Applied Physics - CBSE SECONDARY SCHOOL 2016-17

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Applied Physics (625) Class XI

Time 3hrs. Marks 60


Units & Dimensions: M.K.S. fundamentals & derived units, S.I. base units supplementary units and
derived units, Dimensions of various physical quantities, uses of dimensional analysis.


Surface Tension and Viscosity: molecular forces, molecular theory of surface tension, surface
energy, capillary action, concept of viscosity, coefficient of viscosity, principle and construction of
viscometers. 2


Vibrations: Vibration as simple spring mass system, elementary and qualitative concept of free and
forced vibrations, resonance. Effects of vibrations on building bridges and machines members.


Heat: Temperature and its measurement, thermoelectric, platinum resistance thermometers and
pyrometers. Conduction through compound media and laws of radiations.


Ultrasonics: Productions of ultrasonic waves by magnetostriction and piezo-electric effect, application

of ultrasonics in industry.


Optics: Nature of light, reflection and refraction of a wave from a plane surface. Overhead projector
and Epidiascope.

Applied Physics (Practical)

Time 1hr. Marks 40

To determine the surface tension of a liquid by rise in capillary.


To determine the viscosity of a given liquid.


To determine the frequency of tuning fork using a sonometer.


To determine the frequency of AC main using sonometer.

Applied Physics (625) Class XII

Time 3 hrs. Marks 60

Electrostatics: Coloumb's law, electric field, potential, electric flux, gauss theorem and the electric
field, around a charged sphere, a long straight conductor and plane charged sheet, potential difference,
and potential of a charged sphere and a point charge, principle of capacitor, capacitance of a parallel
plate capacitor having a number of media, energy stored in capacitor and combination of capacitor.


Electromagnetism: Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor and its direction, concept of B
& H and permeability, force experienced by a moving charge and current carrying conductor placed in a
magnetic field. Magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil, straight conductor and solenoid.


Nuclear Physics: Nuclear fission and fusion, use of radio isotopes, the application of nuclear fission in
nuclear power station, nuclear fuels, radiation hazard.


Basic Electronics: Semi conductors and their resistivity. Atomic structure of Ge & Si, P & N type
materials, formation of P-N and N-P junctions, forward and backward raising working of semiconductor
diode, and its application in half wave and full wave rectifiers, P-N-P and N-P-N transistors and their
principles of working.

Applied Physics (Practical)

Time 1hr. Marks 40

Draw forward and reverse characteristics of P & N junctions.


To find resistivity of a given metal by using meter-bridge.


To compare e.m.f. of two cells by using a potentiometer.


To determine 'K' of a bad conductor.


To determine 'K' of a good conductor.


Time period of a cantilever.

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