ColchaI Starting Methods

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Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

Starting methods of induction motors (December

Colcha Ivn, IEEE, National Polytechnic School
Abstract Many methods can be used to start large
AC induction motors. Choices such as full voltage,
Star-Delta Starter
reduced voltage either by autotransformer or wyedelta, a soft starter, or usage of an adjustable speed
Auto Transformer Starter
drive can all have potential advantages and trade
offs. Reduced voltage starting can lower the starting
Rotor Impedance Starter
torque and help prevent damage to the load.
Additionally, power factor correction capacitors can
Power Electronics Starter
be used to reduce the current, but care must be taken
to size them property. Usage of the wrong capacitors
can lead to significant damage. Choosing the proper
starting method for a motor includes an analysis of
the power system as well as the starting load to
ensure that the motor is designed to deliver the Direct On-Line Starter (DOL)
needed performance while minimizing its cost. This
paper examines the most common starting methods The Direct On-Line (DOL) starter is the simplest and the most
and their recommended applications.
inexpensive of all starting methods and is usually used for
Index Terms



A 3-phase induction motor is theoretically self starting. The

stator of an induction motor consists of 3-phase windings,
which when connected to a 3-phase supply creates a rotating
magnetic field. This will link and cut the rotor conductors
which in turn will induce a current in the rotor conductors and
create a rotor magnetic field. The magnetic field created by the
rotor will interact with the rotating magnetic field in the stator
and produce rotation. Therefore, 3-phase induction motors
employ a starting method not to provide a starting torque at
the rotor, but because of the following reasons;
1) Reduce heavy starting currents and prevent motor from
2) Provide overload and no-voltage protection. There are
many methods in use to start 3-phase induction motors. Some
of the common methods are;

Direct On-Line Starter (DOL)

squirrel cage induction motors. It directly connects the

contacts of the motor to the full supply voltage. The starting
current is very large, normally 6 to 8 times the rated current.
The starting torque is likely to be 0.75 to 2 times the full load
torque. In order to avoid excessive voltage drops in the supply
line due to high starting currents, the DOL starter is used only
for motors with a rating of less than 5KW There are safety
mechanisms inside the DOL starter which provides protection
to the motor as well as the operator of the motor.The power
and control circuits of induction motor with DOL starter are
shown in figure (1).
K1M Main contactor

Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

starting torque to one third that obtainable by direct delta

K2M Main Contactor

K3M Delta Contactor

K1M Star Contactor

F1 Thermal Overload Relay

The DOL starter consists of a coil operated contactor K1M

controlled by start and stop push buttons. On pressing the start
push button S1, the contactor coil K1M is energized from line
L1. The three mains contacts (1-2), (3-4), and (5-6) in fig. (1)
are closed. The motor is thus connected to the supply. When
the stop push button S2 is pressed, the supply through the
contactor K1M is disconnected. Since the K1M is deenergized, the main contacts (1- 2), (3-4), and (5-6) are
opened. The supply to motor is disconnected and the motor
Star-Delta Starter
The star delta starting is a very common type of starter and
extensively used, compared to the other types of the starters.
This method used reduced supply voltage in starting. Figure(2)
shows the connection of a 3phase induction motor with a star
delta starter. The method achieved low starting current by
first connecting the stator winding in star configuration, and
then after the motor reaches a certain speed, throw switch
changes the winding arrangements from star to delta
configuration. By connecting the stator windings, first in star
and then in delta, the line current drawn by the motor at
starting is reduced to one-third as compared to starting current
with the windings connected in delta. At the time of starting
when the stator windings are start connected, each stator phase
gets voltage


where is the line voltage. Since the

torque developed by an induction motor is proportional to the

square of the applied voltage, star- delta starting reduced the

Auto Transformer Starter

The operation principle of auto transformer method is similar
to the star delta starter method. The starting current is limited
by (using a three phase auto transformer) reduce the initial
stator applied voltage. The auto transformer starter is more
expensive, more complicated in operation and bulkier in
construction when compared with the star delta starter
method. But an auto transformer starter is suitable for both star
and delta connected motors, and the starting current and
torque can be adjusted to a desired value by taking the correct
tapping from the auto transformer. When the star delta method
is considered, voltage can be adjusted only by factor of


Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

Figure (3) shows the connection of a 3phase induction motor

with auto transformer starter.

Rotor Impedance Starter This method allows external

resistance to be connected to the rotor through slip rings and
brushes. Initially, the rotor resistance is set to maximum and is
then gradually decreased as the motor speed increases, until it
becomes zero.
The rotor impedance starting mechanism is usually very bulky
and expensive when compared with other methods. It also has
very high maintenance costs. Also, a considerable amount of
heat is generated through the resistors when current runs
through them. The starting frequency is also limited in this
method. However, the rotor impedance method allows the
motor to be started while on load. Figure (4) shows the
connection of a 3phase induction motor with rotor resistance


The speed of an induction motor is given as
N = 120f/p (1-S).
So obviously the speed of an induction motor can be
controlled by varying any of three factors namely supply
frequency f, number of pole P or slip S.
The main methods employed for speed control of induction
motors are as follows:
1. Pole changing
2. Stator voltage control
3. Supply frequency control
4. Rotor resistance control
5. Slip energy recovery.
The basic principles of these methods are described below
Pole changing The number of stator poles can be change by
Multiple stator windings
Method of consequent poles
Pole amplitude modulation (PWM)
The methods of speed control by pole changing are suitable
for cage motors only because the cage rotor automatically
develops number of poles equal to the poles of stator winding.

1. Multiple stator windings

In this method the stator is provided with two separate
windings which are wound for two different pole numbers.
One winding is energized at a time. Suppose that a motor has
two windings for 6 and 4 poles. For 50 Hz supply the
synchronous speed will be 1000 and 1500 rpm respectively. If
the full load slip is 5% in each case, the operating speeds will
be 950 rpm and 1425 rpm respectively. This method is less
efficient and more costly, and therefore, used only when
absolutely necessary.

Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser


Method of consequent poles

In this method a single stator winding is divided into few

coil groups. The terminals of all these groups are brought out.
The number of poles can be changed with only simple changes
in coil connections. In practice, the stator winding is divided
only in two coil groups. The number of poles can be changed
in the ratio of 2:1.
Fig.(1) shows one phase of a stator winding consisting of 4
coils divided into two groups a b and c d. Group a b
consists of odd numbered coils(1,3) and connected in series.
Group c d has even numbered coils (2, 4) connected in
series. The terminals a,b,c,d are taken out as shown.

for achieving the running torque, the machine may not start.
This method of trying to control the speed is best suited for
loads that require very little starting torque, but their torque
requirement may increase with speed T 2 .

Supply Frequency Control The synchronous speed of an

induction motor is given by


120 fs

The synchronous speed and, therefore, the speed of motor

can be controlled by varying the supply frequency. The emf
induced in the stator of an induction motor is given by
The coils can be made to carry current in given directions
by connecting coil groups either in series or parallel shown in
fig. (1-b) and fig.(1-c) respectively.
With this connection, there will be a total of 4 poles giving
a synchronous speed of 1500 rpm for 50 Hz system. If the
current through the coils of group a b is reversed (fig.2),
then all coils will produce north (N) poles.
In order to complete the magnetic path, the flux of the pole
groups must pass through the spaces between the groups, thus
inducing magnetic poles of opposite polarity (S poles) in the
inter pole spaces.

The torque developed by an induction motor is proportional

to the square of the applied voltage. The variation of speed
torque curves with respect to the applied voltage is shown in
fig.(3). These curves show that the slip at maximum torque sm
remains same, while the value of stall torque comes down with
decrease in applied voltage.
Further, we also note that the starting torque is also lower at
lower voltages. Thus, even if a given voltage level is sufficient

E=4.44 k m fs N 1
Therefore, if the supply frequency is change, E1 will also
change to maintain the same air gap flux. If the stator voltage
drop is neglected the terminal voltage V1 is equal to E1 . in
order to avoid saturation and to minimize losses, motor is
operated at rated air gap flux by varying terminal voltage with
frequency so as to maintain (V/f ) ratio constant at rated value.
This type of control is known as constant volt in per hertz.
Thus, the speed control of an induction motor using variable
frequency supply requires a variable voltage power source.
Rotor Resistance Control In wound rotor induction motor, it
is possible to change the shape of the torque speed curve by
inserting extra resistance into rotor circuit of the machine. The
resulting torque speed characteristic curves are shown in fig.
(4). This method of speed control is very simple. It is possible
to have a large starting torque and low starting current at small
value of slip. The major disadvantage of this method is that the
efficiency is low due to additional losses in resistors connected
in the rotor circuit. Because of convenience and simplicity, it
is often employed when speed is to be reduced for a short
period only (cranes).

Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

Single Phase Motors

As the name suggests, these motors are used on single
phase supply. Single phase motors are the most common type
of electric motors, which finds wide domestic, commercial
and industrial applications. Single phase motors are small size
motors of fraction kilowatt ratings. Domestic applications
like fans, hair driers, washing machines, mixers, refrigerators,
food processors and other kitchen equipment employ these
motors. These motors also find applications in air
conditioning fans, blowers office machinery etc. Single phase
motors may be classified into the following basic types:
1. Single phase induction motors
2. AC. Series motor (universal motor)
3. Repulsion motors
4. Synchronous motor
Single Phase Induction Motor
A single phase induction motor is very similar to 3 phase
squirrel cage induction motor. It has a squirrel cage rotor
identical to a 3 - phase squirrel cage motor and a single
phase winding on the stator. Unlike 3 phase induction motor,
a single phase induction motor is not self starting but requires
some starting means.
Figure (1) shows 1 phase induction motor having squirrel
cage rotor and single phase distributed stator winding.

If the stator winding is connected to single phase a.c.

supply, the stator winding produces a magnetic field that
pulsates in strength in a sinusoidal manner. The field polarity
reverses after each half cycle but the field does not rotate.
Consequently, the alternating flux cannot produce rotation in a
stationary squirrel cage rotor. However, if the rotor is started
by auxiliary means, the motor will quickly attain the final
speed. The behavior of single phase induction motor can be
explained on the basic of double field revolving theory.
Double Field Revolving Theory
The pulsating field produced in single phase AC motor is
resolved into two components of half the magnitude and
rotating in opposite directions at the same synchronous speed.
Let be the pulsating field which has two components each
of magnitude . Both are rotating at the same angular speed

rad/sec but in opposite direction as shown in the Figure (2a). The resultant of the two fields is cos . Thus the resultant
field varies according to cosine of the angle . The wave shape
of the resultant field is shown in Figure (2-b).

Thus the alternating flux produced by stator winding can be

presented as the sum of two rotating fluxes and each equal
to one half of the maximum value of alternating flux and each
rotating at synchronous speed in opposite directions. Let the
flux (forward) rotate in anticlockwise direction and flux
(backward) in clockwise direction. The flux will result in the
production of torque in the anticlockwise direction and flux
will result in the production of torque in the clockwise
direction. At standstill, these two torques are equal and
opposite and the net torque developed is zero. Therefore,
single phase induction motor is not self starting. This fact
is illustrated in figure(3).

Rotor Running Assume that the rotor is started by spinning

the rotor or by using auxiliary circuit, in say clockwise
direction. The flux rotating in the clockwise direction is the
forward rotating flux and that in the other direction is the
backward rotating flux . The slip w.r.t. the forward flux will

Sf =


Ns = synchronous speed
N= speed of rotor in the direction of forward flux
Thus for forward rotating flux, slip is s (less than unity) and
for backward rotating flux, the slip is 2-s (greater than unity)
since for usual rotor resistance/reactance ratios, the torque at

Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

slips of less than unity are greater than those at slips of more
than unity, the resultant torque will be in the direction of the
rotation of the forward flux. Thus if the motor is once started,
it will develop net torque in the direction in which it has been
started and will function as a motor.

phase some level of humming noise is always associated with
the motor during running. The power rating of such motors
generally lies between 60- 250W.
The typical torque speed characteristic is shown in fig (4c).

Starting of Single Phase Induction Motors

The single phases induction motors are classified based on
the method of starting method and in fact are known by the
same name descriptive of the method.
1. Split phase Induction Motor
The stator of a split phase induction motor has two
windings, the main winding and the auxiliary winding. These
windings are displaced in space by 90 electric degrees as
shown in figure (4-a).


The auxiliary winding is made of thin wire so that it has a

high R/X ratio as compared to the main winding which has
thick super enamel copper wire. When the two stator windings
are energized from a single phase supply, the current Im and
Ia in the main winding and auxiliary winding lag behind the
supply voltage V, and Ia leading the current Im as shown in
figure (4-b).

This means the current through auxiliary winding reaches

maximum value first and the mmf or flux due to Ia lies along
the axis of the auxiliary winding and after some time the
current Im reaches maximum value and the mmf due to Im lies
along the main winding axis. Thus the motor becomes a 2
phase unbalanced motor. Because of these two fields a starting
torque is developed and the motor becomes a self starting
motor. After the motor starts, the auxiliary winding is
disconnected usually by means of centrifugal switch that
operates at about 75% of synchronous speed. Finally the
motor runs because the main winding. Since this being single

Due to their low cost, split phase induction

motors are most popular single phase motors in
the market
Since the starting winding is made of thin wire, the
current density is high and the winding heats up
quickly. If the starting period exceeds 5 seconds,
the winding may burn out unless the motor is
protected by built in thermal relay. This motor is,
therefore, suitable where starting periods are not

Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

Capacitor Start Motor
Capacitors are used to improve the starting and running
performance of the single phase inductions motors
The capacitor start motor is identical to a split phase
motor except that the starting winding has as many turns as the
main winding. Moreover, a capacitor C is connected in series
with the starting winding as shown in figure (5-a).


The value of capacitor is so chosen that Ia leads Im by

about 90o (Fig.5-b) so that the starting torque is maximum for
certain values of Ia and Im. Again, the starting winding is
opened by the centrifugal switch when the motor attains about
75% of synchronous speed. The motor then operates as a
single phase induction motor and continues to accelerate till
it reaches the normal speed.

Although starting characteristics of a capacitor

start motor are better than those of a split phase
motor, both machines possess the same running
characteristics because the main windings are
The phase angle between the two currents is about
90 compared to about 25o in a split phase motor.
Consequently, for the same starting torque, the
current in the starting winding is only about half
that in a split phase motor. Therefore, the starting
winding of a capacitor start motor heats up less
quickly and is well suited to applications involving
either frequent or prolonged starting periods.
Capacitor start motors are used where high
starting torque is required and where high starting
period may be long e.g. to drive: a) Compressors
b) large fans c) pumps d)high inertia loads The
power rating of such motors lies between 120W
and 0.75 kW.

Permanent Split Capacitor Motor

In this motor, as shown in fig.(6-a), the capacitor that is
connected in series with the auxiliary winding is not cut out
after starting and is left in the circuit all the time. This
simplifies the construction and decreases the cost because the
centrifugal switch is not needed. The power factor, torque
pulsation, and efficiency are also improved because the motor
runs as a two phase motor. The motor will run more quietly.
The capacitor value is of the order of 20 50 F and because it
operates continuously, it is an ac paper oil type. The capacitor
is compromise between the best starting and running value and
therefore starting torque is sacrificed. The typical torque
speed characteristic is shown in fig (6-b)

The typical torque speed characteristic is shown in fig (5c).


These motor are used where the required starting

torque is low such as air moving equipment i.e.
fans, blowers and voltage regulators and also oil
burners where quite operation is particularly

Capacitor - Start Capacitor Run

Two capacitor, one for starting and one for running, can be
used, as shown in fig.(7-a).

Synchronous motors and Synchronous condenser

which in turn will induce a current in the rotor conductors and
create a rotor magnetic field. The magnetic field created by the
rotor will interact with the rotating magnetic field in the stator
and produce rotation.

Theoretically, optimum starting and running performance can
be achieved by having two capacitors. The starting capacitor is
larger in value and is of the ac electrolytic type. The running
capacitor permanently connected in series with the starting
winding, is of smaller value and is of the paper oil type.
Typical values of these capacitors for a 0.5 hp are Cs =300 F,
Cr =40 F. The typical torque speed characteristic is shown in
fig. (7- b).

[1] J. Chapman., Mquinas Elctricas., McGraw-Hill. Mxico

D.F., Cuarta Edicin. .
[2] A. E. Fitzgeral, Mquinas Elctrica, Quinta Edicin.

Ivn M.Colcha, was born in Riobamba, in 1990. He studied al Plinio

Robalino School. His secondary school

ternimed al the Technical Saint Joshep. It is
in the race of Electrical Engineering at the
National Polytechnic School.

A 3-phase induction motor is theoretically self starting. The
stator of an induction motor consists of 3-phase windings,
which when connected to a 3-phase supply creates a rotating
magnetic field. This will link and cut the rotor conductors

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