Philosophy of Education

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The document discusses several educational philosophies including essentialism, progressivism, reconstructionism, perennialism, existentialism and behaviorism.

Essentialism, progressivism, reconstructionism, perennialism, existentialism and behaviorism are the main educational philosophies discussed. Essentialism and perennialism are teacher-centered while progressivism, reconstructionism and existentialism are student-centered.

Essentialism focuses on acquiring basic skills and knowledge deemed essential, while progressivism emphasizes developing students into citizens and allowing them to live fully in the present. Essentialism teaches fundamentals through the traditional disciplines, while progressivism uses a need-based, relevant curriculum.



Aim of Education

To educate the rational

person; To cultivate the

Role of Education

Teachers help students

think with reason

Focus in the curriculum

Classical subjects, literary

analysis and curriculum is

Curriculum Trends

Use of great books and

return to liberal arts.


To promote the intellectual

growth of the individual and To promote democratic and
educate a competent
social living
The teacher is the sole
authority in his or her
subject area or field of

Knowledge leads to growth

and development of lifelong
learners who actively learn
by doing

Subjects are
Essentials skills of the 3R's
interdisciplinary, integrative
and essential subjects of
and interactive. Curriculum
English, Science, History,
is focused on students
Math, and Foreign
interest, human problems
and affairs.

Excellence in education,
back to basics and cultural

School reforms, relevant

and contextualized
curriculum, humanistic

Perennialism is a teacher
centered philosophy that
focuses on the values
associated with reason. It
considers knowledge as
enduring, seeks everlasting
truths, and views principles
of existence as constant or

Essentialism is a teacher
centered philosophy that
believes there is a common
set of skills and knowledge
that educated people
should have. It focuses on
respect for authority,
developing sound habits of
the mind, and training in
fundamentals. Essentialism
is similar to perrenialism

Progressivism is a student
centered philosophy that
believes that ideas should
be tested by
experimentation, and
learning comes from finding
answers from questions.
This philosophy values the
scientific method of
teaching, allows individuals
to have their own beliefs,
and promotes the
interaction of students as
valuable to the learning

To improve and reconstruct
society education for

Teachers act as agents of

change and reform in
various educational projects
including research

Focus on present and future

trends and issues of
national and international

Equality of educational
opportunities in education,
access to global education.

Reconstructionism is
another student centered
philosophy that promotes
world social progress,
focuses on world events,
controversial issues, and
developing a vision for a
new better world. This
philosophy is associated
with pragmatism and

Why teach?

What to teach?

How to teach?



This philosopy contends that teachers teach for

learners to acquire basic knowledge, skills, and

Progressivist teachers teach to develop learners into

becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens of a
democratic society. They teach learners so they may
live fully NOW not to prepare them for adult life.

Need-based and relevant curriculum. This is a

curriculum that "responds to students' needs and
Basic skills or the fundamentals R's - reading, 'riting,
that relates to students' personal lives and
'rithmetic, right conduct - as these are essential to
experiences". More concerned with teaching the
the acquisition of higher or more complex skills
learners the skills to cope change. Change is the
needed in preparation for adult life. Curriculum
only thing that does not change. Natural and social
includes the traditional disciplines such as math,
sciences. Teachers expose students to many new
natural sciences, history, foreign language and
scientific, technological and social developments,
reflecting the progressivist notion that progress and
change are fundamental.

Progressivists teachers employ experiential methods.

They believe that one learns by doing. (John Dewey).
Problem-solving methods makes use of the scientific
Essentialist teachers emphasize mastery of subject
method. "Hands-on-minds-on" teaching
matter. They are expected to be intellectual and
methodology (e.g., field trips during which students
moral models of their students.
interact with nature or society). Teachers also
stimulate students through thought-provoking
games and puzzles.



To develop the students' rational and moral powers.

Belief in the primacy of reason and in the human's
ability to make rational judgements about the
goodness of things (Adler & Hutchins)

To help students understand and appreciate

themselves as unique individuals who accept
complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings,
and actions. Existence precedes essence.
Education of the whole person, not just the mind.

Gives a wide variety of options from which to

The perrennialist curriculum is a universal one on the
choose. Emphasis on the humanities. Vocational
view that all human beings possess the same
education to teach children about themselves and
essential nature. Heavy on humanities and general
their potentials. In the arts, students are encouraged
education. Great books.
to practice individual creativity and imagination.

The perrennialist classrooms are "centered around

teachers". The teachers do not allow the students'
Focuses on the individual. Learning is self-paced,
interests or experiences to substantially dictate what self-directed. Individual contact with the teacher.
they teach. They apply whatever creative techniques Teachers remain non-judgmental and take care not
and other tried and true methods which are believed to impose their values on the students; since values
to be most conducive to disciplining the students'
are personal.


Students behavior is a product of his environment.

Teach students to respond favorably to various

stimuli in the environment.

Arranges environmental conditions so that students

can make the responses to stimuli. e.g., wellmanaged classroom, use of attention catchers and

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