The Sex Influence On Pharmacokinetic

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Chapter 2

Effects of Sex Differences

in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs and Their Impact
on the Safety of Medicines in Women
Emmanuel O. Fadiran and Lei Zhang

Inclusion of women in clinical trials and analysis of clinical trial data for
sex/gender effects have been an integral component of the US FDAs
consideration for approval of pharmaceutical products since the mid-1980s ( FDA
Guidance for Industry 1993). The study of sex differences is now a routine
component of drug development because of existing data in drug exposure and
response differences between men and women and the need to understand such
differences for proper dosing (Harris et al. 1995; Schwartz 2003; Institute of
Medicine (US) 2001; Franconi et al. 2007; Parekh et al. 2011). The resulting
expanding knowledge of sex differences in the exposure and responses to drugs
has led to a better under-standing of the mechanisms contributing to these
differences and improved pharmaco-therapy for men and women.
Sex-based differences may be due to pharmacokinetics (differences in exposure in
men and women following administration of the same dose of a drug) and/or
pharmacodynamics (differences in the bodys response to the same dose of a drug
in men and women) and can manifest as differences in safety and/or efficacy of
pharmacotherapy. For example, when compared to men, women are 1.51.7 times
more likely to develop an adverse drug reaction (Rademaker 2001), which

The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official policy of the
US FDA. No official endorsement by the US FDA is intended or should be inferred.
E.O. Fadiran (*)
Office of Womens Health, Office of the Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, Building
32, Room 2312 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20993, USA e-mail:
[email protected]
L. Zhang

Office of Clinical Pharmacology, Office of Translational Sciences, Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD 20993, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
M. Harrison-Woolrych (ed.), Medicines For Women,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12406-3_2


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

is defined as any unintended and undesired effect of a drug used at a dose for
diagnosis, prophylaxis, or therapy (Rademaker 2001; Anderson 2005; Tran et al.
1988). This chapter will focus on sex differences in pharmacokinetics (PK) and
will discuss how these differences may affect the efficacy and safety of medicines
in women.

Sex and Gender

The terms sex and gender are often used interchangeably and it is important to
define them (Kim and Nafziger 2000). Sex refers to the classification of living
things, generally as male or female, according to their reproductive organs and
functions assigned by the chromosomal complement while gender refers to a
persons self-representation as male or female, or how that person is responded to
by social institutions based on the individuals gender presentation (Institute of
Medicine (US) 2001). Gender is rooted in biology and shaped by environment
and experience (Institute of Medicine (US) 2001). Because it is often not clear
whether an observed difference in drug safety or efficacy is due to gender or sex,
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has used the term gender to
describe any difference, cultural/social or genetic/hormonal, between males and
females. However, for the purpose of this chapter, we focus on the
genetic/hormonal differences between males and females and will therefore use
the term sex throughout.

Sex Differences in Pharmacokinetics

It is now well recognized that there are sex differences in the PK of many drugs
(Harris et al. 1995; Schwartz 2003; Institute of Medicine (US) 2001; Franconi et
al. 2007; Gandhi et al. 2004; Schwartz 2007; Soldin and Mattison 2009; Huang
et al. 2007; Mattison 2013; Meibohm et al. 2002; Franconi and Campesi 2014).
Examples of these differences for a selection of medicines approved in the US are
summarized in Table 2.1 and some of these will be discussed further later in this
The PK of drugs may be affected by intrinsic factors such as body weight, genetic
predisposition, disease, renal or hepatic function, or extrinsic factors such as smoking,
concomitant medications including herbal/over-the-counter (OTC) prod-ucts, alcohol
use and diet. Sex differences in any of these factors can result in sex differences in the
PK or exposure to a drug that could cause dissimilar responses. Observed differences
in the PK of drugs between men and women are often attributed solely to body weight
differences and may therefore be dismissed as not being clinically significant, once
corrected for these body weight differences. Paradoxically however, most drugs are not

administered on a mg/kg basis but as a

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.1 Examples of drugs showing sex differences in PK parameters

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug


Labeling statement
Use in specific
Cmax and AUC of

aripiprazole and its active

metabolite, dehydro-

aripiprazole, are 3040 %

higher in women than in men,

and correspondingly, the

apparent oral clearance of

aripiprazole is lower in

women. These differences,

however, are largely

explained by differences in

body weight (25 %) between

men and women. No dosage

adjustment is recommended

based on gender.

Evaluation of steady-state

plasma tipranavir trough con-

centrations at 1014 h after

dosing from the controlled

clinical trials 1182.12 and

1182.48 demonstrated that

females generally had higher

tipranavir concentrations than

males. After 4 weeks of


500/200 mg BID, the median

plasma trough concentration

of tipranavir was 43.9 mM for

females and 31.1 mM for

males. The difference in con-

centrations does not warrant a

dose adjustment.

Gender had a modest effect

on ofatumumab pharmacoki-

netics (1425 % lower clear-

ance and volume of

distribution in female patients

compared to male patients) in

a cross-study population

analysis (41 % of the patients

in this analysis were male and

59 % were female). These

effects are not considered

clinically important, and no

dosage adjustment is




E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug

Labeling statement
The clearance of

bevacizumab varied by body

weight, gender, and tumor

burden. After correcting for

body weight, males had a

higher bevacizumab clear-

ance (0.262 L/day

vs. 0.207 L/day) and a larger

Vc (3.25 L vs. 2.66 L) than


Following oral administration

of a single dose of EMEND,

the AUC0-24 h and Cmax are

14 % and 22 % higher in

females as compared with

males. The half-life of

aprepitant is 25 % lower in

females as compared with

males and Tmax occurs at

approximately the same time.

These differences are not

considered clinically mean-

ingful. No dosage adjustment

is necessary based on gender.

PK parameters were calcu(Darifencin

lated for 22 male and

25 female healthy volunteers.

Darifenacin Cmax and AUC

at steady-state were approxi-

mately 5779 % and 6173 %

higher in females than in

males, respectively.

There are no significant dif(Gemifloxacin

ferences between

gemifloxacin pharmacokinet-

ics in males and females

when differences in body

weight are taken into account.

Population pharmacokinetic

studies indicated that follow-

ing administration of 320 mg

gemifloxacin, AUC values

were approximately 10 %

higher in healthy female

patients compared to males.

Males and females had mean

AUC values of 7.98 gh/mL


2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug


Labeling statement

(range, 3.2142.71 gh/mL) and 8.80 gh/mL (range, 3.3347.73 gh/mL), respectively. No
gemifloxacin dosage adjustment based on gender is necessary.

Following single-dose
(Icatibant Acetate)

administration of 30 mg sub-

cutaneous FIRAZYR, elderly

males and females showed

approximately 2-fold higher

AUC compared to young

males and females, respec-

tively. However, only minor

differences (~1214 %)

between Cmax of gender

matched elderly and young

subjects were observed.

Clearance of FIRAZYR is

significantly correlated with

body weight with lower

clearance values noted for

lower bodyweights. Hence,

females with typically lower

body weights compared to

males exhibit lower clearance

values, resulting in approxi-

mately 2-fold higher systemic

exposure (both AUC and

Cmax) compared to males.

Differences in efficacy and

safety between elderly and

younger patients and male

and female patients have not

been identified. Dose adjust-

ment based on age and gender

is not warranted.

Analysis of plasma concen(Enfuvirtide)

tration data from subjects in

clinical trials indicated that

the clearance of enfuvirtide is

20 % lower in females than

males after adjusting for body

weight. Enfuvirtide clearance

decreases with decreased

body weight irrespective of

gender. Relative to the



E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug

Labeling statement

clearance of a 70-kg male, a

40-kg male will have 20 %

lower clearance and a 110-kg

male will have a 26 % higher

clearance. Relative to a 70-kg

male, a 40-kg female will

have a 36 % lower clearance

and a 110-kg female will have

the same clearance.

In a population pharmacoki(Perampanel)

netic analysis of patients with

partial-onset seizures receiv-

ing FYCOMPA in placebo-

controlled clinical trials,

perampanel apparent clear-

ance in females (0.605 L/h)

was 17 % lower than in males

(0.730 L/h). No dosage

adjustment is necessary based

on sex.

Females eliminate perflexane
(Perflexane Phos-

through the expired air more

slowly than males (female


terminal elimination half-

life 13 _ 4 h, N 5; male

terminal elimination half-

life 6 _ 3 h, N 7). The

clinical relevance of the gen-

der differences observed is

not known.

Use in specific
Women cleared zolpidem

tartrate from the body after

sublingual administration of a

3.5 mg dose of Intermezzo at

a lower rate than men

(2.7 mL/min/kg vs. 4.0 mL/

min/kg). Cmax and AUC

parameters of zolpidem were

approximately 45 % higher at

the same dose in female sub-

jects compared with male

subjects. Given the higher

blood levels of zolpidem tar-

trate in women compared to

men at a given dose, the

recommended dose of Inter-

mezzo for women is 1.75 mg,


2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug


Labeling statement

and the recommended dose

for adult men is 3.5 mg.

In a pharmacokinetic study

which compared healthy male

and female volunteers,

pitavastatin Cmax and AUC

were 60 and 54 % higher,

respectively in females. This

had no effect on the efficacy

or safety of LIVALO in

women in clinical studies.

Use in specific
No dose adjustment of

Mycamine is required based

race and
on gender or race. After

14 daily doses of 150 mg to

healthy subjects, micafungin

AUC in women was greater

by approximately 23 % com-

pared with men, due to

smaller body weight.

Clinical pharThe Cmax and AUC of

mirabegron were approxi-

(also in race
mately 4050 % higher in

and gender
females than in males. When

corrected for differences in

body weight, the mirabegron

systemic exposure is 2030 %

higher in females compared

to males

Following multiple dose

administration of

NAMENDA 20 mg daily,

females had about 45 %

higher exposure than males,

but there was no difference in

exposure when body weight

was taken into account.


No dosage adjustment is

recommended based on gen-

der. There were no differ-

ences observed in saxagliptin

pharmacokinetics between

males and females. Compared

to males, females had

approximately 25 % higher

exposure values for the active

metabolite than males, but

this difference is unlikely to



E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug

Labeling statement

be of clinical relevance. Gen-

der was not identified as a

significant covariate on the

apparent clearance of

saxagliptin and its active

metabolite in the population

pharmacokinetic analysis.

The impact of gender on the

pharmacokinetics of

ezogabine was examined fol-

lowing a single dose of

POTIGA to healthy young

(aged 2140 years) and

elderly (aged 6682 years)

subjects. The AUC values

were approximately 20 %

higher in young females

compared to young males and

approximately 30 % higher in

elderly females compared to

elderly males. The Cmax

values were approximately

50 % higher in young females

compared to young males and

approximately 100 % higher

in elderly females compared

to elderly males. There was

no gender difference in

weight-normalized clearance.

Overall, no adjustment of the

dosage of POTIGA is

recommended based on


Studies comparing the phar(Trospium

macokinetics in different

genders had conflicting

results. When a single 40 mg

SANCTURA dose was

administered to 16 elderly

subjects, exposure was 45 %

lower in elderly females

compared to elderly males.

When 20 mg SANCTURA

was dosed twice daily for

4 days to 6 elderly males and

6 elderly females (6075


2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug


Labeling statement

years), AUC and Cmax were

26 % and 68 % higher,

respectively, in females with-

out hormone replacement

therapy than in males.

Population PK analyses

suggested no PK differences

between male and female

patients after body weight

adjustment in the RA, PsA

and UC trials. In the AS trial,

female patients showed 13 %

higher apparent clearance

than male patients after body

weight adjustment. Subgroup

analysis based on gender

showed that both female and

male patients achieved clini-

cally significant response at

the proposed clinical dose.

Dosage adjustment based on

gender is not needed.

Following administration of a

single 600 mg IV dose of
Fosamil for

Teflaro to healthy elderly


males (n 10) and females

(n 6) and healthy young

adult males (n 6) and

females (n 10), the mean

Cmax and AUC for

ceftaroline were similar

between males and females,

although there was a trend for

higher Cmax (17 %) and

AUC (615 %) in female

subjects. Population pharma-

cokinetic analysis did not

identify any significant dif-

ferences in ceftaroline AUC

based on gender in Phase 2/3

patients with ABSSSI or

CABP. No dose adjustment is

recommended based on


Following a single 8 mg oral

dose of fesoterodine, the


mean (_SD) AUC and Cmax

for the active metabolite



E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug

Labeling statement

5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine

in 12 elderly men (mean age

67 years) were

51.8 _ 26.1 h*ng/mL and

3.8 _ 1.7 ng/mL, respec-

tively. In the same study, the

mean (_SD) AUC and Cmax

in 12 elderly women (mean

age 68 years) were

56.0 _ 28.8 h*ng/mL and

4.6 _ 2.3 ng/mL, respec-

tively. The pharmacokinetics

of fesoterodine were not sig-

nificantly influenced by


Based on the results of popu(Liraglutide)

lation pharmacokinetic ana-

lyses, females have 34 %

lower weight-adjusted clear-

ance of Victoza compared to

males. Based on the exposure

response data, no dose

adjustment is necessary based

on gender.

In a multiple oral dose study,

the mean Cmax and AUC

for healthy young females

were 83 % and 113 % higher,

respectively, than in healthy

young males (1845 years),

after tablet dosing. In the

same study, no significant

differences in the mean Cmax

and AUC were observed

between healthy elderly

males and healthy elderly

females (>65 years). In a

similar study, after dosing

with the oral suspension, the

mean AUC for healthy young

females was 45 % higher than

in healthy young males

whereas the mean Cmax was

comparable between genders.

The steady state trough

voriconazole concentrations

(Cmin) seen in females were

100 % and 91 % higher than


2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.1 (continued)

Date of

Date of
the cited

Brand name (drug


Labeling statement

in males receiving the tablet

and the oral suspension,

respectively. In the clinical

program, no dosage adjust-

ment was made on the basis

of gender. The safety profile

and plasma concentrations

observed in male and female

subjects were similar. There-

fore, no dosage adjustment

based on gender is necessary.

Systemic exposure to dextro(Lisdexamfetamine

amphetamine is similar for

men and women given the

same mg/kg dose. In adults

ages 5564, d-amphetamine

Cmax and AUC were 15 %

and 13 % higher, respec-

tively, in females compared

to males.

one size fits all dose, leading to higher exposures in women due to their generally
lower body weight.
Sex differences have been reported for all four phases of drug disposition:
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, (collectively abbreviated as
ADME) in humans and are discussed in more detail below. Other factors such as
anatomic, physiologic, biochemical and endocrine sex differences can also
influence drug disposition and response in humans (Mattison 2013) and are
further discussed below.

Sources of Pharmacokinetic Data for Drug Labeling

In the major markets of the developed world PK information is now routinely included
in approved drug labelings (Table 2.1) (Huang et al. 2007; Copeland and Parekh
2011). Most often the PK sex difference data are derived from small clinical
pharmacology studies with typically 1224 healthy subjects. Studies with small patient
numbers may be adequate to detect large sex-based differences in clearance; however,
if the sex-based PK difference is small, the relatively small size of most clinical
pharmacology studies makes it difficult to interpret small differences observed, or to
confirm if there is no difference in PK (Huang et al. 2007).


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

Some approved drug labelings have also reported PK sex differences from
population PK analysis with sparse PK sample data from Phase 2 and Phase 3
clinical trials (Table 2.1). The population PK model generated is used to explore
the effect of various covariates (factors) such as sex, age, ethnic group, and
smoking status on drug PK and can therefore be used to describe sex differences in
exposure (FDA Guidance for Industry 1999; Sun et al. 1999). Compared to
dedicated PK evaluation, the population PK approach encompasses some or all of
the following features (FDA Guidance for Industry 1999; Sun et al. 1999):
the collection of relevant PK information in patients who are representative of the
target population to be treated with the drug.
the identification and measurement of variability during drug development and
the explanation of variability by identifying factors of demographic, pathophysiological, environmental, or concomitant drug-related origin that may influence the
PK behavior of a drug.
the quantitative estimation of the magnitude of the unexplained variability in the
patient population.
Population PK analyses are now routinely performed during drug development
and the results for PK sex differences are included in several approved US drug
labelings including those for ofatumumab, gemifloxacin, perampanel, golimunab,
ceftaroline fosamil and liraglutide (Table 2.1).

Mechanisms and Observed Sex-Specific Differences

in Pharmacokinetics
Below, we will address two major questions about the potential importance of sexspecific PK for applied pharmacotherapy:
What are the potential mechanisms for sex differences in PK?
What are the observed PK differences between women and men and are there
examples where such PK differences result in different pharmacological responses
and in subsequent different dosing recommendations?
In addition, we will present some examples of PK sex differences resulting in

different labeling for men and women.

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .


What Are the Potential Mechanisms for Sex Differences in

As mentioned earlier, sex differences have been reported for all four phases of
drug disposition: absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME).
Each of these phases will be discussed in more detail below.

Sex differences in the gastrointestinal system have been demonstrated. For example,
gastric pH is higher in women than men and gastric and bowel transit times are usually
longer in women (Freire et al. 2011; Mojaverian et al. 1987). However, it is not clear
if the sex differences in gastric pH or gastric emptying have any clinical relevance. It
has been shown in one study that the rate of absorption of aspirin is higher in women
but there was no difference in the extent of absorption (Aarons et al. 1989). The
bioavailability of ethanol is greater in women compared to men partly due to
differences in volume of distribution (Vd) and gastric alcohol dehydro-genase activity
(Frezza et al. 1990) which may explain why there was no sex difference in alcohol
blood concentrations after intravenous administration (Baraona et al. 2001). There
may be differences in absorption depending on the drug route of administration (e.g.,
oral, inhalation, dermal, subcutaneous, rectal, vaginal, intra-muscular, intrathecal,
intraperitoneal) because factors that influence absorption are both drug- and routespecific, but may also be sex-specific. Most drugs are admin-istered through the oral
route following which absorption may be affected by sex differences in intestinal
metabolism cytochrome P-450 (CYP) enzymes and active transporter p-glycoprotein
(P-gp) (Gandhi et al. 2004; Waxman and Holloway 2009) (see below). Some studies
have shown that concentrations of inhaled aerosol drugs such as cyclosporine and
ribavirin are less in women compared to men but the clinical significance is unknown
(Rhatagi et al. 2000; Knight et al. 1988) and the bioavailability of intramuscular
cephradine is lower in women (Vukovich et al. 1975). Additionally, women have
greater minute ventilation and a lower tidal volume, both of which may have the
potential to affect drug absorption via the respiratory tract. Inactive ingredients may
affect the bioavailability of drug formu-lations and this could occur in a sex-specific
way, at least in some cases. For example, the excipient polyethylene glycol enhances
the bioavailability of ranitidine in men (up to 63 %), whereas it is decreased in women
(up to 24 %) (Ashiru et al. 2008).
Sex differences have been reported in bioavailability of medicines, which is then used
to establish bioequivalence (BE) of generic drugs. Analysis of sex differences in
intrasubject variability and PK from 26 BE studies showed that although there was no
sex difference in intrasubject variability, there was a _20 % difference in PK
parameters in one third of the data set (Chen et al. 2000). The PK sex differences
were primarily the result of greater exposure in women who were given the same dose
as men. When the parameters were corrected for weight, only 15 % showed


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

statistically significant differences. Sex differences in the PK parameters should

not affect BE studies since they use the crossover design in which each subject
serves as his or her own control ( FDA Guidance for Industry 2013 (Draft)).

Since body composition varies by sex, there are also sex differences in drug
distribution. Women have a higher percentage of body fat compared to men
(approximately 25 % vs. 16 % in men), although this difference decreases as age
increases (Vahl et al. 1998). Due to this larger amount of lipophilic tissue, women
have a greater Vd for lipophilic drugs such as diazepam, nitrazepam, chlordiazepoxide and cyclosporine (Soldin and Mattison 2009; Ochs et al. 1981;
Greenblatt et al. 1980; Greenblatt et al. 1985; Roberts et al. 1979; Kahan et al.
1986). Increased Vd may translate into prolonged elimination half-life, tissue
accumulation over time, and exposure-related adverse reactions. Conversely,
women have a smaller volume of distribution for hydrophilic drugs, such as
propanol (Ernstgard et al. 2003). Women are also reported to have a lower
plasma volume when compared to men, as well as a lower organ blood-flow rate
and lower concentrations of -1 acid glycoprotein (Piafsky and Borga 1977;
Verbeeck et al. 1984), a binding protein for neutral and basic drugs which may
impact the distribution process leading to different exposures. As opposed to
albumin, -1 acid glycoprotein has its expression controlled by circulating sex
hormones (Beierle et al. 1999). Hor-monal contraceptives and pregnancy both
further decrease plasma -1 acid glyco-protein. As a result, the unbound fraction
of various drugs that bind to -1 acid glycoprotein is significantly higher in
females than in males, as described for diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and
imipramine (Ochs et al. 1981; Greenblatt et al. 1980; Roberts et al. 1979;
Kristensen 1983). However, no sex differences have been found in the unbound
fractions of verapamil and disopyramide or other highly bound drugs in patients
receiving oral contraceptives (Keefe et al. 1981; Kishino et al. 1995; Gleichmann
et al. 1973).
According to the free drug hypothesis, (which states that the pharmacological
activity is correlated with unbound drug concentrations in plasma) this should
translate into more drug being able to penetrate tissues, but the clinical impact of
protein binding of drugs has not been elucidated (Rolan 1994).

The liver plays an important role in the metabolism of many drugs. Hepatic drug
metabolism is mainly by two phases- Phase I, which includes oxidation, reduction,

and hydrolysis with the majority of Phase I metabolism catalyzed by CYP

enzymes, and Phase II, which includes conjugation, e.g., glucorondination,
sulfation, acetyl-ation, methylation, and glutathione conjugation.

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.2 Sex differences among major CYP enzymes

Sex differences in

Examples of substrate drugs
Women < men

Clozapine (Lane et al. 1999), Olanzapine (Zofran US FDA

product labeling)

Women < men
Dextromethorphan, Metoprolol (Anderson 2005; Labbe

et al. 2000)

Women men
Debrisoquin (Bebia et al. 2004)
Women > men
Midazolam, Nifedipine, Triazolam (Greenblatt and von

Moltke 2008; Hu and Zhao 2010)

Women men
Fluvastatin (Schwartz 2003)
Women men
Mephenytoin (Bebia et al. 2004)

The CYP superfamily has a diverse range of enzymes responsible for drug
metabolism, and various enzymes have sex-related differences in activity. Caffeine
is metabolized by CYP1A2. This isoenzyme also metabolizes drugs such as theophylline and clozapine. Studies have shown a higher activity of CYP1A2 in men
than in women (Anderson 2005). In one study, women had a 35 % higher concentration of clozapine compared with men after normalization for dose, age, and
body weight (Lane et al. 1999). The sex differences among major CYP enzymes
are summarized in Table 2.2.
CYP2D6 is the second most common enzyme involved in therapeutic drug
biotransformation (Franconi et al. 2007). It metabolizes several drugs including
antidepressants, antiarrhythmics, analgesics, and beta blockers. Although there
have been reports showing faster clearance of CYP2D6 substrates (such as dextromethorphan and metoprolol) in men than in women, there have been other reports
showing either no sex-based differences or higher CYP2D6 activity in women
(Labbe et al. 2000; Bebia et al. 2004).
CYP3A enzymes are the most common CYPs for metabolism, metabolizing greater
than 50 % of commonly prescribed drugs. Many drugs that are substrates for CYP3A
exhibit higher clearance in women leading to lower exposure (Franconi et al. 2007;
Mattison 2013; Greenblatt and von Moltke 2008; Chetty et al. 2012). For example,
Midazolam is a well-known substrate for CYP3A. A meta-analysis (Hu and Zhao
2010) on sex-dependent differences in midazolam disposition for both intravenous and
oral exposures showed that women had higher clearance rates than men, and the sex
differences were more pronounced for intravenous midazolam. There was no
difference in oral bioavailability between the sexes. The authors concluded that women
exhibited significantly greater hepatic CYP3A activity than men. Similarly, an earlier
study that analyzed 38 datasets for 14 CYP3A substrate drugs tested in healthy young
males and females showed a difference in the overall mean ratios of female to male
weight-normalized clearance of the drugs (parenteral drugs: 1.26 _ 0.07; oral drugs:
1.17 _ 0.07), i.e., women cleared the drugs faster than men and sex differences were
more pronounced for intravenous route (Greenblatt and von Moltke 2008). They also
looked at absolute bioavailability of the oral drugs and identified no difference in this



E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

between males and females. The authors concluded that gender had a small and
statistically significant influence on CYP3A metabolism, although they felt that it
was probably not clinically important (Greenblatt and von Moltke 2008).
CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 do not appear to have significant sex differences in
activity (Schwartz 2003; Anderson 2005).
In addition to sex differences observed in Phase I metabolism, Phase II metabolism also has shown sex differences. However, these Phase II enzymes have not
been as extensively studied as the CYP enzymes. Phase II enzymes such as
glucoronyltransferases and methyltransferases are generally faster in men
(Franconi et al. 2007). However, there have been data that suggest that there are
sex differences in the glucorondination of some drugs and not others (Franconi et
al. 2007). Another consideration is that many drugs go through multiple metabolic pathways, which can contribute to widely varying sex differences. Because
women take more prescription medicines (see Chap. 14) and more OTC/herbal
products (see Chap. 13) than men (Franconi et al. 2007) women have a greater
possibility of exposure differences simply due to a higher frequency of possible
drug interactions (Gurwitz 2005).

The kidney is the major organ of drug excretion of both parent drug compounds
and drug metabolites. There are known sex differences in all three renal processes
for renal clearance glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular
reabsorption (Fig. 2.1). Renal clearance is generally higher in men than in women
(Gaudry et al. 1993; Berg 2006). This is accounted for by body weight
differences, since glomerular filtration is directly proportional to lean body weight.
Men have signifi-cantly higher creatinine clearance compared to women, but this
difference dimi-nishes once results are adjusted for weight. There are sex-specific
algorithms available for routine estimation of glomerular filtration or creatinine
clearance to guide dosing of renally cleared medications to reduce adverse effects
due to exposure differences in men and women (Cockcroft and Gault 1976;
Manjunath et al. 2001). There is also some evidence that drugs that are actively
secreted or reabsorbed by the kidney may also show sex difference in rates of
excretion (due to possible sex-based differences in transporter activities). For
example, one study in humans has shown that renal clearance of amantadine, an
organic cation transported by organic cation transporters in the kidney, is increased
in men compared to women (Gaudry et al. 1993).

Transporters are membrane-bound proteins that translocate endogenous com-pounds or
drugs across the membrane (Giacomini and Sugiyama 2006; Giacomini and Huang

2013). They are expressed in all tissues including intestine, liver, kidney

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .


Fig. 2.1 Drug excretion processes in the kidney

and brain. They work in concert with metabolizing enzymes in the absorption,
distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs, thus affecting exposure to the
medicine. Similar to enzymes, sex discrepancies in transporter expression probably
contribute to disparities in drug disposition and toxicity between men and women. Sex
differences in the expression of transporters in rodents have been reported. For
example, a number of liver transporters demonstrate female predominant (Oatp1a4,
_1a6, _2b1, Ntcp, Mrp4, Mate1) or male-predominant (Oatp1a1, Bcrp, Abca1) mRNA
expression patterns in mice (Klaassen and Aleksunes 2010). However, data regarding
sex differences in human transporters are quite limited.
P-gp encoded by MDR1 gene is an efflux transporter that expresses in multiple tissues
including intestine, liver, and kidneys. Sex differences in the expression of P-gp in the
gut have been studied showing a lower level in female enterocytes or no difference
among sex (Gandhi et al. 2004; Waxman and Holloway 2009; Potter et al. 2004;
Paine et al. 2005), and a higher expression of P-gp has been reported in male liver
biopsy samples (Schuetz et al. 1995). In addition, in the literature there are reports that
expression of another efflux transporter, Breast Cancer Resistant Protein (BCRP), is
higher in male liver than in female liver (Merino et al. 2005). More Na -dependent

Taurocholate Co-transporting Polypeptide (NTCP, a liver uptake transporter) mRNA in

female human livers was reported, although it was not statistically significant because
of large interindividual variation (Cheng et al. 2007). Whereas the majority of sex
difference studies have focused upon mRNA expression, additional work is needed at
the protein and functional levels to better understand the in vivo significance. A recent
study using LC-MS


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

quantification methodology showed that sex was not associated with transporter
protein expression of OATP1B1, OATP1B3, OATP2B1, and P-gp in frozen human
livers (Prasad et al. 2014). There is a need for characterization of sex differences in
human transporter proteins to more clearly understand any possible clinical effects.

Hormonal Differences
The assessment of sex-related differences is important as women experience a
changing internal hormonal environment during the menstrual cycle (follicular,
ovulatory, and luteal phases), during pregnancy, as well as during and following
menopause. Furthermore, hormonal contraceptives can lead to increased or
decreased drug clearance, most likely due to induction and/or inhibition of CYP
isoforms in the liver and gut.
There are numerous examples supporting the contention that female sex hormones impact drug-metabolizing pathways (Schwartz 2003; Gandhi et al. 2004;
Kashuba and Nafziger 1998; Bigos et al. 2009). Increased levels of estrogen and
progesterone alter hepatic enzyme activity, which can increase accumulation or
decrease elimination of some drugs. Estrogen is a substrate for CYP3A4 and
CYP1A2 and it has been shown that antidepressant metabolism may be significantly impacted during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle or with
estrogen replacement therapy (Bigos et al. 2009). Physiological changes during
pregnancy in the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine and
hematologic/ coagulation systems may also induce profound alterations to the PK
of many drugs and thus the response to these drugs (Costantine 2014; Mattison et
al. 1991). Additionally, changes in Vd and elimination rates may modify the PK
of drugs in pregnant women during gestation. The clinical relevance of these
changes is less certain (Loebstein et al. 1997).
Although sex hormones are thought to play a dominant role in modulating sexbased differences in PK, studies examining this theory have yielded conflicting
results. For example, midazolam clearance (reflecting CYP3A4 metabolic
activity) failed to show fluctuations during the menstrual cycle (Kharasch et al.
1999) and studies of eletriptan (another CYP3A substrate) demonstrated no sexrelated or menstrual cycle-related differences (Shah et al. 2001).

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .


What Are the Observed PK Differences Between Women

and Men and Are There Examples Where Such PK Differences
Result in Differing Pharmacological Responses and in
Subsequent Different Dosing Recommendations?
PK Differences Observed
Although PK differences between men and women are possible based on sexbased differences in the mechanisms described above, not all drugs exhibit sexbased PK differences. In addition, the magnitude of many PK differences is often
small (i.e. <20 %) and may not be clinically relevant. For example, a survey of
clinical pharmacology data contained in 300 new drug applications (NDAs)
submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1994 and
2000 found that 163 (54 %) NDAs had sex-based PK information (Huang et al.
2007). Of the 163 drugs, 51 (31 %) showed a possible sex effect, i.e. a PK sex
difference of greater than 20 %; (20 % was arbitrarily chosen as describing a
difference that was potentially clinically significant). The survey results showed
that (Huang et al. 2007):
The majority (90 %) of PK sex differences were less than 40 %
Except for one drug, where PK sex difference was greater than 40 %, women
consistently showed higher plasma exposure
Regardless of the disposition pathways involved, more than 50 % of the drugs
studied showed PK differences of less than 20 %.
A more recent survey of the U.S. FDA labelings of 69 new molecular entity
(NME) drugs and biologics approved by the FDA between September 2007 and
August 2010 showed that out of 52 NMEs with sex-based PK information (in
either the approved labeling or the clinical pharmacology review) the majority
(38/52, 73 %) had no sex difference in PK. Four NMEs reported PK difference
less than 20 %, 10 reported PK difference greater than 20 % but only 1 NME
reported a >40 % PK difference (Copeland and Parekh 2011). No sex-based
difference in dosage recommendation was made based on the observed PK sex
difference because the differences were not clinically relevant. Examples of recent
PK differ-ences included in approved drug labelings are shown in Table 2.1.

Examples of Sex Differences in Pharmacokinetics and Safety

A few examples where sex-based PK differences resulted in modified pharmacological response and/or subsequent different recommendations are highlighted here.


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

Ondansetron, approved for the prevention of nausea and vomiting resulting from
chemotherapy or in the postoperative setting, has been shown to display a significant PK sex difference (Jann et al. 1998). The FDA-approved labeling for
ondansetron states that women have 1.52 times the peak drug plasma concentrations and a lower oral clearance, but no sex-based dosage adjustment is

recommended (Zofran US FDA product labeling). Similar lower oral clearances

are reported in elderly patients and patients with mild-to-moderate hepatic impairment and no dosage adjustment is recommended in these patients either, possibly
based on similar exposure-response analysis for these patient populations. The
recommended adult dose of ondansetron is 24 mg administered before emetogenic
chemotherapy or 16 mg before anesthesia, and is not dosed on an mg/kg basis.

Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic approved for the treatment of schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder for which the label recommends a lower dose for patients in
whom higher exposures are anticipated. For schizophrenia, the starting dose is 5 10

mg daily with a target dose of 10 mg/day within several days (Zyprexa US FDA
product labeling). However, given that some treatment related adverse events are dose
and exposure dependent, a lower dose is recommended in specific populations who
may have higher plasma concentrations. For instance, olanzapine clearance is lower in
women. Clearance is also lower in the elderly (_65 years), causing higher plasma
concentrations. Olanzapine is extensively metabolized and CYP1A2 has been
identified as one of the enzymatic pathways of metabolism. As noted earlier, CYP1A2
shows a lower activity in women, possibly leading to a lower clearance of olanzapine
in women. CYP1A2 can be induced by cigarette smoking and as a result, olanzapine
clearance is about 40 % higher in smokers than in nonsmokers.
Although each of these factors may not independently justify dosing adjustment, the
combined effects of age, smoking, and a patients sex could lead to substantial PK
differences and increase the likelihood of adverse effects from higher expo-sures. The
plasma concentrations in elderly nonsmoking females, for example, may be higher
than those in young smoking males. The labeling for olanzapine recom-mends a lower
starting dose of 5 mg daily for patients who exhibit a combination of factors (e.g.,
nonsmoking female patients _65 years of age), as higher plasma concentrations are

expected in these patients (Zyprexa US FDA product labeling).

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .

Table 2.3 Sex differences in the safety of amlodipine (Norvasc

Male (%)
Female (%)
Male (%)
Female (%)
Adverse event
(N 1,218)
(N 512)
(N 914)
(N 336)





US FDA product labeling)

Amlodipine is a long-acting calcium channel blocker indicated for the treatment of
hypertension and coronary artery disease. The recommended adult starting dose is
5 mg once daily with a maximum dose of 10 mg once daily, however, a lower
starting dose of 2.5 mg once daily is recommended for small, fragile, or elderly
patients or patients with hepatic impairment. The labeling contains information on
the adverse effects of the higher dose in women, which is most likely related to
higher blood levels. For several adverse experiences that appear to be drug- and
dose-related, there was a greater incidence in women than in men associated with

amlodipine treatment as shown in Table 2.3 (Norvasc US FDA product

labeling). It has been shown that the bioavailability of amlodipine is slightly
higher in women, but these differences were attributed to the lower body weight of
women, as when data were adjusted for weight, the bioavailability did not differ
(Abad-Santos et al. 2005).

Zolpidem, a sedativehypnotic medicine used in adults for the treatment of insom-nia,
displays PK sex differences. The rate (measured by the peak plasma concen-tration or
Cmax) and extent (measured by the area under the plasma concentration-time curve or
AUC) of absorption of zolpidem following oral absorption were both approximately
45 % higher in women compared to men for immediate-release zolpidem and
approximately 50 % and 75 % higher, respectively, for controlled-release zolpidem

(Intermezzo US FDA product labeling; Ambien US FDA product labeling;


CR US FDA product labeling). When the immediate-release oral

formulation (Ambien US FDA product labeling) was originally approved by the

FDA in 1992, there was concern regarding morning impairment, even after a 7-to-8- h
period of sleep, and also recognition that peoples risk of impairment could vary
(Farkas et al. 2013). This led to the individualization of labeling recommendation for

Ambien US FDA product labeling with a lower dose of 5 mg for the elderly (who had
higher blood levels of the drug the next morning)


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

and for patients with hepatic impairment who metabolized the drug more slowly
(Farkas et al. 2013).

When the sublingual formulation (Intermezzo US FDA product labeling) was

approved in 2011, a sex-based dosage recommendation (i.e., 1.7 mg for women and
3.5 mg for men) was made based on new data that revealed a relationship between
blood zolpidem level and driving impairment. The data showed that a blood level of
zolpidem of >50 ng/ml could impair driving. With this threshold blood level, FDA
retrospectively assessed the safety of other dosage forms of zolpidem based on the
blood level of zolpidem 8 h post-doing. Sex-based dose recommendations were
subsequently made to all formulations of zolpidem products based on reanalysis of PK

data. Following administration of 10 mg Ambien tablet (an immediate-release

zolpidem product), about 15 % of women and 3 % of men had zolpidem concentrations that exceeded 50 ng/mL approximately 8 h post-dosing (Farkas et al. 2013).
A higher percentage of both men and women experience potentially impairing morning

zolpidem levels after use of extended-release zolpidem products (Ambien controlledreleased products at 12.5 mg), which is expected given that approximately 33 % of
women and 25 % of men had zolpidem blood concentrations exceeding 50 ng/mL 8 h
post-dosing. In studies of zolpidem extended-release 6.25 mg, at 8 h after dosing,
about 15 % of adult women and 5 % of adult men had a zolpidem level of _50 ng/mL,
whereas for both elderly men and women, about 10 % had such a zolpidem level

(Ambien CR). These findings are consistent with the sex differences observed with
various formulations of zolpidem. In January 2013, the FDA lowered the
recommended dose for zolpidem, in particular for women ( FDA drug safety
communication: FDA approves. . .; FDA drug safety communication: risk of. . .) and
included these recommendations in the labeling for all the zolpidem formulations

(Intermezzo US FDA product labeling; Ambien US FDA product labeling;


CR US FDA product labeling).

Although the labeling of zolpidem products also suggests that the lower doses
should be considered for men, the stronger recommendation for reduced dosage in
women underscores the clear sex-associated differences in zolpidem PK observed
in studies. A study of patients in the Taiwan National Health Insurance reimbursement database has shown that even the use of zolpidem for one day prior might be
associated with an increased risk of motor vehicle accidents (Yang et al. 2011).
These sex-specific labeling recommendations reflect an evidence-based approach
to risk management and dose individualization. These examples suggest that both
the exposure differences as well as the corresponding response changes are
considered when dosing adjustments are recommended in labeling.

Moving to the Future

The following questions need to be routinely considered for sex-based dosing

recommendations for therapies:

2 Effects of Sex Differences in the Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. . .


Are there differences in PK between men and women other than those resulting
from body weight differences?
What are the effects of oral contraceptives and hormonal replacement therapy on
metabolism of drugs? What drugs affect the efficacy of oral contraceptives? (see
Chap. 5 for more detail)
In general, are there more adverse event reports resulting from exposure differences in women as compared with men? Is this due to a higher percentage of use,
higher reporting, or increased sensitivity of certain adverse events in women? The
issues around whether women experience more adverse drug reactions than men is
complex, but the evidence (discussed more in Chap. 14 on primary care
prescribing) suggests they do have higher rates which are not just due to higher
rates of use and reporting.
When should drugs be labeled differently for women and men based on PK sex
Sex is one of many factors that can affect a drugs PK. Tools need to be developed
that can evaluate the effect of multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors on PK of an
individual patient. A computational tool such as physiologically-based PK (PBPK)
modeling can integrate multiple factors in the system model to simulate the effect
from multiple intrinsic (including sex) and extrinsic (including concom-itant
medications) factors on the PK of a drug. Recently, PBPK models have been used
in drug development to assist in clinical trial design and answer what if
questions (Rowland et al. 2011; Huang and Rowland 2012). Such models can be
used to predict and understand why sex differences observed for certain drugs but
not others by considering multiple factors.

Women and men differ in numerous physical parameters. Among others, women
have a lower total body weight, a higher proportion of body fat, a lower body
surface area, a lower muscle mass, smaller organ size, lower glomerular filtration
rate, and lower gastric acid excretion factors that may influence drug disposition.
Physiological differences, such as hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual
cycle, may also influence drug PK. Menstrual cycle variations do occur in renal,
cardiovascular, and hematological systems, with the potential to impact protein
binding and volume of distribution. Similarly, hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, and hormonal contraceptive therapy are likely to have the same
effects. Finally, there are molecular factors that account for sex differences in PK
(e.g., difference in drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters). These physical,
physiological, and molecular factors may influence the processes that determine
drug disposition (i.e., ADME) (Nicolas et al. 2009).

Understanding the mechanisms of sex differences in drug therapy is critical for optimal
dosing in both sexes. Evaluation of sex differences in PK of drugs will further enhance
understanding of sex-based differences in the safety and efficacy of


E.O. Fadiran and L. Zhang

drugs and minimize therapeutic adverse events. PK differences are the most
common sex differences and early detection of these differences during drug
development can lead to clinical trial design that will use sex-based dosing and
better individualization of therapy. Because men and women may differ in specific
drug PK it is essential to understand those sex differences in drug disposition and
response, as in turn they may affect drug safety and effectiveness.
In conclusion, several mechanisms relevant to drug absorption and disposition have
been shown to exert sex-specific activity differences, and for some drugs these have
the potential to result in clinically relevant differences in pharmacological response.
Thus, the importance of the evaluation of sex-specific PK during drug development is
to optimize therapy for both men and women which is highlighted by the regulatory
requirements and guidance recommendations.

Take Home Messages

There are sex differences in the PK of several drugs due to molecular and
physiological factors.
The molecular factors involved in drug disposition include drug-metabolizing
enzymes and drug transporters while physiological factors include lower body
weight, higher percentage of body fat, lower glomer-ular filtration rate, and slower
gastric motility in women.
Correction for height, weight, surface area, and body composition elimi-nates
some but not all of the sex-dependent PK differences. Only few drugs have shown
sex-related differences in PK that have resulted in different pharmacological
response (either safety or efficacy) and subse-quent sex-based dosing
recommendation. Exposure-response data is needed to determine the clinical
implications of sex differences in PK of drugs.
Understanding the science of sex differences in the PK of drugs will lead to
optimal dosing for both men and women and reduce the undesirable side effects of
Multiple factors in addition to sex need to be considered to understand the clinical
consequence of sex differences.

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Zofran (ondansetron) US FDA product labeling.

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Zyprexa (olanzapine) US FDA product labeling.

cfm?setid d5051fbc-846b-4946-82df-341fb1216341. Accessed 16 June 2014

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