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Digital Circuits Design

This document provides a syllabus for a Digital Circuits and Design course. It outlines 4 modules that will be covered: Module I covers number systems such as binary, octal, hexadecimal and their conversions. It also discusses Boolean algebra and logic gates. Module II focuses on gate level minimization techniques and combinational logic circuits including adders, decoders, and multiplexers. Module III introduces synchronous sequential logic concepts like flip-flops and registers. It also covers counters, shift registers and HDL for sequential circuits. Module IV discusses memory systems, programmable logic devices, register transfer levels, and digital integrated logic circuits including RTL, TTL, ECL, MOS and C
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Digital Circuits Design

This document provides a syllabus for a Digital Circuits and Design course. It outlines 4 modules that will be covered: Module I covers number systems such as binary, octal, hexadecimal and their conversions. It also discusses Boolean algebra and logic gates. Module II focuses on gate level minimization techniques and combinational logic circuits including adders, decoders, and multiplexers. Module III introduces synchronous sequential logic concepts like flip-flops and registers. It also covers counters, shift registers and HDL for sequential circuits. Module IV discusses memory systems, programmable logic devices, register transfer levels, and digital integrated logic circuits including RTL, TTL, ECL, MOS and C
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Course Code: BEC1405
Number system& codes: Binary Number base conversion, Octal &hexadecimalnumbers,
complements, signed binary numbers, binary codes-BCD codes, gray codes,
ASCIICharacter Code, Codes for serial data transmission &storage.
Boolean Algebra & Logic gates: Axiomatic definition of boolean Algebra .Property of
BooleanAlgebra, boolean functions, Canonical & standard form; min terms & max terms,
standard forms; Digital Logic Gates, Multiple inputs.

Gate level Minimization: The Map Method, K Map up to five variables, Product of Sum
simplification, Sum of Product simplification, Don't care conditions. NAND and
NORImplementation, AND-OR inverter, OR-AND inverter implementation, Ex-OR
Function, parity generation& checking, Hardware Description Language (HDL).
Combinational Logic: Combinational Circuits, Analysis &Design procedure; Binary
Adder-subtractor, Decimal Adder, Binary Multiplier, Magnitude comparator,
Multiplexers and demultiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Multipliers, Combinational Circuits

Synchronous Sequential logic: Sequential Circuit, latches, Flip-flop, Analysis of Clocked
Sequential circuits, HDL for Sequential Circuits, State Reduction &Assignment, Design
procedure.Register &Counters: Shift Register, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counter,
Asynchronous Counter,Ring Counters, Module-n Counters, HDL for Register &Counters .

Memory & Programmable logic: Random Access Memory (RAM), Memory , Decoding,
Errordetection & correction, Read only Memory, Programmable logic array,Sequential
Register Transfer levels: Register transfer level notion, Register transfer level in HDL,
Algorithm,State machine, Design Example,. HDL Description of Design, Examples, Binary
Multiplier, HDL Description,
Digital Integrated logic Circuits: RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS & C-MOS Logic circuits,.
Switchlevelmodeling with HDL
[1]. Digital Design,3rd edition by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education
[2]. Digital Design-Principle& practice, 3rd edition by John F. Wakerley, Pears

This document does not claim any originality and cannot be used as a substitute for
prescribed textbooks. The information presented here is merely a collection by the
committee members for their respective teaching assignments. Various sources as
mentioned at the end of the document as well as freely available material from internet
were consulted for preparing this document. The ownership of the information lies with the
respective authors or institutions. Further, this document is not intended to be used for
commercial purpose and the committee members are not accountable for any issues, legal
or otherwise, arising out of use of this document. The committee members make no
representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents
of this document and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose. The committee members shall be liable for any loss of
profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental,
consequential, or other damages.

Many number systems are in use in digital technology. The most common are the
decimal,binary, octal, and hexadecimal systems. The decimal system is clearly the most
familiar to usbecause it is a tool that we use every day. Examining some of its
characteristics will help us tobetter understand the other systems. In the next few pages we
shall introduce four numericalrepresentation systems that are used in the digital system.
There are other systems, which we
will look at briefly.


Decimal System
The decimal system is composed of 10 numerals or symbols. These 10 symbols are 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Using these symbols as digits of a number, we can express any quantity. The
decimal system is also called the base-10 system because it has 10 digits.
Decimal Examples

Binary System
In the binary system, there are only two symbols or possible digit values, 0 and 1. This
base-2 system canbe used to represent any quantity that can be represented in decimal or
other base system.In digital systems the information that is being processed is usually
presented in binary form. Binaryquantities can be represented by any device that has only
two operating states or possible conditions.
E.g..a switch is only open or closed. We arbitrarily (as we define them) let an open switch
represent binary 0 and a closed switch represent binary 1. Thus we can represent any
binary number by using series of switches.

Octal System
The octal number system has a base of eight, meaning that it has eight possible digits:
octal to Decimal Conversion
2378 = 2 x (82) + 3 x (81) + 7 x (80) = 15910
24.68 = 2 x (81) + 4 x (80) + 6 x (8-1) = 20.7510
11.18 = 1 x (81) + 1 x (80) + 1 x (8-1) = 9.12510
12.38 = 1 x (81) + 2 x (80) + 3 x (8-1) = 10.37510

Hexadecimal System
The hexadecimal system uses base 16. Thus, it has 16 possible digit symbols. It uses the
digits 0 through 9 plus the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F as the 16 digit symbols.
Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
24.616 = 2 x (161) + 4 x (160) + 6 x (16-1) = 36.37510
11.116 = 1 x (161) + 1 x (160) + 1 x (16-1) = 17.062510
12.316 = 1 x (161) + 2 x (160) + 3 x (16-1) = 18.187510

Code Conversion
Converting from one code form to another code form is called code conversion, like
converting from binary to decimal or converting from hexadecimal to decimal.

Binary-To-Decimal Conversion
Any binary number can be converted to its decimal equivalent simply by summing together
the weights of the various positions in the binary number which contain a 1.e.g.

Octal-To-Binary Conversion
Each Octal digit is represented by three binary digits.
4 7 28= (100) (111) (010)2 = 100 111 0102

Octal-To-Hexadecimal Hexadecimal-To-Octal Conversion

Convert Octal (Hexadecimal) to Binary first.
Regroup the binary number by three bits per group starting from LSB if Octal is
Regroup the binary number by four bits per group starting from LSB if
Hexadecimal is required.

Binary Codes
Binary codes are codes which are represented in binary system with modification from the
original ones. Below we will be seeingthe following:
Weighted Binary Systems
Non Weighted Codes

Weighted Binary Systems

Weighted binary codes are those which obey the positional weighting principles, each
position of the number represents a specific weight. The binary counting sequence is an

8421 Code/BCD Code

The BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) is a straight assignment of the binary equivalent. It is
possible to assign weights to the binary bits according to their positions. The weights in the
BCD code are 8,4,2,1.
Example: The bit assignment 1001, can be seen by its weights to represent the decimal 9
1x8+0x4+0x2+1x1 = 9

2421 Code
This is a weighted code, its weights are 2, 4, 2 and 1. A decimal number is represented in 4bit form and the total four bits weight is 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 9. Hence the 2421 code represents
the decimal numbers from 0 to 9.

5211 Code
This is a weighted code, its weights are 5, 2, 1 and 1. A decimal number is represented in 4bit form and the total four bits weight is 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 9. Hence the 5211 code represents
the decimal numbers from 0 to 9.

Reflective Code

A code is said to be reflective when code for 9 is complement for the code for 0, and so is for
8 and 1 codes, 7 and 2, 6 and 3, 5 and 4. Codes 2421, 5211, and excess-3 are reflective,
whereas the 8421 code is not.

Excess-3 Code
Excess-3 is a non weighted code used to express decimal numbers. The code derives its
name from the fact that each binary code is the corresponding 8421 code plus 0011(3).

Gray Code
The gray code belongs to a class of codes called minimum change codes, in which only one
bit in the code changes when moving from one code to the next. The Gray code is non
weighted code, as the position of bit does not contain any weight. The gray code is are
reflective digital code which has the special property that any two subsequent numbers
codes differ by only one bit. This is also called a unit-distance code. In digital Graycode has
got a special place.

Error Detecting and Correction Codes

For reliable transmission and storage of digital data, error detection and correction is
required. Below are a few examples of codes which permit error detection and error
correction after detection.

Error Detecting Codes

When data is transmitted from one point to another, like in wireless transmission, or it is
just stored, like in hard disks and memories, there are chances that data may get
corrupted. To detect these data errors, we use special codes, which are error detection

In parity codes, every data byte, or nibble (according to how user wants to use it) is
checked if they have even number of ones or even number of zeros. Based on this
information an additional bit is appended to the original data. Thus if we consider 8-bit
data, adding the parity bit will make it 9 bit long.

At the receiver side, once again parity is calculated and matched with the received
parity(bit 9), and if they match, data is ok, otherwise data is corrupt.

There are two types of parity:

Even parity: Checks if there is an even number of ones; if so, parity bit is zero.
When the number of ones is odd then parity bit is set to 1.
Odd Parity: Checks if there is an odd number of ones; if so, parity bit is zero. When
number of ones is even then parity bit is set to 1.

Error-Correcting Codes
Error correcting codes not only detect errors, but also correct them. This is used normally
in Satellite communication, where turn-around delay is very high as is the probability of
data getting corrupt.
ECC (Error correcting codes) are used also in memories, networking, Hard disk, CDROM,
DVD etc. Normally in networking chips (ASIC), we have 2 Error detection bits and 1 Error
correction bit.

Hamming Code
Hamming code adds a minimum number of bits to the data transmitted in a noisy channel,
to be able to correct every possible one-bit error. It can detect (not correct) two bits errors
and cannot distinguish between 1-bit and 2-bits inconsistencies. It can't in general
detect 3(or more)-bits errors The idea is that the failed bit position in an n-bit string (which
we'll call X) can be represented in binary with log2(n) bits, hence we'll try to get it adding
just log2(n) bits.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It has become a
world standard alphanumeric code for microcomputers and computers. It is a 7-bit code
representing 27 = 128 different characters. These characters represent 26 upper case letters
(A to Z), 26 lowercase letters (a to z), 10 numbers (0 to 9), 33 special characters and
symbols and 33 control characters.


The English mathematician George Boole (1815-1864) sought to give symbolic formto
Aristotles system of logic. Boole wrote a treatise on the subject in 1854, titled
AnInvestigation of the Laws of Thought, on Which Are Founded the Mathematical
Theories ofLogic and Probabilities, which codified several rules of relationship between
mathematicalquantities limited to one of two possible values: true or false, 1 or 0. His
mathematicalsystembecame known as Boolean algebra. All arithmetic operations
performed with Booleanquantities have but one of two possibleOutcomes: either 1 or 0.
There is no such thing as 2 or -1 or 1/2 in the Boolean world.
It is a world in which all other possibilities are invalid by fiat. As one might guess, this is
notthe kind of math you want to use when balancing a check book or calculating current
througha resistor.
However, Claude Shannon of MIT fame recognized how Boolean algebra could be applied
toon-and-off circuits, where all signals are characterized as either high (1) or low
(0).His1938 thesis, titled A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits, put
Boolestheoretical work to use in a way Boole never could have imagined, giving us a
powerfulmathematical tool for designing and analyzing digital circuits.
Like normal algebra, Boolean algebra uses alphabetical letters to denote variables.Unlike
normal algebra, though, Boolean variables are always CAPITAL letters, neverlowercase.
Because they are allowed to possess only one of two possible values, either 1 or 0, each
andevery variable has a complement: the opposite of its value. For example, if variable A
has avalue of 0, then the complement of A has a value of 1. Boolean notation uses a bar
above thevariable character to denote complementation, like this:

In written form, the complement of A denoted as A-not or A-bar. Sometimes a

primesymbol is used to represent complementation. For example, A would be the
complement ofA, much the same as using a prime symbol to denote differentiation in
calculus rather thanthe fractional notation dot. Usually, though, the bar symbol finds
more wide spread use thanthe prime symbol, for reasons that will become more apparent
laterin this chapter.

Boolean Arithmetic:
Let us begin our exploration of Boolean algebra by adding numbers together:
The first three sums make perfect sense to anyone familiar with elementary addition.
TheLast sum, though, is quite possibly responsible for more confusion than any other
singlestatement in digital electronics, because it seems to run contrary to the basic
principles ofmathematics.Well, it does contradict principles of addition for real numbers,
but not for Boolean numbers.Remember that in the world of Boolean algebra, there are
only two possible values for anyquantity and for any arithmetic operation: 1 or 0. There is
no such thing as 2 within thescope of Boolean values. Since the sum 1 + 1 certainly isnt
0, it must be 1 by process ofelimination.

Principle of Duality:

It states that every algebraic expression is deducible from the postulates of

Booleanalgebra,and it remains valid if the operators & identity elements are interchanged.
If theinputs of a NOR gate are inverted we get a AND equivalent circuit. Similarly when
the inputsof a NAND gate are inverted, we get a OR equivalent circuit.This property is
called duality.

Theorems of Boolean algebra

The theorems of Boolean algebra can be used to simplify many a complex
Booleanexpression and also to transform the given expression into a more useful and
equivalent expression. The theorems are presented as pairs, with the two theorems in a
given pair being the dual of each other. These theorems can be very easily verified by the
method of perfect induction. According to this method, the validity of the expression is
tested for all possible combinations of values of the variables involved. Also, since the
validity of thetheorem is based on its being true for all possible combinations of values of
variables, there is no reason why a variable cannot be replaced with its complement, or vice
versa, without disturbing the validity. Another important point is that, if a given expression
is valid, its dual will also be valid.
Theorem 1 (Operations with 0 and 1)
(a) 0.X = 0 and (b) 1+X= 1
Where X is not necessarily a single variable it could be a term or even a large expression.
Theorem 1(a) can be proved by substituting all possible values of X, that is, 0 and 1, into
the given expression and checking whether the LHS equals the RHS:
For X = 0, LHS = 0.X = 0.0 = 0 = RHS.
For X= 1, LHS = 0.1 = 0 = RHS.
Thus, 0.X =0 irrespective of the value of X, and hence the proof.
Theorem 1(b) can be proved in a similar manner. In general, according to theorem 1,
0. (Boolean expression) = 0 and 1+ (Boolean expression) =1.
1. For example: 0. (A.B+B.C +C.D) = 0 and 1+ (A.B+B.C +C.D) = 1, where A, B and C
Boolean variables.

Theorem 2 (Operations with 0 and 1)

(a) 1.X = X and (b) 0+X = X
where X could be a variable, a term or even a large expression. According to this
theorem,ANDing a Boolean expression to 1 orORing 0 to it makes no difference to the
For X = 0, LHS = 1.0 = 0 = RHS.
For X = 1, LHS = 1.1 = 1 = RHS.

1. (Boolean expression) = Boolean expression and 0 + (Boolean expression) = Boolean

For example,
1.(A+B.C +C.D) = 0+(A+B.C +C.D) = A+B.C +C.D
Theorem 3 (Idempotent or Identity Laws)
(a) X.X.XX = X and (b) X+X+X ++X = X
Theorems 3(a) and (b) are known by the name of idempotent laws, also known as identity
Theorem 3(a) is a direct outcome of an AND gate operation, whereas theorem 3(b)
representsan OR gate operation when all the inputs of the gate have been tied together. The
scope ofidempotent laws can be expanded further by considering X to be a term or an
expression. Forexample, let us apply idempotent laws to simplify the following Boolean

Theorem 4 (Complementation Law)

(a) X_X = 0 and (b) X+X = 1
According to this theorem, in general, any Boolean expression when ANDed to its
complement yields a 0 and when ORed to its complement yields a 1, irrespective of the
complexity of the expression:

Hence, theorem 4(a) is proved. Since theorem 4(b) is the dual of theorem 4(a), its proof is
The example below further illustrates the application of complementation laws:

Theorem 5 (Commutative property)

Mathematical identity, called a property or a law, describes how differingvariables
relate to each other in a system of numbers. One of these properties is known as the
commutative property, and it applies equally to addition and multiplication.
In essence,the commutative property tells us we can reverse the order of variables that are
either addedtogether or multiplied together without changing the truth of the expression:
Commutative property of addition
Commutative property of multiplication

Theorem 6 (Associative Property)

The Associative Property,again applying equally well to addition and multiplication.
This property tells us we can associate groups of added or multiplied variables together
parentheses without altering the truth of the equations.
Associative property of addition
A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
Associative property of multiplication
A (BC) = (AB) C
Theorem 7 (Distributive Property)
The Distributive Property, illustrating how to expand a Boolean expression formed by
the product of a sum, and in reverse shows us how terms may be factored out of Boolean
Distributive property
A (B + C) = AB + AC
Theorem 8 (Absorption Law or Redundancy Law)
(a) X+X.Y = X and (b) X.(X+Y) = X
The proof of absorption law is straightforward:
X+X.Y = X. (1+Y) = X.1 = X

Theorem 8(b) is the dual of theorem 8(a) and hence stands proved.
The crux of this simplification theorem is that, if a smaller term appears in a larger term,
the larger term is redundant. The following examples further illustrate the underlying

De-Morgans First Theorem

It States that The complement of the sum of the variables is equal to the product of the
complement of each variable . This theorem may be expressed by the following Boolean

De-Morgans Second Theorem

It states that the Complement of the product of variables is equal to the sum of
complementsof each individual variables. Boolean expression for this theorem is

Boolean Function

Minterms and Maxterms

A minterm is the product of N distinct literals where each literal occurs exactly Anyboolean
expression may be expressed in terms of either minterms or maxterms. To do this we must
first define the concept of a literal. A literal is a single variable within a term which may or
may not be complemented. For an expression with N variables, minterms and maxterms
are defined as follows :
A maxterm is the sum of N distinct literals where each literal occurs exactly once.

Product-of-Sums Expressions
A product-of-sums expression contains the product of different terms, with each term
being either a single literal or a sum of more than one literal. It can be obtained from the
truthtable by considering those input combinations that produce a logic 0 at the output.
Eachsuch input combination gives a term, and the product of all such terms gives the
Different terms are obtained by taking the sum of the corresponding literals. Here 0
and1respectively mean the uncomplemented and complemented variables, unlike sum-of
products expressions where 0 and 1 respectively mean complemented and
Since each term in the case of the product-of-sums expression is going to be the sum
ofliterals, this implies that it is going to be implemented using an OR operation. Now, an
ORgate produces a logic 0 only when all its inputs are in the logic 0 state, which means
thatthe first term corresponding to the second row of the truth table will be A+B+C. The
productof-sums Boolean expression for this truth table is given by Transforming the given
productof-sums expression into an equivalent sum-of-products expression is a
straightforwardprocess. Multiplying out the given expression and carrying out the obvious
simplificationprovides the equivalent sum-of-products expression:
A given sum-of-products expression can be transformed into an equivalent product-of
sumsexpression by (a) taking the dual of the given expression, (b) multiplying out
differenttermsto get the sum-of products form, (c) removing redundancy and (d) taking a
dual to get the

equivalent product-of-sums expression. As an illustration, let us find the equivalent

productof sums expression of the sum-of products expression

Digital Logic Gates

The basic logic gates are AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, INV, and BUF. The last two are
notstandard terms; they stand for inverter and buffer, respectively. The symbols for
thesegates and their corresponding Boolean expressions are given in Fig. 2.

Figure 2:
All of the logical gate functions, as well as the Boolean relations discussed in the next
section, follow from the truth tables for the AND and OR gates. We reproduce these below.
We also show the XOR truth table, because it comes up quite often, although, as we shall
see,it is not elemental.

Gate level Minimization
The primary objective of all simplification procedures is to obtain an expression thathas
the minimum number of terms. Obtaining an expression with the minimum number
ofliterals is usually the secondary objective. If there is more than one possible solution with
thesame number of terms, the one having the minimum number of literals is the
choice.There are several methods for simplification of Boolean logic expressions. The
process isusually called logic minimization and the goal is to form a result which is
efficient. Twomethods we will discuss are algebraic minimization and Karnaugh maps. For
verycomplicated problems the former method can be done using special software
analysisprograms. Karnaugh maps are also limited to problems with up to 4 binary inputs.
TheQuineMcCluskey tabular method is used for more than 4 binary inputs.

The Map Method

Maurice Karnaugh, a telecommunications engineer, developed the Karnaugh map atBell
Labs in 1953 while designing digital logic based telephone switching
circuits.Karnaughmapsreduce logic functions more quickly and easily compared to
Boolean algebra. Byreduce we mean simplify, reducing the number of gates and inputs. We
like to simplify logicto a lowest cost form to save costs by elimination of components. We
define lowest cost asbeing the lowest number of gates with the lowest number of inputs per
gate.A Karnaugh map is a graphical representation of the logic system. It can be drawn
directlyfrom either minterm (sum-of-products) or maxterm (product-of-sums) Boolean
expressions.Drawing a Karnaugh map from the truth table involves an additional step of
writing theminterm or maxterm expression depending upon whether it is desired to have a
minimizedsum-of-products or a minimized product of-sums expression

Construction of a Karnaugh Map

An n-variable Karnaugh map has 2n squares, and each possible input is allotted asquare.
In the case of a mintermKarnaugh map, 1 is placed in all those squares for which the
output is 1, and 0 is placed in all those squares for which the output is 0. 0s are omitted
for simplicity. An X is placed in squares corresponding to dont care conditions.In the
case of a maxtermKarnaugh map, a 1 is placed in all those squares for which the output is
0, and a 0 is placed for input entries corresponding to a 1 output. Again, 0s are omitted
for simplicity, and an X is placed in squares corresponding to dont care
conditions. The choice of terms identifying different rows and columns of a Karnaugh map
isnot unique for a given number of variables. The only condition to be satisfied is that
thedesignation of adjacent rows and adjacent columns should be the same except for one of
theliterals beingcomplemented. Also, the extreme rows and extreme columns are
consideredadjacent.Some of the possible designation styles for two-, three- and fourvariable mintermKarnaughmaps are shown in the figure below.
The style of row identification need not be the same as that of column identification as
longas it meets the basic requirement with respect to adjacent terms. It is, however,
acceptedpractice to adopt a uniform style of row and column identification. Also, the style
shown inthe figure below is more commonly used. A similar discussion applies for
maxtermKarnaughmaps. Having drawn the Karnaugh map, the next step is to form
groups of 1s as per thefollowing guidelines:
1. Each square containing a 1 must be considered at least once, although it can
beconsidered as often as desired.
2. The objective should be to account for all the marked squares in the minimum numberof
3. The number of squares in a group must always be a power of 2, i.e. groups can have 1,2,
4,8, 16, squares.
4. Each group should be as large as possible, which means that a square should not
beaccounted for by itself if it can be accounted for by a group of two squares; a group
oftwo squares should not be made if the involved squares can be included in a group offour
squares and so on.
5. Dont careentries can be used in accounting for all of 1-squares to make optimum
groups. They are marked X in the corresponding squares. It is, however, notnecessary to

account for all dont care entries. Only such entries that can be used toadvantage should
be used.



Different Styles of row and column identification

Having accounted for groups with all 1s, the minimum sum-of-products or productofsumsexpressions can be written directly from the Karnaugh map. MintermKarnaugh
mapand MaxtermKarnaugh map of the Boolean function of a two-input OR gate. The
Mintermand Maxterm Boolean expressions for the two-input OR gate are as follows:

MintermKarnaugh map and MaxtermKarnaugh map of the three variable Boolean


The truth table, MintermKarnaugh map and MaxtermKarnaugh map of the four variable

Boolean function

To illustrate the process of forming groups and then writing the corresponding minimized
.Boolean expression, The below figures respectively show minterm and maxtermKarnaugh
maps for the Boolean functions expressed by the below equations. The
minimizedexpressions as deduced from Karnaugh maps in the two cases are given by
Equation in thecase of the mintermKarnaugh map and Equation in the case of the
maxtermKarnaugh map:

Combinational Logic

Combinational Circuits
The term combinational comes to us from mathematics. In mathematics acombination is
an unordered set, which is a formal way to say that nobody cares which orderthe items
came in. Most games work this way, if you rolled dice one at a time and get a 2followed by
a 3 it is the same as if you had rolled a 3 followed by a 2. With combinationallogic, the
circuit producesthe same output regardless of the order the inputs are changed.There are
circuits which depend on the when the inputs change, these circuits are calledsequential
logic. Even though you will not find the term sequential logic in the chaptertitles, the next
several chapters will discuss sequential logic. Practical circuits will have a mixof
combinational and sequential logic, with sequential logic making sure everything
happensin order and combinational logic performing functions like arithmetic, logic, or

Design Using Gates

A combinational circuit is one where the output at any time depends only on
thepresent combination of inputs at that point of time with total disregard to the past state
of theinputs. The logic gate is the most basic building block of combinational logic. The

logicalfunction performed by a combinational circuit is fully defined by a set of Boolean

expressions. The other category of logic circuits, called sequential logic circuits,
comprisesboth logic gates and memory elements such as flip-flops. Owing to the presence of
memoryelements, the output in a sequential circuit depends upon not only the present but
also the paststate of inputs.
The Fig shows the block schematic representation of a generalized combinational
circuithaving n input variables and m output variables or simply outputs. Since the
number of input
variables is

n, there are 2n possible combinations of bits at the input. Each output can be expressed
interms of input variables by a Boolean expression, with the result that the generalized
systemof above fig can be expressed by m Boolean expressions. As an illustration,
Booleanexpressions describing the function of a four-input OR/NOR gate are given as

Binary Adder
A half-adder is an arithmetic circuit block that can be used to add two bits. Such a circuit
thushas two inputs that represent the two bits to be added and two outputs, with one
producing theSUM output and the other producing the CARRY. Figure shows the truth
table of a half-adder, showing all possible input combinations and the corresponding

The Boolean expressions for the SUM and CARRY outputs are given by the equations

An examination of the two expressions tells that there is no scope for further
simplification.While the first one representing the SUM output is that of an EX-OR gate,
the second onerepresenting the CARRY output is that of an AND gate. However, these two
expressions cancertainly be represented in different forms using various laws and theorems
of Booleanalgebra to illustrate the flexibility that the designer has in hardwareimplementing as simple acombinational function as that of a half-adder.

Although the simplest way to hardware-implement a half-adder would be to use a twoinputEX-OR gate for the SUM output and a two-input AND gate for the CARRY output,
as shown in Fig. it could also be implemented by using an appropriate arrangement of
eitherNAND or NOR gates.

Full Adder
A full adder circuit is an arithmetic circuit block that can be used to add three bits to
producea SUM and a CARRY output. Such a building block becomes a necessity when it
comes toadding binary numbers with a large number of bits. The full adder circuit
overcomes the limitation of the half-adder, which can be used to add two bits only. Let us
recall theprocedure for adding larger binary numbers. We begin with the addition of LSBs
of the twonumbers. We record the sum under the LSB column and take the carry, if any,
forward to the next higher column bits. As a result, when we add the next adjacent higher
column bits, wewould be required to add three bits if there were a carry from the previous
addition. We havea similar situation for the other higher column bits. Also until we reach
the MSB. A full adderis therefore essential for the hardware implementation of an adder
circuit capable of addinglarger binary numbers. A half-adder can be used for addition of
LSBs only.

Truth Table of Full Adder

Figure shows the truth table of a full adder circuit showing all possible input
combinationsand corresponding outputs. In order to arrive at the logic circuit for
hardware implementationof a full adder, we will firstly write the Boolean expressions for
the two output variables, thatis, the SUM and CARRY outputs, in terms of input variables.
These expressions are thensimplified by using any of the simplification techniques
described in the previous chapter.The Boolean expressions for the two output variables are
given in Equation below for theSUM output (S) and in above Equation for the CARRY
output (Cout):

Boolean expression above can be implemented with a two-input EX-OR gate provided that
one of the inputs is Cin and the other input is the output of another two-input EX-OR gate
with A and B as its inputs. Similarly, Boolean expression above can be implemented
byORing two minterms. One of them is the AND output of A and B. The other is also
theoutput of an AND gate whose inputs are Cin and the output of an EX-OR operation on
A andB. The whole idea of writing the Boolean expressions in this modified form was
todemonstrate the use of a half-adder circuit in building a full adder. Figure shows
logicimplementation of Equations above.

We will study the use of adder circuits for subtraction operations in the following
pages.Before we do that, we will briefly look at the counterparts of half-adder and full
addercircuits in the half-subtractor and full subtractor for direct implementation of
subtractionoperations using logic gates.
A half-subtractor is a combinational circuit that can be used to subtract one binary digit
fromanother to produce a DIFFERENCE output and a BORROW output. The BORROW
output here specifies whether a 1 has been borrowed to perform the subtraction. The
truth table ofa half-subtractor, as shown in Fig. explains this further. The Boolean
expressions for thetwo outputs are given by the equations

Full Subtractor
A full subtractor performs subtraction operation on two bits, a minuend and a subtrahend,
also takes into consideration whether a 1 has already been borrowed by the
previousadjacent lower minuend bit or not. As a result, there are three bits to be handled
at the inputof a full subtractor, namely the two bits to be subtracted and a borrow bit
designated as Bin .There are two outputs, namely the DIFFERENCE output D and the
BORROW output Bo.
The BORROW output bit tells whether the minuend bit needs to borrow a 1 from the
possible higher minuend bit. Figure shows the truth table of a full subtractor.

The Boolean expressions for the two output variables are given by the equations

Binary Multiplier
Multiplication of binary numbers is usually implemented in microprocessors
andmicrocomputers by using repeated addition and shift operations. Since the binary
adders aredesigned to add only two binary numbers at a time, instead of adding all the
partial productsat the end, they are added two at a time and their sum is accumulated in a
register called theaccumulator register. Also, when the multiplier bit is 0, that very
partial product is ignored, as an all 0 line does not affect the final result. The basic
hardware arrangement of such abinary multiplier would comprise shift registers for the
multiplicand and multiplier bits, anaccumulator register for storing partial products, a
binary parallel adder and a clock pulsegenerator to time various operations.
Binary multipliers are also available in IC form. Some of the popular type numbers inthe
TTL family include 74261 which is a 2 4 bit multiplier (a four-bit multiplicand designated
asB0,B1,B2,B3 and B4, and a two-bit multiplier designated as M0, M1 and M2.The MSBs
B4andM2 are used to represent signs. 74284 and 74285 are 4 4 bit multipliers.They can
beused together to perform high-speed multiplication of two four-bit numbers. Figure
shows the arrangement. The result of multiplication is often required to be stored in a
register. The size ofthis register (accumulator) depends upon the number of bits in the
result, which at the mostcan be equal to the sum of the number of bits in the multiplier and
multiplicand. Somemultipliers ICs have an in-built register.

Magnitude comparator
A magnitude comparator is a combinational circuit that compares two given numbersand
determines whether one is equal to, less than or greater than the other. The output is inthe
form of three binary variables representing the conditions A = B,A>B and A<B, if A andB
are the two numbers being compared. Depending upon the relative magnitude of the
twonumbers, the relevant output changes state. If the two numbers, let us say, are four-bit
binarynumbers and are designated as (A3 A2 A1 A0) and (B3 B2 B1 B0), the two numbers
will beequal if all pairs of significant digits are equal, that is, A3= B3, A2 = B2, A1= B1 and
A0 =B0. In order to determine whether A is greater than or less than B we inspect the
relativemagnitude of pairs of significant digits, starting from the most significant position.
Thecomparison is done by successively comparing the next adjacent lower pair of digits if
thedigits of the pair under examination are equal. The comparison continues until a pair
ofunequal digits is reached. In the pair of unequal digits, if Ai = 1 and Bi = 0, then A > B,
and ifAi = 0, Bi= 1 then A < B. If X, Y and Z are three variables respectively representing
the A =B, A > B and A < B conditions, then the Boolean expression representing these
conditionsare given by the equations

Let us examine equations .x3 will be 1 only when both A3 and B3 are equal.Similarly,
conditions for x2, x1 and x0 to be 1 respectively are equal A2 and B2, equalA1 and B1
and equal A0 and B0. ANDing of x3, x2, x1 and x0 ensures that X will be 1when x3, x2, x1
and x0 are in the logic 1 state. Thus, X = 1 means that A = B. Onsimilar lines, it can be
visualized that equations and respectively represent A> B and A < B conditions. Figure
shows the logic diagram of a four-bit magnitudecomparator.
Magnitude comparators are available in IC form. For example, 7485 is a fourbitmagnitude comparator of the TTL logic family. IC 4585 is a similar device in the
CMOSfamily. 7485 and 4585 have the same pin connection diagram and functional table.
Thelogic circuit inside these devices determines whether one four-bit number, binary or
BCD,is less than, equal to or greater than a second four-bit number. It can perform
comparisonof straight binary and straight BCD (8-4-2-1) codes. These devices can be
cascadedtogether to perform operations on larger bit numbers without the help of any
externalgates. This is facilitated by three additional inputs called cascading or expansion
inputsavailable on the IC. These cascading inputs are also designated as A = B, A > B and
A <B inputs. Cascading of individual magnitude comparators of the type 7485 or 4585
isdiscussed in the following paragraphs. IC 74AS885 is another common
magnitudecomparator. The device is an eight bit magnitude comparator belonging to the
advancedSchottky TTL family. It can perform high-speed arithmetic or logic comparisons
on twoeight-bit binary or 2s complement numbers and produces two fully decoded
decisions at
the output about one number being either greater than or less than the other. More than
one of these devices can also be connected in a cascade arrangement to performcomparison
of numbers of longer lengths.

Data generated in one location is to be used in another location; A method is needed
totransmit it from one location to another through some communications channel. The
data isavailable, in parallel, on many different lines but must be transmitted over a
singlecommunications link.
A mechanism is needed to select which of the many data lines toactivate sequentially at any
one time so that the data this line carries can be transmitted at thattime.This process is
called multiplexing.Anexample is the multiplexing of conversations on the telephone
system. A number of telephoneconversations are alternately switched onto the telephone
line many times per second.Because of the nature of the human auditory system, listeners
cannot detect that what they arehearing is chopped up and that other peoples
conversations are interspersed with their own inthe transmission process.
Needed at the other end of the communications link is a device that will undo
themultiplexing: a demultiplexer. Such a device must accept the incoming serial data and
directit in parallel to one of many output lines. The interspersed snatches of

telephoneconversations, for example, must be sent to the correct listeners.

A digital multiplexer is a circuit with 2n data input lines and one output line. It must
alsohave a way of determining the specific data input line to be selected at any one time.
This isdone with n other input lines, called the select or selector inputs, whose function is to
selectone of the 2n data inputs for connection to the output. A circuit for n = 3 is shown in
Figure13. The n selector lines have 2n = 8 combinations of values that constitute binary

The demultiplexer shown there is a single-input, multiple-output circuit. However,
inaddition to the data input, there must be other inputs to control the transmission of the
data tothe appropriate data output line at any given time. Such a demultiplexer circuit
having eightoutput lines is shown in Figure 16a. It is instructive to compare this
demultiplexer circuit withthe multiplexer circuit in Figure 13. For the same number of
control (select) inputs, there arethe same number of AND gates. But now each AND gate
output is a circuit output. Ratherthan each gate having its own separate data input, the
single data line now forms one of theinputs to each AND gate, the other AND inputs being
control inputs.

Decoders and Encoders

The previous section began by discussing an application: Given 2n data signals, theproblem
is to select, under the control of n select inputs, sequences of these 2n data signals tosend
out serially on a communications link. The reverse operation on the receiving end of
thecommunications link is to receive data serially on a single line and to convey it to one of
2noutput lines. This again is controlled by a set of control inputs. It is this application that
needsonly one input line; other applications may require more than one.We will now
investigatesuch a generalized circuit.
Conceivably, there might be a combinational circuit that accepts n inputs (not necessarily
1,but a small number) and causes data to be routed to one of many, say up to 2n, outputs.
Suchcircuits have the generic name decoder.Semantically, at least, if something is to be
decoded, it must have previously been encoded,the reverse operation from decoding. Like a
multiplexer, an encoding circuit must accept datafrom a large number of input lines and
convert it to data on a smaller number of output lines(notnecessarily just one). This section
will discuss a number of implementations of decoders andencoders.

n-to-2n-Line Decoder

In the demultiplexer circuit in Figure, suppose the data input line is removed.(Draw the
circuit for yourself.) Each AND gate now has only n (in this case three) inputs, andthere are
2n (in this case eight) outputs. Since there isnt a data input line to control, whatused to be
control inputs no longer serve that function. Instead, they are the data inputs to bedecoded.
This circuit is an example of what is called an n-to-2n-line decoder. Each outputrepresents
a minterm. Output k is 1 whenever the combination of the input variable values isthe
binary equivalent of decimal k. Now suppose that the data input line from
thedemultiplexer in Figure 16 is not removed but retained and viewed as an enable input.
Thedecoder now operates only when the enable x is 1. Viewed conversely, an n-to-2nlinedecoder with an enable input can also be used as a demultiplexer, where the enable
becomesthe serial data input and the data inputs of the decoder become the control inputs
of thedemultiplexer.7 Decoders of the type just described are available as integrated
circuits (MSI);n = 3 and n = 4 are quite common. There is no theoretical reason why n
cant be increased tohigher values. Since, however, there will always be practical
limitations on the fan-in (thenumber of inputs that a physical gate can support), decoders
of higher order are oftendesigned using lower-order decoders interconnected with a
network of other gates.

An encoder is a combinational circuit that performs the inverse operation of a decoder. If a
device output code has fewer bits than the input code has, the device is usually called an
encoder. e.g. 2n-to-n, priority encoders.The simplest encoder is a 2n-to-n binary encoder,
where it has only one of 2n inputs =1 and the output is the n-bit binary number
corresponding to the active input.

Priority Encoder
A priority encoder is a practical form of an encoder. The encoders available in ICform are
all priority encoders. In this type of encoder, a priority is assigned to each input sothat,
when more than one input is simultaneously active, the input with the highest priority
isencoded. We will illustrate the concept of priority encoding with the help of an example.
Letus assume that the octal to-binary encoder described in the previous paragraph has an
inputpriority for higher-order digits. Let us also assume that input lines D2, D4 and D7 are
all simultaneously in logic 1 state. In that case, only D7 will be encoded and the output
will be111. The truth table of such a priority

encoder will then be modified to what is shown above in truth table. Looking at the last
rowof the table, it implies that, if D7 = 1, then, irrespective of the logic status of other
inputs, theoutput is 111 as D7 will only be encoded. As another example, Fig.shows the
logicsymbol and truth table of a 10-line decimal to four-line BCD encoder providing
priorityencoding for higher-order digits, with digit 9 having the highest priority. In the
functionaltable shown, the input line with highest priority having a LOW on it is encoded
irrespectiveof the logic status of the other input lines.

Synchronous Sequential logic
The following 3 figures are equivalent representations of a simple circuit. In general these
are called flip-flops. Specially, these examples are called SR (set-reset") flip-flops, or SR

Flip Flops
The flip-flop is an important element of such circuits. It has the interesting property of
AnSRFlip-flop has two inputs: S for setting and R for Resetting the flip- flop : It can be set
toa state which is retained until explicitly reset.

R-S Flip-Flop
A flip-flop, as stated earlier, is a bistable circuit. Both of its output states arestable. The
circuit remains in a particular output state indefinitely until something is doneto change
that output status. Referring to the bistablemultivibrator circuit discussedearlier, these two
states were those of the output transistor in saturation (representing aLOW output) and in
cut-off (representing a HIGH output). If the LOW and HIGH outputs are respectively
regarded as 0 and 1, then the output can either be a 0 or a 1. Since either a 0 or a
1 can be held indefinitely until the circuit is appropriately triggered togo to the other
state, the circuit is said to have memory. It is capable of storing one binarydigit or one bit
of digital information. Also, if we recall the functioning of the bistablemultivibrator circuit,
we find that, when one of the transistors was in saturation, the otherwas in cut-off. This
implies that, if we had taken outputs from the collectors of bothtransistors, then the two
outputs would be complementary.

J-K Flip-Flop
A J-K flip-flop behaves in the same fashion as an R-S flip-flop except for one ofthe entries
in the function table. In the case of an R-S flip-flop, the input combination S =R = 1 (in the
case of a flip-flop with active HIGH inputs) and the input combination S = R= 0 (in the case
of a flip-flop with active LOW inputs) are prohibited. In the case of a J-Kflip-flop with
active HIGH inputs, the output of the flip-flop toggles, that is, it goes to theother state, for J
= K = 1 . The output toggles for J = K = 0 in the case of the flip-flophaving active LOW
inputs. Thus, a J-K flip-flop overcomes the problem of a forbiddeninput combination of the
R-S flip-flop. Figures below respectively show the circuitsymbol of level-triggered J-K flipflops with active HIGH and active LOW inputs, alongwith their function tables.
The characteristic tables for a J-K flip-flop with active HIGH J and K inputs and a J-Kflipflop with active LOW J and K inputs are respectively shown in Figs (a) and (b). The
corresponding Karnaugh maps are shown in Fig below for the characteristics table ofFig
and in below for the characteristic table below. The characteristic equations for
theKarnaugh maps of below figure is shown next

FIG a. JK flip flop with active high inputs, b. JK flip flop with active low inputs

Toggle Flip-Flop (T Flip-Flop)

The output of a toggle flip-flop, also called a T flip-flop, changes state every time it
istriggered at its T input, called the toggle input. That is, the output becomes 1 if it was
0and 0 if it was 1.

Positive edge-triggered and negative edge-triggered T flip-flops, along with their

functiontables.If we consider the T input as active when HIGH, the characteristic table of
such a flip-flopis shown in Fig. If the T input were active when LOW, then the
characteristic table wouldbe as shown in Fig. The Karnaugh maps for the characteristic
tables of Figs shownrespectively. The characteristic equations as written from the
Karnaugh maps are asfollows:

D Flip-Flop
A D flip-flop, also called a delay flip-flop, can be used to provide temporary storage of
one bit of information. Figure shows the circuit symbol and function table of a negative
edge-triggered D flip-flop. When the clock is active, the data bit (0 or 1) present at the D
input is transferred to the output. In the D flip-flop of Fig the data transfer from D input to
Q output occurs on the negative-going (HIGH-to-LOW) transition of the clock input. The
D input can acquire new status

Analysis of Clocked Sequential circuits

Design of synchronous sequential circuit

In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimesdisplays)
the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often inrelationship to a
clock signal.
In practice, there are two types of counters:
up counters which increase (increment) in value
down counters which decrease (decrement) in value

Counters Types
In electronics, counters can be implemented quite easily using register-type circuits such
as the flip-flop, and a wide variety of designs exist,
Asynchronous (ripple) counters
Synchronous counters
Johnson counters
Decade counters
Up-Down counters
Ring counters

Each is useful for different applications. Usually, counter circuits are digital in nature,
andcount in binary, or sometimes binary coded decimal. Many types of counter circuit
areavailable as digital building blocks, for example a number of chips in the 4000
seriesimplement different counters.

Asynchronous (ripple) counters

The simplest counter circuit is a single D-type flip flop, with its D (data) input fed from its
own inverted output. This circuit can store one bit, and hence can count from zero toone
before it overflows (starts over from 0). This counter will increment once for every clock
cycle and takes two clock cycles to overflow, so every cycle it will alternatebetween a
transition from 0 to 1 and a transition from 1 to 0. Notice that this creates a newclock with
a 50% duty cycle at exactly half the frequency of the input clock. If this outputis then used
as the clock signal for a similarly arranged D flip flop (remembering to invertthe output to
the input), you will get another 1 bit counter that counts half as fast. Puttingthem together
yields a two bit counter:

Decade counters
Decade counters are a kind of counter that counts in tens rather than having a
binaryrepresentation. Each output will go high in turn, starting over after ten outputs
haveoccurred. This type of circuit finds applications in multiplexers and demultiplexers,
orwherever a scanning type of behaviour is useful. Similar counters with different numbers
of outputs are also common.

Up-Down Counters
It is a combination of up counter and down counter, counting in straight binary
sequence.There is an up-down selector. If this value is kept high, counter increments binary
valueand if the value is low, then counter starts decrementing the count. The Down
counters aremade by using the complemented output to act as the clock for the next flipflop in the case of Asynchronous counters. An Up counter is constructed by linking the Q
out of the
J-K Flip flop and putting it into a Negative Edge Triggered Clock input. A Down Counter
is constructed by taking the Q output and putting it into a Positive Edge Triggered input
Ring Counters A ring counter is a counter that counts up and when it reaches the last
number that isdesigned to count up to, it will reset itself back to the first number. For
example, a ringcounter that is designed using 3 JK Flip Flops will count starting from 001
to 010 to 100 and back to 001. It will repeat itself in a 'Ring' shape and thus the name Ring
Counter isgiven.

Asynchronous Counter

Shift register
In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which
havetheir inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down
theline when the circuit is activatedShift register
In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which
havetheir inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down
theline when the circuit is activated

State Table
The state table representation of a sequential circuit consists of three sections labeled
presentstate, next state and output. The present state designates the state of flip-flops
before theoccurrence of a clock pulse. The next state shows the states of flip-flops after the
clock pulse,and the output section lists the value of the output variables during the present

State Diagram
In addition to graphical symbols, tables or equations, flip-flops can also be
representedgraphically by a state diagram. In this diagram, a state is represented by a
circle, and thetransition between states is indicated by directed lines (or arcs) connecting
the circles. Anexample of a state diagram is shown in Figure 3 below.

The binary number inside each circle identifies the state the circle represents. The directed
lines are labeled with two binary numbers separated by a slash (/). The input value
thatcauses the state transition is labeled first. The number after the slash symbol / gives the
valueof the output. For example, the directed line from state 00 to 01 is labeled 1/0,
meaning that,if the sequential circuit is in a present state and the input is 1, then the next
state is 01 and theoutput is 0. If it is in a present state 00 and the input is 0, it will remain in
that state. Adirected line connecting a circle with itself indicates that no change of state
occurs. The statediagram provides exactly the same information as the state table and is
obtained directly fromthe state table.

Consider a sequential circuit shown in Figure 4. It has one input x, one output Z and two
statevariables Q1Q2 (thus having four possible present states 00, 01, 10, 11).

The behaviour of the circuit is determined by the following Boolean expressions:

Z = x*Q1
D1 = x' + Q1
D2 = x*Q2' + x'*Q1'
These equations can be used to form the state table. Suppose the present state (i.e. Q1Q2)
=00 and input x = 0. Under these conditions, we get Z = 0, D1 = 1, and D2 = 1. Thus the
nextstate of the circuit D1D2 = 11, and this will be the present state after the clock pulse
has beenapplied. The output of the circuit corresponding to the present state Q1Q2 = 00
and x = 1 is Z= 0. This data is entered into the state table as shown in Table .

State table for the sequential circuit in Figure 4

The state diagram for the sequential circuit in Figure 4 is shown in Figure 5.

Memory & Programmable logic
The important common element of the memories we will study is that they are random
accessmemories, or RAM. This means that each bit of information can be individually
stored orretrieved | with a valid input address. This is to be contrasted with sequential
memories inwhich bits must be stored or retrieved in a particular sequence, for example
with data storageon magnetic tape. Unfortunately the term RAM has come to have a more
specific meaning: Amemory for which bits can both be easily stored or retrieved (written
to" or read from").

Classification of memories
In general, refers to random access memory. All of the devices we are considering to be
memories" (RAM, ROM, etc.) are random access. The term RAM has alsocome to mean
memory which can be both easily written to and read from. There aretwo main
technologies used for RAM:

Static RAM.
These essentially are arrays of flip-flops. They can be fabricated in ICs as large arrays of
tint flip-flops.) SRAM" is intrinsically somewhat faster than dynamic RAM.

Dynamic RAM.
Uses capacitor arrays. Charge put on a capacitor will produce a HIGH bit if its voltage
V = Q=C exceeds the threshold for the logic standard in use. Since the charge will leak"
through the resistance of the connections in times of order 1 msec, the stored
informationmust be continuously refreshed (hence the term \dynamic"). Dynamic RAM
can be fabricatedwith more bits per unit area in an IC than static RAM. Hence, it is usually
the technology ofchoice for most large-scale IC memories.

Read-only memory.
Information cannot be easily stored. The idea is that bits are initially stored and arenever
changed thereafter. As an example, it is generally prudent for the instructions used

toinitialize a computer upon initial power-up to be stored in ROM. The following terms
refer toversions of ROM for which the stored bits can be over-written, but not easily.

Programmable ROM.
Bits can be set on a programming bench by burning fusible links, or equivalent.
Thistechnology is also used for programmable array logic (PALs), which we will briefly
discussin class.

ROM Organization
A circuit for implementing one or more switching functions of several variables was
described in the preceding section and illustrated in Figure 20. The components of the
circuit are
An n 2n decoder, with n input lines and 2n output lines
One or more OR gates, whose outputs are the circuit outputs
An interconnection network between decoder outputs and OR gate inputs
The decoder is an MSI circuit, consisting of 2n n-input AND gates, that produces all
theminterms of n variables. It achieves some economy of implementation, because the same
decoder can be used for any application involving the same number of variables.What
isspecial to any application is the number of OR gates and the specific outputs of the
decoderthat become inputs to those OR gates. Whatever else can be done to result in a
general-purpose circuit would be most welcome. The most general-purpose approach is to
include the maximum number of OR gates, with provision to interconnect all 2n outputs of
the decoder with the inputs to every one of the OR gates. Then, for any given application,
two thingswould have to be done:
The number of OR gates used would be fewer than the maximum number, the
othersremaining unused.
Not every decoder output would be connected to all OR gate inputs. This scheme would
beterribly wasteful and doesnt sound like a good idea. Instead, suppose a smaller number,
m, isselected for the number of OR gates to be included, and an interconnection network is
set upto interconnect the 2n decoder outputs to the m OR gate inputs. Such a structure is
illustrate in above figure. It is an LSI combinational circuit with n inputs and m outputs
that, for reasonsthat will become clear shortly, is called a read-only memory (ROM).
A ROM consists of two parts:
An n 2n decoder

A 2n m array of switching devices that form interconnections between the 2n lines

fromthe decoder and the m output lines The 2n output lines from the decoder are called the
wordlines. Each of the 2n combinations that constitute the inputs to the interconnection
arraycorresponds to a minterm and specifies an address.The memory consists of those
connectionsthat are actually made in the connection matrix between the word lines and the
output lines.Once made, the connections in the memory array are permanent. So this
memory is not one whose contents can be changed readily from time to time; we write
into this memory but once. However, it is possible to read the information already
stored (the connections actually made) as often as desired, by applying input words and
observing the outputwords.Thats why the circuit is called read-only memory. Before you
continue reading, thinkof two possible ways in which to fabricate a ROM so that one set of
connections can be madeand another set leftunconnected.Continue reading after you have
thought about it.
A ROM can be almost completely fabricated except that none of the connections are
made.Such a ROM is said to be blank. Forming the connections for a particular
application is calledprogramming the ROM. In the process of programming the ROM, a
mask is produced tocover those connections that are not to be made. For this reason, the
blank form of the ROMis called mask programmable

Random Access Memory

RAM has three basic building blocks, namely an array of memory cells arranged inrows
and columns with each memory cell capable of storing either a 0 or a 1, an
addressdecoder and a read/write control logic. Depending upon the nature of the memory
cell used,there are two types of RAM, namely static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM
(DRAM). InSRAM, the memory cell is essentially a latch and can store data indefinitely as
long as theDC power is supplied. DRAM on the other hand, has a memory cell that stores
data in theform of charge on a capacitor. Therefore, DRAM cannot retain data for long
and hence needsto be refreshed periodically. SRAM has a higher speed of operation than
DRAM but has asmaller storage capacity


The PAL device is a special case of PLA which has a programmable AND arrayand afixed
OR array. The basic structure of Rom is same as PLA. It is cheap comparedto PLA asonly
the AND array is programmable. It is also easy to program a PALcompared to PLA asonly
AND must be programmed.
The figure 1 below shows a segment of an unprogrammed PAL. The input
bufferwithnon inverted and inverted outputs is used, since each PAL must drive many
ANDGatesinputs. When the PAL is programmed, the fusible links (F1, F2, F3F8)
areselectivelyblown to leave the desired connections to the AND Gate inputs. Connectionsto
the AND Gateinputs in a PAL are represented byXs, as shown here:

Fixed Logic Versus Programmable Logic

Logic devices can be classified into two broad categories - fixed and programmable. As the
name suggests, the circuits in a fixed logic device are permanent, they perform one function
or set of functions - once manufactured, they cannot be changed. On the other
hand,programmable logic devices (PLDs) are standard, off-the-shelf parts that offer
customers awide range of logic capacity, features, speed, and voltage characteristics- and
these devicescan be changed at any time to perform any number of functions.With fixed
logic devices, the time required to go from design, to prototypes, to a finalmanufacturing

run can take from several months to more than a year, depending on thecomplexity of the
device. And, if the device does not work properly, or if the requirementschange, a new
design must be developed. The up-front work of designing and verifying fixedlogic devices
involves substantial "non-recurring engineering" costs, or NRE.

In electronics, a hardware description language or HDL is any language from a classof
computer languages and/or programming languages for formal description of digital
logicand electronic circuits. It can describe the circuit's operation, its design and
organization, andtests to verify its operation by means of simulation.HDLs are standard
text-based expressions of the spatial and temporal structure and behavior of electronic
systems. In contrast to a software programming language, HDL syntax andsemantics
include explicit notations for expressing time and concurrency, which are theprimary
attributes of hardware. Languages whose only characteristic is to express
circuitconnectivity between hierarchies of blocks are properly classified as netlist languages
used onelectric computer-aided design (CAD).
HDLs are used to write executable specifications of some piece of hardware. A
simulationprogram, designed to implement the underlying semantics of the language
statements,coupled with simulating the progress of time, provides the hardware designer
with the abilityto model a piece of hardware before it is created physically. It is this
executability that givesHDLs the illusion of being programming languages. Simulators
capable of supportingdiscrete-event (digital) and continuous-time (analog) modeling exist,
and HDLs targeted foreach are available.

Design using HDL

The vast majority of modern digital circuit design revolves around an HDL description of
thedesired circuit, device, or subsystem.Most designs begin as a written set of requirements
or a high-level architectural diagram. Theprocess of writing the HDL description is highly
dependent on the designer's background andthe circuit's nature. The HDL is merely the
'capture language'often begin with a high-levelalgorithmic description such as MATLAB
or a C++ mathematical model. Control anddecision structures are often prototyped in
flowchart applications, or entered in a state-diagram editor. Designers even use scripting
languages (such as Perl) to automaticallygenerate repetitive circuit structures in the HDL
language. Advanced text editors (such asEmacs) offer editor templates for automatic
entity/architecture/signal declaration.

HDLs may or may not play a significant role in the back-end flow. In general, as the
designflow progresses toward a physically realizable form, the design database
becomesprogressively more laden with technology-specific information, which cannot be
stored in ageneric HDL-description. Finally, a silicon chip is manufactured in a fab.

VHDL Operators
Highest precedence first,
left to right within same precedence group,
use parenthesis to control order.
Unary operators take an operand on the right.
"result same" means the result is the same as the right operand.
Binary operators take an operand on the left and right.
"result same" means the result is the same as the left operand.
** exponentiation, numeric ** integer, result numeric
abs absolute value, abs numeric, result numeric
not complement,not logic or boolean, result same
* multiplication, numeric * numeric, result numeric
/ division,numeric / numeric, result numeric
mod modulo,integer mod integer, result integer
rem remainder,integer rem integer, result integer

+ unary plus,+ numeric, result numeric

- unary minus, - numeric, result numeric
+ addition,numeric + numeric, result numeric
- subtraction, numeric - numeric, result numeric
& concatenation, array or element & array or element,result array

sll shift left logical, logical array sll integer, result same
srl shift right logical, logical array srl integer, result same
sla shift left arithmetic, logical array sla integer, result same
sra shift right arithmetic, logical array sra integer, result same
rol rotate left,logical array rol integer, result same
ror rotate right,logical array ror integer, result same

Digital Integrated logic Circuits:

Logic families can be classified broadly according to the technologies they are built with. In
earlier dayswe had vast number of these technologies, as you can see in the list below.

RTL : Resistor Transistor Logic.

DTL : Diode Transistor Logic.
TTL : Transistor Transistor Logic.
ECL : Emitter coupled logic.
MOS : Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic (PMOS and NMOS).
CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic.

Resistor Transistor Logic.

In RTL (resistor transistor logic), all the logic are implemented using resistors and
transistors. One basic thing about the transistor (NPN), isthat HIGH at input causes output
to be LOW (i.e. like a inverter). Belowis the example of a few RTL logic circuits.

A basic circuit of an RTL NOR gate consists of two transistors Q1 andQ2, connected as
the figure above. When either input X or Y isdriven HIGH, the corresponding transistor
goes to saturation and outputZ is pulled to LOW.

DTL : Diode Transistor Logic.

In DTL (Diode transistor logic), all the logic is implemented using diodes and transistors. A
basic circuit in the DTL logic family is asshown in the figure below. Each input is
associated with one diode. Thediodes and the 4.7K resistor form an AND gate. If input X, Y
or Z is low, the correspondingdiode conducts current, through the 4.7K resistor.
Thus there is no current through the diodes connected in series to transistor base . Hence
the transistor does not conduct, thus remains incut-off, and output out is High. If all the
inputs X,Y,Z are driven high, the diodes in series conduct,driving the transistor into
saturation. Thus output out is Low.

TTL : Transistor Transistor Logic.

In Transistor Transistor logic or just TTL, logic gates are built only around transistors.
TTL was developed in 1965. Through the years basicTTL has been improved to meet
performancerequirements. There aremany versions or families of TTL.

Standard TTL.
High Speed TTL
Low Power TTL.
Schhottky TTL.

Here we will discuss only basic TTL as of now; maybe in the future Iwill add more details
aboutother TTL versions. As such all TTLfamilies have three configurations for outputs.
Totem - Pole output.
Open Collector Output.
Tristate Output.
Before we discuss the output stage let's look at the input stage, which is used with almost
allversions of TTL. This consists of an input transistorand a phase splitter transistor. Input
stage consists of a multi emittertransistor as shown in the figure below. When any input is
driven low,the emitter base junction is forward biased and input transistor conducts. This
in turn drives the phase splitter transistor into cut-off.

MOS : Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic (PMOS and NMOS).

MOS or Metal Oxide Semiconductor logic uses nmos and pmos to implement logic gates.
One needs to know the operation of FETand MOS transistors to understand the operation
of MOS logic circuits transistor does not conduct, and thus output is HIGH. But when
input is HIGH,NMOS transistor conducts and thus output is LOW.

CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic.

CMOS or Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor logic is built using both NMOS and
PMOS. Below is the basic CMOSinverter circuit, which follows these rules: NMOS
conductswhen its input is HIGH.PMOS conducts when its input is LOW. So when input is

HIGH, NMOS conducts, and thus output is LOW; when input is LOW PMOS conducts
and thus output is HIGH.

[1] Digital Design,3rd edition by M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education
[2] Digital Design-Principle& practice, 3rd edition by John F. Wakerley, Pears
[3] Digital Electronics by R.Anitha NPRCET

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