01 Un Locking The Potential of Business and Societal Innovation en
01 Un Locking The Potential of Business and Societal Innovation en
01 Un Locking The Potential of Business and Societal Innovation en
Trend report
and Industry
The views expressed in this report, as well as the information included in it, do not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of
the European Commission and in no way commit the institution.
Trend report
Un-locking the potential of business and societal innovation;
how to scale-up successful new business and production models?
Business Innovation Observatory
Contract No 190/PP/ENT/CIP/12/C/N03C01
Table of Contents
1. Executive summary
4.1. Drivers
6. Confronting the emerging story with policy literature & good policy practices
7. Policy recommendations
8. Literature
9. Annexes
Trend report
1. Executive summary
The objective of the Business Innovation Observatory is to
showcase successful and relevant business innovation
trends. This first Trend report identifies some key issues
among a number of trends in order to better understand
these new innovation practices and how policy can scale up
the successes.
A number of significant and relevant trends have been
identified and analysed in 12 detailed case studies and
discussed at a workshop. This report highlights the common
key issues and comes to recommendations on how to boost
the concerning trends and companies, and increase socioeconomic impact.
The global market in terms of revenues for 3Dprinting grew by 29 percent in 2011, and will be USD
6 billion by 2017;
Trend report
Trend report
Trend report
level of
local/regional, national
and European
Trend report
Figure 3: Overview of criteria for identification of trends and selection of business innovation case studies
Big Data
The five trends which are covered by this trend report are:
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Public Private
Partnerships, Big Data, Workplace Innovation, and the
Sharing Economy (Table 1).
Table 1: Description of trends
Public Private
Trend report
The five trends which are covered by this trend report are:
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Public Private
Partnerships, Big Data, Workplace Innovation, and the
Sharing Economy. The case-study trends can be described as
Trend report
Trend report
Company cases:
Finext (NL), Almende (NL),
BlueThink (IT), Feyecon (NL)
Business innovation
Signals of success
Received the much coveted Eureka Label in 2011; Eurec Agency highlighted
the importance of advanced gasification processes
Nanovia Ltd.
Nanovia Ltd is one of the first in Europe having the capacity for industrial
production of nanofibrous material.
Winner of the 13th French national competition for the creation of innovative
technology companies
Winners of several awards including the Red Herring Top 100 Europe.
The Ahrens Rapid Growth List and the
Gasell Enterprise awards in 2012
Neodata Group
Real-time digital content delivery platform Acquired a Belgrade-based start-up called Newscurve; Won publicly
for new-media players
financed tenders: SIGMA, GAP.
Since 2009 growth of over 100% turnover each year; profitable at early
stage; over 100 customers in France and manages over 300.000 empl.
Finalists of the IT&Web track of the MIT Competition, securing a 100K seed
Trend report
Business innovation
Signals of success
The company employs ten employees. It has a solver network of over 280
companies, six customers and three on-going projects. The expected revenue
for 2013 is EUR 750,000.
2012 Most innovative European Startup Award Winner, selected for the
Microsoft pre-incubation programme
The company had to make significant investments in the first years. In 2012,
the company was able to break-even for the first time. It is, however, still
hard to fund R&D based on commercial revenue. The company currently
employs 5 persons, of which 2 on a full-time basis.
A testing unit in which e-Mobility products and services can be tested and developed.
Demonstrator 1
A demonstrator in which Smart Grid measurement devices and agents may be tested.
The Cleantech
A web portal from which entities can find facilities for testing or demonstrating their innovative solutions.
long term trend, but the case-studies show that new steps
have been made in developing and applying new tools and
methods that can further boost this trend. Although the
name of this trend suggest that it is all about technological
innovation, the case-studies show that to a large extent the
trend also is strongly related to new organisational models
and new management approaches and new business
concepts, of which some of them are addressed in the
second batch of case-studies which precisely focus on such
new business models.
The overarching theme of this first trend or policy report has
its focus on successful new ways in which companies
produce goods and services, new ways to organize and new
ways to serve and create markets, inside and outside of
Europe. This trend has been labelled New business,
organisational and production models, but we also refer to it
as New business and production models, or New models.
Most case-study companies drive this overarching trend by
offering solutions to customers in the business and public
sector. By using these solutions the customers adopt the
new ways and new models. Some examples are shown in
Figure 4.
Trend report
Trend report
Trend report
Figure 6: Framing the basic story from common elements among trends
4.1. Drivers
Among the drivers of the 12 case-study trends the market
growth and further growth potential has often been
identified as most important (see table A in Annex). However,
especially in the cases on new business models and
practices, sometimes the market for the models is difficult
to quantify, since some practices (new ways of doing things)
cannot be sold (nor patented).
Examples of the large and growing potential (taken from the
various case-studies) include:
Un-locking the potential of business and societal innovation
Trend report
innovation offers
employment issues.
Trend report
1 Environmentally
friendly technologies
and energy efficiency
Limited understanding of the technological solutions; Clients having a lack of understanding of the new value
chains and the technologies being employed; Environmentally friendly technologies may disrupt value chains
and production lines. In doing so, they might require the fundamental rethinking and redesigning of the clients
manufacturing structures and production flows. Financial considerations as significant upfront expenditures
and long investment horizons are typically required; Adoption can lead to both increases and decreases in
staffing levels; Clients also need to be ensured of the reliability, viability and sustainability of both the
technology and the company supplying the technology.
2 New Manufacturing
3 Mass customisation
4 Measurement
Technologies and
Automation solutions are often capital-intensive and best suited for large-volume production, and secondly
they are often complex systems with a single function that makes them highly inflexible. Moreover potential
SME clients have difficult access to finance, poor awareness of the benefits of the solutions; and low technical
competence outside core business.
The solutions offered were considered to be potentially disruptive to the value chain.
Requires significant capital expenditures to invest.
The uptake of smart value chain manufacturing solutions requires companies to attract highly skilled human
New Business Models
Public Private
6 Public Procurement
of Innovation
There is the client perspective of the public organisation purchasing the innovation through a procurement
programme, and the client perspective of market organisations purchasing the innovation.
7 Large-Scale
Demonstrators &
Small-Scale Testing
Increased uptake will largely depend on the success of demonstrated innovative solutions.
The main challenge for users is in assessing the appropriateness of markets.
The solutions will be judged from a partners perspective on their ability to be:
Economically viable, i.e. their ability to develop and survive as a relatively independent economic unit;
Scalable, i.e. their ability to change scale in order to meet growing volumes of demand;
Replicable, i.e. their ability to be duplicated at another location or time;
Visible, i.e. their ability to be seen by various stakeholders; and
Implemented with a clear leadership and governance structure, providing confidence in all stakeholders,
ensuring them that responsibility is integrated into the partnership and its decision making processes.
Developing relevant skill-sets is a challenge for both public and private partners involved.
Big Data
8 Analytics and
Decision Making
There is still a cultural barrier to be overcome before the trend becomes widespread. This is because
embracing data-driven decision making involves moving away from conventional decision making processes.
On the one hand there is a degree of scepticism from the decision makers themselves about this new datadriven decision making. On the other hand, these new solutions would effectively cut out the middle-man and
empower company management to make decisions themselves. Obviously such a disruptive change in process
takes time before the market accepts it.
There are also legal concerns, and concerns about investments in large servers.
9 Artificial Intelligence
Challenges of clients include the long investment horizon of some artificial intelligence innovations, limited
understanding of the potential of the data generated by their organisation, and hesitation towards potentially
disruptive technology.
Workplace innovation
10 Enhancing
workplace productivity
One of the most important barriers relates to the organisational resistance to change induced by workplace
innovations. Resistance with middle management: in order to take a decision managers need to be aware of
the benefits of workplace innovation and often they are unaware of the benefits.
The availability of ICT-infrastructure and equipment on the client side.
A barrier to further uptake is the (conception of the) cost of a transition towards a more flexible workplace.
Trend report
11 Novel
Organisational Setups
and Management
Case companies are both the developer/supplier of the organisational innovation and at the same time a client
for the innovation.
Although customers of the case companies do not necessarily take up the innovation under discussion
themselves, they do benefit from its results, and these results can raise awareness and influence them
towards adoption of some of the principles.
The lack of trust and familiarity of clients with web-based peer-to-peer platforms.
From a clients perspective it is hard to perceive quality amidst this jungle of advertisement for web-based
marketplaces and communities.
Platforms that facilitate sharing of physical goods or services of low added value are unsuitable for (early)
uptake in for instance rural areas.
Trend report
R&D grants;
Incubator services;
Networking events;
Soft Loans;
Trend report
Continuation and improvement of existing supplyside R&D policies (the companies have benefitted
policy challenges
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
1 Environmentally friendly
technologies and energy
Develop awareness at the public level, highlighting the benefit of these novel technologies so as to
encourage the uptake of these solutions and reduce public scepticism.
Creation of large-scale demonstrators and small-scale testing units.
Support SMEs bringing environmentally friendly technologies to market.
Simplify administrative processes for public support.
Provide access to finance for companies that adopt environmentally friendly technologies.
2 New Manufacturing
3 Mass customisation
Establishing an enabling business environment. This involves administrative simplification, for example to
support services in the setting-up and putting together of administrative dossiers. Facilitating access to
finance. Facilitating the international development of mass customizers. Supporting entrepreneurship and
favouring an entrepreneurial spirit. Improving communication between entrepreneurs and investors.
4 Measurement
Technologies and Robotics
Stimulate entrepreneurs to actively think of the market opportunities before developing the innovative
To stimulate the market uptake of innovative solutions in the smart value chain manufacturing industry.
Address the lack of specialised and highly skilled human.
Simplify or shorten the administrative processes for public support.
Provide access to finance for companies trying to upscale and commercialise the innovation.
New Business Models
6 Public Procurement of
Innovation (Public Private
European governments can introduce a hybrid version of funding development as well as procurement of
innovation, by co-procuring with private sector players, by combining procurement with free access to
university R&D hours and knowledge, by introducing an Envy scoring mechanism for public procurement
programmes, by cutting up tender procedures in several (smaller) separate assignments, and by using
specific methods that can encourage or force tenderees to adopt certain innovations or technologies.
7 Large-Scale
Demonstrators & SmallScale Testing Units (Public
Private Partnerships)
The EU should push for consortia to engage in international partnerships that ensure the diffusion of
innovative solutions to other Member States.
It is suggested that the public sector engages in public procurement activities for demonstrators and smallscale testing units. This will provide a test-bed in which the public sector will be able to tailor new demandside policy.
Demonstrators and testing units are particularly relevant in areas where regional economic growth agendas
support cross-cutting themes.
Ensuring appropriate access to finance for big data companies that have a financing shortfall when raising
funds to commercialise new analytic solutions.
Establishing an enabling business environment for data storage, data transfers and communication networks.
Supporting entrepreneurship, leading to the creation of start-ups and SMEs that offer big data analytics and
decision making solutions.
Fostering administrative simplification.
To support big data SMEs in their internationalisation process.
To develop and promote an education system able to answer the specific needs of big data companies.
Trend report
European governments can improve the access to funding of young technology organisations by making it
less difficult to obtain funds for early-stage technological development through seed funds and R&D grants.
Tax reform to promote innovation can be targeted to improve liquidity of technology start-ups by offering
them a tax holiday or the possibility of deferred taxation.
Public procurement of innovation could provide for proof-of-concepts and show good practices to incorporate
in cost-benefit analyses.
Reforming immigration policy to attract highly skilled labour.
Fostering administrative simplification. Reforming employment regulation, to reduce the administrative
burden. Encouraging university-industry interaction. Encouraging mentorships, existing intermediary bodies
deploy mentorship programmes and matchmaking activities. European governments can re-engage in
international discussions on international patents to improve the protection of innovations.
10 Enhancing workplace
productivity (Workplace
11 Novel Organisational
Setups and Management
There is a need for policy measures that maintain, expand and make existing RDI infrastructure more
accessible for SMEs and start-ups.
Policymakers should come up with measures that ensure the availability of funding for companies deploying
novel organisational setups and management practices.
Other recommendations include, more direct support mechanisms, supporting network building, to ensure a
constant supply of technologically educated individuals and simplifying employment of non-EU residents in
EU-member state countries
12 Accessibility Based
Business Models for Peerto-Peer Markets (The
Sharing Economy)
Policy makers could tailor tenders aimed at innovation within start-ups according to the restrictions those
companies face.
European and national subsidy programmes could be tailored to be more in line with this new approach to
entrepreneurship. Policy makers should facilitate the creation of minimum standards for peer-to-peer
markets. Policy measures that facilitate more flexible employment of workers are desirable.
It is hard for sharing economy start-ups to attract talented software developers and programmers. Policy
measures that would make it more attractive for employees to receive company shares, and receive future
dividends on them, could help start-ups attract skilled workers.
Demand-side innovation policies (located on the right handside in figure 6) are now needed for scaling up the New
Models trend and the impact in terms of both socioeconomic benefits as well as competitiveness. The casestudies on Public Private Partnerships concerning public
procurement and demonstrators and testing units are good
examples of such demand-side innovation policies.
Trend report
Figure 8: Bringing policy into the picture: promoting up-take and scaling-up the New Models trend
Legend: Left-hand-side: existing supply-side innovation policy; right-hand-side: demand-side innovation policy
See :
Trend report
Trend report
Since the New Models trend is not about only one type of
innovation or one type of societal challenge, it can benefit
from existing insights from several of these models which
are tailored to a specific type of innovation, a specific
technology or sector, or tailored to a specific societal
challenge. However, there is a gap in the policy literature
concerning the commonalities, linkages, overlap between and
integration of the currently fragmented fields. This also
applies to the need to integrate the concerning fragmented
policies. The commonalities among the various case-study
trends show that there is need for an integrated societal
innovation system perspective, as illustrated in Figure 9. A
more demand-side oriented system of innovation that serves
to un-lock the potential of business and societal innovation
by scaling up the New Models trend.
Societal Innovation
Trend report
local/regional, national and European policies and
Over the last few years the innovation policy approach has
changed. The strategy has broadened, became more
strategic and focussed, with more attention to the demandside of innovation and several new missions for innovation
policy have been integrated for
addressing societal
challenges. With EU2020 the role of innovation became
more important and broader. Also the Flagship initiatives and
HORIZON moved away from a dominant supply-side
innovation strategy, by adopting more demand-oriented
policy approaches, and by a research agenda focussed on
societal challenges (Table 5).
Table 5: Proposed research funding for societal
challenges (million Euros, 2014-2020)11
Horizon 2020
Edler (2009) even states that: the demand side has long
been systematically neglected in innovation systems analysis
and subsequently in concepts and practice of innovation
policy-making (Edler 2009, p.2). For many years in Europe a
supply-side innovation target (set in Barcelona in 2002) to
increase the R&D intensity to a level of 3 % as share of GDP,
was the dominant innovation strategy. Policy makers have
for a long time favoured the linear rational and the
arguments on the supply side: an increase in R&D would lead
to more technological inventions and patents which would
lead to more successful innovations and economic growth.
Typical examples of supply-side or technology push policies
are: public funded R&D and R&D tax credits.
One of the explanations for the limited use of targeted
demand-side innovation measures could be that many
governments have historically tended to rely on
macroeconomic policies and framework conditions to support
market demand and to avoid market distortion; Much of the
role of government on the demand side of innovation has
focused on getting prices right (OECD, 2011). Also bad
memories of old industrial policy of governments favouring
or protecting (vested interest in) specific sectors, may have
played a role. Especially the notion that innovation should
address (grand and/or global) societal challenges9 has lead
to an increased attention for demand-side policies. Even the
new EU industrial policy10 (EC, 2010d) puts competitiveness
nd sustainability at the centre. It includes those policies
which target innovative competitiveness, but it also notes
the importance of the competitiveness effects of other policy
fields, e.g. concerning transport, energy, consumerprotection, environment, single-market and trade policies.
E.g. Mowery and Rosenberg (1979).
As it is formulated in for instance the Lund declaration
(2009), the OECD Innovation Strategy (2010) and the
HORIZON 2020 programme.
EC (2010) An Integrated Industrial Policy for the
Globalisation Era: Putting Competitiveness and
Sustainability at Centre Stage SEC(2010) 1276. See:
Million Euros,
Trend report
Use of regulations
Demand subsidies
Tax incentives
Articulation and
Awareness raising
Short description
Trend report
Cluster policies,
support to userdriven innovation,
technology-, or
Lead market
Wintjes, Ren, Serdar Turkeli and Florian Henning (2013),
Innovation Policy in Metropolitan Areas: addressing
societal challenges in functional regions, Thematic Paper
6. Available at: http://www.rim-europa.eu/
Trend report
See http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/home
Trend report
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and long term Investors: the case of EBRD
The European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is an international financial institution that supports projects from
central Europe to central Asia and southern and eastern Mediterranean, investing primarily in private sector clients whose needs cannot
be fully met by the market. In the post crisis context, capital investments in manufacturing are being delayed or reduced. The following
examples provide information on specific EBRD investment projects in advanced manufacturing technologies.
Metsa Tissue is a Finish supplier of tissue and cooking paper and EBRD has financed its subsidiary in Poland for investment in
the best available energy efficiency improvements. The provision of longer tenor funding was needed in order to properly
match the long term nature of the investment programme. The Project will replace old and inefficient paper machines, close
down the coal-fired CHP plant and use natural gas boilers for heating requirements and it will increase production capacity by
30,000 tonnes.
EBRD has financed capacity expansion in favour of Getrag Ford Slovakia, at its plant in Kechnec, for R&D expenditures related
to manufacturing of dual clutch transmissions a high-tech complex part needed in production of vehicles. The commercial
lending market was unable to fully support the financial package for corporate technological upgrading. This project will allow
the Company to adapt to the recent market trend of increased automation in newly registered vehicles, offering a state-ofthe-art solution addressing the need of lower fuel consumption and reduced CO2 emissions.
ABS Sisak is an ironworks factory which was privatized and is fully integrated into the Danieli steel-making division of ABS
Italy. The main elements of the on-going corporate restructuring are: a) to focus production on higher value-added products;
b) establishment of local R&D capacity; and c) setting-up an efficient production process and the application of innovative
production technology. EBRD financing was in response to the need to mitigate local risks and the difficulty to obtain long
term financing in Croatia. The EBRD loan will be used for financing the investment necessary to resume operations at the
Sisak plant and to turn it into a state-of-the-art engineering steel making facility.
Trend report
Trend report
See also OECD (2011, p115)
See for a general description of Voucher schemes:
Trend report
7. Policy recommendations
This chapter provides recommendations at various policy
levels with the aim of scaling up the successes of the New
Models trend.
Trend report
local/regional, national
and European
level of
Trend report
Trend report
Trend report
8. Literature
Amit, R., and C. Zott (2001) Value creation in e-business.
Strategic Management Journal, 22, pp. 493520
Braun, A., V. Grimm, S. Korte, S. Rijkers-Defrasne, R. Wintjes
(2011) Innovation and Industrial Policy, ETEPS Study for
European Parliament's Directorate A Economic and
Scientific Policy Department. European Parliament, Brussels.
Carlsson, B. and R. Stankiewicz (1991) On the nature,
function and composition of technological systems, Journal
of Evolutionary Economics 1, 93 118.
Cooke (2010), Regional innovation systems: Development
opportunities from the green turn. Technology Analisys and
Strategic Management, 22, 831-844.
Cooke, P. (2011) Transition regions: Regional-national ecoinnovation systems and strategies. Progress in Planning 76,
Coenen, L. & F.J. Diaz Lpez (2009) Comparing systems
approaches to innovation and technological change for
sustainable and competitive economies: an explorative study
complementarities. Paper no. 2009/12. CIRCLE, Lund
Chesbrough, H. (2010) Business Model Innovation:
Opportunities and Barriers, Long Range Planning, Volume 43,
Issues 23, AprilJune 2010, Pages 354-363
Trend report
Niitamo, V.-P.; Kulkki, S.; Eriksson, M.; Hribernik, K. A.: Stateof-the-art and good practice in the field of living labs,
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
Concurrent Enterprising: Innovative Products and Services
through Collaborative Networks, Milan, Italy, 2006, 349-357.
Trend report
Trend report
9. Annexes
Table A: Main drivers of the trend
1 Environmentally
friendly technologies
and energy efficiency
The need to be compliant with environmental and pollution regulations is the main driver of the trend.
High estimations of potential markets; e.g.: the European gasification industry has a potential annual market of over
EUR 10 billion.
Being located in a region with potential partners and pool of talent as well as good links with research centres is
important for the companies which provide solutions.
The introduction of new standards, eco-incentives and requirements helps to frame the market and the relations
between stakeholders, whether public or private entities.
The companies have very few competitors operating within their respective industries.
2 New Manufacturing
Market growth and potential: 3D printing is expected to continue its trend of double-digit growth, as forecasts
anticipate estimate that the 3D printing market will be worth USD 6 billion by 2017, and USD 10.8 billion by 2021.
The benefits of: reducing operating and capital costs; improving product quality and consistency; increasing
production output rates; increasing manufacturing flexibility; reducing waste and pollution; and saving space in high
value manufacturing areas.
3 Mass customisation
Among the drivers supporting the trend, mass customizers consider the access to an enabling business environment
the most important.
Application areas for mass customisation exist in all sectors. It is a horizontal, non-sector-specific, cross-industry
trend. It has significant potential, with wide applications and major benefits for end-users.
Changes in mentality and consuming habits: increased demand for customised goods; increased on-line shopping
habits; and confidence.
Crowd-sourcing techniques help integrating consumers right from the beginning of the product design process. In so
doing, consumers feel more engaged in the brand strategies of products they like.
4 Measurement
Technologies and
The industrial robotics market was valued at EUR 6.49 billion in 2011, with an estimated growth of 5% per year.
The need for European manufacturing to increase productivity and gain a competitive advantage.
The uptake of the trend relies on the success of start-ups bringing new developments and innovation to market.
Proof of concept improves access to finance.
The solutions are applicable in many industries.
All interviewed companies benefitted from the presence of centres of excellence established in their relative fields, or
from the background of their key employees at nearby universities or research centres.
Market growth: The global market for Additive manufacturing (3D-printing) grew by 29.4 percent in 2011 alone,
comprising a 1.7 billion USD global market.
Demand driven approach enables quick results for trend driving companies.
Solutions supplying companies noted that it was relatively easy to gain market share or internationalise at the
beginning. The innovative solutions set them apart from competitors in such a way, that large customers found the
companies themselves.
Successful uptake of smart value chain manufacturing is mostly driven by market demand.
New Business Models
The market potential: annual public procurement at European level is estimated at 400 billion. Of this 400 billion,
it is estimated that 3.78 billion can be considered public procurement of innovation at the European level.
Companies can realise competitive advantages through public procurement.
Increasing need for more efficiency in the public sector.
The increased role for policymakers in Europe in addressing societal challenges.
Increased awareness of the benefits of demand-side innovation policy measures.
Regulation and needs of end-users drive market uptake.
Public procurement of innovations makes innovative companies less reliant on external funding.
Public procurement can facilitate access to conventional markets.
7 Large-Scale
Demonstrators &
Small-Scale Testing
Big Data
8 Analytics and
Decision Making
The benefits of data-driven analytics and decision making solutions. What the solutions of the analysed companies
have in common is that they help improve business performance through a better understanding of data and the
ability to make more relevant and timely decisions. Impacts for clients are: empowered decision making, increased
revenue and reduced costs.
Trend report
9 Artificial Intelligence
A growing market: The big data market is in a nascent stage and is expected to develop as companies as well as
public bodies seek to enhance their competitive advantage by better understanding the ever-growing amounts of
data. Artificial intelligence offers the technology and methodology to do so, and the market for artificial intelligencebased tools and applications is growing rapidly.
Workplace innovation
10 Enhancing
The total number of organisations that have implemented mobile work styles will rise from 24 percent in 2012, to
workplace productivity 83 percent in 2014. That is a compound annual growth rate of 86 percent. Only 9 percent of organisations do not
have plans to adopt mobile work styles.
Drivers are the socio-economic effect of enhancing workplace productivity and the productivity enhancements.
Positive employee perceptions on flexibility, productivity and reduced commuting.
Offering cost reductions of operational cost of organisations adopting the innovation.
The environmental benefits.
11 Novel
Organisational Setups
and Management
There has been a shift in corporate philosophy from creating shareholder value to creating stakeholder value.
Rising complexity of technology demands collaboration between companies specialised in various aspects of a
Another driver of the trend is the shift towards a service economy, and associated service innovation since this often
involves organisational and relational changes within supply-chains or networks.
The impact of the type of innovation described in this case study is not limited to a particular industry or market. The
companies that were sampled do not show much overlap with regards to the markets they supply. The market
potential is difficult to measure.
There are competitive advantages to be gained through novel organisational setups and management practices.
Due to its wide applicability, the potential of online peer-to-peer business models is substantial, with growth
exceeding 25%.
Start-ups can benefit from the uptake of the sharing economy trend because it provides them with opportunities for
entrepreneurial activity in a wide variety of markets.
The economic crisis is a driver with high unemployment rates and dropped purchasing power of consumers people
are in need of ways to earn money and are seeking ways to save money on their daily needs. Decreased consumer
trust in the corporate world.
Available technology, especially ICT. The public is getting more and more familiar with online activities and shows
growing trust in online transactions.
1 Environmentally
technologies and
energy efficiency
Access to finance;
Scepticism in the region or countries towards new technologies;
The absence of an established track record or a market accepted proof-of-concept;
It is crucial that environmentally friendly technologies demonstrate scalability;
Environmental or energy efficiency considerations may not be sufficient selling points. The products need to meet or
exceed consumer expectations in terms of quality and cost.
Choosing a location with possible partners and pool of talent.
2 New
Access to finance for innovative SMEs. SMEs interviewed belief that Europe has created a business and innovation
environment that is skewed towards large enterprises and universities.
Making potential clients aware of New Manufacturing Engineering competences.
To have a good cooperation or partnership, companies should come together at a very early stage.
Adjusting to a higher skill level of employment demand in manufacturing.
3 Mass
The key phase - and the main barrier of the trend - is the scaling-up stage and its financing. It follows the stage of
prototyping and precedes a more massive business industrialisation.
The importance of multidisciplinary skills.
Need for market testing and prototyping.
Data is needed to define what customers want and assess solutions. These data management challenges may be
related to crowd-sourcing tools.
Customisation induces higher costs which have to be overcome by revenues.
Internationalisation: Markets targeted by mass customizers are often global or require fast international growth to
guarantee first-mover margin.
Choice of the right customisation: Need to have a clear understanding of clients needs and how to integrate them
into existing manufacturing processes.
4 Measurement
Technologies and
Proof of concept improves access to finance. Low uptake of automation solutions by SMEs in the manufacturing
sector. The technologies can be used in several different automation solutions, but the companies deliberately chose
to focus on a single application, which appears to be a successful strategy.
Trend report
5 Smart Value
Access to finance is critical for companies trying to capitalise on the market uptake.
The analysed companies did not faced particular difficulties in raising funds for starting up and for developing the
A demand driven approach, providing an innovative solution to a clear market demand enables quick results.
Although regulation was generally not found to drive the innovative trend in smart manufacturing nor significantly
hinder it, some of the analysed companies noticed increasingly more pressure from regulation.
Some companies found it difficult in the early days to move from relatively low production for relatively few clients to
high volume production for more clients.
Up scaling requires significant capital expenditures to invest in the necessary machinery.
One critical success factor for all companies was having access to a highly skilled workforce, for some it remains a
New Business Models
Conservative clients can be risk-aversive. As a company has put it: Developing new solutions pose a risk to end-users.
It is therefore key to proof your innovation in practice, which is a process that takes time.
Companies need to be able to deploy a demand-driven approach to innovation.
Tendering procedures can form a barrier for public procurement.
Having access to a highly skilled and specialised workforce is considered to be crucial.
Challenges with regards to internationalisation.
A main challenge from the public perspective is to comply with state-aid rules, as distorting competition should be
Diversity of regulations within Europe.
Regional aspects can drive the development and commercialisation of publically procured innovations.
7 Large-Scale
Demonstrators &
Testing Units
Big Data
8 Analytics and
Decision Making
Access to finance is the most important factor for the development plans of firms interviewed for this case study. The
majority of companies offering big data analytic and decision making solutions are in their nascent stage. The lack of
companies with a successful track record suggests that access of finance is a challenge since investors are prudent.
Proximity to a technical school and IT companies are important to facilitate the development of big data companies.
The firms that develop big data analytic and decision making solutions have a tendency not to solely rely on a
regional or national market but to internationalise rather rapidly.
Entrepreneurial culture and a skilled labour force is important.
The regional knowledge infrastructure: higher education and research institutions in fields specific to the industry,
technology transfer organisations and shared technology platforms, as well as sector specific courses or training in
the region.
Data privacy and security.
9 Artificial
Challenges include a highly educated workforce, scalability of developed solutions and public support programmes
fostering innovation.
Workplace innovation
10 Enhancing
11 Novel
Setups and
Creation of synergies between different players is another key challenge.
Companies deploying technology centred novel organisational setups effectively make use of existing R&D&I
Availability of skilled and motivated workforce is key.
Case companies are both the developer/supplier of the innovation and at the same time a client for the innovation.
The nature of this type of innovation makes it difficult to sell on a market.
Trend report
Existing policies
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
1 Environmentally
friendly technologies
and energy efficiency
Enterprises interviewed in this case study are usually looking for support in financing; legal advice; networking
activities; nurturing cooperation between stakeholders; knowledge transfer; and going international. Most of the
companies underlined the added value of incubators and accelerators.
2 New Manufacturing
It was generally accepted among interviewees that the EU plays an influential role in financing research and
development (R&D), but fails to provide sufficient financing for making technologies market mature, commercially
produced, and/or internationally distributed.
3 Mass customisation
Public support has different components, such as: direct grants, organisation of forum and industry fairs, support
in networking and support to incubators and accelerators.
4 Measurement
Technologies and
The companies interviewed benefitted from a range of support measures including business incubation services,
government subsidies, tax credits for private investors and R&D activities as well as research grants. The
technologies were developed within a research or academic context through public funding, national or EU funding,
and in some cases the funding was from a public-private partnership.
While different types of funding were identified across the analysed business cases, there was a remarkably low
percentage coming from public funding. Peratech Ltd. benefited from FP6 funding, HyGear from Innovatiekrediet
from the Dutch government and FP funding and Nanovi Ltd. from EU Structural funds.
New Business Models
Public procurement of innovation has meant for the companies in this case study the facilitation of access to
conventional markets and making them less reliant on external funding. Feedback from the public procurer and the
end-users to the innovating company was very helpful.
7 Large-Scale
Demonstrators &
Small-Scale Testing
The demonstrators and testing units would not have existed without financial support from the public sector
It is less difficult to get supported if the field in which the demonstrator or testing unit operates is part of a
broader national or regional agenda. For instance: The e-Mobility Competence Centre, Dortmund is tied to North
Rhine Westphalias Master Plan for Electric Mobility.
Big Data
8 Analytics and
Decision Making
The companies interviewed benefitted from a range of support measures including business incubation services,
government subsidies, tax credits for private investors, and tax credits for R&D activities, and research grants.
9 Artificial Intelligence
The companies interviewed benefited from support measures such as soft loans and small research grants. Startups can use any funds they can acquire for the development of their technology.
Workplace innovation
10 Enhancing
workplace productivity
Some of the firms benefitted from financial subsidies, grants or business competition awards (angel investors,
government loans without interest,). This depended on the regions they were located in. The companies
interviewed benefitted from a range of public support measures including business incubation services,
government subsidies, and tax credits for R&D activities, and research grants.
11 Novel
Organisational Setups
and Management
Depending on the type of service or product delivered, companies deploying novel organisational setups effectively
make use of existing R&D&I infrastructure, incubator programmes, partnerships with universities and other
technology companies.
The companies in this case found various sources for funding their peer-to-peer platforms, ranging from
government subsidies, angel investments, prize money, accelerator/incubator funding, founder capital and
donations from NGOs. Companies faced barriers in acquiring support from existing support organisations.
1 Environmentally
friendly technologies
and energy efficiency
The market needs to be better educated as to the benefits from these new technologies.
Support needed for implementing environmentally friendly technologies since they are often disruptive.
There is a need for opportunities to demonstrate proof of concept (viability of these technologies).Demonstrators
and testing units play a crucial role
There is a need for more specific and tailored support systems for SMEs trying to bring these technologies to
Support systems and regulations should be delivered on time, kept in place and enforced.
Trend report
2 New Manufacturing
Many companies which offer advanced manufacturing processes are facing obstacles in increasing market
awareness of product and service potential. More support is needed to promote the technologies.
Policy initiatives and funding for skills development should take into account the growing need for skills at the
interface of technologies, e.g.: concerning laser technologies and 3-D printing techniques.
Lack of policies increasing the availability of apprenticeships or bringing advanced manufacturing processes into
the classroom.
3 Mass customisation
Impulse and incentivising regulation. Support in networking, such as (1) involving public players in innovation
platform meetings (2) organisation of travels to meet investors and potential partners, and (3) networking with
large companies and foreign partners. Promoting demonstration projects and participation in the experimental use
of products. Financing for investment and development.
4 Measurement
Technologies and
An obstacle for many of the companies is the administrative burden in order to obtain public support. Companies
like Odico and Laytec did not apply for public funding because they felt the costs outweighed the benefits.
Market uptake is favoured by a clear demand driven approach. When an innovative solution is developed as a
reaction to existing demand, the potential for a good and swift market uptake is higher. There is a need for
opportunities to demonstrate proof-of-concept.
Access to finance, especially at the start-up and up-scaling stages.
Improved access to public funding, long bureaucratic procedures often need to be tackled. The gap between the
availability of and demand for highly skilled engineers needs to be addressed.
New Business Models
Gaps in policy are noted in assessment and monitoring of public procurement programmes; discouraging upfront
investments for participating in public tender and calls that are often broadly defined; the extent to which they
offer companies the opportunity to test their innovation in a real world context; and the difference in difficulty of
acquiring public support for incremental innovation as compared to radical innovation.
7 Large-Scale
Demonstrators &
Small-Scale Testing
Small-scale testing units fear a shortfall of public funding to cover costs upon going-live.
The cost of pursuing public sector financing is high, particularly at the European-level.
There is an obvious need to locate demonstrators and testing units in regions that offer competitive advantages for
the cross-cutting theme in question.
Big Data
8 Analytics and
Decision Making
Education: there is a need for more interdisciplinary training and the development of specialists with
complementary areas of expertise and skill sets;
Data Protection: it is highly important that sensitive data is handled securely and is not leaked in accordance with
the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC).
Policies focusing on improving the overall business environment and favouring entrepreneurship.
9 Artificial
Early-stage start-ups find the tax burden heavy, and could benefit from tax holidays.
As artificial intelligence technology is cutting-edge, proof-of-concepts and cost-benefit analyses are not easy,
public procurement of innovation could provide for proof-of-concepts and show good practices in cost-benefit
Immigration policy and employment regulation hinder hiring highly skilled staff.
Technology start-ups at times are isolated in academia, unconcerned with industrial exposure.
Mentorship: Guidance and advice from experienced entrepreneurs is invaluable for technology start-ups that often
do not think big enough or have not defined precisely enough why they run a business.
Artificial intelligence technology companies find themselves involved in international patent disputes and legal
Workplace innovation
10 Solutions for
enhancing workplace
A long-term policy perspective is lacking; A lack of advice and guidance for improvement projects, which involve
social partners and civil society.
In order to better understand the conditions under which workplace flexibility leads to productivity gains, pilot
projects on innovative workplaces are needed. Policy approaches to increasing the uptake should take cultural
differences and country-specific barriers into account. The market needs to be better educated as to the benefits
and costs from new technologies regarding workplace innovation.
11 Novel
Setups and
The availability of partners is of key importance. All companies or organisational parts focus on a specific part of
the process or function, and require collaboration with other parties to develop innovations or successfully conduct
certain business functions. For all companies interviewed in this case study, the creation of synergies between
different groups players is a key challenge.
Regulations and support measures that are suitable to facilitate and coordinate B2B or B2C transactions, are not
always applicable to the newly created C2C market. There is a need for tailored policy frameworks.
The existing government infrastructure aimed at supporting entrepreneurship (e.g. chambers of commerce and
innovation agencies) does not possess the required knowledge to aid internet start-ups.