Chambering Students Booklet

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To ensure that pupils gain direct exposure to a wide area of litigation practice.
duration of the modules vary between one to six weeks, and on the whole,
modules would require more than two weeks to complete.



may overlap and pupils regularly undertake more than 1 task



undertaking and completion of modules are flexible, and pupils, with the
assistance of Thomas Philip lawyers, shall indicate when each module is to be
undertaken and the expected completion date. As a general guide, half of the
modules should have either been completed, or in the final stages of
completion, within five (5) months of commencement of their pupillage.


presentations or speeches are tentatively allocated a time every Friday at

1pm or at office / litigation meetings, and may involve question-and-answer
(Q&A) sessions.


there is no grading of the assignments, pupils may be required to resubmit their assignments to the reasonable satisfaction of the pupil master.


are encouraged to undertake a balanced combination of written and

spoken assignments.


assignment topics must be approved by the firm either through the pupil
master or the lawyer having direct supervision of the legal matter.


work may be published to an internal audience, for instance by way of

posting on the firms notice-board, or an electronic mail copied internally.


are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements in every



modules are a guide and are subject to change.

Best wishes and Good Luck,

Mathew Thomas Philip

Module 1: INTRODUCTION TO THOMAS PHILIP (Duration: 1 Week)
Orientation: Getting to know Thomas Philip lawyers and staff. Formal introductions
at the first weekly office meeting
Learning and understanding firm policies and the Employee Handbook
Legal research orientation:
 available online research tools [legal workbench, CLJ online and
LexisNexis] and
 hard copy resources in the library
Learning and understanding essential office processes [printing, faxing,
photocopying, filing room system, file management, letter-writing format etc]
Understanding the KIV system [briefing by lawyer-in-charge and paralegal.
Overview of the Spider Law System]
Letter-Writing [in English & Malay]
o Official Letters to Court
o Letters to Clients
o Letter of Demand
Drafting of bills
Active participation in the weekly Office and Litigation Meetings
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 2: INTRODUCTION TO PLEADINGS (Duration: 1 Week)

Learning and understanding the Standard Operating Procedure of the various
pleadings and applications
Learning and understanding in-house training materials on the drafting of
pleadings and advocacy, including videos of training sessions with Senior Counsel.

Drafting of elementary pleadings eg. statement of claim, defence: Translation of pleadings from English to Malay and vice versa.
Learning and understanding required reference materials (textbooks, case-law etc)
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End of week round-up: Pupils are to be prepared for a Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 3 [INTRODUCTION TO PLEADINGS 2] Duration (2 Weeks)

Drafting various forms of affidavits
Drafting an application for substituted service
Drafting an application and order for the renewal of writ of summons
Drafting an application and order for the renewal of originating summons
Drafting an application for leave to serve statement of claim out of time
Drafting all other applications relating to pleadings for extension of time [excluding
appeal related matters]
Drafting an application and order for reinstatement of summons
Drafting an application and order for reinstatement of an action
Learning how to prepare various bundles of court documents
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End of week round-up: Pupils are to be prepared for a Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.


Understanding and familiarisation with the various writs of execution [including
writs of seizure and sale, writs of possession and writs of delivery].
Application for the renewal of a writ of execution
Drafting an application for garnishee order and developing a familiarity with
garnishee proceedings

Learning and understanding the procedure for the enforcement of judgments by

way of judgment debtor summons
Meeting with clients and recording minutes or notes of meetings [under the
supervision of a Senior Associate/Associate]
Meeting with clients and preparing witness statements [under the supervision of a
Senior Associate/Associate]
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 5 [SUMMARY JUDGMENT] Duration (1 Week)

Learning and understanding the process and documentation required in summary
judgment proceedings
Drafting application for summary judgment [Order 14] and preparing all the
documents related to the application
Drafting application for summary judgment [Order 81] and preparing all the
documents related to the application
Conducting a comprehensive research on matters related to summary judgment
[Order 14 and Order 81]
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 6 [BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS] Duration (1 Week)

Learning and understanding the process and documentation required in
Bankruptcy proceedings
Preparing the issuance of a Bankruptcy Notice/Creditors Petition and Learning
and understanding the process related to the service of the Bankruptcy
Notice/Creditors Petition
Preparing the various affidavits related to a Bankruptcy Notice / Creditors Petition
Learning and understanding the Bankruptcy Act and the Bankruptcy Rules

Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 7 [WINDING-UP PROCEEDINGS] Duration (2 Weeks)

Learning and understanding the process and documentation required in windingup proceedings
Learning and understanding the laws governing winding-up proceedings and the
modes of winding-up
Learning and understanding the Winding-Up Rules and the relevant provisions of
the Companies Act related to winding-up
Drafting a winding-up petition and an affidavit verifying petition
Knowing and understanding the methods of service of a winding-up petition and
the affidavit verifying the petition
Knowing and understanding the procedure after a winding-up order is given
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 8 [FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS] Duration (1 Week)

Learning and understanding the process and documentation required in
foreclosure proceedings
Learning and understanding the laws and forms governing foreclosure
proceedings including the related Rules of the High Court
Drafting the originating summons and related affidavits for foreclosure proceedings
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 9 [INJUNCTIONS] Duration (2 Weeks)

Learning and understanding the process and documentation required in an
application for an injunction
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
Learning and understanding the various injunctions and and their purposes
o Interim Injunction
o Permanent Injunction
o Ex parte Injunction
o Mareva injunction
o Anton Pillar Order
o Erinford Injunction
o Qua Timet Injunction
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
Learning anduinderstanding the criteria for the various injunctions
Drafting an application for any of the above injunctions with the related affidavits.
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.


Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
discovery and inspection of documents
Drafting an application for the discovery of documents
Drafting an order for the discovery of documents
Drafting an application for the production of documents and inspection
Drafting an application and an order for the production of documents in court

Conducting comprehensive research on the discovery and inspection of

Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.


Duration (2 Weeks)
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
interpleader proceedings & interpleader proceedings
Understanding the mode of application and service of summons in an interpleader
Conducting a comprehensive research related to interpleader proceedings and
third part proceedings
Drafting various interpleader applications, summons and order
Drafting the various summons and orders related to third party proceedings
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 12 [STAY OF EXECUTION PROCEEDINGS] Duration (1 Week)

Understanding the process and documentation required in stay of execution
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
stay of execution proceedings of the following:
o Power to stay proceedings in an interpleader
o Power to stay execution by writ of seizure and sale
o Stay of proceedings pending appeal to judge in chambers
o Stay of execution pending appeal from subordinate court

Drafting the application and order for the above listed stay of execution
Conducting comprehensive research related to stay of execution proceedings
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 13 [CONSOLIDATION OF PROCEEDINGS] Duration (1 Week)

Understanding the process and documentation required in consolidation
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
consolidation of proceedings
Drafting an application for consolidation of causes or matters
Drafting Orders related to consolidation proceedings
Conducting comprehensive research related to consolidation proceedings
Learning and understanding all other applications related to consolidation
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 14 [SETTING ASIDE] Duration (2 Weeks)

Understanding the process and documentation required in setting aside a writ,
judgment or order.
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
setting-aside applications
Drafting applications to set aside including:
o Setting aside a writ & service
o Setting aside a judgment in default of appearance
o Setting aside a judgment in default of defence

o Setting aside a summary judgment under Order 14

o Setting aside a summary judgment under Order 81
o Setting aside an order made under summary proceedings
o Setting aside varying judgments and orders

Drafting all the various orders related to setting aside

Conducting comprehensive research of the law related to setting-aside
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 15 [DEFAULT JUDGMENT] Duration (1 Week)

Understanding the process and documentation required in default judgments
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
default judgments
Drafting an application and an order for leave to enter judgment in default
Drafting an application and an order for judgment in default of defence by
Drafting an application and an order for judgment in default of defence by motion
Conducting comprehensive research on the law for default judgment
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 16 [STRIKING OUT] Duration (1 Week)

Understanding the process and documentation required in a striking-out

Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
striking out and the circumstances in which a striking out application may be made
Drafting various striking out applications, notices and orders
Conducting comprehensive research on striking out
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.


Understanding the process and documentation required in the dismissal of an
action and the withdrawal and discontinuance of an action
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court in the
dismissal of an action and the withdrawal or discontinuance of an action
Drafting various dismissal applications and orders
Drafting various withdrawal & discontinuance applications and orders
Conducting comprehensive research on the dismissal of an action and the
withdrawal or discontinuance of an action
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 18 [COMMITTAL PROCEEDINGS] Duration (2 Weeks)

Understanding the process and documentation required in committal proceedings
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to
committal proceedings and the circumstances in which committal proceedings arise.
Drafting an application for leave (ex parte) for an order of committal [Notice of
Motion] and the relevant affidavits
Drafting an application for an order of committal after leave to apply is granted
Drafting a warrant for committal
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.

End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior

Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 19 [JUDICIAL REVIEW] Duration (2 Weeks)

Understanding the process and documentation required in judicial review
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to the
scope of judicial review and the circumstances in which a decision may be judicially
Drafting an application for leave to apply for judicial review
Drafting an application for relief under Order 53 r 2
Drafting an application for judicial review upon the granting of leave
Drafting a notice of hearing for the application for judicial review
Conducting comprehensive research on the scope and the circumstances in
which a decision may be judicially reviewed and appreciating the various forms of
relief available
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.


Understanding the process and documentation required in the review of decisions
in the taxation of costs
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court related to the
review of decisions in the taxation of costs
Drafting an application to the registrar for review
Drafting a notice of application for the review of the registrars decision
Drafting an application and an order for the review of the registrars certificate by a
Conducting a comprehensive research on the review of decisions in the taxation of

Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 21 [APPEALS] Duration (6 Weeks)

Understanding the process and documentation required in civil appeals
Learning and understanding the law and the Rules of the High Court, Appellate
Court Rules, Rules of the Federal Court and Practice Directions related to civil
appeals and the circumstances that warrant an appeal
Drafting a notice / memorandum of appeal
Learning and understanding the procedure for filing the notice/memorandum of
Learning to prepare a record of appeal based on predetermined formats
Learning and understanding the procedure for the filing and service of the record
of appeal
Drafting an application and the relevant affidavits for extension of time where the
time for filing the notice/memorandum of appeal has expired
Drafting a summons-in-chambers together with the relevant affidavits for the
introduction of fresh evidence
Drafting a notice of cross-appeal
Learning and understanding the procedure for the filing and the service of the
cross appeal
Drafting a notice of intention to withdraw an appeal [where parties consent and
where they do not]
Conducting comprehensive research pertaining to the various applications and
procedures on appeal
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.


Understanding the process and documentation required in divorce & matrimonial
proceedings and matters relating to children.
Learning and understanding the law particularly under the Law Reform (Marriage
and Divorce) Act 1976, the Divorce and Matrimonial Proceedings Rules 1980 and the
Rules of the High Court related to matrimonial proceedings.
Learning and understanding Family Mediation, its processes and documentation.
Drafting of divorce petitions and related documentation
Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

Module 23 [INDUSTRIAL COURT] Duration (1 Week)

Understanding the process and documentation required in industrial court and
labour court proceedings, which includes the following:
o Pre-trial procedures of the industrial court
o Notice of mention of case
o Representation
o Mention of case
o Statement of Case
o Statement in Reply
o Rejoinder
o Extension of time to file statement of case, statement of reply & rejoinder
o Amendment to statement of case, statement of reply & rejoinder
o Application to strike out paragraphs in the pleadings
o Request for further and better particulars

Learning and understanding the law particularly under the Industrial Relations Act
and the Employment Act
Learning and understanding the procedure for lodging a complaint at the Industrial
Court for non-compliance of an award

Pupils Log: Pupils are required to keep a log on their progress and achievements
in this Module.
End-of-week round-up: Pupils engage in a weekly Q & A session with a Senior
Associate, to demonstrate their progress and familiarity with the Module.

The 23 modules above are not exhaustive as they mainly cover the area of civil
procedure. Pupils will also be exposed to various areas of substantive law and are
also expected to draft written submissions corresponding to the 23 modules above.
Pupils will be also be required to learn court filing processes, which include the
filing of cause papers, conducting files searches etc. Pupils will assigned these tasks
as and when the lawyer in charge sees fit throughout the duration of the chambering
tenure of the pupil.
Throughout their chambering period, pupils will be guided and mentored by the
lawyers in Thomas Philip in client interaction and management, as part of their
training, which would typically include:

o Accompanying and observing lawyers at client meetings.

o Learning how to deal with the clients independently, for purposes of
gathering information and recording statements
o Attending to clients and giving preliminary advice with the guidance of a
lawyer as for further exposure develop skills in dealing with clients.


1. Do you have any restrictions on candidates who can apply?

No. We consider all Malaysian candidates, from both Malaysian and
accredited overseas universities, who are interested in long-term careers in
2. What are the required academic results?
Generally, our minimum requirements are either a CPGA of 3.10 or a
Upper 2nd Class degree. However, candidates who do not possess such
academic qualifications may still be considered if they are able to show
sufficient cause for the same or who perform well in interviews.
3. Other than academic results, are there any other considerations?
Yes. We are looking for students with excellent communication and
analytical skills. They would also have been active participants in extracurricular activities in school and university. Moot Court or Debating
experience is always a plus.
4. How do I apply?
Applications are to be sent by email to [email protected] with
the following supporting documents attached:

cover letter;
resume/ CV detailing educational and employment background;
two written references;
a sample of written legal work (if available);
a copy of your CLP certification (where applicable)and transcripts;
a copy of your University degree certificate and course transcripts;
a copy of your A-level/ STP (or equivalent) certificate with grades
obtained for each subject;
a copy of your identification card/passport.

5. Is there a closing date?

28 January 2011 for the 2011 recruitment rounds.
6. When will the interviews take place?
The interviews will take place on Saturday mornings end of January 2011.
7. How many interviews will I have to attend?

Candidates short-listed from the first round will be invited to attend a

second round of interviews
8. Can I be given a provisional place even before completing my final exams?
Exceptional candidates may be offered provisional places subject to
successfully obtaining their law degree as projected.
9. If I am successful, what will I be paid?
You will be paid a monthly allowance of RM3000.
10. What other benefits will I receive?
a. The firm allocates a budget of approximately RM200 per month for
professional and self development. The budget will defray costs incurred in two

Skills and Knowledge Enhancement

Students will be required to attend various professional development
programmes or courses conducted by the Bar Council and KL Bar Committee
and other bodies which the firm considers relevant to litigation.
Self Development
Apart from skills and knowledge development, the Firm emphasizes the
importance of personal self development.

b. Successful candidates will be offered an attractive chambering package which

includes a RM1000 clothing allowance for court attire.
11. Will I be given the opportunity to observe court proceedings involving counsel
from other firms?
Yes. The firm regularly and closely works with Senior Counsel and it is part
of your training as a pupil, to observe Senior Counsel of the Bar at their best.
12. Who will I be working with?
You will work primarily with your Master who will assign a senior associate
to act as junior mentor to you.
13. Will I get to attend meetings with clients?
Yes. Where appropriate, you will be attending client interviews as part of
your training.

14. Will I get to attend Court after my short call, and if so will I only be asked to attend
Yes, you will be able to attend Court for mentions and depending on
consent from the client, some contested matters as well.
15. What are the resources available to me as a chambering student?
You will be provided with a laptop and access to all resources available to
lawyers in the firm. This includes extensive library and online resources such
as CLJ, MLJ and Legal Workbench.
16. What are my chances of being retained after my pupillage?
We recruit chambering students with a view towards retention in the firm
and have an interest in your development as a successful litigator.


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