This document lists 109 common abbreviations used in technology along with their full meanings, including AC (Alternative Cable), AGP (Advanced Graphics Port), and API (Application Programming Interface). It covers abbreviations used for computer components, programming languages, file formats, and networking protocols.
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This document lists 109 common abbreviations used in technology along with their full meanings, including AC (Alternative Cable), AGP (Advanced Graphics Port), and API (Application Programming Interface). It covers abbreviations used for computer components, programming languages, file formats, and networking protocols.
This document lists 109 common abbreviations used in technology along with their full meanings, including AC (Alternative Cable), AGP (Advanced Graphics Port), and API (Application Programming Interface). It covers abbreviations used for computer components, programming languages, file formats, and networking protocols.
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This document lists 109 common abbreviations used in technology along with their full meanings, including AC (Alternative Cable), AGP (Advanced Graphics Port), and API (Application Programming Interface). It covers abbreviations used for computer components, programming languages, file formats, and networking protocols.
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Short Abbreviations
S.No Abbreviation Detail
1. AC Alternative Cable 2. AGP Advanced Graphics Port 3. ALGOL Algorithmic oriented language 4. ALU Arithmetic & logic unit 5. ANSI American national standard institute 6. API Application programming interface 7. ASCII American standard code for information interchange 8. AT Advanced Technology 9. ATM Automatic teller machine 10. BASIC Beginner All-purpose symbolic information codes 11. BIOS Basic input / output system 12. BIT Binary digits 13. BUG Error in computer 14. CAAT Computer assisted audit techniques 15. CAD Computer aided design 16. CAM Computer aided manufacturing 17. CDROM Computer disk read only memory 18. CGA Color graphics adapter 19. CMOS Complementary metallic oxide semiconductor 20. COBOL Common business oriented language 21. CPU Central processing unit 22. CRT Cathode ray tube 23. CSMA / CD Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection 24. CU Control unit 25. CUI Command user interface 26. DCL Data control language 27. DDR Double data rate 28. DFD Data flow diagram 29. DIPS Data information processing system 30. DML Data manipulation language 31. DOS Disk operating system 32. DPI Dots per inch 33. DRAM Dynamic random access memory 34. DVD Digital video disk 35. EBCDIC Extended binary coded decimal interchange code 36. EDC Enhanced data correction 37. EDSAC Electronic delay storage automatic computer 38. EDVAC Electronic discrete variable automatic computer 39. EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 40. EFT Electronic Fund Transfer 41. EGA Enhanced Graphics Adopter 42. ENIAC Electronic Numerical integrator and calculator 43. EPROM Erasable programmable read only memory 44. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 45. FDDI Fiber distributed data interface 46. FORTRAN FORmula RANslation 47. FTP File transfer protocol 48. GIF Graphical interchange format 49. GUI Graphical user interface 50. HTML Hyper text markup language 51. HTTP Hyper text transfer protocol 52. IBM International business machine 53. IEEE institute of electrical & Electronic engineer 54. IIS internet information server 55. I.Q Intelligence Quantity 56. ISA Integrated standard architecture 57. ISDN integrated service data network 58. ISP Internet service provider 59. JPEG Joint photographic experts group 60. KIPS knowledge information processing system 61. LASER 62. LCD Liquid Crystal Display 63. LED 64. LIPS 65. Mbps Mega bits per second 66. MBPS 67. MCA 68. MICR 69. MSDN 70. MSI 71. NEC 72. NetBIOS 73. NT New Technology 74. OCR 75. OMR 76. PASCAL 77. PCI 78. PDF Portable Document Format 79. PL/I 80. POS Point of Sell 81. PROLOG 82. PROM 83. RAM 84. ROM 85. RTP 86. SDLC 87. SMTP 88. SQL 89. SSI 90. SRAM 91. SVGA 92. TB 93. TCP / IP 94. UHTTP 95. UNIVAC 96. UPS uninterrupted power supply 97. URL 98. USB universal serial bus 99. UTP 100. VB Visual Basic 101. VDU 102. VGA 103. WIMP 104. WOL 105. Windows ME 106. Windows NT windows New Technology 107. Windows XP 108. WWW world wide web 109. CNG compact natural gas
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