.
LRS RX - the receiver located in the plane, this receiver is connected directly to servoes and 5V supply
RSSI - received signal strength indication, is often an analog voltage that goes up or down depending of
radio signal level in a receiver
Video TX - Video transmitter, located on a plane, car, boat or helicopter often using 900-1300-2400MHz
Video RX - Video receiver, located on ground, when connected to a TV screen you can see live pictures
from the Video TX
Video Splitter - is an amplifier that will allow the user to distribute a video signal to several things at the
same time.


PPM - Pulse Period Modulation, is the pulse system used in trainer/student systems, it contains high
resolution information on all servo positions assigned.
PPM inverted - the pulse can be normal or inverted, some older systems do not handle both when
connected as student/trainer
LOS - Line Of Sight is the distance from ground to a plane with nothing in the way, not even ground.
Long Range - is normally not defined, but when a plane is not visible by direct sight it is normally called long
BNC - is the connector name/type used for the TX and Booster for the LRS, same connector is used on
Ethernet systems.
Booster - is an amplifier that will take radio signals and boost them up to a more powerful level.
LNA - Low Noise Amplifier is used in receivers as the front end stage, they improve the sensitivity and
therefore also the range
Diversity - is often a double antenna and/or double receiver system with auto switching to the best signal,
this improves the useable range a lot.
GPS - often we use a GPS receiver on planes to feed speed, position, and height information to OSD
OSD - On Screen Display, will overlay interesting information to a live video signal.
Logger - will record data or measurements for playback / view later, some OSD systems can log some
informations too.
Modem - Modulator Demodulator, encode data into sound, and back again, can use audio line in a wireless
video system to transfer data like GPS positions.
Head Tracker - a unit mounted on a persons head, will then control remote located servos so a remote
camera follow head movements, gives Virtual Reality experience to FPV.
FPV - First Person View, like pilot view out the front window.
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, a UAV is a fully computer guided plane, not a radio controlled plane,
if RC'ed it is an FPV or just a normal RC plane.
Trainer - Most advanced RC units have trainer connectors with PPM in/out so they can be connected via a
cable to a student RC unit.
Student - Most advanced RC units have trainer connectors that can be configured to output PPM signals for
a PC simulator or trainer RC unit or LRS.
Patch - A patch antenna is a directional antenna that will when pointed to a plane improve the range.
Yagi - A Yagi antenna is a directional antenna that will when pointed to a plane improve the range.
Dish - A Dish antenna is a directional antenna with highest possible gain, will when pointed to a plane

improve the range.

Gain - antenna gain is often named in db, the more db the more gain, and also a more narrow beam, so
pointing correctly is harder with high gain.
RF - Radio Frequency, any frequency that is not directly hearable audio
RF module - often a plug in box or module or printed circuit board that can be changed/added in RC units,
normally a transmitter.
BEC - Battery Eliminator Circuit, is a 5V-6V regulator often linear type that makes supply for RC RX and
SBEC - Switching Battery Eliminator Circuit, is a 5V-6V regulator switch mode type handles more input
voltage and have lower loss.
RC Receiver Battery or Supply, is normally 4 or 5 NIMH cells providing 4.8 or 6V of steady and stable
supply, such a battery must be able to handle all servo max currents and still provide sufficient stable
voltage, do not use spring loaded battery cassettes or weak current capable cells like normal alkaline
types, today more new and fancy battery types like lipo and lion and such can also be used if receiver
and servoes can handle the different voltage range they provide.
Fading - when the distance and positions and angles of a wireless system is changed, the radio signal will
also change.
Multipath Fading - a direct signal and a reflected signal hit the receiver antenna with -180 deg phase,
creating a zero signal level.
Nulling - is the same as Multipath fading.
FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, a way to send data using many different frequencies, makes a
system immune to noise and jamming proof.


FPV general trouble shooting guide

Please read this first and try some of this before asking around.
Any FPV system a car, plane, or helicopter is often a compact system, containing: Transmitters, receivers,
sensors, high power pulsed electrical, vibrations, microcontroller electronic boards, video camera, switch
mode supply to be able to combine all this into a tiny lightweight platform is a huge challenge and to make
all units perform perfectly without interfering each other is often an almost impossible task, even for skilled
electronic educated persons.

Here are a few design hints:

Plane size small planes are cheap and easy to transport, but they are not optimum FPV platforms. The
smaller type the more compromised performance you must expect to get.
Receivers must be located as far away from transmitters as possible, at least a distance that can prove no
degrade of the receiver system range when the Tx is operating or not.
It is advised to keep receivers away from all electronics in general, speed controllers and switch mode
supplies are known to be able to jam.
Electric Motor controller a range check must prove no degrade/change when motor is off, halve, full
power, this also apply for gasoline and methanol engines.
Transmitters for live video or data back telemetry will always have harmonics like 2x 3x and so on. Of their
wanted frequency the level might be low and under demanded levels, but when located near a receiver
that may operate on a x2 or x3 frequency it is doomed to fail. Plan your frequency bands to avoid using any
channel at the exact harmonic of any other system you use.
GPS are often small module receivers, designed to be cheap and just cheap!! That is what we like, but
cheap comes a problem. They are not designed to be working near transmitters; some cannot handle
anything not even if it is even GHZ away. So a SAW frontend is a must too and a good high level capable
frontend is a must too and even then some GPS modules do not like to be located near 900 or 1300MHz
video transmitters first harmonic of 900MHz is 1800Mhz, a GPS works at 1575MHz its front end system is
often several hundred MHz wide, even if they have a SAW, so 1300 and 1800 can jam it. A 2.4GHz video


transmitter is harmonic at 4.8GHz, so it is no big problem, it is a known fact that most 2.4Ghz video
transmitters are most likely better with most GPS units.

Video stripes is often seen when a power supply is not clean or ground / signal wires are shared with
power or other units on the plane, note if the stripes are constant or change with motors or servos or other
items moving or operation, try to touch camera or video transmitter, see if any change in the stripes.
Grounding items with analog signals specially video signals are super sensitive to grounding problems. You
cannot supply a pulsing current on a ground wire to a video connected device, if this ground wire is the
same for the video signal, it is quite difficult to explain how to split signal ground with power ground. A
Star kind of grounding has a zero current / zero voltage in the centre point.
Power supply cleanness. Try to mount external battery on different items and be sure they are super clean
and is smart to try to locate a problem.
Switch mode, it is often seen SBEC or other switch mode regulators are designed to be cheap and they
dont have no really good filter, extra 100uH coils and 470-1000uF on the input and output might help,
input is just as important as the output.
Shielding some devices radiate magnetic pulses, specially SBEC and cameras, if they are contained in a
closed metal case the problem will be less, but weight will go up, iron cases are better for low frequency
magnetic problems.
Camera some types radiate radio noise, uncased types are the worst. Cased types can also do it, the case is
maybe painted and therefore not fully shielded, the wires from it works like radiating antennas, ferrite
torrid and aluminum-foil is a good solution and distance to GPS and other receivers is a good idea tool.
Servos some RC servos types are only designed to be used near receivers, clear enough, but when located
near a transmitter they can be jammed, moved or stopped or other strange things even periodic problems
have been seen. Tricks/solutions: Aluminium-foil around the servo, wire turned on ferrite torrid.
Electrical motors are also inside servos and they will also radiate magnetic pulses when they move.
Some systems like video transmitters and cameras and OSD systems do not like to be near this field.


Vibrations is a normal problem for receivers and transmitters, their coils and crystals and filters have
microphone behaviour, packed in foam and they also avoid loud sound
SWR a video transmitter with a badly matched antenna and/or badly grounded will have high frequency
currents going on its signal and power cables.
When having range or interference problems, try to isolate the different items, like turn it off or change
their position dramatically or bypass its function until you find a change in your problem, then you have
found the noisy item.

Radio Technical stuff

Any wireless radio system contains of a transmitter side antenna and a receiver side antenna.
Both sides must have the same polarization to perform most optimum, the most common polarizations are
horizontal, vertical, circular left or right.
If a horizontal is talking to a vertical, the link loss will have an added extra loss of 26dB
If a circular left is talking to a circular right, the link loss will have an added extra loss of 26dB
If a circular left is talking to a vertical or horizontal, the link loss will have an added extra loss of 3dB
This is why it is smart to combine a horizontal or vertical often mounted in a plane, with a circular receiver
on the ground, then the 26dB drop can nearly be avoided.
Pointing a whip style antenna to a plane is the worst thing you can do. Imagine looking into the end of the
whip, It is almost impossible to see from a distance, radio waves work this way too, makes antenna most
visible and right polarization.
It is normal that radio links have a 26dB extra margin in its link budget / range calculation so you will not
loose contact - when one antenna is rotated in an unlucky angle, a diversity system will take full advantage
of its link budget, so the resulting useable range is almost 10 times as much as a non diversity system, if no
other parameters are changed.


A downlink diversity system also solves one other problem, fading and nulling, the most perfect diversity
system would have 3 antennas to handle signals from any angle perfect, but the gain from doing this is
often minimal and cost and complexity is big, a 2 antenna diversity is the most common compromise.
All cellular systems use diversity on the receiver side and brute transmitter power on the tx side to perfect
the link, a cell side tx is over 26dB more power full over the handset transmitter to obtain an equal quality
link, also handset side have a cheaper receiver with less sensitivity, we do not have space for a diversity
antenna system on a cell phone.
Wavelength and frequency - a double frequency will have half the wavelength. Long wavelength cannot
pass through small holes, like take a 27MHz walkie-talkie and try to use it inside two cars, (cars are made of
metal, and the window holes are much under the wavelength) the useable range is then really bad, now go
out of the cars and see you will have 10 times the range, at higher frequencies you dont have the car
window problem, but air attenuation is higher with higher frequencies, so a longer range is easier to get
using lower frequencies.
Gain - Adding more antenna gain will only make the beam more narrow, point the antenna right and you
get more range, point the antenna wrong and you lose signal, any gain over 8-10dB will be hard to point to
a moving target like a plane, you need a tracker system or a cheap friend that will work for free to point the
An 18dB gain yagi antenna on the receiver side and 500mW 2.4GHz video transmitter with 0dB antenna,
have a proven LOS of 51km when both polarizations are right.
Range and dB - Improving a systems link budget with 10dB will increase the range by a 3 times factor, 10dB
power is the same as 10 times the power.
20dB more power gives 6 times the range, 100 times more power, combining more power with more gain
is often the way to get longer range and also improving receiver side sensitivity is a good way to go.
Bandwidth vs. range - Video transmitters with audio, stereo and mono exist, the video signal is 5MHz wide,
and the audio is 5KHz wide, A factor 1000 in bandwidth, so in theory the same range will be achieved on
the audio as the video link with only 1/1000 of the power, that is why those systems have a much lower
power in the audio, often see -20dBc to -30dBc, dBc means dB under the main Carrier -30dBc is the same as


Warning and Disclaimer

When using any wireless RC system bad things can happen, batteries can fail; hardware can fall out of
planes and many other things. Whatever bad happens, no one at Scherrer UHF or Danish Aviation Systems
or any of our suppliers or reselling companies cannot be held directly or indirectly financial or personal
responsible. We strongly suggest all our users to follow any local laws, and perform good safe and serious
FPV and UAV flights. You agree to this by purchasing and using this system!


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