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Configuring Network Address



The information in this chapter applies to both the ACE module and the ACE
appliance unless otherwise noted.
This chapter contains the following major sections which describe how to
configure NAT on the Cisco ACE Application Control Engine:

Network Address Translation Overview

Configuring an Idle Timeout for NAT

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

Configuring NAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Load Balancing

Configuring NAT for IPv4 to IPv6 Load Balancing

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

Clearing Xlates

NAT Configuration Examples

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview

Network Address Translation Overview

When a client attempts to access a server in a data center, the client incorporates
its IP address in the IP header when it connects to the server. An ACE placed
between the client and the server can either preserve the client IP address or
translate that IP address to a routable address in the server network, based on a
pool of reserved dynamic NAT addresses or a static NAT address mapping, and
pass the request on to the server.
This IP address translation process is called Network Address Translation (NAT)
or source NAT (SNAT). The ACE tracks all SNAT mappings to ensure that
response packets from the server are routed back to the client. If your application
requires that the client IP address be preserved for statistical or accounting
purposes, do not implement SNAT.
Destination NAT (DNAT) translates the IP address and port of an inside host so
that it appears with a publicly addressable destination IP address to the rest of the
world. Typically, you configure DNAT using static NAT and port redirection. You
can use port redirection to configure servers that host a service on a custom port
(for example, servers hosting HTTP on port 8080).
To provide security for a server, you can map the server private IP address to a
global routable IP address that a client can use to connect to the server. In this
case, the ACE translates the global IP address to the server private IP address
when sending data from the client to the server. Conversely, when a server
responds to a client, the ACE translates the local server IP address to a global IP
address for security reasons. This process is called DNAT.
You can also configure the ACE to translate TCP and UDP port numbers greater
than 1024, and ICMP identifiers. This process is known as Port Address
Translation (PAT). The ACE provides 64 K minus 1 K ports for each IP address
for PAT. Ports 0 through 1024 are reserved and cannot be used for PAT.
By default, the ACE performs implicit PAT for the FTP/RTSP/SIP data/media
channel if you enable Layer 7 load-balancing or inspection. This identifies the
real server from the server farm when the client sends data on the data/media
channel using VIP and ACE performs real server IP to VIP translation for the
data/media channel.


(ACE module only) Implicit PAT is also performed for the same
source/destination port and port redirection scenarios to ensure that the server
response returns to the same network processor.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview


(ACE module only) You can also disable implicit PAT and preserve the source
port when the source and destination ports are the same by using the hw-module
cde-same-port-hash in configuration mode. For details, see the Server
Load-Balancing Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
The ACE supports the translation of IPv6 host or VIP addresses to IPv4 server
addresses and the opposite for load balancing HTTP and HTTPS. This translation
allow you to provide IPv6 functionality while maintaining an IPv4-only or an
IPv6-only server farm or a server farm with a combination of the two protocols.
Some of the benefits of NAT are as follows:

You can use private addresses on your inside networks. Private addresses are
not routable on the Internet.

NAT hides the local addresses from other networks, so attackers cannot learn
the real address of a server in the data center.

You can resolve IP routing problems, such as overlapping addresses, when

you have two interfaces connected to overlapping subnets.

The ACE provides the following types of NAT and PAT:

Interface-based dynamic NAT

Interface-based dynamic PAT

Server farm-based dynamic NAT

Static NAT

Static port redirection

This section contains the following topics:

Dynamic NAT

Dynamic PAT

Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Static NAT

Static Port Redirection

IPv6 NAT Support

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview

Maximum Number of NAT Commands

Global Address Guidelines

Dynamic NAT
Dynamic NAT, which is typically used for SNAT, translates a group of local
source addresses to a pool of global source addresses that are routable on the
destination network. The global pool can include fewer addresses than the local
group. When a local host accesses the destination network, the ACE assigns an IP
address from the global pool to the host.
Because the translation times out after being idle for a user-configurable period
of time, a given user does not keep the same IP address. For this reason, users on
the destination network cannot reliably initiate a connection to a host that uses
dynamic NAT (even if the connection is allowed by an access control list [ACL]).
Not only can you not predict the global IP address of the host, but the ACE does
not create a translation unless the local host is the initiator. See the Configuring
Static NAT and Static Port Redirection section for details about reliable access
to hosts.


For the duration of the translation, a global host can initiate a connection to the
local host if an ACL allows it. Because the address is unpredictable, a connection
to the host is unlikely. However, in this case, you can rely on the security of the
Dynamic NAT has these disadvantages:

If the global address pool has fewer addresses than the local group, you could
run out of addresses if the amount of traffic is greater than expected.
Use dynamic PAT if this event occurs often, because dynamic PAT provides
over 64,000 translations using multiple ports of a single IP address.

If you need to use a large number of routable addresses in the global pool and
the destination network requires registered addresses (for example, the
Internet), you may encounter a shortage of usable addresses.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview


The ACE allows you to configure a virtual IP (VIP) address in the NAT pool for
dynamic NAT and PAT. This action is useful when you want to source NAT real
server originated connections (bound to the client) using the VIP address. This
feature is specifically useful when there are a limited number of real world IP
addresses on the client-side network. To perform PAT for different real servers
that are source-NATed to the same IP address (VIP), you must configure the pat
keyword in the nat-pool command.
The advantage of dynamic NAT is that some protocols cannot use dynamic PAT.
Dynamic PAT does not work with some applications that have a data stream on
one port and the control path on another, such as some multimedia applications.

Dynamic PAT
Dynamic PAT, which is also used for Source Network Address Translation
(SNAT), translates multiple local source addresses and ports to a single global IP
address and port that are routable on the destination network from a pool of IP
addresses and ports reserved for this purpose. The ACE translates the local
address and local port for multiple connections and/or hosts to a single global
address and a unique port starting with port numbers greater than 1024.
When a local host connects to the destination network on a given source port, the
ACE assigns a global IP address to it and a unique port number. Each host receives
the same IP address but, because the source port number is unique, the ACE sends
the return traffic, which includes the IP address and port number as the
destination, to the correct host.
The ACE supports over 64,000 ports for each unique local IP address. Because the
translation is specific to the local address and local port, each connection, which
generates a new source port, requires a separate translation. For example, requires a separate translation from
The translation is valid only for the duration of the connection, so a user does not
keep the same global IP address and port number. For this reason, users on the
destination network cannot reliably initiate a connection to a host that uses
dynamic PAT (even if the connection is allowed by an ACL). Not only can you not
predict the local or global port number of the host, but the ACE does not create a
translation unless the local host is the initiator. See the Configuring Static NAT
and Static Port Redirection section for details about reliable access to hosts.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview

Dynamic PAT allows you to use a single global address, which helps to conserve
routable addresses. Dynamic PAT does not work with some multimedia
applications that have a data stream on a port that is different from the control path

Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

In addition to the interface-level dynamic NAT, the ACE supports dynamic NAT
at the server farm level. Server farm-based dynamic NAT, which is also used for
SNAT, is useful in situations where you want to perform NAT on only the IP
addresses of the real servers in the primary and/or the backup server farm. Like
interface-based dynamic NAT, server farm-based dynamic NAT uses a pool of IP
addresses to translate a source address. Unlike interface-based NAT, server
farm-based NAT translates the primary server farm IP addresses, the backup
server farm IP addresses, or both.
Use this feature in the following cases:

The ACE is configured in one-arm mode, that is, there is only one VLAN
between the ACE and the Cisco Systems 6500 and 7600 Series Catalyst
MSFC that is used for both client and server traffic. Both the primary and
backup server farms are in the internal customer network (reachable from the
same VLAN or from different VLANs), the primary server farm is Layer
2-attached, and the backup server farm is several Layer 3 hops away. In this
case, perform NAT only for the backup server farm and never for the primary
server farm.

The ACE is configured in one-arm mode, the primary server farm is local, and
the backup server farm is remote and reachable from the public, external
network. In this case, use a private pool of IP addresses for SNAT of the
primary server farm and a public, externally routable set of IP addresses for
the backup server farm.

You want to perform source NAT based on a Layer 7 rule or the selected
server farm.

For details about configuring server farm-based dynamic NAT, see the
Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT section.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview

Static NAT
Static NAT, which is typically used for Destination NAT (DNAT), translates each
local address to a fixed global address. With dynamic NAT and PAT, each host
uses a different address or port after the translation times out. Because the global
address is the same for each consecutive connection with static NAT, and a
persistent translation rule exists, static NAT allows hosts on the global network to
initiate traffic to a local host (if there is an ACL that allows it).
The main differences between dynamic NAT and static NAT are as follows:

Static NAT uses a one-to-one correspondence between a local IP address and

a fixed global IP address, while dynamic NAT assigns a global IP address
from a pool of global addresses.

With static NAT, you need an equal number of global IP addresses and local
IP addresses. With dynamic NAT, you can have a pool of fewer global
addresses than local addresses.

Static Port Redirection

Static port redirection, also used for DNAT, performs the same function as static
NAT and additionally translates TCP or UDP ports or ICMP identifiers for the
local and global addresses. With static port redirection, you can use the same
global address in multiple static NAT statements, provided that, along with the
address, you use different port numbers.
For example, if you want to provide a single address for global users to access
FTP, HTTP, and SMTP, but there are different servers for each protocol on the
local network, you can specify static port redirection statements for each server
that use the same global IP address with different ports.

IPv6 NAT Support

As with IPv4 to IPv4 NAT, the ACE supports IPv6 to IPv6 NAT. The ACE also
supports the translation of IPv6 or IPv4 VIPs in packets from clients to IPv4 or
IPv6 server addresses for HTTP and HTTPS. This feature allows you to provide
IPv6 functionality while maintaining an IPv4-only or an IPv6-only server farm
infrastructure or a server farm with a combination of both protocols (mixed
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine


Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Network Address Translation Overview

This IPv6 implementation is useful for load balancing packets from an IPv6-only
network to a an IPv4-only server farm or an IPv4-only network to an IPv6-only
server farm. Be sure to configure the insertion of the X-Forwarded-For HTTP
header field with the source address to ensure that the servers of one protocol can
log the client addresses of the other protocol. For more information, see the
Configuring NAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Load Balancing section and the
Configuring NAT for IPv4 to IPv6 Load Balancing section.

Maximum Number of NAT Commands

The ACE supports the following maximum numbers of nat, nat-pool, and nat
static commands divided among all contexts:

nat command8192

nat-pool command8192

nat static command8192

Global Address Guidelines

When you translate the local address to a global address, you can use the
following global addresses:

Addresses on the same network as the global interfaceIf you use addresses
on the same network as the global interface (through which traffic exits the
ACE), the ACE uses proxy ARP to answer any requests for translated
addresses and thus intercepts traffic destined for a local address. This solution
simplifies routing, because the ACE does not need to be the gateway for any
additional networks. However, this approach does put a limit on the number
of available addresses used for translations.


You cannot use the IP address of the global interface for NAT or PAT.

Addresses on a unique networkIf you need more addresses than are

available on the global interface network, you can identify addresses on a
different subnet. The ACE uses proxy ARP to answer any requests for
translated addresses, so it intercepts traffic destined for a local address. You
need to add a static route on the upstream router that sends traffic destined for
the translated addresses on the ACE.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring an Idle Timeout for NAT

You cannot configure global IP address ranges across subnets. For example,
the following command is not allowed and will generate an Invalid IP address
error: nat-pool 2 netmask

For IPv4, you must configure a netmask when you configure a NAT pool. A
netmask of instructs the ACE to use all the IP addresses in
the range.

For IPv6, you must configure a prefix length when you configure a NAT pool.
For example, /64.

Configuring an Idle Timeout for NAT

You can configure an idle timeout for NAT by using the timeout xlate command
in configuration mode. The syntax of this command is as follows:
timeout xlate seconds
The seconds argument is an integer from 60 to 2147483. The default is 10800
seconds (3 hours). The seconds value determines how long the ACE waits to free
the Xlate slot after it becomes idle.
For example, to specify an idle timeout of 120 seconds (2 minutes), enter:
host1/Admin(config)# timeout xlate 120

To reset the NAT idle timeout to the default value of 10800 seconds, enter:
host1/Admin(config)# no timeout xlate 120

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

This section describes how to configure dynamic NAT and PAT on an ACE for
SNAT. For overview information about dynamic NAT and dynamic PAT, see the
Network Address Translation Overview section. This section contains the
following topics:

Dynamic NAT and PAT Configuration Quick Start

Configuring an ACL

Configuring Interfaces for Dynamic NAT and PAT

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

Creating a Global IP Address Pool for NAT

Configuring a Class Map

Configuring a Policy Map

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT as a Layer 3 and Layer 4 Policy-Map


Applying the Dynamic NAT and PAT Policy Map to an Interface Using a
Service Policy

Dynamic NAT and PAT Configuration Quick Start

Table 5-1 provides a quick overview of the steps required to configure dynamic
NAT and PAT. Each step includes the CLI command or a reference to the
procedure required to complete the task. For a complete description of each
feature and all the options associated with the CLI commands, see the sections
following Table 5-1.
Table 5-1

Dynamic NAT and PAT Configuration Quick Start

Task and Command Example


If you are operating in multiple contexts, observe the CLI prompt to verify
that you are operating in the desired context. If necessary, change to the
correct context.
host1/Admin# changeto C1

The rest of the examples in this table use the C1 user context, unless
otherwise specified. For details on creating contexts, see the Virtualization
Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.

Enter configuration mode.

host1/C1# config


Configure an ACL to allow traffic that requires NAT.

host1/C1(config)# access-list NAT_ACCESS extended permit tcp eq 80
host1/C1(config-acl)# exit

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

Table 5-1

Dynamic NAT and PAT Configuration Quick Start (continued)

Task and Command Example


Configure a local interface (client interface) to receive traffic that requires

NAT. If you are operating the ACE in one-arm mode, omit this step.
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1500
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# no shutdown
host1/C1(config-if)# exit


Configure a second interface (server interface) for the global IP address

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1500
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# no shutdown
host1/C1(config-if)# exit


Configure a class map and define a match statement for the ACL that you
configured in Step 3 for the client source address.
host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any NAT_CLASS
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match access-list NAT_ACCESS
host1/C1(config-cmap)# exit


Configure a policy map and associate the class map with the policy map.
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS


Configure dynamic NAT as a policy-map action.

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# nat dynamic 1 vlan 200
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# exit
host1/C1(config-pmap)# exit


Activate the policy on the client interface using a service policy. If you are
operating the ACE in one-arm mode, configure the service-policy
command on the interface specified in Step 10.
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-if)# ctrl-z

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

Table 5-1

Dynamic NAT and PAT Configuration Quick Start (continued)

Task and Command Example

10. Configure the IPv6 or IPv4 NAT pool on the server interface of the ACE. To

configure dynamic PAT, include the pat keyword in the nat-pool command.
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::10 2001:DB8:1::41 pat
host1/C1(config-if)# Ctrl-Z
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat
host1/C1(config-if)# Ctrl-Z

11. (Optional) Save your configuration changes to flash memory.

host1/Admin# copy running-config startup-config

12. Display and verify your dynamic NAT and PAT configuration.
host1/C1# show running-config class-map
host1/C1# show running-config policy-map
host1/C1# show running-config service-policy

Configuring an ACL
You can use a security access control list (ACL) to permit the traffic that requires
NAT. For details about configuring an ACL, see Chapter 1, Configuring Security
Access Control Lists.
IPv6 Syntax and Examples

To configure an ACL for dynamic NAT, use the access-list command in

configuration mode. The syntax of this command is as follows:
access-list name [line number] extended {deny | permit}
{protocol} {anyv6 | host src_ipv6_address |
src_ipv6_address/prefix_length} [operator port1 [port2]] {anyv6 | host
dest_ipv6_address | dest_ipv6_address/prefix_length} [operator port3
For example, enter:
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

host1/C1(config)# host1/Admin(config)# access-list NAT_ACCESS line 10

extended permit tcp 2001:DB8:1::/64 2001:DB8:2::/64 eq 80

To delete the ACL from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no access-list NAT_ACCESS

IPv4 Syntax and Examples

To configure an ACL for dynamic NAT, use the access-list command in

configuration mode. The syntax of this command is as follows:
access-list name [line number] extended {deny | permit}
{protocol} {src_ip_address netmask | any | host src_ip_address}
[operator port1 [port2]] {dest_ip_address netmask | any | host
dest_ip_address} [operator port3 [port4]]
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# access-list NAT_ACCESS extended permit tcp eq 80

To delete the ACL from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no access-list NAT_ACCESS

Configuring Interfaces for Dynamic NAT and PAT

Configure an interface for clients and an interface for the real servers. If you are
operating the ACE in one-arm mode, do not configure an interface for clients. For
details, see the Routing and Bridging Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control

Creating a Global IP Address Pool for NAT

Dynamic NAT uses a pool of global IP addresses that you specify. You can define
either a single global IP address for a group of servers with PAT to differentiate
between them, or a range of global IP addresses when using dynamic NAT only.
To use a single IP address or a range of addresses, you assign an identifier to the
address pool. You configure the NAT pool on the server VLAN interface.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT


If a packet egresses an interface that you have not configured for NAT, the ACE
transmits the packet untranslated.
To create a pool of IP addresses for dynamic NAT, use the nat-pool command in
interface configuration mode.
IPv6 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

nat-pool pool_id {ipv6_address1[/prefix_length]} | {ipv6_address1
ipv6_address2} [pat]
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:

pool_idIdentifier of the NAT pool of global IP addresses. Enter an integer

from 1 to 2147483647.


If you configure more than one NAT pool with the same ID, the ACE
uses the last-configured NAT pool first, and then the other NAT pools.

ipv6_address1/prefix_lengthSingle IPv6 address and optional prefix

length, or if you are also using the ipv6_address2 argument, the first IPv6
address in a range of global addresses used for NAT.

ipv6_address2(Optional) Highest IPv6 address in a range of global IPv6

addresses used for NAT. You can configure a maximum of 64 K addresses in
a NAT pool.
If you specify PAT, you can configure a maximum of 32 IP addresses in a NAT
pool range. You cannot configure an IP address range across subnets. For
example, the following command is not allowed and will generate an Invalid
IP address error: nat-pool 2 2001:DB8:1::1 2001:DB8:2::21.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT


The ACE allows you to configure a virtual IP (VIP) address in the

NAT pool for dynamic NAT and PAT. This action is useful when you
want to source NAT real server originated connections (bound to the
client) using the VIP address. This feature is specifically useful when
there are a limited number of real world IP addresses on the
client-side network. To perform PAT for different real servers that are
source-NATed to the same IP address (VIP), you must configure the
pat keyword in the nat-pool command.

pat(Optional) Specifies that the ACE perform Port Address Translation

(PAT) in addition to NAT.

If the ACE runs out of IP addresses in a NAT pool, it can switch over to a PAT
rule, if configured. For example, you can configure the following:
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::10/64 2001:DB8:1::99/64
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::100/64
2001:DB8:1::100/64 pat

If your network configuration has the following conditions, you should configure
multiple PAT pools with a single IP address in each pool:

Traffic coming from the same source IP address

Source ports varying from 1 to 64000

The same destination port going to different destination addresses

All ports in one PAT pool are used

So instead of configuring:
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::3 2001:DB8:1::5 pat

host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::3/64 pat
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::4/64 pat
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::5/64 pat

To configure a NAT pool consisting of a range of 32 (the maximum number of IP

addresses per PAT pool) global IP addresses with PAT, enter:
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::A/64 2001:DB8:1::29/64 pat

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT


Before you can remove a NAT pool from an interface, you must remove the
service policy and the policy map associated with the NAT pool.
To remove a NAT pool from the configuration, enter:
host1/C1(config-if)# no nat-pool 1

IPv4 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

nat-pool pool_id ip_address1 [ip_address2] netmask mask [pat]
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:

pool_idIdentifier of the NAT pool of global IP addresses. Enter an integer

from 1 to 2147483647.


If you configure more than one NAT pool with the same ID, the ACE
uses the last-configured NAT pool first, and then the other NAT pools.

ip_address1Single IP address, or if also using the ip_address2 argument,

the first IP address in a range of global addresses used for NAT. Enter an IP
address in dotted-decimal notation (for example,

ip_address2(Optional) Highest IP address in a range of global IP addresses

used for NAT. Enter an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example, You can configure a maximum of 64 K addresses in a NAT
If you specify PAT, you can configure a maximum of 32 IP addresses in a NAT
pool range. You cannot configure an IP address range across subnets. For
example, the following command is not allowed and will generate an Invalid
IP address error: nat-pool 2 netmask

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT


The ACE allows you to configure a virtual IP (VIP) address in the

NAT pool for dynamic NAT and PAT. This action is useful when you
want to source NAT real server originated connections (bound to the
client) using the VIP address. This feature is specifically useful when
there are a limited number of real world IP addresses on the
client-side network. To perform PAT for different real servers that are
source-NATed to the same IP address (VIP), you must configure the
pat keyword in the nat-pool command.

netmask maskSpecifies the subnet mask for the IP address pool. Enter a
mask in dotted-decimal notation (for example, A network
mask of instructs the ACE to use all the IP addresses in the
specified range.

pat(Optional) Specifies that the ACE perform Port Address Translation

(PAT) in addition to NAT.

If the ACE runs out of IP addresses in a NAT pool, it can switch over to a PAT
rule, if configured. For example, you can configure the following:
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat

If your network configuration has the following conditions, you should configure
multiple PAT pools with a single IP address in each pool:

Traffic coming from the same source IP address

Source ports varying from 1 to 64000

The same destination port going to different destination addresses

All ports in one PAT pool are used

So instead of configuring:
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat

host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat

To configure a NAT pool consisting of a range of 32 (the maximum number of IP

addresses per PAT pool) global IP addresses with PAT, enter:
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask pat


Before you can remove a NAT pool from an interface, you must remove the
service policy and the policy map associated with the NAT pool.
To remove a NAT pool from the configuration, enter:
host1/C1(config-if)# no nat-pool 1

Configuring a Class Map

You can configure a traffic class for dynamic NAT and PAT by using the
class-map command in configuration mode. For more information about class
maps, see the Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
class-map match-any name
The name argument is a unique identifier for the class map, specified as an
unquoted text string with a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any NAT_CLASS

To remove a class-map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no class-map match-any NAT_CLASS

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

Enter match criteria for the ACL or the client source address using the match
command in class-map configuration mode. For example, to set the match criteria
to an existing ACL, enter the following command:
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match access-list NAT_ACCESS

For IPv6, enter:
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match source-address 2001:DB8:1::10/64

For IPv4, enter:

host1/C1(config-cmap)# match source-address

To remove a match statement from a class map, enter:

host1/C1(config-cmap)# no match access-list NAT_ACCESS

Configuring a Class Map for Passive FTP

If you are using passive FTP with source NAT, you must configure an additional
class map to source NAT the passive data connection. You then associate this class
map with the Layer 4 multimatch policy and configure the nat dynamic command
as an action in the policy map under this class map. To configure a class map for
passive FTP, enter the commands in the following examples.
For IPv6, enter:
host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any FTP_NAT_CLASS
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match virtual address 2001:DB8:1::10 any

For Ipv4, enter:

host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any FTP_NAT_CLASS
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match virtual address any

Configuring a Policy Map

You can configure a traffic policy for dynamic NAT and PAT by using the
policy-map command in configuration mode. For more information about policy
maps, see the Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine


Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

The syntax of this command is as follows:

policy-map multi-match name
The name argument is the name assigned to the policy map. Enter an unquoted
text string with no spaces and a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

To remove a policy map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

Associate the previously created class map with the policy map. For example,
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS

To dissociate a class map from a policy map, enter:

host1/C1(config-pmap)# no class NAT_CLASS

Configure policy-map actions as required. For example, configure:

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# loadbalance policy L7_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# loadbalance vip inservice


The loadbalance vip inservice command is not valid with a match access-list or
a match source-address class map.
For passive FTP, associate the FTP_NAT_CLASS class map (see the Configuring
a Class Map for Passive FTP section) with the Layer 4 policy map. For example,
enter the following commands in policy map configuration mode:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class FTP_NAT_CLASS

If you are using passive FTP, proceed with the following section and configure the
nat dynamic command as a policy action under the FTP class map. Otherwise,
configure the nat dynamic command as a policy action under the NAT_CLASS
class map.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT as a Layer 3 and Layer 4

Policy-Map Action
You can configure dynamic NAT and PAT (SNAT) as an action in a Layer 3 and
Layer 4 policy map by using the nat dynamic command in policy-map class
configuration mode. The ACE applies dynamic NAT from the interface to which
the traffic policy is attached (through the service-policy interface configuration
command) to the interface specified in the nat command. If you are operating in
one-arm mode, there is only one VLAN interface.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
nat dynamic pool_id vlan number
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:


dynamic pool_idRefers to the identifier of a global pool of IP addresses

that was configured using the nat-pool command on the specified VLAN (see
the Creating a Global IP Address Pool for NAT section). Dynamic NAT
translates a group of local source IP addresses to a pool of global IP addresses
that are routable on the destination network. All packets egressing the
interface attached to the traffic policy have their source address translated to
one of the available addresses in the global pool. Enter an integer from 1 to

vlan numberSpecifies the server interface for the global IP address. This
interface must be different from the interface that the ACE uses to filter and
receive traffic that requires NAT, unless the network design operates in
one-arm mode. In that case, the VLAN number is the same.

If a packet egresses an interface that you have not configured for NAT, the ACE
transmits the packet untranslated.
The following example specifies the nat command as an action for a dynamic
NAT Layer 3 and Layer 4 policy map:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-action NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# nat dynamic 1 vlan 200

To remove a dynamic NAT action from a policy map, enter:

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Dynamic NAT and PAT

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# no nat dynamic 1 vlan 200

Applying the Dynamic NAT and PAT Policy Map to an Interface

Using a Service Policy
Activate the dynamic NAT and PAT policy map and associate it with an interface
by using the service-policy command in interface configuration mode. For details
about the service-policy command, see the Administration Guide, Cisco ACE
Application Control Engine.


You can configure dynamic NAT as an input service policy only, not as an output
service policy. You cannot apply the same NAT policy both locally and globally.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
service-policy input policy_name
The keywords and arguments are as follows:

inputSpecifies that the traffic policy is to be attached to the input direction

of a VLAN interface. The traffic policy evaluates all traffic received by that

policy_nameName of a previously defined policy map. The name can have

a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

IPv6 Example

To apply a service policy to a specific interface for IPv6, enter:

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1700
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address 2001:DB8:1::2/64
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To apply a service policy globally to all interfaces in a context, enter:

host1/C1(config)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To remove a service policy from an interface, enter:

host1/C1(config-if)# no service-policy input NAT_POLICY

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring NAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Load Balancing

To remove a service policy globally from all interfaces in a context, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no service-policy input NAT_POLICY

IPv4 Example

To apply a service policy to a specific interface for IPv6, enter:

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1700
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To apply a service policy globally to all interfaces in a context, enter:

host1/C1(config)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To remove a service policy from an interface, enter:

host1/C1(config-if)# no service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To remove a service policy globally from all interfaces in a context, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no service-policy input NAT_POLICY


When you detach a traffic policy either individually from the last VLAN interface
on which you applied the service policy or globally from all VLAN interfaces in
the same context, the ACE automatically resets the associated service-policy
statistics. The ACE performs this action to provide a new starting point for the
service-policy statistics the next time that you attach a traffic policy to a specific
VLAN interface or globally to all VLAN interfaces in the same context.

Configuring NAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Load Balancing

You can configure the ACE to act as a proxy and translate VIP addresses in
packets from clients in an IPv6 network to IPv4 real server addresses. This
configuration allows you to implement IPv6 in your network while maintaining
your current IPv4 real servers. When a client sends an IPv6 packet to an ACE IPv6
VIP, the ACE translates the VIP address to a server IPv4 private address and sends
the packet to the server. In the absence of a specific configuration, the IPv6
address of the client would be lost and the IPv4 server would not be able to log
the client IPv6 address. To ensure that the IPv4 server can log the client IPv6
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine


Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring NAT for IPv6 to IPv4 Load Balancing

address, you must configure the X-Forwarded-For: HTTP header on the ACE. For
example, the following configuration shows how to implement NAT IPv6 to IPv4
load balancing:
access-list ALL line 8 extended permit ip any any
access-list V6-ANY line 8 extended permit ip anyv6 anyv6
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address


serverfarm host sf1

rserver rs1
rserver rs2
2 match
2 match
2 match
3 match
4 match
5 match
6 match
8 match

match-any L4_V6_HTTP-1
virtual-address 2001:2001:2001:2001::2011/64 tcp eq www
type management match-all V6-MGMT
protocol icmpv6 anyv6
type management match-any MANAGEMENT
protocol ssh any
protocol https any
protocol icmp any
protocol http any
protocol telnet any
protocol snmp any

policy-map type management first-match MGMT

class management
class V6-MGMT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match L4_HTTP
class class-default
serverfarm sf1
insert-http x-forward-for header-value "%is"
policy-map multi-match V6_Policy1
class L4_V6_HTTP-1
loadbalance vip inservice
loadbalance policy L4_V6_HTTP
loadbalance vip icmp-reply

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring NAT for IPv4 to IPv6 Load Balancing

nat dynamic 1 vlan 3001

interface vlan 2001
ipv6 enable
ip address 2001:DB8:1::2002/96
access-group input all
access-group input v6-any
service-policy input V6_Policy1
service-policy input MGMT
no shutdown
interface vlan 3001
ip address
nat-pool 1 netmask pat
no shutdown

Configuring NAT for IPv4 to IPv6 Load Balancing

You can configure the ACE to act as a proxy and translate VIP addresses in
packets from clients in an IPv4 network to IPv6 real server addresses. This
configuration allows you to implement IPv6 in your network and connect to IPv4
networks. When a client sends an IPv4 packet to an ACE IPv4 VIP, the ACE
translates the VIP address to a server IPv6 unique local address and sends the
packet to the server. In the absence of a specific configuration, the IPv4 address
of the client would be lost and the IPv6 server would not be able to log the client
address. To ensure that the IPv6 server can log the client IPv4 address, you must
configure the X-Forwarded-For: HTTP header on the ACE. For example, the
following configuration shows how to implement NAT for IPv4 to IPv6 load
balancing. The NAT-specific commands are shown in bold.
access-list all line 8 extended permit ip any any
access-list v6-any line 8 extended permit ip anyv6 anyv6
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address


serverfarm host v6_sf1

rserver v6_rs1

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring NAT for IPv4 to IPv6 Load Balancing

rserver v6_rs2
2 match
2 match
3 match
4 match
5 match
6 match
8 match

match-any L4_HTTP-1
virtual-address tcp eq www
type management match-any management
protocol ssh any
protocol https any
protocol icmp any
protocol http any
protocol telnet any
protocol snmp any

policy-map type management first-match MGMT

class management
policy-map type loadbalance first-match L4_HTTP
class class-default
serverfarm v6_sf1
insert-http x-forward-for header-value "%is"
policy-map multi-match Policy1
class L4_HTTP-1
loadbalance vip inservice
loadbalance policy L4_HTTP
loadbalance vip icmp-reply
nat dynamic 1 vlan 3001
interface vlan 2001
ipv6 enable
ip address
access-group input all
access-group input v6-any
service-policy input Policy1
service-policy input MGMT
no shutdown
interface vlan 3001
ip address 2001:DB8:1::/64
nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::100 2001:DB8:2::110 pat
no shutdown

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

This section describes how to configure server farm-based dynamic NAT on an
ACE for SNAT. For overview information about server farm-based dynamic NAT,
see the Network Address Translation Overview section. This section contains
the following topics:

Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT Configuration Quick Start

Configuring an ACL for Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Configuring Interfaces for Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Creating a Global IP Address Pool for Dynamic NAT

Configuring Real Servers and a Server Farm

Configuring a Layer 7 Load-Balancing Class Map for Server Farm-Based

Dynamic NAT

Configuring a Layer 7 Load-Balancing Policy Map for Server Farm-Based

Dynamic NAT

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT as a Layer 7 Policy Action

Configuring a Layer 3 and Layer 4 Class Map for Server Farm-Based

Dynamic NAT

Configuring a Layer 3 and Layer 4 Policy Map for Server Farm-Based

Dynamic NAT

Applying the Layer 3 and Layer 4 Policy Map to an Interface Using a Service

Configuring a Mixed Mode (IPv6 and IPv4) Server Farm

Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT Configuration Quick Start

Table 5-2 provides a quick overview of the steps required to configure server
farm-based dynamic NAT. Each step includes the CLI command or a reference to
the procedure required to complete the task. For a complete description of each
feature and all the options associated with the CLI commands, see the sections
following Table 5-2.

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Table 5-2

Sever Farm-Based Dynamic NAT Configuration Quick


Task and Command Example


If you are operating in multiple contexts, observe the CLI prompt to verify
that you are operating in the desired context. If necessary, change to the
correct context.
host1/Admin# changeto C1

The rest of the examples in this table use the C1 user context, unless
otherwise specified. For details on creating contexts, see the Virtualization
Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.

Enter configuration mode.

host1/C1# config


Configure an IPv6 or an IPv4 ACL to allow traffic that requires NAT.

host1/C1(config)# access-list ACL1 line 10 extended permit tcp
2001:DB8:1::/64 eq 8080 anyv6
host1/C1(config)# access-list ACL1 line 10 extended permit tcp eq 8080 any
host1/C1(config-acl)# exit

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Table 5-2

Sever Farm-Based Dynamic NAT Configuration Quick

Start (continued)

Task and Command Example


Configure real servers with an IPv4 or an IPv6 address and a server farm for
load balancing. The nat dynamic command in Step 9 references this server
host1/C1(config)# rserver SERVER1
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# ip address 2001:DB8:2::201/64
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# ip address
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# inservice
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# exit
host1/C1(config)# rserver SERVER2
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# ip address 2001:DB8:2::202/64
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# ip address
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# inservice
host1/C1(config-rserver-host)# exit
host1/C1(config)# serverfarm SF1
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host)# rserver SERVER1 3000
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host-rs)# inservice
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host-rs)# exit
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host)# rserver SERVER2 3001
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host-rs)# inservice
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host-rs)# exit
host1/C1(config-sfarm-host)# exit


Configure a local interface (client VLAN) to filter and receive client traffic.
If you are operating the ACE in one-arm mode, omit this step.
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1500
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address 2001:DB8:3::100/64
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# no shutdown
host1/C1(config-if)# exit

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Table 5-2

Sever Farm-Based Dynamic NAT Configuration Quick

Start (continued)

Task and Command Example


Configure a second interface (server VLAN) for the NAT pool.

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1500
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address 2001:DB8:2::200/64
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# no shutdown
host1/C1(config-if)# exit


Configure a Layer 7 load-balancing class map and define match criteria.

host1/C1(config)# class-map type http loadbalance match-any
host1/C1(config-cmap-http-lb)# match http content .*


Configure a Layer 7 load-balancing policy map and associate the class map
with the policy map.
host1/C1(config)# policy-map type loadbalance http first-match
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb)# class L7_CLASS


Configure server farm-based dynamic NAT as a policy-map action in the

Layer 7 load-balancing policy. You can configure multiple instances of this
command for each primary and backup server farm and each outgoing
server VLAN.
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb-c)# nat dynamic 1 vlan 200 serverfarm
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb-c)# exit
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb)# exit

10. Configure a Layer 3 and Layer 4 class map and define match criteria.
host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any SLB_CLASS
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match virtual-address 2001:DB8:2::/64 tcp
eq http
host1/C1(config-cmap)# exit

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Table 5-2

Sever Farm-Based Dynamic NAT Configuration Quick

Start (continued)

Task and Command Example

11. Configure a Layer 3 and Layer 4 policy map and associate the class map

with the policy map.

host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match SLB_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class SLB_CLASS

12. Configure Layer 3 and Layer 4 policy map actions.

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# loadbalance policy L7_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# loadbalance vip inservice
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# exit
host1/C1(config-pmap)# exit

13. Activate the policy on the client interface using a service policy. If you are

operating the ACE in one-arm mode, configure the service-policy

command on the interface specified in Step 14.
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input SLB_POLICY
host1/C1(config-if)# exit

14. Configure the NAT pool on the server interface.

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:2::A 2001:DB8:2::29/64
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1
host1/C1(config-if)# Ctrl-Z

15. (Optional) Save your configuration changes to flash memory.

host1/Admin# copy running-config startup-config

16. Display and verify your server farm-based dynamic NAT configuration.
host1/C1# show running-config class-map
host1/C1# show running-config policy-map
host1/C1# show running-config service-policy

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Configuring an ACL for Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Use an access control list (ACL) to permit the traffic that requires NAT. See the
Configuring an ACL section. For details about configuring an ACL, see
Chapter 1, Configuring Security Access Control Lists.

Configuring Interfaces for Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Configure an interface for clients and an interface for the real servers. If you are
operating the ACE in one-arm mode, omit the client interface. For details about
configuring interfaces, see the Routing and Bridging Guide, Cisco ACE
Application Control Engine.

Creating a Global IP Address Pool for Dynamic NAT

Dynamic NAT uses a pool of global IP addresses that you specify. You can define
a range of global IP addresses when using dynamic NAT. To use a range of
addresses, you assign an identifier to the address pool. You then associate the NAT
pool with the server VLAN interface.


If a packet egresses an interface that you have not configured for NAT, the ACE
transmits the packet untranslated.
To create a pool of IPv6 addresses for dynamic NAT, use the nat-pool command
in interface configuration mode.


If you plan to apply both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses under the same NAT pool
because your configuration includes a mixed mode server farm (a mixture of IPv6
and IPv4 servers), also refer to the Configuring a Mixed Mode (IPv6 and IPv4)
Server Farm section for additional configuration information.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

IPv6 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

nat-pool pool_id ipv6_address1[/prefix_length]
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:

pool_idIdentifier of the NAT pool of global IPv6 addresses. Enter an

integer from 1 to 2147483647.


If you configure more than one NAT pool with the same ID, the ACE
uses the last-configured NAT pool first, and then the other NAT pools.

ipv6_address1[/prefix_length]Single IPv6 address, or if also using the

ip_address2 argument, the first IP address in a range of global addresses used
for NAT.

ipv6_address2[/prefix_length]Highest IPv6 address in a range of global

IPv6 addresses used for NAT. You can configure a maximum of 64 K
addresses in a NAT pool.
You cannot configure an IPv6 address range across subnets. For example, the
following command is not allowed and will generate an Invalid IP address
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 2 2001:DB8:1::/64


The ACE allows you to configure a virtual IP (VIP) address in the

NAT pool for dynamic NAT. This action is useful when you want to
source NAT real server originated connections (bound to the client)
using the VIP address. This feature is specifically useful when there
are a limited number of real world IPv6 addresses on the client-side

To configure a NAT pool consisting of a range of 32 global IP addresses, enter:

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 2001:DB8:1::10/64 2001:DB8:1::41/64

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT


Before you can remove a NAT pool from an interface, you must remove the
service policy and the policy map associated with the NAT pool.
To remove a NAT pool from the configuration, enter:
host1/C1(config-if)# no nat-pool 1

IPv4 Syntax and Examples

To create a pool of IP addresses for dynamic NAT, use the nat-pool command in
interface configuration mode. The syntax of this command is as follows:
nat-pool pool_id ip_address1 ip_address2 netmask mask
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:

pool_idIdentifier of the NAT pool of global IP addresses. Enter an integer

from 1 to 2147483647.


If you configure more than one NAT pool with the same ID, the ACE
uses the last-configured NAT pool first, and then the other NAT pools.

ip_address1Single IP address and prefix length, or if also using the

ip_address2 argument, the first IP address in a range of global addresses used
for NAT. Enter an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example,

ip_address2Highest IP address and prefix length in a range of global IP

addresses used for NAT. Enter an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for
example, You can configure a maximum of 64 K addresses in
a NAT pool.
You cannot configure an IP address range across subnets. For example, the
following command is not allowed and will generate an Invalid IP address
host1/Admin(config-if)# nat-pool 2 netmask

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT


The ACE allows you to configure a virtual IP (VIP) address in the

NAT pool for dynamic NAT. This action is useful when you want to
source NAT real server originated connections (bound to the client)
using the VIP address. This feature is specifically useful when there
are a limited number of real world IP addresses on the client-side

netmask maskSpecifies the subnet mask for the IP address pool. Enter a
mask in dotted-decimal notation (for example, A network
mask of instructs the ACE to use all the IP addresses in the
specified range.

To configure a NAT pool consisting of a range of 32 global IP addresses, enter:

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 200
host1/C1(config-if)# nat-pool 1 netmask


Before you can remove a NAT pool from an interface, you must remove the
service policy and the policy map associated with the NAT pool.
To remove a NAT pool from the configuration, enter:
host1/C1(config-if)# no nat-pool 1

Configuring Real Servers and a Server Farm

For details about configuring real servers and server farms, see the Server
Load-Balancing Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Configuring a Layer 7 Load-Balancing Class Map for Server

Farm-Based Dynamic NAT
Configure a Layer 7 traffic class for server farm-based dynamic NAT by using the
class-map command in configuration mode. The syntax of this command is as
class-map type http loadbalance match-any name
The name argument is a unique identifier for the class map, specified as an
unquoted text string with a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# class-map type http loadbalance match-any L7_CLASS

To remove a class-map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no class-map type http loadbalance match-any

Enter match criteria as required using the match command in class-map load
balancing configuration mode. For example, enter:
host1/C1(config-cmap-http-lb)# match http content .*

To remove a match statement from a class map, enter:

host1/C1(config-cmap-http-lb)# no match http content .*

Configuring a Layer 7 Load-Balancing Policy Map for Server

Farm-Based Dynamic NAT
Configure a Layer 7 load-balancing policy map by using the policy-map
command in configuration mode. The syntax of this command is:
policy-map type loadbalance http first-match name
The name argument is a unique identifier for the policy map, specified as an
unquoted text string with a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

host1/C1(config)# policy-map type loadbalance http first-match


To remove a policy map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

To associate the previously created class map with the policy map. For example,
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb)# class L7_CLASS

To disassociate a class map from a policy map, enter:

host1/C1(config-pmap-lb)# no class L7_CLASS

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT as a Layer 7 Policy

Configure server farm-based dynamic NAT as an action in a Layer 7
load-balancing policy map by using the nat command in policy-map
load-balancing class configuration mode. Typically, you use dynamic NAT for
SNAT. Dynamic NAT allows you to identify local traffic for address translation
by specifying the source and destination addresses in an extended ACL, which is
referenced as part of the class map traffic classification. The ACE applies
dynamic NAT from the interface to which the traffic policy is attached (through
the service-policy interface configuration command) to the interface specified in
the nat dynamic command.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
nat dynamic pool_id vlan number serverfarm {primary | backup}
The keywords and arguments are as follows:

pool_idIdentifier of the NAT pool of global IP addresses. Enter an integer

from 1 to 2147483647.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT



If you configure more than one NAT pool with the same ID, the ACE
uses the last-configured NAT pool first, and then the other NAT pools.

vlan numberSpecifies the server interface for the global IP address. This
interface must be different from the interface that the ACE uses to filter and
receive traffic that requires NAT, unless the network design operates in
one-arm mode. In that case, the VLAN number is the same.

serverfarmSpecifies server farm-based dynamic NAT.

primary | backupSpecifies that the dynamic NAT applies to either the

primary server farm or the backup server farm.

If a packet egresses an interface that you have not configured for NAT, the ACE
transmits the packet untranslated.
The following SNAT server farm-based dynamic NAT example specifies the nat
command as an action for a Layer 7 policy map:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map type loadbalance http first-match
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb)# class L7_CLASS
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb-c)# nat dynamic serverfarm primary 1 vlan 200

To remove a server farm-based dynamic NAT action from a policy map, enter:
host1/C1(config-pmap-lb-c) no nat dynamic serverfarm primary 1
vlan 200

Configuring a Layer 3 and Layer 4 Class Map for Server

Farm-Based Dynamic NAT
Configure a Layer 3 and Layer 4 traffic class for server farm-based dynamic NAT
by using the class-map command in configuration mode. For more information
about class maps, see the Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control
The syntax of this command is as follows:

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

class-map match-any name

The name argument is a unique identifier for the class map, specified as an
unquoted text string with a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any NAT_CLASS

To remove a class map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no class-map match-any NAT_CLASS

Enter match criteria as required using the match command in class-map

configuration mode. For example, enter:
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match access-list NAT_ACCESS

For IPv6, enter:
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match source-address 2001:DB8:1::10/64

For IPv4, enter:

host1/C1(config-cmap)# match source-address

To remove a match statement from a class map, enter:

host1/C1(config-cmap)# no match access-list NAT_ACCESS

Configuring a Layer 3 and Layer 4 Policy Map for Server

Farm-Based Dynamic NAT
Configure a Layer 3 and Layer 4 traffic policy for NAT by using the policy-map
command in configuration mode. For more information about policy maps, see the
Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
policy-map multi-match name

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

The name argument is the name assigned to the policy map. Enter an unquoted
text string with no spaces and a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

To remove a policy map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

To associate the previously created class map with the policy map. For example,
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS

To dissociate a class map from a policy map, enter:

host1/C1(config-pmap)# no class NAT_CLASS

Configure policy-map actions as required. For example, configure:

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# loadbalance policy L7_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# loadbalance VIP inservice

Applying the Layer 3 and Layer 4 Policy Map to an Interface Using

a Service Policy
You can activate the server farm-based dynamic NAT policy and assign it to an
interface by using the service-policy command in interface configuration mode.
For details about the service-policy command, see the Administration Guide,
Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.


You can configure dynamic NAT as an input service policy only, not as an output
service policy. You cannot apply the same NAT policy both locally and globally.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
service-policy input policy_name
The keywords and arguments are as follows:

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

inputSpecifies that the traffic policy is to be attached to the input direction

of a VLAN interface. The traffic policy evaluates all traffic received by that

policy_nameName of a previously defined policy map. The name can have

a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

For example, enter:

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1700
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To remove a service policy from an interface, enter:

host1/C1(config-if)# no service-policy input NAT_POLICY


When you remove a traffic policy from the last VLAN interface on which you
applied the service policy, the ACE automatically resets the associated
service-policy statistics. The ACE performs this action to provide a new starting
point for the service-policy statistics the next time that you attach a traffic policy
to a specific VLAN interface.

Configuring a Mixed Mode (IPv6 and IPv4) Server Farm

To configure a combination of IPv6 and IPv4 servers in a server farm (mixed
mode), keep the following considerations in mind:

If using an IPv4 VIP and you associate a mixed mode server farm with this
VIP under a load-balancing policy map, create a NAT pool that converts IPv4
addresses to IPv6 addresses in case the ACE selects the IPv6 real server as
part of the load-balancing process (see Creating a Global IP Address Pool
for Dynamic NAT).

For packets being sent to IPv4 real servers, you may want to optionally apply
a NAT policy. In this case:
a. Create an IPv4 NAT pool.
b. Configure both the IPv4 and IPv6 NAT pools under the interface that is

associated with the NAT pool identifier.

c. Configure this NAT pool identifier under the Layer 7 policy map.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT

Included below is a sample configuration for a mixed mode server farm. It builds
on the procedures outlined in this section to configure server farm-based dynamic
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address
rserver host
ip address


serverfarm host v4v6

rserver v6
rserver v6_1
rserver v6_2
rserver v4
rserver v4_1
rserver v4_2
class-map match-any vip
2 match virtual-address any
policy-map type loadbalance http first-match l7
class cmap
serverfarm v4v6
policy-map multi-match slb

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

class vip
nat dynamic

vip inservice
policy l7
vip icmp-reply
1 vlan 407

interface vlan 406

description "client interface"
ipv6 enable
ip address 2001:500:406::11/64
ip address
service-policy input slb
no shutdown
interface vlan 407
description "server side interface"
ipv6 enable
ip address 2001:500:407::11/64
ipv6 nd prefix 2111::/64 at 5 January 2013 10:10 31 January 2012
ip address
nat-pool 1 2001:500:407::abb 2001:500:407::acc/128
nat-pool 1 netmask
no shutdown

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

This section describes how to configure static NAT and static port redirection on
an ACE for DNAT. For overview information about static NAT and static port
redirection, see the Network Address Translation Overview section. This
section contains the following topics:

Static NAT Configuration Quick Start

Configuring an ACL for Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Configuring a Class Map

Configuring a Policy Map

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection as a Policy Action

Applying the Static NAT and Static Port Redirection Policy Map to an
Interface Using a Service Policy

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Static NAT Configuration Quick Start

Table 5-3 provides a quick overview of the steps required to configure static NAT
and static port redirection. Each step includes the CLI command or a reference to
the procedure required to complete the task. For a complete description of each
feature and all the options associated with the CLI commands, see the sections
following Table 5-3.


The ACE supports static NAT only for IPv6 to IPv6 and IPv4 to IPv4 translations.
Mixed mode is not supported.
Table 5-3

Static NAT Configuration Quick Start

Task and Command Example


If you are operating in multiple contexts, observe the CLI prompt to verify
that you are operating in the desired context. If necessary, change to the
correct context.
host1/Admin# changeto C1

The rest of the examples in this table use the C1 user context, unless
otherwise specified. For details on creating contexts, see the Virtualization
Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.

Enter configuration mode.

host1/C1# config


Configure an ACL to allow traffic that requires NAT.

host1/C1(config)# access-list ACL1 line 10 extended permit tcp
2001:DB8:1::/64 eq 8080 any
host1/C1(config)# access-list ACL1 line 10 extended permit tcp eq 8080 any
host1/C1(config-acl)# exit

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Table 5-3

Static NAT Configuration Quick Start (continued)

Task and Command Example


Configure a local interface to filter and receive traffic that requires NAT.
host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1500
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address 2001:DB8:3::100/64
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# no shutdown
host1/C1(config-if)# exit


Configure a second interface (global interface) for performing NAT.

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 101
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1500
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address 2001:DB8:2::101/64
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# no shutdown
host1/C1(config-if)# exit


Configure a class map and define match criteria.

host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any NAT_CLASS
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match access-list ACL1
host1/C1(config-cmap)# exit


Configure a policy map and associate the class map with the policy map.
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Table 5-3

Static NAT Configuration Quick Start (continued)

Task and Command Example


Configure static NAT as a policy-map action.

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# nat static 2001:DB8::1/64 vlan 101
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# nat static netmask
vlan 101
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# exit
host1/C1(config-pmap)# exit


Activate the policy on an interface using a service policy.

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-if)# Ctrl-Z

10. (Optional) Save your configuration changes to flash memory.

host1/Admin# copy running-config startup-config

11. Display and verify your static NAT and static port redirection configuration.
host1/C1# show running-config class-map
host1/C1# show running-config policy-map

Configuring an ACL for Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Use an access control list (ACL) to permit the traffic that requires NAT. See the
Configuring an ACL section. For details about configuring an ACL, see
Chapter 1, Configuring Security Access Control Lists.

Configuring Interfaces for Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Configure an interface for clients and an interface for the real servers. For details,
see the Routing and Bridging Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Configuring a Class Map

You can configure a traffic class for static NAT and port redirection by using the
class-map command in configuration mode. For more information about class
maps, see the Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
class-map match-any name
The name argument is a unique identifier for the class map, specified as an
unquoted text string with a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# class-map match-any NAT_CLASS

To remove a class-map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no class-map match-any NAT_CLASS

Enter match criteria as required using the match command in class-map

configuration mode. For example, enter:
host1/C1(config-cmap)# match access-list NAT_ACCESS

host1/C1(config-cmap)# match source address

To remove a match statement from a class map, enter:

host1/C1(config-cmap)# no match access-list NAT_ACCESS

Configuring a Policy Map

You can configure a traffic policy for NAT by using the policy-map command in
configuration mode. For more information about policy maps, see the
Administration Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
policy-map multi-match name

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

The name argument is the name assigned to the policy map. Enter an unquoted
text string with no spaces and a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.
For example, enter:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

To remove a policy map from the configuration, enter:

host1/C1(config)# no policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY

To associate the previously created class map with the policy map. For example,
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS

To dissociate a class map from a policy map, enter:

host1/C1(config-pmap)# no class NAT_CLASS

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection as a Policy

You can configure static NAT and static port redirection as an action in a policy
map by using the nat static command in policy-map class configuration mode.
Typically, you use static NAT and port redirection for DNAT. Static NAT allows
you to identify local traffic for address translation by specifying the source and
destination addresses in an extended ACL, which is referenced as part of the class
map traffic classification. The ACE applies static NAT from the interface to which
the traffic policy is attached (through the service-policy interface configuration
command) to the interface specified in the nat static command.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
nat static ip_address netmask mask {port1 | tcp eq port2 | udp eq port3}
vlan number
The keywords and arguments are as follows:

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

static ip_addressSets up a single static translation. The ip_address

argument establishes the globally unique IP address of a host as it appears to
the outside world. The policy map performs the global IP address translation
for the source IP address specified in the ACL (as part of the class-map traffic


The ACE supports static NAT only for IPv6 to IPv6 and IPv4 to IPv4
translations. Mixed mode is not supported.

netmask maskSpecifies the subnet mask for the static IP address. Enter a
subnet mask in dotted-decimal notation (for example,

port1Global TCP or UDP port for static port redirection. Enter an integer
from 0 to 65535.

tcp eq port2Specifies a TCP port name or number. Enter an integer from 0

to 65535. A value of 0 instructs the ACE to match any port. Alternatively, you
can enter a protocol keyword that corresponds to a TCP port number. See
Table 5-4 for a list of supported well-known TCP port names and numbers.

Table 5-4

Well-Known TCP Port Numbers and Keywords


Port Number




File Transfer Protocol



Hypertext Transfer Protocol






Internet Relay Chat



Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet

Protocol (MATIP) Type A



Network News Transport Protocol



Post Office Protocol v2



Post Office Protocol v3



Real Time Streaming Protocol



Simple Mail Transfer Protocol




Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

udp eq port3Specifies a UDP port name or number. Enter an integer from

0 to 65535. A value of 0 instructs the ACE to match any port. Alternatively,
you can enter a protocol keyword that corresponds to a UDP port number. See
Table 5-5 for a list of supported well-known UDP port names and numbers.

Table 5-5


Port Number




Domain Name System



Connectionless Wireless Session Protocol




Secure Connectionless WSP



Connection-based WSP



Secure Connection-based WSP


Well-Known UDP Port Numbers and Keywords

vlan numberSpecifies the interface for the global IP address.

If a packet egresses an interface that you have not configured for NAT, the ACE
transmits the packet untranslated.
The following DNAT static port redirection example specifies the nat static
command as an action for a static NAT policy map:
host1/C1(config)# policy-map multi-action NAT_POLICY
host1/C1(config-pmap)# class NAT_CLASS
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# nat static 2001:DB8:1::/64 80 vlan 101
host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# nat static 80
vlan 101

To remove a NAT action from a policy map, enter:

host1/C1(config-pmap-c)# no nat static 2001:DB8:1::/64 80 vlan 101
host1/C1(config-pmap-c) no nat static
vlan 200

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Configuring Static NAT and Static Port Redirection

Applying the Static NAT and Static Port Redirection Policy Map
to an Interface Using a Service Policy
You can activate the static NAT and port redirection policy and assign it to an
interface by using the service-policy command in interface configuration mode.
For details about the service-policy command, see the Administration Guide,
Cisco ACE Application Control Engine.


You can configure static NAT as an input service policy only; you cannot
configure it as an output service policy.
The syntax of this command is as follows:
service-policy input policy_name
The keywords and arguments are as follows:

inputSpecifies that the traffic policy is to be attached to the input direction

of a VLAN interface. The traffic policy evaluates all traffic received by that

policy_nameName of a previously defined policy map. The name can have

a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

For example, enter:

host1/C1(config)# interface vlan 100
host1/C1(config-if)# mtu 1700
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address 2001:DB8:1::/64
host1/C1(config-if)# ip address
host1/C1(config-if)# service-policy input NAT_POLICY

To remove a service policy from an interface, enter:

host1/C1(config-if)# no service-policy input NAT_POLICY


When you remove a traffic policy from the last VLAN interface on which you
applied the service policy, the ACE automatically resets the associated
service-policy statistics. The ACE performs this action to provide a new starting
point for the service-policy statistics the next time that you attach a traffic policy
to a specific VLAN interface.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

The following sections describe the commands used to display dynamic and static
NAT and PAT configurations and statistics:

Displaying NAT and PAT Configurations

Displaying IP Address and Port Translations

Displaying NAT and PAT Configurations

You can display NAT and PAT configurations by using the show running-config
class-map and show running-config policy-map commands in Exec mode.
For example, enter:
host1/C1# show running-config class-map
host1/C1# show running-config policy-map

Displaying IP Address and Port Translations

You can display IP address and port translation (Xlate) information by using the
show xlate command in Exec mode.
IPv6 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

show xlate [global {ipv6_address1 [ipv6_address2/prefix_length]}] [local
{ipv6_address3 [ipv6_address4/prefix_length]}] [gport port1 [port2]]
[lport port1 [port2]]
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:

global ipv6_address1 [ipv6_address2/prefix_length](Optional) Displays

information for a global IPv6 address or range of global IPv6 addresses to
which the ACE translates source addresses for static and dynamic NAT. For a
single global IPv6 address, enter the IPv6 address. To specify a range of IPv6
addresses, enter a second IPv6 address.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

local ipv6_address3 [ipv6_address4/prefix_length](Optional) Displays

information for a local IPv6 address or range of local IPv6 addresses. For a
single local IPv6 address, enter the IPv6 address. To specify a range of local
IPv6 addresses, enter a second IPv6 address.

gport port1 port2(Optional) Displays information for a global port or a

range of global ports to which the ACE translates source ports for static port
redirection and dynamic PAT, respectively. Enter a port number as an integer
from 0 to 65535. To specify a range of port numbers, enter a second port

lport port3 port4(Optional) Displays information for a local port or a range

of local ports. Enter a port number as an integer from 0 to 65535. To specify
a range of port numbers, enter a second port number.

For example, enter:

host1/Admin# show xlate global 2001:DB8:1::3 2001:DB8:1::10/64 gport
100 200

IPv4 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

show xlate [global {ip_address1 [ip_address2 [netmask mask1]]}] [local
{ip_address3 [ip_address4 [netmask mask2]]}] [gport port1 [port2]]
[lport port1 [port2]]
The keywords, arguments, and options are as follows:

global ip_address1 ip_address2(Optional) Displays information for a

global IP address or range of global IP addresses to which the ACE translates
source addresses for static and dynamic NAT. For a single global IP address,
enter the address in dotted-decimal notation (for example, To
specify a range of IP addresses, enter a second IP address.

netmask mask(Optional) Displays the subnet mask for the specified IP


local ip_address3 ip_address4(Optional) Displays the local IP address or

range of local IP addresses. For a single local IP address, enter the address in
dotted-decimal notation (for example, To specify a range of
local IP addresses, enter a second IP address.

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

gport port1 port2(Optional) Displays information for a global port or a

range of global ports to which the ACE translates source ports for static port
redirection and dynamic PAT, respectively. Enter a port number as an integer
from 0 to 65535. To specify a range of port numbers, enter a second port

lport port3 port4(Optional) Displays information for a local port or a range

of local ports. Enter a port number as an integer from 0 to 65535. To specify
a range of port numbers, enter a second port number.

For example, enter:

host1/Admin# show xlate global netmask gport 100 200

You can also use the show conn command to display NAT information. See the
examples in the following sections.
This section contains the following topics:

Dynamic NAT Example

Dynamic PAT Example

Static NAT Example

Static Port Redirection (Static PAT) Example

Dynamic NAT Example

The following example output of the show xlate command shows dynamic NAT
(SNAT in this example).
IPv6 Example

When you use Telnet from 2001:DB8:1::5 in VLAN 2020, the ACE translates it
to 2001:DB8:2::1 in VLAN 2021.
host1/Admin# show xlate global 2001:DB8:1::1 2001:DB8:1::10
NAT from vlan2020:2001:DB8:1::5 to vlan2021:2001:DB8:2::1 count:1

IPv4 Example

When you use Telnet from in VLAN 2020, the ACE translates it to in VLAN 2021.
host1/Admin# show xlate global

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Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

NAT from vlan2020: to vlan2021: count:1

Dynamic PAT Example

The following example shows dynamic PAT.
IPv6 Example

When you use Telnet from 2001:DB8:1::5 in VLAN 2020, the ACE translates it
to 2001:DB8:2::1 in VLAN 2021.
host1/Admin# show xlate
TCP PAT from vlan2020:2001:DB8:1::5/38097 to

IPv4 Example

When you use Telnet from in VLAN 2020, the ACE translates it to in VLAN 2021.
host1/Admin# show xlate
TCP PAT from vlan2020: to vlan2021:

Static NAT Example

The following example shows static NAT.
IPv6 Example

The ACE maps real IP address 2001:DB8:1::5 to 2001:DB8:2::1.

host1/Admin# show xlate
NAT from vlan2020:2001:DB8:1::5 to vlan2021:2001:DB8:2::1 count:1
host1/Admin# show conn

np dir proto source

sport state
vlan destination
1 in TCP
32748 ESTAB
2020 2001:DB8:2::1
1 out TCP
5000 ESTAB
2021 2001:DB8:1::5

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Displaying NAT Configurations and Statistics

IPv4 Example

The ACE maps a real IP address ( to

host1/Admin# show xlate
NAT from vlan2020: to vlan2021: count:1
host1/Admin# show conn
total current connections : 2
dir prot vlan source
in TCP 2020
out TCP 2021

Static Port Redirection (Static PAT) Example

The following example shows static port redirection (DNAT in this example).
IPv6 Example

A host at 2001:DB8:2::3/37766 uses Telnet to connect to 2001:DB8:5::12/3030

on VLAN 2021 on the ACE. The ACE maps 2001:DB8:1::5/23 on VLAN 2020 to
2001:DB8:5::12/3030 on VLAN 2021.
host1/Admin# show xlate
TCP PAT from vlan2020:2001:DB8:1::5/23 to vlan2021:2001:DB8:5::12/3030
Mar 24 2006 20:05:41 : %ACE-7-111009: User 'admin' executed cmd: show
host1/Admin# show conn

np dir proto source

sport state
vlan destination
1 in TCP
37766 ESTAB
2021 2001:DB8:5::12
1 out TCP
2020 2001:DB8:2::3

IPv4 Example

A host at uses Telnet to connect to on

VLAN 2021 on the ACE. The ACE maps on VLAN 2020 to on VLAN 2021.
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Clearing Xlates

host1/Admin# show xlate

TCP PAT from vlan2020: to vlan2021:
Mar 24 2006 20:05:41 : %ACE-7-111009: User 'admin' executed cmd: show
host1/Admin# show conn
total current connections : 2
dir prot vlan source
in TCP 2021 ESTAB
out TCP 2020 ESTAB

Clearing Xlates
You can clear the global address-to-local address mapping information based on
the global address, the global port, the local address, the local port, the interface
address as the global address, and the NAT type by using the clear xlate command
in Exec mode. When you enter this command, the ACE releases sessions that are
using the translations (Xlates).
IPv6 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

clear xlate [{global | local} start_ipv6_address [end_ipv6_address
[/prefix_length]]] [{gport | lport} start_port [end_port]] [interface vlan
number] [state static] [portmap]
The keyword, arguments, and options are as follows:

global(Optional) Clears the active translation by the global IPv6 address.

local(Optional) Clears the active translation by the local IPv6 address.

start_ipv6_addressSingle IPv6 address or the starting global or local IPv6

address in a range of IPv6 addresses.

end_ipV6_address(Optional) Last IPv6 address in a global or local range

of IPv6 addresses.

/prefix_length(Optional) Specifies the prefix length for global or local

IPv6 addresses.
Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

Clearing Xlates


gport(Optional) Clears active translations by the global port.

lport(Optional) Clears active translations by the local port.

start_portA single global port number or the starting global or local port
number in a range of ports.

end_port(Optional) Last port number in a global or local range of ports.

interface vlan number(Optional) Clears active translations by the VLAN


state static(Optional) Clears active translations by the state.

portmap(Optional) Clears active translations by the port map.

If you configured redundancy, then you need to explicitly clear Xlates on both the
active and the standby ACEs. Clearing Xlates on the active ACE alone will leave
the standby ACEs Xlates at the old mappings.
For example, to clear all static translations, enter:
host1/Admin# clear xlate state static

IPv4 Syntax and Examples

The syntax of this command is as follows:

clear xlate [{global | local} start_ipv4_address [end_ipv4_addres [netmask
netmask]]] [{gport | lport} start_port [end_port]] [interface vlan
number] [state static] [portmap]
The keyword, arguments, and options are as follows:

global(Optional) Clears the active translation by the global IPv4 address.

local(Optional) Clears the active translation by the local IPv4 address.

start_ipv4_addressA single global or local IPv4 address or the starting

global or local IPv4 address in a range of IPv4 addresses. Enter an IPv4
address in dotted-decimal notation (for example,

end_ipv4_address(Optional) Last IPv4 address in a global or local range of

IPv4 addresses. Enter an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation (for

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

NAT Configuration Examples


netmask netmask(Optional) Specifies the network mask for global or local

IPv4 addresses. Enter a mask in dotted-decimal notation (for example,

gport(Optional) Clears active translations by the global port.

lport(Optional) Clears active translations by the local port.

start_portA single global or local port number or the starting port number
in a range of global or local port numbers.

end_port(Optional) Last port number in a global or local range of ports.

interface vlan number(Optional) Clears active translations by the VLAN


state static(Optional) Clears active translations by the state.

portmap(Optional) Clears active translations by the port map.

If you configured redundancy, then you need to explicitly clear Xlates on both the
active and the standby ACEs. Clearing Xlates on the active ACE alone will leave
the standby ACEs Xlates at the old mappings.
For example, to clear all static translations, enter:
host1/Admin# clear xlate state static

NAT Configuration Examples

The following sections show typical scenarios that use dynamic and static NAT

Dynamic NAT and PAT (SNAT) Configuration Example

Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT (SNAT) Configuration Example

Static Port Redirection (DNAT) Configuration Example

SNAT with Cookie Load Balancing Example

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

NAT Configuration Examples

Dynamic NAT and PAT (SNAT) Configuration Example

The following SNAT configuration example shows the commands that you use to
configure dynamic NAT and PAT on your ACE. In this SNAT example, packets
that ingress the ACE from the network are translated to one of the
IP addresses in the NAT pool defined on VLAN 200 by the nat-pool command.
The pat keyword indicates that ports higher than 1024 are also translated.
If you are operating the ACE in one-arm mode, omit interface VLAN 100 and
configure the service policy on interface VLAN 200.
access-list NAT_ACCESS line 10 extended permit tcp 1 eq http
class-map match-any NAT_CLASS
match access-list NAT_ACCESS
policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY
nat dynamic 1 vlan 200
interface vlan 100
mtu 1500
ip address
service-policy input NAT_POLICY
no shutdown
interface vlan 200
mtu 1500
ip address
nat-pool 1 netmask pat
no shutdown

Server Farm-Based Dynamic NAT (SNAT) Configuration Example

The following SNAT configuration example shows the commands that you use to
configure server farm-based dynamic NAT on your ACE. In this SNAT example,
real servers addresses on the network are translated to one of the IP
addresses in the NAT pool defined on VLAN 200 by the nat-pool command.
If you are operating the ACE in one-arm mode, omit interface VLAN 100 and
configure the service policy on interface VLAN 200.
access-list NAT_ACCESS line 10 extended permit tcp 1 eq http

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

NAT Configuration Examples

rserver SERVER1
ip address
rserver SERVER2
ip address
serverfarm SFARM1
rserver SERVER1
rserver SERVER2
class-map type http loadbalance match-any L7_CLASS
match http content .*
class-map match-any NAT_CLASS
match access-list NAT_ACCESS
policy-map type loadbalance http first-match L7_POLICY
class L7_CLASS
serverfarm SFARM1
nat dynamic 1 vlan 200 serverfarm primary
policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY
loadbalance policy L7_POLICY
loadbalance vip inservice
interface vlan 100
mtu 1500
ip address
service-policy input NAT_POLICY
no shutdown
interface vlan 200
mtu 1500
ip address
nat-pool 1 netmask
no shutdown

Static Port Redirection (DNAT) Configuration Example

The following DNAT configuration example shows those sections of the running
configuration related to the commands necessary to configure static port
redirection on your ACE. Typically, this configuration is used for DNAT, where

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

NAT Configuration Examples

HTTP packets that are destined to and ingressing the ACE on VLAN
101 are translated to and port 8080. In this example, the servers are
hosting HTTP on custom port 8080.
access-list acl1 line 10 extended permit tcp
eq 8080 any
class-map match-any NAT_CLASS
match access-list acl1
policy-map multi-match NAT_POLICY
nat static 80 vlan 101
interface vlan 100
mtu 1500
ip address
service-policy input NAT_POLICY
no shutdown
interface vlan 101
mtu 1500
ip address
no shutdown

SNAT with Cookie Load Balancing Example

The following configuration example shows those sections of the running
configuration related to the commands necessary to configure SNAT (dynamic
NAT) with cookie load balancing. Any source host that sends traffic to the VIP is translated to one of the free addresses in the NAT pool in the range to, inclusive. If you want to use PAT instead of NAT,
replace nat dynamic 1 vlan 2021 with nat dynamic 2 vlan 2021 in the
L7SLBCookie policy map.
server host http
ip address
serverfarm host httpsf
rserver http
class-map match-any vip4
2 match virtual-address tcp eq www

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

NAT Configuration Examples

class-map type http loadbalance match-any L7SLB_Cookie

3 match http cookie JG cookie-value .*
policy-map type loadbalance first-match L7SLB_Cookie
class L7SLB_Cookie
serverfarm httpsf
policy-map multi-match L7SLBCookie
class vip4
loadbalance vip inservice
loadbalance L7SLB_Cookie
nat dynamic 1 vlan 2021 <<<<<<<<<<
interface vlan 2020
ip address
peer ip address
service-policy input L7SLBCookie <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
no shutdown
interface vlan 2021
ip address
peer ip address
fragment min-mtu 68
nat-pool 2 netmask pat
nat-pool 3 netmask
nat-pool 1 netmask <<<<<<<<<
no shutdown

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



Chapter 5

Configuring Network Address Translation

NAT Configuration Examples

Security Guide, Cisco ACE Application Control Engine



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