Symposium Handout 1 2.9.08

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Whats in store for the Year of

the Rat?
In Feng Shui, it is believed that during a Rat
year opportunities and good prospects will be
plenty. In general the world economy will be in
boom as speculations and fluctuations will be
marked in the prices of commodities and in the
stock market. Businesses will be on the upswing,
fortunes can be made and it will be a good time
to accumulate wealth. It is advised though that
this should also be the time to make long-term
investment plans as the bonanza the reign of the
Rat has brought to us will surely reward one who
prepared wisely for the bleak years ahead. One
is also warned not to take unnecessary risks as
the reign of the Rat is still governed by the cold of
winter and the darkness of the night. Those who
speculate and overextend themselves will find
themselves in an unfortunate circumstance.
Overall, this will be a happier year than others
as it will be free from explosive events, wars and
with far less catastrophes than the Tiger and
Dragon years.
Nonetheless, things will still be quite spicy. It
promises a lot of bickering, bargaining and petty
arguments that will do though only little harm.
Its a congenial time that will find most of us
socializing and enjoying ourselves.

For those born during the

Earth Rats reign:
Money, and lots of it, really matters to the
Earth Rat. This is probably a compensating factor
for poverty in early life. This type will work very
hard to gain security, and they have enough
strength of purpose to achieve their ambitions.
Their need for security often leads them to

disastrous early marriages. Later

partnerships tend to be better, after
Earth Rats have achieved some
prosperity. Only then can they establish
a happy family unit.


Buying and selling, accountancy, publishing,

music and outdoor pursuits.

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The Earth chi is associated with fruiting and

ripening. After initial growth, product
development and marketing, the next objective is
to consolidate the gains that have been made.
Earth energy helps in developing long-term
relationships with customers and staff.
Earth Type Business Activity: Real estate,
recruitment, food industry, farming, household
product and clothing.
Earth Type Business Function: Consolidation,
customer relations and employee relations.
Earth Type Colors:
Yellow and brown.
Earth Type Shapes:
Low, flat and rectangular.
Earth Type Materials:
Clay, ceramic, cotton, wool, soft stone and brick.
Earth Type Features:
(To add on your desk, office and/or home)
Low plants and clay.
Harmonious with:
Fire and Metal Types.
Has Difficulties with:
Water and Wood Types
Suitable Careers for Rats:

Year of the Earth Rat

7 February 2008 to 25 January 2009
People born in the Year of the Rat are thrifty
and peaceful. They are active and energetic in
the things they do. Though they would have to
work hard to succeed, they will achieve their
goals eventually. They have many big plans and
schemes, and it is fortunate that they have
friends to help them in their endeavors. Through
their patience, the right opportunities will come
along eventually. If they are willing to give
warmth and support, and help others in their
endeavors, then they would overcome all
obstacles and ultimately attain their greatest


The Rat is associated with charm and

attraction for the opposite sex, money and
earthly possessions, being perfectionists, gossip
and petty quarrels, big dreams and diseases. A
wise person would do well to safeguard himself
from such during the Rat year. Avoid being easily
lured into honey traps, being easily affected by
rumors and too-good-to-be-true deals. Plan and
work well your activities and make sure you
protect yourself as best as you could from

Chinese Pronunciation: Shu

31 January 1900 18 February 1901

18 February 1912 5 February 1913
5 February 1924 24 January 1925
24 January 1936 10 February 1937
10 February 1948 28 January 1949
28 January 1960 14 February 1961
15 February 1972 2 February 1973
2 February 1984 19 February 1985
19 February 1996 6 February 1997
7 February 2008 25 January 2009

Things to
Keep in Mind
The Three Afflictions

Ranking order: First

Hours ruled: 11:00 PM 12:59 AM
Direction: Directly North
Season: Winter
Principle Month: December
Stem: Positive (Yang/Active)
Fixed Element: Water
Compatible with: Dragon, Monkey
Secret Friend: Ox
Incompatible with: Horse
Virtues: Charming, protective, dynamic,
communicative, compassionate, skillful, upright,
attractive, idealistic, prosperous, experimental,
talented, adaptable, open-minded,
Vices: Talkative, obsessive, defensive, addictive,
fickle, exploitive, anxious, mean, opinionated,


Every year, one must take note of the

locations of the three important afflictions. These
are the Grand Duke Jupiter, the Deadly Five
Yellow and the Three Killings. The location of
these three afflictions changes every year.
The Grand Duke Jupiter or Tai Tsui
He is said to be the god of the year and is thus
located in the fifteen degrees of the compass that
correspond to the animal sign of the year. To
ensure good Feng Shui throughout the year it is
vital that you should never sit directly facing the
Grand Dukes location for that year, even when
that direction is your best direction as per other
Feng Shui formula. Never also disturb the peace
and quiet of the Grand Dukes palace. This
means that you should not play loud music in the
corresponding location. You should also not
quarrel there nor undertake constructions and
renovations that involve banging, digging and

People born in the animal year directly

opposite the ruling animal are in direct conflict
with the Grand Duke.

In the year of the Rat, the Grand Duke is

located in the North. Opposite animal sign
is Horse.

The Nasty Five Yellow or Wu Wang

The Nasty Five Yellow is the most deadly of the
three annual afflictions especially during the
years when it flies into Earth and Fire element
sectors. It is at its most powerful when it afflicts
the main door or when it enters the bedroom. It
brings severe illness, financial loss and obstacles
to success. It is also known to cause hostility.

For 2008, the Nasty Five Yellow is in the


The Three Killings or Saam Saat

One must avoid having the Three Killings at
his back. You can confront it though.

In the year of the Rat, the Three Killings is

in the South.

2009: Year of the Ox

The sequence of the animal signs enters a
stable phase in the Year of the Ox. However, this
is not an easy ride, for the Ox teaches us the
value of hard work as well as the important
lesson that we get the rewards of life in direct
proportion to the efforts we put into it. So, the
lazy, feckless people who have previously wasted
opportunities will not be too happy as the world
suddenly becomes a demanding place. This is a
good year to make advantageous contractual
agreements. This also implies that it is an

excellent year to get married. The general rule

governing the Ox year is this: If your plans have
been well thought out and arrangements made
previously (in the Year of the Rat), then all will be
well. Slow and steady progress is the hallmark of
the Ox year, so patience is required. The results
will be worth waiting for.
2010: Year of the Tiger
The twelve months governed by the ferocious
Tiger could easily be described as the Year of
Living Dangerously. The arrival of this fearsome
jungle cat heralds a turbulent time, so its not
easy for timid souls to live through it without
experiencing a lot of anxiety. For those who
desire a quiet life, its best to sit tight and hope
for the best as the storm rages. Those who will
do best in this frantic year are people who
abandon logic and cool, calm planning and rely
on intuition. Those who act in an impulsive
manner and are willing to take a risk will also
tend to do well, simply because they are in
sympathy with the adventurous Tiger nature. For
this year, its best to keep an open mind, take
each day as it comes, and, catlike, be ready to
pounce in any direction at a moments notice.

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