Treppner Lenormand Past Present Future Cross Spread

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The passage discusses a card reading layout called 'the cross' that is aimed at distinguishing between past, present and future. It provides examples of readings using this layout.

The card reading layout called 'the cross' aims to uncover events from the past, present, and future related to a person's situation.

According to the examples, cards 5 and 1 describe decisive past occurrences that are now important for the further course of a person's life.

2008 Iris Treppner
Lenormand Bestseller Author Iris Treppner presents:

Card reading lay out the cross: Past Present Future

Many questioners and Lenormand aficionados do query for card reading lay outs and
especially how to distinguish past, present and future in a full spread. For the latter I can
convey to you that Present and Future are to be found in every card spread, the Past on
the other hand rather scarcely (in my experience). Merely events which took place in the
past but have meaning and influence in the present situation may show up. A divorce,
bankruptcy or mobbing could be events visible in a card spread. Today I want to show
you an independent card reading lay out dealing especially with these time factors,
dedicated to narrow down on your personal situation. Hopefully you have good cards and
a sensitive hand, my best wishes accompany you.
First of all you take your personal card (PC) and place it in the middle of the spread. If
you intend to find out something about another person, you have to depict that person
with a personal card as well, e.g. young man = rider, official or influential person = bear,
sister, friend or rival = snake, lover = lilies, mr. right = gentleman, child = child, etc.
Now shuffle the cards thoroughly, fan them out cover up on your desk and draw 13 cards
with your left hand (the hand closer to your heart) and lay them out according to the
following scheme:

9 2 10
5 1 PC/13 3 7
12 4 11
It is essential not to turn the cards until you have drawn all cards, as cards already
visible could influence the drawing of the following cards something we want to avoid in
this way of reading the cards. No interference by emotions stirred up by cards already
drawn, as that could divert the flow of energy and the predication of the cards could
loose its coherence.
Cards 5 and 1 describe the past a decisive occurrence took place which is now
magisterial for the further course of life, cards 3 and 7 describe the future, cards 6, 2,
13, 4 and 8 specify the present, cards 9 and 12 are transit cards from the past to the
present and cards 10 and 11 are transit cards from the present to the future.
This card reading system covers a period of 3 months, you should wait until the predicted
events have happened prior to laying it out again.

2007 Iris Treppner

2008 Iris Treppner

Example 1 the lady was taken out of the deck as personal card prior to
shuffling (no specific question asked while shuffling)

Reading of example 1
In the past bear and coffin show themselves. The enquirer can confirm that she did part
with a business associate which led to financial losses (coffin fish) and a period of
misfortune (coffin clover). However the transit cards fish and clover show that this has
a positive effect in the present. Fish transits to park and flowers, clover transits to stork
and stars. In the present the card directly corresponding with the pc (tower) it is shown
that the enquirer intends to start a new business on her own. The new idea (stars) brings
change (storks) to her occupation (tower). The questioner intends to sell cosmetics
(flowers = beautiful things) in a new shop (park). She doesnt know, that she will get her
goods form abroad (ship), yet, but the cards do reveal it. This change brings success
(moon) and, with certainty (keys) bliss (sun).

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2007 Iris Treppner

2008 Iris Treppner

Example 2
Here a woman enquires about her lover, therefore the lilies, representing her
lover, were taken out of the deck as personal card prior to shuffling.

Reading Example 2
In the past wee see that the enquirer had a secret love and affair (book ring), her lover
did hide this and betrayes his wife (fox) and this secret adumbrated his house (book
house). In the present it is conveyed clearly that his has to make a decision and that he
will (ways corresponding with the pc lilies), he is going to split up with his wife (scythe
snake), this split up is accompanied by financial losses (coffin fish) connected with the
collectively owned house (house). The man (lilies) did lie to his wife just because of his
fear of financial losses in connection with the collectively owned possessions and tried to
keep that secret. This period of dishonesty has ended in the past and the questioner can
look forward to fantastic times with him in the future (flowers and lady as transit card)
and it is for certain (keys) that they will be able to live their love (heart)!
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2007 Iris Treppner

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