AC 25.899-1 Electrical Bonding and Protection Against Static Electricity

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Date: 10/22/07
AC No: 25.899-1
Initiated by: ANM-100

1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for demonstrating compliance
with the transport category airplane certification requirements of 25.899 Electrical bonding
and protection against static electricity.
a. The guidance provided in this document is directed to airplane manufacturers, modifiers,
foreign regulatory authorities, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) transport airplane
type certification engineers, and designees.
b. This material is neither mandatory nor regulatory in nature and does not constitute a
regulation. It describes acceptable means, but not the only means, for demonstrating
compliance with the applicable regulations. We will consider other methods of
demonstrating compliance that an applicant may elect to present. While these guidelines
are not mandatory, they are derived from extensive FAA and industry experience in
determining compliance with the relevant regulations. On the other hand, if we become
aware of circumstances that convince us that following this AC would not result in
compliance with the applicable regulations, we will not be bound by the terms of this AC,
and we may require additional substantiation as a basis for finding compliance.
c. This material does not change or create any additional regulatory requirements nor does
it authorize changes in or permit deviations from existing regulatory requirements.
d. Terms such as shall or must are used in this AC only in the sense of ensuring
applicability of this particular method of compliance when the acceptable method of
compliance described herein is used.


AC 25.899-1

Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems (EWIS). In part, an EWIS is any wire,
wiring device, or combination of these, including termination devices, installed in any area of
the airplane for the purpose of transmitting electrical energy between two or more intended
termination points. The complete regulatory definition of an EWIS is in 25.1701, which is
included in Appendix A of this AC.
a. Protection Against Accumulation of Static Charges.
(1) General. All items that may cause a danger of
electrical shock,
ignition of flammable vapors, or
interference with installed electrical/electronic equipment (e.g., radio
communications and navigational aids)
as a result of accumulation and discharge of static charges should be adequately
bonded to the main grounding systems.
(2) Intermittent contact. The design should ensure that no intermittent contact can
occur between metallic and/or metalized parts.
(3) High pressure refueling and fuel transfer. High pressure refueling and/or
high rates of fuel transfer must not induce dangerously high voltages within the fuel
system. Prevention of such an occurrence should be established by test or by
consultation with the appropriate fuel and refueling equipment manufacturers. If
compliance with this requirement involves any restriction on the types of fuel to be
used or on the use of additives, these restrictions should be established.
(a) With standard refueling equipment and standard airplane turbine fuels,
voltages high enough to cause sparking may be induced between the surface of the
fuel and the metal parts of the tank at refueling flow velocities above
approximately 7 meters/second (23 feet/second). These induced voltages may be
increased by
The presence of additives and contaminants (e.g., anti-corrosion
inhibitors, lubricating oil, free water).
Splashing or spraying of the fuel in the tank.
(b) The static charge can be reduced by
1 adjusting the refueling equipment, such as by increasing the diameter of
refueling lines and designing filters to give the minimum of electrostatic
charging, or


AC 25.899-1
2 changing the electrical properties of the fuel with anti-static additives, thus
reducing accumulation of static charge in the tank to negligible amount, or
3 adjusting the critical refueling rates. Critical refueling rates are related to
the airplane refueling installations and the designer should seek the advice of
fuel suppliers on this problem.

b. Bonding Paths.
(1) There are two kinds of bonding paths:

Primary bonding paths are those paths that are required to carry lightning
discharge currents. These paths should be as short as practicable with low
electrical resistance.

Secondary bonding paths are those paths provided for other forms of

(2) Primary bonding paths should be used as follows:

(a) To connect together the main grounds of separable major components that may
carry lightning discharges.
(b) To connect engines to the main ground.
(c) To connect all metal parts presenting a surface on or outside of the external
surface of the airplane to the main ground.
(d) To serve as conductors on external non-metallic parts.
c. Resistance and Continuity Measurements. Measurements should be made to
determine the efficacy of the bonding and connection between at least the following:
(1) Primary bonding paths.
(a) The extremities of the fixed portions of the airplane and any fixed external
panels and components where the method of construction or assembly leads to
doubt about the repeatability of the bond (for example, removable panels).
(b) The engines and the main airplane ground.
(c) External movable metal surfaces or components and the main airplane ground.
(d) The bonding conductors of external non-metallic parts and the main airplane


AC 25.899-1
(e) Internal components for which a primary bond is specified and the main
airplane ground.

(2) Secondary bonding paths.

(a) Metallic parts normally in contact with flammable fluids and the main airplane
ground (airplane main structure or ground path).
(b) Isolated conducting parts subject to appreciable electrostatic charging and the
main airplane ground (airplane main structure or ground path).
(c) Electrical panels and other equipment accessible to the occupants of the
airplane and the main airplane ground (airplane main structure or ground path).
(d) Ground connections that normally carry the main electrical supply and the
main airplane ground (airplane main structure or ground path). The test on these
connections should ensure that the connections can carry, without risk of fire or
damage to the bond or excessive volt drop, such continuous normal currents and
intermittent fault currents as are applicable.
(e) Electrical and electronic equipment and the airplane main ground (airplane
main structure or ground path), where applicable, and as specified by the airplane
(f) Static discharger wicks and the main airplane structure.
d. Electrical Properties of Composite Structure.
(1) In the case of lightning protection for composite structure, the method of surface
protection will vary with the criticality of the structure in question. You should
consider the deterioration of the protection means, or possible hidden damage to the
material that may affect its structural integrity. While such materials provide a measure
of electro-magnetic screening, the need for additional measures will be a function of the
location of the material in relation to critical equipment and wiring in the aircraft. You
should also give particular attention to the protection required near fuel systems (for
example, fuel tanks). For non-conducting materials that have no intrinsic lightning
protection or screening properties, the measures taken will again depend on the relative
locations of the material and critical systems or fuel, and the possible loss of the
components due to internal air pressures in the event of a strike.
(2) Partial conducting materials should present no problem in dissipating P-static, but
problems can arise with the non-conductors. Protection may be required, depending on
the location of the material.
(3) Electrical currents, other than lightning, can flow in some partial conducting
materials. If the effect of large voltage drop is important, or if such currents can


AC 25.899-1

damage the material, alternative current paths may be required in order to limit current
(4) You should take particular care to ensure that all joints, permanent and temporary,
are capable of carrying any currents that may flow, particularly those resulting from
lightning strikes. Structural damage and loss of screening capabilities may occur if
these are not adequately controlled.
(5) You may have to consider the adequacy of the material in supplying a ground plane
for antennas. Again, it will vary with the material and the radio frequency of the
e. Compliance with 25.1717. Section 25.1717 requires that EWIS components used
for electrical bonding and protection against static electricity meet the requirements of
f. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (required by 25.1529 and 25.1729) must include all maintenance actions
necessary to ensure that components used for electrical bonding and protection against static
electricity are maintained so that they continue to perform their intended function
throughout the expected service life of the airplane.

/s/Ali Bahrami
Ali Bahrami
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate
Aircraft Certification Service


AC 25.899-1
Appendix A

The text of 25.899 and 25.1701 is repeated here for the convenience of the
25.899 Electrical bonding and protection against static electricity.
(a) Electrical bonding and protection against static electricity must be designed to
minimize accumulation of electrostatic charge that would cause
(1) Human injury from electrical shock,
(2) Ignition of flammable vapors, or
(3) Interference with installed electrical/electronic equipment.
(b) Compliance with paragraph (a) of this section may be shown by
(1) Bonding the components properly to the airframe; or
(2) Incorporating other acceptable means to dissipate the static charge so as
not to endanger the airplane, personnel, or operation of the installed
electrical/electronic systems.

25.1701 Definition.
(a) As used in this chapter, electrical wiring interconnection system (EWIS)
means any wire, wiring device, or combination of these, including termination
devices, installed in any area of the airplane for the purpose of transmitting
electrical energy, including data and signals, between two or more intended
termination points. This includes:
(1) Wires and cables.
(2) Bus bars.
(3) The termination point on electrical devices, including those on relays,
interrupters, switches, contactors, terminal blocks, and circuit breakers and
other circuit protection devices.
(4) Connectors, including feed-through connectors.
(5) Connector accessories.
(6) Electrical grounding and bonding devices and their associated


AC 25.899-1
Appendix A
(7) Electrical splices.
(8) Materials used to provide additional protection for wires, including wire
insulation, wire sleeving, and conduits that have electrical termination for the
purpose of bonding.
(9) Shields or braids.
(10) Clamps and other devices used to route and support the wire bundle.
(11) Cable tie devices.
(12) Labels or other means of identification.
(13) Pressure seals.
(14) EWIS components inside shelves, panels, racks, junction boxes,
distribution panels, and back-planes of equipment racks, including, but not
limited to, circuit board back-planes, wire integration units, and external wiring

(b) Except for the equipment indicated in paragraph (a)(14) of this section, EWIS
components inside the following equipment, and the external connectors that are
part of that equipment, are excluded from the definition in paragraph (a) of this
(1) Electrical equipment or avionics that are qualified to environmental
conditions and testing procedures when those conditions and procedures
(i) appropriate for the intended function and operating environment,
(ii) acceptable to the FAA.
(2) Portable electrical devices that are not part of the type design of the
airplane. This includes personal entertainment devices and laptop
(3) Fiber optics.



AC 25.899-1
Appendix B

Regulations. You can download an electronic copy of 14 CFR from the Internet at A paper copy can be ordered by sending a request to
the U.S. Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C. 20402-0001, or by calling telephone number (202) 512-1800; or by sending a
request by facsimile to (202) 512-2250.


Lightning protection
Fuel system lightning protection
System lightning protection
Electrical equipment and installations
Precautions against injury
Instructions for continued airworthiness
Circuit protective devices: EWIS
Accessibility provisions: EWIS
Instructions for continued airworthiness: EWIS

Advisory Circulars. You can download an electronic copy of the latest version of the
following ACs from the FAA Internet at


Protection of Aircraft Fuel Systems Against Fuel Vapor Ignition

Caused by Lightning
20-136A Protection of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems Against the
Indirect Effects of Lightning
Electrical Equipment and Installations
Protection Against Injury
Certification of Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems on
Transport Category Airplanes

Reports. You can download an electronic copy of the following report from the Final
Reports section of the Aging Transport Systems Rulemaking Advisory Committee
(ATSRAC) website:

Task 6 Final Report, dated October 29, 2002, Aging Transport Systems Rulemaking
Advisory Committee.



AC 25.899-1
Appendix C

Following is the discussion of 25.899 published in the Federal Register on

October 6, 2005 (70 FR 58508), in Notice of Proposed Rulemaking No. 05-08,
Enhanced Airworthiness Program for Airplane Systems/Fuel Tank Safety
(EAPAS/FTS), at the time this rule was proposed.

Section 25.899 Electrical bonding and protection against static electricity.

Proposed 25.899 would contain requirements for electrical bonding and
protection against static electricity. Current 25.581, 25.954, and 25.1316
contain requirements for protecting the airplane and its systems from the effects
of lightning strikes. But the current requirements do not address the hazards that
could occur because of the accumulation of electrostatic charge. Static electricity
can cause electrical shock hazards to people, ignite fuel vapors, and cause
electromagnetic interference of airplane systems. Proposed 25.899 would
require that electrical bonding and protection against static electricity be designed
to minimize accumulation of electrostatic charge that could cause human injury
from electric shock, ignition of flammable vapors, or interference with electrical
and electronic equipment. Compliance could be shown by bonding the
components properly to the airframe or by incorporating other acceptable means
to dissipate static charge
This proposal would adopt a modified version of the current proposed
JAR 25X899. As currently written, the JAR duplicates some of the lightning
protection requirements of JARs 25.581, 25.985, and 25.1316. That proposed
JAR 25X899 will be revised as well, and those duplications removed, for the
purposes of this harmonization.
There is currently no 25.899. This new requirement is necessary to
ensure electrical bonding and static protection is fully addressed as a design
standard. Proposed 25.899 maintains the same level of safety as currently exists
because it reflects and codifies current industry practices. The proposed change
would affect airplane manufacturers by requiring compliance with the new
sections of the regulations. However, this would have a minimal effect in practice
because airframe manufacturers must comply with proposed standards when
seeking joint FAA-JAA certification of their products, so there would be little
change required from the standards they have been using to comply with the
existing proposed JAR 25X899.
The FAA has developed advisory material about the requirements for bonding
and static electricity protection in transport category airplanes. This material is
contained in proposed AC 25.899-1.


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