United States v. Smith, 569 F.3d 1209, 10th Cir. (2009)

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United States Court of Appeals

Tenth Circuit

June 18, 2009


Elisabeth A. Shumaker
Clerk of Court





No. 08-8019




(D.C. NO. 2:07-CR-00125-CAB-1)

Henry F. Bailey, Jr., Bailey Stock & Harmon, Cheyenne, Wyoming (Jared S.
Crecelius, Bailey, Stock & Harmon and Ronald Petty, Cheyenne, Wyoming, with
him on the brief), for Defendant-Appellant.
Gregory Davis, United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. (Nathan J.
Hochman, Assistant Attorney General, Alan Hechtkopk and Elissa Hart-Mahan,
Tax Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., with him on the brief),
for Plaintiff-Appellee.

Before TACHA, OBRIEN and McCONNELL, Circuit Judges.

McCONNELL, Circuit Judge.

After a jury trial, Michael John Smith was convicted on counts of tax
evasion, submitting fictitious obligations, and making a false oath and a false

declaration in relation to a bankruptcy petition. He was sentenced to three years

in prison followed by three years of supervised release, and he was ordered to pay
nearly $500,000 in restitution.
He appeals his conviction, claiming a violation of the Speedy Trial Act and
that the district court abused its discretion by allowing jurors to question
witnesses. We affirm.
I. Facts
Mr. Smith made his initial appearance on June 6, 2007. On June 14, 2007,
he filed two motions to dismiss, a motion for a bill of particulars, and a motion
for continuance. 1 After many more motions, the government moved on October 1
for a status hearing for purposes of scheduling a trial. The status hearing was
held October 16. 2 At the status hearing, the court heard argument on Mr. Smiths
two June 14 motions to dismiss and denied them both. The court then set trial for
the week of December 10.
Before trial could commence, even more motions (a flurry, to use Mr.
Smiths word) were filed. Aplt. Br. 12. Of primary importance to this appeal
was Mr. Smiths motion to dismiss, filed January 22, 2008 and alleging a

The defendant also filed a motion waiving his right to a speedy trial. Mr.
Smith argues, and the government concedes, that such a waiver is ineffective. We
agree with the government that this supposed waiver did not play any material
role in any of the district courts reasoning, and so do not address it here.

The date on the transcript for the hearing is October 17, 2007, but this
appears to be a typographical error. See Aplt. App. 77.

violation of his constitutional right to a speedy trial under the Speedy Trial Act,
18 U.S.C. 3161. Specifically, Mr. Smith argued that the time between his June
14 motions and the eventual disposition of those motions at the October 16
hearing should have been counted in calculating how many days lapsed from his
appearance to the date of his trial. The court disagreed, explaining that because it
held a hearing on the motions, the time between the filing of the motions and the
hearing was excludable under the Speedy Trial Act. Dist. Ct. Op. 2. The trial
eventually commenced on February 25, 2008.
During the trial, a juror twice submitted questions to the court, which the
court then asked to witnesses. Counsel for Mr. Smith objected to the practice, but
his objections were denied. At one point in the trial, when a witness was
searching for a word, a juror said electronic filing. Aplt. App. 137. Mr.
Smiths counsel moved for a mistrial on the grounds that there was inappropriate
contact between a juror and the witness. The motion was denied.
Mr. Smith, having been convicted, now appeals.
II. Speedy Trial Act
Under the Speedy Trial Act, [i]n any case in which a plea of not guilty is
entered, the trial of a defendant charged in an information or indictment with the
commission of an offense shall commence within seventy days from the filing
date. 18 U.S.C. 3161(c)(1). However, there are some days which can be
excluded from the overall limit of seventy days until trial. The amount of time

occupied by consideration of pre-trial motions depends on whether the motions

entail a hearing. If there is a hearing on the motion, the period of excludable
delay extends from the time the motion is filed through the conclusion of the
hearing on, or other prompt disposition of, such motion. 18 U.S.C. 3161
(h)(1)(D). If not, the excludable period is the time reasonably attributable to any
period, not to exceed thirty days, during which any proceeding concerning the
defendant is actually under advisement by the court. 18 U.S.C. 3161
(h)(1)(H). 3
The district court denied Mr. Smiths motions to dismiss 124 days after
they were filed, and did so after conducting a brief hearing. Mr. Smith urges that
this time should not be excluded, because the motions to dismiss could and should
have been promptly disposed of without a hearing. Accordingly, he contends that
only thirty of the 124 days during which the pretrial motions were pending are
properly excludable, meaning that the total unexcluded delay in his trial exceeded
the statutory seventy days. We review a trial courts denial of a motion to
dismiss for violation of the Speedy Trial Act for an abuse of discretion. United
States v. Lampley, 127 F.3d 1231, 1244 (10th Cir. 1997).
Mr. Smith at first appears to claim that this hearing really did not amount
to a hearing. At the conference, he writes in his brief, the motions were briefly

The numbering of the Speedy Trial Act has changed since Mr. Smiths
trial, but there were no changes made in the language of parts of the Act relevant
to the appeal. We cite to the most recent version of the Act.

discussed. No additional documents were produced and very little argument was
made. Aplt. Br. 25; see also id. at 24 (saying that if this Court finds that the
motions were disposed of at a hearing, then the Act was not violated, but if
they werent disposed of at a hearing, then the Act was violated.). This
argument is not persuasive.
If a status conference is marked by oral argument and legal rulings,
United States v. Barnes, 159 F.3d 4, 12 (1st Cir. 1998), it is safe to call it a
hearing. Whether to conduct a hearing is in the sound discretion of the district
court, and if a hearing is conducted, the time until the hearing is excluded under
the Speedy Trial Act. 4 We cannot allow Speedy Trial Act calculations to turn on
post hoc qualitative judgments about the difficulty of the issue raised or the need
for a hearing. Whether or not a hearing is really a hearing need not depend on
the length of the discussions between the court and the lawyers or the number of
documents submitted; a hearing need only be as long, or as exhaustive, as is
necessary to dispose properly of the issues presented.
The facts of this case provide a useful example. Mr. Smiths first motion to
dismiss was based on a contention that some of his acts were protected by the
First Amendment. Aplt. App. 2021. Such constitutional claims must be taken

We do not discount the theoretical possibility that in some case, a

defendant might be able to make a showing that the district court scheduled a
hearing as a mere pretense to excuse delay in bringing a case to trial. This
would perforce be difficult to prove, and the facts of this case provide no basis
for so extreme a claim.

seriously. Accordingly, at the hearing the court asked defense counsel: What
you do in your motion to dismiss, you admit the truth of the Government
allegations, but deny that they constitute allegations of a crime? Mr. Smiths
counsel replied, I have to confess that there are certain of these allegations
which, if they were true, would constitute an allegation of would be sufficient
to be a crime, so I think I probably ought to withdraw that motion. Aplt. App.
63. The court replied that it was too late to withdraw the motion, but that, in any
case, it was denied. It is easy to say, in hindsight, that no hearing was required
on this motion, because counsel withdrew it almost immediately. But that is
hindsight; the district court had no way to know that the defense was filing
motions to dismiss so spurious that they would be withdrawn upon the slightest
questioning. It would be strange to interpret the Speedy Trial Act as requiring
dismissal of an indictment whenever the defendant files a pre-trial motion and
then retracts it at a hearing held more than seventy days later.
Mr. Smith also argues that the October 16 conference was merely a
scheduling conference and was not understood at the time as a hearing on the
motions to dismiss. We cannot agree. Again, we do not regard it as useful or
appropriate to plumb the subjective intentions of the court or the parties. If there
was argument and a ruling, there was a hearing. But we also reject the factual
premise of this argument. The district judge began the proceeding on October 16
by saying I believe that were going to do everything we can do today, in

addition to doing a little scheduling. Aplt. App. 57. The court then turned to
Mr. Smiths June motion for a bill of particulars. Mr. Smiths counsel did not
object to having everything, including his prior motions, on the table. It was
clear to everyone present that this was more than just a scheduling conference.
Mr. Smith makes an additional, and much more interesting, argumentthat
the kinds of motions before the court did not require a hearing for their
disposition, and so that it was an abuse of discretion for the court to hold a
hearing on them. Aplt. Br. 25. In Henderson v. United States, 476 U.S. 321, 329
(1986), the Supreme Court made a distinction between those motions that, in its
words, require no hearing and those that require a hearing. If a motion required
no hearing, the Court held, it is covered by the part of the Speedy Trial Act which
allows an exclusion of at most thirty days. Id. But the Court did not expand on
what types of motions would require a hearing and which would not, apart from
quoting some legislative history which said that for simple or routine motions
that do not require a hearing, the necessary advisement time should be
considerably less than 30 days. Id. (quoting S.Rep. No. 96-212, at 34 (1979)).
Mr. Smith submits that his June motions were of the simple and/or routine sort
that do not require a hearing.
We disagree that Mr. Smiths motions were simple or routine. Two of his
June motions were motions to dismiss, and it seems appropriate that a hearing
would be held to consider arguments, pro and con, for determining whether to

grant them. Other circuits that have considered the question of what motions do
not require a hearing did not deal with motions to dismiss. In United States v.
Barnes, a First Circuit case, the court held that a motion for a status conference
did not require a hearing, because the motion involves merely the simple
administrative act of setting a date. 159 F.3d at 12. Other circuits have held that
motions such as those seeking disclosure of extrinsic evidence and impeaching
information, United States v. Franklin, 148 F.3d 451, 455 (5th Cir. 1998) or pro
forma motions to compel discovery in a criminal case, United States v. Medina,
524 F.3d 974, 979 (9th Cir. 2008), do not require hearings. We are satisfied that
the motions in this case did not sink to this pro forma or administrative level.
Nor are we willing to credit Mr. Smiths oblique suggestion in his brief that
his motions to dismiss were so lacking in intrinsic merit as not to require a
hearing. See Aplt. Br. 25 (No hearing was required to dispose of these
motions.). If so, counsel for Mr. Smith should have withdrawn his motions, or
never made them, rather than wait for a hearing to have them resolved. Even if
the motions were weak on the meritsas counsel seemed to have conceded was
true of at least some of themthere was no abuse of discretion in the trial courts
decision to have a hearing on them. And because there was a hearing on them,
the time between the filing of the motions and the hearing was excludable under
the Speedy Trial Act. Perhaps a hearing on Mr. Smiths motions was not strictly


speaking necessary to resolve them, but we will not second-guess the trial courts
decision to hold one.
We pause to note one potentially worrisome implication of the
governments position. In Henderson, the Supreme Court held that for pretrial
motions that require a hearing, the phrase or other prompt disposition . . . does
not imply that only reasonably necessary delays may be excluded between the
time of filing of a motion and the conclusion of the hearing thereon. 476 U.S. at
32930. The wording implies that there is no such thing as an unreasonable
delay from the time a motion is filed and the date a hearing is held, and as a
result, no possible abuse of discretion by the trial court in waiting months, or
even years, to hold a hearing on a motion. The government thus argues that the
Speedy Trial Act permits district courts to schedule hearings on pretrial motions
as necessary, without regard to whether any delay is reasonable. Aple. Br. 10
(emphasis added). However, we need not reach this issue here, as the time of
delay from the filing of Mr. Smiths motions to the hearing seems to have been
III. Juror Questioning
During the course of the trial, the court asked witnesses questions that had
been submitted by the jury. At one point, the clerk informed the judge that a
juror had a question. The judge took the jurors written questions (there were
three), looked them over, and then read them to counsel as questions that [they]

may consider during the recess. Aplt. App. 13233. The court later asked the
questions directly to a witness, because they had not been asked by either
counsel. Id. at 13435. Mr. Smiths counsel objected. Id. at 135. At another
point, the court asked another juror-submitted question of a witness after both
sides had completed their questioning. Id. at 136. We review the trial courts
decision to allow juror questioning for abuse of discretion. United States v.
Ajmal, 67 F.3d 12, 14 (2d Cir. 1995).
In Ajmal, the district court allowed questioning by the jurors throughout
the trial as a matter of course. Id. at 13. The Ajmal court recognized that while
allowing jury questioning was within the trial courts discretion, the practice is
fraught with perils. Id. at 14 (quoting United States v. Sutton, 970 F.2d 1001,
1005 (1st Cir. 1992). One of those perils, the court explained, is that [w]hen
acting as inquisitors, jurors can find themselves removed from their appropriate
role as neutral fact-finders. Id. As evidence of this danger in the present case,
Mr. Smith points to an episode where, when a witness could not find a word, he
was prompted by a juror. Aple. App. 137 (witness was hemming and hawing
and looking for a word . . . and then the juror said something and then the witness
leaned forward, and she said it again.). After the juror interjected, Mr. Smiths
counsel requested a mistrial. Id. at 138.
While we are mindful that permitting jurors to be inquisitors presents some
dangers, we do not find those dangers realized in this case. In the first instance of

juror questioning, a juror submitted questions (saying she didnt know if they
were appropriate or not questions to ask), which the judge reviewed, and
concluded they were questions counsel could consider during recess. Aple. App.
132. The questions involved the different businesses Mr. Smith owned. When
the court asked them, the witness did not know the answer to two of the
questions. Id. at 13435. The second time the court asked a juror-submitted
questiona question about the mechanisms of an insurance policythe judge
followed the witnesss response with, All right. Does that engender any other
questions on behalf of either side? Aple. App. 136.
Both the questions and the manner the court dealt with them were benign.
Although juror-questioning has risks, their questions may serve to advance the
search for truth by alleviating uncertainties in the jurors minds, clearing up
confusion, or alerting the attorneys to points that bear further elaboration.
United States v. Sutton, 970 F.2d 1001, 1005 n.3 (1st Cir. 1992). These seem to
have been the purposes served here: the questions asked by the juror in both
instances were clarifying and factual (clearing up confusion). They were not
one-sided, hostile, or frivolous and they pointed to areas where the attorneys
might need to explain concepts further to the jurors. Moreover, in contrast to
Amjal, there were only two points during the trial where the jury asked questions;
the court did not allow or invite a steady stream of juror-participation, and the


jury did not take advantage of its opportunity to question witnesses. Cf. Amjal,
67 F.3d at 15.
Finally, we find that the one instance of spoken juror intervention
(supplying the missing phrase electronic filing to a witness) was innocuous.
There was no abuse of discretion.
IV. Conclusion
We AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.


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