A State-Of-The-Art Review of Mixing in Microfluidic Mixers

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Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(4) 503516 (2008)


A State-of-the-Art Review of Mixing in Microfluidic Mixers*

Elmabruk A. Mansur, YE Mingxing (), WANG Yundong ()** and DAI Youyuan

The State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, China

Abstract Microreaction technology is one of the most innovative and rapid developing fields in chemical engineering, synthesis and process technology. Many expectations toward enhanced product selectivity, yield and purity,
improved safety, and access to new products and processes are directed to the microreaction technology. Microfluidic mixer is the most important component in microfluidic devices. Based on various principles, active and passive
micromixers have been designed and investigated. This review is focused on the recent developments in microfluidic mixers. An overview of the flow phenomena and mixing characteristics in active and passive micromixers is
presented, including the types of physical phenomena and their utilization in micromixers. Due to the simple fabrication technology and the easy implementation in a complex microfluidic system, T-micromixer is highlighted as an
example to illustrate the effect of design and operating parameters on mixing efficiency and fluid flow inside microfluidic mixers.
Keywords micromixing, microfluidics, T-shaped micromixer, microfabrication techniques, microreaction technologies, microelectromechanical systems


The increasing demands of process industry,

pharmacy, analysis and biochemistry, for novel and
effective mixing technologies as well as the smooth
execution of highly exothermic or explosive chemical
reactions have led to the intensive development of the
microreaction technologies, and resulted recent years
in a considerable variety of microfluidic systems. The
term of microfluidic systems refers to systems with
characteristic length scales that are in the micrometer
range. A tangible effect of this small dimension is that
fluid properties become increasingly controlled by
viscous forces rather than inertia [1]. On the other
hand, the reduced dimensions of the microfluidic system lead to a large surface-to-volume ratio, which increases heat and mass transfer efficiencies. The small
dimensions allow rapid diffusive mixing to occur in as
little as 100 s. These lamellar systems achieve

surface-to-volume ratios of 30000 m2m 3, compared

to batch reactors with typical surface-to-volume ratios

of 4 m2m 3. In addition, temperature changes and

heat transfer coefficients up to 25 kWm 2K 1 are

possible depending on the materials and heat exchanger used [2]. High heat transfer efficiency allows
for fast heating and cooling of reaction mixtures
within the micromixers whereby reaction under isothermal conditions with exactly defined residence time
can be carried out [3].
Mixing in microfluidic systems starts almost exclusively from regular periodical concentration profiles with steep gradient, which is governed by molecular diffusion proceeding in deformed fluid elements. Deformation decreases segregation scales in a
mixture, generates contact surface between mixed
materials and maintains high local concentration gradient. In these circumstances, molecular diffusion can
effectively decrease concentration variances in the

system [46]. The rate of deformation of fluid elements

depends on the local rate of energy dissipation, the
orientation of a contact surface in the local flow field,
physical properties of mixed materials, and scaling of
microfluidic devices. With dimensions reducing, viscous forces dominate the flow in the fluid handling
apparatus, and Reynolds number, Re, decreases with
the decrease of cross-sectional area of the channels.
Microfluidic systems, when compared to macroscale
ones, have advantages such as smaller geometrical
size, shorter analysis times, less sample/reagent consumption, and disposability. Taking these advantages
in consideration, it can be concluded that, rather than
designing a microfluidic system that is just a downsized copy of a macrofluidic system, the microfluidic
systems should be designed from the physical design
rules of fluid mechanics and diffusion in confined
spaces [6]. Micromixer is the most important component in microfluidic systems. They can be classified
into two main types: active and passive ones. Each
type has its specific mixing concepts, capacity, mixing
speed, and operating conditions. Generally two steps
occur in the mixing process in these micromixers:
heterogeneous mixing created by convection, and
homogeneous mixing at the molecular level caused by
diffusion between adjacent domains.
An overview on the effects of operating and design parameters on mixing efficiency of microfluidic
mixers is presented. General principles of mixing
within microfluidic systems are discussed in more
detail. Also, an overview of the flow phenomena and
mixing characteristics in active and passive micromixers is covered. T-shaped micromixer is the focus of this review.

Micromixers can be classified into active and

Received 2007-07-12, accepted 2008-04-14.

* Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2006AA030202, 2006AA05Z316).
** To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

passive mixers (Fig. 1). The active mixer requires external forces such as pneumatic or mechanical vibration to enhance mixing efficiency. Also, it requires
complex fabrication processes, more complex to
package and control, and is difficult to integrate with
other fluidic components [8], whereas passive mixers
generally have longer mixing length than active mixers, require no external agitation, easy to fabricate and
incorporate with other fluidic components [912].
Figure 2 Electrokinetic instability micromixer [17]
(Points 1 and 2 are the inlet ports for fluid A and fluid B,
whereas point 5 is the outlet port for mixing fluids. Side channel ports 3 and 4, connected to either side of the mixing chamber, allow for ac excitation)

Figure 1 Schematic drawing of selected passive and active

micromixing [7]


Active micromixers

Active mixers use external perturbation to introduce vorticity into laminar flow [1321]. Ultrasonics
[13], pressure field disturbance [14], thermal [15],
magnetically [16] and electrokinetics [17] driven mixers are a few examples having been demonstrated to
date. Electrokinetics is a branch of electrohydrodynamics (EHD) that describes the coupling of ion
transport, fluid flow and electric fields and is distinguished from EHD by the relevance of interfacial
charge at solid-liquid interfaces. The fluid flow in this
class of devices is often stable and strongly damped
by viscous forces (with Re being 1 or smaller). However, heterogeneous ionic conductivity fields in the
presence of applied electric fields can, under certain
conditions, generate an unstable flow field owing to
electrokinetic instabilities (EKI) by which the action
of fluctuating electric fields causes the two fluids to
stretch and fold rapidly and promote mixing [17, 18].
Oddy et al. [17] used fluorescent experiment to observe
the performance rapid stretching and folding of a homogeneous fluorescence tracer in EKI mixer (Fig. 2). A
mixing time of 2.5 s for a mixing volume of 0.1 l
was achieved. Recently, Posner and Santiago [18] presented a parametric experimental study of convective
EKI in an isotropically etched cross-shaped microchannel with three inlets and one-outlet (Fig. 3).
Active mixing can also be achieved by using ultrasonic vibrations generated from piezoelectric materials to introduce turbulence in the fluid flow to enhance mixing. An ultrasonic micromixer was realized
and tested by a dilution experiment, and employing
the dye uranine [19]. In the presence of ultrasonic

Figure 3 Schematic of unstable flow in a cross-shaped

microchannel and the channels have the characteristic
D-shape cross-sections of isotropic etching [18]
(E, e, and are the electric field, charge density, nominal
wavelength and the channel half-width respectively. Whereas
s is the ionic conductivity of the inlet streams at the top and
bottom inlet of channel, and w is the ionic conductivity of the
inlet stream at the left inlet of the channel)

mixing, Magnetic forces can also be used to achieve

mixing. By patterning electrodes in a channel under a
magnetic field, coupling between magnetic and electric fields induces body forces in fluids. A complex
flow was observed using magneto-hydrodynamic
mixer [20]. Haeberle et al. [21] presented a modular
centrifugal micromixer comprising a mixing unit hosting a planar network of low-aspect-ratio microfludic
channels, a fixed rotating drive and contact-free dispensers for continuous feed of educts as seen in Fig. 4.
The modular setup allows simple fabrication and exchange of the mixing unit. High-speed micromixing is
powered by the Coriolis force at volume throughput
up to milliliters per minute. Due to high flow rate attributed to the favorable interplay of the strong centrifugal force with the large channel cross section, the
high throughputs at extremely reduced mixing times
were reported.

Figure 4

Centrifugal micromixer [21]

Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

Historically, active mixers performed better than

passive ones in terms of time and space needed for
mixing. These mixers can be activated on demand,
leading to reconfigurable devices. However, they suffer from complex fabrication, high cost for active control, and typically high power consumption. Also,
some of the active mixing mechanisms such as ultrasonic waves and high temperature gradients can damage biological fluids making them a poor choice for
biological processing. Due to these problems, active
mixers are seldom used on micro fluidic devices and
there are few publications about their optimization.

Passive micromixers

Mixing in passive mixers usually is induced by

driving fluids through channels with cleaved geometries. Repeated lamination and splitting of flows in
microfluidic channels were used to increase interfacial
area and thus mixing quality [2225]. An alternative
way is to make use of chaos, because chaotic fluid
path lines can disperse fluid species effectively, even
in smooth and regular flow fields [2629]. However,
the conventional fabrication method is unable to form
precisely aligned microchannels in passive mixers.
Therefore, these mixers were designed with a simple
structure and required longer mixing length.
Multi-lamination [2940], split-and-recombine [4144],
and chaotic [4550] micro mixers are a few examples
of passive micromixers demonstrated to date.
2.2.1 Multi-lamination micromixers
Most micromixers for mixing liquids follow the
principle of producing thin liquid lamellae typically in
the range of a few to several tens of micrometers and
guiding them in contact through a flow-through-chamber
[29]. Splitting the inlet streams into n substreams and
recombining them increases the contact surface between the two fluids causing diffusion to occur faster
[3038]. Multi-lamination micromixers, such as interdigital, circular, superfocus, split-and-recombine, and
chessboard micromixers, are based on the following
concepts: (a) bifurcation feeds, (b) interdigital parallelflow, (c) hydrodynamic focusing, and (d) splitting recombination and rearrangement.
Bifurcation-type feeds create an alternate ar-


rangement of feeds. Such a laminated feed stream

passes into an inverse bifurcation structure and a subsequent folded delay-loop channel where mixing takes
place. Interdigital micromixers are the most widely
used one and is by now well established for lab-scale
investigations and for use in production units [3033].
These mixers are characterized by feeding structures
leading to alternate co- or counter-flow interdigital
array of microchannels or a system of fine circular
nozzles set into each other to obtain circular slots
[Fig. 5 (b)]. Miyake et al. [33] designed a mixer using
an array of 400 micro nozzles; by forming small
plumes after passing through the micro nozzle the
contact area between two liquids is increased.
Hydrodynamic focusing concept for a single
stream and for, the multi-laminated flows is based on
the fact that, thinning of the multilamellae flow can be
lead to increasing of mixing speed. Hydrodynamic
focusing mixer [Fig. 5 (c)] is thinning the liquid lamellae through micro structured feeding channels additionally by geometric focusing that means by a continuous reduction of the width of the flow-through
chamber and thus accelerate the mixing rate. With the
aim to overcome the unwanted effect of slight deviation of lamellae thickness observed in the case of triangular interdigital mixer caused by the parallel orientation of the inlets, a novel focusing interdigital micromixer, termed Super focus was developed [29, 36].
In Super focus mixer the various lamellae have different angles with respect to the channel direction.
Thereby, lamellae width becomes slightly dependent
on the channel position [Fig. 5 (a)].
Not far from lamination concept, Cha et al. [38]
reported a novel micromixer, named a chessboard
mixer, to expand interfaces between mixing fluids. A
mixing length of only 1400 m was reported for complete mixing, and the total flow rate can be increased
easily using multiple arrays of this mixer without any
loss of performance. Circular micromixers are another
type of multi-lamination mixers (Fig. 6), which utilizes self- rotation of the sample fluids from multiple
injection channels to produce three-dimensional vortexes in the circular mixing chamber at low Re,
thereby enhancing mixing performance [39]. Chung et
al. [40], Sundaram and Tafti [41] also proposed a passive micromixer utilizing self circulation of the fluid
in the mixing chamber. Their numerical results

Figure 5 Passive mixers: (a) SuperFocus mixer [12]; (b) Triangular interdigital micromixer [37]; (c) Hydrodynamic
focusing mixer [12]


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

Figure 6

Circular mixer [39]

indicated that this type of micromixer was capable of

delivering enhanced mixing performance, particularly
at Re in the range of 20400. Bhm et al. [42] reported
a rapid vortex micromixer for studying chemical reaction. Lin et al. [43] proposed a novel three-dimensional
vortex micromixer which also utilizes self-rotation
effects to mix fluids in a circular chamber at low Re.
The micromixer is fabricated in a three-layer glass
structure for delivering fluid samples in parallel into
the circular mixing chamber by 8 individual ports
tangent to a 3D circular chamber. The mixing performance as high as 90% within a mixing chamber of
1 mm diameter was reported.

elements arranged in pairs, and each pair comprised of

a right-handed and left-handed element arranged alternately in a pipe. CFD program FLUENT is used to
evaluate the mixing efficiency. With a low pressure
drop and good mixing efficiency, these truly
three-dimensional micromixers can be used for mixing
of reactants or liquids containing cells in many microfluidic applications. The formation of the
multi-lamellae was proven by both of dilution-type
and reactive imaging. It was further noted that SAR
flows, although ideally highly regular, have features of
chaotic mixing as they benefit from an exponential
increase in interface similar to the chaotic stretching.

2.2.2 Split-and-recombine mixer

This kind of mixer creates sequentially
multi-laminae patterns which differ from the parallel
approach of the interdigital feeds. For this purpose,
basically three steps are required: flow splitting, flow
recombination and flow rearrangement (SAR) [4448].
Branebjerg et al. [44] studied theoretically the diffusion in SAR mixers with horizontal lamination of unmixed fluids by successively separating and recombining the flow. An analytical solution for the widthwise concentration profile within the last unit was developed by neglecting the effect of its preceding SAR
units. Bessoth et al. [47] presented a passive mixer
which reduced the diffusion path between the fluid
streams by first splitting and then recombining the
flow. Bertsch et al. [48] presented micromixers with
geometries very close to conventional large-scale
static mixers used in the chemical and food-processing
industry (Fig. 7). Two kinds of geometries have been
studied. The first type is composed of a series of stationary rigid elements that form intersecting channels
to split, rearrange and combine component streams.
The second type is composed of a series of short helix

2.2.3 Chaotic micromixers

Chaotic micromixers are related to imposing
perturbation within the flow by generating a transversal velocity component of chaotic advection increasing the macroscopic mixing. This can be achieved by
using three-dimensional helical channels, bas-relief
structure on the floor of the channel, or EKI. Chaotic
micromixers such as cross-channel micromixer and
staggered herringbone mixer (SHM) are based on the
fact that chaos is remarkably efficient at mixing low
Re flow. In essence, the efficiency relies on the fact
that, in chaotic regimes diffusive fluxes across interfaces are enhanced at exponential rates in time, accompanied by a corresponding reduction of the striation thickness [28, 4953]. The first design of a chaotic
micromixer was by Evans et al. [28], who developed a
planar active micromixer based on chaotic advection
resulting from a source/sink system, where unmixed
fluid is pumped into a mixing chamber, and then two
source/sink systems are alternately pulsed. Other configurations featuring perpendicularly intersecting
channels (grooves) allow hydrodynamic focusing under pressure driven flow via submerged fluid jets or
parallel and serial mixing under electroosmotic flow
via an array of cross intersections. The net effect of
the grooves is the entrainment of fluid near the structured surface along the direction of the grooves; this
motion is perpendicular to both the principal axis of
the channel and the applied pressure gradient. To drive
and control fluids inside a microchannel, especially
liquids, a very high pressure gradient is required. Surface forces dominate at small dimension and, thus, the
friction increases dramatically. Therefore, the study
and application of surface-driven electro-osmotic flow
become important. Stroock et al. [49] exploited
three-dimensional vertical flows to produce chaotic
regimes along a grooved channel, which creates a

Figure 7 Cut-out view of the micromixer structures built by

microstereolithography: (a) Micromixer made of intersecting channels; (b) Micromixer made of helical elements [48]


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

transverse velocity component in the flow field. The

mixer is composed of several mixing cycles, whereby
a mixing cycle comprises two sequential regions of
grooves, i.e., two half-cycles. The grooves were
shown to be particularly adept at creating chaotic advection and thus increasing mixing potential compared to straight grooves for both pressure driven flow
and electrokinetic flow. A few years later, Liu et al. [50]
and Park et al. [12] fabricated passive chaotic microfluidic mixers incorporating three-dimensional serpentine microchannels at high flow rates. They provided an effective mixing performance at Re of approximately 70. Lee et al. [51] and Dodge et al. [52]
realized cross-channel micromixers which consists of
one or more channel intersections, operating by using
an external oscillatory flow excitation. Based on the
design proposed by Stroock et al. [49], Hessel and
Zimmerman [53] introduced a new mixer named a
staggered herringbone micromixer (SHM). This mixer
used alternating cycles of asymmetric herringbone
grooves to create increased mixing as a result of cross
channel fluid movement through the grooves.


As sequence of a unique characteristics and applications of microfluidic devices, properties of materials are critical for both fabrication and successful
application of these devices. Different materials have
different electric potential introduced by the wall and
also quite different effects on the flow medium and on
the characteristics of the mixing. Two approaches to
flow manipulation are prevalent in passive micromixers: the first relying on channel geometry to generate
chaotic advection and increased circulation, and the
second on channel surface properties. Micromixer
wall with electrically charged surface heterogeneities
may increase mixing efficiencies by creating localized
regions of flow circulation. Surface charge heterogeneities have been suggested as a mechanism for enhanced mixing in electroosmotic flows [5456]. Electroosmotic flow is generated by the surface charge on
the microchannel walls in combination with an electric field along the microchannel. For example, polymer materials exhibit a wide range of charge and
charge densities, electroosmotic flow in microchannels made from different polymer materials is highly
variable. Electroosmotic flow has been measured in
various polymer microchannels fabricated by laser
ablation [57], and imprinting [58], and in poly- (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) channels fabricated by
LIGA (X-ray lithography, electroforming and moulding techniques) methods [59]. These fabrication methods, as well as the material itself, can affect the surface charge density and therefore have profound effect
on the electroosmotic flow. On the other hand, in
some applications such as mixing of electrokinetic
flows, silicon cannot be used because of its electrically conducting properties [60]. Typically, silicon oxide (or glass) surfaces are negatively charged at neutral pH due to deprotonated silanol groups ( Si O ).
When these surfaces come in contact with a solution
containing ions, positive ions will be attracted to the

surface forming an immobile layer and a diffuse layer

on the surface. If an electric field is applied, the positive ion diffuse layer will move along the field. Consequently, the rest of the fluid is dragged by this diffuse layer via shear stress, resulting in bulk motion.
Thermal conductivity also is one of the important
properties should be take into account when electroosmotically driven systems is fabricated. It is well
established that Joule heating can be substantial in
systems employing electroosmotic flow. Therefore,
heat removal in the selected material is a very important consideration when electroosmotically driven
systems is utilized, particularly when plastics are used
for construction. For these reasons, material properties
such as surface charge, machinability, molecular adsorption, electroosmotic flow mobility, thermal conductivity, toxicity, purity, and optical properties are
very important considerations.
Metals, silicon, glass, and polymer, as seen in Fig. 8,
are the main four types of materials used for microfluidic fabrication [62]. Although metals, glass, and
silicon are widely used materials in industries [63, 64],
there are many limitations, such as, micromachining,
opaque, absorption of biological molecules to silicon
surface, and electrically conducting properties which
prevent the extensive use of metal and silicon. The
limitations due to fabrication difficulty, toxic chemicals involvement, and the cost of glass machining
have directed commercial producers to seek other materials such as polymer [65].


Figure 8 Slit-type (a) interdigital micromixer made in
stainless steel [7], and Microfluidic Lab Chip (b) manufactured by plastic thin film lamination [61]

Polymers have major advantage over glass and

silicon; it is being optically clear, non-toxic and low
cost. Also, it is easy in fabrication and the varieties of
surface modification methods are available to improve
the efficiency of these devices. Consequently, many
researchers employed polymer materials such as
polycarbonate, polymethylmethacrylate, polyethylene,


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

polypropylene, polystyrene, poly(dimethylsiloxane)

(PDMS), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) as
main materials in all fields of research and industries


It is widely accepted that, in microfluidic scale,

the continuum approach can still be applied for modeling liquid flow. However, there are many situations
where fluid flow behavior in microfluidic scale can
considerably deviate from those in macrofluidic scale
[71, 72]. Xu et al. [72] investigated viscous dissipation
effects for liquid flows in micro-channels. They stated
that deviations from predictions using conventional
theory that neglects viscous dissipation could be expected because viscous dissipation tends to be significant due to the high velocity gradients existing in
channels with small hydraulic diameters. They also
suggested that the limit of the viscous dissipation effects has to be linked to a temperature rise of 1 K between inlet and outlet of microchannel.
Since the fluid viscosity is a function of temperature, as the temperature changes along the tube,
the fluid viscosity varies along the tube and therefore
the viscous shear force changes. This means the pressure distribution in the tube and the Re changes also
along the flow direction. Therefore, characteristics of
the flow in microchannels could be different, in terms
of the friction factor and Re, from those used in the
conventional macro-systems. As a result, when the
dimensions of microfluidic channels approach the micro level, viscous dissipation becomes too significant
to be neglected, and the energy conservation consideration becomes necessary, not because of external
heat sources, but because energy comes from the viscous dissipation effects within the flow in the microchannels, causing the fluid temperature change, especially in the wall region with a high rate of viscous
dissipation. As shown in Fig. 9, the local average
temperature increases along the flow direction, and the
temperature difference between the inlet and outlet
increases as the diameter of microfluidic channels
decreases. Koo and Kleinstreuer [74] investigated numerically the viscous dissipation effects on the temperature field and friction factor in circular and rectangular micro-channels. They demonstrated that viscous dissipation is strongly dependent on the hydrau-

lic diameter and the channel aspect ratio. Morini [75]

confirm this result, as seen in Fig. 10. It is evident that
the effects of the viscous dissipation are more important for decreasing aspect ratios () of the microchannel (aspect ratio is defined as W/H, where W
is the width and H is the height of microchannel). The
viscous heating increases when the aspect ratio decreases; in a trapezoidal micro-channel 1 cm long, the
temperature rise between the inlet and the outlet is
equal to 5C for 0.05; if the trapezoidal
cross-section degenerates in a triangular cross-section
(0.707) the temperature rise becomes equal to 3C.

Figure 10 Temperature gradient as a function of the hydraulic diameter and aspect ratio () for square and rectangular microchannels [75] (Re300) 

Judy et al. [76];0.1;1

Judy et al. [76] confirmed experimentally that

viscous dissipation can be invoked to explain the deviation from Stokes flow behavior repeated in many
other works on micro-channels; they evidenced that
viscous dissipation has the significant effect of increasing the temperature of the flowing fluid along the
micro-channel axis. Temperature rising of 6.2C has
been reported for microchannel with a hydraulic diameter of 74.1 m, and 11.4 cm long, when iso-propanol
was employed as working fluid with Re300.
Recent studies exist which aim to identify the
scale at which classical flow theory and the NavierStokes set of governing equations cease to accurately
describe fluid flow systems. Commercial numerical
packages (CFX5, FLUENT6, CFD-ACE, DNS, FIDAP), based on the Navier-Stokes equations have
been wildly applied to the analysis of fluid flow in
microfluidic systems [7787]. Although, it is intensively discussed to which extent and on which scales
micro-effects occur in micro-channels, an unquestionable conclusion has not yet been reached [8894].

Figure 9 Average temperatures along the flow direction

considering the viscous sipation effect [73] (Re800)


Before a reaction between any two reagents can

occur, intimate contact between component molecules
must be realized through mixing, because mixing on
molecular scale can only be accomplished by diffusion, rather than through convective transport that
dominate in turbulent systems. Diffusive mixing efficiencies for continuous flow systems can be measured
using the Fourier number (defined as tr/tm, where tr is
the average residence time and tm is the diffusive


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

mixing time), which indicates that mixing time scales

increase with the characteristic dimensions of the reactor [95]. The ability to controllably and rapidly create a homogenous reactant mixture at the commencement of a reaction is desirable. Indeed, the effect of
mixing on the extent of a reaction and product distribution is crucial in reactor design. However, in the
case of fast reactions in which two or more reagents
are initially present in separate streams, the reaction
rarely occurs uniformly throughout the whole volume.
The rate of reaction is no longer defined by inherent
kinetics, but is limited by diffusional rates. Thus, for
fast reactions yielding a single product, the yield is
regarded as a direct measure of the mixing degree [96].
The relationship between reaction and mixing rates
can be reduced to one of the following three general
categories: chemical, diffusional, and mixed chemical/diffusional regimes [95, 96]. In chemical regime,
mixing is faster than reaction rate, and it is complete
before a significant amount of product is generated. In
diffusional regime, reaction is fast, with the rate being
limited by the mixing speed. In this situation, the formation of secondary products is greatest. Finally, in a
mixed chemical/diffusional regime the greatest interaction between chemical reaction and fluid dynamics
occurs, and the product distribution depends on both
chemical factors, such as reaction rate, and on diffusional factors, such as mixing degree.
Due to sufficient mixing in microreactors compared to conventional reactors, reactor productivity or
reaction rate can be increased greatly in a microreactor
over conventional reactors for a multiphase reaction in
which reaction is limited by mass transfer [9799]. As a
result, reactions can be carried out significantly faster
than those in batch, typically with increases in both
yield and selectivity. The difference in reaction time is
dramatic in some cases. Wiles et al. [97] have demonstrated that the aldol reaction between an aldehyde and
a silyl enol ether in the presence of tetrabutyl ammonium fluoride reaches completion in only 20 min
when using a microreactor, versus 24 h in a typical
reactor. Wiles et al. [98] demonstrated the formation of
a series of enolates within a micro reactor using the
organic base, diisopropylethylamine. They observed
that, the conversion within a micro reactor is greater
than that obtained in batch, in one instance an increase
of 22% was observed. In order to compare microreactor systems with batch reactions, Kumada reaction
kinetics were studied by Haswell et al. [99]. Enhanced
reaction rates of this type have previously been demonstrated where enhancements of the order of 3.4103
were reported as a result of miniaturization.
The influences of degree of mixing on product
composition have also been investigated for micro
reactors [84, 86, 100103]. Generally, there are two directions in increasing the productivity of reaction
product, (1) the construction of reaction modules, so
called numbering-up, and (2) the improvement of a
reactor itself. Okamoto et al. [100] studied the later
direction, two methods are proposed, (a) a planar
pumping method, and (b) an alternating pumping
method. As for method (a), two thin liquid layers can
react each other in the vicinity of their interface. Reaction yield as greater as 10% than that in conven-

tional batch reactor using mechanical stirrer reported.

Method (b) is based upon the diffusive mixing through
the liquid-liquid successive interfaces which are perpendicular to the flow direction. Alternating pumping
of two different liquids was realized by using of, a
piezoelectric driven system, and a mechanically
pumping system. They reported that, if the reaction
yield is proportional to the frequency of the alternating
pumping, the reaction can be assumed as diffusioncontrolled reaction. On the other hand, if the yield
dose not changes according to the increase of alternating frequency, the reaction is assumed to be activation-controlled reaction (Fig. 11).


Figure 11 Criteria for distinction between (a) diffusioncontrolled process, and (b) activation-controlled process [100]
(t: residence time)

Aoki et al. [86] used the principle of lamination

segments to study the effects of lamination width and
rate constant on the relation between the conversion of
reactant and the yield of desired product. They concluded that, feeding reactants with wider lamination
width provides higher yield and selectivity of desired
product at the same conversion when both the reaction
order and the rate constant for the reaction producing
by-products are higher than those of the reaction producing desired product. So, the selection of proper
lamination width is essential for the microreactor to
increase the mixing efficiency and thereby increase
the productivity.


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008



The effect of flow velocity

Flow velocity is one of the important factors

which can influence mixing efficiency in microfluidic
channels. It was found that, with increasing flow velocity, the laminar flow starts to form symmetrical
vortices thereby enhancing the mixing quality. Furthermore, flow velocity variation leads to generate
different stationary flow regimes (Fig. 12) such as,
laminar, vortex, and engulfment flow [90, 104107].

that, within laminar flow regimes only the engulfment

flow with intertwinement of the input streams leads to
efficient mixing by rolling-up the initially planar contact area (Fig. 13). As showing in Fig. 13 (a) at low
velocity both inlet streams run parallel through the
mixing channel and the planar contact area remains
unchanged. At higher velocities the two vortex pairs
get intertwined, which leads to a roll-up of regions
with different concentrations [Figs. 13 (b)(d)].

Figure 13 Tracer profiles on the cross section of the mixing channel 300
m behind its
entrance for
mean velocities
of (a) 0.9 ms
(d) 1.15 ms1,
(e) 1.2 ms1 and (f) 1.4 ms1 [106]

Figure 12 The three different stationary flow regimes inside

a T-mixer [104]

Generally, at high flow velocity, breakup of

symmetry in the flow field occurred resulting in the
so-called engulfment flow, which was characterized
by, some fluid from one side reaching beyond the
centerline of the microchannel to engulf the fluid from
the other side. As a result, a larger amount of mixing
efficiency acting in cross directions, i.e., perpendicular
to the axial direction can be provided. Engler et al.
[104] have found that (numerically as well as experimentally), increasing velocity inside static T-shaped
micromixers with rectangular cross-sections led to
increasing vortices even at low Re numbers of approximately 200 and that these affects can be used to
improve mixing quality. The presence of small z velocity components in liquids flow at the inlet channels
has also been investigated. The presence of such velocity results in swirling flow that enhances the mixing performance. Yu et al. [105] found that velocity
profile act greatly on mixing efficiency and the parabola profile is the best one among plug-like, concave
and parabola profiles. The effect of asymmetrical conditions in flow velocity has also been investigated
[90, 106108]. Bothe et al. [106] numerically reported

As a consequence, the specific contact area is

enlarged, which is characteristic for the engulfment
regime and an essential requirement for efficient diffusive mixing. In Figs. 13 (e) and (f), smearing of the
contact area becomes visible, which results from reduced diffusion paths due to smaller segregation
scales and, hence, reduced time needed for diffusive
dissipation of gradients. One of the other simplest
ways to induce mixing in microfluidic channels is by
varying the flow rates in the inlet channels periodically with time. In this way, a pulsation of the whole
stream can be achieved without using any additional
geometric features, parts, or external fields. Theoretically, the decrease of flow rate induces a smaller residence time and thus a higher mixing length. Switching
of the flows from a high to a low flow rate, leads to
strong deformations of the interface between the two
liquids. Zhao et al. [107] used the Villermaux-Dushman
fast parallel competing reaction to study the effect of
volumetric flow ratio on the micro-mixing performance. The experimental results showed that the micromixing performance decreased with increasing
volumetric flow ratio at the same Re. In addition,
time-varying pumping has several advantages such as
mixing can be accomplished in less volume by sending the fluids multiple times past the features that encourage mixing, it works, at very low Re (Re1),
very simple geometries, and finally it is easy to implement in mass production microfluidic devices. It
has also been reported that pulsing is very effective
when combined with geometries that induce secondary flow (Fig. 14) [90].


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008


Figure 15 The effect of the presence of addition parts on
mixing efficiency [110]
Figure 14 The effect of pulsing in mixing quality: (a) No
pulsing nor ribs; (b) There is pulsing and ribs along the
floor of the main channel [90]


Effect of geometrical setup

As mentioned in the above sections, viscous

forces and pressure gradients with a low moment of
inertia are governed the fluid flow in microfluidic
channels. The result is a truly laminar, turbulence-free
flow but it is not completely a creeping flow where Re
is in the order of unity, secondary flow and the separation of boundary layer can be attained in this regime
when there are some discontinuities in the fluid flow.
Clever geometry with presence of additional
parts such as a sharp bend slanted wall, obstacles, or a
junction can lead to such case (discontinuity of fluid
flow). When a liquid flows past a sharp bend, the
change in flow direction gives rise to a secondary flow
field perpendicular to the flow of the liquid [108112].
This lateral flow field could be used to improve mixing performance in a micromixer where mixing by
turbulence is not feasible. On the other hand, the
separation of boundary layers can give rise to the generation of vortices, which results in enhanced mixing
performance. Vortices tend to break the stream up into
layers and each layer curls in a different manner.
These breaking and curling actions reduce the diffusion distance between the molecules of two liquids in
a mixing process. Depending on this concept, Goullet
et al. [109] and Johnson et al. [110] carried out numerical and experimental studies on mixing in a
T-shaped micromixer with slanted walls (Fig. 15).
They found that the slanted walls design of the mixer
was able to induce a high degree of lateral transport
across the channel. Since mixing within this design
occurs by lateral transport, and is not limited by diffusion. Mixing efficiency of 80% has been reported at

mixing length of 443 m and velocity of 0.81 cms 1;

whereas with the absence of slanted walls, a channel
with 2300 m is needed to achieve the same mixing
efficiency at the same flow rate [28].
Wong et al. [111] reported a numerical investigation of obstacles at high Re. The simulated mixing
channel is 300 m in width, 100 m in depth and
1.22 mm in length, and the diameter of the obstacle

is 60 m. Many arrangements of obstacles were investigated. This work found that obstacles in a microchannel at low Re cannot generate eddies or recirculation.
However, the results demonstrated that obstacles
could improve mixing performance at high Re. Under
this condition, the asymmetric arrangement of obstacles could alter the flow directions and forces fluids to
merge and create transversal mass transport. Recently,
Lin et al. [112] studied the effect of J-shaped baffles on
mixing efficiency. The simulated and experimental
results showed that the T-mixer with J-shaped baffles
exhibited better mixing performance, and the percentage of mixing was about 1.2 to 2.2 times higher than
those without baffles (Fig. 16). These results revealed
that the J-shaped baffles could result in lateral convection
in the main channel, resulting in improved mixing.


Figure 16
Mixing percentage in the tee channel
with/without J-shaped baffles calculated from (a) simulated
results, and (b) experimental results [112]

with baffles;without baffles

Engler et al. [113] found that for a symmetrical

geometry with different inlet angles ( 90), mixing


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

Figure 17 Comparison of the concentration plot of the black fluid for the
four geometries [109]

(The data is for the case of 5 Hz pulsing at the same mean velocity of 1 mms 1 from each inlet, all of the channels are
200 m wide by 120 m deep)

quality differs not very much for various inlet angles

over a wide range of Re numbers. This situation is
different when only one inlet angle is varied. The authors attributed their findings to the perpendicularity
or under inclined angle of one stream into the other
stream make it more bent, splits, creates an enlarged
mixing area, and reduces the diffusion length at the
entrance of the mixing channel. Goullet et al. [109]
considered four symmetrical intersection geometries
for the inlet and outlet channels and they are: (a) Perpendicular inlet channel, (b) Y intersection, (c) T
intersection, and (d) an arrowhead intersection, as
shown in Fig. 17. They found that the best mixing occurs in the T and arrowhead intersections, i.e., where
the fluid path must go around a sharp bend, and the
least mixing occurs in the single-perpendicular inlet
intersection (where one of the inlet fluids does not
have to travel around any bends at the intersection).
Wang and Lin [114] used T-sensor with three
inlets for their research. They found that for the mixing controlled by diffusion, the inlet angles 45,
mixing efficiency didnt change any more; while inlet
angles 45, mixing efficiency decreased slowly
with increasing inlet angle, since the smaller the inlet
angles, the stronger the diffusion. Their results also
showed that the mixing efficiency increased with decreasing width and aspect ratio of outlet [114, 115]. It
has also been found that asymmetrical conditions in
the geometry of T-shaped micromixer lead to an improvement in mixing quality [116]. The effect of aspect
ratio has been investigated [117119]. It has been reported that mixing length showed a weak non monotonic dependence on the aspect ratio (for constant
channel width), while it decreased with increasing of
aspect ratio (for constant hydraulic diameter) [117].
Gobby and Angeli [118] reported that, as aspect
ratio increases the effect of the horizontal wall shear
decreases, which leads to symmetrical velocity profiles achieved closer to the enters of center channel
and hence better mixing. A few investigations have
been done on the effect of mixing channel length on
mixing quality [104, 120]. Engler et al. [104] have found
that, reducing channel length lead to increasing energy
dissipation and therefore decreasing the mixing time.
So mixers with small channel dimensions seem to
have a better mixing performance. Bothe [120] reported that, to exploit the stirring effect of the secondary flow, the length of mixing channel should be at
lest about ten times larger than its hydraulic diameter.
Mengeaud et al. [121] fabricated zig-zag microchannel
with a width of 100 m, a depth of 48 m and a length
of 2 mm. A critical Re of80 was reported. Below a

critical Re, the flow profile remains parabolic and the

mixing, only ensured by molecular diffusion, is
strongly dependent on the effective length and width
of the channel.
Mansur et al. [122] numerically reported that,
splitting the inlet streams into n substreams lead to
increase the contact surface between the two fluids
causing diffusion to occur faster. As can be seen in
Figs. 18 and 19, it is clearly demonstrates that the number of effective contact areas between the two sample
fluids increases from 1 to 3 for the T-shape mixer and
double-T-shaped micromixer. As a result, it is obvious
that the contact area of the sample flow plays an important role in the mixing performance such that the
double-T-shaped micromixer provides the best mixing
efficiency more than the T-shaped micromixer.

Figure 18 Number of effective contact areas between the

two sample fluids: (a) T-shaped microfluidic mixer, and (b)
double-T-shaped microfluidic mixer [122]

Figure 19 Mixing efficiency over the length of mixing channel [122]

T-shaped mixer;double-T-shaped mixer


Effect of external energy

As it is mentioned in the above sections, mixing

can also be accomplished by the action of fluctuating

Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

electric fields that causes the two fluids to stretch and

fold rapidly thus increasing mixing efficiency. Chen et
al. [123] presented preliminary experiments and detailed stability analyses using depth-averaged linearized equations for the study of convective instability in the T-shaped intersection of two microchannel
flow streams. In those experiments, they visualized
coherent wavelike disturbances that were convicted
downstream with the electro-osmotic flow. They also
showed that the flow became absolutely unstable at
applied fields in excess of the critical applied field
required for onset of instability.
Moctar et al. [124] found experimentally that the
application of an electric field creates a strong force
perpendicular to the interface, causing the two fluids
to intermingle and therefore enhancing mixing between the two fluids (Fig. 20). As can be seen in
Fig. 20, it is clearly that the fluids in case (b) are
somewhat mixed with a remaining dark green layer in
the upper part of the channel, and well mixed in case
(c) when electric field of intensity of 4105 and 6105

Vm 1 is applied respectively. Mixing thus improves

with increasing potential difference, and therefore
with increasing electric field strength.


Recently, Fu and Tsai [125] proposed a method in

which interlaced injection samples, controlled electric
field strengths, and periodically time-pulsed switching
techniques are used together in order to increase the
contact area and contact time of the samples and to
produce perturbations of the fluid field (Fig. 21). They
reported that, the pullback effect enhances the mixing
ratio, and that the interactive frequency and main
electric field dominate the mixing phenomenon for
specified ranges of pullback electric field intensity.

Figure 21 Mixing ratio for different driving electric fields

and switching frequencies at cross section located 1000 mm
downstream fromthe secondary T-junction [125]
electric field/Vcm 1: 50;




Figure 20 The effect of applied electrical field on performance of T-micromixer: (a) initial condition; (b) after
the application of an electric field of intensity E4105
Vm 1; (c) same as (b) with an electric field intensity of E
6105 Vm 1 and (d) variation of the mixing index with the
intensity of the DC electric field [124]

For the proposed active-double-T-shaped micromixer, the mixing ratio can be as high as 95%
within a mixing length of 1000 mm downstream from

the secondary T-junction when 50 Vcm 1 driving

electric field strength and a 2 Hz periodic switching
frequency are applied.


The development of microfluidic systems has

been progressing rapidly in recent years. Nevertheless,
microfluidics is still considered a very young field of
research and it would take some time before more
products like these appear in the commercial markets.
Micromixers are the essential components in integrated microfluidic systems involved in the sample
preparation stage of a chemical analysis prior to certain chemical or biological reactions taking place. The
mixing principles applied can be divided in two
classes relying either on the pumping energy or provision of other external energy to achieve mixing,
termed passive and active mixing, respectively. As far
as passive mixing is concerned, devices and techniques such as T-type flow-, multi-laminating-,
split-and-recombine-, chaotic-, recirculation flow-mixers
and others are discussed. Active mixing can be accomplished by time-pulsing flow owing to a periodical change of pumping energy or electrical fields,
acoustic fluid shaking, ultrasound, electrowetting-based droplet shaking, microstirrers, and others.
Although it is very difficult to attain turbulent flow in
microchannels, but rapid mixing is still possible by the
generation of secondary flow, swirling flow and vortices


Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2008

in the microchannels. The presence of addition parts

such as a sharp bend, slanted wall, or a junction, as well
as asymmetrical flow conditions at the inlets of microchannels results in enhancing mixing performance.
Generally, a closer look at the flow phenomena in
microfluidic systems is still missing; mixing within
microfluidic system is still an actual object of research
and investigation. As far as we can judge from the
present review, distinguish between the flows phenomena in macro- and microfluidic system has not yet
been addressed in a sufficient way, more work is
needed in this field.


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