Exercises Geometric Imaging 1

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Exercises, Geometrical Optics, Part 1

1 Reflection by a symmetric triangular prism
Let be the angle between the two faces of a symmetric triangular prism. Let the edge A
where the two faces meet be perpendicular to the plane which contains the incident and
emergent rays.

Two parallel beams of light are reflected off the two symmetric faces of the prism.

a. Show that the angle between the two reflected beams is twice the angle
between the two reflecting surfaces.

2 Refraction in plane parallel slab of glass

a. Verify the expressions for the displacements d and l in section

3 Dispersion in a plane parallel slab of glass

Assume that a thin beam is incident on a plane parallel slab of glass in air, as in section But now the beam is not monochromatic; it is white light, so the beam is spread
out into a spectrum as it passes through the slab.

a. Will the emerging rays of different colors be parallel or not?

b. What determines the thickness of the beam as it exits the slab?
Fritz Albregtsen 2009

4 Critical angle and total internal reflection

Assume that we have a a semi-circular bowl of water at 25C. A light-ray from a 632.8
nm laser enters perpendicular to the surface 4/10 of the radius from the bowl centre.
We want to obtain grazing refraction and total internal reflection of the light beam that is
reflected towards the water / air interface.

a. Does the material of the bowl play any role in this?

b. How much do we have to raise the refractive index of the water by
increasing the salinity?



5 Atmospheric refraction
Make the simplifying assumption that the Earths atmosphere is uniform (thus having a
uniform index of refraction), and that it extends to a height h. Beyond that, we assume
that there is vacuum.The Earths radius is R.

a. Verify that as we observe an object setting on the horizon, under these

assumptions it is actually an angle below the horizon, given by



= arcsin

b. Calculate for R = 6378 km and h = 20 km. Assume that n = 1.0003.

c. How does this compare to the statements about atmospheric refraction
in section ?

Fritz Albregtsen 2009

6 Air mass
Air mass is the optical path length through Earth's atmosphere for light from a celestial
source. It is normally given relative to that at the zenith, so by definition, the airmass at
the zenith is 1. The airmass (m) increases as the angle (z) between the source and the
zenith increases. In the text for this course we have used a very simple approximation:


cos( z )

This expression is based on an

assumption of a homogeneous planeparallel atmosphere, in which the
density is constant and curvature is
ignored. However, the Earth is not flat,
and while our approximate airmass
becomes infinite at the horizon, the
horizontal airmass in the real, curved
atmosphere is usually less than 40.

a. Write a simple program to verify some of the other approximations

given below:
Young and Irvine (1967):
Hardie (1962):
Rozenberg (1966)
Kasten and Young (1989)

Young (1994)

Good luck!

Fritz Albregtsen 2009

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