1-2 r13 Aug 2014 Q.P

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Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13205/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


What is the output of the following code, Justify your answer.

int main()
int x=1, y=5;
printf(%d, ++x +y);
return 0;
(ii) What is the meaning of 3<j &&j<5? Is it equivalent to (3<j) && (j<5)?
(iii) What is the difference between iterative and recursive execution?
(iv) Write a function that checks whether a given year is leap year or not.
(v) Demonstrate the usage of typedef?
(vi) How is a file pointer declared?


What are the relational operators? Explain with examples.

How is data type promotion done in an expression?



Illustrate the use of special control constructs goto, break, continue and return.
Give the format for conditional operator. When is it used?
What is the purpose of the comma operator? Within which control statement does the
comma operator usually appear?
Illustrate the storage classes extern, static and auto with an example.
Define a function for determining whether a given character is a vowel or not.
What are the functions for dynamic memory management? Explain.
How do you use a pointer as a formal parameter of a function which is designed to
manipulate an array? Explain.

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Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13205/R13



What is an enumerated data type? Explain with example.

Declare a structure to store the following information of an employee:
employee code
employee name
department number
Write a program to store the data of n employees where n is given by user
(i) Use a function to display the employee records in ascending order according to their
(ii) Use a function to display the department wise employee records.
What are the functions used for accessing files randomly? Explain with examples.
Write a program that opens a file and deletes the blank spaces.

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Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13205/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Explain why the following identifiers are invalid?

(a) %age marks (b) x.y (c) amount_in_$ (d) marks(1)
(ii) What are the initial values of array elements if we do not explicitly initialize the array?
(iii) Which storage classes do not initialize variables to default values? Why?
(iv) Is it possible to assign a constant to a pointer variable?
(v) How is a structure different from an array?
(vi) What is the use of feof ( ) function?

2.(a) What is an integer constant, floating constant and character constant? Give valid examples.
(b) What are the different data type modifiers available in C language?
3.(a) Write conditional expressions to perform the following operations:
Given two numbers, calculate their sum if both numbers are either odd or even;
(b) Write a program segment using if statement to perform the following operation:
Given the coordinates centers of two circles and their radii, determine whether they
overlap or not.
4.(a) Explain in detail about self-referential structures with an example.
(b) Demonstrate the scope rules in blocks of a program.
5.(a) What is call by address? Consider the swap function for swapping two numbers and
illustrate how call by address is done?
(b) What is meant by dereferencing? How it is performed in C.

What is the main reason for using structure? What special keyword is used in defining a
structure? Give syntax for structure
Demonstrate how one structure can be copied to another of the same type.

7.(a) Illustrate the character input/output functions with suitable examples.

(b) Demonstrate the use of fread( ) and fscanf( ) for reading sequentially from a disk.
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Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13205/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Write code to output the numbers from 1 to 10 using for loop.

Can we copy an array using the assignment operator? Justify your answer.
Write a function to exchange two numbers without using temporary variable.
What is the difference between malloc ( ) and calloc ( )?
What is wrong with the following code:
struct {
char person_ name[20];
int num;
} name= xyz, 90;
(vi) What is meant by flushing of a file?



Declare the variables and write the assignment statements to calculate the sum of squares
of the differences between each pair of three given numbers.
Determine the sum and average of n numbers entered from keyboard. With a flowchart
represent the same.
Give the control flow diagram of the for loop. How is the execution of for loop
Write a program to find the factorial of a given integer number using while loop.
Describe the call by value mechanism with examples.
Write a function that uses a function to perform the addition of two matrices.
Where is a pointer stored? What is a void pointer?
Demonstrate the usage of character arrays with an example.
Write a program using a pointer to structure illustrating the initialization of the members
in the structure.
How are the members of a Union are initialized and accessed?
What is stream? Describe two different methods of creating a stream oriented data file.
How can the program detect that it has reached the end of the file?
Explain about procedure and order of evaluation of operators in C.
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Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13205/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) What are formatted input and output statements in C? Give suitable examples.
(ii) Comment on the size of pointer to different datatypes (int *, char *, float *).
(iii) Identify the error in the following function.
int small ( int a, int b )
int small=a;
if ( b < small ) small=b;
(iv) What is meant by flushing of a file?
(v) Difference between do-while and while-do constructs.
(vi) What is the use of rewind( ) function?



Draw a flowchart for printing the sum of even terms contained within 0 to 20.
Write short notes on symbolic and high level languages.
Describe about two dimensional array of strings, initializing the sized and unsized two
dimensional arrays and accessing elements in such arrays.
Write a program to merge two sorted arrays into another array in a sorted order.
What is a function and in what way does its use benefits a program?
Write a program that uses a function to swap values stored in two integer variables to
understand the concept of local and global variables.
How are variables passed to a function? Explain.
When should be pointers used? What are the reasons?
Define structure tag and explain what is its purpose?
Write a program using a pointer to structure illustrating the initialization of the members
in the structure.
Mention the different file opening modes that can be used with fopen ( ).
Compare sequential versus random file access.
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Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13212/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Electrical And Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) What are the differences between dependent and independent sources.
(ii) Write the volt-ampere relations of R, L, C parameters.
(iii) Define the average and root mean square value of an alternating quantity.
(iv) Draw the impedance triangle of series R-L and R-C circuits.
(v) Define the quality factor. What is its significance?
(vi) Define reluctance and magnetic flux.
(vii) List the properties of incidence matrix.
(viii) State the maximum power transfer theorem.

Obtain the expressions for star-delta and delta-star equivalence of resistive network.
Find the value of resistance R, if the current is I=11 A and source voltage is 66 V as shown
in figure:1.


Use the nodal analysis to determine voltage at node 1 and the power supplied by the
dependent current source in the network shown in figure:2.

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Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13212/R13





Explain the procedure to draw the locus diagram of R-L series circuit when L is varying?
A coil of inductance 0.0805 H takes a current of 5 A when connected in series with a 50 F
loss-free capacitor across a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate (i) resistance of the coil (ii)
power factor of the coil (iii) the overall power factor. Sketch the phasor diagram.
Show that average power consumed by a pure inductor and a pure capacitor is zero.
A coil of inductance L and resistance R in series with a capacitor is supplied at a constant
voltage from a variable frequency source. If the frequency is r, find in terms of L, R and
r the values of those frequencies at which the circuit current would be half as much as that
at resonance. Hence or otherwise determine the bandwidth and selectivity of the circuit.
Explain the procedure for obtaining fundamental tie-set matrix of given network.
A ring has a mean diameter of 21 cm and cross sectional area of 10 cm2. The ring is made
up of semi-circular sections of cast iron and cast steel with each joint having reluctance
equal to an air gap of 0.2 mm. Find the ampere turns required to produce a flux of 0.8 milliWb. The relative permeability of cast steel and cast iron are 800 & 166 respectively.
Neglect fringing and leakage effects.
Two identical coupled coils have an equivalent inductance of 80 mH when connected series
aiding and 35 mH in series opposing. Find L1, L2, M and K.
Draw the oriented graph of a network with fundamental cut-set matrix as shown below:








Also find number of cut-sets and draw them.


State and explain Nortons theorem.

For the network shown in figure:3, (i) determine the current through R=10 ohm resistor
using Thevenins theorem (ii) verify the result using Nortons theorem (iii) calculate the
maximum power transfer through R and find the value of R.


12 V


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Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13212/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Electrical And Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) What are the differences between ideal and practical sources.
(ii) Distinguish between passive and active components.
(iii) Define form factor and peak factor of an alternating quantity.
(iv) For a given impedance Z = R iX , show that conductance G =

and suseptance,

, where R and X are resistance and reactance.
(v) Why the net voltage across L and C in a series R-L-C series circuit under resonance is zero.
(vi) State Faradays law of electromagnetic induction.
(vii) Define Tie-set and cut-set.
(viii) State compensation theorem.





State and explain KVL and KCL with the help of an example.
Four 60 W, 110 V bulbs are to be operated from a 230 V source. Determine the value of
resistance connected in series with the line so that the voltage across the bulb does not
exceed 110 V.
Two resistances when they are in series have an equivalent resistance of 9 ohms and
when connected in parallel have an equivalent resistance of 2 ohms. Find the resistances
and ratio of voltage and current sharing between the elements if the supply voltage is 50 V.
Explain the procedure to draw the locus diagram of R-C series circuit when C is varying.
An R- L circuit has R= 1 ohms, L=0.00955 H. Calculate the value of series capacitor which
converts the circuit to a R-L-C series circuit taking double the value of original current.
Assume 50 Hz supply. Supply voltage is kept constant.
Find the average value, r.m.s value, form factor and peak factor for the wave form shown
in figure:1.

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Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13212/R13




A series RLC circuit with R=100 , L = 0.5H, C=40F has an applied voltage of
1000 0 with variable frequency. Calculate the resonance frequency, current at resonance
and voltage across R, L, and C. Also calculate the Q-factor, upper and lower cutoff
Two coupled coils with respect to self inductances L1 = 0.6 H, L2 = 0.4 H having a K = 0.4.
Coil 2 has 100 turns. The current in coil 1 is I1 = 10 sin200t Amperes. Determine the
voltage at coil 2 and maximum flux set up by coil 1.
What is a magnetic circuit? Compare magnetic circuit with an electric circuit.

Derive the relation between self inductance, mutual inductance and coefficient of coupling.
State and explain compensation theorem.
For the network graph shown in figure:2, draw all possible trees. For any one of these trees,
prepare a cut-set schedule and obtain the relation between tree-branch voltages and branch






Describe the procedure to construct the dual of a network with an example.
For the network shown in figure:3, find the value of RL for maximum power transfer. Also
find the maximum power transferred to RL.

12 V


2 k
6 k

6 k

+ 3V


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Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13212/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Electrical And Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) What are the uses of source transformation.

(ii) Distinguish between series and parallel circuits.
(iii) Explain why current leads the voltage by 900 in case of ideal capacitor.
(iv) Define active and reactive power of alternating quantity and write their expressions.
(v) Why the current in AC series R-L-C circuit at resonance is maximum.
(vi) Why the coefficient of coupling in a magnetic circuit is not more than unity.
(vii) What is duality? What are dual quantities?
(viii) State reciprocity theorem.

Find the average value, r.m.s value, form factor and peak factor for the wave form shown
in figure:1.




Figure 1

Solve the network given in figure:2 for the following: (i) unknown resistances R1 and R2
(ii) unknown currents in various branches of the network.


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Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13212/R13







With the help of nodal analysis on the circuit of figure:3, find (i) VA (ii) the power
dissipated in 2.5 ohms resistor.

A coil having a resistance of 20 ohms and an inductance of 0.2 H is connected in series

with a 50 F capacitor across a 250 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate (i) the current (ii) the power
(iii) the power factor (iv) the voltage across the coil and capacitor. Draw the phasor
diagram showing the current and various voltages.
A mild steel ring has a mean circumference of 600 mm and a uniform cross-sectional area
of 350 mm2. Calculate the m.m.f required producing a flux of 600Wb when an air gap of
1mm length is now cut in ring. Also determine the flux produced if m.m.f remains
constant. Given relative permeability of mild steel is 1200.
A series circuit consisting of R = 500 , L = 0.5 H and C = 15 F is connected to a
variable frequency supply of 120V. If the frequency is varied through 40 to 80 Hz, draw
the locus diagram of current. Determine the current and power factor at 40 and 80 Hz
Explain the importance of dot convention in coupled circuits.
State and explain Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction.
With respect to series resonant circuit, prove that bandwidth is inversely proportional to the
Q-factor at resonance.
Explain the procedure for obtaining fundamental cut-set matrix of given network.
A resistive network is shown in figure.4. If the resistance of 5 ohms branch increases to 6
ohms in the network, determine the compensation source and verify the result.
10 V



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Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13212/R13


State and prove the superposition theorem with the help of an example.
Find fundamental tie-set and cut-set matrix for the graph and its tree shown in figure:5.






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Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13212/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Electrical And Electronics Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Write the statements of KVL and KCL.
(ii) The current in a 15 mH inductor is i L = ( 2 e 1000 t ) mA . What is the voltage across
(iii) Explain why current lags the voltage by 900 in case of ideal inductor.
(iv) What is power factor? What is its significance?
(v) Define resonance and bandwidth.
(vi) In a magnetic circuit, if mmf F1 causes flux 1 , and mmf F2 causes flux 2 , then the mmf
(F1+ F2) causes flux 1 + 2 . Is the statement is true or false. If true, give the reasons.
(vii) Define graph, node and degree of a node.
(viii) State Millmans theorem.

Prove that pure capacitance when connected across an alternating source draws the current
leading over voltage by 900. Show that power consumed by pure capacitance is zero.
Find the values of the voltages V1 and V2 in the circuit shown in figure:1.




0.2 I2




Give the detailed comparison of series and parallel circuits.

A resistor R, a choke coil having resistance r & inductance L, a capacitor C=25.5 F are
connected in series. When supplied from the AC source it takes 0.4 A. If voltage across the
resistor is 20 V, voltage across the resistor and choke is 45 V, voltage across the choke is
35 V and voltage across the capacitor is 55 V, find: (i) the values of r, L, (ii) the applied
voltage and its frequency, (iii) power factor of total circuit and power consumed (iv) power
loss in choke coil. Also draw the phasor diagram.

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Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13212/R13


Show that the locus of the current in an R-L circuit with XL variable is a semicircle. Find
the radius and the center of the circle.
Draw the graph of the network shown in figure:2 and select a suitable tree to write a tie-set
schedule. Also find the three loop currents.







State and explain Thevenins theorem.
A coil is wound uniformly with 400 turns over an iron ring having a mean circumference of
50 cm and a cross section of 0.4 cm2. If the coil has resistance of 10 and is connected
across a 50 V DC supply, calculate the m.m.f of the coil, magnetic field strength, magnetic
field density, total flux and reluctance of the ring.
Write the properties of tie-set matrix and cut-set matrix.
Impedances Z2 and Z3 in parallel are in series with an impedance Z1 across a 100V, 50 Hz
AC supply. Z1=(0.25+j1.25) ohms, Z2=(5+j0) ohms, and Z3=(5-jXC) ohms. Determine the
value of the capacitance of XC such that the total current of the circuit will be in phase with
the supply voltage. What is then the circuit current and power?
Define: (i) Flux (ii) m.m.f (iii) Reluctance (iv) Magnetic field intensity.
For the network shown in figure:3, find the current through 1.375 ohms resistor and hence
verify reciprocity theorem.



- 10 V

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Subject Code: R13204/R13

Set No - 1

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1. (a) A coal has the composition by weight: C= 90%, O= 3%, S= 0.5%, N=0.5% and ash
6%. Net calorific value of the coal found to be 8490.5 K. cal/Kg. Calculate the
percentage of hydrogen and high calorific value of coal.
(b) A water sample contains Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4 mg/L, Mg(HCO3)2 = 29.2 mg/L,
MgCl2 = 50 mg/L and CaSO4 = 13.5 mg/L. Calculate the temporary and total hardness.
(c) Write short notes on
(i) photovoltaic cell
(ii) differential aeration corrosion
(iii) thermoplastics & thermosetting
(iv) importance of electrochemical series
2. (a) Explain the formation of scales and sludges, how are they not desirable in boilers.
Discuss the ways to control these troubles.
(b) Discuss the working principle of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell with neat sketch.
(c) Explain electrochemical theory of corrosion.
3. (a) Explain compounding of plastics.
(b) Explain the essential requirements for potable water.
(c) What are the different solutions that are used to absorb different constituents of
flue gases.
4. (a) Write note on working principle of concentration cell.
Given that Eo (Ni2+, Ni) = -0.25 volt; Eo(Cu2+, Cu) = +0.34 volt. What happens if a solution
of 1M CuSO4 be stored in a vessel made of nickel metal?
(b) Explain softening of water by ion-exchange process.
(c) What are biodegradable polymers? How they are useful?
5. (a) Give in details various factors (metal and environment) influencing the rate of
(b) What is natural rubber? How it is processed?
(c) Describe the construction and working principle of glass electrode.
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Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13204/R13

6. (a) What is cracking? Explain moving bed catalytic cracking to produce gasoline.
(b) Describe the synthesis of carbon nanotubes by arc discharge method.
(c) Write notes on importance of organic surface coatings.


7. (a) Explain setting and hardening of cement with necessary chemical equations.
(b) Explain any one method for synthesis of gasoline.
(c) Write notes on preparation and applications of Thiokol and polyethylene.

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Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13204/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014
(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1. (a) Calculate the quantity of lime and soda required to soften 20,000 liters of water
containing the salts: CaCO3 = 20.0 mg/L, MgCO3 = 16.8 mg/L, CaCl2 = 22.2 mg/L,
MgSO4 = 12.0 mg/L, SiO2 = 1.2 mg/L; the purity of lime as 90% and soda as 95%.
(b) Differentiate galvanizing and tinning.
(c) Write notes on
(i) Calomel electrode
(ii) Buna-S, Buna-N
(iii) Catalytic cracking
2. (a) What are boiler troubles and explain how to minimize these troubles.
(b) Explain the working principle of methanol-oxygen fuel cell.
(c) Define paint. Discuss its constituents and their function.


3. (a) Explain the mechanism of free radical polymerization with example.

(b) Explain the Fischer-Tropsch process for synthesis of petrol.
(c) Write notes on desalination of saline water using electrodialysis technique.


4. (a) Explain how the electrode potential of an electrode is determined.

(b) Explain any one method of green synthesis.
(c) Discuss the zeolite process for softening of water.


5. (a) What is cathodic protection? Explain with examples how cathodic protection can be
used to protect iron.
(b) Explain the construction and working principle of nickel-cadmium battery.
(c) Define tacticity? Explain the significance of stereo specific polymers
6. (a) A sample of dry coal has the following composition: C=84%; H2 = 4%; O2 = 6%; S=1%
and the remainder ash. If 50% excess air is supplied estimate the percentage by
volume of the dry products of combustion.
(b) Write notes on conducting polymers.
(c) Using direct chemical attack theory, explain corrosion.
7. (a) Explain laser ablation method of producing CNTS and applications of CNTs.
(b) Differentiate between thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics.
(c) How are C, H and S present in a coal is estimated and explain their significance


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13204/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014
(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1. (a) Calculate the quantity of lime and soda required to soften 10,000 liters of water
containing the salts: CaCO3 = 10.0 mg/L, MgCO3 = 8.4 mg/L, CaCl2 = 11.1 mg/L,
MgSO4 = 6.0 mg/L, SiO2 = 1.2 mg/L, assuming the purity of lime as 90% and soda as 95%.
(b) Discuss oxygen-hydrogen fuel cell with neat diagram.
(c) Write short notes on
(i) Electroplating
(ii) Vulcanization of rubber
(iii) Gross and net calorific value
(iv) Deterioration of cement concrete
2. (a) Explain the process of treatment of water for domestic use.
(b) Write notes on construction and working of calomel electrode.
(c) Discuss the differential aeration and pitting corrosion.
3. (a) Discuss the physical and mechanical properties of polymers.
(b) Explain how cationic and anionic resins soften the hard water.
(c) Calculate the weight and volume of air required for the combustion of 2 Kg of
carbon. Give the composition of the combustion products.
4. (a) Explain the process of conductometric titrations with two examples.
(b) Explain the hot lime soda process for softening of hard water.
(c) Write short notes on types of thermal liquid crystals.



5. (a) Write notes on passivity of metal and factors affecting rate of corrosion.
(b) Calculate the EMF of a Daniel cell at 25oC, when the concentration of ZnSO4 and
CuSO4 are 0.01 and 0.1M respectively. The standard potential of the cell is 1.1 volts.
(c) Explain the preparation and applications of Bakelite.
6. (a) Explain the determination of calorific value of a solid fuel using Bomb calorimeter.
Suggest the calculations.
(b) Explain the role of design and selection of materials in prevention of metal corrosion.
(c) Discuss the applications of green chemistry.
7.(a) Discuss the chemical vapor deposition method of producing carbon nanotubes and
applications of CNTs.
(b) Write the structure of Gutta-percha and engineering applications of elastomers.
(c) Define petrol knocking. What is octane rating and how can it be improved.


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13204/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014
(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1. (a) A water sample contains Mg(HCO3)2 = 29.2 mg/L, Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4 mg/L,
MgCl2 = 30 mg/L and CaSO4 = 13.5 mg/L. Calculate the permanent and total hardness.
(b) Explain the proximate analysis of coal and its applications.
(c) Write notes on
(i) pitting corrosion
(ii) Fullerenes
(iii) Concentration cell
(iv) Free radical polymerization
2. (a) Write notes on (i) priming and foaming (ii) caustic embrittlement
(b) Define specific, equivalent and molar conductance and mention the units.
(c) Write notes on cathodic protection.
3. (a) Define mastication? Discuss the compounding of natural rubber.
(b) What is chlorination? Explain the process of break-point chlorination.
(c) Explain with a neat sketch fixed bed catalytic cracking to produce gasoline.
4 .(a) Explain the construction, working principle and applications of lead storage battery.
(b) Write note on fibre reinforced plastics.
(c) Write brief notes on determination of hardness of water by EDTA method.
5. (a) Explain how hot dipping and electroplating techniques can be used to protect metals.
(b) Derive Nernst equation for single electrode potential.
(c) Write the preparation and applications of PVC and Thiokol.
6. (a) The percentage composition of a sample of coal was found as: C = 75.4%: H=5.3%;
O =12.6%; N =3.2%; S =1.3% and remaining is ash. Calculate the minimum weight of air
necessary for complete combustion of 1 kg of coal and percentage composition of dry
products of combustion by weight.
(b) Explain how to control corrosion by proper design and selection of metals
(c) Write notes on any one method of green synthesis.
7. (a) Give detailed account of setting and hardening of cement
(b) Explain the formation of Bakalite? What are its important uses?
(c) Write note on fractional distillation of crude oil.


Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours


Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
Draw the isometric view of the following orthographic projections?


A straight line AB, 60mm long, makes an angle of 300 to the HP and 600 to the VP. The
end A is in the VP and 20mm above the HP. Draw the projections of the line AB?


Inscribe an ellipse in a parallelogram having sides 150mm and 100mm long and an
included angle of 1200?
Draw a full size diagonal scale to show 0.1 millimeters long enough to measure up to 5
centimeters Show on this scale the following distances
2.35 centimeters


Page 1 of 2


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13209/R13






Draw the projections of a line EF 40mm long parallel to the HP and inclined at 350 to the
VP. E is 20mm above the HP and 15mm in front of the VP?
Draw the projections of a 60mm long straight line in the following positions:
(i) Parallel to both the HP and the VP and 25mm from each.
(ii) Perpendicular to the VP, 25mm above the HP and its one end in the VP.
(iii) Inclined at 450 to the VP, in the HP and its one end in the VP.
The end A of line AB is 10mm above the HP and 30mm in front of the VP. The end B is
50mm below the HP and 15mm behind the VP. The length of the line is 80mm. Draw the
projection and locate the traces. What are the inclinations of the line with the reference
A thin hexagonal plate of 35mm side has a central equilateral hole of side equal to that of
the plate. The plate is kept in such a way that one of its edges is parallel to the ground and
inclined at 300 to the VP. The plate makes 450 with ground. Draw the projections of the
plate and the hole. A side of the hole is parallel to the ground?
Draw the projection of a pentagonal prism, base 25 mm side and axis 50mm long, resting
on one of its rectangular faces on the HP, with the axis inclined at 450 to the VP.
Draw (i) Front view (ii) Top view and (iii) Side view of the following pictorial

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(a) Draw (i) Front view (ii) Top view and (iii) Side view of the pictorial drawing shown below?


A circular plate of negligible thickness and 50mm diameter appears as an ellipse in the
front view, having its major axis 50mm long and minor axis 30mm long. Draw its top
view when the major axis of the ellipse is horizontal.


A plot of ground is in the shape of a rectangle 110m50m. Inscribe an elliptical lawn in

it. Take a suitable scale?
Construct a regular hexagon of 40mm side. Using general method?
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Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13209/R13






Draw the FV, TV of the following points:

(i) Point P lies in the HP and 20mm behind the VP
(ii) Point Q lies in the VP and 30mm below the HP
(iii) Point R lies 35mm below the HP and 25mm behind the VP
Two points M and N lie in the VP. The point M is above the HP and the point N is 40mm
below the HP. The perpendicular distance between their projectors is 60mm. The line
joining M and N makes 600 with XY. Draw the projections of the points. Find the height
of point M from the HP?
FV of a line measures 70mm and makes an angle of 300 with XY. The end A is in the HP
and the VT of the line is 10mm below XY. The line is inclined at 450 to the VP. Draw the
projections of the line and find its TL and true inclinations with the HP and locate the
A regular pentagonal lamina of 30mm sides has one edge in the HP and inclined at an
angle of 300 to the VP. Draw its projections when its surface is inclined at 450 to the HP?
A cone of diameter 60mm and height 60mm is resting on the HP on one of its generators.
Draw its projections if its axis is parallel to the VP?
Draw the isometric view of the orthographic projections shown below?

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Draw the isometric view of the following orthographic views?


A plate having shape of an isosceles triangle has base 50mm long and altitude 70mm. It
is so placed that in the front view it is seen as an equilateral triangle of 50mm sides and
one side inclined at 450 to xy. Draw its top view?


On a map, the distance between two points is 14 cm. The real distance between them is
20 km. Draw a diagonal scale of this map to read kilometres and hectametres, and to
measure up to 25km. Show a di
distance of 17.6 km on this scale?
The major axis of ann ellipse is 150mm long and the minor axis is 100mm long. Find the
foci and draw the ellipse by Arcs of circles method. Draw a tangent to the ellipse at a
point on it 25mm above the major axis?
Page 1 of 2



Subject Code: R13209/R13







Set No - 3

The front view of a line, inclined at 300 to the VP is 65mm long. Draw the projections of
the line, when it is parallel to and 40mm above the HP, its one en
d being 30mm in front
of the VP?
A stick is struck in the
he ground making an angle of 300 to the ground. Draw the
projections of the free end of the stick if the end of the stick above the ground is 1.5m and
the distance of the end from a wall is 2.5m.?
The end P of a line PQ 130mm long is 55mm in front of the VP. The HT of the line is
40mm in front of the VP and the VT is 50mm above the HP. The distance between HT
and VT is 110mm. Draw the projections of the line PQ and determine its angles with the
HP and the VP.
A triangular plane ABC has a 60mm long base AB and is on the ground inclined to the
VP at 300. Its altitude length is 80mm. the plane is lifted on AB such that AC lies on a
plane perpendicular to both the HP and the VP. Draw the projections of the plane. Find
out the angles of inclination of tthe plane with the HP and the VP?
Draw the projection of a cylinder 75mm diameter and 100mm long, lying on one of its
generator on the ground with its axis inclined at 300 to the VP and parallel to the ground.
Draw (i) Front view (ii)
ii) Top view and (iii) Side view of the pictorial projection
shown below?

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Draw (i) Front view (ii)

ii) Top view and (iii) Side view of the pictorial projection shown


A thin 300-600 set square has its longest edge in the VP and inclined at 300 to the HP. Its
surface makes 450 with
th the VP. Draw its projections?


Construct a vernier scale of RF=2 to show cm,1/10th of cm and 1/100th of cm to read up

to 9cm.Mark on the scale the lengths 7.02cm
Inscribe a regular octagon in a circle of diameter 80mm.?


Page 1 of 2


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13209/R13







A line GH 45mm long is in the HP and inclined to the VP. The end G is 15mm in front of
the VP. Length of front view is 35mm. Draw the projections of the line. Determine its
inclination with the VP?
The electric pole is 10m height. A mighty storm bent it in such a way that its tip is now at
a distance of half of its original distance from the ground. Draw the projections of the
pole tip if it is 3m from a wall of a building?
The midpoint M of a straight line AB is 60mm above the HP and 50mm in front of the
VP. The line measures 80mm long and inclined at an angle of 300 to the HP and 450 to
the VP. Draw its projections?
A rhombus having diagonals 150mm and 60mm is so placed that its smaller diagonal is
parallel to both the reference planes and the larger diagonal is inclined at 400 to the HP.
Draw its projections. Also, find the angles made by tthe
he plane with the HP and the VP?
A hexagonal pyramid, base 25mm side and axis 50m
m long, has an edge of its base on
the ground. Its axis is inclined at 300 to the ground and parallel to the VP. Draw its
Draw the isometric view of the orthographic projections shown below?


Page 2 of 2


Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Computer Science Engineering)

Time: 3 hours





Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
Draw (i) Front view (ii) Top view (iii) Right side view of the following pictorial

The projections of a line AB are on the same projector. A is 10mm above the HP and
20mm in front of the VP. B is 35mm below the HP and 25 mm behind the VP. Draw the
projections of the line AB and determine its true length, inclinations with the HP and the
Construct an ellipse of 120 mm major axis and 80 mm minor axis using concentric circle
Draw an octagon given the length of side 25 mm. using general method?
A line EF 40mm long is in the VP and inclined to the HP. The top view measures 30mm.
The end E is 10mm above the HP. Draw the projections of the line. Determine its
inclination with the HP?
A line RS 40mm long is parallel to both the planes. It is 20 mm above the HP and 15mm
in front of the VP. Draw the projections of the line?
Page 1 of 2


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13209/R13





The front view of a line AB is 50mm long and it makes an angle of 350 with xy. The
point A lies 10mm above the HP and 25mm behind the VP. The difference between the
distance of A and B from the VP is 25mm.The line AB is in second quadrant. Draw the
projections of the line; determine its true length and inclinations with the HP and the VP?
An equilateral triangle ABC having side length as 50 mm is suspended from a point O
on the side AB 15mm from A in such a way that the plane of the triangle makes an angle
of 600 with the VP. The point O is 20 mm below the HP and 40 mm behind the VP. Draw
the projections of the triangle?
Draw the top and front view of the cone of base diameter 46mm and height 65mm lying
with one of its generators on the HP. The axis is parallel to the VP?
Draw the isometric view of orthographic drawing shown below ?


Page 2 of 2


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Computer Science Engineering)

Time: 3 hours






Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
Draw the isometric view of the following orthographic views ?

A square prism of side of base 30 mm and axis 55 mm long lies on one of its generator in
the HP and its faces equally inclined to the HP. Draw its projections when its axis is
inclined at an angle of 600 to the VP?
Construct a regular hexagonal of side 25mm when one of its side is horizontal?
A truck is moving at the rate of 1.2 km per min. Construct a diagonal scale with RF value
of 1/25000, showing minutes and seconds. Mark the distance moved by the truck in 4
minutes and 27 seconds?
Draw the projections of the following, keeping the distance between the projectors as
25mm on the same reference line:
(i) A- 25mm above HP and 50mm behind the VP
(ii) B- 40 mm below HP and 45mm in front of the VP
(iii) C- on HP and 25mm behind VP
A line CD is parallel to the VP and inclined at 450 to the HP. C is in the HP and 25 mm in
front of the VP. Top view is 50mm long. Find its true length?
Page 1 of 2


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13209/R13





A line AB inclined 300 to the VP, has its ends 50mm and 20mm above the HP. The
length of its front view is 65mm and its VT is 10 mm above the HP. Determine the true
length of AB, its inclination
lination with the HP and its HT?
The circular plate of negligible thickness and 50 mm diameter appears as an ellipse in the
front view, having its major axis 50mm long and minor axis 30 mm long. Draw its top
view when the major axis
is of the ellipse is horizontal?
A equilateral triangle of 60mm side represents the front view of a cone standing on its
base. It is tilted until its axis makes 300 with the HP and top view of the axis is parallel to
the VP in this position.
n. Draw the projections of cone?
Draw (i) Front view (ii)
ii) Top view (iii) Side view of the following pictorial projection?


Page 2 of 2


Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Computer Science Engineering)

Time: 3 hours


Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
Draw the isometric view of the following orthographic projections?


A point A is 15mm above the HP and 20mm in front of the VP. Another point B is 25
mm behind the VP and 40mm below the HP. Draw the projections of A and B, keeping
the distance between the projectors equal to 90mm. Draw straight lines joining (i) the top
views (ii) the front views.


Inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle of diameter 80 mm.?

Construct an ellipse of 120 mm major axis and 80 mm minor axis using arcs of circle
A point A is 20mm above the HP and in the first quadrant. Its shortest distance from the
reference line XY is 40mm. Draw the projections of the point and determine its distance
from the VP.
Draw the projections of line LM 40 mm long, parallel to the HP and inclined at 300 to the
VP. The L is 20 mm above the HP and 15 mm in front of the VP. Find its traces.



Page 1 of 2


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13209/R13





A line AB, 65mm long, has its end A 20 mm above the HP and 25 mm in front of the VP.
The end B is 40mm above the HP and 65mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of
AB and show its inclinations with the HP and the VP?
A 300-600 set square has its shortest sid
side 50 mm long and is in the HP. The top view of
the setsquare is an isosceles triangle. The hypotenuse of the set
square is inclined at an
angle of 450 with the VP. Draw its projections Determine its inclination with the HP?
Draw the projections of a cylinder, base 30mm diameter and axis 50mm long, resting
with a point on the peripher
peripheri of its base circle on the HP such that the axis is making an
angle of 30 with the HP and parallel to the VP?
Draw (i) Front view (ii)
ii) Top view of the following pictorial view?


Page 2 of 2


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13209/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August 2014

(Computer Science Engineering)

Time: 3 hours



Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
(i) Front view (ii)
ii) Top view (iii) Right side view of the pictorial view shown


A mirror of size 560mm 320 mm is fixed on a wall on one of its shorter edges. The
mirror is so fixed that it appears as a square in the front view. Draw the projections of the
mirror Find its inclinations
ns with the wall and the ground?


Construct a Vernier scale of RF= 1: 25 to show decimeters, centimeters and millimeters.

The scale should be capable of reading up to 4 decimeters. Mark on your scale the
ng distances: (a) 3.23 dm?
Construct a hexagon of side 30 mm when one side is vertical?


Page 1 of 2


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13209/R13






The top view of a 75mm long line measures 55 mm. The line is in the VP, its one end
being 25 mm above the HP. Draw its projections
Mark the projections of the following points on a common reference line, keeping the
projectors 35 mm apart.
(i) 25 mm above the HP and 40 mm behind the VP
(ii) 20 mm above the HP and on the VP
(iii) 30 mm below the HP and 45 mm in front of the VP
A line PQ 100mm long is inclined at 30 to the HP and at 45 to the VP. Its midpoint is in
the VP and 20mm above the HP. Draw its projections, if its end P is in the third quadrant
and Q is in the first quadrant.
ABCD is a symmetrical trapezium with AB= 40mm and CD=64mm as its parallel sides
are 50 mm height. The plane has its side AB in the VP and CD 25 mm away from it. The
front view of BC makes an angle of 3300 with the HP. Obtain the projections of the plane.
Find its angle with the VP
Draw the projections of a pentagonal prism of base side 30mm and axis length 60mm
rests on the HP on one of the base corners with the base edges containing it being equally
inclined to the HP. The axis is inclined at 450 to the HP and parallel to the VP?
Draw the isometric view of the following orthographic views?

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13210/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Define Cone of friction.

State the two theorms of Pappus.
State work-energy theorem for a system of particles.
Derive the transfer formula for product of inertia.
State the converse of the law of triangle of forces
Express the mass moment of inertia of a thin plate in terms of its area moment of inertia.
Develop velocity -time and displacement - time equations for a particle of weight W
moving rectilinearly under the action of a force F = Fo Sint if the initial displacement
and velocities are zero each.


If a rod of length 3R is placed horizontally in a hemispherical bowl of radius R,

determine the angle the rod will make with the horizontal for the rod to be in
equilibrium. Neglect friction between the bowl and the rod and assume that the bowl does
not rock. see Fig. 1.

Fig. 1


Determine the centroid of the line y = 1-x.


Page 1 of 4


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13210/R13


A double wedge system is used to position the 800 kg shown in Fig.2. Neglecting the
mass of the wedges, determine the minimum force P required t initiate movement. The
coefficient of static friction between the 10 degrees wedges and all other surfaces is 0.25
and between the crate and the floor is 0.5.

A car makes a left turn from a stopped position, increasing its speed at a rate of 1.5 m/s2.
If a book is on the dashboard of the car, at what time will the book to slide if the
coefficient of static friction between the book and the dashboard is 0.25. The radius of the
curve of motion is 8 m.
4.(a) Determine the center of gravity of a hemisphere of radius R.
(b) A ball is thrown with an initial velocity of Vo parallel to the rough plane as shown in
Fig.3. The initial angular velocity is zero. Determine when the sphere will roll without
slipping, and find the linear velocity of the ball at that time.


Page 2 of 4


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13210/R13


A prismatic bar AB of weight W and length l = 2 r starts from rest in the position
shown in Fig. 4 and under the action of gravity slides without friction along the
constraining vertical plane curve ABD, the portion AB of which is a quadrant of a circle
of radius r and the portion BD of which is a horizontal tangent to this circle. With what
uniform velocity V will the bar move along the horizontal portion BD?


Fig. 4


Find the mass moment of inertia of a hollow sphere with respect to a diameter if the mass
per unit volume of the material is and the outer and inner radii are ro and ri,
The barge B weighs 160 kN and supports an automobile weighing 16 kN. If the barge is
not tied to the pier P and someone drives the automobile to the other side of the barge for
unloading, determine how far the barge moves away from the pier. Neglect the resistance
of the water.
90 m


Fig. 5

Page 3 of 4


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13210/R13


The rod shown in Fig. 6 is supported by two brackets at A and B. Determine the moment
MAB produced by the force F = (-500 i +200 j -300 k) N, which tends to rotate the rod
about the axis AB.

0.6 m
0.3 m

C (0.6, 0, 0.3) m

0.4 m

0.2 m
Fig. 6


The 30 kg box has a speed of 2 m/s when it is at A on the smooth ramp shown in Fig. 7.
If the surface is in the shape of a parabola, determine the normal force on the box at the
instant x = 3. Also, what is the rate of increase in its speed at this instant?

y = 4 -(x / 9)

Fig. 7


A pipe assembly is loaded as shown in Fig. 8. Replace the system of forces with a
resultant force and couple moment at O, if the forces F1 and F2 are, respectively, are 60
N and 100 N. Express the results in cartesian vector form.

200 N


0.4 m

0.6 m
Fig. 8

Page 4 of 4


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13210/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) State coulomb's laws of dry friction.

(ii) State and prove the Theorem of Varignon.
(iii) Explain the how do you find the center of a system of parallel forces applies to different
points in a plane.
(iv) Obtain the transfer formula for mass moments of inertia.
(v) Define normal and tangential of a particle and derive expressions for them.
(vi) State work-energy principle for plane motion of a rigid body.

The centre of mass of a front-wheel drive car is 35% of the wheel base behind the front
wheels. Determine the load on the front and rear wheel tires. see Fig. 1.

front side

35 % of
wheel base
Fig. 1


Determine the second moment of inertia about y-axis for the area shown in Fig. 2.

y = x2

Fig. 2
Page 1 of 5


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13210/R13


The collars hang on the vertical frame composed of two smooth rods. If the mass of
collar A is 10 kg and the mass of collar B is 5 kg, determine the equilibrium angle and
the tension in the cable between the collars.




Fig. 3
Calculate the centroid of the line y = sin(x) from the origin to the point ( 2 ,1) mm.

A crate of 100 kg mass shown in Fig. 4 is 3m tall and is loaded such that its centre of
gravity is 2 m above its base of 1 m wide. Determine the force P required to initiate
motion if, the coefficient of friction between the base and the inclined surface is 0.4.
Also, determine the minimum and maximum height h where the force can be applied.





Fig. 4
Locate the center of gravity of the homogeneous wire shown in Fig. 5.

500 mm

375 mm


Fig. 5

Page 2 of 5



Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13210/R13


Determine the mass moment of inertia of the overhung crank shown in Fig. 6 about the xx
axis. The density of the material is 7850 kg/m .
45 mm

30 mm
135 mm
70 mm

270 mm

70 mm
30 mm
45 mm

Fig. 6


45 mm

A block is released from rest at A and slides down the smooth circular surface AB as
shown in Fig. 7. It then continues to slide along the horizontal rough surface until it
strikes the spring. Determine how far it is compressed before stopping.


Page 3 of 5


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13210/R13



Determine the tension in the cables BD and CD and also the reaction force components at
the ball and socket
ket joint at A. See Fig. 8.

A block of 10 kg mass is held at rest on the smooth inclined plane by a stopper at A as

shown in Fig. 9. If the 10 grams bullet travelling at 400 m/s gets embedded in the block,
determine the distance the block will slide up along the plane before momentarily


Page 4 of 5


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13210/R13


Determine the acceleration of the 500 kg block shown in Fig. 10 if the coefficient of
friction between the block and the horizontal surface is 0.3. Also, find the reactions at the
points A and B.


1200 N





Fig. 10
The unbalanced wheel shown in Fig. 11has a mass of 20 kg and a radius of gyration of
120 mm. Compute the normal and friction forces acting on the wheel at its point of
contact with the horizontal surface, assuming that no slipping occurs.

125 mm

275 mm

Fig. 11


Page 5 of 5


Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13210/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B



State equilibrium conditions for the system of coplanar non-concurrent forces and nonconcurrent forces in space.
Differentiate between static friction and kinetic friction.
Determine the mass moment of inertia of an equilateral triangular plate of mass M and
side a about one of its sides.
A car of 2 ton mass moving at a speed of 72 kmph is to be brought to a halt in a distance
of 50 m. What should be the braking force applied assuming it to be uniform?
Determine the workdone in stretching a spring to an elongation of x from its unstretched
A stone is vertically upwards from the top of a building with a velocity of 20 m/s. If it
reaches the ground after 5 seconds, determine the height of the building.
State the principle of angular momentum.
Two identical smooth cylinders each of weight W and radius r are placed in a quarter
circular cross-sectional channel of radius R as shown in Fig. 1, such that they just fit in
the channel. Determine the reactions at the contact surfaces A, B, C and D.

Page 1 of 4


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13210/R13


A smooth tube AB in the form of a quarter circle of mean radius r is fixed in a vertical
plane and contains a flexible chain of length r / 2 as shown in Fig. 2. The weight of the
chain is w per unit length.Find the velocity of the chain with which it will move along the
smooth horizontal plane BC after it emerges from the tube.


A boom AD supporting a load of 20 kN at the end D is held in a horizontal position by a
ball and socket joint at A and by two cables BE and CF as shown in Fig. 3. Determine
the tension in each cable and the reaction at A, neglecting the weight of the boom.









20 kN
Fig. 3


Find the centroid for the shaded area shown in Fig. 4.


Fig. 4

Page 2 of 4


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13210/R13


A uniform steel rod is bent into the shape of an isosceles triangle (OA=OB). Determine
the mass moment of inertia about an axis through O perpendicular to the plane of the
figure. The total mass of the rod is 12 kg. See Fig. 5.


Fig. 5


If the density of a hemisphere shown in Fig. 6 varies as the distance, y from the base
plane, determine the distance of the center of gravity from the base plane.

Base plane

Fig. 6


A block of mass m, initially at rest, begins to slide from the top most point of a
hemispherical shell. Determine the position of the point on the hemisphere at which the
block loses contact with the shell. See Fig. 7.



A car of 2 ton mass powered by an engine of 50 kW capacity, start from rest and attains
maximum speed in 30 seconds. If the frictional resistance to motion is 0.5 kN/ ton,
determine the maximum speed it can attain. If after attaining the maximum speed, the
engine is switched off, determine the distance it would travel before coming to rest.
Determine the product of inertia for the quarter-circular area shown in Fig. 8 with respect
to the given X and Y axes.

Fig. 8

Page 3 of 4


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13210/R13


A man of 80 kg mass jumps on to a cart from a bridge such that he lands on with a
velocity of 6 m/s at an angle of 30o to the horizontal direction. If the cart is free to move,
determine the velocity of the cart after he has jumped in when the cart is moving with a
velocity of 2 m/s towards the bridge. The mass of the cart is 150 kg. Also, determine the
loss in kinetic energy of the system. Fig. 9

30 o

Fig. 9


Block A of weight W rests on an inclined plane is prevented from moving downwards

along the plane by a plank B of same of weight W placed as shown in Fig. 10. The plank
is attached to the wall by the string CD parallel to the inclined plane. If the coefficient of
friction is same for all contact surfaces, determine its value at which the motion is
impending. Also, determine the tension in the string CD.


Fig. 10


Page 4 of 4


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13210/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EEE, EIE, Bio-Tech, E Com.E, Agri. E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B




Show that the theorem of Varignon holds for parallel forces.

Write the equilibrium equations for a system of (a) couples in space (b) parallel forces in
Find the product of inertia of a rectangle of sides a and b with respect to the axes that lie
along its two sides.
A particle of mass m moves rectilinearly under the action of a force F = Fo sin t .
Determine the displacement-time equation, assuming initial displacement and velocity
are zeros.
The maximum range of a projectile is 2000 m. What should be the angle of elevation so
as to obtain a range of 1400 m if the initial velocity remains unchanged?
Define instantaneous center of rotation.
Write the equations of plane motion of a rigid body.
A beam hinged at A is supported in a horizontal position by a rope passing over a pulley
arrangement as shown in Fig. 1. The free end of the rope supports a load of 1500 N. The
weight of the beam is 2 kN and that of pulley hinged at B is 400 N. Determine the tension
in the rope, assuming the pulleys to be frictionless, and the reaction at A.

Fig. 1


1 kN

A cannon fires a bomb at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal ground with a release
velocity of 150m/s. At the highest point of its trajectory, the bomb explodes into two
pieces of equal mass. If one of the pieces just drops freely, determine the distance from
the cannon at which the other piece strikes the ground.

Page 1 of 4


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13210/R13



A force F of magnitude 300 N is directed from A (2, 3, 4) m to B (6, 5, 3) m. Determine

(i) the moment of the force F about the point C(5,6, 7) and (ii) the moment of the force F
about the axis passing through the origin and point C.
A thin steel hoop of weight W and radius r starts from rest at A and rolls down on a
cylindrical surface of radius a as shown in Fig. 2. Determine the angle defining the
position of point B where the hoop will begin to slip if the coefficient of friction at the
point of contact is 0.33.

Fig. 2


Find the reactions at the supports A and B of the beam that is loaded as shown in Fig. 3.
2.5 kN
4 kN/m


1.5 m


Fig. 3



For the shaded area shown in Fig. 4, find the ratio a/b for which the x and y coordinates
of the centroid are equal.

Determine the distance of the center of gravity of hemispherical thin shell of radius R
from the plane of the base.

Page 2 of 4


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13210/R13



Calculate the moment of inertia of the shaded area shown in Fig. 5 with respect to the xaxis.

Determine the mass moment of inertia of a homogeneous sphere of radius a with respect
to a diameter.
A sphere of radius r and weight W is projected along a horizontal plane surface with
initial linear velocity Vo and initial angular velocity o such that Vo > ro . Determine the
time elapsed for the velocity of the sphere along the plane to become constant. See Fig. 6.


Fig. 6


A small block of weight 50 N is given an initial velocity of 4 m/s down the inclined plane
shown in Fig. 7. Determine the velocity of the block at B after it has travelled a distance
of 12 m if, the coefficient of friction between the plane and the block is 0.2.

12 m


Fig. 7
Page 3 of 4


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13210/R13


A horizontal beam is hinged to a vertical wall at A and supported at the midpoint C by a

tie rod CD as shown in Fig. 8. Find the tension in the rod and the reaction at A due to a
vertical load P = 2 kN applied at B. Neglect the weight of the beam and tie rod.


Page 4 of 4


Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13203/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Write a note on colours of thin films.
(ii) Describe the FCC sub lattice and calculate its atomic packing factor.
(iii) Discuss the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility in dia, para and
ferromagnetic materials.
(iv) How will you measure absorption coefficient of a material?
(v) What are matter waves? Derive the expression for de Broglies wavelength.
(vi) What are direct and indirect band gap semiconductors?
2.(a) State and explain Brewsters law.
(b) Define Drift & Diffusion currents and derive Einsteins equation.
(c) For copper density d= 8.92x10-8 Kg/m3, resistivity = 1.73x10-8 -m, atomic weight
M= 63.5. Calculate the mobility of the electrons in copper, obeying classical laws.
3.(a) What is population inversion and how can it be achieved?
(b) Explain the Principle, construction and working of a Nicol prism with neat diagram.
(c) Draw the diagram to show the variation of the Fermi level with temperature and impurity
concentration in case of n-type semiconductor.
4.(a) Differentiate between soft and hard superconductors.
(b) Explain the three level and four level laser systems. What are the advantages of four level
laser system over three level laser system?
(c) In Newtons rings experiment, diameter of the tenth dark ring due to wavelength 6000 in
air is 0.5 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.
5.(a) Explain the polarization mechanism in dielectrics.
(b) Explain BCS theory with key note of cooper pairs.
(c) State few applications of laser.
6.(a) What are the draw backs of classical free electron theory?
(b) What are the polar and non-polar dielectrics? Derive Clausius-Mosotti equation.
(c) Mention the applications of Josephsons effect.
7.(a) Distinguish between n-type and p-type semiconductors.
(b) Derive an expression for electrical conductivity of a conducting material based on quantum
mechanical treatment.
(c) The penetration depths for lead at 3 K and 7.1 K are 39.6nm and 173nm respectively.
Calculate the critical temperature for lead.

Page 1 of 1


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13203/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What are Newtons rings? Why are they circular?
(ii) Describe the BCC sub lattice and calculate its atomic packing factor.
(iii) Define magnetic susceptibility. Why is it negative for diamagnetic materials?
(iv) What are the necessary conditions of physically acceptable wave function?
(v) Write the Maxwells electromagnetic equations in differential or integral form.
(vi) How does the Fermi level change with temperature in extrinsic semiconductors?
2.(a) Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffractions.
(b) Define Drift & Diffusion currents and derive the expressions for drift and diffusion current
(c) Find the relaxation time of conduction electrons in a metal if its resistivity is 1.54x10-8m
and it has 5.8x1028 conduction electrons per cubic metre.
3.(a) Explain Step Index and Graded index optical fibers.
(b) Give the theory of plane diffraction grating. Obtain the condition for the formation of nth
order maximum.
(c) In a Hall coefficient experiment, a current of 0.25A is sent through a metal strip having
thickness 0.2mm and width 5mm. The Hall voltage is found to be 0.15mV when a magnetic
field of 2000 gauss is used. What is the carrier concentration?
4.(a) Derive the relation between polarization vector , the electric field and displacement
vector .
(b) Derive an expression for acceptance angle of fiber in terms of the refractive indices of core
and cladding of an optical fiber. What is meant by acceptance cone?
(c) Distinguish between the spectra formed by a prism and a grating.
5.(a) How matter waves are different from Electromagnetic waves?
(b) Explain the electronic polarisability and show that electronic polarisability for a
monochromatic gas increases as the size of the atoms becomes larger.
(c) Find the numerical aperture and acceptance angle of a fiber of core index 1.4 and fractional
index change 0.02.
6.(a) What are the basic assumptions of classical free electron theory?
(b) Derive the time dependent Schrodinger wave equation.
(c) Explain the terms Dielectric breakdown and Dielectric strength.
7.(a) State and explain Hall effect.
(b) Derive the expression for the density of energy states and carrier concentration in a metal.
(c) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with velocity 107m/s.
Page 1 of 1


Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13203/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Write a note on colours of thin films.
(ii) Describe the FCC sub lattice and calculate its atomic packing factor.
(iii) Discuss the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility in dia, para and ferromagnetic
(iv) What are the necessary conditions of physically acceptable wave function?
(v) What are matter waves? Derive the expression for de Broglies wavelength.
(vi) How does the Fermi level change with temperature in extrinsic semiconductors?



Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffractions.

Define Drift & Diffusion currents and derive the expressions for drift and diffusion current
Find the relaxation time of conduction electrons in a metal if its resistivity is 1.54x10-8m
and it has 5.8x1028 conduction electrons per cubic metre.
What is population inversion and how can it be achieved?
Explain the Principle, construction and working of a Nicol prism with neat diagram.
Draw the diagram to show the variation of the Fermi level with temperature and impurity
concentration in case of n-type semiconductor.
Derive the relation between polarization vector , the electric field and displacement
vector .
Derive an expression for acceptance angle of fiber in terms of the refractive indices of core
and cladding of an optical fiber. What is meant by acceptance cone?
Distinguish between the spectra formed by a prism and a grating.
Explain the polarization mechanism in dielectrics.
Explain BCS theory with key note of cooper pairs.
State few applications of laser.
What are the basic assumptions of classical free electron theory?
Derive the time dependent Schrodinger wave equation.
Explain the terms Dielectric breakdown and Dielectric strength.
Distinguish between n-type and p-type semiconductors.
Derive an expression for electrical conductivity of a conducting material based on quantum
mechanical treatment.
The penetration depths for lead at 3 K and 7.1 K are 39.6nm and 173nm respectively.
Calculate the critical temperature for lead.
Page 1 of 1


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13203/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) What are Newtons rings? Why are they circular?
(ii) Describe the BCC sub lattice and calculate its atomic packing factor.
(iii) Define magnetic susceptibility. Why is it negative for diamagnetic materials?
(iv) How will you measure absorption coefficient of a material?
(v) Write the Maxwells electromagnetic equations in differential or integral form.
(vi) What are direct and indirect band gap semiconductors?





State and explain Brewsters law.

Define Drift & Diffusion currents and derive Einsteins equation.
For copper density d= 8.92x10-8 Kg/m3, resistivity = 1.73x10-8 -m, atomic weight M=
63.5. Calculate the mobility of the electrons in copper, obeying classical laws.
Explain Step Index and Graded index optical fibers.
Give the theory of plane diffraction grating. Obtain the condition for the formation nth order
In a Hall coefficient experiment, a current of 0.25A is sent through a metal strip having
thickness 0.2mm and width 5mm. The Hall voltage is found to be 0.15mV when a magnetic
field of 2000 gauss is used. What is the carrier concentration?
Differentiate between soft and hard superconductors.
Explain the three level and four level laser systems. What are the advantages of four level
laser system over three level laser system?
In Newtons rings experiment, diameter of the tenth dark ring due to wavelength 6000 in
air is 0.5 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.
How matter waves are different from Electromagnetic waves?
Explain the electronic polarisability and show that electronic polarisability for a
monochromatic gas increases as the size of the atoms becomes larger.
Find the numerical aperture and acceptance angle of a fiber of core index 1.4 and fractional
index change 0.02.
What are the draw backs of classical free electron theory?
What are the polar and non-polar dielectrics? Derive Clausius-Mosotti equation.
Mention the applications of Josephsons effect.
State and explain Hall effect.
Derive the expression for the density of energy states and carrier concentration in a metal.
Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with velocity 107m/s.
Page 1 of 1


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13201/R13

Time: 3 hours

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August-2014

(Common to All Branches)
Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) Define Climate in terms of E.R. Federov.

(ii) How has technology affected us negatively according to Schumancher?
(iii) What are the two kinds of technologies currently used to generate solar power on a large
(iv) How is the idea of Samskara explained by Swami Vivekananda?
(v) How does Abdul Kalam describe the state of being in the flow of work?
(vi) Give an account of Boses experiments relating to plant responses.
(vii) Describe Indias journey towards space with Sarabhais initiation and intervention.


Do you think technology has brought good changes in our life style? Support your answer
with the argument presented by E.F. Schumancher.
Describe the beginning of the age of nuclear energy and Indias approach to it with
Bhabhas initiation.
What makes water one of the most powerful and wonderful things on the earth according to
Compare and contrast the reaction of Sambu and his mother to the film enacted by his father
in the story A Shadow.


What kind of work according to Abdul Kalam brings solace to man?

Imagine that you are Mary Joseph of #32, Moonlight Apartments, Gikwada, Nagpur440027. Your family is planning a holiday to Darjeeling. Write a letter to the Public
Relations Officer, West Bengal Tourism Development Corporation, Netaji Indoor Stadium,
Lee Road, Kolkata-700021, to enquire about the best time of the year to visit the town, how
to get there, places of interest and hotel tariffs.


Why in the present world we are showing great concern towards climatic changes? What
could be the possible remedies for the problems caused due to climatic changes?
Imagine that you are Divisional Engineer, Irritation Projects. The new Minister of Irrigation
has asked you to give a report on the steps taken to conserve water and make best use of
water for irrigation canals in Andhra Pradesh.


Page 1 of 2


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13201/R13





What kind of work are we doing in the present days and how different is it from the nature
of work Swami Vivekananda proposed?
Imagine that you are an engineering graduate from JNTU Kakinada. Write an e-mail to your
Placement officer seeking his permission to attend an interview along with your juniors.
Write a paragraph describing your college campus.
Write the Synonyms for the following words.
(i) inevitable
(ii) infrastructure
(iii) boundless
(iv) visionary
Write the Antonyms for the following words.
(i) productive
(ii) genius
(iii) potent
(iv) facilitate
Rewrite the sentences as directed.
(i) The scientist proved that the new virus is drug resistant. (change to passive voice)
(ii) Was the lesson understood by you? (change to active voice)
(iii) Where are my glasses?, Sheela asked Rachel. (change to indirect speech)
(iv) The woman asked the tailor to make a skirt for her daughter. (change to direct speech).
Fill in the blanks with the right word from the brackets.
(i) There was a look of ___________on her face. (concern, worry)
(ii) My aunt put her __________ arms around me. (fat, plump)
(iii) Dictionaries also give us the right ___________ of the words. (pronounciation,
(iv) The _____________ cleaner can also be used as sprayer. (vaccum, vacuum)

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13201/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August-2014
(Common to All Branches)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


What are the three crises modern world is facing due to technology?
How is technological advancement responsible for climatic changes in different regions of
the world?
Why does Spain figure among the top countries that are using solar power?
How does water help in the formation of fertile soil?
What are the two ways in which we can work without expecting anything in return
according to Swami Vivekananda?
What was Bhabhas view of nuclear physics?
Trace Sarabhais work relating to atomic energy.


In what ways can emerging technologies help humanity? What are their disadvantages?
Give an account of Boses efforts to set up research institutes in India. Why did he feel the
need to do so?


What is the main idea of the passage, Work Brings Solace by APJ Abdul Kalam?
Give a brief account of the story A Shadow by R.K. Narayan.


What according to Swami Vivekananda brings misery to life and when can people be free of
it completely?
Imagine that you are Sumanth Roy, D. No: 12-156/4, Monsoon Street, Hazal Bagh, New
Delhi-110047. You bought a refrigerator from Rajkamal Electronics Private Limited,
14/276, South Extension-2, New Delhi-110049 on 5th July, 2014. You realized that the
refrigerator is defective. Write a letter to Mr. Subratha Sen, Customer Service Manager of
that company asking for a replacement.



What is the alternative technology suggested by E.F. Schumancher and how would it make
the present world better?
You are the Joint Director of Technical Education for JNTU Hyderabad. You are asked by
the Director, Department of Technical Education, Telangana state to study and evaluate the
infrastructure qualified teaching staff, furniture, equipment, classrooms, workshops, labs,
computer centres, hostels and libraries available in private engineering colleges affiliated to
JNTU Kakinada. The information you give can be fictitious.

Page 1 of 2


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13201/R13






Why is water called the Elixir of Life? What are the ways of preventing its wastage?
Write paragraph describing a student event at your college.
Write an e-mail to your principal with a copy to Dean, Students Affairs requesting him to
provide a regular doctor for the health center in your college. Give the list of other
requirements like increasing the beds, separate room for girls etc.
Write the Synonyms for the following words.
(i) skeptical
(ii) immortality
(iii) disbursed
(iv) consent
Write the Antonyms for the following words.
(i) confident
(ii) impartial
(iii) natural
(iv) elaborate
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from the brackets.
(i) The young man who attended the interview seemed ________________ , very innocent
and humble. (childish, childlike)
(ii) Gandhiji led a __________________ life in London. (frugal, miserly)
(iii) When his son was talking about an Adriod phone, Ravi said, I didnt ___________
what you are saying. (get, comprehend)
(iv) The principal called the teachers who were irregular and told them that he cannot
_____________ employees with that attitude. (tolerate, put up with)
Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
(i) Is the building material sold by them? ( change to active voice)
(ii) We know that many species of plants and animals are in danger of extinction. (change to
passive voice)
(iii) I am reading an interesting story, said Rahim. (change to indirect speech)
(iv) You said that you wanted to get your sister a book. (change to direct speech)

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13201/R13

Time: 3 hours

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August-2014

(Common to All Branches)
Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B





What are the three main strategies suggested by E.K.Federov to face the inevitable climatic
What is the main difference between the systems of mass production and production by the
masses as indicated by E.F. Schumancher?
Mention two current and two long term applications of nanotechnology.
Compare and contrast human beings with tortoise as presented by Swami Vivekananda.
How does water help in the formation of fertile land?
Describe how space research took off in India despite the setback that Rohini II faced.
Bhabha had a passion for order. Support this statement with examples.
What is the argument that E.K. Federov presented in the passage, Climatic Changes and
Human Strategy?
Give an account of achievements of J. C. Bose.
Do you think technology has brought good changes in our life style? Support your answer
with the argument presented by E.F. Schumancher.
Describe Sambus reactions to the film in which his father had acted from the time of its
released to the last show he saw.
What kind of attachment and detachment do we need to have towards work as per Swami
Imagine you are Vijay Dany, Manager, Jyothi Book Depot, Near RTC Complext, M.G.
Road, Visakhapatnam-520003. You have several orders from schools for childrens books.
So you would like to get the titles of the books from PHI Learning Private Limited,
Rimjhim House,111, Patparjang, Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110092. Write a letter to the
Publishing House Manager, Mr. Ajay Bharadwaj asking to the details of the same. [8+8]
What is the difference between being a workaholic and being committed to work according
to Abdul Kalam? Present his other ideas on work.
You are the Joint Director of Technical Education for JNTU Kakinada. You are asked by
the Director, Department of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh to study and evaluate the
infrastructure qualified teaching staff, furniture, equipment, classrooms, workshops, labs,
computer centres, hostels and libraries available in the private engineering colleges affiliated
to JNTU Kakinada. The information you give can be fictitious.
Page 1 of 2


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13201/R13





Why is water called the Elixir of Life and what are the ways of preventing its wastage?
Write an e-mail to your head of the department along with a copy to your principal seeking
their permission on behalf of your class to go on an industrial tour for about 5 days.
Write a paragraph describing the celebration of a festival of your choice.
Write the Synonyms for the following words.
(i) enhanced
(ii) moderate
(iii) resilient
(iv) stalwart
Write the Antonyms for the following words.
(i) enabled
(ii) inexhaustible
(iii) desirable
(iv) avoidable
Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word from the brackets.
(i) Harish is very dynamic and has become a good ___________________ (entrepreneur,
(ii) Dr. Latha is an eye specialist. She is an _______________ (optician, ophthalmologist)
(iii) The yoga teacher _____________ the asanas to his students. (showed, demonstrated)
(iv) The Tatas were the first to ____________________ a steel factory in Jamshedpur. (set
up, establish)
Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
(i) When did the management shut down the factory? (Change to passive voice)
(ii) Let him be given some money. (Change to active voice)
(iii) I told myself that I must be brave. (Change to direct speech)
(iv) She said, Ranjan takes the 7 oclock train everyday. (Change to indirect speech)

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13201/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August-2014
(Common to All Branches)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B





What are the three crises modern world is facing due to technology?
How is technological advancement responsible for climatic changes in different regions of
the world?
How does solar thermal power work differently from photovoltaic panels?
How does soil erosion take place and what are its main causes?
What kind of a person was Wernher von Braun according to Abdul Kalam?
What were Bhabhas efforts to set up research institutes in India?
Why does the author say, Bose was ahead of his time?
What are the natural and human made changes that affected the climate according to
Give an account of achievements of Sarabhai in Indian space technology.
What kind of life style should people adopt in order to have a check on technological growth
going beyond human control? Do you think that is practical? Give reasons.
Write the story of the film in which Sambus father enacted. Which are the scenes Sambu
likes most and why?
What brings misery into life and when can people be free of it completely according to
Swami Vivekananda?
Imagine that you are Pankaj Kanth, a third year B.Tech (ME) studentof SNKR Engineering
College, South Chennai-3. You would like to go on an industrial tour with all your
classmates. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Industrial area, Coimbatore, TN670007 asking for the details of the industries that student can visit in that area, the process
of getting permission for students visit along with boarding and lodging facilities.
What is Abdul Kalams attitude towards work? What according to him gives best results in
Imagine that you are an officer in Andhra Pradesh Forest Department. The Secretary of the
department has asked you to report on the steps taken by the department to conserve the
forests in Chittoor district that includes Tirupathi. Write a report presenting facts and
making recommendations.
Page 1 of 2


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13201/R13






In what ways can emerging technologies help humanity? What are their disadvantages?
Write a descriptive paragraph on any of the experiments you have done in your physics lab.
Write an e-mail to the Principal of your college along with a copy to the Head of your
department proposing to start a technical club in your college.
Write the Synonyms for the following words.
(i) stubborn
(ii) exponentially
(iii) overwhelming
(iv) vulnerable
Write the Antonyms for the following words.
(i) unfamiliar
(ii) deceptive
(iii) markedly
(iv) homogeneous
Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
(i) The professor asked his scholar to work for longer hours to ____________ his two
weeks absence. (make up, compensate)
(ii) The customer ___________________ and quality of the sample material. (examine,
look at)
(iii) They grant leaves as per the ________________ year. (calander, calendar )
(iv) There should be a __________________ employee to check these rules. (permanent,
Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
(i) Will the farm be sold by the family? (Change to active voice)
(ii) The news editor briefed the young reporter. (change to passive voice)
(iii) Mary said to her husband, When are you leaving for the camp tomorrow? (Change to
indirect speech)
(iv) They said that if it rained for three months in the desert, farming would be possible
there. (Change to direct speech)

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13207/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) Write iterative scheme to find the nth root of a real number K(>0).
(ii) Find log f ( x ) .
(iii) Find half range Fourier sine series of f(x) = ex in (0, 1).
z sinh t
(iv) Prove that Z (sinh nt ) = 2
z 2 z cosh t + 1
(v) Using Eulers method, find the value of y(0.5) (take h = 0.25) and compare with the exact
solution of the equation y = x + y , y (0) = 1
(vi) If Fp is complex Fourier transform of f(x), then find the complex Fourier transform of
f(x) sin ax.
2.(a) Using Newton-Raphson method find the root of the equation x+log10x =3.375 correct
to four decimal places.
(b) The population of a town in the decimal census is given below. Estimate the population of
a town for the year 1895
Year X






Population Y







Find positive root of x 5 x + 3 = 0 using Regula falsi method up to 4 steps.

Using Lagranges interpolation formulae find the value of y (12) from the data
X 5 7 9 13
Y 11 13 18 27

4.(a) Solve y = x 2 y + 1 , y(0)=1 using Taylors method up to 3rd degree term and compute
(b) Find the fourier series of f ( x ) = x sin x in ( , ) .

Page 1 of 2


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13207/R13



1, 0 < x < 2
Find half range cosine series of f ( x ) =
1, < x <

dy x 2 + y
Use Runge-Kutta 4 to compute y(1.25) given that
, y (1) = 2


x if | x | 1
Find Fourier transform f ( x ) =
0 if | x |> 1
Find Z-transform of n a n .


Find Fourier sine transform of e and hence deduce the inversion formula.
Solve the difference equation un+2 un = 2n, u0=0, u1 =1, using Z- transforms.

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13207/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Using bisection method find the first four approximations to the real root of 3x= ex.
f ( x )
Prove that (
f ( x)
f ( x ) f ( x + 1)

(iii) If

Z (n 2 ) =

z2 + z
( z 1) 3

find Z ( n 3 ) .

(iv) Find the Half range Fourier sine series of f(x) = |x| in (0, 1).
(v) If y = 2 x y , y (1) = 3 , find the solution, up to third degree term, using Picards method.
(vi) Prove F [ x n f ( x )] = ( i ) n

[ F ( p )] .
dp n




Using Newton Raphson method, find a root of the equation 2x- 3sinx =5 near x=5
correct to three decimal places.
Given that f(6500) = 80.8084, f(6510) = 80.6846, f(6520) = 80.7456, f(6530) = 80.8084,
find f(6526) using Gauss backward interpolation formula.
Find a positive root of 2 x = 3 + cos x by using Newton-Raphson method correct to
three decimal places. (Use Bisection method for the first approximation).
Using Lagranges Interpolation formula for the value of y (6) given the following
Y 2.25 4.13 7.25 9.0
Solve y = y + x , y (0) = 1 using Picards method up to third approximation and hence
find the value of y(0.1).
Find the Fourier expansion of f ( x ) = x cos x , 0 < x < 2 .
1, 0 < x < 1
Find half range cosine series of f ( x ) =
1, 1 < x < 2
Find y(0.1) using 4th order Runge-Kutta method given that y = x + x 2 y , y (0) = 1.

Page 1 of 2


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13207/R13


Find the Fourier transform of


Find Z-transform of n 2 e n .
Find Fourier cosine transform of
and hence find Fourier sine transform of
1+ x
1 + x2
Solve y (n + 2) + 3 y ( n + 1) + 2 y (n ) = 0, y (0) = 0, y (1) = 1 using Z-Transform.

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13207/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) Find reciprocal of a real number 19 using Regula falsi method.

(ii) Expand the shift operator E in terms of exponential function.
(iii) Employ Taylors method to obtain the values of y(1.1) for the differential equation
y = xy 1/ 3 , y (1) = 1 .
(iv) A sinusoidal voltage E cos t is passed through a half wave rectifier which clips the
negative portion of the wave. Develop the resulting periodic function

0 , 2 < t < 0
u(t ) =
,T =

E cos t , 0 < t <


Prove that

as Fourier series.

Fs F ( x ) = pFc ( p )

(vi) Find the Z-transform of sin((n + 1)t ) .



By using Regula-Falsi method for a real root of xe x = 2 up to 4 stages.

Using a forward difference formula, find y(11)from the given table
X 1 6 11 16 21 26
Y 5 10 14 18 24 32


Using Newton-Raphson formula, find the root of e x + cos 25 x = 0 around x= 4.5
correct to 3 decimal places.
Using Lagranges Interpolation formula, find the value y(2) given the following table of
X 1 1.1 1.4 1.8
Y 2 4
8 11

Page 1 of 2


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13207/R13


Using Eulers method, solve for y (0.6) from y = 2 xy , y (0) = 1 using step size 0.2.
0 , < x < 0
Find the Fourier series of f ( x ) =


2 , 0< x< 2

Represent the function as Fourier cosine series f ( x ) =


x ,
< x <

(b) Use Runge-Kutta 4th order to compute y(1.2) for the equation y =

x2 + y
, y (1) = 2 .


Find the Fourier cosine transform of


Find Z 1 8z z 3 .
(4 z )


Find Fourier cosine transform of

x if | x | a .
f ( x) =
0 if | x |> a

Solve u n + 2 6un +1 + 9un = 0 using Z-transform.


Page 2 of 2


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13207/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME, CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1.(i) Evaluate 4 29 to four decimal places by Newton-Raphson method.

(ii) If the interval of differencing is unity, find 2 sin( px + q ).
(iii) Using Taylors series method obtain y(0.2) for the differential equation
y + 2 y = 3e 2 x , y (0) = 0 .
(iv) Find the Fourier series of f ( x ) =| cos x | in ( , ) .
1, | x |< a
(v) Find Fourier transform of f ( x ) =
0, | x |> a
z ( z cos t )
(vi) Prove that Z (cos nt ) = 2
z 2 z cos t + 1

Find a real root of x 4 x 9 = 0 using Bisection method up to 4 stages.
Using Gauss Backward difference polynomial, find y(5) given that



4 6 8 10
11 13 15 17


Using Newton-Raphson method, find a positive root of cos x x e = 0 up to four

decimal places.
Using Lagranges Interpolation, find f(12), given that


7 9 13
12 13 21


Using Eulers method, solve for y (0.4) from y = 2 xy , y (0) = 1 using step size 0.2.
Find the Fourier series of periodicity 2 for f ( x ) = x + x 2 in 0 < x < 2.

Page 1 of 2


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13207/R13


2 , 0 < x < 2
Represent the function as Fourier sine series f ( x ) =
x , < x <

Estimate y(0.2), given y = 3x + y, y (0) = 1 using Runge-Kutta 4th order.



Find Fourier cosine transform of


Find the Z-transform of {x(n)} = n z n



, | x | a
Find Fourier transform of f ( x ) = 2a
0 , | x |> a
Solve u n+2 un = 2 n , u0 = 0, u1 = 1 using Z-transform.

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13202/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Write down the properties of orthogonal matrix.
(ii) Write the nature of 2  4  5 .
(iii) If A and B are non-singular matrices of same order, show that AB and BA have same
eigen values.
(iv) Find the area of loop of the curve
  cos 2
(v) Find the moment of inertia of a circle A of radius R relative to the centre O.
(vi) Evaluate 


(vii) If F is a conservative vector field show that curl F= 0.

(viii) Write down the physical interpretation of Greens theroem.



1 0 $3 2
0 1 4 5
Reduce the matrix!
& to normal form and find its rank.
1 3 2 0
1 1 $2 0
Solve, by Gauss-Seidal method, the equations
9( $ 2  ) $ * 50
( $ 7  3)  * 20
$2(  2  7)  2* 22
(   $ 2)  6* 18 .
3 $1 1
Diagonalise the matrix . /$1 5 $10 and hence find .1 .
1 $1 3


Find the volume of solid generated by the revolution of the cardioid r = a (1 + cos )
about = 0.
Evaluate 253( $   4(4 where R is triangle with vertices at (0,0), (10,1), (1,1).

Show that  (  6789 : ;< 4(



Prove that  (4 $ ( 4( 64@ , .



Page 1 of 2



Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13202/R13



Find the angle between the surfaces (      )  9 and ) (     $ 3 at the point

(2, -1, 2)
Prove that C 6C. <


Use Stokes theorem to evaluate the integral J G. HI where

G 2y  L  3x  N $ 2(  )O, and C is the boundary of the triangle whose
vertices are (0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (2, 2, 0)
Find the workdone in moving a particle in the force field P 3x  L  N  )O along the
straight line from (0, 0, 0) to (2, 1, 3)


Page 2 of 2


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13202/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

3 7
Express 6
< as sum of a symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices.
4 5
(ii) When does a non homogeneous system consistent?
(iii) Define the latent root and latent vector.
(iv) Find the volume of a sphere of radius a.
(v) Find the moment of inertia of a hallow sphere about a diameter. Its external and internal
radii being 5 meters and 4 meters.

(vi) Evaluate  3(Q  4(
(vii) If A is a vector function, find Div (Curl A )
(viii) Write down the physical interpretation of Stokes theroem.
3 1 4 6
2 1 2 4
2.(a) Reduce the matrix!
& to Echelon form and find its rank.
4 2 5 8
1 1 2 2
(b) Solve, by LU Decomposition method, the equations
(  2  3) 10
3(    2) 13
2(  3  ) 13.
2 $1 0
Verify Cayley-Hamiltion theorem for . /3 1 $10 and hence find . .
2 0
4.(a) Find the length of the loop of the curve 3   (( $ 
(b) Find the volume of the solid generated by the revolution of the cardioid

1  R8S about the initial line  0.


5.(a) Show that  T(789(U 4( = .


Evaluate 4 



using @ $ functions.

Page 1 of 2



Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13202/R13

6. (a) Find the work done in moving a particle in the force field
P 2(  L  2) $ (N  O along the space curve ( 3*  ,  *, ) 3*  $ * from
t=0 to t=1.
(b) Prove that RW
7  X Y 4LZ Y $ Y 4LZ  Y[F . C $  . CY
Verify the divergence theorem for
P 4xyL $ y  N  ()O, over the cube bounded by x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1,
z=0 and z = 1.
(b) Evaluate 2] G. \ 4S where A=yzi + zxj + xyk and S is the part of the sphere
(      )  9 which lies in the first octant.


Page 2 of 2



Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13202/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Define rank of a matrix.
(ii) Write the nature of $3 $ 2 $ 
(iii) Find the matrix of the quadratic form ^ (  $ 6(  3  .
(iv) Find the length of the arc   (  from the vertex to the ordinate x=5a.
(v) Find the moment of inertia of a circle A of radius R relative to the centre O.
(vi) Define @ and functions and write the relation between them.
(vii) Show that V 3 1 )  L  4(  )  N  6(    O is solenoidal.
(viii) Write down the physical interpretation of Gausss divergence theorem.





$1 $3 3 $1
1 $1 0
Find the inverse of a matrix!
&, using elementary operations.
2 $5 2 $3
$1 1
If consistent, solve the system of equations
()* 4
( $ )  2* 2
  ) $ 3* $1
(  2 $ )  * 3.
Find the latent values and latent roots of the matrix . / 2
4 0.
$1 $1 $2

Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem and hence find .


if . /$1 5 $10.
1 $1 3

Find the perimeter of the cardioids
1 $ cos .
Find the moment of inertia of the area bounded by the curve
  cos 2 about its
Evaluate  3
4( .
Evaluate  ( 1  $ (  4(.



Page 1 of 2

Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13202/R13

6. (a) Find the directional derivative of `(, , ) (   )  at the point (2, -1, 1) in the
direction of L  2N  2O
(b) Prove that aLZ. X b b. RW
7 . $ .. RW
7 b
7.(a) Evaluate using the divergence theorem 2]P. \Hc where S is the surface of the sphere
(      )  Y  in the first octant and P yL  zN  (O
(b) If G 3xy $ 2y  L  ( $ N, evaluate J G. HI along the curve C in xy plane given
by  (  from the point (0, 0) to (2, 8)

Page 2 of 2


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13202/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to All Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
$1 1 $1
1.(i) Show that / 3 $3 3 0 is idempotent.
5 $5 5
(ii) When does the non homogeneous system consistent?
(iii) Define positive definite, negative definite and indefinite.
(iv) Find the volume of a sphere of radius a.
(v) Find the surface area of the solid generated by the revolution about the x-axis of the area
bounded by the curves y = f(x), the x-axis the ordinates x = a, x= b.
(vi) Define Gamma function and Beta function and write the relation between them.
(vii) Find the normal to the surface (      2)  26 at the point (2, 2, 3)
(viii) Write the statement of Greens theroem.
1 $1 $1 2
2.(a) If . /4 2
2 $10, find two non-singular matrices P and Q such that PAQ is in
2 2
0 $2
the normal form.




Test for consistency and solve

5(  3  7) 4
3(  26  2) 9
7(  2  10) 5.

Reduce the quadratic form ^ (  2(  3(  4( ( $ 2( (  6( ( into a
canonical form by diagonalising the matrix of the quadratic form.


Trace the curve   .

Find the volume of the solid generated by the revolution of the curve
(  42 $ ( about y-axis.
Evaluate  ( e 16 $ ( 1  4( .


Evaluate 4 





using @ $ functions.
Page 1 of 2



Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13202/R13

6. (a) Show that the vector T(  $ )L    $ )(N  )  $ (OU is irrotational and find the
scalar potential.
(b) Find the acute angle between the surface (  ) 2 and (      )  6 at the point
(2, 1, 1).


Verify the divergence theorem for

P 4xyL $ y  N  ()O, over the cube bounded by x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1,
z=0 and z = 1.
Evaluate 2]fgIh G. \ 4S where A=yi +(x - 2 z)j - xyk and S is the surface of the
sphere (      )  4 above the xy-plane.

Page 2 of 2



Set No - 1
Subject Code: R13211/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EIE, E Com.E Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B


Define electric potential, electric current and electric energy.

A certain inductive coil takes 15 A when the supply voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz. If the
frequency is changed to 40 Hz, the current increases to 17.2 A. Calculate resistance and
inductance of the coil.
(iii) Write the differences between series and parallel resonance.
(iv) State compensation theorem.
(v) Write the Z-parameters of the following network (Figure:1):



(vi) What is time constant? What are the time constant of series R-L and R-C circuit?
(vii) A series R-L circuit has R=20 ohms and L=8 H. The circuit is connected across a DC
voltage source of 120 V at t=0. Calculate the time at which the voltage drops across R
and L are the same.

State and explain Kirchhoffs voltage and current law with an example.
Find the voltage V(t) in the network shown in figure:2 using nodal technique. All
impedances are in ohms.

1.414 cos(40t+1350) +







Page 1 of 3


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13211/R13


A sinusoidal 50 Hz voltage of 200 V supplies three parallel circuits as shown in figure:3.

Find the current in each circuit and the total current. Draw the vector diagram. Assume
supply voltage V=200V, 50 Hz.


0.02 H

0.03 H

400 F

300 F





The impedances of a parallel circuit are Z1=(6 + j8) ohms and Z2 = (8 - j6) ohms. If the
applied voltage is 120V, find (i) current and power factor of each branch (ii) overall
current and power factor of the combination (iii) power consumed by each impedance.
Draw a phasor diagram.
Obtain an expression for coefficient of coupling.
Two similar coils connected in series gave a total inductance of 600 mH and when one of
the coil is reversed, the total inductance is 300 mH. Determine the mutual inductance
between the coils and coefficient of coupling.
State and explain Maximum power transfer theorem.
For a series resonant circuit with constant voltage and variable frequency, obtain the
frequency at which voltage across the inductor is maximum. Calculate this maximum
voltage when R=50 ohms, L=0.05H, C=20 micro farad and V=100 volts.
Determine the current through RL=10 resistor as shown in figure:4 using Thevenins
theorem. Verify the same with Nortons theorem.


12 V +


Page 2 of 3


RL= 10


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13211/R13


Derive the symmetry and reciprocity conditions for ABCD parameters and h-parameters.
Determine the Y- parameters of the network shown in figure:5.






A series R-C circuit with R=10 ohms and C= 2F has a sinusoidal voltage source
200 sin(500t + ) applied at time when = 0 . (i) Find the expression for current (ii) At
what value of must the switch be closed so that the current directly enter steady state.

Page 3 of 3


Set No - 2
Subject Code: R13211/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EIE, E Com.E Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70

Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B

Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B
1.(i) Define average value, RMS value and form factor for an alternating quantity.
(ii) Determine the source voltage and phase angle, if the voltage across the resistance is 70 V
and across an inductive reactance is 20 V, in an R-L series circuit.
(iii) For the circuit shown in figure:1, determine the value of capacitive reactance, impedance
and current at resonance.


10 V

(iv) State maximum power transfer theorem.
(v) Write condition of symmetry and reciprocity for transmission, inverse transmission and
inverse h-parameters.
(vi) What is meant by natural and forced response?
(vii) In a series R-L circuit, the application of DC voltage results in a current of 0.741 times
the final steady state value of current after one second. However, after the current has
reached its final value, the source is short-circuited. What would be the value of the
current after one second?
2.(a) For the circuit shown in figure:2, find all the branch currents using nodal analysis. Also
show that total power delivered is equal to total power dissipated.

110 V


110 V +


Figure 2

Page 1 of 3


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13211/R13



A current of 5 A flows through a non inductive resistance in series with a chocking coil
when supplied at 250 V, 50 Hz. If the voltage across the non inductive resistance is 125V
and that across the coil 200V, calculate Impedance, Reactance and Resistance of the coil,
and power absorbed by the coil. Also draw the phasor diagram.
Define incidence matrix. For the graph shown in figure:3, find the complete incidence




Two impedances Z1=10+j31.4 ohms and Z1=(10+R)+j(31.4-Xc) ohms are connected in
parallel across a single phase AC supply. The current taken by the two impedance
branches are equal in magnitude and the phase angle between them is 900. Calculate the
value of R and XC and phase difference of the branch currents with respect to the applied
State and explain the Tellegens theorem.
For the network shown in the figure:4, determine (i) Resonance frequency (ii) input
admittance at resonance (iii) quality factor (iv) band width.
4 k

2 F



Two coils A and B having turns 100 and 1000 respectively are wound side by side on
closed circuit coil of X-section 8 cm2 and mean length 80 cm. The relative permeability
of iron is 900. Calculate the mutual inductance between the coils.

Page 2 of 3


Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13211/R13


Determine the current through load resistance RL=5 for the circuit shown in figure:5
using Thevenins theorem. Also find the maximum power transfer to the resistance RL.




RL= 5


Express Y-parameters in terms of ABCD and Z-parameters.

Determine the h-parameters of the following network as shown in figure:6.






In a series RLC circuit, R=6 ohms, L=1 H, C=1 F. A DC voltage of 40 V is applied at
t=0. Obtain the expression for i(t) using differential equation approach.
Explain the procedure to evaluate conditions.

Page 3 of 3


Set No - 3
Subject Code: R13211/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EIE, E Com.E Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B




Give the statements of Kirchhoffs voltage and current law. Write applications also.
Write the expression for total impedance of the circuit having (i) only resistance (ii) pure
inductor (iii) Pure capacitor (iv) R-L parameters (v) R-C parameters (vi) R-L-C
parameters. Write the expression for phase difference in all the above cases.
Define self, mutual inductance and coefficient of coupling.
State superposition theorem.
Write the condition of symmetry and reciprocity for Z, Y and h-parameters.
A resistance R and a 3 F capacitor are connected in series across a 240 V DC supply. A
voltmeter is connected across the capacitor. Calculate R so that the voltmeter reads 160
Vat 5.5 seconds after closing the switch.
Write the expression for total inductance of the three series connected coupled coils
connected between A and B as shown in figure:1.







Determine the voltage V in the circuit shown in figure:2.



- +


Page 1 of 3



Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13211/R13



An inductive load connected to a 230 V, 50 Hz source takes a current of 15 A and

dissipates 2000 W. Determine the power factor of the load. Also determine the parallel
capacitance required to improve power factor to 0.9 lagging. What would be the total
current taken from the supply.
Find i1 in circuit shown in figure:3, using nodal analysis. Assume the supply voltage
V(t)=20 cos(4t) volts.









A coil having a resistance of 50 ohms and an inductance of 0.02 H is connected in
parallel with a capacitor of 25 F, across a 200 V, 50 Hz supply. Find the current in the
coil and the capacitor. Also find the total current taken from the supply, the overall power
factor and total power consumed. Draw the phasor diagram.
In a series RLC circuit with variable capacitance, the current is at maximum value with
capacitance of 20 F and the current reduces to 0.707 times the maximum value with a
capacitance of 30 F. Find the values of R and L. What is the bandwidth of the circuit if
supply voltage is V(t)=20 sin(6280t) volts?
State and explain Reciprocity and Compensation theorems.
Show that the resonant frequency 0 of an RLC series circuit is the geometric mean of 1
and 2, the lower and upper half-power frequencies respectively.
Verify the Tellegens theorem for the circuit shown in Figures:4.
80 V +



10 A


Page 2 of 3


Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13211/R13


Express z-parameters in terms of h-parameters and ABCD-parameters.

Determine the Z-parameters for the network shown in fig:5.
Port 1 V1

3V1 +


V2 Port 2


For an R-L series circuit, a sinusoidal voltage v ( t ) = V m sin(t + ) is applied at t=0. Find the
expression for transient current.


Page 3 of 3


Set No - 4
Subject Code: R13211/R13
I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014

(Common to ECE, EIE, E Com.E Branches)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B





Define Tie-set, Cut-set and incidence matrix

Explain why current leads the voltage by 900 in case of ideal capacitor and current lags
the voltage by 900 in case of ideal inductor.
Two coupled coils with L1=0.01 H and L2=0.04 H and K=0.6 are connected in four
different ways. Find the equivalent inductance if coils are connected in
(a) series aiding (b) series opposing (c) parallel aiding (iv) parallel opposing.
State substitution theorem.
12 4
Construct circuits that realize the following Z-parameters: Z =

4 8
Why current in the inductor and voltage across the capacitor does not change
How the R-L-C circuit behaves for the frequencies above and below the resonant
Define average value, RMS value, form factor and peak factor and calculate the same for
the following periodic waveform shown in figure:1.

A series circuit consisting of non-inductive resistance and a choking coil are connected
across a 250 V, 50 Hz supply. If the voltage across the resistance is 120 V and across the
coil is 190 V, draw the phasor diagram and calculate (i) impedance, reactance and
resistance of the coil (ii) the power absorbed by the coil (iii) the total power.

Page 1 of 3


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13211/R13


Find the total power delivered in the circuit using mesh analysis for the circuit shown in


A series RLC circuit with R = 10 ohms, L = 0.4 H and C = 50 F has applied voltage of
200V with variable frequency. Calculate the resonant frequency, current at resonance,
voltage across R, L and C. Also calculate the Q-factor, upper and lower half power
frequencies and bandwidth.
A series combination of R and C is in parallel with a 25 ohms resistor. A 50 Hz source
results in a total current of 6.5 A, a current of 5 A through 25 ohms resistance and a
current of 2.3 A in the R-C branch. (i) Draw the phasor diagram of the circuit and find
values of R and C (ii) Find apparent, active, reactive power and power factor of the
Determine voltage V across a 15 ohms resistor in the magnetically coupled circuit shown
in Figure:3. Take V s = 3040 0 .










The Z-parameters of a two port network are Z11=15 , Z22=24 , Z12=Z21=6 .
Determine ABCD and h-parameters.

Page 2 of 3


Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13211/R13


Find the voltage across -j20 capacitor using superposition theorem in below Figure:4.
All impedance values are in ohms.

20 V
- +

290 0




190 0



Prove that the power transfer to the load becomes maximum when the load impedance is
equal to the complex conjugate of the Thevenins impedance.
Determine the ABCD parameters of the network shown in figure:5.








For an RC series circuit, a sinusoidal voltage v(t ) = Vm sint is applied at t=0. Find the
expression for transient current using both differential equation approach and Laplace
transform approach.

Page 3 of 3


Set No - 1

Subject Code: R13208/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1. (i) Explain the meaning of accountability.

(ii) What are values? Explain how values have degenerated.
(iii) Explain the meaning of moral leader ship.
(iv) Discuss the aim of engineering ethics.
(v) Discuss the need to focus on professional ethics.
(vi) Write a short note on industrial standards.
(vii) Write about employee rights.
2. Discuss the relationship between professional responsibility and loyalty to company?




What are the aspects of engineering that make it appropriate to view engineering projects as
Write briefly on
(a) honesty
(b) living peace fully
(c) civic virtue
(d) integrity.
What is Indian scenario in accordance with Intellectual Property Rights, IPR?
Write short notes on
(a) Types of inquiry
(b) HEINZs Dilemma
Write about safety and engineer and risk benefit analysis.

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Set No - 2

Subject Code: R13208/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1. (i) What are threshold levels for risk?

(ii) Write about human values.
(iii) Give an account of History of Ethics.
(iv) What is contextualism?
(v) What are the limitations of code of ethics?
(vi) What is meant by loyalty and collegiality?
(vii) What are the responsibilities of engineers to society?
2. Explain in detail about the effect of information on risk assessments.
3. Define and explain personal ethics and professional ethics.
4. What do you understand by environmental ethics?
5. Write a short note on
(a) Industrial standards
(b) Regulated society.
6. Explain the levels of moral development suggested by Kohlberg.
7. Professional rights can lead to conflicts of interest. Explain.

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Set No - 3

Subject Code: R13208/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1. (i)

What are the three senses of relative values?

How courage is considered to be a virtue?
What are the uses of ethical theories?
Write short notes on concept of safety.
What is Integrity?
What do you understand by experimental control?
What are the responsibilities of engineers to society?

2. Explain in detail the effect of information on risk assessments.

(a) Designing for Safety.
(b) Types of Risks.
3. Explain in detail
(a) Peace
(b) Non violence
(c) Right conduct
(d) Respect for others


4. Write about the standards to the maintained by an Engineer in order to make a

successfulproject, within the limitations of norms and ethics.
5. (a) What conclusions were made by Gilligan about men and women?
(b) Bring out the differences between profession and professionalism.
6. (a) What are the limitations of code of ethics?
(b) Write short note on Industrial Standards.
7. Define patent, industrial design, trade mark and copy right.

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Set No - 4

Subject Code: R13208/R13

I B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations August - 2014


(Common to CE, ME,CSE, PCE, IT, Chem E, Aero E, Auto E, Min E, Pet E, Metal E)

Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Question Paper Consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory,
Three Questions should be answered from Part-B

1. (i) Write a brief account on utilitarianism.

(ii) Conscientiousness is blind without relevant information. Justify.
(iii) How courage is considered as virtue?
(iv) What is meant by globalization?
(v) Explain types of inquiry.
(vi) What degree of risk is acceptable in an experiment to make a new product?
(vii) Discuss in detail about the employee rights.
2. Explain in detail about the Intellectual Property Rights. .
3. Analyze the attitude of different types of consumers with regard to safety. Discuss
4. Write about
(a) Kohlbergs theory
(b) Professional Ethics.
5. Explain the relationship between professional responsibility and loyalty to company.
6. What are the general features of morally responsible engineers? Explain each feature with
appropriate examples.
7. (a) How character is formed?
(b) Explain the essence of Indian spirituality.

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