Advantages of Steel As A Structural Material

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1. High Strength
The high strength of steel per unit of weight means that the weight of
structures will be small. This fact is of great importance for long span bridges
tall buildings, and structures situated on poor foundations.
2. Uniformity
The properties of steel do not change appreciable with time, as do
those of a reinforced concrete structure.
3. Elasticity
Steel behaves closer to design assumptions than the most materials
because it follows Hooke's law up to fairly high stresses. The moments of
inertia of a steel structure can be accurately calculated, while the values
obtained for a reinforced concrete structure are rather indefinite.
4. Permanence
Steel frames are properly maintained will last indefinitely. Research on
same of the newer steels indicates that under certain conditions no painting
maintenance whatsoever will be required.
5. Ductility
The property of a material by which it can withstand extensive
deformation without failure under high tensile stresses is its ductility. When a
mild or low-carbon structural steel member is being tested in tension, a
considerable reduction in cross section and a large amount of elongation will
occur at the point of failure before the actual fracture occurs. A material that
does not have its property is generally unacceptable and is probably hard
and brittle, and it might break if subjected to a sudden shock.
In structural members under normal loads, high stress concentrations
develop at various points. The ductile nature of the usual structural steels
enables them to yield locally at those points, thus preventing premature
failures. A further advantage of ductile structures is that when overloaded,
their large deflections give visible evidence of impending failure.
6. Toughness
Structural steels are tough that is, they have both strength and
ductility. A steel member loaded until it has large deformations will still be
able to withstand large forces. This is very important characteristics, because

it means that steel members can be subjected to large deformations during

fabrication and erection without fracture thus allowing them to be bent,
hammered, and sheared, and to have holes punched in them without visible
damage, The ability of a material to absorb energy in large amounts is called
7. Additions to Existing Structures
Steel structures are quite well suited to having additions made to them. New
bays or even entire new wings can be added to existing steel frame building,
and steel bridges may often be widened.
8. Miscellaneous
Several other important advantages of structural steel are as follows; (a)
ability to be fastened together by several simple connection devices,
including wleds and bolts; (b) adaptation to prefabrication; (c) speed of
erection; (d) ability to be rolled into a wide variety of sizes and shapes; (e)
possible reuse after a structure is disassembled; and (f) scrap value, even
though not reusable in its existing form. Steel is the ultimate recyclable

The first is that it is relatively more expensive to buy than timber due
to the construction method involved.
Steel structures are also harder to insulate as the steel offers no
insulation which means additional insulation methods are required,
therefore more construction costs.

The strength of steel is reduced substantially when heated at

temperatures commonly observed in building fires. Also, steel conducts
and transmits heat from a burning portion of the building quite fast.
Consequently, steel frames in buildings must have adequate

Steel structures exposed to air and water, such as bridges, are

susceptible to corrosion and should be painted regularly. Application of
weathering and corrosion-resistant steels may eliminate this problem.

Due to high strength/weight ratio, steel compression members are in

general more slender and consequently more susceptible to buckling
than, say, reinforced concrete compression members. As a result,
considerable materials may have to be used just to improve the
buckling resistance of slender steel compression members.

Fatigue: The strength of structural steel member can be reduced if this

member is subjected to cyclic loading.


The building industry is increasingly recognising the potential results

available from working with environmentally focused products that combine
clean aesthetics and sound structural properties. Products that promote and
allow efficient and cost effective construction of strong timber focused

The first is that typically timber constructions are quicker to erect than
steel ones with reduced labour required to do so. This quicker erection
means that timber structures can be built in shorter good-weather
periods whilst the reduced labour can lead to significant cost savings.

Another advantage of timber structures is that they can offer a lower

impact on energy consumption, especially if constructed using locally
sourced timber.

Research also shows that timber structures allow for more flexibility of
movement, making them safer in low impact earthquakes.

Timber is an excellent insulator: Brick-built houses are also known to

have outstanding insulating properties, but wood manages to surpass

Timber is an elastic material: As opposed to brick or concrete walls,

timber walls dont have to be very thick.

Timber houses are more attractive: Timber house look a thousand

times better and they dont need special decorative finishes.

Carbon: Choosing timber in design and construction can help tackle

climate change in several ways. One of the most important is that
wood stores carbon

Timber is strong, lightweight and flexible. Choosing timber means there

isnt the need to contend with heavy lifting and large cranes to secure
materials onsite, making building sites safer work places.

Recycle and reuse what would otherwise be timber residue into new
products and applications.

Timber performs strongly against fire and gives designers the ability to
confidently create strong, durable, fire resistant timber constructions.


The first is that to ensure enough timber for construction, there is a

negative impact on the environment through logging
Another disadvantage of timber structures to that they have a greater
chance of combustibility and may be subject to decay when exposure
to the elements.

Vulnerable to pest attacks: Timber is vulnerable to biotic forces like

termites, woodworm or wood ants.

Prone to abiotic forces: Abiotic forces of nature like Sun, Fire, water
etc. can have adverse effect on Timber.

Shrinking and swelling of wood: Wood has a natural ability to absorb

water which is also known as Hygroscopy.

Cracks and fissures: They may occur in various parts of the tree and
may even indicate the presence of decay or the beginnings of decay.

Knots: These are common features of the structure of wood. A knot is

portion of a branch embedded by the natural growth of the tree,
normally originating at the center of the trunk or a branch.

Grain defects: it can occur in the form of twisted-grain, flat-grain and

spiral-grain, all of which can induce subsequent problems of distortion
in use.

Fungal decay: This may occur in growing mature timber or even in

recently converted timber, and in general it is good practice to reject
such timber.

Annual ring width. This can be critical in respect of strength in that

excess width of such rings can reduce the density of the timber.

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