Agricultural Economics

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Tith Seyla, Master in

Economics, France
[email protected]

 Pictures & ideas in your mind when you hear the word

 Pictures & ideas in your mind when you hear the word agriculture?

 What is agricultural economics all about?

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]

Course organization
This course is divided into 4 chapters:
 Chapter 1: Important Concepts in Agricultural Economics
 Chapter 2: Demand & Supply Market Mechanisms for Agricultural
 Chapter 3: Government Intervention in Agriculture An Economic
 Chapter 4: Agriculture Challenges and Opportunities for

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]

1. Important Concepts in Agricultural Economics

Objectives of this chapter
 To introduce the basic concepts necessary for the understanding of
the sphere of agricultural economics.
 To review the major trends in agricultural supply at the world level.
 To study the role of agriculture in economic development

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]

1.A. Definition and scope of the field of

agricultural economics
Economics is the science of the administration of scarce resources
(land, labor, capital and management), which are needed in order to
produce goods and services that satisfy human wants.
The field of agricultural economics is delineated by the application of
economic science tools to the agricultural sector.
Agricultural economics refers to all economic activities connected with
the control of living organisms, such as plants and animals.
These economic activities gravitate around the production of food,
and they involve many different economic actors at different
production and transformation stages.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]

1.A. Definition and scope of the field of

agricultural economics
Modern vision of agricultural system:
 The farm sub-sector: includes all the farm-firms that grow crops
and raise livestock, usually for sales.
 Small sized when compared with other production units in the

manufacturing sector.
 Little power in influencing prices in the market >> Cooperatives >>
politically organized farmers association.
 High level of uncertainty: quasi-unpredictable climatic condition, and
diseases. >> patterns of seasonality
 Part-time working: very important employment in the farm sub-sector

 The agribusiness sub-sector:

 The input sub-sector: all the firms and industries that produce and sell
goods and services that are used as inputs by the farms. (Fertilizers,
pesticides, machinery, animal foodstuff)
 The processing and marketing sub-sector: all the firms and industries
that purchase, store, process, and distribute farm product either on the
domestic or on export markets. (Food-drink-tobacco, large international
trading company, transport,
TITH Seyla, Master
in Economics, chains, supermarkets, etc.)
[email protected]

1.A. Definition and scope of the field of

agricultural economics
 The public sub-sector:
 Government agencies that provide services such as sanitary

regulations, food inspection, and market information and supervision.

 The educational and research group: schools, universities and other
state financed research centers, which provide education, training, and
research exclusively to the agricultural sector. These services support
farmers through the dissemination of knowledge and research results.
 The government as a whole: support policies, aid for foreign trade,
special credit concessions and grants of all kinds. (Influence on the
determination of agricultural prices)
 The farm lobby: national farmers associations which have a decisive
impact in terms of national agricultural policy.

 The financial sub-sector:

 Exclusively connected with agricultural activities
 Fuel the growth of the farm-firms
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]

1.A. Definition and scope of the field of

agricultural economics
The agri-food filire:
 The upstream pole which includes farming and fisheries activities,
agricultural machinery and animal feed producers.
 The downstream pole which comprises catering services, and
distribution of finished products.
 The core consists of the food processing industry.
The upstream pole is a set of industries supplying to the core
industries of the filire. The downstream pole consists of the
industries that buy from the core industries. The core comprises all the
industries involved in the transformation of inputs such as raw
materials and primary products into finished goods.

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]

1.B. Global trends in supply

World food producers:

Asia 45%
North and Central America 16.1%
Europe 15%
Africa 8.6%
South America 7.8%
Oceania 1.6%
Others 5.9%

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]

1.B. Global trends in supply

World food production has exceeded population growth since the
1990-1999: The population of the world has increased by 13.5 per
cent, but world food production has grown even faster, by 20 per cent.
The developing world is gradually catching up with richer countries, where
food supply has developed into costly surpluses. The world produces enough
food for the entire growing population of our planet. (against the thesis of
Robert Malthus)
The green revolution in the 1960s: chemical fertilizers and pesticides,
biotechnology and high-yielding hybrid varieties of cereals.
The problem of distribution: more than 800 million people still suffers from
severe malnutrition today.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


1.B. Global trends in supply

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


1.B. Global trends in supply

Regional specialization in a countrys agricultural production:

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


1.C. The role of agriculture in economic

Economic development and economic growth
Economic growth: the increase in the size of a countrys national
production in relation to the number of its population.
Economic growth can be understood as the improvement of the
standard of living of a given population in a given country.
Economic development results from high growth rates sustained over
a long period of time.
Note: Growth can take place without development.
Developing countries: economic activity is concentrated around
branches of foreign firms.
Developed countries: unevenly distribution of the benefits of
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


1.C. The role of agriculture in economic

Sustainable development
1980s: the economic development has been reviewed to incorporate
one of the most visible and lasting effects of economic growth:
environmental degradation.
Increasing pollution, desertification, poisoning of water supplies, soil
erosion, etc. >> if we want the development acceptable, this
development must be sustainable
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.
Increasing per capita incomes, minimization of externalities, poverty
eradication, reductionTITH
in Seyla,
geographical inequalities.
in Economics,
[email protected]


1.C. The role of agriculture in economic

Agricultural development theories
Agricultural development theories are aimed at explaining how the
basic sources of growth labor, capital, natural resources can be
best combined and optimized to generate broad-based agricultural
The location and diffusion theory
Location theory in general is about the search of the firms best
location at a particular point in time, given a certain set of
It study the intensity of agricultural production in relation to the
distance from urban centers and to the nature of transportation
Agricultural development on a regional basis is a function of the
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
proximity to urban markets
and of available transportation systems.
[email protected]

1.C. The role of agriculture in economic

The distance from cities >> transport and marketing costs
The availability of transport network >> ease of obtaining
more productive input and quality services.
The notion of linkages: the diffusion theory stresses the importance of
backward and forward linkages involving tangible (factor inputs) and
intangible (services, information) assets among farmers and between
farmers and other units situated in a given geographical area.
The transfer of information from the most advanced farmers to the
The diffusion of an innovation.
Synergies between manufacturing firms facilitate the process of
technical innovation.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


1.C. The role of agriculture in economic

Technology-related theories
Natural factors: natural resources + unskilled labor
Acquired factors: use of capital + technology + skilled labor.
The demand-induced technical change hypothesis:
Markets with relatively high demand >> signal that profitable
opportunities for investment in innovation exist.
Depressed markets >> sluggish demand creates a pressure
for firms to innovate and to invest.
The demand of new products increases with the increase in income
and with the consumers understanding of the product.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


1.D. Trends in agricultural activity

Agricultural activity is a declining portion of the economies of all
countries in the world.
The importance of agricultural production and employment declines
with economic development, whereas the demand for manufactured
goods and services expands.
At the beginning, the primary needs to be fulfilled are food.
Food is a commodity for which the income elasticity of demand is less
than unity.
Then comparative advantages in labor-intensive industries, such as
With the rising standard of living, these labor-intensive activities will
be replaced by capitalTITH
in Economics, activities
[email protected]

2. Demand and Supply Market Mechanisms for

Agricultural Products
Objectives of this Chapter
 To explain the mechanism of demand and supply interactions on
agricultural markets and to highlight the specificity of demand and
supply in the case of agricultural products.
 To provide a brief analysis of agricultural prices and to discuss the
relationship between prices and incomes.

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
Knowledge about the characteristics of the market demand for a
particular agricultural product is useful to:
 Producers as it helps them determine their supply schedules.
 Policy makers as the information relating to the market demand to
influence on the market.
 Government to determine the subsidy for the consumption of a
popular product or the penalty of a product that is detrimental to the

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
The Demand Function
The demand function relates the quantity demanded for a product and
its different influencing variables.
 Economic variables: prices
 Non-economic variables: tastes, structure of the population, etc.
Points of the demand schedule show the quantities demanded at
each price, ceteris paribus.

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
The Demand Function

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
The Demand Function
 Changes in price
 Changes in other variables that influence demand
Increase in the size of household
Increase in the households disposal income

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
The Demand Function
At macroeconomic level, the demand expressed by a large number of
individual consumers is called aggregate demand .
The factors affecting the aggregate or market demand for a particular
product can be expressed by the following demand function:
Q = f(P, P1n, Y, G, N, T, A)

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
The Demand Function
Q is the quantity demanded per time period,
P is the price of the product,
P1n refers to the price of n other completing products,
Y is the average income per head of the population,
G can refer to the distribution of income,
N is the population,
T refers to the tastes and preferences of the population,
A denotes the differentiating attributes of the product enhanced by
advertising and technological change.

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of demand
The percentage change in the quantity demanded as a response to a
percentage change in its price, all other things remaining unchanged.
Ep = Q/Q / P/P = Q/P X P/Q
 The most price elastic commodities are those food products that
are relative luxuries with close substitutes.
 The low price elasticity can characterize the food products with no
close substitutes.
The more numerous the substitutes, the more elastic the demand.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of demand
In developing countries, the price elasticity of demand for food tends
to be extremely low, particularly in the case of an increase in price.
In fact, most calories intake in low-income countries originates already
from cheap food such as cereals, and root crops.
Consumers have little scope of shifting to less expensive foods.
The inflationary impact of the rises in food prices would be stronger in
developing countries than in developed countries. (predominant role
of agriculture in their economy)
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
Income elasticity of demand
The sensitiveness of demand to income changes.
Ey = Q/Q

/ Y/Y

 Individual i1 : low level of income so the desired and optimal level of

food consumption is not reached.
Individual i2 : high level of income so the optimal level of food
consumption is reached.
 What will happen to these two individuals when their income rises?
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


2. A. The Demand function price and income

elasticity of demand
Income elasticity of demand
Ernst Engels law: food expenditure, as a proportion of total
expenditure, declines as income increase ceteris paribus, or that the
income elasticity of demand for food tends to decline as a country
moves along the development path.
In developing countries, the income elasticity of demand for food is, in
general, higher than in the developed countries.
0.6 in developing countries
0.2 in developed countries
Ey < 1
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
Ey < 0 (inferior food products)
[email protected]


2. B. Supply function
Characteristics of Supply
Agricultural production: the process of converting certain inputs or
factors of production into a final product, or outputs.
direct consumption
Input for other firms (farms)
Land, labor and capital are the farms input.
Capital: machinery, buildings, tools, fertilizers, and human capital
(management skills and entrepreneurship)
Fixed factors of production (Short term): land and buildings, etc.
Variable factors of production
(Short term): fertilizer, fuel, labor, etc.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


2. B. Supply function
Input-Output Relationship

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. B. Supply function
Law of diminishing returns
Marginal physical product (MPP) = Q/ Xi
MPP of an input Xi refers to the change in the level of output
associated with a change in the use of input Xi, ceteris paribus, that is
assuming that all other remaining inputs remain fixed.
Level of input: 0 to 70: MPP positive: extra kg of fertilizer per
hectare will have a positive impact on output, that is on rice yields.
Level of input: 0 to 30: MPP positive and increasing with
constant growth of Xi
Level of input: 30 to 70: MPP positive and decreasing with
constant growth of Xi
Level of input: > 70: MPP negative: soil exhaustion, pollution, etc.
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


2. B. Supply function
Production and supply function
Q = f (L, K, l)
Q: output produced within a specified time period
L: labor
K: capital
l: land
The production function describes the technological conditions of
production in a farm-firm.

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. B. Supply function
Production and supply function
Q = f (T, Pp, P1...Pn, I1...Im, O, MS, W, G)
Q: quantity of an agricultural product supplied to a market per time
period t,
T: the production function of the product as described above
Pp: is the price of the product
P1...Pn: the price of n other products, which could possibly be
competing with product p
I1...Im: the price of m inputs
O: the objective of the firm
MS: market structure relating to a specific agricultural industry
W: weather
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]
G: government policy and
institutional factors

2. C. The market mechanism for agricultural

The supply-demand interaction
Simple: from producer to consumer
Complex: from producer to final consumer, via food companies, who
process, package, store, transport and distribute the product
The market equilibrium paradigm
Pure and perfect competition
1. Atomicity
2. Fluidity
3. Homogeneity
4. Rationality
5. Liberty
TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,
[email protected]


2. C. The market mechanism for agricultural

The damand and supply schedules and the equilibrium

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


2. C. The market mechanism for agricultural

The damand and supply schedules and the equilibrium
Sticky price
Shift in demand and supply curve
The cobweb pattern

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. Government Intervention in Agriculture

Economic rationale for government intervention in Agriculture
Main economic policy affecting the agricultural sector

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. A. Why government intervenes in agriculture?

Agricultural policy as an Economic Policy
Agricultural policy
Agricultural Support Policy
Structural Policy

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. A. Why government intervenes in agriculture?

Purpose of agricultural policy
Stabilize farmers income
Slowdown the migration out of the sector
Lessen the perceived instability of international market

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. B. Agricultural Support Policies

Deficiency Payment System

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. B. Agricultural Support Policies

Import Quotas

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. B. Agricultural Support Policies


TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


3. B. Agricultural Support Policies

Variable Levies

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


Thank you for your attention

and hard work so far.
Good luck to everyone!

TITH Seyla, Master in Economics,

[email protected]


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