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DGMP 14 IIML Placement Brochure (Final)

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About DGMP

Directors Message

Chairman MDP Message

Message from the Program Directors

Faculty Profile

Batch Profile

Program Structure

Placement Process


Placement Guidelines


Career Profiles


The General Management Programme for Defence Officers (DGMP) is a rigorous 24 week full time programme that has been
designed for the participants to receive academic inputs on the corporate eco-system in a methodical manner. The programme
has been divided into five terms, the first three being Core subjects and the latter two being Electives. The meticulously designed
Core subjects provide an essential exhaustive knowledge, comprehensive understanding, and a 3600 perspective on General
Management. The fastidiously seamed Electives provide an opportunity to the participant to specialise by dwelling into greater
depths and develop his/her skill sets in the chosen stream of management. The academic rigor can be comprehended by the
fact that a full credit course requires approximately 100 hours of work, both in and outside the classroom, from the participant.
The eclectic mix of core subjects and the electives ensure that a participant is able to immerse in developing a skill-set which
is valued at the highest professional standards in the corporate world and is also able to withstand the demands of it. Such a
formidable course design has been developed by Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow by drawing inputs from the
experienced faculty staff as well as the industry. A lot of emphasis has been specifically laid on experiential learnings through
case-studies, live projects, assignments and relating the same with the industry trends and applications. The fundamentals of
the course allows a participant, to graduate with an all-encompassing orientation, to be able to manage the deliberate and
emergent situations by applying the skill-sets developed in the programme.
A salient feature of the course has been, to identify the inherent qualities in the military culture, erudite corporate practices and
pre-requisites of the business world, and blend them to develop in participants a unique skill set that makes them a puissant
candidate for the industry. The course also takes into account the considerable work experience of the participants at the
leadership positions and various functional roles in the Armed Forces and hones their skill sets in a manner and fashion so that
they have a more evolved understanding of the inter-relationships of the management domains crucial to the success of the
A successful outcome through the learnings of the course automatically implies the participants readiness to steer into the
corporate stream with a streamlined synergy. The augmentation in knowledge through this course ensures them to be capable
of leveraging their expertise and acquired skill-sets with a considerable manoeuvrability to tackle the challenges of complex
corporate environment in a decisive, sensitive and ethical manner.

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I am proud to present the fourteenth batch of officers from the armed forces who have
successfully undergone a full-time six months residential general management programme
here at IIM, LUCKNOW. These officers, who have shown tremendous tenacity to undertake
this rigorous programme, have a background of turning the tide on adversaries in most trying
situations and in challenging environs. They have made noteworthy contribution to the nation
and with their sense of commitment, they definitely will add immense value to any
organization they are inducted into.
During their transformational journey here, their skills in all aspects of management and
entrepreneurship have been honed by exposing them to the latest concepts, trends and
practices in the corporate world. Transiting from the Armed Forces to the corporate milieu,
these officers bring forth integrity, perseverance, honesty and espirit-de-corps as their
second nature. It is a privilege for us here at IIM, Lucknow to be continuously associated with
the Armed Forces in transforming their experienced and extremely talented leaders into senior
and middle level positions in the corporate world. At IIM, Lucknow, we value our commitment
to the nation and therefore have put heart and soul in metamorphosing their skill sets with
right attributes to transcend them as value proposition for the business world.

Ajit Prasad
Director, IIM Lucknow

Armed with sound management concepts, decision making skills and ability to perform with
constrained resources, these officers are a blend of ethical practices and adroit leadership.
They display greater sense of social responsibility and pledge for inclusive growth. In the era
of cultural diversity, these officers with their unique military ethos and dynamism are now a
perfect fit for a corporate role. The course has ensured that these officers are laced with best
management concepts, soft as well as analytical skills, which has been aptly infused in them
by IIM, Lucknow, and make them most sought after in their professional domains across
diverse business eco-systems.
I am positive that organizations in the business world would find the skill sets of these officers
apposite to their goals and would provide them an opportunity to prove their worth.

Ajit Prasad
Director, IIM Lucknow
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Dear Recruiter,
It is with a great sense of pride and lan that I offer the valued batch of the Fourteenth General
Management Programme for Defence Officers for recruitment. At the Indian Institute of
Management, Lucknow, we have been able to facilitate their transition from the military to
corporate by investing in them the best resources and expose them to the finest ethical practices
in the industry.

Dr Jabir Ali
Chairman, MDP

These Defence Officers, on their part, have demonstrated a remarkable commitment to gain
knowledge, skills and techniques across different areas of management. They are able to come up
with innovative solutions, channelize their learnings in a rationalised and ethical manner. Honing
skills through realistic case-studies, active classroom participation, individual and group
assignments, these officers have demonstrated a strong desire to maximise their learning through
the programme here at IIM, Lucknow. In the volatile, uncertain and complex world of corporate,
where knowledge and analysis backed decision-making holds the key, these officers have brought
forth strategies to deal with scenarios that also has an added dimension of key outcomes from
their past military experience. This single aspect makes them stand out from the crowd and makes
these officers a value proposition for any business house.
Armed with intrinsic core values of leading from the front, integrity, perseverance, discipline and
operating in challenging environs with constrained resources, these officers have an innate
persona and a formidable desire to prove their worth to their employers. They are quick on uptake,
understanding, learning and applying their skill sets to deal with deliberate and emergent situations
and attune it to companys goals.
With these officers always asking for more, it has always been a demanding curve to satiate them
with knowledge and skill-sets and make them industry ready. However, as the head of the
programme, I can proudly say that the members of the faculty and staff at IIM, Lucknow were able
to cope up to the challenge and transform them into robust candidates for corporates. I am
confident that with their experience and training, they are aptly poised to distinguish themselves
in their new careers. I wish them all the best in their placement endeavours.

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Dear Recruiter,

Dr Abhijit Bhattacharya

Dr Sabyasachi Sinha

We are delighted to present the officers of the armed forces from the Fourteenth General Management Programme for Defence
Officers, a rigorous, six months, full-time residential programme, conducted at IIM Lucknow.
The programme re-orients by exposing them to all functional skills of management, business practises and industry trends through
a balanced mix of core courses as well as electives. They undertake extensive in-depth analysis on industry perspectives and explore
new vistas of problem solving, a skill in great demand for the managers of today. Thus, IIM, Lucknow has played its pivotal role in
honing their skill-sets and we believe that in the world of complex and demanding business eco-systems, these officers would excel
through their learnings here.
Imbibed with an unparalleled value system of the Armed Forces, these officers have an exemplary sense of leadership, dedication to
duty, discipline, adaptability and loyalty. Amalgamating these qualities with functional managerial skills required in the corporate
world have made them a potent sought-after candidate. They are capable of leveraging their experience in the Armed Forces that has
been streamlined, synergised and augmented through this formal course.
With an encouraging feedback from the industry and corporates, we are sure that business world would once again be eager to
welcome this batch of Corporate combatants. Their innate dedication, willingness to go beyond the ordinary, coupled with a strong
desire to prove themselves, makes them a worthy asset in any organisation. In essence, we are confident that the time has arrived
for the business world to provide a fair opportunity to these officers to prove their mettle.
Dr Abhijit Bhattacharya
Dr Sabyasachi Sinha

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Finance and Accounting
Prof. Prakash Singh
Ph.D.(Birla Institute of Technology &
Science, Pilani, Rajasthan), MBA
(Lucknow University, Department of
Management Studies), B.Tech
(Mech Engg, Harcourt Butler
Technological Institute, Kanpur)

Prof. Debashis Chatterjee

Prof. A
Vinay Kumar
Ph. D (Finance),MBA
Prof. A K Mishra
Fellow IFCI,Ph.D.(Finance),

Prof. Vipul
Ph.D., Lucknow Univ.,AICWA,PGDM,
M.Sc. (Phy.), Lucknow Univ.

nce and Accounting

Prof. Ajay Garg
Fellow (IIM
Bangalore),M.B.A (UBS,
Panjab University)

Prof. Madhusudan Karmakar

Prof. Gaurav Garg
Ph. D. (Statistics),M. Phil
(Statistics),M.Sc. (Statistics)

Prof. Sonia
Ph.D.(OR) , Indian
Institute of Technology
M.Sc. (Maths), Indian
Institute of Technology

Prof. B K Mohanty
P.G.Dip (Maths) Ph.D.

Prof. Abhijit
Ph.D., IIT Kharagpur, M.Sc.
(Stat.) Lucknow Univ.

Prof. Payal Mehra
University of Lucknow



Prof. Vikas Srivastava

Prof. D S Sengar

PhD ( Business
Administration),MBA (Finance)
Advanced Diploma in Management
Visiting Doctoral Fellow, HSE,

Ph. D. (Statistics),M. Phil

(Statistics),M.SSICI Post-Doctoral
Fellow at Canadian Institute of
Resources Law, University of
Calgary, Canada
Senior Fulbrighter at The George
Washington University Law School,
Washington DC,LL.D.
(Environmental law & Business)
Lucknow Univ.
LL.M. (International law & Criminal
law ),PG Diploma in Criminology
LL.B.c. (Statistics)

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Business Environment

Prof. Debashis Chatterjee

K N Singh

Prof. K G Sahadevan

Prof. Pradeep Kumar

Ph. D. (Pune University)

Fulbright Fellow (MIT & Harvard Univ.)
M.A. (JNU)

D. Eng., AIT/B
M. Tech., IIT/K
B. Sc(Eng.), Mech., Patna Univ.

PhD (CS) from Hyderabad University

M.Tech (CS) from BIT Mesra
B.Tech (CSE) from Magadh University

Prof Pushpendra Priyadarshi

Prof. Samir K Srivastava

Ph.D.(Eco), Univ. of
Hyderabad, M.Phil. (Appl. Eco.)
Cochin Univ. of Science &

Ph.D. (University of Delhi),

M. Phil. M.S.W.

Fellow of IIM Lucknow

B. Tech (Electrical Engineering),
Institute of Technology, BHU
(Now IIT BHU), Completed with
distinction TPM Implementation
Course conducted by Japan
Management Centre
Incorporated, Tokyo.

Prof. Pankaj Kumar

Ph. D. (Organizational
Psychology) Delhi University
M. Phil. (Organizational
Psychology),M. A. (Applied

Prof. Shailendra Singh

Ph.D (OB) IIT Kanpur
LLB Delhi Univ.
MA (Psy) Allahabad Univ.

Agri Business
Prof. Sushil kumar (bs)
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Toronto.
Ph.D., University of Toronto, Toronto
B.Sc., HAU Hisar; M.Sc., IARI Delhi

Prof. Sushil Kumar

(IIT Delhi) Industrial

Engg., M.Tech (IIT Delhi)

Industrial Engg.,B.Sc (Engg.)
(NIT Kurukshetra) in Civil

Prof. O S Vaidya
Fellow (NITIE
ME (Mechanical, Production)
BE (Mechanical)

Prof. Sanjay K Singh

Ph.D., B.Tech.

Prof. D Tripati Rao

IT & Systems

Prof. Amit Agrahari

Fellow XLRI, MBA
B.Sc. (Statistics)

Prof. Bharat Bhasker

Ph.D. in Economics
M.Phil. in Applied Economics
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
UGC-NET, M.A. in Economics

M.S. & Ph.D. (Comp.

Sc.), Virginia Tech; USA
B.E. (Electronics &
Comm.), Roorkee

Strategic Management


Prof. Sabyasachi Sinha

Prof. Sameer Mathur

Fellow (IIM-Ahmedabad)
M.B.A. (ISM, Dhanbad)
B.F.Sc. (WBUAFS, Kolkata)

Carnegie Mellon University,

Ph.D. (Marketing), Carnegie
Mellon University, M.S.
(Marketing), University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, M.S.
(Computer Science), Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee
(Bachelor of Engineering)

Prof. R K Srivastava

Prof. Anirban Chakraborty

Ph.D.(IE & OR), Virginia Tech. USA

B.Tech.(Mech.), IIT Kanpur, PGDIE,
NITIE Bombay

FPM (IIM Bangalore)

Prof. Prem P Dewani

Fellow, Indian Institute of Management,
M. Tech.
B. Tech.




Age Profile

45 - 54

Project Mgmt

Supply Chain
Mgmt 9


40 - 45

30 - 40

Mgmt 3




Retail Mgmt

Mgmt 2



Mgmt 2

Mgmt 3

Security &

20 to



< 15

> 30

7|I I M L u c k n o w

Mgmt 6

Health Care



Post Graduate


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Behaviour in Organizations

Management Accounting II

Human Resource Management

Information Technology Concepts

Designing Work Organizations

Management Information Systems

Legal Aspects in Management

Operations Management I

Operations Management II

Management Accounting I

Financial Management I

Financial Management II

Managerial Economics I

Business Communication

Strategic Management

Marketing Management I

Quantitative Techniques II

Business Environment

Quantitative Techniques I

Managerial Economics II

Research Methodology

Marketing Management II

8|I I M L u c k n o w

Term 4 (Electives)

Term 5 (Electives)

Recruitment & Selection

Project Management

Training & Development

Quality Management & Six Sigma

Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Business Analytics

Service Operations Management

Business Sustainability & Externalities

Strategic Management for Start-up Firms

Services Marketing

Entrepreneurship & Innovation


Promotional Strategy

Organizational Development & Change


Companies are encouraged to visit the IIM Lucknow campus for the placement process, which includes pre placement
talks and interviews. Interviews can be arranged on campus taking advantage of our interview rooms or state-of-theart video conference facilities. Description of career opportunities can be sent to dgmp_placements@iiml.ac.in.
Information sessions and real time interviews can be conducted using our videoconferencing facilities, if a recruiter
is unable to visit the campus. Please contact either the placement executives or placement co-ordinators for
assistance regarding scheduling and arranging for interviews/ information sessions. Unless explicit permission has
been provided by the Placement Committee, participants are restricted from approaching companies directly for
individual placements. Companies may visit the institute from first week of June 2016 to conduct industry talks and

Pre Placement Talk

DGMP 14 Placement Committee

Email id: dgmp_placements@iiml.ac.in
Call: 9560711335 / 8800098096

Shortlisting & Campus Screening

Interview Process

Final Placement Offer

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Following guidelines shall be applicable in this context:
The placement committee understands your need to finalize business planning and encourage students to
make their decisions as quickly as possible. We consider each opportunity as a long term commitment.
Employers are expected to honour any offers they extend. If an offer must be rescinded, employers should
contact the DGMP placement committee at the earliest to work out a positive communication strategy.
Recruiters are required to communicate the offer details to the DGMP Placement committee in order to enable
the Committee to streamline the placement process for both recruiter and participant.
The school treats its students grades as confidential information and has therefore adopted a policy of grade
The Placement Committee reserves the right to amend the rules/guidelines stated above and will inform the
companies of any changes accordingly.
The institute would not be charging any fees to the companies for any student who wishes to accept their
placement offer.

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Full time six months residential General Management Program,
Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
Masters in Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering,
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Two year PG diploma in Marine Engineering, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kerala
B Tech(Mechatronics), Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University,


An Engineer Officer in Indian Navy with 10 years of leadership and techno-management experience.
Experienced in handling projects from the purchase order stage to full-fledged operational stage. Experienced
in negotiating high value orders and conducting techno-commercial meetings and events. Special
strength/ability to work as a mechanical, electrical and control systems engineer. Rich experience in testing
and trials of marine equipment and in dealing with entire spectrum of Naval operations. Flare for innovation
and finding solutions for tricky problems. Aspiring for a techno-managerial positions.
Aspiring for a techno-managerial positions in India and Abroad. Ready to exploit age factor towards career
growth, willing to travel frequently and monitor operations in various cities.

Core Competencies
Operations & Maintenance
Marine Engineering
Manpower Management
Inventory Management

Project Management
Reliability Engineering
Equipment Testing


Admirals Commendation for Innovation & continued efforts, SBC (2014).

Letter of Appreciation by GM(Tech), SBC (2013).
Commendation by Scientific Adviser to Raksha Mantri for innovative repairs (2012).
Letter of Appreciation by Warship Production Superintendent, Vishakhapatanam (2010).
Won Overall 1st prize in Eastern Naval command Musketry Championship, INSAS, LMG and Pistol categories

12 | I I M L u c k n o w

Full time six months residential General Management Program, Indian

Institute Of Management, Lucknow
M.sc, defence studies,Madras University,Defence Services Staff College,ooty
B.sc,Jawahar Lal Nehru University,(national defence
Senior officer course(higher level management), ASC Centre and College,
bangalore, Karnataka
Junior Command Course(middle level management)from Army War
College, Mhow, MP
Transport Management Course, Army School of Mechanical Transport,
Bangalore, Karnataka
YOUNG Officers course and awarded DGST medal for best all round officer

Career Summary

Career Summary


53 years

Thirty Three years of distinguished career in Army with hands on experience in Operations, Logistics, Supply
Chain, administration and Human Resource Management with a reputation for meeting the organizational
objectives deadlines in adverse terrain & weather conditions.
Formulated and concluded annual rate contracts for procurement of provisions & transport worth two Crores
in state of West Bengal & Rajasthan
Headed logistics operations and supply chain of provisions for Jullandhar catering for 12000 personnel and
60000 tps..
Involved at higher level with Planning, organizing and controlling men, material and varied stores including
management of fleet strength of 300 load carriers and 500+ drivers.
As a support staff and advisor responsible for Forecasting demand, receiving, storing, minimizing shrinkages
and working out receipt/ despatch schedule of diverse inventory in echelon of supply chain in Northern
command spread in state of Jammu & Kashmir during Kargil operations including Advance Winter stocking of
valley & leh using various means of transport from Animal transport, mechanical Transport, Air transport.
Responsible for planning and execution of operations in men-material management including Outsourcing of
labour contracts for ensuring effective chain of supply.
Served as an Adm Comdt. in a Military Station with the responsibility of conceptualization, planning, execution
and monitoring of cantonment infrastructure projects.
Instituted a coordination platform for army and local civil authorities for station area maintenance and for
timely execution of projects.
Responsible for conservancy requirement of station incl Garbage disposal
Management of Estate

Core Competencies
Planning of logistic requirements of army units.
Commanded a Transport unit of more than 600 personnel,300 trucks focused on equipment preventive
maintenance, logistic support to troops deployed in sikkim.
Administration and HRM
Responsible for the career development, motivation, training, performance appraisal and administrative
requirements for the subordinates.
Functioned as a nodal agency for providing security to men ,equipment and all strategic
Cross functional administration
HR planning, Recruitment, training and development of soldiers
Strong negotiation and liaison/ coordination skills
Leadership skills and Team Management Protocol Implementation
Training of senior officers in SCM


AJAY GARG, 53 years

ARNAB GHOSH, 42 years

Full time six months residential General Management

Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow

Hospital Administration & management (One Year Certificate
Course),MS University, Vadodara, Gujrat
Financial Management (One Year Certificate Course),MS
University, Vadodara, Gujrat
MBA (HR),Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Master of Science (Electronics),University of Delhi
Bachelor of Science, University of Delhi

Career Summary
30 years of experience (similar to versatile Human Resource Executive) in department of Telecommunication
in Indian Army.
Headed diverse, cross cultural & technical work force in challenging environment.
Managed Training & Career development of large body of troops.
Supervised Conflict resolution & spearheaded special team for retention of talent & linking training with
Managing and leading teams in the field of Operation Management encompassing Project Management,
Supply Chain Management, and Contract Management.
Directed & controlled the time bound projects involving Optical Fibre Cables & under Ground Cables.
Spearheaded Mobile Communication.
Managed HF/VHF/& static communication projects independently & through MTNL.
Co-ordinated, processed & managed communication projects involving Telephone Exchanges of various
configurations, OFC/UG Cables, Radio sets & Satellite Terminals.
Experience in Procurement including effective vendor evaluation, scrutiny of technical proposals,
benchmarking of price, price negotiations and award of contract through DPM.
Administered availability & managing of various logistics, store of material, rations, and high value store
including Petrol, diesel, ammunition & military canteen items.
Supervised & Co-ordinated administration of vast military campus in challenging & hostile Environment.

Core Competencies

Human Resource Management

Operation Management
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Hospital Management

Commendation Card & Roll by Director General of National Security Guards for Hard Work, Sincerity &
Devotion to Duty

13 | I I M L u c k n o w

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow

PMP Certification from Project Management Institute,

Pennsylvania, USA
Master of Engg. (Electronic & Telecommunication) from

University of Pune, Pune

Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engg.) from Jawaharlal

Nehru University, New Delhi

dgaeg6ae6g sefsf
Career Summary
20+ years of experience in managing and leading teams in the field of Operation Management encompassing
Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Facilities Management, Technical Management and
Contract Management.
18+ years of experience in maintenance and repairs of cutting edge technology, ship refits and running
operational functions in large organisations.
Led a turnkey project to set up a Coastal Surveillance Radar System in 05 countries worth USD 126 Mn.
Concluded contracts for procurement of state-of-the-art electronic equipment through M/s BEL valued at
USD 32.52 Mn and through foreign OEM valued at USD 58.11 Mn.
Headed a team for repair, refurbishment, maintenance and testing of 125+ units of state-of-the-art weapon
systems annually.
Managed infrastructure facilities, equipment and services of an organisation spread over 876 acres and with
6500+ work force.
Liaised and collaborated with various organizations like BEL, DRDO, L&T, MDL, GRSE, Private Shipyards in
India and foreign OEMs to identify technology trends.
12+ years of experience at handling Enterprise Resource Planning module including material management
system, warehouse management system and financial management system for improved facilities
18+ years of experience in maintenance and repairs of weapon, sensors, communication, power generation
and distribution equipment, and ship refits.

Core Competencies

Operation Management
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Facilities Management
Technical Management
Contract Management

Letter of Appreciation by the Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Eastern Naval Command.
Commendation by the Chief of Naval Staff.
Commendation by the Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Western Naval Command



Dr. D N SINGH, 44 years

Full time six months residential General Management Program,

Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
B.Sc. (Maths & Physics)
Specialization in Submarine Operations
Specialization in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare
Defense including Damage Control and Fire Fighting

Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
MBBS with one year internship at ,KGMC Lucknow
One and a half years house surgeon ship & training ,
KGMC Lucknow
Certificate Course UN peace keeper, IPKF CUNPK , NEW
Certificate in NLEP, ICMR Project, KGMC Lucknow,
Department of skin &VD
Certificate in Russian language (proficiency)



Career Summary

Career Summary

Over 20 years of experience in the Indian Navy in different capacities.

Headed the Navigation and Operations department of various Foxtrot and Kilo Class submarines.
Responsibility entailed planning and integration of all aspects of the submarine operations, their execution
and reporting.
Specialized in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Warfare Defense including Fire Fighting and Damage
Administered the entire operations, administration and logistics as the Second-in-Command of a Kilo Class
Co-ordinated the functioning of Operations and Training Directorate in Headquarters ATV Project (Indias
Nuclear Submarine development program). Developed the operations and maintenance manuals for
Navigation, Communication and NBC Defense systems. Supervised construction and maintenance of training
infrastructure required for the program across India.
Spearheaded the Operation of Navys Station CSD Canteen at New Delhi doubling the turnover in four years.
Assisted in formulating and implementing Indias Strategic Military Operations doctrine at Strategic Forces
Command Headquarters. Established and operationalized the Unit CSD Canteen and doubled the turnover
in two years.
Presently heading the Maritime Operations department for the coastal defense operations off entire
Maharashtra coast including off shore oil platforms. Responsible for operational deployment of a flotilla of 31

14 years experience as Senior Medical officer

Managing OPD & IPD at various Military hospitals
Worked as registrar and casualty department in-charge
Led the medical team in UNO as part of peace keeper
Controlled budgeting & procurement of medical store and equipment at multi-specialty

Core Competencies

Hospital Management &Hospital administration

Medical Store Inventory Management
Procurement &budgeting forecast
OPD&IPD Patient management
Managing emergency and trauma care center &ICU

Distinguish service award, UN Peace Keeper , South Sudan
Videshseva Medal , Indian Army, UN Mission

Core Competencies

Strategic Management
Marketing Management
Supply Chain Management
Retail Management
Services Management

14 | I I M L u c k n o w




Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
M.Sc. (Inorg Chem)
P.G. Dip Industrial Relations & Pers Mgt
P.G. Dip Marketing & Sales
6 month Full time Gen Mgt Pgme at IIM Lucknow

Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
MTech (Energy and Environment Management),IIT Delhi
Certified Energy Auditor
Marine Engineering Specialization Course
BE(Industrial Engineering & Mgmt)



Career Summary

Career Summary

29 yrs in Administrative & Man Management roles

Currently heading NCC unit with mandate to enroll 1000 youth; successfully undertook training and
development in specific areas, including personality
Did Additional Director NCC, Madhya Pradesh and later, UP at State level in planning & coordination roles;
implemented existing policies & facilitated formulation of fresh ones
Successful execution of staff as well as command roles through entire service in locations & situations of
varying challenge and complexity

As a marine engineer with more than 13 years of myriad experiences associated with Warship, have been deeply
associated with the entire life cycle of Warship, starting from conceptual design, preliminary design, detailed
design, trials and commissioning stages. Further, have operated and maintained on board mechanical machinery
as Second Engineer and Chief Engineer. Through the progression in Navy, have developed a strong ability of
delivering results in highly challenging situations for diverse problems.

Core Competencies

Communication for harmonious work environment
Conflict Resolution

Received appreciation of work all along from superiors, in different assignments

Engineering Design and Documentation (2009-14). Prepared Design documentation, together with empirical
and software based calculations for various engineering systems for Four different types of New construction
Energy and Environment Management (2013-14). Prepared Navy wide Energy and Environment Perspective
Plan, as part of a Specialized Team. This was the first achievement for any of the services in the field of Energy
and Environment.
Critical Resources Manager (2008-09). Ensured 100 % operational availability of critical strategic assets
responsible for Warship Operations. Managed timely repair and refit of critical vessels through execution of
projects worth 10 Crs.
Chief Engineer (2004-06 & 2014-15). As Chief Engineer of a 4500 T ship, ensured 100 % successful mission
accomplishments in technically challenging situations. As head of the department, was instrumental in
transitioning the ship from operational state to repair state and execution of critical repairs in time bound
Disaster and Rescue Management (2004). As part of a Rescue Team was involved in safeguarding life of 300
personnel in the islands of Andaman during Tsunami 2004.

Core Competencies
Critical Engineering Analysis
Operations Management
Knowledge Management
Energy Analysis

Medal for Best Engineer Officer of the Class of Ship, by Commander in Chief

15 | I I M L u c k n o w


MANTOSH SAHA, 54 years

NAVNEET VYAS, 39 years

Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
MBA (IT) SICSR, SIU Pune 2007
M Tech (Ref & A/C), IIT Madras 1992-94
B Tech (Mech Engg) CME, Pune 1987-90

Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
Project management program (PMPI) Aspirant.
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (1999 to 2004 with internship).
Medical and Dental Officers Basic Course (2006)


navneet vyas

Career Summary

Career Summary

32 yrs in Armys Corps of Engineers in demanding staff and command roles.

Regional Works Officer at Regional HQ Coast Guard, NE, Kolkata 2012 to 14.
Senior Inspector of Engineer Machinery at HQ Chief Engineer Shillong Zone, 2012.
Roles of Additional Chief Engineer and before that, Project Manager in DRDO 2009-12.
Planned & monitored E/M projects at HQ Chief Engineer Udhampur Zone 2007-09.
Garrison Engineer of a major Army Station; managed challenging new projects and maintenance works 1997
to 2000.
Instructor of Mechanical Engineering at College of Military Engineering, Pune; taught Degree & Diploma
student officers of mechanical stream.
Commando Instructor at Infantry School Belgaum; trained 12 batches of Commandos from Army,
Paramilitary Forces and Foreign Armies (both - Officers and below) From 2001 to 2002.

Head of Department (dental) 323 field hospital (2013-2015). Involved in planning, organizing and execution
of various dental programs for personnel and dependents to enhance the dental and overall health of army
personnel, officers at the Army Station. Shouldered responsibility for administration of Medical and dental
services at Military station Ranchi.

Core Competencies
Mechanical Engineering; Ref & A/C
Project Management
Training & Development

Best Project in M Tech at IIT Madras 1994

Head of department (dental) 312 field hospital (august 2010 to February 2013). Shouldered responsibility of
managing medical and dental team for effective medical and dental treatment of personnel, officers and
families at Military station Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.
Dental officer at a corps dental hospital Bathinda (October 2007 to July 2010). Was responsible for dental
inspection, selection and treatment of army personnel and families at Military station Bathinda.
Staff officer/instructor (training, development and recruitment), 327 field hospital, Jammu and Kashmir
(2005-2007). Played a vital role in professional training and development of newly inducted personnel of
medical and dental cadre in Indian Army.
Lecturer in dental college (2004 October to 2005 September).was instrumental in training and teaching
students of first year and second year BDS at Jodhpur dental college

Core Competencies
Ability to plan, organize and supervise personnel, infrastructure and other resources of hospital towards
effective operations.
Proficient in human resource planning recruitment.
Strong communication, liaison and convincing skills for conflict resolution and team building.
Proficient in handling medical and dental equipment.

Awarded medal for operating in remote and uncongenial environment.
Awarded medal for operating in terror prone area.

16 | I I M L u c k n o w


NV ANAND, 43 years


Full time six months residential General Management Program,

Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
Masters in Surface warfare Management, Armament and Radar
systems, Cochin University of Science and Technology, 2003
Qualified Submarine Command Course (equivalent to Royal Navys
Perisher course), 2011
Certificate in Management Development Programme on
Operations Research and Systems Analysis, College of Defense
Management, 2011
Certificate of Proficiency in Russian Language, Cochin University, 2003

Full time six months residential General Management Program,

Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
PGDM in Finance and Banking (symbiosis )
Six months IT specialization course at INS Valsura
ISO 270001 certified lead auditor
20 days capsule course by Indian Navy on planning, execution
and implementation of Technical and General work
B.Tech (EEE) JNTU Hyderabad




Career Summary

Career Summary

Extensive experience in Operations, Strategic Planning, Project Management, Risk Management, Policy
formulation, Training and Leadership in sea-going units, various Headquarters and at various levels of hierarchy
Headed a Rs. 600 Cr Kilo class submarine entailing multiple responsibilities of supervising over 100 men,
training and integration of crew and conduct of submarine operations in a challenging environment while
ensuring safety of men and material
Planned, supervised and conducted a Rs. 100 Cr major overhaul of a submarine requiring thorough progress
monitoring, setting to work, trials of equipment and systems and timely completion of refitting activities.
Started-up a new division as head of submarine operations at a leading Headquarters.
Conducted practical and theoretical training workshops, coached, evaluated teams, oversaw integration and
transformation of submarine crews towards certifying them for safe submarine operations.
Conducted Simulation and War Gaming exercises for analysis of tactical operations and development of
tactical concepts that required knowledge and handling of various simulation tools, analysis tools and
application of field experience as Subject Matter Expert in Submarines.
Coordinated and conducted four week long, Rs. 78 Cr Indo-US bi-lateral exercise in Submarine search and
rescue off Mumbai.
Handled multiple responsibilities of directing and managing Operations, Combat, Logistics, Technical,
Administrative, Financial, Legal and HR aspects of sea going units.

Designed and executed Annual Maintenance Contract for the Naval Metropolitan area network
(Maharashtra and Goa area). The network was managed and an excellent uptime was managed for one year
with optimal in-house resources.
Designed the RFP for first of its kind DATACENTER in Indian Navy, for western naval command.
Successfully executed and awarded the contract for in time execution.
Steered the implementation of ISO 270001 regulations for the Naval MAN for Maharashtra and Goa area and
got it certified by STQC. A feet achieved for the first time in Indian Armed forces
Lead a team of 5 electrical sailors for trials/testing of Indias first Advanced Tactical Vessel (Nuclear
Submarine) with responsibilities which included
Reviewing the trial procedures; coordinating with the OEM, submarine staff and authorities and plan the
schedule of trials.
Review the man power requirement for conduct of trials. Plan and conduct necessary training for personnel
who are part of the trial team

Core Competencies

Operations planning and management

Leadership and Administration
Policy formulation, Strategic Planning and Change Implementation
Training, Team Building and Mentoring
Data analysis and Operations management
Working in high stress environment

Commendation by the Commander-in-Chief for display of professional excellence in planning and conduct of
a Major Operation
Commendation by Commander-in-Chief for Coordination and Conduct of a Maiden (Major) bilateral exercise
Fitness enthusiast with many half and full marathon finishes

17 | I I M L u c k n o w


As deputy electrical officer on board submarine maintained full functionality of all the electrical machineries
being used on board a submarine.
Motivated, trained and prepared and lead men to work in an efficient and safe way.
Reduced operational downtime (maintenance time) by ensuring availability of critical manpower at all the

Core Competencies
Proven leadership and result oriented approach with strong academic background
Proven ability to plan and execute IT related projects.
Ability to handle multi-cultural and diverse work force and strong organisational and administration

On the spot commendation by admiral of fleet for winning three Gold medals while representing eastern
naval command in Yachting championship.
I am among very few officers who got selected to be trained on advanced submarine technology.
Gold medalist in Mathematics CBSE tenth, for scoring all India highest.
NCC A certificate




Full time six months residential General Management Program,

Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
Master of Arts, Economics, Chattrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj
University, Kanpur 2002-04
Proficiency in French, University of Lucknow 1992-93
Bachelor of Science, Physics and Chemistry, University of
Lucknow 1990-93

PG Diploma in Management, JBIMS,2008

Advanced Naval Weapons and Sensors, Systems Engineering

Course, IAT, Pune, 2004

ME (E & TC), Pune University, 2004
B Tech (Electrical), Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1997
Electromagnetic Compatibility (Design and Field),2001
Missile Maintenance Course, St Petersburg, 2006
Pursuing PMP Certification (Jun 2016)





Career Summary

Career Summary

A result oriented professional with thorough expertise, rich experience, and right exposure with zeal to perform
and deliver results. I possess demonstrated skills to leverage functional capabilities for streamlining internal
mechanisms to deal with emergent situations and achieving higher productivity.
Set-up and head the Pension Operations with a team of 80, largely civilian staff; manage and provide pension
management services and contributory health schemes to over 170,000 retired Indian naval personnel and their
Worked with union leaders to reach out to 1500 port workers from 3 unions ensuring smooth 24X7 port
operations and no labour unrest during the tenure
Proposed and implemented new salary structures, C&B plans through years 2006-25, for 60,000 naval
personnel retaining competitive posture
Re-negotiated with Banks & financial institutions to provide access to credits on easier terms to naval
Planned and conducted maritime operations/patrols; ensured achievement of all organizational goals and
managed resources for US$ 500 Million submarine
Member of a specialized expert panel in NATO to redesign and execute procedures to manage undersea
disasters, emergency preparedness and rescue operations; and instituted similar procedures in India

Over two decades of multifaceted experience on technology oriented assignments in the Indian Navy
encompassing Operation and Maintenance, Project Management, Product Design and Development, Life
Cycle Assessment and Support, Procurement, Inventory Management and Budgeting.
Operated, maintained and managed life cycle of more than 700 types of complex Electrical/ electronic
systems including radars, weapons & sensors, communication and IT Networks.
Planned and executed 13 major refits of large ships in association with Dockyard/OEMs.
International experience of overseeing construction of an Aircraft Carrier (Project 11430, 2.2 billion USD) at
Warship Overseeing Team, Severodvinsk Russia.
Formulated and implemented risk management policies and standards for operational risk management
and safety assurance in Regional Headquarters (for 174 independent units).
Planned work flow, managed multiple priorities and resource allocation in Production Centres of ship
repair yards and leveraged information systems to enhanced efficiency by 27%
Undertook negotiations and resolution of technical issues as member of the Indo Russian InterGovernmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation in the year 2010 (at Moscow) and 2014 (at Goa).
Carried out ranging and scaling of more than 64000 different types of spare parts, tools and accessories to
support operations of an Aircraft Carrier for conclusion of contract with MNC.

Core Competencies

Strategy, Planning and Negotiations
Human Capital Management

Commendation by Chief of the Naval Staff
Submarine honored as 'Best Overall Unit' in the Indian Navy

18 | I I M L u c k n o w

Core Competencies

Operations, Installation, Maintenance, Repairs

Ship Building, Repair and Refit
Process Improvement and Innovation
Portfolio /Program/ Project Management
Detail Engineering
Supply Chain Management

Best Operational Unit in Indian Navy 2013
Commander-in Chief Commendation 2004


RAHUL BHATIA, 42 years


Full time six months residential General Management Program,

Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
Masters in Financial Management, Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of
Management Studies, University of Mumbai
Specialisation in Marine Engineering, Centre for Marine
Engineering & Technology, Lonavla
B Tech(Mechanical), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Divisional Duties, Management Leadership Courses at Centre for
Ethics, Leadership and Behavioral Studies (CELABS)

Full time six months residential General Management Program, Indian

Institute Of Management, Lucknow
MBA (Finance), Osmania University 2010-12.
Certificate (1yr) Course in Adv Software Technology, CMC Ltd, Hyderabad,
PGDM (Industrial Relations Personnel Management),Bhartiya Vidya
Bhavan, 2000.
Assignment Oriented Management Training, College of Defence
Management, 2000.
Technical Staff Course, Institute of Armament Technology Pune 1998
Bachelor of Science, National Defence Academy /JNU,1981.


9820962961, 022-20873040
Career Summary

Career Summary

A dedicated, committed, techno-commercial professional with a sense of functional ownership, effective

leadership skills, integrity and capability to lead under stressful conditions and in uncertain complex
environment developed through two decades of high quality multidimensional experience with the Indian Navy
in a wide gamut of roles like Strategy & Planning, Project & Facility, Operations & Maintenance, LSCM, Retail
Management, Financial Planning Budgetary Control, Contracts & Negotiations
Head of Operational Logistics (2014-15) Headed a team of over 105 personnel, largely civilian skilled and semiskilled workers at a support facility near Mumbai, to optimize operational logistics and supply chain delivery
commitments. Achieved 27% improvement in productivity by process improvement and efficient utilization of
Project Director (2009 14) As Project Director was responsible for planning and executing of Civil and
Technical projects and maintenance of existing infrastructure at an Advance operation and maintenance facility
spread over 1050 acres near Mumbai with annual budget outlay of Rs 68 Crs. Created Project Monitoring
dashboard for monitoring by Senior Management. Ensured optimal implementation leading to improved
delivery by 17%.
Head of Retail Business (2007-09). Tripled annual revenue from Rs 6.84 Crs to Rs.17.64 Crs in record 2 years
by focused attention on introducing new products, faster inventory turnaround, increasing productivity by
better warehouse management and reduction of working capital cycle.
Head of Engineering (2006-07). Head of Engineering department on board frontline warship engaged in
operations on the Western seaboard of India.
Technical Advisor (2002-06) Advisor to Senior Naval Officer Naval Officer handling Flotilla Operations
comprising 15 frontline warships on the western seaboard on issues related to the exploitation, maintenance,
inventory management & repairs and refit of Propulsion and associated systems.

Core Competencies

Strategy and planning

Operations and Supply Chain
Project & Facility Management
Financial Planning and Budgetary Control
Business development
Retail Management

Dir, Admin Visakhapatnam, 2014 to date.

Director, Admin, Ops Logistics, J&K, 12 -14.
Commanding Officer and Director Youth Affairs, NCC Dte, Hyderabad, 07-12.
Commander Special Forces (SFF, Cabinet Secretariat), HP/J&K/NE, 2001-07,
Deputy Director, Programming and Admin, College of Defence Mgt, Hyderabad,99-01.
Dy Director, Training and Development, National Defence Academy,Pune ,96-99.
Commander Spl Ops Group ,NE, 94-96.
Addl Dy Dir Recruitment Trg, Delhi,91-94.
Cdr, Special Mission Teams, J&K, 88-91.
Asst Cdr,Combat & Manager Material, Transport and logistics, Punjab/NE,1983-88.
Team ldr,Combat Intelligence, NE,83-84.

Core Competencies

HR, Logistics and Material management

Hands on experience in Multi-tasking and Resource deployment over multiple locations.
Design and effect cost effective strategies in Operational and administrative domain.
Training and Development
Crisis and Risk Management in Challenging Environment.
Conflict resolution and change management

Successful execution of missions of National security and strategic importance

Awarded Commendation by the Commander-in-Chief for process improvement & innovation
Selected for prestigious appointment as the Commissioning Engineer Officer for inducting first of the class of
Fast Attack Crafts built at M/s GRSE, Ltd
Played a key role in Unit being awarded as the awarded Best Naval Unit for the first time in 38 years since

19 | I I M L u c k n o w




Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow
B Tech( Electronics and Communication)
Post Graduate diploma ( Industrial Relation and Personnel

Full time six months residential General Management

Program, Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow

M.Tech (Information Systems) (IIT Kanpur)
B.Tech (Electronics and Communication)
B Sc Pass



Career Summary

Career Summary

Head of Department (Administration, Security, Meteorology and Civil works) INS Parundu, Tamilnadu (2013till date)
Staff officer (Administration and Meteorology) INS Utkrosh, Andaman and Nicobar island ( 2011-13)
Training officer, ICGS Varuna, First training squadron (cadet training ship) (2010-11)
Staff officer/instructor (training, development and recruitment), INS Valsura, Jamnagar (2007-2010)

23 years of active service in highly operational areas and difficult terrain.

Designed and implemented systems from concept to rollout. Most of the missions were first of its kind and
needed high domain specialisation. Payoffs to the organisation were of very high value.
Setup Enterprise Telecom & IT infrastructure including WAN, services and custom security hardening.
Carried out interception, complex demodulation, data extraction and cryptanalysis of hostile
Researched in the domain of Information Warfare (IW).
Developed and successfully employed integrated systems in operations, developed concepts, tactics and
strategy for future employment of IW.
Headed the team for providing Communication and IT to Force Reserve Battalion in UN Peace Keeping in
Sudan. Led teams effectively in cross cultural environment.
Designed and implemented systems for Offensive Information Security.
Designed High Performance Computing System for Cryptanalysis.

Core Competencies
Management of security and intelligence operations.
Ability to plan, organize and supervise personnel, infrastructure and other resources towards safe and secure
Proficient in human resource and industrial relations.
Financial discipline with the optimal productivity.
Strong communication, liaison and convincing skills for conflict resolution and team building.

Core Competencies

20 | I I M L u c k n o w

Conceptual Thinking
Forward Thinking
Analytical Thinking
Strategic Thinking,
Technical Expertise
Fostering Teamwork



Full time six months residential General Management Program,

Indian Institute Of Management, Lucknow

Lean Engineering Concepts IIT Kharagpur
Aeronautical Engineering form Air Force Technical College
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical.) from Kakatiya University,


Career Summary
21+ years of experience in leading and managing large teams in the field of Aircraft Maintenance Repair and
Overhaul adhering to ISO 9001:2008 standards, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Facility
Management, Quality Control, Vendor Management
Head of Engineering Operations (Aircraft) for seven years
Commanded the Aircraft Overhaul Facility for two years
Headed the Aircraft Rotables Overhaul Division for three years
Headed the Training team for Engineers for three years
More than six years of experience in Managing Supply Chain of spares through timely Reviews and Projections
Lead the executing team for implementing Lean Philosophy at Workplace
10+ years of experience in contract management, Technical Evaluation, Price negotiation, shortlisting vendors
and procurement

Core Competencies

Quality Assurance and LEAN implementation
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Facilities Management
Contract Management
Leadership and Team Building

Commendation by the Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Western Air Command.
Appreciation by Chief of Air Staff

21 | I I M L u c k n o w


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