Special Agent Combative Course: No Frill, No Nonsense Self Defense For Everyone

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The key takeaways are that Special Agent Combatives is a self-defense system developed by a federal agent that focuses on practical techniques anyone can use to protect themselves.

Special Agent Combatives is a self-defense system developed by a federal agent that combines martial arts techniques for self-protection rather than competition. It focuses on teaching people to avoid danger, defend against attacks, and escape dangerous situations like chokeholds.

There are training programs available worldwide that can be found on the website. Products like protective gear, training weapons, and clothing can enhance one's training. It is important to train with a certified instructor.


Derek A. Smith

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All the material contained in this book is provided for
educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility
can be taken for any results or outcomes resulting from the
use of this material. While every attempt has been made to
provide information that is both accurate and effective, the
author does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or
use/misuse of this information.

Special Agent Combatives: No Frill, No Nonsense Self
Defense for Everyone .................................................................1
Self Defense Against Assault .....................................................2
Verbal Tactics ............................................................................5
How to Strike .............................................................................7
Defense Against an Unarmed Attacker .....................................9
Defense Against an Armed Attacker .......................................10
Training Programs and Products .............................................11
Build confidence and Strength.................................................12



Self-defense is an essential skill for everyone. When youre trained properly
you can feel confident in your surroundings, free from fear. Special Agent
Combatives is a form of self-defense that everyone has embraced because of
its practical nature.

What is Special Agent Combatives?

This may be the first time youve heard about this self-defense system.
Special Agent Combatives has been around for a long time, though.
Developed by an experienced Federal Special Agent and veteran of three
military services, Special Agent Combatives is now used by many law
enforcement and military training programs.
This system is a combination of Karate and other martial arts programs.
Unlike most martial arts, though, this is a noncompetitive form of training.
The purpose of this is specifically to help you stay safe.
In Special Agent Combatives theres a program specifically designed for
everyone that focuses on self-protection every persons worst fear and an
experience that is too common. The Special Agent Combatives program has
been developed using research of how and where everyone is attacked in
real situations.
That knowledge has been used to teach everyone to avoid danger signs, fend
off an attacker, and get out of situations such as choke holds or headlocks.
In addition to teaching physical force techniques, this program also addresses
mental defense.
In a dangerous situation its not uncommon for a person to freeze with fear
and not really know what to do. Special Agent Combatives teaches you how
to stay present and alert so that you can protect yourself.
Its also common for Special Agent Combatives to be taught in locations
where youre likely to experience an attack such as a parking lot or bank
ATM. Getting out of the classroom can help you see how this works in real
The goal of Special Agent Combatives is to get to safety as soon as possible.
While it may be impossible to avoid confrontation, you can consider your selfdefense skills to be successful if you simply avoid danger and get away
before something happens.
While some other self-defense programs may teach you moves that are
helpful, theyre not always practical in everyday life. With Special Agent

Combatives youll find that the system is totally practical and can be used
right away. Youll feel more confident and secure with your new skills. In
this report youll learn some basics about Special Agent Combatives that can
help you to decide if its the best program for you.


Self-defense is your first line of protection if someone tries to assault you.
Legally, youre allowed to defend yourself if you feel youre in danger from a
possible attacker. But you do need to keep some things in mind as you
practice Special Agent Combatives in a real life scenario.
When youre trained in martial arts, you must be careful not to overstep the
legal laws about self-defense. For example, you should only use enough
force to defend against the threat.
In other words, if youre being approached by an attacker that is unarmed or
untrained in martial arts you have to be careful not to use too much force. In
general, you shouldnt use deadly force unless you think that your own life is
on the line or you think the person may commit a crime such as rape or
Every states laws are different about self-defense. But in general, if you feel
threatened you can use your skills to keep safe. What you cant do is use
them to go get revenge after a situation has taken place.
Its also important to understand that self-defense means someone else is
being aggressive toward you first. If you are initially the aggressor in a
situation, you cant claim self-defense later.
For the average individual, using self-defense is going to keep you safe and
youll be operating within the law. Special Agent Combatives can help you to
know how to identify an unsafe situation and which steps to take to neutralize
an attacker, get away, and stay safe.
People often say that in self-defense there are no rules. To an extent thats
true. You need to do whatever it takes to keep someone from hurting you.
And in most cases the law is on your side. Special Agent Combatives will
teach you what you need to know for the best chance of survival in a
dangerous situation.
Survival Mindset
So much of your safety depends on your mindset. Your mindset helps you to
stay aware of your surroundings and to be ready to defend yourself whenever
necessary. The core of Special Agent Combatives is teaching you how to be
in the best mindset for your safety.


The survival mindset begins with staying out of unsafe situations. When you
put yourself in risky situations, bad things are just more likely to happen.
Some situations to avoid include:

Social situations with people you know or suspect to be dangerous

Situations with someone you know brings out intense negative emotions
(such as an ex-partner)
Poorly lit, isolated areas
Carrying many belongings, especially valuables, while walking
Taking an unknown route

There are many dangerous situations that can be avoided. But sometimes
danger occurs when youre not putting yourself in a seemingly dangerous
position. Part of the self-defense mindset is to be alert to your surroundings.
No matter what situation youre in, its important to be mindful of your
surroundings. Youll want to pay attention to who is in your surroundings,
where they are, and assess whether a situation might be dangerous at any
given moment.
In most cases its best to avoid a confrontation by staying out dangerous
situations. That might mean turning back into a building to get help instead
of trying to get past a dangerous person. It might mean taking a different
route to avoid risk.
But sometimes you cant avoid a situation. When youre not trained in selfdefense a dangerous situation can trigger fear in you. For some people that
causes a paralysis that doesnt allow any action. You can literally freeze in
fear if youre untrained.
However, when you know what you need to do to protect yourself physically
you have a different type of confidence in a risky situation. You can evaluate
a situation and take mental steps to do whats necessary to either avoid an
assault or deal with a confrontation.
Your training will kick into gear and youll know when to use force, when to
hold back and you can strategize about the best way to get away. Instead of
being confused about what to do, youll be able to make more rational
decisions about the situation.
Having the survival mindset takes training. Special Agent Combatives can
help you to improve your mindset. It also teaches you skills for defending
yourself physically. Knowing that you have those skills will improve the way
you respond in a dangerous situation.
Special Agent Combatives teaches you to:

Use confident body language

Use your voice effectively
Create boundaries that improve your safety

When it comes to boundaries, there are three types: Emotional, Physical,

and Verbal. Emotional boundaries basically mean knowing what does and
doesnt feel right to you. This can help you to be more aware of a possible
risk to you.
Physical boundaries mean keeping distance between you and strangers or
possible threats. The more distance between you and the attacker, the
better your chances of escaping. You want to stay at least two arms lengths
away from a stranger.
If youre in a crowded place, thats not always possible. But you still need to
keep as much personal space as possible.
Verbal boundaries are the final type of boundary. This is using a strong
voice to assert what you want a possibly dangerous person to do. You want
to make powerful statements that dont leave room for interpretation.


How you use your voice can make the difference in a situation. But your
verbal message is also affected by the way you carry yourself. You need to
project strength and confidence if you feel youre being threatened. There
are several things you can do to make that happen.
The elements of body language, facial expression, and eye contact are all
part of the verbal message you send. And, of course, theres the actual tone
of your voice when you deliver information.
Your body language should be confident. You want to appear relaxed, but
you should also have good posture and appear alert. You should keep your
head up and keep your arms open instead of crossing them in front of your
You also want to avoid movement such as pacing or shifting your weight. Its
important to appear calm and steady. When youre facing someone who
raises your red flag, you need to keep eye contact. You dont want to have a
threatening look, but dont turn your eyes away or down.
When youre willing to look someone in the eye you send the signal that
youre confident and alert. Predators are looking for weak prey that will
easily do what they want them to do.
Your facial expression should also be calm. You dont want to look angry or
distracted. Instead, stay focused and collected and cool. Use a
commanding tone with your voice, but you dont yell or scream.
With proper verbalization you can de-escalate a situation before it becomes
more dangerous. Verbalization especially works with someone whos
normally not aggressive, but has heightened emotions, is intoxicated, or
affected by drugs.
Then again, you may be dealing with someone who has a personality
disorder and is violent or aggressive. Realize that you cant reason with
someone whos in an irrational state. Thats not the point of de-escalation.
Without training your first instinct might be to ignore someone or even argue
with them. But these practices tend to make someone angrier and even
more dangerous. Instead, listen to what theyre saying, even asking
questions if necessary.
At the same time, make sure your body language is setting a boundary and
that youre staying at least two arms lengths away. As you listen, you also
want to acknowledge that you hear what theyre saying and you understand
their feelings.
Finally, you also need to communicate your expectations. You should be
firm and repeat your expectations as often as you need to. In many cases
this tactic will help someone who is agitated to calm down and back away.

If you feel that it isnt working, though, you should trust your gut. If what
youre doing is making the person more agitated or aggressive, stop doing it.
Trust that what youre feeling is right and strategize a different approach using
your Special Agent Combatives skills.


You obviously hope that you wont have to get into a physical confrontation
with someone. However, self-defense means being prepared to do so if
necessary. In this section well discuss some basics about striking.
When it comes to your strike, you need to focus on your stance and target
areas. Youll also want to think about striking with the most effective areas of
your body and using your own natural weapons.
For your stance, youll begin in a neutral position especially if youre still in
the verbal de-escalation phase of speaking with someone. You dont want to
appear aggressive. You can have your arms hanging at your side or you can
have your hands up with your palms facing outward. This creates a physical
boundary that says stay away from me.
A fighting stance is used when a physical confrontation is imminent. Youll
want to put your left leg forward if youre right handed or your right leg forward
if youre left handed. This provides you with balance and power as you
Your feet need to be a little more than shoulder width apart to help you stay
on your feet. Your hands will be raised up and should be about 8 inches
from your face. Your hands can be curled, but not in a tight fist.
Square your shoulders toward the possible assailant and tuck your chin.
This stance shows that youre confident and ready to defend yourself. It also
helps you to maintain balance and power if you need to strike.
Its important to strike areas on your assailant that are soft and will be the
most painful. Remember that you want to give yourself an opening to get
away. Many people do things such as strike the chest or back but these
areas are protected by bone and not very painful to your attacker.
Instead, choose areas such as the eyes, ears, chin, solar plexus (the area
just below the ribs where your diaphragm is), groin, kidney, knee or shin.
These areas are sensitive and if you strike well, youll have a better chance of
disabling your attacker and getting away. If you just think about the parts of
your body that are most sensitive it will help you to choose wisely.
When you strike someone else, you want to use parts of your body that are
hard and will hurt. The best places to use are:

Crown of your head
Bottom of your heel

These are bonier areas of your body that will have more impact when striking
against an opponent. You should also think about using some natural tactics
against your attacker that can be very painful.
For example, gouging someones eyes is going to be very painful for them
and debilitating in the moment. It will allow you to get away to safety. Biting
is also an option because its painful and might give you an opening to get
Grabbing and twisting soft tissue areas of the body, especially in the groin
area, is also a good tactic for getting quick results. In addition, you can focus
on trying to bend and break small joints that cause a lot of pain such as the
These are some very basic tips for striking. The more training that you get in
Special Agent Combatives, the more youll learn about specific techniques.



If youve gotten to a point when de-escalation isnt working or isnt possible,
you need to protect yourself against an attacker. This is where your striking
technique will come into play. Its important that you remember to use all of
your personal weapons.
Here are a few tips for improving your defense against an attacker:

Use small hand movements so that you can have more control over your
positioning and you can defend against a second attack from the
Extend your hands a few inches away from your face so that you can
defend your face before a punch gets close.
Counter attack in the softest, most painful areas. A knee kick to the groin
is often very effective.
If youre attacked from behind, raise your hands as far backward as you
can with your arms at a 90-degree angle. Step away in a diagonal
direction to avoid your legs being swept.
If you are put into a headlock position from the side, always work to gouge
out the attackers eyes with your higher hand while your other hand should
focus on grabbing and twisting in the groin area.
In general, as soon as you feel your attacker has disengaged and is
stunned you should get away as quickly as possible.

When you study Special Agent Combatives in more detail youll learn many
different moves for putting off an unarmed attacker. But sometimes you
have to deal with someone who is armed and there is help for that as well.



One of the most frightening things you can imagine is being confronted by
someone who is pointing a gun at you. This is obviously a life threatening
situation from the start. Special Agent Combatives is a self-defense
technique that has the sole purpose of keeping you alive and safe.
In the case of a mugging or robbery, remember that there isnt anything you
own thats worth your life. In some cases, complying with what the person
wants will allow your life to be saved.
But even if you comply, you can still end up assaulted, raped, or even killed.
Its important that you have many techniques available to you to prevent this
from happening.
Most of the time when someone is using a gun against you, they still get close
to you. Generally, gun crimes are committed within five feet of a person.
This draws less attention and increases accuracy.
The main thing that youll need to combat in this situation is fear. Often the
presence of a life threatening weapon can cause you to freeze. But
practicing over and over again with a weapon in a real life scenario can help
you to feel confident you know what to do.
Its important to note that when you practice disarming an armed attacker, you
should never use a real handgun. Not even one thats not loaded. Always
use a mock gun made specifically for training.
Your goals when dealing with an armed attacker are to redirect the aim of the
gun away from critical areas to more peripheral areas. You also want to
disarm the attacker if possible and take control of the weapon.
There are specific techniques youll learn using Special Agent Combatives to
help you feel confident in your ability to do this in a variety of situations. Its
critical that you spend a lot of time training in this approach so that you have
confidence should it happen to you.
Your ability to act quickly in a dangerous situation is the most critical thing.
Even hesitating for a second can cause you to lose your life or become
seriously injured. Training and practice are the best ways to insure that youll
know what to do if the time arrives that you need to defend yourself against
someone who is armed.




Now that you understand some of the basics of Special Agent Combatives,
its important to make sure you have proper training. Its not enough to read
about the basics, you have to get hands on practice. By visiting
www.specialagentcombatsystem.com you can learn about training programs
available all over the world.
You need to work with a certified instructor who can teach you techniques
properly and effectively. You may want to specifically choose a Special
Agent Combatives course for everyone, but dont shy away from mixed
As you begin your training, youll find that there are products you can
purchase that will enhance your experience. Youll use these for training
purposes. For example, youll want Leather Boxing Gloves to help you when
Obviously in real life you wont be wearing gloves, but this is a safety
precaution for training exercise. You can also purchase a Hard Rubber
Training Gun which is safe for training to disarm an attacker. In addition,
youll find that there are also rubber knives available for training.
There are various guards you can purchase for protection during training.
For example, you can purchase a Professional Shin Guard, Revgear Punch
Shield, and a Kick Shield to stay safe during training.
You may also want to purchase training gloves for grappling that protect your
hands during practice. Theres also an entire line of clothing to help you
have mobility and comfort while training.
Taking the Next Step
Special Agent Combatives can help you to have much more confidence in
any situation. You wont walk around the world in fear of what youll do
should a confrontation arise. Instead, youll have confidence to face an
attacker and know you can get away.
But you wont be able to have that confidence if you dont get trained and
continue to practice. Your next step is to make sure you purchase my
Special Agent Combative Course, Special Agent Kill Moves, and Brutal
Beyond Belief training DVDs or train with me live so that you can begin to lay
a foundation for lifelong safety.




Im here to help! There are more tips and

techniques for self-defense and strength.
You can also visit us at



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