Proper Selection of Rupture Disks

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A Structured Method for

Proper Selection of Rupture Disks
for Safety Relief in Ammonia Plants
Proper selection of a rupture disk is more than performing sizing calculations to make sure it is adequately
sized for the emergency event. Criteria such as operating pressure and temperature, material selection, gas
or liquid service, etc. must be evaluated to determine the best disk type for the application. The cost of not
evaluating such criteria can be significant to operations if the ammonia plant has excessive nuisance
failures of an improperly specified rupture disk. This paper will present a structured step-by-step method
for determining the appropriate rupture disk type for an application.
Jeff Scoville and Alan Wilson
Oseco Inc.

T is common for the process engineer to use

either in-house or manufacturer software t o
size rupture disks for ammonia plant safety.
Rupture disks are used to protect ammonia
plant piping, heat exchangers, and large equipment
such as compressors and pumps. While the criteria
for sizing is dependent on the application and condi
tions (explosive environment, fire conditions, etc.),
the conditions are generally well defined and result in
a required net flow area to pass a given flow rate at a
given pressure and temperature. Sizing is only a
small portion of the overall selection process of a
rupture disk. Factors such as operating pressure, ma
terial selection, etc. have a significant influence on
the type of rupture disk selected. Failure to select
the correct rupture disk for an application can result
in significant plant down time due to nuisance fail
ures. In a worst case scenario, an improperly speci
fied disk can fail to open during an overpressure
event, causing a catastrophic failure. Some of the
factors that affect rupture disk selection are outlined

in the API Recommended Practice 5201 . API does

a particularly good job of defining the inputs required
by the manufacturer in the API Figure A1Rupture Disk Device Specification Sheet. How
ever, while this document is a good tool for collect
ing data, it does not serve as a selection tool for the
novice rupture disk user. The document is intended
to transfer information to the manufacturer and does
not provide any guidance regarding actual rupture
disk selection. It appears that more information
regarding proper overpressure device specification is
required, as 40% of the equipment in the oil, gas, and
chemical industries has at least one pressure relief
system deficiency2 . The purpose of this paper is t o
address a structured methodology for the selection of
a rupture disk for a particular ammonia plant applica
tion, regardless of rupture disk manufacturer. A flow
chart of the process is included in Figure 1. While
additional minor factors may have to be considered
for each application, this process should complete
90% of the users selection by process of elimina

FIGURE 1, Rupture Disk Selection Methodology

QUESTION: What is the operating ratio for the application?
TASK: Eliminate all rupture disk designs that have a maximum
operating ratio below the operating ratio required for the application
QUESTION: What is the phase for the application?
__ Gas or __ Liquid
TASK: Eliminate all rupture disk designs that are
"gas only" if this is a liquid application.
QUESTION: Does the application require a special holder?
__ YES _________ TYPE HOLDER or ___ NO
TASK: Eliminate all rupture disk designs that are not available in the
the special holder (i.e. sanitary clamp, union, threaded assembly, etc.)
QUESTION: Is rupture disk required to be nonfragmenting?
__ Yes or __ No
TASK: Eliminate all fragmenting rupture disk designs
(typically nonscored products)
QUESTION: Does the disk burst pressure fall within the
the minimum/maximum charts for the disk design/material?
__ Yes or __ No
TASK: Eliminate all combinations that are outside min/max
QUESTION: Does the disk burst/operating temperature
fall within the minimum/maximum charts for the disk design/material?
__ Yes or __ No
TASK: Eliminate all combinations that are outside min/max
QUESTION: Does the disk have to withstand full vacuum?
__ Yes or __ No
TASK: Eliminate all rupture disk designs that cannot withstand
full vacuum and/or do not have optional vacuum support


The purpose of Figure 1 is to provide a structured
approach for selecting rupture disks for an applica
tion. It is assumed that the user of this chart has
already sized a disk for the application. As the user
progresses from the top to bottom box, rupture disk
designs are eliminated by the question and task
listed. The user should have a list of disks suitable
for the given application at the end of the process.
If all rupture disk designs are eliminated, the appli
cation will need to be modified.

also called high performance rupture disks. Higher

performance disks typically cost more than low
performance disks as they are typically of a preci
sion-scored design. The manufacturing techniques
used on high performance disks are much more labor
intensive than low to medium performance designs.

Once the reduced list of disks has been determined,

less defined soft criteria may be used to make the
final selection. Soft criteria, including items such as
cost, plant history with a particular disk type, main
tenance history, etc. can then be used to make a
final selection.
This is where the structured approach will realize
time and cost savings for the user. The process of
elimination should prevent a user from having t o
evaluate every manufacturers catalog of disks on all
types of criteria. Instead, efforts can be concen
trated on the final handful of disks that meet a par
ticular criteria. At the same time, more cost effec
tive rupture disk designs will not be eliminated by
standardizing on a one size fits all solution.
It is important to work closely with the rupture disk
manufacturer at the end of this process to achieve
the best results before making the final purchase.

What is the operating ratio for the

The operating ratio is determined by dividing the
maximum operating pressure by the burst pressure of
the rupture disk. This the most important bench
mark for measuring disk performance. Rupture disk
manufacturers typically list the recommended oper
ating ratio for each type of disk they sell. This ratio
is an indicator of the pressure at which that disk can
be operated with a reasonable service life. Operating
above the manufacturers recommended maximum
operating ratio can reduce the life of the disk sig
nificantly due to fatigue. Rupture disks typically
have recommended maximum operating ratios from
50 to 90 %, depending on the materials and method
of construction.
Disks that are capable of operating around 90% are

Selecting a disk with a higher than necessary oper

ating ratio can be a waste of money, but buying a
low cost disk that doesnt perform well will require
more frequent change outs and cause reduced produc
tion. Applications with pressures that cycle more
than a few times a day should not operate too close
to the operating ratio. Cyclic or pulsing applications
also tend to fatigue disks more quickly. The exact
number of pressure cycles that a disk can withstand
is dependent on many factors including material
thickness, material type, operating temperature, etc.
While this is a criteria for many plant applications,
it is better addressed under The final cut other
soft criteria.
The one recommendation that can be made with
certainty is that a disk should not be purchased for
an application in which it will be exposed to condi
tions above the recommended maximum operating
ratio. Therefore, any disks that dont meet the
operating ratio requirements for this step are imme
diately eliminated from consideration.

What is the phase for the application? Gas

or liquid?
Many reverse buckling disks require a snapthrough action to perform correctly. The stored
energy in a compressed gas is often used to facilitate
this opening. Since liquids are incompressible, the
same stored energy is not available. This can mean
that a gas-only disk may not open at all under
liquid conditions and can be a safety hazard.
In some cases, there is a small pocket of gas between
the rupture disk and liquid. Depending upon the
volume of the gas, a gas only disk may be used.
The rupture disk manufacturer should be consulted
regarding the criteria for gas pocket operation.
Under no circumstances should a gas-only disk be
used in a liquid-filled application. Therefore, all
gas only disks are eliminated in this step if the
application is liquid.


Does the application require a special


tion of standard materials they use to manufacture

rupture disks. Some standard materials include 316
stainless steel, nickel, monel, inconel and aluminum.
In addition to these you can find specialty disks
made from Hastelloy C-276, silver, titanium, tanta
lum, graphite, Ryton and Teflon. Most manufactur
ers will furnish you a table listing the various materi
als available for a given disk design and the
applicable minimum and maximum burst pressures
(usually at room temperature) for each.

Most rupture disk designs are intended to be used in

insert type holders that fit between standard ANSI
flanges. However, rupture disks are also utilized in
many applications where ANSI flanges are not
available or a special type of connection is required.
These applications include sanitary/food with sani
tary clamp fittings, threaded assemblies with N P T
connections on each end, union-type assemblies that
fit between pipe ends, and welded or soldered units in
which the disk is permanently attached to a throwaway holder. It is important to verify from the
manufacturers catalog that the disk type is available
in the desired holder. Disks not available in the de
sired holder are eliminated in this step.

Is the rupture disk required to be nonfragmenting?

The most common reason to specify a nonfragmenting rupture disk is the use of rupture disks
upstream of a pressure relief valve. If a disk frag
ment becomes lodged in a relief valve it can prevent
the valve from closing properly and damage the seat
of the valve. Non-fragmenting rupture disks may
also be specified when there is a chance that person
nel or property could be injured or damaged by
fragments that result from a burst disk. In some
sanitary applications, it is important not to con
taminate the process with pieces of rupture disk.
In general, most low to medium performance prod
ucts are fragmenting. Fragmentation is eliminated
by the use of a scored pattern on high performance
Please note that rupture disks should always be
vented to a safe area away from personnel, even
when nonfragmenting. The high speed flow from a
rupture disk can still be dangerous to plant person
If fragmentation is unacceptable for the application,
all fragmenting disks will be eliminated in this step.

Does the burst pressure fall within the

maximum/minimum charts for the disk
Most rupture disk manufacturers have a wide selec

While materials such as Hastelloy C-276 may be

desired due to their resistance to corrosion, it may
not be possible to reach lower burst pressures in the
more exotic materials. This step will eliminate ma
terials that cannot meet the burst pressure requested.
In many cases it is iterative as tradeoffs need to be
made between corrosion resistance and the target
burst pressure.

Does the disk operating/burst

temperature fall within the
minimum/maximum charts for the disk
It is important to not only look at the burst tem
perature, but the maximum operating temperature
for the rupture disk. In many cases a peak tempera
ture may occur with little or no pressure on the sys
tem and is not listed on the burst condition.
In a similar manner to minimum and maximum burst
pressures, most manufacturers list minimum and
maximum temperatures for different materials of a
given disk design. This step will eliminate materials
that cannot meet the temperature requested.

Does the disk have to withstand full

Most rupture disks either withstand full vacuum as
standard or have an optional vacuum support that
may be added to make the disk vacuum resistant.
However, there are some low pressure flat and for
ward acting disks that do not withstand full vacuum
and do not have optional vacuum supports. Those
disk designs will have to be eliminated when the
potential for vacuum exists.

The final cut other soft criteria

Once the final list is established, other soft criteria

should be used to evaluate the suitability of a rupture

disk design for a given application. At this point,
the expertise of the rupture disk manufacturer will
be invaluable to make the final decision on which
rupture disk design to use in the application. Infor
mation such as previous plant history with the rup
ture disk design in the same or similar applications
is also helpful. Soft criteria, such as estimated
lifetime cost, cycle life, interchangeability, ease of
maintenance, etc. may also play a role. The impor
tant point is that these types of time-intensive
evaluations can now be conducted on a smaller set of
disks suited for the application.

A real-world example
In this example we will look at providing a rupture
disk to protect the shell side of a shell and tube heat
exchanger. The burst pressure is 400 psig @ 100 F
and requires a 4 diameter disk (based upon sizing for
the application). The customer has informed us
that the shell side normally operates at 350 psig and
is liquid filled. Based upon compatibility with the
process, 316SS is the material choice. There is a
possibility of an upset condition in which the shell
side sees full vacuum.
We start with a list of all disk types provided in a
vendors catalog. We have listed the first two selec
tion criteria in the two right columns. The operat
ing ratio for the application is 350/400 psig =
87.5%. Any disk with a maximum operating ratio
below 87.5% will be crossed out. Any disk that is
gas only will be crossed out, as this is a liquid ap
plication. Disk types CO, FMS, FST, FLCO, GR,
and STD are eliminated due to operating ratio. Disk
type PCR is eliminated due to the liquid service.


Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas Only
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid
Gas or Liquid

We then look at the next two selection criteria.

The disk is being used between ANSI flanges (not
sanitary) and fragmentation is acceptable. Disk
types FASS and PROS were eliminated as they install
in sanitary ferrules.

Holder Type
Insert (ANSI)
Insert (ANSI)
Insert (ANSI)
Insert (ANSI)


We then look at the minimum/maximum burst pres

sure criteria. PLR, PRO, and PSR are eliminated due
to the burst pressure being higher than their maxi
mum burst pressure for a 4 disk in 316SS.


Maximum Operating

Min Burst Press

(psig) for 4 &

Max Burst Press

(psig) for 4 &


We then look at the minimum/maximum operating

temperature criteria. No disks are eliminated.

Min Oper Temp

(F) for 4 &

Max Oper Temp

(F) for 4 &

The last criteria that is evaluated is whether or not

the disk must withstand full vacuum. Since the FAS
is listed as withstanding full vacuum without an addi
tional support, it is acceptable.

Withstands Full
Vacuum Without

Vacuum Support
No, see column #1

In this case, only one disk type was left due to the
stringent requirements of the application. In other
less stringent applications you may end up with sev
eral disk types acceptable after the elimination.
Soft criteria would then be used to decide upon
one final disk type.

There are several key benefits of using the top-down
approach as defined in Figure 1. The user can
quickly eliminate rupture disks that are not well
suited for the application, especially those that pose
a threat due to safety (i.e. gas-only disks being used
in liquid service). A more in-depth review can be
conducted on the remaining rupture disks to make
the best selection possible. The user is not forced
into making one size fits all rupture disk selec
tions that unnecessarily increase cost without direct
benefit to the application. All of these benefits will
result in lower cost of ownership with an increase in
ammonia plant safety.


loaded rupture disk is installed into a system such
that the burst pressure is on the convex or raised
side of the formed crown. An example of a com
pression loaded rupture disk would be a reverse buck
ling style. Most compression loaded disks are capa
ble of 90% recommended maximum operating ratio.
OPERATING RATIO: The ratio between the oper
ating pressure and the stamped burst pressure on the
rupture disk.
NONFRAGMENTING: A rupture disk that is de
signed to open without releasing portions of the disk
VACUUM SUPPORT: A component added to a rup
ture disk to make it withstand full vacuum condition.


API (March 1993), Sizing, Selection, and

Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in
Refineries, API Recommended Practice
520 Sixth Edition, The American Petro
leum Institute, Washington, D.C.
Berwanger, Kreder, and Wai-Shan Lee,
Non-conformance Of Existing Pressure
Relief Systems With Recommended Prac
tices: A Statistical Analysis, American In
stitute of Chemical Engineers 1999 Spring
National Meeting, Houston, TX.

loaded disk is installed into a system such that the
burst pressure is on the concave or cupped side of
the formed crown. The disk opens by yielding at
the set point.



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