Config SNMP
Config SNMP
Config SNMP
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1. Introduction
As IP telephony continues to grow and evolve, managing the infrastructure that provides
telephony services becomes an important issue that network administrators need to address. ION
Networks SA5600 is a dedicated network management platform which provides network
administrators SNMP monitoring of devices, including the IP telephony infrastructure.
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Avaya Communication Manager
4.0 (R014x.00.0.730.5)
HW04 / FW87
HW05 / FW08
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Step Description
Navigate to the Add Trap Destination web page by clicking SNMP Traps under
Alarms within the left-side navigation panel. Enter the information displayed below and
then click Add. Check the Check to enable this destination check box. IP address is the
IP address assigned to the ION Networks SA5600, see Figure 1. Click the SNMP
version 2c radio button and use the drop-down list for Notification type to select trap.
Community name can be any descriptive text and in the sample network ion-test was
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Step Description
Navigate to the Firewall web page by clicking Firewall under Security within the leftside navigation panel. Check the snmp and snmptrap check boxes for both Input to
Server and Output from Server. Click Submit.
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Step Description
Issue the SSP 3 command to administer system parameters. Home Phone Number 1
(Default) is the telephone number of the external NMS. Report Multiple Alarms is set
to Yes. Default Action Routine Modem is set to Modem #1.
5010000000>SSP 3
--- Set System Parameters ---- Action Routine Parameters -Home Phone Number 1 (Default)
Home Phone Number 2
Home Phone Number 3
Home IP Address
Delay Before Transmit (sec)
Report Multiple Alarms ?
Default Pager Number
Default Pin Number
Default Pager Message
Default Action Routine Modem
Modem #1
Issue the aaip command to add an Avaya IP Device to the system. Device name is any
descriptive text and in the sample network Avaya-Communication-Manager was used
for the Avaya Communication Manager system. IP address and Avaya IP Address are
the IP address assigned to Avaya Communication Manager, see Figure 1. Terminal
Connection Type was set to Telnet. Ports are the actual network ports used for
communication (80 for web, 443 for secure http, etc.). Host Equipment Type was set to
Intuity. The value used for HOST Equipment Type is used to classify the type of
equipment and ION Networks uses Intuity for VoIP equipment. Comments can be any
descriptive text.
--- Add Avaya IP Device --Device name
IP Address
Avaya IP Address
Terminal Connection Type
Host Equipment Type
Repeat Step 3 to create an entry for Avaya Application Enablement Services using the
appropriate IP address and 22 for Ports.
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7. Verification Steps
Verify that the ION Networks SA5600 has IP connectivity by issuing ping commands to
the configured systems. Note: The ability to successfully use ping commands may
depend on how the customers network is configured to support ICMP traffic.
Verify that the Avaya platforms have the correct IP address configured for the ION
Networks SA5600. Refer to Section 3 Step 1 and Section 4 Step 1.
Generate diagnostic test traps and verify they are received, interpreted and processed by
the ION Networks SA5600. Test traps for Avaya Communication Manager can be
generated via the web interface. A trap for Avaya Application Enablement Services can
be created by removing and then restoring a network connection.
Verify that the firewall setting for Avaya Communication Manager allows snmp and
snmptraps to pass through the firewall. Refer to Section 3 Step2.
Verify the Device type for Avaya Application Enablement Services is set to SSG.
Refer to Section 4 Step 1.
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8. Support
Support information for ION Networks SA5600 can be obtained through the following:
Phone: 1-800-722-8986
Email: [email protected]
9. Conclusion
These Application Notes detail the configuration steps that enable SNMP connectivity with
Avaya Communication Manager, Avaya Application Enablement Services and ION Networks
SA5600. These Application Notes demonstrate the configuration process that enables ION
Networks SA5600 to access Avaya Communication Manager using telnet or ssh and Avaya
Application Enablement Services using ssh. These Application Notes also detail the
configuration process that allows the ION Networks SA5600 to dial out via a PSTN connection
to an external NMS.
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Please e-mail any questions or comments pertaining to these Application Notes along with the
full title name and filename, located in the lower right corner, directly to the Avaya
DevConnect Program at [email protected].
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