Rezumat Calin Octavian Gecan

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Programul Operaional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 2013
Axa prioritar: 1 Educaia i formarea profesional n sprijinul creterii economice i dezvoltrii societii bazate pe
Domeniul major de intervenie: 1.5 Programe doctorale si postdoctorale n sprijinul cercetrii
Titlul proiectului: Proiect de dezvoltare a studiilor de doctorat n tehnologii avansate- PRODOC
Cod Contract: POSDRU 6/1.5/S/5
Beneficiar: Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca


Eng. Clin-Octavian GECAN


PhD. Advisor
Prof.PhD.eng. Mircea CHINDRI
Evaluation commission of PhD thesis:

- Prof.PhD.eng. Radu CIUPA - decan, Facultatea de Inginerie

Electric,Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca;
- Prof.PhD.eng. Mircea CHINDRI - conductor tiinific, Universitatea
Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca;
- Prof.PhD.eng. Nicolae GOLOVANOV - referent, Universitatea
Politehnic din Bucureti;
- Prof.PhD.eng. Dorin SARCHIZ referent, Universitatea Petru Maior
din Trgu Mure;
- As.Prof.Physician Eng. Andrei CZIKER - referent, Universitatea
Tehnic din Cluj-Napoca

This thesis is divided into seven chapters, one of which (the seventh chapter) is devoted to
conclusions and personal contributions. References (books, manuals, magazine articles, contracts,
theses, standards and catalogs) are located at the end of the thesis. Also a section is reserved to 12
In the first chapter the Photovoltaic (PV) Modules and Fuel Cell (FC) Stacks are analyzed
as possible electrical energy supplying sources for a DC system. Particular emphasis was given to
the PV and FC cells modeling and how different parameters affect their performance. In the case
of the PV cells and modules a new model was proposed:
I SP = N P

J L (G0 ) s cell c 1 (T ) N p J 0 (T0 ) s cell e E1 (T) e E2 (T ) 1 E3

qE g 1 1

E1 (T) =
k T0 T

c 2 (T ) + I
E2 (V) =

V SP c 2 (T) + I SP R S

E3 = S


c 1 (T) = 1 + (T T0 )

c 2 (T) = 1 (T T0 )



PV system current, A;
PV system voltage, V;
Diode saturation current density, A/cm2;
Photon current density, A/cm2;
Nominal solar radiation, W/m2;
Reference solar radiation, W/m2;
Cell area, [cm2];
Nominal temperature, K;
Reference temperature, K;
Current temperature coefficient, 1/K;
Voltage temperature coefficient, 1/K;
Bang gap energy of the semiconductor, eV;
Series resistance, ;
Shunt resistance, ;
Electron charge, 1.6x10-19 C;
Boltzmann constant, 1.38x10-23 J/K.
Number of cells in parallel;
Number of cells in series.

Most times the electrical output of photovoltaic cells is determined in reference

environmental conditions: temperature, solar radiation. The proposed model has the advantage
of allowing the determination of PV cell electrical characteristics in terms of nominal, real

operation conditions, based on information provided by manufacturers in reference

environmental conditions: G = 1000W/m2, 25C.
The proposed PV system model was validated experimentally. In this purpose,
measurements were made on an experimental PV module. The PV module is part of an
experimental bench whose scheme is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1. Experimental bench and scheme

Two sets of measurements were realized using an adjustable resistance as a load. The first
set of measurements are characterized by a PV module average temperature of 25.8 C and a
solar radiation intensity of 213 W/m2 and the second set of measurement by an average
temperature of 42.5 C and a solar radiation of 242 W/m2. Figure 1.2 shows the isothermal
images of the PV module during the measurements. The I V and P V characteristics
determined experimentally and using the proposed model are presented in Figure 1.3.

a. first set of measurements

b. second set of measurements
Figure 1.2. Isothermal images of the PV module
Comparing the characteristics it can be seen that the proposed model describes the
operation of the PV module. In respect of maximum power point, the errors are up to 2.5%.
Using the proposed model for a PV system a software application was developed in C #
programming environment. This software enables the user to attain I - V characteristic of a PV
system in real operating conditions. The software interface is shown in Figure 1.4. The developed
software can be used in the general case of a PV system but can also can be used for PV module
or a single PV cell through a proper choice of cells numbers connected in series and parallel. The
user enters data on the PV cell, the reference and real conditions of operation and the application
automatically generates the I - V characteristic for real operating conditions.

a. first set of measurements

b. second set of measurements
Figure 1.3. The I V and P V characteristics of the PV module

Figure 1.4. Software graphical interface

Fuel Cells are treated in the second part of this first chapter. In addition to the operating
operational issues a model that describes the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell is
presented (1.2).

Vbcc = N bcc Ec - Vact - Vohm - Vdif

2F PH 2 Oc

I +I
ln cc ncc
2acc F I 0cc
Vohm = I cc Rcc

Ec = V0 +

Vact =

Vdif = me nI cc




FC generated voltage, V;


Number of fuel cells;


Thermodynamic potential of the cell, V;


Activation overvoltage, V;


Ohmic overvoltage, V;


Concentration overvoltage, V;


Open circuit voltage, V;

Universal gas constant, 8.314 J/molK;

Faradays constant, 96.485 C/mol;


Partial pressure of hydrogen inside cell anode, Pa;


Partial pressure of oxygen inside cell cathode, Pa;


Partial pressure of water vapor inside cell cathode, Pa;


Constant associated with cell activation losses;


FC current density, A/cm2;


FC internal current density, A/cm2;


FC exchange current density, A/cm2.


Area specific resistance, kcm2;

Constant, 2,11x10-5 V;

Constant, 8x10-3.

The second chapter of the thesis, titled Equipment in a DC voltage system, establish
the conditions in which the existing equipment can be used in DC voltage systems and
summarizes the main functional characteristics of converters (rectifiers, inverters, DC converters)
emphasis the products size range (power, voltage, efficiency). Different cable reconfiguration
possibilities that enable cable use in a DC voltage system are presented. The use of the electrical
circuit protection devices realized for AC voltage in a DC voltage system is also investigated and
certain conditions and corrections are provided.
The electrochemical and electrical energy storage techniques were summarized, focusing
on presenting the electrical characteristics (specific energy, energy density, specific power,
efficiency, self discharge rate, loading/unloading cycles, rated voltage) of conventional batteries,
widely used today, and of the new technology represented by redox batteries.
The lack of guidance and design standards realized specifically for DC systems was
solved in the 3rdChapter of the thesis. A design methodology similar with the one existing for the
low AC voltage system was developed. Based on this methodology a set of diagrams that enable
the user to achieve a quick selection of the DC circuit elements (Annex 2 - Annex 7) was realized.
Figure 3.1 presents one of the diagrams, namely the conductor/cable cross section selection. This
diagram enable the user to select the Copper/Aluminum conductor cross section based on the
calculated power, on the DC voltage level, k cable insulation/location correction coefficient, on
the DA intermittent/permanent regime coefficient.
A software application that enables accurate sizing and selection of equipment needed in
a DC circuit was developed in C#. The graphical interface of this application is shown in Figure
3.2. The software interface contains a series of panels in which the user enters the data needed to
size the dc circuit: power supply type, circuit characteristics, receptor related information,
conductor/cable features, the way the circuit overload and short circuit protection is realized. In

the last case if a circuit breaker is chosen then the application automatically generates a new field
where the kajust dc circuit adjustment factor has to be declared.

Figure 3.1. Cable/conductor cross section selection diagram

Figure 3.2. Graphical interface of the DC voltage design software aplication


The "Calculate" button generates in the panel located at the bottom of the application the
selection results: the source characteristics, the functional characteristics of the power electronic
(if necessary), protection devices nominal characteristics and the conductor/cable features. For
the equipment selection the application links to database made in Microsoft Access.
Chapters 4, as the name implies, deals with the problem of the DC voltage systems in
residential buildings. The operation of the main load types (resistive, inductive and electronic
equipment) was analyzed and, for the loads that can be supplied in DC voltage, the minimum
operating voltage level was determined. Also, the loads that need AC voltage to operate were
identified. The optimal DC voltage level was determined in two cases:
 new DC voltage network: in this case the ratio between the price needed for the DC
circuit and the price needed for the AC circuit was calculated and presented in graphs
for different voltage levels;
 existing AC voltage network reconfigured in DC: a office building electrical network
was considered in a study case and the voltage and power losses were calculated; also
the calculated current was determined, all for different voltage levels.
Following the analysis conducted several conclusions could be established. The main
conclusion is that the only viable solution is represented by the 230 V and 320 V, levels that
satisfy both economic and the technical conditions (voltage drop, power losses and cable thermal
The DC distribution system feasibility was analyzed through five proposed solutions for
the reconfiguration of the AC network into a DC network. As a result the proposed solutions
enable significant energy savings compared with the AC network.
In Chapter 5, entitled The Energy Supply of Customers Using DC Networks, the
used conventional (LEA 0,4 kV) and unconventional (LEA 1 kV) costumers supply solutions are
presented together with 4 proposed solutions that implies the use of DC voltage. Calculation
assumptions and equations, DC voltage level (Umax = 1500 V DC in unipolar system and Umax =
750 V in the bipolar system) and the conditions in which existing cables can be used in DC are
presented. More than that, the existing and proposed solutions were analyzed in a case study: the
energy supply of 100 costumers of an isolated village.
Considering a given power, cable length has been computed using a graphical method: the
cable power capability as a function on distance. Several cables power capability was determined
based on two constraints: cable thermal limit and allowable voltage drop. Higher lengths were
obtained for the cable used in a DC voltage system. All solutions, existing and proposed, were
analyzed financially and as a conclusion the DC systems involves higher investments.
The behavior in a permanent regime of a DC unipolar system supplied from AC mains and
supplying two loads (one AC and one DC), both having a power variation, was analyzed using
Matlab/Simulink modeling environment.
Chapter 6, called DC voltage microgrids presents the energy management algorithm of a
PV and FC Hybrid DC microgrid (Figure 6.1.).
A management system flowchart is presented in the thesis and on its basis a virtual
instrument was developed in Matlab/Symulink. The virtual instrument interface and the results
obtained in case of an office building is presented in Figure 6.2. The load profile, the hourly
variation of solar radiation and temperature are introduced in the application through three .xls
files. The Load Data (.xls file)', 'Solar Insulation (.xls file)' and 'Temperature (.xls file)' buttons
open windows that allow the user to select the appropriate .xls files. The PV module and FC
Stack model were implemented in the proposed virtual instrument.

Figure 6.1. DC microgrid structure

Figure 6.2. Virtual instrument interface

This instrument enables the user to enter the considered input data for PV system, FC
stack, storage system capacity and converters nominal powers. Based on the load profile, hourly
variation of solar radiation and temperature, the virtual instrument determines the PV system and
FC stack produced power/energy, the storage system discharge and charged power/energy, the
public network injected and absorbed power/energy, the load necessary energy and the power
losses of converters.

Conclusions and personal conclusions (selection)

The use of DC voltage systems for the electrical energy supply of proper loads and
consumers represents a solution which implies higher investments costs but, at the same time,
can offer some advantages comparing with the conventional solutions widely used today:
higher overall conversions efficiency;
smaller power losses;
smaller conductor cross sections;
higher cable power capabilities and lengths;
smaller voltage drops.
A selection of the authors main contributions is presented below:
systematic approach of the DC distribution possibilities for buildings and in supplying
an improved PV system model, which describes cells/models performance in real
operating conditions;
the experimentally validation of the proposed model;
the development of a general software which determines the I V characteristic of a
PV cell, module or system;
the implementation of a diagram set that enable a quick predetermination of the DC
circuit elements;
the development in C# programming environment of a software application that
makes a precise calculation, and selects the DC circuit equipment from a Microsoft
Access database;
optimal operating DC voltage level selection analyzing the financial and technical
(calculated current, voltage drop and power losses) aspects;
proposed DC voltage supplying solutions for residential buildings;
proposed DC voltage supplying solutions for consumers;
the selection of the energy supply optimal solution analyzing the following technical
and financial criteria: overall efficiency, cable lengths, cable thermal limit, power
capability, optimal cross section, voltage and power losses;
the study of the DC voltage network behavior in Matlab/Symulink;
the accomplishment of a energy management system for a hybrid PV/FC DC
the implementation of the proposed PV model in the energy management system;
the development of a virtual instrument dedicated to the DC microgrid energy
The results obtained at some points in research process were presented at national and
international conferences and in journals, in published paper. Out of these papers, a selection is
presented bellow:
 Gecan C.O. and Pop F., Electricity distribution systems inside the consumer - case study, in
proceedings of the 6th International Energy Efficiency Symposium, Cluj-Napoca,
pp.115-120, 2008, ISBN 978-973-1758-41-1 (in romanian);
 Gecan C.O., Chindri M., and Bindiu R., DC Voltage Lighting Systems, in proceedings of
The 5th International Conference ILUMINAT 2009, ClujNapoca, Romania, pp.10-1
10-6, ISBN 978-973-713-232-1 and in Lighting Engineering 2009; 11,1: 27-34, granted
with the Award of the Ph.D. Student Best Paper;
 Gecan C.O., Chindri M., and Pop G.V., Aspects regarding DC Distribution Systems, in
proceedings of CIE 2009, Oradea, pp.226-231, ISSN 1224-1261;
 Gecan C.O., Chindri M., and Pop G.V., Design of Low Voltage DC Networks, in
proceedings of 7th International Conference SIELMEN 2009, Iai, pp.77- 82, Vol I,
ISBN 978-606-520-618-2;

 Gecan C.O., Chindri M, and Bindiu R., Power Capability in Low Voltage DC Distribution
Systems, in proceedings of The 4th edition of the Interdisciplinary in Engineering
International Conference INTER-ENG 2009, Trgu Mures, pp.15-20, ISSN 1843780X;
 Gecan C.O., Chindri M., Bindiu R. and Pop G.V., A Generalized Photovoltaic Model for
Real Operating Conditions, in proceedings of The 3th edition of the International
Conference on Modern Power Systems MPS2010, Acta Electrotehnica, Cluj-Napoca,
pp.142-147, ISSN 1841-3323;
 Gecan C.O., Chindri M, Bindiu R., Pop G.V., Vasiliu R., and Gheorghe D., PEM Fuel
Cells Modeling and their use in a DC Distribution System, Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol.
1, No. 1, 2010, I.S.S.N. 1224 1261;
 Gecan C.O., Pop G.V., Bindiu R., The Energy Supply of Rural Customers Using DC
Networks, n Revista Energetica nr. 6/2010, volum 58, pp.275-281, ISSN:1453 2360
(in romanian);
 Gecan C.O. and Chindri M, DC systems - opportunities for integration in Smart Grids, in the
Electronic Edition of the Smart Grids Conference, Sibiu, 2010, ISBN 978-973-0-091946 (in romanian);
 Gecan C.O., Chindri M., Bindiu R. and Pop G.V., The use of DC voltage systems for the
electrical energy distribution in residential buildings, in proceedings of the 7th International
Energy Efficiency Symposium, Cluj-Napoca, pp.119-126, 2010, ISBN 978-973-133822-4 (in romanian);
 C.O., Gecan, M., Chindri, R. Bindiu, G.V. Pop, Energy Management of a Hybrid PV/Fuel
Cell DC Microgrid, in proceedings of The 4th edition of the International Conference on
Modern Power Systems MPS2011, Acta Electrotehnica, 17-20 May 2011, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, pp.170-177, ISSN 1841-3323;
 C.O., Gecan, M., Chindri, R. Bindiu, G.V. Pop, Design of Low Voltage DC System Using
Calculation Diagrams, in Proceedings of the Internal PRODOC Program Conference, 2425 Iunie 2011, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 2011.

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