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CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

CIVL 2510 Fluid Mechanics
Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter
3.1 - Definition
The flow rate Q, or discharge, is the volume of water that passes through a particular cross-section of
the flow every second. In a pipe, the flow rate can be measured using various methods. Because the
cross-section of the pipe is fixed, and generally known, each of these methods are variations at
estimating the velocity in the pipe.
The modern methods are non-intrusive (i.e. they not do impede on the flow in the pipe) and
incorporate electronic devices that can correct for varying pressure and temperature etc. These include
magnetic and ultrasonic flow meters (for a good explanation how an ultrasonic flow meter works see:
Even with these modern methods available, the more traditional methods are still being used for
practical applications (figure 3.1). These methods rely on Bernoullis principle and either measure the
static and stagnation pressures to derive the dynamic pressure (such as in the case of the pitot tube,
Unit 3.5.1) or by measuring the differential pressure within a constriction (such as the Venturi and
Orifice meters, Unit 3.5.2 and 3.5.3). Of the latter two, the Venturi meter is generally favoured because
the energy loss in the pipe as a result of the instrument is smaller. The Venturi meter does require more
space to be installed in a pipe-line system, however to obtain accurate results, any of the instrument
should be positioned after a reasonably long stretch of straight pipe.

Figure 1 Application of Venturi meter for measuring flow rate in a pipe on a small scale (left and
large scale (right

CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

3.2 Objectives
The objectives of this experimental laboratory exercise are:
1. to understand how a flow constriction can be used to obtain estimates for the flow rate in a
2. to determine the theoretical relationships for the flow rate through a Venturi meter
3. to carry out measurement to determine an experimental relationship for the flow rate
through a Venturi meter.
4. to obtain estimates for the discharge coefficient, relating the actual flow rate to the ideal
flow rate
3.3 Theoretical Considerations
We will also use Bernoullis equation assuming there is no friction and written for positions 1 and 2:
+ z1 + 1 = 2 + z2 + 2
g 2g


In words, this equation says that the sum of the kinetic, potential energy and pressure in conserved
when fluid flows from one points to another. To mathematically describe the flow through a Venturi
meter we will use the definition as shown in figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 Diagram of the cross-sectional view of flow through a Venturi meter

The Venturi meter is a device for the measurement of flow rate in a pipe. From figure 2 it is clear that
Venturi meter constricts the diameter of the pipe. The narrowest point is called the throat of the
Venturi meter. The principle of conservation of mass for an incompressible flow (V1a1 = V2a2) says
that because the area of the pipe decreases between points 1 and 2, the flow velocity needs to increase
and therefore the dynamic head (V2 / 2g), or the kinetic energy, increases as well.
If we are to assume that we have a friction-less flow, no energy is lost when the flow travel from point
CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

1 to 2 and hence the total head (or total energy) remains the same. For a horizontally positioned pipe,
an increase in the dynamic head therefore causes a drop in piezometric head, h. Bernoullis equation
can then be used to determine an expression for the piezometric pressure drop:
h = h1 h2


In addition, we can consider the conservation of mass equation, Q = V1a1 = V2a2 and insert into
Bernoulli equation. Isolate the terms of the equation that include the flow rate and then combine with
the expression for the piezometric pressure drop. Rearranging for the flow rate gives:


2 g h
= a1

( a a )2 1
1 2


Note that in equation (3.3) the flow rate is represented by Qideal because this is the result of our
assumption that there is no friction, which is an ideal situation. To relate our ideal flow rate to the real
flow rate we introduce a coefficient of discharge, Cd, so that:
Q = Cd Qideal


The energy grade line (EGL) represents the total energy line in the system (total head). In other words:
g 2g


The hydraulic grade line (HGL) is only made up of the piezometric head. In other words



3.4 Experimental Considerations

The aim of a good experimentalist is to obtain measurements that are as accurate as possible with the
measurement tools available. However, more important than increasing the overall accuracy of the
measurements is to quantify the accuracy at its current level. To determine this accuracy, the
experimental procedure and measurement tools are investigated in detail to make sure the random
errors and systematic errors are minimized and the errors that cannot be avoided are then quantified.
When the errors in the experiments are quantified, it also determines the significant digits that should
be used when presenting the results.

Random error (or precision error) is the difference between the value of an individual
measurement and the average of a number or repeated measurements. The smaller the random
error, the better the repeatability of the measurement. Random errors are generally associated
with unrepeatable errors and hence obtaining an estimate for the measurement from an average
of a large number of individual measurements decreases the random error. Small random errors
are unavoidable as these are often directly related to the accuracy of the measuring instrument.
Systematic error (or accuracy error) is the difference between the value of an individual

CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

measurement and the true value. Systematic errors are generally related to repeatable, fixed
errors and the magnitude of the error does not decrease with obtaining an average reading.
Systematic errors are often related to experimental setup and procedure. Hence when
systematic errors are discovered, the setup and procedure should be scrutinized to determine
whether improvements can be made, before new measurements are obtained.
Significant digits are digits that are relevant and meaningful. The least significant numeral in a
number implies the precision of the measurement (or the calculation based on the
measurement). For example, if a measured distance is given as 1262 mm, it has four significant
digits. This suggests that the actual value has an accuracy of 1 mm and is somewhere between
1261 mm and 1263 mm. If this distance is covered in 0.34 s (i.e. two significant digits) than the
average speed can be calculated as 3.711764 m/s. However when performing calculations of
several parameters the final result is generally only as precise as the least precise parameter. In
this case the time is the least precise parameter and hence the average speed should be written
with two significant digits or as 3.7 m/s.

The accuracy of the experimental measurements is generally presented as a percentage. Assuming that
the systematic errors are small (otherwise no useful conclusions can be obtained from the
experiments), the accuracy of the measurement tools will determine the percentage error and the
significant digits. For example, if your measurement tool gives a value for the distance of 1.262 m, but
the error is 0.5% then the actual value is somewhere between 1.256 m and 1.268 m. Hence it is not
appropriate to give the value for the distance as 1.262 m, but should instead be written as 1.26 m, as
this indicates that the actual value is between 1.25 m and 1.27 m.
3.5 Experimental Procedure

The angles of the tapered sections of the Venturi meter at sides of the throat are not the same. One
section has a taper angle of 14o, the other section has an angle of 21o (see figure 3.3). For the
experimental measurements the Venturi meter will be positioned as shown in the figure, i.e. the
Venturi meter is positioned in such a way that the upstream taper is 14o and the downstream taper is
Ask the TA or the Lab Technician to fill the manometer tubes of the apparatus with water and to make
sure that the system including all connecting pipes are free of air.
Lab group 1 obtains experimental measurements for the flow conditions fast, medium fast and
slow and lab group 2 obtains experimental measurements for the flow conditions fast, medium
and medium slow. When all experimental measurements are obtained, they are exchanged so that
both groups have both sets of measurements.
1) Carefully adjust the inlet feed and the flow control valves to the largest convenient difference
between the highest and lowest manometer levels. Note the scale readings of each manometer
level and make sure it is in the measuring range of the scaling board. Your current settings will
be your fast flow condition.
2) Take at least three sets of readings of volume and time to find the flow rate using the
volumetric tank. Check the three measurements to see if they are similar. If one of the
measurements is substantially different from the other two carry out another measurement.
3) Insert the total head probe to position A (as shown in figure 3.3), and record both the total head
CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

and the piezometric head at this location. Then move the total head probe from position B to F
and record the total head and piezometric head at each position
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for two lower flow rates by adjusting the inlet feed.

Figure 3.3 Schematic of Venturi meter used in experimental investigation

3.6 Tasks

Task 1: Derivation of equations

Derive the equation for the flow rate through a Venturi meter from 1st principle.
Task 2: Estimation of experimental accuracy
Determine all sources of errors involved in the experimental measurements. Distinguish between
random errors and systematic errors. Comment on the assumption that the systematic errors are
negligible. Quantify the random errors related to each of the measurement tools used during the
experiments and determine the appropriate number of significant digits to be used throughout the
calculations and discussion of your experimental results.
Task 3: Obtain experimental measurements
Follow the experimental procedure as mentioned above to obtain the necessary experimental
CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

measurement. You can make use of the attached Experiment Record sheet to record your
Task 4: Calculations and Discussion
1) Determine for each test condition, the experimental flow rate (Q), the real flow rate. Plot the
discharge as a function of difference in piezometric head, h.
2) From your plotted results in 1) it is difficult to determine the accuracy of the theoretical
relationship, without an independent way to determine the coefficient of discharge. However it
is possible to confirm the dependence of Q on h (i.e. the powerlaw relationship, without the
constants). Taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation for the flow rate through a
Venturi meter gives:

+ log h
log Q = log Cd a1
( a a )2 1 2

1 2

Therefore plot logQ versus log h and obtain an estimate for the powerlaw relationship.
Comment on the comparison with theoretical value.
3) Using equation (3.3), calculate the theoretical flow rate, Qideal. Compare the results with the
experimentally obtained flow rates to find estimates for the discharge coefficient, Cd, for the
different test conditions.
4) For the fast and slow test conditions, use the theoretical flow rates to calculate the theoretical
velocities (Vt) at each of the positions along the pipe (A to F). Use the experimental flow rates
to calculate the experimental flow velocity (Ve), and calculate the flow velocity (VB) from the
measured total and piezometric heads based on Bernoullis equation. Plot the three flow
velocities as a function of distance along the tube for each test condition. Comment on the
results. Compare the results from three different velocities, but also the results from the two test
5) For the fast and slow test conditions, plot the experimental EGLs and HGLs as a function of
distance along the tube for each test condition. What do your results say about the validity of
the Bernoulli equation?
6) The derived equation for the flow rate is only of practical use if the coefficient of discharge is a
constant. We would expect the coefficient of discharge to be a constant when the flow is fully
turbulent. Determine the Reynolds number, Re = Vd / , of the flow in the pipe, using the
experimental flow velocities (Ve) and a dynamic viscosity of 10-3 N s / m2. Plot Cd as a function
of Re. Over what range of Re is the equation with a constant Cd valid, and what does this tell
you about the nature of the flow in the pipe?
Task 5: Reporting your experimental investigation
For this laboratory exercise, an informal report will be sufficient, i.e. neatly hand-written by different
members of the group. Make sure that you clearly include all necessary information related to task 1 to
4 and that before you leave the laboratory the TA has reviewed your report and recorded the mark for
each member of your group.
CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

Experiment Record (Flow Rate Measurements)

Group No.:
Experimental Data:
Normal (14o to 21o)
Test 1
Temperature (oC)
Flow Condition
Flow Rate Measurement
Volume (L)
Time (s)
Head Measurement
Section No.
Piezometric Head (mm)

Test 2
Temperature (oC)
Flow Condition
Flow Rate Measurement
Volume (L)
Time (s)
Head Measurement
Section No.
Piezometric Head (mm)

Average Time (s)

Total Head (mm)

Average Time (s)

Total Head (mm)

Test 3
Temperature (oC)
Flow Condition
Flow Rate Measurement
Volume (L)
Time (s)
Head Measurement
Section No.
Piezometric Head (mm)
CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

Average Time (s)

Total Head (mm)

CIVL 2510 Laboratory Exercise 3: Venturi Meter

Experiment Record (Flow Rate Measurements)

Group No.:
Experimental Data:
Normal (14o to 21o)
Test 4
Temperature (oC)
Flow Condition
Flow Rate Measurement
Volume (L)
Time (s)
Head Measurement
Section No.
Piezometric Head (mm)

Test 5
Temperature (oC)
Flow Condition
Flow Rate Measurement
Volume (L)
Time (s)
Head Measurement
Section No.
Piezometric Head (mm)

CIVL 2510 Copyright Dr G.A. Kikkert 2015

Average Time (s)

Total Head (mm)

Average Time (s)

Total Head (mm)

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