Visual TFT Guia de Uso

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GUI Design Made Easy

Lets go together
through several
easy steps and build
a simple GUI with
two buttons and
two screens using
the powerful
Visual TFT


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Nebojsa Matic
General Manager

The PIC and Windows logos and product names are trademarks of Microchip Technology and Microsoft in the U.S.A. and other countries.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Visual TFT software

Add another screen using the toolbar button

2. What do we need?

New empty Screen2


3. New Project Wizard

Place a button on Screen2


Start a new project wizard

Change button caption to < Previous Screen


Specify project name and location

Add OnClick event code to ButtonRound2


Make the final check and create a new project

Add OnClick event code to ButtonRound1


Quick project configuration using Project Settings

5. Building the code in the compiler



6. Uploading the firmware to MCU


Select the target hardware

Select the target compiler



7. Test on target hardware


8. Learn more with provided examples


Place a button on the screen


9. Support for FT800/EVE controller from FTDI


Change button caption to Next Screen >


10. Whats Next?


4. Designing the User Interface

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1. Introduction to Visual TFT software

Visual TFT software is a
standalone application used for
rapid development of graphical
user interfaces for TFT displays.
Software generates code compatible with mikroElektronika compilers: mikroC, mikroBasic and
mikroPascal, for all supported MCU
architectures: PIC, dsPIC30/33,
PIC24, PIC32, ARM and AVR.





When first started, the window

features following sections:
01 Main Toolbar
02 Object Inspector
03 Welcome Screen Buttons


04 Getting Started Links

05 Components Palette
06 Layers Window

Figure 1-1: Visual TFT software displaying welcome screen when first started
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2. What do we need?

Figure 2-1: mikroC PRO for PIC is a powerful ANSI C

compiler for popular Microchip PIC microcontrollers

Figure 2-2: mikromedia for PIC18FJ is a PIC

development board with multimedia modules

In this tutorial we will develop a simple application with two screens. Each screen will carry a button which can be used to switch to
the other screen. We will be designing our graphical interface in Visual TFT software, and after we add user code we will use mikroC
PRO for PIC compiler to build it. We will download the firmware to the mikromedia for PIC18FJ development board and test it on
320x240px TFT with Touch Panel. Lets begin!
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3. New Project Wizard



Start a new project wizard

Lets start by creating a new project. On the welcome screen click the New Project button 01 . A new window will appear and guide you
through the process of creating a new project. The first thing we need to do is to specify the new projects name and destination folder.
Click the browse button 02 next to the edit field.
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Specify project name and location

A new dialog window will appear. First select the destination folder 03 where you want to store your new project. Then specify the
projects name 04 . MyFirstProject, for example. Then click the Save button 05 to confirm.

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Make the final check and create a new project

Full project path will be shown in the edit field 06 . If you want to change destination path or project name you can still do it. When you
are done click the OK button 07 to create a blank new project.
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Quick project configuration using Project Settings

After the project is created the Project Settings window will appear. We need to specify the target hardware we will be using 08 and
compiler 09 as well.
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Select the target hardware

Click the button 10 of the first dropdown box and a list of hardware configuration patterns will appear. Each one carries complete settings
of TFT and Touch Panel connections for the target hardware. We will select MikroMMB_for_PIC18FJ_hw_rev_1.10 from the list 11 .
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Select the target compiler and confirm

Now we need to select the target compiler. We will only be able to choose among PIC compilers because our selected target hardware
(mikromedia for PIC18FJ) is a PIC development board. Select mikroC PRO for PIC 12 and hit OK 13 .
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4. Designing the User Interface

So far, we have successfully created a blank new project for mikromedia for PIC18FJ development board. Graphics will be displayed on
320x240 pixel graphical display based on KS108 controller. A 4-wire resistive touch panel is placed on top of the display, thus creating
a Touch Screen module. We have chosen to use mikroC PRO for PIC compiler and the code generated by Visual TFT will be compatible
with it. Lets take a brief look at the Visual TFT window before we begin. Here are the main sections of this window:

01 Main Toolbar. It features buttons with icons that depict each buttons function. Here we can open, save or export projects, add or
delete screens, generate code, start the target compiler, invoke Project Settings window and much more.
02 Current Screen. This is the graphical representation of the active display surface. Its the area where we will be placing components
and designing graphical user interface for this project. You can add as many screens as you want. We will use just two.
03 Object Inspector. This window can be used to change properties of each screen and component. Change names, captions, fonts, sizes,
position, add events to components (OnUp, OnDown, OnClick, OnPress) and define their behaviour.
04 Components Pallete. Collection of components which can be placed on screens. There are simple, basic components, such as box, circle,
line, image and label, and as well as more complex components such as buttons, checkbox and progress bar.
05 Layers. Like in any other vector graphic editor, you can group components on layers while designing, and quickly navigate through
dierent layers using this window.

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Place a button on the screen

We will start by placing a Rounded Button component onto the Screen1. Just click and drag the component from the components
palette and drop it over the center of the Screen1.
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Change button caption to Next Screen >

Click the button to select it. Its properties will be shown in Components section of the Object Inspector. Click the Caption property and
change it to Next Screen >. Button will be instantly updated. Readjust its size and position as shown in the screenshot above.
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Add another screen using the toolbar button

Lets add another screen now. In the toolbar section locate the green round button with the white plus in the middle. It is used for
adding screens to the project. Click this button to add a new screen.
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New empty Screen2

New screen is automatically named Screen2. It will be initially empty. You can traverse through screens using the dropdown list in the
Screens section of the Object Inspector.
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Place a button on Screen2

Lets now place a button on Screen2. As in the previous case, just click and drag the Rounded Button component from Components
Palette window and drop it over the center of the Screen2. A new component named ButtonRound2 will appear.
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Change button caption to < Previous Screen

Click the ButtonRound2 to select it. Its properties will be shown in Components section of the Object Inspector. Click the Caption
property and change it to < Previous Screen. The button will be instantly updated.
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Add OnClick event code to ButtonRound2

Its time to specify the function of the buttons when clicked.
In order to do that we will add OnClick events to both buttons.
Locate the OnClick event of the ButtonRound2 in the of
the Events Tab of Object Inspector. Double click it. The
User Code window will appear. It will contain the function

prototype that is automatically associated with the click event.

In the function body just type the following line of code:
DrawScreen(&Screen1);. This code will be executed when the
button is clicked, thus invoking the drawing of Screen1.

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Add OnClick event code to ButtonRound1

Select ButtonRound1 component from the dropdown list in the
Components section of the Object Inspector window. Double
click its OnClick event in the Events Tab to create and associate
the corresponding function. Type the following line of code in
the body of the function using the editor of User Code window:

DrawScreen(&Screen2);. The code will be executed when the

button is clicked, thus invoking the drawing of Screen2. So, when
we click the button on the first screen it will take us to the next
screen, and when we click the button there it will return us to the
initial screen.

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5. Building the code in the compiler

We have now successfully created a new project, designed a new graphical interface with two screens and two buttons, and defined
their behaviour. All we have to do now is to generate the application code and build it with mikroC PRO for PIC compiler, assuming that
you have already downloaded and installed the mikroC PRO for PIC compiler and that you have a valid license (USB Dongle or KeyFile
License). If not, please visit the compiler website, download the Demo version, and consider purchasing the license:

In Visual TFT toolbar, locate the Start Compiler button

with the green triangle. We call it the Play button. When
clicked it will automatically generate code for the target
compiler, and launch the compiler with the project loaded,
as shown in the screenshot on Figure 5.1.
The entire code is ready to be built as soon as the compiler is started. No additional interventions are required. We can initiate project
building using Build->Build [CTRL+F9] command. After the compilation and linking is done successfully, the message window should
contain this information, as shown in the screenshot below.

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Figure 5-1: mikroC PRO for PIC compiler loaded with our first Visual TFT project
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6. Uploading the firmware to MCU

After the project is built, the compiler produces a .HEX file which can
be downloaded into the target microcontroller on the mikromedia
for PIC18FJ development board. Programming of the MCU
is done using external mikroProg for PIC, dsPIC
and PIC32 programmer/debugger and the
software called mikroProg Suite for

PIC. Software and programmer drivers are usually installed together

with the compiler. Prior to programming, make sure that mikroProg
is connected to your PC via USB programmer connector, and that
USB and LINK LEDs are active. In order to initiate programming just
hit [F11] button in the compiler.

Figure 6-1: mikromedia board

connected to mikroProg programmer
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7. Test on target hardware

When programming is done, the application will start and the Graphic Display will show calibration screen. This is due to the piece of code
automatically created by Visual TFT software. It will help you to calibrate the Touch panel using 2-point calibration procedure. After that,
the initial screen will appear. It features the Next Screen > button, exactly as we have intended. One click of the button takes us to the
next screen. Click of the < Previous Screen button brings us back to the first screen.

Figure 7-1: Your first projects appearance on target hardware

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8. Learn more with provided examples

Voila! You first project is up and running. You must be excited to see
those buttons doing exactly what you excpected. Its now time to
move on and get to know other Visual TFT features as well. Theres

no better way to explore all the possibilities of the software than

to experiment with provided example projects. Examples like the

Figure 8-1: Calculator Demo

Figure 8-2: Resource Collection Demo

Calculator show how to use matrix of customized buttons to create

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your own touch-screen calculator. Resource Collection Demo

covers the topic of using fonts and images stored in the resource
file on your MMC/SD card to create image sliders, animations,

etc. Progress Bar Demo shows the possibilities of ProgressBar,

CheckBox and RadioButton components. Simple Maze is a
demonstration of how to make simple gaming user interfaces.

Figure 8-3: Progress Bar Demo

Figure 8-4: Simple Maze Demo

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9. Support for FT800/EVE controller from FTDI

A wide variety of industry sectors are now demanding more sophisticated forms of
human-machine interaction and expecting more satisfying user experiences. This is why
MikroElektronika teamed up with FTDI chip company to provide development support
for their latest EVE GUI Platform and FT800
family of graphics controllers. EVE integrates
display, audio and touch onto a low cost, easyto-use, single-chip solution.
The EVE family has an object based structure
(where objects can be images, fonts, etc)
that presents engineers with an easy way
to design more eective GUIs for TFTs, with
all the display, audio and touch functionality

Figure 9-1: EveGauge component

and its set of supported features

Visual TFT is the first software in the world

to provide full support for many of EVEs
powerful features like sound, transparency
and anti-aliasing fonts. There are 12 new
components available for GUI design, which
are natively supported in the controller itself.
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Figure 9-2: An Additional set of

12 EVE components supported
natively by the controller

Figure 9-3: Visual TFT Project Workspace with EVE components on Screen
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10. Whats Next?

We have successfully created together your first project in Visual TFT software. But this is only the first step. You can now continue on your
own, but will always have our help and support along the way.




Choose the development board and

compiler and you are ready to start
writing your projects. We have equipped
Visual TFT with dozens of examples
that demonstrate the use of every
single feature of the software. There
are interesting examples for each
supported board. They are an excellent
starting point for your future projects.
Just load the example, read well
commented code, and see how it works
on hardware. Click the Open example
button located on the welcome screen
to browse through the Projects folder:

If you want to find answers to your

questions on many interesting topics
we invite you to visit our forum at
and browse through more than 185
thousand posts. You are likely to find
just the right information for you. On
the other hand, if you want to download
free projects and libraries, or share your
own code, please visit the Libstock
website. With user profiles, you can
get to know other programmers, and
subscribe to receive notifications on
their code.

We all know how important to have

someone to rely on in moments when
we are stuck with our projects, facing
a deadline, or when we just want to
ask a simple, basic question, thats
pulling us back for a while. We do
understand how important this is and
therefore our Support Department
is one of the pillars upon which our
company is based. MikroElektronika
oers Free Tech Support to the end
of product lifetime, so if something
goes wrong, we are ready and willing
to help!

\Visual TFT\Projects\
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Creating the First Project in Visual TFT

ver. 2.00

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