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Automotive embedded systems software


A thesis submitted for the degree

of Doctor of

Ralf Schmidgall

School of Engineering and Design

Brunel University
May 2012

The exponential growth of computer power is no longer limited to stand alone computing
systems but applies to all areas of commercial embedded computing systems. The
ongoing rapid growth in intelligent embedded systems is visible in the commercial automotive area, where a modern car today implements up to 80 different electronic control
units (ECUs) and their total memory size has been increased to several hundreds of

This growth in the commercial mass production world has led to new challenges, even
within the automotive industry but also in other business areas where cost pressure is
high. The need to drive cost down means that every cent spent on recurring engineering
costs needs to be justified. A conflict between functional requirements (functionality,
system reliability, production and manufacturing aspects etc.), testing and maintainability
aspects is given.

Software reprogramming, as a key issue within the automotive industry, solve that given
conflict partly in the past. Software Reprogramming for in-field service and maintenance in
the after sales markets provides a strong method to fix previously not identified software
errors. But the increasing software sizes and therefore the increasing software
reprogramming times will reduce the benefits. Especially if ECUs software size growth
faster than vehicles onboard infrastructure can be adjusted.

The thesis result enables cost prediction of embedded systems software reprogramming
by generating an effective and reliable model for reprogramming time for different existing
and new technologies. This model and additional research results contribute to a timeline
for short term, mid term and long term solutions which will solve the currently given
problems as well as future challenges, especially for the automotive industry but also for
all other business areas where cost pressure is high and software reprogramming is a key
issue during products life cycle.


1 Introduction ............................................................................... 1
1.1 Vehicles life cycle ............................................................................... 2
1.2 Reprogramming within an ECUs life cycle ....................................... 4
1.3 Aspects of software reprogramming ................................................. 7

Automotive innovation vs. software size........................................... 8


Automotive development focus and priority ...................................... 9


Automotive system complexity and compatibility ............................ 10


Automotive network aspects .......................................................... 12


Summary ....................................................................................... 14

1.4 Scope of the thesis............................................................................ 15

1.5 Organisation of the thesis ................................................................ 16

2 Background ............................................................................. 18
2.1 Embedded Systems .......................................................................... 19
2.2 Electronic Control Unit ..................................................................... 21

Microcontroller ............................................................................... 21


Memory.......................................................................................... 22


ECU Software Components Overview ........................................... 24

2.3 Programming Control Unit (Test system)........................................ 28

2.4 Programming Sequence ................................................................... 29
2.5 Communication Stack ....................................................................... 33

Field bus systems .......................................................................... 35


Media Access Control Overview .................................................... 36


Transport Layer Protocol................................................................ 36


Application Protocols ..................................................................... 38

2.6 Network .............................................................................................. 39

2.7 Summary ............................................................................................ 40

3 Double buffered data transfer ................................................ 41

3.1 Reprogramming Protocol ................................................................. 42
3.2 Double buffered data transfer .......................................................... 42
3.3 Methods utilisation ........................................................................... 49

Mapping to Diagnostic Protocol ISO-14229 UDS ........................ 49




Mapping to other application protocols ........................................... 51


Mapping to multi controller systems ............................................... 51

3.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 52

4 Field bus system protocol stacks.......................................... 53

4.1 Controller Area Network ................................................................... 54

CAN bus protocol according to ISO 11989 ..................................... 54


CAN-TP according to ISO 15765-2 ................................................ 58


Complete reprogramming process based on UDS ......................... 70


Conclusion ..................................................................................... 71

4.2 FlexRay............................................................................................... 73

FlexRay (FlexRay Specification 2.1) .............................................. 73


FlexRay Transport Protocol (ISO 10681-2) .................................... 84


Complete reprogramming process based on UDS ......................... 91


Conclusion ..................................................................................... 93

4.3 Summary ............................................................................................ 94

5 Data size reduction ................................................................. 96

5.1 Partitioning......................................................................................... 97

Analysis ......................................................................................... 97


Discussion ..................................................................................... 98

5.2 Fill byte skipping ............................................................................... 99


Analysis ......................................................................................... 99


Discussion ................................................................................... 100

5.3 Data compression ........................................................................... 103


Analysis ....................................................................................... 103


LZ77 and LZSS Algorithm ............................................................ 104


Discussion ................................................................................... 106

5.4 Differential file.................................................................................. 107


Analysis ....................................................................................... 108


Discussion ................................................................................... 111

5.5 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 112

6 Microcontroller Hardware Optimisation .............................. 116

6.1 Memory status information............................................................. 116

Analysis ....................................................................................... 117



Discussion ................................................................................... 119

6.2 Doubling interrupt vector tables .................................................... 121


Analysis ....................................................................................... 121


Discussion ................................................................................... 122

6.3 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 123

7 Network architecture ............................................................ 125

7.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 127

Networking issues ........................................................................ 127


Network types .............................................................................. 128

7.2 Routing nodes (Gateways) ............................................................. 129

7.3 Routing strategy .............................................................................. 130

Analysis ....................................................................................... 130


Discussion ................................................................................... 131

7.4 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 135


Routing strategy........................................................................... 135


Network design ............................................................................ 136


Summary ..................................................................................... 139

8 Reprogramming in parallel................................................... 141

8.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 142
8.2 ECU schedule calculation ............................................................... 143
8.3 Discussion ....................................................................................... 147
8.4 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 149

9 Magnetoresistive RAM ......................................................... 151

9.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 152
9.2 Discussion ....................................................................................... 153
9.3 Case study to the differential file approach .................................. 154
9.4 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 156

10 Case study Software reprogramming .............................. 157

10.1 Software reprogramming via CAN ................................................. 157

ISO15765-2 (CAN-TP) model evaluation ..................................... 158


ISO14229 (UDS) on CAN model evaluation ................................. 162


CAN bus baud rate optimisation................................................... 166


ISO 15765-2 (CAN TP) Flow Control parameter Block size ......... 168



ISO 15765-2 (CAN TP) FlowControl parameter STmin ................ 170

10.2 Application Protocol ISO 14229 (UDS) Optimisation.................... 172

10.3 Gateway optimisation ..................................................................... 178

Buffer for the partly store and forward routing strategy................. 179


Increasing gateways clock frequency ........................................... 181


Summary ..................................................................................... 182

10.4 Software reprogramming via FlexRay ........................................... 182


Vehicle access by CAN bus system ............................................. 182

11 Conclusion and Outlook ...................................................... 188

11.1 Summary .......................................................................................... 189

Methods performance potential ................................................... 190


Methods potential vs. effort and costs ......................................... 194


Utilisation in practice .................................................................... 196


Further work................................................................................. 197

11.2 Outlook ............................................................................................. 199


Automotive Ethernet .................................................................... 199


MRAM technology........................................................................ 199


Wireless access ........................................................................... 200

11.3 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 200

12 Figures................................................................................... 202
13 Tables .................................................................................... 205
14 Bibliography .......................................................................... 207
A Journal Paper IEEE TVT ..................................................... A-1


I thank my supervisor Dr. Ian Dear from the Brunel University for enabling and supporting
the research presented in this thesis. The long time we discussed about the reprogramming topics have been always inspired. He found always the right words for motivation
also if research progress was not given. Thank you, Ian!
Thanks are owned to Professor Dr.-Ing. Werner Zimmermann from the HS Esslingen University of applicant science. He supported me since my first university studies and
found always time to discuss new trends, protocols or technologies within the automotive
diagnostic area. The author work to our book was the base to my interests in automotive
communication systems.
I thank the students I supervised during their master thesis for their contributions to several data transfer acceleration topics (in alphabetical order): Samir Karic (ODX-V Development), Susann Kunde (FlexRay introduction), Rolf Molzahn (CAN network analysis),
Sascha Neumann (network analysis with Symta/S) and Alexander Stock (FlexRay test
Many thanks to my colleges of the department for diagnostic development (GSP/OVE) at
the Daimler AG (in alphabetical order): Dennis Artz, Viktor Brester, Gunnar Gaisser,
Stefan Glattes, Michael Hiljegerdes, Andreas Kopf, Stephan Rmer and Tobias Tetzlaff.
Thank you for your support and the good technical discussions during the last years.
Thanks to Andreas Theissler for the good and inspired discussions about software reprogramming as well as for the support during writing the papers or the thesis. Also many
thanks to Professor Dr. Joachim Goll for his support.
Lastly, I would like to thank my family for all their love and encouragement. Thanks to my
parents who always supported me in all my pursuits. Thanks to my children Salome and
Miriam for the understanding that her father was always working at the weekends.
And most of all for my loving, supportive, encouraging, and patient wife Kerstin for the
support during all the years and especially during the final stages of this Ph.D. Thank you!

Acronyms, terms and definitions


Acronyms, terms and definitions


Arithmetic Logic Unit


The term application software represents the compiled binary code of

an ECU.


Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems


Automotive Open Software Architecture


Binary Delta Compression


Bandwidth Control (refer to ISO10681-2)


Block Size (refer to ISO15765-2)


Basic Software


Controller Area Network


CAN Calibration Protocol


Latin confer compare


CAN in Automation


Central Processing Unit


Cyclic Redundancy Check


Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoided


Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Resolution


Latin exempli gratia for example

et al.

Latin et alii and others


Engine Control Module


Electronic Control Unit


Electric and electronic


Electrical Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory


Electromagnetic compatibility


End of production


Electrical Programmable Read Only Memory


Latin et cetera and so on


First in first out


German Hersteller Initiative Software


Human - Machine Interface


International Society of Automation


Latin it est that means


International Standardisation Organisation


Interrupt Service Routine


Joint Test Action Group


Local Interconnect Network

Acronyms, terms and definitions


Long Term Evolution


Measurement, calibration and diagnostics


Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor


Media Oriented Systems Transport






Kilobyte (1024 byte)


Kilobyte (1024 byte)


Megabit (1024 kb)


Megabyte (1024 kB)




Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory


Magnetic Tunnel Junction


Non Volatile Memory


Open Diagnostic Data Exchange


Original Equipment Manufacturer


Organisation internationale des Constructeurs dAutomobiles


One Pair Ethernet


Personal Computer


Protocol Control Information


Programming Control Unit

Initiates and controls a reprogramming process.


Protocol Data Unit


Phase-locked Loop


Programmable Read Only Memory


Random Access Memory


Read Only Memory


Runtime Environment


Society of Automotive Engineers


Service Data Unit


Service Identifier


Start of Production


Minimum Separation Time (refer to ISO15765-2)


Time Triggered Controller Area Network


Voltage-controlled Oscillator


Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol


$ indicates a hexadecimal (hex) nomenclature.



1.1 Vehicles life cycle ........................................................................ 2
1.2 Reprogramming within an ECUs life cycle ................................ 4
1.3 Aspects of software reprogramming ........................................... 7

Automotive innovation vs. software size ....................................... 8


Automotive development focus and priority .................................. 9


Automotive system complexity and compatibility .........................10


Automotive network aspects .......................................................12


Summary ....................................................................................14

1.4 Scope of the thesis ..................................................................... 15

1.5 Organisation of the thesis .......................................................... 16

Ever since the invention of the car by Carl Benz (1844-1929) 125 years ago engineers
have been striving to improve performance, increase reliability and reduce costs. Early
innovations were based around purely mechanical leap forwards in technology. However,
over the last 30 years electronic systems have been rapidly taking over the technology
advances to improve functionality, performance, reliability and reduce costs. Currently,
more and more functionality, which was implemented in hardware in the past, is implemented in software today. In-addition, what was futuristic driver assist or even replacement technology is now a reality due to this computing power. If we consider the mid to
high range end of the market it is now warrantable to talk about highly complex computer
systems on wheels. This revolution is primarily due to the rapid trends in more powerful
microcontrollers and communications technology. Complex mathematical algorithms,
which required complete computer centres in the past, can be calculated on a single
powerful microcontroller today. This added to the revolution in real-time sensor technology, and has created a new era for personal transport technology. A consequence of this

Chapter 1 - Introduction

trend in rapid expansion of software quantity in embedded systems is the need to consider the hidden cost of increasing software quality and maintainability in embedded systems. With focus on the automotive industry, one of the most fitting statements about the
automotive future is:
The majority of all automotive innovations will be within the electrics and electronics
(E/E) area. The vast part will be software.
This prediction is supported by nearly all vehicle manufacturers [Dra11], suppliers [Hau11]
and scientists [Bro11]. Of course, the percentage values vary but the basic statement is
equal: The quota of electronics (hard- and software) and as a result complexity will continuously increase. This thesis is also supported by the Oliver Wyman Automotives study
Car Innovation 2015 given by J. Dannenberg and J. Burgard et al. They predict that
electrics and electronics will remain the most important enabler of automotive innovations
through 2015 and beyond, and will grow by six percent annually [Dan07].
These prospects have a simple consequence: increasing amounts of software results in
longer software reprogramming time for those embedded systems. That was not a problem so far but today software size has been increased in such a way that fundamental
activities within the product life cycle, e.g. initial programming of the Electronic Control
Units (ECUs) during production process or software updates within service / after sales
can no longer be handled within adequate time windows. Expanding reprogramming time
finally results in economical and therefore financial disadvantages for the automotive
industry. This aspect raises some crucial questions:

Why is software reprogramming such an important issue?


Why is software reprogramming process acceleration necessary?


Is there a basic approach to solve the reprogramming challenge?


Are there any other industries that have the same essential problems?

Within this chapter an overview is given to software reprogramming aspects with the aim
to provide answers to the crucial questions according to ECUs or embedded systems
software reprogramming process.


Vehicles life cycle

Compared to other electronic systems, vehicles and therefore automotive ECUs have a
quite different life cycle. As depict in figure 1.1-1 a car is typically developed between 6
and 8 years. The model line is manufactured and sold also between 6 and 8 years. After
the vehicle is manufactured the maintenance time period starts where the first 2 -3 years a

Chapter 1 - Introduction

warranty time is given. The challenge within the automotive industry is the combination of
a mass product with a long time life cycle combined with the high dynamic in electronic
development and technologys evolution.

Figure 1.1-1: Vehicle model line life cycle

It is a common intention of all vehicle manufacturers to reduce the development period as
well as the manufacturing time (hours per vehicle) for new model lines. Hence, several
model lines will derive from a basic platform. This allows the reuse of electrical and electronic components (e.g. sensors, actuators and ECUs) to reduce costs. Exact values for
the different periods in figure 1.1-1 as well as numbers of derived model lines can not be
given because these are commercial sensitive data, and these vary for different vehicle
Figure 1.1-1 also depicts, that an electrical design decision (e.g. ECU functionality, communication network architecture etc.) have been made a long time period before the model line is initially produced (Start of Production SOP). These decisions will also influence
the maintenance processes for that model line several years after model lines end of
production (EOP) time. Typically significant changes of such design decisions can not be
modified so easily. It might be possible to make some new design aspects in the middle of
a model line production period, but typically significant changes are not intended e.g. bus
architectures, network design.
The thesis is looking at vehicles that are now in the development or production stage and
identifies the current problems associated with the embedded systems software reprogramming process. The aspects above also make a contribution to the discussions within
this thesis.

Chapter 1 - Introduction


Reprogramming within an ECUs life cycle

Today electronic control units application software reprogramming is an important issue.

At the very least, if the ECU is manufactured the application software still has to be initially
programmed. Depending on the final usage and the final products life time, an ECU could
be reprogrammed several times during its life cycle. Figure 1.2-1 depicts an abstract
overview. Below the typical reprogramming stages within a vehicle ECUs life cycle are
described with focus on automotive ECUs.

Figure 1.2-1: Reprogramming stages within an ECUs life cycle

Software reprogramming during the development process
During the ECUs development process the software may be reprogrammed several times
because new functionality is developed or bugs are fixed. Especially in an early development state only a few ECUs are available for testing. Within typical ECU development
processes the different features and the complete functionality are not available on the
first (early) sample. The functionality increases step by step and therefore reprogramming
of an ECUs application software is an essential issue. Figure 1.2-2 depicts the current
typical software volumes for automotive ECUs depending on their assignments.
If the ECU is part of a more complex system (e.g. vehicle, plane, train, machine etc.)
functionality could be distributed over several ECUs. In that case it might be necessary to
reprogram application software of more than one ECU, e.g. for bug fixing purposes or to
have the latest software version for testing. Especially the last aspect has a strong correlation to software reprogramming time: with focus on the automotive industry, a modern
high-end class car includes up to 80 different ECUs where each ECU provides several
functionalities. If such a vehicle-in-development is prepared for test drives (e.g. winter
tests in Scandinavia or heat tests in the USA etc.) the most recent software for each ECU

Chapter 1 - Introduction

should be programmed. Hence, the total amount of time per vehicle should be as small as
possible, especially if a fleet of several vehicles is prepared.

Figure 1.2-2: Automotive ECU software volume

Another reprogramming scenario during the development process is the adaptation of
software to a vehicle, e.g. parameterisation of an engine control unit to the engine. In that
case the parameter set has to be reprogrammed several times until the final parameter
set is found. Until the engine control unit is reprogrammed the ignition is off. Hence, the
engine is not running and the electrical power for all ECUs is supplied completely by the
vehicle battery. To guarantee a correct process without low system voltage interruption
the programming time should be as fast as possible.
Software reprogramming during manufacturing process
ECUs application software programming process is an essential part of the value chain.
During the ECUs production process the final ECU software is programmed into the
target system. Two different scenarios could occur: 1) ECUs application software is completely programmed during the ECU manufacturing process within the ECU assembling
line or 2) one or more software fragments are programmed later within the vehicle assembling line. Of course, in both cases the final application software is programmed, but due
to the different reprogramming places the total reprogramming time has different consequences.
If the ECU is programmed completely within the ECUs manufacturing process
(scenario 1), the ECU could be programmed before packaging. Thus the microcontrollers
internal interfaces1 are available and usable. The software is programmed very fast but

refer to chapter 2

Chapter 1 - Introduction

typically without standardised protocols. This strategy is preferred if only one software
variant of the ECU exists and no specific software adaptation for the final control assignment is necessary.
If the ECU has a specific software part depending on the final control assignment it might
provide some benefits if the final software is programmed at the vehicle assembly line. For
example, an engine control module (ECM) could have different parameter sets depending
on the number of the engines cylinders. If vehicles with different engines are produced on
the same assembly line and the ECMs have been delivered finally programmed, each
ECM variant allocates storage place. Late programming at the vehicle assembly line
(scenario 2) provides a) economic benefits because of the smaller and less complex part
storage requirements and b) assembly complexity is decreased because the manufacturer
has only one device for selection. These economical benefits will not be achieved if the
total software programming process time significantly increases the assembling line clock.
Here a strong necessity is given to quantify and reduce the reprogramming time.
Software reprogramming within service or after sales market
Software reprogramming is an important repair method for the vehicle manufacturers in
the aftersales or service market. If customers complaints could be solved by a new software release reprogramming is the preferred repair method. As discussed above, ECU
software sizes vary in a range of several kByte up to several MByte depending on ECUs
control assignment (refer to figure 1.2-2). As a consequence todays reprogramming
process time is in regions of several minutes up to hours based on the currently given
automotive bus systems (discussed later in section 1.3.2).
The total time for the software reprogramming process has an immediate economic impact. The more time required the higher the costs are. For the garage the equipment (e.g.
Programming Control Unit (PCU), power supply etc.) and the working area are occupied
during that time. For the customer the vehicle is not usable. If the total time for software
updates enlarges up to hours economical and therefore financial disadvantages occur,
e.g. if a truck requires a longer garage time. In case of a software bug the vehicle manufacturer has to pay the down time costs.
Another aspect is to decrease the risk of process errors. Depending on the existing environmental conditions, a software reprogramming process is more or less stable. The more










The acceleration of a software reprogramming phase reduces this risk and provides a
more stable and reliable process.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Table 1.2-1: World automotive production [Vda11]

Passenger vehicles
Commercial vehicles





change in %
+ 4.5
+ 3.5

The increasing software sizes in future vehicles will increase the software reprogramming
times, too. If it is assumed that only one ECU of each new produced vehicle will be reprogrammed within the warrantee period, the increased costs will be enormous. As depicted
in table 1.2-1 the world automotive production was up to 66 million passenger cars in
2011 [Vda11]. A reprogramming process cost reduction, e.g. by reprogramming time
reduction etc., of 1 provides world wide potential up to 80 million per year.
The necessity to reprogram ECU application software is given during the complete product life cycle. The increasing software size provides new problems which have never
existed before. The result is an economical disadvantage that could be solved by decreasing software reprogramming time. Generally this topic is not only relevant for the automotive industry. The increasing software reprogramming time of a plane requires a longer
down time in the hangar or machines are longer non-productive. However, the cost market of the business areas is completely different. Compared to the automotive industry,
where vehicle piece costs are responsible for the cost pressure, in other industries the
maintenance costs are important.
Hence, approaches to accelerate the software reprogramming process in the automotive
industry are necessary, especially if the predictions and forecasts as mentioned above
become true.


Aspects of software reprogramming

Today ECU application software reprogramming is an important issue within an ECUs life
cycle. Especially in the after market business software reprogramming is a powerful repair
method to solve software errors and in some cases it is the only repair method. Of course,
the reprogramming process was established years ago, but with focus on the current
automotive industry software reprogramming and the required time for this process
becomes continuously more important. Also environmental aspects of software reprogramming are explained as well as an overview of history and reasons are given why the
current situation is as it is.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.3.1 Automotive innovation vs. software size

The automotive market is highly competitive. Innovations and new technologies are influencing customers decisions when they select a new car. As already mentioned, the majority of all automotive innovations will be within the electrics and electronics (E/E) area.
Today a significant part of vehicles characteristics is made by software. This trend was
already recognized in 2006 by W. Huhn and M. Schaper as they wrote in the McKinsey on
IT report: the focus and value in engineering products is shifting from chips to code
[Huh06]. Today the amount of software is up to 100 million lines of code and thousands of
functions are controlled by software [Bro11]. M. Broy has analysed the vehicle software
ratio during the last 40 years and identified an exponential increase [Bro11]. This statement is supported by the analysis of the software ratio within Mercedes-Benz vehicles
since 2004 (refer to figure 1.3-1). Starting in 2004 the amount of embedded systems
software has doubled every 2.5 years. The tendency will be supported by the next
S-Class generation in 2013 where again doubling of the software size is predicted.

Figure 1.3-1: Amount of vehicle software of Mercedes-Benz

The exponential growth has now reached the boundary where the amount of software is
so high that the old concepts for software reprogramming are no longer able to fulfil the
required process time limits (e.g. given by the assembly line clock).

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.3.2 Automotive development focus and priority

Compared to other industries the automotive industry has a very special role. In 2010 up
to 77.6 million vehicles were manufactured worldwide2. In contrast to the manufacturing of
planes or industrial machines with less than 1000 parts/year3, manufacturing cost aspects
are in focus. M. Broy et al. [Bro11a] describe several reasons, where typical issues to
reduce system complexity by decoupling system layers are not or only partly implemented
because of cost aspects. With focus on software reprogramming only the following three
examples of his list are mentioned and evaluated:

The number of running processes on a single microcontroller is increasing such that

runtime behaviour and the schedule of those implemented processes have to be extensively organised.

The consequence is that new software (e.g. tasks or processes) is allocated on that microprocessor as long as resources are free. Clearly structured and layered software architecture is not implemented because memory intensive interfaces have been optimised for
code size and runtime aspects. Also functionalities of different layers are combined to
save memory resources. This results in an increasing software complexity and the necessity to reprogram the complete application software instead of single software parts.

Microcontrollers memory is so scarcely dimensioned that additional functionality is

only possible by an expensive step to the next microcontrollers memory size.

Another aspect from cost discussions point of view is the fact that microcontroller manufacturers supply microcontrollers with tiered memory sizes. The step to the next memory
size results in higher costs for the microcontroller (significantly higher costs during model
line life cycle because of the high number of parts/year). Hence, the above described
optimisation of code size is the consequence in order to use the given memory size.

Compared to Ethernet commonly used within the PC industry, the simple and less
resource consuming bus systems have less bandwidth and a strong dependency between physical layer, transport layer and application layer. Hence, they can not be parameterised independently.

Figure 1.3-2 provides an overview about the currently most important and most implemented bus systems.

OICA - Provisional Production Statistics 2010 [OICA2010]

Refer to M.Broy et.al. in [Bro11a]

Chapter 1 - Introduction


Figure 1.3-2: Most implemented automotive field bus systems

Until today these bus systems are sufficient for normal ECU communication based on
signal exchange as well as for data transmission in case of software reprogramming. Cost
aspects as well as construction4 and weight5 aspects are also reasons why an exclusively
high performance network for software reprogramming purposes is not possible. Hence,
other less cost intensive approaches are necessary to solve the current situation of increasing software despite the nearly constant vehicle bus systems bandwidth.

1.3.3 Automotive system complexity and compatibility

During recent years a noticeable move from single innovations to system innovations is
visible. In the past a typical ECU provided a single functionality and was used for a single
assignment. Today more and more different functionalities are combined to a more complex function.
Figure 1.3-3 depicts this shift on a time line. According to that picture, single innovations
will move into saturation but systems innovation will expand. M. Broy et al. mentioned that
prospective innovation for infotainment systems, advanced driver assistance systems or
safety systems will only be possible by distributed and connected functions [Bro11a].

The position of cable bundles as well as their cross section has to be considered for car body and

chassis construction. The cable bundle cross selection could not be increased endlessly because
of car bodys sturdiness.

Additional cable results in a higher weight and this has an impact on the fuel consumption and

vehicle emissions. This is opposed to the current vehicle manufacturer strategy with green technology, less fuel consumption and less/zero emissions.

Chapter 1 - Introduction


Figure 1.3-3: Shift from single to system innovation [Dan07]

J. Dannenberg et al. [Dan07] support the observation of this evolution by an example of
the Mercedes-Benz PRE-SAFE6 system: it links existing systems like crash sensors and
ESP with seat controls, seatbelts and the sunroof, adding safety functions to existing
The move to system innovations is also visible in new automotive terminologies like function-orientated development. This means that a systems function is not tightly bound to a
single ECU but multiple ECUs will be used to support a function based on factors such as
memory availability and microcontroller load. This will have a significant impact on reprogramming times and strategies.
Due to the move to system innovations, a new challenge occurs: software compatibility. If
an error occurs within such a distributed system it has to be guaranteed that a change of a
single ECUs software which is part of that system results in a compatible common system. Especially within the automotive industry, where vehicles have no fixed and stringent
service intervals and a customer is free to visit a garage or not, new software could be
programmed into an old vehicle. The functional distribution of systems and the complexity
results in an increasing test demand to guarantee compatibility. Depending on the

Mercedes-Benz PRE-SAFE system was introduced in 2002 as the first anticipatory protection

system. In case the system recognises that in a situation a crash in unavoidable, the system initiates some activities to optimise passengers situation if the crash occurs (e.g. close windows,
tighten seat belts, move seats in an optimised position etc.).

Chapter 1 - Introduction


involved ECUs the test permutation is so high, that it is not possible to test each possible
combination. In that case testing of a well known release is a very efficient method but
results in a release update where several ECUs have to be reprogrammed.
Table 1.3-1: Software release types

Table 1.3-1 provides an overview about possible release types. As a consequence of less
test demand within development the reprogramming amount to service a vehicle in a
garage is increasing.

1.3.4 Automotive network aspects

Since the first automotive systems were interconnected in the early 1980s vehicle communication networks have become more and more complex. Figure 1.3-4 depicts the
network evolution. At the beginning only vehicle functionality was interconnected by bus
systems. The main focus was to reduce the number of sensors and the reduction of discrete wires and cables between the different ECUs. The continuous introduction of electronic systems results in more complex networks. HMI, telematics and infotainment
systems become more important and their communication demands have increased. The
current development trend is on driver assistance systems. Surround camera systems,
radar, infrared or ultrasonic systems continuously scanning the vehicles environment. The

Chapter 1 - Introduction


corresponding advanced driver assistance systems (e.g. park assistance7, lane departure
warning8 [merced] etc.) process the generated data and support the driver. As a result
more and more domains are interconnected.

Figure 1.3-4: Increasing network complexity

While as of today only vehicle-internal domains are interconnected, the next technology
steps will interconnect vehicles (i.e. car-to-car communication) as well as connect a vehicle into normal e-business networks (e.g. car hiring systems or smart charging communication for e-vehicles9). With focus on software reprogramming this development has some
New bus systems are introduced to support functional communication requirements
e.g. for new regulation systems. Those bus systems shall be used for software reprogramming communication too because cost aspects do not allow a second
communication link exclusively for reprogramming.
Depending on the domain architecture several gateways have to be passed for a
software reprogramming communication link to establish communication to the most
outlying ECU. The data routing time of these gateways results in time delays and increases the total programming time.
Depending of the network connection type (heterogeneous network or homogeneous network) data routing is required on different layers according to the ISO/OSI

Park Assistance autonomous car maneuvering from a traffic lane into a parking space.

Lane Departure Warning System warns a driver when the vehicle begins to leave out of its lane.

E-vehicles: vehicles with electrical engine

Chapter 1 - Introduction


reference model layered architecture [ISO7498-1]. Due to that fact the data routing
results in different routing strategies which has impacts to required resources (e.g.
Buffer) as well as the possible routing performance and routing execution times.
Cost aspects, as described above, are the reason why normal vehicle functional communication and reprogramming communication share the same vehicle network. As there
was no functional requirement for a high speed and being more expensive network up to
now high speed networks have not be placed inside automobiles. Since the amount of
software has been increasing the resulting programming time is meeting the timing limits
of network, thus testing and reprogramming requirements are starting to drive the network
speed requirements and functional becoming less important. To evaluate a business case
to incorporate design considerations to reduce reprogramming time requires accurate
predictions of reprogramming times. The physical network infrastructure (e.g. the cable
trees) within the vehicle is a foundation that forms the heart of the system. New bus systems and network architectures can not be introduced easily or at low cost within an older
vehicle. In contrast more powerful ECUs (microcontrollers with better performance, more
interfaces, increased memory size etc.) will be developed during a vehicles life cycle and
could be also introduced into an older car. Hence, network architecture as well as the bus
systems performance and the gateways routing performance paired with a long-term
persistence have a deep impact for software reprogramming strategies.

1.3.5 Summary
Software reprogramming of automotive ECUs is a very important issue within a vehicles
life cycle. For bug fixing, software reprogramming is a method (sometimes the only low
cost method) for the ECU supplier as well as for vehicle manufacturers within development, manufacturing and service/after-sales. The required time for software reprogramming is an important economical factor and depends on the software size to be
reprogrammed as well as the communication link performance.

Figure 1.3-5: Vehicle development trends

Chapter 1 - Introduction


Figure 1.3-5 depicts the current development tendencies. The software volume, system
complexity (e.g. ECUs functionality dependencies) and network complexity (total number
of bus systems, gateways and different bus system types) are significantly increased but
the vehicles network performance (bus bandwidth) is nearly constant. If the future trends
discussed above become true, some challenges with focus on automotive software reprogramming occur:

The demand for software reprogramming will still increase due to the increasing total
amount of software within vehicles.

Comprehensive reprogramming procedures for several ECUs will be necessary if

complex distributed systems have to be reprogrammed to retain a compatible system.

Software reprogramming time will still be increasing continuously due to increasing

software size and the need to reprogram several ECUs.

Independent of future approaches to reduce the total complexity (e.g. software size, system dependencies and complexity) it might be necessary to accelerate the total automotive software reprogramming process.


Scope of the thesis

Within the automotive industry the ECU application software reprogramming process is
quite complex. Figure 1.4-1 depicts the reprogramming process cycle divided into an offboard (non-vehicle) part and an onboard (vehicle) part.

Figure 1.4-1: Software reprogramming process circle

The scope of the work reported in this thesis is on the on-board part of the global reprogramming process. ECU aspects (flashloader, application software, network access,

Chapter 1 - Introduction


communication protocols etc.) and network aspects (architecture, topology etc.) are the
focus of investigation.

Figure 1.4-2: Software reprogramming time limitation

As depicted in figure 1.4-2 for future ECUs the given time limitation requirement to the
maximum reprogramming time will not be fulfilled any longer without any optimisation. The
research aims are:

Quantify the reprogramming problem in todays vehicle architectures and communication standards and provide possible short term solution to the existing reprogramming

Quantify the impact that future emerging standards and technologies will have on
reprogramming embedded ECUs and identify solutions to minimise their impact on reprogramming cost.


Organisation of the thesis

The thesis covers the onboard aspects for software reprogramming within automotive
networks as defined in figure 1.4-1.
This chapter has identified the potential problem that the uptake of technology revolution,
driven by the need for increased functionality has on reprogramming of complex embedded systems in the automobile industries. Not only does the industry have high production
volumes, for an electronic product, it has long design times, production cycles and life
time warrantee and thus long legacy costs. Problems caused today can have a very long
term cost implication. Care must be taken to ensure future developments in car design
consider all key life-time cost drivers.

Chapter 1 - Introduction


Chapter 2 provides the key architectural and implementation background information to

the software reprogramming process and the involved components for the current state of
the art ECUs. It also identifies the key areas where acceleration is possible in reprogramming time for existing technologies i.e. improved data transfer rates and data compression
strategies. Additionally all necessary terms and definitions are introduced.
In Chapter 3 a new concept of using double buffering in the reprogramming procedure of
ECU is introduced. A model is generated to evaluated and quantify the improvement of
this approach.
In chapter 4 the research results are discussed to accelerate data transfer by communication protocol optimisations which are currently in use for automotive systems software
reprogramming process (i.e. vehicles currently in production and legacy systems) and
new technologies currently being designed into the new generation of car systems. For
each of these communication protocols this chapter generates quantitative models that
can be used to evaluate reprogramming data transfer performance.
Chapter 5 discusses and introduces new approaches to reduce the amount of data needed to be transmitted during software reprogramming. Quantitative models are again produced to complete the set of techniques needed calculate optimum reprogramming time
for current technology solution available.
Chapter 6 introduces theoretical hardware modification that could be made to ECU designs to optimise and to speed up the reprogramming process.
In chapter 7 the impact of the network architecture on the reprogramming process is
discussed and evaluated. Coupling of different networks and routing aspects within gateways are discussed.
Reprogramming several ECUs in parallel is a powerful approach to optimise reprogramming time. The required pre-conditions and a method to schedule the ECUs to be reprogrammed are discussed in chapter 8.
Chapter 9 provides an introduction to the newly awaited MRAM technology and identifies
how it could be utilised to implement some of the reprogramming approaches presented in
chapter 5.
Chapter 10 provides case studies where some of the discussed approaches are implemented within an ECU and quantitative models verified.
Chapter 11 summarises the work and provide an outlook for future methods and


2.1 Embedded Systems .................................................................... 19
2.2 Electronic Control Unit ............................................................... 21

Microcontroller ............................................................................21


Memory .......................................................................................22


ECU Software Components Overview ........................................24 Application Software ...................................................................25 Flashloader .................................................................................25 Boot Manager .............................................................................27

2.3 Programming Control Unit (Test system) ................................. 28

2.4 Programming Sequence ............................................................. 29
2.5 Communication Stack ................................................................ 33

Field bus systems .......................................................................35


Media Access Control Overview .................................................36


Transport Layer Protocol.............................................................36


Application Protocols...................................................................38

2.6 Network ........................................................................................ 39

2.7 Summary ...................................................................................... 40

This chapter provides a short introduction into the software reprogramming process of
embedded systems. The sub-components of an electronic control unit (ECU) which are
relevant for the reprogramming process are explained and an introduction to the specific
terms is given. The reprogramming sequence sub-clause shows the different steps of a

Chapter 2 - Background


reprogramming process. The communication stack sub-clause introduces into automotive

embedded systems communication and the relevant protocols.

2.1 Embedded Systems

Today monitoring, control and regulation problems in technical systems (e.g. medical
instruments, machines, vehicles, aeroplanes) are mainly realised by microcontrollersupported embedded systems (refer to [Ren11]). Embedded system is more a general
term than a well defined system definition. M. Barr characterised embedded systems as a
combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or
other parts, designed to perform a dedicated function [Bar07]. Today the term electronic
control unit (ECU) is established as a synonym for an embedded system. It could become more complex if at least two or more ECUs are part of a distributed embedded
system. In that case normally they are interconnected via field bus systems to exchange
Figure 2.1-1 depicts a simple embedded system with the relevant components.

Figure 2.1-1: Embedded system components

A good example for a complex embedded system is a car where several systems allocated on several ECUs interact by exchanging data via a network. Such systems are also
available on aircraft, trains, weapons and machines, and everywhere sensors and actors
have to be controlled or regulation assignments are given.
Figure 2.1-2 and figure 2.1-3 depict the more complex embedded system of a
Mercedes Benz model line 221 (S-Class) vehicle. Each coloured square represents an
ECU. The coloured lines representing communication bus systems (field bus systems refer to section 2.5.1). The number of ECUs within a vehicle is growing continuously from
only 2 ECUs (Engine control system (Motronic) and breaking system - ABS) in the 1980s
up to nearly 80 ECUs within modern premium class vehicle.

Chapter 2 - Background


The positions of all ECUs are depicted in figure 2.1-2.

Figure 2.1-2: ECU network of a Mercedes-Benz Model line 221 (S-Class) [Mer09]

Figure 2.1-3: Mercedes-Benz Model Line 221 (S-Class) network architecture [Mer09-1]
For modern trains the architecture is similarly complex. In [Sie] the complex architecture of
the SIEMENS Intercity Express 3 train (ICE-3) is given for different wagons. The list of

Chapter 2 - Background


complex embedded systems could be continued at will. The nomenclature and special
terms of embedded systems are described below.

2.2 Electronic Control Unit

As described above, the term Electronic Control Unit is established as a synonym for an
embedded system too. An ECU is based on at least one microcontroller and is encapsulated in a closed package. The functionality is given by software. Hence, the same microcontroller with identical periphery could be used for different control assignments.

2.2.1 Microcontroller
In the 1960s Intel and later on Motorola developed the first microprocessor. Based on that
technology the first single chip micro computer was developed in the 1970s. The structure
of these initial microcontrollers10 is the base for many other microcontrollers today11. In the
past microcontrollers were derivatives of microprocessors developed for PCs. Today a lot
of microcontroller families exist (e.g. Infineon TriCore, C166-family etc.) which were developed especially for embedded systems. The reasons for that development are very
extensive because for embedded systems not only the pure computing performance has
to be considered. Microcontrollers have to fulfil competing and some times opposing
requirements: In addition to the computing performance, limiting current or energy consumption is very important as well as a lot of integrated interfaces exchange data.
Today, microcontrollers are no longer used for simple control and regulation purposes.
Owing to the enormous technological progress high performance microcontrollers are
available today to solve highly complex control and regulation assignments. Within the
automotive area, for example, ECUs are used to control typical vehicle regulation systems
e.g. engine, gearbox etc. During recent years, also additional driver assistance systems
have been developed. High performance microcontrollers with complex periphery systems
and sensors are the base for those systems. The computational power and memory sizes
of embedded systems have been following continually expanding complexity of computer
A detailed description of microprocessor architecture, internal processing, instruction sets
etc. is given by J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson [Hen03]. This basic knowledge is also

e.g. Intel 8048 or Motorola 6800


The structure of the compiled and linked software for microcontrollers has been divided into two

different types: Intel-Hex format [Int88] and Motorola S-Record format [Mot92].

Chapter 2 - Background


true for microcontrollers. J. Schuffele and T Zurawka published a technical introduction

to microcontrollers [Scha10] as an introduction to the approaches of embedded software
With focus on the reprogramming of a microcontroller only the different communication
interfaces, the central processing unit (CPU) and the memory have to be taken into account. All other internal or peripheral components like Input/Output ports, analogue/digital
converters, watchdogs or other interfaces are not necessary in a reprogramming context.

2.2.2 Memory
Different memory types for different required functionality (store source code, data, volatile
information etc.) have been established. Figure 2.2-1 depicts an overview of the different
memory technologies used for embedded systems.

Figure 2.2-1: Memory Technologies Overview [Rei11]

Basically it is distinguished between volatile and non-volatile memory. RAM (Random
Access Memory ) is used for temporary stored information (e.g. source code variables
etc.). Only in some special cases executable machine code is stored in RAM. Executable
software is typically stored in non-volatile memories. ROM (Read Only Memory), PROM
(Programmable Read Only Memory) and EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only
Memory ) have all together the disadvantage that these memory types are not electrically
erasable. If application software must be changed the memory device has to be changed.

Chapter 2 - Background


Flash Memory
Flash Memory is the current established memory technology for microcontrollers to store
executable operation code. It is based on the metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor technology (MOS-FET) with floating gates and supports non-volatile storage of data.
Flash memory could be electrically erased and reprogrammed. Within [Zim10-2]
W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall described the abstract functionality of a
Flash-Memory cell. The different conditions and the usage scenarios for the different
memory types have been listed there, too (refer to table 2.2-1).
Table 2.2-1: ECUs semiconductor memory overview [Zim10-2]
Memory type





IC production


Fix code

Read Only Memory


Only in dismounted state by the

ECU supplier

Fix code
Data (e.g. characteristic line)


In the ECU at any time

> 100,000 times

Fix code and data


In the ECU at any time

> 100,000 times

Variable data with less update

ratio (e.g. operation hour
counter, status information

Not necessary

Variable data
Volatile after power-off

Erasable ROM

Electrical Erasable
Random Access

Compared to EEPROM (Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory), Flash

memory is faster for both access types: read and write. Flash memory is organised in
pages or blocks of several kilobyte. Unfortunately Flash memory is only erasable page by
page (block by block) and until a memory page is erased or reprogrammed no instruction
code read access is possible. Hence, the normal operation of the ECU has to be interrupted for the erase and program procedure.
Table 2.2-2: Physical programming performance
NEC V850 Ex3

Programming performance
51.2 kByte/s

(256 Byte / 5 ms)

91 kByte/s

(4,096 Byte / 45 ms)

128 kByte/s

(256 kByte / 2 s)


Chapter 2 - Background


Table 2.2-2 depicts an overview about typical physical reprogramming performance of

current automotive microcontrollers.
For the integration of the erasing and programming process into the remaining ECU software, an independent software component is normally used inside the ECU. Compared to
the remaining functions, this component encapsulates the programming process and
provides defined interfaces. This component is referred to as the flashloader and will be
described in section in detail.

2.2.3 ECU Software Components Overview

With focus on embedded software reprogramming processes the software on an ECU has
to be divided into three basic software components:

boot manager





All three parts are independent software components allocated in the Flash memory with
different assignments. Figure 2.2-2 depicts an overview of those different software components.

Figure 2.2-2: ECU Software Components Overview

The software components individual functionalities with respect to a reprogramming
process are described below.

Chapter 2 - Background

25 Application Software

The application software (later referred as the application) implements the real control and
measurement software to fulfil the basic assignment of that specific ECU, e.g. vehicle
engine control or wash machines heating system etc. Hence, it implements the necessary
drivers for all communication interfaces as well as the required communication protocol
stacks, self diagnostic analysing systems, error storage system etc. This application software is responsible for the complete normal operation processing of an ECU. In many
cases application software is divided into several partitions. A typical segmentation is the
splitting into functional code and parameter sets. Additional segmentation could be possible too. It depends on the final assignment of the corresponding ECU and on the possibility to split the software into such logical groups. For example, if the ECU has any
interaction with the user (HMI12) the fonts could be allocated in a separate partition.
If an application software update is necessary, e.g. in case of bug fixing or functionality
upgrade the application software is partly (according to the configured partitions) or fully
erased and reprogrammed. Flashloader
The flashloader software (later referred as flashloader) is an independent software component that controls the reprogramming process. Typically it shares software modules
with the other software components application or Boot Manager. Figure 2.2-3 depicts an
abstract overview to the flashloader component. The flashloader has access to the complete memory area where the application (all partitions) is allocated and is able to erase
and reprogram that memory area. A flashloader implements a complete communication
protocol stack. In case a reprogramming process is initiated, the flashloader communicates with an external programming control unit (PCU). Especially for the automotive
usage the German OEMs13 have standardized a flashloader within the HIS14 standardisation group. The document [HIS06-1] specifies the basic requirements for a flashloader
based on the diagnostic protocol UDS15 (refer to section 2.5.4) and communication via
CAN. W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall also described the requirements and


HMI .. Human Machine Interface


OEM .. Original Equipment Manufacturer


HIS .. German: Hersteller Initiative Software (English: manufacturers initiative for software)


UDS Unified Diagnostic Services (refer to section 2.5.4). UDS is the current standard diagnos-

tic protocol for the automotive industry.

Chapter 2 - Background


implementation approaches of flashloader in context of the ECUs reprogramming process

[Zim10-3] in a more abstract view independent of the used field bus system.

Figure 2.2-3: Overview flashloader component

The main assignments of a flashloader are:

Establishing and managing a communication connection to an external Programming Control Unit.


Control communication access to the ECU.


Erase the addressed memory segments


Program the new software parts physically.


Verification of the programmed software parts (programming, integrity).


Check compatibility from hardware and software or, if more independent software
partitions exist, check the compatibility of the different software modules.


Documentation of a reprogramming process


Error handling if reprogramming failed

The different requirements in context of the consecutive steps during a reprogramming

process are described in section 2.4 where the typical reprogramming sequence is discussed.
The flash driver is a part of the flashloaders software. It is required because it is not possible to execute code from part of the flash memory section and erase another section

Chapter 2 - Background


concurrently. Hence, the driver has to be copied into RAM and executed there. Because
of the flash memory development and the fact that on-chip flash memory enlarges very
fast, many microcontroller manufacturers are able to provide on-chip flash memory with at
least two memory banks (physically divided memory blocks). Here it is possible to execute
code from one bank and erase the memory partitions of another bank. In consequence
the copy process of executable memory driver code to RAM is no longer necessary. Today the flashloaders performance has a significant impact on the total reprogramming
time. Flashloader implementation aspects are part of the research and the results will be
discussed within this document. Boot Manager

The term boot manager was introduced by the HIS sub-working group for software reprogramming process [HIS06-2].
After Power-On the microcontroller processes the start up sequence (initializing of system
registers, PLL16 and VCO17 settings etc.). After that initialisation the system has to distinguish whether a valid application software is available to execute or the flashloader software has to be executed. This distinction is processed by the boot manager software. The
boot manager is the first active software component after a system reset.
The boot manager has to distinguish whether application software or flash loader software
shall be started and executed next. Typically the boot manager starts the application
software. If no application software is available, the boot manager starts the flash loader
software and the system waits in flashloaders idle mode until an external Programming
Control Unit (refer to section 2.3) initiates a reprogramming process. The decision whether
application is executable depends on the result of some start-up checks:

Is application software available?


Is the application software correct (not corrupted)?


Is the application software compatible to the hardware?


If the software contains more than one separate reprogrammable module (e.g.
regulation algorithm and parameter set etc.) are these different modules compatible to each other?


PLL .. Phase-locked Loop


VCO .. Voltage-controlled Oscillator

Chapter 2 - Background


Depending on the basic reprogramming strategy and the implemented protocol the boot
manager has also to distinguish if a reprogramming request is available. In that case the
flashloader has to be executed although valid application software is available.
Of course, the boot manager is an important module for an ECU but with focus on reprogramming application software this component is not of essential interest.

2.3 Programming Control Unit (Test system)

The programming control unit (PCU) manages the reprogramming process. The PCU has
access to the data that shall be programmed and knows the reprogramming sequence for
the ECU.
PCU is the generic, abstract term for all the different applications, tools and systems that
are available in context of microcontrollers software reprogramming. The spread is from
simple download applications integrated in embedded software development suites up to
more extensive test systems18 for industrial ECU manufacturing and after sales support.
Common to all PCUs is the necessity to implement communication interfaces on either the
microcontroller or the ECU. The available interfaces depend on the current position within
microcontrollers or ECUs life cycle. In the early development phase for example communication via JTAG19 interface might be possible whereas in a post-development phase
(e.g. production or service) no access to that interface is possible. Here in many cases
access to the ECU is only possible via the (normal) application communication interfaces.
Within the automotive area, PCUs are typically integrated components of more complex
test systems. The Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measurement Systems (ASAM) has standardised those test systems and provides many documents for the
different layers [ASAM]. In [Zim10-8] W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall give a short
overview about the standardised test system, the different interfaces and the standardised
exchange data formats. In the reprogramming context of this document, the PCU is defined as an abstract data source that communicates via field bus systems and implements











Other terms for test system in publications or standards are: tester, diagnostic tester, external

test tool, diagnostic test tool, test equipment, diagnostic test system

JTAG .. Joint Test Action Group describes the IEEE-1149.1 standard that collects several meth-

ods for testing and debugging of electrical hardware directly within the circuit. A sub-method is to
program embedded memory by direct access to the memory cells.

Chapter 2 - Background


implementation, as well as the data exchange formats and container, are not in the scope
of this work.

2.4 Programming Sequence

The reprogramming sequence specifies the consecutive steps that are necessary to program the ECUs memory. From an abstract point of view, the reprogramming process for
ECUs is always the same. A typical reprogramming sequence for embedded systems
based on microcontrollers could be divided into three abstract sub-sequences:
1. Pre-programming sequence
2. Major programming sequence
3. Post-programming sequence
These sequences will differ depending on several environment conditions like the reprogramming scenarios (e.g. initial programming, reprogramming), reprogramming places
(e.g. direct access to the microcontroller, direct link between PCU and ECU, reprogramming via network etc.). Pre- and post-programming sequences are necessary to prepare a
communication network for the reprogramming process. The major programming sequence implements the physical programming process as well as verification and administration data processing.
Major programming sequence
Figure 2.4-1 depicts the major programming sequence in an abstract view.

Figure 2.4-1: Abstract major programming sequence

Chapter 2 - Background


Initially the PCU has to identify the ECU (step 1) and gets access for reprogramming
process execution (step 2). ECUs Flash memory must be erased previously before it can
be reprogramming (step 3). The PCU transfers data to the ECU where they are physically
programmed into the Flash memory (step4). Finally the physical programming process is
verified (step 5) before the reprogramming sequence has finished.
Due to the reprogramming sequence according to figure 2.4-1 two approaches are possible to reduce the total software reprogramming process time significantly:

Accelerate data transfer from PCU to ECU


Reduce data size to be transferred from PCU to ECU.

The other stages within that sequence are hardware dependant (erase process, verification e.g. CRC calculation) and based on technology used or require only a small part of
the overall reprogramming process time (Identification, authentification).
Major programming sequence mapped to UDS protocol
There have been efforts for many years by the ISO and the HIS to standardise the reprogramming sequence for the automotive industry. The sequence is based on the diagnostic
protocol20 and specifies the ordering of the required diagnostic services. In fact, the vehicle manufacturers and suppliers vary significantly in terms of the used diagnostic services.
An attempt is made in [HIS06-2] to standardise the procedures although a couple of steps
are optional so that different options are still possible. Within [ISO14229] (Unified diagnostic services UDS refer to section 2.5.4) the reprogramming sequence shall now be
standardised in a common international standard.
[Zim10-3] explains the reprogramming sequence based on [HIS06-2]. Table 2.4-1 depicts
the reprogramming sequence in a more generic manner. The text column explains the
abstract steps and maps the abstract requirement to the corresponding diagnostic services as defined in UDS [ISO14229] and [HIS06-2].


Several diagnostic protocols have been standardised in the past. The currently most significant

protocol is standardised in the document of ISO 14229 Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS)

Chapter 2 - Background


Table 2.4-1: Software Re-Programming Process according to [HIS06-2] and [Zim10-3]




conditional steps



Starting the Pre-Programming sequence for

Pre-Progr. Sequence

the preparation of the programming process.

Pre-Programming Sequence

UDS: Diagnostic Session Control


Readout of ECU identification to identify the

ECU Identification

hardware and the current software version.

UDS: Read Data by Identifier


Checking if all device-specific preconditions

Check Pre-Conditions

necessary for the programming are fulfilled

(e.g. automotive area: engine off). UDS:
Routine Control - Check Programming Pre


Prepare all ECUs within the network for a

Network Preparation

reprogramming process (e.g. disable the

normal communication to gain full bandwidth
for reprogramming communication, deactivation of communication timeout monitoring
UDS: Communication Control, Link Control


Start Main

Major Programming Sequence

Programming Sequence

Switch to ECUs flashloader.

UDS: Diagnostic Session Control

Authentication of the tester to the ECU. The



access is denied if the authentication fails.

UDS: Security Access Get Seed, Send


Loading Flash-Driver

If the flash-driver is a fixed component of the

Part 1 into RAM

flash-loader, the latter copies the flash-driver

into the RAM in due time. Otherwise, the
diagnostic tester carries out this task.
UDS: Request Download, Transfer Data,
Request Transfer Exit

Chapter 2 - Background


Continue table 2.4-1

The diagnostic tester activates the physical


Erase Memory

erasing of the (Flash) memory.

UDS: Routine Control - Start Routine by


Loading Flash-Driver Part 2

Inside electronic control units with a small

into RAM

RAM, it can be impossible to load the

complete flash-driver. The driver is divided
into a first part responsible for the erasing
process and a second part responsible for
the programming. The latter can only be
performed if the erasing process was

Main Programming Sequence

completed successfully.


Transfer and program new

The PCU transfers the data to the ECU. The


flashloader physically programs this data

into the flash-memory.
UDS: Request Download, Transfer Data,
Request Transfer Exit

After completion of data transfer and pro-


Verification of Programming

gramming, the newly programmed application software is authenticated at least by

CRC calculation. The reliability of the data
may be checked by signatures based on

hash values.


Routine Control Start Check Routine

It has to be verified that the software is


Check Dependencies

compatible to the ECUs hardware. Also If

the application software is subdivided into
several blocks, the compatibility of every
single part must be checked too.
UDS: Routine Control Check Programming Dependencies

A reset stops the programming process.


ECU Reset

After the reset, the boot-manager activates

the new application software.
UDS: ECU Reset

Chapter 2 - Background


Continue table 2.4-1

All electronic control units connected to the

Post-Progr. Sequence

Prepare network

bus are allowed to resume their normal

communication. All the network preparations
in the ECUs shall be repealed.
UDS: Communication Control, Link Control

Closure of the reprogramming process.


Stop Diagnostic Session

UDS: Stop diagnostic session. UDS: Session Control - Start default session

Of course, the sequence as mentioned above is a very generic approach. But the conditional steps (marked by a *) provide the possibility to process these sequences for each
microcontroller on many different scenarios during the life cycle. Independent of the final
sequence and common to all reprogramming scenarios is the requirement to reprogram
an ECU as fast as possible.

2.5 Communication Stack

In distributed embedded systems the different ECU applications have the need to exchange data. According to the Open System Interconnection model (OSI model) standardised in [ISO7498-1] embedded systems communication is mapped to that model, too. As
depicted in table 2.5-1, a communication system is sub-divided into different layers.
Table 2.5-1: OSI reference model



Network process to application


Data representation, encryption and decryption, convert machine

dependent data to machine independent data


Inter-host communication


End-to-end connections, segmentation


logical addressing, routing, flow control

Data Link

Bus access, physical addressing, bit error detection etc.


Signal and binary transmission, bit coding

Equal layers within different ECUs are communicating via protocols. Besides the payload
additional layer specific header and trailer information are also transmitted. In many cases

Chapter 2 - Background


the header is also called Protocol Control Information (PCI). The trailer implements
control information, e.g. check sums etc. In some cases, no protocol trailer is defined.
Each layer instance (N) provides services to the layer instance above (N+1) and below (N1) or uses services from the layer instance above or below. Figure 2.5-1 depicts an abstract view of the internal communication structure of a protocol stack.

Figure 2.5-1: Communication structure within a protocol stack

Usually embedded software has strict resource restrictions because memory resources
and microcontroller performance are limited in contradiction to the PC world, whereas
from an embedded systems point of view memory resources and processor speed are
unlimited. Some reasons for those restrictions especially within the automotive area were
presented in chapter 1. As a result of these resource restrictions within the embedded
world and their field bus systems (refer to section 2.5.1) it might be possible that some
layers are either combined (layer 3 network layer and layer 4 transport layer) or not
available (layer 6 presentation layer).
Many protocols on the different layers within the automotive area are standardised within
ISO21 or SAE22.


ISO International Standardisation Organisation


SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers

Chapter 2 - Background


2.5.1 Field bus systems

Field bus is the name of a family of industrial computer network protocols. According to
the ISO/OSI reference model of table 2.5-1, the protocols typically specify layer 1 and 2.
Field buses connect field components like sensors and actors and ECUs with the purpose
of exchanging data. The first generation of field bus systems was developed in the
1980s23. Since 1999 field bus systems are standardised within the specification
IEC 61158 - Digital data communication for measurement and control Field bus for use
in industrial control systems [IEC61158]. The different usage scenarios of field busses
within the different business areas provide the opportunity for competing field bus technologies. G. Schnell and B. Wiedemann [Schn08] provide an overview about field bus
systems within automation systems, while W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall do it for
automotive systems [Zim10-1].
Table 2.5-2: Field bus systems in automotive area

Bus access method







10,4 kBit/s

1..255 Byte

1 .. 20 kBit/s

1..8 Byte


1 MBit/s

0..8 Byte



1 MBit/s

0..8 Byte



10 MBit/s

0..254 Byte



10 MBit/s

0..12 Byte

Today different field bus systems are established within the different business areas.
Table 2.5-2 provides an overview of the currently most used field bus systems within the
automotive area. With focus on software reprogramming acceleration, different approaches for CAN and FlexRay will be discussed in detail in chapter 4. It is possible to adapt the
methods to other bus systems based on equal bus access strategies.


ISA S50.02 standard


Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Resolution (refer to chapter 4)


Time Division Multiple Access (refer to chapter 4)


Developed by the BMW AG

Chapter 2 - Background


2.5.2 Media Access Control Overview

Master-Slave bus access is a general term for systems where a node has unidirectional
control over one or more other devices. Only the master initiates a communication link.
The slave nodes are not allowed to communicate without a master request. Local Interconnection Network (LIN) is a typical Master/Slave system for embedded systems communication.
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) is a general term for asynchronous (event based)
bus access. A node verifies the idle state (absence of other traffic) of a shared transmission medium before transmission is initiated. Data transmissions of a node are generally
received by all other nodes connected to the medium. A. Tanenbaum and
D. Wetherall provide a detailed introduction into the different media access control (MAC)
methods [Tan10].
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a modification of the
above described CSMA method. If a currently transmitting node detects another transmission, it stops transmitting the frame and then waits for a random time interval before trying
to send again.
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) is a second modification of the above described CSMA method. The method is used to provide a deterministic
communication system based on CSMA. If a collision is detected, a priority definition
forces the transmission of the higher priority note or PDU (frame). Controller Area Network
(CAN) is one of the most popular bus systems based on that media access control.
The Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) method allows several nodes to share a bus
system by dividing the channel bandwidth into different time slots. Each has an exclusive
transmission access to a time slot defined within a global schedule. Time Triggered Controller Area Network (TTCAN) and FlexRay are two bus systems based on that media
access control.

2.5.3 Transport Layer Protocol

As described in table 2.5-2 the payload of field bus systems is limited. But for the purpose
of reprogramming, it is necessary to transfer data in larger segments than the maximum
payload of the physical protocol data unit (PDU). Hence, a protocol mechanism is necessary to adapt large data strings to physical layer protocols PDU. According to the ISO
standardised OSI reference model this mechanism is implemented on layer 4
[ISO7498-1a]. Figure 2.5-2 depicts an overview.

Chapter 2 - Background


Figure 2.5-2: Protocol Stack Overview Transport Layer

As mentioned above, not all layers of the basic OSI reference model are defined and/or
implemented within embedded systems communication protocol stacks. For many field
bus systems, layer 3 (Network) and 4 (Transport) are combined. The title of [ISO15765-2]
Road vehicles Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) Part 2: Network layer
services misleadingly suggests the specification of network layer functionality. Nevertheless, a method for segmented data transmission via CAN (according to ISO/OSI reference
model done on layer 4) is specified too. [ISO10681-2] specifies Communication Layer
services for FlexRay. Address handling (ISO/OSI reference model - layer 3) and transport
protocol handling (ISO/OSI reference model - layer 4) is defined within the same specification. Due to the fact that the terms used within standards are ambiguous where layer 4
and layer 3 are combined for embedded systems, the term Transport Protocol will be
used within the further document.
Table 2.5-3: Automotive related transport protocol specifications

Transport Protocol Specification


Parts of ISO 15765-2


ISO 15765-2
SAE J1939/21


ISO 10681-2


ISO 13400

It has to be distinguish between ISO standardised protocols and proprietary protocols.

Proprietary protocols are defined if no ISO standard is available, or also if the physical
medium is not standardised in ISO or SAE. Especially the automotive industry has a big
interest to standardise such protocols. Hence, most transport layer protocols for
automotive usage are standardised or standardizing activities have started. Table 2.5-3
depicts an overview of the different automotive related standardised protocols.

Chapter 2 - Background


W Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall explain the different protocol mechanisms of the

transport protocols actually used within the automotive area in detail in [Zim10-5].The
transport protocol topic will also be discussed in chapter 4.
The basic functionalities of such a transport protocol are:

Segmentation of large service data units (SDU) into several protocol data
units (PDU)


Reassembling of received PDUs to an SDU


Data flow control management


Timing control of the established data transfer link (timeout management)

Within software reprogramming processing large data blocks are transferred from the
PCU to the different ECUs. Therefore, transport protocols are necessary to segment these
large data blocks to fragments with size of field bus systems payload. For some of the
automotive relevant field bus systems the transport protocols are typically specified within
the ISO (refer to table 2.5-3). Transport layer configuration has a deep impact on the
overall communication speed and the data transfer bandwidth. The impact of those different configuration possibilities will be discussed in chapter 4.

2.5.4 Application Protocols

Today several protocols exist to reprogram ECUs software. Within the automotive industry software reprogramming in production and service is a part of diagnostics. In recent
years diagnostic communication was strictly standardised within the ISO. Based on OEM
specific, manufacturer specific and proprietary protocol implementations Key Word Protocol 2000 (KWP2000) was standardised in [ISO14230-3] in 1999. The next generation of
automotive diagnostic protocol is Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) and standardised in
Some ECUs have to be adapted to the environment, e.g. engine control units to the engine or transmission control module to the engine or the gearbox. Within the automotive
industry the protocols for measurement and calibration are standardised by the ASAM27
standardisation group. In [Zim10-8] a detailed introduction to the Universal Measurement
and Calibration Protocol (XCP) and the older CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) is given by
W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall. During the adaptation and calibration process, it
could be necessary to reprogram parts of the memory, e.g. with new values for characteristic curves etc. If the system is produced or serviced within the after sales


ASAM .. Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems [ASAM].

Chapter 2 - Background


market, the calibration or measurement protocol is no longer needed. In contrast, diagnostic is required during the ECUs complete life cycle. Hence, the focus for reprogramming
process acceleration is on diagnostic protocols. It is also possible to reprogram software
with calibration protocols, but this is not their initial intention.

2.6 Network
The networks used in distributed systems are built from a variety of transmission media,
including wire, cable, fibre and wireless channels; hardware devices, including routers,
switches, bridges, hubs, repeaters and network interfaces; and software components,
including protocol stacks, communication handlers and drivers [Cou01-1].
The definition of James Coulouris et al. is also correct for automotive embedded systems.
However, wireless transmission media is currently only used to interconnect customers
consumer devices (e.g. mobile connection via blue tooth) and the number of different
network nodes is reduced to gateways. But, in the case of software reprogramming it is
also true that the resulting () performance available to distributed system () is affected by all of these [Cou01-1].
In section 2.5 the different field bus systems were described which are currently relevant
for the automotive industry. A network is the combination of at least two field bus systems.
The network and its data transfer rate have a significant impact on the overall reprogramming performance. Nevertheless, optimisation of networks for the reprogramming process
has not been the focus point during recent years. As described in chapter 1, cost aspects
have the main priority. On the other hand, there was no pressure to optimise the automotive networks because software reprogramming was not a problem. Hence, the focus, in
terms network architecture aspects, was on the ECUs application softwares communication.
For the network design today, the reprogramming issue has to be taken into account. The
challenges of diagnostic communication within modern vehicle networks have increased
and network configuration has become more complex (refer to appendix C) [Sch11-1].
Tool supported network analysis is necessary, but tools for diagnostic specific protocol
analysis are currently not available (refer to appendix D) [Sch11]. Therefore, network
architecture and design aspects also need to be analysed within this document.

Chapter 2 - Background


2.7 Summary
This chapter has provided background information to embedded systems and the involved
components for the software reprogramming process where a PCU communicates with an
ECUs flashloader via a communication network. All above discussed aspects contribute
to a system model for embedded systems reprogramming process as depicted in
figure 2.7-1.

Figure 2.7-1: System model for embedded systems software reprogramming

Current ECUs based on Flash memory technology require a special reprogramming sequence because the Flash memory allows not reprogramming a memory cell without
previously erasing. This is a strong restriction to possible reprogramming strategies.
Due to the reprogramming sequence of section 2.4, process acceleration is possible if
a) data transfer is accelerated or
b) data size to be transferred is reduced.
The data transfer rate as an indication of communication performance depends on:
a) The used bus systems,
b) The upper layers communication protocols,
c) The hardware performance and
d) The performance of network coupling elements like gateways.
Data size reduction will accelerate the data transfer process because less data has to be
transferred. Different approaches are possible to reduce the total amount of transferred

Double buffered data transfer

3.1 Reprogramming Protocol ........................................................... 42
3.2 Double buffered data transfer .................................................... 42
3.3 Methods utilisation .................................................................... 49

Mapping to Diagnostic Protocol ISO-14229 UDS .....................49


Mapping to other application protocols ........................................51


Mapping to multi controller systems ............................................51

3.4 Conclusion................................................................................... 52

This chapter is intended to discuss an approach to accelerate the data transfer between
an external programming control unit (PCU) and an electronic control unit (ECU).
According to ISO/OSI reference model (refer to section 2.5), communication protocols on
layer 5 to layer 7 are independent of the underlying bus system (represented by layer 1 to
layer 4 protocols). Hence, optimisations on layer 5 to 7 are generic approaches, usable for
data transfer via all field bus systems (refer to section 2.5). Nevertheless, the indisputable
thesis for a communication system is given as:
The upper limit for the communication performance on a physical layer is 100% bus load.
Hence, upper layer protocols shall reduce protocol delays that finally results in delays on
the physical bus system and therefore reduce data transfer rate.
Based on the initial thesis and with focus on automotive communication protocols the
following issues are discussed:

The theoretically maximum of the protocols data transfer rate


The influencing parameters and restrictions to reach the maximum value.

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


3.1 Reprogramming Protocol

Reprogramming protocols control the reprogramming process. Typically they are mapped
to layer 7 within the ISO/OSI reference model nomenclature. Within the automotive area
typical protocols to control the reprogramming process are diagnostic protocols like Key
Word Protocol 2000 (KWP2000) as defined in [ISO14230-3] or Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) as defined in [ISO14229-1]. Figure 3.1-1 depicts a system overview.

Figure 3.1-1: Reprogramming protocol overview

With the aim to use the full bandwidth and get 100% bus load the reprogramming protocol
should be analysed to identify protocol dependent delay times which reduce bus load. Of
course, the final overall performance depends also on the underlying communication
system performance. Nevertheless, a delay on higher protocol layers is propagated
through the communication stack and results usually in a delay on the physical layer.
Therefore, it might be sufficient to find a generic approach to accelerate data transfer on
the reprogramming protocol layer. In a second step the power of the generic approach will
be discussed if it is mapped to the real existing automotive diagnostic communication
protocol UDS.

3.2 Double buffered data transfer

Within this chapter a generic approach to accelerate data transfer on the programming
protocol layer is discussed. Finally a solution to map this approach to a standardised
protocol will be provided.
An electronic control unit (ECU) typically provides buffer to receive data within an established communication link (refer to figure 3.1-1). The maximum buffer size can vary

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


depending on the underlying bus system and the corresponding communication protocol
stack (refer to chapter 4). Todays state of the art reprogramming process e.g. within the
automotive industry28 is an alternating sequence of data transfer and physical reprogramming. The programming control unit (PCU) segments the complete data to be programmed into smaller packages according to the maximum data size that can be
transferred via the bus system. The ECU receives that data in the buffer and programs
them into the physical non-volatile-memory (NVM), e.g. flash memory or EEPROM. This
sequence will repeat until all data are transmitted from the PCU to the ECU and successfully programmed. Figure 3.2-1 depicts that basic scenario with a view to the bus system
traffic and the corresponding single buffer.

Figure 3.2-1: Single buffer data transfer

This buffer is the target for the data communication link and also the data source for physical reprogramming process. During the data transfer the received data are stored in the
buffer (write access). During the physical reprogramming process (read access) the buffer
is locked for data reception. Hence, no data are transmitted and a gap is visible on the
bus. After successful reprogramming process execution the buffer is unlocked and the
PCU can start to transmit the next data segment.
According to the initial aim to use the full bandwidth and to get 100% bus load the gap
shall be filled by a concurrent data transfer to a second buffer while the first buffer content
is physically programmed.
This approach will be discussed below by the calculation of data transfer ratio. Starting
from a single buffer system the time that is required to transmit and program the total
amount of data is calculated by formula 3.2-1. The total programming time tProg is the sum
of the total data transfer time tDataTransfer and the total physical programming time tPhysProg:
t Pr og = t DataTransfer + t Phys Pr og
t Pr og = n t DataTransfer + n t Phys Pr og


Refer to the standardised reprogramming sequence based on diagnostic protocol UDS in

chapter 2.3 and chapter 4.1.3.

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer

t Pr og = n t DataTransfer + t Phys Pr og



The term n represents the number of repetitions to transfer the total amount of data
(DataSize) by bus system specific segments (SegmentSize) which can be transmitted
by a single data transfer.

SegmentSiz e


Typically a data transfer results in a last segment with less data bytes than the segment
size. In that case the individual time required for that data transfer and physical reprogramming has to be calculated. On the other hand the influence of the transmitted last
data segment and the resulting calculation error is smaller as more data segments are
transmitted29. Hence, formula 3.2-2 is simplified and the term n will be rounded up to the
next integer value.


SegmentSiz e


If a second application buffer is available, a second data transfer could be initiated in

parallel to the second buffer until the first buffers data are programmed. By this buffer
architecture two different scenarios are possible for the total programming time calculation:
Scenario 1:

tData Transfer tPhysicalProgramming

Scenario 2:

tData Transfer < tPhysicalProgramming

The maximum value for the total programming performance increase depends on two
different parameters:

The number of transmitted segments n (refer to formula 3.2-2) where the gap on
the bus could be visible.


The ratio between data transfer time tDataTransfer and the physical programming time



t DataTransfer
t PhysProg


For n 20 the last segment influences the total programming time by < 5%. For n 50 the last

segment influences the total programming time by < 2%.

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


Scenario 1 (tData Transfer tPhysicalProgramming)

Figure 3.2-2 depicts the scenario 1 with tDataTransfer tPhysicalProgramming. In that case there is
no gap visible on the bus. The physical programming time is only visible on the very last

Figure 3.2-2: Double buffered data transfer scenario 1

The relation between data transfer time tDataTransfer and the physical programming time
tPhysProg is:

t Transfer
t PhysProg = Transfer
t PhysProg

x 1

The optimised total programming time tProg_opt1 is calculated by:

t Pr og _ opt1 = n t Transfer + t Phys Pr og


Compared with the initial transfer concept to a single bus with visible gaps the relative
programming time reduction relation is:
Rn = 1

t Prog_opt1
t Prog

= 1

n t Transfer + t PhysProg
n t Transfer + n t PhysProg


Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


With (3.2-5) the generic formula for the overall time reduction ratio is:

Rn = 1

t Transfer
t Transfer n +

= 1
t Transfer

t Transfer n +

n t Transfer +
n t Transfer

n +

Rn = 1

n +




If tDataTransfer = tPhysicalProgramming the value for x is equal to 1. Depending on the number of

transmitted segments n the maximum time reduction varies.

Rn = 1

n t Transfer + t Transfer
n +1
= 1
n t Transfer + n t Transfer

lim R n = 1

n +1
= 1 = 0

lim R n = 1

n +1
= 1 = 0.5



If tData Transfer = tPhysicalProgramming the maximum reduction is in range of

0 R n 0 .5


and is in maximum 50%. Figure 3.2-3 depicts the graphical results of formula 3.2-8 and
3.2-9 and visualise the effect of double buffered data communication. The approach with
two buffers provides already a benefit if only 2 different data segment transfers are necessary (n=2). A saturation is visible if many data segments transfers (n>20) are necessary.
Maximum time reduction
(t DataTransfer t PhysProg)

Programming time
reduction R(n) [%]


















transmitted segments n

Figure 3.2-3: Maximum time reduction for tData Transfer tPhysicalProgramming

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


Figure 3.2-3 depicts also the impact of the relation between the data transfer time
tDataTransfer and the physically programming time tPhysicalProgramming.
The maximum value is only possible if data transfer time is equal to physical programming
time (x=1). In that case the maximum time reduction R(n) for a double buffered data transfer is up to 40% if already 5 segments are transmitted.
If the microcontroller is able to program data several times faster than it requires to transferring that amount of data the time reduction benefit will decrease. The longer tData Transfer
is (x>1), the less programming time reduction R(n) is possible. If tData Transfer >> tPhysicalProgramming

(x ) no or only a small reduction of the total reprogramming time is possible

independent of the number of transmitted segments.


n +

lim R n = 1
= 1 = 0

n 1 +



Figure 3.2-4 depicts the maximum values of total reprogramming time reduction R(x)
depending on the relation x between the data transfer time tDataTransfer and the physically
programming time tPhysicalProgramming for different number of transmitted data segments n.

Programming time reduction

R(x) [%]

Maximum time reduction














(Relation of t Transfer to t PhysProg)

Figure 3.2-4: Total reprogramming time reduction - details

Figure 3.2-4 depicts that the effect of double buffered data transfer is decreasing if data
transfer time is longer than the physical programming time. The total programming time
reduction R(x) is less that 10% if the data transfer time tData Transfer is 9 times longer than
the physical programming time tPhysicalProgramming (x 9).

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


Scenario 2 (tData Transfer < tPhysicalProgramming)

For tData Transfer < tPhysicalProgramming a gap on the bus will occur where no data transfer will be
processed. Figure 3.2-5 depicts that scenario for a double buffered data transfer.

Figure 3.2-5: Double buffer data transfer scenario 2

The relation between data transfer time tDataTransfer and the physical programming time
tPhysProg is according to formula 3.2-5:

t Transfer
t PhysProg = Transfer
t PhysProg

x <1

The optimised total programming time tProg_opt2 is calculated by:

t Pr og _ opt 2 = t Transfer + n t Phys Pr og


Compared with the initial transfer concept to a single bus with visible gaps the programming time reduction relation is:
Rn = 1

Rn = 1

Rn = 1

t Prog_opt2
t Prog

= 1

t Transfer + n t PhysProg
n t Transfer + n t PhysProg

t Transfer
t Transfer 1 +

= 1
t Transfer

n t Transfer 1 +

t Transfer + n
n t Transfer


n 1 +


If the physical programming time is near to the data transfer time (x 1), the maximum
programming time reduction for a large number of transmitted segments (n

) will be:

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer

lim R n = 1

x 1



n 1 +

= 1


= 0. 5

On the other hand if the physical programming time is several times longer than the data
transfer time (x

lim R n = 1

x 0

0), no reduction is possible:



n 1 +

= 1 1 = 0

3.3 Methods utilisation

3.3.1 Mapping to Diagnostic Protocol ISO-14229 UDS
Within the automotive area software reprogramming is typically part of the ECU diagnostic. Hence, the approach of doubled receive buffer should be discussed for a reprogramming process based on the diagnostic protocol Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) as
defined in [ISO14229].
UDS according to ISO 14229 provides the request-response behaviour for the communication between the PCU and the ECU. The PCU transmits a diagnostic request. The ECU
receives that diagnostic request, processes the required functionality and sends a response (positive if successful, negative if not successful) back to the PCU.
W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall described an overview about the protocol behaviour
[Zim10-4]. A more detailed description to all defined diagnostic services is given by
C. Marscholik and P. Subke [Mar07].
The programming control unit (PCU) segments the complete data to be programmed into
smaller packages according to the maximum data size that could be transferred via the
bus system. Figure 3.3-1 depicts that programming sequence.

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


Figure 3.3-1: UDS communication via single buffered system

To transmit each data segment the PCU sends a diagnostic service request Transfer Data
(Service Identifier $36). The ECU receives the data in the buffer and programs them into
the physical non-volatile-memory (NVM), e.g. flash memory or EEPROM. After successful
reprogramming, the ECU sends a positive response and the sequence will repeat until all
data are transmitted from the PCU to the ECU and successfully programmed.
ISO-14229 does not specify that the positive response of the diagnostic service request
$36 - transfer data shall be transmitted after physically reprogramming. It is allowed to
separate data transfer and physical data programming and send the positive response
immediately after the successfully data reception. Hence, the double buffer approach for
an ECU is possible. Figure 3.3-2 depicts that approach.

Figure 3.3-2: UDS communication via double buffer system

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


Sending a positive response requires two fulfilled conditions:


All data have been transferred to bufferx


All data of the previous bufferx-1 have been programmed successfully

A double buffer system is a possible approach for all reprogramming protocols to

accelerate the total reprogramming process.

3.3.2 Mapping to other application protocols

It is possible to map the double buffer communication approach to other application protocols. The only requirement is to prevent the ECU from concurrent access to the same
buffer. It must be avoided that receive data processing and physical data reprogramming
processing use the same buffer at the same time. If this is assured the approach could be
ported to any other embedded application communication protocol (e.g. CCP, XCP etc.).

3.3.3 Mapping to multi controller systems

Double buffering is also a powerful approach to accelerate data transfer on multi processor systems. Figure 3.3-3 depicts an example for an ECU with two microcontrollers.

Figure 3.3-3: Multi controller system

The double buffered system provides the possibility to communicate externally and internally in parallel. Depending on the internal communication bandwidth (bus system, interface, protocol etc.) that approach reduces the total communication time.

Chapter 3 Double buffered data transfer


3.4 Conclusion
With the approaches as discussed above it is possible to accelerate software reprogramming communication independent of the underlying field bus system.
Method utilisation
The benefit of double buffered systems for data transfer to a microcontroller depends on
the relation between data transfer time and microcontrollers physical reprogramming
time. Significant benefit is given if two environmental requirements are fulfilled:

The number of data segments n that shall be transferred to the microcontroller is at

least more than 1 (n > 1) and


The data transfer time (tDataTransfer) is in maximum 9 times longer than the microcontrollers physical programming time (tPhysicalProgramming) (x 9).

Best results are given if the data transfer time (tDataTransfer) is equal to the microcontrollers
physical programming time (tPhysicalProgramming) (x = 1) and more than 100 segments shall be
Impact to system design
The implementation of double buffered data transfer requires additional buffer resources
(RAM). If the above described basic requirements are fulfilled and RAM is available it is
recommended to implement that method.
An implementation of more than two buffers provides no benefit because either the additional buffers are not filled (scenario 1: tData


tPhysicalProgramming) or the additional

buffers are filled and can not be programmed (scenario 2: tData Transfer < tPhysicalProgramming).
Base method for parallel processing utilisations
The approach of double buffered data reception can be utilised always when processes
shall be executed in parallel to an ongoing data reception. Double buffered data transfer is
a precondition to several other optimisation methods discussed later in this thesis (e.g.
data compression in chapter 5, gateway routing optimisation in chapter 7 etc.). Hence,
also if the relation between data transfer time and microcontrollers programming time is
not given as discussed above, the implementation of double buffered data reception is recommended anyway.

Field bus system protocol stacks

4.1 Controller Area Network ............................................................. 54

CAN bus protocol according to ISO 11989 ..................................54


CAN-TP according to ISO 15765-2 .............................................58


Complete reprogramming process based on UDS ......................70


Conclusion ..................................................................................71

4.2 FlexRay ........................................................................................ 73


FlexRay (FlexRay Specification 2.1) ...........................................73


FlexRay Transport Protocol (ISO 10681-2) .................................84


Complete reprogramming process based on UDS ......................91


Conclusion ..................................................................................93

4.3 Summary ...................................................................................... 94

This chapter is intended to discuss approaches to accelerate the data transfer via field
bus system protocol stacks between an external programming control unit (PCU) and an
electronic control unit (ECU).
According to ISO/OSI reference model (refer to section 2.5) all bus systems dependencies are encapsulated within layers 1 to 4. Hence, optimisations on layer 1 to 4 are bus
system specific and therefore not necessarily common to other protocols on that layer.
Nevertheless, the indisputable thesis for a communication system is given as:
The upper limit for the communication performance on a physical layer is 100% bus load.
Based on the initial thesis and with focus on automotive communication systems the
following issues are discussed:

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks



The theoretically maximum of the data transfer rate on the corresponding bus system.


The influencing parameters and restrictions to reach the maximum value.

As introduced in section 2.5, today many different field bus systems exist for the usage
within (automotive) embedded systems. The bus access method (media access control
MAC) is a major criterion to differentiate between the systems. In [Zim10-11]
W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall provide an overview to the different bus access
methods in section 2.5.2.
With focus on automotive systems software reprogramming CAN as a representative
system based on CSMA/CR media access and FlexRay as a representative of systems
based on TDMA media access will be discussed.
In many cases the discussed protocol optimisation has an impact on sender and receiver
side. Special optimisation steps on the PCU are not discussed explicitly.

4.1 Controller Area Network

Currently CAN is the mostly used bus system within the automotive area. CAN was developed in the late 1980s and is standardised in ISO11898 or SAE J2284 [Ets06]. The
CAN protocol is required by law as the standardised communication protocol for the
onboard diagnostic (OBD) communication to emission related systems (refer to ISO
15765-4 etc). Because of the high cost pressure as discussed in chapter 1 this standardised communication interface is used for the enhanced (not-emission related) diagnostics,
too. The requirement by law guarantees that this interface is available for each vehicle
and therefore it is typically used for software reprogramming based on a diagnostic protocol like UDS or KWP2000. Acceleration of the data transfer via CAN provides benefits for
all vehicles independent of the OEM, the class or model line.

4.1.1 CAN bus protocol according to ISO 11989 Introduction
CAN is specified as a bit-oriented field bus system with a maximum bit rate of 1 Mbit/s.
Mostly used bit rates are 500kbit/s, 250kbit/s and 125kbit/s. CAN provides a CSMA/CR30
bus access. W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall give an overview to the physical layer in


CSMA/CR: Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Resolution.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


detail [Zim10-7]. The data link layer [ISO11898-1] specifies the basic CAN PDU31
(CAN frame). Table 4.1-1 depicts an overview of the PDU layout in ascending bit order
and the resulting PDU length.
Table 4.1-1: CAN PDU length without stuff bits

Length [bit]

Length [bit]


Start bit


Arbitration field

11 +1

29 + 3


Control field


Data field (Payload)

0 - 64

0 - 64


CRC field




Acknowledge field


End of Frame


Bus idle time



47 - 111

67 - 131


(Identifier + RTR + SRR + IDE)

A CAN specific issue is the receivers clock generation method for bit sampling purpose.
The CAN specification ISO11898 defines that only 5 bits are allowed to be equal. After
5 equal bits a signal level change must be integrated into the bit stream. These additional
bits are called stuffing bits.
The number of stuffing bits depends on the payload values and could be calculated by the
formula of T. Nolte et al [Nol01] and A. Burns et al [Bur07]:
+ n Trailer + n Idle + n Data 14 bit
n Stuff = 0 .. Header


The net data rate can be calculated as follows:

fData _ net =

(nHeader + n Trailer

fData _ gross
+ nIdle + nData + n Stuff )


A CAN PDU with 11 bit CAN identifier and 64 bit payload can have 24 stuffing bits in


PDU .. Protocol Data Unit

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


A CAN PDU with 29 bit CAN identifier and 64 bit payload can have 29 stuff bits.
Table 4.1-2 depicts the PDU length and the corresponding net data rate for different numbers of stuffing bits and gross data rates.
Table 4.1-2: Net data rate for CAN PDUs with 64 bit payload
11 bit CAN-ID
PDU Length
111 bit
(0 stuff bits)
123 bit
(12 stuff bits)
135 bit
(24 stuff bits)
29 bit CAN-ID
PDU Length
131 bit
(0 stuff bits)
145 bit
(14 stuff bits)
160 bit
(29 stuff bits)

1000 kbit/s

Net Data Rate (fData_net)

500 kbit/s
250 kbit/s

1000 kbit/s

Net Data Rate (fData_net)

500 kbit/s
250 kbit/s

125 kbit/s


125 kbit/s

kByte/s Discussion
The data transfer rate depends a) on the basic bandwidth and b) on the ratio of PDU
payload and protocol overhead. The PDU payload varies in the specified boundaries
(0 bit payload 64 bit).
The protocol overhead varies on the CAN Identifier length (11 bit or 29 bit) and the resulting stuffing bits (0 bit stuffing bits 24 bit11bit ID or 29 bit29 bit ID) .
Increasing bandwidth is an effective approach to accelerate the data transfer if the system
is not running on the upper limit of 1 MBit/s given by the ISO 11898 protocol. Doubling the
bandwidth will result in approximately a double of net data transfer rate. On the other hand
increasing bandwidth reduces the possible cable length [Zim2010-12]. This has to be
taken into account if a lower bit rate is in use for normal systems communication especially for wide area distributed systems (e.g. trucks, planes, trains etc.). Several recommendations











Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


[ISO 11898-3], [ISO 11898-5], [SAE J1939-11], [CiA32 102] etc.). If cable length provides
no restriction, then increasing the bandwidth provides a strong method to accelerate data
PDU payload
According to formula 4.1-1 the maximum ratio between payload and protocol overhead is
given if the payload is configured to the maximum possible (specified) value. Hence, only
CAN PDUs with 64 bit payload (maximum value) shall be configured. For further analysis
and discussion only CAN PDUs with 64 bit payload are assumed.
CAN Identifier
The system performance is represented by the net data rate. For a CAN system running
on 100% bus load the net data rate is limited by ISO 11898 protocol and can be in maximum only 58.2% for PDUs with 11 bit identifier (no stuffing bits) or 50% for PDUs with 29
bit identifier (no stuffing bits). But these values are not realistic in practice because a
communication without any stuffing bits will usually not occur (e.g. a CAN identifier with 5
consecutive bits of an equal value (one or zero) will force a stuffing bit). No statistical
evaluation of a best practice value will be discussed because this value is significantly
influenced by the SDU value (payload of the CAN PDU) and this value is random from a
statistical point of view.
The CAN identifier length has a significant influence on the net data rate. Compared to a
PDU with 11 bit CAN identifier a PDU with 29 bit CAN identifier requires approximately
16,4%33 more bits to transmit the same data payload of 64 bit. The net data rate is reduced equally. Hence, best performance is possible only on 11 bit CAN identifier. CAN
uses the arbitration method to prevent PDU collisions. According to ISO 11898, if two or
more sender nodes initiate a data transmission concurrently, the CAN identifiers are
bit-wise analysed and compared by each sending node to identify the higher priority.
According to ISO 11898 protocol specification the priority is the higher, the lower the CAN
identifier is. This fact results in two basic requirements: 1) if reprogramming communication is in parallel to normal systems communication, the CAN identifier of the reprogramming communication shall be low (to get high priority) or 2) normal systems
communication shall be disabled. Within the reprogramming sequence according to
[HIS06-1], a diagnostic service is specified to disable normal communication of all


CiA .. CAN-in-Automation


16.36% (no stuffing bits); 16.41% (max number of stuffing bits)

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


currently not reprogrammed network nodes to guarantee full bandwidth for reprogramming
also for less priority CAN identifiers.

4.1.2 CAN-TP according to ISO 15765-2

For communication via CAN the ISO has specified a transport protocol in ISO 15765-2.
This part of ISO 15765 specifies an unconfirmed network layer communication protocol
for the exchange of data between network nodes, e.g. from ECU to ECU, or between
external test equipment and an ECU. If the data to be transferred do not fit into a single
CAN frame, a segmentation method is provided [ISO15765-2_1].
A CAN PDU provides in maximum 8 byte (64 bit) payload data (refer to table 3.2-1).
Hence, an ISO-15765-2-PDU is up to 8 bytes (64 bit) long. The protocol itself defines a
Protocol Control Information (PCI). The protocol distinguishes between four different PDU
types. A Single Frame (SF) is used if the service data unit (SDU) has equal or less than 7
data bytes. If the SDU is larger than 7 bytes the SDU has to be segmented into several
PDUs. A segmented data transfer starts with a First Frame (FF) and implements 2 byte
PCI and 6 byte payload data. All other SDU data are transmitted by Consecutive Frames
(CF). A CF provides 7 byte payload data.
The data flow is controlled by Flow Control frames (FC). A FC frame is always sent by the
initial receiver of the data transfer. The idea is to have a handshake mechanism implemented to control the data flow on the established communication link by only two parameters (Minimum Separation Time (STmin) and Block Size (BS)). The receiver is able to
control data transfer by these parameters.
Figure 4.1-1 depicts an overview of the different PDU types and the PDU format.

Figure 4.1-1: ISO 15765-2 Protocol Data Units format

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Figure 4.1-2 depicts both possible data transfer scenarios: unsegmented data transfer and
segmented data transfer:

Figure 4.1-2: ISO 15765-2 communication scenarios

Within a Single Frame (SF) up to 7 data bytes can be transferred via CAN. The maximum
size of an SDU is limited by ISO 15765-2 to 4095 byte because the data length (DL) field
of a First Frame (FF) is 12 bit (212 -1 = 4095).
Unsegmented vs. segmented data transfer
It seems that an unsegmented transmission provides higher performance because no
additional Flow Control (FC) PDUs have to be transmitted. This is correct if only one
direction is analysed. For software reprogramming it has to be taken into account that the
upper layer reprogramming protocol (e.g. UDS, KWP2000) requires a request response
behaviour. As depicted in figure 4.1-3 after each request a corresponding response PDU
has to be sent.
The number of required PDUs is calculated by

nPDU _ unsegmente dTransfer =
dPDU _ Payload


To transfer 4095 bytes in unsegmented mode 1170 PDUs (Single Frames) are necessary.
nPDUs _ unsegTrans fer =
2 = 1170 PDUs

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Figure 4.1-3: Request / response communication scenarios based on ISO 15765-2

To transmit the same number of data in segmented mode, a smaller number of PDUs is
necessary. The number of PDUs can be calculated according to the protocol behaviour of
ISO 15765-2:
d SDU dPL _ FF
nPDUs _ segTransfer = nFF +
+ n FC + nRe sponse
dPL _ CF


It is assumed that only one Flow Control PDU (FC) is configured (Block size=034). In that
case a data transfer of 4095 byte requires 1 First Frame (FF), 1 Flow Control (FC),
585 Consecutive Frames (CF) and 1 response Single Frame (SF) PDU. This results in
588 PDUs according to formula 4.1-4.
4095 6
nPDUs _ segTransfer = 1 +
+ 1 + 1 = 588 PDUs

Hence, focus for further analysis to accelerate data transfer via CAN will be on segmented
data transfer only.

Impact of processing delays

The communication link performance is also influenced by processing delays because of
software and hardware runtime. Both, sender and receiver nodes require processing time
for the protocol handling. For the data transmission performance of the transport layer

Block Size (BS) equal to zero requires no additional FlowControl PDU (refer to ISO 15765-2).

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


protocol according to ISO 15765-2 the two main influencing delay times are N_Cs and
N_Br (refer to ISO15765-2). Both parameters depend on the implementation and therefore are defined to zero for the theoretical analysis in principle. The impact of those delay
times is discussed in section Impact of Block Size parameter

The flow control parameter Block Size (BS) defines the number of Consecutive Frame
(CF) PDUs that can be received by a receiver node in one block within a segmented data
transmission. After reception of that block a Flow Control (FC) PDU has to be sent by the
initial receiver node to signal the current flow state and to continue data transfer.
With focus on data transfer acceleration the Block Size (BS) represents an additional
number of Flow Control (FC) PDUs (refer to figure 4.1-3). Hence, the BS parameter has a
direct impact on the total number of TP-PDUs required to transfer the requested SDU and
influences the data transfer rate. Below several formulas have been developed to calculate the total amount of PDUs and the corresponding transfer time. The total number of
PDUs is calculated as depicted by the developed formula 4.1-5:
nPDUs = nDataPDU + nFlowContro lPDU


According to the definitions in ISO 15765-2 it has to be distinguished between two different cases to calculate the total amount of PDUs:
a) Block Size equal to zero (BS=0) and
b) Block Size between 1 and 25535 (1 BS 255).

Case 1: BS = 0
ISO 15765-2 defines that the BS parameter value zero (0) shall be used to indicate to the
sender that no more FC PDUs shall be sent during the transmission of the segmented
message. The sending network layer entity shall send all remaining consecutive frames
without any stop for further FC PDUs from the receiving network layer entity
[ISO15765-2_2]. Hence, after the initial FF PDU only 1 FC PDU is required before the
others are transmitted as Consecutive Frame (CF) PDUs. The total number of PDUs is
calculated as depicted by formula 4.1-6.
d SDU dPL _ FF
nPDUs = 2 +

dPL _ CF


The parameter Block Size (BS) is defined as an 8 bit value in ISO 15765-2.


Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Case 2: 1 BS 255
A value of 1 BS 255 indicates that the initial sender shall send the corresponding
number of Consecutive Frames and shall then wait for a next Flow Control PDU
[ISO15765-2_2]. Formula 4.1-7 depicts a fourth summand that represents the number of
additional Flow Control PDUs depending on 1) the total number of Consecutive Frame
(CF) PDUs which are required to transmit the SDU data and 2) the Block Size (BS).


d SDU dPL _ FF

dPL _ CF

= 1(FF ) +
+ 1(FC ) +
dPL _ CF


d SDU dPL _ FF

dPL _ CF

= 1+

dPL _ CF


For the first theoretical research an ideal system with no additional delays (system
runtime, software runtime etc.) during the protocol communication handling is assumed.
The net data transfer rate fData_net is calculated as depicted below:
fData _ net =

d SDU _ ISO15765 2
nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898

fData _ gross


ISO 15765-2 also distinguishes between four different address modes for communication
via CAN [ISO15765-2_3]. The address mode has an impact on the PDU structure and on
the communication performance, too. The different parameters for the analysis of the four
cases are specified in table 4.1-3.
Table 4.1-3: Parameter definition for block size analysis

SDU length
(data to transmit)
PDU length ISO 11898

Adress mode [ISO 15765-2_3]

11 bit
29 bit



Payload FirstFrame (FF)







Payload ConsecutiveFrame (CF)







Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The data transfer rate is analysed for a bandwidth of 1.000 kbit/s, 500 kbit/s, 250 kbit/s
and 125 kbit/s. These values are the most important gross data rates within the automotive area. 1.000 kbit/s is the maximum value defined for CANs physical layer according to
[ISO11898-1]. Table 4.1-4 depicts the calculated net data transfer values according to the
different address modes (CAN identifier lengths and normal/mixed mode).
Table 4.1-4: fData_Net max for different bandwidths
Address Mode
1000 kBit/s
Normal Address
11 bit ID
Mixed Address
29 bit ID

Normal Address
Mixed Address

500 kBit/s
11 bit ID
Normal Address
Mixed Address
29 bit ID

Normal Address
Mixed Address

250 kBit/s
11 bit ID
Normal Address
Mixed Address
29 bit ID

Normal Address
Mixed Address

125 kBit/s
11 bit ID
Normal Address
Mixed Address
29 bit ID

Normal Address
Mixed Address










Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]







Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]

219.8 110.2 146.8 195.5 208.4

27.5 13.8 18.3 24.4 26.1
188.6 94.5 126.0 167.8 178.9
23.6 11.8 15.7 21.0 22.4
187.9 94.2 125.5 167.1 178.2
23.5 11.8 15.7 20.9 22.3
161.3 80.8 107.7 143.5 153.0
20.2 10.1 13.5 17.9 19.1





Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]




97.7 104.2 106.6 107.3

12.2 13.0 13.3 13.4
83.9 89.5 91.5 92.0
10.5 11.2 11.4 11.5
83.6 89.1 91.2 91.8
10.4 11.1 11.4 11.5
71.7 76.5 78.2 78.7



Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]
Rate [kBit/s]
Rate [kByte/s]








Figure 4.1-4 and figure 4.1-5 depict the net data transfer rate fData_net for different block
sizes. Of course, the parameter Block Size (BS) is a discrete value. Hence, only the calculated (discrete) values shall be plotted within the diagrams. On the other hand the
tendency of the BS curve is importand and therefore a line between the discrete measurement points was plotted, too.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Impact of ISO 15765-2 Flow Control parameter Blocksize [BS] to th enet data rate
(11 bit CAN Identifier)

1000 kbit/s - Normal Address

1000 kbit/s - Mixed Address
500 kbit/s - Normal Address
500 kbit/s - Mixed Address
250 kbit/s - Normal Address
250 kbit/s - Mixed Address
125 kbit/s - Normal Address
125 kbit/s - Mixed Address

net data rate [kbit/s]


















Block size [BS]

Figure 4.1-4: Block size analysis for 11 bit CAN identifier

Impact of ISO 15765-2 Flow Control parameter Blocksize [BS] to th enet data rate
(29 bit CAN Identifier)

1000 kbit/s - Normal Address

1000 kbit/s - Mixed Address
500 kbit/s - Normal Address
500 kbit/s - Mixed Address
250 kbit/s - Normal Address
250 kbit/s - Mixed Address
125 kbit/s - Normal Address
125 kbit/s - Mixed Address

net data rate [kbit/s]



12 14

16 18 20 22 24 26 28

30 32

34 36 38 40

Block size [BS]

Figure 4.1-5: Block size analysis for 29 bit CAN identifier

The ISO 15765-2 transport protocols flow control parameter Block Size (BS) has a significant impact to the net data rate. The tendencies of all diagrams are similar. The block size
configuration generates at least 1 additional Flow Control (FC) PDU without any payload.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


In worst case (BS=1) a Flow Control PDU without any payload data is required after each
Consecutive Frame (CF). This results in a decreasing net data transfer performance of
50.1% because the total number of PDUs to transmit the payload is doubled. If PCUs or
ECUs processing time delay (e.g. system or software runtime etc.) is also taken into
account, the net data rate reduction is additionally increasing (refer to case study).
The system performance depends significantly on Block Size parameter values in the
range of 1 BS 12 PDUs. A Block Size value more than 12 results in a saturation line.
For a Block Size value more than 15 the differences between the calculation values are
less than 0.4%. The maximum Block Size value of 255 results in only 2 additional Flow
Control PDUs.
The Block Size configuration depends directly on the systems buffer resources. If enough
buffer (buffer size = SDUmax) is available, a block size equal to 0 is possible. But here it
has also to be distinguished for which scenario data transfer acceleration shall be configured. If a programming control unit (PCU) has a direct link to the ECU, a block size BS = 0
may be possible. If the PDU communicates via network, then the gateways buffer resources could be a reason for controlling data flow via Block Size parameter, especially if
several communication links are active in parallel. In that case a gateway could work
nearly its RAM resource boundaries, and flow control based on Block Size is necessary to
limit the maximum data transfer per block to protect against buffer overrun. As a result a
good ratio between buffer resources and performance limitation is necessary and has to
be taken into account during system or network design. Impact of Minimum Separation Time parameter

ISO 15765-2 specifies a second Flow Control parameter that has an impact on the data
transfer rate: The minimum Separation Time (STmin) defines the minimum delay between
two Consecutive Frames (CF) in a segmented data transfer (refer to figure 4.1-2). The
value can vary in the range of 0 STmin 127 ms [ISO15765-2_4].
Of course, with focus on data transfer acceleration and the basic aim to generate 100%
bus load any delays without any data transfer should be eliminated or at least the delay
shall be minimised. Hence, this parameter shall be set to zero for the best data transfer
performance. If STmin is set to zero some other system requirements have to be fulfilled:
1) a receiver must be able to receive data with no inter frame delay and 2) a sender must
be able to perform such a data transmission. STmin = 0 means that the sender shall send
as fast as possible. Therefore it is required that STminreceiver STminsender to guarantee a
stable connection link.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The time tSTmin is an additional time delay that enlarges the required time for the transmission of an SDU via protocol. To calculate the possible data transfer rate according to
parameter STmin, formula 4.1-9 was developed from formula 4.1-8.
Formula 4.1-8:
fData _ net =

d SDU _ ISO15765 2
nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898

fData _ gross

t bit =

fData _ gross

fData _ net =

d SDU _ ISO15765 2

(nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit ) + t totalST min


As depicted in figure 4.1-2 after the last Consecutive Frame (CF) of a block no further
separation time (STmin) occurs because now the sender waits either for a Flow Control

(FC) PDU or for transmission has been finalised. If the Block Size (BS) is equal to zero
(BS=0), no additional Flow Control (FC) PDU is required. In that case (BS = 0) the overall
additional time tSTmin is calculated as

t totalST min = n CF _ PDU 1 t ST min


If 1 BS 255, on each end of a block no separation time (STmin) occurs because a

Flow Control (FC) PDU is required with the exception of the last block. This results in


t totalST min = nCF _ PDU

1 1 tST min



The total data transfer rate is now calculated as depicted in formula 4.1-12 and 4.1-13:

For BS = 0:
fData _ net =

dSDU _ ISO15765 2

(nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit ) + (n CF _ PDU 1) t ST min


For 1 BS 255:
fData _ net =

dSDU _ ISO157652

(nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit )

n CF _ PDU
+ nCF _ PDU
1 1 t ST min



Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The parameter STmin is only represented in milliseconds (ms) in the range of 1 to 127
($01 - $7F). For $F1 to $F9 the value has to be interpreted as microseconds (s) in a
division of 100s [ISO15765-2_4]. The value of tSTmin is calculated by:
t ST min = (ST min $F0 ) 100 s

$F1 ST min $F9


Figure 4.1-6 depicts the graphical analysis for the minimum separation time parameter

STmin. It shows that the net data transfer rate is decreasing significantly, if STmin is not
equal to zero.

1000 kBit/s
500 kBit/s
250 kBit/s











125 kBit/s

net data transfer rate


STmin analysis

STmin [ms]

Figure 4.1-6: Data transfer rate depending on STmin

Figure 4.1-6 shows also that the main effects occur in a range of STmin 2ms. For

STmin > 2 ms the system approximates asymptotically to 0. Figure 4.1-7 depicts the
range from 0 STmin 1 ms in more detail.

STmin Analysis
net data transfer rate

1000 kBit/s


500 kBit/s

250 kBit/s
125 kBit/s











Stmin [ms]

Figure 4.1-7: Data transfer rate depending on STmin detailed diagram

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Basically any separation time will decrease the data transfer performance. Within that
delay no data transfer will be performed. Hence, the first finding to accelerate data
transfer is to eliminate any delays by ISO 15765-2 protocol and configure the STmin
parameter equal or at least as close as possible to zero.
Figure 4.1-6 and figure 4.1-7 show that the net data rate impact of increasing STmin
values is higher the faster the basic bus system data rate is. The explanation is that the
faster the basic bus system is the more PDUs can actually be transmitted during an
STmin time window. Any STmin delay reduces the number of transmitted PDUs within
that time and as a result the net data transfer rate will decrease significantly, too. Comparative impact of STmin and BS

Figure 4.1-8 compares the impact of the Flow Control parameters STmin and Block Size
(BS)36. The Flow Control parameter minimum Separation Time (STmin) has a significantly
higher impact on the net data transfer rate than the Flow Control parameter Block Size
(BS). The BS parameter represents the receivers buffer (RAM) resources whereas STmin
represents receivers system performance. Buffer (RAM) resources for buffering of at least
8 CAN PDUs are typically available. A flashloader has normally access to the complete
ECU RAM because application software is not active and requires no RAM resources.
Hence, a Block Size equal to zero (BS = 0) is possible if all other network nodes (gateways) on that communication link provide equal buffer resources.

Impact comparison of minimum Separation Time

(STmin) and Block Size (BS)

net data rate



STmin for BS=0 on CAN(500kBit/s)


BS for STmin=0 on CAN(500kBit/s)


10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
STmin [ms] and BS [PDU]

Figure 4.1-8: Comparison of impact of STmin and BS


Of course, the parameter Block Size (BS) is a discrete value. Hence, only the calculated (discrete) values shall be plotted within the diagrams. On the other hand the tendency of the BS curve
is importand and therefore it has been dicided to plott a line between the discrete measurement
points, too.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


A minimum Separation Time (STmin) greater than 0.1 ms reduces the data transfer performance that significantly, that all other parameters are negligible. Hence, it must be
possible to design an embedded network which is able to communicate with STmin = 0
via CAN and provides buffer resources for at least 12 or more CAN PDUs. Processing delays

As discussed above additional delays based on the hardware or software runtime for
protocol processing have to be taken into account. Based on formula 4.1-9 the additional
processing delay has to be included in the transport layer performance calculation model.
fData _ net =

d SDU _ ISO15765 2

(nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit ) + t totalST min + t Pr otocolPr oces sin g

Figure 4.1-3 depicts that N_Br and N_Cs are the software processing timings of flow
control handling. Hence, both delays occur if a Flow Control (FC) PDU is processed. The
number of necessary Flow Control (FC) PDUs is calculated by a part of formula 4.1-7:

nFC _ PDUs


dPL _ CF


The processing delay is calculated as

t proces sin gDelay = nFC _ PDUs t N _ Br + t N _ Cs


dPL _ CF

t N _ Br + t N _ Cs


The final formula to calculate data transfer performance is:

For BS = 0:
fData _ net =

d SDU _ ISO15765 2

(nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit ) + (n CF _ PDU 1) t ST min + t N _ Br + t N _ Cs


For 1 BS 255:
fData _ net =

dSDU _ ISO15765 2

(nPDUs dPDU _ ISO11898 tbit )


+ nCF _ PDU
1 1 t ST min +
tN _ Br + tN _ Cs




Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


4.1.3 Complete reprogramming process based on UDS

As described in chapter 2, the ISO 14229 - USD protocol is the currently most common
diagnostic protocol. Reprogramming of the ECUs application software is controlled by this
standard. The communication is based on a diagnostic request diagnostic response
behaviour. Due to the UDS protocol all application data which shall be transferred are
segmented to smaller partitions according to the underlying bus system transport layer
protocols maximum value. In case of the CAN bus system and the transport layer protocol according to ISO 15765-2 this value is limited to 4095 byte maximum.
To calculate the total download time all the PCU to ECU request times, the microcontrollers physical reprogramming times, the ECU to PCU response times and the PCU processing time for UDS have to be added.
t Download = t Re quest + t PhysicalPr ogram min g + t Re sponse + t PCUproces sin g

Download time (tDL)for a segmented request and a unsegmented response

Based on formula 4.1-17 the delays for tPhysicalProgramming, tResponse and tPCUProcessing have to be

n CF _ PDU




ST min
PDUs PDU _ ISO11898 bit CF _ PDU BS

n CF _ PDU
t N _ Br + t N _ Cs


t Phys Pr og + 1 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit + t PCU _ Pr ocess

t DL

If more data shall be transferred and reprogrammed than can be transmitted by a single
segmented data transfer (CAN: max 4095 byte) the download sequence is repeated until
all data are transmitted to the ECU. The request time is calculated as.
t DL =

x =n1

t DL( x ) + t DL(n)


x =1

It has to be distinguished between all previously transmitted downloads and the last download, because the last download might have less than the maximum possible data to
transmit. The number of repetitions (nDL) is calculated by:

dPDU _ ISO14229
nDL =

d SDU _ Iso15765 2

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The final requests SDU size is calculated by:

dSDU(n )l = dPDU _ ISO14229 mod d SDU _ Iso15765 2


Hence the total download time via CAN and ISO 15765-2 is calculated by:

t DL

nPDUs( x ) dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit +

n CF _ PDU( x ) CF _ PDU( x ) 1 1 t ST min +


dPDU _ ISO14229 n CF _ PDU( x )


t N _ Br + t N _ Cs +
dSDU _ Iso15765 2

Phys Pr og( x )

1 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit +

t PCU _ Pr ocess

PDUs(n) PDU _ ISO11898 bit

n CF _ PDU(n ) CF _ PDU(n) 1 1 t ST min +


n CF _ PDU(n)

t N _ Br + t N _ Cs +


Phys Pr og(n)

1 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit


Note that after the final response no additional PCU processing time is required. The
formula 4.1-21 depicts also, that the data transfer rate will decrease once more because
of the additional delays tPhysicalProgramming, tResponse and tPCUProcessing. The programming time
can be compensated by the double buffered date transfer approach of chapter 3.

4.1.4 Conclusion
The analysis ahead provides several impact parameters for a fast data transfer via a CAN
protocol stack based on ISO11898 and ISO15765-2. The analysis furthermore depicts
that a singular optimisation of one parameter provides under some circumstances no
benefit at all. To reach the optimum data transfer rate an optimised parameter set for all
corresponding layers and protocols is necessary.

Increasing baud rate

Increasing the baud rate is a good approach to accelerate data transfer but if ISO 15765-2

Flow Control parameter STmin is greater than 0.4 ms, the increased bandwidth has no
impact on the overall performance. If ISO 15765-2 Flow Control parameter Block Size

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


(BS) is less than 12 a higher CAN baud rate will provide only small effects. Finally, the
maximum possible bandwidth depends also on the systems cable length, and the systems dimensions have to be taken into account.
The different system delays have an impact on the total data transfer rate. The longer
those delays are the smaller the effect of increasing bandwidth is. This has to be taken
into account.
CAN identifier and stuffing bits
The data transfer performance depends on the CAN identifier size. A 29 bit CAN identifier
PDU requires 18+2 bit more protocol overhead compared to 11 bit identifier PDU ( 15%).
CAN identifier shall be configured to 11 bit if the number of possible addresses for the
network is sufficient.
The stuffing bit mechanism has a big impact on the total PDU length but cannot be calculated because it depends also on the payload. Hence, for further discussion unique CAN
PDUs are assumed with a total PDU length of 123 bit37. In that case the net data rate is
only 52.03%.
CAN identifier priority, arbitration and busload
The CAN identifier priority has an impact on the data transfer rate if software reprogramming communication is processed in parallel to normal systems communication. It depends at least on the total bus load and the identifier priority. To solve that problem it shall
be possible to switch all other communication nodes into a silent mode38. In that case the
CAN identifier priority is not important for communication performance.
The critical evaluation of the feasibility to generate 100% busload shows that several
commercial CAN communication interfaces (cards) are not able to generate that maximum busload for the upper bandwidths (500 kBit/s or 1.000 kBit/s). The real net data
transfer rate will be less than the theoretical value because the PCUs CAN controller
hardware is not able to transmit CAN PDUs with only 3 bit length inter-frame time (bus idle
time). An idle time of less than 15 bit times is a realistic value. For that case the net bandwidth will decrease between 8.8% and 10.8% depending on the number of stuffing bits. Of
course, if the ECU is part of a network this is also required for gateways.


123 bit is the average of a PDU (11 bit CAN identifier) without stuffing bits (111 bit) and a PDU
with maximum stuff bits (135 bit).


Wihin ISO 14229 UDS protocol this is possible by the diagnostic service $28 Communication
Control (refer to [ISO 14229])

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Transport protocol
The impact of the transport protocol is significant. Optimisation effects on lower layers will
be inoperative if the transport layer provides communication delays (e.g. separation times
etc.). Low resources (e.g. buffer) also reduce the communication performance, because
additional Flow Control PDUs are necessary to control the data flow. The impacts of the
parameters minimum Separation Time (STmin) and Block Size (BS) configuration are
more important than the initial baud rate on the physical layer.
Best results for communication via CAN are only possible if all above discussed parameters and their influences are taken into account during communication systems design.

4.2 FlexRay
FlexRay is currently the mostly used time triggered protocol within the automotive area.











(layer 1 - layer 4) is analysed with focus on software reprogramming purpose. The possibilities to accelerate the data transfer via FlexRay are discussed as well as the main influencing parameters for the net data transfer rate.

4.2.1 FlexRay (FlexRay Specification 2.1)

The FlexRay Communications System is a robust, scalable, deterministic, and faulttolerant digital serial bus system designed for use in automotive applications [Fle11].
FlexRay is a time triggered protocol specified by the FlexRay Consortium39. The protocol
is specified for a bandwidth up to 10 Mbit/s. The FlexRay Communications System Specification 2.1 was released in 2005. The revision 3.0 is currently standardised within the
ISO. W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall provide a technical introduction in [Zim10-9]. M.
Rausch also gives an introduction to FlexRay with detailed information also on hardware
implementations and synchronisation mechanisms [Rau07].
Time triggered mechanism
Within a time triggered communication protocol data transmission is only possible within a
well defined time slot. Only one exclusive sender is allowed to transmit data within a time
slot. If two senders try to get concurrent access to the network within the same slot, a
communication error occurs (data collision). To prevent the network from data collisions a


FlexRay Consortium: A cooperation of leading companies in the automotive industry, from the
year 2000 to the year 2009. The FlexRay Consortium has concluded its work with the finalization of
the FlexRay Communications System Specifications Version 3.0 [Fle11].

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


network wide common communication plan (communication schedule) defines the

sender-to-slot arrangement.
A precondition for time triggered communication systems is a network wide common
clock. FlexRay provides mechanisms to synchronise this clock on each node via the
A FlexRay communication slot is uniquely defined by its slot identification number (slot
ID). Only if the defined slot ID occurs, a node is allowed to transmit a PDU whereas a
transmitted PDU can be received by all connected network nodes.
FlexRay Schedule
Figure 4.2-1 depicts an abstract FlexRay schedule. The FlexRay schedule is divided into
four sub-segments: 1) a static segment, 2) a dynamic segment, 3) a symbol window segment (SW) and 4) a network idle time (NIT).

Figure 4.2-1: FlexRay Schedule

The static and the dynamic segments are defined for data communication. The symbol
window segment (SW) is optional configurable and is for network function monitoring. The
network idle time segment (NIT) is reserved for the nodes to calculate and applied clock
All segments are transmitted within one communication cycle. The complete schedule
defines 64 consecutive communication cycles.
Data transfer is only possible within the static and the dynamic segments. Hence, in the
following sections and figures only these segments are illustrated. The SW segment and

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


the NIT segment are not used for data transfer and have therefore not been taken into
account for data transfer acceleration.
Within the static segment a PDU shall be sent within each slot. The idea behind the static
segment is to provide a deterministic communication system with equidistant data transmission.
Within the dynamic segment a PDU is only sent if data for transmission are available. If no
transmission shall be processed the sender node transmits no PDU and after a defined
timeout all connected network nodes will switch to the next slot ID. This segment is basically defined for event triggered communication as given within the CAN protocol (refer to
section 4.1).
Static and dynamic segments are subdivided into small communication sections (slots).
Within each slot a FlexRay PDU can be transmitted whereas each slot within the global
communication schedule is exclusively allocated to exactly one sender node.
FlexRay PDU
All FlexRay PDUs have the same structure and are able to transmit up to 254 byte payload. The PDU structure in detail is given in [Zim10-10] and in [Fle05]. Table 4.2-1 depicts
the different parts of a FlexRay PDU for static and dynamic segments communication and
their corresponding length.
Table 4.2-1: FlexRay PDU length









Transmission Start Sequence TSS



Frame Start Sequence FSS


Frame End Sequence FES






70 .. 2104


The total length on a FlexRay PDU is calculated as [Zim10-9]:

n FR PDU =

(n Header + n Trailer + n Payload ) + n TSS + n FSS + n FES

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The factor 10/8 is necessary because the physical layer insert a 2 bit long Byte Start
Sequence (BSS) between each byte of the FlexRay PDU. For the following discussions in
summary 10 bit are assumed for nTSS, nFSS and nFES. Hence, the calculation for the
FlexRay PDU length is:

(64 + nPayload ) + 10


Table 4.2-2 depicts the length of a FlexRay PDU depending on the payload size (nPayload)
and the corresponding PDU runtime TFR-PDU within a 10 MBit/s FlexRay network.
Table 4.2-2: FlexRay PDU length and PDU runtime for fbit=10 MBit/s

Payload per PDU

FlexRay PDU Length

FlexRay PDU runtime




8 Byte
16 Byte
32 Byte
42 Byte
64 Byte
128 Byte
254 Byte

64 bit
128 bit
256 bit
336 bit
512 bit
1024 bit
2048 bit

170 bit
250 bit
410 bit
510 bit
730 bit
1370 bit
2630 bit

17 s
25 s
41 s
51 s
73 s
137 s
263 s

FlexRay network communication and addressing mode

The FlexRay addressing mechanism is the slot/cycle assignment within the common
FlexRay schedule. As described above a sender is only allowed to transmit data if the
corresponding slot ID occurs within the correct cycle number. Each ECU knows the
slot/cycle combination of the relevant senders and receives the data within these slots. No
additional addressing mechanism is defined within the FlexRay specification 2.1. As a
result of that mechanism, the bandwidth for a single communication link is limited. For
each communication link slots have to be allocated for the sender node, which are not
available for another communication link, e.g. for reprogramming communication between
a PCU and the corresponding ECU. If several ECUs are connected to the FlexRay network, several slots have to be allocated for PCUs reprogramming communication link.
Hence, the maximum possible net data rate for the communication between the PCU and
the ECU depends significantly on the number of allocated slots for that link within the
global schedule.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


FlexRay net data transfer rate

As depicted in Figure 4.2-1 the available or usable bandwidth depends on the overall
system schedule and the number of slots allocated for the data transfer link of a network
node. A formula was developed to calculate the net data transfer rate:
x =63

nPayload _ Cycle

fData _ net =

x =0

64 t CycleTime


If the FR-PDUs have the same length the formula can be simplified:
fData _ net =

n Payload x FR PduPerCycle
t CycleTime rPduCycle Re petition


FlexRay distinguishes between the static and the dynamic segment. Hence the formula
above can be used only within strict timing boundaries:
(1) For communication within the static segment:
x FR PduPerCycle < t staticSegment


(2) For communication within the dynamic segment:

xFR PduPerCycle < t dynamicSegment


The FlexRay schedule definition has a significant impact on the performance of the different communication links. With focus on software reprogramming best performance occurs
if 100% busload on a single communication link between the PCU and an ECU is given.
Unfortunately, a slot can be allocated only once for exactly one sender, and the number of
slots is limited. That means an allocated slot for another link is not usable for the software
reprogramming communication. In contrast to the CAN bus system where additional CAN
nodes can be added to an existing network without high effort, an additional FlexRay node
can only be included if the communication behaviour is considered within the global
schedule. If the slots for data transmission are not allocated at schedule design time, the
introduction of a new FlexRay node is only possible if also a new schedule is introduced
(at least for the corresponding communication partners). That means that each communication link performance is defined at schedule definition time and can not be changed
within the finalised schedule.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Therefore two different questions are discussed:

1.) What is the maximum performance of a FlexRay communication link and what are
the main influencing parameters?
2.) Are there possibilities to optimise a communication link performance within an
existing system? Communication performance

With focus on software reprogramming the crucial question is how to generate the maximum net data rate on a communication link. Formula 4.2-3 provides four possible approaches to accelerate data transfer and increase the net data rate:
1) Configure a cycle repetition equal to one for all PDUs
2) Increase FlexRay-PDUs payload
3) Increase the number of PDUs per cycle
4) Decrease the cycle time
Cycle Repetition
As depicted in figure 4.2-1 the global FlexRay schedule provides 64 cycles. If the schedule is designed to transmit a PDU not within each cycle (cycle repetition = 1), a data
transmission gap will occur with a delay of tTransmissionDelay = (rPduCycleRepetition -1) * tCycle. Due to
the crucial requirement to generate 100% busload for software reprogramming communication, the cycle repetition for a data transfer PDU shall be configured equal to one
(rPduCycleRepetition=1). Hence it is guaranteed that data transfer within each communication
cycle is possible.
FlexRay PDU payload
A FlexRay PDU is able to transmit at least 2 Byte and in maximum 254 Byte payload. A
cycle repetition of 1 is assumed for all PDUs (data transfer within each cycle is possible).
Furthermore it is assumed that all slots of the communication cycle are allocated for this
data transfer (e.g. from a PCU to an ECU) whereby for a simplification only a static segment is configured40.
Figure 4.2-2 and figure 4.2-3 depict the maximum net data rate for the different possible
payload lengths (2 Byte 254 Byte). This approach has to be analysed within the limits of
formula 4.2-4 and 4.2-5. The cycle time is varying from 1ms to 5 ms.


This is only a simplification to illustrate the impact of the different payload lengths for the overall
net data transfer rate.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


FlexRay maximum data transfer rate

( fBit = 10 Mbit/s ; tcycle = 1 ms ; static segment only)

Data ratio [kbit/s]


max data ratio



Payload per PDU [Byte]



Figure 4.2-2: Maximum FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 1 ms)

FlexRay maximum data transfer rate
(fBit = 10 Mbit/s ; tcycle = 5ms ; static segment only )

Data ratio [kbit/s]

max data ratio



Payload per PDU [Byte]



Figure 4.2-3: Maximum FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 5 ms)

In both figures the same effect is visible. The ratio between payload and protocol overhead results in a lesser data transfer rate even though all available slots are in use. The
peaks occur because of the time limitation of the cycle time. If the last PDU requires more
transmission time than the residual cycle time, the PDU transmission is skipped. Hence,
the resulting data transfer rate is less than the rate with the previous payload length.
There is a direct dependency between the maximum payload length and the communication cycle time. Especially figure 4.2-2 depicts that the best result is not obligatory given
by the maximum payload length.
This effect is less important if the cycle time is higher (refer to figure 4.2-3). Best performance will be given if 1) the PDUs payload is configured to 254 Byte (this reduces the

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


impact of protocol overhead) and 2) the communication cycle time is configured to exactly
n-times of PDU runtimes41.
Both configurations depict a net data transfer rate upper limit at nearly 7500 kbit/s.
FlexRay PDUs per cycle
As discussed above, best performance is given if each slot per cycle can be used for data
transmission. The impact of the ratio between communication cycle time, the payload
length and the number of usable PDUs (slots) per cycle is depicted in figure 4.2-4 and
figure 4.2-5.
FlexRay net data rate
net data rate [kbit/s]

(tCycle= 1 ms ; static segment only)


8 Byte
16 Byte
32 Byte
64 Byte
128 Byte
254 Byte


PDU per cycle

Figure 4.2-4: FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 1 ms)

FlexRay net data rate
net data rate [kbit/s]

(tCycle = 5 ms ; static segment only )


8 Byte
16 Byte
32 Byte
64 Byte
128 Byte
254 Byte




PDU per cycle




Figure 4.2-5: FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 5 ms)

Depending on formula 4.2-4 and 4.2-5 limitations occur because the communication cycle
time allows only the usage of a limited number of PDUs.


For the communication cycle time calculation the symbol window segment time and network idle
time have also to be taken into account.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Figure 4.2-4 depicts a configured communication cycle time of 1ms. Within that time slot
only 3 PDUs with 254 byte payload can be transmitted. If the payload is 128 byte, seven
PDUs can be transmitted and the 8th PDU is skipped by time restriction. Hence, the configuration of less payload PDUs provides better performance on that communication cycle
time configuration (1ms.). If the communication cycle time is increased (e.g. 5ms) the
large payload PDUs provide better performance.
Even though the FlexRay data link layer provides a 10 MBit/s bandwidth the net data rate
on that layer has a wide spreading and could be in worst case significantly lower.
The PDU payload size, the number of PDUs per cycle, the cycle repetition time for a PDU
and the communication cycle length are the essential parameters. As depicted in formula
4.2-3 and discussed above, several different parameter sets will provide equal performance values.
The most important parameter for schedule design is the number of connected nodes and
their required transmission slots. By this value and the required cycle time the payload
length limitation for each slot is given. For the schedule design several degrees of freedom exist. Different value combinations of PDUs per cycle and slots cycle repetition will
provide equal performance results.
To generate maximum performance it is important to have no transmission gap at a segments end because PDUs runtime is out of segments time. Hence, PDUs total runtime,
i.e. combination of PDUs payload length and the number of allocated slots, shall be in
relation to the cycle or segment time.
In best case configuration a net data transfer rate of 7.500 kBit/s is possible (75% of gross
data rate). For a CAN bus system in comparison this net data rate is only on 52% (refer to
section 4.1.4).
Theoretically, the overall performance of FlexRay could be doubled if the second channel
was available as defined within FlexRay specification. In that case data transmission
could be processed via channel A as well as via channel B. Unfortunately, currently there
is no microcontroller available that supports a second channel. The theoretical maximum
net data transfer ratio of 15.000 kBit/s (7.500 kBit/s on channel A and B) cannot be evaluated in practice. Schedule optimisation

As mentioned above, FlexRays schedule design has to be done within the network development phase. If the schedule is fixed, changes on the schedule result in high effort.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Also the available slot resources have to be shared between normal ECUs functional
communication and the reprogramming communication from a PCU to the corresponding
An approach to accelerate the reprogramming data transfer is to switch into a second,
optimised schedule. That means that each ECU supports two different schedules, one for
the normal ECU functional communication and one for the special scenario of software
reprogramming. A well defined trigger event (e.g. reception of a diagnostic message etc.)
initiates the schedule switching process. A second trigger event (e.g. a second diagnostic
service, power-on reset) initiates switching back to the default schedule.
Figure 4.2-6 depicts possible approaches to optimise a FlexRay schedule with the aim to
accelerate data transfer for software reprogramming purpose.

Figure 4.2-6: FlexRay schedule optimisation

There are three possible approaches to modify a FlexRays schedule:
1) Slot arrangement modification
2) Cycle time modification
3) Relation of static to dynamic segment
Approach 1: slot arrangement modification
Slot arrangement modification will change the assignment of slots to the corresponding
ECUs and the length of the slots. For the reprogramming scenario the normal application
communication slots are not necessary and therefore they could be skipped from the
schedule. The resulting bandwidth is used to expand the remaining slots. By this approach a) more slots could be used for reprogramming communication and b) within these
slots it is possible to transmit more data. The risk to shut down the communication system
is less because only the interpretation mask for the received PDUs has to change and no
global timing values are influenced or modified. Especially for FlexRay each PDU signal
the start and the end of a frame by a special bit pattern (Start-Of-Frame, End-Of-Frame).

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Hence, the FlexRay communication controller hardware can identify the real PDU length.
In case the software analysis detects an invalid length for the expected PDU this mismatch could be handled without any impact on FlexRays physical communication.
Approach 2: cycle time modification
The modification of the communication cycle time, i.e. the basic schedule timings, provides the possibility to design a schedule that maps perfectly to the given reprogramming
scenario. As described in section it might be possible that the full bandwidth is not
used because last PDUs length requires more time to transmit than the remaining cycle
time. If the schedule is optimised to the corresponding PDU lengths the maximum performance (net data rate) is possible.
The risk of this approach is higher compared to the slot arrangement approach because
the communication system has to be shut down, reinitialised for the new cycle time and
restarted. If one or more ECUs do not restart with the new cycle time, a synchronisation is
not possible and the network will not get a stable state.
Approach 3: relation of static and dynamic segment
Whereas the upper approaches have been common to all time triggered communication
systems, the third approach is FlexRay specific and modifies the relation of static and
dynamic segment.
This approach solves the main disadvantage of the FlexRay specification: the addressing
mode which is given only by the slot-ID and communication cycle number. As discussed
above, best performance is given if all available slots are mapped to one communication
link. Even if the schedule is modified, either the different links to each connected ECU are
defined in that new schedule, or for each communication link to an ECU an individual
schedule is defined. As a result the PCU or the gateway, in case the PCU is not connected directly to FlexRay bus, has to deal with several schedules. This challenge is partly
solved if a small static segment (to guarantee systems synchronisation) and a large dynamic segment are defined. The dynamic segment based on the event driven approach
requires no permanent PDU transmission. If the sender (PCU or Gateway) does not
transmit data within a dynamic slot, the FlexRay system, i.e. all ECUs on the bus, switch
to the next slot-ID after a small delay. In opposite to the static segment, where a PDU with
full PDU-length has to be sent, the communication in the dynamic segment reduces the
unusable bandwidth to the minimum defined by physical protocol.
Data acceleration approaches by switching to an optimised schedule for software reprogramming scenarios provides high potentials and the net data rate can be significantly

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


increased. On the other hand the modification of basic schedule timings provides a high
risk if communication systems synchronisation gets lost if a communication node does
not switch to the new schedule. The approach to modify only slot arrangement provides
an increasing performance without the risk of loosing synchronisation because basic
system timings are not modified.

4.2.2 FlexRay Transport Protocol (ISO 10681-2)

This section introduces the FlexRay transport layer protocol according to ISO 10681-2,
analyses different approaches to accelerate data transfer via this protocol and discusses
the impact of the different protocol parameters.
As described in section 4.2.1 the basic communication schedule has a big impact on the
overall data transfer performance. Software reprogramming communication shall work on
the same network as normal ECU communication but should not require resources (slots)
when not in use. Unfortunately, for time triggered systems it is necessary to reserve
bandwidth within the basic communication schedule that is not usable for normal ECU
communication. With focus on software reprogramming purpose based on the diagnostic
protocol UDS as defined in ISO 14229, at least one slot has to be reserved for a diagnostic service request to the ECU (exclusive access for PCU to ECU communication) and at
least one slot for the diagnostic service response (exclusive access for ECU to PCU
communication). Hence each slot is exclusively dedicated to a PCU-ECU connection. For
a network with e.g. 20 notes at least 40 slots have to be reserved within the global schedule. This example shows the main disadvantage of the FlexRay system: the address
mechanism based on the slot-ID and cycle number combination. Even if diagnostic communication is processed only within the dynamic segment a slot could not be shared
between different communication links. It was one of the main challenges for FlexRay
communication to find a mechanism that provides the necessary performance for software
reprogramming as well as reduces the required slot resources. In 2007/2008 an ISO
standardisation group was established with the aim to standardise a FlexRay transport









(TC22/SC3/WG1/TF13 ISO TP on FlexRay)42. The transport layer protocol for FlexRay


R. Schmidgall is a member of this ISO standardisation group TC22/SC3/WG1/TF13 ISO TP on

FlexRay. The ISO 10681-2 specification was introduced in AUTOSAR 4.0 (refer to [AUTOSAR]).
R. Schmidgall took the document ownership for the FlexRay Transport Protocol (FrTp) according to
ISO 10681-2 (AUTOSAR document ID 029). In 2010 the AUTOSAR steering committee has decided that ISO 10681-2 shall be available also for AUTOSAR 3.2 (previous AUTOSAR version to

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


was standardised in 2009 as international standard [ISO10681-2]. The protocol is called

communication layer protocol, because it provides services and mechanisms of layer 4
as well as of layer 3. It is also independent from the underlying physical layer FlexRay
protocol 2.1 or 3.0 (refer to section 4.2.1). The communication protocol works for communication in the static segment as well as for communication in the dynamic segment.
PDU according to ISO 10681-2
For software reprogramming large data have to be transmitted. The maximum payload
length of a FlexRay PDU can be configured up to 254 byte. Hence, a transport protocol is
necessary to transmit data packages with more than the configured PDU payload length.
Also a flow control is required to control the data stream on the bus. The maximum payload length that can be transmitted by a segmented data transfer is up to 65.535. The limit
is given by the 16 bit MessageLength parameter within the StartFramess PCI.
According to the initial requirements of a more flexible addressing mechanism the
FlexRay communication protocol defines a target and a source address field. The PCI
field and the payload are also part of the PDU. Figure 4.2-7 depicts the PDU according to
ISO 10681-2 specification.

Figure 4.2-7: FlexRay communication protocol PDU format

The communication layer PDU is mapped to the FlexRays payload field. Table 4.2-3
depicts the different PDU-types and the corresponding address information fields, the PCI
length and payload lengths.
Table 4.2-3: ISO 10681-2 PDU overview
PDU Type



Max. possible payload nPL

StartFrame (STF)

4 Byte

4 byte

FR-PDU-8 nPL_SF 246 Byte


4 Byte

2 byte

FR-PDU-6 nPL_CF 248 Byte

LastFrame (LF)

4 Byte

4 byte

FR-PDU-8 nPL_LF 246 Byte

FlowControl (FC)

4 Byte

1 byte


Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The protocol overhead is at maximum 8 bytes. Therefore the maximum payload that can
be transmitted by one FlexRay PDU is up to 246 byte (123 words16bit). ISO 10681-2 uses
nearly the same protocol mechanisms as the ISO 15765-2 CAN Transport Protocol.
Address mechanism
By the new defined source and target address fields it is possible to define several different connection links mapped on the same slot-IDs. For example, a PCU allocates four
slots for data transmission. All connected ECUs are configured to receive data on these
slots (broadcast connection). If the target address matches with their own address, they
have to process the received PDU. If the address doesnt match, the PDU shall be
skipped. However, a response slot must be configured for each ECU. By this method the
required number of slots could be reduced significantly because all slots of the 1:n connection (e.g. PCU to ECUs) could be shared. Figure 4.2-8 depicts the possible communication scenarios.

Figure 4.2-8: FlexRay communication layer scenarios

The specified address mechanism supports a burst mode (all bandwidth is used for communication with one ECU) as well as a parallel mode (shared bandwidth for multiple
ECUs). A burst mode could be necessary if only one ECU within the network should be
reprogrammed. The parallel mode is used if several ECUs shall be reprogrammed. Without the flexible bandwidth assignment the bandwidth for a burst mode to each ECU has to
be statically allocated within the basic FlexRay schedule. The bandwidth could be assigned dynamically and flexible in a range as depicted in figure 4.2-9.

Figure 4.2-9: FlexRay Bandwidth assignment

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks

87 Communication performance

The communication protocol according to ISO 10681-2 supports unsegmented and segmented data transfer. Figure 4.2-10 depicts those scenarios.

Figure 4.2-10: Data transfer according to ISO 10681-2

For unsegmented data transmission only a Start Frame (SF) is transmitted. A segmented
data transfer requires more PDUs within a defined sequence. After a connection link has
been established by a PCUs Start Frame (SF) the ECU has to send a Flow Control (FC)
PDU before the PCU continues the data transfer by sending Consecutive Frame (CF)
PDUs. In contrast to the CAN TP a final Last Frame (LF) PDU terminates the connection.
In spite of the smart address method the basic FlexRay communication schedule has an
impact on the protocols communication performance especially for segmented data
transmission. The flow control PDU is sent by the initial receiver node and until no flow
control PDU is received by the initial sender no additional consecutive PDU is transmitted.
Therefore ECUs response slot position and the cycle repetition within the global FlexRay
schedule is very important. The communication layer protocol supports several protocol
configuration possibilities for data transmission. To accelerate the data transfer some
conditional protocol parameters have to be fixed:

No additional Flow Control PDU but the first one shall be sent. Hence, the possible
delay time without data transmission is reduced.
Therefore, the configuration option to transmit a PDU type ConsecutiveFrame_EOB (End of Block) must be disabled.


The Cycle Repetition (CR) for all PDUs is equal to 1. This guarantees a data
transmission within each cycle.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Total data transfer time for a single, segmented data transfer

For total data transfer time calculation some formulas have been developed which takes
the ISO 10681-2 protocol behaviour into account.
The net data rate is calculated by the SDU size divided by the transfer time.
fnetDataRate =

t Transfer

The transfer time tTransfer is the sum of all FlexRay cycle times required to transmit all the
data according to the ISO 10681-2 protocol.
t Transfer = x t Cycle
The number of cycles (x) is calculated by the initial Start Frame (SF) cycle plus the required cycles to transmit the Flow Control (FC) PDU plus the required cycles to transmit
all the payload data by Consecutive Frame (CF) PDUs and the Last Frame (LF) PDU. The

Cycle Repetition (CR) is assumed equal to 1. The Maximum Number Of PDUs Per Cycle
(MNPC) parameter depends on the basic schedule time and shall be within the limitations
as defined in section 4.2.1.

t Transfer




= 1( SF) + CR (FC ) +

( CF ) t cycle



Hence, the net data rate can be calculated as:

fnetDataRatio =




CR ( CF ) t cycle
1( SF ) + CR (FC) +



To illustrate the result a system is assumed with tCycle = 5ms; CR = 1; FR-Payload length =
254 Byte; MNPC = 18(43); nSDU = 65.535 Byte. It requires 17 FlexRay communication
cycles to transmit all the data. The data rate is 771 kByte/s (6.168 MBit/s).


Refer to table 4.2-2: FR-PDU with 254 byte payload has a runtime of 263s. In 5ms cycle time
19 PDUs could be scheduled. One response slot for a FC-PDU is required. Hence, a MPPC of 18
is possible and assumed.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


Impact of Flow Control Parameter

The flow control configuration of ISO 10681-2 has a deep impact on the overall data transfer performance. Five different Flow States (FS) are defined by protocol but only the flow
state Clear To Send (CTS) with the parameter Bandwidth Control (BC) influences the data
transfer performance directly. The flow state Wait (WT) is not relevant to these considerations because that state only occurs when the system resources (buffer etc.) are in a
critical state and communication can not be continued without a delay for data processing.
Table 4.2-4 depicts the different Flow Control PCI bytes.
Table 4.2-4: ISO 10681-2 Flow Control (FC) PCI Overview [ISO 10681-2]

Table 4.2-5: ISO 10681-2 Definition of Bandwidth Control (BC) values [ISO 10681-2_2]

The Bandwidth Control (BC) parameter is divided into two values. The Maximum Number
Of PDUs Per Cycle (MNPC) limits the number of C_PDUs44 the sender is allowed to
transmit within a FlexRay cycle .. [ISO 10681-2, table 3.2-10]. The Separation Cycle
Exponent (SCexp) represents the exponent to calculate the minimum number of
'Separation Cycles' (SC) the sender has to wait for the next transmission of a C_PDU


C_PDU is the nomenclature for communication layer protocol data unit within ISO 10681-2

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


[ISO 10681-2, table 3.2-10]. As depicted in formula 4.2-7 the net data rate is influenced by
MNPC and by the cycle repetition value CR. CR is calculated by (refer to table 4.2-5):
CR = SC +1 = 2SCexp.
A quantitative evaluation of formula 4.2-6 shows that a large MNPC results in a smaller
number of FlexRay communication cycles to transmit the SDU. On the other hand a large
SCexp results in a large value for the Cycle Repetition (CR) and finally in a large number
of required FlexRay cycles. The best performance will occur if MNPC has the maximum
value that is possible by the given schedule and a cycle repetition of 1 which results in a
SCexp value of 1. A large cycle time tCycle must not generally result in less performance
because a large cycle time provides the possibility to have many PDUs per cycle if the
schedule is correspondingly configured.
The FlexRay communication layer protocol ISO10681-2 solves a basic problem of time
triggered communication systems: dealing with the limited resource of time slots (FlexRay
slots) for communication. By introducing a source and target address field into the PDU
the possibility of dynamic bandwidth assignment was given in spite of the fix bandwidth
allocation in the global communication schedule. In between both boundary scenarios,
burst mode (all bandwidth for communication to one ECU) and parallel mode (shared
bandwidth for communication with several ECUs) an optimised bandwidth assignment for
a required scenario could be configured. A disadvantage of this method is the high CPU45
load because in [FlexRay2.1] specification no address filtering mechanism in hardware is
defined. As a result the address evaluation must be implemented in software. Typically
the received PDU must be processed through all underlying software layers before the
address evaluation can be executed in the communication layer. The next FlexRay specification will solve that problem by the definition of a hardware filtering mechanism. This
method will decrease the CPU load if the ECU is not addressed.
The impact of the underlying basic FlexRay communication schedule to the data transmission performance is apparent (refer also to section 4.2.1). Nevertheless, the influence
of communication protocol configuration is important, as well, especially the number of
required Flow Control PDUs and the flow control parameters influencing the communication net data rate.
Best results are possible if only one flow control PDU is required and the separation cycle
is configured equal to one.

CPU.. Central Processing Unit

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


4.2.3 Complete reprogramming process based on UDS

As described in chapter 2, the ISO 14229 - USD protocol is the currently most common
diagnostic protocol. Reprogramming of the ECUs application software is controlled by this
standard. The communication is based on a diagnostic request diagnostic response
behaviour. Due to the UDS protocol all application data which shall be transferred are
segmented to smaller partitions according to the underlying bus system transport layer
protocols maximum value. In case of the FlexRay bus system and the transport layer
protocol according to ISO 10681-2 this value is limited to 65535 byte maximum.
To calculate the total download time all the PCU to ECU request times, the microcontrollers physical reprogramming times, the ECU to PCU response times and the PCU processing time for UDS have to be added.
t Download = t Re quest + t PhysicalPr ogram min g + t Re sponse + t PCUproces sin g

Download time (tDL) for a segmented request and a unsegmented response

As discussed in section the communication layers option to optimise the download








ConsecutiveFrame_EOB PDUs) is here assumed, too. Based on formula 4.2-6 the delays
for tPhysicalProgramming, tResponse and tPCUProcessing have to be added.



= 1 + CR(FC _ Re q) +
tCycle +


tPhys Pr og + CR(STF _ Re s ) tCycle + tPCU _ Pr ocess


If more data shall be transferred and reprogrammed than can be transmitted by a single
segmented data transfer (FlexRay: max 65535 byte) the download sequence is repeated
until all data are transmitted to the ECU. The request time is calculated as
t DL =

x =n1

t DL( x ) + t DL(n)


x =1

It has to be distinguished between all previously transmitted downloads and the last download, because the last download might have less than the maximum possible data to

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


The number of repetitions (nDL) is calculated by:

dPDU _ ISO14229
nDL =

d SDU _ Iso106812
The final requests SDU size is calculated by:
dSDU(n )l = dPDU _ ISO14229 mod d SDU _ Iso106812


Hence the total download time via FlexRay and ISO 10681-2 is calculated by:

t DL

t DL

n CF _ PDU( x )
dPDU _ ISO14229 1 + CR (FC _ Re q) +
CR ( CF _ Re q) t Cycle +



dSDU _ Iso15765 2

t Phys Pr og + CR (STF _ Re s ) t Cycle + t PCU _ Pr ocess

n CF _ PDU(n )
1 + CR



(FC _ Re q )
( CF _ Re q )


t Phys Pr og + CR (STF _ Re s ) t Cycle + t PCU _ Pr ocess

n CF _ PDU( x )

dPDU _ ISO14229 1 + CR (FC _ Re q) +

CR ( CF _ Re q) + CR (STF _ Re s ) t Cycle +



d SDU _ Iso15765 2
t Phys Pr og + t PCU _ Pr ocess

n CF _ PDU(n )

1 + CR
CR ( CF _ Re q) + CR (STF _ Re s ) t Cycle +



t Phys Pr og

Note that after the final response no additional PCU processing time is required. To safe
FlexRay slot resources it is possible to use the nodes transmission slots twice: a) to send
communication layers FlowControl PDUs in a segmented data transfer and b) to send
UDS protocols response PDUs. In that case the cycle repetition for the request

FlowControl PDUs (CR(FC_Req)) and the cycle repetition for the UDS response PDU
(CR(STF_Res)) are equal.
To accelerate the data transfer the programming time tPhysicalProgramming can be compensated
by the double buffered date transfer approach of chapter 3. Delays that occur because of
cycle repetition values unequal to one can not be compensated because they are either
part of the request or the response is delayed and the PCU is not allowed by UDS protocol to start the next request without previously response reception.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


4.2.4 Conclusion
The time triggered FlexRay bus system provides benefits for deterministic data communication e.g. for control and regulation systems which require signals within equidistant time
slots. FlexRay has disadvantages for event driven communication. The main problem is
the static, non-sharable allocation of bandwidth (slots) for each signal because of
FlexRays static address mechanism based on the relation of slot-ID and cycle number.
With focus on software reprogramming bandwidth for each diagnostic request has to be
allocated as well as bandwidth for the diagnostic response. This bandwidth is not usable
for normal ECU communication. On the other hand the ECU normal communication is not
usable for software reprogramming.
The communication layer protocol according to ISO 10681-2 solves the address problems
partially but reducing the maximum PDUs payload length by additional four bytes (source
address and target address). The address mechanism provides benefit for 1:n
connections of an exclusive sender like a PCU or a gateway. The diagnostic requests can
be sent in a broadcast slot. All connected ECUs will receive that PDU and evaluate the
addresses. For diagnostic responses this mechanism provides no benefit because each
ECU requires an exclusive slot for diagnostic response transmission.
The discussion above depicts that best performance is only possible if the basic communication schedule and the communication layer protocol are well concerted. Optimisations only on one layer (protocol) might not be sufficient. Nevertheless, the main
influencing factor is the basic communication schedule design. Hence, to accelerate data
transfer for software reprogramming purpose some aspects have to be taken into account
during communication schedule design:
1.) Communication for software reprogramming purpose shall be allocated within the
dynamic segment. If a communication link is currently not active only the minimum time
delay as required by the protocol will occur before the FlexRay system switches to the
next slot.
2.) The cycle repetition for all allocated slots shall be set to 1. This configuration guarantees that within each cycle communication is possible.
3.) For PCUs communication more than one slot shall be allocated. Because of the additional address information of ISO 10681-2 the PCU could manage the bandwidth depending on the required scenario, i.e. burst mode or parallel mode.
4.) If schedule switching is possible the re-organisation of the slot arrangement provides a
lower risk than the timing modifications (static and dynamic segment length and cycle

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


time). The PDUs payload length shall be modified depending on the communication cycle
length to prevent a gap at the end of the cycle because of a too long final PDU.
A generic evaluation about best configuration and a corresponding absolute maximum of
data transfer ratio for an individual network is not possible. At least, the number of connected ECUs is influencing the number of available slots and varies from network to network.
A final approach to accelerate data transfer is the usage of the second FlexRay channel if
hardware is available that supports the second channel. Some open topics can currently
not be discussed finally, because the FlexRay communication controller interface is unknown. For communication on two channels the handling of the data to transmit is
interesting. Shall a data transfer block be transmitted on only one channel or shall both
channels be used to accelerate the data transfer? In the last case how the flow control
shall be handled? On the other hand, if each channel transfers a complete block individually, is it possible to transfer 64 kByte46 on each channel? Does the microcontroller provide sufficient RAM resources?
With the approaches as discussed above, it is possible to accelerate software reprogramming communication on a FlexRay bus system. Even if the second channel is currently not available the system provides good performance if all protocols are optimally

4.3 Summary
In this chapter approaches to accelerate the data transfer via CAN and FlexRay bus system protocol stacks are discussed. These bus systems are currently the most popular bus
systems for automotive networks.
CAN bus system
For the CAN bus system, as a representative for CSMA media access a data transfer
rate, it is theoretically possible to generate 100% bus load for a single communication link
between a PCU and an ECU, also within a network of several communication nodes. The
maximum performance for data transfer via transport layer protocol is less than 50% of
the gross bit rate (maximum at 1000 kBit/s). Delays on the transport protocol layer have a
significant impact to the overall system performance.


64 kByte is the maximum payload that can be transmitted via ISO 10681-2 protocol.

Chapter 4 Field bus system protocol stacks


With focus on software reprogramming time this bus system shall only be used for ECUs
with a memory size less than 50 MByte and used for simple or complex control assignment (refer to chapter 1 figure 1.2-2).
For FlexRay, as a representative for time triggered systems (TDMA), it is almost impossible to generate 100% bus load, particularly within a network with several other communication nodes. Due to the basic idea of time triggered protocols fixed time slots have to be
allocated for each network node. Those allocated slots are only usable for the well defined
communication link to exactly that node. Hence, the bandwidth is not usable for other
communication links. For FlexRay in particular, the communication cycle division in a
static and dynamic segment reduce the bandwidth, too.
Therefore, the communication schedule design has a significant impact to the overall
communication performance. The schedule design is always a consideration between
data transfer rate and bus resources (slots). Due to the high gross bit rate of 10 MBit/s in
maximum an acceptable data transfer rate can be configured for ECUs with a memory
size less than 50 MByte and used for simple or complex control assignment (refer to
chapter 1 figure 1.2-2). If the schedule can be reorganised during runtime also ECUs
with more memory can be connected.
The effort to use time triggered protocols for spontaneous communication (as given for
software reprogramming) is quite high, because the bandwidth for spontaneous communication has to be allocated statically within the schedule.

Data size reduction

5.1 Partitioning .................................................................................. 97

Analysis ......................................................................................97


Discussion ..................................................................................98

5.2 Fill byte skipping ......................................................................... 99


Analysis ......................................................................................99


Discussion ................................................................................100

5.3 Data compression ..................................................................... 103


Analysis ....................................................................................103


LZ77 and LZSS Algorithm .........................................................104


Discussion ................................................................................106

5.4 Differential file ........................................................................... 107


Analysis ....................................................................................108


Discussion ................................................................................111

5.5 Conclusion................................................................................. 112

One approach to accelerate the software reprogramming process is to reduce the data
size which has to be transmitted from a programming control unit (PCU) to an electronic
control unit (ECU). The total reprogramming process time will be reduced because of a
shorter data transmission time. There are two basic approaches to reduce the data size:

Reduce file size

a) Partitioning - build partitions to divide the application software into several parts
to reprogram only those parts that have to be adjusted
b) Skip fill bytes - skip unused bytes within an embedded software file

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction



Skip redundancies
a) Compression transmit data without redundancies
b) Differential file transmit only the differences between the new and the previous

The power of these approaches is very different as well as the effort to implement a stable
process. Within this chapter different methods for data size reduction are evaluated and
the possibility is discussed to use these methods for automotive systems.

5.1 Partitioning
5.1.1 Analysis
A simple, but powerful approach to reduce the file size is to divide the initial file into several partitions, e.g. operating system, sensors, actuators, drivers, characteristic curves,
communication protocol stacks etc. In case the software has to be changed for any reason (bug fixing, parameter set optimisation, software enhancement etc.) not the complete
application software, but only the corresponding partition has to be reprogrammed.
For example, if an ECU supports 2 partitions with an equal size the reduction might be
50%. An absolute value for size reduction can not be given because it depends on ECUs
usage and the possibility to divide the source code into several partitions. Nevertheless, if
not all partitions have to be reprogrammed, and a data reduction and therefore, a transfer
time reduction will occur.

Figure 5.1-1: Application layer partitions [AUT11]

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Figure 5.1-1 depicts an example with two application partitions and the basic software
partition within an AUTOSAR47 software architecture model.

5.1.2 Discussion
The division of software into several different partitions has to be done initially during
software development process and is part of the software architecture decisions. The
AUTOSAR software architecture model regards to the partitioning requirement and provides methods to divide software into several logical components. On the other hand this
method increases system complexity and therefore, some additional aspects have to be
taken into account.
Microcontroller aspects vs. number of partitions
The linking process has to take care that the software partition is linked to an own physical
memory block within microcontrollers memory. This block shall be allocated exclusively for
that partition to be able to erase and reprogram this block individually from all other partitions. As a consequence unused memory of this partition shall not be used for another
software part. Hence, the number of possible and reasonable different partitions depends
on a) the number of microcontrollers physical memory blocks48 and b) the given size of
the corresponding blocks. Of course, the definition of many partitions will reduce reprogramming time but requires a microcontroller derivate with a corresponding memory layout that physically supports those many partitions. As a result the cost reduction by
reprogramming time requires a more expensive microcontroller to support the partitioning.
Software partition management and compatibility
It is a basic aim to be able to reprogram each partition independently of other partitions.
For the pure physical reprogramming process this is normally given because each partition allocates a unique defined memory space with a unique address range. Nevertheless,
dependencies between the different software partitions of an ECU are available
(e.g. interfaces etc.) and therefore, their compatibility has to be managed. It has to be
guaranteed that different partitions software, which can be reprogrammed individually are
compatible after reprogramming. A flashloader based on the HIS specification provides a
special diagnostic service to check the compatibility (refer to section Typically
hardware-to-software compatibilities and software-to-software compatibilities have to be


[AUTOSAR] (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is an open and standardized automotive

software architecture, jointly developed by automobile manufacturers, suppliers and tool developers.


Within different microcontroller specifications several terms to describe contiguous memory

fragments are used: e.g. memory section, memory bank, memory page, memory block etc.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


checked. The complexity of the different compatibility dependencies is increasing the

more partitions are defined.
The approach is useless if the address ranges of partitions are moved because of software expansion of another partition. In that case all reallocated partitions have to be
reprogrammed to get compatibility. Hence, memory reserves have to be taken into account during system design to prevent the ECU for additional reprogramming activities
because of address shifts.

5.2 Fill byte skipping

5.2.1 Analysis
Typically gaps within the binary codes allocated address range are filled with so-called fill
bytes during the linking process. An approach to reduce data size and therefore, transfer
time is to skip such fill bytes and transfer only pure compiled binary code from PCU to
ECU. As a result gaps occur within the pure binary code. The corresponding address
information of each allocated memory space, i.e. start address and length information
have to be transmitted for each pure binary code part. With another view the pure binary
code gap ranges have to be transmitted because the ECU needs the memory position
information where the data transfer has to be continued.
Of course, it requires some time even to transmit this gap information as well as transmit
the fill bytes. Hence, the break even point of both methods has to be calculated.
t FillByteTransfer = t GapTransfer


Based on the approach of formula 5.2-1 it is possible to calculate the number of fill bytes
that can be transferred within the time slot where the gap address information is transferred (refer to the discussion below). Based on the calculation the distinction is possible
whether fill byte transmission or gap information transmission provides the faster and
more efficient solution.
The break even point depends on the individual communication link performance between
the PCU and the ECU. The bus systems bandwidth and communication protocol stacks
performance have to be taken into account. The value has to be calculated individually for
each communication link especially within heterogeneous networks where different protocol conversions are necessary.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


5.2.2 Discussion
To show the influencing aspects a data transfer via UDS49 on ISO 15765-2 (Transport
Protocol) and CAN is assumed. By the developed generic formula the system performance can be calculated to decide whether gap transfer provides benefits compared to fill
byte transfer.
Data Transfer based on UDS, ISO15765-2 and CAN
Figure 5.2-1 depicts the two scenarios of fill byte transfer and gap transfer.

Figure 5.2-1: Data transfer with and without fill bytes

Fill byte transfer is processed by the UDS defined diagnostic service $36 Transfer Data.
In contrast the transfer of gap address information requires the two additional UDS defined diagnostic services $37 - Request Transfer Exit and $34 - Request Download as
well as their positive responses with the Service Identifiers (SID) $77 and $74. The diagnostic requests with the SID $37, $77 and $74 are transferred as unsegmented Single
Frame PDUs (refer to ISO-15765-2 in chapter 3), each transmitted by a single CANPDU. The diagnostic service request $34 Request Download requires segmentation
because the complete diagnostic service request with the additional request parameters
start address information and data length information is in sum longer than 7 bytes.


UDS Unified Diagnostic Services [ISO 14229]. Refer to chapter 2.5.4.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Hence, based on ISO 15765-2 transport layer protocol three CAN-PDUs are necessary
(First Frame, Flow Control, Consecutive Frame). In sum 6 CAN-PDUs are required to
transfer the gap address information via the UDS protocol, the transport layer protocol
ISO 15765-2 and the CAN protocol.
According to figure 5.2-1 and formula 5.2-1 the break even point can be calculated as:
t FillByteTransfer = t GapTransfer
t Transfer 36 = t 76 / 37 + t Transfer 37 + t 37 / 77 + t Transfer 77 + t 77 / 34 + t Transfer 34 +


t 34 / 74 + t Transfer 74 + t 74 / 36
With PCUs processing time tPCUProcessing = t76/37 = t77/34 = t74/34 and
with ECUs processing time tECUProcessing = t37/77 = t34/74

t Transfer36 = 3 t PCUProcessing + 2 t ECUProcessing + t Transfer37 + t Transfer77 + t Transfer34 +

+ t Transfer74
t Transfer36 = 3 t PCUProcessing + 2 t ECUProcessing + 6t CANPDURuntime
t Transfer36 = 3 t PCUProcessing + 2 t ECUProcessing + 6



Within the time tTransfer36 a well known number (xPDU) of ISO15765-2 defined Consecutive

Frames PDUs can be transferred. Each Consecutive Frame PDU transmits nBytePerPDU
payload (e.g. 7 byte payload for ISO10761-2). The number of fill bytes that are possible to
transfer can be calculated as depicted below:

FillBytes = x PDU nBytePerPDU


t Transfer 36
3 t PCUProcessing + 2 t ECUProcessing + 6

BitRate n

Table 5.2-1 depicts the number of fill bytes according to formula 5.2-4 that can be transferred depending on different CAN bus system bandwidths, the ideal PDUs runtime and
different PCU and ECU processing times50.


The processing time of PCU and ECU depends on several influencing parameters. For an ECU it
is important, whether the data reception is done in ECUs interrupt mode or if the ECU is polling to
the receiver in a task mode. Therefore, only some examplary values are given in table 5.2-1 to
illustrate the wide range of that approach. Real processing time values are measured in the case
study of chapter 10.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Generally, the number of possible transferred fill bytes (represents the gap size) is higher,
the faster the bus system is. As a logical consequence the number of fill bytes is increasing too, the slower PCUs and ECUs processing time is.
Table 5.2-1: Break even calculation
CAN Bandwidth




Processing Time



Total Time
(for gap address



Number of
fill bytes

The main influencing timing factors are changing depending on PCUs and ECUs processing time. In consequence for high bandwidth bus systems the processing time is a
very important factor for the distinction whether a fill bytes transfer approach or a gap
information transfer approach shall be implemented.
Within the automotive area processing times of 1 ms tProcessing 10 ms are possible. As a
result a gap shall be more than 1463 byte on a CAN bus with 500 kBit/s gross data transfer rate. If the gap is smaller than that value, it requires more time to transmit the gap
information than the fill bytes.
As an additional non-communication but safety aspect the usage of illegal operation
code for fill byte values within binary code is best practice. If the microcontroller read from
that addresses, e.g. if a memory calculation operation failed, the illegal operation code
forces the microcontroller to a safe state (e.g. reset). In contrast, gaps in data areas (e.g.
characteristic curves or diagrams etc.) will often be filled with zero.
System design aspects
Knowledge about the complete communication systems processing delays are a precondition to decide, whether fill bytes shall be skipped or not. For fast systems with small
delays this utilisation of that approach is not recommended.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


5.3 Data compression

Data compression is a possible approach for data transfer acceleration. The aim is to
reduce the total number of data that shall be transmitted. Data compression is a branch of
information theory and was published the first time by C. E. Shannon in 1948 [Sha48].
K. Savood provides an overview about data compression and explains most currently
known compression methods and algorithms [Say05].

5.3.1 Analysis
Lossy and lossless compression
Data compression methods can be divided into two basic types: 1) lossy compression and
2) lossless compression. With focus on software reprogramming only lossless compression has to be taken into account because the transferred data file shall be restored completely without loss of information after the compression, transmission and decompression
process. Changing even a single bit within the initial binary code cannot be tolerated. A
brief introduction to mathematical preliminaries for lossless compression is given by
K. Savood in [Say05-1]. Lossless compression is divided then again into two different
fundamental approaches: 1) statistical data compression or 2) substitutional data compression.
Statistical data compression methods use the symbol probability of the different characters within a file to reduce the data length. Popular compression methods based on the
statistical approach are Arithmetic coding (introduction is given by A. Said in [Sai04]),
Huffman coding [huffma] and Shannon-Fano [shanno] coding.
Substitutional data compression methods replacing parts of the uncompressed symbol
string by references to a dictionary. Popular compression methods based on substitutional
compression are LZ7751 algorithm [Ziv77] and LZSS52 algorithm [Sto82].
For selection of a compression method, running on an embedded systems microcontroller
some additional basic requirements have to be taken into account:
Resource restrictions
Embedded systems have resource restrictions. The size of available RAM to allocate
large dictionaries is limited. As a result it might be possible that algorithms based on large
dictionaries could not provide their full performance because of dictionary size limitations.


Jacob Ziv, Abraham Lempel, known as Lempel-Ziv algorithm, published 1977. Refer to [Ziv77]


James Storer, Thomas Szymanski, published 1982. Refer to [Sto82]

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Clock frequency
Microcontrollers clock frequency is significantly lower than the typical known clock frequencies within the PC environment. Hence, it is desirable to have fast de-compression
whereas compression on PCUs or offboard site could be relatively slower.
Statistically based approaches for embedded source code
Compared to typical human languages for microcontrollers source code it is not easy to
identify the most used character. Source code in a binary file represents assembler
commands and depends on microcontrollers ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) implementation and design.
A non-technical but commercial aspect is the question whether the algorithm is patentprotected. If a licence fee for the usage is demanded, it has to be distinguished whether
the strength of that algorithm justifies the financial disadvantage compared to patent free
approaches. Compression algorithms that consider the previously discussed aspects are
the LZ77 and LZSS algorithm.

5.3.2 LZ77 and LZSS Algorithm

Jacob Ziv and Abraham Lempel published the LZ77 compression method in [Ziv77]. This
approach is a simple but efficient method where not longer the probability entropy of
characters was coded. This method uses the repetition of characters within a data string.
It is based on a sliding window method where a buffer is split into two parts: a) a history
buffer and b) a look-ahead buffer. The look-ahead buffer contains the next character that
shall be coded. The history buffer contains characters that have been coded previously.
The algorithm compares the look-ahead buffers characters with characters of the history
buffer and searches for the position of the longest matching string pattern. The position
within the history buffer, the length of the matching string and the next character after
matching string within the look-ahead-buffer is coded. After that step the window of both
buffers is shifted by the matching length + 1 towards the look-ahead buffer. A detailed
description of that algorithm is given in [dataco].
The LZSS algorithm is based on the LZ77 algorithm. J. Storer and T. Szymanski published the method in [Sto82] in 1982. This approach replaces the window buffer mechanism by a ring buffer. Also the coding for matching pattern was changed. Figure 5.3-1
depicts an overview.
A single bit indicates whether the original character from the look-ahead buffer is coded or
if a matching string was found in the history buffer. In the last case the position of the
matching string within the history buffer is coded. Because of the ring buffer mechanism

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


the position of the data stream within the history buffer doesnt change. Access by an
index is possible and a small dictionary tree could be build up very fast. As a result the
coding speed increases. A detailed description of that algorithm is given in [dataco].

Figure 5.3-1: LZSS algorithm

F. Hees has done research on the implementation of compression algorithms for Vectors53 Flashloader in 2004 [Hee04]. He analysed the parameter for offset and length
coding within an output stream. Figure 5.3-2 depicts the compression ratio depending on
the length encoding and the offset encoding.

Figure 5.3-2: LZSS Compression Results [Hee04]


VECTOR Informatik GmbH, Germany [Vector]

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


A good compression ratio is possible if:

a) Length encoding is between 3 and 5 bits (best: 4bit).
b) Offset encoding is between 10 and 12 bits (best: 11 bit).
For other parameter combinations compression ratio will decrease. F. Hees discussed this
effect: Because a larger history buffer size increases the possibility to find a matching
phrase. But the number of bits used for the offset encoding increases as well. At a certain
point, this offset encoding requires more bits than the larger history buffer saves [Hee04].
An equal effect will occur for the length encoding. If the number of bits for length encoding is increased, it will be possible to encode longer phrases. At a certain point, this length
encoding requires more bits than the larger look-ahead buffer saves [Hee04].
The parameter pair of 4 bit length encoding and 12 bit offset encoding provides a compression ratio of approx. 64%. As a consequence the number of bits to be transferred
from PCU to ECU is reduced too and 35% of transfer time is saved.

5.3.3 Discussion
Data compression seems to be a good approach to accelerate data transfer and in the
end software reprogramming, too. The data ratio diagram of figure 5.3-2 depicts that the
LZSS compression algorithm, which is possible to be implemented on an embedded
system, provides nearly 35% data reduction. An important estimation parameter is the
runtime of that algorithm. If the time reduction based on data compression is compensated by the de-compression runtime only additional resources have been wasted. Hence,
it is necessary that
t CompDataTransfer + t Decompression < t UncompDataTransfer


De-compression time depends on microcontrollers clock frequency, resource availability,

de-compression algorithm etc. If formula 5.3-1 is not fulfilled compression provides no
An important part for LZSS optimisation is the problem of aligned buffer access for microcontrollers. The LZSS algorithm example above provides good results if the offset encoding parameter has 12 bits and the length encoding parameter has 4 bits. Together with the
single bit of the Identifier (refer to figure 5.3-1) a matching pattern requires 13 bits for
encoding. A single character requires 9 bit. For both scenarios a microcontroller has to
shift the compressed data string to get data into a byte aligned format. F. Hees provides
an optimisation for that problem in [Hee04]: As depict in figure 5.3-3 an optimisation is
possible if the identifier bits are grouped into 16 bit tuples ahead of a group of 16 compression patterns within the data stream. The advantage is a byte aligned access to the

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


data stream. The bit by bit shifting of the compressed data stream is not longer necessary
and acceleration of de-compression is possible.

Figure 5.3-3: LZSS Optimisation

Of course, optimisation of the discussed compression algorithm to get better compression
ratio might be possible. But this requires some additional research with focus on algorithm
optimisation. The scope of these research activities was on data transfer acceleration
based on data size reduction for embedded systems. Nevertheless, as a conclusion each
compression algorithm and its optimisations have to be proofed, if it fulfills formula 5.3-1
and if the resource requirements are within tolerable boundaries.

5.4 Differential file

Another method to compress data for their transmission is to transmit only the differences
of two files. This approach is used within PC operating systems. Microsoft, for example,
uses the Binary Delta Compression (BDC) technology to reduce the download size of
software update packages for Windows operating systems [Pot05]. The aim is to create
smaller software update packages that require less time and network bandwidth to install
[Pot05]. The BDC compression ratio could be significantly higher than all other file compression approaches54.


BDC compression ratio: 10:1 up to 1.000:1. It depends on the real differences of two files and
their size [Pot05].

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Embedded systems software bug fixing is an issue for differential file update
One reason for re-programming embedded software is bug fixing. In most cases embedded software does not change completely when fixing a bug (e.g. changing a value of a
constant or some parameters within a characteristic curve etc.). As a percentage of the
total volume of an application the source code modifications required and the resulting
OP-code changes, required for bug fixing is often very small. Typical errors in the source
code like wrong exit conditions in loops or wrong statements for a comparison are only a
few characters. Changes in characteristic curves implemented as arrays covers only a few
bytes, too.
Thus an assumption that 80% of bug fixings result in less than 1 kByte OP-code changes
and 20% in more than 1 kByte is a realistic figure. As a result of this assumption only a











Figure 5.4-1 depicts the small OP-code difference within a software partition.

Figure 5.4-1: Modified Op-Code in case of bug fixing

5.4.1 Analysis
The method of differential file calculation seams to be very simple. The difference between the old file and the new file is calculated. This differential file is transmitted to the
ECU. In the ECUs memory the old file is stored. With the received differential file and the
available old file the new file could be re-calculated. Figure 5.4-2 depicts the differential
file process. Of course, mapping that approach to the embedded world suggest a strong
reduction of data to be transmitted. But here some additional environmental requirements
have to be taken into account to benchmark that method.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Figure 5.4-2: Differential file update

Embedded systems flash memory impact
The Flash memory technology characteristics are described in section 2.2.2. Due to those
facts, some impacts occur and some restrictions are given to the differential file update

Flash memory cells can not just be overwritten. The memory cell has to be erased
previously before the new information can be programmed.


Flash memory can not be erased byte-wise. Typical Flash memory devices provide
micro pages, blocks or sectors. These are consecutive ranges of several memory
cells. The size of such a memory block depends on the flash memory technology
and the overall flash memory size. Depending on the fact of 1) usually such a
complete block must be erased and reprogrammed even if just one bit within that
memory area hast to be changed.


In contrast to the PC world where software is stored file oriented and virtual
addressed, the embedded systems microcontroller work physical address
oriented. Typically memory access to operation code elements (e.g. variables or
arrays in RAM, OP-code or constants in Flash, jumps target addresses) is in
relative address mode (basic start address and offsets). Within the PC world a
single file can be changed and the memory managing system is able to allocate it
on a free memory space if the new file is expanded. A microcontroller provides
neither a memory managing system nor that much memory to squander memory
space. This is why during the embedded software generation process all source
code elements (e.g. in C-language: functions, arrays etc.) are linked consecutively
without any larger gaps within the address space. Consequently, if a routine
expands all other compiled elements will change the allocation address. In that

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


case the differences between a previous file and a new compiled and linked file will
be quite high while the source code changes are only a few lines of code.
Issue 1) and 2) are microcontrollers internal reprogramming process optimisations.
Issue 3) requires a change within the typical software generation process to generate the
final output binary file (INTEL-Hex-Record55 or MOTOROLA S-Record56).

Figure 5.4-3: Differential file update

To be able to reduce the differences of the embedded software files it is necessary to
allocate all the software parts always on the same position (address). In that case also the
correct functionality because of microcontrollers memory access by relative addresses is
guaranteed. This requires a fixed linking concept as depicted in figure 5.4-3. If this is not
guaranteed the smallest possible difference of both files can not be calculated. However,
a link process with fix addresses can be implemented by different approaches.

A fix position for at least each source code module (e.g. c-file, object-file etc.) must
be configured within the linker command file.


Best results provide the fix allocation on source code function level. Here each
function or array etc. is allocated on a fix position.


INTEL Hex Record: Hexadecimal object file format initially for the Intel-architecture based microcontrollers [Int88].


MOTOROLA S-Record: Hexadecimal object file format initially for the MOTOROLA 6800 architecture based microcontrollers [Mot92].

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


If these environmental requirements have been taken into account, the abstract sequence
to reprogram flash memory by differential file updates can be processes as listed below:

The flashloader identifies the memory section that includes the requested byte(s)
that shall be changed.


The flashloader copies the complete memory section temporary into RAM. This
requires that the microcontroller provides enough additional RAM for this step.


The flashloader overwrites the old byte value by the new byte value transmitted via
the differential file.


The flashloader erases the original memory section within the Flash memory.


The flashloader programs the new values from RAM into the Flash memory sector.

Step b) and c) could be done within the copy process to optimise runtime. If not enough
RAM is available, the microcontroller shall provide an additional, usually unused Flash
memory sector for the copy process. This solution is less powerful than the RAM access
method, but in some cases this might be the only possibility.
The differential file structure can have equal structure as the currently given INTEL-HexRecord or MOTOROLA S-Record file. Within both file types address information and the
corresponding data of the identified differences can be stored.

5.4.2 Discussion
Differential file update is a very strong approach to accelerate data transfer as well as the
total reprogramming process. The performance depends on the differences of the initial
file and the new file and on microcontrollers memory technology.
Microcontroller aspects
The internal mechanisms are complex to reprogram a differential file to the Flash memory
by a flashloader. It requires large RAM resources to copy the initial, currently active code
from Flash memorys internal section. Because of the Flash memorys restrictions (previously erase process before programming) this step is necessary to overwrite the corresponding positions with the new data values in RAM. But if sufficient RAM is available and
the memory micro pages are small enough the total reprogramming time could be reduced significantly.
Memory space vs. cost aspects
A disadvantage of this new method that has to be discussed is the necessity of gaps (free
memory spaces) in between the different source code elements for further use. These
gaps have to be included if code elements will enlarge in the future. The granulation optimum has to be set individually and could be on programming language object

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


level (c-functions, arrays etc.), on source code module level (c-file or object file) or functionality level (communication stack, driver software, sensor software etc.). On the other
hand this expands the total file size and initially requires more memory space on microcontrollers memory device. As discussed in chapter 1 automotive microcontroller provide
strong memory resource restrictions. Hence, the commercial relation of higher costs for a
larger memory vs. reprogramming time and cost reduction has to be taken into account.
Because of that cost pressure the break even point of this solution has to be calculated
individually. Also the final risk is always given, that the gap is too small for the necessary
changes and therefore, the complete memory section changes.
Stringent version and compatibility control management
Especially within the automotive industry a stringent version and compatibility control
management are required because software on a car is only reprogrammed if it is in a
repair shop. Because of the large service intervals of modern vehicles it might be possible
that several software versions are in between the current vehicle software and the current
OEM software.
MRAM technology
As written above, todays established Flash memory technology provides the elementary
disadvantage that a byte-wise erase and write access is not possible.
With focus on differential file updates the erasing of complete physical memory sectors is
required and a complete writing of those sectors is the consequence. However a real
improvement will be possible if the established flash memory technology in currently
available microcontrollers is replaced by the new MRAM technology (Magnetoresistive
Random Access Memory). In contrast to other memory technologies MRAM semiconductors store the information not by electrical, but by magnetic load elements..
In chapter 9 a short introduction as well as a discussion to benefits of this new memory
technology is given. Until today there are no experiences with MRAM based microcontrollers because those systems are not available. However, the theoretical discussion of
MRAM depicts the high potential of that memory technology (refer to appendix A).

5.5 Conclusion
There are several approaches for data size reduction with the aim to reduce data transfer
time and as a result reduce total reprogramming time. However, the methods provide
significant differences with focus on automotive usage.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Theoretical case study to compare the approaches

The power of the different approaches is compared by a theoretical case study based on
the following assumptions and on typical data for an ECU that processes complex control
assignments, e.g. diver assistance systems:
Total file size:

32 MByte

Modified OP code size:

1 kByte

Memory partitions:

2 (results in 2 x 16 MByte)

Compression ratio:


CAN Payload:

8 Byte / PDU (no transport protocol etc.)

Approximate frame length:

123 bit (11 bit CAN Identifier)

CAN bit rate:

125 kbit/s, 500 kbit/s, 1 Mbit/s

The data transfer time tTransfer is calculated by formula 4.5-1. Additional protocols have not
been taken into account at this quantitative method comparison. The aim is to illustrate
the power of the different approaches.
t transfer =

FrameLengt h


Table 5.5-1 depicts an overview of the data transfer time on different CAN bus systems.
Table 5.5-1: Data transfer time via CAN

Original file (complete)
Compression (-25%)
2 Partitions
Partitioning and
Differential File

File Size
Data Transfer Time on CAN
(Data to transmit)
32 MByte
24 MByte
16 MByte
12 MByte






Table 5.5-1 depicts that if only the differences of two files will be transferred the data
transfer time is significantly reduced compared to conventional data size reduction methods e.g. partitioning and compression. The data transfer time is a function of the data size
to be transmitted. The experiment depicts the power of the differential file transfer approach. Of course, the model is simplified and additional overhead of upper layer protocols, additional processing delays, the erase time and the programming time will decrease
the performance. Nevertheless, these performance reduction parameters are similar to all

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Effort vs. data size reduction

Especially the relation between effort and the typically possible data size reduction value
depicts those differences. Figure 5.5-1 depicts this relation in a diagram.

Figure 5.5-1: methods complexity vs. typical data size reduction

Partitioning is from technical point of view a simple method and provides good data size
reduction results in a very special case. Transfer time reduction is given if at least one of
these partitions is not reprogrammed. If all partitions shall be reprogrammed no benefit is
given by this method. The ECUs internal implementation of partitioning is simple. On the
other hand the effort for compatibility management of the different partitions is increasing
because the software compatibility of the different partitions has to be verified.
Skipping fill bytes is the easiest way to reduce data because this can be configured for
embedded softwares linking process. But that method is less powerful. In the worst case
the fill byte separation will result in a longer reprogramming time because the transfer of
the gap addresses during the reprogramming process requires more time than the continuous data transfer inclusive the fill bytes.
The power of data compression algorithms is limited by the given microcontroller resources as well as the fact of only lossless methods can be used. Especially the RAM
limitation avoids the usage of dictionary based algorithms. Compared to the other methods the effort for implementation and the off-board processes is high.
Differential file update could provide best results for data size reduction. However, this is
only possible if the software development process is modified for that approach. The
necessity of fixed module start addresses to avoid a general address offset for the whole
code requires more memory, which results in higher costs. On the other hand if several
megabytes of binary code could be reduced to a few bytes the time benefit is very high.
The break even point of cost benefit relation for that method has to be evaluated individually for an ECU. Nevertheless, with focus on the continuously increasing automotive software sizes this method might be the best solution to solve the timing problems in future.

Chapter 5 - Data size reduction


Only by a size reduction of 90% and more, acceptable reprogramming times will be possible. Additionally, this method can be combined with all other discussed methods.
The next evolutionary step in embedded memory technologies will be Magnetoresistive
Random Access Memory (MRAM). The advantages of MRAM based systems are quite
evident. The main advantages of MRAM vs. Flash memory technology with a focus on
reprogramming activities are the byte-wise access and the possibility to overwrite data
without an initial memory erase phase. Then reprogramming by the differential file approach will become the best solution, because the implementation of ECUs internal data
handling looses complexity. Due to the reduced amount of data to transfer, the data transfer time and the physical programming time could be reduced significantly (refer to
appendix A).

Microcontroller Hardware

6.1 Memory status information ...................................................... 116

Analysis ....................................................................................117


Discussion ................................................................................119

6.2 Doubling interrupt vector tables .............................................. 121


Analysis ....................................................................................121


Discussion ................................................................................122

6.3 Conclusion................................................................................. 123

Within this chapter approaches are discussed to accelerate the physical memory
programming process on an electronic control unit (ECU) by implementing functionality in
microcontrollers hardware rather than in software as it is currently done.
The main advantage of a hardware implementation in contrast to a software implementation is the concurrent execution. Software implementations are typically organised in tasks
and interrupts. The operating system schedules the tasks within a task cycle time. Task
activities, e.g. calculations, communication processing etc., can only be executed if the
task is active. If the task is inactive, e.g. in case an interrupt task is executed, a delay for
the activity occurs. By an implementation in hardware neither task time nor interrupt
runtime are required. The action can be executed concurrently to other hardware or software operations.

6.1 Memory status information

An implementation of a memory status information register within microcontrollers
hardware provides trustable information about the current memory state (erased or
programmed). Based on this information it is possible to accelerate the reprogramming

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


process. In case, an ECU is reprogrammed within the assembly line, the erase memory
step can be skipped, if the memory status signals an erased memory.

6.1.1 Analysis
ECUs functionality is the summary of hardware functionality (e.g. periphery elements like
drivers, actuators, sensors etc.) and the corresponding software functionality to handle the
hardware. Differentiations in functionality will be solved by different ECU software
because different hardware variants (e.g. non-placement of components etc.) are too
expensive. Hardware variations split the number of equal parts and therefore increase the
hardware costs per part. A good illustration is an engine control module (ECM). Typically
an engine will be integrated into several vehicle model lines. The ECM software
implements the individual adaptation between engine, gear box and the corresponding
vehicle but the hardware is always equal.
Finally, an ECU is always a combination of hardware and software parts and these
combinations result in individual ECUs (variants). Nevertheless, the point in time when the
combination is executed (ECU variant setting) has a deep impact on handling as well as
on the final costs and process complexity.
Reduction of hardware / software variants
The cost pressure within the automotive industry requires optimisations within the ECU
variation building process. Figure 6.1-1 depicts the different possibilities.

Figure 6.1-1: Early variant building vs. late variant building

If the ECU variant is built within ECU manufacturers assembly line (early variant setting),
the different ECU types have to be handled during the complete logistic process
(e.g. ordering, delivery etc.) for manufacturing as well as for the after sales market spare
parts. Therefore, a trend is visible in an increasing manner: ECUs wont be delivered fully
programmed to the OEMs production line. Especially for those ECUs with many software
variants, the tendency is to deliver them without application software (only with
flashloader) to the OEM and program them within the assembly line during vehicles

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


manufacturing process (late variant setting). The advantage of that approach is to reduce
hardware / software combination variants. In consequence this results in a lean logistical
process starting from the ordering process up to the allocated area for material boxes on
the assembling line because only one (hardware) part has to be handled instead different
ECUs for all combinations. The probability to produce an error vehicle because of a wrong
ECU selection during manufacturing process is reduced, too.
An equal effect is visible for the after sales market spare parts. For late building variants
only the hardware parts must be stored in the central logistic centres. In contrast to the
early set variants of hardware and software combination this method requires less
different stock grounds.
Skipping the erase memory process
Unfortunately, the currently used microcontrollers flash memory technology requires the
erasing of a flash memory cell before the cell can be programmed (refer to section 2.4).
Especially for microcontrollers with large memory this behaviour results in a long erase
time. Table 6.1-1 depicts the erase time for Infineons TC1197 microcontroller [TC1197].
Table 6.1-1: Infineon TC1197 Flash Parameter [TC1197]

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


The Infineon TC1197 microcontroller provides currently 2 MB on chip flash memory bank
[TC1197-1]. It results in a total erase time of 40s57. If the late variant building process is
used, the ECU is delivered without the specific application software only with the
flashloader software to process reprogramming. If trustable information about the current
memory state is available the erase process can be skipped, if the ECUs memory is
currently erased. The initial erase process can be done either by the ECU supplier or by
the microcontroller manufacturer.
Optimisation in case of programming process restart
The implementation of a memory state monitoring system enables additional possibilities
to accelerate the reprogramming process: In case a currently executed reprogramming
process is interrupted, e.g. by a communication interruption, it is not necessary to erase
the complete memory again. If the flashloader is able to inform the PCU about the last
successfully programmed sector, the PCU could restart programming process at exactly
that position. Depending on the instant of interruption time, this approach will reduce the
process time of the second programming sequence.

6.1.2 Discussion
To store the memory status of a physical memory sector58 a single bit is sufficient (sector
erased / not erased). It should be stored within non volatile memory.
Software approach
A first approach is to monitor the memory status by software and store that information
within a non-volatile memory (NVM), e.g. an EEPROM. If the memory sector is completely
erased, the corresponding flag shall be modified within the NVM. If the first memory cell is
programmed within that memory sector, the flag shall be modified again. However, this
simple implementation provides some disadvantages:
(1) If the microcontroller has been changed the memory status information might be
wrong. At least it is fortuity, if the values will match.
(2) If the EEPROMs bit will toggle because of ageing or environmental influences the
status will not be correct.
In both cases a reprogramming of a not erased memory is possible. In good case some
memory cells will not have the required state (logical 1 or 0). This will be detected by the
memory check, e.g. by calculating a CRC sum. In worst case all cells provide the required


2048 kByte total size / 256 kByte sector size = 8 sectors


Current available Flash memory supports only erasing of complete sectors.

8 x 5 sec = 40 sec.

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


value but the programming quality is not good enough to fulfil the data retention time59
(i.e. the time after which stored data can still be retrieved [TC1197]) as specified in the
data sheet. In that case the memory cell will loose the programmed value over the years.
(3) If one of the components was changed a software implementation could check the
memory cells to synchronise the corresponding status. Unfortunately it is not
possible to detect whether $FF60 was programmed or the cell has $FF as its initial
erase state. A sector with $FF cell values could not unambiguously be detected as
Hardware approach
Another approach is to handle the memory status information in hardware61. The
microcontrollers memory control unit implements a register with read-only access. For
each memory sector a corresponding flag exists that is updated each time the sector is
either completely erased or the first memory cell is programmed. Figure 6.1-2 depicts an
abstract overview of a memory status information register implementation in hardware.
The main advantage is that the information is more trustable than a simple software

Figure 6.1-2: Memory Status Information Register


Data retention for currently used flash memory cells is up to several years. For Infineons microcontroller TC1197: min. 20 years (refer to table 6.1-1).


Hexadecimal nomenclature: $FF represents 1111 1111 in binary nomenclature

Submitted for patent: IP-Number P813194/DE/1 (06.10.2008) Document Number 1455555 by

Ralf Schmidgall / Daimler AG

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


6.2 Doubling interrupt vector tables

In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal indicating the need for attention
() [wikipe]. Hardware interrupts are typically triggered by events within the hardware
like the reception of a PDU at the communication interface or an expired hardware timer.
If an interrupt occurs the microcontroller suspends the current software execution and
starts the interrupt service routine (ISR) execution. If the ISR has been finalised, the
microcontroller continues the normal software execution. Interrupts are a powerful
approach to react very fast to hardware or software events. With focus on software
reprogramming typical events are the reception of data on the communication interface or
internal timers that have expired. Especially for concurrently executed work (e.g. data
decompression etc.) interrupt managed software execution provides execution speed
benefits. Nevertheless, todays typical microcontroller hardware is not able to select
different interrupt services depending on a currently active software mode like application
mode or flashloader mode. This selection has to be done by software and therefore
requires code size and runtime. A selection of different interrupt service routines based on
the currently active software mode directly by the microcontrollers hardware will provide
some advantages.

6.2.1 Analysis
Today a microcontroller supports only a single interrupt service routine vector table. This
table stores the start address of the corresponding interrupt service routine that shall be
executed if the interrupt of the corresponding interrupt source occurs. If the ECU software
is divided into different functional parts which are not concurrently active (e.g. application
mode or flashloader mode), multiple ISR are necessary.

Figure 6.2-1: Single ISR vector table vs. multiple ISR vector tables

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


Software approach based on single ISR vector table

An approach to solve the problem is the implementation of an additional ISR jump table.
Figure 6.2-1 depicts the general software based method for a single ISR vector table
For each ECU mode different ISR are implemented. The base address of each ISR
allocated in the different, mode specific areas (application or flashloader) is stored within
an additional ISR jump table. The base address for the ISR selection within the jump table
is stored in the ISR vector table. The execution of an interrupt is processed in the
following manner (refer to figure 6.2-1):

An interrupt source (e.g. a communication interface etc.) initiates an interrupt.


The microcontroller hardware selects the corresponding base address of the ISR
jump table entry.


Within the ISR jump table the corresponding start address of the ISR is selected
depending on the currently active ECU mode.


The ISR is executed within the currently active software.

Hardware approach based on multiple ISR vector tables62

The support of multiple ISR vector table requires a table selection mechanism
implemented in microcontrollers hardware. In that case todays typically implemented ISR
selection mechanism is still usable. The ISR selection mechanism is working in the
following manner (refer to figure 6.2-1):

After microcontrollers basic initialisation the currently active ECU mode is set in a
table selection register. The ISR vector table is allocated in the memory section of
the corresponding ECU modes software.


An interrupt source (e.g. a communication interface etc.) initiates an interrupt.


The microcontroller hardware selects the corresponding base address of the ISR
vector table based on the ISR table selection information.


Within the ISR vector table the corresponding start address of the ISR is selected
and the corresponding ISR is executed within the currently active software.

6.2.2 Discussion
Today ISR selection by hardware is state of the art for all microcontrollers. The innovation
is the selection of different ISR vector tables based on an additional selection


Submitted for patent: IP-Number P813195/DE/1 (11.10.2008) Document Number

102008051390.3 by Ralf Schmidgall / Daimler AG

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


information which is processed in hardware. Of course, the software solution will also
work but the hardware approach provides some benefits.
ISR vector table allocation
If only one ISR vector table is available and shall be used by both software parts
(application and flashloader), this basic ISR vector table has to be allocated within the
flashloader memory area. This is necessary to guarantee functionality also if no
application software is programmed (refer to figure 6.2-1).
Programming flexibility
The software solution provides less flexibility for the software development process. If an
ISR start address for the application software moves by any reason, new Flashloader
software is necessary to modify the ISR address within the jump table. The hardware
approach solves that problem. A re-allocation of the ISR results in a new address value of
the ISR vector table which is also part of the application software. Hence, all relevant
address information are allocated within the same memory space.
Execution speed
The software solution requires a two jump strategy to execute an ISR. This might be a
runtime disadvantage (or problem) for critical software where a very fast reaction to an
event is required (e.g. airbag activation etc.). If the ISR selection is executed by the
currently available hardware mechanisms, the address evaluation (ISR address vector) for
the interrupt processing is very fast by direct register access. The selection of the second
ISR vector table is done by adding an offset to the basic ISR vector table address.

6.3 Conclusion
With focus on ECUs embedded software reprogramming process the above discussed
hardware solutions provide two advantages compared to the corresponding software
implementations: 1) higher signal or information integrity and 2) higher execution speed.
Signal integrity
If erasing the memory is not necessary during a reprogramming sequence (refer to section 2.4), skipping this erase process results in a total reprogramming time reduction of
several seconds. The decision to skip or to execute the erasing process is based on the
memory status information. A misinformation will have important effects because microcontrollers memory retention time can not be guaranteed. Hence, if this information is
provided by microcontrollers memory hardware, it might be a more trustable information
than a software implementation, because the possibility to falsify the signal is reduced.

Chapter 6 - Microcontroller hardware optimisation


This is also correct for the interrupt source detection in hardware and a direct jump to the
ISR vector table.
Execution speed
With focus on software reprogramming the direct effect of the increasing execution speed
is small because there are only a few time critical activities. Nevertheless, the benefit of
hardware interrupt usage is visible because this provides the possibility to do concurrent
activities, e.g. data reception via communication interface and decompression of the
previously received data block.
Potential for increasing performance
The potential to speed up the reprogramming process of both discussed approaches is
quite different. Also the effort to implement the discussed approaches is significantly
different, too. As discussed in chapter 1, cost pressure within the automotive area is high
and therefore the relation between potential vs. effort has to be discussed, too.
Figure 6.3-1 depicts the relationship.

Figure 6.3-1: Potential vs. effort of hardware implementation

The memory status information provides high potential but requires high effort. If not only
the memory status, but also the conditions to guarantee data retention shall be analysed,
the effort is quite evident. On the other hand, a trustable signal will accelerate the erase
The effort to implement multiple ISR vector tables seems to be low because a simple
offset to the address calculation might be sufficient. The offset addition is based on the
information about the currently active software. On the other hand, the potential for
process acceleration is smaller. Nevertheless, the implementation in hardware provides at
least a simplification of the flashloader software and reduces softwares complexity and
therefore the possibility to make mistakes.

Network architecture

7.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 127

Networking issues .....................................................................127


Network types ...........................................................................128

7.2 Routing nodes (Gateways) ....................................................... 129

7.3 Routing strategy........................................................................ 130

Analysis ....................................................................................130


Discussion ................................................................................131

7.4 Conclusion................................................................................. 135


Routing strategy ........................................................................135


Network design .........................................................................136


Summary ..................................................................................139

This chapter is intended to discuss the influence of the network elements on the total
reprogramming process performance.
Typical vehicle networks are organised depending on the different functionalities that are
necessary within a modern car. The global network is divided into several domains (refer
to figure 2.1-2). Each domain encapsulates special vehicle functionalities like power train
systems, infotainment systems, driver assistance systems etc. The ECUs within a domain
communicate via a bus system that fulfils communication requirements to solve the domain specific functional assignments sufficiently, e.g. via low speed CAN within the comfort or body domain, via FlexRay for driver assistance and regulation systems etc. The
domains are coupled by gateways. If ECUs signal is necessary within another domain,
the gateway is routing that signal into the corresponding domain.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


In the past, CAN was the established automotive bus system. The different domains
differed only by the used CAN bandwidth. Due to the smaller number of ECUs within a car
in the past, networks were flat and the different domains were decoupled by only one
gateway. Of course, software reprogramming was also an issue in the past, but because
of the smaller software size the resulting reprogramming time was not critical. Today
vehicle networks are quite complex for several reasons:
The vehicle functionality has been increased during the last years. Due to that the number
of ECUs has been increased and the communication demand increased, too. Subnetworks have become necessary to handle the communications bus load and to guarantee stable communication. The sub-networks are coupled by gateways.
Due to new innovative functionality the requirements on data communication have been
increased, too. For complex driver assistance systems, busses with guaranteed latency
times are necessary. FlexRay was established for regulation systems.
Due to the cost aspects as discussed in chapter 1 the same network is used for software
reprogramming purpose as for normal vehicle systems functional communication. Unfortunately the dedicated bus systems, that solve ECU application softwares functional
communication requirements, are not optimised for software reprogramming aspects. This
topic was discussed in chapters 3, 4 and 5, where possibilities were discussed to accelerate data transfer on field bus systems.
During the software reprogramming process, the PCU and the ECU are exchanging data.
If both components are directly interconnected, the reprogramming process performance
depends on a) PCUs bus access performance, b) ECUs bus access performance and
c) the bandwidth of the communication link (performance of the protocol stack). In case
the ECU is part of a network and more than two (field) bus systems are part of the communication link between PCU and ECU, the performance of that network also has to be
taken into account. In that case an overall communication link has to be divided into
several sub-links on the corresponding (field) bus systems which are connected by
coupling (routing) nodes like bridges or gateways. Thus, the overall communication
performance and therefore the reprogramming process performance depends on a) the
bus access performance of the PCU and the ECU, b) the different bus systems bandwidth (performance of the protocol stack) as well as c) the data routing performance of the
routing nodes.
With focus on ECUs application software reprogramming the network performance has to
be analysed, because data routing delays are delays in data transmission and enlarge the
overall reprogramming process (refer also to appendix B) [Sch10].

Chapter 7 Network architecture


7.1 Introduction
The term network defines the physical interconnection of two or more nodes (e.g.
ECUs). A.S. Tanenbaum et al. define that two computers are said to be interconnected if
they are able to exchange information [Tan10-1].
As discussed in chapter 1 the design of todays automotive networks is driven by requirements for applications functional communication and costs. Software reprogramming
aspects have not been an issue in the past. Due to increasing ECUs software and the
resulting extension of reprogramming times with increasing costs reprogramming aspects
become more interesting. Now the communication network components as a part of the
communication link between PCU and ECU have to be analysed and discussed with the
aim to accelerate data transfer. Derived from the analysis, design rules for future automotive network design are possible to fulfil ECUs application function communication as well
as ECUs software reprogramming.

7.1.1 Networking issues

In [Cou01-1] James Coulouris et al. define the following network issues: performance,
scalability, reliability, security, mobility, quality of service and multicasting. With the intention of reprogramming automotive ECUs and data transfer acceleration within an automotive network only performance and reliability are important. Scalability is an independent
design issue, mobility is not in focus for automotive networks and security is currently not
relevant for data transfer acceleration. Security aspects will become an issue for software
reprogramming if secured data transfer, i.e. encrypted data, is required and the data
encryption results in additional protocol overhead that reduce the net data transfer ratio.
The quality of service is given because if the ECU is reprogrammed, the Flashloader has
only the assignment to reprogram the ECU and therefore multicasting is not necessary.
The performance parameters of primary interest were those affecting the data transfer
speed: data transfer rate and latency [Cou01-1].
Data transfer rate and the influencing factors (Protocols etc.) are discussed in chapters 3
and 4. The latency is discussed here and is visible as the time delay for transmitting received messages from a source bus system to a target bus system.
Reliability of networks based on automotive field bus systems is typically given and not a
problem. Communication failures usually occur due to receivers or senders application
software (e.g. protocol implementation, buffer handling etc.) rather than network errors.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


For example, CAN or FlexRay implements complex CRC to identify bit errors within the
data stream.

7.1.2 Network types

For embedded systems an embedded network couples at least two field bus systems.
Two different network types are classified: homogeneous networks and heterogeneous
networks. Figure 7.1-1 depicts an overview.

Figure 7.1-1: Network Classification

Both network types have some characteristics which have a significant impact to the
network performance.
Homogeneous Networks
Homogeneous networks couple equal bus types. With focus on embedded systems, that
means equal field bus systems (refer to section 2.5.1). Within homogeneous networks it is
possible to route a PDU directly on ISO/OSI reference model layer 3 (refer to figure 7.1-1).
This is possible because the network layer PDUs have an identical format and therefore
only address information have to be analysed. A PDU received from a source bus system
could be send without further activities or PDU modifications on layer 3 or upper layers on
the target bus system.
Heterogeneous Networks
Heterogeneous networks couple different bus types. In the context of embedded systems
that means different field bus systems (refer to section 2.5.1). Because of unequal network layer PDUs (e.g. different number of payload, different address methods etc.) the
data (SDU) have to be received completely (i.e. reassembled on layer 4 transport layer)
before a new transmission on the other bus system can be initiated. Hence, routing is
placed on ISO/OSI reference model layer 4 (refer to figure 7.1-1).

Chapter 7 Network architecture


7.2 Routing nodes (Gateways)

There is no uniform naming convention for routing elements. Within embedded systems
(especially within the automotive area) network coupling elements are always named as
gateways because they are able to decide whether a message or signal from a sender
must be routed to another bus system or not. The term router, as known from PC networks, is typically not used in the automotive area. In [Zim10-13] W. Zimmermann and
R. Schmidgall classified three different bus coupling elements: (1) transceiver for the ECU
bus access, (2) repeater to enlarge the physically length limits of a bus system (e.g.
FlexRay star or coupling of truck and trailer bus systems) and (3) gateways. Nevertheless,
automotive repeaters are typically implemented as gateways because in many cases not
all signals and messages63 are transferred to the other bus systems or domains. Hence, a
selection method is implemented to process a kind of selective routing. For the following
discussion a more detailed definition for gateways is necessary. A possible differentiation
criterion is the highest layer (refer to figure 7.1-1), on which routing will be performed.
Hence, we distinguish between layer-3-gateways64 and layer-4-gateways to classify the
routing strategy. Within the AUTOSAR layered software architecture routing is always
executed by the PDU-Router (PduR) module, but on top of different layers (refer to
figure 7.2-1).

Figure 7.2-1: Routing within the AUTOSAR layered software architecture


Within a modern vehicle several thousand signals and messages are emitted by the ECUs
application software. But not all signals are relevant for all other ECUs in all domains. For gateway
configuration only the signals for a receiver from other domains are relevant. For example, the
ignition status (on/off, clamp 15 or clamp 30 etc.) as well as the speed signal are important information for all ECUs and are therefore routed into all domains. On the other hand internal signals of
the power train domain are not relevant for the body domain and are therefore blocked and not


Within the automotive industry the differentiation between layer 3 and layer 4 are not always
clearly structured. Because of resource limitations, implementations for embedded systems have
combined both layers (refer to chapter 3). The CAN transport layer protocol as defined in
[ISO 16765-2_3] specifies the mapping of network layer PDUs. Nevertheless, the basic idea is to
route ahead of layer 3. That means that only address aspects have to be taken into account but not
protocol control information (PCI).

Chapter 7 Network architecture


7.3 Routing strategy

Depending on the coupled network types different routing strategies are required.
Figure 7.3-1 depicts an overview.

Figure 7.3-1: Routing strategy

7.3.1 Analysis
Typically routing within networks is basically the problem of finding the shortest path between two nodes. Many of todays common algorithms are based on the shortest path
algorithm published by R.E. Bellman [Bel57] and the algorithm for large networks published by Ford and Fulkerson [For62]. Compared to typical problems of routing information
through LAN networks or the internet, the problem within automotive networks is very
simple. Especially for software reprogramming purpose the network aspects could be
significantly simplified: (1) the connection links are stable, i.e. not floating, and (2) there is
exactly one way for the diagnostic connection link, i.e. there are no alternative possibilities
to establish a communication link from the PCU to the ECU and vice versa. Hence, no
complex algorithms are necessary to calculate the best path because there is only one.
Therefore, for automotive networks the routing problem is reduced to the question of how
fast received data can be processed and transmitted onto the target bus. But here the
routing strategy has a significant influence on the routing performance.
Direct routing (routing On-the-fly)

Chapter 7 Network architecture


Within the direct routing strategy a received PDU is immediately processed and routed
from the receiver side to the sender side. The PDU is neither analysed nor modified. The
PDU is only copied to the transmission buffer.
This method is possible if the physical bus systems on receiver and sender side are equal
(same type), e.g. CAN to CAN routing. In that case the network layer PDUs are equal on
both bus systems and the network-layer-gateway or layer-3-gateway can copy the PDUs
without further activities. Protocol conformity is given by FIFO65-buffers for the PDUs on
transmission or sender side.
Within the automotive industry the term routing-on-the-fly was introduced for layer-3
routing. In the normal communication or network terminology of network nodes this is
typically done by a simple repeater but if there are other PDUs in the network which are
not routed to the other connected bus systems, a selective routing is given and therefore it
is a layer-3-gateway. Figure 7.3-1 depicts an abstract view to that routing mechanism.
Store and forward
Compared to a layer-3 gateway a layer-4 gateway is necessary if the physical bus systems differ (e.g. CAN to FlexRay routing). In that case the network layer PDU can not be
simply copied to the transmission buffer because typically the network layer PDUs are
different. Hence, a routing is possible only on the top of layer 4 (transport layer). As a
consequence the complete transport layer protocol has to be processed on the receiver
side. If the layer 4 SDU is completely received the routing process can be executed and
the SDU is transmitted via target bus systems transport layer protocol. In that case the
differences on the network layer are not relevant.

7.3.2 Discussion
Due to the coupling of different networks different routing mechanisms are necessary and
different strategies are possible. As discussed in section 7.1.1 routing performance is an
important criterion for gateways and has a significant impact for data transfer acceleration
and reprogramming performance.
A gateways routing performance within a network can be calculated as the time which is
necessary to forward data received on a source bus system to a target bus system.
Figure 7.3-2 depicts an abstract overview.


FIFO First In First Out A mechanism for data buffering within a queue.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


Figure 7.3-2: Routing performance

The routing performance is calculated as
Routing Performanc e =

Data Length
t End t Start


For the routing performance discussion and the comparison of routing strategies it is
assumed that source and target bus systems have equal bandwidths. In that case
figure 7.3-2 depicts that a direct routing strategy on layer 3 has a higher performance
because the delay based on routing processing is very short. Store and forward strategies
require more time because data reception on layer 4 and therefore the complete transport
layer protocol handling has to be finalised until routing could be performed. After the single routing step transport layer protocol handling for the target bus system is required. In
sum the time for reception on the source bus and transmission of data on the target bus
on a store and forward routing system is longer than on a direct routing system.

The different routing strategies also have an impact on the required gateway resources.
As depicted in figure 7.3-2 the CPU load for a store and forward mechanism is higher
than for a direct routing. This is because of the additional layer interaction between layer 3
and layer 4 and the processing of the transport layer protocol.
For data routing a buffer is an important resource. Routing on layer 3 requires buffer
especially if the bandwidth of the target bus system is less than the source bus system
(e.g. routing from CAN500kBit/s to CAN125kBit/s). In that case an adequate queue for the data
to transmit is necessary. Depending on the differences between the bandwidths the queue

Chapter 7 Network architecture


depth could vary. For layer 4 routing a complete transport layer SDU must be stored
during data reception before routing can be processed. For CAN transport protocol
according to ISO 15765-2 this are 4095 bytes in maximum. For FlexRay communication
layer protocol according to ISO 10681-2 this are 65.535 bytes in maximum. For
communication in parallel those buffer sizes have to be allocated for each concurrently
active channel.
As illustrated in chapter 1 the cost pressure for automotive systems is high and therefore
resource management is an important issue. Due to that fact several hundred kByte of
RAM for routing buffers are not a realistic scenario. On the other hand the coupling of
different physical bus systems via layer 4 routing is state of the art. Hence, a combination
of routing strategies is necessary to reduce required RAM size for economic aspects and
fulfil the technical requirements for coupling bus systems via transport layers.
Partly store and forward
A partly store and forward approach reduces the demand for buffer resources, as well as
increases systems performance in case a layer-4 routing is required. If a defined data
volume (threshold) is received, routing is processed. Figure 7.3-3 depicts the details.

Figure 7.3-3: Partly store and forward routing strategy

If the defined threshold value is less than the maximum possible SDU length of the
transport layer protocol, the required buffer resources could be reduced significantly. The
data flow on the source bus system has to be controlled by the transport layer protocols
flow control mechanism and depends primarily on the availability of a free buffer. On the

Chapter 7 Network architecture


other hand, a smaller buffer (small threshold) results in more flow control PDUs (PDUs
without payload) and reduces performance.
The overall systems performance is increasing if more than one buffer is available and
these buffers can be used alternatively. The number of different buffers depends on the
bandwidth relation between source and target bus system. This is necessary if the bandwidths of the source and target bus systems are different. The system has to be configured in such a way that no additional delay or communication gap is visible on the slower
bus system. The relation is given as:
rBandwidth =

f T arg etBus


If the bandwidth of a source bus system does not equal the one of the target bus system,
the relation rBandwidth is not equal to 1 (rBandwidth 1). In that case two buffers are sufficient
because until the slower bus system has processed the first buffer (reception or transmission) the second buffer is processed by the faster bus system (transmission or reception).
In case both bus systems have an equal bandwidth, rBandwidth is equal to 1 (rBandwidth = 1). In
that case only two buffers are not sufficient. It is possible that a buffer is completely
processed before the other system has freed the other buffer (mutual exclusion principle).
Therefore a third buffer is necessary to provide a free buffer if the currently faster bus
system is requesting a new buffer. If no free buffer is available, the system has to interrupt
data transmission by flow control processing and continue later on. Figure 7.3-4 depicts
the ideal number of buffers.

Figure 7.3-4: Ideal number of buffers

The jitter and the resulting boundary for the step from two buffers to three buffers have to
be analysed for each gateway individually. It depends on internal criteria like
microcontroller performance, interrupt service processing runtime, task management etc.
and could not be calculated in a generic way.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


Store and forward method vs. tunnelling method

Another approach known from the telecommunication industry is the tunnelling method. A
PDU from one system is integrated completely as payload (SDU) into the PDU of a
second system. For example, a CAN protocol stacks network layer PDU is directly forwarded to the FlexRay protocol stacks transport layer. However this approach provides
only benefits if the target bus system that is tunnelled is (a) significantly faster than the
source bus system and (b) the source bus system is only a transfer bus where as the
destination node is a gateway. Typically automotive networks provide no mere transfer
bus systems and therefore tunnelling is not possible.
Cascaded sub-networks
Within an automotive network it is possible that more than two different networks are
coupled via gateways for a link between PCU and ECU. In that case data are packed and
repacked several times by the corresponding transport layer protocols. Maximum performance is given if 100% bus load is processed on the slowest sub-bus system. The number of necessary buffers (as discussed above) has to be calculated for each gateway.

7.4 Conclusion
An additional influencing parameter of automotive embedded systems reprogramming
performance is the network performance. The network performance depends on two

The data transfer performance (protocol stack performance) of the coupled sublinks (refer to chapters 3, 4 and 5).


The gateways routing performance depending on the routing strategy based on

the network type (heterogeneous and homogeneous)

7.4.1 Routing strategy

The network type (heterogeneous or homogeneous) is based on the type of coupled bus
systems. The routing performance of a gateway is influenced by the network type, i.e. the
coupling of equal or different bus systems. For equal bus systems a coupling on layer 3 network layer is possible (homogeneous network). Different bus systems are typically
coupled on layer 4 - transport layer (heterogeneous networks). Due to the routing layer
different routing strategies are possible. Figure 7.4-1 depicts different routing strategies in
relation to possible routing performance and the required resources.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


Figure 7.4-1: Routing performance vs. resources

Direct routing provides best performance vs. resources relation because each received
PDU on a source bus system could be routed directly to the target bus system. A buffer
queue for the layer 3 PDUs is necessary to prevent overwriting in case of jitter on equal
bus systems with equal bandwidth or in case of transmission accumulation on equal bus
systems with different bandwidth.
Store and forward routing provides less performance vs. resources relation because
routing is only possible when all payload data have been received via the source bus
system. While reception on the source bus system is ongoing, no data transmission on
the target bus is processed. The result is a delay in transmission and therefore less performance for reprogramming. Additional buffer for the complete payload is required to
store the SDU until all data have been received (CAN via ISO 15765-2: 4095 byte;
FlexRay via ISO10681-2: 65535 byte). Finally, routing on layer 4 increases demand on
inter-layer communication and enlarges the CPU runtime for routing processing.
Partly store and forward routing strategy is a good compromise between the other
strategies. Routing runtime is equal but, depending on the current situation routing could
be configured either on performance requirements or on RAM resources requirements.
If prices for microcontroller RAM decreases in future and the CPU power increases, the
partly store and forward strategy might be nearly as powerful as direct routing because
resource disadvantages (memory size, runtime, etc.) are no longer critical.

7.4.2 Network design

The discussion about network impacts for the reprogramming process results in a discussion about network design aspects. Future automotive networks have to be designed to
support the software reprogramming issue, too. As described in chapter 1, network design
was influenced by application softwares functional communication requirements and cost

Chapter 7 Network architecture


aspects in the past. Up to now software reprogramming is an important, but mostly uncritical issue. Currently it is processed via the same network than functional communication to
safe costs. The costs are still an important aspect but the different contributions to calculate a total cost of ownership are changing: The relation between invest in network infrastructure (gateways, bus systems etc.) and reprogramming costs is moving towards
increasing programming costs. Due to that potential commercial disadvantage, an additional parameter has to be taken into account for network design aspects: reprogramming
time limit.
Design aspects based on reprogramming time limits
Within several scenarios an upper limitation for the reprogramming time is given. Within a
vehicle plant, for example, the assembly line timing defines the upper limit. Software
programming has to be finalised within one or, in good cases, in a well defined number of
timing cycles. If the reprogramming time is fix, either ECUs upper memory limitation
depends on bus system bandwidth or a bus system has to be selected, whose bandwidth
is sufficient to program the given memory. Figure 7.4-2 depicts the relation between ECU
memory and reprogramming time limitation.

Figure 7.4-2: Design based on timing limitations

According to the following equation for given bus systems the maximum reprogramming
time is limited by the ECUs memory.
DataTransferRate =

t Re program


The data transfer rate calculation is important especially for new developed ECUs. With
focus on reprogramming it has to be distinguished, whether the ECU could be repro-

Chapter 7 Network architecture


grammed within time limitations via the regular connected bus system for normal application communication. Alternatively the ECU has to be connected to another bus system
with more bandwidth. Of course, in that case all other network design issues (e.g. maximum bus load, cable length, costs, weight etc.) have to be taken into account to find the
best economic solution. Based on that decision the gateways on the communication link
can be designed, too. Because of the complex optimisation process and the large number
of influencing parameters this analysis has to be supported by network analysis tools66.
Design aspects for reprogramming in parallel
Within distributed systems it is also possible that more than one ECU have to be reprogrammed67. In that case the execution in parallel is a powerful approach to accelerate
the overall process and to save time. The network design has to take care that reprogramming parallel is possible and concurrent communication links can be supported.
Hence, the data transfer ratio C (refer to formula 7.4-2 below) of the different sub-bus
systems within the network is important.
Figure 7.4-3 depicts a network that supports reprogramming in parallel. It is divided into
several sub-bus systems coupled by gateways. The developed formula 7.4-2 defines the
basic requirement to guarantee sufficient data transfer rates on all sub-bus systems for a
concurrent communication traffic.
C SourceBus

i= n

C T arg etBus _ i




The Symta Vision GmbH develope and sell the tool SymTA/S to analyse diagnostic communication via network. It is a model-based solution for timing design, performance optimisation and
timing verification for real-time systems [Sym] During the 5th Symtavision NewsConference on
Timing Analysis R.Schmidgall spoke about Diagnostic Communication A Challenge For Network
Analysis [Sch11]. The presentation depicts the different aspects of diagnostic communication
(inclusive software reprogramming aspects) and the challenges and complexity if the different
communication stack protocols shall be analysed for realtime network analysis (refer to appendix

The introduction of AUTOSARs layered software architecture allows to divide system functionallity from the physical ECU. That means that a system is developed or modeled first in an
abstract way. Later on the different function modules are mapped to one or more physical nodes
(ECUs) (refer to [AUTOSAR] key features). In case an error occurs within a system that is mapped
to several physical ECUs, the functional dependencies might require reprogramming of all ECUs.
This scenario is also possible for non-AUTOSAR based systems if functional dependencies exist.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


Figure 7.4-3: Source bus and target bus definition for reprogramming in parallel
As discussed in chapter 3 maximum performance for data transfer is reached for ECU
reprogramming if the bus load for data transfer is up to 100%. Hence, for reprogramming
in parallel this must be possible on each sub-bus system, too. According to formula 7.4-2
the network design shall provide source bus systems that are able to generate 100%
busload on all target bus systems. In case of cascaded networks with several gateways,
this has to be guaranteed for each source bus - target bus relation.
For the network in figure 7.4-3 the bandwidth for bus 0 shall be according to formula 7.4-2:
CBus0_max CBus1_max + CBus2_max
CBus0_max CBus1_max + CBus3_max + CBus4_max
Nevertheless, even if the network (bus 0 or bus 2) does not support the maximum data
transfer rate according to formula 7.4-2, reprogramming in parallel is possible, however
without 100% busload on each bus system. The strategy for reprogramming in parallel is
discussed in chapter 8.

7.4.3 Summary
Network design and the routing strategy have a deep impact to the data transfer performance via network and also an impact to the overall ECU software reprogramming performance.
The necessity of different physical bus systems for application software communication
results in heterogeneous networks. Due to that the gateways become more complex
(routing on layer 3 vs. routing on layer 4) and require more resources (RAM, execution
runtime, etc.) to provide the same data transfer rate as for homogeneous networks.

Chapter 7 Network architecture


With focus on reprogramming several ECUs in parallel (refer to chapter 8), the available
data transfer rate is an important parameter. The possibility to reprogram in parallel is built
in during network design phase when the bandwidths of the sub bus systems are defined.
The smallest bandwidth on the communication link between the PCU and the ECU will
affect the link performance.
For future network design it is necessary to have different, scenario oriented views to the
same network: a) the established view on application functions communication and b) a
view for reprogramming aspects. Figure 7.4-4 depicts the approach.

Figure 7.4-4: Different, scenario oriented views to the same network

For software reprogramming purpose some design requirements are necessary to guarantee high performance:

If a cascaded network with sub-domains is necessary (Domain B/C) the network

shall be homogeneous.


If the bandwidth can not be equal on all bus systems, the bandwidth shall be at
least decreasing from the vehicle communication interface to the sub-domains according to formula 7.4-2.

Finally, there is the question whether a network which is designed for software reprogramming will solve the normal ECU application communication, too?
Of course, this is a new approach for automotive network design, but the given cost pressure requires to think about communication via the same network. Why not move the
design priority?

Reprogramming in parallel

8.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 142
8.2 ECU schedule calculation ........................................................ 143
8.3 Discussion ................................................................................. 147
8.4 Conclusion................................................................................. 149

As mentioned in chapter 1, several trends are visible within the automotive industry that
influence the ECU reprogramming process. Of course, automotive ECUs application
software sizes are increasing continuously, but during the last years this trend has
affected only single ECUs with their own application software. As a result the total reprogramming time for those ECUs has been increased. Nevertheless, an additional trend is
visible: increasing system complexity based on the distribution of functionality to several
ECUs. Jan Danenberg et al. described in [Dan07] that 90% of all innovation will be build in
software. The trend is to combine available information of ECUs to new functionalities.
Especially for driver assistance systems new innovative systems based on available
signals. The AUTOSAR software architecture model supports this trend. In AUTOSAR
hardware independent modelling of functions (inclusive all communication signals) is
possible. After modelling has been finalised the function could be distributed to several
host ECUs. The communication is done by the basic software68.
A disadvantage of the new trend of model based software development and distributed
system functionality is the risk that in case of an error all ECUs which are hosting a part of
the system are affected by reprogramming. In that case software reprogramming of all
affected ECUs in parallel is a powerful approach to reduce the overall reprogramming
time. Within this chapter the approach of reprogramming ECUs application software in
parallel is discussed.

Basic software (BSW) is a term of the AUTOSAR nomenclature and comprehend all software
modules responsible for the basic functionality of an ECU. In the AUTOSAR architecture the basic
software is below the Runtime Environment (RTE). Refer to [Aut11].

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


8.1 Introduction
To reprogram several ECUs application software, concurrent communication links have to
be processed. There are different scenarios to reprogram ECUs in parallel.

Figure 8.1-1: Network classification

Figure 8.1-1 depicts a network to illustrate the different scenarios as described in
table 8.1-1.
Table 8.1-1: Reprogramming scenarios



Single ECU on a single bus system.

Only ECU 1.1

Single ECU on different bus systems.

ECU 1.1 and ECU 2.1 in parallel

Multiple ECUs on a single bus system.

ECU 1.1 and ECU 1.2 in parallel

Multiple ECUs on different bus systems.

ECU 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 in parallel

The scenario 1 (reprogramming of a single ECU) is only for lists completeness. The
scenarios 2, 3 and 4 have to be discussed for reprogramming in parallel. Especially
scenario 3 and scenario 4 seem to be quite complex, because the bandwidth has to be
shared between several ECUs on the same bus system.
Simplification of the scenarios
For the theoretical approach it is assumed that bandwidth of the source bus system is
sufficient to process all concurrently active communication links. Nevertheless, the
scheduling of the active communication links is quite complex. A simplification is possible
if the research results of chapter 3, 4 and 7 are taken into account:

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel



Best data transfer performance is reached if 100% busload is reached. In that case
only one communication link allocates the complete bus systems bandwidth to
communicate with only one ECU. This is possible by implementing double buffered
data reception and optimisation of the communication protocol stack.


The network is designed to support 100% bus load on the slowest communication
link sub-bus system for the corresponding communication link. In best case this is
the target bus system itself.

In that case scenario 3 (reprogramming of multiple ECUs on a single bus system) could
be mapped to scenario 1, a sequential reprogramming process of two ECUs on the same
bus system. Scenario 4 (reprogramming of multiple ECUs on different bus systems) can
be mapped to scenario 2, where single ECUs on different bus systems are reprogrammed.

8.2 ECU schedule calculation

The overall time to reprogram all ECUs depends on the schedule that defines in which
order the different ECUs are processed. To calculate the best schedule some previous
steps are necessary.
1.) Evaluation of the slowest sub-bus segment (bandwidth limiter) on the communication link for each ECU.
2.) Calculation of the expected reprogramming time for each ECU based on the
corresponding communication links slowest sub-bus systems bandwidth.
3.) Definition of a priority list depending on the expected reprogramming time. The
ECU with the longest reprogramming time has the highest priority.

Definition of a processing schedule. The ECUs are arranged based on the priority
list and the available bandwidth on the network.

Bandwidth capacity utilisation

To calculate an optimised schedule the available bus systems bandwidth must be
evaluated. This is possible, if the time-discrete view to the network is moved to a continuous bandwidth view.
At one discrete point in time only one communication link can be supported by a
transmitter. A real concurrent communication is not possible, because at one discrete
point in time only one bit of a well defined connection is transmitted. If transmission of one
connection links PDU has been finalised a new PDU, maybe of another communication
link, could be processed.

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


If two bus systems are connected via a gateway (best practice) and both bus systems
have an equal bandwidth and 100% bus load is produced, no concurrent communication
on another link will be possible.
If two bus systems with different bandwidths are connected via gateway (best practice)
and 100% bus load is produced on the slower bus system, some bandwidth is free on the
faster bus system. This view is helpful to arrange different ECUs on a bus system. Figure
8.2-1 depicts that example. The time discrete view is moved to a continuous
bandwidth view.

Figure 8.2-1: Bandwidth capacity utilisation

The time t1 is the required time to transmit all data via that communication link. The time t1
is calculated as
tx =



S .. Software Size [bit]; f .. bandwidth [bit/s]; t .. data transfer time [s]

Up to t1 the bandwidth n is allocated for the communication link with ECU1. The remaining
bandwidth is 3n (4n - n = 3n) and can be used for other communication links. Additional
communication links can be established as long as the remaining bandwidth n of bus A
is more than zero (n>0).

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


Example with 4 ECUs on three sub bus systems

The following example illustrates the method to arrange ECUs for reprogramming in parallel. Figure 8.2-2 depicts a network with 4 bus systems and 4 ECUs. The source bus
system A does not support the necessary bandwidth to process 100% busload on all subbus systems (refer to chapter 7). Nevertheless, reprogramming in parallel is possible.

Figure 8.2-2: Priority calculation on a network with 4 ECU

The expected time for the complete data transfer via the communication link can be
calculated according to formula 8.2-1 and under consideration of the slowest sub-bus
system on the corresponding communication link. The priority is given based on the
expected data transfer time.
The schedule can be defined under consideration of the rules below:

Start with the highest priority (longest expected data transfer time)


Calculate always if the remaining bandwidth is sufficient for the next ECU.

fk fSourceBusSystem

fk =


Pr iority k

x =Pr iority1


If a recalculation of the finalisation time tx is not necessary based on the remaining bandwidth, then:

Arrange only one ECU from a sub-bus system at a single point in time. Note that
100% bus load is processed on the limiting sub bus system.

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


Figure 8.2-3 depicts a possible schedule to reprogram the given network in parallel.

Figure 8.2-3: Schedule calculation on a network with 4 ECU

ECU1 has the highest priority because the expected data transfer time is t = 10 1/n.
ECU2 and ECU3 have equal priorities. Additionally they are both connected to the same
bus system. Hence, only ECU2 is scheduled in the first phase. Until t = (4 1/n) the remaining bandwidth is only n bit/s (4n-n-2n = n) and therefore ECU4 could not be arranged with
full bandwidth. As a result the data transfer time has to be recalculated. The bandwidth
limiting bus system is now bus A.
At tECU2 the data transfer to ECU2 has been finalised. Data transfer to ECU3 could be
scheduled (priority is higher than to ECU4, no concurrent communication on the limiting
bus C). Communication of ECU4 is ongoing with bandwidth n bit/sec.
At tECU3 the data transfer to ECU3 has been finalised. For communication to ECU4 now a
bandwidth of 3n is available for the remaining software size of 4 bit (8 bit have been
transmitted with a bandwidth of n bit/s). Recalculation of the finalisation time results in

t ECU4 = t ECU3

4 bit
= t ECU3 + 2 = 10s
3 bit

At tECU1 data transfer to all ECUs had been finalised. Reprogramming all ECUs sequentially requires 21 a/n seconds. Reprogramming in parallel requires only 10 a/n seconds and
reduces reprogramming time to 47%.

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


Bandwidth capacity utilisation for cascaded bus systems

The schedule development method will work also for cascaded bus systems. Figure 8.2-4
depicts the principle.

Figure 8.2-4: Schedule calculation for networks with cascaded bus systems

8.3 Discussion
The method to calculate a schedule for ECU reprogramming is based on a simple principle. The slowest sub bus systems bandwidth on the communication link between PCU
and ECU is allocated also on all other sub-bus systems. The remaining bandwidth can be
used to establish another communication link to another ECU. The aim is to utilise the
given bandwidth well.
The method is simple because the assumption that 100% bus load on a bus is possible.
This can be reached by implementing double buffered data reception on the receiver
100% busload not possible
The basic method will work also, if 100% bus load will not be possible by a single ECU.
However, the calculation of the real bandwidth for each ECU is quite complex, but if the
bandwidth is determined, the normal schedule calculation can be processed. Without
double buffered data reception the reprogramming time cannot be compensated (refer to
chapter 3). Hence, a forecast for the reprogramming time is necessary. However, the
physical reprogramming time can drift by aging of the microcontroller. Unfortunately, such
a drift is only detected, if a data transfer to the ECU and therefore a physical reprogramming process is executed. The measurement of the time between the transmission of the

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


requests69 last data transfer frame and the reception of the response70 reduced by the
networks Transmission runtime represents the physical reprogramming time and the
internal processing time. In worst case the given forecast based on the physical programming time is not longer valid and a recalculation is necessary. In that case a recalculation of the schedule might be necessary, too.
How to get the information about sub-bus bandwidths?
The schedule calculation method is based on the knowledge of the networks sub-bus
systems bandwidth. Hence, a method is necessary to provide the network topology for the
schedule calculation.
The ASAM MCD-2D71 standard (market name ODX Open Diagnostic Data Excange)
provides abstract information about the topology of the network. In [Zim10-14]
W. Zimmermann and R. Schmidgall give an introduction to the ODX sub document
VEHICLE-INFO-SPEC (ODX-V). This document is defined to provide the logical links
from an external diagnostic test tool to the corresponding ECU. Unfortunately, the ODX-V
is currently not prepared to describe a complete network in detail with all information
required to calculate a schedule (e.g. bus bandwidth, ECU arrangement etc.). S. Karic
analysed in his bachelor thesis the ODX-V data model and developed a method to
describe all relevant information for reprogramming in parallel [Kar11]. The conclusion of
this work is that the ODX-V data model is currently not applicable to support reprogramming in parallel, because some important information (e.g. gateway information etc.) are
not part of the data model.
Without ODX-V the topology information has to be stored in another format or document
for the schedule calculation.
Reprogramming of gateways
It is possible that the gateway application software shall be reprogrammed. This can occur
if routing relations will change, e.g. in case a new ECU (new innovation) is introduced into
a network. As described in chapter 1, typically ECUs flashloader software is optimised
only for software reprogramming purpose because of less ROM or Flash memory









Diagnostic Request (refer to UDS)


Diagnostic Response (refer to UDS)


ODX defines a unique, open XML exchange format for diagnostics data.



Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


diagnostic72 messages but no normal application communication PDUs of other ECUs.

Hence, it is necessary to have information during schedule calculation whether an ECU is
a gateway or not. This information could be also a part of ODX-V.
Due to the above described gateway behaviour in flashloader mode, gateways has to be
reprogrammed within an own schedule. However, it has to be taken into account that
gateways of cascaded networks have to be reprogrammed sequentially.

8.4 Conclusion
Reprogramming of ECUs application software in parallel is a powerful approach to reduce
the total reprogramming time. However, some prerequisites are necessary to be able to
reprogram in parallel: a) the network shall be designed for that approach and b) topology
information shall be available for schedule calculation.
The calculation of the reprogramming schedule has the aim a) to utilise the available
bandwidth well and b) to create an arrangement to reprogram all ECUs in the shortest
possible time. Gateways shall be reprogrammed separately in sequential order because
gateways typically stop routing in flashloader mode.
Best practice for schedule calculation based on ASAM MCD-2 (ODX)
The VEHICLE-INFO-SPEC document of the ODX standard is partly not applicable to
support the reprogramming process. Hence, some optimisation proposals for ODX-V are
provided to the ASAM MCD 2 standardisation working group.
In case the ASAM MCD-2 (ODX) standard model provides the network topology information in future, the offboard activities can be managed completely by the ODX data
model. Figure 8.4-1 depicts an overview in principle.
The ODX-F document provides all information about ECUs application software (e.g.
software size, possible compression algorithm etc.) The ODX-D document provides all
diagnostic information of the ECU (e.g. supported diagnostic services according to the


Diagnostic broadcast messages are typically send by the PCU and received by all ECUs to keep
the ECUs into diagnostic session. Typically an ECU supports a normal default session at least
two diagnostic sessions (extended diagnostic session and reprogramming session). Diagnosis is
only possible in a non-default session and is initiated by the diagnostic service request $10
Session Control (refer to UDS). An important broadcast message is the cyclic transmitted diagnostic service request $3E Tester Present. It signals that a diagnostic test tool is connected and
prevents ECUs fall back from non-default (diagnostic) session to normal default session. Hence,
broadcast messages have to be routed also if the gateway is in boot mode to keep the domain into
diagnostic mode.

Chapter 8 Reprogramming in parallel


UDS standard). The ODX-V document provides the network information (e.g. network
topology, sub-buses bandwidth, gateway declarations etc.).

Figure 8.4-1: ODX integration to support reprogramming in parallel

By evaluating the ODX-F document and the ODX-V document the reprogramming time for
each ECU can be calculated. These values are used to calculate the reprogramming
schedule and process reprogramming. The sequence for schedule calculation is as listed

Calculate reprogramming time of each ECU.


Select all ECUs which are marked as a gateway and skip them from the list.
Gateways are reprogrammed separately before the other ECUs are processed.


Calculate the priority depending on the reprogramming time. Highest priority for
longest reprogramming time


Calculate the schedule depending on the priority. The following rules have to be
taken into account:
a) Bus systems bandwidth limitations have to be considered.
b) If 100% bus load is possible (e.g. by double buffered data transfer) only one
ECU on the final target bus system shall be scheduled at one point in time.
c) Arrange the ECUs that on the first source bus (from PCU to first gateway) in that
way that as less as possible bandwidth is free.

Based on this algorithm, ECUs application software reprogramming in parallel will be a

powerful approach to reduce the total reprogramming time significantly.

Magnetoresistive RAM

9.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 152
9.2 Discussion ................................................................................. 153
9.3 Case study to the differential file approach ............................ 154
9.4 Conclusion................................................................................. 156

As discussed in the chapters before the current software reprogramming process is significantly influenced and limited by the currently given memory technology. Of course, the
Flash memory technology provides benefits which were never given before for embedded
systems by the old ROM mask technology and, of course, without the established reprogramming process for Flash memory the product costs especially within the automotive
industry, will be still higher. Nevertheless, the Flash memory technology has some restrictions which constrain and limit an optimized reprogramming process. A real quantum
transition will be possible if the established Flash memory technology is replaced by the
new proposed MRAM technology (Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory) in microcontrollers. Some disadvantages of flash memory caused by the inherent technology can
be eliminated by the employment of possible MRAM technology. With focus on reprogramming time the MRAM technology provides essential advantages. In contrast to the
currently established flash memory technologies MRAM semiconductors store the
information not by electrical, but by magnetic load elements.
Of course, currently there is no microcontroller available that supports MRAM on chip.
However, Freescale Semiconductor provides MRAM as an external memory device
[Fre07-1]. Nevertheless, it seems that this memory technology will be the next evolution
step for embedded systems memory and therefore this memory technology is discussed
within this thesis.
This chapter is intended to discuss the impact of MRAM technology to the reprogramming
process of embedded systems as well as to depict the necessary changes for software
development process.

Chapter 9 Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM)


9.1 Introduction
In contrast to currently established memory technologies, MRAM semiconductors store
the information not using electrical, but by magnetic load elements. The effect is based on
the fact that certain materials change their electrical resistance if they are influenced by
magnetic fields. Alfred Hammerl and Halit Bag give an overview of the different
magnetoresistive effects [Ham03]. R.C. Sousa et al. reviewed the progress of the MRAM
research process and provide a briefly overview to conventional MRAM operations like
reading or writing a bit [Sou05].
Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) effect
In an MRAM cell the information zero (0) and one (1) are represented by the orientation of
magnetic fields and is based on the Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) effect. A MTJ semiconductor has a three-layer structure. It consists of two magnetic layers and an insulation
layer. One of the magnetic layers is a fixed ferromagnetic layer and has a fixed orientation
(fixed magnetic layer). The other magnetic layer can change its magnetic polarization
(floating magnetic layer). It is aligned either in the same orientation as the fixed layer
(parallel magnetic orientation) or in the opposite (opposite magnetic orientation). Although
not shown in figure 9.1-1, a bit line and digit line are located above and below the MTJ.
The electrical resistance of the memory cell changes depending to the magnetic
orientation of the floating magnetic layer. According to the electrical resistance a high or
low current could occur. A current switch converts the binary information low current and
high current to voltage levels (low current = 0bin; high current = 1bin).

Figure 9.1-1: Bit information storage based on the MTJ effect

The MRAM technology does not need any electrical current in order to hold the stored
information. Once the magnetic adjustment is made the variable magnetic layer remains
static, i.e. no further current is required.

Chapter 9 Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM)


Comparison of MRAM to other memory technologies

MRAM adopts the advantages of several memory technologies available today. Similar to
flash memory or EEPROM (Electrical Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory), a
non-volatile data retention takes place, i.e. program code and data are sustained without
power supply. MRAM reduces the power consumption because the refresh pulses as
required for DRAM are no longer necessary. The data access is very fast (cf. SRAM) and
the cells are small which results in a high device integration level. Table 9.1-1 depicts an
overview to the typical memory parameters and compares MRAM and other memory
technologies [Fre07].
Table 9.1-1: Comparison of expected MRAM features with other memory technologies





Read Speed






Write Speed












Low Voltage












The advantages of MRAM based systems are quite evident. The main advantages of
MRAM compared to Flash memory technology, with respect to reprogramming activities,
is the byte-wise access and the possibility to overwrite data without an initial memory
erase phase.

9.2 Discussion
Some disadvantages of Flash memorys reprogramming process caused by the inherent
technology can be eliminated by the employment of possible MRAM technologies.
Erase process skipping
In section 2.4 the typical reprogramming process of a flash memory based embedded
system was described. Normally Flash memory technology does not allow the overwriting
of programmed memory cells without prior erasing memory partitions/blocks. It is currently
not possible to erase a single memory cell.

Chapter 9 Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM)


MRAM technology allows overwriting of individual programmed memory cells without prior
erasing of the cell. Therefore the erase step within the reprogramming process is no longer required. Table 9.2-1 shows the potential to safe processing time based on the erase
time of two different, currently state of the art microcontrollers Flash memory.
Table 9.2-1: Example of microcontrollers erase time for Flash memory
Infineon TriCore TC 1797 [TC1197]


Program Flash Erase Time per 256 kByte Sector

Freescale MC9S12XEP [MC9S12X]







Program Flash Erase Time per 1024 Byte




Normalized to 256 kByte



Based on this data given by the manufacturers data sheets [TC1197, MC9S12X] the
predicted total erase time for a 2 MByte on-chip flash memory is up to 40 seconds. This
time can be saved potentially in case of skipping the erase process because of using
MRAM. With focus on the total amount of automotive embedded systems as discussed in
chapter 1 these potential might be considerably higher.
Byte-wise read/write access
In a Flash memory complete physical memory sectors must be erased and reprogrammed. Erasing the complete physical sector is necessary no matter if a complete
memory section or only a few bytes have changed. Thus, the data for reprogramming the
complete physical sector always has to be transferred and programmed. MRAM technology allows read/write access basically for each single byte (alignment has to be taken into
account). This byte-wise read/write access allows the usage of the method of differential
file update as discussed previously in section 5.4 but without the Flash memorys
disadvantage of storing the non-changed bytes into RAM mirror. Only the real differences
of the old and new compiler/linker output file have to be transferred and reprogrammed.
Of course, the overall effort of this method is high but the benefit is enormous. The data
transfer time could be reduced significantly and this will finally solve the initial problem.

9.3 Case study to the differential file approach

In section 5.4 the approach of software reprogramming based on differential file data
transfer was discussed in principle. The assumption in section 5.4 was that software bug

Chapter 9 Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM)


fixing is the most important reason for software reprogramming and 80% of bug fixings
result in less than 1 kByte OP-code changes and only 20% in more than 1 kByte. As a
result of this assumption only a few bytes within a memory sector/partition need to be
changed compared to the total software size.
The case study below continues the case study of section 5.4 and compares the differential file approach for Flash memory technology systems as well as for MRAM technology
based systems.
According to chapter 2 and as mentioned above Flash memory requires that the corresponding memory part is previously erased before it can be programmed. If the RAM
resources are not given to mirror the corresponding memory part, this memory part will be
erased and the data for that part have to be transferred completely. For MRAM technology
only the differences have to be transferred.
The microcontroller parameters (Flash memory section size etc.) are based on Infineons
TriCore TC1197 microcontroller. According to table 9.1-1 it is assumed that the write
speed to MRAM is equal to existing Flash memories and therefore we use the write speed
value of the TC1767, too. We assume that the size of the modified OP code is 1 kByte
and all modifications are constrained within 4 memory pages73.
The case study based on the assumptions and parameters as listed below:
Modified OP code size:

1 kByte

Flash memory size:

16 kByte, 128 kByte, 256 kByte

Erase performance:

51.2 kByte/s (refer to table 9.1-1)

Program performance:

50 kByte/s74 [TC1197, TC1197-2]


8 Byte (pure CAN protocol without any transport protocol)


123 bit (refer to table 4.1-1)

CAN bit rate:

500 kbit/s

The memory erase time tErase is calculated as

t Erase =

f Erase


The data transfer time tTransfer is calculated by formula 9.3-2:


Page = 256 Byte Refer to [TC1797-2]


256 byte per page programmed in 5 ms

(256 byte : 0.005s) : 1024 = 50 kByte/s

Chapter 9 Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM)

t transfer =


FrameLengt h


Table 9.3-1 depicts the results of that theoretical case study:

Table 9.3-1: Differential file approach comparison to Flash and MRAM technology

Sector Size
256 kByte
128 kByte
16 kByte
256 kByte
128 kByte
16 kByte

Data volume
to transfer
256 kByte
128 kByte
16 kByte
1 kByte
1 kByte
1 kByte



8.061 s
4.030 s
0.504 s
0.031 s
0.031 s
0.031 s

5.120 s
2.560 s
0.320 s
0.020 s
0.020 s
0.020 s



The total time depicts a significant benefit for MRAM technology based software reprogramming process. The data transfer time as well as the reprogramming time is reduced.
An erase process is not required and therefore an erase time will not occur.
Nevertheless, to get the results as depicted ahead, a corresponding software development process is a previously required. If the software is not designed and prepared to
support differential file updates (refer to chapter 4) the benefits will not be realized.

9.4 Conclusion
The MRAM technologys byte-wise access allows software updates by transferring and
overwriting only differences between the old and new software. Due to the reduced
amount of data to transfer, the data transfer time and the physical programming time
significant time savings can be made. Thus the potential cost savings of the new
technologies could solve the rapidly approaching technological limitation of flash
memories in modern complex embedded vehicle systems.
As introduced ahead, MRAM seems to be the next technology step for embedded
non-volatile memory. With respect to software reprogramming the typical software
architecture and software structure has to be modified to fulfil the initial requirements to
use the differential file update approach. Only if software is designed to produce smallest
possible OP-code differences between an actual and a preview file the full power of the
differential file update method can be realized.
Appendix A provides a concentrated view to MRAM technology with focus to software
reprogramming aspects which are discussed in several chapters of this work.

10 Case study Software reprogramming

10.1 Software reprogramming via CAN ........................................... 157
10.1.1 ISO15765-2 (CAN-TP) model evaluation ..................................158
10.1.2 ISO14229 (UDS) on CAN model evaluation ..............................162
10.1.3 CAN bus baud rate optimisation ................................................166
10.1.4 ISO 15765-2 (CAN TP) Flow Control parameter Block size.......168
10.1.5 ISO 15765-2 (CAN TP) FlowControl parameter STmin .............170

10.2 Application Protocol ISO 14229 (UDS) Optimisation ............. 172

10.3 Gateway optimisation ............................................................... 178
10.3.1 Buffer for the partly store and forward routing strategy ..............179
10.3.2 Increasing gateways clock frequency ........................................181
10.3.3 Summary ..................................................................................182

10.4 Software reprogramming via FlexRay ..................................... 182

10.4.1 Vehicle access by CAN bus system ..........................................182

This chapter presents a case study to verify the quantitative models presented to evaluated software reprogramming purpose in the earlier chapters. The study provides answers
to the question of performance increase based on protocol optimisations as well as the
effects of data size reduction (compression).

10.1 Software reprogramming via CAN

This section is intended to verify the theoretical discussions of chapter 3 and chapter 4 by
a real implementation. The flashloader implements a CAN communication stack according
to the protocols ISO 11898, ISO 15765-2 and ISO 14229.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Experimental Setup
The approaches of chapter 3 and 4 to accelerate data transfer have been implemented
within a prototype project for a V850 CargateM75 microcontroller. Figure 10.1-1 depicts the
evaluation test system layout.

Figure 10.1-1: Test environment


FlashCedere V1.20 and PCCOM: V01.61


S/N 0700/027-1

Evaluation Board:

NEC AB050 CAG4M ; SN CA 0050071D V1.00


V850 UPD 70F 3461 6J(A1) (CargateM)

The PCU (FlashCedere76) controls the reprogramming process by sending the sequence
of diagnostic services as described in section 2.5.4. The CAN-TR2 Box provides PCUs
CAN interface. The connectors pin layout of the CAN-TR2-Box and the evaluation board
are different. Hence, the CAN signals (CAN-High and CAN-Low) are mapped to the corresponding pins by the Patch-Box. The debugger connector allows flashloader reprogramming for the different test scenarios.


ISO15765-2 (CAN-TP) model evaluation

Studys aim
The aim of this study is the validation of formula 4.1-17. This formula represents the
mathematical model to calculate the data transfer time via CAN transport layer protocol
according to ISO 15765-2.


Microcontroller: Renesas V850 D70F3461GJ(A1)


SMART Electronic Development GmbH, Germany [Smart]

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Experimental Setup
In section 4.1-2 communication via the transport layer protocol according to ISO 15765-2
was discussed. It was stated that segmented data transfer provides benefits compared to
unsegmented data transfer with focus on data transfer rate. Figure 10.1-2 depicts the
PDU sequence for a segmented transmission of 4,082 byte from a sender node to a receiver node.

Figure 10.1-2: Segmented data transfer according to ISO 15765-2

The model depends on the configuration parameters as listed in table 10.1-1 and the
system runtime parameters as listed below:
a) Sender nodes processing time N_Cs
b) Receiver nodes processing time N_Br

ISO 15765-2 N_Br and N_Cs parameter

An additional delay is the processing time of ISO 15765-2 transport protocols flow control
handling. As discussed in section the ECU (N_Br time) as well as the PCU (N_Cs
time) requires time to process a FlowControl PDU. This delay is independent from the bus
systems baud rate. The constant value reduces the data transfer rate. This is also an
indication for the theoretically discussion about reduction of FlowControl PDUs to reduce
processing delays by increasing the block size parameter in the transport layer protocol.
To evaluate the model the system related processing times N_Cs and N_Br have to be
measured. These processing times are independent of the underlying bus system.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Table 10.1-1: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters



CAN Baud rate

125 ; 250 ; 500 ; 1,000 kBit/s

CAN Address Mode

11 bit normal addressed

Block size (BS)



0 ms Measurement results

Table 10.1-2 shows the measurement results for the test system.
Table 10.1-2: Measurement results of PCU and ECU processing parameters

CAN baud rate


Transfer Time
Transferred data


















The measurement shows a stable parameter set for N_Cs (2.77ms) and N_Br (0.003ms).
The transport layer is configured to a STmin = 0. Nevertheless, the ECU requires processing time between two ConsecutiveFrame (CF) PDUs. Evaluation
In chapter 4 formula 4.1-17 was developed to calculate the net data rate for data transfer
via CAN.
fData _ net =

dSDU_ ISO157652

(nPDUs dPDU_ ISO11898 tbit ) + nCF _ PDU nCFBS
1 1 tST min +
(tN _ Br + tN _ Cs )


The integration of all configured of measured parameters results in the formula below:
fData _ net =

dSDU_ ISO157652

(603 dPDU_ ISO11898 tbit ) + 566 tSTmin + 19 (2.773 103 s)

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Table 10.1-3: Communication models calculation of data transfer rate


CAN baud rate















Transferred data


Table 10.1-3 depicts the calculated data transfer rate results of the communication model
based formula 4.1-17. The error between the measured and calculated data transfer rates
is in a range of -1.7% to + 2.7%.
The model depicts that doubling pure CAN bit rate will not result in doubling communication performance. The reason is the relation between the PDU transfer and the nearly
constant processing delays:

603 dPDU_ ISO11898 tbit

(603 dPDU_ ISO11898 tbit ) + 566 tST min + 19 (2.773 103 s)

Table 10.1-4: Communication models calculation of data transfer rate

Relation [ tTransfer : (tTransfer + tDelay) ]

CAN baud rate


Theoretically max value (refer to table 4.1-4)

Corrected value
Measured value (refer to table 10.1-2)








Table 10.1-4 depicts the calculated relation. Due to that effect the theoretically possible
maximum data transfer rate will not be reached. Table 10.1-4 depicts the theoretically
possible values (refer to Table 4.1.-4 in chapter 4). According to the calculated relation,
the maximum data transfer rate via CAN (1,000 kBit/s) is only 50% of the theoretically
possible data rate. The comparison between the corrected but theoretically calculated
values and the real measurement values proofs that theory. Conclusion
Formula 4.1-17 works. The additional delays result in a reduction of the maximum data
transfer rate for a segmented data transfer.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming



ISO14229 (UDS) on CAN model evaluation

Studys aim
The aim of this study is the validation of formula 4.1-21. This formula represents the
mathematical model to calculate the download time via CAN transport layer protocol
according to ISO 15765-2.
Experimental Setup
In section 4.1-3 the complete download of a reprogramming sequence based on
ISO 14229 - UDS via the transport layer protocol according to ISO 15765-2 on CAN is
discussed. Figure 10.1-3 depicts the PDU sequence of several segmented transmission of
4,082 byte from a PCU to an ECU (Request) and the responses from the ECU to the

Figure 10.1-3: Segmented data transfer according to ISO 15765-2

The model depends on the configuration parameters as listed in table 10.1-5 and the
system runtime parameters as listed below:
a) PCUs processing time N_Cs (refer to section
b) ECU flashloaders processing time N_Br (refer to section

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


c) The ECU flashloaders physical programming time tPhysProg ()

d) The PCUs processing time tprocessUDS ()
To evaluate the model the system related processing times N_Cs, N_Br, tPhysProg and
tprocessUDS have to be measured. These processing times are independent of the underlying
bus system.
Table 10.1-5: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters



CAN Baud rate

125 ; 250 ; 500 ; 1,000 kBit/s


CAN Address Mode

11 bit normal addressed


Block size (BS)




0 ms



4,082 Byte




refer to table 10.1-2



refer to table 10.1-2 Measurement results

Table 10.1-6 shows the measurement results for the test system.
Table 10.1-6: Measurement results of PCU and ECU processing parameters





Download Time
Transferred data



CAN baud rate




















The measurement shows a nearly stable parameter set for N_Cs (2.77ms) and N_Br
(0.003ms). The transport layer is configured to a STmin = 0. Nevertheless, the ECU requires processing time between two ConsecutiveFrame (CF) PDUs. The programming
time tPhysProg of this microcontroller is approximately 22.12 ms.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


The PCU requires a processing time tprocessUDS of 5.53 ms between a received response
from the ECU and the transmission of the next request. Evaluation
In chapter 4 the formula 4.1-21 was developed to calculate the net data rate for data
transfer via CAN on ISO 15765-2 based on UDS (ISO 14229).

t DL

nPDUs( x ) dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit +


n CF _ PDU( x ) CF _ PDU( x ) 1 1 t ST min


dPDU _ ISO14229 n CF _ PDU( x )


t N _ Br + t N _ Cs +
d SDU _ Iso15765 2

Phys Pr og( x )
1 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit +

t PCU _ Pr ocess

nPDUs(n ) dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit +


n CF _ PDU(n) CF _ PDU(n ) 1 1 t ST min


n CF _ PDU(n)
t N _ Br + t N _ Cs +


Phys Pr og(n )
1 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit

The number of repetitions n is calculated by:

d PDU _ ISO14229 458,720

= 112 (70 hex )
d SDU _ Iso15765 2 4,082
Hence, 112 UDS requests are transmitted with a SDU size of 4,082 bytes. The last UDS
request has a SDU size of 1,760 byte and is calculated by formula 4.1-20:

d SDU ( n ) = d PDU _ ISO14229 mod d SDU _ Iso157652

d SDU ( n ) = 458,720 mod 4,082 = 1,760
To transmit this data size, 260 PDUs (nPDUs(n)) are necessary (1 First Frame PDU,
251 Consecutive Frame PDUs (nCF_PDU(n)) and 8 Flow Control PDUs).
The integration of all configured of measured parameters results in the formula below:

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming

t DL

603 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit

+ 566 t ST min

+ 19 (2.773 10 s)
= 112
+ 22.12 10 s
+ 1 d
PDU _ ISO11898 t bit

+ 5.53 10 3 s


) (260 dPDU _ ISO11898 t bit )

+ 245 t ST min

+ 8 (2.773 10 3 s)
+ 22.12 10 s
+ 1 d
PDU _ ISO11898 t bit

The data transfer rate is calculated by:

fData_ net =

603 d
tbit 260 d


+ 566 tSTmin
+ 245 t


+ 19 (2.773 10 3s)
+ 8 (2.773 10 3s)


+ 22.12 10 3s


+ 22.12 10 s

+ 1 d

PDU_ISO11898 bit + 1 dPDU_ISO11898 tbit

+ 5.53 10 3s

Table 10.1-7: Communication models calculation of data transfer rate


CAN baud rate















Transferred data


Table 10.1-7 depicts the calculated data transfer rate results of the communication model
based on formula 4.1-21. The error between the measured and calculated data transfer
rates is in a range of -1.2% to + 2.6%. Conclusion
Formula 4.1-21 works. Compared to the study in section 10.1.1, the additional delays for
the physical data reprogramming, the response transmission and the PCU processing
time results in a reduction of the maximum data transfer rate for a segmented data

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming



CAN bus baud rate optimisation

Studys aim
The aim of this study is the validation of the approach to increase the software reprogramming performance for an embedded system by increasing physical layers baud rate.
The theoretical background was discussed in section 4.1.
Experimental Setup
The system was configured as listed in table 10.1-8.
Table 10.1-8: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters



CAN Baud rate

125 ; 250 ; 500 ; 1,000 kBit/s


CAN Address Mode

11 bit normal addressed


Block size (BS)




0 ms



458,720 Byte

configured Measurement results

Figure 10.1-4 depicts the measurement results for the software reprogramming data
transfer between the PCU and the ECU. Table 10.1-9 depicts the details.
Software reprogramming performance on CAN
(Software download based on ISO 14229 UDS protocol)
(ISO 15765-2 configuration: Stmin = 0, Blocksize 32)



Data transfer rate [kByte/s]












CAN baud rate [kBit/s]

Figure 10.1-4: Software reprogramming performance on CAN


Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Table 10.1-9: Software reprogramming performance on CAN

Transferred data

CAN baud rate


Download Time








kByte/min Evaluation
The critical evaluation of the measurements provides 3 main results:

Increasing bit rate results in increasing programming performance.


Doubling bit rate does not result in doubling programming performance.


The theoretically calculated maximum data transfer rates are not achieved.

As discussed in the previous studies the systems processing delays have an impact to
the overall performance. The delays are constant and usually independent of the bus
systems bandwidth. In relation to the pure data transfer time the delays impact is increasing the shorter the pure data transfer time is. In the study this effect is visible when doubling baud rate (e.g. 500 kBit/s to 1,000 kBit/s) results only in 42.8% performance
increase. Conclusion
System Design Requirements
The systems delay times have to be analysed before a decision to network optimisation
by increasing CAN baud rate is done. As depicted in this and the previous studies within
this thesis, a bandwidth optimisation will result in a higher data transfer rate but not automatically in a satisfactory system reprogramming performance. Without knowledge of the
system delays a bandwidth optimisation is not advisable.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming



ISO 15765-2 (CAN TP) Flow Control parameter Block size

Studys aim
In section the impact of the ISO 15765-2 Flow Control PDUs parameter BlockSize
was analysed for a data transfer of only 4,095 bytes. The aim of this study is the validation













45,870 bytes.
The flow control parameter Block Size (BS) defines the number of Consecutive Frame
(CF) PDUs that can be received by a receiver node in one block within a segmented data
transmission. After reception of that block a Flow Control (FC) PDU has to be sent by the
initial receiver node to signal the current flow state and to continue data transfer.
Experimental Setup
The system was configured as listed in table 10.1-10.
Table 10.1-10: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters



CAN Baud rate

125 ; 250 ; 500 ; 1,000 kBit/s


CAN Address Mode

11 bit normal addressed


Block size (BS)

{0, 1, 8, 16, 32}



0 ms


The BlockSize (BS) parameter of the flashloaders FlowControl PDU varied according to
the values as listed above. Measurement results

Table 10.1-11 depicts the measurement results (average of 5 independent measurements) for each flashloader BlockSize configuration. Figure 10.1-5 depicts the corresponding graphical evaluation.
Table 10.1-11: Flow Control parameter BS measurement results
0 CF-Frames
1 CF-Frames
8 CF-Frames
16 CF-Frames
32 CF-Frames

458,720 Byte
23.16 s
458,720 Byte 192.83 s
458,720 Byte
48.51 s
458,720 Byte
35.03 s
458,720 Byte
28.43 s


Data transfer rate

1,161 kByte/min
139 kByte/min
554 kByte/min
767 kByte/min
945 kByte/min

100.00 %
12.01 %
47.74 %
66.12 %
81.45 %

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


ISO 15765-2 performance analysis

Data transfer rate for different BlockSize parameter values
(CAN 500kBit/s)

Data transfer rate [kByte/s]










9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Block Size [BS]

Figure 10.1-5: Impact of Flow Control parameter BS Evaluation
The measurement result has an equal tendency and figure 10.1-5 has an equal characteristic as figure 4.1-4. As discussed in section the parameter BlockSize (BS) has a
significant impact on the data transfer rate.
A block size equal to 0 provides best results because after the first FlowControl PDU no
additional FlowControl PDUs are required. Hence, neither additional PDU runtimes and
processing times within the ECU nor additional PCU processing times occur.
A Blocksize equal to 1 provides worse results because after each received data PDU the
ECU has to send a flow control PDU. This results in a maximum possible additional PDUs
processing time in the PCU and ECU and additional PDU runtimes for FlowControl PDUs.
Compared to the theoretically calculated values based on an ideal system, without any
system delays, in table 4.1-4 (note: transmission of only 4,095 byte) the measured performance relation between the configuration of BS = 0 and other BS configurations is
higher. This is because of the additional system delays N_Cs, N_Br, tPhysProg and tProcess_UDS
which reduce the data transfer rate even if only a few FlowControl PDUs are necessary.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming

170 Conclusion
The trend of the curve in figure 4.1-4 (section is correct. The impact of the configured parameter BlockSize is given.
System Design Requirements
With focus on data transfer rate the ISO 15765-2 FlowControl parameter BlockSize shall
be configured equal to zero. On the other hand, this requires buffer to receive the complete SDU without further FlowControl communication to the sender node. If not enough
buffer is available, the BlockSize has to be configured to a value that supports the maximum possible buffer size. Nevertheless, each reduction of the Blocksize parameter configuration (when unequal to zero) will reduce the data transfer rate.


ISO 15765-2 (CAN TP) FlowControl parameter STmin

Studys aim
The aim of this study is the validation of the research results of section where the
impact of the ISO 15765-2 Flow Control PDUs parameter of the minimum separation time
STmin was theoretically analysed for a data transfer on 4,095 bytes. The study shall
depict that the system behaviour is equal by trend, even if the data transfer size is increased to 45,870 bytes.
Experimental Setup
The system was configured as listed in table 10.1-12.
Table 10.1-12: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters



CAN Baud rate

125 ; 250 ; 500 ; 1,000 kBit/s


CAN Address Mode

11 bit normal addressed


Block size (BS)




{0, 1, 5} ms


The STmin parameter of the flashloader FlowControl PDU varied according to the values
as listed above.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming

171 Measurement results

Table 10.1-13 depicts the measurement results (average of 5 independent measurements) for each flashloader BlockSize configuration. Figure 10.1-6 depicts the corresponding graphical evaluation.
Table 10.1-13: Flow Control parameter STmin measurement results

Transfered data size
Total programming time
Data transfer rate

STmin [ms]


ISO 15765-2 performance analysis

Data transfer rate for different STmin parameter values
(CAN 500kBit/s)

Data transfer rate [kByte/s]





STmin [ms]

Figure 10.1-6: Impact of Flow Control parameter STmin Evaluation
The measurement result has an equal tendency and figure 10.1-6 has an equal characteristic as figure 4.1-6. As discussed in section the parameter STmin has a significant
impact to the data transfer rate.
A separation time STmin equal to zero provides best results. However, the measured
maximum data transfer rate value is not as high as in the theoretical discussion in
section This is because of the additional system delays N_Cs, N_Br, tPhysProg and
tProcess_UDS which reduce the data transfer rate even if no separation time by protocol is
configured (refer to section 10.1.3).

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming

172 Conclusion
The trend of the curve in figure 4.1-6 (section is correct. The impact of the configured parameter STmin is given. The conclusion is that each separation time during reprogramming communication shall be avoided. Even the smallest gap between the PDUs
provides a large delay time if this time is summarised during a long data transfer period
(depends on the size of total transferred data). This is common to all communication
systems event triggered, as well as time triggered systems. However, for time triggered
systems (e.g. FlexRay) the delay is mainly given by the global schedule.

System Design Requirements

With focus on data transfer rate the ISO 15765-2 FlowControl parameter STmin shall be
configured equal to zero. This is the only possibility to ensure that only the system specific
delays are involved for data transfer and protocol handling. On embedded systems side it
has to be ensured, that a CAN controller is able to process a received PDU within the
available time period before the next consecutive PDU will receive. A hardware interrupt
based data reception concept as discussed in section 6.2 will be a possible solution.

10.2 Application Protocol ISO 14229 (UDS) Optimisation

As theoretically analysed in chapter 3 and chapter 4 there are several approaches to
accelerate the data transfer between a PCU and an ECU. This test series has the focus
on the three approaches based on application layer implementation:
a) Double buffered data transfer
b) Data compression
c) Combination of double buffering and data compression
Studys aim
The aim of this study is the evaluation of the theoretically discussed performance increase
for the different approaches. The study shall also proof that only the combination of both
approaches will provide best results.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Experimental Setup
The system was configured as listed in table 10.2-1.
Table 10.2-1: Flow Control parameter STmin measurement results



CAN Baud rate

125 ; 250 ; 500 ; 1,000 kBit/s


CAN Address Mode

11 bit normal addressed


Block size (BS)




0 ms


SDU size

4,082 Byte ($FF2)


CAN Configuration

ISO 15765-2 Configuration

Compression algorithm
Uncompressed data size

458,720 Byte (447 kByte)

Compressed data size

328,730 Byte (321 kByte)

Compression ratio

71.66% (-28.34%) Measurement results

Measurement results overview
Table 10.2-2 depicts the measurement results of different data transfer acceleration scenarios.
Table 10.2-2: Measurement results of different data transfer acceleration scenarios

CAN 125 kBit/s

5.70 kByte/s
100 %
5.99 kByte/s
105 %
7.41 kByte/s
130 %
8.35 kByte/s
146 %

Data rate
CAN 250 kBit/s
CAN 500 kBit/s
10.09 kByte/s
15.65 kByte/s
100 %
100 %
10.37 kByte/s
16.25 kByte/s
103 %
104 %
12.58 kByte/s
18.26 kByte/s
125 %
117 %
14.32 kByte/s
21.64 kByte/s
142 %
133 %

CAN 1000 kBit/s

17.80 kByte/s
100 %
18.46 kByte/s
104 %
20.61 kByte/s
116 %
24.79 kByte/s
134 %

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Data transfer rate via CAN








DoubleBuffer + Compression



DoubleBuffer + Compr.



DoubleBuffer + Compression


DoubleBuffer +

Data transfer rate [kByte/s]




Baud rate [kBit/s]

Figure 10.2-1: Measurement results best case relation for all scenarios
Contributions of the different parameters
Figure 10.2-2 depicts the data transfer rate for the different scenarios in correlation to the
contributions of the different influencing parameters for all measured scenarios.

Data transfer rate [kByte/s]



















Performance Analysis for different Scenarios



ECU - Physical Programming
Data Tranfer Time
ECU - TP-Protocol Processing Time
PCU - Reprog-Protocol Processing
PCU - TP-Protocol Processing Time














CAN Bit rate [kBit/s]

Figure 10.2-2: Contribution of the different parameters

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Table 10.2-3 depicts the measured parameter values.

Table 10.2-3: Measurement results detailed analysis


Transferred data



Download Time

Number of SDU(4080Byte)





Download Time


Number of SDU(4080Byte)





Download Time


Number of SDU(4080Byte)




+ Compression

Download Time


Number of SDU(4080Byte)





CAN baud rate




















































































kByte/min Evaluation
Figure 10.2-3 depicts a principle, abstract and not in a time content view of the different
test scenario results.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Figure 10.2-3: Test result timing evaluation

Double buffered data transfer (only)

Because of microcontrollers high performance physical programming ( 180kByte/s) the
double buffered data transfer as the only optimisation method provides only a small benefit. The physical programming time for 4,080 Byte is only 22.3 ms. Compared to the corresponding data transfer time of CAN125kBit/s and CAN250kBit/s, the relation between tTransfer and
TProg is too small (refer to figure 3.2-4). For CAN500kBit/s and CAN1000kBit/s a higher increase
of the data transfer rate is expected because of a better relation of tTransfer and tProg. But the
detailed analysis results of table 10.2-3 and figure 10.2-2 depict also that the PCUs processing time to handle the reprogramming protocol UDS is increased. Hence, the benefit
of processing data reception and physical programming in parallel will be reduced.
Data compression (only)
As described in chapter 5 the data compression approach requires additional time to
decompress the data before physical programming. This time can be calculated by the
values of scenario Basic (data transfer without compression) and scenario Compression (data transfer with compression):
t Decompression = t Phys Pr og _ WithoutCom p t Phys Pr og _ WithComp

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


Table 10.2-4: Decompression routine runtime


CAN bit Rate




(Scenario "Compression")












(Scenario "Basic")


The data compression to 71% reduce the number of 4,080 byte blocks from 113 to 81
(refer to table 10.2-3 line 5, 15, 25, 35). But the additional delay time for decompression
(visible in figure 10.2-2) of approx. 50.95 ms reduce the benefit of compressed data transfer. Nevertheless, for low speed bus systems the PDU reduction to transmit all data and
therefore the reduction of transmission time is significantly higher than the additional decompression time. For high speed bus systems the compression effect will be smaller
because the relation of data transfer time reduction and additional compression time is
Combination of double buffered data transfer and data compression
The combination of doubled buffered data transfer and compressed data transfer provides
best performance because the disadvantages of both methods are compensated. The
additional time for decompression and the time for physical reprogramming are not visible
because of the parallel processed data reception. Only the pure data transfer time is
visible. The data compression results in a less number of PDUs necessary to transmit all
data. The benefit is the higher the slower the bus system is because each saved PDU
saves runtime and therefore reduce total data transfer time.
The increasing PCU time is noticeable. A guess is that the ECUs immediate response
and the necessity to compress the data on PCU side require additional time which delays
the data transfer. But those effects in the PCU implementation are not part of this work. Conclusion
System Design Requirements
The theoretically discussed approaches for data transfer acceleration works in principle.
The case study demonstrates this in detail. The impact of the relation of tTransfer and tProg is
given as discussed in chapter 3.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


On the other hand the impact of the PCU is given. The higher the bandwidth the higher
the performance reduction that is possible by the PCU because of additional delays during
the protocol handling.
Double buffered data transfer and therefore the possibility to do activities in parallel is the
base for reprogramming acceleration. At least reprogramming and several other thinks
like data de-compression etc. could be done during ongoing data reception. Next steps
should be to do additional thinks in parallel. Signature calculation or CRC calculation, for
example, can be done in parallel, too. But this was not in focus of this work.

10.3 Gateway optimisation

This study is intended to verify the theoretically discussed impacts of a gateway (refer to
section 7.3) by a real implementation.
Experimental Setup
The gateway based on the AUTOSAR layered software architecture and implements a
CAN communication stack according to the protocols ISO 11898 and ISO 15765-2. The
gateway was implemented within a prototype project for a V850 Fx3 and for a V850 Fx4
microcontroller. The implementation was evaluated with the PCU Monaco developed by
the Softing AG77. The PCU communicates on CAN1. The gateway is processing the transfer from CAN1 to CAN2 and vice versa. The tracing tool documents the bus communication traffic on both bus systems.
Figure 10.3-1 depicts the evaluation test system layout.

Figure 10.3-1: Gateway test system overview


Softing AG, Germany [Softing]

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming



DTS Monaco (Softing)

Gateway Microcontroller: V850 Fx3 and V850 Fx4

ECU Microcontroller:

D70F 3461 6J(A1) (CargateM)

Tracing tool:

CANoe (Vector)


Buffer for the partly store and forward routing strategy

Studys aim
The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the number of buffers for gateways
routing performance if a partly store and forward routing strategy is used (refer to
section 7.3). Measurement results

Figure 10.3-2 depicts the measurement results of the data transfer rate for different buffer
Routing performance depending on availabe buffer ressources
(Routing from CAN 500kBit/s to CAN 500 kBit/s)

Data transfer rate [kByte/s]









Figure 10.3-2: Data transfer rate for different buffer scenarios Evaluation
As discussed in section 7.3.2 the partly store and forward routing strategy is a good compromise between buffer demand (resources) and routing performance (data transfer rate).
In figure 7.3-3 the necessity of more than one buffer is illustrated to accelerate the gateways routing performance and the corresponding data transfer rate.

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


The study shows that if only one buffer is configured, this buffer is alternatively the target
buffer during data reception on CAN1 or source buffer during data transmission on CAN2.
If no buffer is available, the data transfer on the corresponding side is delayed and the
total data transfer rate is decreased (8.77 kByte/s). In that case the
Table 10.3-1: Trace data transfer for gateway with 2 buffer resources
| Transfer on CAN 1

| Transfer on CAN 2

Bus ID Data
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Download to Flash
---------------------------------------------------------------------------31.076538 1 640 1F F2 36 01 04 06 00 01
31.076827 2
640 1F F2 36 01 04 06 00 01
31.076840 1 5C0 30 20 00 00 6E 31 01 00
31.077087 2
5C0 30 20 00 FF FF FF FF FF
31.077836 1 640 21 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
31.087283 1 640 20 00 80 07 00 00 80 07
31.087557 1 5C0 30 20 00 00 6E 31 01 00
31.092758 1 640 2E 07 00 00 80 07 00 00
31.092963 2
640 21 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
31.093050 1 640 2F 80 07 00 00 80 07 00
31.093305 2
640 22 09 0A A0 50 09 22 00
31.098182 1 640 20 00 80 07 00 00 80 07
31.098299 2
640 20 00 80 07 00 00 80 07
31.098452 1 5C0 31 20 00 FF 25 A0 21 80
31.098651 2
640 21 00 00 80 07 00 00 80
31.099003 2
640 22 07 00 00 80 07 00 00
31.104210 2
5C0 30 20 00 FF FF FF FF FF
31.112257 2
640 27 80 07 00 00 80 07 00
31.112611 2
640 28 00 80 07 00 00 80 07
31.112848 1 5C0 30 20 00 04 05 06 07 08
31.112965 2
640 29 00 00 80 07 00 00 80
31.113319 2
640 2A 07 00 00 80 07 00 00
31.113673 2
640 2B 80 07 00 00 80 07 00
31.113838 1 640 21 00 00 80 07 00 00 80
31.114027 2
640 2C 00 80 07 00 00 80 07
31.114128 1 640 22 07 00 00 80 07 00 00
31.438352 2
640 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
31.438618 2
5C0 03 7F 36 78 FF FF FF FF
31.438895 1 5C0 03 7F 36 78 56 01 00 02
31.460015 2
5C0 02 76 01 78 FF FF FF FF
31.460293 1 5C0 02 76 01 78 56 01 00 02

A second buffer increases the routing performance slightly. A significant optimisation of
routing performance is visible in case of 3 available buffer resources. As discussed in
section 7.3.2 and illustrated in figure 7.3-4, this effect bases on the bandwidth relation of
CAN1 and CAN2. (rBandwidth 1). The jitter of both bus systems (data transfer, processing

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


time etc.) is responsible that CAN1 will get no free buffer when necessary. In that case the
communication on CAN1 must be delayed by the gateway until the communication fragment on CAN2 has been finalized and a free buffer is available. Table 10.3-1 depicts a
trace of gateways routing process with only 2 available buffers.
The communication is delayed on CAN1 by a transport layers FlowControl PDU with
FlowState = Wait ($31) at time stamp 31.098452. After all data of the buffer are transmitted on CAN2 (visible by a FlowControl PDU with FlowState = ClearToSend ($30) at time
stamp 31.104210) and the buffer is free again a FlowControl PDU on CAN1 is sent with
FlowState = ClearToSend ($30) at time stamp 31.112848.
In between this time of 5.396 ms no data transfer on CAN1 is possible. Hence, the total
data transfer rate is decreased to 11.01 kByte/s (4,080 Byte / 0.361814s). The software
reprogramming performance is decreased, too.


Increasing gateways clock frequency

High performance data routing within a gateway requires, that the routing process is handled in the interrupt modus. That means that a received PDU is immediately processed
(e.g. transport layer protocol analysis, payload separation, buffer storage etc.). If interrupt
runtimes are too long, the system is not able to handle data reception and data transmission in parallel and typically the data transmission task will be skipped.
An approach to optimise interrupt runtimes or interrupt latencies is to increase the systems clock frequency. Of course, this is only possible within small boundaries. Therefore
the gateway was implemented on a V850 Fx4 microcontroller with a clock frequency of
160 MHz.
Table 10.3-2: Routing performance on different microcontrollers

CAN 500kBit/s to CAN 500 kBit/s

V850 Fx3
V850 Fx4
Clock frequency
Gateway buffers
Data Size
Total Reprogramming time
Routing Performance


Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming




The theoretically discussed aspects for gateways to couple different bus systems in chapter 7 are valid. The partly store and forward routing strategy provides good data transfer
rate results, but the effort for implementation is high.
To provide a high data transfer rate more than one buffer resource has to be implemented. The number of buffers depends on the bandwidth relation of the bus systems. If the
relation between source and target bus system is nearly 1 the jitter has to be taken into
account and additional buffers are required.
An increasing microcontrollers clock frequency will result in a faster interrupt handling and
therefore in a faster routing. On the other hand the increasing of clock frequencies provides other disadvantages: systems temperature is increasing by higher clock frequency
and other cooling mechanisms (cooling elements) are necessary. Also EMC might be a
problem if the clock frequency is increasing. Both topics are critical, especially within the
automotive industry.

10.4 Software reprogramming via FlexRay

This sub-chapter is intended to verify the theoretical discussions of chapter 4 a real implementation.


Vehicle access by CAN bus system

The current vehicle networks implement FlexRay only as an in-vehicle bus system. That
means that FlexRay is not directly accessible by a PCU. Based on the legislative OBD-II
(onboard diagnostics for emission related ECUs based on ISO 15765-4) requirements,
that requires CAN as the vehicle access bus system by low for OBD-II communication,
CAN is also used for enhanced diagnostic communication. Due to that, software reprogramming as a part of enhanced diagnosis, is processes via CAN.
The case study based on a real vehicle network configuration prove that communication
for software reprogramming via FlexRay is currently limited by the vehicle access CAN
bus system.
Experimental Setup
The approaches of chapter 4 to accelerate data transfer via FlexRay have been implemented within a prototype project for a V850 Fx478 microcontroller. The flashloader


Microcontroller: Renesas V850-D70F3461GJ(A1)

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


implements a FlexRay communication stack according to the protocols FlexRay 2.1, ISO
10681-2 and ISO 14229. The implementation was evaluated with the PCU FlashCedere
developed by the SMART GmbH79. The PCU communicates on CAN. The gateway is
processing the transfer from CAN to FlexRay and vice versa. The tracing tool documents
the bus communication traffic on both bus systems. Figure 10.4-1 depicts the evaluation
test system layout.

Figure 10.4-1: FlexRay test system overview


FlashCedere V1.20 (8399) and PCCOM: V01.61


S/N 0700/027-1

Gateway Microcontroller: V850 Fx3

ECU Microcontroller:

V850 Fx4

With focus on software reprogramming within a vehicle the typical communication link
within implemented: The PCU communicates on CAN. A gateway is processing the data
from CAN to FlexRay and vice versa. The tracing tool documents the bus communication
traffic on both bus systems.
CAN bus system
The CAN bus system was configured as listed below:


Bit rate:

500 kBit/s

ISO15765-2 FlowControl.STmin:

0 ms

ISO15765-2 FlowControl.Blocksize:

32 PDUs

SMART Electronik Development GmbH, Germany [Smart]

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


FlexRay schedule
The FlexRay communication schedule was configured as listed below:
Base cycle time:

5 ms

Number of gateway PDUs per cycle:

Gateway PDU cycle repetition

Gateway PDU payload length:

42 Byte

Number of ECU PDUs per cycle:

ECU slot PDU repetition:

1 or 4

ECU PDU payload length:

42 Byte Protocol Restrictions

As discussed in section 3.2.2 the data transfer rate on FlexRay depends on several configuration parameters.
FlexRay schedule and FlexRay PDUs payload
A main influencing factor for the data transfer performance is the payload that is transmitted within one communication cycle. In the study 42 byte payload for each FlexRay PDU
are configured and the schedule allows transmission of 8 PDUs per cycle. Due to ISO
10681-2 protocol (refer to section 4.2.2) the possible payload for data transfer must reduced by 8 byte for the Start Frames PCI and 6 byte for the Consecutive Frames PCI.
Hence, if only Consecutive Frame PDUs are transmitted and all PDUs per cycle are in
use, a payload of 288 byte per cycle is possible.
ISO 10681-2 configuration
The FlexRay communication layer protocol ISO 10681-2 defines a data flow controlling
(hand shake) between sender and receiver via Flow Control PDUs (refer to figure 4.2-10).
With focus on data transfer rate optimisation this Flow Control PDUs delay the data
transmission. Because of FlexRay protocols exclusive slot allocation for a sender node
(refer to section 4.2.1) the cycle repetition of this slot has an impact to the data transfer
rate. In case, the cycle repetition is configured to 4, in worst case the sender of the Flow
Control PDU is allowed to transmit the PDU after 4 communication cycles. During this
time no data transfer on that communication link is allowed. Hence, the communication
layer must be configured that no additional Flow Control PDUs after the initial one are












ConsecutiveFrame_EOB PDUs is disabled and on sender side enough buffer for

the data reception is configured (this results in a Flow Control Bandwidth Control

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


parameter equal to zero and means no bandwidth control is necessary refer to table
4.2.5 and [ISO 10681-2_2]). Test results

Figure 10.4-2 depicts measured and calculated data transfer rates for the different network configurations.
FlexRay Performance Analyse
(CycleTime: 5ms, Request: max 288 Byte/cycle)
CAN 500 kBit/s (Measurement)
CAN 1000 kBit/s (Measurement)
FlexRay Limit (Calculation)


Data transfer rate [kBit/s]










FlexRay Response Cycle Repetition

Figure 10.4-2: FlexRay data transfer rate

The data transfer values for CAN500kBit/s and CAN1000kBit/s as the source bus system are
measured. To depict the potential of that FlexRay configuration, the data transfer rate for
an assumed high speed source bus system (e.g. Ethernet) is depicted, too. Table 10.4-1
depicts the measurement and calculation values.
Table 10.4-1: Data transfer performance based on CAN as vehicle interface bus system


Response Cycle
Repetition = 1

Transfered Data Size

Download Time

Response Cycle
Repetition = 4

Transfered Data Size

Download Time





Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming

186 Evaluation
Response cycle repetition impact
The study shows the impact of the response slots cycle repetition. With an increasing
value the data transfer rate is decreasing. For this system configuration, where only one
FlowControl PDU and the final Response PDU are sent, the effect is small (only 3% between CR=1 and CR=4). However, if the cycle repetition is 8 or 16 the data transfer rate
decrease will be significant. By this system configuration 17 cycles are necessary to
transmit 4,080 byte. If the cycle repetition is 16, in worst case the performance will decreased to nearly 50%.
Due to the measurement results, a cycle repetition of 2 or 4 in combination with the configuration that no additional FlowControl PDUs are required is a good compromise between data transfer rate and allocated slot resources.
Bandwidth control configuration impact
Bandwidth control allows limitation of the maximum number of PDUs per cycle that can be
received by a receiver node. If bandwidth control is enabled the ECU will not receive the
maximum number of possible bytes per communication cycle and therefore more cycles
are required to transmit all data. This results in a performance decrease. Hence, if an
ECU provides not sufficient buffer to receive the maximum number of payload per cycle,
the maximum data transfer rate can not reached.
Source bus systems and gateways impact
The step from CAN bus system with 500 kBit/s to a CAN bus system with 1,000 kBit/s
provides a benefit up to 34%. As discussed initially this FlexRay configuration provides a
data transfer rate for the request direction (PCU to ECU) of 28880 byte per cycle
(57.6 kByte/s). The CAN bus system can not support this data transfer rate and is therefore the limiting sub-link in that network. The potential of the FlexRay bus system is visible
in figure 10.4-2. The calculation based on the assumption that the ECU requires 20 ms for
physical programming. Due to that the download performance is given for the corresponding cycle repetitions. Summary
The study depicts that the currently given performance limitation is based on the vehicle
interface bus system CAN. The FlexRay system configuration is able to support higher


36 Byte Payload/ PDUCF * 8 PDU / Cycle = 288 Byte / Cycle

288 Byte / 0.005s = 57.6 kByte/s

Chapter 10 Case study software reprogramming


data transfer rates. This is illustrated in figure 10.4-2 by the calculated data transfer values. The study depicts also, that the response cycle repetition configuration in the global
communication schedule has only a small impact, if the ISO 10681-2 is configured that no










ConsecutiveFrame_EOB mode refer to section 4.2.2).

In section 4.2 the approach of schedule reconfiguration with the aim to increase data
transfer rate was discussed. With a view to the measurement results of this study, schedule reconfiguration is only a powerful approach if either the PCU is connected direct to
FlexRay (FlexRay has to be connected to the vehicle connector) or a powerful high speed
bus system (e.g. Ethernet) as well as a powerful gateway with a high routing performance
are available. In the ahead given network configuration the communication link performance limitation is the CAN bus system. In that case a schedule reconfiguration will have
no effect.
Until Ethernet is qualified for automotive usage (refer to chapter 11) all the other methods
to reduce data size (compression, partitioning etc.) are necessary to optimise data transfer performance on FlexRay.

11 Conclusion and Outlook

11.1 Summary .................................................................................... 189
11.1.1 Methods performance potential ................................................190
11.1.2 Methods potential vs. effort and costs ......................................194
11.1.3 Utilisation in practice .................................................................196
11.1.4 Further work ..............................................................................197

11.2 Outlook....................................................................................... 199

11.2.1 Automotive Ethernet .................................................................199
11.2.2 MRAM technology.....................................................................199
11.2.3 Wireless access ........................................................................200

11.3 Conclusion................................................................................. 200

The ECU software reprogramming process is a necessity within the automotive industry to
improve production efficiency/cost, improve reuse and flexibility of the complex embedded
systems and perform repair and in field maintenance. Thus, it is in use during the vehicles
complete life cycle. In chapter 1 the main challenges of automotive embedded software
and their impacts on the reprogramming method are introduced. Based on several
influencing factors, the reprogramming process time is continuously increasing and the
commercial benefits of that method are no longer available when compared to changing
ECUs. Whilst up to now this time has not caused critical time delays/cost in production or
the in-field maintenance period, chapter 1 suggests that this soon will be the case for
current systems in development without the introduction of new reprogramming strategies.
This thesis has presented research on new strategies to address the acceleration of the
reprogramming process of existing embedded systems technologies and standards by
consideration of communication protocol optimisations (chapter 3 and 4) as well as
approaches to reduce the total data to transfer (chapter 5). Quantitative models have

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


been created to allow for predictions of reprogramming times to be calculated during the
design development cycle. The thesis also presented recommendations and modelling of
new hardware designs within a microcontroller to support faster reprogramming (chapter
6). Network design aspects that influencing the reprogramming time and provide potential
for optimisations have been analysed in chapter 7. Quantitative analysis of the reprogramming in parallel as an additional approach was in focus of chapter 8. In chapter 9 a
brief introduction to the future MRAM technology, yet to be released, was given and its
impact on re-programming quantified. In chapter 10 experimental investigation and analysis have been performed to verify the quantitative theoretical modules previous generated
and to evaluate empirically key coefficients and parameters within some of these models.
The thesis does not just analysis the current technologies in production but considers the
new technologies and standards currently being considered in the design development
cycle and future strategies not yet being considered by designers in prototype research
departments. This chapter will introduce to provide the summary of the research work
depending on the initially discussed challenges. Also an outlook on how software reprogramming of automotive ECUs will evolve during the next decade and the future
challenges will be given.

11.1 Summary
Theoretical work
The thesis has addressed different approaches to reduce the software reprogramming
process time for automotive ECUs. The focus was on on-board optimisations. To ensure
that the communication on the vehicle connection interface (VCI) bus system was optimised the programming control unit (PCU) was also considered part of the on-board
system. The PCU also plays an important part in programming strategy optimisation (e.g.
reprogramming in parallel). But PCU implementation details were not part of the research
work. Figure 11.1-1 depicts an overview of the thesis contributions in principle. The research results are summarised below. The different approaches are compared in relation
to their power to speed up the ECUs application software reprogramming process.
Case study
The results of the case study confirm the theoretical results and enable important parameters to be quantified. The experimental implementation of the flashloader shows that the
methods work in principle and that the discussed limitations are given. Hardware optimisation or implementations for the PCU were not part of the case study. These topics provide
potential for additional research work.

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


Figure 11.1-1: Optimisation approaches overview


Methods performance potential

The comparison of, and the relation between the different methods is quite difficult because the methods power depends on the initial system. Figure 11.1-2 depicts the different approaches with their potential to speed up the reprogramming process (graph). The
bubbles position on the graph is shows the potential compared to a current state of the art
ECU based on a CAN bus system with a bit rate of 500 kBit/s (e.g. for approach of double
buffered data transfer (1.1) for this ECU the improvement is approx.15% and for the protocol optimisations (1.2) there would be over 50% improvement).

Figure 11.1-2: Optimisation approaches potential

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


Data transfer acceleration

Data transfer acceleration is the basic approach to speed up the reprogramming process.
The maximum possible bandwidth data transfer rate on the physical bus system can be
reduced on several protocol layers within the communication protocol stack.
The potential of double buffered data transfer depends on the relation between data
transfer time and the microcontrollers reprogramming time. The allocation of a second
buffer is typically not a problem because the flashloader has access to the full RAM of the
ECU (note that application software is not active during that time). Double buffered data
reception is a key functionality for activities in parallel (e.g. data reception and physical
reprogramming as well as to compensate the additional time for data de-compression).
Transport layer and network layer optimisations have a high potential to speed up the
date transfer. Especially the transport layers flow control configuration protects the system from additional delays because of separation times between consecutive frames
Data link layer optimisation potential depends on the bus system used and has a wide
spread. The effect of increasing the systems bandwidth might be invisible if additional
delays are available in the upper layers of the protocol stack. Hence, the delay elimination
has the highest implementation priority.
Data size reduction
Partitioning is a very powerful approach to reduce data to be transferred. It is not possible to provide an absolute value for the potential because this value depends on the size
relation of the different partitions. Today typically there is a distinction between application
software and parameter sets or data sets (characteristic curve etc.) which are allocated in
separate partitions. Depending on their size the methods potential is variable. The compatibility aspects of the different partitions have to be taken into account, with focus on
Fill byte separation was also discussed as a possible approach, but it provides minor
effects. Depending on the data transfer rate it might be possible that the gap transfer
(requires two additional diagnostic services on UDS) requires more time than the fill byte
Data compression provides good results. Of course, the compression ratio is limited
because a) the usage of lossy compression algorithms is not possible and b) the limited
RAM resources do not allow dictionary based algorithms. Nevertheless, a data size reduction up to 30% is possible. To get a good performance for the complete reprogramming

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


process the additional time for data decompression has to be compensated for. This is
possible by the usage of double buffered data transfer in which data reception is ongoing
while data decompression and physical reprogramming of the previews data is processed.
Differential file update provides the best theoretical results of all researched approaches. Today the method is only useable with many restrictions. The Flash memory technology used today isnt able to reprogram singe bytes. The memory is organised in sections
which have to be erased completely before reprogramming is possible. Hence, a difference between current and previews file of only a small number of bytes results in reprogramming of the complete sector. The compiled code memory arrangement (start
addresses of functions etc.) also shall not move, because this will result in additional
differences of the current and previews file. Nevertheless, this method provides best
results if all additional process requirements are fulfilled.
If the increase of ECU software sizes continues in future, this approach might be the only
sustainable one to solve the problem of increasing reprogramming times.
Hardware optimisation
Implementing memory status information for a microcontrollers current memory state is
helpful to reduce the erase time. The main focus here is on the vehicle manufacturing
process, where the differentiation of ECUs is only done by software (e.g. engine control
software with different characteristic curves on equal hardware). If this software is reprogrammed within the assembly line, the microcontrollers Flash memory is typically empty
and must not be additionally erased. Skipping the physical erase sub-sequence saves
time within the complete reprogramming process. The potential of this approach depends
on the memory size and the time that is necessary to erase the memory in relation to the
data transfer time. A microcontroller with a short erase time and connected to a low
bandwidth bus system has only a small potential. When reprogramming an ECUs application software in the case of bug fixing in a garage, the erase process cant be skipped
because the previews software must be erased before reprogramming is possible. Hence,
the method is not universally usable.
Doubling the interrupt service routine vector table is a generic approach. This optimisation provides the possibility to control several activities, e.g. data reception, watchdog
triggering or timer handling etc., by interrupts. The benefit compared to the currently necessary polling-mode is the trigger on an event. Only if the event occurs, the trigger is
given and the interrupt service routine is processed. The permanent monitoring of the
microcontrollers status information (e.g. data reception flags etc.) is no longer necessary
and the monitoring time could be used for other activities, e.g. data decompression. In

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


terms of software reprogramming activities, the real benefit of this method is small because the polling-mode approach is also very fast but with a higher effort for the monitoring routines. Hence, the potential of the pure method is very small.
Network optimisation and design
The communication network (bus systems, gateways etc.) has an impact on the reprogramming performance. Depending on the network type (homogeneous or heterogeneous), the gateways have to route PDUs on different communication protocol layers (according to the ISO/OSI reference model) and has to use different routing strategies (direct
routing, store and forward, combinations of both etc.). The higher the layer at which the
routing process is executed within the communication protocol stack, the more resources
are necessary to speed up this process. Hence, processing runtime (CPU time), as well
as resources (RAM for buffers), has to be taken into account for gateway design. The
potential of this method is high because of the impact of the routing strategy and the
corresponding data transfer time. If timing limits for the reprogramming process are given,
(e.g. manufacturing line clock etc.) the network topology must be designed to fulfil the
given timing requirements. The fact that the vehicle network cannot be changed during
vehicles life cycle is a problem particular to the automotive industry. Hence, the network
design must be able to deal with future ECUs (faster microcontrollers, more memory,
more software etc.) and therefore, some performance reserves must be calculated in. Of
course, the reserves (additional bus systems or bus systems with higher bandwidth etc.)
are expensive and violate cost limits, but the communication network is the most important part in guaranteeing the reprogramming performance during vehicles life cycle,
even when future ECUs are introduced. Hence, communication network design is the key
func-tionality for future vehicle development.
Reprogramming strategy
Reprogramming in parallel is a powerful approach to reduce the total reprogramming time
if more than one ECUs application software must be reprogrammed. The potential is high
but a corresponding communication network design is a precondition. If bus systems with
adequate bandwidth are not available, no communication in parallel is possible. Hence,
the network design and the programming strategy are only possible in tandem. A more
detailed analysis of the PCU and the ECU ordering for reprogramming was not part of this
work, but would be interesting if an additional process optimisation for reprogramming in
parallel is possible.

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook



Methods potential vs. effort and costs

The previous section summarised the potential to accelerate the software reprogramming
process of all methods discussed in the thesis. Nevertheless, as described in chapter 1,
the pressure to maintain or reduce production or in-field service (maintenance) time and
keep recurring engineering costs low within the automotive industry is very high because
of the high number of cars that are produced per year. Therefore, the relation between the
methods potential and the effort for implementation has to be discussed. This is necessary to support decisions for future implementation strategies for ECU hardware selections, vehicle network architecture and design, the vehicle communication interface bus
system etc. A criterion to differentiate costs is the effort to implement the method. It has to
be distinguished between different effort types and therefore different cost impacts:

Effort in software (SW) to implement the method

(These are typically singular costs for the initial implementation).


Effort in hardware (HW) to implement the method

(Typically additional hardware costs are costs per ECU or vehicle and have therefore a high weight).


Other efforts e.g. external overhead.

Table 11.1-1 depicts the different approaches in dependency of the necessary effort in
case of implementation or realisation.
Table 11.1-1: Reprogramming process acceleration methods effort




Double buffered data transfer



Transport / network layer protocol optimisation



Data link layer protocol optimisation






Fill byte separation



Data compression



Differential file update



Memory status information



Doubled interrupt vector table



Routing strategy


Reprogramming in parallel







Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


Based on table 11.1-1 and figure 11.1-2 a quantitatively relation of reprogramming performance potential vs. implementation and realisation effort is possible. Figure 11.1-3
depicts that relation in a graph.

Figure 11.1-3: Methods potential vs. costs

These findings from the research work, based on quantitative evaluation of reprogramming times, make several contributions to future ECU, network and vehicle development
decisions. The different areas are discussed below.
Low costs for implementation
Five methods can be implemented with only a small effort. Those methods require only an
optimisation in software. Protocol optimisations (1.2) provide the best results when only
optimising the configuration parameter set. Reprogramming in parallel (5.1) only requires an additional algorithm in the PCU to order the different ECU reprogramming activities. There is no change necessary in the flashloader software. The data compression
method (2.3) is an additional software part within the flashloader. The method has to be
implemented once and can be used for all microcontrollers because the method itself is
hardware-independent. RAM resources for buffer are not critical because the Flashloader
has access to the complete ECU RAM. This reasoning also applies to the double buffered data transfer method (1.1). Fill byte separation (2.2) is a method implemented in
the software development process (linker method).
Medium costs for implementation
Costs for optimisation on the data link layer protocol (1.3) depend on the initial system.
If a high speed CAN bus system is available, maximum bandwidth can be configured
without any additional activities. The only precondition is that the resulting maximum cable
lengths are sufficient for the network, because they are reduced in case of increasing

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


bandwidth81. The partitioning method (2.1) is very efficient but provides logistic effort.
The different software parts of an ECU have to be managed (documentation, identification, compatibility etc.). Of course, these are typically software management processes
but the effort is given.
High costs for implementation
Each kind of hardware optimisation (3.1 and 3.2) provides high costs because the micro-controllers have to be changed. If those methods become state of the art in the future,
the cost benefit relation will be better, but today the methods are too expensive for realisation. The routing strategies in gateways (4.1) have a high potential but require high
resources. Typically a high speed microcontroller with high clock rate is necessary to
provide the CPU time for the routing process and the performance to do this for several
connections in parallel. The high clock frequency has an impact to the EMC82 strategy and
results in additional hardware to reduce radiant emittance. The best potential by highest
effort is provided by the differential file programming method (2.4). The effort is high
within the PCU which has to calculate the difference as well as within the flashloader to
calculate the new file and reprogram it. The currently used flash memory is the reason for
the on-board complexity because it is not possible to reprogram a) without previously
erasing and b) only a few bytes. Erasing complete sections of several kByte is required
before reprogramming is possible. Hence, the non-different data has to be saved and
temporary stored in a RAM mirror of the flash memory. Typically a microcontroller doesnt
provide the required RAM size for this method. Finally the development process of embedded systems application software has to support the differential file approach. That
means that software must be generated in a special way that only small differences occur
between different software releases. But this was not in focus of this work.


Utilisation in practice

The findings of this study have a number of important implications for utilisation in practice.
Recommendation for implementation from todays point of view
The initial problem of increasing reprogramming times because of increasing software
sizes can partly be solved by the short term implementation of the low cost methods.
Especially the communication protocol optimisations (refer to chapter 3 and chapter 4)
provide short term results on low costs.


This could be a problem for trucks with long cable sizes from truck to trailer.


EMC - electromagnetic compatibility

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


For the medium costs methods an analysis about of the real effort is necessary. In some
cases (where the hardware impact is small) a benefit is given without any other implications.
The network design is quite expensive but necessary because of the vehicles long life
cycle (refer to chapter 1.3.4). The network must be able to process the data communication links as fast as possible to guarantee the basically required speed performance of
100% bus load. Nevertheless, network design decisions are made several years before
vehicles start of production and can not be revised quite easily. Hence, it is strongly recommended to implement all network optimisations in future cars because of vehicles, and
therefore networks, long time life cycle.
For the methods reprogramming by differential file (2.4) and hardware optimisations
(3.1 and 3.2) the implementation is currently not recommended because of the high
implementation effort and therefore, high costs. Additional research work and new hardware technologies will be necessary to reduce costs before these approaches will be
usable in the automotive industry.


Further work

The focus on this thesis was the acceleration of the embedded systems software reprogramming process. The research that has been undertaken in this thesis has highlighted a
number of different topics to solve the given challenges. First results are provided and a
classification of methods potential and their effecting to costs was investigated. Nevertheless, there are several lines of further research arising from this work.
Moving knowledge to future automotive communication protocol stacks
All the discussed topics in chapter 3 and 4 become also important if new bus systems are
introduced. For each new bus system the protocol stack has to be optimised with focus on
data transfer rate for software reprogramming purpose. In a first step, research work to
automotive usable Ethernet (refer to chapter outlook) is necessary as a base technology
to solve several challenges within automotive communication aspects.
More effective compression algorithms that consider to embedded systems resources
As discussed in section 5.3 the very special resource situation of embedded systems (e.g.
RAM, clock frequency etc.) does not allow the usage of all possible lossless compression
algorithms. The good costs to performance relation as discussed above excuses further
research work to develop more effective compression algorithms for utilisation in embedded systems.

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


Tool supported network analysis and design

The discussed complexity of currently available and future developed vehicle networks
requires tools to support the network design and analysis process (refer to appendix D).
The communication model of chapter 4 can be the base for performance analysis focused
on diagnostic and reprogramming communication. Nevertheless, tool development aspects, e.g. internal data models, calculation or simulation speed performance etc., have to
be discussed and solved.
Consolidation and concentration of ECUs
A modern vehicle implements up to 80 different ECUs. This high number of independent
network nodes makes a strong contribution to the currently available network complexity.
An interesting question for further research work is about optimisation potentials if the
given functionality is concentrated to only a few, but powerful ECUs. Cost aspects as well
as packaging in the vehicle and increasing systems complexity have to be taken into
High speed vehicle access
A precondition for processing different communication links in parallel is a high speed
vehicle access (e.g. high speed bus system). The currently established CAN bus system
will be no longer sufficient (refer to chapter 8 and the case study in chapter 10). FlexRay
might be a possible alternative but the complexity of time triggered protocol might provide
other disadvantages. Ethernet as a common standard is currently still too expensive for
automotive usage (connectors, shielded cable etc.) but different vehicle manufacturers
and system suppliers have started an initiative to develop and standardise automotive
usable Ethernet (refer to the outlook chapter).
Programming Control Unit
The offboard technology was not in focus of this thesis. But software has to be managed
offboard. Because of increasing dependencies of different ECU (software, routines, functionalities etc.) complexity will continuously increase and the documentation of compatibilities becomes more importance.
Compatibility management of embedded software releases.
The differential files approach based on the fact that different software releases have only
small differences of their OP-code. It seams that completely new methods and strategies
for the embedded software development process are necessary, compared to the todays
established processes. Hence, more research is needed to better understand what must
be changed to support the differential files approach for software reprogramming.

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


11.2 Outlook
The recommended further work will be supported by the ongoing development, not only
within the automotive industry. Some technology aspects, which have been identified in
this thesis as a precondition to raise the next evolution step, will appear on technologys
horizon. Hence, it will be only a question of time when these technologies will be ready for
automotive usage.


Automotive Ethernet

Ethernet will be the bus system for the next generation of vehicle communication interface. In the past Ethernet according to [IEEE 802] standard was too expensive for automotive usage. Shielded cable and unpractical connectors have prevented the introduction.
Since November 2011 a new alliance of OEMs, ECU and semiconductor distributors was
formed. The aim is to establish chipmaker Broadcoms83 BroadR-Reach technology as an
open standard for One-Pair-Ethernet (OPEN) [Auo11].
Ethernet as the vehicle interface bus system supports the possibility for reprogramming in
parallel because of high bandwidth. In that case the limitation of the reprogramming process will be the microcontrollers physical reprogramming process.


MRAM technology

The next evolutionary step in embedded memory technologies will be Magnetoresistive

Random Access Memory (MRAM). The advantages of MRAM based systems are quite
evident. In contrast to the currently established Flash memory technology MRAM provides
byte-wise access and the possibility to overwrite data without an initial memory erase
The byte-wise access allows the usage of the differential file method for software reprogramming as discussed previously. The Flash memory disadvantage of storing the nonchanged bytes into RAM mirror is not longer given. Of course, the effort of this method is
high (refer to chapter 4) but the benefit is enormous. The data transfer time could be
reduced significantly and this will finally solve the initial problem.
Hence, industry is looking forward to the introduction of MRAM based embedded microcontrollers.


refer to [Broadcom]

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook



Wireless access

The continuously ongoing trend in vehicle inter-connection (car-to-car) and the interconnection of vehicles networks and non-vehicle networks (car-to-X) requires wireless
access points within the cars. These infrastructures allow software reprogramming via
wireless connections, too. The potential is enormous because software reprogramming
within the service or after sales market is not longer bound by visiting the garage. The
technique provides also benefits during the manufacturing process because the handling
of the wired PCU is not longer necessary.
LTE (Long Term Evolution) as a new global standard for mobile communication networks
provides high potential. If the vehicle implements an interface, a remote vehicle access is
nearly everywhere given. Of course, some additional topics are currently limiting factors,
especially with focus on software reprogramming. 1) The power supply (vehicle battery)
must provide the power to keep the vehicle network awake until software is reprogrammed without a running engine. On the other hand, the batterys charge condition
shall be good enough to restart the vehicle at any time. Especially for new vehicles with
electric drive this is an important criterion. 2) The data have to be stored temporary within
the vehicle to reduce long online times. Due to that an onboard PCU has to be introduced
within a vehicle as well as a large temporary memory unit. Both will increase costs per
vehicle. 3) Wireless communication to a vehicle requires high security standards especially if software shall be remote reprogrammed. Security within this context means either
security against unauthorised access as well as security to the overall process. It must
never be possible that the vehicle is not usable because of an unsuccessful programming
attempt. Here some given concepts of the PC world can be moved to the embedded world
with the challenges of less resources and computing performance.
Nevertheless all discussed approaches within this thesis to accelerate data transfer will
support the wireless activities, too, because reduced data transfer and processing times
will reduce the time to be online and therefore, reduce costs.

11.3 Conclusion
The scope of the work reported in this thesis was on the on-board part of the global software reprogramming process for embedded systems. ECU aspects (flashloader, application software, network access, communication protocols etc.) and network aspects
(architecture, topology etc.) were the focus on investigation. As described in section 1.4.1
for future ECUs the given time limitation requirement to the maximum reprogramming time
will not fulfilled any longer without any optimisations.

Chapter 11 Conclusion and outlook


As a major outcome of this thesis several methods have been investigated with different
potential to solve the initial problem. Depending on future embedded systems software
sizes and the automotive industrys cost aspects, the investigation result methods can be
combined to short term, mid term and long term solutions. The impacts of implementation
efforts, given technologies and the availability of future technologies have been taken into
account. Figure 11.3-1 depicts a quantitative view to the roadmap and the different steps
of performance potential.

Figure 11.3-1: Reprogramming methods implementation roadmap

The software size for embedded systems will not stagnate. Especially within the vehicle
industry the innovation will take place through software functionality. Hence, the
problem of increasing software reprogramming times is permanently given. Of course, by
most of the discussed approaches to accelerate the reprogramming process, the problem
could be solved for a view years but the increasing software sizes will force the problems
again. It might be possible that the combination of all methods could enlarge that time but
the problem cannot be solved forever by the current memory technology (Flash memory)
and automotive bus system technology (CAN).
Hence, the long term solution will be the combination of new memory technologies (e.g.
MRAM), the compressed data transfer of ECUs partition specific differential file via high
speed bus systems in optimised networks and for software reprogramming purpose optimised microcontrollers.
This thesis made some contributions on the way to that ambitious aim.

12 Figures

Figure 1.1-1: Vehicle model line life cycle .........................................................................3

Figure 1.2-1: Reprogramming stages within an ECUs life cycle .......................................4
Figure 1.2-2: Automotive ECU software volume................................................................5
Figure 1.3-1: Amount of vehicle software of Mercedes-Benz ............................................8
Figure 1.3-2: Most implemented automotive field bus systems .......................................10
Figure 1.3-3: Shift from single to system innovation [Dan07] ..........................................11
Figure 1.3-4: Increasing network complexity ...................................................................13
Figure 1.3-5: Vehicle development trends .......................................................................14
Figure 1.4-1: Software reprogramming process circle .....................................................15
Figure 1.4-2: Software reprogramming time limitation .....................................................16
Figure 2.1-1: Embedded system components .................................................................19
Figure 2.1-2: ECU network of a Mercedes-Benz Model line 221 (S-Class) [Mer09] .........20
Figure 2.1-3: Mercedes-Benz Model Line 221 (S-Class) network architecture [Mer09-1] 20
Figure 2.2-1: Memory Technologies Overview [Rei11] ....................................................22
Figure 2.2-2: ECU Software Components Overview .......................................................24
Figure 2.2-3: Overview flashloader component ...............................................................26
Figure 2.4-1: Abstract major programming sequence .....................................................29
Figure 2.5-1: Communication structure within a protocol stack .......................................34
Figure 2.5-2: Protocol Stack Overview Transport Layer ...............................................37
Figure 2.7-1: System model for embedded systems software reprogramming ...............40
Figure 3.1-1: Reprogramming protocol overview.............................................................42
Figure 3.2-1: Single buffer data transfer..........................................................................43
Figure 3.2-2: Double buffered data transfer scenario 1 ................................................45
Figure 3.2-3: Maximum time reduction for tData Transfer tPhysicalProgramming ............................46
Figure 3.2-4: Total reprogramming time reduction - details .............................................47
Figure 3.2-5: Double buffer data transfer scenario 2 ....................................................48
Figure 3.3-1: UDS communication via single buffered system ........................................50
Figure 3.3-2: UDS communication via double buffer system ...........................................50
Figure 3.3-3: Multi controller system ...............................................................................51
Figure 4.1-1: ISO 15765-2 Protocol Data Units format ....................................................58
Figure 4.1-2: ISO 15765-2 communication scenarios .....................................................59



Figure 4.1-3: Request / response communication scenarios based on ISO 15765-2 ......60
Figure 4.1-4: Block size analysis for 11 bit CAN identifier ...............................................64
Figure 4.1-5: Block size analysis for 29 bit CAN identifier ...............................................64
Figure 4.1-6: Data transfer rate depending on STmin .....................................................67
Figure 4.1-7: Data transfer rate depending on STmin detailed diagram .......................67
Figure 4.1-8: Comparison of impact of STmin and BS ....................................................68
Figure 4.2-1: FlexRay Schedule......................................................................................74
Figure 4.2-2: Maximum FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 1 ms) ...........................................79
Figure 4.2-3: Maximum FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 5 ms) ...........................................79
Figure 4.2-4: FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 1 ms) ...........................................................80
Figure 4.2-5: FlexRay net data rate (tcycle = 5 ms) ...........................................................80
Figure 4.2-6: FlexRay schedule optimisation ..................................................................82
Figure 4.2-7: FlexRay communication protocol PDU format ............................................85
Figure 4.2-8: FlexRay communication layer scenarios ....................................................86
Figure 4.2-9: FlexRay Bandwidth assignment .................................................................86
Figure 4.2-10: Data transfer according to ISO 10681-2 ...................................................87
Figure 5.1-1: Application layer partitions [AUT11] ...........................................................97
Figure 5.2-1: Data transfer with and without fill bytes .................................................... 100
Figure 5.3-1: LZSS algorithm ........................................................................................ 105
Figure 5.3-2: LZSS Compression Results [Hee04]........................................................ 105
Figure 5.3-3: LZSS Optimisation ................................................................................... 107
Figure 5.4-1: Modified Op-Code in case of bug fixing ................................................... 108
Figure 5.4-2: Differential file update .............................................................................. 109
Figure 5.4-3: Differential file update .............................................................................. 110
Figure 5.5-1: methods complexity vs. typical data size reduction ................................. 114
Figure 6.1-1: Early variant building vs. late variant building ........................................... 117
Figure 6.1-2: Memory Status Information Register ........................................................ 120
Figure 6.2-1: Single ISR vector table vs. multiple ISR vector tables .............................. 121
Figure 6.3-1: Potential vs. effort of hardware implementation ....................................... 124
Figure 7.1-1: Network Classification.............................................................................. 128
Figure 7.2-1: Routing within the AUTOSAR layered software architecture .................... 129
Figure 7.3-1: Routing strategy....................................................................................... 130
Figure 7.3-2: Routing performance ............................................................................... 132
Figure 7.3-3: Partly store and forward routing strategy.................................................. 133
Figure 7.3-4: Ideal number of buffers ............................................................................ 134
Figure 7.4-1: Routing performance vs. resources ......................................................... 136



Figure 7.4-2: Design based on timing limitations ........................................................... 137

Figure 7.4-3: Source bus and target bus definition for reprogramming in parallel .......... 139
Figure 7.4-4: Different, scenario oriented views to the same network ........................... 140
Figure 8.1-1: Network classification .............................................................................. 142
Figure 8.2-1: Bandwidth capacity utilisation .................................................................. 144
Figure 8.2-2: Priority calculation on a network with 4 ECU ............................................ 145
Figure 8.2-3: Schedule calculation on a network with 4 ECU ........................................ 146
Figure 8.2-4: Schedule calculation for networks with cascaded bus systems ................ 147
Figure 8.4-1: ODX integration to support reprogramming in parallel.............................. 150
Figure 9.1-1: Bit information storage based on the MTJ effect ...................................... 152
Figure 10.1-1: Test environment ................................................................................... 158
Figure 10.1-2: Segmented data transfer according to ISO 15765-2 .............................. 159
Figure 10.1-3: Segmented data transfer according to ISO 15765-2 .............................. 162
Figure 10.1-4: Software reprogramming performance on CAN ..................................... 166
Figure 10.1-5: Impact of Flow Control parameter BS .................................................... 169
Figure 10.1-6: Impact of Flow Control parameter STmin ............................................... 171
Figure 10.2-1: Measurement results best case relation for all scenarios .................... 174
Figure 10.2-2: Contribution of the different parameters ................................................. 174
Figure 10.2-3: Test result timing evaluation .................................................................. 176
Figure 10.3-1: Gateway test system overview............................................................... 178
Figure 10.3-2: Data transfer rate for different buffer scenarios ...................................... 179
Figure 10.4-1: FlexRay test system overview................................................................ 183
Figure 10.4-2: FlexRay data transfer rate...................................................................... 185
Figure 11.1-1: Optimisation approaches overview ........................................................ 190
Figure 11.1-2: Optimisation approaches potential ........................................................ 190
Figure 11.1-3: Methods potential vs. costs ................................................................... 195
Figure 11.3-1: Reprogramming methods implementation roadmap .............................. 201

13 Tables

Table 1.2-1: World automotive production [Vda11] ........................................................... 7

Table 1.3-1: Software release types................................................................................ 12
Table 2.2-1: ECUs semiconductor memory overview [Zim10-2] ..................................... 23
Table 2.2-2: Physical programming performance ............................................................ 23
Table 2.4-1: Software Re-Programming Process according to [HIS06-2] and [Zim10-3] . 31
Table 2.5-1: OSI reference model ................................................................................... 33
Table 2.5-2: Field bus systems in automotive area ......................................................... 35
Table 2.5-3: Automotive related transport protocol specifications ................................... 37
Table 4.1-1: CAN PDU length without stuff bits ............................................................... 55
Table 4.1-2: Net data rate for CAN PDUs with 64 bit payload ......................................... 56
Table 4.1-3: Parameter definition for block size analysis................................................. 62
Table 4.1-4: fData_Net max for different bandwidths .............................................................. 63
Table 4.2-1: FlexRay PDU length ................................................................................... 75
Table 4.2-2: FlexRay PDU length and PDU runtime for fbit=10 MBit/s ............................. 76
Table 4.2-3: ISO 10681-2 PDU overview ........................................................................ 85
Table 4.2-4: ISO 10681-2 Flow Control (FC) PCI Overview [ISO 10681-2] ..................... 89
Table 4.2-5: ISO 10681-2 Definition of Bandwidth Control (BC) values [ISO 10681-2] .... 89
Table 5.2-1: Break even calculation .............................................................................. 102
Table 5.5-1: Data transfer time via CAN ....................................................................... 113
Table 6.1-1: Infineon TC1197 Flash Parameter [TC1197] ............................................. 118
Table 8.1-1: Reprogramming scenarios ........................................................................ 142
Table 9.1-1: Comparison of expected MRAM features with other memory technologies
[Fre07] .................................................................................................... 153
Table 9.2-1: Example of microcontrollers erase time for Flash memory ....................... 154
Table 9.3-1: Differential file approach comparison to Flash and MRAM technology ...... 156
Table 10.1-1: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters ........................ 160
Table 10.1-2: Measurement results of PCU and ECU processing parameters .............. 160
Table 10.1-3: Communication models calculation of data transfer rate ........................ 161
Table 10.1-4: Communication models calculation of data transfer rate ........................ 161
Table 10.1-5: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters ........................ 163
Table 10.1-6: Measurement results of PCU and ECU processing parameters .............. 163



Table 10.1-7: Communication models calculation of data transfer rate ........................ 165
Table 10.1-8: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters ........................ 166
Table 10.1-9: Software reprogramming performance on CAN....................................... 167
Table 10.1-10: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters ...................... 168
Table 10.1-11: Flow Control parameter BS measurement results ............................... 168
Table 10.1-12: PCU and ECU communication configuration parameters ...................... 170
Table 10.1-13: Flow Control parameter STmin measurement results ......................... 171
Table 10.2-1: Flow Control parameter STmin measurement results ........................... 173
Table 10.2-2: Measurement results of different data transfer acceleration scenarios .... 173
Table 10.2-3: Measurement results detailed analysis................................................. 175
Table 10.2-4: Decompression routine runtime .............................................................. 177
Table 10.3-1: Trace data transfer for gateway with 2 buffer resources ....................... 180
Table 10.3-2: Routing performance on different microcontrollers .................................. 181
Table 10.4-1: Data transfer performance based on CAN as vehicle interface bus
system .................................................................................................... 185
Table 11.1-1: Reprogramming process acceleration methods effort............................. 194

14 Bibliography

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Publications within the internet are documented by 6 lower case characters
Companies and Organisations are documented by their full name.

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A Journal Paper IEEE TVT

The journal paper below was submitted to the IEEE magazine Transactions on Vehicular
Technologies at 27-03-2012.
The paper has the IEEE identification number VT-2012-00404.

Solutions and Strategies for Faster Embedded

System Reprogramming
Will MRAM Technology Solve Reprogramming Problems for Embedded
Ralf Schmidgall, Dr. Ian Dear
Abstract Software reprogramming is an important
issue during an electronic control units (ECU) life
cycle. Software reprogramming takes place at ECUs
development, manufacturing and maintenance. The
continuously increasing software size for embedded
systems during the last years results in continuously
increasing reprogramming times. This is especially
applicable to the automotive industry but also in other
business areas where cost pressure is high in production or in-field reprogramming. With the currently
established Flash memory technology for embedded
systems microcontrollers a significant improvement of
the reprogramming process might not be possible. The
next evolutionary step in embedded memory technologies will be Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory
(MRAM). With focus on reprogramming time the
MRAM technology provides essential advantages and
the reprogramming process execution time could be
decreased significantly. This paper identifies the
current problems associated with the embedded
systems software reprogramming process and suggests some new methods for reprogramming software
using the newly proposed MRAM technology.
Index TermsMicrocontroller, Software Reprogramming, Flash Memory, MRAM,

Today, microcontrollers are no longer used only for
Tsimple control and regulation purposes. Owing to the
enormous technological progress in this area high
performance microcontrollers are available today to solve
highly complex control and regulation assignments. Hence
more and more functionality is implemented on these
microcontrollers which have resulted in the continuously
increasing software sizes, the end of which is not foreseeable [20]. In many applications microcontrollers have
reached the mega byte (MB) boundary for on-board
memory. For example, electronic control units (ECU),
used in the automotive industry, provide memory resources of several MB to solve complex control

assignments like engine control or any kind of driver

assistance systems.

Figure 1: Automotive ECU software volume

ECUs used for human machine interfaces (e.g. displays,
instrument cluster etc.) have increased up to several 100
MB of Flash memory space. For telematic and in-vehicle
infotainment (IVI) systems memory has reached the GB
boundary. Typically these systems are based not on Flash
memory but on hard disks. Fig. 1 depicts an overview of
typical software volumes within the automotive area.
A Software reprogramming within ECUs life cycle
Software reprogramming is an important issue within
ECUs life cycle particularly for the automotive industry.
During the vehicles development phase an ECU is
reprogrammed several times to replace the previous
software with the current release.
Today several manufacturing strategies exist within the
automotive industry. Mainly the ECUs are delivered fully
programmed by the ECU manufacturer to the vehicle
manufacturer (OEM). Another method is to deliver the
ECU partly programmed or without software and programme the final release within OEMs vehicle assembly

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

Software reprogramming is also an important repair
method for OEMs in the aftersales service. If customers
complaints could be solved by a new software release
reprogramming is the preferred repair method.
B. Introduction of Flash memory technology to reduce
production costs
Particularly in the automotive industry but also in other
industries an enormous cost pressure prevails. With the
introduction of the Flash memory technology it became
possible to correct an ECU software error in the field
without the necessity to replace the node physically.
ECUs software is simply reprogrammed via the microcontrollers communication interface. By this approach it
was possible to reduce aftersales costs significantly,
because neither costs for a new node or worker costs any
longer occur. Software reprogrammings benefit is
particularly given in the case for ECUs that are difficult to
physically access like a vehicle engine controller or gear
box controller. For commercial vehicles long idle times in
a garage or repair shop are not accepted by transport
companies. In other business areas it was no longer
necessary to exchange a component on complex machines
to eliminate a software error.
A second important benefit of Flash memory technology compared to the thitherto available ROM mask
memory is the possibility to reduce ECUs hardware/software variants and therefore logistic costs. If
special functionality depends only on software, then the
same hardware can be re-used. For example, a 4 door
vehicle could utilise the same hardware for each door and
the functionality differentiation between front and rear
door (e.g. mirror controlling) would be done by software.
Logistic costs (i.e. stock control and storage complexity)
have been reduced as well as decreased complexity within
the OEMs assembly line because only one part has to be
selected for vehicle manufacturing. Additionally increased
part volume can reduce the purchase price. There is also a
cost benefit for field repair and maintenance costs.


equipment (e.g. diagnostic test system, power supply etc.)

This complicates the logistics and thus costs within the
field test and repair centre e.g. the need to purchase
multiple off-board equipment or increased service times in
busy periods. As depicted in Fig. 2 the break even point of
software reprogramming vs. ECU replacement is moved,
if reprogramming time increases. As a result the cost
advantage of reprogramming an ECU disappears.
Today replacing and recycling ECUs is not economic
but if reprogramming costs continue to increase replacing
and recycling ECUs will be an alternative approach.
The aspects above depict that it is necessary to find
methods and strategies to reduce reprogramming times
significantly to guarantee the economic advantage of
onboard software reprogramming. There are two important questions:
(1) Is it possible to reduce programming time significantly for the Flash memory based systems?
(2) Could the magnetoresistive random access memory
(MRAM) technology solve the reprogramming time and
thus cost issues faced by the automotive industry?

A. Flashloader and application software

As depicted in Fig. 3 the microcontroller implements
two independent software components: The application
software and the flashloader. The application software
implements the functionality of the ECU. A flashloader
component handles the complete reprogramming process
if the application software is to be reprogrammed. The
flashloader communicates via the normal communication
interface of the microcontroller and exchanges data with
an off-board programming device (e.g. diagnostic tester).

C. The cost of long programming times for Flash memories.

A consequence of the increasing ECU software size in
embedded systems is the increasing programming time for
a software update. This might lead to potential economical

Figure 3: Components overview

Figure 2: Cost / Time relation

The increasing reprogramming times significantly reduce the cost advantage of reprogramming software.
Within the production process the time given to finalize an
assembly step can be exceeded resulting in a cost penalty.
In the maintenance and service industry there are similar
time limitations and cost penalties. Additionally the
reprogramming procedure will require specific off-board

B. Reprogramming Sequence
Fig. 4 illustrates the Flash memory programming sequence. The first step in programming a device is to
identify the ECU e.g. the microcontroller type, software
version, and associated hardware. Step 2 the programming
device needs to authenticate itself to the flashloader of the
microcontroller. This is achieved by implementing special
authentication methods (e.g. seed & key algorithm etc.)
the reprogramming sequence could be aborted if authentication fails. Normally this is a first part of a (more or less
powerful) security concept to prevent unauthorised
software manipulation.
After successful authentication the Flash memory can
be erased (step 3). After a successful erasing process the
new data can be transmitted to the microcontroller and be
programmed into the Flash memory (step 4). This opera-

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

tion is the most time consuming sequence and depends on
the total amount of data to be programmed. The sequence
is finalised by a verification of the programmed data (i.e.
application software). Typically, methods like cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) are used.
The programming of an ECU is more complex when it
is embedded within a vehicle network and when it has no
direct access between the programming device and the
ECU. Within the automotive area reprogramming is
established via the communication interfaces CAN [10],
[11], FlexRay [9], LIN [8] etc. In some case a multiple
network interface is used.


(CAN Calibration Protocol) or XCP (eXtended Calibration

Protocol) [17], [18]. However, these protocols are not
available on every communication interface. Werner
Zimmermann and Ralf Schmidgall [7] give a detailed
overview of the required components to execute a reprogramming process.

Due to the reprogramming sequence according to Fig.

4, to reduce the total software reprogramming time
significantly two approaches are possible: (1) Accelerate
data transfer and (2) reduce to be transferred data size. The
other stages within that sequence are hardware dependant
and based on technology used.
A. Data transfer acceleration
1) Data transfer acceleration on ISO/OSI layer 2
data link protocols
A simple method to speed up data transfer is to speed
up the underlying vehicle bus systems. But the maximum
bandwidth of the most common used automotive bus
systems is limited. Fig. 5 depicts an overview of the
bandwidths for the most common automotive bus systems.

Figure 4: Reprogramming sequence overview.

Microcontrollers can provide other interfaces, e.g. the
debugging interface JTAG (Joint Test Action Group [12]).
It is also possible to reprogram via this interface. Typically
these interfaces are not connected to ECUs communication connector within a vehicle for some reasons:
Assume that the position of an ECU allows neither a
physically access for a worker nor is it possible to open
the chassis e.g. a vehicles gear box within the oil sump is
here a good example. To get access to the interface JTAG
should be connected to the normal ECUs vehicle communication connector. This results in a larger connector
(more pins), an additional cable or a second network in
parallel. A complex system consists of several ECUs
based on different microcontrollers and is supplied by
different manufacturers (e.g. vehicle with up to 70 ECUs)
the external test system which controls the reprogramming
process has to implement all the individual communication protocols available. This complexity/effort is enormous and only practicable for software programming
within manufacturers ECU assembling lines and not for
software reprogramming in the field. A unique reprogramming sequence with standardized protocols must be
used to reduce the effort and thus cost.
The reprogramming sequence as depicted in Fig. 4 is
independent of the different communication protocols.
Within the automotive industry software reprogramming is
part of the vehicle diagnostics and is based on the UDS
protocol (Unified Diagnostic Services) which is standardised in the specification ISO 14229 [15] and ISO 15765-3
[16]. Depending to the available vehicle bus systems the
reprogramming sequence is executable via CAN, LIN,
FlexRay or K-Line.
The reprogramming sequence could be mapped to other
(non-diagnostic) communication protocols like CCP

Figure 5: Most common automotive bus systems bandwidth

The CAN bus system is limited to 1 MBit/s by specification ISO 11898. Also some other limitations have to be
taken into account: If bandwidth is increase the maximum
cable length is reduced. The split of the bus system results
in additional, more expensive and more complex gateways. Also increase shielding is necessary because of
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
For the FlexRay bus systems the maximum specified
systems bandwidth (max 10 Mbit/s) is not the only
limiting aspect. The data transfer rate for the time triggered FlexRay bus system is mainly influenced by the fix
defined communication schedule and the corresponding
communication slot arrangement. If the communication
slot is not allocated for a FlexRay flashloader it is not
usable for data transmission for a reprogramming process.
Automotive Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) might be an approach
to speed up data transfer for an offboard diagnostic test
system via a vehicles connector interface (VCI). The

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

challenge is now the distribution of the received data via
the vehicles network. Therefore the new standardisation
co-operation OPEN Alliance (One Pair Ethernet) was
founded to encourage wide scale adoption of Ethernetbased, single pair unshielded networks as the standard in
automotive applications [13].
Nevertheless, the slowest bus system section on the
communication link (especially within a heterogeneous
network with several different bus systems) will dictate
the possible bandwidth and therefore the communication
2) Data transfer acceleration on ISO/OSI layers 3-5 transport and diagnostic layers
Software reprogramming within the automotive industry is done via diagnostic communication and based on the
standardized diagnostic protocol Unified Diagnostic
Services (UDS) according to the specification ISO 14229.
Depending on the underlying bus systems a standardized
transport layer protocol (e.g. for CAN: ISO 15765-2, for
FlexRay: ISO 10681-2 etc.) is in use for data segmentation
and re-assembling for large data frames. Of course, all the
different communication protocol stacks could be optimized and configured to eliminate protocol specific delays
e.g. minimum separation time (STmin) for CAN communication, but if all protocols have been optimized the
limiting factor is the underlying bus system bandwidth as
shown in Fig. 5.
3) Summary
Hence, the possibility of speeding up bus systems and
their corresponding communication protocol stacks is
given and possible results are formidable, but it will be not
enough to solve the challenges of increasing software. An
important impact factor is the time limitation for a reprogramming process e.g. as given in a vehicle assembly line
in a plant (assembly line clock).

Figure 6: Data transfer acceleration limits on CAN

Fig. 6 depicts an overview of possible data volumes
which can be transferred via CAN within the given time
limits. Due to the data volumes as highlighted in Fig. 1
and the maximum bandwidth of the currently established
automotive bus systems as shown detailed in Fig. 5 the
data transfer acceleration approach is not sufficient to
solve the problem of increasing programming times for all
vehicle domains.
B. Reduce data size
1) Data size reduction by software partitioning
A powerful method to reduce the transferred data size is
the partitioning of the ECUs application software into
several sub parts. Typically the real application could be
separated from the data set (e.g. characteristic curves for
mathematical algorithm processing etc.). In case of


software reprogramming only the affected partition has

then to be transferred. Fig. 7 illustrates the separation into
different software partitions where only partition B is
affected and has to be reprogrammed. However, an
additional logistic overhead is introduced: the partitions
software compatibility has to be managed.

Figure 7: Mapping of SW partitions to physical memory

2) Data size reduction by data compression
Data compression is an alternative standard approach to
reduce transferred data size. Compressed data transfer is
an established method. The reduction in data transfer time
depends on the compression ratio of the used algorithm.
Unfortunately not all known compression algorithms are
usable within embedded systems. First of all, only lossless
compression methods can be used. Also dictionary based
algorithms are not possible due to the resource limitations
of RAM within a microcontroller. However, substitution
strategy based compression algorithms (e.g. LZSS [14])
provide good results for software with high redundancies
like characteristic curves for regulation systems etc. As the
compression ratios proportional to the redundancy with
the actual data the data compression this is not a generic
approach to solve the problem of increasing reprogramming times.
3) Data size reduction by differential file transfer
One reason for reprogramming embedded software is
bug fixing. In most cases embedded software does not
change completely when fixing a bug (e.g. changing a
value of a constant or some parameters within a characteristic curve etc.). As a percentage of the total volume of an
application the source code modifications required and the
resulting OP-code changes, required for bug fixing is often
very small. Typical errors in the source code like wrong
exit conditions in loops or wrong statements for a comparison are only one character. Changes in characteristic
curves implemented as arrays covers only a few bytes.
Thus an assumption that 80% of bug fixings result in less
than 1 kB OP-code changes and 20% in more than 1 kB is
safe and realistic figure. As a result of this assumption
only a few bytes within a memory sector/partition needs to
be changed. Fig. 7 depicts the small OP-code difference
within a software partition.
The todays state of the art and established Flash memory technology provides the technical disadvantage that a
byte-wise overwriting of a Flash memory cell is not

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

possible. Due to that technical fact, the smallest physical
memory partition (page, sector etc.) must be previously
erased before it can be re-programmed. Hence, erasing the
complete physical sector is necessary no matter if a
complete memory section or only a few bytes have
changed. A temporary storage of these page or sector data
(data mirror) requires large RAM resources with at least
the size of that page or sector (e.g. INFINEON TC1797:
256 kB). Because of the typically not available RAM
resources, thus the data for reprogramming the complete
physical section always has to be transferred and programmed. The powerful approach of reprogramming
software by differential file is not usable for currently
established Flash memory technology.
4) Conclusion
Based on existing Flash based memory architectures
current approaches and suggested variations to existing
approaches to reduce data transfer time and thus constrain
future trends in reprogramming time for vehicle based
embedded systems will not solve the initial problem. It has
been shown that only relatively small improvements can
be achieved; a radically new approach is needed.
A real quantum transition will be possible if the currently available and established Flash memory technology
is replaced by the new proposed MRAM technology
(Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory) in microcontrollers [e.g. Infineons TriCore family, Freescales HCx
family, Texas Instruments TMS or Hercules family etc.].
Some disadvantages of Flash memory caused by the
inherent technology can be eliminated by the employment
of possible MRAM technologies.

In contrast to currently established memory technologies, MRAM semiconductors store the information not
using electrical, but by magnetic load elements. The effect
is based on the fact that certain materials change their
electrical resistance if they are influenced by magnetic
fields [4], [19], [21].
Effective fundamental research activities to the magnetoresitive started in 1989. At that time IBM scientists
made a set of key discoveries. In the year 2000 IBM and
Infineon started a joint MRAM development program. In
2005 Renesas presented a 1MBit memory for a 100MHz
clock frequency [5].
In a MRAM cell the information zero (0) and one (1)
are represented by the orientation of magnetic fields and is
based on the Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) effect [21].
A MTJ semiconductor has a three-layer structure. It
consists of two magnetic layers and an insulation layer.
One of the magnetic layers has a fixed orientation (fixed
magnetic layer). The other magnetic layer can change its
magnetic polarization (floating magnetic layer). It is
aligned either in the same orientation as the fixed layer
(parallel magnetic orientation) or in the opposite (opposite
magnetic orientation). Although not shown in Fig. 8, a bit


line and digit line are located above and below the MTJ.
The electrical resistance of the memory cell changes
depending to the magnetic orientation of the floating
magnetic layer. According to the electrical resistance a
high or low current could occur. A current switch converts
the binary information low current and high current to
voltage levels (low current = 0bin; high current = 1bin).

Figure 8 - MRAM
The MRAM technology does not need any electrical
current in order to hold the stored information. Once the
magnetic adjustment is made the variable magnetic layer
remains static, i.e. no further current is required.
MRAM adopts the advantages of several memory technologies available today. Similar to Flash memory or
EEPROM (Electrical Erasable and Programmable Read
Only Memory) a non-volatile data retention takes place,
i.e. program code and data are sustained without power
supply. MRAM reduces the power consumption because
the refresh pulses as required for DRAM are not longer
necessary. The data access is very fast (cf. SRAM) and
MRAM cells are small which results in a high device
integration level.
As depict in Fig. 4 the steps erasing memory (step 3)
and download and reprogramming (step 4) of a Flash
memory based system have a significant impact on total
reprogramming time. MRAM technology can make
significant improvements in these areas.
A. Reduce Memory Erase Time
As mentioned above, normally Flash memory technology does not allow the overwriting of programmed
memory cells without prior erasing memory partitions or
sectors. It is currently not possible to erase a single
memory cell. MRAM technology allows overwriting of
individual programmed memory cells without prior
erasing of the cell. Therefore step 3 of the reprogramming
process is no longer required.

Table 2 shows the normalized erase time values for 256

kB on-chip Flash memory of two different microcontrollers. Based on this data given by the manufacturers data
sheets [1], [2] the predicted total erase time for a 256 kB
sector of on-chip Flash memory is up to 5 seconds. This

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

time could be saved potentially in case of using MRAM.
The benefit is still higher in case of the Op-code modifications are not only located to a single physical memory
It is not possible to make a precise generic statement for
the saved erase time because this value depends on several
parameters e.g. memory technology, oscillator frequency,
and the size of memory that is to be erased. As depict in
Fig. 1, within the automotive industry ECUs exist with a
total amount of Flash memory up to several 100 MB.
B) Reprogramming by differential File
For a detailed analysis of reprogramming process acceleration it is helpful to divide step 4 of Fig. 4 into the
two sub-sequences data transfer and physical reprogramming.
The MRAM technology allows read/write access basically for each single byte (alignment has to be taken into
account). Hence, MRAM allows an optimisation to the
reprogramming process were only the real differences of
the old and new compiler/linker output file (OP-code)
have to be transferred and reprogrammed (refer to Fig. 9).
This results in significant time reductions for the data
transfer and the corresponding physical programming
1) MRAM vs. Flash memory
In contrast, the differential file approach for a Flash
memory technology based system requires large RAM
resources to mirror the current memory sector content
(refer to III-2c) and therefore typically the complete sector
content will be transferred.


simplify the model neither upper communication protocols

(e.g. transport protocol for CAN according to ISO 15765-2
etc.) nor communication delays (inter-frame times between two CAN-PDUs) have been taken into account.
Fehler! Es ist nicht mglich, durch die Bearbeitung
von Feldfunktionen Objekte zu erstellen.Formula 1 data
transfer time

Payload for CAN
Approximate frame length:

8 Byte / frame
123 bit
500 kbit/s

We assume also that the write speed to MRAM is equal

to existing Flash memories (a safe assumption as shown
by predictions in table 1).
Fehler! Es ist nicht mglich, durch die Bearbeitung
von Feldfunktionen Objekte zu erstellen.
Formula 2 programming time

Programming rate

50 kByte/s [1,3]



Table 3 illustrates the power of the differential file approach. Especially for large physical memory sections the
benefit of reduced transfer time and reduced programming
time is quite evident. Upper layer communication protocols will reduce the data transfer rate in addition and
results in increasing transfer times. Of course, the data
transfer time depends fundamentally on the underlying bus
systems and the network architecture. A slow bus system
with small bandwidth will increase the data transfer time
compared to a faster bus system. But even for small
bandwidth bus systems data reduction has a significant
impact to the data transfer time and the total reprogramming time.

Figure 9: Usage of a differential file for physical memory

sector reprogramming
In table 3 a comparison of both approaches (MRAM
with differential file transfer and Flash memory with
complete file transfer) is given. The data volume to be
transferred and reprogrammed is the main influencing
factor for the total reprogramming time. Based on the
Flash memory sector sizes of Infineons TriCore TC1767
[3] microcontroller we assume that the modified OP-code
is less that 1kByte (refer to III-2c) within on memory
section. The corresponding data transfer times on a CAN
bus system with 500 kbit/s bandwidth are calculated
according to formula 1 and the given assumptions. To

2) Comparison to data size reduction approaches

The benefit of the MRAM based differential file approach for software reprogramming is also quite evident if
the method is compared to other typical data reduction
methods. Table 4 shows a comparison depicting saving
due to typical data reduction methods and differential file
approaches based on formula 1. The transport protocol
overhead or differential file overhead has not been taken
into account. Table 4 has been generated by making the
following assumptions based on typical data for an ECU
that process complex control assignments, e.g. driver
assistance systems (refer to Fig. 1):

File size:

32 MByte

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

Compression ratio:
Modified OP code size:
CAN Payload:
Approximate frame length:
CAN Baud rate:

1 kByte
8 Byte / frame
123 bit
125 kbit/s,
500 kBit/s
1 Mbit/s

The table 4 shows that if only the differences of both

files will be transferred the data transfer time is significantly reduced compared to conventional data size reduction methods e.g. partitioning and compression. According
to the reprogramming sequence in Fig. 4 the benefit of
step 4 (download & programming) is visible. For Flash
memory the step 3 (erase memory) still has to be processed. Within the given example the interpolation erase
time for 32 MB is up to 640 s or 240 s for 12 MB (refer to
table 1). For an MRAM based system this time is not
relevant. The step 5 (verification) is necessary for both
memory approaches. At least a CRC must be calculated to
verify the correct programming and the consistency of the
new software. Due to the equal read access speed of both
memory technologies (refer to table 1) this step provides
no differences. The required execution time of step 5
depends on the CRC calculation algorithm, microcontrollers clock frequency etc. and can take up to several
Of course, the model is simplified and is not complete
but it depicts that an approach of differential file transfer
based on MRAM technology provides significant potential

3) Restrictions
Of course, the differential file transfer approach provides some restrictions and has some additional requirements to the software development process.
In contrast to the file oriented software storage PC
world with its virtual addresses, an embedded systems
microcontroller works physical address oriented. A
microcontroller provides neither a memory managing
system nor that much memory to squander memory space.
This is why during the embedded software generation
process all source code elements (e.g. in C-language:
functions, arrays etc.) are linked consecutively without
any larger gaps within the address space. Consequently, if
a routine expands all other compiled elements will change
the allocation address. In that case the differences between
a previous file and a new compiled and linked file will be
quite high whereas the source code changes are only a few
lines of code. To be able to reduce the differences of the
embedded software files it is necessary to allocate all the
software parts always on the same position (address). This
requires a fixed linking concept to guarantee that the


smallest possible difference of both files can be calculated.

However, a link process with fix addresses can be implemented by different approaches. A fix position for at least
each source code module (e.g. c-file, object-file etc.) must
be configured within the linker command file. Best results
provide the fix allocation on source code function level.
Here each function or array etc. is allocated on a fix
The disadvantage is the necessity to have address gaps
(empty space) between the single linking objects to
prevent the system from overwriting other allocated code
objects in case of further upgrades of another code object.
Hence, the commercial relation of higher costs for a larger
memory vs. reprogramming time and cost reduction has to
be taken into account.
Especially within the automotive industry a stringent
version and compatibility control management is required
because software on a car is only reprogrammed if it is in
a repair shop. Because of the large service intervals of
modern vehicles it might be possible that several software
versions are in between the current vehicle software and
the current OEM software.
To guarantee equally high process safeness and security of the MRAM based on differential file approach
compared to the established Flash memory programming
process these basic issues have to be taken into account.
The paper has discussed the rapidly approaching limitation of Flash technologies in embedded vehicle systems
for in-system reprogramming. The main advantages of
MRAM vs. Flash memory technology with a focus on
reprogramming have been presented. The benefits of new
programming approaches have been discussed and the
possibilities of bit is the byte-wise access of MRAM
memories with the possibility to overwriting data without
an initial memory erase phase highlighted. Byte-wise
access allows software updates by transferring and
overwriting only differences between the old and new
software. Due to the reduced amount of data to transfer,
the data transfer time and the physical programming time
significant time savings can be made. Thus the potential
cost savings of the new technologies could solve the
rapidly approaching technological limitation of Flash
memories in modern complex embedded vehicle systems.
The paper has not quantified the possible overheads
associated with differential file programming, however,
neither has it detailed such factors as the increased risk of
process interruption as programming time increases for
conventional Flash technologies.
For the resulting cost aspects two different scenarios
occur: If high speed communication bus systems are
available data transfer time could reduced. A total process
time reduction provides cost advantages for production
and within some business areas (e.g. vehicle industry etc.)
in service/after sales activities, too. On the other hand
differential file transfer would make it possible to use low
cost small bandwidth bus systems but maintain the current
data transfer times.
In conclusion the presented study shows that the problem of increasing costs because of increasing software
sizes and resulting reprogramming times could be partly
solved when MRAM becomes commercially available.
This paper has concentrated on the problem facing all
business areas where software programming time provides

Appendix B Journal paper IEEE TVT MRAM

a rapidly increasing potential cost. It has proposed that the
new MRAM technologies will potentially resolve this
issue. However, there are other significant benefits that the
technology can offer related to the types of bus architecture needed.
[1] Infineon; TriCore 1797 Data Sheet
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[17] ASAM MCD-1.CCP V2.1.0, CAN Calibration
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