Carlson, Inc. v. Commercial Discount Corporation and Joseph R. McNeany Trustee in Bankruptcy, 382 F.2d 903, 10th Cir. (1967)

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382 F.

2d 903

CARLSON, INC., Appellant,

McNeany, Trustee in Bankruptcy, Appellees.
No. 9139.

United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit.

August 23, 1967.

James E. Womack, Albuquerque, N. M. (Poole & Poole and Arthur G.

Ortega, Albuquerque, N. M., on the brief), for appellant.
Allen C. Dewey, Albuquerque, N. M. (Modrall, Seymour, Sperling, Roehl
& Harris and Daniel A. Sisk, Albuquerque, N. M., on the brief), for
appellee, Commercial Discount Corporation.
Martin E. Threet, Albuquerque, N. M., for appellee, Joseph R. McNeany,
Trustee in Bankruptcy.
Before MURRAH, Chief Judge, and JONES* and SETH, Circuit Judges.
SETH, Circuit Judge.

The appellant, Carlson, Inc., petitioned to reclaim approximately $37,000 from

funds held by the Trustee in Bankruptcy. Appellant asserted that its claim
represented moneys held by the bankrupt, Hubbard's, Inc., in trust for the
appellant's benefit, and that the Trustee in Bankruptcy could not include such
moneys in the assets of the bankrupt estate.

Appellant's petition was resisted by the appellees, who are the Trustee in
Bankruptcy and by Commercial Discount Corporation, a secured creditor of the

The Referee in Bankruptcy denied appellant's petition, concluding that the

relationship between appellant and the bankrupt was that of creditor and debtor.
The District Court affirmed the Referee's order, and the appellant has taken this


The funds in question were derived from the following arrangement:

Appellant's predecessor as lessee entered into a lease agreement with the
bankrupt department store, Hubbard's, Inc., as lessor. The instrument titled
"Department Store Lease" provided that appellant as lessee would operate shoe
departments in each of the Hubbard's six New Mexico stores. The lease
agreement further provided that the leased shoe departments would be operated
under the name of the lessor-bankrupt, and that proceeds from cash sales in the
leased departments would be turned over daily to the lessor-bankrupt. Charge
sales in the leased departments, it was agreed, would be assumed by the lessorbankrupt after its approval, and all credit risks including checks tendered for
cash sales would also be assumed by it. The lessor-bankrupt agreed in the lease
to pay to the lessee-appellant all sums due from cash and charge sales in the
leased departments in the second month after the sales were made, less the
agreed rental of twelve and one-half per cent of the net sales.

Among the typical lease provisions in the instrument appears the following
paragraph which is the center of the disagreement:

"All moneys and accounts so received by the Lessor on account of sales in said
departments, shall be considered to be held by the Lessor in trust for the Lessee
and, if mingled with Lessor's funds, either in the cash drawer or deposited in the
bank, or wherever such co-mingling may be effected, such funds shall
nevertheless be and are considered trust funds, and are to be so held by the
Lessor in trust for the Lessee until Lessor has paid to the Lessee the total
amount of such sales and receipts in accordance with the provisions hereof. In
the event title to said funds shall at any time be called into question, the parties
hereto desire to clearly indicate their intention that these funds shall be and
hereby are considered and regarded as trust funds, irrespective of whether they
are co-mingled or not."

The appellant asserts that an express trust was created by the quoted paragraph,
and that the proceeds of cash and charge shoe sales not paid by the lessor to it
prior to bankruptcy may be reclaimed under its petition from the bankrupt

The initial question on appeal is whether inclusion of such a "trust clause" in

the lease agreement is sufficient to create a trust under the facts and
circumstances of the case at bar to permit the reclamation of the funds.

We hold that an express trust was not so created. The agreement is essentially a
lease agreement, and the provisions relative to the proceeds from sales in the
shoe departments also create a debtor-creditor relationship between the parties
to the lease. The instrument does not provide for the typical handling of assets
or funds on a continuing basis. An express trust is defined by the Restatement
(Second), Trusts 2 (1959), as a "fiduciary relationship with respect to
property, subjecting the person by whom the title to the property is held to
equitable duties to deal with the property for the benefit of another person,
which arises as a result of a manifestation of an intention to create it." This is
the common definition.


However the indicia of such a trust relationship are not present in the case at
bar. There is no indication that the lessor assumed equitable duties to handle the
"trust" funds for the benefit of the lessee, that is to deal with the property for
the benefit of the appellant as the authorities define the relationship. The facts
and circumstances instead indicate the creation of an obligation to repay a
portion of the funds at stated times, and in the meantime the lessor could use
them for its own purposes as it wished. The record shows that it did so use
them. There is thus no indication that the lessee intended to impose, or that the
lessor intended to assume, the fiduciary relationship of trustee and beneficiary.
Instead the lessor's sole obligation under the lease agreement was to pay a sum
of money to the lessee-appellant at a specified time each month. The obligation
assumed by the lessor-bankrupt is nothing more than an obligation to settle an
account. Each party was the debtor of the other, the lessee-appellant was
indebted to the lessor-bankrupt for rental in the agreed percentage of net sales
in the leased departments, and the lessor-bankrupt was indebted to the lessee
for the balance of net sales and, although by no means determinative, the
lessee-appellant knew that the lessor-bankrupt was commingling the proceeds
from cash sales in the leased departments and had unrestricted use of such
moneys for the day-to-day operation of lessor's business.


The testimony of the lessor-bankrupt's president indicates his understanding

that the lessor's sole obligation under the lease agreement was to make a
monthly payment to the lessee-appellant from whatever funds were available to
the lessor when the payment was due. As indicated above, the lessor
commingled moneys from the leased departments, which is permitted by the
trust clause, and disbursed such moneys for day-to-day operation of lessor's
business. The president's testimony also indicates his belief that the trust clause
was like a lien because the trust label somehow protected the lessee "regardless
of what happened" and that the funds "had to be paid ahead of anything in case
of difficulties, out of assets." This is not necessarily inconsistent with a trust, but
his understanding shows an attempt was made to establish some preferred

position in case of "difficulties." It shows no day-to-day duty of a trustee with

regard to the funds.

We are satisfied that the trust clause was merely a device by which the parties
sought to protect the lessee against the lessor's insolvency, and that the parties
did not intend to create a real or true continuing trust relationship. Restatement
(Second), Trusts 12 and Comments b and g (1959).


As appellant points out there is no "magic" in the creation of a trust in New

Mexico, H. B. Cartwright & Bro. v. United States Bank & Trust Co., 23 N. M.
82, 167 P. 436 (1917), McDermott v. Sher, 59 N.M. 142, 280 P.2d 660 (1955);
however, the basic elements must be present regardless of what the
arrangement may be designated by the parties and how they do it. The elements
simply are not present here. 4 Collier, Bankruptcy (14th Ed.) 1213; 1 Scott,
Trusts (2d Ed.) 24.


In Lord's, Inc., Chicago Cutter-Karcher, Inc. v. Maley, 356 F.2d 456 (7th Cir.),
the Seventh Circuit held (with a dissent) that a debtor-creditor relationship was
not converted to one of trust by the inclusion of a trust clause in a lease
agreement similar to the lease in the case at bar. The Lord's case also arose
from a reclamation petition in bankruptcy proceedings. The trust clause there
considered is identical to the trust clause in the case at bar, and the operating
procedures were also similar to those in the case at bar. The Seventh Circuit
held that the lessee-lessor relationship and debtor-creditor relationship were the
fundamental ones and were not altered by the insertion of a somewhat
inconsistent declaration of a trust. The trust clause the court held was merely a
device through which the lessee sought to secure the lessor's obligation. The
court said: "[I]t appears that in the case before us, a `trust' clause has been
inserted into a document which otherwise sets up a simple debtor-creditor
relationship in an effort to assure the debtor's performance of its obligations and
not to create a trust."


We reach the same conclusion and hold that the Referee in Bankruptcy
properly concluded that the relationship was that of creditor and debtor and not
that of beneficiary and trustee. Under this view we do not need to decide
additional issues raised on appeal for they presuppose the existence of a trust





Senior Judge of the Fifth Circuit, by Designation

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