Political System in The Philippines

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Political System in the Philippines

The Politics of the Philippines take place in an organized framework of a

presidential, representative, and democratic republic whereby the president is both
the head of state and the head of government within a pluriform multi-party










interdependent branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the
judicial branch. Executive power is exercised by the government under the
leadership of the president. Legislative power is vested in both the government and
the two-chamber Congress: The Senate (the upper chamber) and the House of
Representatives (the lower chamber). Judicial power is vested in the courts with the
Supreme Court of the Philippines as the highest judicial body.
Elections are administered by an independent Commission on Elections every
three years starting 1992. Held every second Monday of May, the winners in the
elections take office on the following June 30. Local government is produced by local
government units from the provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays. While
the most regions do not have political power, and exist merely for administration
purposes, autonomous regions have expanded powers more than the other local
government units. While local government units enjoy autonomy, much of their
budget is derived from allocations from the national government, putting their true
autonomy in doubt.











Representatives. The Senate shares its building with the Government Service
Insurance System.
Congress is a bicameral legislature. The upper house, the Senate, is
composed of 24 senators elected via the plurality-at-large voting with the country
as one at-large "district." The senators elect amongst themselves a Senate
President. The lower house is the House of Representatives, currently composed of
292 representatives, with no more than 20% elected via party-list system, with the
rest elected from legislative districts. The House of Representatives is headed by
the Speaker.
Each bill needs the consent of both houses in order to be submitted to the
president for his signature. If the president vetoes the bill, Congress can override

the veto with a two-thirds supermajority. If either house voted down on a bill or fails
to act on it after an adjournment sine die, the bill is lost and would have to be
proposed to the next congress, with the process starting all over again. Congress'
decisions are mostly via majority vote, except for voting on constitutional
amendments and other matters. Each house has its own inherent power, with the
Senate given the power to vote on treaties, while the House of Representatives can
only introduce money bills.
The constitution provides Congress with impeachment powers, with the
House of Representatives having the power to impeach, and the Senate having the
power to try the impeached official.
The Liberal Party, Nationalist People's Coalition, the National Unity Party
(Philippines), the Nacionalista Party, the Lakas-CMD and the United Nationalist
Alliance are the parties with largest membership in Congress. The party of the
sitting president controls the House of Representatives, while the Senate has been
more independent. From 1907 to 1941, the Nacionalistas operated under a
dominant-party system, with factions within that party becoming the primary
political discouse. During World War II, the Japanese-sponsored Second Philippine
Republic forced all the existing parties to merge into the KALIBAPI that controlled
the party as a one-party state. From 1945 to 1972, the Philippines was under a twoparty system, with the Nacionalistas and their offshoots Liberals alternating power,
until President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law. Political discourse was kept
into a minimum, until Marcos then merged the parties into the Kilusang Bagong
Lipunan (KBL), which dominated elections until 1986 when Marcos was overthrown
as a result of the People Power Revolution. The political climate ushered in a multiparty system which persists into this day.
The Malacaang Palace, as viewed from the Pasig River, is the official
residence of the President.
Executive power is vested to the President; in practice however, the president
delegates his power to a cabinet. The president, who is both the head of state and
head of government, is directly elected to a single six-year term via first past the
post. In case of death, resignation or incapacitation, the Vice President acts as the
president until the expiration of the term. The Vice President is elected separately

from the president, and may be of differing political parties. While the vice president
has no constitutional powers aside from acting as president when the latter is
unable to do so, the president may give the former a cabinet office. The cabinet is
mostly composed of the heads of the executive departments, which provide
services to the people, and other cabinet-level officials.
The president is also the commander in chief of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, thereby ensuring civilian supremacy over the military. The president is
also given several military powers, although once exercised, Congress is able to
prolong or end it. The president also proposes a national budget, in which Congress
may adopt in full, with amendments, or a complete revision altogether. The
president wields considerable political power and may be able to influence other
branches via the so-called Padrino System.
The Supreme Court building in Manila.
The judiciary is composed of the Supreme Court and other lower courts. The
Supreme Court is the court of last resort, and decides on constitutionality of laws via
judicial review. The president selects justices and judges from nominees given by
the Judicial and Bar Council. The Court of Appeals is the second highest appellate
court, the Court of Tax Appeals rules on tax matters, and the Sandiganbayan
(People's Advocate) is a special court for alleged government irregularities. The
Regional Trial Courts (RTC) are the main trial courts. The Regional Trial Courts are
based on judicial regions, which almost correspond to the administrative regions.
Each RTC has at least one branch in each province and handles most of the
criminal and civil cases; several branches of an RTC may be designated as family
courts and environmental courts. Metropolitan Trial Courts try lesser offenses. The
Ombudsman investigates and prosecutes government officials on crimes while in
dispensing powers given by the government. The Office of the Solicitor General
represents the government in legal cases.

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