Snell Abdomen Questions Answers

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The document text describes anatomical structures and their relationships in the abdomen and provides diagrams to label. It also includes multiple choice and completion questions to test understanding.

The document text describes structures like the stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreas, kidneys and their blood supply.

Structures are matched to labeled diagrams showing radiographs and scans of the abdomen, with structures like the colon, arteries, kidneys and veins being identified.

68 CHAPTER 2 Abdomen


Matching Questions

Match the numbered structures shown on the anteroposterior

radiograph of the stomach and small intestine after ingestion
of a barium meal with the appropriate lettered structures.

Match the numbered structures shown on the anteroposterior

radiograph of the abdomen with the appropriate lettered





Lesser curvature of the stomach
First part of the duodenum
Antrum of the stomach
None of the above

Match the numbered structures shown on the CT scan of the

abdomen at the level of the second lumbar vertebra after
intravenous pyelography with the appropriate lettered




A. Sacroiliac joint
B. Pedicle of the fourth lumbar
C. Iliopectineal line
D. Transverse process of the fifth
lumbar vertebra
E. Psoas muscle
F. None of the above





Vertebral body
Left ureter
Inferior vena cava
None of the above

CHAPTER 2 Abdomen 69

Match the numbered structures shown on the anteroposterior

radiograph of the abdomen after administration of a contrast
enema with the appropriate lettered structures.

Match the numbered structures shown on the anteroposterior

radiograph of both kidneys after intravenous injection of an
iodine-containing compound with the appropriate lettered





Pelvis of the left kidney

Pedicle of the lumbar vertebra
Minor calyx
Gas in the intestine
Major calyx
Right ureter
None of the above

Comp letion Questions

Select the phrase that best completes each statement.





Sigmoid colon
Ascending colon
Descending colon
Transverse colon
None of the above

Match the numbered areas shown on the previous radiograph of the abdomen with the appropriate lettered arterial




A. Sigmoid arteries from the inferior

mesenteric artery
B. Middle colic artery
C. Superior rectal artery
D. Left colic artery
E. Right colic and colic branch of
the ileocolic artery
F. None of the above

31. Pain due to a gastric ulcer may be referred to the

A. umbilical region.
B. right iliac region.
C. epigastric region.
D. penis or clitoris.
E. None of the above.
32. Pain caused by appendicitis may first be referred to the
A. right iliac region.
B. umbilical region.
C. point of the shoulder.
D. epigastric region.
E. below the right shoulder blade.
33. Intermittent pain (colic) in the small intestine may be
referred to
A. the epigastric region.
B. the left iliac region.
C. just above the symphysis pubis.
D. the umbilical region.
E. None of the above.

70 CHAPTER 2 Abdomen
34. Pain caused by the passage of a stone down the lower
end of the left ureter may be referred to the
A. umbilical region.
B. right iliac region.
C. epigastric region.
D. penis or clitoris.
E. None of the above.
35. The short gastric arteries originate from the
A. superior mesenteric artery.
B. hepatic artery.
C. splenic artery.
D. inferior phrenic artery.
E. left renal artery.
36. The right gastric artery originates from the
A. inferior mesenteric artery.
B. superior mesenteric artery.
C. hepatic artery.
D. gastroduodenal artery.
E. None of the above.
37. The left gastric artery originates from the
A. superior mesenteric artery.
B. left renal artery.
C. splenic artery.
D. celiac artery.
E. hepatic artery.
38. The gastroduodenal artery originates from the
A. splenic artery.
B. hepatic artery.
C. superior mesenteric artery.
D. right renal artery.
E. celiac artery.

C. greater splanchnic nerves.

D. spinal cord segments T5 to 9.
E. spinal cord segments L1 and 2.
43. The ileum receives parasympathetic nerves from the
A. vagus nerves.
B. pelvic splanchnic nerves.
C. lesser splanchnic nerves.
D. spinal cord segments T10 and 11.
E. inferior mesenteric plexus.
44. The azygos vein passes __________ in the diaphragm.
A. through the aortic hiatus
B. through the esophageal hiatus
C. through the vena caval hiatus
D. through perforations in the crura
E. between the slips of origin of the diaphragm from
the ribs
45. The thoracic duct passes through __________ in the
A. the esophageal hiatus
B. the vena caval hiatus
C. the aortic hiatus
D. perforations in the crura
E. None of the above.
46. The vagus nerves pass- in the diaphragm?
A. through the vena caval hiatus
B. through the aortic hiatus
C. between the slips of origin of the diaphragm from
the ribs
D. through the esophageal hiatus
E. through the perforation is the crura

39. The left gastroepiploic artery originates from the

A. inferior mesenteric artery.
B. superior mesenteric artery.
C. splenic artery.
D. celiac artery.
E. left renal artery.

47. The iliohypogastric nerve, a branch of the lumbar

plexus, emerges from the psoas muscle on its
A. medial side.
B. anterior surface.
C. lateral side.
D. posterior surface.
E. None of the above.

40. The descending colon receives parasympathetic

nerves from the
A. pelvic splanchnic nerves.
B. spinal cord segments L1 and 2.
C. greater splanchnic nerve.
D. lesser splanchnic nerve.
E. vagus nerve.

48. The obturator nerve, a branch of the lumbar plexus,

emerges from the psoas muscle on its
A. anterior surface.
B. posterior surface.
C. medial side.
D. upper border.
E. lateral side.

41. The jejunum receives sympathetic nerves from the

A. vagus nerves.
B. pelvic splanchnic nerves.
C. spinal cord segments L1 and 2.
D. greater splanchnic nerves and lesser splanchnic
E. spinal cord segments S2, 3, and 4.

49. The genitofemoral nerve, a branch of the lumb ar

plexus, emerges from the psoas muscle on its
A. lateral side.
B. posterior surface.
C. medial side.
D. anterior surface.
E. None of the above.

42. The sigmoid colon receives sympathetic nerves from

A. lesser splanchnic nerves.
B. vagus nerves.

50. The femoral nerve, a branch of the lumbar plexus,

emerges from the psoas muscle on its
A. lateral side.
B. medial side.

CHAPTER 2 Abdomen 71

C. anterior surface.
D. posterior surface.
E. lower border.
51. The ilioinguinal nerve, a branch of the lumbar plexus,
emerges from the psoas muscle on its
A. medial side.
B. inferior border.
C. lateral side.
D. anterior surface.
E. posterior surface.
52. Lymphatic spread of carcinoma of the fundus of the
stomach is likely to metastasize to the
A. internal iliac nodes.
B. superior mesenteric nodes.
C. inferior mesenteric nodes.
D. celiac nodes.
E. right gastroepiploic nodes.
53. Infection from an inflamed appendix is likely to spread
via the lymphatics to the
A. superior mesenteric nodes.
B. celiac nodes.
C. splenic nodes.
D. inferior mesenteric nodes.
E. right internal iliac nodes.
54. Lymphatic spread of carcinoma of the right side of the
greater curvature of the stomach is likely to metastasize
to the
A. left renal nodes.
B. celiac nodes.
C. superior mesenteric nodes.
D. right gastroepiploic nodes.
E. splenic nodes.
55. Lymphatic spread of carcinoma of the sigmoid colon is
likely to metastasize to the
A. left common iliac nodes.
B. inferior mesenteric nodes.
C. superior mesenteric nodes.
D. celiac nodes.
E. para-aortic nodes.
56. Bacteria from diverticulitis of the proximal two thirds
of the transverse colon are likely to spread via lymph
vessels to the
A. inferior mesenteric nodes.
B. celiac nodes.
C. para-aortic nodes.
D. superior mesenteric nodes.
E. left renal nodes.
57. The skin of the umbilicus receives its sensory innervation from
A. T7.
B. T10.
C. L1.
D. T12.
E. L2.

58. In both sexes, the inguinal canal is formed by the

A. descent of the gonad.
B. contraction of the gubernaculum.
C. processus vaginalis.
D. growth and descent of the ilioinguinal nerve.
E. contraction of the cremaster muscle.
59. The lacunar ligament is
A. formed from the conjoint tendon.
B. part of the posterior wall of the rectus sheath.
C. not continuous with the inguinal ligament.
D. an important medial relation to the femoral ring of
the femoral sheath.
E. attached to the inferior ramus of the pubis.
60. The suprarenal gland receives its arterial supply from the
A. aorta, inferior phrenic, and renal arteries.
B. lumbar arteries.
C. superior phrenic artery.
D. testicular (ovarian) artery.
E. subcostal artery.

Multip le-Ch oice Questions

Select the best answer for each question.

61. The following statements concerning the abdominal

aorta are correct except which?
A. The aorta lies in the midline of the abdomen.
B. The aorta bifurcates into the right and left common
iliac arteries.
C. The level of bifurcation of the aorta is the fifth lumbar vertebra.
D. The aorta lies on the left side of the inferior vena
E. The aorta is related to the anterior surface of the
bodies of the lumbar vertebrae.
62. The statements concerning the following arteries are
correct except which?
A. The superior epigastric artery descends in the rectus
sheath posterior to the rectus abdominis muscle.
B. The superior mesenteric artery descends posterior
to the third part of the duodenum.
C. The gonadal arteries cross in front of the ureters on
both sides.
D. The gastroduodenal artery is directly related to the
posterior surface of the first part of the duodenum.
E. The appendicular artery is a branch of the posterior
cecal artery.
63. The statements concerning the following veins are correct except which?
A. The inferior mesenteric vein is usually a direct tributary of the splenic vein.
B. The portal vein is formed by the union of the
splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein.
C. The hepatic veins emerge from the posterior surface of the liver and drain into the inferior vena

72 CHAPTER 2 Abdomen
D. The renal vein emerges from the hilum of the kidney in front of the renal artery and drains into the
inferior vena cava.
E. The inferior vena cava pierces the central tendon
of the diaphragm at the level of the tenth thoracic
64. The following statements concerning the lymphatics of
the abdomen are correct except which?
A. The intestinal, right, and left lumbar trunks drain
into the cisterna chyli.
B. The lymphatic drainage of the kidney is directly to
the superior mesenteric nodes.
C. The thoracic duct begins in the abdomen at the cisterna chyli.
D. The cisterna chyli lies in front of the first two lumbar vertebrae.
E. The lymph vessels from the testes drain into the
para-aortic nodes at the level of the first lumbar
65. The following statements concerning the abdominal
peritoneal omenta and ligaments are correct except
A. The gastrosplenic omentum contains the short gastric arteries and the left gastroepiploic artery.
B. The splenicorenal ligament contains the tail of the
C. The lesser omentum is attached superiorly to the
porta hepatis of the liver.
D. The greater omentum is attached to the upper border of the transverse colon.
E. The coronary ligament of the liver is the main support for this organ.
66. The following information concerning the sensory innervation of the abdominal peritoneum is correct except which?
A. The peritoneum on the central part of the inferior
surface of the diaphragm is supplied by the phrenic
B. The peritoneum forming the mesentery of the small
intestine is innervated by autonomic nerves.
C. The peritoneum on the peripheral part of the inferior surface of the diaphragm is supplied by the
phrenic nerves.
D. The peritoneum lining the anterior abdominal wall
in the right lower quadrant is supplied by T12 and
L1 spinal nerves.
E. The peritoneum lining the lateral wall of the pelvis
is supplied by the obturator nerve.
67. The following statements concerning the right kidney
are correct except which?
A. The renal papillae open directly into the major
B. The kidney lies slightly lower than the left kidney.
C. The right suprarenal gland covers its upper pole.
D. The medulla is composed of approximately twelve
renal pyramids.
E. At the junction of the renal pelvis with the ureter,
the lumen of the ureter is narrowed.

68. The following statements concerning the wall of the

scrotum are correct except which?
A. It is covered by skin.
B. It possesses superficial fascia that contains smooth
muscle called the dartos muscle.
C. It has the external spermatic fascia derived from
the external oblique aponeurosis.
D. It has cremasteric fascia derived from the internal
oblique muscle.
E. It has the internal spermatic fascia derived from the
fatty layer of the superficial fascia.
69. The following statements concerning the epididymides are correct except which?
A. Each has a head, a body, and a tail.
B. Each lies anterior to the testis.
C. Each is made up of a coiled tube.
D. The vas deferens emerges from the tail.
E. They provide storage space for the spermatozoa
prior to ejaculation.
70. The following statements concerning the spermatic
cord are correct except which?
A. It is covered with three layers of fascia derived from
the anterior abdominal wall.
B. It contains the vas deferens.
C. The testicular artery and vein lie within it.
D. The inferior epigastric artery passes through it.
E. It contains the genital branch of the genitofemoral
71. The following statements concerning the sigmoid
colon are correct except which?
A. It is a continuation of the descending colon.
B. It begins above in front of the left quadratus lumborum muscle.
C. It receives its arterial supply from the inferior
mesenteric artery.
D. It becomes continuous with the rectum in front of
the third sacral vertebra.
E. It is attached to the posterior pelvic wall by the sigmoid mesocolon.
72. The following statements concerning the liver are correct except which?
A. Its lymph drainage is to the celiac nodes.
B. The quadrate and the caudate loves are functionally part of the left lobe.
C. Its parasympathetic innervation is from the vagus
D. It receives highly oxygenated blood from the portal
E. The triangular ligaments connect the liver to the
73. The following differences exist between the ileum and
the ascending colon except which?
A. The ascending colon has appendices epiploicae,
whereas the ileum does not.
B. The arterial supply to the wall of the ileum is arranged so that it produces areas of weakness
through which mucosal herniations may occur.

CHAPTER 2 Abdomen 73

C. The ascending colon may have a well-developed

marginal artery, whereas the ileum does not.
D. The ileum has longitudinal muscle that forms a
continuous layer around the wall, whereas the ascending colon has teniae coli.
E. The ascending colon is retroperitoneal, whereas
the ileum is intraperitoneal.
74. The following statements concerning the duodenum
are correct except which?
A. The lower half of the duodenum receives its arterial supply from the superior mesenteric artery via
the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery.
B. The first part of the duodenum is completely
C. The bile duct enters the second (vertical) portion
of the duodenum.
D. Lymph from the fourth part of the duodenum
drains into the superior mesenteric nodes.
E. The third part of the duodenum passes horizontally
to the left in front of the vertebral column and behind the root of the mesentery.
75. The following statements concerning the appendix are
correct except which?
A. The appendix is situated in the right iliac region.
B. At the base of the appendix, the teniae coli of the
cecum fuse to from a complete longitudinal muscle layer in the wall of the appendix.
C. Afferent pain nerve fibers accompany the sympathetic nerves and enter the spinal cord at the level
of the tenth thoracic segment.
D. The appendix receives its b lood supply from a
branch of the posterior cecal artery.
E. The tip of the appendix cannot reach down into
the pelvic cavity.
76. The lesser omentum contains the following important
structures except which?
A. The left gastric artery
B. The portal vein
C. The inferior vena cava
D. The bile duct
E. The common hepatic artery
77. The following statements concerning the pyloric
sphincter are correct except which?
A. It receives its motor innervation from the sympathetic autonomic nerves.
B. It lies on the level of the third lumbar vertebra.
C. It is inhibited by the impulses passing down the vagus nerves.
D. It is formed by a thickening of the circular layer of
smooth muscle in the stomach wall.
E. The cavity of the pylorus is called the pyloric canal.
78. The following structures form the boundaries of the entrance into the lesser sac (epiploic foramen) except
A. The inferior vena cava
B. The bile duct

C. The portal vein

D. The quadrate lobe of liver
E. The first part of the duodenum
79. After complete occlusion of the origin of the inferior
mesenteric artery with a blood clot, the blood supply
of the left portion of the colon is maintained by the following arteries except which?
A. The marginal artery
B. The middle colic artery
C. The left lumbar arteries
D. Anastomoses between the superior, middle, and
inferior hemorrhoidal arteries
E. The sigmoid arteries
80. The following statements concerning the gallbladder
are correct except which?
A. The arterial supply is from the cystic artery, which
is a branch of the right hepatic artery.
B. The fundus of the gallbladder is located just beneath the tip of the right ninth costal cartilage.
C. The peritoneum completely surrounds the fundus,
the body, and the neck.
D. The nerves of the gallbladder are derived from the
celiac plexus.
E. Pain sensation from gallbladder disease may be referred along the phrenic and the supraclavicular
nerves to the skin over the shoulder.
81. In patients with an obstruction of the superior vena
cava, blood may return to the right atrium through the
following anastomotic channels except which?
A. The lateral thoracic, lumbar, and superficial epigastric veins
B. The superior and inferior epigastric veins
C. The lateral thoracic, paraumbilical, and portal veins
D. The posterior intercostal and lumbar veins
E. The lateral thoracic veins
82. The following structures could be eroded as the result
of perforation of an ulcer in the posterior wall of the
stomach except which?
A. The splenic artery
B. The right kidney
C. The pancreas
D. The left kidney
E. The spleen
83. The following statements concerning the left ureter are
correct except which?
A. It lumen is constricted at the point where it crosses
the brim of the pelvis.
B. Its arterial supply is derived from the renal artery
above, the gonadal artery halfway down, and the
superior vesical artery below.
C. The inferior mesenteric vein lies on its medial side.
D. It lies in direct contact with the tips of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae.
E. It is situated on the posterior abdominal wall behind the peritoneum.

74 CHAPTER 2 Abdomen
84. The following structures are connected to the liver except which?
A. The falciform ligament
B. The coronary ligament
C. The greater omentum
D. The ligamentum teres
E. The ligamentum venosum

90. The spermatic cord contains the following structures

except which?
A. The scrotal arteries and veins
B. The vas deferens
C. The pampiniform plexus
D. The testicular artery
E. Autonomic nerves

85. The following statements concerning the superficial inguinal ring are correct except which?
A. It is a perforation in the aponeurosis of the external
oblique muscle.
B. Its greatest width lies above and medial to the pubic tubercle.
C. It is strengthened posteriorly by the conjoint tendon.
D. The internal spermatic fascia is attached to its
E. In males, it allows passage of the spermatic cord
and ilioinguinal nerve.

91. The following structures pass through the esophageal

hiatus in the diaphragm except which?
A. The left vagus nerve
B. Branches of the left gastric artery
C. The left phrenic nerve
D. The right vagus nerve
E. A tributary of the portal vein

86. The following statements concerning the superficial

fascia of the anterior abdominal wall are correct except
A. It has a superficial fatty layer and a deep membranous layer.
B. Scarpas fascia fuses with the fascia lata just below
the inguinal ligament.
C. Campers fascia is continuous with the Colles fascia in the perineum.
D. It is continuous with the dartos muscle in the wall
of the scrotum.
E. It does not contribute to the femoral sheath.
87. The rectus sheath contains the following structures except which?
A. The pyramidalis muscle (when present)
B. The ligamentum teres
C. The inferior epigastric artery
D. The T7 to 12 anterior nerve rami
E. The rectus abdominis muscle
88. The following statements concerning the epididymis
are correct except which?
A. It lies within the scrotum.
B. It is partially covered by the tunica vaginalis.
C. It is easily palpated through the scrotal wall.
D. It is supplied by the testicular artery.
E. Its lymph drains into the superficial inguinal nodes.
89. The jejunum and ileum can be differentiated on the
basis of the following anatomic features except which?
A. Numerous (four to five) arterial arcades are associated with the jejunum.
B. The plicae circulares are much more prominent in
the jejunum than in the ileum.
C. Fat depositions are generally present throughout
the mesentery associated with the ileum.
D. The jejunum is generally located in the upper left
region of the abdominal cavity.
E. Peyers patches are characteristic of the lower
ileum and may be visible on the surface.

92. The following statements regarding the peritoneum are

correct except which?
A. The parietal peritoneum is sensitive to pain, temperature, touch, and pressure.
B. The parietal peritoneum lining the anterior abdominal wall is innervated by the lower six thoracic and the first lumbar spinal nerves.
C. The visceral peritoneum is innervated by the posterior primary rami of the twelfth thoracic and the
lumbar spinal nerves.
D. The visceral peritoneum is only sensitive to stretch.
E. The peritoneum lining the lesser sac has a sensory
nerve supply.
93. If the portal vein becomes blocked, the following venous anastomoses are important in uniting the portal
with the systemic venous systems except which?
A. Esophageal branches of the left gastric and azygos
B. Veins of the ligamentum teres and paraumbilical
C. The superior and inferior rectal veins
D. The right colic veins and lumbar veins
E. The middle and inferior rectal veins
94. In a patient with cancer of the stomach who requires a
total gastrectomy, the following arteries must be ligated except which?
A. The common hepatic artery
B. The short gastric arteries
C. The left and the right gastroepiploic arteries
D. The right gastric artery
E. The left gastric artery
95. When performing a midline abdominal paracentesis
(tapping the abdominal cavity) below the umbilicus,
the cannula will pass through the following anatomic
structures except which?
A. The skin and the fascia
B. The linea alba
C. The transversalis fascia and extraperitoneal fat
D. The rectus abdominis muscle
E. The parietal peritoneum

CHAPTER 2 Abdomen 75

96. The following statements are correct regarding an inguinal hernia except which?
A. The inferior epigastric artery lies medial to the neck
of an indirect inguinal hernia.
B. An inguinal hernia is more common than a femoral
hernia in females.
C. A direct inguinal hernia is more common in elderly
men than in boys.
D. The opening of the sac of a direct inguinal hernia is
E. The contents of an indirect inguinal hernia may be
strangulated against the lacunar ligament.
97. The following statements regarding the portal vein are
correct except which?
A. It courses through a portion of the lesser omentum.
B. It enters the liver at the porta hepatis.
C. It receives venous blood from both the large and
the small intestines.
D. It originates at the junction of the superior mesenteric and the splenic veins.
E. It passes in front of the neck of the neck of the pancreas.
98. If the common hepatic artery is unavoidably ligated
during surgery, the arterial supply to the liver is maintained by the following anastomotic connections except which?
A. The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery anastomosing with the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
B. The right gastric artery anastomosing with the left
gastric artery
C. The gastroduodenal artery anastomosing with the
splenic artery
D. The esophageal arteries anastomosing with the inferior phrenic arteries
E. The right gastroepiploic artery anastomosing with
the left gastroepiploic artery
99. The following general statements are correct except
A. The superior and inferior epigastric vessels anastomose on the posterior surface of the rectus abdominis muscle.
B. The inguinal ligament is attached laterally to the
anterior inferior iliac spine.
C. The abdominal aorta bifurcates below into the two
common iliac arteries.
D. The foregut ends in the second segment of the duodenum.
E. The umbilicus is inconstant in position but is usually located at the level of L4.
100. The following veins drain directly into the inferior vena
cava except which?
A. The hepatic veins
B. The renal veins
C. The lumbar veins
D. The inferior mesenteric vein
E. The right testicular (ovarian) vein

101. When tapping a hydrocele (collection of fluid in the tunica vaginalis), the cannula must pierce the following
structures except which?
A. The skin
B. The fatty subcutaneous tissue
C. Dartos muscle
D. The cremasteric fascia
E. The external and internal spermatic fasciae
102. The following structures are present in the porta hepatis except which?
A. Lymph nodes
B. The right and left branches of the portal vein
C. The right and left hepatic ducts
D. The right and left hepatic veins
E. The right and left branches of the hepatic artery
103. The following statements regarding the celiac plexus
are correct except which?
A. The celiac plexus is not a purely sympathetic plexus.
B. The celiac plexus does not surround the celiac
C. The celiac ganglia are made of nerve cell bodies
and nerve fibers.
D. Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers pass through
the plexus, generally synapsing with postganglionic neurons within the walls of the organs they
E. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers to the celiac
plexus originate from thoracic spinal segments and
travel in thoracic splanchnic nerves.
104. The right kidney has the following important relationships except which?
A. It is related to the neck of the pancreas.
B. It is anterior to the right costodiaphragmatic recess.
C. It is related to the second part of the duodenum.
D. It is related to the right colic flexure.
E. It is anterior to the right twelfth rib.
Read the case histories and select the best answer to the
questions following them.

A 45-ye a r-o ld o b e s e w o m a n co m p la in in g o f in d ig e s tio n w a s a d m itte d to h o s p ita l fo r in ve s tig a tio n . Sh e h a d a p a s t h is to ry o f g a lls to n e s a n d tra n sie n t a tta cks o f ja u n dice . La rg e g a lls to n e s h a ve
b e e n kn o w n to e ro d e th ro u g h th e p o s terior w a ll
o f th e g a llb la d d e r an d e n te r th e in tes tin a l tract.
105. Which part of the intestinal tract is likely to initially
contain the stone?
A. The sigmoid colon
B. The descending colon
C. The transverse colon
D. The ascending colon
E. The jejunum
A 53-ye a r-o ld m a n w a s a d m itte d to h o s p ita l
co m p la in in g o f a ch ro n ic g a s tric u lce r th a t w a s
n o t re s p o n d in g to m e d ica l tre a tm e n t. Th e s u r-

76 CHAPTER 2 Abdomen
g e o n d e cid e d to p e rfo rm a va g o to m y. Th e a n te rio r va g a l tru n k w a s d ivid e d b e tw e e n s u tu re s a s
it lie s o n th e a n te rio r s u rfa ce o f th e a b d o m in a l
p a rt o f th e e s o p h a g u s .
106. Which of the following is likely to result from this procedure?
A. A loss of secretomotor nerve supply to the mucosal
glands of the stomach.
B. Hoarse voice because of paralysis of the intrinsic
muscles of the larynx on the left side.
C. Increased heart rate because of decreased
parasympathetic input to the cardiac plexus.
D. Incontinence because of an absence of parasympathetic input to the bladder.
D. Compromised input into the greater splanchnic
A 54-ye a r-o ld m a n w ith a lo n g h is to ry o f d u o d e n a l u lce r w a s s e e n in th e e m e rg e n cy d e p a rtm e n t
a fte r vo m itin g b lo o d -s ta in e d flu id a n d e xh ib itin g
a ll th e s ig n s a n d s ym p to m s o f s e ve re h yp o vo le m ic (lo s s o f b lo o d ) s h o ck.
107. Assuming the ulcer had perforated the posterior wall of
the first part of the duodenum, name the artery that is
most likely to have been eroded.
A. The splenic artery
B. The right gastric artery
C. The gastroduodenal artery
D. The right gastroepiploic artery
E. The right renal artery
108. If the duodenal ulcer had perforated the anterior wall
of the duodenum, where in the peritoneal cavity
would the duodenal contents have entered?
A. The lesser sac
B. The right anterior subphrenic space
C. The left lateral paracolic gutter
D. The right posterior subphrenic space
E. The pouch of Douglas
A 10-ye a r-o ld g irl w a s s e e n in th e e m e rg e n cy d e p a rtm e n t w ith a te m p e ra tu re o f 101F, a fu rre d
to n g u e , a n d p a in in th e rig h t ilia c re g io n . On
p h ys ica l e xa m in a tio n , th e s kin in th e rig h t lo w e r
q u a d ra n t w a s h yp e re s th e tic a n d te n d e r to to u ch ,
a n d th e a b d o m in a l m u s cle s s h o w e d rig id ity a n d
g u a rd in g . A d ia g n o s is o f a cu te a p p e n d icitis w a s
m ade.
109. The skin in the right lower quadrant was tender to
touch b ecause which of the following nerves was
(were) stimulated by the inflamed appendix?
A. The eighth right intercostal nerve
B. The tenth right intercostal nerve
C. The subcostal and first lumbar nerves
D. The sympathetic autonomic afferent nerves from
the appendix
E. The seventh right thoracic nerve

110. Which of the following muscles was (were) contracted

in the right lower quadrant to produce the increased
tone and guarding?
A. The right rectus abdominis muscle
B. The right pyramidalis muscle
C. The right psoas muscle
D. The right external oblique, internal oblique, and
transversus abdominis muscles
E. The right quadratus lumborum muscle





9. B
17. E
25. C
10. A
18. A
26. D
11. C
19. D
27. F
12. F
20. C
28. E
13. E
21. E
29. A
14. A
22. B
30. C
15. D
23. A
31. C
16. B
24. D
32. B
D. Pain from the upper end of the ureter is referred
to the back behind the kidney. Pain from the
middle region of the ureter is referred to the inguinal region, and pain from the lower end is referred to the penis or clitoris. This is because the
afferent nerves enter the spinal cord at different
levels, so the pain is referred along the spinal
nerves originating from those spinal cord levels.
42. E
49. D
56. D
43. A
50. A
57. B
44. A
51. C
58. C
45. C
52. D
59. D
46. D
53. A
60. A
47. C
54. D
48. C
55. B
C. The aorta bifurcates into the two common iliac
arteries at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra.
B. The superior mesenteric artery descends anterior
to the third part of the duodenum.
E. The inferior vena cava pierces the central tendon
of the diaphragm at the level of the eighth thoracic vertebra.
B. The lymphatic drainage of the kidneys is into the
lateral (para-aortic) group of lymph nodes.
E. The attachment of the hepatic veins to the inferior vena cava provides the main support for the
liver; the various peritoneal ligaments are weak
and stretch.
C. The peritoneum on the peripheral part of the inferior surface of the diaphragm is supplied by the
lower six intercostal nerves.
A. The renal papillae open directly into the minor
calyces of the kidney.
E. The internal spermatic fascia is derived from the
fascia transversalis lining the anterior abdominal

CHAPTER 2 Abdomen 77

69. B. The epididymis lies on the posterior surface of

the testis.
70. D. The inferior epigastric artery is a branch of the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament. It ascends in the anterior abdominal wall
just medial to the deep inguinal ring and eventually reaches the rectus sheath.
71. B. The sigmoid colon begins above the level of the
pelvic brim.
72. D. The liver receives highly oxygenated blood via
the hepatic artery.
73. B. It is the colon that often develops mucosal herniations along its arterial supply.
74. B. The first inch of the first part of the duodenum is
covered by peritoneum on its anterior and posterior surfaces.
75. E. The appendix generally varies in length from 3 to
5 in. (8 to 13 cm), but it can be even longer. (It
tends to be longer during childhood and later atrophies.) When long, the tip is often found hanging down into the pelvic cavity.
76. C. The inferior vena cava is retroperitoneal behind
the opening into the lesser sac.
77. B. The pylorus lies on the transpyloric plane at the
level of the first lumbar vertebra.
78. D. The superior boundary of the entrance into the
lesser sac is formed by the caudate process of the
caudate lobe of the liver, not by the quadrate
79. C. The midd le c olic artery from the superior
mesenteric artery, the sigmoid arteries, and
the marginal artery as well as the anastomoses
of all these arteries with the superior, middle,
and inferior hemorrhoidal arteries will maintain
the b lood supply to the left portion of the
80. C. The fundus is the only part of the gallbladder
completely surrounded by peritoneum.
81. E. The lateral thoracic and the superior epigastric
veins are directly or indirectly connected with
the superior vena cava only.
82. B
83. D. The ureter is separated from the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae by the psoas muscle and fascia.
84. C. The greater omentum is attac hed ab ove to
the greater curvature of the stomac h and
b elow to the lower b order of the transverse
85. D. The external spermatic fascia is attached to the
margins of the superficial inguinal ring.
86. C
87. B
88. E. The lymphatic drainage of the epididymis is into
the lateral aortic (para-aortic) nodes at the level
of the first lumbar vertebra.

89. A. The jejunum usually has only one or two arterial

arcades with long branches passing to the intestinal wall.
90. A
91. C. The terminal branches of the left phrenic nerve
pierce the diaphragm but do not pass through the
esophageal hiatus.
92. C. The visceral peritoneum is sensitive to stretch
and is innervated by autonomic afferent nerves.
93. E. The middle and inferior rectal veins are tributaries of the systemic circulation only.
94. A
95. D. The rectus abdominis muscles lie on either side
of the midline and are separated by the linea alba.
96. E. The lacunar ligament is related to the sac of a
femoral hernia, not an inguinal hernia.
97. E. The portal vein is formed behind the neck of the
pancreas by the union of the superior mesenteric
vein with the splenic vein.
98. C. The gastroduodenal artery does not directly anastomose with the splenic artery.
99. B. The inguinal ligament is attached laterally to the
anterior superior iliac spine.
100. D. The inferior mesenteric vein is a tributary of the
splenic vein.
101. B. The dartos muscle takes the place of the fatty subcutaneous tissue in the wall of the scrotum.
102. D. The hepatic veins ( three or more in number)
leave the posterior surface of the liver and drain
directly into the inferior vena cava.
103. B. The celiac plexus completely surrounds the origin of the celiac artery.
104. A. The pancreas is not related to the right kidney.
105. C. The transverse colon is in close posterior relation
to the gallbladder.
106. A
107. C. The gastroduodenal artery is a large branch of
the hepatic artery. It descends behind the first
part of the duodenum and then divides into the
superior pancreaticoduodenal artery and the
right gastroepiploic artery.
108. D. If the patient is in the erect position when the perforation occurs, the duodenal contents tend to
gravitate downward along the right paracolic
109. C. Once the inflamed appendix comes into contact
with the parietal peritoneum in the right iliac region, it stimulates the lower thoracic spinal
nerves and first lumbar spinal nerve, which supply the peritoneum. Because these nerves also
supply the anterior abdominal wall muscles in
this region, they are thus stimulated to contract.
This mechanism tends to immobilize this region
and assists in localizing the inflammatory process
should the appendix rupture.
110. D

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