International License Agreement

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The key takeaways are that this agreement grants an exclusive license from the licensor to the licensee to manufacture, distribute and sell products based on the licensed property within a specified territory. It outlines the terms of the license, rights obtained, obligations of the parties, payment terms, confidentiality requirements, and conditions for termination.

The license being granted is an exclusive license to the licensee to manufacture, distribute and sell licensed products in the specified territory. The licensee can manufacture outside the territory but cannot sell or distribute there. The licensor retains rights to use the property itself and license it to others outside the territory.

Under the agreement, the licensee obtains the exclusive right to manufacture, distribute and sell licensed products in the specified territory. This includes the right to sublicense others and exclude unauthorized parties from doing so. The licensee must use reasonable efforts to commercialize the property.

International Licensing

compliments of:


International Licensing Agreement

Effective Date [Date]

between [Company Legal Name], (“[Company]”)

a [State] [Corporation / Partnership / Sole Proprietorship / Resident),
located at [Address]
[City], [State] [Zip Code]

and [Licensee], (“Licensee”)

a [State of organization or residence) [Corporation / Partnership / Sole
Proprietorship / Resident),
located at [Address].

1. Summary
The Licensor is the owner of a certain item now known as [Insert item], as
more fully described in Exhibit A attached to this Agreement, together with all
modifications, all improvements (including all those made by the Licensee), all
patents and all copyrights and trademarks originated by the Licensee used in
connection with (collectively, the “Property”).
The Licensee desires to acquire from the Licensor, and the Licensor is willing
to transfer to the Licensee, all rights in and to the Property pursuant to the
Licensor’s grant to the Licensee of an exclusive license to manufacture,
distribute and sell the Property throughout [Enter territory] (the “Territory”)
on the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.
In consideration for the mutual promises, covenants, and Agreements made
below, the parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:
2. Grant of License


2.1 Grant of Exclusive License. The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee
an exclusive license (the “License”) to manufacture, distribute and sell, and to
sublicense the manufacture, distribution and sale of, Licensed Products
(defined below) in the Territory. The Licensee may manufacture the Licensed
Products outside the Territory; provided, however, that in no event shall the
Licensee distribute or sell the Licensed Products outside the Territory. Except
as otherwise provided in Sections 9 and 11, the License specifically includes
the right to exclude any person from manufacturing, distributing and selling
the Licensed Products in the Territory.
2.2 Licensed Products. The term “Licensed Products” means all products
sold by the Licensee, any Affiliate or Subsidiary (as such terms are defined in
Section 12.2.2), or any Sub licensee of the Licensee during the term of this
Agreement that are based on the Property.
3. Term & Termination
3.1 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date stated
above and shall continue until terminated as provided below.
3.2 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by the Licensee at any
time upon [Enter amount of time] prior notice to the Licensor, and by the
3.2.1 Upon any material breach of this Agreement by the Licensee that is not
remedied within 30 days after the Licensee's receipt of notice of such breach;
3.2.2 If the Licensor does not receive payment of the advance against the
royalties in accordance with Section 3.2;
3.2.3 Pursuant to Section 3.2.9.
3.2.4 If the Licensee does not present Licensed Products at the [Month, Day,
3.2.5 If the Licensee does not ship Licensed Products to its customers on or
before [Month, Day, Year];
3.2.6 The Licensee notifies the Licensor of its intent not to manufacture
Licensed Products during [Month, Day, Year];
3.2.7 If the Licensee does not manufacture and sell the Licensed Products for
any consecutive [Enter time) period;

3.2.8 If the Licensee files a petition in bankruptcy, is adjudicated in a
bankrupt, becomes insolvent, makes an arrangement or assignment for the
benefit of creditors, or discontinues its business, or if a receiver or custodian is
appointed for the Licensee or its business, or if a petition in bankruptcy is
filed against the Licensee that is not dismissed within 90 days after the date of
such filing; or
3.2.9 The Licensor may terminate this Agreement if within 30 days after the
end of any calendar year beginning with [Enter year), the Licensee has not
paid to the Licensor royalties of at least $[x] from the sale of the Licensed
Products during such calendar year (the “Minimum Guarantee”).
3.3 Effect of Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement by either party:
3.3.1 All rights granted to the Licensee under this Agreement shall revert to
the Licensor free and clear of any lien, security interest or other
encumbrance, and the Licensee and its Affiliates and Subsidiaries shall as
soon as practicable cease the manufacture, distribution, sale, promotion,
advertising and marketing of Licensed Products; provided, however, that for
a period of 120 days after the termination of this Agreement the Licensee and
its affiliates and subsidiaries may complete any work in process and sell their
existing inventories of the Licensed Products;
3.3.2 All portions of the advance against royalties described in Section 4.3 that
has not been paid shall be immediately due and payable;
3.3.3 All royalty payments due pursuant to Section 4 (other than royalty
payments, if any, for the 120 day period during which the Licensee and its
Affiliates and Subsidiaries may complete their work in process and sell their
existing inventories of Licensed Products) shall be paid to the Licensor within
30 days after the date this Agreement is terminated;
3.3.4 All other amounts due under this Agreement, from either party to the
other (except for amounts due from the Licensee's Sub-licensees that shall
continue to be collected by the Licensee and paid to the Licensor in
accordance with Sections 4) shall be paid within 150 days after the date this
Agreement is terminated, at that time the Licensee shall submit to the
Licensor a final account statement in accordance with Section 4.1.
4. Royalty
4.1 [x]% of the Net Sales. Except as otherwise provided in Section 4.2, the

Licensee shall pay to the Licensor a royalty equal to [x]% of the Net Sales of
all Licensed Products sold by the Licensee. The term “Net Sales” shall mean
the gross sales price of all Licensed Products sold by the Licensee (and, with
respect to Section 4.2, any Sub-licensee of the Licensee) less all returns and
less reasonable discounts, allowances and credits not to exceed $[x] of such
gross sales price. Licensed Products shall be regarded as "sold" when either
shipped or invoiced by the Licensee, whichever occurs first. The royalties shall
be paid to the Licensor quarterly within 30 days after the end of each calendar
quarter. The term "calendar quarter" shall mean the periods ending March
31, June 30, September 30, and December 31, in any given calendar year.
Royalty payments shall be accompanied by account statements certified as
accurate and complete by an authorized officer of the Licensee for the
applicable calendar quarter setting forth the amount of gross sales, discounts,
allowances and credits in the aggregate and separately for each Licensed
Product by stock keeping number. Late payments of royalties shall bear
interest at a rate of [x] % per annum, provided that such rate shall not exceed
the maximum rate permitted by law.
4.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 4.1,
royalties paid to the Licensor in connection with the sale of Licensed Products
by the Licensee to:
(1) any Affiliate or Subsidiary shall be based on [x]% of the gross sales
price of all Licensed Products sold by them less all returns and less reasonable
discounts, allowances and credits not to exceed [Enter fixed dollar or
percentage) of such gross sales price;
(2) any Sub-licensee shall be based on the greater of 50% of all royalties,
including advances against royalties, paid to the Licensee by each Sub-licensee
or [x]% of the Net Sales of all Licensed Products sold by each Sub-licensee.
Royalties paid to the Licensor pursuant to this Section 4.2 shall be paid in
accordance with Section 4.1 within 30 days after the end of the calendar
quarter during which royalties are collected by the Licensee.
4.3 Advance Against Royalties. The Licensee shall pay to the Licensor the
sum of $[x] as a non-refundable advance against royalties from the sale of
Licensed Products in accordance with the following schedule: [Insert


4.4 Close Out Sales. The royalty provisions of this Agreement shall not apply
to the Close Out Sales by the Licensee or its Sub-licensees. The term “Close
Out Sales” shall mean any sale of Licensed Products at a net selling price of
less than 75% of the Licensee's or its Sub-licensees customary wholesale price.
12.1 Access to Books & Records. Licensee shall keep complete and accurate
books and records with respect to the manufacture, distribution and sale of
Licensed Products. Licensor shall have the right, through an independent
accountant retained by the Licensor, to inspect the Licensee's books and
records relating to the subject matter of this Agreement once per year during
the term of this Agreement and for a period of two years thereafter on
reasonable notice to the Licensee, during regular business hours at the place
where such books and records are normally kept and to the extent reasonably
necessary to determine the accuracy of any royalty payments to be made
under this Agreement.
Should any discrepancy exist in favor of Licensor exceeding 5%, then
Licensee shall pay to the Licensor all costs for the audit in addition to the
additional amount owed. Should the discrepancy be less than 5%, Licensee
shall pay Licensor the require payment, but the Licensor shall bear all costs of
the audit.
Licensee shall be entitled to rely on the financial reports submitted to it by its
Sub-licensees’ and the Licensee shall not be required to verify such reports by
actual inspection of its Sub-licensees, books and records. However, the
Licensee shall require its Sub-licensees to keep complete and accurate books
and records with respect to the manufacture, distribution and sale of the
Licensed Products. Licensee shall make available to the Licensor the results of
any audit it conducts of its Sub-licensees. Any and all information obtained by
the Licensor in such inspections and in the royalty reports provided under
Section 4.1 shall be considered strictly confidential and shall not be released or
disclosed to any person, except in connection with any action to enforce the
rights of the Licensor under this Agreement.
5. Representations & Warranties; Indemnification
5.1 The Licensor represents and warrants to the Licensee that:
(1) it is the owner of the Property and has the power to grant the License
to the Licensee;

(2) it has not granted to any other person a license to manufacture,
distribute or sell the Property in the Territory; and
(3) to the best of its knowledge, the Property does not infringe any patent,
copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any third party.
5.2 The Licensor shall indemnify and hold the Licensee harmless from and
against any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred by the
Licensee in connection with any final judgment arising out of or resulting
from any breach by the Licensor of its representations and warranties
contained in Section 5.1 to the extent any such claim, proceeding or judgment
relates to aspects of the Licensed Products as originated by the Licensor;
provided, however, that the Licensor's total liability pursuant to this section
shall be limited to the aggregate amount of royalties paid to the Licensor
during the term of this Agreement. In the event such a claim is asserted
against the Licensee, the Licensee may suspend payment of the royalties due
to the Licensor under this Agreement and apply such royalties toward the
reasonable costs and legal expenses of defending such a claim and the payment
of any ensuing settlement or judgment. Within 30 days after the resolution of
any such claim, the Licensee shall remit to the Licensor the amount, if any, of
royalties withheld from the Licensor and not applied to the defense or
payment of such claim, together with a statement setting forth all costs and
legal expenses to which such royalties were applied. The provisions of this
section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Such indemnification
shall be in addition to any other remedies available to the Licensee.
5.3 The Licensee represents and warrants to the Licensor that this
Agreement constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the Licensee
enforceable against the Licensee in accordance with its terms.
5.4 The Licensee shall indemnify and hold the Licensor harmless from and
against any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred by the
Licensor in connection with any final judgment arising out of or resulting
(1) the breach by the Licensee of its representations and warranties
contained in Section 5.3;
(2) the manufacture, distribution or sale of Licensed Products (except
insofar as such claims relate to the Licensor's representations and warranties

contained in Section 5.1);
(3) any unauthorized use by the Licensee or any Affiliate, Subsidiary or
Sub-licensee of the Property; and
(4) any defects (design or otherwise) or inherent dangers in the Property.
The provisions of this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
Such indemnification shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the
6. Product Liability Insurance
6.1 Product Liability Insurance. Promptly after the date this Agreement is
executed (but in no event later than the date Licensed Products are first
manufactured), the Licensee shall obtain and keep in effect during the term of
this Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, all risk product liability insurance
in an aggregate amount of not less than $[x] naming the Licensor as an
additional insured, and shall promptly provide the Licensor with evidence.
Each insurance policy shall provide that if such insurance is canceled for any
reason whatsoever, or if any substantial change is made in the coverage that
affects the Licensor, or if such insurance is allowed to lapse for non-payment
of any premium, such cancellation, change or lapse shall not be effective as to
the Licensor until 30 days after receipt by the Licensor of written notice from
the insurance Licensee.
7. Similar Products
7.1 The Licensee agrees that throughout and after the term of this Agreement
it will not manufacture, distribute or sell any product (other than Licensed
Products manufactured, distributed or sold during the term of this
Agreement) that [employs the basic principles or the basic concept of design of
the Property). In the event that the Licensee does manufacture, distribute or
sell any such product, the same shall be governed by the terms and conditions
of this Agreement including, without limitation, the obligation to pay royalties
in accordance with Section 4.
8. Patent, Copyright & Trademark
8.1 Acquisition of Patent
8.1.1 The Licensor shall keep the Licensee apprised of the status of all patent
applications, if any, filed by the Licensor with the United States Patent and

Trademark Office, and shall promptly provide the Licensee with copies of any
pending patent applications and patents issued. If the Licensor elects not to
file and / or prosecute any such patent applications, the Licensee may do so at
its sole cost and expense.
8.1.2 The Licensee in its sole discretion and at its sole cost and expense may
apply for patents covering the Property in any foreign country in the
Territory. At the Licensee’s request, the Licensor shall assist the Licensee to
the extent reasonably necessary in connection with any such patent
8.1.3 Despite anything to the contrary contained in Sections 8.1 and 8.2, all
patent applications filed and patents issued in connection with the Licensed
Products shall be solely in the name of the Licensor; provided, however, that,
at the request of the Licensee, all such patents issued shall be assigned to the
Licensee for the term of this Agreement.
8.2 The Licensor shall be designated by the Licensee as the owner of all
patents, and all copyrights and trademarks originated by the Licensor, used in
connection with the sale of Licensed Products. The Licensee shall affix patent,
copyright and trademark notices on all Licensed Products and all materials
related thereto including, without limitation, all advertising, packaging,
promotional display, printed and other materials indicating the Licensor's
ownership of all such patents, copyrights and trademarks.
8.3 As exclusive Licensee in the Territory, the Licensee shall assist the
Licensor throughout the term of this Agreement, at the Licensor's sole cost
and expense, in obtaining protection of any patent, and any copyright or
trademark originated by the Licensor, used in connection with the sale of
Licensed Products.
8.4 The Licensee shall not utilize any trademark in connection with any
advertising, packaging, promotional display, printed or other material used in
connection with the sale of Licensed Products without first submitting the
same, together with production samples to the Licensor for its approval that
shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Licensor's approval shall be deemed
given if it does not notify the Licensee of its disapproval within 10 days after
each such submission.
9. Licensing Outside Territory

9.1 The Licensor intends to license the Property to third parties for
manufacture, distribution and sale outside the Territory. Each such license
shall specifically limit such third party's right to manufacture, distribute and
sell the Property and any products derived from to the territory specified in
such license that in no event shall include any part of the Territory. The
Licensor shall cooperate with the Licensee to the extent reasonably necessary
to prevent any such third party from manufacturing, distributing or selling
the Property and any products derived from in the Territory.
10. Infringement
10.1 The Licensee and the Licensor agree to promptly notify each other of any
suspected infringement of their respective interests in and to the Property by
any third party. In the event that any legal action against any third party is
deemed necessary by either the Licensee or the Licensor for the protection of
their respective interests in and to the Property in the Territory, the Licensee
and the Licensor shall cooperate with each other and render all reasonably
necessary assistance in connection with any such legal action; provided,
however, that neither party shall settle any such action without the prior
written consent of the other, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Within
30 days after notice from the Licensee of a suspected infringement, the
Licensor shall advise the Licensee of whether or not it shall prosecute a suit
for infringement. If the Licensor elects to prosecute such a suit, it may select
legal counsel and shall bear all legal fees and other costs and expenses
incurred in connection therewith. Any money recovered after such costs and
expenses are reimbursed shall be shared as follows: [x]% to the Licensor; and
[x]% to the Licensee. If the Licensor chooses not to prosecute any such suit for
infringement, then the Licensee may do so after notice to the Licensor, and the
Licensee may select legal counsel and shall bear all legal fees and other costs
and expenses incurred in connection therewith. Any money recovered after
such costs and expenses are reimbursed shall be shared as follows: [x]% to the
Licensor; and [x]% to the Licensee.
11. Merchandising Rights
11.1 The Licensor may designate an agent (the “Agent”) to exploit all rights in
and to the Property in the Territory (other than the right to manufacture,
distribute and sell Licensed Products in the Territory) including, without
limitation, book, television, cable, disc, videocassette, clothing and film rights

and all other related media rights (collectively, the “Merchandising Rights”)
by sublicensing to third parties the right to manufacture, distribute and sell
any products based on the Merchandising Rights. All amounts paid to the
Licensor by the Agent from the exploitation of the Merchandising Rights shall
be shared equally between the Licensee and the Licensor after deduction of
the Agent's fees and commissions including any fees and commissions paid by
the Agent to its agents.
12. General Provisions
12.1 Independent Contractors. The relationship between both parties
established by this Agreement is that of independent contractors, and nothing
contained in this Agreement shall be construed to give either party the power
to direct and control the day-to-day activities of the other. Neither party is an
agent, representative or partner of the other party. Neither party shall have
any right, power or authority to enter into any agreement for, or on behalf of,
or incur any obligation or liability of, or to otherwise bind, the other party.
This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association,
agency, joint venture or partnership between the parties or to impose any
liability attributable to such relationship upon either party.
12.2 Non-Solicitation. Neither party shall solicit for employment or hire the
other’s current or future employees, either directly or indirectly, during the
Term of this Agreement, without obtaining the other’s prior written approval.
Should an employee change employment from one party to the other, the new
employer shall pay the old employer a fee equivalent to [Twenty Percent
(20%)] of the employee’s new compensation, annualized for the first year.
12.3 Governing Law & Jurisdiction. This agreement and the parties’ actions
under this Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of
the state of [State], without reference to conflict of law principles. The parties
hereby expressly consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state
courts within the state of [State]. Each party hereby irrevocably consents to
the service of process in any such action or proceeding by the mailing of copies
thereof by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to such party at its
address set forth in the preamble of this Agreement, such service to become
effective thirty (30) days after such mailing.
12.4 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the attached exhibits,
constitutes the entire Agreement between both parties concerning this

transaction, and replaces all previous communications, representations,
understandings, and Agreements, whether verbal or written between the
parties to this Agreement or their representatives. No representations or
statements of any kind made by either party, which are not expressly stated in
this Agreement, shall be binding on such parties.
12.5 All Amendments in Writing. No waiver, amendment or modification of
any provisions of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed
by a duly authorized representative of the party against whom such waiver,
amendment or modification is sought to be enforced. Furthermore, no
provisions in either party’s purchase orders, or in any other business forms
employed by either party will supersede the terms and conditions of this
12.6 Notices. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be
deemed given if sent by registered mail, postage prepaid with return receipt
requested, addressed to the other party at the address set forth in the
preamble of this Agreement or at such other address for which such party
gives notice hereunder. Delivery shall be deemed effective three (3) days after
deposit with postal authorities.
12.7 Costs of Legal Action. In the event any action is brought to enforce this
Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs of
enforcement including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and court costs.
12.8 Inadequate Legal Remedy. Both parties understand and acknowledge
that violation of their respective covenants and Agreements may cause the
other irreparable harm and damage, that may not be recovered at law, and
each agrees that the other’s remedies for breach may be in equity by way of
injunctive relief, as well as for damages and any other relief available to the
non-breaching party, whether in law or in equity.
12.9 Arbitration. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or performance of
this Agreement shall be resolved at the request of either party through
binding arbitration. Arbitration shall be conducted in [Country], [State] in
accordance with the then-existing rules of the American Arbitration
Association. Judgment upon any award by the arbitrators may be entered by
any state or federal court having jurisdiction. [Company] and [Client] intend
that this Agreement to arbitrate be irrevocable. All decisions are final and not
subject to appeal.

12.10 Delay is Not a Waiver. No failure or delay by either party in exercising
any right, power or remedy under this Agreement, except as specifically
provided in this Agreement, shall operate as a waiver of any such right, power
or remedy.
12.11 Force Majeure. In the event that either party is unable to perform any
of its obligations under this Agreement or to enjoy any of its benefits because
of any Act of God, volcano, strike, fire, flood, governmental acts, orders or
restrictions, Internet system unavailability, system malfunctions or any other
reason where failure to perform is beyond the reasonable control and not
caused by the negligence of the non-performing party (a “Force Majeure
Event”), the party who has been so affected shall give notice immediately to
the other party and shall use its reasonable best efforts to resume
performance. Failure to meet due dates resulting from a Force Majeure Event
shall extend such due dates for a reasonable period. However, if the period of
nonperformance exceeds sixty (60) days from the receipt of notice of the Force
Majeure Event, the party whose ability to perform has not been affected may,
by giving written notice, terminate this Agreement effective immediately upon
such notice or at such later date as is therein specified.
12.12 Assignability & Binding Effect. Except as expressly set forth within this
Agreement, neither party may transfer or assign, directly or indirectly, this
Agreement or its rights and obligations hereunder without the express written
permission of the other party, not to be unreasonably withheld; provided,
however, that both parties shall have the right to assign or otherwise transfer
this Agreement to any parent, subsidiary, affiliated entity or pursuant to any
merger, consolidation or reorganization, provided that all such assignees and
transferees agree in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement prior
to such assignment or transfer. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall
be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors
and assigns.
12.12 Non-Assignability & Binding Effect. Except as otherwise provided for
within this Agreement, neither party may assign any of its rights or delegate
any of its obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the
express written permission of the other. Any such assignment is deemed null
and void.
12.13 Severability. If any provisions of this Agreement are held by a court of

competent jurisdiction to be invalid under any applicable statute or rule of
law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions
of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
12.14 Cumulative Rights. Any specific right or remedy provided in this
Agreement will not be exclusive but will be cumulative upon all other rights
and remedies described in this section and allowed under applicable law.
12.15 Headings. The titles and headings of the various sections and sections in
this Agreement are intended solely for convenience of reference and are not
intended for any other purpose whatsoever, or to explain, modify or place any
construction upon or on any of the provisions of this Agreement.
12.16 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple
counterparts, any one of which will be considered an original, but all of which
will constitute one and the same instrument.
12.17 Survival of Certain Provisions. The warranties and the indemnification
and confidentiality obligations set forth in the Agreement shall survive the
termination of the Agreement by either party for any reason.
Understood, Agreed & Approved
We have carefully reviewed this contract and agree to and accept all of its
terms and conditions. We are executing this Agreement as of the Effective
Date above.

Licensor: Licensee:

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Name Name

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Title Title

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Date Date


Exhibit A

Description of the Product



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