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Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics

(FDES 2013)

Final official edited version

Prepared by the United Nations Statistics Division

27 June 2016

The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat is a vital
interface between global policies in the economic, social and environmental spheres and national
action. The Department works in three main interlinked areas: (i) it compiles, generates and
analyses a wide range of economic, social and environmental data and information on which
States Members of the United Nations draw to review common problems and to take stock of
policy options; (ii) it facilitates the negotiations of Member States in many intergovernmental
bodies on joint courses of action to address ongoing or emerging global challenges; and (iii) it
advises interested Governments on the ways and means of translating policy frameworks
developed in United Nations conferences and summits into programmes at the country level and,
through technical assistance, helps build national capacities.

The designations used and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any
opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country,
territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The term country as used in this publication also refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas.
The designations developed regions and developing regions are intended for statistical convenience and do not
necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process.
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a
symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.



Sales No.: 14.XVII.9
ISBN: 978-92-1-161582-1

eISBN: 978-92-1-056489-2

Copyright United Nations

All rights reserved

Table of Contents
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... 7
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... 8
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 10
Preface .................................................................................................................................... 13
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................... 14
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 1: Overview of Environment Statistics Characteristics and Challenges ....... 20
1.1 Objective of environment statistics.........................................................................................21
1.2 Scope of environment statistics ..............................................................................................22
1.3 Main users of environment statistics.......................................................................................22
1.4 Environmental information, data, statistics and indicators .....................................................23
1.5 Sources of environment statistics............................................................................................24
1.6 Classifications and other groupings relevant to environment statistics ..................................31
1.7 Temporal considerations .........................................................................................................32
1.8 Spatial considerations .............................................................................................................33
1.9 Geospatial information and environment statistics .................................................................33
1.10 Institutional dimension of environment statistics .................................................................35
1.11 The FDES 2013 and the domain of environment statistics...................................................37
Chapter 2: Conceptual Foundation and Structure of the FDES ...................................... 38
2.1 What is the FDES? ..................................................................................................................38
2.2 Conceptual foundation of the FDES .......................................................................................38
2.3 Scope of the FDES ..................................................................................................................41
2.4 From the conceptual foundation to the FDES structure - the organization of the
contents of the FDES ....................................................................................................................42
2.5 Components and sub-components of the FDES .....................................................................44
2.6 Relationship of the FDES with other frameworks ..................................................................45
2.7 Main attributes of the components of the FDES.....................................................................48
Chapter 3: Components of the FDES and the Basic Set of Environment Statistics ....... 49
3.1 Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality...........................................................50
Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions ..............................................................................51
Topic 1.1.1: Atmosphere, climate and weather .............................................................................................................51
Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics ................................................................................................................53
Topic 1.1.3: Geological and geographical information ................................................................................................55
Topic 1.1.4: Soil characteristics ....................................................................................................................................57

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity ...........................................60

Topic 1.2.1: Land cover ................................................................................................................................................61
Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity......................................................................................................................63
Topic 1.2.3: Forests ......................................................................................................................................................67

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality .........................................................................69

Topic 1.3.1: Air quality .................................................................................................................................................70
Topic 1.3.2: Freshwater quality ....................................................................................................................................72
Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality .................................................................................................................................74
Topic 1.3.4: Soil pollution .............................................................................................................................................76
Topic 1.3.5: Noise .........................................................................................................................................................78

3.2 Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use .........................................................80

Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources ................................................................................81
Topic 2.1.1: Stocks and changes of mineral resources ..................................................................................................81
Topic 2.1.2: Production and trade of minerals .............................................................................................................84

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources .................................................................................86


Topic 2.2.1: Stocks and changes of energy resources ...................................................................................................86

Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy ..........................................................................................88

Sub-component 2.3: Land ......................................................................................................90

Topic 2.3.1: Land use ....................................................................................................................................................90
Topic 2.3.2: Use of forest land ......................................................................................................................................94

Sub-component 2.4: Soil Resources ......................................................................................96

Topic 2.4.1: Soil resources ............................................................................................................................................96

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources ............................................................................98

Topic 2.5.1: Timber resources.......................................................................................................................................98
Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources ....................................................................................................................................101
Topic 2.5.3: Crops.......................................................................................................................................................104
Topic 2.5.4: Livestock .................................................................................................................................................107
Topic 2.5.5: Other non-cultivated biological resources ..............................................................................................109

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources .................................................................................111

Topic 2.6.1: Water resources ......................................................................................................................................111
Topic 2.6.2: Abstraction, use and returns of water .....................................................................................................113

3.3 Component 3: Residuals .......................................................................................................116

Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air .................................................................................117
Topic 3.1.1: Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)..................................................................................................118
Topic 3.1.2: Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODSs) ..............................................................................120
Topic 3.1.3: Emissions of other substances .................................................................................................................122

Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater .....................................124

Topic 3.2.1: Generation and pollutant content of wastewater ....................................................................................124
Topic 3.2.2: Collection and treatment of wastewater ..................................................................................................126
Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the environment ..........................................................................................128

Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste ..............................................130

Topic 3.3.1: Generation of waste ................................................................................................................................130
Topic 3.3.2: Management of waste ..............................................................................................................................133

Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances ........................................................135

Topic 3.4.1: Release of chemical substances...............................................................................................................135

3.4 Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters .......................................................................137

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters ...............................................137
Topic 4.1.1: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters ...............................................................................138
Topic 4.1.2: Impact of natural extreme events and disasters ......................................................................................140

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters......................................................................142

Topic 4.2.1: Occurrence of technological disasters ....................................................................................................142
Topic 4.2.2: Impact of technological disasters ............................................................................................................145

3.5 Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health ............................................147

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements .............................................................................147
Topic 5.1.1: Urban and rural population ....................................................................................................................148
Topic 5.1.2: Access to selected basic services .............................................................................................................150
Topic 5.1.3: Housing conditions .................................................................................................................................153
Topic 5.1.4: Exposure to ambient pollution ................................................................................................................155
Topic 5.1.5: Environmental concerns specific to urban settlements ...........................................................................157

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health .........................................................................159

Topic 5.2.1: Airborne diseases and conditions ...........................................................................................................160
Topic 5.2.2: Water-related diseases and conditions....................................................................................................162
Topic 5.2.3: Vector-borne diseases .............................................................................................................................164
Topic 5.2.4: Health problems associated with excessive UV radiation exposure........................................................166
Topic 5.2.5: Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions ...............................................168

3.6 Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement ...........................170

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure ..170
Topic 6.1.1: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure .....................................172
Topic 6.1.2: Corporate, non-profit institution and household environmental protection and resource management
expenditure ..................................................................................................................................................................174

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation .......................................176

Topic 6.2.1: Institutional strength ...............................................................................................................................176
Topic 6.2.2: Environmental regulation and instruments .............................................................................................178

Topic 6.2.3: Participation in MEAs and environmental conventions ..........................................................................180

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management ...................182

Topic 6.3.1: Preparedness for natural extreme events and disasters ..........................................................................182
Topic 6.3.2: Preparedness for technological disasters ...............................................................................................184

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness .......................................186

Topic 6.4.1: Environmental information .....................................................................................................................186
Topic 6.4.2: Environmental education ........................................................................................................................189
Topic 6.4.3: Environmental perception and awareness ..............................................................................................191
Topic 6.4.4: Environmental engagement .....................................................................................................................193

Chapter 4: From the Basic Set to the Core Set of Environment Statistics .................... 195
4.1 The Basic Set of Environment Statistics...............................................................................195
4.2 The Core Set of Environment Statistics ................................................................................197
4.3 Contents of the Core Set of Environment Statistics..............................................................199
4.3.1 The Core Set of Environment Statistics ......................................................................200
Chapter 5: Applications of the FDES to cross-cutting environmental issues ............... 208
5.1 Water and the environment ...................................................................................................209
5.2 Energy and the environment .................................................................................................222
5.3 Climate change......................................................................................................................228
5.4 Agriculture and the Environment..........................................................................................239
Annex A: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics .......................................................... 255
Annex B: Developments since 1984 ................................................................................... 298
Conceptual and policy developments and related frameworks ...................................................298
Sustainable development ......................................................................................................298
Climate change ....................................................................................................................301
Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ...................................................302
Emergence of the SDGs, targets and indicators to guide the post-2015 development
agenda ..................................................................................................................................303
Beyond GDP, green economy and green growth.................................................................304
Conceptual approaches to structuring environment statistics.............................................305
Natural capital approach ............................................................................................................................................305
The ecosystem approach .............................................................................................................................................307

Evolution of frameworks for environment statistics and environmental-economic

accounting ...................................................................................................................................309
Environment statistics and indicator frameworks ...............................................................309
The Stress-Response framework and its derivatives ............................................................309
The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) .............................................313
Annex C: Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) .......................................... 317
Basel Convention ........................................................................................................................317
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ...............................................................................318
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas ................319
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) .......................................................................................................................................319
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) ......................320
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)....................321
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous
Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade ........................................................................322
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)...............................................323
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses ............................324

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl

Habitat (the Ramsar Convention) ...............................................................................................325
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture .......................325
The London Convention .............................................................................................................326
The World Heritage Convention .................................................................................................327
The Nagoya Protocol ..................................................................................................................327
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) ..........................................328
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) ............................................329
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto
Protocol .......................................................................................................................................330
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer/ Montreal Protocol on
Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer ...................................................................................331
Annex D: Classifications and environment statistics ....................................................... 332
References ............................................................................................................................ 350
Selected Terms Used in the FDES ........................................................................................ 367

List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Example of GIS data layers or themes ..............................................................................35
Figure 2.1: The environment, the human sub-system, and interactions between them ........................38
Figure 2.2: Environmental conditions and their changes ....................................................................39
Figure 2.3: The components of the FDES ............................................................................................43
Figure 2.4: Relationship of the FDES to other frameworks, systems and indicator sets .....................45
Figure 2.5: The FDES and the SEEA Central Framework ..................................................................46
Figure 4.1: The Core Set embedded in the Basic Set of Environment Statistics ................................195
Figure 5.1: Water and the environment in the FDES - topic level .....................................................211
Figure 5.2: Water and the environment in the Core Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics environment statistics level .................................................................................................................212
Figure 5.3: Topics in the FDES that relate to water, according to the sequence of water use and
management ........................................................................................................................................218
Figure 5.4: Water statistics in the Core Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics, according to the
sequence of water use and management .............................................................................................219
Figure 5.5: Topics in the FDES that relate to the production and consumption of energy ...............225
Figure 5.6: Energy production and consumption statistics in the Core Set and Basic Set of
Environment Statistics ........................................................................................................................226
Figure 5.7: Schematic framework representing anthropogenic drivers, impacts of and responses to
climate change, and their linkages .....................................................................................................230
Figure 5.8: Topics in the FDES that relate to climate change ...........................................................234
Figure 5.9: Climate change statistics in the Core Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics ........235
Figure 5.10: The relationship between agriculture and the environment ..........................................241
Figure 5.11: Topics in the FDES that relate to agriculture and the environment .............................245
Figure 5.12: Agriculture and the environment, statistics in the Basic Set and Core Set of Environment
Statistics ..............................................................................................................................................246
Figure D.1: Structure of the IUCN Red List Categories ....................................................................349

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Types of sources of environment statistics and their main characteristics .........................29
Table 2.1: Hierarchical levels of the FDES..........................................................................................44
Table 2.2: Components and sub-components of the FDES ..................................................................45
Table 2.3: Main attributes of the components of the FDES .................................................................48
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.1........................................................52
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.2........................................................54
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.3........................................................56
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.4........................................................59
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.2.1........................................................62
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.2.2........................................................65
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.2.3........................................................68
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.1........................................................71
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.2........................................................73
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.3........................................................75
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.4........................................................77
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.5........................................................79
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.1.1........................................................83
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.1.2........................................................85
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.2.1........................................................87
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.2.2........................................................89
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.3.1........................................................92
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.3.2........................................................95
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.4.1........................................................97
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.1......................................................100
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.2......................................................103
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.3......................................................106
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.4......................................................108
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.5......................................................110
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.6.1......................................................112
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.6.2......................................................115
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.1.1......................................................119
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.1.2......................................................121
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.1.3......................................................123
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.2.1......................................................125
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.2.2......................................................127
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.2.3......................................................129
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.3.1......................................................132
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.3.2......................................................134
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.4.1......................................................136
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.1.1......................................................139
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.1.2......................................................141
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.2.1......................................................144
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.2.2......................................................146
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.1......................................................149
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.2......................................................152

Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.3......................................................154

Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.4......................................................156
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.5......................................................158
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.1......................................................161
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.2......................................................163
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.3......................................................165
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.4......................................................167
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.5......................................................169
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.1.1......................................................173
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.1.2......................................................175
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.2.1......................................................177
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.2.2......................................................179
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.2.3......................................................181
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.3.1......................................................183
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.3.2......................................................185
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.1......................................................188
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.2......................................................190
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.3......................................................192
Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.4......................................................194
Table 4.1: Distribution of Statistics by Tier and Component .............................................................197
Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics .............................................................................200
Table 5.1: Agri-Environmental Indicators available within FAOSTAT .............................................252
Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics............................................................................256
Table D.1: Land Cover Classification based on FAO LCCS (Interim) ..............................................332
Table D.2: Classification of Land Use (Interim) ................................................................................333
Table D.3: Classification of Environmental Activities .......................................................................334
Table D.4: UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Marine Water Quality (1992) .................338
Table D.5: UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Surface Freshwater Quality for the
Maintenance of Aquatic Life (1992) ...................................................................................................339
Table D.6: UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Ambient Air Quality (1990) ....................342
Table D.7: Record for individual natural disaster occurrence ..........................................................346
Table D.8: CRED EM-DAT classification of disasters ......................................................................346
Table D.9: IUCN classification of protected areas ............................................................................348


Agri-environmental indicator
Biodiversity Indicators Partnership
Biochemical oxygen demand
Convention on Biological Diversity
Classification of Environmental Activities
Classification of Environmental Protection Activities
Conference of European Statisticians
Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services
Center for International Earth Science Information Network
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
Chemical oxygen demand
Conference of the Parties
Central Product Classification
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters Emergency Events
Commission on Sustainable Development
Disability-adjusted life year
Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework
Driving force-State-Response framework
Economic Community of West African States
European Environment Agency
Exclusive Economic Zone
Environmental Goods and Services Sector
European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
Environmentally Sound Management
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics
Forest Resources Assessment
Global Environment Outlook
Greenhouse gas
Geographic information system
Global Assessment of Human-induced Soil Degradation
Global Positioning System
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
International Energy Agency
International Emergency Management Organization
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
International Institute for Sustainable Development
International Maritime Organization
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
International Recommendations for Energy Statistics
International Recommendations for Water Statistics


International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities

International Soil Reference and Information Centre
International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants
International Tropical Timber Organization
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Illegal, unreported and unregulated
Integrated Water Resources Management
Land Cover Classification System
Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting
Millennium Development Goals
Multilateral Environmental Agreement
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Non-governmental organization
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National statistical office
Ozone depleting substance
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Polychlorinated biphenyl
Particulate matter (also known as suspended particulate matter)
Persistent Organic Pollutant
Pressure-State-Response framework
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable development indicators
System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework
Small Island Developing States
Standard International Energy Product Classification
System of National Accounts
Suspended particulate matter (also known as particulate matter)
Stress Response Environment Statistics System
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
OECD Task Force on Measuring Sustainable Development
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Monitoring
United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific


United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization

United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral
Reserves and Resources
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
United Nations Forum on Forests
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations Childrens Fund
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
United Nations Statistics Division
World Commission on Protected Areas
World Health Organization
World Meteorological Organization
World Resources Institute
World Summit on Sustainable Development


This publication presents the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics
(FDES 2013), which is the revised version of the original FDES published in 1984 by the United
Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The United Nations Statistical Commission, at its 41st session
(23-26 February 2010), endorsed a work programme and the establishment of an Expert Group for
the revision of the FDES and the development of a Core Set of Environment Statistics, taking into
account the scientific, political, technological, statistical and experience-based developments of
recent decades.
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20, June 2012) outcome
document, The Future We Want,1 includes several references to the importance of environmental
data, information and indicators. The FDES 2013 is expected to contribute significantly to improved
monitoring and measurement of the environmental dimension of sustainable development and the
post-2015 development agenda. The use of the FDES 2013 in national statistical systems will
enhance developments in this field of statistics, as it is a multi-purpose and flexible tool that can be
tailored to address specific environmental policy concerns and priorities of countries, and can
accommodate their levels of statistical development.
The FDES 2013 covers issues and aspects of the environment that are relevant for analysis,
policy and decision making. It is designed to assist all countries in the formulation of environment
statistics programmes by: (i) delineating the scope of environment statistics and identifying its
constituents; (ii) contributing to the assessment of data requirements, sources, availability and gaps;
(iii) guiding the development of multipurpose data collection processes and databases; and (iv)
assisting in the coordination and organization of environment statistics, given the inter-institutional
nature of the domain.
The revision of the FDES was undertaken as part of UNSDs work programme on
environment statistics. The Expert Group on the Revision of the FDES assisted UNSD in
implementing the revision process. The United Nations Statistical Commission at its 44th session (28
February - 1 March 2013) endorsed the FDES 2013 as the framework for strengthening environment
statistics programmes in countries, and recognized it as a useful tool in the context of sustainable
development goals and the post-2015 development agenda.

United Nations (2012). Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want. Available from http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html
(accessed 16 July 2015).


The revised Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013)
consolidates the experience of countries and international organizations in the field of environment
statistics. It has been developed in close collaboration with the Expert Group on the Revision of the
FDES, which reviewed successive drafts of the FDES 2013 and commented on the issue papers
drafted by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), other experts who provided advice on
specific subjects, as well as countries and organizations that took part in the Pilot Test of the Core Set
of Environment Statistics and responded to the Global Consultation of the final draft of the FDES
2013. The revision was a complex process that entailed organizing the substantive contributions and
participation of experts, countries and organizations from around the world, at different stages of the
process, over a three-year period.
The Expert Group on the Revision of the FDES contributed valuable input throughout the
process and, in particular, during the expert group meetings. It collaborated in the drafting process
and revised various versions of the chapter and document drafts. Members of the Expert Group from
national statistical offices and environmental ministries/agencies included Gemma Van Halderen,
Michael Vardon and Mark Lound (Australia); Michael Nagy (formerly Austria, currently Qatar);
Abul Kalam Azad (Bangladesh); Edgar Ek (Belize); Ditshupo Gaobotse (Botswana); Ricardo Moraes
and Wadih Neto (Brazil); Carolyn Cahill, Andrew Ferguson and Robert Smith (Canada); Yixuan
Wang (China); Iva Ritchelova (Czech Republic) who acted as Chair of the Expert Group; Kaia Oras
(Estonia); Leo Kolttola (Finland); Fanta Kaba (Guinea); Sekhar Jeyalakshmi (India); Wynandin
Imawan (Indonesia); Cesare Costantino (Italy); Janet Geoghagen-Martin (Jamaica); Soh Wah Lim
(Malaysia); Chitranjan Ramnath and Anand Sookun (Mauritius); Jess Romo-Garca and Adriana
Oropeza-Lliteras (Mexico); Hendrik Jan Dijkerman (Netherlands); Philip Olatunde Bankole
(Nigeria); Torstein Arne Bye and Svein Homstvedt (Norway); Raymundo Talento (Philippines); Kok
Chew Cheang (Singapore); Andreas Talea (Suriname); Khamis Raddad (United Arab Emirates);
Richard Guldin and William Sonntag (United States). Members from international organizations
included: Jochen Jesinghaus (European Commission); Jean-Louis Weber (European Environment
Agency (EEA)); Christian Heidorn (Statistical Office of the European Union - Eurostat), Rolf
Luyendijk (United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)); Ashbindu Singh (United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP)); Robert Mayo, Mike Robson and Carola Fabi (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)); Matthias Bruckner (United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA); Kristina Taboulchanas (United Nations
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC)); Peter Harper (Chair of
the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA)). Experts from
non-governmental organizations included: Marc Levy (Center for International Earth Science
Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University); Robin OMalley (Heinz Center for Science,
Economics and Environment); and Christian Layke (World Resources Institute (WRI)).
The following experts provided additional feedback on the drafts of the FDES 2013: Sarah
Kabaija (Uganda); Ole Gravgard Pedersen and Thomas Olsen (Denmark); Julie Hass (Norway), who
also provided indispensable editorial help; Viveka Palm (Sweden); Sachiko Tsuji (FAO); Jaap van
Woerden (UNEP); and Carl Obst (Editor of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting


It is also important to acknowledge the valuable contribution of countries and experts that
participated in the Pilot Exercise carried out towards the final stage of the revision (AugustSeptember 2012) to refine the Core Set of Environment Statistics. Both developed and developing
countries from all regions participated in the Pilot Exercise. In all, 25 countries and two international
organizations took part in the Pilot, including 20 developing countries (Belize, Botswana, Brazil,
Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, Cte dIvoire, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria,
Philippines, Qatar, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Vietnam and United Arab Emirates), five
developed countries (Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, United States) and two international
organizations (Eurostat and UNEP).
The FDES revision also benefited greatly from comments, suggestions and substantive input
from the 76 countries, areas and institutions that responded to the Global Consultation (SeptemberNovember 2012) on the final draft of the FDES 2013. The following countries responded: Antigua
and Barbuda; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Belize; Bhutan; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Cameroon;
Canada; Cape Verde; Chile; China; Colombia; Cte dIvoire; Croatia; Czech Republic; Dominican
Republic; Ecuador; Finland; Georgia; Hong Kong-SAR of China; Hungary; India; Ireland; Israel;
Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Lesotho; Lithuania; Macao-SAR of China;
Madagascar; Malaysia; Mauritius; Mexico; Montenegro; Myanmar; New Zealand; Netherlands;
Nigeria; Norway; Palestine; Philippines; Poland; Qatar; Republic of Belarus; Romania; Russian
Federation; Serbia; Sierra Leone; Slovenia; South Africa; South Sudan; Sri Lanka; Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines; Suriname; Sweden; Switzerland; The Gambia; Togo; Turkey; United Kingdom;
United Arab Emirates; Venezuela; and Vietnam. Participating institutions included UNECLAC, the
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Eurostat and the Environmental-Economic
Accounting Section of UNSD.
Special acknowledgment goes to Jock Martin, Cathy Maguire, Jan-Erik Petersen, Roberta
Pignatelli and Sheila Cryan of the EEA for reviewing the final draft of the FDES.
Finally, it is important to recognize the substantive contributions drawn from the work of the
many countries experts who consulted with their colleagues in national agencies on different aspects
of the FDES revision and organized meetings and workshops to discuss the FDES, and in particular
the Core Set of Environment Statistics, during the Pilot and Global Consultation stages.
The publication was prepared under the responsibility of UNSD. The UNSD staff of the
Environment Statistics Section who led the revision process include Eszter Horvath, Reena Shah,
Rayn Quiroga-Martnez, Karen Cassamajor, Marcus Newbury and Robin Carrington.
Acknowledgment is also due to former staff of the Environment Statistics Section who contributed to
the revision of the FDES: Daniel Clarke; David Kuczenski; Branko Milicevic; Yongyi Min; and
Jeremy Webb. Administrative support was provided by Evelyne Michaud.
A number of UNSD staff also contributed valuable comments and suggestions on the chapter
drafts, including Ivo Havinga, Magdolna Csizmadia (Economic Statistics), Alessandra Alfieri,
Ricardo Martnez-Lagunes and Sokol Vako (Environmental-Economic Accounts).
The following former interns in the Environment Statistics Section also contributed to the
work on the revision and finalization of the FDES: Cristina Sendra Diaz; Elena Montes; Germana

Borsetta; Harshini Samarakoon; Iliana Crdenes; John Simmons; Praem Mehta; Rong Liu; Serap
Cevirgen; Siyu Chen; Xiang Xu; Xiaoxin Xie; and Zubaida Choudhury.
Last, acknowledgement is due to the national statistical offices, environmental
ministries/agencies and international agencies that provided resources and experts, and allocated time
to this collective effort.


Why is a framework needed?
1.1. Though environment statistics is still a relatively new statistical domain, the demand for such
statistics is increasing in conjunction with continuing environmental degradation and the
challenges associated with improved environmental management. The recognition that human
well-being depends on the environment has led to a growing list of environmental issues on
which decisions must be taken, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and natural resource
management. Given the need for governments, businesses, households and other decision
makers to deal effectively with these issues, the environment statistics informing them must
be of the highest quality possible.

Environment statistics provide information about the state and changes of environmental
conditions, the quality and availability of environmental resources, the impact of human
activities and natural events on the environment and the impact of changing environmental
conditions. They also provide information about the social actions and economic measures
that societies take to avoid or mitigate these impacts and to restore and maintain the capacity
of the environment to provide the services that are essential for life and human well-being.


Environment statistics thus cover a wide range of information and are multi- and interdisciplinary in nature. They originate from a variety of institutions that collect data and,
similarly, numerous methods are used to compile them. The field of environment statistics
requires an appropriate framework to guide its development, coordination and organization.


This environment statistics framework: (i) marks out the scope of environment statistics; (ii)
facilitates a synthesized presentation of data from various subject areas and sources; (iii)
simplifies the complexity of the environment appropriately so that it can be measured more
easily; (iv) helps to identify the range of statistics relevant to societal decision-making
regarding the environment; (v) is consistent with statistical frameworks already used in other
domains to facilitate the integration of environment statistics; and (vi) is conceptually based.

1.5. A Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics2 (FDES) was first published in
1984 by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), along with its subsequent
publications, Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Human Settlements Statistics3
(1988) and Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Statistics of the Natural
Environment4 (1991). The 1984 FDES and subsequent publications have been a useful
framework for guiding countries in the development of their environment statistics
programmes. Since its publication, many scientific, political, technological, statistical and
experience-based developments have occurred, which suggested that the FDES could benefit
from revision.

United Nations Statistics Division (1984). A Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesM/SeriesM_78e.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (1988). Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Human Settlements Statistics A Technical Report.
Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_51e.pdf (accessed 30 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (1991). Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Statistics of the Natural Environment A Technical
Report. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_57E.pdf (accessed 30 July 2015).



Consequently, the United Nations Statistical Commission, at its 41st session (23-26 February
2010), endorsed a work programme and the establishment of an Expert Group for the revision
of the FDES and the development of a Core Set of Environment Statistics. The members of
the Expert Group represented producers and users of environment statistics of countries from
all regions and at different stages of development, as well as several international
organizations, specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).5

The revision process

1.7. The revision was based on an agreed set of criteria and has been supported by extensive
international expert consultation. The 1984 FDES was used as the starting point. It was
revised taking into account the lessons learned during its application in different countries as
well as improved scientific knowledge about the environment and new requirements created
by emerging environmental concerns and policy issues, including major Multilateral
Environmental Agreements (MEAs). The revision has also taken into account the increasing
prominence of environmental sustainability issues and concepts, including the outcome of the
Rio+20 Conference and the work on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Existing
environment statistics and indicator frameworks were analysed, including major
developments in the field of environmental-economic accounting and selected thematic
developments relevant to environment statistics. (For more information on developments
since 1984 and on MEAs, see Annex B: Developments since 1984 and Annex C: Multilateral
Environmental Agreements).

The revision was undertaken as part of UNSDs work programme on environment statistics,
supported by the Expert Group on the Revision of the FDES. The drafts were reviewed in four
face-to-face meetings of the Expert Group and in several rounds of electronic discussion. The
Basic Set of Environment Statistics was tested by 25 countries and two organizations. The
final draft of the FDES underwent a Global Consultation, yielding feedback from 76
countries, areas and organizations. The present document is the result of this extensive
consultation process.

The FDES 2013

1.9. The FDES 2013 is a flexible, multi-purpose conceptual and statistical framework that is
comprehensive and integrative in nature. It marks out the scope of environment statistics and
provides an organizing structure to guide their collection and compilation and to synthesize
data from various subject areas and sources, covering the issues and aspects of the
environment that are relevant for analysis, policy and decision making.
1.10. The FDES 2013 targets a broad user community, including environmental statisticians in
national statistical offices (NSOs), environmental ministries and agencies, as well as other
producers of environment statistics. It helps to mark out the roles of the different data
producers, thus facilitating coordination at different levels.
1.11. The FDES 2013 is structured in a way that allows links to economic and social domains. It
seeks to be compatible with other frameworks and systems, both statistical and analytical,
such as the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), the Driving force5

United Nations Statistics Division. Expert Group on the Revision of the UN FDES. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/fdes/fdes_egm.htm (accessed 16 July 2015).


Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework, and the Millennium Development

Goals (MDGs), SDGs and the sustainable development indicator (SDI) frameworks. When
applicable, it is based on existing statistical classifications. As such, the FDES facilitates data
integration within environment statistics and with economic and social statistics.
1.12. The FDES 2013 organizes environment statistics into six components and each of them is
broken down into sub-components and statistical topics. The six components include:
environmental conditions and quality; the availability and use of environmental resources and
related human activities; the use of the environment as a sink for residuals and related human
activities; extreme events and disasters; human settlements and environmental health; and
social and economic measures to protect and manage the environment. The statistical topics
represent the quantifiable aspects of the components and are grouped into sub-components,
taking into account the types and sources of the statistics needed to describe them.
1.13. The FDES 2013 sets out a comprehensive, though not exhaustive, list of statistics (the Basic
Set of Environment Statistics) that can be used to measure the statistical topics. The Basic Set
is organized into three tiers, based on the level of relevance, availability and methodological
development of the statistics.
1.14. Within this scope, a Core Set of Environment Statistics has been identified as Tier 1. The
objective of the Core Set is to serve as an agreed, limited set of environment statistics that are
of high priority and relevance to most countries. Harmonized international definitions,
classifications and data collection methods for these statistics will be provided in subsequent
methodological handbooks to facilitate their production in an internationally comparable
1.15. The FDES 2013 is relevant to, and recommended for use by, countries at all stages of
development. However, it is particularly useful for guiding the formulation of environment
statistics programmes in countries at the early stages of developing environment statistics as
it: (i) identifies the scope and constituent components, sub-components and statistical topics
relevant for them; (ii) contributes to the assessment of data requirements, sources, availability
and gaps; (iii) guides the development of multipurpose data collection processes and
databases; and (iv) assists in the coordination and organization of environment statistics,
given the inter-institutional nature of the domain.
Structure of the document
1.16. Chapter 1 of the FDES 2013 provides an overview of the main characteristics of environment
statistics. It identifies the main uses and user groups and the relationship between
environmental data, statistics, accounts and indicators. The typical sources of data and the
most important temporal and spatial considerations are also introduced. A brief description of
existing classifications, categorizations and other groupings widely used in environment
statistics is also presented. Particular attention is paid to the institutional aspects of
environment statistics.
1.17. Chapter 2 presents the conceptual foundation and scope of the FDES. It explains the
underlying fundamental concepts and how they have been translated into the six components
that constitute the Framework. It introduces the hierarchical layers of components, sub19

components and statistical topics that provide the organizational structure for environment
statistics. Finally, Chapter 2 explores the relationship between the FDES and other
frameworks, particularly the SEEA and the DPSIR analytical framework.
1.18. Chapter 3 provides an expanded discussion of the components, sub-components and statistical
topics of the FDES. It describes the relevance of the statistical topics, the typical data sources
and institutional partners. It sets out the relevant statistics needed to describe the statistical
topics and their relationships and provides information on the most important aspects of
temporal and spatial aggregation, as well as on existing methodology. These statistics
constitute the Basic Set of Environment Statistics.
1.19. Chapter 4 presents the three-tiered organization of the Basic Set of Environment Statistics,
based on the relevance, availability and methodological development of the statistics. It
introduces the Core Set of Environment Statistics (Tier 1 of the Basic Set) and describes the
criteria and process for selecting them.
1.20. Chapter 5 provides examples of the application of the FDES to selected cross-cutting
environmental and socio-economic issues (such as climate change), as well as to specific
sectoral or thematic analytical needs (such as agriculture and the environment, water
management, the energy sector and the environment). These examples illustrate the flexibility
and adaptability of the FDES to different user and policy needs.
1.21. Annex A contains the full Basic Set of Environment Statistics. Annex B provides supporting
information on the conceptual and policy developments since the publication of the FDES in
1984. Annex C describes the major MEAs relevant to environment statistics. Annex D
presents some of the most important classifications and other groupings used in environment
Future work
1.22. Following the endorsement of the FDES 2013, work will focus on its implementation at the
national level. Detailed methodological guidance and training material for the FDES, the Core
and Basic Sets of Environment Statistics will be developed, including classifications,
definitions and data collection and compilation methods, building on existing methodologies
and ongoing methodological work in environment and sectoral statistics, and in
environmental-economic accounting.

Chapter 1: Overview of Environment Statistics Characteristics and Challenges

1.23. This chapter describes the domain of environment statistics, introduces its main
characteristics and discusses some of the methodological and institutional challenges that
should be considered when working in this field, keeping the Fundamental Principles of

Official Statistics in mind (see box below). These characteristics are the basis of the FDES
2013. The FDES as a tool for organizing the content and production of environment statistics
will be described in depth in Chapter 2.
1.24. Environment statistics cut across several disciplines and draw data from a wide range of
sources. In addition to the NSOs and environmental ministries and agencies, several other
institutions are key players in producing data used in environment statistics. Statistical and
environmental expertise, scientific knowledge, institutional development capabilities and
adequate resources are also needed to produce environment statistics. Within this relatively
new statistical domain, methodological resources, tools and good practices are being
developed and systematized gradually. Consequently, many countries still require substantial
technical assistance and capacity building to develop their national environment statistics
Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
Principle 1. Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the
Government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. To this
end, official statistics that meet the test of practical utility are to be compiled and made available on an impartial basis by official
statistical agencies to honour citizens entitlement to public information.
Principle 2. To retain trust in official statistics, the statistical agencies need to decide according to strictly professional
considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, on the methods and procedures for the collection,
processing, storage and presentation of statistical data.
Principle 3. To facilitate a correct interpretation of the data, the statistical agencies are to present information according to
scientific standards on the sources, methods and procedures of the statistics.
Principle 4. The statistical agencies are entitled to comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics.
Principle 5. Data for statistical purposes may be drawn from all types of sources, be they statistical surveys or administrative
records. Statistical agencies are to choose the source with regard to quality, timeliness, costs and the burden on respondents.
Principle 6. Individual data collected by statistical agencies for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal
persons, are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively for statistical purposes.
Principle 7. The laws, regulations and measures under which the statistical systems operate are to be made public.
Principle 8. Coordination among statistical agencies within countries is essential to achieve consistency and efficiency in the
statistical system.
Principle 9. The use by statistical agencies in each country of international concepts, classifications and methods promotes the
consistency and efficiency of statistical systems at all official levels.
Principle 10. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in statistics contributes to the improvement of systems of official statistics in
all countries.
Source: United Nations Statistics Division, Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/dnss/gp/fundprinciples.aspx (accessed 16 July 2015).

1.1 Objective of environment statistics

1.25. The objective of environment statistics is to provide information about the environment, its
most important changes over time and across locations and the main factors that influence
them. Environment statistics seek to provide high quality statistical information to improve

knowledge of the environment, support evidence-based policy and decision making, and
provide information for the general public and specific user groups.
1.2 Scope of environment statistics

1.26. The scope of environment statistics covers biophysical aspects of the environment and those
aspects of the socio-economic system that directly influence and interact with the
1.27. The scope of environment, social and economic statistics overlap. It is not easy or necessary
to draw a clear line dividing these areas. Social and economic statistics that describe
processes or activities with a direct impact on, or direct interaction with, the environment are
used widely in environment statistics. They are within the scope of the FDES. Other relevant
social and economic statistics, which are not part of environment statistics, are also required
to place environmental issues in context and facilitate the integrated analysis of
environmental, social and economic processes. The use of consistent definitions and
classifications among these fields supports their integration. When properly integrated, data
and other inputs from social and economic domains enrich the analysis of environment
1.3 Main users of environment statistics

1.28. Environment statistics serve a variety of users, including but not limited to:
i. Policy and decision makers at all levels;
ii. The general public, including media and civil society;
iii. Analysts, researchers and academia; and
iv. International agencies.
1.29. Different users need environment statistics at different levels of aggregation and depths of
information. They may need cross-cutting environment statistics data sets, for instance
regarding climate change. In other cases, they may be interested only in particular topics and
themes pertaining to specific sectoral analysis and policy making. Policy and decision makers
at the highest levels and the general public would tend to use environmental indicators and
more aggregated statistics. Environmental administration, researchers, analysts and academics
may be more inclined to examine extensive and detailed environment statistics. International
agencies typically have well-articulated needs for environment statistics based on
environmental agreements or international data collection processes.
1.30. Environment statistics support evidence-based policy making by making it possible to identify
environmental policy issues and quantify the measures and impacts of policy initiatives
objectively. They strengthen assessments through quantitative metrics, making analyses more
robust through the use of timely and comparable data. The type, level of thematic, spatial and
temporal aggregation, and format of environment statistics depend on the type of user and
intended use. The main products of environment statistics are detailed tabulated environment
statistics series and environmental indicators, both of which can be stored in multi-purpose
databases and disseminated in the form of online databases, as well as different types of

publications, such as compendia, yearbooks, thematic reports, and analytical publications,

such as state of the environment reports.
1.4 Environmental information, data, statistics and indicators

1.31. Environmental information includes quantitative and qualitative facts describing the state of
the environment and its changes. Quantitative environmental information is generally
produced in the form of data, statistics and indicators, and is generally disseminated through
databases, spreadsheets, compendia and yearbooks. Qualitative environmental information
consists of descriptions (e.g., textual or pictorial) of the environment or its constituent parts
that cannot be adequately represented by accurate quantitative descriptors.
1.32. Environmental data are large amounts of unprocessed observations and measurements about
the environment and related processes. They may be collected or compiled via statistical
surveys (censuses or sample surveys) by the national statistical system or may originate from
administrative records, geographic databases, registers, inventories, monitoring networks,
thematic mapping, remote sensing, scientific research and field studies.
1.33. Environment statistics are environmental data that have been structured, synthesized and
aggregated according to statistical methods, standards and procedures. The role of
environment statistics is to process environmental and other data into meaningful statistics
that describe the state of and trends in the environment and the main processes affecting them.
Not all environmental data are used to produce environment statistics. The FDES provides a
framework that identifies environmental and other data that fall within its scope and then
contributes to structuring, synthesizing and aggregating the data into statistical series and
1.34. Environmental indicators are environment statistics that have been selected for their ability to
depict important phenomena or dynamics. Environmental indicators are used to synthesize
and present complex environment and other statistics in a simple, direct, clear and relevant
way. Environmental indicators are generated because environment statistics are usually too
numerous and detailed to meet the needs of policy makers and the general public, and often
require further processing and interpretation to be meaningful. Environmental indicators may
take various forms such as rates, ratios or proportions, and be constructed at different levels of
aggregation. The purpose of these indicators is to assess present and future directions with
respect to goals and targets, evaluate and determine the impact of specific programmes,
monitor progress, measure changes in a specific condition or situation over time, and convey
messages. Policy frameworks such as the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) frameworks, the Driving force-Pressure-State-ImpactResponse (DPSIR) framework and national environment/sustainable development indicator
sets, are typically used to identify and structure indicators.
1.35. Environmental indices are composite or more complex measures that combine and synthesize
more than one environmental indicator or statistic and are weighted according to different
methods. An index can provide a valuable summary measure to communicate important
messages in an accessible way and, thus, raise awareness. However, they often raise questions

regarding their proper interpretation, methodological soundness, subjectivity of the weighting,

and the quality of the underlying statistics.
1.36. Environment statistics organized primarily within the FDES may be structured for specific
analytical purposes based on different analytical frameworks, such as the DPSIR framework,
issue-based frameworks which focus on specific environmental problems (e.g., climate
change, air pollution and land degradation), policy-based frameworks such as sustainable
development strategies, or assessment frameworks such as those used in state of the
environment reports.
1.37. Accounting frameworks, such as the SEEA, reorganize the relevant environment statistics
according to stocks and flows within and between the environment and the economy, based
on the principles of the System of National Accounts (SNA). In this way, it creates links
between environment statistics and the SNA and facilitates the analysis of relationships
between the economy and the environment.
1.38. These types of environment statistics are all important and interdependent. They all feed back
into each other to produce diverse and complementary products that can be used for different
purposes and that fit specific user needs and resources of countries or agencies. Ideally,
information about the environment should be produced and used as a multi-purpose
information system which would increase synergy, consistency and efficiency in the use of
limited financial resources.
1.5 Sources of environment statistics

1.39. Environment statistics synthesize data originating from various types of sources. Thus, the
data used to produce environment statistics are not only compiled by many different
collection techniques, but also by many different institutions. Types of sources include:
i. statistical surveys (e.g., censuses or sample surveys of population, housing, agriculture,
enterprises, households, employment, and different aspects of environment management);
ii. administrative records of government and non-government agencies responsible for
natural resources, as well as other ministries and authorities;
iii. remote sensing and thematic mapping (e.g., satellite imaging and mapping of land use and
land cover, water bodies or forest cover);
iv. monitoring systems (e.g., field-monitoring stations for water quality, air pollution or
v. scientific research and special projects undertaken to fulfil domestic or international
1.40. These multiple types of sources are usually used in combination. For instance, in estimating
certain types of emissions to the air, statistical surveys are used in combination with scientific
research. While statistical surveys and administrative records are commonly used in all areas
of statistics (economic, social and environment) and the use of remote sensing data has
become widespread, the use of data from monitoring networks, scientific research and special
projects are mostly specific to the production of environment statistics.


1.41. Environment statistics rely considerably on data that are collected by direct measurements
using a variety of methods, including remote sensing and field-monitoring stations. Most
countries have agencies that are primarily responsible for monitoring environmental resources
and conditions. They may be entities in their own right or government agencies with other
primary functions that also have departments concerned with environmental matters. These
agencies typically produce two main types of data: (i) measured data (obtained by direct
observation, field measurements and remote sensing); and (ii) calculated data (derived using
estimates and modelling).
1.42. The use of estimates and modelling to generate environmental data can improve overall data
quality, including accuracy and coverage, especially when models draw upon two or more
sets of observations, such as field observations coupled with global satellite-based
observations. Models may also incorporate administrative data or data resulting from
statistical surveys or special projects.
1.43. The main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of these types of sources of
environment statistics are discussed below.6
Statistical surveys
1.44. There are two types of surveys: (i) censuses; and (ii) sample surveys. A census is a survey that
collects data from the entire population of interest. A sample survey is a survey carried out
using a sampling method, in which data are collected from a representative portion of the
population of interest and not the whole population.7
1.45. Environment statistics can be collected from surveys by: (i) adding environment-related
questions to surveys intended primarily to collect data on other topics; and (ii) using surveys
intended primarily to collect environment statistics. When environmental data are collected
through environment statistics surveys, the survey design reflects the objective of producing
environment statistics. However, it is not always feasible or economical to conduct such
surveys, so data are frequently obtained from other existing statistical surveys (e.g., social,
economic and sectoral) whose primary objective differs from the production of environment
1.46. Adding environment-related questions to other surveys is less expensive than collecting data
through a separate survey, the response burden is minimized and the environmental data can
be directly linked to other data collected. However, the challenges of adding questions to
existing surveys include the following: (i) there may be limited space available for additional
questions in existing surveys; (ii) the survey frame and stratification of the population and
sampling selection may not be ideal for environment statistics; (iii) the data may need to be
reorganized or reclassified to be used in environment statistics; and (iv) respondents may not
be familiar with environmental terms or the information needed to answer environmentrelated questions.

United Nations Statistics Division (2012). International Recommendations for Water Statistics. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/irws/irwswebversion.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
International Statistical Institute (2003). The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Yadolah Dodge ed., Oxford University Press.


1.47. Environment-specific surveys may be censuses or sample surveys. The advantages of using
environment-specific surveys are that: (i) the survey frame and sampling used can be selected
based on the requirements of environment statistics; (ii) consistent concepts and definitions
can be used in survey questions; and (iii) the most suitable type of survey modes for
collecting environment statistics can be selected. On the other hand, environment-specific
surveys create an additional response burden and are costly in terms of finance, human
resources and time. In addition, in many cases, no suitable register, list or map is readily
available to use as a survey frame.
Administrative records
1.48. Administrative data kept by government agencies or NGOs may be used for the production of
environment statistics. Government agencies keep administrative records of the population,
households and establishments in response to legislation or regulations, or for internal
management purposes. While most administrative data have been obtained traditionally from
government agencies, administrative records kept by NGOs (e.g., industry or services
associations and environmental associations and groups) may also be of use for environment
1.49. The main advantage of administrative data sources is that it is usually much less costly to
collect such data than to create and conduct a survey. The level of response burden is
minimized and complete coverage of units under administration is assured. However, there
are usually differences between administrative and statistical terms and definitions; deliberate
misreporting may occur; data may not be checked or validated for statistical purposes;
restrictions may be placed on access to data; and coverage, though complete for
administrative purposes, might not match statistical requirements.
Remote sensing and thematic mapping
1.50. Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance,
typically from aircraft or satellites. Sensors are able to detect and classify objects on, above or
below the earths surface. Remote sensing makes it possible to collect data on dangerous or
inaccessible areas or to replace costly and slow data collection on the ground, thus ensuring
that areas or objects are not disturbed. Using satellite, aircraft, spacecraft, buoy, ship, balloon
and helicopter images, data are created to analyse and compare, for example, the impact of
natural disasters, changes in the area of soil erosion, the extent of pollution, changes in land
cover or population estimates of animal species. These can be mapped, imaged, tracked and
observed. Combined with thematic mapping data and sufficient validation using actual
measurements in the field, remote sensing usually provides consistent and high-quality data
for environment statistics.
1.51. Environmental geographic data are geographically referenced (geo-referenced) information
that includes digital maps, satellite and aerial imagery, other data sources that are linked to a
location, coordinate or a map feature, and is all structured in databases. This data provides
much of the visualisation and contextual elements that add significantly to the quantity and
quality of information organized within the framework of environment statistics, particularly
when stored in geographic information systems (GIS). GIS is an integrating technology that
helps to capture, manage, analyse, visualize and model a wide range of data with a spatial or

locational component. Such systems allow environmental conditions to be mapped, measured

and modelled.
Monitoring systems
1.52. Monitoring systems for the production of environment statistics are typically comprised of
field-monitoring stations which are used to describe the qualitative and quantitative aspects of
the environmental media (e.g., air, water or soil quality, or hydrological or meteorological
characteristics). The main advantages of these data are that they: (i) are usually collected
using verifiable scientific methods; (ii) are usually validated; (iii) are often available as time
series; and (iv) frequently use models to improve data quality.
1.53. The disadvantages of data from monitoring systems result from the fact that field monitoring
stations, especially those monitoring concentrations of pollutants in the environmental media,
are usually located in hot-spot areas with high levels of pollution, with high sensitivity, or
with large numbers of the population being affected. Therefore, the measurements will be
location-specific and more difficult to aggregate over space to produce measures of quality
over larger territories.
Scientific research and special projects
1.54. Scientific research programmes focus on specific scientific areas. The data collected and
produced will thus depend on the focus of the research. Many such special projects may be
relevant to environment statistics, such as studies on glacier retraction and global CO2
concentration, and biological assays to measure environmental pollutants. Special projects
undertaken to address domestic or international demand often produce research data that are
collected by universities, as well as other research agencies and organizations that may be
governmental or non-governmental. Their main purposes are usually to fill knowledge gaps,
assess the effectiveness of different measures and develop alternative policies.
1.55. The main advantages of using data from scientific research and special projects are that they:
(i) are usually available at no or low cost; (ii) minimize the response burden; (iii) can be used
to address data gaps; and (iv) are useful for developing coefficients for models. Disadvantages
of using these sources include that: (i) they often use terms and definitions that differ from
those used in statistics; (ii) access to microdata may be limited; (iii) metadata may be missing;
(iv) data are often available only for case examples (i.e., limited areas or industries); and (v)
data are often available on a one-time basis only.
1.56. Process-specific technological parameters of different production and consumption processes
relating to the input of natural resources and the output of residuals constitute a special
category of data used in environment statistics. These data are used to produce per unit factors
or coefficients that support the calculation and estimation of the resource and emission
intensity of production and consumption processes.
1.57. The table below, Table 1.1: Types of sources of environment statistics and their main
characteristics8, shows the main types of sources from which environment statistics are

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2009). Methodological Guide for developing
Environmental and Sustainable Development Indicators in Latin American and Caribbean Countries. Manuales series No. 61.


usually derived. It provides examples of these statistics, the general advantages and
disadvantages of each type of source and the challenges that these sources pose for
developing countries.

Available from http://www.eclac.org/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/publicaciones/xml/3/46043/P46043.xml&xsl=/deype/tpli/p9f.xsl&base=/ilpes/tpl/top-bottom.xslt (accessed 16 July 2015).


Table 1.1: Types of sources of environment statistics and their main characteristics
Type of

Examples of

Examples of source


Censuses such as
population and housing,
economic, agricultural or
other sectoral censuses
may include environmental
aspects. Specific
environmental censuses
may cover establishments
engaged in activities such
as water management or
waste management.


Includes general purpose

instruments (which may
cover environmental
issues) such as household
surveys, business surveys
and other sectoral surveys.
Also includes emerging
surveys specifically
designed to gather
environmental information,
i.e., environmental
management surveys for
business establishments
(including industry,
tourism and agriculture),
municipal environmental
management surveys and
public opinion polls on the
environment, among

Drinking water
Basic sanitation
Housing quality
Production and
handling of solid
barometers on
policies and


Use, for statistical

purposes, of records
maintained by different
government and nongovernmental agencies for
administrative purposes, at
various levels (including
national, regional,
provincial and municipal)
such as:
customs records (imports);
sectoral ministry records;
public finance and budget
records; tax returns
records; and environmental
authority records.

Number of
motor vehicles
Designation of
protected area
Public spending

Examples of
Drinking water
Basic sanitation
Housing quality
Use of fertilizers
and pesticides in


of the universe
of informants,
more accurate
data outcomes

Examples of

Low periodicity

Challenges for

Requires that
sections of the
instrument be
refined to
capture more
and better

periodicity and
therefore more
updating of
data series

Sampling and
ss of sample
may be a
concern in the
case of surveys
designed for
other than

Requires that
sections of
instruments be
refined to
capture more
and better
developing and
surveys of
sectors and on
different levels

quarterly and
even monthly)
and thus high

Terms and
definitions may
differ from those
used in
statistics; access
to microdata
may be limited;
metadata may be

capacities in
ministries and
public services
Requires stable
national interinstitutional


All kinds of remote

sensing and atmospheric
measuring tools that
produce images and their
interpretation: satellite
imaging; aerial
photography; geodata;
geodesy; and geomatics.


Includes various quality

and pollution monitoring
stations and networks
such as:
urban air pollution
monitoring stations;
surface water quality
monitoring systems;
glacier monitoring
systems; and seawater or
coastal water quality
monitoring systems.
hydrological monitoring

and special

Data collected by
universities, research
agencies and
organizations to fill
knowledge gaps and
assess effectiveness of or
develop alternative

imaging to
imaging of
urban sprawl
(city surface)
Land cover
and land use
Level, height
or retraction of
sampled to
quality of
urban air
coastal marine
pollution; and
and water
flows of rivers

Diversity and
trends of
of solid waste
parameters of


Costs of
imaging have
fallen sharply

In general,
good to
quality and
accurate data

Low cost
May be used
to fill in data
Useful for

High cost of
Few national
offices and
Ministries of

Requires geospatial literacy

among officials
responsible for
resources to
interpret images
and build
of data

High cost of
installing and
systems and
thus of
Point specific
usually do not
allow for
over space
unless the
network is
dense enough

the flow of data
from primary
source in terms
of periodicity,
aggregation and
format required
for input into

Terms and
may differ
from those
used in
Access to
microdata may
be limited
Metadata may
be missing
Often have
limited scope
and often
produced on a
one-time basis

Requires close
statisticians and
experts from
the various
scientific fields

1.6 Classifications and other groupings relevant to environment statistics

1.58. Statistical classifications are sets of discrete categories which may be assigned to specific
variables registered in a statistical survey or an administrative file and used to produce and
present statistics.9
1.59. The field of environment statistics has no single, overarching, internationally agreed
classification of the environment for statistical purposes, such as the International Standard
Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC).10 Instead, there are many
coexisting and emerging classifications and categorizations for specific subject areas. These
include standardized statistical classifications as well as less formalized groupings or
categories. Some of the classifications and categories that have been used in the
environmental field have not been developed specifically for statistical purposes and therefore
must be linked to statistical classifications.
1.60. Standard economic and social-demographic statistical classifications, such as ISIC and the
Central Product Classification (CPC),11 or the International Classification of Diseases
(ICD),12 among others, are relevant for and used in environment statistics. The use of these
classifications facilitates the integration of environment statistics with economic and socialdemographic statistics.
1.61. The pioneering environment statistics classifications adopted by the Conference of European
Statisticians (CES) have been used extensively for international data collection. These
classifications, developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE), are heterogeneous and most include more than one single hierarchical
classification. They also include recommendations for definitions, measurement methods and
tabulations. The UNECE Standard Statistical Classifications for the environment include
classifications of Water Use (1989), Land Use (1989), Wastes (1989), Ambient Air Quality
(1990), Surface Freshwater Quality for the Maintenance of Aquatic Life (1992), Marine
Water Quality (1992), Environment Protection Activities and Facilities (1994), and Flora,
Fauna and Biotopes (1996). These classifications have been used extensively by the UNECE,
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Eurostat, UNSD and
various regional and national bodies for international data collection.
1.62. More recent statistical classifications, as well as less-formalized categorizations which pertain
to specific sub-domains of environment statistics, have been developed by international
organizations, specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations or NGOs. Examples
include the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Land Cover
Classification System (LCCS) and the groupings and classifications developed for water

United Nations Statistics Division (1999). Standard Statistical Classifications: Basic Principles. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/class/family/bestprac.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (2008). International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/isic-4.asp (accessed 16 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (2008). Central Product Classification, Ver. 2. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/cpc-2.asp
(accessed 16 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2011). International Classification of Diseases. Available from http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/ (accessed 16
July 2015).


statistics and energy products included in the International Recommendations for Water
Statistics (IRWS)13 and the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES).14
1.63. Many of the aforementioned classifications have been revised, adapted and used in the SEEA
Central Framework (SEEA-CF), including the Classification of Environmental Activities
(CEA), which covers the classes of activities considered to be environmental protection and
resource management activities, used primarily to produce statistics on environmental
protection and resource management expenditure. Other examples include the categories of
solid waste or the interim classifications of land use and land cover. Additional work on
classifications of ecosystem services is being conducted as part of the development of the
SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting.
1.64. There are also classifications and lists of categories which do not originate in the statistical
community but are used in environment statistics, such as the classifications of natural and
technological disasters produced by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
Emergency Events Database (CRED EM-DAT); classifications of protected areas and
threatened species developed by the United Nations Environment Programmes World
Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and the International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN); ecosystem reporting categories used
by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; source categories for greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); or the United
Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources
(UNFC). Ensuring harmonization of the different classifications and building bridges among
them are among the most important roles of environmental statisticians.
1.65. For more information on classifications used in environment statistics, see Chapter 3 and
Annex A: Basic Set of Environment Statistics, which contain the Basic Set of Environment
Statistics. The Basic Set includes a column that lists commonly used classifications and
categorization. Annex D contains relevant classifications and groupings in the field of
environment statistics.
1.7 Temporal considerations

1.66. While it is important to align the temporal aggregations of environmental data with those used
in economic and social statistics to ensure their proper integration, a uniform calendar or
fiscal year often does not correspond to the diversity of natural phenomena. Therefore
different time scales or longer or shorter time periods must also be used to aggregate
environmental data over time.
1.67. The environmental data used in environment statistics are measured or monitored at different
frequencies. Certain features of natural growth of biomass (e.g., in a natural, slow growing
forest that is not subject to logging) or processes such as changes in land cover or soil erosion
do not justify or require frequent, diligent monitoring because the most relevant changes may
United Nations Statistics Division (2012). International Recommendations for Water Statistics. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/irws/irwswebversion.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (2011). International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (draft version). Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/doc11/BG-IRES.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


be observed on an annual, or even much less frequent, basis. Other environmental processes,
however, change so quickly that measurements are needed hourly or even more frequently.
One example of frequent monitoring is air quality15 in urban settings.
1.68. Determining the appropriate temporal aggregation of environment statistics often involves a
variety of considerations. For example, fluid environmental phenomena call for careful
consideration of the temporal dimension because ebbs and flows, droughts and floods, snow
and runoffs can occur, which all influence measurements. Variations may be daily and, at
other times, seasonal depending on what is being measured. Seasonal variations may be seen
in the fluctuations in certain types of fish biomass, surface water levels, ice cap surface or the
incidence of fires. In such cases, monitoring must focus more on certain months than others.
Given these temporal aspects, statistics often point out the maximum, minimum and/or other
ways of describing the relevant phenomenon and its levels below or above certain
benchmarks and are not limited to a sum or average over a longer period. In addition, even
when environmental data are produced at irregular intervals, environment statistics based on
these data can still be produced at regular intervals if there are enough data points in each
period to do so.
1.8 Spatial considerations

1.69. The occurrence and impacts of environmental phenomena are distributed spatially without
regard for political-administrative boundaries. The most meaningful spatial units for
environment statistics are: natural units, such as watersheds, ecosystems, eco-zones,
landscape or land cover units; or management and planning units based on natural units, such
as protected areas, coastal areas or river basin districts.
1.70. Economic and social statistics are aggregated traditionally according to administrative units.
This difference can complicate the collection and analysis of environment statistics,
particularly when they must be combined with data originating from social and economic
statistics. However, there is a trend towards producing more geo-referenced data, which
would overcome some of the spatial complications of analysis.
1.71. While environment statistics are usually collected and aggregated for natural physical,
geographical and administrative areas, the concept of economic territory is used for
environmental-economic accounting. This involves a geographic boundary that defines the
scope of an economy. Economic territory is the area under the effective control of a single
government. It includes the land area of a country, including islands, airspace, territorial
waters and territorial enclaves in the rest of the world. Economic territory excludes territorial
enclaves of other countries and international organizations located in the reference country.
1.9 Geospatial information and environment statistics

1.72. Geospatial information presents the location and characteristics of different attributes of the
atmosphere, surface and sub-surface. It is used to describe, display and analyse data with

Air quality is measured by the concentrations of particulate matter (PM 10, PM2.5), also known as suspended particulate matter (SPM), ground level
ozone (O3) or other pollutants depending on the specific city.


discernible spatial aspects, such as land use, water resources and natural disasters. Geospatial
information allows for the visual display of different statistics in a map-based layout, which
can make it easier for users to work with and understand the data. The ability to overlay
multiple data sets using software, for instance on population, environmental quality, and
environmental health, allows for a deeper analysis of the relationship among these
1.73. The complexity of current environmental issues (e.g., climate change, biodiversity loss,
ecosystem health, natural disaster frequency and intensity, population growth and food and
water shortages) increasingly calls for the integration of geospatial information, statistics and
sectoral data to achieve more effective and efficient monitoring of progress in strengthening
the environmental pillar of sustainable development. GIS can help establish the links between
different types and layers of data by providing powerful tools to store and analyse spatial data
and by integrating databases from different sectors in the same format and structure.
1.74. Geospatial information adds significant value and utility to environment statistics. Ideally,
geographic aspects of data should always be collected, represented and analysed at the most
detailed scale possible, based on national capacities and priorities. Geospatial information
enables better analysis of environmental issues as environmental, social and economic
statistics can be aggregated or disaggregated according to a wide range of scales and zones
that address diverse analytical and policy demands, such as: natural units (e.g., watersheds
and ecosystems); administrative units (e.g., municipalities, districts, counties and regions);
management units (e.g., protected areas and river basin districts); planning units (e.g., coastal
zones and urban areas); legal property units (e.g., cadastral units); and analytical units (e.g.,
land cover units, socio-ecological landscape units, eco-complexes, geo-systems and ecozones).
1.75. Geospatial data may be obtained using a variety of technologies such as Global Positioning
Systems (GPS) and remote sensing satellites. Land surveyors, census takers, aerial
photographers, police and even average citizens with a GPS-enabled cell phone can collect
geospatial data using GPS or street addresses that can be entered into GIS. The attributes of
the collected data, such as land-use information, demographics, landscape features or crime
scene observations, can be entered manually or, in the case of a land survey map, digitized
from a map format to a digital format by electronic scanning. The final representation of the
data is constructed by superimposing different layers of information as required by the
analytical and/or policy requirements.


Figure 1.1: Example of GIS data layers or themes

Source: Government Accountability Office (2004).


1.76. Remote sensing gathers information about an object without coming into physical contact
with it. It involves the quantitative analysis of digital information where measurements can be
taken from sensors on the ground, in aircraft or on orbiting satellites. The information is
carried by electromagnetic signals. Remote sensing calls for skills in digital image analysis
when computer programming, image display tools and statistics are required for
interdisciplinary work that may involve scientists and experts in fields including biology,
climatology, geology, atmospheric science, chemistry and oceanography. Satellite remote
sensing can address global issues by detecting, monitoring and measuring regional and global
1.77. Remote sensing data from satellites are obtained digitally and communicated to central
facilities for processing and analysis in GIS. Digital satellite images, for example, can be
analysed in GIS to produce land cover and land use maps. When different types of geospatial
data are combined in GIS (e.g., combining satellite remote sensing land use information with
aerial photographic data on housing development growth), the data are transformed so that
they are coincident and fit the same coordinates. GIS uses the processing power of a
computer, together with geographic mapping techniques (cartography), to transform data from
different sources onto one projection and one scale so that the data can be analysed and
modelled together.
1.10 Institutional dimension of environment statistics

1.78. The institutional dimension of environment statistics refers to the institutional factors
necessary to develop and strengthen the sustained production, dissemination and use of
environment statistics. It comprises the legal framework that establishes the mandates and
roles of the main partners, the institutional setting and institutional development level of
environment statistics units, and the existence and effectiveness of inter-institutional
cooperation and coordination mechanisms at the national level and with specialized
international agencies. The institutional dimension of environment statistics is fundamental
when developing environment statistics at the national level. Given the multi-disciplinary and
cross-cutting nature of environment statistics, the production of environmental data and
statistics involves numerous stakeholders, actors and producers. The challenges of insufficient
Government Accountability Office (2004). Geospatial Information: Better Coordination Needed to Identify and Reduce Duplicative Investments.
Available from http://www.gao.gov/assets/250/243133.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


institutional development, overlapping mandates and functions, inadequate inter-agency

coordination and other institutional issues are very common in many countries. The problems
of coordination and heterogeneous development can also escalate to the regional and global
levels, where multiple partner agencies operate under different mandates, work programmes
and production timetables.
1.79. Identifying the primary institutional obstacles that impede the production of environment
statistics and developing a strategy to overcome them is essential for countries that seek to
develop or strengthen their environment statistics programmes. The following are four key
elements pertaining to the institutional dimension that should be considered and dealt with
simultaneously while developing environment statistics.
1.80. The legal framework. In most countries, the legal framework for the production of
environment statistics commonly consists of statistical, environmental and other relevant
sectoral legislation, such as for water, energy and agriculture. Each of these laws defines the
mandate and competencies of the institutions in charge of the relevant sectors.
1.81. Under national statistical legislation, the NSO is usually the authority responsible for creating
and coordinating the national statistical system. However, in most cases, these laws do not
explicitly refer to environment statistics as this is a relatively new statistical domain.
Moreover, in many cases it neither provides explicit guidelines for statistical coordination
among the relevant statistical parties at the national level nor spells out responsibilities and
obligations. Nevertheless, since the environment is becoming increasingly important in the
development agenda, NSOs have included the production of environment statistics in their
programmes, though sometimes without clarifying the supporting institutional arrangements.
1.82. Overlapping mandates, duplication of efforts, and other coordination difficulties may exist in
this complex institutional context. In fact, it is often difficult to determine the official figures
for a specific statistic when different agencies produce the same or similar statistics, but with
different values.
1.83. Institutional development. A well-defined mandate and the designation of a specific unit
responsible for producing environment statistics is critical for the successful organization of a
national environment statistics programme within the official institutions that are responsible
for producing statistics. This unit requires a regular operations budget and a minimum number
of trained personnel for the tasks involved. Environment statistics units thus need a capacitybuilding programme for staff, together with the financial resources to implement it.
1.84. Inter-institutional collaboration. Environment statistics cover several topics for which the
data, whether in the form of administrative records, remote sensing, scientific measurements
or survey results, are generated by NSOs, specialized agencies, ministries, provincial and
municipal governments and scientific institutions. This requires these stakeholders to
collaborate, both at the strategic and technical level.
1.85. The collaboration of national and sub-national institutions can take the form of a multistakeholder or inter-agency platform tasked with coordinating the strategic development and
production of environment statistics. These inter-agency platforms bring together users and
producers of environment statistics to identify users needs and ensure the coordinated


production of the necessary environment statistics from a variety of data sources. One of the
tasks of the platform is to ensure that a common statistical methodology or protocol is used to
ensure comparability and statistical soundness. Another relevant function is to preserve
continuity over time, despite significant turnover of staff in the partner institutions.
1.86. If tasked with overseeing the national statistical system and coordinating these platforms, the
NSO must have adequate authority, resources or capacities to lead the multi-stakeholder
processes. Depending on the institutional arrangement, the environmental ministry or
equivalent institution in many developing countries coordinates such platforms.
1.87. Institutional cooperation among national, regional and global bodies. International
organizations that produce environmental data and statistics also face the same institutional
challenges as countries. Notwithstanding the legal requirements mentioned above, it is very
important to consider the operational aspects that can improve coordination and resource
utilization among the national, regional and global levels, with the understanding that all
potential partners have different mandates, work programmes and deadlines. In addition,
reporting requirements for certain international agreements and treaties, which are an
important dimension of environment statistics, should be included in national environment
statistics programmes.
1.11 The FDES 2013 and the domain of environment statistics

1.88. The FDES 2013 addresses the issues related to the multidisciplinary nature of environment
statistics by marking out the scope of environment statistics and providing a conceptually
based organizing structure that brings together the necessary biophysical data originating from
different sources, as well as the relevant social and economic statistics needed to describe the
activities affecting environmental conditions and to estimate their environmental impact.
1.89. The sections of this chapter have discussed the nature, scope and specific characteristics
pertaining to the domain of environment statistics. The most relevant challenges to the work
in the field of environment statistics have also been presented in synthesized form. The FDES
2013 has been developed to address these specific elements from a current and global
perspective, while also acknowledging foreseeable developments.
1.90. The next chapter of this document describes the conceptual foundation, scope and organizing
structure found in the FDES 2013. Subsequent chapters describe the components, subcomponents and topics of the FDES 2013, as well as its most relevant environment statistics.
These chapters also indicate the corresponding availability of methodologies and
classifications and the most common sources of data, and identify the typical institutional
partners to facilitate inter-agency cooperation.


Chapter 2: Conceptual Foundation and Structure of the FDES


This chapter introduces the FDES, its conceptual framework and the main concepts that have
been considered when designing its scope and structure. It ties the conceptual foundation to
the main structural components of the FDES, which are further discussed in detail in Chapter
3. It also explains the relationship between the FDES and other commonly used systems and
2.1 What is the FDES?


The FDES is a flexible, multi-purpose conceptual and statistical framework that is

comprehensive and integrative in nature and marks out the scope of environment statistics. It
provides an organizing structure to guide the collection and compilation of environment
statistics at the national level. It brings together data from the various relevant subject areas
and sources, covering the issues and aspects of the environment that are relevant for policy
analysis and decision making.


The primary objective of the FDES is to guide the formulation of environment statistics
programmes by: (i) delineating the scope of environment statistics and identifying its
constituents; (ii) contributing to the assessment of data requirements, sources, availability and
gaps; (iii) guiding the development of multipurpose data collection processes and databases;
and (iv) assisting in the coordination and organization of environment statistics, given the
inter-institutional nature of the domain.


Though the FDES has been designed to guide countries at early stages in the development of
their environment statistics programmes, it is relevant to, and recommended for use by,
countries at any stage of development. It can also be used by international and regional
institutions, as well as by other users and producers.
2.2 Conceptual foundation of the FDES


The FDES is based on a conceptual foundation that considers people and their demographic,
social and economic activities (the human sub-system) as integral parts of, and interacting
with, the environment. Figure 2.1 illustrates this concept with the arrows representing a
variety of complex natural, demographic, social and economic processes and interactions,
within and between the environment and the human sub-system.

Figure 2.1: The environment, the human sub-system, and interactions between them




Processes within the



Processes within the

human sub-system

Interactions between the

environment and the
human sub-system

Human well-being depends upon the living and non-living elements of the environment and
the goods and services they provide. Humans need the environment in order to survive and for
various social, cultural and economic purposes. The human sub-system uses the environment
for habitat, to obtain important physical resources and as a recipient or sink for various
residuals. Human societies and their production and consumption patterns affect the
environment that supports them and other life forms in general. The changing environment
affects humans in different ways over time (see Figure 2.2).
Figure 2.2: Environmental conditions and their changes

Conditions t0
Natural Processes

over time


Conditions t1


Impacts from
the Changing

Escalating human impacts on environmental systems worldwide have raised concerns about
the consequences of environmental changes for the sustainability of human societies and for

human well-being. Conditions in the living and non-living environment, natural processes and
the capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and services all change as a result of human
activities. The interconnectivity between the systems means that changes in one part of the
system can influence changes in other parts.
Ecosystems and ecosystem services
2.8. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
define an ecosystem as a dynamic complex of plant, animal and microorganism communities
and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.17, 18 Ecosystems are
systems of interacting and interdependent relationships among their elements. They perform
specific functions such as photosynthesis, biochemical cycling, including the cycling of
energy, water, carbon and nutrients, and the cleansing of air and water.

Ecosystems provide a great variety of goods and services upon which people depend.19 These
are commonly known as ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are the benefits supplied by
the functions of ecosystems and received by humanity20. Ecosystem services are generated by
biophysical, geochemical, and other physical processes and interactions within and between
ecosystems. The capacity of ecosystems to provide these services depends on their extent and
conditions. The extent and conditions of ecosystems change as a result of both natural
processes and human activities.

2.10. There is no internationally adopted standard classification of ecosystem services. Four main
types of ecosystem services have been commonly distinguished:21
i. Provisioning services that provide goods and services which humans require to meet basic
necessities like food and raw materials;
ii. Regulating services that keep the planet habitable like the regulation of climate and
hydrological systems;
iii. Supporting services that arise from the continuous cycling of energy and materials
necessary to support all living things like photosynthesis and nutrient cycling; and
iv. Cultural services that provide wellbeing to humans like scenic views, natural monuments
and wildlife.
2.11. In the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting, ecosystem services constitute the
contributions of ecosystems to benefits used in economic and other human activity.22 As
shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2, this definition excludes certain flows that are considered
ecosystem services in other contexts, particularly intra- and inter- ecosystem flows that relate
to ongoing ecosystem processes, commonly referred to as supporting services. While these
flows are not considered ecosystem services in the SEEA, they are considered as part of the
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington D.C., Island Press. Available from
http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992). Article 2. Use of Terms. Available from http://www.cbd.int/convention/articles/default.shtml?a=cbd-02
(accessed 16 July 2015).
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington D.C., Island Press. Available from
http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central Framework. Available
from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington D.C., Island Press. Available from
http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
In this context, use includes both the transformation of materials (for example, the use of timber to build houses or for energy) and the passive
receipt of non-material ecosystem services (for example, the amenity that viewing landscapes offers).


measurement of ecosystem assets. A Common International Classification of Ecosystem

Services (CICES) is emerging within the context of the ongoing work on the SEEA
Experimental Ecosystem Accounting. For accounting purposes, the draft CICES distinguishes
three main types of ecosystem services, namely provisioning, regulating and cultural services.
The CICES lists those ecosystem services where a direct connection to humans can be
established. Supporting services are thus considered to be embodied in the provisional,
regulating and cultural services that they underpin.23
2.12. People also use many abiotic materials and flows found in the environment, such as
underground mineral and energy resources or the capture of energy from solar or wind
sources. These are goods and services provided by the environment but they are not
considered ecosystem services because they do not result from interactions within
ecosystems. However, the extraction, capture and use of these abiotic goods and services
significantly affect the extent and conditions of ecosystems.
2.3 Scope of the FDES

2.13. The scope of the FDES covers biophysical aspects of the environment, those aspects of the
human sub-system that directly influence the state and quality of the environment, and the
impacts of the changing environment on the human sub-system. It includes interactions within
and among the environment, human activities and natural events.
2.14. The environment is the biophysical, biotic and abiotic surroundings in which humans live.
Changes in the conditions and quality of the environment are central to the FDES. These
changes show the balance of the negative and positive impacts of human activities and natural
processes. In many cases, it is not possible to establish direct cause-effect relationships
between changes in environmental quality and individual human activities or natural
processes as the impact results from combined and cumulative processes and effects over
space and time. Certain environmental conditions are not affected significantly by human
activities and natural processes or change very slowly, while others show more immediate
2.15. The elements of the environment that are affected by human use are ecosystems, land and
sub-soil resources. Ecosystems offer provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural services
that are essential for life and human well-being. Healthy ecosystems have the capacity to
provide a continual flow of ecosystem goods and services. Depending on the relationship
between the scale and persistence of human use of the environment and the carrying capacity
and resilience of ecosystems, human activities can exert pressure on and cause significant
change in the quality and integrity of ecosystems, affecting their capacity to continue to
provide services.
2.16. Land provides space for natural ecosystems, human habitats and human activities. As this
space is finite, the expansion of human activities can reduce the space occupied by natural

European Commission, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations and World Bank (2013). System of
Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012: Experimental Ecosystem Accounting. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/eea_final_en.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).


ecosystems, thus reducing ecosystems capacity to yield ecosystem goods and services for all
living beings.
2.17. Sub-soil resources are underground deposits of various minerals that provide raw materials
and energy sources for humans. When considered as resources for human use, these sub-soil
elements differ fundamentally from ecosystems in that they are non-renewable. Their use thus
results in permanent depletion.
2.18. The factors affecting the conditions and quality of the environment may be both natural and
2.19. Natural processes help to sustain ecosystem functioning and the generation of renewable
resources, but they are also responsible for normal or extreme natural losses. On a human
timescale, these natural processes do not affect non-renewable resources except in the form of
natural disasters.
2.20. Human activities that directly affect the environment are related to the use of non-renewable
and renewable resources, land use, and the discharge of residuals to the environment from
production and consumption processes. These activities often lead to environmental changes
in the form of resource depletion and environmental degradation, which in turn have a
negative impact on human well-being. On the other hand, human activities aimed at
protecting the environment and managing its resources can reduce such negative impacts on
the environment.
2.21. People and many of their activities with a direct impact on the environment are concentrated
within and around human settlements. Human settlements also constitute the immediate
environment where the population is directly exposed to environmental effects. Human
settlements represent a special category in the measurement of environmental conditions and
quality, and their impacts on human health and well-being.
2.22. Environmental protection and the management of environmental resources may be advocated,
facilitated, supported or mandated by different policies, economic measures, instruments and
actions. These policies, instruments and actions are aimed at mitigating environmentally
harmful effects, managing environmental resources and restoring the environments state and
quality so that it can continue to provide sustainable support for life and human activities.
2.4 From the conceptual foundation to the FDES structure - the organization of the contents of
the FDES

2.23. The FDES organizes environment statistics into a structure composed of components, subcomponents, statistical topics, and individual statistics using a multi-level approach. The first
level of the structure consists of six fundamental components that follow the FDES
conceptual framework.
2.24. The first component, Environmental conditions and quality, brings together statistics related
to the conditions and quality of the natural environment and changes in those conditions and
quality. The second component, Environmental resources and their use, groups statistics


related to the availability and use of environmental resources (ecosystem provisioning

services, land and sub-soil resources). The third component, Residuals, includes statistics
related to the use of regulating services of the environment for the discharge of residuals from
production and consumption processes. Statistics related to Extreme events and disasters
(both natural and technological) and their impacts are covered by the fourth component. The
fifth component brings together statistics related to Human settlements and environmental
health. The sixth component, Environmental protection, management and engagement,
groups statistics relevant to societal responses and economic measures aimed at protecting the
environment and managing environmental resources.
2.25. Environmental conditions and quality (Component 1) are central to the FDES. The other five
components have been established based on their relationship to the central Component 1. As
shown in Figure 2.3, all six components are intrinsically related to each other.
2.26. Figure 2.3 shows the six components of the FDES. The dotted lines separating the
components indicate the continuous interactions among them. These interactions exist
between and among all the components of the FDES. It should be noted that a twodimensional diagram provides only a limited visualisation of the complex and interrelated
nature of the relationships between humans and the environment.
Figure 2.3: The components of the FDES

2.27. The FDES uses a multi-level approach. The first level of the structure defines the six
fundamental components. Each individual FDES component is further broken down into its
respective sub-components (second level) and statistical topics (third level). The statistical

topics represent the measurable aspects of the components of the FDES. The components,
sub-components, statistical topics and individual statistics of the FDES define the scope and
boundaries of environment statistics. They provide an organizing structure for synthesizing
and presenting the information in a comprehensive, consistent and coherent manner. Each
level uses numbering conventions as shown below in Table 2.1. The final level contains the
actual individual environment statistics.

1 digit

Table 2.1: Hierarchical levels of the FDES

2 digits
3 digits
Statistical Topic

4 or 5 digits

2.28. The contents of each component of the FDES are organized based on three main factors. First,
the contents are organized in accordance with the conceptual foundation described in Chapter
2, in which both environmental and human processes and activities modify environmental
conditions, which in turn affect the human sub-system and trigger responses. Second, as a
statistical tool to be applied by the environmental statistician, the content of the components
of the FDES also considers specific practical concerns, such as the methods of data collection
or compilation and the types and sources of data. Third, analytical consistency within subcomponents and between statistical topics is also a key characteristic of the content of each
2.29. Sub-components have been selected using a holistic view of the constituent parts of the
component; that is, the sub-components seek to organize all possible themes that fall under
the component. Statistical topics have been selected to further categorize and group the
different aspects underlying each sub-component.
2.30. While the FDES has been designed to be conceptually distinct at the component level, the
contents of each component may overlap in some cases. Hence, the same statistics may often
be used to describe more than one component. Their final assignment within the structure
corresponds to both their most substantive content and nature and to the sources and methods
of statistical production. This optimizes both conceptual and statistical soundness. Therefore,
the breakdown of components into their sub-components and topics is not intended to be
fixed, mutually exclusive or exhaustive.
2.31. In line with the need to maintain the frameworks flexibility and applicability, the levels can
be adapted according to each countrys requirements, priorities and circumstances. Some
countries may need more or less detailed information, while others may wish to exclude some

2.5 Components and sub-components of the FDES

2.32. The main structure of the FDES (two-digit level) is presented in the table below. Chapter 3
provides a detailed description of the relevance and contents of the components, sub-


components and statistical topics of the FDES as well as the most common statistics that are
recommended to measure them.
Table 2.2: Components and sub-components of the FDES
Component 1:
Environmental Conditions
and Quality
Component 2:
Environmental Resources
and their Use

Component 3:

Component 4: Extreme
Events and Disasters
Component 5: Human
Settlements and
Environmental Health
Component 6:
Environmental Protection,
Management and

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources
Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Sub-component 2.3: Land
Sub-component 2.4: Soil Resources
Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste
Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances
Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters
Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters
Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource
Management Expenditure
Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster
Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness

2.6 Relationship of the FDES with other frameworks

2.33. As a multi-purpose statistical tool for the development of environment statistics, the FDES is
closely related to and supports other systems and frameworks that are frequently used at the
national and international levels. Figure 2.4 provides a simplified illustration of the
relationship between environmental data, the FDES, the SEEA and the different analytical
and indicator frameworks. The FDES is shown here as a tool to bring together and transform
primary statistical and non-statistical data into environment statistics. These environment
statistics can then be used to produce statistical series and indicators organized according to
different analytical or policy frameworks. They may also be used in combination with
economic statistics to produce environmental-economic accounts that link environment
statistics with the SNA.

Figure 2.4: Relationship of the FDES to other frameworks, systems and indicator sets


Relationship between the FDES and the SEEA

2.34. The SEEA-CF describes the interactions between the economy and the environment, and the
stocks and changes in stocks of environmental assets. Central to the SEEA-CF is a systems
approach to organizing environmental and economic information that covers, as completely as
possible, the stocks and flows that are relevant to the analysis of environmental and economic
issues. It applies the accounting concepts, structures, rules and principles of the SNA. In
practice, environmental-economic accounting includes the physical and monetary statistics for
the compilation of supply and use tables, functional accounts (such as the environmental
protection expenditure accounts), and asset accounts for natural resources. The United
Nations Statistical Commission at its 43rd session in 2012 adopted the SEEA-CF as the initial
version of the international standard for environmental-economic accounting.
2.35. The FDES as an organizing framework for environment statistics has a wider scope than that
of the SEEA-CF, as Figure 2.5 illustrates.
Figure 2.5: The FDES and the SEEA Central Framework




2.36. The SEEA-CF uses many environment statistics by combining them with economic statistics
and reorganizing them according to national accounting principles. One of the objectives of
the FDES as a multipurpose framework is to provide, to the extent possible, the environment

statistics necessary for the development of environmental-economic accounts. As

environmental-economic accounting is considered an important user of environment statistics,
the concepts, terms and definitions used in the FDES and the SEEA were made as consistent
as possible.
2.37. The statistics included in Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use and
Component 3: Residuals of the FDES are closely related to and support populating both the
physical asset accounts and physical flow accounts. Component 6: Environmental Protection,
Management and Engagement includes statistics relevant to the functional accounts of the
2.38. The SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting is a companion to the SEEA-CF. It extends
the accounting to the measurement of flows of services to society that ecosystems provide and
to the measurement of ecosystem capital in terms of the capacity and changes in ecosystems
capacity to provide those services in physical terms. It describes the valuation of ecosystems
insofar as it is consistent with the market valuation principles of the SNA. Component 1:
Environmental Conditions and Quality of the FDES includes statistics that can feed into
future ecosystem accounts.
2.39. The SEEA is based on the definitions and classifications applied in the SNA. The concepts of
resident units and centre of economic interest are used to define the boundaries and, therefore,
to determine which activities should be included in or excluded from the accounts. An
institutional unit is resident within the economic territory of a country when it maintains the
centre of economic interest in that territory that is, when it engages, or intends to engage, in
economic activities or transactions usually over at least one year. In the SEEA and in the SNA
200824, all economic activities of resident institutional units are included in the accounts
irrespective of whether they take place inside or outside the geographic territory of the
country. On the other hand, economic activities of non-resident institutional units are not
included in the accounts even if they take place within the geographic territory of the country.
Using these concepts to define the boundary is different from the standard practice in
environment statistics and thus in the FDES. They typically use the territorial principle, by
which all relevant activities and environmental impacts within the geographic area of the
country are included, irrespective of whether the institutional unit is resident or non-resident.
The difference relates mainly to the treatment of international transport and tourism.
The FDES and its relationship with the Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR)
2.40. The Stress Response Environment Statistics System (S-RESS) framework was developed by
Statistics Canada during the 1970s and 1980s and later adapted by the UN in the 1984 FDES
and by the OECD. The Pressure-State-Response (PSR) and the DPSIR frameworks are
adaptations of the S-RESS framework and are still in use today in many countries, as well as
internationally by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), OECD and the
European Environment Agency (EEA) for assessment and reporting purposes and to
categorize indicators.


European Commission, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations and World Bank
(2009). System of National Accounts 2008. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/docs/SNA2008.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


2.41. The DPSIR is an analytical framework that is based on the causal relationship between its DP-S-I-R components. Driving forces are the socio-economic and socio-cultural forces driving
human activities, which increase or mitigate pressures on the environment. Pressures are the
stresses that human activities place on the environment. State, or state of the environment, is
the condition of the environment. Impacts are the effects of environmental degradation.
Responses refer to the responses by society to the environmental situation.
2.42. It is often difficult, however, to distinguish human and natural stressors on the environment,
and even more challenging to link a particular stressor to a specific impact. In the natural
world, each process and state influences and is influenced, making it difficult to separate
pressure, state and response. Nevertheless, the DPSIR framework facilitates consistent
handling of information and avoids gaps in assessment and analysis. As such, it is useful for
grouping and reporting existing data and indicators.
2.43. While adopting certain concepts of the DPSIR framework, the FDES does not apply its causal
sequence as an organizing principle. However, the statistical topics of the FDES can be
rearranged according to the logic of the DPSIR framework.
2.44. Table 2.3 below summarizes key attributes of the six components of the FDES. This includes
a general description, examples of the types of data that are included in each component, main
sources and partners, and conceptual relationships between each component and other
systems and frameworks. Geospatial data refer to statistics related to location or boundaries.
Physical data refer to a variety of information that is measured in physical units, such as
volume and area. Monetary data refer to information described in terms of monetary units,
such as government expenditure on environmental protection. Qualitative data refer to
descriptions that rely primarily on qualitative characterizations, though sometimes including
quantitative aspects, such as environmental engagement.
2.7 Main attributes of the components of the FDES

2.45. The table below provides a description of the six components and the related types of data, as
well as main sources and institutions. It also includes a description of the relationship of each
component to the DSPIR framework and the SEEA.

Table 2.3: Main attributes of the components of the FDES


Types of Data


Main Sources and Institutions

Relation to DPSIR
and the SEEA

Component 1:
Conditions and

hydrographical, geological,
geographical, biological,
physical and chemical
conditions and
characteristics of the
environment that determine
ecosystems and
environmental quality


Component 2:
Resources and
their Use

Quantities of environmental
resources and their changes,
and statistics on activities
related to their use and


Component 3:

Generation, management
and discharge of residuals
to air, water and soil


Component 4:
Extreme Events
and Disasters

Occurrence and impact of

natural extreme events and
disasters, and technological

Monitoring systems
Remote sensing
Environmental, meteorological,

hydrological, geological and

geographical authorities or


Statistical surveys
Administrative records
Remote sensing
Authorities and institutions such
as mining, energy, agriculture,
water and forest
Statistical surveys
Administrative records
Monitoring systems

Administrative records
Remote sensing
Emergency and disaster


Seismic, meteorological

State and Impact

element in DPSIR


ecosystem accounts
of the SEEA

Driving force,

Pressure and State

elements in DPSIR
Asset and physical
flow accounts of the
Pressure and

Response elements
Physical flow
accounts of the
Pressure, Impact
and Response
elements in DPSIR
Asset accounts of

monitoring and research centres

Industrial complexes that work

with hazardous substances and

Insurance companies

Component 5:
Settlements and

The built environment in

which humans live,
particularly with regard to
population, housing, living
conditions, basic services
and environmental health


Component 6:
Management and

Environmental protection
and resource management
expenditure, environmental
regulation, both direct and
via market instruments,
disaster preparedness,
environmental perception,
awareness and engagement
of the society


Statistical surveys
Administrative records
Remote sensing
Housing and urban planning and
oversight authorities
Cartographic authorities
Transport authorities
For health and administrative
records, the health authority
Statistical surveys
Administrative records
Entity producing government
expenditure statistics
Environmental authority and
other sector authorities

Driving force,

Pressure and
Impact elements in

Response element



activity accounts
and related flows of

Chapter 3: Components of the FDES and the Basic Set of Environment Statistics



The conceptual foundation, the six constituent components and the main structure of the
FDES were introduced in Chapter 2. The objective of Chapter 3 is to explain in detail how the
contents of the FDES are organized within its constituent components.


Environmental conditions and quality (Component 1) is at the centre of the FDES. The other
five components have been established based on their relationship with the central
Component 1. Each component is broken down into sub-components that in turn include
relevant statistical topics. The statistical topics represent the measurable aspects of the
components of the FDES, taking into consideration the types and sources of the data needed
to describe them. The final level contains the actual individual environment statistics.


Chapter 3 is organized in six parts describing each of the components of the FDES. The
description usually covers the most important aspects, including their relevance to
environmental policy, scope and content, the type of data typically used or obtained in
measurement, the most common sources of data, and the main institutional stakeholders
needed to produce the underlying environment statistics. The relation to other frameworks and
areas of statistics is also described, if appropriate. A comprehensive set of environment
statistics underlying the topics (the Basic Set of Environment Statistics) is presented after
each component description.


This Basic Set of Environment Statistics is designed with enough flexibility to adapt to
individual countries environmental concerns, priorities and resources. The Basic Set contains
the most important environment statistics in each topic, based on a progression of three tiers.
Tier 1 constitutes the Core Set of Environment Statistics. A more detailed description of the
development of the Basic Set, the description of the three tiers, and the statistics in the Core
Set are found in Chapter 4. The full Basic Set of Environment Statistics is found in Annex A.
3.1 Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality


Component 1 includes statistics about the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of
the environment and their changes over time. These fundamental background conditions are
strongly interrelated and determine the types, extent, conditions and health of ecosystems.
Many of these natural conditions change very slowly as a result of natural processes or human
influence. Others may show immediate and dramatic effects. Importantly, changes in
environmental conditions and quality are the result of combined and accumulated impacts of
natural and human processes. Connecting the changes with individual activities or events is
thus not a straightforward process.


The source of the data is usually remote sensing and monitoring by environmental,
meteorological, hydrological, geological and geographical authorities or institutions. Due to
the nature of this field, the use of maps and cartographic information is the common way to
present the relevant information, in addition to statistical tabulations.


Component 1 includes statistics relevant to the State and Impact elements of the DPSIR
framework. It also provides basic statistics for the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem



Component 1 contains three sub-components:

i. Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions;
ii. Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity; and
iii. Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality.
Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions


Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions, is designed to capture those physical aspects of the
environment which change relatively slowly due to human influence. It contains statistics on
meteorological, hydrographical, geological, geographical conditions and soil characteristics.
While the other sub-components are also part of the physical environment, their physical,
biological or chemical characteristics can be influenced in the short to mid-term by human

3.10. Statistics on these general physical conditions are important as they help determine the scope
of and influences on the environmental resources of a country. Without information on these
baseline conditions, it is difficult for governments to judge the need for and efficacy of
Topic 1.1.1: Atmosphere, climate and weather

3.11. This topic covers data on atmospheric, climatic and weather conditions across territories and
over time. Weather information describes the atmospheres behaviour over a given territory in
the short term. It is recorded by countries through a network of monitoring stations. Climate is
determined by long-term weather conditions over that territory. Relevant data usually include
aspects such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, pressure, wind speed, solar radiation,
ultraviolet (UV) radiation and the occurrence of El Nio and La Nia events.
3.12. In most countries, atmospheric, weather and climate authorities monitor and record these
types of environmental data over long periods using a network of monitoring stations
scattered throughout the country. They usually produce data covering long time series of
climate and atmospheric information with a very high level of detail. The data available in
most countries are too dense and detailed for the purposes of environment statistics, so they
must be processed (for example, synthesized and aggregated, with central tendencies and
variances established with respect to both time and space) to produce environment statistics
on weather and climate. Time and seasonal variability is crucial when recording and
organizing these types of statistics. The territorial reference of the measurements is important
because although the entire territory of a country cannot be monitored, the spatial
configuration of the monitoring stations is usually relevant to local and sub-national
conditions and concerns.
3.13. Statistics on air quality are covered under Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.1

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.1: Atmosphere, climate and weather
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.








Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

1. Monthly average
2. Minimum monthly average
3. Maximum monthly average
Precipitation (also in 2.6.1.a)
1. Annual average
2. Long-term annual average
3. Monthly average
4. Minimum monthly value
5. Maximum monthly value
Relative humidity
1. Minimum monthly value
2. Maximum monthly value
1. Minimum monthly value
2. Maximum monthly value
Wind speed
1. Minimum monthly value
2. Maximum monthly value
Solar radiation
1. Average daily value
2. Average monthly value
3. Number of hours of sunshine

UV radiation
1. Maximum daily value
2. Average daily value
3. Maximum monthly value
4. Average monthly value
Occurrence of El Nio/La Nia events,
when relevant
1. Occurrence
2. Time period


and Scales


World Meteorological
Organization (WMO)
Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC)
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA)/National Aeronautics
and Space Administration

Pressure unit
Pressure unit
Area, Energy unit
Area, Energy unit

Area, Energy unit

Area, Energy unit
Area, Energy unit
Area, Energy unit

Time period


By station

By month and
per year

By location


World Health Organization

(WHO)-UV Radiation Index
WMO-UV Radiation

Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics

3.14. This topic includes hydrographical information on the extent, location and characteristics of
lakes, rivers and streams, artificial reservoirs, watersheds, seas, aquifers and glaciers. This
information is best presented in map form. The main sources are hydrographical and
hydrological monitoring and information systems that are usually managed by national
geographical, hydrological institutions and water authorities. The data are usually produced
for individual river basins or catchments, for use at national and sub-national levels. Important
exclusions from this topic include water quality statistics (contained in Topic 1.3.2:
Freshwater quality and Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality) and water resources and their use
(contained in Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.2

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.2: Hydrographical characteristics
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.



Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

1. Surface area
2. Maximum depth
Rivers and streams
1. Length
Artificial reservoirs
1. Surface area
2. Maximum depth
1. Description of main watersheds
1. Coastal waters
2. Territorial sea
3. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
4. Sea level
5. Area of sea ice


and Scales
By location

Area, Description



Depth, Description





By location
within coastal
waters or
Economic Zone
By location
By salinity
By watershed
By location

United Nations Statistics
Division (UNSD): International
Recommendations for Water
Statistics (IRWS)

Topic 1.1.3: Geological and geographical information

3.15. This topic includes general geological and topographic information on the extent and
characteristics of the countrys territory and relief. These characteristics typically change
slowly over time; as such, the statistics produced are normally static. Because of their nature,
these geological (e.g., bedrock, fault lines and volcanoes), geographical (e.g., territorial
borders, area of country, elevation and length of marine coastline) data are often presented in
map form. The main data sources are information systems operated by national geographical
and geological institutions and authorities.
3.16. Statistics on stocks of mineral resources and their extraction are included in Component 2:
Environmental Resources and their Use.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.3

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.3: Geological and geographical information
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.


Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Geological, geographical and
geomorphological conditions of
terrestrial areas and islands
1. Length of border
2. Area of country or region
3. Number of islands
4. Area of islands
5. Main geomorphological
characteristics of islands
6. Spatial distribution of land relief
7. Characteristics of landforms (e.g.,
plains, hills, plateaus, dunes, volcanoes,
mountains, seamounts)
8. Area by rock types
9. Length of fault lines
Coastal waters (including area of coral
reefs and mangroves)
Length of marine coastline
Coastal area

and Scales

Area, Location
Description, Area,
Area, Description


By location

UNSD: Demographic
Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)
Center for International Earth
Science Information Network

Topic 1.1.4: Soil characteristics

3.17. Soil is a multi-functional part of the environment. It provides the physical base to support the
production and cycling of biological resources, provides the foundation for buildings and
infrastructure, constitutes the source of nutrients and water for agriculture and forestry
systems, provides a habitat for diverse organisms, plays an essential role in carbon
sequestration and fulfils a complex buffering role against environmental variability, ranging
from dampening diurnal and seasonal change in temperature and water supply to the storage
and binding of a range of chemical and biological agents. The main environmental concerns
about soil pertain to its degradation through soil erosion or nutrient depletion, among other
3.18. Statistics on soil characteristics are an important tool for policy makers, particularly in
countries that rely heavily on agriculture and forestry to sustain livelihoods, and for which the
quality and amount of soil resources are very relevant.
3.19. Soil characteristics can be measured by the area by soil types. Various soil types can be
defined using information on different combinations of soil components and properties. Soil
typologies can be found at the global level (from FAO25 or the Harmonised World Soil
Database26). Many countries have also produced a classification of their own soil types for
national purposes.27 Most soil classifications combine the physical properties (e.g., texture,
structure, density, porosity, consistency, temperature and colour) and the type of organic
matter (e.g., plant material, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, arthropods and earthworms) sheltered by
the soil that may be alive or at different stages of decomposition.
3.20. Information on soil degradation and nutrient content for specific types of soil or specific
locations should also be included in this topic. Statistics on degradation include measures of
erosion, desertification, salinization, waterlogging, acidification and compaction of specific
soil types in particular parts of the country. The nutrient content of soil is typically assessed
using data on levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg),
potassium (K) and zinc (Zn). Data for soil degradation types and extent, as well as nutrient
content, are usually produced from scientific research and monitoring programmes. They can
also come from estimation and modelling by research institutions and agricultural authorities.
3.21. Soil characteristics are measured through a series of inventory processes, known collectively
as a soil survey. Typically, a soil survey produces data and maps by soil types, soil suitability
for various purposes, hazard and degradation potential and, in some cases, maps of specific
soil properties. Data and maps on soil typologies covering the national territory are produced


FAO has described 30 soil groups: acrisols, albeluvisols, alisols, andosols, anthrosols, arenosols, calcisols, cambisols, chernozems, cryosols, durisols,
ferralsols, fluvisols, gleysols, gypsisols, histosols, kastanozems, leptosols, lixisols, luvisols, nitisols, phaeozems, planosols, plinthosols, podzols,
regosols, solonchaks, solonetz, umbrisols and vertisols. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1998). World Reference Base for
Soil Resources. Available from http://www.fao.org/docrep/W8594E/w8594e03.htm#elements (accessed 16 July 2015).
Harmonised World Soil Database, Version 1.2, February 2012, describes 28 major soil groupings that can be used to categorise and map soils at a
broad global scale. Available from http://webarchive.iiasa.ac.at/Research/LUC/External-World-soil-database/HWSD_Documentation.pdf (accessed 16
July 2015).
For example, the United States Department of Agriculture soil taxonomy includes 12 soil orders: alfisol, andisols, aridisols, entisols, gelisols,
histosols, inceptisols, mollisols, oxisols, spodosols, ultisols and vertisols. Available from
http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_051232.pdf (accessed 16 August 2015).


primarily by scientific research institutions and by geological, geographical and, sometimes,

agricultural authorities.
3.22. Soil pollution statistics are included under Topic 1.3.4: Soil pollution.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.1.4

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.4: Soil characteristics
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Soil characterization
1. Area by soil types
Soil degradation
1. Area affected by soil erosion
2. Area affected by desertification
3. Area affected by salinization
4. Area affected by waterlogging
5. Area affected by acidification
6. Area affected by compaction
Nutrient content of soil, measured in
levels of:
1. Nitrogen (N)
2. Phosphorous (P)
3. Calcium (Ca)
4. Magnesium (Mg)
5. Potassium (K)
6. Zinc (Zn)
7. Other

Category of



and Scales

By location
By soil type

By soil type
By nutrient

FAO and the International
Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis (IIASA) Harmonized
World Soil Database
International Soil Reference
and Information Centre (ISRIC)
World Data Centre for Soils
United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification
FAO Global Assessment of
Human-induced Soil
Degradation (GLASOD)

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity

3.23. This sub-component organizes environment statistics on land cover, ecosystems and
biodiversity, as well as their recordable changes over time and across locations. Land cover is
defined by FAO as the observed (bio) physical cover on the earth's surface.28 Changes in
land cover are the result of natural processes and changes in land use. Ecosystems can be
broadly defined as a community of organisms, together with their physical environment,
viewed as a system of interacting and interdependent relationships. Biodiversity is the
variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other
aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part, including diversity
within species, between species and of ecosystems.29 It is also a measure of ecosystem health.
Biodiversity is a fundamental characteristic of ecosystems, while variability among
ecosystems is a fundamental driver of biodiversity.
3.24. Protected areas and species are included in this sub-component because of their inherent role
in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. The main purpose of designating protected
areas and species is to sustain valuable ecosystems and the biodiversity and survival of
threatened or key species that exist in certain zones.
3.25. Land cover statistics can be used to systematically record the biophysical characteristics of
land. They include the land area and also the area under inland water (e.g., rivers, lakes and
ponds), coastal water bodies and inter-tidal areas, but not marine water.
3.26. Statistics related to ecosystems and biodiversity are critical given the increasing
understanding of the role ecosystems play in human well-being and evidence of biodiversity
loss across the planet. Maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health is necessary to preserve
the genetic and ecosystem inheritance of a country, as well as its ecological productivity. This
also protects, subsequently, the productivity of ecosystems for the use of the economy and
society, which depend heavily on the diversity of ecological systems for human livelihoods
(e.g., production, distribution and consumption).
3.27. Because of the importance of forests worldwide, the most important aspects and statistics
required to describe them are organized under a separate topic, Topic 1.2.3: Forests. As
forests constitute particular ecosystem and land cover categories, their characteristics are also
included within the other topics of this sub-component. Presenting forests as a separate topic
will depend on their significance in a given country or area. Similarly, other land cover or
ecosystem categories may be presented as separate topics depending on national priorities.
3.28. Statistics on biological resources (such as timber and fish) and their harvesting are contained
in Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2005). Land Cover Classification System concepts and user manual. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/y7220e/y7220e00.htm (accessed 23 July 2015).
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio de Janeiro, 5 June 1992. Available from
http://treaties.un.org/doc/Treaties/1992/06/19920605%2008-44%20PM/Ch_XXVII_08p.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).


Topic 1.2.1: Land cover

3.29. This topic includes statistics on the extent, and the physical and spatial characteristics of land
cover. The main source of land cover information is remote sensing data that maps the
different categories of land cover.
3.30. The LCCS was developed by FAO.30 The many combinations of land cover features that can
be created using the LCCS approach apply to any type of land cover. An interim classification
composed of 14 classes was developed in the SEEA-CF (included in Annex D)31 following a
comprehensive global consultation process. These 14 classes were generated using the LCCS
approach and thus provide a comprehensive set of land cover types, all of which are mutually
exclusive and unambiguous, with clear boundaries and systematic definitions. Furthermore,
the identified classes are defined to be used as the basis for developing ecosystem statistics.
The aim of the classification is to provide a common framework to compile and aggregate
land cover information available at the national level and enabling its comparability at the
international level, and to provide a structure to guide data collection and the creation of land
cover databases for countries that are developing land cover statistics.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2000). Land Cover Classification System. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/x0596e/x0596e00.htm (accessed 17 July 2015).
United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central Framework. Available
from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.2.1

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Topic 1.2.1: Land cover
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Area under land cover categories

Category of

and Scales



By location
By type of land
cover (e.g.,
artificial surfaces
including urban
and associated
areas; herbaceous
crops; woody
crops; multiple or
layered crops;
grassland; treecovered areas;
areas; shrubs
and/or herbaceous
aquatic or
regularly flooded;
sparsely natural
vegetated areas;
terrestrial barren
land; permanent
snow and
glaciers; inland
water bodies; and
coastal water
bodies and intertidal areas)(a)

FAO Land Cover

Classification System
System of EnvironmentalEconomic Accounting (SEEA)
Central Framework (2012) land
cover categories
European Environment
Agency (EEA)

(a) SEEA land cover categories, based on FAO Land Cover Classification System (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf)


Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity

3.31. This topic covers physical quantitative as well as qualitative information and statistics about a
countrys main ecosystems, including the extent, chemical and physical characteristics, and
biological components (biodiversity) of the ecosystems. The extent and conditions of the
ecosystems determine their capacity to produce ecosystem services.
3.32. In order to characterize the ecosystems of a country, in the absence of an internationally
agreed ecosystem classification, national classifications may be used and fully described for
statistical purposes. Alternatively, the country may follow and adapt other ecosystem
categories used internationally, such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment reporting
categories. The broadest reporting categories used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment32
are forest, cultivated, dryland, coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island and
mountain. As recognized by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, these ecosystem
reporting categories can and do overlap, so countries may wish to decide as to the exact
composition, inclusions and exclusions of the main ecosystems in accordance with national or
existing international definitions.
3.33. Ecosystem categories are complicated to describe because of considerations of scale.
Ecosystems may be grouped alternatively into biomes, biogeographical regions, habitats or
river basins/sub-basins. A biome is a distinct community of plants, animals or fungi that
occupy a distinct region. It is often referred to as an ecosystem. Depending on the country,
ecosystems may be subdivided into small homogenous units (in practice, land cover units
which are homogenous in terms of provisioning ecosystem services) and broader spatial and
statistical units reflecting socio-ecological systems.
3.34. Sets of statistics and indicators may be produced for each ecosystem category to capture
baselines and trends over time and space. These may be organized into the following
i. Statistics on extent (location and size) and pattern, which describe the spatial area of
ecosystems and how they intermingle across the landscape (e.g., area of wetlands, rivers
and streams, the proximity of croplands to residences and habitat fragmentation);
ii. Statistics on chemical and physical characteristics, which report on nutrients, carbon,
oxygen, contaminants and key physical trends (e.g., the amount of nitrogen that major
rivers deliver to the nations coastal waters, soil nutrient depletion and cropland erosion);
iii. Statistics on biological components, which provide information on the diversity and
conditions of plants, animals and living habitats (e.g., number of known species or species
at risk of extinction); and
iv. Statistics on ecosystem goods and services, which describe the flows that humanity
derives from ecosystems (e.g., amount of timber harvested).33
Statistics describing the extent, the chemical and physical characteristics and the biological
components (biodiversity) of the ecosystems are included in this topic. Statistics describing

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington D.C., Island Press. Available from
http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment. The State of the Nations Ecosystems 2008: Measuring the Lands, Waters,
and Living Resources of the United States. (Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2008).


the goods and services provided by ecosystems are included in Component 2 (Environmental
resources and their use) and Component 3 (Residuals).
3.35. Statistics on biodiversity include statistics on the diversity of flora and fauna species (the
plant and animal life of a particular region or time, generally regarded as that which is
naturally occurring and indigenous). Biota is defined as all animal and plant life of a
particular region or time. Biotic (living) factors function with the abiotic (non-living) factors
to form a complex unit such as an ecosystem. Typical themes include the number and
population trends of known species of flora and fauna (terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and
their vulnerability status category.
3.36. Human activities affect flora, fauna and biodiversity both directly and indirectly, resulting in
changes that are reflected by statistics on the status of flora and fauna species. The IUCN Red
List of Threatened Species categories and criteria34 is based on the threat level. The main
categories are extinct, extinct in the wild, threatened (critically endangered, endangered and
vulnerable), near threatened and least concern.
3.37. Data on species populations are usually available on species of specific significance. Data are
often obtained from expert and ad-hoc scientific studies and assessments, as well as research
conducted by NGOs and civil society. This can result in scattered and non-systematized data.
When available and appropriate, displaying information through GIS can also be particularly
3.38. Statistics on protected areas include physical and descriptive information and statistics on
protected terrestrial and marine areas within the country. The IUCN Protected Area
Management Categories35 are based on the strictness of protection and serve as the
classification for protected areas. The main categories are strict nature reserve, wilderness
area, national park, natural monument or feature, habitat/species management area, protected
landscape/seascape, and protected area with sustainable use of natural resources.
3.39. The administrative and legal measures taken to protect a species also reflect the vulnerability
of different species at the national or local level. Statistics on protected species are thus also
relevant for this topic. Administrative records are the main source of data on protected areas
and species. Data may also be found in secondary databases and reports on the status of
ecosystems or the state of the environment. They usually fall under the responsibility of
environmental authorities and are frequently produced for the national and sub-national
3.40. Although information on ecosystems and biodiversity is well developed and increasingly
available from ecosystem science and different disciplines, it is not used frequently or
systematically in the production of statistics. Developing meaningful statistics on ecosystems
and biodiversity requires the collaboration of scientists and statisticians. Ongoing work on the
SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting, among other efforts, will improve this situation
in the future.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Species Survival Commission (2010). Guidelines for Application of IUCN
Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels (Version 4.0). Available from http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/reg_guidelines_en.pdf
(accessed 23 July 2015).
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. IUCN Protected Areas Categories System. Available from
http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_quality/gpap_pacategories/ (accessed 23 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.2.2

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.




Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

General ecosystem characteristics,
extent and pattern
1. Area of ecosystems
2. Proximity of ecosystem to urban
areas and cropland
Ecosystems' chemical and physical
1. Nutrients
2. Carbon
3. Pollutants

1. Known flora and fauna species
2. Endemic flora and fauna species
3. Invasive alien flora and fauna species
4. Species population
5. Habitat fragmentation

Protected areas and species

1. Protected terrestrial and marine
area (also in 1.2.3.a)



Area, Description,
Location, Number

Number, Area


and Scales
By location
By ecosystem
(e.g., forest,
dryland, coastal,
marine, urban,
polar, inland
water, island,

By ecosystem
(e.g., forest,
dryland, coastal,
marine, urban,
polar, inland
water, island,
By status
category (e.g.,
extinct, extinct in
the wild,
threatened, near
threatened, least
By class (e.g.,
mammals, fishes,
birds, reptiles)
By location
By ecosystem
(e.g., forest,
dryland, coastal,
marine, urban,
polar, inland
water, island,

Millennium Ecosystem
Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD)
UN Economic Commission
for Europe (UNECE) Standard
Statistical Classification of
Flora, Fauna and Biotopes
Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance,
especially as Waterfowl Habitat
(the Ramsar Convention)
Millennium Ecosystem
International Union for
Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN) Red
List of Threatened Species
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Flora, Fauna
and Biotopes (1996)
population and number of
invasive alien species)

IUCN Protected Area

Management Categories
UNSD: Millennium
Development Goal (MDG)
Indicator 7.6 Metadata

2. Protected flora and fauna species


By species
By ecosystem
(e.g., forest,
dryland, coastal,
marine, urban,
polar, inland
water, island,
By status

IUCN Red List of Threatened

UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.7

(a) SEEA land cover categories, based on FAO Land Cover Classification System
(b) Reporting categories used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf )
(c) IUCN reporting categories: Strict nature reserves; Wilderness areas; National parks, Natural monuments or features; Habitat/species management areas;
Protected landscapes/seascapes; and Protected areas with sustainable use of natural resources


Topic 1.2.3: Forests

3.41. Forests provide livelihoods for millions of people around the world. They offer timber, food,
shelter, fuel and medicinal products, and also perform significant ecosystem functions such as
hydrological regulation, soil protection and biodiversity protection, and act as carbon sinks.
Therefore, it is crucial to understand the extent and characteristics of forests and to produce
statistics about their diverse dimensions. The importance of forests is reflected in the MDGs
(Indicator 7.1 Proportion of land area covered by forest).
3.42. Forest is defined by FAO as land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5
metres and a canopy cover of more than 10 per cent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in
situ. It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use.
Complementarily, FAO defines other wooded land as land not classified as Forest, spanning
more than 0.5 hectares; with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy cover of 5-10 per cent,
or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ; or with a combined cover of shrubs, bushes and
trees above 10 per cent. It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or
urban land use.36
3.43. The most important statistics in this topic include forest area, which can be disaggregated by
different forest types (e.g., primary forest, other naturally generated forest and planted forest).
Forest area can also be shown based on dominant tree species, age distribution, productivity,
primary use of forest, areas under sustainable forest management and protected forests.
Further statistics may include forest biomass and its carbon storage, and a characterization of
forest ecosystems that exist in the country, including types, location, area and main species of
flora and fauna living in the forest. Statistics on the forest area affected by fire may also be
included. (See also Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity.)
3.44. Data on forest area and its biophysical characteristics may be obtained from remote sensing,
field surveys, forest inventories and forestry statistics from forest management agencies (e.g.,
agricultural and forestry authorities).
3.45. Statistics on changes in forest area due to economic activities and natural processes, and on
timber and other forest resources and their use, are contained in Component 2: Environmental
Resources and their Use.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 Main Report. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1757e/i1757e.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.2.3

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Topic 1.2.3: Forests
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Forest area
1. Total
2. Natural
3. Planted
4. Protected forest area (also in 1.2.2.d)
5. Forest area affected by fire
b. Forest biomass
1. Total
2. Carbon storage in living forest

Category of


and Scales
By forest type
By dominant
tree species
By ownership

FAO Global Forest
Resources Assessment (FRA)
UN Forum on Forests
(UNFF) Monitoring,
Assessment and Reporting
UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.1
Montreal Process (Working
Group on Criteria and Indicators
for the Conservation and
Sustainable Management of
Temperate and Boreal Forests)
State of Europe's Forests
(Forest Europe/UNECE-FAO
Forestry and Timber Section)

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality

3.46. This sub-component organizes statistics on the concentration of pollutants in the air,
freshwater and marine water, and on soil pollution and noise levels. Measurements of
concentrations of substances in the environmental media reflect the combined and cumulative
impact of human and natural processes. This pollution impacts both the human sub-system
and ecosystems.
3.47. Policy makers, analysts and civil society require statistics on environmental quality to monitor
and make evidence-based policies to maintain and improve environmental quality globally
and in each country. Pollutant concentration statistics provide information on the quality of
environmental media. The importance of the different pollutants may vary when considering
the quality of the ecosystem or the health and well-being of humans and other living beings.
3.48. The spatial implications of pollutant concentration statistics are particularly important because
of the fluidity of the environmental media (e.g., freshwater, marine water and air). Spatial
information on impacts on ecosystems near a pollution source is particularly important. Air
and water transport pollutants from one medium to another and from one geographic area to
another. Transforming measurements of different pollutants into statistics can be laborious
because of spatial and temporal considerations. This underscores the need for collaboration
between statistical offices and environmental agencies on the design (sampling pattern) of
monitoring networks.
3.49. When national or local maximum allowable levels of pollutants exist in countries, these
values should be compared with the actual measured pollutant levels. Statistics on frequency
of occurrences or per cent of pollution events above maximum allowable levels are usually
more important measures of environmental quality than national aggregates or averages. The
number and area of locations where maximum allowable levels are exceeded can, however, be
important at the national level.
3.50. Statistics on concentrations of pollutants are usually organized according to environmental
media such as air, water and soil. Depending on the situation, countries monitor the
concentrations of the most relevant pollutants for which statistical series can be produced.
3.51. It should be noted that the emissions of these pollutants are not included here but, rather, in
Component 3: Residuals and are linked to the activities and processes that generate, manage
and, finally, discharge them to the environment.


Topic 1.3.1: Air quality

3.52. This topic includes statistics on the ambient concentration of the most important air
pollutants, including suspended solid particles, gases and other relevant pollutants that can
have a negative effect on human and ecosystem health.
3.53. Air quality is measured at monitoring stations. Data availability varies according to the
countrys circumstances. Where monitoring programmes and stations exist, the data produced
require further processing for transformation into environment statistics. Based on their
location and purpose, monitoring stations may be impact, regional or background stations.
Impact stations are located near major sources of pollution and measure the direct impact on
local air quality. Regional stations are not affected directly by pollution sources. They
measure how the pollution is transported and changes through space and time. Background
stations are usually located in places that are not directly affected by human activities and
provide data on natural conditions. Changes in background concentrations are usually slow
and reflect the combined impact of human and natural processes. The UNECE Standard
Statistical Classification of Ambient Air Quality (1990) lists the most important substances,
parameters and variables recommended for measurement at impact, regional and background
monitoring stations (see Annex D: Classifications and environment statistics). Further
information is also available in the WHO Air Quality Guidelines.37, 38
3.54. National monitoring of air quality is usually limited to urban settlements where polluting
activities and the affected population are concentrated. Air quality in urban settlements is also
relevant to Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health. Air quality
monitoring is also conducted frequently in ecosystems or habitats of outstanding value or of
high vulnerability. Statistics based on these measurements may be used to describe certain
aspects of ecosystem health.
3.55. The statistics pertaining to concentration of gases in the atmosphere that are climate change
drivers under this topic also include global concentrations of the two main GHGs which are
carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).

World Health Organization (2006). Air Quality Guidelines - Global Update 2005, Particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Available from http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/78638/E90038.pdf?ua=1 (accessed 17 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2006). Air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, Global Update 2005,
Summary of risk assessment. Available from http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2006/WHO_SDE_PHE_OEH_06.02_eng.pdf?ua=1 (accessed 17 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.1

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.1: Air quality
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Local air quality
1. Concentration level of particulate
matter (PM10)
2. Concentration level of particulate
matter (PM2.5)
3. Concentration level of tropospheric
ozone (O3)
4. Concentration level of carbon
monoxide (CO)
5. Concentration level of sulphur
dioxide (SO2)
6. Concentration levels of nitrogen
oxides (NOX)
7. Concentration levels of heavy metals
8. Concentration levels of non-methane
volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs)
9. Concentration levels of dioxins
10. Concentration levels of furans
11. Concentration levels of other
12. Number of days when maximum
allowable levels were exceeded per year
b. Global atmospheric concentrations of
greenhouse gases
1. Global atmospheric concentration
level of carbon dioxide (CO2)
2. Global atmospheric concentration
level of methane (CH4)

Category of

and Scales


By point
maximum and
maximum and

WHO Air Quality

Guidelines-Global Update 2005,
Particulate matter, ozone,
nitrogen dioxide and sulfur
WHO Air quality guidelines
for particulate matter, ozone,
nitrogen dioxide and sulfur
dioxide, Global Update 2005,
Summary of risk assessment
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Ambient Air
Quality (1990)

By pollutant





Topic 1.3.2: Freshwater quality

3.56. Without sufficient quantities of good quality freshwater, ecosystems and humans cannot
survive. Precipitation, aquifers, lakes, rivers, coastal zones and oceans are all interconnected
in the water cycle, so the choice of where to measure or monitor pollutants and which
pollutants to monitor will depend on local and national priorities, ecosystem characteristics
and resources available. Identification of the pollutants that are most relevant for monitoring
depends on several factors. These include the immediate and subsequent water uses that are
important to humans and the nature of the pollutants found in water bodies and watersheds
that affect the countrys biocapacities and local ecological equilibriums.
3.57. The quality of freshwater can be described based on concentrations of nutrients and
chlorophyll, organic matter, pathogens, metals and organic contaminants, and by physical and
chemical characteristics in surface water and groundwater. Pollutants found in groundwater
are important but systematic measurements are often difficult.
3.58. The fluidity of this medium presents a challenge with regard to selecting the most important
spatial locations and relevant frequency for monitoring stations and programmes. This can
cause complications with regard to spatial and temporal aggregation when producing data
sets. For example, the significance of pollutant concentrations can vary widely at different
points in a water body depending on multiple factors, including where and when the highest
concentrations of pollutants are discharged into the body. Seasonal variations in the volume of
freshwater can also affect the concentrations of pollutants.
3.59. The quality and quantity of freshwater are highly inter-related. Highly polluted water may not
be usable, thereby reducing the actual usable quantity of water significantly. In addition, the
costs of treating polluted water may be high.
3.60. Data for water quality statistics are produced primarily by monitoring stations. Monitoring
programmes are usually developed when a policy or quality norm is set up for specific
locations that show the most problematic signs of pollution. Most monitoring stations and
regular monitoring programmes are aimed at measuring specific pollutants. The data from
these monitoring stations require further processing to produce environment statistics on the
water quality of specific locations. Typically, the resulting environment statistics will be
produced and be relevant for specific local areas or parts of rivers and lakes, but are not
representative at the national level.
3.61. The UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Surface Freshwater Quality for the
Maintenance of Aquatic Life (1992) lists the most important substances, parameters and
statistics needed to assess freshwater quality (see Annex D: Classifications and environment


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.2

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.2: Freshwater quality
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Nutrients and chlorophyll
1. Concentration level of nitrogen
2. Concentration level of phosphorous
3. Concentration level of chlorophyll A
b. Organic matter
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
c. Pathogens
1. Concentration levels of faecal
d. Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel,
arsenic, cadmium)
1. Concentration levels in sediment and
2. Concentration levels in freshwater
e. Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs,
DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins,
phenols, radioactive waste)
1. Concentration levels in sediment and
2. Concentration levels in freshwater
f. Physical and chemical characteristics
1. pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
2. Temperature
3. Total suspended solids (TSS)
4. Salinity
5. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
g. Plastic waste and other freshwater debris
1. Amount of plastic waste and other

Category of

and Scales


By water body
By surface or
By point
By type of
water resource

UNECE Standard Statistical

Classification of Freshwater
Quality for the Maintenance of
Aquatic Life (1992)
UN Environment Programme
(UNEP) Global Environment
Monitoring System-Water



Area, Mass


UNECE Standard Statistical

Classification of Freshwater
Quality for the Maintenance of
Aquatic Life (1992)
Stockholm Convention
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Freshwater
Quality for the Maintenance of
Aquatic Life (1992)

Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality

3.62. Oceans cover about 70 per cent of the earths surface. They play a critical role in regulating
weather and atmospheric processes, absorb 30 per cent of emitted CO2, are a fundamental part
of the water cycle and are home to species and varied ecosystems worldwide. Oceans also
provide important ecosystem services for humans, with food at the forefront. Oceans are
under tremendous anthropogenic pressure, including both chemical and physical
contamination and over-exploitation. Marine water and ecosystems have been increasingly
polluted in the last century, with critical impacts on biodiversity. Degradation is accompanied
by depletion of aquatic resources based on human exploitation.
3.63. Relevant statistics about marine and coastal water quality and pollutant concentrations may
include, but are not limited to, nutrients and chlorophyll, organic matter, pathogens, metals,
organic contaminants, physical and chemical characteristics, and coral bleaching.
3.64. The most commonly monitored marine pollutants and associated phenomena, such as
eutrophication and red tide, can be analysed as relevant in local, national or supranational
terms, based on the type of pollution and effect.
3.65. Data sources for marine water quality statistics are typically either national or international
monitoring stations, associated with scientific research or compliance with policy objectives
and targets. Monitoring programmes are usually constructed when scientific interest in
research exists and/or when policy or quality norms are established for specific areas that
show the most problematic signs of marine pollution. The data from these monitoring stations
require further processing to produce environment statistics on the water quality of specific
3.66. Spatial and temporal considerations are very important when constructing statistics on this
topic. For instance, with regard to oceanic and marine water pollutant concentrations, most
monitoring stations and water regular quality monitoring programmes focus on surface marine
water and coastline zones. There is a lack of deep ocean monitoring. Given the fluidity of the
oceans waters, waves, tides and continued movement determining location, depth and
appropriate time periods for measurement applicable to each relevant pollutant is a complex
3.67. The UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Marine Water Quality (1992) lists the most
important pollutants, parameters and statistics needed to assess marine water quality. There
are many important marine environment and marine water quality statistics which a country
may track. Examples include concentrations of bio-pollutants, heavy metals, persistent toxins
and radioactive substances, as well as the area affected by coral bleaching. Producing
statistics on the concentrations and effects of pollutants and waste in marine water bodies is of
the greatest importance to both ecosystems and human health (see Annex D: Classifications
and environment statistics).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.3

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Nutrients and chlorophyll
1. Concentration level of nitrogen
2. Concentration level of phosphorous
3. Concentration level of chlorophyll A
b. Organic matter
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
c. Pathogens
1. Concentration levels of faecal
coliforms in recreational marine waters
d. Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel,
arsenic, cadmium)
1. Concentration levels in sediment and
marine water
2. Concentration levels in marine
e. Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs,
DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins,
phenols, radioactive waste)
1. Concentration levels in sediment and
marine water
2. Concentration levels in marine
f. Physical and chemical characteristics
1. pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
2. Temperature
3. Total suspended solids (TSS)
4. Salinity
5. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
6. Density
g. Coral bleaching
1. Area affected by coral bleaching
h. Plastic waste and other marine debris
1. Amount of plastic waste and other
debris in marine waters
i. Red tide
1. Occurrence
2. Impacted area
3. Duration
j. Oil pollution
1. Area of oil slicks
2. Amount of tar balls

Category of


and Scales
By coastal
zone, delta,
estuary or other
local marine
By point
By water

Methodological Guidance
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Marine Water
Quality (1992)
UNEP Regional Seas

UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Marine Water
Quality (1992)
UNEP Regional Seas
Stockholm Convention
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Marine Water
Quality (1992)
UNEP Regional Seas


Area, Mass

Area, Diameter,


By coastal
zone, delta,
estuary or other
local marine
By location
By point

UNECE Standard Statistical

Classification of Marine Water
Quality (1992)
UNEP Regional Seas

Topic 1.3.4: Soil pollution

3.68. Soil pollution is typically caused by chemicals and other residuals disposed of by humans.
The most common sources of soil contamination include leakage from underground storage
tanks and pipelines, the use of pesticides in agriculture and forestry, the percolation of
polluted waters, oil and fuel dumping, direct discharges of wastewater and industrial residuals
to the soil, and deposition from air pollution.
3.69. Some of the most commonly measured soil pollutants include petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g.,
oil residuals and solvents), pesticides and heavy metals.
3.70. Data for soil pollution are produced primarily by monitoring stations and will be related to
those specific locations. The data from these monitoring stations require further processing to
produce environment statistics on the soil quality of specific locations. The resulting
environment statistics should be produced and be relevant for the specific local areas where
the most problematic soil pollution conditions exist. Due to local variations in soil quality, it
will be very difficult to develop figures that are representative at national level.
3.71. Soil pollution directly affects human and environmental health and land productivity based on
factors including pollutant concentration, depth of contact with biota and density of humans in
polluted areas. However, soil pollution is rarely monitored. It is usually documented and
measured after major pollution events that require clean-up or intervention. Thus, the data
available for statistical purposes are usually limited and not systematic.
3.72. Statistics on soil pollution also cover statistics on contaminated sites. The term contaminated
site refers to a well-defined area where the presence of soil pollution has been confirmed and
this presents a potential risk to humans, water, ecosystems or other receptors. The term
potentially contaminated site refers to sites where unacceptable soil contamination is
suspected but not verified and detailed investigations need to be carried out to verify whether
there is unacceptable risk of adverse impacts on receptors.39 Relevant statistics include the
number and area of contaminated, potentially contaminated, remediated and other sites.

European Commission, Joint Research Centre Scientific and Technical Reports (2011). Soil Protection Activities and Soil Quality Monitoring in
South Eastern Europe. Available from http://eusoils.jrc.ec.europa.eu/esdb_archive/eusoils_docs/other/EUR24889.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.4

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.4: Soil pollution
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Sites affected by pollution
1. Contaminated sites
2. Potentially contaminated sites
3. Remediated sites
4. Other sites

Category of
Area, Number
Area, Number
Area, Number
Area, Number


and Scales
By location
By type of
By source


Topic 1.3.5: Noise

3.73. Noise pollution exists not only in the most populated or busiest cities, but also wherever
human activities are conducted, such as adjacent to highways, near airports and marine ports
and around manufacturing, metal processing and mining establishments and construction
sites. Noise pollution negatively affects the welfare and health of humans and also affects
3.74. Noise pollution is typically measured using calibrated instruments in specific spatially located
stations. This approach is usually used when noise abatement and control policies or
programmes are in place. These monitoring stations, operated by the relevant national or local
environmental authority, typically produce data that require further processing to be converted
into statistics on noise levels attributed to different causes and of specific origin. The resulting
statistics, e.g., on noise levels and intensity, are produced for and are relevant to the specific
local areas where the most problematic noise pollution conditions exist. They are not
representative of the national territory.
3.75. Statistics on noise levels in urban settlements are also relevant to Component 5: Human
Settlements and Environmental Health.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 1.3.5

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.5: Noise
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Noise levels from specific sources
b. Noise levels in specific locations

Category of


and Scales
By source
By location


3.2 Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

3.76. Component 2 is closely related to the asset and physical flow accounts of the SEEA-CF40 on
which the text, terms and definitions are based, where relevant. Environmental resources (or
assets, as they are referred to in the SEEA-CF) are the naturally occurring41 living and nonliving components of the Earth, together constituting the biophysical environment, which may
provide benefits to humanity. Environmental resources include natural resources (such as subsoil resources (mineral and energy), soil resources, biological resources and water resources)
and land. They may be naturally renewable (e.g., fish, timber or water) or non-renewable
(e.g., minerals).
3.77. Environmental resources are important inputs in production and consumption. They
contribute to providing shelter, food, health care, infrastructure, communications,
transportation, defence and virtually every other aspect of human activity. Consequently,
policy makers need statistics documenting their availability and quality over time to make
informed decisions. Such statistics are also needed to avoid shortage or restriction of use,
ensure availability for new and emerging applications, determine import dependence and
other risks and, in general, enable continued use over time. Data on the availability of
environmental resources and their use are important to ensure sustainable management of
current and future use by the human sub-system.
3.78. In Component 2, statistics on environmental resources and their use focus on measuring
stocks and changes in stocks of these resources and their use for production and consumption.
Changes in the stocks of environmental resources include additions and reductions, from both
anthropogenic and natural activities. In the case of non-renewable resources, continued
extraction usually leads eventually to the depletion of the resource. For renewable resources,
if extraction (e.g., abstraction, removal and harvesting) exceeds natural regeneration and
human-made replenishment, the resource is depleted. Depletion, in physical terms, is the
decrease in the quantity of the stock of a natural resource over an accounting period that is
due to the extraction of the natural resource by economic units occurring at a level greater
than that of regeneration.
3.79. Statistics regarding the most important human activities related to the use of environmental
resources help identify the possibilities for policy intervention. The activities that directly
extract, abstract, harvest or restructure individual environmental resources are included under
Component 2. These activities have additional impacts on the environment beyond the direct
use of individual environmental resources. Examples of analyses that bring together all
environmental impacts of the individual activities are discussed and presented in Chapter 5:
Applications of the FDES to cross-cutting environmental issues.
3.80. Statistics on the generation, management and discharge of residuals related to the use of
environmental resources are covered in Component 3: Residuals.

United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central Framework. Available
from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).
Naturally occurring includes both wild and cultivated biological resources as those which are cultivated, although managed by human intervention,
grow as part of a natural process.


3.81. The use of products originating from environmental resources in the economy and by
households can be captured in physical and monetary supply and use tables originating from
national accounts and also from sectoral statistics. The SEEA-CF links environmental
resources after their extraction from the environment to their use as products in the economy
and to the SNA.
3.82. Component 2 contains six sub-components that correspond to the main categories of
environmental resources:
i. Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources;
ii. Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources;
iii. Sub-component 2.3: Land;
iv. Sub-component 2.4: Soil Resources;
v. Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources; and
vi. Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources.
Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources
Topic 2.1.1: Stocks and changes of mineral resources

3.83. Minerals are elements or compounds composed of a concentration of naturally occurring

solid, liquid, or gaseous materials in or on the earths crust. Minerals include: metal ores
(including precious metals and rare earths); non-metallic minerals such as coal, oil, gas, stone,
sand and clay; chemical and fertilizer minerals; salt; and various other minerals such as
gemstones, abrasive minerals, graphite, asphalt, natural solid bitumen, quartz and mica.
3.84. Stocks of mineral resources are defined as the amount of known deposits of non-metallic and
metallic mineral resources. Classes of known mineral deposits include commercially
recoverable deposits; potential commercially recoverable deposits; and non-commercial and
other known deposits. While stocks and changes in the stocks are measured in the same way
for all minerals, mineral resources used for the production of energy (e.g., fossil fuels such as
oil, coal and natural gas), due to their significance, will be discussed in the FDES separately
(under Topic 2.2.1: Stocks and changes of energy resources).
3.85. Mineral resources are not renewable so their depletion reduces their availability in the
environment over time. The scale of their extraction can determine the amount of stress
placed on the environment. Statistics on their stocks are required to assist in the sustainable
management of these resources.
3.86. Mineral resources considered in this sub-component are extracted from the environment
typically through mining and quarrying. These activities fall in ISIC Rev. 4 under Section B
Mining and quarrying. Extraction involves methods such as underground or surface mining.
Extraction of mineral resources reflects the quantity of the resource physically removed from
the deposit during a period of time (usually one year). The difference between the opening
and closing stocks of mineral resources for a particular year result largely from extraction.
However, new discoveries, reappraisals and reclassifications of stocks, as well as catastrophic
losses, can also influence the difference between opening and closing stocks.

3.87. Main sources of statistics about stocks of mineral resources are geological surveys and
inventories, as well as economic statistics on mining and quarrying. The institutional data
collection partners will be the mining authorities at the national and sub-national levels. Data
are also available from governing commercial bodies such as gemstone and metallic mineral
bourses and manufacturers associations.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.1.1

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources
Topic 2.1.1: Stocks and changes of mineral resources
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Mineral resources
1. Stocks of commercially
recoverable resources
2. New discoveries
3. Upward reappraisals
4. Upward reclassifications
5. Extraction
6. Catastrophic losses
7. Downward reappraisals
8. Downward reclassifications
9. Stocks of potentially commercially
recoverable resources
10. Stocks of non-commercial and other
known resources

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume


and Scales


By mineral
(e.g., metal ores
including precious
metals and rare
earths, coal, oil,
gas, stone, sand
and clay,
chemical and
fertilizer minerals,
salt, gemstones,
abrasive minerals,
graphite, asphalt,
natural solid
bitumen, quartz,

United Nations Framework

Classification for Energy and
Mineral Resources (UNFC
SEEA Central Framework
(2012) asset and physical flow
International Standard
Industrial Classification of All
Economic Activities (ISIC)
Rev. 4, Section B, Divisions 0509

Topic 2.1.2: Production and trade of minerals

3.88. Mining and quarrying contribute substantially to the value of goods and services produced by
many countries. The outputs are minerals such as metal ores (iron and non-ferrous), stone,
sand and clay, chemical and fertilizer minerals, and other minerals such as gemstones and
abrasive minerals (classified under Section 1, Divisions 14-16 of the CPC Ver.2). Statistics on
the amounts of minerals extracted or produced, and their imports and exports are important to
measure the pressure on these resources. They may be linked to economic statistics to
understand their significance in the national economy.
3.89. Industrial commodity statistics, sectoral statistics on mining and quarrying, and trade statistics
provide statistics about the production and trade of minerals. Activities involved in the
production of minerals are captured under the relevant ISIC Rev. 4 categories in Section B
Mining and quarrying. Main partners for primary activity data include the ministry
responsible for mining and NSOs.
3.90. Production and trade of minerals that are energy sources are discussed under Topic 2.2.2:
Production, trade and consumption of energy.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.1.2

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources
Topic 2.1.2: Production and trade of minerals
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Production of minerals
Imports of minerals


Exports of minerals

Mass, Volume
Currency, Mass,
Currency, Mass,


and Scales


By mineral
(e.g., metal ores
including precious
metals and rare
earths coal, oil,
gas, stone, sand
and clay,
chemical and
fertilizer minerals,
salt, gemstones,
abrasive minerals,
graphite, asphalt,
natural solid
bitumen, quartz,

Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding
Systems (HS) 2012, Section V,
Chapters 25 and 26, and Section
VI Chapter 28

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources

Topic 2.2.1: Stocks and changes of energy resources

3.91. Energy can be produced from non-renewable or renewable sources. Non-renewable energy
resources are the minerals used for energy production. These environmental resources cannot
be renewed in any human timescale, so their extraction and use in the economy depletes the
resource, limiting its availability for future generations. Statistics on the magnitude of their
stocks through time are required to assist in the sustainable management of these resources.
3.92. Stocks of non-renewable energy resources are defined as the amount of known deposits of
mineral energy resources. They include fossil fuels (e.g., natural gas, crude oil and natural gas
liquids, oil shale, natural bitumen and extra heavy oil, coal and lignite), peat, uranium and
thorium ores. Classes of known mineral energy deposits include commercially recoverable
deposits; potential commercially recoverable deposits; and non-commercial and other known
3.93. Extraction of non-renewable energy resources reflects the quantity of the resource physically
removed from the deposit during a period of time (usually one year). The difference between
the opening and closing stocks of energy resources for a particular year result largely from
extraction. New discoveries, reappraisals and reclassifications of stocks, as well as
catastrophic losses, can also influence the difference between opening and closing stocks.
3.94. Main sources of statistics about stocks of non-renewable energy resources are geological
surveys and inventories, while the institutional data collection partners will be the mining and
energy authorities at the national and sub-national levels. Statistics about extraction of nonrenewable energy resources can be obtained from economic statistics on mining, as well as
energy statistics.
3.95. Energy from renewable sources is captured from sources that replenish themselves.
Renewable energy includes solar (photovoltaic and thermal), hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal
action, wave action, marine (non-tidal currents, temperature differences and salinity
gradients), wind and biomass energy. All are replenished naturally, although their flow may
be limited.
3.96. Stocks of renewable energy resources are not subject to depletion in the same manner as nonrenewable energy resources. Additionally, their stocks are difficult to define accurately,
except for biomass. Even so, it would only make sense to measure those resources with slow
replenishment rates (such as wood). Furthermore, biomass may have both energy and nonenergy uses, which makes it difficult to distinguish between energy resources and non-energy
resources. Thus, stocks of renewable energy resources are not included in the FDES.
However, the consumption of renewable energy resources can be measured in terms of energy
produced (e.g., hydroelectric power, solar energy generation and wind energy production) and
is included in the FDES under Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.2.1

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.1:Stocks and changes of energy resources
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Energy resources
1. Stocks of commercially recoverable
2. New discoveries
3. Upward reappraisals
4. Upward reclassifications
5. Extraction
6. Catastrophic losses
7. Downward reappraisals
8. Downward reclassifications
9. Stocks of potentially commercially
recoverable resources
10. Stocks of non-commercial and other
known resources

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume


and Scales


By resource
(e.g., natural gas,
crude oil and
natural gas
liquids, oil shale,
and extra heavy
oil (includes oil
extracted from oil
sands), coal and
lignite, peat, nonmetallic minerals
except for coal or
peat, uranium and
thorium ores)

UNSD: International
Recommendations for Energy
Statistics (IRES)
International Energy Agency
(IEA) Energy Statistics Manual
SEEA Central Framework
(2012) asset and physical flow
UNFC 2009
ISIC Rev. 4, Section B,
Divisions 05-09
HS 2012, Section V, Chapter

Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy

3.97. Energy production refers to the capture, extraction or manufacture of fuels or other energy
products in forms which are ready for general consumption. Energy products are produced in
a number of ways, depending on the energy source. Energy production, transformation,
distribution and consumption are processes characterized by different efficiency rates, which
cause distinct environmental impacts (including land use change, air pollution, GHG
emissions and waste). Therefore, producing statistics to describe these activities is key to
informing environmental sustainability policy.
3.98. Total energy production originates from sources that can be classified as non-renewable or
renewable. These constitute key environment statistics that can assist when analysing the
sustainability of the energy mix at the national level.
3.99. Energy production includes the production of primary and secondary energy. Primary energy
refers to energy sources as found in their natural state, as opposed to derived or secondary
energy, which is the result of the transformation of primary sources. Energy imports and
exports refer to the amount of fuels, electricity and heat obtained from or supplied to other
countries. Total energy supply is intended to show flows that represent energy entering the
national territory for the first time, energy removed from the national territory and stock
changes. It represents the amount of energy available on the national territory during the
reference period. Final energy consumption refers to the consumption of primary and
secondary energy by households and through economic activities.
3.100. Statistics on the production, trade and consumption of energy can be obtained from energy
statistics, foreign trade statistics and energy balances that are available from national energy
authorities or NSOs in most countries. The most important statistics on energy production
reflect the different types of non-renewable and renewable energy sources and the production
of primary and secondary energy, including the amount of electricity produced. Both total
production of primary and secondary energy can be disaggregated by energy resource used or
fuel, as produced regularly for national energy balances. Statistics on energy consumption
should be broken down by economic activity (based on ISIC) and households. Energy
consumption by certain sectors (e.g., international transport) or population groups (tourists)
may also be estimated for specific analytic purposes.
3.101. The production of energy from non-renewable and renewable sources is captured under the
economic activities ISIC Rev. 4, Section B, Divisions 05 Mining of coal and lignite and 06
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas; Section C, Division 19 Manufacture of coke
and refined petroleum products; and Section D, Division 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air
conditioning supply. Energy products resulting from extraction and transformation activities
can be classified according to the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC)
included in the IRES.42

United Nations Statistics Division (2011). International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (draft version). Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/doc11/BG-IRES.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.2.2

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.2: Production, trade and consumption of energy
Statistics and Related
Category of
Aggregations and
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular

Text - Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Production of energy
1. Total production
2. Production from non-renewable
3. Production from renewable

4. Primary energy production

5. Imports of energy
6. Exports of energy
7. Secondary energy production


Total energy supply


Final consumption of energy

Energy unit, Mass,

Energy unit, Mass,
Energy unit, Mass,

Energy unit, Mass,

Energy unit, Mass,
Energy unit, Mass,
Energy unit, Mass,

Energy unit, Mass,

Energy unit, Mass,


By non-renewable
resource (e.g.,
petroleum, natural gas,
coal, nuclear fuels, nonsustainable firewood,
waste, other nonrenewables)
By renewable
resource (e.g., solar,
geothermal, tidal action,
wave action, marine,
wind, biomass)
By primary energy
resource (e.g.,
petroleum, natural gas,
coal, hydroenergy,
geothermal, nuclear
fuels, cane products,
other primary)
By secondary energy
resource (e.g., electricity,
liquefied petroleum gas,
kerosene, diesel oil, fuel
oil, coke, charcoal,
gases, other secondary)
By energy product
By households
By ISIC economic
By tourists

IEA Energy Statistics
Joint Wood Energy
Enquiry (UNECE-FAO
Forestry and Timber

Sub-component 2.3: Land

3.102. Land is a unique environmental resource that delineates the space in which economic
activities and environmental processes take place and within which environmental resources
and economic assets are located. The two primary aspects are land cover (see also Topic
1.2.1: Land cover) and land use. They are closely related: while land cover describes the
biophysical aspects of land, land use refers to the functional aspects of land. Changes in land
cover can be the result of natural processes and of land use changes. Generally, the total area
of a country will remain unchanged from one period to the next.43 Hence, changes in the
stocks of land will comprise changes within and between stocks in different classes of land
cover and land use (land restructuring).
3.103. The total area of a country is the area enclosed by its inland borders and, if applicable, the
sea.44 The land area of a country is the total area minus inland waters. While inland waters
(e.g., rivers, lakes and ponds) are included in land use, marine water areas may be included
only in a broader concept of land use. Certain types of land use analyses may include coastal
waters (internal waters) or even Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs).
Topic 2.3.1: Land use

3.104. Land use reflects both the activities undertaken and the institutional arrangements put in place
for a given area for the purposes of economic production, or the maintenance and restoration
of environmental functions. Land being used means the existence of some kind of human
activity or management. Consequently, there are areas of land that are not in use by human
activities. These areas are important from an ecological point of view. Land use statistics
cover both land in use and land not in use. Statistics on land use are usually obtained through
the combination of field surveys and remote sensing (mostly satellite images). Land use data
may also be obtained from administrative land registers where available.
3.105. A reference framework for the interim classification of land use is provided in the SEEA-CF45
as agreed after a comprehensive global consultation process. The development of the land use
classification included in the SEEA-CF, led by the FAO, has been based on practices already
in use in major international and national land use databases, adjusted to address the needs
which have arisen during this global consultation process. The aim of the land use
classification presented in the SEEA-CF is twofold: (i) to provide a reference framework for
the compilation and aggregation of data at the international level; and (ii) to provide guidance
to countries in establishing a land use classification scheme. For more information, see Annex
D: Classifications and environment statistics.


That is, unless there are geopolitical changes, border corrections, natural events or catastrophes, or land reclamation.
The boundaries between land and sea vary considerably across countries based on a countrys geographical features. The conventions that determine
country area, particularly the definition of baselines, focus on the boundary between land and sea and have been agreed internationally in the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Text of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Available from
http://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).
United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central Framework. Available
from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


3.106. This topic also includes statistics on land use pertaining to specific agricultural and forest
management methods, in particular, land under organic farming, irrigation, agroforestry,
sustainable forest management and different ownership categories. These statistics are
important because they describe how the use and management of land and biological
resources impact the environment.
3.107. Changes in land use can be reflected by statistics on changes within and between the different
land use classes. Changes in land use will redistribute the area of the country among the land
use categories. If presented in matrix form, the information will show how an increase or
decrease in one category contributes to a decrease or increase in other land use categories.
Land cover statistics can also be presented in a similar fashion.
3.108. Cross-combination of land use and land cover categories show the kind of human activities
are carried out in the different land cover areas. Changes in land use frequently result in
changes of land cover. However, land in different land cover categories will also increase or
decrease due to managed or natural expansion or regression. Statistics on land cover and its
changes also provide information on the extent of different ecosystems (see also Topic 1.2.2:
Ecosystems and biodiversity).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.3.1

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.3: Land
Topic 2.3.1: Land use
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Area under land use categories


Category of

and Scales

Methodological Guidance


By type of land
use (e.g.,
forestry; land used
for aquaculture;
use of built-up
and related areas;
land used for
maintenance and
restoration of
functions; other
uses of land not
classified; land
not in use; inland
waters used for
aquaculture or
holding facilities;
inland waters used
for maintenance
and restoration of
functions; other
uses of inland
waters not
classified; inland
water not in use;
coastal waters
(including area of
coral reefs and
Economic Zone

UNECE Standard
Classification of Land Use (1989)
SEEA Central Framework
(2012) Annex 1

Other aspects of land use

1. Area of land under organic farming


2. Area of land under irrigation



FAO Inter-departmental
Working Group on Organic


3. Area of land under sustainable forest

4. Area of land under agroforestry
Land ownership

Forest Stewardship Council



By ownership


Topic 2.3.2: Use of forest land

3.109. Changes in forest area in the different categories result from economic activities (afforestation
or deforestation), reclassifications among the categories, or natural processes (expansion or
regression). FAO defines afforestation as the establishment of forest through planting and/or
deliberate seeding on land that, until then, was not classified as forest.46 It implies a
transformation from non-forest to forest. FAO defines deforestation, in turn, as the conversion
of forest to another land use or the long-term reduction of the tree canopy cover below the
minimum 10 per cent threshold.47 Reforestation, which is the re-establishment of forest
through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land classified as forest,48 is also included here.
3.110. Not all forest land is used primarily to produce wood. The primary designated functions of
forests are production, protection of soil and water, conservation of biodiversity, social
services, multiple use and other. To better understand the uses of forest land, statistics on
forest land should be broken down according to its primary designated function.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 Main Report. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1757e/i1757e.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015)
FAO states, Deforestation implies the long-term or permanent loss of forest cover and implies transformation into another land use. Such a loss can
only be caused and maintained by a continued human-induced or natural perturbation. Deforestation includes areas of forest converted to agriculture,
pasture, water reservoirs and urban areas. The term specifically excludes areas where the trees have been removed as a result of harvesting or logging,
and where the forest is expected to regenerate naturally or with the aid of silvicultural measures. Unless logging is followed by the clearing of the
remaining logged-over forest for the introduction of alternative land uses, or the maintenance of the clearings through continued disturbance, forests
commonly regenerate, although often to a different, secondary condition. In areas of shifting agriculture, forest, forest fallow and agricultural lands
appear in a dynamic pattern where deforestation and the return of forest occur frequently in small patches. To simplify reporting of such areas, the net
change over a larger area is typically used. Deforestation also includes areas where, for example, the impact of disturbance, overutilization or changing
environmental conditions affects the forest to an extent that it cannot sustain a tree cover above the 10 percent threshold. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (2000). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 Main Report. Available from
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/003/Y1997E/FRA%202000%20Main%20report.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 Main Report. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1757e/i1757e.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.3.2

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.3: Land
Topic 2.3.2: Use of forest land
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Use of forest land
1. Area deforested
2. Area reforested
3. Area afforested
4. Natural growth


Forest area by primary designated


Category of



and Scales
By forest type
By dominant
tree species

Protection of
soil and water
of biodiversity
Social services
Multiple use

UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.1
Montreal Process (Working
Group on Criteria and Indicators
for the Conservation and
Sustainable Management of
Temperate and Boreal Forests)
State of Europe's Forests
(Forest Europe/UNECE-FAO
Forestry and Timber Section)

Sub-component 2.4: Soil Resources

Topic 2.4.1: Soil resources

3.111. Soil resources comprise the top layers (horizons) of soil that form a biological system.
Accounting for soil resources can provide information on the area and volume of soil
resources lost due to erosion or degradation, or made unavailable by changes in land cover
and other sources. Accounting for soil resources in terms of their types, nutrient content,
carbon content and other characteristics is relevant for a more detailed examination of the
health of soil systems and of the connections between soil resources and production in
agriculture and forestry.
3.112. Additions to the stock of the volume of soil resources may originate from soil formation and
deposition or from upward reappraisals and reclassifications. Reduction in the stock may
result from extraction, soil erosion, catastrophic losses, and downward reappraisals and
reclassifications. The changing volume of soil must be measured to assess the extent of soil
erosion and the impact of natural disasters, and to assess soil depletion due to economic
activities. The flows of individual elements in the soils, such as carbon and nutrients
(nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium), can be recorded as part of material flow accounting
and nutrient balances.
3.113. The relevant statistics cover the stocks of soil resources and their changes (additions and
reductions) in terms of area and volume, by soil type. Statistics related to the area and changes
in the area under soil types are covered under Topic 1.1.4: Soil characteristics. Changes in the
volume of soil resources and other aspects of accounting for soil resources are included
conceptually in the FDES but the development of the necessary statistics is subject to further
research. For more information, see SEEA-CF, paras. 5.318-5.342, Accounting for Soil


United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central Framework. Available
from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.4.1

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.4: Soil Resources
Topic 2.4.1: Soil resources
Statistics and Related Information

Category of

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
and Scales
Further research is needed to develop the necessary statistics in this topic.



Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources

3.114. Biological resources are renewable resources that are capable of regeneration through natural
(non-managed or managed) processes. Biological resources include timber and aquatic
resources and a range of other animal and plant resources (such as livestock, orchards, crops
and wild animals), fungi and bacteria.50 Biological resources form an important part of
biodiversity and ecosystems. If harvesting and other losses exceed natural or managed
regeneration or replenishment, biological resources become depleted.
3.115. Biological resources can be natural (non-cultivated) or cultivated. Natural biological resources
consist of animals, birds, fish and plants that yield both once-only and repeat products for
which natural growth and/or regeneration is not under the direct control, responsibility and
management of institutional units.51
3.116. Cultivated biological resources cover animal resources yielding repeat products and tree, crop
and plant resources yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration are under
the direct control, responsibility and management of an institutional unit.52 They may impact
the environment differently than natural ones. This is quite evident in the case of monocultivated, intensive crops that use irrigation and increasing amounts of fertilizers and
Topic 2.5.1: Timber resources

3.117. Timber resources can be natural or cultivated and are important environmental resources in
many countries. They provide inputs for construction and the production of furniture,
cardboard, cellulose, paper and other products, and are also a fuel source. Timber resources
are defined by the volume of trees, living and dead, which can still be used for timber or fuel.
This includes all trees regardless of diameter or tops of stems. The general proxy that should
be considered for determining the volume of timber resources is the volume that is
commercially usable.
3.118. Stocks of timber resources increase due to natural growth, new plantations or growth derived
from management of plantations and are measured as the gross annual increase. Timber
resources may also change due to the increase of forest land or changes in management
practices (reclassification). Stocks decrease due to timber removals, natural losses and
catastrophic losses. The volume of timber removals can be disaggregated according to the
type of forestry product (e.g., industrial roundwood and fuelwood) or by tree species. Stock
changes should be estimated separately for natural and cultivated timber resources.
3.119. From a resource accounting perspective, SEEA-CF defines afforestation as the increase in the
stock of forest53 and other wooded land54 either due to the establishment of new forest on land
that was previously not classified as forest land, or as a result of silvicultural measures such as

As defined in Topic 1.2.3: Forests.


planting and seeding. In turn, SEEA-CF defines deforestation as the decrease in the stock of
forest and other wooded land due to the complete loss of tree cover and transfer of forest land
to other uses (e.g., use as agricultural land, land under buildings, roads, etc.) or to no
identifiable use. From a general forest perspective, FAO definitions may be found in Topic
1.2.3: Forests.
3.120. The most important economic activity responsible for the extraction, harvesting and
management of timber resources is forestry and logging (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division
02). This division includes: growing of standing timber; planting, replanting, transplanting,
thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts; growing of coppice, pulpwood and fire
wood; operation of forest tree nurseries; production of round wood; gathering and production
of fire wood; and production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods). These
activities may be carried out in natural or planted forests.
3.121. Forestry activities may also include the application of fertilizers and pest control. Statistics on
fertilizer and pesticide use in forestry are very important to assess their impact on the
3.122. The use of timber products in the economy and by households can be captured in physical and
monetary supply and use tables originating from national accounts and from forestry,
manufacturing, energy and trade statistics. The SEEA-CF links timber resources to their use
in the economy and to the SNA.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.1

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.1: Timber resources
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Timber resources
1.Stocks of timber resources
2. Natural growth
3. Fellings
4. Removals
5. Felling residues
6. Natural losses
7. Catastrophic losses
8. Reclassifications
Amount used of:
1. Fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
2. Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)

Forest production


Fuelwood production
Imports of forest products


Exports of forest products

Category of
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,

Currency, Mass,
Currency, Mass,


and Scales


By type (e.g.,
natural or planted)

SEEA Central Framework

State of Europe's Forests
(Forest Europe/UNECE-FAO
Forestry and Timber Section)
UNECE/FAO Joint Working
Party on Forest Statistics,
Economics and Management
ISIC Rev. 4, Section A,
Division 02
FAOSTAT database


By type of
product (e.g.,
timber, industrial
fuelwood, pulp,

By type of

Central Product
Classification (CPC)
Joint Forest Sector
International Tropical Timber
Organization [ITTO])
Inter-secretariat Working Group
on Forest Sector Statistics
UNECE Timber Committee
UNECE/FAO Joint Working
Party on Forest Statistics,
Economics and Management
ISIC Rev. 4, Section A,
Division 02
FAOSTAT database
Inter-secretariat Working Group
on Forest Sector Statistics
State of Europe's Forests
(Forest Europe/UNECE-FAO
Forestry and Timber Section)
HS 2012, Sections IX and X
FAOSTAT database

Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources

3.123. Aquatic resources comprise fish, crustaceans, molluscs, shellfish, aquatic mammals and other
aquatic organisms that are considered to live within the boundaries of the EEZ of a country
throughout their lifecycles, including both coastal and inland fisheries. Migrating and
straddling fish stocks are considered to belong to a given country during the period when
those stocks inhabit its EEZ.
3.124. Aquatic resources are harvested for commercial reasons and as part of recreational and
subsistence fishing activities. The abundance and health of natural aquatic resources in inland
and marine waters are also increasingly affected by water pollution and habitat degradation.
The dual impacts of excessive exploitation levels and habitat degradation result in the loss, or
reduction, of the goods, functions and services provided by the aquatic ecosystems, including
the loss of biodiversity and genetic resources. The unsustainable extraction of marine
resources is caused partly by illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.
3.125. Stocks of aquatic resources are difficult to measure in inland and marine waters, although
certain estimation methodologies may be considered for this purpose. Aquaculture stocks can
be estimated more frequently.
3.126. Aquatic resources may be either cultivated or natural biological resources. Aquatic resources
produced within aquaculture facilities (for breeding or for harvest) are considered cultivated
biological resources. All other aquatic resources harvested as part of capture production
processes are considered natural biological resources. Changes in the stocks of aquatic
resources are the result of growth in stocks, total removals and, natural and catastrophic
losses. Stock changes should be estimated separately for natural and cultivated resources, the
most important aquatic groups/species, and marine and freshwater groups/species.
3.127. Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and
aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance
production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. Farming also
implies individual or corporate ownership of the stock being cultivated.55 Aquaculture
activities may also include the application of colorants, pellets, antibiotics, fungicides,
hormones and other substances. Statistics on these aspects of aquaculture are very important
to assess their impact on the environment.
3.128. The FAO International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants
(ISSCAAP) is commonly used for statistics on aquatic resources.56 The FAO has also
developed a set of catch concepts for the different stages of the catch, depending on the
inclusion or exclusion of by-catch and by-product.57 The measurement of discarded catch is
an important component in order to understand fully the linkages between economic activity
and the impact on aquatic resources.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1997). Rural Aquaculture: Overview and Framework for Country Reviews. Available
from http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/x6941e/x6941e04.htm (accessed 17 July 2015).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants. Available
from ftp://ftp.fao.org/fi/document/cwp/handbook/annex/AnnexS2listISSCAAP2000.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics, Handbook of Fishery Statistical
Standards. Available from ftp://ftp.fao.org/FI/DOCUMENT/cwp/handbook/annex/AnnexB1CatchConcepts.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).


3.129. The most important economic activity related to the extraction, harvesting and management of
aquatic resources is fishing and aquaculture (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division 03). This
division includes capture fishery and aquaculture, covering the use of fishery resources from
marine, brackish or freshwater environments, with the goal of capturing or gathering fish,
crustaceans, molluscs and other marine organisms and products (e.g., aquatic plants, pearls
and sponges).
3.130. The use of aquatic products in the economy and by households can be captured in physical
and monetary supply and use tables originating from national accounts. The SEEA-CF links
aquatic resources to their use in the economy and to the SNA.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.2

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Fish capture production
Aquaculture production


Imports of fish and fishery products


Exports of fish and fishery products


Amount used of:

1. Pellets (also in 3.4.1.c)
2. Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)
3. Colourants (also in 3.4.1.e)
4. Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
5. Fungicides
Aquatic resources
1. Stocks of aquatic resources
2. Additions to aquatic resources
3. Reductions in aquatic resources


Category of

and Scales


By relevant
freshwater and
marine species
By relevant
freshwater and
marine species
By type of
By species
By type of
water (i.e., marine
or freshwater)

Currency, Mass,
Currency, Mass,

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume


By relevant
freshwater and
marine species
By type (e.g.,
natural or

FAO International Standard
Statistical Classification of
Aquatic Animals and Plants
ISIC Rev. 4, Section A,
Division 03
The United Nations
Convention on the Law of the
UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.4
HS 2012, Section I, Chapter
SEEA Central Framework

Topic 2.5.3: Crops

3.131. Crops refer to plants or agricultural produce grown for food or other economic purposes, such
as clothes or livestock fodder (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division 01). In its race to improve
crop production, modern large-scale agriculture has increased the use of anthropogenic inputs
in the form of labour, irrigation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and new or modified genetic
material. On the other hand, small-scale agriculture, which may be less resource intensive, can
be more environmentally friendly.
3.132. In terms of environment statistics, both the area used for cultivated crops and yields are
important. Furthermore, crop production methods, which can have different environmental
consequences, are highly relevant. Monoculture, the practice of growing one type of crop
intensively over an area, can benefit farmers because of its uniform growing requirements and
standardized planting, maintenance and pest control. Overall, monoculture and resource
intensive farming have increased crop yield, greatly reducing the amount of land needed for
crop production. However, in recent decades, the rise of monocultures has also led to
widespread environmental sustainability concerns, including soil nutrient loss, widespread
pest invasions and biodiversity loss. Organic production is growing in importance, benefiting
both the environment and human health, but it still constitutes a small proportion of crops
3.133. The application of biotechnology in the agriculture sector has led to the increased use of
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products derived from them. GMOs are
organisms produced through techniques in which the genetic material has been altered in a
way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.58 These organisms
may include genetically modified seeds and grain, plant tubers, spores, plant tissue and cells.
Measuring their use is an important aspect of environment statistics because of their relevance
in maintaining genetic variability, possible effect on non-target organisms and implication in
the evolution of pest resistance and loss of biodiversity. Maintaining genetic variability is also
interconnected with genetic resources, which should not be confused with genetically
modified organisms. Genetic resources are defined as the genetic material of plants, animals
or microorganisms containing functional units of heredity that are of actual or potential value
as a resource for future generations of humanity.59 Although statistics on genetic resources are
not collected, they are accounted for through the Nagoya Protocol, which ensures the
conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources.
3.134. For environment statistics, this topic covers statistics about the area used for and the
production of main crop types, annual and perennial crops, different planting methods,
monoculture and resource-intensive farming systems, the use of GMOs, and organic farming.
Area harvested is especially important when measuring sown or planted areas (gross) versus
harvested areas (net).60 Fertilizers play a key role in the yield and quantity of crops produced,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2002). Codex Alimentarius. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. Available
from http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y2772e/y2772e04.htm (accessed 17 July 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992). Article 2. Use of terms. Available from http://www.cbd.int/convention/articles/default.shtml?a=cbd-02
(accessed 16 July 2015).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2011). Crops Statistics Concepts, definitions and classifications. Available from
s.doc (accessed 17 July 2015).


as well as in the environmental effects of agriculture. Therefore, the amount of natural

fertilizers, such as manure or compost, and chemical fertilizers are also relevant. Because of
their effect on biodiversity, invasive pests and pollution, statistics on the use of pesticides
(e.g., fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and rodenticides) are also considered essential to
environment statistics. With the significant growth of modern intensive farming practices and
genetically modified crops, constructing these statistics can be particularly relevant to some
countries. Finally, imports and exports of crops can also be an important measure of total
production, apparent national consumption and, possibly, the associated pressure on the
environment. The main institution providing data, besides the NSO, is usually the agricultural


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.3

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.3: Crops
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Main annual and perennial crops
1. Area planted
2. Area harvested
3. Amount produced
4. Amount of organic production
5. Amount of genetically modified crops
Amount used of:
1. Natural fertilizers (e.g., manure,
compost, lime) (also in 3.4.1.a)
2. Chemical fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
3. Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)
4. Genetically modified seeds



farming systems
1. Area being used for production
2. Amount produced
3. Amount of genetically modified crops
Imports of crops
Exports of crops

Category of

Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,

Currency, Mass
Currency, Mass


and Scales

By crop
By size

By type of
By type of
By crop
By crop
By crop
By size

FAO Indicative Crop
Classification (for 2010 round
of agricultural censuses)
FAO/WHO Specifications
for Pesticides (2010)
FAO Specifications for
Commonly Used Fertilizers
ISIC Rev. 4, Section A,
Division 1
FAOSTAT database
HS 2012, Section II

Topic 2.5.4: Livestock

3.135. Livestock are animal species that are raised by humans for commercial purposes,
consumption or labour (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division 01). Usually raised in agricultural
settings, typical livestock species include cows, poultry, pigs, goats and sheep. Rising
incomes and growing populations, especially in the developing world, have led to higher
demands for livestock products, including milk, eggs and meat, thus driving growth in the
livestock sector.61 Nonetheless, livestock rearing is associated with multiple environmental
effects. Livestock production contributes to GHG emissions. Animal husbandry (grazing and
production of feedstock) occupies a large percentage of land, directly or indirectly. Clearing
land for pasture and feed crops has led to widespread deforestation and biodiversity loss and
overgrazing leads to erosion and compaction. Furthermore, livestock production accounts for
large amounts of water use and constitutes a source of water pollution from hormone use and
other chemicals, as well as from the inadequate handling of manure.
3.136. A limited number of genetically modified animals, animal substances, tissues and microorganisms have been introduced in the production of livestock and fish to date. The goal is to
add economic value by introducing specific substances or tissue modifications. This could
produce unintended environmental effects relating to the place of introduction or the nature of
expression of GMOs.
3.137. Despite these prevalent environmental implications, however, livestock contributes to the
livelihoods of millions of the worlds poor, providing an income source, and sometimes the
only source, for many. Therefore, measuring livestock impacts and driving efficiency in the
production line is vital.
3.138. Environmentally relevant statistics on livestock include the number and characteristics of live
animals, as well as antibiotics and hormones used for them. Furthermore, imports and exports
of livestock are also a good measure of national livestock quantity and, possibly, of pressure
on the environment.
3.139. The main provider of data for livestock statistics is usually the agricultural authority or the

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2006). Livestock impacts on the environment. Available from
http://www.fao.org/ag/magazine/0612sp1.htm (accessed 19 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.4

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.4: Livestock
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
1. Number of live animals
2. Number of animals slaughtered
Amount used of:
1. Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
2. Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)
Imports of livestock
Exports of livestock

Category of
Currency, Number
Currency, Number


and Scales
By type of

FAOSTAT database
ISIC Rev. 4, Section A,
Division 01
HS 2012, Section I, Chapter

Topic 2.5.5: Other non-cultivated biological resources

3.140. A range of naturally occurring biological resources provides inputs to the economy and forms
an important part of biodiversity. They may include wild berries, fungi, bacteria, fruits, sap
and other plant resources that are harvested (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, class 0230), as well as
wild animals that are trapped or killed for production, consumption and trade (ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, class 0170). This topic excludes timber and aquatic resources, as they are included
in Topics 2.5.1 and 2.5.2, respectively.
3.141. Environmentally relevant statistics on this topic focus on the use and management of these
resources as this can affect biodiversity. The conservation of key habitats and landscapes and
the species within them is key to prevent further biodiversity loss. The Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) states that the
trade of wild species needs to be managed at national and international levels to prevent overexploitation.62 Trade that is detrimental to the survival of a species and does not allow the
species to live in a consistent level in its ecosystem has to be managed and measured. This
can involve measuring imports and exports of such species for trade, the number of wild
animals killed or trapped for food or sale, permits issued to hunt and trap wild animals, and
animal kills allowed by permits.
3.142. The main provider of data and the institutional partners for these statistics include the
environmental, natural resources and wildlife authorities, and the government agency
responsible for hunting.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2008). Non-detriment findings. Available from
http://www.cites.org/eng/prog/ndf/index.php (accessed 19 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.5.5

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.5: Other non-cultivated biological resources
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.



Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Permits for regulated hunting and
trapping of wild animals
1. Number of permits issued per year
2. Number of animal kills allowed by
Imports of endangered species
Exports of endangered species
Reported wild animals killed or trapped
for food or sale
Trade in wildlife and captive-bred

Non-wood forest products and other


and Scales
By species

ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Class

Currency, Number
Currency, Number
Description, Mass,

Mass, Volume


By status
By type of

Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Class

ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Class


Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources

3.143. Management of water resources, in terms of quantities, distribution and quality, is one of the
worlds most important priorities today. Policy makers need statistics on water resources,
their abstraction, use and returns for many reasons, including to: estimate the amount of
available water resources; monitor abstraction from key water bodies to prevent
overutilization; ensure equitable usage of abstracted water; and track the volume of water
returned to the environment.
3.144. The IRWS63 provides the definitions and groupings for the purposes of statistics on water
resources and their use.
Topic 2.6.1: Water resources

3.145. Water resources consist of freshwater and brackish water, regardless of their quality, in inland
water bodies, including surface water, groundwater and soil water. Inland water stocks are the
volume of water contained in surface water and groundwater bodies and in the soil at a point
in time. Water resources are also measured in terms of flows to and out of the inland water
resources during a period of time. Surface water comprises all water that flows over or is
stored on the grounds surface, regardless of its salinity levels. Surface water includes water
in artificial reservoirs, lakes, rivers and streams, snow, ice and glaciers. Groundwater
comprises water that collects in porous layers of underground formations known as aquifers.
A countrys renewable water resources are generated by precipitation and inflows of water
from neighbouring territories and reduced by evapotranspiration.
3.146. Statistics on water resources include the volume of water generated within the country or
territory as the result of precipitation, the volume of water lost to evapotranspiration, the
inflow of water from neighbouring territories, and the outflow of water to neighbouring
territories or the sea. The statistics are sourced from hydrometeorological and hydrological
monitoring, measurements and models. Statistics on the quality of water in water bodies are
discussed under Topic 1.3.2: Freshwater quality and Topic 1.3.3: Marine water quality.

United Nations Statistics Division (2012). International Recommendations for Water Statistics. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/irws/irwswebversion.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.6.1

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Topic 2.6.1: Water resources
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Inflow of water to inland water
1. Precipitation (also in 1.1.1.b)
2. Inflow from neighbouring
3. Inflow subject to treaties
Outflow of water from inland water
1. Evapotranspiration
2. Outflow to neighbouring territories
3. Outflow subject to treaties
4. Outflow to the sea
Inland water stocks
1. Surface water stocks in artificial
2. Surface water stocks in lakes
3. Surface water stocks in rivers and
4. Surface water stocks in wetlands
5. Surface water stocks in snow, ice and
6. Groundwater stocks

Category of


and Scales
By territory of
origin and





UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Water Use
UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.5
SEEA Central Framework
(2012) asset accounts
SEEA Water
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water

Topic 2.6.2: Abstraction, use and returns of water

3.147. Abstraction, use and returns of water are the flows of water between the environment and the
human sub-system and within the human sub-system. Water abstraction is the amount of
water that is removed from any source, either permanently or temporarily, in a given period of
time. Water is abstracted from surface water and groundwater resources by economic
activities and households. It can be abstracted for own use or for distribution to other users.
Statistics on water abstraction should be disaggregated according to the source of the water
(surface or groundwater) and by abstractor (economic activity or households). Water
abstraction usually refers to the off-stream use of water. The most important off-stream uses
for which water is abstracted are: (i) water supply to human settlements; (ii) water for
agriculture; (iii) water for industries; and (iv) water for cooling in thermoelectricity
3.148. In-stream water use refers to the use of water without moving it from its source or to the use
when water is immediately returned with little or no alteration. The most important in-stream
water uses are: (i) water for hydroelectricity generation; (ii) water for the operation of
navigation locks; and (iii) water for freshwater aquaculture.
3.149. Water managers also use the category of in situ water use. The most important in situ water
use is ecological use, that is, water used as a habitat for living organisms. Human in situ water
uses include navigation, fishing, recreation, tourism and waste loading (pollution dilution).
3.150. As with off-stream uses, all human in-stream and in situ water uses have significant effects
with regard to the ecological use of the same water resources. In-stream and in situ activities
are usually measured in terms of the intensity of the use. In-stream and in situ activities that
use water are covered under Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic resources and their use; Topic 2.2.2:
Production, trade and consumption of energy; Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the
environment; and Topic 3.3.2: Management of waste. Statistics on water transport and
recreation are not included in the FDES but can be used to indicate the pressures these
activities place on water resources.
3.151. After abstraction and distribution, water is used in the economy in production and
consumption activities. Water can be recycled and reused several times before it is returned to
the environment. Water use should be disaggregated according to economic activity and
household use. Water use by tourists may also be captured to measure tourisms
environmental impact. The most significant water uses (e.g., irrigation in agriculture,
hydropower generation and cooling) should be specified. Significant water loss may occur
during transport, so these data should be captured here as well. Statistics on water use can be
obtained from statistical surveys of primary users, household surveys and administrative
records of the water supply industry.
3.152. A large part of the water used in economic activities and by households is returned to the
environment after or without treatment. The volume of returned water should be
disaggregated by recipient (e.g., surface water, groundwater, soil and sea). Statistics on the
generation, treatment and pollutant content of wastewater are discussed under Sub-component
3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater.

3.153. All economic activities and households can abstract, use and return water to the environment.
The most important activities, in terms of the volume of water abstracted, are agriculture
(irrigation and livestock), the generation of electricity (hydropower and cooling) and the water
collection, treatment and supply industry (ISIC Rev. 4, Section E, Division 36), which
includes the collection (abstraction), treatment and distribution of water for household and
industrial needs. Collection of water from various sources, as well as distribution by various
means, is also included. Division 37 Sewerage accounts for a significant amount of water
returned to the environment.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 2.6.2

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Topic 2.6.2: Abstraction, use and returns of water
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text -


Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Total water abstraction
Water abstraction from surface
Water abstraction from groundwater
1. From renewable groundwater
2. From non-renewable groundwater
Water abstracted for own use
Water abstracted for distribution


Desalinated water
Reused water
Water use



Rainwater collection
Water abstraction from the sea
Losses during transport



Exports of water
Imports of water
Returns of water




and Scales
By type of



economic activity
economic activity
By tourists
economic activity
economic activity
By destination
(e.g., inland
water, land, sea,

UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Water Use
SEEA Central Framework
SEEA Water
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water

3.3 Component 3: Residuals

3.154. Component 3 is closely related to the physical flow accounts (flows from the economy to the
environment) of the SEEA-CF on which the terms and definitions are based, where relevant.64
This component contains statistics on the amount and characteristics of residuals generated by
human production and consumption processes, their management, and their final release to
the environment. Residuals are flows of solid, liquid and gaseous materials, and energy, that
are discarded, discharged or emitted by establishments and households through processes of
production, consumption or accumulation. Residuals may be discarded, discharged or emitted
directly to the environment or be captured, collected, treated, recycled or reused. The FDES
covers the main groups of residuals that are emissions of substances to air, water or soil,
wastewater and waste, and the release of residuals from the application of chemical
substances (dissipative uses of products in the SEEA-CF).
3.155. Emissions, wastewater, waste and residuals from the application of chemicals can have
different impacts and effects on human and ecosystem health. They will be absorbed, or will
persist and concentrate differently, based on their nature, scale and a combination of local
environmental dynamics (e.g., wind, currents, as well as characteristics of land, air and water
masses). The substances are sometimes released or disposed of with little or no treatment, but
increasingly, emissions are treated to reduce pollutants before they are released into the
environment. These treatment and management processes, and their infrastructure, are also
included in this component.
3.156. Emissions are substances released to the environment by establishments and households as a
result of production, consumption and accumulation processes. Emissions can be released to
air, water (as part of wastewater) and soil. Generally, emissions are analysed by the type of
receiving environment (air, water or soil) and type of substance.
3.157. Wastewater is discarded water that is no longer required by the owner or user. Wastewater
usually (but not always) carries pollution from the processes in which the water was used
(emissions to water). Water discharged into sewers, received by water treatment plants and
discharged to the environment is all considered wastewater regardless of its quality. It also
includes reused water, which is wastewater supplied to a user for further use with or without
prior treatment.
3.158. Waste covers discarded materials that are no longer required by the owner or user. It includes
materials in solid or liquid state but excludes wastewater and emissions to air, water or soil.
3.159. A special category of residuals results from the dissipative uses of products, which cover
products that are deliberately released to the environment as part of production processes.
Examples are the application of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides, part of which


United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central
Framework. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


may be absorbed in the production process while the rest will remain in the environment and
may cause pollution.
3.160. The SEEA-CF also accounts for residuals in terms of dissipative losses, natural resource
residuals and losses. Dissipative losses are material residues that are an indirect result of
production and consumption activity. For more detailed discussion see the SEEA-CF, paras.
3.161. Statistics on residuals must be broken down according to the economic activity that generated
them, based on ISIC. Special attention should be paid to estimating residuals generated by
international transport and tourism in order to calculate SEEA physical flow accounts.
3.162. Residuals have an impact of environmental quality that can be measured in terms of
concentrations of residuals in the different media covered in Sub-component 1.3:
Environmental Quality.
3.163. Component 3 contains four sub-components:
i. Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air;
ii. Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater;
iii. Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste; and
iv. Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances.
Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air

3.164. Air pollution can be caused by natural as well as anthropogenic factors. The FDES focuses on
the emission of pollutants from anthropogenic factors that are socio-economic processes.
Emissions to air are gaseous and particulate substances released to the atmosphere by
establishments and households as a result of production, consumption and accumulation
processes. The statistical description of such emissions covers their sources and the quantities
emitted by substance.
3.165. Policy makers, analysts and civil society need statistics on emissions to air to monitor the
amount and type of emissions over time and across locations. These statistics can be used for
evidence-based policy making, particularly with regard to environmental regulations (e.g.,
maximum allowable emission levels versus actual levels). They can also be used to model
where the greatest impacts on humans from air pollution may occur. These statistics are also
required to monitor adherence to any MEAs, particularly the Kyoto and Montreal protocols,
to which the country may be a party.
3.166. Air emissions may be measured directly or estimated on the basis of fuel and other material
input data and process-specific emission factors. This information is usually produced in the
form of emission inventories, available primarily from environmental ministries or
environmental protection authorities. Emissions to air can be distinguished by the type of
source (e.g., stationary or mobile, point or diffuse), by process, and by economic activity
based on ISIC.


3.167. The groups of chemicals relevant to statistics on emissions to air include: sulphur compounds;
oxidized nitrogen compounds and oxidants; reduced nitrogen compounds; inorganic carbon
compounds; halogen and inorganic halogen compounds; volatile organic compounds; heavy
metals; and different fractions of particulate matter (PM). The UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Ambient Air Quality (1990) lists the substances, parameters and variables
needed for statistics on air emissions.
Topic 3.1.1: Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)

3.168. GHG emissions constitute a special category of air emissions. GHG emission inventories are
compiled based on the guidelines developed by the IPCC, under the auspices of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The source categories of
GHG emissions are based on processes. The categories of sinks for GHG emissions are also
included. GHGs include both direct and indirect GHGs. The most important direct GHGs are
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and the most important
indirect GHGs are sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and non-methane volatile
organic compounds (NM-VOCs).
3.169. While the IPCC guidelines prescribe process-based source categories, sources must be broken
down by economic activity based on ISIC, to ensure consistency with and linkages to
economic statistics. GHGs from international transport and tourism must be estimated to
produce emission accounts. Air emissions generated by tourists may also be estimated to
measure the environmental impacts of tourism.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.1.1

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air
Topic 3.1.1: Emissions of greenhouse gases
Category of
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.


Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Total emissions of direct greenhouse
gases (GHGs), by gas:
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
2. Methane (CH4)
3. Nitrous oxide (N2O)


4. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
5. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
6. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)


Total emissions of indirect greenhouse

gases (GHGs), by gas:
1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)


2. Nitrogen oxides (NOx)


3. Non-methane volatile organic

compounds (NM-VOCs)
4. Other



and Scales


economic activity
By tourists
source categories

IPCC Emission Factor

UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Reporting Guidelines
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Ambient Air
Quality (1990)
UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.2

Topic 3.1.2: Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODSs)

3.170. ODS is another important category of emissions that is actively monitored by the Montreal
Protocol. Reported statistics worldwide have shown this protocol to be very effective in
phasing out the use of these substances. Examples of ODSs include chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), halons, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride
and methyl bromide. However, as emissions of these substances are difficult to measure
directly, countries report on the apparent consumption of ODSs.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.1.2

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air
Topic 3.1.2: Consumption of ozone depleting substances
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Consumption of ozone depleting
substances (ODSs), by substance:
1. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
2. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
3. Halons
4. Methyl chloroform
5. Carbon tetrachloride
6. Methyl bromide
7. Other



and Scales
economic activity
By tourists
source categories

UNEP Ozone Secretariat
IPCC Emission Factor
UNECE Standard Statistical
Classification of Ambient Air
Quality (1990)
UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.3

Topic 3.1.3: Emissions of other substances

3.171. Other environmentally important polluting substances are emitted to air beyond GHGs and
ODSs. The most important are the different fractions of PM, which is an air pollutant
consisting of mixed solid (i.e., dust) and liquid particles suspended in the air. PM eventually
concentrates in the air and is measured to establish pollution levels (for instance as PM2.5 and
PM10, see Topic 1.3.1: Air Quality). Furthermore, the particulate material contains different
chemical elements and compounds that can be harmful beyond the potential impact of dust.
For example, PM can contain chemical constituents such as sulphates, nitrates and
ammonium. PM can be formed by suspension of soil and dust or from gaseous precursors
such as SO2, NOx, ammonia and NM-VOCs. Other potentially harmful emissions include
heavy metals (such as cadmium, lead and mercury) and other substances that are linked to
environmental and health problems. Countries may wish to measure or estimate a variety of
other emissions, based on national circumstances and priorities.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.1.3

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air
Topic 3.1.3: Emissions of other substances
Category of
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Emissions of other substances:
1. Particulate matter (PM)
2. Heavy metals
3. Other



and Scales


economic activity
By tourists
source categories

UNECE Standard Statistical

Classification of Ambient Air
Quality (1990)
European Monitoring and
Evaluation Programme (EMEP)
under the Convention on Longrange Transboundary Air

Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater

3.172. This sub-component contains statistics on the generation, management and discharge of
wastewater, as well as the pollutant content of wastewater (emissions of substances to water).
Policy makers, analysts and civil society need statistics on wastewater to properly manage this
potentially harmful by-product of the human sub-system. Without statistics on the generation,
management and discharge of wastewater, it is difficult to assess and possibly intervene with
regard to wastewater volume and pollution levels. Other policy relevant wastewater statistics
include a disaggregation by economic activity of responsibility for its generation, whether the
wastewater is being treated, and what is being emitted to the countrys water bodies.
3.173. Administrative records and, in some cases, estimation outputs are the most commonly used
type of statistical source. Countries usually report their wastewater and discharges to water
based on statistics from the final treatment or collecting institution(s), or when no wastewater
treatment is in place, by estimating from the water used by different activities (e.g.,
households, industries) using technological coefficients. The main institutional partner will be
the water and wastewater authorities or institutions in charge of water supply, collection,
treatment and/or final discharge of wastewater to the environment (e.g., water regulating
bodies, water authorities, municipalities, water utilities and wastewater treatment plants).
Topic 3.2.1: Generation and pollutant content of wastewater

3.174. This topic includes statistics on the volume of water that is no longer required and is thus
discarded by the user and statistics on the amount of pollutants contained in wastewater
(emissions to water) before any collection or treatment. Statistics on the generation of
wastewater and emissions to water should be broken down by the economic activity and
households that generate them. The amount of wastewater generated by tourists can also be
estimated to measure the environmental impact of tourism. Wastewater generation is usually
estimated based on the volume of water used. The pollutant content of wastewater (emissions
to water) can usually be obtained from monitoring at the place of generation or from estimates
based on technological parameters.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.2.1

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.1: Generation and pollutant content of wastewater
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and Scales
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Volume of wastewater generated


Pollutant content of wastewater




economic activity
By tourists
By pollutant or
parameter (e.g.,
oxygen demand
(BOD), chemical
oxygen demand
(COD), nitrogen,
phosphorous, total
suspended solids
economic activity

ISIC Rev. 4, Section E,
Divisions 35-37
SEEA Water
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water

Topic 3.2.2: Collection and treatment of wastewater

3.175. Wastewater may be discharged directly to the environment by the generator or may be
collected in sewerage systems and treated in wastewater treatment plants (urban, industrial or
other). This topic can include statistics describing: (i) volumes of wastewater collected and
transported to its final place of discharge or treatment facilities; (ii) volume of wastewater
treated by type of treatment (primary, secondary and tertiary); (iii) physical infrastructure
related to wastewater collection and treatment (e.g., number of treatment plants and capacities
of plants); (iv) pollutant content extracted in the treatment facilities; and (v) other relevant
3.176. Establishments that collect and treat wastewater are grouped under ISIC Rev.4, Section E,
Division 37 Sewerage.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.2.2

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.2: Collection and treatment of wastewater
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text


- Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Volume of wastewater collected
Volume of wastewater treated
Total urban wastewater treatment
1. Number of plants
2. Capacity of plants
Total industrial wastewater treatment
1. Number of plants
2. Capacity of plants





and Scales
By treatment
type (e.g.,

ISIC Rev. 4, Section E,
Division 35 and 36
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water

Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the environment

3.177. This topic captures information at the stage of final discharge of wastewater to the
environment. It includes: (i) volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without
treatment; (ii) volume of wastewater discharged to the environment after treatment, by type of
treatment (primary, secondary and tertiary) and type of treatment facility (public, private,
municipal, industrial); and (iii) effluent quality.
3.178. Statistics on the volume of wastewater discharged after treatment can be obtained from
administrative records of the treatment plants. Statistics on the volume of wastewater released
without treatment can be obtained from economic units and records of sewerage companies or
estimated on the basis of water use. The volume of discharged wastewater should also be
disaggregated by recipient water body.
3.179. In addition to the volume of wastewater returned to the environment, it is also important to
measure or estimate the volumes of different pollutants emitted with the wastewater or
otherwise released to water bodies. Emissions to water are the substances released to water
resources by establishments and households as a result of production, consumption and
accumulation processes. Emissions to water should be disaggregated according to the
releasing economic activities and should cover the most important substances.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.2.3

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.3: Discharge of wastewater to the environment
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Wastewater discharge
1. Total volume of wastewater
discharged to the environment after
2. Total volume of wastewater
discharged to the environment
without treatment


Pollutant content of discharged






and Scales


By treatment
type (e.g.,
By recipient
(e.g., surface
wetland, sea,
economic activity
By source
By pollutant or
parameter (e.g.,
Net emission
by ISIC economic
By source

ISIC Rev. 4, Section E,
Division 35 and 36
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section - Water

Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste

3.180. This sub-component includes statistics on the amount and characteristics of waste, defined as
discarded material for which the owner or user has no further use, generated by human
activities in the course of production and consumption processes. To reduce the amount of
waste generated and increase the share of waste that is recycled and reused as material or
energy source are central to sustainable consumption and production and natural resource
management. The final disposal of waste in the environment, even if in a controlled manner,
creates pollution and occupies considerable land areas.
3.181. Relevant statistics cover the amount of waste generated by different sources that are economic
activities (by ISIC categories) and households. Waste can also be classified based on its
material content or other characteristics. Waste is usually collected at the place of generation
and transported to treatment facilities (for recycling and reuse or to reduce its amount or
hazardousness before final disposal) and to disposal facilities (for final disposal).
3.182. Policy makers, particularly local governments, require statistics on waste in order to assess
how its generation changes over time. This, in turn, assists in planning for present and future
waste management in terms of transportation and facilities required. Statistics on waste are
also needed to develop strategies to encourage waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
Topic 3.3.1: Generation of waste

3.183. This topic includes statistics describing the amount of waste generated before any collection
or treatment, by waste type, and by generator (by economic activity (by ISIC) and
households). The waste lists that countries and international organizations use for waste
statistics are usually based either on the generating process or the material content of the
waste, or on the combination of the two. In many cases, the origin of the waste (the economic
activity) generally determines the material content of the waste.
3.184. Ideally, statistics on the amount and type of waste generated should be reported by the
establishments (economic units) that generate it. However, in practice, these statistics are
usually estimated from the records of the economic units engaged in waste collection,
treatment and disposal. The broad waste categories frequently used in waste statistics, such as
municipal, industrial and hazardous waste, combine many different waste materials into
categories based on the similarity of their collection, treatment and disposal. The amount of
waste generated can be estimated with high reliability when the waste management system is
well developed and covers all waste.
3.185. Hazardous waste is a special group of waste that, due to its toxic or other hazardous character,
requires special management and is controlled by law in many countries. The Basel
Convention, an MEA, focuses on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous waste
across international borders and establishes criteria for the environmentally sound
management of such waste. Reporting needs under this convention include the generation of
hazardous waste, as well as the imports and exports of hazardous waste covered in Topic
3.3.2: Management of Waste. For additional information, see Annex C: Multilateral
Environmental Agreements.

3.186. Depending on their priorities and availability of resources, rather than estimate the total
amount of waste generation, countries may prefer to focus on certain waste types that are
important to them. Such types of waste may be selected either because they are recyclable or
reusable and thus constitute a resource (e.g., paper, glass or metal waste), or because their
volume or hazard level creates a specific problem for treatment and disposal. An important
aspect of data collection on waste (by type of waste) is food waste. Approximately one-third
of food produced globally is lost or wasted.65 This represents a large portion of the
environmental costs of agriculture production. Countries may also wish to estimate the
amount of waste generated by specific sectors or population groups, such as tourists.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2011). Global food losses and food waste: extent, causes and prevention. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/mb060e/mb060e00.pdf (accessed 20 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.3.1

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste
Topic 3.3.1: Generation of waste
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Amount of waste generated by

Category of

and Scales



economic activity
By households
By tourists
By waste
category (e.g.,
chemical waste,
municipal waste,
food waste,
economic activity

European Commission:
European List of Waste,
pursuant to European Waste
Framework Directive
Eurostat: Environmental Data
Centre on Waste
Eurostat: European Waste
Classification for Statistics
(EWC-Stat), version 4 (Waste
Basel Convention: Waste
categories and hazardous
Eurostat: Manual on Waste
Eurostat: Guidance on
classification of waste according
to EWC-Stat categories
SEEA Central Framework
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Waste


Amount of waste generated by waste




Amount of hazardous waste




Topic 3.3.2: Management of waste

3.187. This topic includes statistics on: (i) the amount of waste collected and transported to treatment
facilities or final disposal; (ii) the amount of waste treated and disposed of by type of
treatment and disposal (e.g., reuse, recycling, composting, incineration, landfilling, other);
(iii) the physical infrastructure for waste treatment and disposal, including the number and
capacity of treatment and disposal plants; and (iv) other relevant information.
3.188. Relevant statistics will come from the records of the economic units engaged in waste
management that fall under ISIC Rev. 4, Section E, Division 38 Waste collection, treatment
and disposal activities; materials recovery. Waste collection systems, and treatment and
disposal facilities may be operated by public or private companies that provide the service for
the waste generator and keep records of the relevant transactions. However, some industrial
establishments may perform part or all of these activities themselves.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.3.2

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste
Topic 3.3.2: Management of waste
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Municipal waste
1. Total municipal waste collected
2. Amount of municipal waste treated
by type of treatment and disposal
3. Number of municipal waste
treatment and disposal facilities
4. Capacity of municipal waste
treatment and disposal facilities
b. Hazardous waste

Category of



1. Total hazardous waste collected

2. Amount of hazardous waste
treated by type of treatment and
3. Number of hazardous waste
treatment and disposal facilities
4. Capacity of hazardous waste
treatment and disposal facilities
Other/industrial waste



1. Total other/industrial waste collected

2. Amount of other/industrial waste
treated by type of treatment and
3. Number of other/industrial treatment
and disposal facilities
4. Capacity of other/industrial waste
treatment and disposal facilities
Amount of recycled waste


Imports of waste
Exports of waste
Imports of hazardous waste



Exports of hazardous waste


Aggregations and

Methodological Guidance

By type of
treatment and
disposal (e.g.,
reuse, recycling,
landfilling, other)
By type of waste,
when possible

Eurostat: Environmental Data

Centre on Waste
Eurostat metadata:
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD)/Eurostat definition of
municipal waste
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Waste
Basel Convention: Waste
categories and hazardous
Eurostat: EWC-Stat, version
4 (Waste categories)
European Commission:
European Waste Framework
Directive (Waste treatment
Eurostat: Manual on Waste
Eurostat: Guidance on
classification of waste according
to EWC-Stat categories
Rotterdam Convention





By specific
waste streams (e.g.,
e-waste, packaging
waste, end of life
By waste
By waste
category (e.g.,
chemical waste,
municipal waste,
combustion waste)

Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances

Topic 3.4.1: Release of chemical substances

3.189. This topic deals with chemical fertilizers to enrich soils and pesticide use in protecting plants
and animals from disease. Other chemicals accelerate the growth of biota and preserve and
enhance the quality, size and appearance of biological products. Environmental effects are
generated by the diffusion of chemicals through cycling systems and build-up of contaminants
in water, land and living organisms (through the food chain). Statistics under this topic
include the amount of natural and chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals
(hormones and pellets) used by type of active ingredients (see also Sub-component 2.5:
Biological Resources), the area under application and the method employed. These statistics
serve as a proxy or the basis for estimating the chemicals that remain in the environment and
affect environmental quality.
3.190. The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) aims to eliminate or
restrict the production and use of POPs. POPs are defined by the convention as chemical
substances that persist in the environment, bio-accumulate through the food web, and pose a
risk of causing adverse effects to human health and the environment.66 The Stockholm
Convention identified an initial 12 chemicals or chemical groups for priority action, including
aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene,
PCBs, polychlorinated dioxins and polychlorinated furans. Additional substances were added
in 2009. For additional information, see Annex C: Multilateral Environmental Agreements.


United Nations Environment Programme. Persistent Organic Pollutants. Available from http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/ (accessed 21 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 3.4.1

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances
Topic 3.4.1: Release of chemical substances
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.


Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Total amount of fertilizers used
1. Natural fertilizers (also in 2.5.1.b and
2. Chemical fertilizers (also in 2.5.1.b
and 2.5.3.b)
Total amount of pesticides used (also in
2.5.1.b and 2.5.3.b)

Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,


Total amount of pellets used (also in


Mass, Volume


Total amount of hormones used (also in

2.5.2.e and 2.5.4.b)

Mass, Volume


Total amount of colourants used (also

in 2.5.2.e)

Mass, Volume


Total amount of antibiotics used (also in

2.5.2.e and 2.5.4.b)

Mass, Volume


and Scales


economic activity
By type of
By type of
economic activity
economic activity
economic activity
economic activity

FAOSTAT database
Stockholm Convention

Stockholm Convention

3.4 Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

3.191. This component organizes statistics on the occurrence of extreme events and disasters and
their impacts on human well-being and the infrastructure of the human sub-system.
3.192. The most common data providers are national and sub-national authorities responsible for
disaster management and assistance, emergency management and response agencies,
insurance companies, optical and radar satellite operators for satellite information, and
seismic monitoring and research centres.
3.193. Component 4 contains the following two sub-components:
i. Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters; and
ii. Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters.
Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters

3.194. This sub-component organizes statistics on the frequency and intensity of extreme events and
disasters deriving from natural phenomena, as well as their impact on human lives and
habitats and the environment as a whole. Statistics on natural extreme events and disasters are
important to policy makers, analysts and civil society not only to assess the impact of an
ongoing disaster, but also to monitor the frequency, intensity and impact of disasters over
3.195. An extreme event is one that is rare within its statistical reference distribution at a particular
location. An extreme event is normally as rare as or rarer than the 10th or 90th percentile. A
disaster is often described as a result of exposure to an extreme event. The Centre for
Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) defines a disaster as an unforeseen and
often sudden event that causes great damage, destruction and human suffering.67 It often
exceeds local response capacities and requires external assistance at the national or
international level. For inclusion in this sub-component, a disaster should be categorized
using the same criteria as the CRED Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT). It must thus
meet at least one of the following criteria:
i. Ten (10) or more people reported killed;
ii. One hundred (100) or more people reported affected;
iii. Declaration of a state of emergency; or
iv. Call for international assistance.
For more information on the full classification of CRED, see Annex D: Classifications and
environment statistics.
3.196. Natural extreme events and disasters impact human lives, habitats and ecosystems in different
ways depending on their intensity, the extent to which the human habitat is prepared and the
environmental conditions prevailing in the territories, particularly those where humans live.
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters EM-DAT (2009). Emergency Events Database. Available from http://www.emdat.be
(accessed 21 July 2015).


Thus, the general social, living and infrastructural conditions of a given human habitat can
worsen or mitigate the impacts and effects of natural disasters.
3.197. In recent decades, increased extreme events have led to more frequent, more intense and more
destructive and deadly natural disasters. Climate change has been associated with the
increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events. It has resulted in increased
global temperatures, rising sea levels, increased storms and precipitation, droughts, floods,
tropical cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes and other climatic disruptions in many places around
the world. As the occurrence and intensity of natural extreme events and disasters have
increased globally, countries have faced greater social and economic impacts.
3.198. The statistics organized under this component will take into account the entire sequence
associated with both the occurrence and impact of each individual event, including type,
statistics on the disasters impact, including people affected and the assessment of economic
loss. Statistics relating to the indirect health problems associated with natural disasters is
covered in Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health. Statistics related to disaster
preparedness can be found under Topic 6.3.1: Preparedness for Natural Extreme Events and
Topic 4.1.1: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters

3.199. The types of statistics included in this topic may be, but are not limited to, the type of natural
disaster, location, magnitude, date of occurrence and duration.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.1.1

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters
Topic 4.1.1: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and Scales
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Occurrence of natural extreme events

and disasters
1. Type of natural extreme event and
disaster (geophysical, meteorological,
hydrological, climatological, biological)
2. Location
3. Magnitude (where applicable)
4. Date of occurrence
5. Duration


Time period


By event

Centre for Research on the
Epidemiology of Disasters
Emergency Events Database
UN Economic Commission
for Latin America and the
Caribbean (UNECLAC)
Handbook for Estimating the
Socio-economic and
Environmental Effects of
The United Nations Office
for Disaster Risk Reduction

Topic 4.1.2: Impact of natural extreme events and disasters

3.200. This topic should include information on the impact of a natural extreme event or disaster.
Impact can be measured in a number of ways. Common dimensions include the number of
people killed, injured, homeless and affected, as well as economic loss. Economic loss may
refer to damage to buildings and other economic assets, number of transportation networks
affected, economic disruption or loss of revenue to commercial services, and utility
disruption. Physical loss or damage refers to the magnitude of the impact of the event or
disaster on the quantity and quality of land, crops, livestock, aquaculture and biomass. The
specific impact of each natural disaster on the integrity of the local ecosystem may also be
reported on, where statistics exist. In addition, the external assistance received for disaster
relief may also be measured.
3.201. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(UNECLAC) has developed a handbook, UNECLAC: Handbook for Estimating the Socioeconomic and Environmental Effects of Disasters,68 which may be useful to other countries
and regions. It evaluates the overall impact of disasters associated with natural events and
includes a methodology for evaluating it. This analysis of disaster impact in terms of damage
and losses makes it possible to estimate the impact of disasters on economic growth, the
populations living conditions and environmental conditions in the region.
3.202. UNECLAC published the third edition of the Handbook for Disaster Assessment69 in
February 2014. This edition strengthens the methodology for estimating both the effects and
the impacts of disasters, improving its consistency by clearly differentiating concepts of losses
and additional costs. It also systematizes the linkages among different economic sectors. The
document also addresses cross-cutting themes such as gender and the environment.

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2003). Handbook for Estimating the Socio-economic and
Environmental Effects of Disasters. LC/MEX/G.5 ECLAC Mexico Office. Available from http://www.eclac.cl/cgibin/getProd.asp?xml=/publicaciones/xml/4/12774/P12774.xml&xsl=/mexico/tpl-i/p9f.xsl&base=/mexico/tpl/top-bottom.xsl (accessed 21 July 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2014). Handbook for Disaster Assessment. LC/L.3691. Available
from http://www.cepal.org/cgibin/getProd.asp?xml=/publicaciones/xml/4/52674/P52674.xml&xsl=/publicaciones/ficha.xsl&base=/publicaciones/top_publicaciones.xsl (accessed 21
July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.1.2

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters
Topic 4.1.2: Impact of natural extreme events and disasters
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and Scales
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)





People affected by natural extreme

events and disasters
1. Number of people killed
2. Number of people injured
3. Number of people homeless
4. Number of people affected
Economic losses due to natural
extreme events and disasters (e.g.,
damage to buildings, transportation
networks, loss of revenue for
businesses, utility disruption)
Physical losses/damages due to natural
extreme events and disasters (e.g., area
and amount of crops, livestock,
aquaculture, biomass)
Effects of natural extreme events and
disasters on integrity of ecosystems
1. Area affected by natural disasters
2. Loss of vegetation cover
3. Area of watershed affected
4. Other
External assistance received


Area, Description,



By event

By event
economic activity
By direct and
indirect damage

By event
By ecosystem

By event

UNECLAC Handbook for
Estimating the Socio-economic
and Environmental Effects of

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters

3.203. This sub-component organizes statistics on technological disasters. These disasters may arise
as a result of human intent, negligence or error, or faulty or failed technological applications.
This sub-component groups information on the occurrence and impact of such disasters on
human lives, habitats, the environment, and on disaster preparedness for such types of
3.204. Policy makers, analysts and civil society require statistics on technological disasters to
understand who is ultimately responsible and what the immediate and potential impact may
be, and to assess and mitigate future risks. To date, records of global technological disasters
show increasing frequency and impact on humans, the infrastructure and the environment.
This further reinforces the relevance and necessity of statistics on these issues for policy
making and analysis.
3.205. CRED recognizes three types of technological disasters.70 These are: industrial accidents
which cover accidents associated with chemical spill, collapse, explosion, fire, gas leak,
poisoning, radiation and other; transport accidents which cover accidents associated with air,
road, rail, and water; and miscellaneous accidents which cover accidents associated with
collapse, explosion, fire, and other disasters of varied origin. All these types of disasters can
impact large areas and affect both human safety and the environment in both the short and
long term.
Topic 4.2.1: Occurrence of technological disasters

3.206. This topic organizes information on the frequency and nature of disasters that arise as a result
of human intent, negligence or error, or from faulty or failed technological applications.
Nuclear meltdowns and pipeline or tanker leaks that result in significant harm to the
environment, including potentially significant consequent impacts on humans, are prime
3.207. Technological disasters impact human lives, habitats and ecosystems in different ways,
depending on the nature and intensity of the disaster. Their effects may be short term or may
be of significant or unknown duration. In the case of technological disasters, there is
sometimes no precedent for a given disaster. The full impact of such disasters cannot always
be fully anticipated or measured.
3.208. This topic should include information on the identification and characterization of different
types of events, including information on type of disaster, location, date of occurrence and
duration. Additionally, where relevant because of repeated episodes, the frequency of
technological disasters can also be critical in guiding policy-making and the development of

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters EM-DAT. Classification. Available from http://www.emdat.be/classification (accessed 21
July 2015).


3.209. Information on environmental media that are impacted is included under Sub-component 1.3:
Environmental Quality, covering air, water, soil and noise, as relevant.
3.210. For inclusion in this sub-component, a technological disaster should be categorized using the
same criteria as the CRED EM-DAT (see text in Sub-component 4.1 for criteria).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.2.1

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters
Topic 4.2.1: Occurrence of technological disasters
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Occurrence of technological disasters
1. Type of technological disaster
(industrial, transportation,
2. Location
3. Date of occurrence
4. Duration


Time period


and Scales


By event
economic activity

UNECLAC: Handbook for
Estimating the Socio-economic
and Environmental Effects of

Topic 4.2.2: Impact of technological disasters

3.211. This topic includes specific impacts on humans and damage to the economy and ecosystems
arising from technological disasters. These impacts may include radiation-related conditions
and diseases or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood, services and
housing, social and economic disruption, and environmental damage. The statistics in this
topic include the number of people killed, injured, rendered homeless or affected, and
economic loss. When available, estimates of the loss of work days and economic cost in
monetary terms (e.g., loss of wages or costs of treatment) may be included here. Economic
loss may refer to damage to buildings and other economic assets, number of transportation
networks affected, economic disruption or loss of revenue to commercial services, and utility
disruption. Physical loss or damage refers to the magnitude of the impact of the event or
disaster on the quantity and quality of land, crops, livestock, aquaculture and biomass. The
specific impact of each technological disaster on the integrity of the local ecosystem may also
be reported on, where statistics exist. In addition, the external assistance received for disaster
relief may also be measured.
3.212. As to data availability, economic impact assessments are often carried out by central banks
and ministries of economic development. Additionally, large technological disasters are often
the subject of one-time research projects by research or academic institutions assessing their
impact. Insurance companies can also provide reliable appraisals of the impact.
3.213. Statistics on the environmental media that are impacted by technological disasters are
included in Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality, under the relevant heading (e.g., air,
water or soil). Statistics on the health impact of technological disasters can also be found in
Topic 5.2.5: Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 4.2.2

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters
Topic 4.2.2: Impact of technological disasters
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.





Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

People affected by technological
1. Number of people killed
2. Number of people injured
3. Number of people homeless
4. Number of people affected
Economic losses due to technological
disasters (e.g., damage to buildings,
transportation networks, loss of revenue
for businesses, utility disruption)
Physical losses/damages due to
technological disasters (e.g., area and
amount of crops, livestock, aquaculture,
Effects of technological disasters on
integrity of ecosystems
1. Area affected by technological
2. Loss of vegetation cover
3. Area of watershed affected
4. Other (e.g., for oil spills: volume of
oil released into the environment,
impact on ecosystem)
External assistance received


Area, Description,


and Scales
By event

By event
economic activity
By direct and
indirect damage
By event




By event

UNECLAC: Handbook for
Estimating the Socio-economic
and Environmental Effects of

3.5 Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

3.214. This component contains statistics on the environment in which humans live and work,
particularly with regard to living conditions and environmental health. These statistics are
important for the management and improvement of conditions related to human settlements,
shelter conditions, safe water, sanitation and health, particularly in the context of rapid
urbanization, increasing pollution, environmental degradation, disasters, extreme events and
climate change.
3.215. Human settlements vary from tiny villages to large metropolitan agglomerations. Housing
types also vary widely from slums to houses that meet local building codes. Increasing
concentrations of humans in modern urban settlements pose special challenges to humans as
well as to the physical environments in which these settlements are located. Air, water or soil
pollution due to activities in human settlements causes continuous environmental change that
can have damaging effects on agriculture, water resources, the energy sector and human
health. The capacity or the resilience of the environment to cope with the environmental
impacts caused by human habitation can influence both the health of the human settlements
and the natural environment with which it is associated.
3.216. The well-being and health risks associated with the environment (and those posed by extreme
events and disasters) can be mitigated substantially by the prevailing conditions and
characteristics of human settlements. Several factors can mitigate or increase the effect of
environmental and settlement-related risks on human well-being. These factors include the
appropriate infrastructure that can provide water and sanitation, adequate waste disposal, wise
land use planning, clean and safe transportation, safe building design and other measures of
good housing, and ecosystem health. These conditions can improve a given human settlement,
human well-being and health. Conversely, vulnerable human settlements are often more
impacted by the changing environment and recover more slowly from pollution,
environmental degradation, and extreme events and disasters.
3.217. Component 5 contains two sub-components:
i. Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements; and
ii. Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health.
Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements

3.218. This sub-component includes relevant statistics on basic services and infrastructure of human
settlements. Human settlements refer to the totality of the human community, whether people
live in large cities, towns or villages. They encompass the human population that resides in a
settlement, the physical elements (e.g., shelter and infrastructure), services (e.g., water,
sanitation, waste removal, energy and transport), and the exposure of humans to potentially
deleterious environmental conditions.
3.219. Policy makers, analysts and civil society need statistics on human settlements for information
on how humans live and work in these settlements, how they transform the landscape and the
supporting ecosystems and, in turn, how this affects human well-being and health. The extent

of human settlements, their ecological footprint (which is closely related to prevailing

production and consumption patterns), the supporting and nearby environmental conditions
and quality, and human access to infrastructure and services, all affect humans and the
environment in a cyclical and iterative way.
3.220. The type of sources needed to document the status of and changes in human settlements
include censuses, surveys, administrative records and remote sensing. The NSOs institutional
partners include housing and urban planning authorities, health and transportation authorities,
and research institutions. Presenting the statistics spatially using maps and geospatial statistics
adds important value to the information produced.
3.221. The first topic in this sub-component covers urban and rural population statistics, providing
information on locations where humans construct and maintain their settlements in any given
country. The next two topics cover access to water, sanitation, waste removal and energy, and
housing conditions with a direct bearing on human well-being and health. The fourth topic
includes complementary information describing how the spatial location of populations
around sources of pollution exposes them to possible health effects. Finally, the fifth topic
organizes information about additional urban environmental concerns such as transport, green
spaces, and urban planning and zoning.
Topic 5.1.1: Urban and rural population

3.222. Humans live primarily in rural or urban communities, building their shelters and institutions,
while using environmental resources to satisfy human needs. Depending on the carrying
capacity of ecosystems, human settlements and their use of environmental resources will
affect environmental conditions, as well as human well-being and health.
3.223. Statistics on the location of human settlements may be found in traditional demographic
statistics and, increasingly, in geospatial information sources. There is a significant potential
to use geo-referenced population data in the field of environment statistics. They may be used
as a reference and in combination with other environment statistics to construct indicators.
For instance, in combination with housing, water and sanitation statistics, they can provide
telling determinants of the environmental sustainability of human settlements and
environmental health.
3.224. The main statistics pertaining to this topic are rural, urban and total population, including
population density. When possible, these statistics should include geospatial information
regarding specific geographic distributions in the country. Data on this topic are available
widely in most countries. The main sources are censuses and household surveys. These
statistics are generally produced by NSOs, usually in the demographic or social domains.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.1

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.1: Urban and rural population
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Population living in urban areas
b. Population living in rural areas
c. Total urban area

Total rural area


Population living in coastal areas

Category of


and Scales

UN Population Division
UN Population Fund

Topic 5.1.2: Access to selected basic services

3.225. This topic includes information about access to water, sanitation, waste removal services and
energy in urban and rural areas. Access to these basic services can have a positive effect on
human health and well-being, thereby contributing to improved environmental quality.
3.226. Relevant statistics on this topic include the population using an improved drinking water
source and the population using an improved sanitation facility. MDG indicator 7.8 metadata
defines an improved drinking water source as one of the following: piped water into dwelling,
plot or yard; public tap or standpipe; borehole or tube well; protected dug well; protected
spring; rainwater collection and bottled water (if a secondary available source is also
improved).71 The population using an improved drinking water source (at a national, urban
and rural level) can be measured and the proportion of the total population can be obtained.
Additionally, statistics on the price of water supplied, for example, through pipes or a vendor,
as well as the population supplied by water supply industry, should also be collected.
3.227. MDG indicator 7.9 metadata defines an improved sanitation facility as one that hygienically
separates human excreta from human contact. It includes flush/pour flush toilets or latrines
connected to a sewer, -septic tank, or -pit, ventilated improved pit latrines, pit latrines with a
slab or platform of any material which covers the pit entirely, except for the drop hole and
composting toilets/latrines.72 The population using an improved sanitation facility (at a
national, urban and rural level) can be measured and the proportion of the total population can
be obtained.73 Collection of data on this topic is therefore relevant and useful for monitoring
progress toward achieving the MDGs and is required as numerators for MDG indicators 7.8
and 7.9.
3.228. Polluted wastewater should be collected and treated before its discharge to the environment to
reduce harmful environment effects. Statistics on the populations access to wastewater
collecting systems and wastewater treatment are an important part of statistics on human
settlements. Access to wastewater collecting systems does not necessarily imply that the
wastewater is treated.
3.229. The generation of large amounts of waste during the normal functioning of households and
economic activities in human settlements is also a very important environmental quality and
human health concern, particularly in highly dense urban areas. Statistics about the population
served by municipal waste collection are therefore considered important information about the
populations access to basic services.
3.230. The last group of statistics under this topic refers to households with access to electricity and
its price. Access to electricity is a measure of modern energy services. This term also
United Nations Statistics Division. Millennium Development Goals Indicators. Indicator 7.8 Proportion of population using an improved drinking
water source. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mdg/Metadata.aspx?IndicatorId=0&SeriesId=665 (accessed 21 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division. Millennium Development Goals Indicators. Indicator 7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation
facility. Available from http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/Metadata.aspx?IndicatorId=31 (accessed 21 July 2015).
The Millennium Development Goal indicator 7.9 is the proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility. This is defined as the
percentage of the population (national, urban and rural) with access to an improved sanitation facility with respect to the total population (national,
urban and rural).


encompasses access to clean cooking facilities, which include clean cooking fuels and stoves,
advanced biomass cookstoves and biogas systems.
3.231. Institutional partners for this topic include NSOs, development, planning, energy and health
ministries, utility providers and other agencies. In some countries, the municipal authorities in
charge of providing some or all of these services produce the related statistics. In some
instances, other partners may include agencies responsible for cartography or GIS data. Main
data sources include administrative records, population censuses and household surveys that
collect the relevant household data on water, sanitation, waste removal and energy.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.2

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.2: Access to selected basic services
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.


Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Population using an improved
drinking water source
Population using an improved
sanitation facility
Population served by municipal waste




Population connected to wastewater

collecting system
Population connected to wastewater



Population supplied by water supply




Price of water



Population with access to electricity

Price of electricity



and Scales



By treatment
type (e.g.,
By source
(e.g., piped,

UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.8
and 7.9 Metadata
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water and
Waste Questionnaire
WHO/(United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) Joint
Monitoring Programme for
Water Supply and Sanitation
ISIC Rev. 4, Section E,
Division 35-37
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water

Topic 5.1.3: Housing conditions

3.232. This topic includes information on the sufficiency of housing in terms of the following
characteristics: population access to an adequate dwelling; the characteristics of the houses in
which both rural and urban population live, including the quality of the houses (e.g., building
materials) and location in a safe or a hazard-prone area. Housing access and conditions have a
direct effect on human well-being and health, and these data serve as critical measures of
those attributes.
3.233. Housing condition statistics need to be described according to national conditions and
priorities. Income distribution directly influences access to housing, the quality of homes
accessible to different social groups, and their location. The poorest members of the
population usually live in poorly built, unsafe and less sanitary housing, which renders them
more vulnerable to disasters and adverse health impacts.
3.234. Depending on the country, common statistics describing the quality and location of houses in
either safe or hazard-prone areas include the urban population living in slums, area of slums,
population living in informal settlements, homeless population, and the number of dwellings
with adequate building materials as defined by national or local standards. Additionally,
statistics on hazard-prone areas and the population living in hazard-prone areas are commonly
used when available.
3.235. Poor or inadequate housing conditions in urban areas may be addressed using the concept of
slums and statistics on the area and proportion of urban population living in them. MDG
indicator 7.10 defines the urban population living in slum households as a group of
individuals living under the same roof lacking one or more of the following conditions: access
to improved water; access to improved sanitation; sufficient living area; durability of housing;
or security of tenure. However, information on secure tenure is not available for most
countries, so only the first four indicators are usually used to define slum households.74
3.236. Data sources for this topic include censuses and household surveys. Typically, the NSOs
partners include the urban planning and housing authorities responsible for zoning,
construction methods and regulation of building materials used for local homes and buildings.

United Nations Statistics Division. Millennium Development Goals Indicators, Indicator 7.10 Proportion of urban population living in slums.
Available from http://mdgs.un.org/unsd/mdg/Metadata.aspx?IndicatorId=32 (accessed 5 August 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.3

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.3: Housing conditions
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Urban population living in slums
b. Area of slums
c. Population living in hazard-prone areas
d. Hazard-prone areas
e. Population living in informal
Homeless population

Number of dwellings with adequacy of

building materials defined by national
or local standards

Category of


and Scales


UN Habitat
UNSD: MDG Indicator 7.10

Topic 5.1.4: Exposure to ambient pollution

3.237. This topic includes spatially described statistics on human populations exposed to different
levels of air and noise pollution. This topic overlays pollutant emission and exposure data
onto geographic and demographic data to create a more detailed understanding of the location
of populations currently exposed to pollutants and those most at risk of future exposure.
Location-specific geospatial information on ambient pollutant levels is extremely important
for environmental protection and environmental health policies, particularly in larger cities.
Statistics for this topic include the number of people exposed to air or noise pollutants in main
cities. Data are obtained from NSOs through censuses and surveys (for demographic
statistics), environmental authorities (for point pollution emissions), and geographic or
cartographic authorities.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.4

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.4: Exposure to ambient pollution
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.


Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Population exposed to air pollution in
main cities
Population exposed to noise pollution in
main cities




and Scales
By pollutant
(e.g., SO2, NOx,


Topic 5.1.5: Environmental concerns specific to urban settlements

3.238. A growing proportion of the worlds population, currently more than half, live in urban areas.
This topic is intended to organize issues of specific relevance to this part of the population.
Depending on national and local conditions and priorities, additional environmentally relevant
urban concerns should be included here. Such issues may include, but are not limited to, the
extent of urban sprawl, the availability of green spaces for urban residents, the prevailing
types of transportation in and between urban areas, and the existence and effectiveness of
urban planning and zoning.
3.239. With regard to transportation, statistics may include the number of private, public and
commercial vehicles by engine type, as well as the extent of roadway infrastructure. Most
importantly, from the environment statistics perspective, additional statistics should include
the number of passengers transported by public transportation systems and the number of
passengers transported annually by hybrid and electric modes of transportation.
3.240. Data sources for this topic include administrative records and remote sensing. The NSOs
typical partners include municipal authorities, urban planning and housing authorities
responsible for zoning, transport authorities and urban research centres.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.1.5

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.5: Environmental concerns specific to urban settlements
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and Scales
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Extent of urban sprawl

Available green spaces


Number of private and public




Population using public modes of

Population using hybrid and electric
modes of transportation
Extent of roadways




Existence of urban planning and zoning

regulations and instruments in main
Effectiveness of urban planning and
zoning regulations and instruments in
main cities





By type of
engine or type of

UN Habitat
UNEP Urban Environment

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health

3.241. The impacts of changes in environmental conditions and pollution on human health are
multiple and vary from country to country. The WHO is the leading global institution
documenting the relationship between health and the environment. Its publications include a
considerable volume of critical global statistics on environmental health.75
3.242. Environmental health focuses on how environmental factors and processes impact and change
human health. It can be defined as an interdisciplinary field that focuses on analysing the
relationship between public health and the environment. From the health perspective, WHO
states that environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors
external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the
assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is
targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments [].76
3.243. Common measures of health problems within human populations include statistics on
morbidity (incidence and prevalence)77 and mortality associated with specific types of
diseases and conditions that are heavily influenced by environmental factors. Estimates of
premature death, the loss of work days and estimation of the economic cost in monetary terms
(e.g., loss of wages or costs of treatment) may also be included in environmental health
statistics when available.
3.244. Associated environment statistics, such as emissions of pollutants to the environment, may be
found in Component 3: Residuals, while statistics on pollution concentration in air, water and
soil may be found in Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality.
3.245. The main provider of data on morbidity (incidence and prevalence) and mortality due to
environmentally related diseases and conditions is usually a countrys sanitary or health
authority. Other partners may include regulatory agencies and environmental protection
3.246. Primary epidemiological data can be selected and processed further for transformation into
the environmental health statistics that constitute this sub-component. The resulting statistics
are usually produced using national and sub-national data. They include descriptive
epidemiological data that can usually be updated yearly.

Including: (i) World Health Organization (2010). 10 Facts on Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments. Available from
http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/environmental_health/environmental_health_facts/en/ (accessed 21 July 2015); (ii) World Health Organization
(2013). Fact Sheet 266, Climate Change and Health. Available from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs266/en/index.html (accessed 21
July 2015); and (iii) World Health Organization (2009). The Resilience of Water Supply and Sanitation in the Face of Climate Change. Summary and
Policy Implications Vision 2030. Available from http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/9789241598422_cdrom/en/ (accessed 21
July 2015).
World Health Organization (2014). Health topics Environmental health. Available from http://www.who.int/topics/environmental_health/en
(accessed 23 July 2015).
Statistics on morbidity may include both its incidence and prevalence within the total population. Incidence generally refers to the rate of occurrence
of new cases of disease (number of new cases in a specified population per unit of time), while prevalence is the proportion of the population with the
disease at a given point in time. Therefore, incidence is the measure of speed, while prevalence is just a proportion the number of individuals with the
disease divided by the size of the source population.


3.247. The WHO is making remarkable progress in developing methodologies needed to estimate the
attributable fraction78 and burden of disease attributable to the environment.79 It has also
formulated comprehensive indicators and indexes such as DALY (disability-adjusted life
year),80 which is a summary measure of population health problems combining morbidity and
premature death associated with different factors related to the modifiable environment.81
However, caution must be exercised when producing these types of environmental health
statistics because health and environmental problems are multi-faceted and complex.
Attributing the proportion of disease cases to a specific environmental or non-environmental
factor is a challenging process associated with a degree of uncertainty.
Topic 5.2.1: Airborne diseases and conditions

3.248. This topic includes all airborne diseases and conditions that are caused or worsened by
exposure to unhealthy levels of pollutants (such as PM, SO2 or O3), usually found in urban
settlements and, in particular, in cities with weaker air quality regulations and/or enforcement
capabilities. Airborne diseases and conditions include, but are not limited to, upper and lower
respiratory disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, allergic rhinitis, lung cancer,
ischaemic heart disease and stroke. This topic includes health statistics on morbidity (such as
incidence and prevalence) and mortality of these diseases or conditions, as well as
measurement of the associated impact on the labour force and economic costs. Where
available, the attributable fraction and burden of diseases, premature deaths and DALYs
associated with pollution are to be included in this topic.


The attributable fraction is the proportion of all health problems or deaths in the community that can be attributed to the [environmental] risk factor.
This can be estimated by the proportional reduction in the number of health problems or deaths as a result of reducing the [environmental] risk factor.
World Health Organization (2006). Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments. Towards an estimate of the environmental burden of disease,
page 25. Available from http://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/publications/preventingdisease.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).
The burden of disease attributable to the environment includes: number of deaths, death rate, number of DALYs, DALYs rate, the percentage of total
deaths attributable to the environment and the percentage of total DALYs attributable to the environment. WHO Indicator and Measurement Registry
(IMR, version 1.6.0), Indicator: Mortality and burden of disease attributable to the environment, available from
http://apps.who.int/gho/indicatorregistry/App_Main/view_indicator.aspx?iid=2393 (accessed 23 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2014). Metrics: Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY). Available from
http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/metrics_daly/en/ (accessed 23 July 2015).
World Health Organizations definition of the modifiable environment aims to cover those parts of the environment that can be modified by
environmental management, so as to reduce its impact on human health. World Health Organization (2006): Preventing Disease through Healthy
Environments. Towards an estimate of the environmental burden of disease, page 22. Available from
http://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/publications/preventingdisease.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015). The modifiable environment includes: air, soil
and water pollution with chemicals or biological agents; ultraviolet and ionizing radiation; built environment; noise, electromagnetic fields; occupational
risks, agricultural methods and irrigation schemes; anthropogenic climate changes and ecosystem degradation; and individual behaviours related to the
environment (hand-washing, food contamination with unsafe water or dirty hands). WHO Indicator and Measurement Registry (IMR, version 1.6.0),
Indicator: Mortality and burden of disease attributable to the environment, available from
http://apps.who.int/gho/indicatorregistry/App_Main/view_indicator.aspx?iid=2393 (accessed 23 July 2015).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.1

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Topic 5.2.1: Airborne diseases and conditions
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Airborne diseases and conditions
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality
4. Loss of work days
5. Estimates of economic cost in
monetary terms



and Scales
By disease or
By gender
By age group
By time period


Topic 5.2.2: Water-related diseases and conditions

3.249. This topic includes all water-related diseases and conditions that result from micro-organisms
and chemicals in the water that humans drink. Water-related diseases and conditions are still
significant public health problems in developing countries. They include, but are not limited
to, diseases caused by biological contamination, such as gastroenteritis infections caused by
bacteria, viruses and protozoa, and water-borne parasite infections. This topic may also
include diseases and health problems associated with the (organic or inorganic) chemical
contamination of water (e.g., from arsenic, cadmium, chromium or copper) as prolonged
exposure to these chemicals can provoke health problems including increased risk of cancer,
organ damage and malfunction, and increased blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Where
available, this topic includes health statistics such as morbidity (incidence and prevalence)
and mortality of these diseases or conditions, as well as measures of the associated impact on
the labour force and on the economic costs. When possible, the attributable fraction and
burden of diseases, premature deaths and DALYs associated with water related factors are to
be included in this topic.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.2

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Topic 5.2.2: Water-related diseases and conditions
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Water-related diseases and conditions
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality
4. Loss of work days
5. Estimates of economic cost in
monetary terms



and Scales
By disease or
By gender
By age group
By time period


Topic 5.2.3: Vector-borne diseases

3.250. This topic includes vector-borne diseases that are transmitted by organisms (e.g., insects and
arachnids) that carry viruses, bacteria, protozoa and other pathogens. Common vector-borne
diseases include, but are not limited to, malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and Lyme disease.
Some vector-borne diseases are directly affected by climate change, specifically by the
change in rain patterns and floods. This topic includes health statistics such as morbidity
(incidence and prevalence) and mortality of these diseases or conditions, as well as measures
of the associated impact on the labour force and on the economic costs. Where available, the
attributable fraction and burden of diseases, premature deaths and DALYs associated with
vector-borne environmental factors are to be included in this topic.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.3

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Topic 5.2.3: Vector-borne diseases
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
a. Vector-borne diseases
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality
4. Loss of work days
5. Estimates of economic cost in
monetary terms

Category of



and Scales
By disease or
By gender
By age group
By time period


Topic 5.2.4: Health problems associated with excessive UV radiation exposure

3.251. Although exposure to UV radiation in small amounts is beneficial for humans, prolonged
exposure to such radiation can be harmful and may lead to negative health effects on the skin,
eye and immune system. This topic includes statistics on the incidence and prevalence of
melanoma and other skin cancers, and the incidence and prevalence of cataracts associated
with excessive and prolonged UV radiation exposure. In addition, this topic includes statistics
on work days lost and economic costs in monetary terms. Where available, the attributable
fraction and burden of diseases, premature deaths and DALYs associated with excessive UV
radiation exposure is to be included in this topic.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.4

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Topic 5.2.4: Health problems associated with excessive UV radiation exposure
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
and Scales

Problems associated with excessive UV

radiation exposure
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Loss of work days
4. Estimates of economic cost in
monetary terms



By disease or
By gender
By age group
By time period



Topic 5.2.5: Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions

3.252. This topic includes diseases and conditions associated with exposure to toxic substances,
residuals and/or waste that result from localized emissions. Toxic substances include toxic
pesticides (e.g., pesticides that have teratogenic, carcinogenic, tumorigenic and/or mutagenic
effects), and toxic industrial chemicals (e.g., lead, arsenic, mercury and nickel, among others).
Toxic substance-related diseases and health problems include, but are not limited to, chronic
illnesses of the respiratory system (such as pneumonia, upper and lower respiratory diseases,
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases), cancer, infertility, and congenital
anomalies or malformations.
3.253. Exposure to toxic substances is usually the result of poor environmental management in the
chemical industry, energy production, mining, agriculture and waste management, and lack of
information by stakeholders. The resulting diseases and conditions included under this topic
may be caused by exposure to the toxins through air, water, food, soil or a combination of
these elements. In this respect, the resulting health problems in this topic cannot be
categorized as primarily or solely attributable to a specific medium such as air or water.
3.254. This topic also includes diseases and conditions associated with exposure to nuclear radiation.
The related diseases and health conditions may be acute or chronic. They include, but are not
limited to, thermal burns from infrared heat radiation, beta and gamma burns from beta and
gamma radiation, radiation sickness or atomic disease, leukaemia, lung cancer, thyroid
cancer and cancer of other organs, sterility and congenital anomalies or malformations,
premature aging, cataracts, and increased vulnerability to disease and emotional disorders.
3.255. Exposure to nuclear radiation could occur from a nuclear explosion or an accident involving a
nuclear reactor. In such situations, radioactive material is emitted to surrounding air, water
and soil of human settlements and ecosystems. The conditions arising from exposure to
humans can range from immediate and mechanical injuries to long term and delayed effects
on organs and tissues. Caution must be exercised in assessing the public heath burden due to
exposure to radiation since some health problems, such as cancer, may also be caused by
other factors.
3.256. This topic includes statistics about morbidity (incidence and prevalence) due to toxic
substance-related or radiation-related diseases and conditions, as well as measurement of the
associated impact on the labour force and on the economic costs. Where available, the
attributable fraction and burden of diseases, premature deaths and DALYs associated with
toxic substances and radiation is to be included in this topic. These statistics are also relevant
in Topic 4.2.2: Impact of technological disasters.
3.257. The main provider of epidemiological data is usually a countrys sanitation or health
authority. Other institutions may include nuclear regulatory agencies and environmental
protection agencies.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 5.2.5

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Topic 5.2.5: Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and Scales
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Toxic substance- and nuclear radiationrelated diseases and conditions

1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Loss of work days
4. Estimates of economic cost in
monetary terms



By category of
toxic substance
By disease or
By gender
By age group


3.6 Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

3.258. A countrys engagement in the protection and management of the environment and,
therefore, the resources it dedicates to that task, is related to information, awareness and
social demand. It is also related to the countrys ability to finance environmental
protection activities and participate in international efforts directed at these activities.
International stewardship, national political engagement, civil society participation, and
effective policies and programmes have a role to play in mutually reinforcing each other.
3.259. This component organizes information on environmental protection and resource
management expenditure to improve the environment and maintain ecosystem health.
Statistics on environmental governance, institutional strength, enforcement of regulations
and extreme event preparedness are also considered. This component also includes
information on a wide variety of programmes and actions to increase awareness,
including environmental information and education, as well as private and community
activities aimed at diminishing environmental impacts and improving the quality of local
3.260. Component 6 is organized into four sub-components:
i. Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management
ii. Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation;
iii. Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management; and
iv. Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness.
Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management

3.261. This sub-component is closely related to the environmental activity accounts of the
SEEA-CF and is based on the CEA.82 Expenditure on environmental protection and
resource management may be used as one measure of public and private engagement in
protecting, restoring and managing the environment towards more sustainable use.
Monitoring and tracking the level of environmental protection and resource management
expenditure is important for policy makers, analysts and civil society in order to
determine the current and desired levels of engagement and commitment from both
government and the private sector.
3.262. Environmental protection activities are those activities whose primary purpose is the
prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution and other forms of degradation of the
environment. These activities include the protection of ambient air and climate,
wastewater management, waste management, protection and remediation of soil,

United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). Classification of Environmental Activities, contained in the SEEA
Central Framework. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


groundwater and surface water, noise and vibration abatement, protection of biodiversity
and landscapes, protection against radiation, research and development for environmental
protection and other environmental protection activities.
3.263. Resource management activities are those activities whose primary purpose is preserving
and maintaining the stock of natural resources and hence safeguarding against depletion.
These activities include, but are not limited to, reducing the withdrawals of natural
resources (including through the recovery, reuse, recycling and substitution of natural
resources); restoring natural resource stocks (increases or recharges of natural resource
stocks); the general management of natural resources (including monitoring, control,
surveillance and data collection); and the production of goods and services used to
manage or conserve natural resources. They cover the management of mineral and energy
resources; timber resources; aquatic resources; other biological resources; water
resources; research and development activities for resource management; and other
resource management activities.
3.264. The Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA) has been in place since
2000, covering the classes of activities pertaining to environmental protection.
Subsequent work to develop an overarching CEA that incorporates the CEPA and an
interim listing of resource management activities has been undertaken. The CEA
classification has been developed as part of the SEEA-CF (for further information see
Annex D: Classifications and environment statistics).
3.265. In addition to classifying environmental protection and resource management
expenditures according to their purpose, an important distinction should be made between
those who bear the expenditures. They may be the general government, corporations,
non-profit institutions and households.
3.266. The economic statistics of the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS)83 are
closely linked to the CEA. EGSS consists of a heterogeneous set of producers of
technologies, goods and services that: (i) measure, control, restore, prevent, treat,
minimise, research and sensitise environmental damages to air, water and soil as well as
problems related to waste, noise, biodiversity and landscapes. This includes cleaner
technologies, goods and services that prevent or minimise pollution; and (ii) measure,
control, restore, prevent, minimise, research and sensitise resource depletion. This results
mainly in resource-efficient technologies, goods and services that minimise the use of
natural resources.84

Eurostat (2009). The environmental goods and services sector. Eurostat Methodologies and Working Papers. Available from
(accessed 23 July 2015).


Topic 6.1.1: Government environmental protection and resource management


3.267. This topic includes government expenditure whose primary aim is to protect the
environment and manage its resources. Government (local, regional and central)
expenditures to protect the environment are usually calculated by identifying and
aggregating the expenditures considered to be primarily for environmental protection and
resource management purposes. These expenditures may be found by examining official
government finance statistics in government budgets and/or administrative reports on
actual government expenditure.
3.268. The main institutional partners are the official institutions in charge of reporting
government expenditure (e.g., internal revenue services) and the national and subnational level institutions (e.g., municipalities). The resulting statistics will usually be at
the national level and can sometimes be disaggregated by functional governmental
entities or level of government. Within the NSO, national accounts and government
finance statistics also contribute to the development of government expenditure statistics.
The statistics are expressed in monetary units, typically with annual periodicity,
depending on the availability of resources.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.1.1

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Topic 6.1.1: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Government environmental protection

and resource management expenditure
1. Annual government environmental
protection expenditure
2. Annual government resource
management expenditure



By type of
By ministry
By funding

Environmental Protection
Expenditure Accounts
Compilation Guide (2002)
Expenditure Statistics. General
Government and Specialised
Producers Data Collection
Handbook (2007)
Classification of
Environmental Activities (CEA)
SEEA Central Framework
(2012) Annex 1

Topic 6.1.2: Corporate, non-profit institution and household environmental

protection and resource management expenditure

3.269. Supplementary to the previous topic, this one includes corporate, non-profit institution
and household environmental expenditure whose primary aim is to protect the
environment and manage its resources. Statistics on environmental protection and
resource management expenditure for corporations, non-profit institutions and
households usually require the use of specific surveys of establishments in different
sectors and industries. Therefore, key factors that affect the quality of statistics produced
through this type of source include the existence of updated and precise establishment
registers, sampling procedures and the quality of questionnaires. The technical capacity
of individual establishments to respond adequately to environmental protection and
resource management questions is also an important factor.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.1.2

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Topic 6.1.2: Corporate, non-profit institution and household environmental protection and resource
management expenditure
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Private sector environmental protection

and resource management expenditure
1. Annual corporate environmental
protection expenditure
2. Annual corporate resource
management expenditure
3. Annual non-profit institution
environmental protection expenditure
4. Annual non-profit institution
resource management expenditure
5. Annual household environmental
protection expenditure
6. Annual household resource
management expenditure



By type of
economic activity

expenditure statistics. Industry
data collection handbook (2005)
expenditure Statistics. General
Government and Specialised
Producers Data Collection
Handbook (2007)

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation

3.270. To provide a holistic view of a countrys efforts towards sustaining and protecting the
environment, policy makers, analysts and civil society require statistics on environmental
governance and regulation at the national level. The magnitude of these activities can
inform about the extent of institutional development, availability of resources, and the
existence and enforcement of regulatory and market instruments whose primary purpose
is to protect, regulate and manage the changing environment.
3.271. Successful national environmental governance requires institutional strength as well as
regulatory capabilities. Therefore, this sub-component includes setting standards and
norms, providing adequate resources and ensuring the ability to enforce those standards
and norms. Additionally, a nations participation in MEAs and global environmental
conventions are also included in this sub-component to describe national participation in
the global commitment to protect the environment.
3.272. Stakeholders need to be made aware of, and must sometimes also be given incentives to
comply with, norms and standards. However, it is also critical that they be encouraged to
accept changes in production and consumption behaviour voluntarily to protect the
environment and use it sustainably. In this respect, information, education and perception
elements are also included in this sub-component. Sector or industry-based voluntary
agreements are also included.
Topic 6.2.1: Institutional strength

3.273. Government and citizen engagement in environmental and sustainable development

public policy is reflected in the extent to which institutions that manage and regulate the
environment exist and function properly at the national and sub-national levels. This
topic includes statistics on environmental institutions and their resources, organized
according to the main government environmental authority (name, budget and staff), and
other relevant environmental institutions (names, budget and staff).
3.274. The main institutional partners here include the environmental authority (e.g., Ministry of
Environment or equivalent institution) and other relevant environmental institutions. The
information to be produced for this topic should be mainly descriptive, but may also
include monetary statistics on budgets. It is usually compiled at the national level but
should also cover sub-national levels and natural resources (e.g., rivers, forests).


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.2.1

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
Topic 6.2.1: Institutional strength
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Government environmental institutions
and their resources
1. Name of main environmental
authority and year of establishment
2. Annual budget of the main
environmental authority
3. Number of staff in the main
environmental authority
4. List of environmental departments in
other authorities and year of
5. Annual budget of environmental
departments in other authorities
6. Number of staff of environmental
departments in other authorities
b. Other environmental institutions and
their resources
1. Name of institution and year of
2. Annual budget of the institution
3. Number of staff in the institution

Category of

and Scales





Topic 6.2.2: Environmental regulation and instruments

3.275. This topic refers to policy responses to regulate and establish acceptable limits for
protecting the environment and human health. It entails both direct regulatory and
economic instruments. Direct regulatory instruments include environmental and related
laws, standards, limits and their enforcement capacities. These can be described using
statistics on regulated pollutants, licensing systems, applications for licences, quotas for
biological resource extraction, and budget and the number of staff dedicated to
enforcement of environmental regulations. Economic instruments may comprise the
existence and number of green/environmental taxes, environmental subsidies, ecolabelling and certification and emission permits.
3.276. Depending on the national institutional arrangement, the main partners in this context
include the environmental authority, internal revenue services and other environmentally
relevant authorities, along with other institutions that may enforce environmental
regulations (e.g., local governments or sectoral authorities). Information to be produced
for this topic will be mainly descriptive, for example, a list of regulated pollutants and
their description, but may also include quantitative data on budgets or emission permits


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.2.2

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
Topic 6.2.2: Environmental regulation and instruments
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Direct regulation
1. List of regulated pollutants and
description (e.g., by year of adoption
and maximum allowable levels)
2. Description (e.g., name, year
established) of licensing system to
ensure compliance with environmental
standards for businesses or other new
3. Number of applications for licences
received and approved per year
4. List of quotas for biological resource
5. Budget and number of staff dedicated
to enforcement of environmental
b. Economic instruments
1. List and description (e.g., year of
establishment) of green/environmental
2. List and description (e.g., year of
establishment) of environmentally
relevant subsidies
3. List of eco-labelling and
environmental certification
4. Emission permits traded


Currency, Number


Number, Currency


and Scales
By media (e.g.,
water, air, land,
soil, oceans)
economic activity


Topic 6.2.3: Participation in MEAs and environmental conventions

3.277. This topic includes information on a countrys participation85 in MEAs and other global
environmental conventions, including, for example, the Montreal and Kyoto protocols.
The main institutional partners include the environmental authority, along with other
institutions that may be responsible for MEAs or environmental conventions. The
information to be produced on this topic is mainly descriptive, although comparable time
series can also be derived from these statistics.


Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved through
various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation, ratification and
succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or treaty are not considered to
be participating.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.2.3

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
Topic 6.2.3: Participation in MEAs and environmental conventions
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text and Scales
Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Participation in MEAs and other global

environmental conventions
1. List and description (e.g., countrys
year of participation(d)) of MEAs and
other global environmental

MEA Secretariats


(d) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved through various
means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or
areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.


Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management

3.278. Statistics describing extreme event preparedness and disaster management will differ by
country, based on the type of extreme event and disaster that usually occurs or may
occur. In general, these statistics include the existence and strength of the disaster
management agencys facilities and infrastructure.
3.279. Extreme event preparedness and disaster management expenditure should also be
captured under this sub-component. It refers to any public or private expenditure whose
primary purpose is to help inform, educate and protect the population from extreme
events and disasters, including but not limited to, establishing and maintaining warning
systems, monitoring stations and systems, signals, communication systems, emergency
centres and shelters.
Topic 6.3.1: Preparedness for natural extreme events and disasters

3.280. Measures of disaster preparedness will vary according to the community and locations
characteristics and historical profile for natural extreme events and disasters. Relevant
information may include: the existence and description of national disaster plans; the type
and number of shelters in place; the type and number of internationally certified
emergency and recovery management specialists; the number of volunteers; and the
quantity of first aid, emergency supplies and equipment stockpiles. The existence of early
warning systems for all major hazards, and expenditure on disaster prevention,
preparedness, clean-up and rehabilitation, are also important data requirements.
3.281. Lead responsibility for disaster preparedness plans is often delegated to infrastructure
authorities or ministries of public works, construction and housing. Common data
providers are national and sub-national authorities responsible for disaster management
and assistance as well as emergency management agencies and municipalities. Global
and regional meteorological forecasting agencies can also provide useful data on the
spatial scale and likelihood of a crisis. NSOs may provide relevant population data, while
authorities responsible for flood and drainage control may provide pertinent flood and
drainage control information. Close agro-meteorological collaboration can also provide
effective and actionable joint forecast information from agriculture ministries and
counterparts in meteorological agencies, complementing data from each of their domains.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.3.1

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management
Topic 6.3.1: Preparedness for natural extreme events and disasters
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
and Scales

National natural extreme event and

disaster preparedness and management
1. Existence of national disaster
2. Description (e.g., number of staff) of
national disaster plans/programmes
3. Number and type of shelters in place
or able to be deployed
4. Number and type of internationally
certified emergency and recovery
management specialists
5. Number of volunteers
6. Quantity of first aid, emergency
supplies and equipment stockpiles
7. Existence of early warning systems
for all major hazards
8. Expenditure on disaster prevention,
preparedness, clean-up and



International Emergency
Management Organization
Hyogo Framework for Action

Topic 6.3.2: Preparedness for technological disasters

3.282. Preparedness for technological disasters can be quite different from natural extreme event
and disaster preparedness. This is because technological disasters usually arise at an
industrial location or on a mode of transportation where it is often the corporate sector
that has a vested interest or legal obligation in contributing to preparedness and clean-up.
Natural extreme events and disasters usually occur on a larger scale and, typically, the
government is primarily involved in preparedness and clean-up.
3.283. Measures of corporate disaster preparedness will vary according to the enterprises size,
location and historical profile for technological disasters. The impact of the disaster may
vary by the size of the enterprise relative to the local area. The same disaster may not
have a substantial effect on a large industrial complex in a major city, but may reach
tragic proportions in a one-factory town, where that enterprise is the main employer.
Relevant information may include the existence of an emergency management plan, and
expenditure on disaster prevention, preparedness, clean-up and rehabilitation.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.3.2

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management
Topic 6.3.2: Preparedness for technological disasters
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

National technological disaster
preparedness and management systems
1. Existence and description (e.g.,
number of staff) of public disaster
management plans/programmes (and
private when available)
2. Expenditure on disaster prevention,
preparedness, clean-up and

and Scales




Hyogo Framework for Action

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness

3.284. This sub-component covers statistics about environmental information and diverse
processes that contribute to increasing social awareness of environmental issues, thus
promoting pro-environmental engagement and actions by the public and decision-makers
at both local and national levels.
3.285. The statistics in this sub-component are relevant for policy makers, analysts and civil
society to understand which information and education programmes are in place in their
country, whether these activities are increasing or decreasing over time, and the potential
impact of information and education on public perception, awareness of environmental
issues and social engagement in pro-environmental actions. An understanding of
environmental perceptions among the general public and key local constituencies can
also help policy makers to shape local and national environmental policies and
3.286. Information dissemination, outreach and education, and public perceptions of
environmental issues and policies are all necessary but not sufficient to forge
environmentally sustainable options. In general, as information and awareness increases
in a society, individuals and groups expect more pro-environmental actions and choices.
Informed consumers and organized citizens have been able to change environmental and
social practices in some industries, providing that there are reasonable alternatives and
that public policies have directed the incentives properly.
3.287. The statistical topics included here are in an early stage of development in general,
although countries have developed important good practices and expertise. Because
methods of production differ, so do the sources and institutional partners in each of the
following sets of environment statistics.
Topic 6.4.1: Environmental information

3.288. Environmental information includes quantitative and qualitative facts describing the state
of the environment and its changes as described in the different components of the FDES.
Quantitative environmental information is generally produced in the form of data,
statistics and indicators, and is generally disseminated through databases, spreadsheets,
compendia and yearbooks. Qualitative environmental information consists of descriptions
(e.g., textual or pictorial) of the environment or its constituent parts that cannot be
adequately represented by accurate quantitative descriptors. Geographically referenced
environmental information provides facts on the environment and its components using
digital maps, satellite imagery and other sources linked to a location or map feature.
3.289. This topic may include information on the characterization of: (i) national environmental
information systems (e.g., existence of publicly accessible systems and number of users);
and (ii) environment statistics programmes within national statistical systems (e.g.,


description of programme, number and type of environment statistics products, interagency platforms or committees).
3.290. The production and dissemination of environment statistics within national statistical
systems makes it possible to produce robust environmental and sustainable development
indicators to substantiate reports on the changing environment and guide policy making.
Measuring and constructing statistics on information production and dissemination is not
very difficult once a methodology is established and the information is updated on a
comparable basis. Determining which institution is responsible for producing which types
of information can be helpful in identifying information gaps, areas of overlapping
responsibility or efforts, and areas where efficiency gains can be achieved. Information
on the structure and details of environment statistics programmes within NSOs (including
their mandates, resources and dedicated staff), the existence of other relevant production
in other ministries (e.g., environment), and the existence of inter-agency platforms of
environmental statistics and indicators at the national level, have been subject to greater
examination and reporting. These efforts have formed part of global and regional efforts
to strengthen this emerging field within NSOs and have been applicable at both the
national and sub-national levels. The role of NSOs should also be placed in the broader
context of institutions that produce environmental information.
3.291. The main institutional partners here include the environmental authority and the NSO,
along with other institutions that may produce databases containing environmental
information and reports containing environmental statistics and indicators. Information to
be produced on this topic is primarily descriptive but may also include quantitative data
on budgets. It is usually compiled at the national level.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.1

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness
Topic 6.4.1: Environmental information
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Environmental information systems


Category of

1. Existence of publicly accessible

environmental information system
2. Annual number of visits/users of
specific environmental information
programmes or environmental
information systems
Environment statistics


1. Description of national environment

statistics programmes (e.g., existence,
year of establishment, lead agency,
human and financial resources)
2. Number and type of environment
statistics products and periodicity of
3. Existence and number of participant
institutions in inter-agency environment
statistics platforms or committees





and Scales


Topic 6.4.2: Environmental education

3.292. Environmental education refers to the process of sharing and constructing environmental
information and knowledge, as well as information on how humans interact with the
environment. Environmental education is carried out through a variety of programmes,
including formal and informal education and training, directed towards different
audiences. It may be curriculum- and classroom-based or experiential, and may be
provided on-site or in community settings by government agencies or NGOs.
Environmental education is integral to education for sustainable development.
3.293. This topic may include but is not limited to the characterization of environmental
education programmes, the specific actions associated with them and their results, in
terms of the number of people participating in such programmes.
3.294. Statistics on environmental education may include the allocation of resources for
education, the number and description of education programmes in schools and the
number of students pursuing environment-related higher education.
3.295. The main institutional partners include the ministry of education, ministry of environment
or equivalent institution, and the NSO. They also include other institutions, such as
universities and non-profit institutions that develop and deliver environmental education
curricula. The information to be produced for this topic comes primarily from
administrative records and is usually qualitative in nature, but may also include monetary
data on resources spent. It is usually compiled at the national and sub-national levels.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.2

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness
Topic 6.4.2: Environmental education
Statistics and Related Information
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Environmental education
1. Allocation of resources by central
and local authorities for environmental
2. Number and description of
environmental education programmes
in schools
3. Number of students pursuing
environment-related higher education
(e.g., science, management, education,

Category of




and Scales


Topic 6.4.3: Environmental perception and awareness

3.296. Environmental perception refers to individuals and groups notions of, attitudes towards
and evaluations of the environment, both as a whole or with respect to specific
environmental issues. Individuals and communities make decisions and judgments, and
take actions based on subjective perceptions of environmental information and
experiences. Values and attitudes thus filter information and transform it into
perception in a culturally specific manner. Environmental awareness involves the gradual
understanding of environmental issues, and the recognition of the connections among
human actions, development, sustainability and human responsibility in these processes.
Environmental awareness involves the realization that humans and ecosystems co-exist in
a shared environment, which is ultimately the biosphere. Awareness fosters proenvironmental attitudes and predispositions for action and changed behaviour.
3.297. This topic includes the perceptions and awareness of the environment on the part of the
general public or a specific group through the measurement of knowledge, attitudes,
values and actions. It also encompasses perceptions of governments' environmental
policies to address pressing environmental concerns. Countries and international polling
firms have increased their public opinion polling to measure such information across
3.298. Knowledge about environmental issues influences attitudes, which determine the extent
to which people are predisposed to participate in pro-environmental activities. Attitudes
are also formed based on the individuals or community's underlying values, thus
developing general awareness about different environmental concerns.
3.299. The main institutional partners include the environmental authority and the NSO, along
with other institutions that may conduct surveys of environmental perceptions (e.g., local
governments or polling firms). These statistics are produced through surveys designed for
data collection on this topic. Statistics that fall under this topic are primarily qualitative
and are compiled at both the sub-national and national levels.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.3

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness
Topic 6.4.3: Environmental perception and awareness
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Public environmental perception and
1. Knowledge and attitudes about
environmental issues or concerns
2. Knowledge and attitudes about
environmental policies

and Scales




Topic 6.4.4: Environmental engagement

3.300. Environmental engagement involves the transformation of perceptions and attitudes into
concrete, pro-environmental actions. Individual and social participation and engagement
in environmental processes intended to improve and protect the local and global
environment are a concrete manifestation of understanding and motivation of, and
commitment to protecting and improving the environment, expressed through behaviour.
3.301. This topic is intended to capture any available statistics on a countrys pro-environmental
activities and programmes. Pro-environmental activities are those undertaken by civil
society or community groups to protect, improve and manage the environment. This topic
also includes information about environmental programmes (e.g., conservation, energy
efficiency, tree planting) and outreach programmes (e.g., efforts to increase public
awareness of key environmental issues).
3.302. Statistics may include the number and capacity of pro-environmental NGOs, such as the
number of institutions and amount of financial and human resources. This information is
usually available. They may also include the number of pro-environmental activities and
pro-environmental programmes.
3.303. Data about environmental participation and actions are based on administrative records or
are obtained from surveys, and are usually produced at the sub-national level. The main
institutional partners include the ministry of environment or equivalent institution,
municipalities and local governments and NGOs.


Table Statistics and Related Information for Topic 6.4.4

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness
Topic 6.4.4: Environmental engagement
Statistics and Related Information
Category of
(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text a.

Tier 2; Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Environmental engagement
1. Existence of pro-environmental
NGOs (number of NGOs and their
respective human and financial
2. Number of pro-environmental
3. Number of pro-environmental

Currency, Number



and Scales


Chapter 4: From the Basic Set to the Core Set of Environment Statistics

This chapter further develops the FDES by presenting the statistics that describe the
statistical topics grouped within the Basic Set of Environment Statistics and the Core Set
of Environment Statistics. These Sets have been developed in response to country
demand, based on their relevance to environmental issues and corresponding FDES
topics. The statistics contained in these Sets are useful for generating national sets or
databases of environment statistics, reporting on environment or sustainable
development, calculating environmental indicators and generating environmentaleconomic accounts.
4.1 The Basic Set of Environment Statistics


As seen in Chapter 3, the Basic Set of Environment Statistics is a comprehensive, but not
exhaustive, set of statistics designed to support countries developing environment
statistics programmes according to their national priorities for statistical development.
This Basic Set of Statistics is flexible enough to be adapted to individual countries
environmental concerns, priorities and resources. The Basic Set of Environment Statistics
thus features a progression of three tiers (see Figure 4.1). Tier 1 defines the Core Set of
Environment Statistics, that is, a set of statistics which countries are recommended to
consider producing in the short-term. As national priorities require and data availability
and resources permit, the scope may be widened gradually to include the statistics in
Tiers 2 and 3. A description of Tiers 2 and 3 follows in the text below.
Figure 4.1: The Core Set embedded in the Basic Set of Environment Statistics


This approach is useful in providing an overview of the entire field of environment

statistics. It can help statisticians identify data providing institutions and make the

arrangements for regular data acquisition. It serves as a starting point for identifying
appropriate statistical series and will help to determine relevant classifications.

The development of the Basic Set of Environment Statistics began in 2010 with a review
of the UNSD List of Environmental Indicators, adopted by the United Nations Statistical
Commission in 1995, and the lists of environment statistics contained in the two technical
reports which accompanied the 1984 FDES.86,87 The process also involved assessing
international data collection efforts, including major global or regional indicator
initiatives. The selection of statistics also took into account the relevant data needed to
respond to global environmental conventions and MEAs.


The process included a review of 2,575 environmental indicators and statistics. Indicators
and statistics from 37 sources and 65 lists/sets from international, regional and intergovernmental institutions, global environmental conventions, academia and NGOs were
reviewed. These indicators and statistics were then organized around preliminary themes
and sub-themes. By indicating global, regional and thematic priorities, this approach
helped to determine the FDES component structure. It also provided the opportunity to
identify those closely related fields that, due to their importance, should be included in
the scope of the FDES. The necessary underlying statistics were listed separately for each
environmental indicator. Additionally, statistics considered as important in their own
right that is, not necessarily as an input to any indicator were also included.


Based on this aforementioned analysis, statistics that focus on the most important
environmental and associated economic and social activities, which can be used for
analysis and reporting on the environment, were included in the Basic Set of
Environment Statistics. This set does not constitute an exhaustive collection of
environment statistics, but it does present a selection of 458 statistics that are considered
relevant, appropriate, adequate and important for describing and measuring the
environment and for responding to policy needs or public information requirements. All
environment statistics identified for inclusion in the Basic Set were then grouped
according to the FDES structure outlined in Chapter 3, which consists of components,
sub-components and topics.


The contents of the Basic Set were then tested, on a pilot basis, in 25 countries from all
regions of the world at various stages of developing their national environment statistics.
The pilot test in each country consisted primarily of assessing the relevance and
availability of the statistics. The countries were also asked to indicate the priority of each
statistic for national policy making. The results of this pilot test have helped to prioritize
and determine the appropriate set of statistics to be included in the Core Set (Tier 1), Tier
2 and Tier 3.

United Nations Statistics Division (1988). Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Human Settlements Statistics A Technical
Report. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_51e.pdf (accessed 30 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (1991). Concepts and Methods of Environment Statistics: Statistics of the Natural Environment A
Technical Report. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_57E.pdf (accessed 30 July 2015).



The Basic Set was then divided into three tiers of statistics with the Core Set of
Environment Statistics (Tier 1) identified. The three tiers of statistics (Core Set/Tier 1
statistics, Tier 2 and Tier 3 are defined as follows:
Tier 1, corresponds to the Core Set of Environment Statistics, which are of high priority
and relevance to most countries and have a sound methodological foundation. It is
recommended that countries consider producing them in the short-term.
Tier 2 includes environment statistics which are of priority and relevance to most
countries but require greater investment of time, resources or methodological
development. It is recommended that countries consider producing them in the mediumterm.
Tier 3 includes environment statistics which are either of lower priority or require
significant methodological development. It is recommended that countries consider
producing them in the long-term.
The table below provides the number of statistics according to each of the three Tiers and
the six components.
Table 4.1: Distribution of Statistics by Tier and Component

Number of Statistics
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3


Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 4

Component 5

Component 6


The main selection criteria for the Core Set of Environment Statistics (Tier 1) were
relevance, measurability and methodological soundness, described further as follows:
i. Relevance: Core statistics should meet the needs of the broad variety of users and be
responsive to changes in the environment and related human activities;
ii. Measurability: Core statistics should have sufficient supporting data and meta-data
readily available, be of accepted quality, and be updated regularly, or it should be
possible to compile them in the near term;
iii. Methodological soundness: Core statistics should adhere to professional and scientific
methods, as well as to internationally agreed concepts and definitions to the extent

4.10. Finally, the Basic Set and Core Set were analysed based on their usefulness in monitoring
and measuring the SDGs emerging from the discussions around the post-2015
development agenda.
4.2 The Core Set of Environment Statistics

4.11. The Core Set of Environment Statistics consists of a limited number of statistics, as well
as some non-statistical information on the environment. The Core Set represents a broad
consensus of opinion on the pertinence and feasibility of these statistics; as such, it is
intended to foster collection, coordination and harmonization of environment statistics at
the national, regional and global levels.


4.12. When a country faces stringent resource constraints in developing a national environment
statistics programme, or is at the early stages in the development of environment
statistics, the Core Set is well suited to provide guidance in determining priorities, scope,
timing and periodicity in the production of such statistics, depending on national
circumstances. It presents a comprehensive body of relevant environment statistics which
can easily be tailored to suit specific national needs.
4.13. The Core Set can also help to identify data gaps in established national environment
statistics programmes. Some countries may have initiated environment statistics
programmes in response to very specific event-driven imperatives. The use of the Core
Set and the forthcoming Manual on the Basic Set of Environment Statistics for its
compilation will allow countries to build on such beginnings by adding or adjusting
statistics based on an organized set of concepts and definitions that have been agreed
upon and used widely. These can complement existing environmental data collection
activities to provide countries with a more complete statistical description of
environmental concerns.
4.14. The Core Set provides guidance on the statistics to be included in a national environment
statistics programme to provide national policy-makers and international agencies with
the most relevant information on environmental issues of interest to countries and those
that extend beyond national boundaries. It incorporates the most pertinent statistics
needed to report on global environmental conventions and MEAs. As such, its use in
national statistical programmes will help improve reporting on these conventions and
4.15. The Core Set will be accompanied by detailed guidance on agreed concepts, definitions,
classifications and data compilation methods that will be included in the forthcoming
Manual on the Basic Set of Environment Statistics. This methodological guidance will
be used to train and assist countries that wish to incorporate the Core Set into their
national statistical programmes. This will be invaluable in ensuring the availability of a
defined set of relevant and internationally comparable environment statistics.
4.16. In conclusion, the Core Set, together with the Basic Set of Environment Statistics, can
contribute to the gradual production and strengthening of environment statistics within
countries and thus enable and support the development, monitoring and assessment of
evidence-based environmental policies. They can be instrumental when dealing with the
growing demand for monitoring and reporting on the environment and sustainable
development. The FDES, as well as the Core and Basic Sets of Environment Statistics,
provides a flexible framework that can identify and organize the environment statistics
necessary to inform on a range of environmental issues. While the Core Set and the Basic
Set are not exhaustive, given the state of current knowledge, they are comprehensive
enough to respond to both existing and emerging issues.


4.3 Contents of the Core Set of Environment Statistics

4.17. Table 4.2 below presents the Core Set which organizes the statistics by the components,
sub-components and statistical topics of the FDES. The Basic Set of Environment
Statistics, showing where the Core Set is embedded for each statistical topic of the FDES,
is found in Annex A. The numbering and lettering in this table is not necessarily
consecutive because the statistics, which are all Tier 1, are only a selection of the Basic

1. The first level in the tables, preceded by a lower-case letter, is the statistics
group/category; in some cases where there are no statistics below the first level, this level
may also describe a specific statistic.
2. The second level in the tables, preceded by a number, identifies specific statistics.
3. Bold text in the fourth and fifth columns denotes Tier 1 (Core Set) statistics.
4. Categories of measurement are shown in the sixth column.


4.3.1 The Core Set of Environment Statistics

Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics

Component 1:
Conditions and

Sub-component 1.1:
Physical Conditions

Topic 1.1.1:
climate and
Topic 1.1.2:
Topic 1.1.3:
Geological and

Topic 1.1.4: Soil

Sub-component 1.2:
Land Cover,
Ecosystems and

Sub-component 1.3:

Topic 1.2.1: Land

Topic 1.2.2:
Ecosystems and

Core Set / Tier 1 Statistics

a. Temperature

b. Precipitation (also in
d. Watersheds

1. Monthly average
2. Minimum monthly average
3. Maximum monthly average
1. Annual average
2. Long-term annual average
1. Description of main watersheds

a. Geological, geographical
2. Area of country or region
and geomorphological
conditions of terrestrial areas
and islands
b. Coastal waters (including area of coral reefs and mangroves)
c. Length of marine coastline
d. Coastal area
a. Soil characterization
b. Soil degradation

1. Area by soil types

1. Area affected by soil erosion
2. Area affected by desertification
a. Area under land cover categories
a. General ecosystem
characteristics, extent and
c. Biodiversity
d. Protected areas and species

1. Area of ecosystems

Topic 1.2.3:
Topic 1.3.1: Air

a. Forest area

1. Total

a. Local air quality

Topic 1.3.2:

a. Nutrients and chlorophyll

1. Concentration level of particulate matter (PM 10)

2. Concentration level of particulate matter (PM2.5)
3. Concentration level of tropospheric ozone (O3)
4. Concentration level of carbon monoxide (CO)
5. Concentration level of sulphur dioxide (SO2)
6. Concentration levels of nitrogen oxides (NOX)
1. Concentration level of nitrogen


1. Known flora and fauna species

1. Protected terrestrial and marine area (also in 1.2.3.a)

Category of


Number, Area

Freshwater quality

Topic 1.3.3:
Marine water

b. Organic matter
c. Pathogens
a. Nutrients and chlorophyll
b. Organic matter
g. Coral bleaching


2. Concentration level of phosphorous

1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1. Concentration levels of faecal coliforms
1. Concentration level of nitrogen
2. Concentration level of phosphorous
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1. Area affected by coral bleaching


Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2:
Resources and
their Use

Sub-component 2.1:
Mineral Resources
Sub-component 2.2:
Energy Resources

Topic 2.1.1: Stocks
and changes of
mineral resources
Topic 2.2.1: Stocks
and changes of
energy resources
Topic 2.2.2:
Production, trade
and consumption of

Core Set / Tier 1 Statistics

a. Mineral resources

1. Stocks of commercially recoverable resources

5. Extraction

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume

a. Energy resources

1. Stocks of commercially recoverable resources

5. Extraction

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume

a. Production of energy

1. Total production

Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume

2. Production from non-renewable sources

3. Production from renewable sources
4. Primary energy production
7. Secondary energy production
b. Total energy supply
c. Final consumption of energy

Sub-component 2.3:

Sub-component 2.5:
Biological Resources

Topic 2.3.1: Land

Topic 2.3.2: Use of
forest land
Topic 2.5.1: Timber
Topic 2.5.2: Aquatic
Topic 2.5.3: Crops

a. Area under land use categories

a. Use of forest land

1. Area deforested

a. Timber resources

1. Stocks of timber resources

a. Fish capture production

b. Aquaculture production
a. Main annual and perennial
b. Amount used of:

1. Area planted
2. Area harvested
3. Amount produced
1. Natural fertilizers (e.g., manure, compost, lime) (also in
2. Chemical fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
3. Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)

Topic 2.5.4:

Category of

a. Livestock

1. Number of live animals


Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,

Sub-component 2.6:
Water Resources

Topic 2.6.1: Water

Topic 2.6.2:
Abstraction, use and
returns of water

a. Inflow of water to inland

1. Precipitation (also in 1.1.1.b)
water resources
2. Inflow from neighbouring territories
b. Outflow of water from
1. Evapotranspiration
inland water resources
a. Total water abstraction
b. Water abstraction from surface water
c. Water abstraction from
1. From renewable groundwater resources
2. From non-renewable groundwater resources



Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 3:

Sub-component 3.1:
Emissions to Air

Sub-component 3.2:
Generation and
Management of

Sub-component 3.3:
Generation and
Management of

Topic 3.1.1:
Emissions of
greenhouse gases

Topic 3.2.1:
Generation and
pollutant content
of wastewater
Topic 3.2.2:
Collection and
treatment of
Topic 3.2.3:
Discharge of
wastewater to the
Topic 3.3.1:
Generation of
Topic 3.3.2:
Management of

Core Set / Tier 1 Statistics

a. Total emissions of direct
greenhouse gases (GHGs), by

Category of

1. Carbon dioxide (CO2)


2. Methane (CH4)


3. Nitrous oxide (N2O)

b. Total emissions of indirect
1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
greenhouse gases (GHGs), by 2. Nitrogen oxides (NO )
a. Volume of wastewater generated


a. Volume of wastewater collected

b. Volume of wastewater treated


a. Wastewater discharge


1. Total volume of wastewater discharged to the

environment after treatment
2. Total volume of wastewater discharged to the
environment without treatment



a. Amount of waste generated by source


c. Amount of hazardous waste generated


a. Municipal waste


1. Total municipal waste collected

2. Amount of municipal waste treated by type of
treatment and disposal
3. Number of municipal waste treatment and disposal
1. Total hazardous waste collected
2. Amount of hazardous waste treated by type of
treatment and disposal
3. Number of hazardous waste treatment and disposal

b. Hazardous waste

d. Amount of recycled waste



Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 4:
Extreme Events
and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1:
Natural Extreme
Events and Disasters

Topic 4.1.1:
Occurrence of
natural extreme
events and
Topic 4.1.2:
Impact of natural
extreme events and

Core Set / Tier 1 Statistics

a. Occurrence of natural
extreme events and disasters

a. People affected by natural

extreme events and disasters

1. Type of natural extreme event and disaster

(geophysical, meteorological, hydrological, climatological,
2. Location

Category of


1. Number of people killed


b. Economic losses due to natural extreme events and disasters (e.g., damage to buildings,
transportation networks, loss of revenue for businesses, utility disruption)



Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 5:
Settlements and

Sub-component 5.1:
Human Settlements

Sub-component 5.2:
Environmental Health

Topic 5.1.2:
Access to selected
basic services

Topic 5.1.5:
concerns specific
to urban
Topic 5.2.2:
diseases and
Topic 5.2.3:

Core Set / Tier 1 Statistics

Category of

a. Population using an improved drinking water source

b. Population using an improved sanitation facility
c. Population served by municipal waste collection
e. Population connected to wastewater treatment
f. Population supplied by water supply industry
c. Number of private and public vehicles


a. Water-related diseases and


1. Incidence


2. Prevalence


3. Mortality
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality


a. Vector-borne diseases


Table 4.2: The Core Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 6:
Management and

Sub-component 6.1:
Protection and
Sub-component 6.2:
Governance and


Core Set / Tier 1 Statistics

Category of

Topic 6.1.1:
protection and
Topic 6.2.2:
regulation and

a. Government environmental
protection and resource
management expenditure

1. Annual government environmental protection



a. Direct regulation

1. List of regulated pollutants and description (e.g., by

year of adoption and maximum allowable levels)


Topic 6.2.3:
Participation in
MEAs and

a. Participation in MEAs and

other global environmental

1. List and description (e.g., countrys year of

participation(a)) of MEAs and other global environmental


(a) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved through various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession,
acceptance, approval, formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.


Chapter 5: Applications of the FDES to cross-cutting environmental issues


The FDES is a framework which organizes the domain of environment statistics into six
components, which are broken down further into sub-components and statistical topics.
The statistical topics in the FDES, and the underlying environment statistics in the Basic
Set of Environment Statistics and the Core Set of Environment Statistics, may be
combined and reorganized in different ways based on specific analytical needs and policy
requirements. This is an inherent aspect of the design of the FDES as a flexible multipurpose framework.


This chapter describes how to identify and organize the FDES topics and statistics from
the Basic Set of Environment Statistics and the Core Set of Environment Statistics
necessary to inform on four selected cross-cutting issues: water, energy, climate change
and agriculture. The cross-cutting issues of water and energy apply the contents of the
FDES to environmental resource use and management. Climate change uses the FDES to
inform on a highly relevant scientific and policy issue. Agriculture and the environment
focuses on the application of the FDES to a specific economic activity. This chapter
discusses these environmental issues and provides a detailed list of the relevant
corresponding individual environment statistics for each issue. Statistics related to these
cross-cutting issues are certainly relevant from the regional and global perspectives, but
the emphasis is on the national level.


When compiling environment statistics on a particular cross-cutting issue, it is important

to begin by understanding the scientific background, underlying processes and causeeffect relationships. It is also necessary to analyse and understand the relevance of the
issue to the country and particular sub-national areas, economic activities and social
groups, national policy implications and commitments, institutional aspects and the
international context. This comprehensive view will help the environmental statistician
better adapt the FDES, the Core Set of Environment Statistics and the Basic Set of
Environment Statistics to provide environment statistics that meet users needs.


The cross-cutting issues of water, energy, climate change and agriculture discussed in this
chapter are examples and should be considered illustrative applications of the FDES to
selected cross-cutting issues. FDES users may wish to develop other analyses of crosscutting issues for specific purposes based on national relevance and needs (e.g.,
sustainable management of natural resources, environmental impacts of specific activities
such as tourism, transport, mining and manufacturing, or issues such as the relationship
between poverty and the environment).


The statistics for describing the selected cross-cutting issues are organized based on the
relevant policy framework or the sequence of events that can be used to inform about the
related processes. These sequences reflect the occurrence of events, based on the nature
of the issue. In each case, the correspondence of these sequences with the FDES structure
is described. Each application is presented both at the level of the statistical topics and of


individual statistics from the Core Set of Environment Statistics and the Basic Set of
Environment Statistics.

The presentation at the topic level includes the names of the topics relevant to the crosscutting issue. The presentation at the level of individual statistics shows which statistics
under the relevant topics are necessary for the statistical description of the cross-cutting
5.1 Water and the environment


Water is fundamental to every form of life and plays a critical role in human development
in terms of both quantity and quality. Increasing scarcity of and competition for water
resources and potable water impede development, compromise ecosystem functions,
undercut human health and contribute to conflicts between and within states.


The quality of and access to potable water remains a critical public health issue,
particularly in developing countries though the situation has been improving over recent
decades. Human consumption and agricultural practices also place increasing pressures
on water supply. Efforts to restructure natural hydrological systems have provided
benefits to the human sub-system but have also created new environmental issues. These
issues are wide-ranging and include water-borne diseases, stress on ecosystems, loss of
natural and human habitats, reduction of fish and aquatic plant productivity, waterlogging
and salinization of soils, and conflicts between upstream and downstream water users. In
addition, deforestation has also contributed to higher levels of siltation, more devastating
and frequent floods, as well as to the degradation of ecosystems and productivity of
inland and coastal waters. The need to monitor the sustainable management of water
resources and the demand for related environment statistics are increasing worldwide.


Water use and returns affect the environment in different ways. If water is abstracted
faster than it is replenished naturally, the resource can be depleted and even exhausted.
Water abstraction itself affects the environment by decreasing, even if momentarily, the
water available for other purposes, including key ecological functions. Distribution losses
can cause inefficiency and require larger amounts of water to be extracted. When water is
used and returned to the environment, quality and pollution become the major problems.
Returns of water can either be treated or not, and to different extents, so when it is
returned it has the potential to adversely affect the environment. Water temperature is
also an important factor in returns to the environment for key ecological functions.
Distribution and access to adequate drinking water and water for other uses such as small
scale agriculture, particularly in rural areas of developing countries, raise another
problem. Similar access problems also occur with regard to sanitation facilities in
developing countries.


Protecting the quality of freshwater is important for ecosystems, drinking water supply,
food production and recreational water use. The main causes of water quality degradation
include: elevated levels of salinity; suspended matter; nutrients (which can be positive for
food production of aquatic resources in certain circumstances); toxins and odour

compounds; pesticides and other contaminants; water temperature; dissolved oxygen and
pH outside natural ranges; and radiological hazards.

In addition to quantity and quality of water supply, the distribution of this supply within
countries is of key importance. When assessing distribution of total available water,
spatial and temporal considerations must be considered. Sub-national statistics must be
used, as aggregated national statistics can be misleading, and sub-national statistics must
be assessed in the context of the specific geographic location, as the challenges of
equitable water distribution will vary dependent on location (e.g., rainforest versus
desert). Seasonality must also be considered as precipitation levels change over time and
seasonal flooding occurs in certain areas.


International partners in water assessment and management include UN-Water, the UN

inter-agency mechanism on all freshwater related issues, including sanitation. The UN
has also issued water quantity, quality and sanitation MDGs, specifically target 7.a,
indicator 7.5 (proportion of total water resources used) and target 7.c, indicators 7.8
(proportion of population using an improved drinking water source) and 7.9 (proportion
of population using an improved sanitation facility). FAO has developed a number of
initiatives related to water statistics, notably the AQUASTAT database, which serves as a
global information system on water and agriculture.88 It collects, analyses and
disseminates data and information by country and region. Several international and intergovernmental organisations collect data on water statistics from countries (such as
through the UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire on Environment Statistics and the
OECD/Eurostat Questionnaire on the State of the Environment). In addition, the UN has
developed the IRWS in an effort to assist countries to establish and strengthen
information systems for water as part of their integrated water resources management
(IWRM).89 IWRM is a process which promotes the coordinated development and
management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant
economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the
sustainability of vital ecosystems.90 The IRWS was adopted by the United Nations
Statistical Commission in 2010. With regard to environmental-economic accounts for
water, the SEEA-Water is also available.91 Part I of the SEEA-Water was adopted as an
interim international statistical standard by the United Nations Statistical Commission in


The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (20-22 June 2012)
provided the context for the pivotal role of water. Its outcome document noted that water
was at the core of sustainable development,92 because of its link to key global


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2014). Aquastat. Available from
http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/main/index.stm (accessed 30 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (2012). International Recommendations for Water Statistics. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/irws/irwswebversion.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).
Global Water Partnership (2012). What is IWRM? Available from http://www.gwp.org/en/The-Challenge/What-is-IWRM/ (accessed 30 July
United Nations Statistics Division (2012). System of Environmental-Economic Accounts for Water (SEEA-Water). Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaw/seeawaterwebversion.pdf (accessed 30 July 2015).
United Nations (2012). Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want, paragraph 119. Available from
http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html (accessed 16 July 2015).


challenges such as poverty eradication, the empowerment of women and the protection of
human health. It underscored the need to address environmental challenges such as
floods, droughts and water scarcity and, ultimately, the balance between water supply and
demand. It encouraged investment in water infrastructure and sanitation services and
stressed the need to significantly improve water quality, wastewater treatment and water
efficiency, while reducing water losses.
Application of the FDES to water statistics

In the figures below, the FDES has been applied specifically to organize the relevant
environment statistics needed to inform on issues related to water resources. Two
approaches have been followed.


The first approach illustrates how the structure of the FDES and its six components
describe the relationship of water with the environment, the society and the economy in a
holistic manner, as shown by Figures 5.1 and 5.2.
Figure 5.1: Water and the environment in the FDES - topic level
Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions

Atmosphere, climate and weather
Hydrographical characteristics
Geological and geographical information

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover,

Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Land cover
Ecosystems and biodiversity

Sub-component 1.3:
Environmental Quality
Freshwater quality
Marine water quality

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.3: Land
Land use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological

Aquatic resources

Sub-component 2.6: Water

Water resources
Abstraction, use and returns of water

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Generation and pollutant content of wastewater
Collection and treatment of wastewater
Discharge of wastewater to the environment

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and
Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters
Impact of natural extreme events and disasters

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters

Occurrence of technological disasters
Impact of technological disasters


Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Access to selected basic services
Housing conditions

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health

Water-related diseases and conditions

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental
Protection and Resource
Management Expenditure
Government environmental protection
and resource management expenditure
Corporate, non-profit institution and
household environmental protection and
resource management expenditure

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental

Governance and Regulation
Institutional strength
Environmental regulation and instruments
Participation in MEAs and environmental

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme

Event Preparedness and
Disaster Management
Preparedness for natural extreme
events and disasters
Preparedness for technological

Figure 5.2: Water and the environment in the Core Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics environment statistics level
(Bold Text Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text Tier 3)

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.1:
climate and

Topic 1.1.2:

Topic 1.1.3:
Geological and

1.1.1.b: Precipitation (also in 2.6.1)

1.1.1.b.1: Annual average
1.1.1.b.2: Long-term annual average
1.1.1.b.3: Monthly average
1.1.1.b.4: Minimum monthly value
1.1.1.b.5: Maximum monthly value
1.1.1.c: Relative humidity
1.1.1.c.1: Minimum monthly value
1.1.1.c.2: Maximum monthly value
1.1.1.h: Occurrence of El Nio/La Nia events, when relevant
1.1.1.h.1: Occurrence
1.1.1.h.2: Time period
1.1.2.a: Lakes
1.1.2.a.1: Surface area
1.1.2.a.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.b: Rivers and streams
1.1.2.b.1: Length
1.1.2.c: Artificial reservoirs
1.1.2.c.1: Surface area
1.1.2.c.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.d: Watersheds
1.1.2.d.1: Description of main watersheds
1.1.2.e: Seas
1.1.2.e.1: Coastal waters
1.1.2.e.2: Territorial sea
1.1.2.e.3: Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
1.1.2.e.4: Sea level
1.1.2.e.5: Area of sea ice
1.1.2.f: Aquifers
1.1.2.g: Glaciers
1.1.3.b: Coastal waters (including area of coral reefs and mangroves)
1.1.3.c: Length of marine coastline


Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Topic 1.2.1:
Land cover
Topic 1.2.2:

1.2.1.a: Area under land cover categories

1.2.2.a: General ecosystem characteristics, extent and pattern
1.2.2.a.1: Area of ecosystems
1.2.2.a.2: Proximity of ecosystem to urban areas and cropland
1.2.2.b: Ecosystems chemical and physical characteristics
1.2.2.b.1: Nutrients
1.2.2.b.2: Carbon
1.2.2.b.3: Pollutants
1.2.2.c: Biodiversity
1.2.2.c.1: Known flora and fauna species
1.2.2.c.2: Endemic flora and fauna species
1.2.2.c.3: Invasive alien flora and fauna species
1.2.2.c.4: Species population
1.2.2.c.5: Habitat fragmentation
1.2.2.d: Protected areas and species
1.2.2.d.1: Protected terrestrial and marine area (also in 1.2.3.a)
1.2.2.d.2: Protected flora and fauna species

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality

Topic 1.3.2:

Topic 1.3.3:
Marine water

1.3.2.a: Nutrients and chlorophyll

1.3.2.a.1: Concentration level of nitrogen
1.3.2.a.2: Concentration level of phosphorous
1.3.2.a.3: Concentration level of chlorophyll A
1.3.2.b: Organic matter
1.3.2.b.1: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1.3.2.b.2: Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1.3.2.c: Pathogens
1.3.2.c.1: Concentration levels of faecal coliforms
1.3.2.d: Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium)
1.3.2.d.1: Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
1.3.2.d.2: Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
1.3.2.e: Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1.3.2.e.1: Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
1.3.2.e.2: Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
1.3.2.f: Physical and chemical characteristics
1.3.2.f.1: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
1.3.2.f.2: Temperature
1.3.2.f.3: Total suspended solids (TSS)
1.3.2.f.4: Salinity
1.3.2.f.5: Dissolved oxygen (DO)
1.3.2.g: Plastic waste and other freshwater debris
1.3.2.g.1: Amount of plastic waste and other debris
1.3.3.a: Nutrients and chlorophyll
1.3.3.a.1: Concentration level of nitrogen
1.3.3.a.2: Concentration level of phosphorous
1.3.3.a.3: Concentration level of chlorophyll A
1.3.3.b: Organic matter
1.3.3.b.1: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1.3.3.b.2: Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1.3.3.c: Pathogens
1.3.3.c.1: Concentration levels of faecal coliforms in recreational marine waters
1.3.3.d: Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium)
1.3.3.d.1: Concentration levels in sediment and marine water
1.3.3.d.2: Concentration levels in marine organisms
1.3.3.e: Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1.3.3.e.1: Concentration levels in sediment and marine water
1.3.3.e.2: Concentration levels in marine organisms
1.3.3.f: Physical and chemical characteristics
1.3.3.f.1: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
1.3.3.f.2: Temperature
1.3.3.f.3: Total suspended solids (TSS)


1.3.3.f.4: Salinity
1.3.3.f.5: Dissolved oxygen (DO)
1.3.3.f.6: Density
1.3.3.g: Coral bleaching
1.3.3.g.1: Area affected by coral bleaching
1.3.3.h: Plastic waste and other marine debris
1.3.3.h.1: Amount of plastic waste and other debris in marine waters
1.3.3.i: Red tide
1.3.3.i.1: Occurrence
1.3.3.i.2: Impacted area
1.3.3.i.3: Duration
1.3.3.j: Oil pollution
1.3.3.j.1: Area of oil slicks
1.3.3.j.2: Amount of tar balls

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.3: Land
Topic 2.3.1:
Land use

2.3.1.a: Area under land use categories

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources

Topic 2.5.2:

2.5.2.a: Fish capture production

2.5.2.b: Aquaculture production
2.5.2.e: Amount used of:
2.5.2.e.1: Pellets (also in 3.4.1.c)
2.5.2.e.2: Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)
2.5.2.e.3: Colourants (also in 3.4.1.e)
2.5.2.e.4: Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
2.5.2.e.5: Fungicides
2.5.2.f: Aquatic resources
2.5.2.f.1: Stocks of aquatic resources
2.5.2.f.2: Additions to aquatic resources
2.5.2.f.3: Reductions in aquatic resources

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources

Topic 2.6.1:

Topic 2.6.2:
use and
returns of

2.6.1.a: Inflow of water to inland water resources

2.6.1.a.1: Precipitation (also in 1.1.1.b)
2.6.1.a.2: Inflow from neighbouring territories
2.6.1.a.3: Inflow subject to treaties
2.6.1.b: Outflow of water from inland water resources
2.6.1.b.1: Evapotranspiration
2.6.1.b.2: Outflow to neighbouring territories
2.6.1.b.3: Outflow subject to treaties
2.6.1.b.4: Outflow to the sea
2.6.1.c: Inland water stocks
2.6.1.c.1: Surface water stocks in artificial reservoirs
2.6.1.c.2: Surface water stocks in lakes
2.6.1.c.3: Surface water stocks in rivers and streams
2.6.1.c.4: Surface water stocks in wetlands
2.6.1.c.5: Surface water stocks in snow, ice and glaciers
2.6.1.c.6: Groundwater stocks
2.6.2.a: Total water abstraction
2.6.2.b: Water abstraction from surface water
2.6.2.c: Water abstraction from groundwater
2.6.2.c.1: From renewable groundwater resources
2.6.2.c.2: From non-renewable groundwater resources
2.6.2.d: Water abstracted for own use
2.6.2.e: Water abstracted for distribution
2.6.2.f: Desalinated water
2.6.2.g: Reused water
2.6.2.h: Water use
2.6.2.i: Rainwater collection
2.6.2.j: Water abstraction from the sea


2.6.2.k: Losses during transport

2.6.2.l: Exports of water
2.6.2.m: Imports of water
2.6.2.n: Returns of water

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.1:
and pollutant
content of
Topic 3.2.2:
and treatment
of wastewater

Topic 3.2.3:
Discharge of
wastewater to

3.2.1.a: Volume of wastewater generated

3.2.1.b: Pollutant content of wastewater

3.2.2.a: Volume of wastewater collected

3.2.2.b: Volume of wastewater treated
3.2.2.c: Total urban wastewater treatment capacity
3.2.2.c.1: Number of plants
3.2.2.c.2: Capacity of plants
3.2.2.d: Total industrial wastewater treatment capacity
3.2.2.d.1: Number of plants
3.2.2.d.2: Capacity of plants
3.2.3.a: Wastewater discharge
3.2.3.a.1: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment after treatment
3.2.3.a.2: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without treatment
3.2.3.b: Pollutant content of discharged wastewater

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters
Topic 4.1.1:
Occurrence of
events and
Topic 4.1.2:
Impact of
events and

4.1.1.a: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters [droughts and floods]:
4.1.1.a.1: Type of natural extreme event and disaster (geophysical, meteorological, hydrological,
climatological, biological)
4.1.1.a.2: Location
4.1.1.a.3: Magnitude (where applicable)
4.1.1.a.4: Date of occurrence
4.1.1.a.5: Duration
4.1.2.a: People affected by natural extreme events and disasters [droughts and floods]
4.1.2.a.1: Number of people killed
4.1.2.a.2: Number of people injured
4.1.2.a.3: Number of people homeless
4.1.2.a.4: Number of people affected
4.1.2.b: Economic losses due to natural extreme events and disasters [droughts and floods]
4.1.2.c: Physical losses/damages due to natural extreme events and disasters [droughts and floods]
4.1.2.d: Effects of natural extreme events and disasters on integrity of ecosystems [droughts and floods]
4.1.2.d.1: Area affected by natural disasters
4.1.2.d.2: Loss of vegetation cover
4.1.2.d.3: Area of watershed affected
4.1.2.d.4: Other
4.1.2.e: External assistance received [droughts and floods]

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters

Topic 4.2.1:
Occurrence of
Topic 4.2.2:
Impact of

4.2.1.a: Occurrence of technological disasters [affecting only marine and inland water bodies]
4.2.1.a.1: Type of technological disaster
4.2.1.a.2: Location
4.2.1.a.3: Date of occurrence
4.2.1.a.4: Duration
4.2.2.a: People affected by technological disasters [affecting only marine and inland water bodies]
4.2.2.a.1: Number of people killed
4.2.2.a.2: Number of people injured
4.2.2.a.3: Number of people homeless
4.2.2.a.4: Number of people affected
4.2.2.b: Economic losses due to technological disasters [affecting only marine and inland water bodies]


4.2.2.c: Physical losses/damages due to technological disasters [affecting only marine and inland water bodies]
4.2.2.d: Effects of technological disasters on integrity of ecosystems [affecting only marine and inland water
4.2.2.d.1: Area affected by technological disasters
4.2.2.d.2: Loss of vegetation cover
4.2.2.d.3: Area of watershed affected
4.2.2.d.4: Other (e.g., for oil spills: volume of oil released into the environment, impact on
4.2.2.e: External assistance received

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.2:
Access to
selected basic
Topic 5.1.3:

5.1.2.a: Population using an improved drinking water source

5.1.2.b: Population using an improved sanitation facility
5.1.2.d: Population connected to wastewater collecting system
5.1.2.e: Population connected to wastewater treatment
5.1.2.f: Population supplied by water supply industry
5.1.3.c: Population living in hazard-prone areas
5.1.3.d: Hazard-prone areas

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health

Topic 5.2.2:
diseases and

5.2.2.a: Water-related diseases and conditions

5.2.2.a.1: Incidence
5.2.2.a.2: Prevalence
5.2.2.a.3: Mortality
5.2.2.a.4: Loss of work days
5.2.2.a.5: Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Topic 6.1.1:
protection and

6.1.1.a: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure

6.1.1.a.1: Annual government environmental protection expenditure [on water]
6.1.1.a.2: Annual government resource management expenditure [on water]

Topic 6.1.2:
institution and
protection and

6.1.2.a: Private sector environmental protection and resource management expenditure [on water]
6.1.2.a.1: Annual corporate environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.2: Annual corporate resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.3: Annual non-profit institution environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.4: Annual non-profit institution resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.5: Annual household environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.6: Annual household resource management expenditure

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation

Topic 6.2.1:

Topic 6.2.2:
regulation and

6.2.1.a: Government environmental institutions and their resources

6.2.1.a.1: Name of main environmental [water] authority and year of establishment
6.2.1.a.2: Annual budget of the main environmental [water] authority
6.2.1.a.3: Number of staff in the main environmental [water] authority
6.2.1.a.4: List of environmental [water] departments in other authorities and year of establishment
6.2.1.a.5: Annual budget of environmental [water] departments in other authorities
6.2.1.a.6: Number of staff of environmental [water] departments in other authorities
6.2.2.a: Direct regulation
6.2.2.a.1: List of regulated [water] pollutants and description (e.g., by year of adoption and
maximum allowable levels)
6.2.2.a.2: Description (e.g., name, year established) of licensing system to ensure compliance with


Topic 6.2.3:
in MEAs and

environmental [water] standards for businesses or other new facilities

6.2.2.a.3: Number of applications for licenses [compliance with water standards] received and
approved per year
6.2.2.a.4: List of quotas for biological [aquatic] resource extraction
6.2.2.a.5: Budget and number of staff dedicated to enforcement of environmental [water] regulations
6.2.2.b: Economic instruments
6.2.2.b.1: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of green/environmental [related to water]
6.2.2.b.2: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of environmentally relevant subsidies
[related to water]
6.2.2.b.3: List of [water] eco-labelling and environmental certification programmes
6.2.3.a: Participation in MEAs and other global environmental conventions
6.2.3.a.1: List and description (e.g., countrys year of participation(a)) of MEAs and other global
environmental conventions [regulating, managing and affecting water]

(a) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved
through various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation,
ratification and succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or
treaty are not considered to be participating.

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management

Topic 6.3.1:
for natural
events and
Topic 6.3.2:


6.3.1.a: National natural extreme events and disaster preparedness and management systems [related to
droughts and floods]
6.3.1.a.1: Existence of national disaster plans/programmes
6.3.1.a.2: Description (e.g., number of staff) of national disaster plans/programmes
6.3.1.a.7: Existence of early warning systems for all major hazards
6.3.1.a.8: Expenditure on disaster prevention, preparedness, clean-up and rehabilitation
6.3.2.a: National technological disaster preparedness and management systems [related to water]
6.3.2.a.1: Existence and description (e.g., number of staff) of public disaster management
plans/programmes (and private when available)
6.3.2.a.2: Expenditure on disaster prevention, preparedness, clean-up and rehabilitation

The second approach shows how the statistical topics of the FDES can be reorganized
with a narrower focus on the management of water supply and wastewater treatment,
following the sequence of abstraction, distribution and use of water, returns of water and
emissions to the environment, and protection and mitigation activities, as shown in
Figures 5.3 and 5.4.


Figure 5.3: Topics in the FDES that relate to water, according to the sequence of water use and
Water Resources
Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Hydrographical characteristics

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources

Water resources

Water Use and Management

Sub-component 2.6: Water
Abstraction, use and returns of water

Sub-component 3.2: Generation and

Management of Wastewater
Generation and pollution content of

Sub-component 5.1: Human

Access to selected basic services

Collection and treatment of wastewater

Environmental Effects
Sub-comp. 1.3: Environmental
Freshwater quality

Sub-comp. 2.6: Water Resources

Water resources

Sub-comp. 3.2: Generation and

Management of Wastewater
Generation and pollutant content of
Discharge of wastewater to the

Protection and Mitigation Activities

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and
Resource Management Expenditure
Government environmental protection and resource
management expenditure
Corporate, non-profit institution and household
environmental protection and resource management

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and

Environmental regulation and instruments
Participation in MEAs and environmental conventions


Figure 5.4: Water statistics in the Core Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics, according to
the sequence of water use and management
(Bold Text Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text Tier 3)

Water Resources
Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.2:
1.1.2.a: Lakes
1.1.2.a.1: Surface area
1.1.2.a.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.b: Rivers and streams
1.1.2.b.1: Length
1.1.2.c: Artificial reservoirs
1.1.2.c.1: Surface area
1.1.2.c.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.d: Watersheds
1.1.2.d.1: Description of main watersheds
1.1.2.f: Aquifers
1.1.2.g: Glaciers
Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Topic 2.6.1:
2.6.1.a: Inflow of water to inland water resources
2.6.1.a.1: Precipitation (also in 1.1.1.b)
2.6.1.a.2: Inflow from neighbouring territories
2.6.1.a.3: Inflow subject to treaties
2.6.1.b: Outflow of water from inland water resources
2.6.1.b.1: Evapotranspiration
2.6.1.b.2: Outflow to neighbouring territories
2.6.1.b.3: Outflow subject to treaties
2.6.1.b.4: Outflow to the sea
2.6.1.c: Inland water stocks
2.6.1.c.1: Surface water stocks in artificial reservoirs
2.6.1.c.2: Surface water stocks in lakes
2.6.1.c.3: Surface water stocks in rivers and streams
2.6.1.c.4: Surface water stocks in wetlands
2.6.1.c.5: Surface water stocks in snow, ice and glaciers
2.6.1.c.6: Groundwater stocks

Water Use and Management

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Topic 2.6.2:
2.6.2.a: Total water abstraction
2.6.2.b: Water abstraction from surface water
use and returns 2.6.2.c: Water abstraction from groundwater
of water
2.6.2.c.1: From renewable groundwater resources
2.6.2.c.2: From non-renewable groundwater resources
2.6.2.d: Water abstracted for own use
2.6.2.e: Water abstracted for distribution
2.6.2.f: Desalinated water
2.6.2.g: Reused water
2.6.2.h: Water use
2.6.2.i: Rainwater collection
2.6.2.j: Water abstraction from the sea
2.6.2.k: Losses during transport
2.6.2.l: Exports of water
2.6.2.m: Imports of water
2.6.2.n: Returns of water
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.1:
3.2.1.a: Volume of wastewater generated
Generation and
content of
Topic 3.2.2:
3.2.2.a: Volume of wastewater collected


Collection and
treatment of

3.2.2.b: Volume of wastewater treated

3.2.2.c: Total urban wastewater treatment capacity
3.2.2.c.1: Number of plants
3.2.2.c.2: Capacity of plants
3.2.2.d: Total industrial wastewater treatment capacity
3.2.2.d.1: Number of plants
3.2.2.d.2: Capacity of plants
Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.2:
5.1.2.a: Population using an improved drinking water source
Access to
5.1.2.b: Population using an improved sanitation facility
selected basic
5.1.2.e: Population connected to wastewater treatment
5.1.2.f: Population supplied by water supply industry

Environmental Effects
Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.2:
1.3.2.a: Nutrients and chlorophyll
1.3.2.a.1: Concentration level of nitrogen
1.3.2.a.2: Concentration level of phosphorous
1.3.2.a.3: Concentration level of chlorophyll A
1.3.2.b: Organic matter
1.3.2.b.1: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1.3.2.b.2: Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1.3.2.c: Pathogens
1.3.2.c.1: Concentration levels of faecal coliforms
1.3.2.d: Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium)
1.3.2.d.1: Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
1.3.2.d.2: Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
1.3.2.e: Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1.3.2.e.1: Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
1.3.2.e.2: Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
1.3.2.f: Physical and chemical characteristics
1.3.2.f.1: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
1.3.2.f.2: Temperature
1.3.2.f.3: Total suspended solids (TSS)
1.3.2.f.4: Salinity
1.3.2.f.5: Dissolved oxygen (DO)
1.3.2.g: Plastic waste and other freshwater debris
1.3.2.g.1: Amount of plastic waste and other debris
Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Topic 2.6.1:
2.6.1.c: Inland water stocks
2.6.1.c.1: Surface water stocks in artificial reservoirs
2.6.1.c.2: Surface water stocks in lakes
2.6.1.c.3: Surface water stocks in rivers and streams
2.6.1.c.4: Surface water stocks in wetlands
2.6.1.c.5: Surface water stocks in snow, ice and glaciers
2.6.1.c.6: Groundwater stocks
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.1:
3.2.1.b: Pollutant content of wastewater
Generation and
content of
Topic 3.2.3:
3.2.3.a: Wastewater discharge
Discharge of
3.2.3.a.1: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment after treatment
wastewater to
3.2.3.a.2: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without treatment
3.2.3.b: Pollutant content of discharged wastewater


Protection and Mitigation Activities

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Topic 6.1.1:
6.1.1.a: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure [on water]
6.1.1.a.1: Annual government environmental protection expenditure
6.1.1.a.2: Annual government resource management expenditure
protection and
Topic 6.1.2:
6.1.2.a: Private sector environmental protection and resource management expenditure [on water]
6.1.2.a.1: Annual corporate environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.2: Annual corporate resource management expenditure
institution and
6.1.2.a.3: Annual non-profit institution environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.4: Annual non-profit institution resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.5: Annual household environmental protection expenditure
protection and
6.1.2.a.6: Annual household resource management expenditure
Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
Topic 6.2.2:
6.2.2.a: Direct regulation
6.2.2.a.1: List of regulated pollutants and description (e.g., by year of adoption and maximum
regulation and
allowable levels) [related to water]
6.2.2.a.2: Description (e.g., name, year established) of licensing system to ensure compliance with
environmental standards for businesses or other new facilities [related to water]
6.2.2.a.3: Number of applications for licenses [compliance with water standards] received and
approved per year
6.2.2.a.4: List of quotas for biological [aquatic] resource extraction
6.2.2.a.5: Budget and number of staff dedicated to enforcement of environmental regulations
[related to water]
6.2.2.b: Economic instruments
6.2.2.b.1: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of green/environmental [related to water]
6.2.2.b.2: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of environmentally relevant subsidies
[related to water]
6.2.2.b.3: List of [water] eco-labelling and environmental certification programmes
Topic 6.2.3:
6.2.3.a: Participation in MEAs and other global environmental conventions
Participation in
6.2.3.a.1: List and description (e.g., countrys year of participation(a)) of MEAs and other global
MEAs and
environmental conventions [regulating, managing and affecting water]
(a) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is
achieved through various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval,
formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements
under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.


5.2 Energy and the environment


Energy is indispensable to all ecosystems and is a necessary input for human-controlled

processes. Energy incorporates the concept of the transformation of available energy
into unavailable energy (e.g., burning of hydrocarbons) and conversion from an
unusable to a usable form (e.g., hydropower to electricity). Unlike all other natural
resources, energy is not a material substance but rather the capacity of a physical system
to perform work. The amount of energy in a physical system remains constant and is
finite, although its quality or availability diminishes through transformation.


For statistical purposes, energy is measured in its usable form embedded in energy
products. Although physically speaking there would be no such thing as energy
production or energy consumption, in statistics these terms refer to the
extraction/manufacturing and use of energy products, respectively.


Energy production and consumption affects the environment in different ways. The first
issue relates to the depletion of non-renewable energy resources because depletion occurs
as resources are extracted. In addition, extraction of energy resources involves mining
operations which disturb ecosystems, restructure the land, remove soil and water and
produce wastes. Extraction techniques also result in the removal of large areas of surface
vegetation, deep-well drilling and the use of heavy equipment for exploratory wells on
land and off-shore oil rigs to explore ocean geology. The sheer quantity of the output of
coal and the complex infrastructure required in oil and gas development have created
large-scale environmental disturbances through the construction of pipelines, railways
and large-scale terminal shipping facilities. This situation is further exacerbated by
hazards of oil spills, well-head and pipeline explosion and fires, as well as the chemical
pollution of the associated petrochemical industry.


The consumption of mineral energy resources also affects the environment. Fossil fuel
combustion pollutes the air, affects human health and results in significant GHG
emissions. Renewable energy does not face the depletion problem of fossil energy
resources, but the capture of renewable energy can also affect the natural environment,
particularly in large hydro energy facilities. Regardless of how energy is produced, its
distribution requires facilities which can also change the land and affect natural areas.
Each country must develop public policies to pursue the changes required in the
production and consumption of energy to meet the demands of development in a
sustainable and clean manner.


Sustainable Energy for All is a global initiative driving actions and mobilizing
commitments to positively transform the world's energy systems since
sustainable development is not possible without sustainable energy.93 Access to modern
energy services is fundamental to human development and an investment in our
collective future. The United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Group on


Sustainable Energy for All (2013). Available from http://www.se4all.org/ (accessed 30 July 2015).


Sustainable Energy for All was launched in 2011,94 creating a Global Action Agenda to
guide efforts undertaken in support of achieving the initiative's three objectives: (i)
ensure universal access to modern energy services; (ii) double the rate of improvement in
energy efficiency; and (iii) double the share of renewable energy in the global energy
mix. The objectives are to be achieved by 2030. The Agenda includes 11 action areas and
provides a framework through which countries and stakeholders can create their own
pathways towards achieving Sustainable Energy for All. The initiative aims to bring
together leadership from all sectors of society, including business, governments,
investors, community groups and academia. Sustainable Energy for All has generated
significant momentum since its launch. More than 75 countries have chosen to pursue
Sustainable Energy for Alls objectives, from small island states to large, emerging

Energy plays a critical role in socio-economic development. The outcome document of

the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, The Future We
Want, addressed energy in the context of sustainable development.95 Among other
things, it called for action to ensure access to sustainable modern energy services for
all. It also reaffirmed support for cleaner energy technologies, citing increased use of
renewable energy sources and other low-emission technologies, more efficient use of
energy and greater reliance on advanced energy technologies as parts of an
appropriate energy mix for meeting developmental needs. This document urged
governments to create enabling environments for investment in cleaner energy
technologies. The core challenge facing policy makers with regard to energy production
and consumption remains in balancing the demand and need for energy with the impacts
of producing and consuming it. Coordination and harmonization across all levels are thus
critical as data are needed for policy, regulation and science, and to complement
economic and social aspects when conducting analyses.


As such, reliable and robust energy statistics are a priority issue for the international
statistical community. The United Nations Statistical Commission has discussed energy
statistics since its inception. At its forty-second session (February 2011), the Commission
adopted the IRES.96 Statistics on energy production and consumption are usually
compiled in both physical and monetary units, the latter being the sale of and expenditure
for energy commodities (e.g., fuel and electricity). Physical measures are of key interest
from an environmental perspective.
Application of the FDES to energy statistics


In the figures below, those aspects of energy statistics related to environment statistics
using the FDES are described. The figures have been constructed to reflect the entire

United Nations (2014). The Secretary-Generals High-level Group on Sustainable Energy for All. Available from
http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/sustainableenergyforall/home/Initiative (accessed 30 July 2015).
United Nations (2012). Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want. Available from http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html
(accessed 16 July 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (2011). International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (draft version). Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/doc11/BG-IRES.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015).


process starting from the stocks of energy resources through their extraction, the
production and consumption of energy and the associated environmental effects, to
relevant protection and mitigation activities.

The sequence depicted in Figures 5.5 and 5.6 for the energy theme contains four boxes.
Figure 5.5 presents this information at the topic level, while Figure 5.6 provides more
detail and presents the individual environment statistics which can be used to assess
energy production and consumption.


Figure 5.5: Topics in the FDES that relate to the production and consumption of energy
Energy Resources
Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Stocks and changes of energy resources

Extraction of Energy Resources, Energy Production and Consumption

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Stocks and changes of energy resources
Production, trade and consumption of energy

Environmental Effects
Sub-comp. 1.3:


2.3: Land

to Air

Air quality

Stocks and
changes of

Land use


and pollutant
content of

of Waste


5.1: Human


Generation of

Occurrence of

Exposure to

diseases and

Impact of

of other

Protection and Mitigation Activities

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental
Protection and Resource
Management Expenditure
Government environmental protection
and resource management expenditure

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental

Governance and Regulation

Corporate, non-profit institution and
household environmental protection
and resource management expenditure

Participation in MEAs and
environmental conventions

Environmental regulation and


Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event

Preparedness and Disaster
Preparedness for technological

substance- and
radiationrelated diseases
and conditions

Figure 5.6: Energy production and consumption statistics in the Core Set and Basic Set of
Environment Statistics
(Bold Text Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text Tier 3)

Energy Resources
Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.1:
2.2.1.a: Energy resources
Stocks and
2.2.1.a.1: Stocks of commercially recoverable resources
changes of
2.2.1.a.2: New discoveries
2.2.1.a.3: Upward reappraisals
2.2.1.a.4: Upward reclassifications
2.2.1.a.5: Extraction
2.2.1.a.6: Catastrophic losses
2.2.1.a.7: Downward reappraisals
2.2.1.a.8: Downward reclassifications
2.2.1.a.9: Stocks of potentially commercially recoverable resources
2.2.1.a.10: Stocks of non-commercial and other known resources

Extraction of Energy Minerals, Energy Production and Consumption

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.1:
2.2.1.a: Energy resources
Stocks and
2.2.1.a.5: Extraction
changes of
Topic 2.2.2:
2.2.2.a: Production of energy
2.2.2.a.1: Total production
trade and
2.2.2.a.2: Production from non-renewable sources
consumption of
2.2.2.a.3: Production from renewable sources
2.2.4.a.4: Primary energy production
2.2.4.a.7: Secondary energy production
2.2.2.b: Total energy supply
2.2.2.c: Final consumption of energy

Environmental Effects
Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.1:
1.3.1.a: Local air quality
Air quality
1.3.1.a.1: Concentration level of particulate matter (PM 10)
1.3.1.a.2: Concentration level of particulate matter (PM 2.5)
1.3.1.a.3: Concentration level of tropospheric ozone (O3)
1.3.1.a.4: Concentration level of carbon monoxide (CO)
1.3.1.a.5: Concentration level of sulphur dioxide (SO2)
1.3.1.a.6: Concentration levels of nitrogen oxides (NOX)
1.3.1.a.7: Concentration levels of heavy metals
1.3.1.a.8: Concentration levels of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs)
1.3.1.a.9: Concentration levels of dioxins
1.3.1.a.10: Concentration levels of furans
1.3.1.a.11: Concentration levels of other pollutants [related to energy production and consumption]
1.3.1.a.12: Number of days when maximum allowable levels were exceeded per year
1.3.1.b: Global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases
1.3.1.b.1: Global atmospheric concentration level of carbon dioxide (CO2)
1.3.1.b.2: Global atmospheric concentration level of methane (CH4)
Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.1:
2.2.1.a: Energy resources
Stocks and
2.2.1.a.1: Stocks of commercially recoverable resources
changes of


Sub-component 2.3: Land

Topic 2.3.1:
2.3.1.a: Area under land use categories [related to energy production and consumption]
Land use

Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air

Topic 3.1.1:
3.1.1.a: Total emissions of direct greenhouse gases (GHGs), by gas [related to energy production and
Emissions of
3.1.1.a.1: Carbon dioxide (CO2)
3.1.1.a.2: Methane (CH4)
3.1.1.a.3: Nitrous oxides (N2O)
3.1.1.a.4: Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
3.1.1.a.5: Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
3.1.1.a.6: Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
3.1.1.b: Total emissions of indirect greenhouse gases (GHGs), by gas [related to energy production and
3.1.1.b.1: Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
3.1.1.b.2: Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
3.1.1.b.3: Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NM-VOCs)
3.1.1.b.4: Other
Topic 3.1.3:
3.1.3.a: Emissions of other substances [related to energy production and consumption]
Emissions of
3.1.3.a.1: Particulate matter (PM)
3.1.3.a.2: Heavy metals
3.1.3.a.3: Other
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Topic 3.2.1:
3.2.1.a: Volume of wastewater generated [related to energy production and consumption]
Generation and 3.2.1.b: Pollutant content of wastewater [related to energy production and consumption]
content of
Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste
Topic 3.3.1:
3.3.1.a: Amount of waste generated by source [related to energy production and consumption]
Generation of
3.3.1.b: Amount of waste generated by waste category [related to energy production and consumption]
3.3.1.c: Amount of hazardous waste generated [related to energy production and consumption]
Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters
Topic 4.2.1:
4.2.1.a: Occurrence of technological disasters [related to energy production and consumption]
Occurrence of
4.2.1.a.1: Type of technological disaster
4.2.1.a.2: Location
4.2.1.a.3: Date of occurrence
4.2.1.a.4: Duration
Topic 4.2.2:
4.2.2.a: People affected by technological disasters [related to energy production and consumption]
Impact of
4.2.2.a.1: Number of people killed
4.2.2.a.2: Number of people injured
4.2.2.a.3: Number of people homeless
4.2.2.a.4: Number of people affected
4.2.2.b: Economic losses due to technological disasters [related to energy production and consumption]
4.2.2.c: Physical losses/damages due to technological disasters [related to energy production and
4.2.2.d: Effects of technological disasters on integrity of ecosystems [related to energy production and
4.2.2.d.1: Area affected by technological disasters
4.2.2.d.2: Loss of vegetation cover
4.2.2.d.3: Area of watershed affected
4.2.2.d.4: Other (e.g., for oil spills: volume of oil released into the environment, impact on
4.2.2.e: External assistance received [related to energy production and consumption]
Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.4:
5.1.4.a: Population exposed to air pollution in main cities
Exposure to


Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health

Topic 5.2.1:
5.2.1.a: Airborne diseases and conditions [related to energy production and consumption]
5.2.1.a.1: Incidence
diseases and
5.2.1.a.2: Prevalence
5.2.1.a.3: Mortality
5.2.1.a.4: Loss of work days
5.2.1.a.5: Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms
Topic 5.2.5:
5.2.5.a: Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions [related to energy production
and consumption]
substance- and
5.2.5.a.1: Incidence
5.2.5.a.2: Prevalence
radiation5.2.5.a.3: Loss of work days
related diseases
5.2.5.a.4: Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms
and conditions

Protection and Mitigation Activities

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Topic 6.1.1:
6.1.1.a: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure [related to energy
production and consumption]
6.1.1.a.1: Annual government environmental protection expenditure
protection and
6.1.1.a.2: Annual government resource management expenditure
Topic 6.1.2:
6.1.2.a: Private sector environmental protection and resource management expenditure [related to energy
production and consumption]
6.1.2.a.1: Annual corporate environmental protection expenditure
institution and
6.1.2.a.2: Annual corporate resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.3: Annual non-profit institution environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.4: Annual non-profit institution resource management expenditure
protection and
6.1.2.a.5: Annual household environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.6: Annual household resource management expenditure
Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
Topic 6.2.2:
6.2.2.a: Direct regulation [related to energy production and consumption]
6.2.2.a.1: List of regulated pollutants and description (e.g., by year of adoption and maximum
regulation and
allowable levels)
6.2.2.a.2: Description (e.g., name, year established) of licensing system to ensure compliance with
environmental standards for businesses or other new facilities
6.2.2.a.3: Number of applications for licenses received and approved per year
6.2.2.a.5: Budget and number of staff dedicated to enforcement of environmental regulations
6.2.2.b: Economic instruments [related to energy production and consumption]
6.2.2.b.1: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of green/environmental taxes
6.2.2.b.2: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of environmentally relevant subsidies
6.2.2.b.3: List of eco-labelling and environmental certification programmes
6.2.2.b.4: Emission permits traded
Topic 6.2.3:
6.2.3.a: Participation in MEAs and other global environmental conventions
Participation in
6.2.3.a.1: List and description (e.g., countrys year of participation(a)) of MEAs and other
MEAs and
global environmental conventions [related to energy production and consumption]
(a) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is
achieved through various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval,
formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements
under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management

Topic 6.3.2:
6.3.2.a: National technological disaster preparedness and management systems [related to energy production
and consumption]
6.3.2.a.1: Existence and description (e.g., number of staff) of public disaster management
plans/programmes (and private when available)
6.3.2.a.2: Expenditure on disaster prevention, preparedness, clean-up and rehabilitation


5.3 Climate change


The Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC has affirmed that climate change is one of
the greatest challenges of our time.97 Climate change is a change of climate which is
attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global
atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over
comparable time periods.98 The worlds climate system, including the atmosphere, oceans
and cryosphere, is changing and will continue to change at rates unprecedented in recent
human history. Findings on the scientific basis for climate change suggest that a number
of human-induced alterations of the natural world are involved. These alterations affect
the global energy balance (the balance between incoming energy from the sun and
outgoing heat from the earth) and ultimately lead to climate change.


The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the UNFCCC. Its main
feature is that it sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European
community to reduce GHG emissions, rather than simply encouraging them to attain
these goals, as is the case with the Framework Convention. The targets amount to an
average of five per cent against 1990 levels over the five-year period 2008-2012.99 In
2012, the Doha Amendment (to the Kyoto Protocol) was adopted. This amendment
further contributed to reducing GHG emissions by at least 18 percent below 1990 levels
in the eight years from 2013 to 2020. It also expands the list of GHGs regulated by the
Kyoto Protocol.100 These conventions and protocols involve reporting obligations, which
in turn create additional data requirements and demand for environment statistics.


The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development reaffirmed the preeminence of climate change, expressing alarm about the rise of GHGs globally. In its
outcome document, it called for cooperative action to coordinate effective international
response to this challenge to ensure reduction of the emission of GHGs. It noted that
countries already experience adverse impacts of climate change such as persistent
drought, extreme weather events, sea-level rise and threats to food security. In this
regard, the Conference indicated adaptation to climate change to be an urgent global


The IPCC has developed a sequence of events that describes the complexity of climate
change using a schematic framework (see Figure 5.7). The cross-cutting application of
the FDES is based on this framework.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2011). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in
Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Available from http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2010/cop16/eng/07a01.pdf (accessed 30 July
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992). Available from
https://unfccc.int/files/essential_background/background_publications_htmlpdf/application/pdf/conveng.pdf (accessed 5 August 2015).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2014). Kyoto Protocol. Available from:
http://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830.php (accessed 30 July 2015).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2014). Doha Amendment. Available from:
http://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/doha_amendment/items/7362.php (accessed 31 July 2015).
United Nations (2012). Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want. Available from http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html
(accessed 16 July 2015).


Figure 5.7: Schematic framework representing anthropogenic drivers, impacts of and responses
to climate change, and their linkages102


As seen, climate change occurs through a chain of events and can be observable at all
levels, from local to global. Climate process drivers are GHG emissions associated with
current production and consumption patterns, which depend heavily on fossil fuels for
energy and transportation. These persistently high emissions lead to high atmospheric
CO2 concentrations, which in turn prevent heat from escaping the Earth resulting in
increased temperature and humidity, thus changing climate patterns. The evidence of
global warming and climate change is unequivocal,103 including global temperature rise,
extreme events, sea level rise, shrinking ice sheets and glacial retreat.104 Climate change
evidence refers to the processes that substantiate the occurrence of changing climate
patterns at the global, regional and local levels. Climate change impacts include, among
many others, more intense storms, changes in agricultural productivity, water scarcity and
coral bleaching. Mitigation and adaptation processes are another important part of the
sequence of climate change. Mitigation aims to decrease sources of GHGs, while climate
change adaptation is an adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Available from
http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/syr/en/mainssyr-introduction.html (accessed 31 July 2015).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Available from
http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/syr/en/spms1.html (accessed 31 July 2015).
Evidence of warming oceans, declining arctic sea ice (extent and thickness) and ocean acidification also exists. National Aeronautics and
Space Administration. Global Climate Change. Vital Signs of the Planet. Available from http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ (accessed 31 July


expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial

Climate change mitigation refers to efforts to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions
and may involve using new technologies, incorporating and increasing renewable
energies, making older equipment more energy efficient and changing management
practices or consumer behaviour. Efforts underway around the world range from building
high-tech subway systems to installing bicycling paths and walkways. Protecting natural
carbon sinks like forests and oceans, or creating new sinks through silviculture or green
agriculture, are also elements of mitigation.106 The development and deployment of
renewable energy technologies and more efficient use of renewable energy sources will
play a significant role in mitigation of GHG emissions, thereby presenting important
opportunities to mitigate climate change and contribute to sustainable development.
Harnessing solar and wind energy, production of biofuels through new processes,
enhanced geothermal systems and emerging ocean technologies are some areas of
potential advancement in this regard. Current strategies to foster renewable energies,
including direct regulation and the creation of economic instruments, must also be


Climate change impact and risks associated with climate change are real and are already
evident in many systems and sectors essential for human livelihood, including water
resources, food security, coastal zones and health. Weather patterns have become more
extreme, with more intense and longer events such as droughts, floods and increased
precipitation over many land areas, as well as more hot days and heat waves. Associated
risks include more frequent and dangerous floods and storms, greater stress on water
supplies, decline in agricultural productivity and food security and further spread of
water-related diseases, particularly in tropical areas.


The UNFCCC has identified climate adaptation as a key building block for a coordinated
response to climate change. The IPCC describes adaptation as an adjustment in natural or
human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which
moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.107 Adaptation does not take place in
response to climatic changes in isolation, but instead is a response to a series of events or
to previously existing situations that are exacerbated through climate change. As a
consequence, it can be difficult to determine which aspects of adaptation are driven solely
or partially by climate change, as opposed to other factors not related to climate change.
This makes it difficult and challenging to measure adaptation to climate change
accurately. In addition, few comprehensive studies exist on what adaptation to climate
change entails, as well as the costs and benefits of adaptation measures. Nonetheless,
adaptation is an important and necessary response to climate change and statistics and
methodologies to assess adaptation should be developed.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2013). Glossary of Climate Change Acronyms. Available from
http://unfccc.int/essential_background/glossary/items/3666.php#A (accessed 31 July 2015).
United Nations Environment Programme. Environment for Development - Climate Change Mitigation. Available from
http://www.unep.org/climatechange/mitigation/ (accessed 31 July 2015).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Fourth Assessment Report (2007). Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and
Vulnerability, Cambridge University Press. Available from http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg2/ar4_wg2_full_report.pdf
(accessed 31 July 2015).


Statistics on Climate Change


A scientific approach to climate change must be supported by well structured, relevant,

reliable and timely statistics. Simultaneously, the need for underlying data to inform the
policy aspects of climate change remains a pressing requirement. Given their crosscutting nature, climate change statistics are relevant to a large proportion of the domain
of environment statistics.


The UNECE is working actively with its member countries and other international
organisations to develop climate change-related statistics.108 These efforts primarily
address data that are already collected by statistical offices and can support climate
change-related analysis or research. The work does not focus on scientific data (e.g.,
meteorological data) that measure changes in weather and climate. The CES set up a
Task Force on Climate Change-Related Statistics in November 2011. Its work produced
the CES Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics, which were endorsed
by the CES plenary session in April 2014.109 According to UNECE, climate changerelated statistics refer to environmental, social and economic data that measure the human
causes of climate change, the impacts of climate change on human and natural systems,
and the efforts by humans to avoid and adapt to these consequences.110


The information required to analyse climate change includes economic, social and
environmental aspects. The FDES provides a set of environmental topics and individual
environment statistics that are important when informing any country on climate change.
These statistics should be complemented with both social and economic statistics to
provide a comprehensive set of information.


With regard to determining and apportioning the appropriate environment statistics for
measurement of climate change, it is important to consider a sequence of changes.
Statistics pertaining to the different steps of the sequence depicted in Figure 5.7 are
needed to monitor climate change and observe its impact on different countries and


At present, the availability of relevant statistics in most countries varies across the stages
in the sequence. Data on drivers of climate change, climate change evidence, impacts of
climate change, such as natural extreme events and disasters, and mitigation activities are
all fairly developed. However, other impacts of climate change, such as those on
ecosystems, are more difficult to measure and because changes in the climate are not the
only explanation of those impacts. Despite their importance, vulnerability and adaptation
statistics are still at the early stage of development. Considerable statistical progress is
expected and needed in these two areas in the upcoming years.


United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2014). Climate change-related statistics. Available from
http://www.unece.org/stats/climate.html (accessed 31 July 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2014). Recommendations on Climate Change-Related Statistics. Available from
http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/stats/publications/2014/CES_CC_Recommendations.pdf (accessed 5 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2014). Climate change-related statistics. Available from
http://www.unece.org/stats/climate.html (accessed 31 July 2015).



When compiling statistics on climate change at the national level in a particular country,
it is important to assess relevance, as well as policy and legal aspects. The relevance of
climate change varies by country, given different political dynamics and the countrys
characteristics in terms of carbon intensity and its vulnerability to climate change impact.
Climate change policies also vary by country. For example, specific climate change
strategies and mitigation and adaptation programmes may be in place or the country may
be participating in a programme to mitigate carbon emissions. When preparing climate
change statistics, it is important to first understand the national relevance, conceptual
aspects, existing policies and reporting needs so that the appropriate statistics may be
compiled to inform these policies. Similarly, on the international level, it is important to
understand a countrys participation111 in specific conventions and related MEAs when
preparing climate change statistics.


The impacts of climate change most often manifest locally and vary greatly by location.
As such, spatial considerations must be taken into account when assessing climate change
and spatial aspects must be included in climate change statistics whenever possible. This
enables policy makers and researchers to better determine the impacts from climate
change and the appropriate mitigation strategies.

Application of the FDES to climate change statistics


The following figures provide an example of the application of the FDES to climate
change. Many topics and individual statistics that fall under different components of the
FDES may be used to provide information on the different aspects of climate change. The
following figures 5.8 and 5.9 organize the pertinent sub-components, topics and statistics
of the Basic Set according to the sequence of climate change-related events as per the
IPCC (Figure 5.7), with one modification only those elements that fall under the realm
of environment statistics are addressed under Socio-Economic Development.


The climate change sequence depicted in Figures 5.8 and 5.9 thus contains four boxes
that present the stages of Climate Process Drivers, Climate Change Evidence, Climate
Change Impacts and Vulnerability, and Mitigation and Adaptation.


Figure 5.8 presents the relevant information at the topic level, while Figure 5.9 provides
more details and presents the individual environment statistics which can be used to
assess climate change. Following the figures, an illustrative, non-exhaustive list of other
commonly used indicators, statistics and statistical themes has also been provided for
general reference purposes.


Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved through
various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation, ratification and
succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or treaty are not considered to
be participating.


Figure 5.8: Topics in the FDES that relate to climate change

Climate Process Drivers
Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Air quality

Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air

Emissions of greenhouse gases
Consumption of ozone depleting substances

Climate Change Evidence

Sub-comp. 1.1: Physical Conditions

Sub-comp. 4.1: Natural Extreme

Events and Disasters
Occurrence of natural extreme events
and disasters

Atmosphere, climate and weather
Hydrographical characteristics

Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability

Sub-comp. 1.1:

Sub-comp. 1.2:
Land Cover,
Ecosystems and

Sub-comp. 1.3:

Sub-comp. 2.3:

Sub-comp. 4.1:
Extreme Events
and Disasters

Sub-comp. 5.1:

Sub-comp. 5.2:


Land cover

Marine water

Land use

Impact of natural
extreme events
and disasters




Ecosystems and

Health problems
associated with
excessive UV


Mitigation and Adaptation

Sub-comp. 2.2: Energy

Production, trade and
consumption of energy

Sub-comp. 6.1:
Environmental Protection and
Resource Management
Government environmental
protection and resource
management expenditure
Corporate, non-profit institution
and household environmental
protection and resource
management expenditure

Sub-comp. 6.2:
Environmental Governance
and Regulation

Sub-comp. 6.3: Extreme Event

Preparedness and Disaster

Environmental regulation and

Preparedness for natural extreme
events and disasters

Participation in MEAs and
environmental conventions


Figure 5.9: Climate change statistics in the Core Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics
(Bold Text Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text Tier 2; Italicized Text Tier 3)

Climate Process Drivers

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.1:
Air quality

1.3.1.b: Global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases

1.3.1.b.1 Global atmospheric concentration level of carbon dioxide (CO2)
1.3.1.b.2 Global atmospheric concentration level of methane (CH4)

Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air

Topic 3.1.1:
Emissions of

Topic 3.1.2:
of ozone

3.1.1.a: Total emissions of direct greenhouse gases (GHGs), by gas:

3.1.1.a.1: Carbon dioxide (CO2)
3.1.1.a.2: Methane (CH4)
3.1.1.a.3: Nitrous oxide (N2O)
3.1.1.a.4: Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
3.1.1.a.5: Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
3.1.1.a.6: Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
3.1.1.b: Total emissions of indirect greenhouse gases (GHGs), by gas:
3.1.1.b.1: Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
3.1.1.b.2: Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
3.1.1.b.3: Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NM-VOCs)
3.1.1.b.4: Other
3.1.2.a: Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODSs), by substance:
3.1.2.a.1: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
3.1.2.a.2: Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
3.1.2.a.3: Halons
3.1.2.a.4: Methyl chloroform
3.1.2.a.5: Carbon tetrachloride
3.1.2.a.6: Methyl bromide
3.1.2.a.7: Other

Climate Change Evidence

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.1:
climate and

Topic 1.1.2:

1.1.1.a: Temperature
1.1.1.a.1: Monthly average
1.1.1.a.2: Minimum monthly average
1.1.1.a.3: Maximum monthly average
1.1.1.b: Precipitation (also in 2.6.1.a)
1.1.1.b.1: Annual average
1.1.1.b.2: Long-term annual average
1.1.1.b.3: Monthly average
1.1.1.b.4: Minimum monthly value
1.1.1.b.5: Maximum monthly value
1.1.2.e: Seas
1.1.2.e.4: Sea level

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters

Topic 4.1.1:
Occurrence of
natural extreme
events and

4.1.1.a: Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters

4.1.1.a.1: Type of natural extreme event and disaster (geophysical, meteorological, hydrological,
climatological, biological)
4.1.1.a.2: Location
4.1.1.a.3: Magnitude (where applicable)
4.1.1.a.4: Date of occurrence
4.1.1.a.5: Duration


Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.2:

Topic 1.1.4:

1.1.2.a: Lakes
1.1.2.a.1: Surface area
1.1.2.a.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.b: Rivers and streams
1.1.2.b.1: Length
1.1.2.c: Artificial reservoirs
1.1.2.c.1: Surface area
1.1.2.c.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.e: Seas
1.1.2.e.5: Area of sea ice
1.1.2.g: Glaciers
1.1.4.b: Soil degradation
1.1.4.b.2: Area affected by desertification

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Topic 1.2.1:
Land cover
Topic 1.2.2:

Topic 1.2.3:

1.2.1.a: Area under land cover categories

1.2.2.a: General ecosystem characteristics, extent and pattern
1.2.2.a.1: Area of ecosystems
1.2.2.b: Ecosystems chemical and physical characteristics
1.2.2.b.2: Carbon
1.2.2.c: Biodiversity
1.2.2.c.1: Known flora and fauna species
1.2.2.c.2: Endemic flora and fauna species
1.2.2.c.3: Invasive alien flora and fauna species
1.2.2.c.4: Species population
1.2.2.c.5: Habitat fragmentation
1.2.3.a: Forest area
1.2.3.a.1: Total
1.2.3.a.2: Natural
1.2.3.a.3: Planted
1.2.3.a.4: Protected forest area (also in 1.2.2.d)
1.2.3.a.5: Forest area affected by fire
1.2.3.b: Forest biomass
1.2.3.b.1: Total
1.2.3.b.2: Carbon storage in living forest biomass

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality

Topic 1.3.3:
Marine water

1.3.3.b: Organic matter

1.3.3.b.1: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1.3.3.b.2: Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1.3.3.f: Physical and chemical characteristics [of marine water bodies]
1.3.3.f.1: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
1.3.3.f.2: Temperature
1.3.3.f.3: Total suspended solids (TSS)
1.3.3.f.4: Salinity
1.3.3.f.5: Dissolved oxygen (DO)
1.3.3.f.6: Density
1.3.3.g: Coral bleaching
1.3.3.g.1: Area affected by coral bleaching

Sub-component 2.3: Land

Topic 2.3.1:
Land use
Topic 2.3.2:
Use of forest

2.3.1.a: Area under land use categories

2.3.2.a: Use of forest land
2.3.2.a.1: Area deforested
2.3.2.a.2: Area reforested
2.3.2.a.3: Area afforested
2.3.2.a.4: Natural growth


Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters

Topic 4.1.2:
Impact of
natural extreme
events and

4.1.2.a: People affected by natural extreme events and disasters

4.1.2.a.1: Number of people killed
4.1.2.a.2: Number of people injured
4.1.2.a.3: Number of people homeless
4.1.2.a.4: Number of people affected
4.1.2.b: Economic losses due to natural extreme events and disasters
4.1.2.c: Physical losses/damages due to natural extreme events and disasters
4.1.2.d: Effects of natural extreme events and disasters on integrity of ecosystems
4.1.2.d.1: Area affected by natural disasters
4.1.2.d.2: Loss of vegetation cover
4.1.2.d.3: Area of watershed affected
4.1.2.d.4: Other

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements

Topic 5.1.3:

5.1.3.c: Population living in hazard-prone areas

5.1.3.d: Hazard-prone areas

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health

Topic 5.2.3:

Topic 5.2.4:
associated with
excessive UV

5.2.3.a: Vector-borne diseases

5.2.3.a.1: Incidence
5.2.3.a.2: Prevalence
5.2.3.a.3: Mortality
5.2.3.a.4: Loss of work days
5.2.3.a.5: Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms
5.2.4.a: Problems associated with excessive UV radiation exposure
5.2.4.a.1: Incidence
5.2.4.a.2: Prevalence
5.2.4.a.3: Loss of work days
5.2.4.a.4: Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms

Mitigation and Adaptation

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.2:
trade and
consumption of

2.2.2.a: Production of energy

2.2.2.a.3: Production from renewable sources

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure

Topic 6.1.1:
protection and
Topic 6.1.2:
institution and
protection and

6.1.1.a: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure [on climate change
mitigation activities]
6.1.1.a.1: Annual government environmental protection expenditure
6.1.1.a.2: Annual government resource management expenditure

6.1.2.a: Private sector environmental protection and resource management expenditure [on climate change
mitigation activities]
6.1.2.a.1: Annual corporate environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.2: Annual corporate resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.3: Annual non-profit institution environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.4: Annual non-profit institution resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.5: Annual household environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.6: Annual household resource management expenditure

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation

Topic 6.2.2:

6.2.2.a: Direct regulation

6.2.2.a.1: List of regulated pollutants and description (e.g., by year of adoption and maximum


regulation and

Topic 6.2.3:
Participation in
MEAs and
other global

allowable levels) [related to climate change]

6.2.2.a.2: Description (e.g., name, year established) of licensing system to ensure compliance with
environmental standards for businesses or other new facilities [related to climate change]
6.2.2.a.3: Number of applications for licences received and approved per year [related to climate
6.2.2.a.4: List of quotas for biological resource extraction
6.2.2.a.5: Budget and number of staff dedicated to enforcement of environmental regulations
[related to climate change]
6.2.2.b: Economic instruments [related to climate change]
6.2.2.b.1: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of green/environmental taxes
6.2.2.b.2: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of environmentally relevant subsidies
6.2.2.b.3: List of eco-labelling and environmental certification programmes
6.2.2.b.4: Emission permits traded
6.2.3.a: Participation in MEAs and other global environmental conventions
6.2.3.a.1: List and description (e.g., countrys year of participation(a)) of MEAs and other global
environment conventions [related to climate change]

(a) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is
achieved through various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval,
formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements
under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management

Topic 6.3.1:
for natural
extreme events
and disasters

6.3.1.a: National natural extreme event and disaster preparedness and management systems
6.3.1.a.1: Existence of national disaster plans/programmes
6.3.1.a.2: Description (e.g., number of staff) of national disaster plans/programmes


5.4 Agriculture and the Environment


Agriculture is essential to sustaining livelihoods, securing food production and providing

income. Agriculture is an environment-dependent activity that involves the use of
ecosystem goods and services, and environmental resources such as land, soil resources,
water resources and energy resources. Agriculture is the largest water consumer in the


Sustainable agricultural production contributes to long-term food security. The promotion

and support of sustainable agriculture that conserves land, water, biodiversity and
ecosystems, while enhancing resilience to climate change and natural disasters, has been
agreed upon internationally, as has the need to maintain natural ecological processes.113


Large scale or intensive agriculture requires the increasing use of chemicals,

infrastructure and machinery. In its effort to improve crop production, agriculture has
become an industry which uses more and more anthropogenic inputs in the form of
chemical fertilizers, pesticides and modified genetic material. Changes to soil chemistry
through fertilizer and pesticide applications, as well as alteration of ecosystems and biota
through introduction of genetic material, all influence the health and well-being of
humans and other living beings. Agricultural infrastructure (e.g., access roads and
networks for delivery of products), immovable irrigation infrastructure, dam construction
for access to water resources, as well as wind and solar energy infrastructure for
exploiting groundwater resources, all contribute to changes in the ecosystems.


Many advances in conventional agricultural production in recent decades have been

realised with little or no regard for biodiversity. Modern agricultural practices, which
intensify a given crop's production yields, have led to gross simplification of agricultural
systems and biodiversity resulting in an increasing need to conserve existing biodiversity.
This has generated substantial efforts to develop holistic approaches to agricultural
management including, for example, organic farming and integrated pest management.
These are now very recognized practices in many parts of the world and can reduce the
environmental impact of farming significantly.


The increased use of GMOs in modern agriculture has had some negative impact on
biodiversity, although higher-yielding, pesticide-resistant, genetically modified crops
may also reduce GHG emissions. More and better monitoring data are needed to assess
these effects.


Agriculture both contributes to and is seriously influenced by climate change. It creates

GHG emissions by decreasing carbon sinks (via deforestation and wetland conversion),
contributes to methane emissions (via rice cultivation and ruminant livestock), releases


United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (2014). World Water Assessment Programme. Available from:
http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/water/wwap/facts-and-figures/all-facts-wwdr3/fact2-agricultural-use/ (accessed 31
July 2015).
United Nations (2012). Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want. Available from http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html
(accessed 16 July 2015).


nitrous oxide through nitrogen fertilizers, and emits CO2 via machinery and transport. In
turn, as a result of climate change, agriculture faces changes in water availability,
increased exposure to heat stress, changed distribution of pests and diseases, increased
leaching of nutrients from soil, greater soil erosion from stronger winds and rainfall, and
an increased frequency of wildfires.

On the other hand, agriculture also provides opportunities to tackle climate change. This
can take three forms: a) decreasing GHG emissions via improved agricultural
management of livestock and rice cultivation; b) improving the carbon sink function of
agricultural soils and of vegetation on agricultural land; and c) contributing to the
development of renewable energy sources via agricultural biomass, e.g., from manure or
crop residues.


Flows and balances of nutrients and their contribution to soil fertility are critical to
agricultural production. Overall, human society has more than doubled the worldwide
terrestrial cycling of nitrogen and phosphorous and has created an imbalance in these
nutrients. This is leading to environmental problems such as soil degradation and loss of
soil fertility. Improving nutrient efficiency in crop and animal production is integral to
mitigating this problem.


Regarding livestock production, growth and productivity gains are frequently achieved
through the use of antibiotics, hormones, genetic material and intensive feeding practices
on pasture, rangeland and feedlots. Bacteria in poultry litter, veterinary antibiotics, antiparasitic medicines and hormones are just a fraction of the contaminants introduced into
the environment through livestock production. The cumulative effect of releases from
livestock production and agriculture creates a pressing need to monitor the environmental
consequences. However, there are still many rangeland systems that make positive
contributions to biodiversity and landscapes.

Application of the FDES to agriculture and the environment


In this cross-cutting issue, the scope of agriculture is set out according to groups 011
through 016 in ISIC Rev. 4, which comprise crop and animal production.114 Although the
scope is restricted to these contents, using the pattern applied below, similar exercises
may be conducted for forestry, aquaculture and agro-industrial activities and their
relationship to the environment.


Figure 5.10 is a schematic presentation of the relationship between agriculture and the
environment. It also helps to illustrate how the FDES can be applied to study these

United Nations Statistics Division (2008). International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4.
Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/isic-4.asp (accessed 16 July 2015).


Figure 5.10: The relationship between agriculture and the environment

Environmental Conditions and Quality

Environmental Resources and their Use

Events and

Agricultural Production

Inputs to

Environmental Changes
Changes in Quality


Changes in Quantity

Changes in Physical
Conditions and
Disruption of
Ecological Functions

Human Settlements and

Environmental Health


Environmental conditions and quality (FDES Component 1) largely determine the

agricultural potential of a country. These environmental conditions (such as climate and
weather, hydrological conditions, terrain, soil types and fertility levels) actually provide
the basic ecological foundation for agriculture.


Agricultural production uses environmental resources (FDES Component 2) such as land,

soil resources, water resources and energy resources. The resources are modified both
qualitatively and quantitatively. For example, water may become polluted and overused,
or nutrients from soil may be depleted and require replenishment by artificial means.
Other natural inputs and processes are also necessary to produce crops and livestock
namely, the permanent flux of solar luminescence, photosynthesis and a wide range of
other ecosystem services. Additionally, manufactured inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides
and other agrochemicals (for crops), antibiotics and hormones (for livestock) are also
used in agricultural production and released to the environment.


Different farming methods such as traditional, extensive, monoculture or organic may be

used to produce different types of crops and livestock (FDES Component 2). Therefore,
the intake of resources and agrochemicals, as well as the residuals, could be more or less

sustainable, depending on the state, conditions and resilience of surrounding

environments. Monitoring yields and their changes through time and space provides
additional information to assess the sustainability and health of ecosystems.

Agricultural processes generate different kinds of residuals (FDES Component 3).

Emissions to water occur from the use of agrochemicals. Agricultural emissions to air
and atmosphere resulting from land use change associated with agriculture (i.e.,
deforestation), the use of fossil fuels for energy and transportation in agriculture, and
livestock digestive functions (methane) are also important, particularly in terms of
contributing to climate change. Agriculture can also emit ODSs, particularly methyl
bromide, into the environment. It is known to be used as a soil and structural fumigant to
control pests in many countries. The application of and the residuals from agricultural
substances, such as fertilizers and pesticides are an environmental health concern.
Residuals in soil from the use of agrochemicals play an important role in determining its
quality, productive capacity and pollution levels.


Agricultural waste is composed, to a great extent, of organic materials such as harvest

remains from grain, oilseed, vegetable and orchard crops. It also includes manure and
animal output, in solid or liquid form, from livestock operations. Organic waste is a
resource whenever it is reused or recycled, for example, to produce organic fertilizer
from biomass and manure. Other examples of solid waste include empty pesticide and
fertilizer containers, old silage wrap, expired pesticides, medicines, used oil, gasoline and
diesel containers, and used tyres.


Extreme events and natural disasters (FDES Component 4) can also affect environmental
resource stocks and, therefore, their use, as well as the production and yields of
agriculture and livestock. More intensive droughts, floods, landslides, hurricanes and
storms impact the state of the environment and the ecological functions that support
agriculture. They can severely affect soil, land and biological resources to be used or
already in use, as well as the productivity of these environmental resources. Extreme
events and disasters can directly affect the soil and land under crops or pastures, and can
also affect the water cycle and critical watersheds. They can impact relevant
infrastructure and even damage crops and livestock, depending on the intensity, duration
and nature of the extreme event and disaster, the ecosystems resilience and societys
preparedness and response.


Overall, agricultural activities change the environment. They can transform ecosystems
and physical conditions (FDES Component 1) via irrigation, drainage, deforestation, and
the use of fertilizers and pesticides. They modify the quality and quantity of
environmental resources (FDES Component 2) being used or to be used in the future,
depending on the type and extent of the agricultural activities and the resilience of the
environment. These changes may be qualitative and quantitative in nature. Qualitative
transformation becomes an environmental issue when it concerns pollution, i.e., the
biological and chemical pollution of water and the eutrophication of rivers, lakes and
seas, the pollution of soil or its degradation particularly in specific sites and zones, and
the air and atmospheric pollution already described under residuals. Quantitative changes

include considerable land use changes (e.g., loss of natural ecosystems such as forest to
pastures and crops), increased or new water stress, overuse and depletion of water, and
contribution to soil erosion and degradation. Finally, agriculture may lead to changes in
physical conditions such as temperature, humidity and precipitation from climate change,
and disruptions of ecological functions such as biodiversity loss (terrestrial and aquatic)
around agricultural areas and the introduction of invasive species.

These changes in the environment will also affect human environmental health (FDES
Component 5). Of particular importance are human health problems related to toxic
substance exposure. The use of toxic substances in agriculture, such as those in pesticides
(fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and rodenticides) and their potential appearance in
food, air or water, are important environmental and health concerns.


Information on societys responses aimed at protecting, managing and restoring

environmental resources (water resources, energy resources, soil resources and land) and
at reducing the negative environmental impacts of agricultural activities is important
(FDES Component 6). The relevant information about environmental protection
expenditure, economic measures, actions and programmes aimed at protecting and
restoring soil and water functions to sustainable levels, as well as promoting organic and
sustainable agriculture, cleaner energy production and efficiency in agriculture, is
significant. These social efforts can diminish the negative impacts and effects of
agriculture on the environment and human health. Depending on the magnitude of
impacts over time and across space, they could even restore the environmental quality
and conditions and ensure the sustainable use of environmental resources.


The statistical description of the relationship between agriculture and the environment
brings together statistical topics and statistics from all components of the FDES. In
addition, supporting statistics are needed that are commonly available from agricultural,
economic and social statistics. Geospatial statistics and GIS are playing an increasing role
in complementing traditional data in this area.


In the figures below, the FDES has been applied specifically to organize the relevant
environment statistics needed to inform about issues related to agriculture and the
environment. Figures 5.11 and 5.12 illustrate how the contents of the FDES and its Core
Set and Basic Set of Environment Statistics can be used to select and relate its relevant
parts to properly describe the relationship between agriculture and the environment.


Figures 5.11 and 5.12 are based on the sequence scheme relating agriculture and the
environment as depicted in Figure 5.10. They present the FDES components, subcomponents, topics and environment statistics that are considered necessary to inform
about this cross-cutting issue. Figure 5.11 presents the key information to describe the
relationship between agriculture and the environment down to the topic level. Figure 5.12
presents the individual statistics of the Basic Set of Environment Statistics, organized
under the different topics and components of the FDES, in a way that disaggregates the
topics of Figure 5.10 to the most detailed level possible. At the end of this analysis of the
relationship between agriculture and the environment, several commonly used agri243

environmental indicators (AEIs) are presented to illustrate those that can be constructed
with the selected environment statistics.


Figure 5.11: Topics in the FDES that relate to agriculture and the environment
Environmental Conditions and Quality
Sub-comp. 1.1: Physical Conditions

Sub-comp. 1.2: Land Cover,

Ecosystems and Biodiversity
1.2.1 Land cover
1.2.2 Ecosystems and biodiversity

1.1.1 Atmosphere, climate and weather

1.1.2 Hydrographical characteristics
1.1.4 Soil characteristics

Events and

Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-comp. 4.1:
Natural Extreme
Events and Disasters
4.1.2 Impact of natural
extreme events and
Sub-comp. 4.2:
4.2.2 Impact of
technological disasters

Sub-comp. 2.2
Energy Resources

Sub-comp. 2.3:

2.2.2 Production,
trade and
consumption of

2.3.1 Land use

Sub-comp. 2.5:
2.5.3 Crops
2.5.4 Livestock

Sub-comp. 2.6:
Water Resources
2.6.1 Water resources
2.6.2 Abstraction, use
and returns of water

Inputs to
Sub-comp. 2.5:
2.5.3 Crops
2.5.4 Livestock

Agricultural Production
Sub-comp. 2.5: Biological Resources
2.5.3 Crops
2.5.4 Livestock

Sub-comp. 3.1:
Emissions to Air

3.1.1 Emissions of
greenhouse gases
3.1.2 Consumption
of ozone depleting
3.1.3 Emissions of
other substances

Sub-comp. 3.2
Generation and
Management of
3.2.1 Generation
and pollutant
content of
3.2.3 Discharge of
wastewater to the

Sub-comp. 3.3
Generation and
Management of
3.3.1 Generation of

Sub-comp. 3.4
Release of Chemical
3.4.1 Release of
chemical substances

Environmental Changes
Changes in Quality
Sub-comp. 1.3:
Environmental Quality
1.3.2 Freshwater quality
1.3.3 Marine water quality
1.3.4 Soil pollution

Changes in Quantity
Sub-comp. 1.1:
Physical Conditions
1.1.4 Soil

Changes in Physical Conditions and Disruption

of Ecological Functions

Sub-comp. 2.3: Land

2.3.1 Land use

Sub-comp. 1.1:
Physical Conditions
1.1.1 Atmosphere,
climate and weather

Sub-comp. 1.2: Land Cover,

Ecosystems and Biodiversity
1.2.2 Ecosystems and

Sub-comp. 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management
6.1.1 Government environmental protection and resource management
6.1.2 Corporate, non-profit institution and household environmental
protection and resource management expenditure
Sub-comp. 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation
6.2.2 Environmental regulation and instruments
6.2.3 Participation in MEAs and environmental conventions
Sub-comp. 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness
6.4.2 Environmental education
6.4.3 Environmental perception and awareness
6.4.4 Environmental engagement

Human Settlements and Environmental

Sub-comp. 5.1: Human Settlements
5.1.1 Urban and rural population
Sub-comp. 5.2: Environmental Health
5.2.5 Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and


Figure 5.12: Agriculture and the environment, statistics in the Basic Set and Core Set of
Environment Statistics
Environmental Conditions and Quality
Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.1:
climate and

Topic 1.1.2:

Topic 1.1.4:

1.1.1.a: Temperature
1.1.1.a.1: Monthly average
1.1.1.a.2: Minimum monthly average
1.1.1.a.3: Maximum monthly average
1.1.1.b: Precipitation (also in 2.6.1.a)
1.1.1.b.1: Annual average
1.1.1.b.2: Long-term annual average
1.1.1.b.3: Monthly average
1.1.1.b.4: Minimum monthly value
1.1.1.b.5: Maximum monthly value
1.1.1.c: Relative humidity
1.1.1.c.1: Minimum monthly value
1.1.1.c.2: Maximum monthly value
1.1.1.f: Solar radiation
1.1.1.f.1: Average daily value
1.1.1.f.2: Average monthly value
1.1.1.f.3: Number of hours of sunshine
1.1.2.a: Lakes
1.1.2.a.1: Surface area
1.1.2.a.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.b: Rivers and streams
1.1.2.b.1: Length
1.1.2.c: Artificial reservoirs
1.1.2.c.1: Surface area
1.1.2.c.2: Maximum depth
1.1.2.d: Watersheds
1.1.2.d.1: Description of main watersheds
1.1.2.f: Aquifers
1.1.4.a: Soil characterization
1.1.4.a.1: Area of soil types
1.1.4.b: Soil degradation
1.1.4.b.1: Area affected by soil erosion
1.1.4.b.2: Area affected by desertification
1.1.4.b.3: Area affected by salinization
1.1.4.b.4: Area affected by waterlogging
1.1.4.b.5: Area affected by acidification
1.1.4.b.6: Area affected by compaction
1.1.4.c: Nutrient content of soil, measured in levels of:
1.1.4.c.1: Nitrogen (N)
1.1.4.c.2: Phosphorous (P)
1.1.4.c.3: Calcium (Ca)
1.1.4.c.4: Magnesium (Mg)
1.1.4.c.5: Potassium (K)
1.1.4.c.6: Zinc (Zn)

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Topic 1.2.1:
Land cover
Topic 1.2.2:

1.2.1.a.: Area under land cover categories

1.2.2.a: General ecosystem characteristics, extent and pattern
1.2.2.a.1: Area of ecosystems
1.2.2.a.2: Proximity of ecosystem to urban areas and cropland


Environmental Resource Use

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Topic 2.2.2:
trade and
consumption of

2.2.2.c: Final consumption of energy [for agriculture]

Sub-component 2.3: Land

Topic 2.3.1:
Land use

2.3.1.a: Area under land use categories

2.3.1.b: Other aspects of land use
2.3.1.b.1: Area of land under organic farming
2.3.1.b.2: Area of land under irrigation
2.3.1.b.4: Area of land under agroforestry
2.3.1.c: Land ownership

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources

Topic 2.5.3:

Topic 2.5.4:

2.5.3.a: Main annual and perennial crops

2.5.3.a.1: Area planted
2.5.3.a.2: Area harvested
2.5.3.a.3: Amount produced
2.5.3.a.4: Amount of organic production
2.5.3.a.5: Amount of genetically modified crops produced
2.5.3.b: Amount used of:
2.5.3.b.1: Natural fertilizers (e.g., manure, compost, lime) (also in 3.4.1.a)
2.5.3.b.2: Chemical fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
2.5.3.b.3: Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)
2.5.3.b.4: Genetically modified seeds
2.5.3.c: Monoculture/resource-intensive farming systems
2.5.3.c.1: Area being used for production
2.5.3.c.2: Amount produced
2.5.3.c.3: Amount of genetically modified crops produced
2.5.3.d: Imports of crops
2.5.3.e: Exports of crops
2.5.4.a: Livestock
2.5.4.a.1: Number of live animals
2.5.4.a.2: Number of animals slaughtered
2.5.4.b: Amount used of:
2.5.4.b.1: Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
2.5.4.b.2: Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)
2.5.4.c: Imports of livestock
2.5.4.d: Exports of livestock

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources

Topic 2.6.1:

Topic 2.6.2:
use and returns
of water

2.6.1.a: Inflow of water to inland water resources

2.6.1.a.1: Precipitation (also in 1.1.1.b)
2.6.1.b: Outflow of water from inland water resources
2.6.1.b.1: Evapotranspiration
2.6.1.c: Inland water stocks
2.6.1.c.1: Surface water stocks in artificial reservoirs
2.6.1.c.2: Surface water stocks in lakes
2.6.1.c.3: Surface water stocks in rivers and streams
2.6.1.c.4: Surface water stocks in wetlands
2.6.1.c.5: Surface water stocks in snow, ice and glaciers
2.6.1.c.6: Groundwater stocks
2.6.2.a: Total water abstraction [for agriculture]
2.6.2.b: Water abstraction from surface water [for agriculture]
2.6.2.c: Water abstraction from groundwater [for agriculture]
2.6.2.c.1: From renewable groundwater resources
2.6.2.c.2: From non-renewable groundwater resources
2.6.2.d: Water abstracted for own use [for agriculture]
2.6.2.e: Water abstracted for distribution [for agriculture]


2.6.2.f: Desalinated water [for agriculture]

2.6.2.g: Reused water [for agriculture]
2.6.2.h: Water use [for agriculture]
2.6.2.i: Rainwater collection [for agriculture]
2.6.2.j: Water abstraction from the sea [for agriculture]
2.6.2.k: Losses during transport [for agriculture]
2.6.2.l: Exports of water [for agriculture]
2.6.2.m: Imports of water [for agriculture]
2.6.2.n: Returns of water [for agriculture]

Inputs to Agriculture from Economy

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.3:

Topic 2.5.4:

2.5.3.b: Amount used of:

2.5.3.b.1: Natural fertilizers (e.g., manure, compost, lime) (also in 3.4.1.a)
2.5.3.b.2: Chemical fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
2.5.3.b.3: Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)
2.5.3.b.4: Genetically modified seeds
2.5.4.b: Amount used of:
2.5.4.b.1: Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
2.5.4.b.2: Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)

Agricultural Production
Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Topic 2.5.3:

Topic 2.5.4:

2.5.3.a: Main annual and perennial crops

2.5.3.a.1: Area planted
2.5.3.a.2: Area harvested
2.5.3.a.3: Amount produced
2.5.3.a.4: Amount of organic production
2.5.3.a.5: Amount of genetically modified crops produced
2.5.3.c: Monoculture/resource-intensive farming systems
2.5.3.c.1: Area being used for production
2.5.3.c.2: Amount produced
2.5.3.c.3: Amount of genetically modified crops produced
2.5.4.a: Livestock
2.5.4.a.1: Number of live animals
2.5.4.a.2: Number of animals slaughtered

Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air
Topic 3.1.1:
Emissions of
Topic 3.1.2:
of ozone
Topic 3.1.3:
Emissions of

3.1.1.a: Total emissions of direct greenhouse gases (GHGs), by gas [from agriculture]:
3.1.1.a.1: Carbon dioxide (CO2)
3.1.1.a.2: Methane (CH4)
3.1.2.a: Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODSs), by substance [by agriculture]:
3.1.2.a.6: Methyl bromide

3.1.3.a: Emissions of other substances [from agriculture]:

3.1.1.a.1: Particulate matter (PM)
3.1.1.a.2: Heavy metals
3.1.1.a.3: Other

Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater

Topic 3.2.1:
Generation and
content of

3.2.1.a: Volume of wastewater generated [from agriculture]

3.2.1.b: Pollutant content of wastewater [from agriculture]


Topic 3.2.3:
Discharge of
wastewater to

3.2.3.a: Wastewater discharge [from agriculture]

3.2.3.a.1: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment after treatment
3.2.3.a.2: Total volume of wastewater discharged to the environment without treatment
3.2.3.b: Pollutant content of discharged wastewater [from agriculture]

Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste

Topic 3.3.1:
Generation of

3.3.1.a: Amount of waste generated by source [by agriculture]

3.3.1.b: Amount of waste generated by waste category [by agriculture]
3.3.1.c: Amount of hazardous waste generated [by agriculture]

Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances

Topic 3.4.1:
Release of

3.4.1.a: Total amount of fertilizers used (also in 2.5.1.b and 2.5.3.b) [by agriculture]
3.4.1.b: Total amount of pesticides used (also in 2.5.1.b and 2.5.3.b) [by agriculture]
3.4.1.c: Total amount of pellets used (also in 2.5.2.e) [by agriculture]
3.4.1.d: Total amount of hormones used (also in 2.5.2.e and 2.5.4.b) [by agriculture]
3.4.1.e: Total amount of colourants used (also in 2.5.2.e) [by agriculture]
3.4.1.f: Total amount of antibiotics used (also in 2.5.2.e and 2.5.4.b) [by agriculture]

Environmental Changes
Changes in Quality
Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Topic 1.3.2:

Topic 1.3.3:
Marine water

1.3.2.a: Nutrients and chlorophyll

1.3.2.a.1: Concentration level of nitrogen
1.3.2.a.2: Concentration level of phosphorous
1.3.2.a.3: Concentration level of chlorophyll A
1.3.2.b: Organic matter
1.3.2.b.1: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1.3.2.b.2: Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1.3.2.c: Pathogens
1.3.2.c.1: Concentration levels of faecal coliforms
1.3.2.d: Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium)
1.3.2.d.1: Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
1.3.2.d.2: Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
1.3.2.e: Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1.3.2.e.1: Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
1.3.2.e.2: Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
1.3.2.f: Physical and chemical characteristics
1.3.2.f.1: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
1.3.2.f.2: Temperature
1.3.2.f.3: Total suspended solids (TSS)
1.3.2.f.4: Salinity
1.3.2.f.5: Dissolved oxygen (DO)
1.3.3.a: Nutrients and chlorophyll
1.3.3.a.1: Concentration level of nitrogen
1.3.3.a.2: Concentration level of phosphorous
1.3.3.a.3: Concentration level of chlorophyll A
1.3.3.b: Organic matter
1.3.3.b.1: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
1.3.3.b.2: Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1.3.3.c: Pathogens
1.3.3.c.1: Concentration levels of faecal coliforms in recreational marine waters
1.3.3.d: Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium)
1.3.3.d.1: Concentration levels in sediment and marine water
1.3.3.d.2: Concentration levels in marine organisms
1.3.3.e: Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides, furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1.3.3.e.1: Concentration levels in sediment and marine water
1.3.3.e.2: Concentration levels in marine organisms
1.3.3.f: Physical and chemical characteristics
1.3.3.f.1: pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
1.3.3.f.2: Temperature
1.3.3.f.3: Total suspended solids (TSS)


1.3.3.f.4: Salinity
1.3.3.f.5: Dissolved oxygen (DO)
1.3.3.f.6: Density
1.3.3.g: Coral bleaching
1.3.3.g.1: Area affected by coral bleaching
1.3.3.i: Red tide
134.3.i.1: Occurrence
1.3.3.i.2: Impacted area
1.3.3.i.3: Duration
1.3.4.a: Sites affected by pollution
1.3.4.a.1: Contaminated sites
1.3.4.a.2: Potentially contaminated sites
1.3.4.a.3: Remediated sites
1.3.4.a.4: Other sites

Topic 1.3.4:
Soil pollution

Changes in Quantity
Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Topic 1.1.4:

1.1.4.b: Soil degradation

1.1.4.b.1: Area affected by soil erosion
1.1.4.b.2: Area affected by desertification
1.1.4.b.3: Area affected by salinization
1.1.4.b.4: Area affected by waterlogging
1.1.4.b.5: Area affected by acidification
1.1.4.b.6: Area affected by compaction
1.1.4.c: Nutrient content of soil, measured in levels of:
1.1.4.c.1: Nitrogen (N)
1.1.4.c.2: Phosphorous (P)
1.1.4.c.5: Potassium (K)

Sub-component 2.3: Land

Topic 2.3.1:
Land use

2.3.1.a: Area under land use categories

Changes in Physical Conditions and Disruption of Ecological Functions

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Topic 1.2.2:

1.2.2.c: Biodiversity
1.2.3.c.1: Known flora and fauna species
1.2.3.c.2: Endemic flora and fauna species
1.2.3.c.3: Invasive alien flora and fauna species
1.2.3.c.4: Species population
1.2.3.c.5: Habitat fragmentation

Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Topic 5.1.1:
Urban and

5.1.1.b: Population living in rural areas

5.1.1.d: Total rural area

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health

Topic 5.2.5:
substance- and
radiationrelated diseases
and conditions

5.2.5.a: Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions [agrochemical-related only]
5.2.5.a.1: Incidence
5.2.5.a.2: Prevalence

Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters
Topic 4.1.2:
Impact of

4.1.2.b: Economic losses due to natural extreme events and disasters (e.g., damage to buildings,
transportation networks, loss of revenue for businesses, utility disruption) [adjacent to agriculture]


natural extreme
events and

4.1.2.c: Physical losses/damages due to natural extreme events and disasters (e.g., area and amount of crops,
livestock, aquaculture, biomass) [adjacent to agriculture]
4.1.2.d: Effects of natural extreme events and disasters on integrity of ecosystems
4.1.2.d.1: Area affected by natural disasters [adjacent to agriculture]
4.1.2.d.2: Loss of vegetation cover [adjacent to agriculture]
4.1.2.d.3: Area of watershed affected
4.1.2.d.4: Other

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters

Topic 4.2.2:
Impact of

4.2.2.b: Economic losses due to technological disasters (e.g., damage to buildings, transportation networks,
loss of revenue for businesses, utility disruption) [adjacent to agriculture]
4.2.2.c: Physical losses/damages due to technological disasters (e.g., area and amount of crops, livestock,
aquaculture, biomass) [adjacent to agriculture]
4.2.2.d: Effects of technological disasters on integrity of ecosystems
4.2.2.d.1: Area affected by technological disasters [adjacent to agriculture]
4.2.2.d.2: Loss of vegetation cover [adjacent to agriculture]
4.2.2.d.3: Area of watershed affected
4.2.2.d.4: Other (e.g., for oil spills: volume of oil released into the environment, impact on

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Topic 6.1.1:
protection and
Topic 6.1.2:
Corporate, nonprofit
institution and
protection and

6.1.1.a: Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure [only in agriculture]
6.1.1.a.1: Annual government environmental protection expenditure
6.1.1.a.2: Annual government resource management expenditure

6.1.2.a: Private sector environmental protection and resource management expenditure [only in agriculture]
6.1.2.a.1: Annual corporate environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.2: Annual corporate resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.3: Annual non-profit institution environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.4: Annual non-profit institution resource management expenditure
6.1.2.a.5: Annual household environmental protection expenditure
6.1.2.a.6: Annual household resource management expenditure

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation

Topic 6.2.2:
regulation and

Topic 6.2.3:
Participation in
MEAs and

6.2.2.a: Direct regulation [related to agriculture]

6.2.2.a.1: List of regulated pollutants and description (e.g., by year of adoption and maximum
allowable levels)
6.2.2.a.2: Description (e.g., name, year established) of licensing system to ensure compliance with
environmental standards for businesses or other new facilities
6.2.2.a.3: Number of applications for licences received and approved per year
6.2.2.a.4: List of quotas for biological resource extraction
6.2.2.a.5: Budget and number of staff dedicated to enforcement of environmental regulations
6.2.2.b: Economic instruments [related to agriculture]
6.2.2.b.1: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of green/environmental taxes
6.2.2.b.2: List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of environmentally relevant subsidies
6.2.2.b.3: List of eco-labelling and environmental certification programmes
6.2.2.b.4: Emission permits traded
6.2.3.a: Participation in MEAs and other global environmental conventions
6.2.3.a.1: List and description (e.g., countrys year of participation(a)) of MEAs and other global
environmental conventions [related to agriculture only; desertification and POPs]

(a) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved through various
means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or
areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.


Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness

Topic 6.4.2:

Topic 6.4.3:
perception and
Topic 6.4.4:

6.4.2.a: Environmental education [related to food/health from agriculture, and/or organic and sustainable
6.4.2.a.1: Allocation of resources by central and local authorities for environmental education
6.4.2.a.2: Number and description of environmental education programmes in schools
6.4.2.a.3: Number of students pursuing environment-related higher education (e.g., science,
management, education, engineering)
6.4.3.a: Public environmental perception and awareness [related to food/health from agriculture, and/or
organic and sustainable agriculture]
6.4.3.a.1: Knowledge and attitudes about environmental issues or concerns
6.4.3.a.2: Knowledge and attitudes about environmental policies
6.4.4.a: Environmental engagement [related to food/health from agriculture, and/or organic and sustainable
6.4.4.a.1: Existence of pro-environmental NGOs (number of NGOs and their respective human and
financial resources)
6.4.4.a.2: Number of pro-environmental activities
6.4.4.a.3: Number of pro-environmental programmes

Additional indicators commonly used in Agriculture and the Environment


AEIs are indicators able to describe and assess state and trends in the environmental
performance of agriculture to furnish useful indications to scientists and policymakers
about the state of the environment, about the effects of different policies, as well as about
the efficiency in the use of budgets in terms of environmental outcomes.115


Ideally, AEIs are robust, timely, simple and relevant to the different stakeholders
involved in agriculture. The most used indicator framework subdivides AEIs into to five
categories within the Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model
developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA 1999) and built on the PSR
model (OECD 1993). The AEI dataset available within FAOSTAT has been produced in
line with the AEI frameworks developed by OECD and EUROSTAT in the last 20 years.
Each indicator is described by different data series.
Table 5.1: Agri-Environmental Indicators available within FAOSTAT116



Air & Climate


Ammonia emissions

Ammonia (NH3) emissions from agriculture as a % of total

NH3 emissions

Energy use in Agriculture

and Forestry

Agriculture and forestry energy use as a % of total energy use

Bioenergy production

Bioenergy production as a % of total renewable energy



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2013). Agri-Environmental Indicators. Available from
http://faostat.fao.org/site/674/default.aspx (accessed 31 July 2015).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2014). Agri-Environmental Indicators available within FAOSTAT. Available
from http://faostat3.fao.org/faostat-gateway/go/to/download/E/*/E (accessed 31 July 2015).



Nitrogen Consumption

Nitrogen nutrient use on arable and permanent crop area (N

tonnes/1000 ha)

Phosphate Consumption

Phosphate nutrient use on arable and permanent crop area

(P2O5 tonnes/1000 ha)

Nitrogen and Phosphate

Nitrogen and Phosphate nutrient use on arable and permanent

crop area (N+P2O5 tonnes/1000 ha)

Agricultural area

Agricultural area as a % of land area

Agricultural area use


Changes in agricultural area (% per year)

Area equipped for irrigation

Area equipped for irrigation as a % of agricultural area

Conservation agriculture

Conservation agriculture area (>30% group cover) as a % of

agricultural area


Permanent crops area as a % of agricultural area

Cropping patterns

Permanent meadows and pastures area as a % of agricultural

Arable land area as a % of agricultural area





Organic agricultural area

Organic area as a % of agricultural area

Protected land area

Protected terrestrial area as a % of land area

Livestock Density

Livestock total per hectare of agricultural area (livestock total


Cattle and Buffalo

Cattle and Buffalo as a % of total livestock


Pigs as a % of total livestock

Sheep and goats

Sheep and goats as a % of total livestock

Poultry birds

Poultry birds as a % of total livestock

Pesticides Use

Pesticide use on arable and permanent crop area (tonnes/1000


Soil Erosion - GLASOD

Average soil erosion expressed in GLASOD erosion degree

Land degradation GLASOD

Average land degradation expressed in GLASOD erosion


Carbon in topsoil

Average carbon content in the topsoil as a % in weight

Water use in agriculture

Water withdrawal for agricultural use as a % of total water





Annex A: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics


The tables containing the complete Basic Set include additional columns which provide
further guidance. The fourth column in this table provides illustrations of possible
temporal, spatial and subject-based disaggregation of the statistics. These are not
mutually exclusive and may overlap. The fifth column refers to existing available
methodological guidance from international sources that offer concepts, descriptions,
specifications, lists, classifications and statistical methodologies for the given topic of the
1. The first level in the tables, preceded by a lower-case letter, is the statistics
group/category; in some cases where there are no statistics below the first level, this
level may also describe a specific statistic.
2. The second level in the tables, preceded by a number, identifies specific statistics.
3. Bold text is Tier 1 (Core Set) statistics; regular text is Tier 2 statistics; and italicized
text is Tier 3 statistics.


Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.1: Physical Conditions
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 1.1.1:
climate and







(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
1. Monthly average
2. Minimum monthly average
3. Maximum monthly average
Precipitation (also in 2.6.1.a)
1. Annual average
2. Long-term annual average
3. Monthly average
4. Minimum monthly value
5. Maximum monthly value
Relative humidity
1. Minimum monthly value
2. Maximum monthly value
1. Minimum monthly value
2. Maximum monthly value
Wind speed
1. Minimum monthly value
2. Maximum monthly value
Solar radiation
1. Average daily value
2. Average monthly value
3. Number of hours of sunshine


UV radiation
1. Maximum daily value

Category of


Potential Aggregations and Scales


Pressure unit
Pressure unit
Area, Energy
Area, Energy

Area, Energy


Organization (WMO)
Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC)
National Oceanic
and Atmospheric
Aeronautics and Space

By station



By month and per year


World Health
Organization (WHO)UV Radiation Index

2. Average daily value

3. Maximum monthly value
4. Average monthly value

Topic 1.1.2:





Occurrence of El Nio/La Nia events, when

1. Occurrence
2. Time period
1. Surface area
2. Maximum depth
Rivers and streams
1. Length
Artificial reservoirs
1. Surface area
2. Maximum depth
1. Description of main watersheds


1. Coastal waters
2. Territorial sea
3. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
4. Sea level
5. Area of sea ice




Area, Energy
Area, Energy
Area, Energy

Time period

By location

By location
By watershed/river basin




By location
National, within coastal waters or Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ)

By location
By salinity levels
By watershed
By location

United Nations
Statistics Division
(UNSD): International
Recommendations for
Water Statistics

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Topic 1.1.3:
Geological and



Topic 1.1.4:

Geological, geographical and geomorphological

conditions of terrestrial areas and islands
1. Length of border
2. Area of country or region
3. Number of islands
4. Area of islands
5. Main geomorphological characteristics of islands
6. Spatial distribution of land relief
7. Characteristics of landforms (e.g., plains, hills,
plateaus, dunes, volcanoes, mountains, seamounts)
8. Area by rock types
9. Length of fault lines
Coastal waters (including area of coral reefs and

Area, Location
Area, Height


Length of marine coastline

Coastal area
Soil characterization
1. Area by soil types
Soil degradation





1. Area affected by soil erosion

2. Area affected by desertification
3. Area affected by salinization
4. Area affected by waterlogging
5. Area affected by acidification
6. Area affected by compaction
Nutrient content of soil, measured in levels of:
1. Nitrogen (N)
2. Phosphorous (P)
3. Calcium (Ca)


4. Magnesium (Mg)


5. Potassium (K)


6. Zinc (Zn)
7. Other



By location

By location
By soil type

By soil type
By nutrient

Food and
Organization of the
United Nations (FAO)
Center for
International Earth
Science Information
Network (CIESIN)

FAO and the

International Institute
for Applied Systems
Analysis (IIASA)
Harmonized World
Soil Database
International Soil
Reference and
Information Centre
(ISRIC) World Data
Centre for Soils
United Nations
Convention to Combat
FAO Global
Assessment of
Human-induced Soil

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.2: Land Cover, Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 1.2.1:
Land cover

Topic 1.2.2:

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Area under land cover categories



General ecosystem characteristics, extent and

1. Area of ecosystems
2. Proximity of ecosystem to urban areas and
Ecosystems' chemical and physical characteristics
1. Nutrients
2. Carbon
3. Pollutants

Category of




Potential Aggregations and Scales

By location
By type of land cover (e.g., artificial surfaces
including urban and associated areas; herbaceous
crops; woody crops; multiple or layered crops;
grassland; tree-covered areas; mangroves; shrubcovered areas; shrubs and/or herbaceous
vegetation, aquatic or regularly flooded; sparsely
natural vegetated areas; terrestrial barren land;
permanent snow and glaciers; inland water bodies;
and coastal water bodies and inter-tidal areas)(a)
By location
By ecosystem (e.g., forest, cultivated, dryland,
coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island,

FAO Land Cover
Classification System
System of
EnvironmentalEconomic Accounting
(SEEA) Central
Framework (2012)
land cover categories
Environment Agency
Convention on
Biological Diversity
UN Economic
Commission for
Europe (UNECE)
Standard Statistical
Classification of
Flora, Fauna and
Biotopes (1996)
Convention on
Wetlands of
Importance, especially
as Waterfowl Habitat
(the Ramsar


1. Known flora and fauna species
2. Endemic flora and fauna species
3. Invasive alien flora and fauna species


4. Species population


5. Habitat fragmentation



Protected areas and species

1. Protected terrestrial and marine area (also in

2. Protected flora and fauna species

Number, Area


By ecosystem (e.g., forest, cultivated, dryland,

coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island,
By status category (e.g., extinct, extinct in the
wild, threatened, near threatened, least concern)
By class (e.g., mammals, fishes, birds, reptiles)

By location
By management category(c)
By ecosystem (e.g., forest, cultivated, dryland,
coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island,
By species
By ecosystem (e.g., forest, cultivated, dryland,
coastal, marine, urban, polar, inland water, island,
By status category

International Union
for Conservation of
Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN)
Red List of
Threatened Species
UNECE Standard
Classification of
Flora, Fauna and
Biotopes (1996)
(Species population
and number of
invasive alien species)
IUCN Protected
Area Management
UNSD: Millennium
Development Goal
(MDG) Indicator 7.6
IUCN Red List of
Threatened Species
Indicator 7.7 Metadata

(a) SEEA land cover categories, based on FAO Land Cover Classification System (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf)
(b) Reporting categories used in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf)
(c) IUCN reporting categories: Strict nature reserves; Wilderness areas; National parks, Natural monuments or features; Habitat/species management areas; Protected landscapes/seascapes; and Protected areas with
sustainable use of natural resources (http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_quality/gpap_pacategories/)


Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Topic 1.2.3:



Forest area
1. Total
2. Natural
3. Planted
4. Protected forest area (also in 1.2.2.d)
5. Forest area affected by fire
Forest biomass
1. Total
2. Carbon storage in living forest biomass



By forest type
By dominant tree species
By ownership category

FAO Global Forest

Resources Assessment
UN Forum on
Forests (UNFF)
Assessment and
Reporting (MAR)
Indicator 7.1 Metadata
Montreal Process
(Working Group on
Criteria and Indicators
for the Conservation
and Sustainable
Management of
Temperate and Boreal
State of Europe's
Forests (Forest
Forestry and Timber

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 1: Environmental Conditions and Quality

Sub-component 1.3: Environmental Quality
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 1.3.1:
Air quality

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Local air quality
1. Concentration level of particulate matter
2. Concentration level of particulate matter
3. Concentration level of tropospheric ozone (O3)
4. Concentration level of carbon monoxide (CO)
5. Concentration level of sulphur dioxide (SO2)
6. Concentration levels of nitrogen oxides (NOX)
7. Concentration levels of heavy metals
8. Concentration levels of non-methane volatile
organic compounds (NMVOCs)
9. Concentration levels of dioxins
10. Concentration levels of furans
11. Concentration levels of other pollutants
12. Number of days when maximum allowable
levels were exceeded per year


Global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse

1. Global atmospheric concentration level of carbon
dioxide (CO2)
2. Global atmospheric concentration level of
methane (CH4)

Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales

By point measurement
Daily maximum
Monthly maximum and average
Yearly maximum and average


By pollutant



WHO Air Quality
Update 2005,
Particulate matter,
ozone, nitrogen
dioxide and sulfur
WHO Air quality
guidelines for
particulate matter,
ozone, nitrogen
dioxide and sulfur
dioxide, Global
Update 2005,
Summary of risk
UNECE Standard
Classification of
Ambient Air Quality

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Topic 1.3.2:


Nutrients and chlorophyll



1. Concentration level of nitrogen

2. Concentration level of phosphorous
3. Concentration level of chlorophyll A
Organic matter
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1. Concentration levels of faecal coliforms
Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic,
1. Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
2. Concentration levels in freshwater organisms
Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides,
furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1. Concentration levels in sediment and freshwater
2. Concentration levels in freshwater organisms





Physical and chemical characteristics


1. pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
2. Temperature
3. Total suspended solids (TSS)
4. Salinity
5. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
Plastic waste and other freshwater debris
1. Amount of plastic waste and other debris


By water body
By watershed/river basin
By surface or groundwater
By point measurement
By type of water resource

UNECE Standard
Classification of
Freshwater Quality for
the Maintenance of
Aquatic Life (1992)
UN Environment
Programme (UNEP)
Global Environment
Monitoring SystemWater (GEMS-Water)



Area, Mass


UNECE Standard
Classification of
Freshwater Quality for
the Maintenance of
Aquatic Life (1992)
UNECE Standard
Classification of
Freshwater Quality for
the Maintenance of
Aquatic Life (1992)

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Topic 1.3.3:
Marine water









Nutrients and chlorophyll

1. Concentration level of nitrogen
2. Concentration level of phosphorous
3. Concentration level of chlorophyll A
Organic matter
1. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
1. Concentration levels of faecal coliforms in
recreational marine waters
Metals (e.g., mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic,
1. Concentration levels in sediment and marine
2. Concentration levels in marine organisms
Organic contaminants (e.g., PCBs, DDT, pesticides,
furans, dioxins, phenols, radioactive waste)
1. Concentration levels in sediment and marine
2. Concentration levels in marine organisms

Physical and chemical characteristics

1. pH/Acidity/Alkalinity
2. Temperature
3. Total suspended solids (TSS)
4. Salinity
5. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
6. Density
Coral bleaching
1. Area affected by coral bleaching
Plastic waste and other marine debris
1. Amount of plastic waste and other debris in
marine waters
Red tide
1. Occurrence
2. Impacted area
3. Duration


By coastal zone, delta, estuary or other local

marine environment
By point measurement
By water resource

UNECE Standard
Classification of
Marine Water Quality
UNEP Regional
Seas Programme


UNECE Standard
Classification of
Marine Water Quality
UNEP Regional
Seas Programme
UNECE Standard
Classification of
Marine Water Quality
UNEP Regional
Seas Programme


Area, Mass



By coastal zone, delta, estuary or other local

marine environment
By location
By point measurement

UNECE Standard
Classification of
Marine Water Quality
UNEP Regional


Topic 1.3.4:
Soil pollution


Topic 1.3.5:

Oil pollution
1. Area of oil slicks
2. Amount of tar balls

Seas Programme
Area, Diameter,


Sites affected by pollution

1. Contaminated sites
2. Potentially contaminated sites
3. Remediated sites
4. Other sites
Noise levels from specific sources

Area, Number
Area, Number
Area, Number
Area, Number


Noise levels in specific locations



By location
By type of pollutant
By source

By source
By location


Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.1: Mineral Resources
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 2.1.1:
Stocks and
changes of

Topic 2.1.2:
Production and
trade of

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Mineral resources
1. Stocks of commercially recoverable resources
2. New discoveries
3. Upward reappraisals
4. Upward reclassifications
5. Extraction
6. Catastrophic losses
7. Downward reappraisals
8. Downward reclassifications
9. Stocks of potentially commercially recoverable
10. Stocks of non-commercial and other known

Category of
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume


Production of minerals

Mass, Volume


Imports of minerals

Mass, Volume


Exports of minerals

Mass, Volume


Potential Aggregations and Scales

By mineral (e.g., metal ores including precious
metals and rare earths, coal, oil, gas, stone, sand
and clay, chemical and fertilizer minerals, salt,
gemstones, abrasive minerals, graphite, asphalt,
natural solid bitumen, quartz, mica)

United Nations
Classification for
Energy and Mineral
Resources (UNFC
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
asset and physical
flow accounts
Standard Industrial
Classification of All
Economic Activities
(ISIC) Rev. 4, Section
B, Divisions 05-09
Description and
Coding Systems (HS)
2012, Section V,
Chapters 25 and 26,
and Section VI
Chapter 28

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.2: Energy Resources
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 2.2.1:
Stocks and
changes of

Topic 2.2.2:
trade and
consumption of

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Energy resources


Category of

1. Stocks of commercially recoverable resources

2. New discoveries

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume

3. Upward reappraisals
4. Upward reclassifications

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume

5. Extraction
6. Catastrophic losses
7. Downward reappraisals
8. Downward reclassifications
9. Stocks of potentially commercially recoverable
10. Stocks of non-commercial and other known

Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume

2. Production from non-renewable sources

3. Production from renewable sources
4. Primary energy production
5. Imports of energy

By resource (e.g., natural gas, crude oil and

natural gas liquids, oil shale, and extra heavy oil
(includes oil extracted from oil sands), coal and
lignite, peat, non-metallic minerals except for
coal or peat, uranium and thorium ores)

Mass, Volume

Production of energy
1. Total production

Potential Aggregations and Scales

Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume


By non-renewable resource (e.g., petroleum,

natural gas, coal, nuclear fuels, non-sustainable
firewood, waste, other non-renewables)
By renewable resource (e.g., solar,
hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal action, wave
action, marine, wind, biomass)
By primary energy resource (e.g., petroleum,
natural gas, coal, hydroenergy, geothermal,
nuclear fuels, cane products, other primary)
By secondary energy resource (e.g., electricity,
liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline/alcohol,

Recommendations for
Energy Statistics
Energy Agency (IEA)
Energy Statistics
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
asset and physical
flow accounts
UNFC 2009
ISIC Rev. 4,
Section B, Divisions
HS 2012, Section
V, Chapter 27
IEA Energy
Statistics Manual
Joint Wood Energy
Enquiry (UNECEFAO Forestry and
Timber Section)

6. Exports of energy

Energy unit,
Mass, Volume

7. Secondary energy production

Energy unit,
Mass, Volume
Energy unit,
Mass, Volume


Total energy supply


Final consumption of energy

Energy unit,
Mass, Volume


kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, coke, charcoal,

gases, other secondary)
By energy product

By households
By ISIC economic activity
By tourists

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.3: Land
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 2.3.1:
Land use

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Area under land use categories


Topic 2.3.2:
Use of forest

Category of

Other aspects of land use

1. Area of land under organic farming


2. Area of land under irrigation

3. Area of land under sustainable forest management



4. Area of land under agroforestry

Land ownership



Use of forest land


Potential Aggregations and Scales

By type of land use (e.g., agriculture; forestry;
land used for aquaculture; use of built-up and
related areas; land used for maintenance and
restoration of environmental functions; other uses
of land not elsewhere classified; land not in use;
inland waters used for aquaculture or holding
facilities; inland waters used for maintenance and
restoration of environmental functions; other uses
of inland waters not elsewhere classified; inland
water not in use; coastal waters (including area of
coral reefs and mangroves); Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ))

UNECE Standard
Classification of Land
Use (1989)
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
Annex 1

FAO Interdepartmental Working

Group on Organic
Forest Stewardship

By ownership category
By forest type
By dominant tree species


Indicator 7.1 Metadata


1. Area deforested


2. Area reforested


3. Area afforested


4. Natural growth


Forest area by primary designated function



Protection of soil and water
Conservation of biodiversity
Social services
Multiple use

Montreal Process
(Working Group on
Criteria and Indicators
for the Conservation
and Sustainable
Management of
Temperate and Boreal
State of Europe's
Forests (Forest
Forestry and Timber

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.4: Soil Resources
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 2.4.1:
Soil resources

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)

Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales

Further research is needed to develop the necessary statistics in this topic.



Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.5: Biological Resources
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 2.5.1:

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Timber resources
1. Stocks of timber resources
2. Natural growth
3. Fellings
4. Removals
5. Felling residues
6. Natural losses
7. Catastrophic losses
8. Reclassifications
Amount used of:
1. Fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
2. Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)


Forest production

Category of
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,



Potential Aggregations and Scales

By type (e.g., natural or planted)


By type of product (e.g., timber, industrial

roundwood, fuelwood, pulp, chips)

SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
State of Europe's
Forests (Forest
Forestry and Timber
Working Party on
Forest Statistics,
Economics and
ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Division 02
Central Product
Classification (CPC)
Joint Forest Sector
at International
Tropical Timber
Organization [ITTO])

Eurostat Intersecretariat Working
Group on Forest
Sector Statistics
UNECE Timber

Topic 2.5.2:


Fuelwood production
Imports of forest products


Exports of forest products


Fish capture production

Aquaculture production


Imports of fish and fishery products


Exports of fish and fishery products


Amount used of:

1. Pellets (also in 3.4.1.c)
2. Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)
3. Colourants (also in 3.4.1.e)
4. Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
5. Fungicides
Aquatic resources
1. Stocks of aquatic resources
2. Additions to aquatic resources
3. Reductions in aquatic resources


Currency, Mass,
Currency, Mass,

Currency, Mass,
Currency, Mass,
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume
Mass, Volume


By type of product

By relevant freshwater and marine species

By relevant freshwater and marine species
By type of product
By species

By type of water (i.e., marine or freshwater)


By relevant freshwater and marine species

By type (e.g., natural or cultivated)

Working Party on
Forest Statistics,
Economics and
ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Division 02

Eurostat Intersecretariat Working
Group on Forest
Sector Statistics
State of Europe's
Forests (Forest
Forestry and Timber
HS 2012, Sections
IX and X
FAO International
Standard Statistical
Classification of
Aquatic Animals and
Plants (ISSCAAP)
ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Division 03
The United Nations
Convention on the
Law of the Sea
Indicator 7.4 Metadata
HS 2012, Section I,
Chapter 03
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Topic 2.5.3:



Main annual and perennial crops

1. Area planted
2. Area harvested
3. Amount produced
4. Amount of organic production
5. Amount of genetically modified crops produced
Amount used of:
1. Natural fertilizers (e.g., manure, compost, lime)
(also in 3.4.1.a)
2. Chemical fertilizers (also in 3.4.1.a)
3. Pesticides (also in 3.4.1.b)
4. Genetically modified seeds


Topic 2.5.4:


Monoculture/resource-intensive farming systems

1. Area being used for production
2. Amount produced
3. Amount of genetically modified crops produced
Imports of crops
Exports of crops
1. Number of live animals
2. Number of animals slaughtered
Amount used of:
1. Antibiotics (also in 3.4.1.f)
2. Hormones (also in 3.4.1.d)
Imports of livestock


Exports of livestock



Permits for regulated hunting and trapping of wild

1. Number of permits issued per year
2. Number of animal kills allowed by permits
Imports of endangered species


Exports of endangered species



Topic 2.5.5:
Other noncultivated

Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,

Currency, Mass
Currency, Mass

By crop
By size

By type of fertilizer
By type of pesticide
By crop

By crop
By crop
By size

By type of animal

ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Division 01
HS 2012, Section I,
Chapter 01

By type of animal
By species

ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Class 0170




FAO Indicative
Crop Classification
(for 2010 round of
agricultural censuses)
Specifications for
Pesticides (2010)
FAO Specifications
for Commonly Used
Fertilizers (2009)
ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Division 1
HS 2012, Section II

Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora


Reported wild animals killed or trapped for food or

Trade in wildlife and captive-bred species


Non-wood forest products and other plants

Mass, Number
Mass, Volume


By status category
By type of product

ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Class 0170
ISIC Rev. 4,
Section A, Class 0230

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 2: Environmental Resources and their Use

Sub-component 2.6: Water Resources
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 2.6.1:

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Inflow of water to inland water resources

Category of

1. Precipitation (also in 1.1.1.b)

2. Inflow from neighbouring territories
3. Inflow subject to treaties
Outflow of water from inland water resources
1. Evapotranspiration
2. Outflow to neighbouring territories
3. Outflow subject to treaties
4. Outflow to the sea
Inland water stocks




1. Surface water stocks in artificial reservoirs

2. Surface water stocks in lakes
3. Surface water stocks in rivers and streams
4. Surface water stocks in wetlands
5. Surface water stocks in snow, ice and glaciers
6. Groundwater stocks
Total water abstraction
Water abstraction from surface water
Water abstraction from groundwater
1. From renewable groundwater resources
2. From non-renewable groundwater resources
Water abstracted for own use
Water abstracted for distribution


Desalinated water



Reused water




Topic 2.6.2:
use and returns c.
of water

Potential Aggregations and Scales

By territory of origin and destination





By type of source

By ISIC economic activity


UNECE Standard
Classification of Water
Use (1989)
Indicator 7.5 Metadata
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
asset accounts
SEEA Water
Environment Statistics

UNECE Standard
Classification of Water
Use (1989)
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
SEEA Water
Environment Statistics


Water use



Rainwater collection
Water abstraction from the sea
Losses during transport



Exports of water
Imports of water
Returns of water



By ISIC economic activity

By tourists

By ISIC economic activity


By ISIC economic activity

By destination (e.g., inland water, land, sea,


Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.1: Emissions to Air
Topic 3.1.1:
Emissions of

Statistics and Related Information

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;
Italicized Text - Tier 3)


Topic 3.1.2:
of ozone


Total emissions of direct greenhouse gases (GHGs),

by gas:
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
2. Methane (CH4)
3. Nitrous oxide (N2O)
4. Perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
5. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
6. Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
Total emissions of indirect greenhouse gases
(GHGs), by gas:
1. Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
2. Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
3. Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs)
4. Other
Consumption of ozone depleting substances (ODSs),
by substance:
1. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
2. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
3. Halons
4. Methyl chloroform
5. Carbon tetrachloride
6. Methyl bromide
7. Other

Category of



Potential Aggregations and Scales

By ISIC economic activity

By tourists
By IPCC source categories

IPCC Emission
Factor Database
UN Framework
Convention on
Climate Change
(UNFCCC) Reporting
UNECE Standard
Classification of
Ambient Air Quality
Indicator 7.2 Metadata




UNEP Ozone
IPCC Emission
Factor Database
UNECE Standard
Classification of
Ambient Air Quality
Indicator 7.3 Metadata

Topic 3.1.3:
Emissions of


Emissions of other substances:

1. Particulate matter (PM)
2. Heavy metals
3. Other



UNECE Standard
Classification of
Ambient Air Quality
Monitoring and
Evaluation Programme
(EMEP) under the
Convention on Longrange Transboundary
Air Pollution

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.2: Generation and Management of Wastewater
Statistics and Related Information


(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Volume of wastewater generated

Topic 3.2.1:
Generation and
content of

Topic 3.2.2:
Collection and
treatment of




Volume of wastewater collected



Volume of wastewater treated

Total urban wastewater treatment capacity
1. Number of plants
2. Capacity of plants
Total industrial wastewater treatment capacity
1. Number of plants
2. Capacity of plants
Wastewater discharge
1. Total volume of wastewater discharged to the
environment after treatment
2. Total volume of wastewater discharged to the
environment without treatment



Topic 3.2.3:
Discharge of
wastewater to

Pollutant content of wastewater

Category of



Potential Aggregations and Scales

By ISIC economic activity
By tourists
By pollutant or pollution parameter (e.g.,
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen, phosphorous,
total suspended solids (TSS))
By ISIC economic activity
By treatment type (e.g., primary, secondary,



By treatment type (e.g., primary, secondary,

By recipient (e.g., surface water, groundwater,
wetland, sea, land)
By ISIC economic activity
By source (point/non-point source)

ISIC Rev. 4,
Section E, Divisions
SEEA Water
Environment Statistics

ISIC Rev. 4,
Section E, Division 35
and 36
Environment Statistics


Pollutant content of discharged wastewater



By pollutant or pollution parameter (e.g.,

BOD, COD, nitrogen, phosphorous)
Net emission by ISIC economic activity
By source (point/non-point source)

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.3: Generation and Management of Waste
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 3.3.1:
Generation of

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Amount of waste generated by source

Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales


By ISIC economic activity

By households
By tourists


Amount of waste generated by waste category


By waste category (e.g., chemical waste,

municipal waste, food waste, combustion waste)


Amount of hazardous waste generated


By ISIC economic activity



European List of
Waste, pursuant to
European Waste
Framework Directive
Environmental Data
Centre on Waste
Eurostat: European
Waste Classification
for Statistics (EWCStat), version 4 (Waste
Basel Convention:
Waste categories and
Eurostat: Manual on
Waste Statistics
Eurostat: Guidance
on classification of
waste according to
EWC-Stat categories
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
Environment Statistics

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Topic 3.3.2:
Management of


Municipal waste
1. Total municipal waste collected
2. Amount of municipal waste treated by type of
treatment and disposal
3. Number of municipal waste treatment and
disposal facilities
4. Capacity of municipal waste treatment and
disposal facilities
Hazardous waste


1. Total hazardous waste collected

2. Amount of hazardous waste treated by type of
treatment and disposal
3. Number of hazardous waste treatment and
disposal facilities
4. Capacity of hazardous waste treatment and
disposal facilities
Other/industrial waste


1. Total other/industrial waste collected

2. Amount of other/industrial waste treated by type
of treatment and disposal
3. Number of other/industrial treatment and disposal
4. Capacity of other/industrial waste treatment and
disposal facilities
Amount of recycled waste



By type of treatment and disposal (e.g., reuse,

recycling, composting, incineration, landfilling,
By type of waste, when possible




By specific waste streams (e.g., e-waste,

packaging waste, end of life vehicles)
By waste category

Imports of waste


Exports of waste
Imports of hazardous waste
Exports of hazardous waste


By waste category (e.g., chemical waste,

municipal waste, combustion waste)


Environmental Data
Centre on Waste
Eurostat metadata:
Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and
definition of municipal
Environment Statistics
Basel Convention:
Waste categories and
Eurostat: EWCStat, version 4 (Waste
European Waste
Framework Directive
(Waste treatment
Eurostat: Manual on
Waste Statistics
Eurostat: Guidance
on classification of
waste according to
EWC-Stat categories

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 3: Residuals
Sub-component 3.4: Release of Chemical Substances
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 3.4.1:
Release of

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Total amount of fertilizers used
1. Natural fertilizers (also in 2.5.1.b and 2.5.3.b)
2. Chemical fertilizers (also in 2.5.1.b and 2.5.3.b)

Total amount of pesticides used (also in 2.5.1.b and

Total amount of pellets used (also in 2.5.2.e)

Category of
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,
Area, Mass,
Mass, Volume

Potential Aggregations and Scales

By ISIC economic activity (forestry,
By type of fertilizer
By type of pesticide


By ISIC economic activity (aquaculture)
By ISIC economic activity (aquaculture,
livestock production)



Total amount of hormones used (also in 2.5.2.e and


Mass, Volume


Total amount of colourants used (also in 2.5.2.e)

Mass, Volume

By ISIC economic activity (aquaculture)


Total amount of antibiotics used (also in 2.5.2.e and


Mass, Volume

By ISIC economic activity (aquaculture,
livestock production)



Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.1: Natural Extreme Events and Disasters
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 4.1.1:
Occurrence of
extreme events
and disasters


Topic 4.1.2:
Impact of
extreme events
and disasters






(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Occurrence of natural extreme events and disasters
1. Type of natural extreme event and disaster
(geophysical, meteorological, hydrological,
climatological, biological)
2. Location
3. Magnitude (where applicable)
4. Date of occurrence
5. Duration
People affected by natural extreme events and
1. Number of people killed
2. Number of people injured
3. Number of people homeless
4. Number of people affected
Economic losses due to natural extreme events
and disasters (e.g., damage to buildings,
transportation networks, loss of revenue for
businesses, utility disruption)
Physical losses/damages due to natural extreme
events and disasters (e.g., area and amount of crops,
livestock, aquaculture, biomass)
Effects of natural extreme events and disasters on
integrity of ecosystems
1. Area affected by natural disasters
2. Loss of vegetation cover
3. Area of watershed affected
4. Other
External assistance received

Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales

By event

Time period





By event
By ISIC economic activity
By direct and indirect damage

By event
By ecosystem

By event

Centre for Research
on the Epidemiology
of Disasters
Emergency Events
Database (CRED EMDAT)
UN Economic
Commission for Latin
America and the
Handbook for
Estimating the Socioeconomic and
Environmental Effects
of Disasters
The United Nations
Office for Disaster
Risk Reduction

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 4: Extreme Events and Disasters

Sub-component 4.2: Technological Disasters
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 4.2.1:
Occurrence of

Topic 4.2.2:
Impact of

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Occurrence of technological disasters





1. Type of technological disaster (industrial,

transportation, miscellaneous)
2. Location
3. Date of occurrence


4. Duration
People affected by technological disasters

Time period

1. Number of people killed

2. Number of people injured
3. Number of people homeless
4. Number of people affected
Economic losses due to technological disasters (e.g.,
damage to buildings, transportation networks, loss of
revenue for businesses, utility disruption)
Physical losses/damages due to technological
disasters (e.g., area and amount of crops, livestock,
aquaculture, biomass)
Effects of technological disasters on integrity of
1. Area affected by technological disasters
2. Loss of vegetation cover


Category of

3. Area of watershed affected

4. Other (e.g., for oil spills: volume of oil released
into the environment, impact on ecosystem)
External assistance received





Potential Aggregations and Scales

By event
By ISIC economic activity

By event

By event
By ISIC economic activity
By direct and indirect damage

By event



By event

Handbook for
Estimating the Socioeconomic and
Environmental Effects
of Disasters

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.1: Human Settlements
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 5.1.1:
Urban and
Topic 5.1.2:
Access to
selected basic



(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Population living in urban areas
Population living in rural areas
Total urban area
Total rural area
Population living in coastal areas
Population using an improved drinking water
Population using an improved sanitation facility
Population served by municipal waste collection

Category of



Population connected to wastewater collecting

Population connected to wastewater treatment


Population supplied by water supply industry



Price of water
Population with access to electricity
Price of electricity




Potential Aggregations and Scales



UN Population
UN Population Fund

Indicator 7.8 and 7.9
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water
and Waste Questionnaire
Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) Joint
Monitoring Programme
for Water Supply and
ISIC Rev. 4, Section
E, Division 35-37
UNSD: Environment
Statistics Section-Water


By treatment type (e.g., primary, secondary,

By source (e.g., piped, vendor)

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)


Urban population living in slums



Area of slums
Population living in hazard-prone areas



Hazard-prone areas
Population living in informal settlements



Homeless population
Number of dwellings with adequacy of building
materials defined by national or local standards


Topic 5.1.4:
Exposure to


Population exposed to air pollution in main cities



Population exposed to noise pollution in main cities


Topic 5.1.5:
specific to


Extent of urban sprawl



Available green spaces



Number of private and public vehicles



Population using public modes of transportation



Population using hybrid and electric modes of

Extent of roadways


Topic 5.1.3:


Existence of urban planning and zoning regulations

and instruments in main cities
Effectiveness of urban planning and zoning
regulations and instruments in main cities




UN Habitat
Indicator 7.10

By pollutant (e.g., SO2, NOx, O3)


By type of engine or type of fuel

UN Habitat
UNEP Urban
Environment Unit

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 5: Human Settlements and Environmental Health

Sub-component 5.2: Environmental Health
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 5.2.1:
diseases and


Topic 5.2.2:
diseases and


Topic 5.2.3:


Topic 5.2.4:
associated with
excessive UV
Topic 5.2.5:
substance- and



(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Airborne diseases and conditions
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality
4. Loss of work days
5. Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms
Water-related diseases and conditions
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality
4. Loss of work days
5. Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms
Vector borne diseases
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Mortality
4. Loss of work days
5. Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms
Problems associated with excessive UV radiation
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence
3. Loss of work days
4. Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms

Toxic substance- and nuclear radiation-related diseases

and conditions
1. Incidence
2. Prevalence

Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales


By disease or condition
By gender
By age group
By time period


By category of toxic substance

By disease or condition






radiationrelated diseases
and conditions

3. Loss of work days

4. Estimates of economic cost in monetary terms



By gender
By age group

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.1: Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 6.1.1:
protection and

Topic 6.1.2:
institution and
protection and

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Government environmental protection and resource
management expenditure
1. Annual government environmental protection
2. Annual government resource management


Private sector environmental protection and resource

management expenditure
1. Annual corporate environmental protection
2. Annual corporate resource management
3. Annual non-profit institution environmental
protection expenditure
4. Annual non-profit institution resource
management expenditure
5. Annual household environmental protection

Category of




Potential Aggregations and Scales

By environmental activity
By type of expenditure: current, investment
By ministry
By funding

By environmental activity
By type of expenditure: current, investment
By ISIC economic activity

Protection Expenditure
Accounts Compilation
Guide (2002)
expenditure Statistics.
General Government
and Specialised
Producers Data
Collection Handbook
Classification of
Activities (CEA)
SEEA Central
Framework (2012)
Annex 1
Protection Expenditure
Accounts Compilation
Guide (2002)
expenditure Statistics.
General Government
and Specialised
Producers Data
Collection Handbook

6. Annual household resource management





Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.2: Environmental Governance and Regulation

Topic 6.2.1:

Topic 6.2.2:
regulation and

Statistics and Related Information

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;
Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Government environmental institutions and their
1. Name of main environmental authority and year of
2. Annual budget of the main environmental
3. Number of staff in the main environmental
4. List of environmental departments in other
authorities and year of establishment
5. Annual budget of environmental departments in
other authorities
6. Number of staff of environmental departments in
other authorities
Other environmental institutions and their resources
1. Name of institution and year of establishment
2. Annual budget of the institution
3. Number of staff in the institution
Direct regulation
1. List of regulated pollutants and description
(e.g., by year of adoption and maximum allowable
2. Description (e.g., name, year established) of
licensing system to ensure compliance with
environmental standards for businesses or other new
3. Number of applications for licences received and
approved per year
4. List of quotas for biological resource extraction
5. Budget and number of staff dedicated to
enforcement of environmental regulations

Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales







By media (e.g., water, air, land, soil, oceans)

By ISIC economic activity



Topic 6.2.3:
Participation in
MEAs and

Economic instruments
1. List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of
green/environmental taxes
2. List and description (e.g., year of establishment) of
environmentally relevant subsidies
3. List of eco-labelling and environmental
certification programmes
4. Emission permits traded
Participation in MEAs and other global
environmental conventions
1. List and description (e.g., countrys year of
participation(d)) of MEAs and other global
environmental conventions

MEA Secretariats

(d) Participation means that the country or area has become party to the agreements under the treaty or convention, which is achieved through various means, depending on the countrys circumstances, namely: accession,
acceptance, approval, formal confirmation, ratification and succession. Countries or areas that have signed but not become party to the agreements under a given convention or treaty are not considered to be participating.


Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.3: Extreme Event Preparedness and Disaster Management
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 6.3.1:
for natural
extreme events
and disasters

Topic 6.3.2:

(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
National natural extreme event and disaster
preparedness and management systems


Category of

Potential Aggregations and Scales


1. Existence of national disaster plans/programmes


2. Description (e.g., number of staff) of national

disaster plans/programmes
3. Number and type of shelters in place or able to be
4. Number and type of internationally certified
emergency and recovery management specialists


5. Number of volunteers


6. Quantity of first aid, emergency supplies and

equipment stockpiles
7. Existence of early warning systems for all major
8. Expenditure on disaster prevention, preparedness,
clean-up and rehabilitation
National technological disaster preparedness and
management systems
1. Existence and description (e.g., number of staff) of
public disaster management plans/programmes (and
private when available)
2. Expenditure on disaster prevention, preparedness,
clean-up and rehabilitation





Organization (IEMO)
Hyogo Framework
for Action

Table A.1: The Basic Set of Environment Statistics (continued)

Component 6: Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement

Sub-component 6.4: Environmental Information and Awareness
Statistics and Related Information

Topic 6.4.1:



Topic 6.4.2:


Topic 6.4.3:
perception and


(Bold Text - Core Set/Tier 1; Regular Text - Tier 2;

Italicized Text - Tier 3)
Environmental information systems
1. Existence of publicly accessible environmental
information system
2. Annual number of visits/users of specific
environmental information programmes or
environmental information systems
Environment statistics
1. Description of national environment statistics
programmes (e.g., existence, year of establishment,
lead agency, human and financial resources)
2. Number and type of environment statistics
products and periodicity of updates
3. Existence and number of participant institutions in
inter-agency environment statistics platforms or
Environmental education
1. Allocation of resources by central and local
authorities for environmental education
2. Number and description of environmental
education programmes in schools
3. Number of students pursuing environment-related
higher education (e.g., science, management,
education, engineering)
Public environmental perception and awareness
1. Knowledge and attitudes about environmental
issues or concerns
2. Knowledge and attitudes about environmental

Category of






Potential Aggregations and Scales



Topic 6.4.4:


Environmental engagement
1. Existence of pro-environmental NGOs (number of
NGOs and their respective human and financial
2. Number of pro-environmental activities
3. Number of pro-environmental programmes



Annex B: Developments since 1984


A number of relevant policy and conceptual developments have occurred since the
original FDES was published in 1984. Policy-making goals in the field of the
environment and sustainable development have usually been accompanied by implicit or
explicit frameworks and, in some cases, indicator sets to monitor progress. They have
also generally used or proposed a specific conceptualization of environmental- or
environmental sustainability-related phenomena. Annex B reviews the main conceptual
and policy developments relevant to environment statistics since 1984, together with the
most important developments in frameworks for environmental statistics and indicators.
Conceptual and policy developments and related frameworks

Sustainable development


The concept of sustainable development came to the forefront in 1986 when the United
Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, led by Gro Harlem
Brundtland, presented it as an alternative approach to economic growth that could meet
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.117 This was a synergistic approach that would replace the previously
held view of economic growth and the health of the environment as competing interests.
The outcome document, Our Common Future,118 was a strategy paper intended to inform
the formulation of global policy in a wide array of areas relating the environment to the
economy within the development context.


Subsequent to the work of that Commission, the United Nations Conference on

Environment and Development (UNCED), or Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil in June 1992, gave rise to a fresh round of interest. It produced policy directives
for the environment. Agenda 21, the Summits agreed programme of action for the
implementation of sustainable development, called for comprehensive global action in all
areas of sustainable development, in particular improved living standards for all, better
protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future.119 The
declarations issued by the Summit included:
i. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, affirming that scientific
uncertainty should not delay measures to prevent environmental degradation where
there are threats of serious or irreversible damage and that States have a right to
exploit their own resources but not to cause damage to the environment of other

United Nations, World Commission on Environment and Development (1987). Our Common Future, Oxford University Press.
United Nations Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.
Available from http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations (1992). Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992, Annex
I. Available from http://www.un.org/documents/ga/conf151/aconf15126-1annex1.htm (accessed 31 July 2015).


ii. The Statement of Forest Principles, calling on all countries to make an effort to
green the world (through reforestation and forest conservation).121

Three international environmental treaties122 also resulted directly from the Rio Summit.
These Rio Conventions are:
i. The UNFCCC, with the objective of stabilizing GHG concentrations in the
atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with
the climate system;
ii. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which represented a dramatic step
forward in the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its
components, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of
genetic resources; and
iii. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), which is the
only international legally binding instrument to effectively tackle desertification and
the effects of drought.


In 2002, ten years after the Rio Summit, the follow-up World Summit on Sustainable
Development (WSSD) was held in Johannesburg, South Africa in August-September
2002. The Johannesburg Summit strengthened the scope of sustainable development,
emphasizing the need to protect ecosystems and achieve integrated management of land,
water and living resources, while building regional, national and local capacities. The
outcome document of that Summit, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable
Development123 and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable
Development124, recognized that protecting and managing the natural resource base for
economic and social development is one of the overarching objectives of and essential
requirements for sustainable development. It also noted that healthy ecosystems and
healthy environments are invaluable to ensure the ability of present and future
generations to meet their own needs. As enshrined in that Declaration, sustainable
development encompassed three basic pillars economic development, social
development and environmental protection at the local, national, regional and global


The next follow-up conference, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable

Development (UNCSD), Rio+20, was held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012. The outcome
document of the Conference, titled The Future We Want (A/CONF.216/L.1)125
addresses six areas: i) Our common vision; ii) Renewing political commitment; iii) Green
economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; iv)
Institutional framework for sustainable development; v) Framework for action and
follow-up; and vi) Means of implementation. The agreement adopted in Rio calls for the

United Nations (1992). Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992, Annex
III. Available from http://www.un.org/documents/ga/conf151/aconf15126-3annex3.htm (accessed 31 July 2015).
A more detailed description of the conventions and MEAs can be seen in Annex C.
United Nations (2002). Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development", Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August - 4 September
2002. Available from http://www.un-documents.net/jburgdec.htm (accessed 31 July 2015)
United Nations (2002). Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development", Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August - 4 September
2002. Available from http://www.un-documents.net/jburgpln.htm (accessed 31 July 2015).
United Nations (2012). Rio+20 outcome document, The Future We Want. Available from http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html
(accessed 16 July 2015).


United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to undertake a number of tasks: designate a

body to operationalize the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on sustainable
consumption and production; determine the modalities for the Third International
Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS); identify the format and
organization of the High-Level Political Forum, which is to replace the Commission on
Sustainable Development (CSD); strengthen UNEP; constitute an open working group to
develop global SDGs to be agreed by the UNGA; establish an intergovernmental process
under the UNGA to prepare a report proposing options on an effective sustainable
development financing strategy; and consider a set of recommendations from the
Secretary-General for a facilitation mechanism to promote the development, transfer and
dissemination of clean and environmentally sound technologies.

The outcome document of the Rio+20 Conference emphasized the need to strengthen the
monitoring of sustainable development by improving data collection and establishing
indicators. High priority was given to the availability and quality of environment
statistics to monitor environmental sustainability and green economy achievements. The
documents noted the growing need to develop and combine statistics and indicators
beyond GDP that are more inclusive of environmental and social aspects in order to cover
the full realm of sustainable development. Comparable and regularly collected
environment statistics were emphasized as critical to strengthen measurement of the
environmental pillar, which would contribute to measuring beyond GDP. The FDES
2013 and the Basic Set of Environment Statistics will provide appropriate tools to assist
countries in this regard. UNSDs efforts, in collaboration with UNEP, to strengthen
environmental information, data and indicators, were deemed important. The document
also emphasized the embedding of geospatial information in environment statistics. In
short, the results of the outcome document were extremely positive with regard to
acknowledging the need to strengthen the production of environment statistics.


Advancing the conceptual aspects of sustainable development has provided additional

motivation to assess the progress and implementation gaps in meeting previously agreed
commitments and addressing new and emerging challenges. In this regard, the renewed
call for political commitment to this concept at Rio+20 offered strong backing for
developing sustainable development policies.


The Samoa Pathway, the outcome document of the Third International Conference on
SIDS126 includes a section on Data and Statistics that specifically mentions the work of
the international statistical community. In this regard, the importance of strengthening
national statistical systems to face the challenge of increased demands for data is evident.
The document recognized that improved data collection and statistical analysis are
required to enable SIDS to effectively plan, follow up on, evaluate the implementation of
and track successes in attaining the internationally agreed development goals.


These clear policy positions on sustainable development, taken after the publication of
the FDES in 1984, have had direct relevance to the area of environment statistics. It is


United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States. The Samoa Pathway. Available from
http://www.sids2014.org/index.php?menu=1537 (accessed 31 July 2015).


critical to take them into consideration in this revision, as the concept of sustainable
development has played a defining role in helping to coalesce thinking around welldefined and representative goals regarding the state of the environment. This concept of
sustainable development underscores the point that the environment must be conserved,
while ensuring the economic and social well-being of the worlds human population.
Adequate response to these initiatives has contributed significantly to defining the
statistical needs in this area. Any subsequent conceptual approaches to describing the
environment must respond to them and enable a better understanding of environmental
sustainability, contribute to assessment and support decision-making.

Twenty-two years after Rio and approximately 30 years after the original FDES, the
environment statistics community faces a new opportunity to strengthen methodology in
the area of environment statistics, while policy-driven processes can support and
strengthen official environment statistics programmes at the national, regional and global
Climate change


According to prevailing climate change science, human activity, particularly the burning
of fossil fuels, has made the blanket of GHGs around the earth thicker. 127 The
UNFCCC has affirmed that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our
time.128 The worlds climate is changing and will continue to change at rates
unprecedented in recent human history. The impacts and risks associated with these
changes are already happening in many systems and sectors essential for human
livelihood, including water resources, food security, coastal zones and health. Adaptation
to the adverse effects of climate change is vital to reduce current and future impacts. In
this context, there is an urgent need for an integrated policy response to the climate
change and development challenge.


The Kyoto Protocol emerged from the UNFCCC. It is an international agreement whose
major feature is setting binding targets to reduce GHG emissions (as of mid-2011) for 37
industrialized countries and the European community. Unlike the UNFCCC, it provides
binding targets rather than encouraging signatories to attain these goals. The Kyoto
mechanisms have been designed to:
i. Stimulate sustainable development through technology transfer and investment;
ii. Help countries with Kyoto commitments to meet their targets by reducing emissions
or removing carbon from the atmosphere in other countries in a cost-effective way;
iii. Encourage the private sector and developing countries to contribute to emission
reduction efforts.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Climate Change Information Sheet 1. Available from
http://unfccc.int/cop3/fccc/climate/fact01.htm (accessed 31 July 2015).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2011). Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in
Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Available from http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2010/cop16/eng/07a01.pdf (accessed 30 July



The complexity of the climate system means that predictions vary widely, but even
minimal changes in forecasts could mean frequently flooded coastlines, disruptions to
food and water supplies and the extinction of many species. Accordingly, parties are
required to undertake efforts to:
i. Mitigate climate change, stabilizing GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level
that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system;
ii. Reduce GHG emissions;
iii. Enhance action on adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change. This is vital to
reduce the current impacts of climate change and increase resilience in the face of
future impacts; and
iv. Promote and cooperate in research and systematic observations of the climate system,
including through support to existing international programmes and networks.


Due to the complexity of the driving forces and the direct and indirect impacts of climate
change, most domains of environment statistics are relevant to climate change statistics.
Therefore, there is increased demand for environment statistics that can be used to
monitor, at different scales, the stages and sequences of climate change, such as
contributing emissions, mitigation, impact and adaptation. NSOs around the world find it
difficult to provide this type of information. Clear inter-institutional cooperation and new
resources are needed to produce climate change statistics on a timely basis that are
nationally and globally relevant.
Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)


In 2000, the Millennium Summit of the United Nations was held in New York. At this
Summit, world leaders adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration, which
includes a statement of values, principles and objectives for the international agenda for
the twenty-first century and sets deadlines for many collective actions. The framework
for monitoring MDGs is intended as a tool to follow up on the Millennium Declaration.
As a framework to monitor progress on meeting internationally agreed targets and goals
by 2015, it reflects the global consensus over a wide range of development challenges,
including those related to the environment. It is comprised of eight goals that are, in turn,
composed of targets and specific indicators to monitor progress towards each of the
agreed targets. Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability, can be monitored through its
four targets and 10 indicators. Of those, only two indicators have a quantifiable target to
be achieved by 2015. National, regional and global reporting on the progress measured
by these 10 indicators has increased, but data gaps and discrepancies among national and
international sources have persisted, particularly with regard to this goal. The MDG
indicator framework is policy driven and its purpose is to monitor progress in achieving


Emergence of the SDGs, targets and indicators to guide the post-2015 development agenda


At Rio+20, governments agreed to launch a process to develop a set of SDGs. They

asked that an Open Working Group (OWG) of 30 elected UN Member States be created
to develop a proposal for SDGs through an inclusive and transparent intergovernmental
process open to all stakeholders. The Member States decided to use an innovative,
constituency-based system of representation that was new to bodies with limited
membership. Thus, most of the OWG seats were shared by several countries working
together through 13 sessions. On 19 July 2014, the OWG completed its mandate at the
final formal session by adoption by acclamation, the OWG final outcome proposal
containing the Chapeau and the proposed 17 goals and 169 targets, including 62 targets
on means of implementation. The OWG adopted its outcome proposal, the Proposal of
the Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals, by acclamation. The
proposal was submitted to the UNGA for consideration and appropriate action at its 69th
session. At the point of submission to the UNGA, no indicators had been proposed.
However, once they have been identified, systematic data production and collection for
these indicators will have to be established or strengthened within national statistical


Of the 17 goals proposed by the OWG, the ones that are directly related to the
environment are as follows:
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all;
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable;
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns;
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for
sustainable development; and
Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss.


The SDG and targets are contained in the document Transforming Our World: The 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development. Outcome Document for the UN Summit to Adopt
the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Draft for Adoption. This outcome document was
finalized in 31 July 2015 during the last round of intergovernmental negotiations in New
York. The document consists of a preamble and an introduction, the SDGs proposal
containing goals and targets, a section on means of implementation and global
partnership, and a section describing the follow-up and review process. It is expected that
the SDGs will be formally approved in the UN Summit to adopt the post-2015
Development Agenda (25-27 September 2015), which will be convened as a high level
plenary meeting of the General Assembly.


Beyond GDP, green economy and green growth


Developments related to environment statistics also involved the creation, in early 2008,
of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission. It was set up to address issues related to the
measurement of economic performance and social progress. A central underlying
assumption and motive was the recognition that the best known measure of economic
activity, GDP, was not a sufficient and appropriate guide for modern policy making to
address social and environmental objectives. One of the recommendations of The Stiglitz
Report129 proposed that the environmental aspects of sustainability deserve a separate
follow-up based on a well-chosen set of physical indicators. In particular, there is a need
for a clear indicator of the earths proximity to dangerous levels of environmental
damage, such as those associated with climate change or the depletion of fishing stocks.
This further underscored the need for a responsive environment statistics framework.


Two other concepts, the green economy and green growth, complement the concept
of sustainable development. A green economy improves human well-being and social
equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. It is
characterized by low environmental risks (e.g., low carbon), social inclusiveness and
resource efficiency. The core of this initiative involves stimulating investment in green
sectors of the economy, while ameliorating those sectors that are environmentally
unsustainable. According to UNEP, A green economy can be defined as an economy
that results in improved human well-being and reduced inequalities over the long term,
while not exposing future generations to significant environmental risks and ecological
scarcities.130 A green economy is characterized by substantially increased investments
in economic sectors that build on and enhance the earths natural capital or reduce
ecological scarcities and environmental risks. These investments and policy reforms
provide the mechanisms and the financing for the reconfiguration of businesses,
infrastructure and institutions and the adoption of sustainable consumption and
production processes. Such reconfiguration leads to a higher share of green sectors
contributing to GDP, greener jobs, lower energy and resource intensive production, lower
waste and pollution and significantly lower GHG emissions.131 Targeted efforts and
policies in a green economy must be geared towards reducing environmental risks and
scarcities, while ensuring compatibility with reducing global poverty and social inequity.
For example, in pursuing investment in renewable energy, care must be taken to ensure
access to clean and affordable energy.


Specific indicators to measure the green economy have not yet been identified or agreed
upon, but work in this area involving UNEP, OECD and the World Bank suggests that
they will encompass the following broad areas:
i. Economic indicators: for example, share of investments or the share of output and
employment in sectors that meet a sustainability standard, such as green GDP;

Stiglitz, Joseph, The Stiglitz Report: Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Systems in the Wake of the Global Crisis, New
York, The New Press, 2010.
United Nations Environment Programme (2012). Measuring Progress Towards an Inclusive Green Economy. Available from
http://www.unep.org/greeneconomy/Portals/88/documents/research_products/Measuring%20Progress%20report.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Environment Programme. Green Economy Report: A Preview. Available from
http://www.unep.ch/etb/publications/Green%20Economy/GER%20Preview%20v2.0.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).


ii. Environmental indicators: for example, resource use efficiency or pollution intensity
at either the sectoral or economy-wide level, such as, energy use/GDP, or water
use/GDP; and
iii. Aggregate indicators of progress and well-being: for example, macroeconomic
aggregates to reflect natural capital depreciation, including integrated environmental
and economic accounting, or broader interpretations of well-being beyond the narrow
definition of GDP per capita.

Green growth expresses a different but related concept. According to the OECD,
green growth is about fostering economic growth and development while ensuring that
the natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which
our well-being relies and it emphasizes that it must catalyse investment and innovation
which will underpin sustained growth and give rise to new economic opportunities.132
OECD had proposed a complete set of indicators, including headline indicators in
2014.133 They are structured with a measurement framework that includes the following
i. Indicators for monitoring the environmental and resource productivity of the
ii. Indicators describing the natural asset base;
iii. Indicators monitoring the environmental dimension of quality of life; and
iv. Indicators describing policy responses and economic opportunities.
Conceptual approaches to structuring environment statistics


Two conceptual approaches that show potential for organizing environment statistics and
may go beyond a purely academic exercise are the natural capital and the ecosystem
approaches. In different contexts and for distinct purposes, they have become essential
for understanding interrelationships within the environment at highly complex levels. A
short discussion follows of the basic principles of each of these two well-established lines
of reasoning.
Natural capital approach


The natural capital approach has been defined as a means to identify and quantify the
natural environment and associated ecosystem services, leading to better decision-making
for managing, preserving and restoring natural environments. Capital theory has played a
large part in economic development theories. Societys total capital base is comprised of
different kinds of capital natural, economic, human and social. Natural capital, in the
form of land, has been included as one of the factors of production from the birth of
economic thought. Natural capital can be divided into three principal categories: natural
resource stocks, land and ecosystems. Natural capital provides goods and essential
functions to the economy, as well as services to humans and other living beings.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2014). OECD Green Growth Studies: Green Growth Indicators 2014. Available
from http://www.oecd.org/greengrowth/greengrowthindicators.htm (accessed 4 August 2015).



Natural capital performs four types of basic functions:

i. Provision of raw materials for production and consumption;
ii. Assimilation of the waste products of production and consumption;
iii. Provision of amenity services (cultural services); and
iv. Provision of basic life support functions on which human life depends.134


This approach incorporates the stock concept of natural capital, as well as a flow concept
of provision of services. Long-term economic development and sustainability depend on
both of these factors, which are critical to the survival of humankind and other species.


Different methods of measuring natural capital have been performed. Notably, the World
Bank made significant progress on measuring the real wealth and genuine savings of
nations. The SEEA-CF may also be used to measure natural capital and its use in physical
and monetary terms.


In addition, a joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Working Group on Statistics on Sustainable

Development135 reached a common understanding on the principles of measuring
sustainability and began working to develop a small core set of indicators. The outcome
is presented in the publication, Measuring Sustainable Development.136 To follow up on
this work, a Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force on Measuring Sustainable
Development (TFSD) was created, implicitly linked to and inspired by other initiatives
such as GDP and Beyond137 (European Commission), Better Life Initiative:
Measuring Well-being and Progress (OECD) and the Sponsorship Group on Measuring
Progress, Well-being and Sustainable Development138 (European Statistical System).


The Task Force published a report in 2014139 presenting the recommendations of the CES
on measuring sustainable development. The publication conveyed key messages about
measuring sustainable development, the need for harmonization, and proposed a
procedure to select potential indicators on transboundary impacts. It included a
measurement framework intended to link the SDI sets currently produced by national and
international statistical organizations, and provided a basis for formulating a list of
potential indicators. Three conceptual dimensions and 20 themes were distinguished
covering environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development. Based
on the measurement framework, a methodology to derive three indicator sets was
proposed: a large set of 60 indicators selected on a conceptual basis; a large set of 90

Dietz, Simon and Neumayer, Eric (2007). Weak and strong sustainability in the SEEA: concepts and measurement. Ecological Economics,
61 (4). pp. 617-626. Available from http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/3058/1/Weak_and_strong_sustainability_in_the_SEEA_%28LSERO%29.pdf
(accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2014). Statistics on Sustainable Development. Available from
http://www.unece.org/stats/sustainable-development.html (accessed 3 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Eurostat (2009).Measuring
Sustainable Development. Available from http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/stats/publications/Measuring_sustainable_development.pdf
(accessed 4 August 2015).
Commission of the European Communities (2009). GDP and Beyond. Available from http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2009:0433:FIN:EN:PDF (accessed 4 August 2015).
European Statistical System (2011). Measuring Progress, Well-being and Sustainable Development. Available from
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/42577/43503/SpG-Final-report-Progress-wellbeing-and-sustainable-deve (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2014). Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations on Measuring Sustainable
Development. Available from http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/stats/publications/2013/CES_SD_web.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).


indicators selected on a thematic basis including more detailed policy relevant indicators;
and a small set of 24 potential indicators to communicate the main messages more
efficiently to policymakers and the general public. Although the proposed sustainability
themes are considered universal, country-specific indicators may be selected. An
important conclusion in the report was that SDI sets should reflect the transboundary
impacts of sustainable development by highlighting how a country, in the pursuit of the
well-being of its citizens, may affect the well-being of citizens of other countries.

The natural capital approach may be applied to different levels. Fundamental concepts
such as strong and weak sustainability are based on the assessment of stocks and flows of
different types of capital in any given territory, but methodological difficulties in
measuring the different components of natural capital and its services can explain the
slow progress in this regard. The natural capital approach is a strong foundation for
structuring physical data without the need for monetary valuation, particularly to produce
data about stocks and flows. Statistical production based on monetary value appears to be
scarce today. Given incomplete scientific knowledge of many ecosystem dynamics and
the effect of the permanent interrelations between nature and human activity, additional
methodological problems arise from the choice of variables to be integrated into the
stocks and services from nature.


Statistical frameworks that make it possible to monitor the amount and quality of natural
assets (despite limitations relating to measurement) are therefore an invaluable tool for
assessing and assigning relative importance to societys natural capital base. This is a
long-standing need among natural resource intensive countries.
The ecosystem approach


The ecosystem approach was originally conceived as the strategic concept for the
integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation
and sustainable use in an equitable way,140 as opposed to per individual parts of the
systems. As a more holistic approach, where parts interacting together constantly modify
everything else, the ecosystem view considers spatially defined units (such as basins,
forest, marine and dryland) in an integrated fashion at the local, national or global levels,
applying appropriate scientific methodologies.


The ecosystem approach has been used primarily for integrated natural resources
management (including forests and river basins) and, more recently, for integrated
assessment purposes.


The assessment perspective has been implemented in the Millennium Ecosystem

Assessment that the United Nations called for in 2001. The Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment141 uses an innovative framework that considers both the ecosystem and its


Convention on Biological Diversity. COP 5 Decision V/6, paragraph A.1. Available from http://www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=7148 (accessed
4 August 2015).
The objective of this assessment was to provide a clear, scientific picture of the current state of the Earths ecosystems at multiple scales,
deepening understanding of the relationship and linkages between ecosystems and human well-being, including economic, social and cultural


services (provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural). It reports on the status of 24

services, categorizing those that are in debt, identifying the stocks that are running short
and where the fabric of life is deteriorating.

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment did not present a matrix for organizing its
findings, but used 10 ecosystem categories and sub-categories to report the findings on
different aspects and with distinct emphases. These reporting categories include a number
of ecosystems. They are not mutually exclusive, as their areas can and do overlap.
Ecosystems within each reporting category142 share a suite of biological, climatic and
social factors that tend to differ across categories. Within each category of ecosystems, an
exhaustive global assessment is presented, which includes ecosystem quality, changes in
the ecosystem services produced and ecosystem trends. These reporting categories
created by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, as well as its conceptual
understanding of the relations between people and ecosystems,143 showed potential first
as a possible structuring set of ecosystem types and, finally, as a rich conceptual construct
underpinning the structure of the FDES 2013.


As a conceptual construct, this approach sets out to value and recognize ecosystem
services that would otherwise not be explicitly acknowledged and accounted for. It is
based on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies and focused on levels of
biological organization which encompass the essential structure, processes, functions and
interactions among organisms and their environment. It recognizes humans, with their
cultural diversity, as an integral component of many ecosystems. As such, in principle it
is realistic in promoting understanding of the environment and assessing the complex
nature of interactions among the different components of the ecosystem. It delineates the
environment into spatially recognizable units that are influenced by associated
seasonality and flora, along with physical data such as elevation, humidity and drainage.
However, the focus of the ecosystem approach is designed to trigger management
interventions, which must invariably be carried out in an economic and political context.
Consequently, it has also acquired economic and political significance.


The ecosystem approach is thus an important conceptual framework that can be used in
environment statistics to model the structure and contents of the information to be
produced by any given country or at any scale, and it contributed to the development of
the FDES.


The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study was initiated in 2007 and
integrates the ecosystems approach and the natural capital concept. Its objectives are to
assess the global economic costs of ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss and
recommend solutions for policy makers, administrators, businesses and individuals. As
such, it underscored economic and political characteristics. The study revealed that
ecosystems are invisible and that losses accruing to them are therefore largely invisible.

aspirations (see Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis, Washington D.C., Island Press.
Available from http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.356.aspx.pdf (accessed 16 July 2015)).


These losses to the ecosystems are treated as externalities - costs arising from activities
that do not accrue to the persons or organizations performing the activities. Over time,
these represent a significant diminution of natural capital. According to UNEP these
losses hurt the poor most because their livelihoods and incomes depend most on
ecosystem services.144

The FDES 2013 draws its conceptual foundation from both the natural capital and the
ecosystem approaches, not necessarily as its structural backbone, but as complementary
ways of thinking about and designing the content and building blocks of the components,
topics and sub-topics included in the FDES.
Evolution of frameworks for environment statistics and environmental-economic

Environment statistics and indicator frameworks


Over the years, growing environmental concerns triggered the development of structured
frameworks to identify and organize environment statistics that could adequately help the
definition and the monitoring of policy goals and targets, and organize information on the
environment and its sustainability. Following is a review of the major environment
statistics and indicator frameworks relevant to the FDES formulation.
The Stress-Response framework and its derivatives


The stress-response approach was developed in response to the shortcomings of the

media approach which described processes of environmental change by disaggregating
them into different environmental media (including land, water and air). Seeking to
organize environmental data into a more structured framework, this approach focused on
the impacts of human intervention within the environment (stress) and the environments
subsequent transformation (environmental response). The original approach was
developed by Statistics Canada in 1979 as a Structural Framework for the S-RESS.145
The stress-response approach relates a set of activities that exert stress on the
environment (such as waste generation, extraction of natural resources and the production
of hazardous substances) to the following data categories:
i. Measures of stressors, that is, of human and natural activities which possess the
potential to degrade the quality of the natural environment, to affect the health of
man, to threaten the survival of species, to place pressures on non-renewable
resources, and to cause a deterioration in the quality of human settlements;

United Nations Environment Programme (2010). Our Planet, September 2010. Available from
http://www.unep.org/pdf/OP_sept/2010/EN/OP-2010-09-EN-FULLVERSION.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
Rapport, David and Friend, Anthony (1979). Towards a Comprehensive Framework for Environment Statistics: a Stress-response Approach,
Ottawa, Statistics Canada.


ii. Measures of stress, that is, of the elements that place pressures on and contribute to
the breakdown of the natural and human-made environment such as the emission of
iii. Measures of environmental response, that is, of the observed effects of stress on the
natural and human-made environment;
iv. Measures of collective and individual response, that is, of humans reactions to
environmental changes such as environmental protection and conservation; and
v. Measures of stocks, that is of the stocks of natural resources, human-made structures
and potentially hazardous substances.

Work on the stress-response framework culminated in the introduction of the S-RESS

framework, which was later adapted and modified to be used as a similar sequence of
columns in the main matrix of the 1984 FDES.


The 1984 FDES framework was designed to reflect the sequence of action, impact and
reaction that could trace the relationships among social and economic activities and
natural events, their effects on the environment and the responses to these effects by
public organizations and individuals. The FDES was used by many countries and it was
made operational in the UNSDs data collection for environment statistics at the
international level. Its basic structure arranged environmental media as rows and placed
the sequence adapted from the stress-response in columns, thus positioning topics in the
resulting cells of the table. These environment statistics topics were further developed to
more disaggregated levels in annexes and separate publications. One important
shortcoming of the FDES was that practitioners and users could assume that the
relationships among the different stages of the sequence were linear.


The PSR framework is another environmental framework that has been used widely since
the FDES was developed. The PSR is itself an adaptation of the S-RESS framework,
which was the culmination of work on the stress-response framework. The PSR
framework recognized that human activities exert pressures (such as pollution emissions
or land use changes) on the environment, which can, in turn, induce changes in the state
of the environment (e.g., changes in ambient pollutant levels, habitat diversity and water
flows). Society then responds to these changes in pressures or state with environmental
and economic policies and programmes intended to prevent, reduce or mitigate the
pressures and/or environmental damage. The responses form a feedback loop to impose
pressure through human activities. In a wider sense, these steps form part of an
environmental policy cycle that includes problem perception, policy formulation, and
monitoring and policy evaluation.146


PSR frameworks are useful for classifying and reporting existing data. The indicators
derived from them are functional and well known. However, they cannot reveal which
statistical topics or even variables that could be missing. Additionally, while PSR-type
frameworks tend to focus on the harmful aspects of the human-ecosystem relationship,


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1993). Environment Monographs, No. 83. OECD Core set of Indicators for
Environmental Performance Reviews.


they do not distinguish between beneficial and harmful stressors and impacts.147 PSR
frameworks also tend to suggest, or have been interpreted to suggest, linear relationships
in the human activity-environment interaction. This obstructs the view of more complex
relationships in ecosystems and in environment-economy interactions.

The establishment of the United Nations CSD was a critical organizational development
which intervened in and influenced the development of these frameworks. Another early
indicator framework for environment statistics the Driving force-State-Response (DSR)
framework was developed under the aegis of Agenda 21 as a tool to systematize and
represent the interrelationships encompassed by sustainable development. The DSR
framework, which was derived from the PSR framework, was arranged according to the
Agenda 21 chapters. Indicators were classified based on their Driving force, State
and Response characteristics, where driving force represented human activities,
processes or patterns that impact on sustainable development; state indicators provide
information on the condition of sustainable development; and response indicators
represented societal actions aimed at moving towards sustainable development.


In practice, some countries found the DSR framework inadequate for the social,
economic and institutional dimensions of sustainable development because of the length
of the suggested working list of indicators and the unavailability of some national
indicator sets. Furthermore, the SDIs, organized in the economic, social and environment
sections, do not facilitate their needed integration. Thus, they do not present a cohesive
picture but rather a series of separate lists. Consequently, the use of the DSR framework
was discontinued within the CSD work on SDIs.


As a successor approach, in 2001, the CSD published its Indicators of Sustainable

Development: Guidelines and Methodologies, codifying the output of its work
programme on indicators of sustainable development. This publication provided a
detailed description of key sustainable development themes and sub-themes, proposing a
framework and core set of indicators. The framework offered 15 themes and 38 subthemes to guide national indicator development beyond 2001. Even though this
organization was not done strictly along Agenda 21 chapters, its strength was that it
managed to better satisfy its original intent by putting more emphasis on policy-oriented


More recently, in 2007, a non-linear matrix-type of structure was adopted by the CSD,
where each indicator could be relevant for different dimensions and themes of sustainable
development. The division of indicators along the lines of four pillars (social,
economic, environmental and institutional) is no longer explicit in the newly revised core
set or SDIs. This change emphasizes the multi-dimensional nature of sustainable development and reflects the importance of integrating its pillars. Consequently, new cross-

United Nations Statistics Division, Expert Group Meeting on the Revision of the FDES (2010). Criteria for a Conceptual Framework for
Developing Environment Statistics, Robert Smith and Michael Bordt, Statistics Canada. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environment/fdes/EGM1/EGM-FDES.1.14Criteria%20for%20a%20Conceptual%20Framework%20for%20Developing%20Environment%20Statistics%20%20Robert%20Smith%20&%20Michael%20Bordt.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).


cutting themes, such as poverty and natural hazards, were introduced and existing crosscutting themes, such as consumption and production patterns, are better represented.

The DPSIR framework is yet another framework that attempts to organize environmental
components in logical fashion according to components of driving force, pressure, state,
impact and response.148


Here, Driving force refers to the social, demographic and economic developments in a
society and the corresponding changes in lifestyles and overall levels of consumption and
production patterns. The major driving forces are population growth and changes in
individuals needs and activities. They provoke changes in overall levels of production
and consumption and, thereby, exert pressure on the environment. This pressure may
manifest itself in various ways, including excessive use of natural resources, changes in
land use and emissions (of chemicals, waste, radiation and noise) to air, water and land.
The Pressure component provides information on emissions, application of chemical and
biological agents and the use of land and other resources. The pressures exerted by
society's production and consumption patterns are subsequently transformed via natural
processes that may result in changes in the state of the environment. The State component
provides information on the level, quality and/or quantity of physical phenomena,
biological phenomena and chemical phenomena in a given area at a given point in time.
Changes in the state of the environment may have environmental and economic impacts
on ecosystems and, eventually, on human health and the economic and social welfare of a
society. The Impact component describes the relevance of changes in the state of the
environment and the corresponding implications for ecosystems, the economy and human
well-being and health. Response refers to the reaction of the government, institutions,
groups of people and individuals to undesired impacts on the environment in order to
prevent, mitigate, ameliorate or adapt to changes in the environment. For example,
responses may seek to change and/or redirect prevailing trends in the consumption and
production of goods and services, improve the monitoring and control of pollutants or
develop cleaner technologies.


The Global (regional, national) Environment Outlooks (GEOs), led by UNEP, are
produced using the DPSIR framework for analysis. This process involves stakeholders
and collaborating academic and research centres, which perform the assessment based on
a documented methodology. In general, the core indicators data matrix is organized using
a theme-issue row structure. The main themes include land, forest, biodiversity,
freshwater, atmosphere, coastal and marine areas, disasters and urban areas.


The evolution of these frameworks and their sequences has influenced the production of
environmental statistics and indicators over the years at the global and national levels.
Their contents, structure and conceptual underpinning, and the experiences of
practitioners working with them in real life, have been analysed and have contributed to

European Environment Agency (2003). Environmental Indicators: Typology and Use in Reporting. Chapter 3.1. Available from
(accessed 4 August 2015).


the revision of the FDES, particularly to the shape of its new structure and the scope of its
The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA)


In 1987, the report of the Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, made clear the
links between economic and social development and the environments capacity. Shortly
afterwards, in 1992, the recommendations of the UN Conference on Environment and
Development Earth Summit in Agenda 21 (UN 1992)149 recommended that countries
implement environmental-economic accounts at the earliest date.


In response, the UNSD published the handbook of national accounting Integrated

Environmental and Economic Accounting (UN 1993),150 commonly referred to as the
SEEA. This handbook was issued as an interim version of work in progress since the
discussion of relevant concepts and methods had not come to a final conclusion.


As a result of the publication of the SEEA handbook, several developing and developed
countries started experimenting on the compilation of SEEA-based data. The London
Group on Environmental Accounting was created in 1994 under the auspices of the
United Nations Statistical Commission to provide a forum for practitioners to share their
experiences on developing and implementing environmental-economic accounts.
Increased discussions on concepts and methods of environmental-economic accounting,
accompanied with country experiences led to an increasing convergence of concepts and
methods for various modules of the SEEA.


Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting An Operational Manual (UN

2000)151 was published by UNSD and UNEP based on material prepared by the Nairobi
group, a group of experts established in 1995 from national and international agencies
and NGOs. This publication reflected the on-going discussion following the publication
of the SEEA in 1993 and provided step-by-step guidance on the implementation of the
more practical modules of the SEEA and elaborated the uses of integrated environmental
and economic accounting in policy making.


In parallel with this work, the international agencies, in cooperation with the London
Group, worked on a revision of the 1993 SEEA. The revision process was carried out
through a series of expert meetings and involved wide consultation. The revised SEEA,
SEEA-2003, represented a significant step forward in terms of breadth of material and
harmonisation of concepts, definitions and methods in environmental and economic
accounting. However, in several places, the SEEA-2003 presented multiple
methodological options and a range of country examples, showing varying country
practices. Thus, it was never formally adopted as an international statistical standard and

United Nations Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.
Available from http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (1993). Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (interim version). Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_61E.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Statistics Division (2000). Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting An Operational Manual. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/publication/SeriesF/SeriesF_78E.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).


the SEEA was not recognised as a statistical system in its own right. Nonetheless, the
SEEA-2003 has provided a well-accepted and robust framework overall for compiling
environmental and economic accounts. Many countries around the world have used it.

Recognising the growing importance of information on the environment and the need to
place it in an economic context that could be understood by central policy makers, the
United Nations Statistical Commission agreed at its 38th session in February 2007 to
begin a second revision process. This process was managed under the auspices of the
United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental and Economic Accounting
(UNCEEA). There was substantial agreement on the content of the SEEA-2003 in terms
of both scope and treatment, so the revision was to focus primarily on areas of the SEEA2003 where additional understanding and agreement were needed. The London Group
was assigned the 21 issues identified for the revision of the SEEA. The newly formed
Oslo Group on Energy Statistics was also involved in the discussion of energy-related
issues. The SEEA-CF represents the major outcome of the process.


During the revision process, it became clear that agreement was not likely to be reached
on certain aspects of the SEEA-2003, specifically, measuring and valuing degradation.
Consequently, the United Nations Statistical Commission determined that the revision of
the SEEA should proceed to develop a Central Framework covering those issues where
general international agreement existed and to develop material to address those aspects
where agreement was not likely to be reached within the timeframes available and that
required ongoing research and discussion.


Global consultation on the SEEA-CF was completed in 2011 and it was adopted by the
United Nations Statistical Commission, at its 43rd Session in 2012, as the initial version
of the international standard for environmental-economic accounts, subject to further
revision, acknowledging that further improvements on measurement are necessary on
specific issues.152 The SEEA-CF was published in February 2014.153


The SEEA-CF covers the interactions between the economy and the environment based
on an accounting structure similar to that of the SNA and uses concepts, definitions and
classifications consistent with the latter. As a satellite account of the central SNA, the
SEEA-CF incorporates flows between the economy and the environment, and highlights
environmental activities and expenditures that are not shown explicitly in conventional
national accounts presentations. The SEEA-CF also incorporates environmental assets
both inside and outside of the scope of conventional economic measurement, and records
stocks of environmental assets and changes in these stocks over time.


The SEEA-CF is comprised of the following types of accounts: (i) supply and use tables
in physical and monetary terms showing flows of natural inputs, products and residuals;

United Nations Statistical Commission (2012). Report on the Forty-Third Session, Economic and Social Council, Official Records 2012,
Supplement No. 4. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/sc2012.htm (accessed 5 August 2015).
United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development, and World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central
Framework. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


(ii) asset accounts for individual environmental assets in physical and monetary terms
showing the stock of environmental assets at the beginning and end of each accounting
period and the changes in the stock; (iii) a sequence of economic accounts showing all
economic flows between economic units; and (iv) functional accounts which highlight
economic activities undertaken for environmental purposes.

A second area of work complementing the SEEA-CF focuses on accounting for the
environment from the ecosystem perspective, as presented in the SEEA Experimental
Ecosystem Accounting, which is not an international standard. The publication154 states
that ecosystem accounting is a relatively new and emerging field dealing with integrating
complex biophysical data, tracking changes in ecosystems and linking those changes to
economic and other human activity. Ecosystem accounting is a coherent and integrated
approach to the assessment of the environment through the measurement of ecosystems,
and measurement of the flows of services from ecosystems into economic and other
human activity. The scale of ecosystem accounting may vary from specific land cover
types, such as forests, to larger integrated areas such as river basins, and includes areas
that may be considered relatively natural and those that may be heavily influenced by
human activity, such as agricultural areas.155 Ecosystem accounting extends beyond other
approaches to ecosystem analysis and assessment through the explicit linking of
ecosystems to economic and other human activity.


During the revision process, a need also emerged for material covering potential
extensions and applications of SEEA-based datasets, with the aim of promoting and
supporting the widespread adoption of the SEEA among official statisticians, researchers
and policy makers. To this end, the SEEA Applications and Extensions has been
developed.156 SEEA Applications and Extensions provides potential compilers and users
of SEEA-based environmental-economic accounts with material to show how this
information can be used in decision making, policy review and formulation, analysis and
research. SEEA Applications and Extensions is intended to provide a bridge between
compilers and analysts allowing each to recognise the potential uses and the related
measurement considerations. SEEA Applications and Extensions is a summary of the
most common applications and extensions and does not provide complete coverage of all
materials that may be relevant in the communication and dissemination of information on
environmental-economic accounts. Since it is a summary guide to the use of SEEA-based
data, SEEA Applications and Extensions is not a statistical standard. The choice of topics
and examples is intended to provide an indication of the possibilities and does not
represent a basis for standardised reporting at national or international level.

European Commission, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations and World Bank (2013). System of
Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012: Experimental Ecosystem Accounting. Available from
http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/eea_final_en.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).
Ibid, page 1.
European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
United Nations and World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012: Applications and Extensions. White cover
publication, pre-edited text subject to official editing. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/ae_white_cover.pdf (accessed 4
August 2015).



During the almost two decades of its evolution, the physical accounts have become more
important in the development of the SEEA; therefore, the SEEA has become one of the
major users and uses of environment statistics. The methodological work carried out
during the process of the revision of the SEEA has produced concepts, definitions and
classifications that are also relevant for and have been taken into consideration in the
revision of the FDES.


Annex C: Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)


MEAs address, via international cooperation, environmental problems, especially those

which have a transboundary nature or are global in scope. This Annex presents the most
relevant global MEAs as they relate to the field of environment statistics, presented in
alphabetical order. Most environmental problems have a transboundary nature and often a
global scope, and can only be addressed effectively through international cooperation.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to promote measures at international level to deal
with regional or worldwide environmental problems, and in particular combat climate


A summary of each of the selected MEAs is provided, followed by a description of its

implications in terms of potential demand for data and statistics. For the most relevant
MEAs, participant or signatory countries are usually expected to report on progress
periodically, either on a mandatory or voluntary basis.
Basel Convention


In the late 1980s, enforcement of environmental regulations in industrialized countries

increased. Consequently, so did pressure to find environmentally responsible means of
disposing of hazardous waste. This was a major impetus for drafting and adopting the
Basel Convention.158


During its first decade (1989-1999), the Basel Convention was devoted mainly to setting
up a framework to control the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes across
international borders. It also developed criteria for environmentally sound management
(ESM) of such wastes and established a Control System, based on prior written
notification. In the 2000-2010 decade, the focus shifted from remedial to preventive
aspects, with the following areas of concern recognized explicitly:
i. Prevention, minimization, recycling, recovery and disposal of hazardous and other
wastes, taking into account social, technological and economic concerns;
ii. Active promotion and use of cleaner technologies and production methods;
iii. Further reduction of movement of hazardous and other wastes;
iv. Prevention and monitoring of illegal traffic;
v. Improvement of institutional and technical capabilities through technology when
appropriate especially for developing countries and countries with economies in
vi. Further development of regional centres for training and technology transfer;
vii. Enhancement of information exchange, education and awareness-raising in all sectors
of society; and
viii. Cooperation and partnership with the public authorities, international organizations,
the industry sector, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions.

European Commission. Environment International Issues, Multilateral Environment Agreements. Available from
http://ec.europa.eu/environment/international_issues/agreements_en.htm (accessed 4 August 2015).
Basel Convention. Available from http://www.basel.int (accessed 4 August 2015).



The Convention requires all Parties to submit information regarding wastes through
annual reports to the Secretariat in a questionnaire format, covering the status of
information in Part 1 and annual reporting in Part 2. To facilitate national reporting, the
Secretariat has developed the Electronic Reporting System of the Basel Convention.159 A
data visualization tool was created to show, in an interactive way, data provided by the
Parties to the Basel Convention on the generation and transboundary movements of
hazardous wastes and other wastes.160
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)


The CBD entered into force on 29 December 1993.161 This Convention arose from a
growing commitment, at the international level, to sustainable development. It
represented a dramatic step forward in the conservation of biological diversity, the
sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising
from the use of genetic resources. The Convention requires Parties to present reports to
the Conference of the Parties on measures that they have taken for the implementation of
the provisions of the Convention and their effectiveness in meeting the objectives of the
Convention. Guidelines for the national reports and many resource materials for the
preparation of these reports can be found on the Conventions website.162


The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 was adopted at the 10th meeting of the
Conference of the Parties, held in 2010.163 It consists of an overarching framework on
biodiversity, which includes 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets organized under five strategic
i. Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity
across government and society;
ii. Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use;
iii. To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and
genetic diversity;
iv. Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services; and
v. Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management
and capacity building.
The goals and targets comprise both aspirations for achievement at the global level and a
flexible framework for the establishment of national or regional targets. The global
biodiversity indicators developed and brought together by the Biodiversity Indicators
Partnership (BIP) are the primary mechanism for monitoring progress towards the
Strategic Plan and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. In the first instance 17 of the 20 Aichi
targets are covered by at least one of the BIP indicators. In the coming years the


Basel Convention. Electronic Reporting System of the Basel Convention. Available from
http://www.basel.int/Countries/NationalReporting/ElectronicReportingSystem/tabid/3356/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
Basel Convention. Data Visualization Tool for the Basel Convention on the Generation, Export and Import of Hazardous Wastes and Other
Wastes. Available from http://www.basel.int/Countries/NationalReporting/DataVisualizationTool/tabid/3216/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August
Convention on Biological Diversity. History of the Convention. Available from http://www.cbd.int/history/ (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity. Background. Available from https://www.cbd.int/reports/national.shtml (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity. Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Available from
http://www.cbd.int/sp/ (accessed 4 August 2015).


Partnership will endeavour to fill gaps and expand its set of indicators to ensure that a
comprehensive framework of global indicators is available to monitor progress towards
the suite of Aichi Biodiversity Targets.164
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas


The Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas is
an agreement that was designed to solve the problems involved in the conservation of
living resources of the high seas through international cooperation, considering that
because of the development of modern technology, some of these resources are in danger
of being overexploited. The summary of the provisions of the convention are165: all States
have a duty to adopt, or cooperate with other States in adopting, measures necessary for
the conservation of the living resources of the high seas (art. 1). Such measures should be
formulated with a view to securing a supply of food for human consumption (art. 2).
Coastal States have special interests in the high seas adjacent to their territorial seas and
may unilaterally adopt conservation measures for such areas which shall be valid for
other States if there is an urgent need for such measures, and if the measures are based on
scientific findings and do not discriminate against foreign fishermen (arts. 6 and 7). The
convention was opened for signature on 29 April 1958 in Geneva and entered into force
on 20 March 1966.166 No indicators have been put forward to measure the performance of
this treaty.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora


CITES is an international agreement between governments.167 Its aim is to ensure that

international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their
survival. The trade is diverse, ranging from live animals and plants to a vast array of
wildlife products derived from them. Levels of exploitation of some animal and plant
species are high and the trade in them, together with other factors, such as habitat loss, is
capable of heavily depleting their populations and even bringing some species close to
extinction. Many wildlife species in trade are not endangered, but the existence of an
agreement to ensure the sustainability of the trade is important in order to safeguard these
resources for the future. Because the trade in wild animals and plants crosses borders
between countries, efforts to regulate it require international cooperation to safeguard
certain species from over-exploitation. CITES provides varying degrees of protection to
more than 30,000 species of animals and plants, whether or not they are traded as live
specimens. CITES entered into force on 1 July 1975. Countries adopt their own domestic
legislation to ensure that CITES is implemented at the national level. Parties to CITES
are required to submit reporting on legislative, regulatory and administrative measures


Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (2012). The Indicators. Available from http://www.bipindicators.net/globalindicators (accessed 4 August
United Nations Treaty Collection. Volume 559, Page 285. Available from
https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%20559/v559.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Treaty Collection. Chapter XXI, Law of the Sea, Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High
Seas. Available from https://treaties.un.org/pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XXI-3&chapter=21&lang=en (accessed 4 August
Text of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Available from
http://www.cites.org/eng/disc/text.php (accessed 4 August 2015).


taken to enforce its provisions. National reporting is intended to be supportive of the

monitoring of the following objectives of CITES:
i. Ensure compliance with and implementation and enforcement of the Convention;
ii. Secure the necessary financial resources and means for the operation and
implementation of the Convention; and
iii. Contribute to significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by ensuring that
CITES and other multilateral instruments and processes are coherent and mutually

Each Party shall prepare periodic reports on its implementation of this Convention and
shall transmit to the Secretariat, including an annual report and a biennial report. The
standard formats for these reports and guidelines for their preparation and submission
may be found on the Conventions website.168 CITES trade data are accessible via the
CITES trade database on the CITES website.169
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)


The CMS or Bonn Convention is an intergovernmental treaty that aims to conserve

terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory species throughout their range.170 Concluded
under the aegis of UNEP, it is concerned with the conservation of wildlife and habitats on
a global scale. Its steadily growing membership includes Parties from Africa, Central and
South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.


CMS Parties strive towards strictly protecting these animals, conserving or restoring the
places where they live, mitigating obstacles to migration and controlling other factors that
might endanger them. Besides establishing obligations for each State joining the
Convention, CMS promotes concerted action among the Range States of many of these
species. CMS acts as a framework Convention. The Agreements may range from legally
binding treaties to less formal instruments, such as Memoranda of Understanding, and
can be adapted to the requirements of particular regions. The development of models
tailored according to the conservation needs throughout the migratory range is a unique
capacity of CMS.


Submission of an annual report under specified guidelines is a requirement. This

reporting covers imports, exports and re-exports of the animals covered under the
Convention, including of manufactured products derived from those species. National
Reports are the official documents by which countries report to the decision-making
bodies of CMS and/or its instruments on the measures they have undertaken to
implement the priorities of the instruments. National Reports provide an official record of
national implementation of each instrument over time and collectively they draw the


Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2011). Guidelines for the preparation and submission of
CITES annual reports. Available from http://cites.org/sites/default/files/eng/notif/2011/E019A.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. CITES Trade Database. Available from
http://trade.cites.org/ (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. About CMS. Available from http://www.cms.int/en (accessed 4
August 2015).


picture of the overall implementation of the instrument.171 The CMS Family Online
Reporting System is available on the CMS website.
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki


The Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea
Area was signed in 1992 by Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, the European
Community, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden.172 The
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992,
entered into force on 17 January 2000.173 The objective of this Convention was to
establish a framework of regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea in order to reduce and
prevent pollution in this region and promote the self-regeneration of its marine
environment and preservation of its ecological balance. In accordance with the
precautionary principle and the principles of the polluter pays and sustainable
management, the parties undertake to adopt legislative, administrative or other relevant
measures to achieve this objective. In the Baltic Sea Action Plan, the Contracting Parties
to the Helsinki Convention agreed to periodically evaluate whether the targets of the
Action Plan have been met by using indicator based assessments. For this reason,
HELCOM core indicators were introduced to regularly assess the status of the Baltic Sea
marine environment against targets that reflect good environmental status.174
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)


The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is
the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine
environment by ships from operational or accidental causes. The MARPOL Convention
was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO.175 The Protocol of 1978 was adopted in
response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977.176 MARPOL has been updated by
amendments through the years.


The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from
ships both accidental pollution and that from routine operations and currently
includes six technical Annexes177: (i) Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
(entered into force 2 October 1983) covers prevention of pollution by oil from
operational measures as well as from accidental discharges; (ii) Regulations for the
Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (entered into force 2 October


Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. National Reports. Available from
http://www.cms.int/en/documents/national-reports (accessed 4 August 2015).
European Union. Treaties Office Database, Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992. Available
from http://ec.europa.eu/world/agreements/prepareCreateTreatiesWorkspace/treatiesGeneralData.do?step=0&redirect=true&treatyId=543
(accessed 4 August 2015).
HELCOM, Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 136, HELCOM core indicators, Final report of the HELCOM CORESET project.
Available from http://helcom.fi/Lists/Publications/BSEP136.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
International Maritime Organization. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Available from
http://www.imo.org/About/Conventions/ListOfConventions/Pages/International-Convention-for-the-Prevention-of-Pollution-from-Ships(MARPOL).aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).


1983) details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious
liquid substances carried in bulk and no discharge of residues containing noxious
substances is permitted within 12 miles of the nearest land; (ii) Prevention of Pollution by
Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form (entered into force 1 July 1992)
contains general requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on packing, marking,
labelling, documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and notifications; (iv)
Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships (entered into force 27 September 2003)
contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage; the discharge of sewage
into the sea is prohibited, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage
treatment plant or when the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using
an approved system at a distance of more than three nautical miles from the nearest land;
(v) Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships (entered into force 31 December
1988) deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distances from land and the
manner in which they may be disposed of; the most important feature of the Annex is the
complete ban imposed on the disposal into the sea of all forms of plastics; and (vi)
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entered into force 19 May 2005) sets limits on
sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits deliberate
emissions of ozone depleting substances; designated emission control areas set more
stringent standards for SOx, NOx and particulate matter.

IMO performance indicators have been brought forward with the aim of achieving safe
shipping, secure shipping, environmentally sound shipping, efficient shipping,
sustainable shipping, adoption of the highest practicable standards, implementation of
instruments and capacity-building.178
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous
Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade


The Rotterdam Convention is a multilateral treaty to promote shared responsibilities

during the process of importation of hazardous chemicals.179 Adopted in September 1998
in Rotterdam, this Convention promotes open exchange of information and calls on
exporters of hazardous chemicals to use proper labelling, include directions on safe
handling, and inform purchasers of any known restrictions or bans. It fosters shared
responsibility and joint efforts of the Parties to the Convention in international trade in
hazardous chemicals to protect human health and the environment. Signatory nations can
decide whether to allow or ban the importation of chemicals listed in the treaty and
exporting countries are obliged to make sure that producers within their jurisdiction
comply. The Convention provides for procedures concerning: banned or severely
restricted chemicals; severely hazardous pesticide formulations; obligations regarding the
import and export of chemicals; and Parties cooperation and information exchange.


International Maritime Organization. Council 105th Session, Agenda Item 3(a), Strategy and Planning, (a) Monitoring of performance-Review
of data measured against the performance indicators. Available from
%20C_105-3(a)-1[1].pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
Text of the Rotterdam Convention. Available from
http://www.pic.int/TheConvention/Overview/TextoftheConvention/tabid/1048/language/en-US/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).



The Convention requires all Parties to submit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible and in
any event no later than nine months after the date of dispatch of a decision guidance
document, their decision concerning the future import of a chemical listed under the
Convention. The Secretariat has developed the following two options: an online import
response form that guides users through each section and provides assistance in
completing it such as pointing to further sources of information; and a Word version of
the form and instructions.180 A database of import responses may be found on the
Convention website.181 According to the Convention, any exported chemical that is
banned or severely restricted under the Convention must be accompanied by an export
notification. The standard form for export notification may be found on the Secretariat
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)


The Stockholm Convention is an international environmental treaty, signed in 2001 and

effective from May 2004, that aims to eliminate or restrict the production and use of
POPs.183 POPs are defined as chemical substances that persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food web, and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human
health and the environment.184 In 1995, the Governing Council of UNEP called for
global action to be taken on POPs.


Parties to the Stockholm Convention have agreed to a process by which persistent toxic
compounds can be reviewed and added to the Convention, if they meet certain criteria for
persistence and transboundary threat. A first set of new chemicals to be added to the
Convention was agreed in May 2009. Compliance is monitored through required national
reporting by Parties under the Convention. Reporting information relates to the initial 12
pollutants and the nine additional new pollutants, as well as to listed chemicals. The
Convention requires each Party to report on the measures it has taken to implement the
provisions of the Convention, including statistical data on its total quantities of
production, import and export of each chemical listed in the Annex A and Annex B of the
Convention every four years. Parties may submit their national reports through the
Stockholm Convention Electronic Reporting System available online.185


In pursuing the goal of promoting synergies among the Rotterdam Convention, the Basel
Convention and the Stockholm Convention, commitment has been made to the
establishment of a clearing house mechanism that would service the monitoring and

Rotterdam Convention (2010). Form and Instructions. Available from

(accessed 4 August 2015).
Rotterdam Convention (2010). Database of Import Responses. Available from
http://www.pic.int/Procedures/ImportResponses/Database/tabid/1370/language/en-US/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
Rotterdam Convention (2010). Form and Instructions. Available from
http://www.pic.int/Procedures/ExportNotifications/FormandInstructions/tabid/1365/language/en-US/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
Text of the Stockholm Convention on POPs. Available from http://chm.pops.int/Convention/ConventionText/tabid/2232/language/enGB/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Environment Programme. Persistent Organic Pollutants. Available from http://www.chem.unep.ch/pops/ (accessed 21 July
Stockholm Convention on POPs (2008). Electronic Reporting System. Available from
http://chm.pops.int/Countries/Reporting/ElectronicReportingSystem/tabid/3669/Default.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).


information needs of all three Conventions.186 The intent is that these synergies would
foster sound chemicals management of the relevant pollutants over their life cycles.

The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses


The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and

International Lakes (Water Convention) was adopted in Helsinki in 1992 and entered into
force in 1996.187 Almost all countries sharing transboundary waters in the UNECE region
are Parties to the Convention. The Water Convention strengthens transboundary water
cooperation and measures for the ecologically-sound management and protection of
transboundary surface waters and groundwater. The Convention fosters the
implementation of IWRM, in particular the basin approach. The Conventions
implementation contributes to the achievement of the MDGs and other international
commitments on water, environment and sustainable development. The Water
Convention requires Parties to prevent, control and reduce transboundary impacts, use
transboundary waters in a reasonable and equitable way and ensure their sustainable
management. Parties bordering the same transboundary waters have to cooperate by
entering into specific agreements and establishing joint bodies.


As a framework agreement, the Convention does not replace bilateral and multilateral
agreements for specific basins or aquifers; instead, it fosters their establishment and
implementation, as well as further development. The areas of work of the convention
include: quantifying benefits of transboundary water cooperation; water-energy-foodecosystems nexus; assessment of transboundary waters; water and adaptation to climate
change; and water and industrial accidents. In 2003, the Water Convention was amended
to allow accession by countries outside the UNECE region. The amendment entered into
force on 6 February 2013, turning the Water Convention into a global legal framework
for transboundary water cooperation. It is expected that countries outside the UNECE
region will be able to join the Convention as of late 2015.188 No specific indicators
associated to this convention have been found, but there is a guide for implementing this
convention. The Guide offers a comprehensive commentary to the Conventions
provisions, providing explanations of the procedural, legal, administrative, technical and
practical aspects of the Conventions requirements for appropriate implementation.189

Stockholm Convention on POPs (2009). Clearing-house mechanism for information exchange on persistent organic pollutants. Available
from http://chm.pops.int/Portals/0/Repository/COP4/UNEP-POPS-COP.4-19.English.PDF (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Introduction, About the UNECE Water Convention. Available from
http://www.unece.org/env/water/text/text.html (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Water Convention, The UNECE Water Convention, Helsinki, 17 March 1992. Available
from http://www.unece.org/env/water.html (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Water Convention, About the Convention, Implementation. Available from
http://www.unece.org/env/water/partnership/part.html (accessed 4 August 2015).


The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat

(the Ramsar Convention)


The Ramsar Convention is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable
utilisation of wetlands.190 Signed in 1971, it is an intergovernmental treaty that provides a
framework for national action and international cooperation. It encourages the wise use
of wetlands and the maintenance of their ecological character.191 It is intended to stem
the progressive encroachment on and loss of wetlands now and in the future, recognising
the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and their economic, cultural, scientific,
and recreational value. Parties are charged with identifying suitable wetlands for
placement on the List of Wetlands of International Importance (also called Ramsar
Sites). The Convention requests relevant international bodies to prepare reports and
statistics on matters which are essentially international in character affecting wetlands. It
urges Parties to submit detailed National Reports to the Secretariat at least six months
before each ordinary meeting of the Conference, and this tradition has continued
unbroken to this day.192 National reporting covers a well-developed set of indicators on
the ecological character of sites, the conservation status of wetlands, bird populations,
etc., that cover its effectiveness at different levels of implementation.193

The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture aims at
recognizing the enormous contribution of farmers to the diversity of crops that feed the
world, establishing a global system to provide farmers, plant breeders and scientists with
access to plant genetic materials, and ensuring that recipients share benefits they derive
from the use of these genetic materials with the countries where they originated. The
Treaty came into force on 29 June 2004194 and is crucial in the fight against hunger and
poverty and essential for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals 1 and 7.195


No country is self-sufficient in plant genetic resources; all depend on genetic diversity in

crops from other countries and regions. International cooperation and open exchange of
genetic resources are therefore essential for food security. The fair sharing of benefits
arising from the use of these resources has for the first time been practically implemented
at the international level through the Treaty and its Standard Material Transfer
Agreement. The treaty benefits: farmers and their communities, through Farmers' Rights;
consumers, because of a greater variety of foods, and of agriculture products, as well as


Text of the Ramsar Convention. Available from http://ramsar.rgis.ch/cda/en/ramsar-documents-texts-convention-on/main/ramsar/1-3138%5E20671_4000_0__ (accessed 4 August 2015).
The Ramsar Convention (2005). Resolutions on the 9th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties Resolution IX.1 Annex A.
Available from http://ramsar.rgis.ch/cda/en/ramsar-documents-resol-resolution-ix-1-annex-a/main/ramsar/1-31-107%5E23536_4000_0__
(accessed 4 August 2015).
The Ramsar Convention. National Reports. Available from http://ramsar.rgis.ch/cda/en/ramsar-documents-natl-rpts-national-reportscop12/main/ramsar/1-31-121-592_4000_0__ (accessed 4 August 2015).
International Expert Workshop on the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators and Post-2010 Indicator Development. Available from
http://www.cbd.int/doc/meetings/ind/emind-02/official/emind-02-08d-en.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. History: Evolution of the Treaty. Available from
http://www.planttreaty.org/content/history-evolution-treaty (accessed 4 August 2015).
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The Importance of the International Treaty. Available from
http://www.planttreaty.org/ (accessed 4 August 2015).


increased food security; the scientific community, through access to the plant genetic
resources crucial for research and plant breeding; International Agricultural Research
Centres, whose collections the Treaty puts on a safe and long-term legal footing; both the
public and private sectors, which are assured access to a wide range of genetic diversity
for agricultural development; the environment, and future generations, because the Treaty
will help conserve the genetic diversity necessary to face unpredictable environmental
changes, and future human needs. There are indicators for monitoring the implementation
of the second global plan of action for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.196
The London Convention


The London Convention is one of the first international conventions for the protection of
the marine environment from human activities. The Inter-Governmental Conference on
the Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea, which met in London in November
1972 at the invitation of the United Kingdom, adopted the London Convention which
came into force on 30 August 1975.197 Since 1977, it has been administered by the
International Maritime Organization (IMO).198 The London Convention contributes to the
international control and prevention of marine pollution by prohibiting the dumping of
certain hazardous materials. In 1996, the Parties adopted a protocol which represents a
major change of approach to the question of how to regulate the use of the sea as a
depository for waste materials. Rather than stating which materials may not be dumped, it
prohibits all dumping, except for possibly acceptable wastes on the so-called reverse
list. This protocol entered into force in 2006.199 It restricts all dumping except for a
permitted list (which still require permits). The permitted substances are: dredged
material; sewage sludge; fish waste or material resulting from industrial fish processing
operations; vessels and platforms or other man-made structures at sea; inert, inorganic
geological material; organic material of natural origin; bulky items primarily comprising
iron, steel, concrete and similar non-harmful materials for which the concern is physical
impact and limited to those circumstances, where such wastes are generated at locations,
such as small islands with isolated communities, having no practicable access to disposal
options other than dumping; and CO2 streams from CO2 capture processes (added under
the amendments adopted in 2006, which entered into force in 2007).200


The London Protocol stresses a precautionary approach, which requires that

appropriate preventative measures are taken when there is reason to believe that wastes
or other matter introduced into the marine environment are likely to cause harm even
when there is no conclusive evidence to prove a causal relation between inputs and their
effects.201 It also states that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2012). Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, CGRFA/WG-PGR-6/12/2 Rev.1, Targets and indicators for plant genetic resources for food and
agriculture. Available from http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/agphome/documents/PGR/ITWG/ITWG6/working_docs/CGRFA-WG-PGR6.12.2_Rev.1.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
International Maritime Organization. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter. Available
from http://www.imo.org/About/Conventions/ListOfConventions/Pages/Convention-on-the-Prevention-of-Marine-Pollution-by-Dumping-ofWastes-and-Other-Matter.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).


and emphasizes that Contracting Parties should ensure that the Protocol should not
simply result in pollution being transferred from one part of the environment to
The World Heritage Convention


A United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World

Heritage Site is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, desert, monument, building,
complex or city) that is listed by UNESCO as having special cultural or physical
significance. The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme
administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, which is composed of 21 of
the States Parties to the Convention. They are elected by their General Assembly.203


The programme catalogues, names and monitors sites of outstanding cultural or natural
importance to the common heritage of humanity. Under certain conditions, listed sites
may obtain funds from the World Heritage Fund. The programme was founded with the
Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, which
was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO on 16 November 1972. As of
September 2012, 190 States Parties have ratified the Convention. Periodic reporting is
intended to provide information on general policy development, status of services
provided, scientific and technical studies and research and other aspects relating to the
protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage. The
Periodic Reporting process provides an assessment of the application of the World
Heritage Convention by the States Parties as well as information about the sites to record
possible changes in the state of conservation of sites. The Periodic Reports, submitted by
the States Parties themselves, are prepared on a regional basis and are examined by the
World Heritage Committee on a pre-established schedule based on a six-year cycle. For
each of them, regional periodic reporting strategies are developed to ensure full
participation of States Parties, competent institutions and regional expertise. The final
result of each regional strategy is a Regional State of the World Heritage Report.204
The Nagoya Protocol


The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing
of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an
international agreement which aims at sharing the benefits arising from the utilization of
genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. The sharing of the benefits is to be achieved
by providing appropriate access to genetic resources and appropriate transfer of relevant
technologies, taking into account all rights to those resources and technologies, and by
providing appropriate funding to contribute to the conservation of biological diversity
and to the sustainable use of its components. It was adopted by the Conference of the


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. World Heritage Convention. Available from
http://whc.unesco.org/en/convention/ (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. World Heritage Convention. Periodic Reporting. Available from
http://whc.unesco.org/en/periodicreporting/ (accessed 4 August 2015).


Parties to the CBD at its tenth meeting on 29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan.205 Since
adoption in 2010, 92 (48%) CBD Parties have signed the Nagoya Protocol on Access to
Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their
Utilization.206 As of 26 September 2014, 53 Parties to the CBD have deposited their
instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. The Nagoya Protocol will
enter into force 90 days after the date of deposit of the 50th instrument of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession, thus on 12 October 2014.207

The Nagoya Protocol is important because it will create greater legal certainty and
transparency for both providers and users of genetic resources by establishing more
predictable conditions for access to genetic resources and by helping to ensure benefitsharing when genetic resources leave the contracting party providing the genetic
resources. By helping to ensure benefit-sharing, the Nagoya Protocol creates incentives to
conserve and sustainably use genetic resources, and therefore enhances the contribution
of biodiversity to development and human well-being. Aichi Biodiversity Target 16 states
that by 2015, the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and
Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization shall be in force and
operational, consistent with national legislation.208 The headline indicator (arising from
the Convention on Biological Diversity) for this protocol is trends in access and equity of
benefit sharing of genetic resources.209
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)


The UNCLOS is the international agreement that resulted from the third United Nations
Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), which took place from 1973 through
1982.210 The Convention defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of
the world's oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment and the
management of marine natural resources. The Convention was concluded in 1982 and
replaced four 1958 treaties. One of its implementing agreements, relating to the seabed
and ocean floor and their sub-soils beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, came into
force in 1996 and the other, relating to fish stocks, came into force in 2001.


Enforcement of the Convention is facilitated by organizations such as the IMO, the

International Whaling Commission, and the International Seabed Authority (the last
established by the UN Convention).


Aside from its provisions defining ocean boundaries, Article 145 of the Convention
explicitly provides for protection of the marine environment. Other articles of the
Convention relate to freedom of scientific research on the high seas and creation of a
legal system for controlling the exploitation of mineral resources in deep seabed areas


Convention on Biological Diversity. Nagoya Protocol, About the Nagoya Protocol. Available from http://www.cbd.int/abs/about/default.shtml
(accessed 4 August 2015).
Biodiversity Indicators Partnership. Ratification Status of the Nagoya Protocol. Available from
http://www.bipindicators.net/NagoyaProtocolratification (accessed 4 August 2015).
Text of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Available from
http://www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


beyond national jurisdiction.211 Following are the fishery-related UNCLOS sustainability

indicators which have been put forward by the FAO to monitor this Convention. The
fishery-related indicators are:212
i. Yield-related indicators such as Catches, Catch value, Pelagic/Demersal ratio (P/D);
ii. Capacity-related indicators such as Fishing effort, Fishing intensity;
iii. Other economic indicators such as Investment, Level of subsidies;
iv. Technological indicators such as Lists of acceptable gear;
v. Social indicators such as Coastal populations and Ratio between fisheries and other
vi. Institutional indicators such as Per cent of fisheries covered by management
vii. Ecosystem-related indicators such as Catch per unit of effort;
viii. Resource demographic structure such as School size where relevant or Fat index;
ix. Biological diversity such as Existence of protected marine areas;
x. Water quality indicators such as Algae index or Release of nitrogen components
and phosphates; and
xi. Critical habitats indicators such as Area of live and dead coral.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)


The UNCCD is a convention to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought
through national action programmes that incorporate long-term strategies supported by
international cooperation and partnership arrangements.213


The Convention, stemming from a direct recommendation of Agenda 21, was adopted in
Paris in June 1994 and entered into force in December 1996.214 It is the first and only
international legally binding framework set up to address the problem of desertification.
The Convention is based on the principles of participation, partnership and
decentralization the backbone of good governance and sustainable development.


At the Conference of the Parties on its eighth session, the Parties to the Convention
adopted the 10-year strategic plan and framework to enhance the implementation of the
Convention for 2008-2018 (The Strategy).215 The Strategy contains the strategic
objectives to be achieved over the 10 years and the operational objectives that guide
the actions of short and medium-term effects. Parties are requested to report on progress
made with their implementation of The Strategy, while the Committee for the Review of
the Convention is given the responsibility of reviewing its implementation based on the


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1997). Land quality indicators and their use in sustainable agriculture and rural
development, Indicators of Sustainable Development of Fisheries, Appendix 2. Available from
http://www.fao.org/docrep/W4745E/w4745e0f.htm (accessed 4 August 2015).
Text of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Available from http://www.unccd.int/en/about-the-convention/Pages/Textoverview.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.
Available from http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/Agenda21.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The Reporting Process and the UNCCD 10-Year Strategy. Available from
http://www.unccd.int/en/programmes/Capacity-building/CBW/Resources/Pages/5RC/ReportingandTheStrategy.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).


reports by Parties, as well as those from other reporting entities. Parties can use the online
reporting platform: Performance Review and Assessment of Implementation System.216

The core set of impact indicators used for monitoring purposes are:217
i. Decrease in the number of people negatively impacted by the process of
desertification/land degradation and drought;
ii. Increase in the proportion of households living above the poverty line in affected
iii. Reduction in the proportion of the population below the minimum level of dietary
energy consumption in affected areas;
iv. Reduction in the total area affected by desertification/land degradation and drought;
v. Increases in net primary productivity in affected areas;
vi. Increases in carbon stocks (soil and plant biomass) in affected areas; and
vii. Areas of forest, agricultural and aquaculture ecosystems under sustainable

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto


The UNFCCC has the goal of preventing dangerous human interference with the climate
system. Its immediate objectives included beginning to cooperatively consider what they
could do to limit average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change,
and to cope with whatever impacts were, by then, inevitable.218 A number of nations
have approved an addition to the treaty, the Kyoto Protocol, which has more powerful
(and legally binding) measures. The Kyoto Protocol, an international and legally binding
agreement to reduce GHG emissions worldwide, entered into force in February 2005.
With regard to national reporting/monitoring, the UNFCCC invited the IPCC to produce
the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. These guidelines
provide internationally agreed methodologies intended for use by countries to estimate
GHG inventories to report to the UNFCCC. Reporting and review requirements under the
Convention encompass the following elements:219 national communications which are
submitted by Annex I Parties every four to five years following decisions for each
submission by the Conference of the Parties; and national GHG inventories which are
reported annually by Annex I Parties following reporting guidelines agreed by the
Conference of the Parties and methodology developed by the IPCC. GHG inventory data
may also be found on the UNFCCC website.220


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Templates for the 2014 Reporting Exercise. Available from:
http://www.unccd.int/en/programmes/Reporting-review-and-assessment/Pages/reporting-templates.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Report of the Conference of the Parties on its ninth session September to October 2009
ICCD/COP(9)/18/Add.1. Available from http://archive.unccd.int/cop/officialdocs/cop9/pdf/18add1eng.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Essential Background, The Convention and the Protocol. Available from
http://unfccc.int/essential_background/items/6031.php (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. National Reports. Available from
http://unfccc.int/national_reports/items/1408.php (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data. Available from
http://unfccc.int/ghg_data/items/3800.php (accessed 4 August 2015).



The GHG emission and removal estimates are divided into main sectors, which are
groupings of related processes, sources and sinks:
i. Energy
ii. Industrial Processes and Product Use
iii. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
iv. Waste
v. Other (e.g., indirect emissions from nitrogen deposition from non-agriculture
The IPCC is a scientific body whose purpose is to review and assess the most recent
scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the
understanding of climate change, including response strategies.222 It should be noted that
it does not conduct any research nor does it monitor climate related data or parameters.
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer/ Montreal Protocol on Substances
that Deplete the Ozone Layer


The Vienna Convention was adopted in 1985 and entered into force on 22 September
1988. The Vienna Convention did not require countries to take concrete actions to control
ODSs. Instead, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, the countries of the
world agreed to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer under
the Convention to advance that goal.223 The chief aim of the Montreal Protocol on
Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is to reduce and eventually eliminate the
production and use of man-made ODSs (chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons,
halons, methyl chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide and others).224 By
agreeing to the terms of the Montreal Protocol, signatory nations commit to take actions
to protect the ozone layer, hoping in the long-term to reverse the damage that has been
done by the use of ODSs. The Protocol requires all Parties to submit a detailed national
ODS data report annually on the production, import and export of each of the controlled
ODSs. The data reporting forms, instructions and definitions may be downloaded from
the Ozone Secretariat website.225 Data on, inter alia, the consumption and production of
ODSs may be accessed from the Ozone Secretariat website.226


Among the MDGs, Goal 7 (Ensure environmental sustainability, Target 7A - Integrate

the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and
reverse the loss of environmental resources) identifies the consumption of ODSs as one
of its indicators on which reporting should be done.


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Introduction to the 2006
guidelines. Available from http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/pdf/1_Volume1/V1_1_Ch1_Introduction.pdf (accessed 4 August
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Organization. Available from http://www.ipcc.ch/organization/organization.shtml (accessed 4
August 2015).
The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (2010-2011). Available from http://ozone.unep.org/en/treaties-anddecisions/vienna-convention-protection-ozone-layer (accessed 4 August 2015).
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (2000). Available from http://ozone.unep.org/pdfs/MontrealProtocol2000.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Environment Programme. Data Reporting and Tools (2014). Available from
http://ozone.unep.org/en/data_reporting_tools.php (accessed 4 August 2015).
United Nations Environment Programme. Data Access Centre (2014). Available from http://ozone.unep.org/en/ods_data_access_centre/
(accessed 4 August 2015).


Annex D: Classifications and environment statistics


This Annex provides supporting material for the most important and widely-used
classifications, categories and other groupings relevant to the field of environment
statistics. None of these should be considered as mandatory for reporting purposes.

Classifications of land cover and land use


FAO and partner agencies, including UNEP and the EEA, have done considerable work
in developing land cover and land use classifications. After a comprehensive global
consultation process, a classification composed of 14 classes has been developed in the
SEEA-CF.227 These 14 classes have been generated using the LCCS, version 3 approach,
created by FAO, and thus provide a comprehensive set of land cover types, mutually
exclusive and unambiguous, with clear boundaries and systematic definitions.
Table D.1: Land Cover Classification based on FAO LCCS (Interim)
1 Artificial surfaces (including urban and associated areas)
2 Herbaceous crops
3 Woody crops
4 Multiple or layered crops
5 Grassland
6 Tree covered areas
7 Mangroves
8 Shrub covered areas
9 Shrubs and/or herbaceous vegetation, aquatic or regularly flooded
10 Sparsely natural vegetated areas
11 Terrestrial barren land
12 Permanent snow and glaciers
13 Inland water bodies
14 Coastal water bodies and inter-tidal areas


A reference framework for the classification of land use is provided in the SEEA-CF228 as
agreed after a comprehensive global consultation process. The development of the land
use classification included in the SEEA-CF, led by FAO, has been based on practices
already in use in major international and national land use databases adjusted to meet the
different needs which have arisen during the global consultation process on this issue.


United Nations, European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank (2014). System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Central
Framework. Available from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/seeaRev/SEEA_CF_Final_en.pdf (accessed 17 July 2015).


1.1 Agriculture

Table D.2: Classification of Land Use (Interim)

1. Land Cereals Vegetables and melons
1.1.1 Land under Temporary oilseed crops
temporary crops Root/tuber crops with high starch or
inulin content Temporary spice crops Leguminous crops Sugar crops Other temporary crops
1.1.2 Land under temporary meadows and pastures
1.1.3 Land with temporary fallow
1.1.4 Land under Fruit and nuts
permanent crops Permanent oilseed crops Beverage and permanent spice crops Other permanent crops
1.1.5 Land under Cultivated permanent meadows and
meadows and Naturally grown permanent
meadows and pastures

1.1.6 Agricultural land under protective cover

1.2.1 Forest land Primary regenerated forest Other naturally regenerated forest
1.2 Forestry Planted forest
1.2.2 Other wooded land
1.3 Land use for
1.3.1 Land use for hatcheries
1.3.2 Managed grow-out sites on land
1.4.1 Mining and quarrying
1.4.2 Construction
1.4.3 Manufacturing
1.4 Use of built
1.4.4 Technical infrastructure
up and related
1.4.5 Transport and storage
1.4.6 Commercial, financial, and public services
1.4.7 Recreational facilities
1.4.8 Residential
1.5 Land used for maintenance and restoration of environmental functions
1.6 Other uses of land, n.e.c
1.7 Land not in use
2. Inland waters
2.1 Inland waters used for aquaculture or holding facilities
2.2 Inland waters used for maintenance and restoration of environmental functions
2.3 Other uses of inland waters n.e.c.
2.4 Inland waters not in use

3. Coastal waters
3.1 Coastal waters used for aquaculture or holding facilities
3.2 Coastal waters used for maintenance and restoration of environmental functions
3.3 Other uses of coastal waters n.e.c.
3.4 Coastal waters not in use
4. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
4.1 EEZ areas used for aquaculture or holding facilities
4.2 EEZ areas used for maintenance and restoration of environmental functions
4.3 Other uses of EEZ areas n.e.c
4.4 EEZ areas not in use

Classification of environmental activities


The CEPA has been in place since 2000, covering the classes of activities pertaining to
environmental protection. Subsequent work to develop an overarching CEA that
incorporates the CEPA and an interim listing of resource management activities has been
undertaken. The CEA classification has been developed as part of the SEEA-CF.229

Table D.3: Classification of Environmental Activities

I. Environmental Protection
1. Protection of ambient air 1.1 Prevention of pollution
1.1.1 for the protection of
and climate
through in-process
ambient air
1.1.2 for the protection of
climate and ozone layer
1.2 Treatment of exhaust gases
1.2.1 for the protection of
and ventilation air
ambient air
1.2.2 for the protection of
climate and ozone layer
1.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
1.4 Other activities
2. Wastewater management 2.1 Prevention of pollution through in-process modifications
2.2 Sewerage networks
2.3 Wastewater treatment
2.4 Treatment of cooling water
2.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
2.6 Other wastewater management activities
3. Waste management
3.1 Prevention of pollution through in-process modifications
3.2 Collection and transport
3.3 Treatment and disposal of
hazardous waste

3.3.1 Thermal treatment

3.3.2 Landfill




3.3.3 Other treatment and

3.4 Treatment and disposal of
non-hazardous waste

4. Protection and
remediation of soil,
groundwater and surface

5. Noise and vibration

abatement (excluding
workplace protection)

6. Protection of biodiversity
and landscapes

7. Protection against
radiation (excluding
external safety)
8. Research and
development for
environmental protection

3.4.1 Incineration
3.4.2 Landfill
3.4.3 Other treatment and
3.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
3.6 Other waste management activities
4.1 Prevention of pollutant infiltration
4.2 Cleaning up of soil and water bodies
4.3 Protection of soil from erosion and other physical
4.4 Prevention and remediation of soil salinity
4.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
4.6 Other activities
5.1 Preventive in-process
5.1.1 Road and rail traffic
modifications at the source
5.1.2 Air traffic
5.1.3 Industrial and other
5.2 Construction of anti
5.2.1 Road and rail traffic
noise/vibration facilities
5.2.2 Air traffic
5.2.3 Industrial and other
5.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
5.4 Other activities
6.1 Protection and rehabilitation of species and habitats
6.2 Protection of natural and semi-natural landscapes
6.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
6.4 Other activities
7.1 Protection of ambient media
7.2 Transport and treatment of high level radioactive waste
7.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like
7.4 Other activities
8.1 Protection of ambient air and 8.1.1 Protection of ambient air
8.1.2 Protection of
atmosphere and climate
8.2 Protection of water
8.3 Waste
8.4 Protection of soil and groundwater
8.5 Abatement of noise and vibration
8.6 Protection of species and habitats
8.7 Protection against radiation
8.8 Other research on the environment

9. Other environmental
protection activities

9.1 General environmental

administration and management

9.1.1 General administration,

regulation and the like
9.1.2 Environmental
9.2 Education, training and information
9.3 Activities leading to indivisible expenditure
9.4 Activities n.e.c.
II. Resource management (Interim)
10. Management of mineral 10.1 Reduction of the intake of mineral and energy resources
and energy resources
10.2 Reduction of minerals use through the reduction of scraps
and the production and consumption of recycled materials and
products and reduction of heat and energy losses and energy
10.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like related to
mineral and energy resources
10.4 Other activities for the management of mineral and energy
11. Management of timber
11.1 Reduction of the intake of timber resources
11.2 Reduction of the consumption of forest (wood and non
wood)-related products
11.3 Reforestation and afforestation
11.4 Forest fires
11.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like related to
natural timber resources
11.6 Other activities for the management of timber resources
12. Management of aquatic 12.1 Reduction of the intake of aquatic resources
12.2 Replenishment of aquatic resources stocks
12.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like related to
aquatic resources
12.4 Other activities for the management of aquatic resources
13. Management of other
13.1 Reduction of the intake of biological resources (excl. timber
biological resources (excl.
and aquatic resources)
timber and aquatic
13.2 Replenishment of biological resources stocks (excl. timber
and aquatic resources)
13.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like related to
biological resources stocks (excl. timber and aquatic resources)
13.4 Other activities for the management of biological resources
(excl. timber and aquatic resources)
14. Management of water
14.1 Reduction of the intake of water resources
14.2 Reduction of water losses and leaks, water reuse and
14.3 Replenishment of water resources


14.4 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like related to

water resources
15. Research and
development activities for
resource management

16. Other resource

management activities


14.5 Other activities for the management of water resources

15.1 Mineral and energy resources
15.2 Timber resources
15.3 Aquatic resources
15.4 Other biological resources
15.5 Water resources
15.6 Other R&D activities for natural resource management
16.1 General administration of
16.1.1 General administration,
natural resources
regulation and the like
16.1.2 Environmental
16.2 Education, training and information
16.3 Activities leading to indivisible expenditure
16.4 Activities n.e.c.

Environment statistics classifications developed and adopted by the Statistical Division of

the UNECE between 1989 and 1996 have been used extensively for international data
collection. The UNECE environment statistics classifications are heterogeneous and are
not pure classifications in the traditional sense; most of them include more than one
single hierarchical classification. They also include recommendations for definitions,
measurement methods and tabulations. These classifications include:
i. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Water Use (1989);
ii. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Marine Water Quality (1992) See
Table D.4;
iii. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Surface Freshwater Quality for the
Maintenance of Aquatic Life (1992) See Table D.5;
iv. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Land Use (1989);
v. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Wastes (1989);
vi. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Ambient Air Quality (1990) See
Table D.6;
vii. UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Flora, Fauna and Biotopes (1996);
viii. Single European Standard Statistical Classification of Environment Protection
Activities and Facilities (1994).
Many of these classifications have been revised and taken over to be included in more
recent classifications such as those on land cover, land use and environment protection
activities (see Tables D.1-3). The following Tables 4-6 contain the UNECE
classifications that are still in use in environment statistics and have global relevance.


Classification of marine water quality

Table D.4: UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Marine Water Quality (1992)
Class interpretation:
Oxygen regime
Major criteria: Oxygen
Class I: Excellent oxygen conditions for the maintenance
content in marine bottom
of aquatic life.
Class II: Good oxygen conditions for the maintenance of
aquatic life.
Class III: Slight oxygen deficiencies cause occasional
formation of hydrogen sulphide.
Class IV: Chronic deficiencies of oxygen and frequent
occurrence of hydrogen sulphide impair reproduction and
cause other sublethal chronic impacts to aquatic life.
Class V: Frequent oxygen depletion leads to toxic levels
of hydrogen sulphide with acute sublethal or lethal effects
for aquatic life.
Major criteria: Trophic state
of marine surface water and
the best available expert
judgement regarding the
impact of trophic state on
aquatic life.

Class interpretation:
Class I: Oligotrophic
Class II: Mesothrophic
Class III: Slightly eutrophic
Class IV: Strongly eutrophic
Class V: Hypertrophic

Pollution by harmful
Major criteria: Toxicological
impact on aquatic life as
established by US-EPA.

Class interpretation:
Class I: Approximate natural level or very low
background contamination.
Class II: [To be determined in accordance with the
absence of observable effects ('no observable effects') on
aquatic life.]
Class III: [To be determined in accordance with
occurrence of lowest observable effects on aquatic life,
not exceeding threshold levels in species.]
Class IV: Chronic toxicity
Class V: Acute toxicity

Pollution by radioactivity
Major criteria: [To be

Class interpretation:
[To be determined]


Classification of surface freshwater quality

Table D.5: UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Surface Freshwater Quality for the
Maintenance of Aquatic Life (1992)
Class interpretation:
Oxygen regime
Oxygen content, together
Class I: Constant near-saturation of oxygen content.
with presence of oxygenInsignificant presence of oxygen demanding substances
demanding substances, and
from the point of view of aquatic life.
the impact of oxygen content Class II: The oxygen saturation of water is good. Oxygenlevels on aquatic life
demanding substances do not normally disturb oxygen
Class III: Oxygen deficiencies may occur in the
hypolimnion. The presence of oxygen-demanding
substances risks sometimes considerable negative impacts
on aquatic life through the reduction of oxygen content.
Class IV: Oversaturation of oxygen or oxygen deficiency
occur in the epilimnion and oxygen deficiencies are
frequent in the hypolimnion, possibly owing to chronic
problems with the presence of oxygen-demanding
Class V: Acute problems occur in oxygen regime, i.e.
oversaturation or oxygen deficiency in the epilimnion,
and oxygen deficiency leading to anaerobic conditions in
the hypolimnion. The high level of presence of oxygendemanding substances may equally cause acute oxygen


Major criteria: Trophic state
and best available expert
judgement regarding the
impact of trophic state on
aquatic life, maintaining
consistency between the three

Class interpretation:
Class I: Clear, oligotrophic water with, at most, a very
slight, occasional anthropogenic pollution with organic
matter. Low nutrient content, provides spawning
grounds for salmonids.
Class II: Slightly polluted, mesotrophic water receiving
small discharges of organic matter. The loadings may lead
to slightly increased primary productivity.
Class III: Moderately eutrophic water receiving
considerable amounts of discharges of organic matter and
nutrients. The level of primary production is considerable
and some changes in community structure, including fish
species, can be observed.
Class IV: Strongly eutrophic, polluted water, receiving
discharges of organic matter, nutrients, and harmful
substances. Algal blooms are common. Increased
decomposition of organic matter together with
stratification of water bodies may entail anaerobic
conditions and fish kills. Mass occurrences of more
tolerant species; populations of fish and benthic
organisms are affected.
Class V: Extensively polluted, hypertrophic water.
Decomposers dominate over producers. Fish or benthic
species do not occur permanently.

Major criteria:
Toxicological impact of
acidity on aquatic life as
established in US-EPA

Class interpretation:
Class I: The buffering capacity of the water is very
Class II: The buffering capacity of the water is good.
Class III: The buffering capacity is weak but keeps the
acidity of the water at levels still suitable for most fish.
Class IV: The buffering capacity is exceeded, leading to
levels of acidity which affect the development of spawn.
Class V: The water is without buffering capacity and its
acidity is toxic for fish species.


Major criteria:
Toxicological impact on
aquatic life as established in
US-EPA practices

Class interpretation:
Class I: No anthropogenic pollution with inorganic
Class II: Concentrations are below midpoint between
natural and chronically toxic levels.
Class III: Concentrations are above midpoint between
natural and chronically toxic levels.
Class IV: Excursions beyond chronic criteria
concentrations occur, but do not establish chronically
toxic conditions in terms of concentration levels, duration
or frequency.
Class V: Excursions beyond chronic criteria
concentrations allow acutely toxic conditions in terms
of concentration levels, duration or frequency.

micropollutants and other
hazardous substances
Major criteria:
Toxicological impact on
aquatic life as established in
US-EPA practices

Class interpretation:
Class I: Not applicable
Class II: Not applicable
Class III: Loadings are evident, but concentrations are
below chronic and acute criteria levels.
Class IV: Excursions beyond chronic criteria
concentrations occur, but do not establish chronically
toxic conditions in terms of concentration levels,
duration or frequency.
Class V: Excursions beyond chronic criteria
concentrations allow acutely toxic conditions in terms of
concentration levels, duration or frequency.

Major criteria:
Toxicological impact on
aquatic life

Class interpretation:
[To be determined after experience is gained through
data collection and interpretation.]


Classification of ambient air quality

Table D.6: UNECE Standard Statistical Classification of Ambient Air Quality (1990)

Chemicals and their relevance in measurement estimation

(E = emissions; C = concentrations; I = at impact stations; B = at national or regional background
stations; G = at global background stations)

Sulphur compounds



NOX (excluding nitrous oxide)

Nitric acid and particulate nitrate
Ozone - tropospheric
- stratospheric
Nitrous oxide (tropospheric)


Reduced nitrogen compounds




Oxidized nitrogen compounds and oxidants



Sulphur oxides (incl. emissions of

hydrogen sulphide)
Particulate sulphate

Particulate ammonium compounds


Inorganic carbon compounds


Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide



Halogens and inorganic halogen compounds


Volatile organic compounds230

(incl. halogenated compounds)

Non-methane compounds
6.2.1 Aldehydes
6.2.2 CFCs
6.2.3 Halons
6.2.4 Other halogenated hydrocarbons




It may become possible to add relevant dioxins (toxic polychlorinated debenzo dioxins and furans) as a separate group under this heading once
sufficiently reliable emission and/or concentration data become available.



Heavy metals (to be specified)



Suspended particulate matter



Chemical composition of precipitation water


Emissions [tons/year]

Emissions from stationary sources



By process

Combustion of fuels
In power plants
In industrial establishments, excl. power plants
In other economic activities and domestic heating


Other processes, incl. evaporation
In industrial sources
In non-industrial and domestic sources

By activity231

Agricultural etc. (ISIC 01)
Mining and quarrying (ISIC 10-14)
Manufacture of paper and paper products (ISIC 21)
Manufacture of coke oven products (ISIC 231)
Manufacture of refined petroleum products (ISIC 232)
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (ISIC 24)
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products (ISIC 25)
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (ISIC/26)
1.2.9 Manufacture of basic iron and steel (ISIC 271)
1.2.10 Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals (ISIC/272)
1.2.11 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply (ISIC 40)
1.2.12 Other economic activities
1.2.13 Households

By availability of cleaning


Without cleaning
With cleaning or equivalent device

Emission from mobile sources


From road transport

United Nations Statistics Division. International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 3. Available
from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cr/registry/regcst.asp?Cl=2 (accessed 4 August 2015).



Using motor spirit (gasoline)

Using gas (diesel) oil
Using other fuels


From railway transport


From other transport


From other mobile sources

Emissions should at this time be reported on the following materials:


Sulphur oxides, incl. hydrogen sulphide [in units of SO2]

NOX, excl. nitrous oxide [in units of NO2]
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide [in units of CO2]
Total volatile organic compounds, incl. halogenated compounds
Suspended particulate matter

Emission data on items to should be broken down by type of fuel as follows:

Coal and coal products

Products obtained from petroleum refineries
Natural gas
Other fuels

Concentrations in ambient air


Concentrations at impact stations



Sulphur oxides [expressed as SO2]

Nitrogen oxides [expressed as NO2]
Carbon monoxide
VOCs (to be specified)
Suspended particulate matter

Concentrations at national/regional background stations




Sulphur oxides [expressed as SO2]

Particulate sulphate
Nitrogen oxides [expressed as NO2]
Nitric acid and particulate nitrate
Ozone (tropospheric)
Particulate ammonium compounds
VOCs (to be specified)
Chemical composition of precipitation (pH/H+ ammonium, nitrate,
chloride and sulphate ions, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium
ions, conductivity)

Concentrations at global background stations


Ozone (stratospheric)
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
Suspended particulate matter


Wet acidifying deposition


Sulphur dioxide and sulphate expressed in sulphur content

Nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid and nitrate expressed in nitrogen content
Ammonia and ammonium compounds expressed in nitrogen content

Note: Other deposition indicators may be added, once their development is sufficiently advanced.


Classification of disasters

The classifications to be used in the FDES to organize statistics on natural disasters are
based on the CRED EM-DAT Database. The types of data to be registered in this
component of environment statistics, at the most disaggregated variable level, may
include, for each calendar year or other appropriate time frame:
Table D.7: Record for individual natural disaster occurrence
1. Identification
1.1 Name or denomination (if any)
1.2 Location and course, spatial trajectory or
1.3 Magnitude (scale)
1.4 Date
1.5 National declaration of disaster
1.6 Maps and pictures - hyperlink
1.7 Appeal for international assistance
2. Type of natural
2.1 Disaster sub-group
2.2 Disaster main type

Table D.8: CRED EM-DAT classification of disasters232



Disaster Main Type




Mass movement
Volcanic activity







Disaster Sub-type

Ground shaking


Ash fall
Pyroclastic flow
Lava flow


Extra-tropical storm
Tropical storm
Convective storm
Cold wave
Heat wave
Severe winter conditions

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters EM-DAT. Classification. Available from http://www.emdat.be/classification
(accessed 21 July 2015).












Wave action




Glacial lake




Insect infestation


Animal accident


Space weather


Coastal flood
Riverine flood
Flash flood
Ice jam flood
Avalanche (snow, debris,
mudflow, rockfall)
Rogue wave


Forest fire
Land fire: brush, bush, pasture


Viral disease
Bacterial disease
Parasitic disease
Fungal disease
Prion disease


Energetic particles
Geomagnetic storm

Classification of protected areas


Through its World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), the IUCN has provided the
international guidelines on the categorisation of protected areas for nearly a quarter of a
century.233 These categories are internationally recognised and facilitate a global system
for defining, recording and classifying protected areas and the wide variety of specific
aims they might embody. Acknowledged on an international level and often incorporated
into national legislation, the categories below are based upon the management objectives
of a protected area.

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. IUCN Protected Areas Categories System. Available from
http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_quality/gpap_pacategories/ (accessed 23 July 2015).


Ia: Strict Nature


Ib: Wilderness Area

II: National Park

III: Natural
Monument or

IV: Habitat/Species
Management Area

V: Protected

VI: Protected area

with sustainable use
of natural resources


Table D.9: IUCN classification of protected areas

Category Ia are strictly protected areas set aside to protect biodiversity
and also possibly geological/geomorphological features, where human
visitation, use and impacts are strictly controlled and limited to ensure
protection of the conservation values. Such protected areas can serve
as indispensable reference areas for scientific research and monitoring.
Category Ib protected areas are usually large unmodified or slightly
modified areas, retaining their natural character and influence, without
permanent or significant human habitation, which are protected and
managed so as to preserve their natural condition.
Category II protected areas are large natural or near natural areas set
aside to protect large-scale ecological processes, along with the
complement of species and ecosystems characteristic of the area,
which also provide a foundation for environmentally and culturally
compatible spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor
Category III protected areas are set aside to protect a specific natural
monument, which can be a landform, sea mount, submarine cavern,
geological feature such as a cave or even a living feature such as an
ancient grove. They are generally quite small protected areas and often
have high visitor value.
Category IV protected areas aim to protect particular species or
habitats and management reflects this priority. Many category IV
protected areas will need regular, active interventions to address the
requirements of particular species or to maintain habitats, but this is
not a requirement of the category.
A protected area where the interaction of people and nature over time
has produced an area of distinct character with significant ecological,
biological, cultural and scenic value: and where safeguarding the
integrity of this interaction is vital to protecting and sustaining the
area and its associated nature conservation and other values.
Category VI protected areas conserve ecosystems and habitats,
together with associated cultural values and traditional natural
resource management systems. They are generally large, with most of
the area in a natural condition, where a proportion is under sustainable
natural resource management and where low-level non-industrial use
of natural resources compatible with nature conservation is seen as
one of the main aims of the area.

The IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria are intended to be an easily and widely
understood system for classifying species at high risk of global extinction. The general
aim of the system is to provide an explicit, objective framework for the classification of
the broadest range of species according to their extinction risk.234

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Species Survival Commission. 2001 IUCN Red List Categories and
Criteria version 3.1. Available from
http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-criteria/2001-categories-criteria (accessed 5 August 2015).


Figure D.1: Structure of the IUCN Red List Categories235

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Species Survival Commission (2014). Guidelines for Using the IUCN
Red List Categories and Criteria. Available from http://jr.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf (accessed 23 July 2015).



Basel Convention. Available from http://www.basel.int (accessed 4 August 2015).

Basel Convention. Data Visualization Tool for the Basel Convention on the Generation, Export
and Import of Hazardous Wastes and Other Wastes. Available from
x (accessed 4 August 2015).
Basel Convention. Electronic Reporting System of the Basel Convention. Available from
t.aspx (accessed 4 August 2015).
Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (2012). The Indicators. Available from
http://www.bipindicators.net/globalindicators (accessed 4 August 2015).
Biodiversity Indicators Partnership. Ratification Status of the Nagoya Protocol. Available from
http://www.bipindicators.net/NagoyaProtocolratification (accessed 4 August 2015).
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters EM-DAT (2009). Emergency Events
Database. Available from http://www.emdat.be (accessed 21 July 2015).
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters EM-DAT. Classification. Available
from http://www.emdat.be/classification (accessed 21 July 2015).
Commission of the European Communities (2009). GDP and Beyond. Available from
(accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity (1992). Article 2. Use of terms. Available from
http://www.cbd.int/convention/articles/default.shtml?a=cbd-02 (accessed 16 July 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity. Background. Available from
https://www.cbd.int/reports/national.shtml (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity. COP 5 Decision V/6, paragraph A.1. Available from
http://www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=7148 (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity. History of the Convention. Available from
http://www.cbd.int/history/ (accessed 4 August 2015).


Convention on Biological Diversity. Nagoya Protocol, About the Nagoya Protocol. Available
from http://www.cbd.int/abs/about/default.shtml (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on Biological Diversity. Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi
Biodiversity Targets. Available from http://www.cbd.int/sp/ (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2008).
Non-detriment findings. Available from http://www.cites.org/eng/prog/ndf/index.php
(accessed 19 July 2015).
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2011).
Guidelines for the preparation and submission of CITES annual reports. Available from
http://cites.org/sites/default/files/eng/notif/2011/E019A.pdf (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Available
from http://www.cites.org/eng/disc/text.php (accessed 4 August 2015).
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. CITES
Trade Database. Available from http://trade.cites.org/ (accessed 4 August 2015).
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http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/78638/E90038.pdf?ua=1 (accessed 17 July
World Health Organization (2006). Air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen
dioxide and sulfur dioxide, Global Update 2005, Summary of risk assessment. Available from
http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2006/WHO_SDE_PHE_OEH_06.02_eng.pdf?ua=1 (accessed 17
July 2015).
World Health Organization (2006). Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments.
Towards an estimate of the environmental burden of disease. Available from
http://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/publications/preventingdisease.pdf (accessed 23 July
World Health Organization (2009). The Resilience of Water Supply and Sanitation in the Face
of Climate Change. Summary and Policy Implications Vision 2030. Available from
http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/9789241598422_cdrom/en/ (accessed
21 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2010). 10 Facts on Preventing Disease through Healthy
Environments. Available from
(accessed 21 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2011). International Classification of Diseases. Available from
http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/ (accessed 16 July 2015).


World Health Organization (2013). Fact Sheet 266, Climate Change and Health. Available
from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs266/en/index.html (accessed 21 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2014). Health topics Environmental health. Available from
http://www.who.int/topics/environmental_health/en (accessed 23 July 2015).
World Health Organization (2014). Metrics: Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY). Available
from http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/metrics_daly/en/ (accessed 23 July
World Health Organization Indicator and Measurement Registry (IMR, version 1.6.0), Indicator:
Mortality and burden of disease attributable to the environment, available from
http://apps.who.int/gho/indicatorregistry/App_Main/view_indicator.aspx?iid=2393 (accessed 23
July 2015).


Selected Terms Used in the FDES

Note to the user

This glossary aims to provide an easily accessible alphabetic list of selected terms used in the
FDES. These terms originate in the FDES with particular or distinct attributes. They occur at
different levels of complexity and provide context and supplementary information in diverse
ways. The terms are presented here along with the paragraph numbers in which they appear in
the text of the FDES.
Each term is accompanied by an explanation which may represent an actual definition or a
simple description or may provide other relevant contextual information considered useful in
furthering understanding.
For practical purposes, the original institutional references for the definitions of the terms are
excluded from this list. However, in each instance they may be found in the original paragraph of
the FDES cited at the end of the entry.
In some cases, terms which have been separated from their original context have a recontextualised explanation or supplemental content found in other paragraphs in order to enrich
the explanation provided. The wording in this list may thus vary slightly from that used in the
text of the FDES.


Afforestation is the establishment of forest through planting and/or deliberate seeding on land
that, until then, was not classified as forest. It implies a transformation from non-forest to forest.
From a resource accounting perspective, afforestation is defined by SEEA-CF as the increase in
the stock of forest and other wooded land either due to the establishment of new forest on land
that was previously not classified as forest land, or as a result of silvicultural measures such as
planting and seeding. (paras. 3.109 and 3.119)
Agri-environmental indicators (AEI) are indicators able to describe and assess state and trends
in the environmental performance of agriculture to furnish useful indications to scientists and
policymakers about the state of the environment, about the effects of different policies, as well as
about the efficiency in the use of budgets in terms of environmental outcomes. (para. 5.67 and
Airborne diseases and conditions associated with the environment are caused or worsened by
exposure to unhealthy levels of pollutants (such as PM, SO2 or O3), usually found in urban
settlements and, in particular, in cities with weaker air quality regulations and/or enforcement
capabilities. (para. 3.248)
Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and
aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance
production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. (para. 3.127)
Aquatic resources comprise fish, crustaceans, molluscs, shellfish, aquatic mammals and other
aquatic organisms that are considered to live within the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ) of a country throughout their lifecycles, including both coastal and inland fisheries.
Migrating and straddling fish stocks are considered to belong to a given country during the
period when those stocks inhabit its EEZ. (para. 3.123)
Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial,
marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part,
including diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. It is also a measure of
ecosystem health. (para. 3.23)
Biological resources are renewable resources that are capable of regeneration through natural
(non-managed or managed) processes. Biological resources include timber and aquatic resources
and a range of other animal and plant resources (such as livestock, orchards, crops and wild
animals), fungi and bacteria. (para. 3.114)
Biome: A biome is a distinct community of plants, animals or fungi that occupy a distinct region.
It is often referred to as an ecosystem. (para. 3.33)


Biota is defined as all animal and plant life of a particular region or time. Biotic (living) factors
function with the abiotic (non-living) factors to form a complex unit such as an ecosystem. (para.
Climate change is a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human
activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural
climate variability observed over comparable time periods. Climate change occurs through a
chain of events and can be observable at all levels, from local to global. Climate process drivers
are GHG emissions associated with current production and consumption patterns, which depend
heavily on fossil fuels for energy and transportation. (paras. 5.26 and 5.30)
Climate change adaptation is an adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual
or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial
opportunities. (paras. 5.30 and 5.33)
Climate change evidence refers to the different processes that substantiate the occurrence of
changing climate patterns at the global, regional and local levels. The evidence of global
warming and climate change is unequivocal, including global temperature rise, extreme events,
sea level rise, shrinking ice sheets and glacial retreat. (para. 5.30)
Climate change mitigation refers to efforts to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions and
may involve using new technologies, incorporating and increasing renewable energies, making
older equipment more energy efficient and changing management practices or consumer
behaviour. Protecting natural carbon sinks like forests and oceans, or creating new sinks through
silviculture or green agriculture, are also elements of mitigation. (para. 5.31)
Climate change-related statistics (according to UNECE) refer to environmental, social and
economic data that measure the human causes of climate change, the impacts of climate change
on human and natural systems, and the efforts by humans to avoid and adapt to these
consequences. (para. 5.35)
Corporate, non-profit institution and household environmental protection and resource
management expenditure includes corporate, non-profit institution and household
environmental expenditure whose primary aim is to protect the environment and manage its
resources. Statistics on this topic usually require the use of specific surveys of establishments in
different sectors and industries. (para. 3.269)
Crops refer to plants or agricultural produce grown for food or other economic purposes, such as
clothes or livestock fodder (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division 01). (para. 3.131)
Cultivated biological resources cover animal resources yielding repeat products and tree, crop
and plant resources yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration are under the
direct control, responsibility and management of an institutional unit. (para. 3.116)


Deforestation is the conversion of forest to another land use or the long-term reduction of the
tree canopy cover below the minimum 10 per cent threshold. Deforestation implies the long-term
or permanent loss of forest cover and implies transformation into another land use. Such a loss
can only be caused and maintained by a continued human-induced or natural perturbation.
Deforestation includes areas of forest converted to agriculture, pasture, water reservoirs and
urban areas. The term specifically excludes areas where the trees have been removed as a result
of harvesting or logging, and where the forest is expected to regenerate naturally or with the aid
of silvicultural measures. From a resource accounting perspective, deforestation is defined by
SEEA-CF as the decrease in the stock of forest and other wooded land due to the complete loss
of tree cover and transfer of forest land to other uses (e.g., use as agricultural land, land under
buildings, roads, etc.) or to no identifiable use. (paras. 3.109 and 3.119)
Depletion, in physical terms, is the decrease in the quantity of the stock of a natural resource
over an accounting period that is due to the extraction of the natural resource by economic units
occurring at a level greater than that of regeneration. (para. 3.78)
Disasters are unforeseen and often sudden events that cause great damage, destruction and
human suffering. They often exceed local response capacities and require external assistance at
the national or international level. A disaster is often described as a result of exposure to an
extreme event. Depending on their cause, disasters can be both natural and technological. (para.
Dissipative losses are material residues that are an indirect result of production and consumption
activity. (para. 3.160)
Dissipative uses of products cover products that are deliberately released to the environment as
part of production processes. (para. 3.159)
Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework is an analytical
framework that is based on the causal relationship between its D-P-S-I-R components. Driving
forces are the socio-economic and socio-cultural forces driving human activities, which increase
or mitigate pressures on the environment. Pressures are the stresses that human activities place
on the environment. State, or state of the environment, is the condition of the environment.
Impacts are the effects of environmental degradation. Responses refer to the responses by society
to the environmental situation. (para. 2.41)
Economic territory is the area under the effective control of a single government. It includes the
land area of a country, including islands, airspace, territorial waters and territorial enclaves in the
rest of the world. Economic territory excludes territorial enclaves of other countries and
international organizations located in the reference country. (para. 1.71)


Ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and microorganism communities and their
non-living environment interacting as a functional unit. (para. 2.8)
Ecosystem services are the benefits supplied by the functions of ecosystems and received by
humanity. (para. 2.9)
Emissions are substances released to the environment by establishments and households as a
result of production, consumption and accumulation processes. (para. 3.156)
Emissions to air are gaseous and particulate substances released to the atmosphere by
establishments and households as a result of production, consumption and accumulation
processes. (para. 3.164)
Emissions to water are substances released to water resources by establishments and households
as a result of production, consumption and accumulation processes. (para. 3.179)
Energy production refers to the capture, extraction or manufacture of fuels or other energy
products in forms which are ready for general consumption. Energy products are produced in a
number of ways, depending on the energy source. Total energy production originates from
sources that can be classified as non-renewable or renewable. (paras. 3.97 and 3.98) Energy
production includes the production of primary and secondary energy. Primary energy refers to
energy sources as found in their natural state, as opposed to derived or secondary energy, which
is the result of the transformation of primary sources. (para. 3.99)
Environment statistics are environmental data that have been structured, synthesized and
aggregated according to statistical methods, standards and procedures. The scope of environment
statistics covers biophysical aspects of the environment and those aspects of the socio-economic
system that directly influence and interact with the environment. (paras. 1.26 and 1.33)
Environmental awareness involves the gradual understanding of environmental issues, and the
recognition of the connections among human actions, development, sustainability and human
responsibility in these processes. Environmental awareness involves the realization that humans
and ecosystems co-exist in a shared environment, which is ultimately the biosphere. Awareness
fosters pro-environmental attitudes and predispositions for action and changed behaviour. (para.
Environmental data are large amounts of unprocessed observations and measurements about
the environment and related processes. (para. 1.32)
Environmental education refers to the process of sharing and constructing environmental
information and knowledge, as well as information on how humans interact with the
environment. Environmental education is carried out through a variety of programmes, including
formal and informal education and training, directed towards different audiences. It may be
curriculum- and classroom-based or experiential, and may be provided on-site or in community
settings by government agencies or NGOs. Environmental education is integral to education for
sustainable development. (para. 3.292)


Environmental engagement involves the transformation of perceptions and attitudes into

concrete, pro-environmental actions. Individual and social participation and engagement in
environmental processes intended to improve and protect the local and global environment are a
concrete manifestation of understanding and motivation of, and commitment to protecting and
improving the environment, expressed through behaviour. (para. 3.300)
Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS) consists of a heterogeneous set of
producers of technologies, goods and services that: (i) measure, control, restore, prevent, treat,
minimise, research and sensitise environmental damages to air, water and soil as well as
problems related to waste, noise, biodiversity and landscapes. This includes cleaner
technologies, goods and services that prevent or minimise pollution; and (ii) measure, control,
restore, prevent, minimise, research and sensitise resource depletion. This results mainly in
resource-efficient technologies, goods and services that minimise the use of natural resources.
(para. 3.266)
Environmental health focuses on how environmental factors and processes impact and change
human health. It can be defined as an interdisciplinary field that focuses on analysing the
relationship between public health and the environment. From the health perspective, WHO
states that environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors
external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the
assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is
targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments []. (para.
Environmental indicators are environment statistics that have been selected for their ability to
depict important phenomena or dynamics. Environmental indicators are used to synthesize and
present complex environment and other statistics in a simple, direct, clear and relevant way.
(para. 1.34)
Environmental indices are composite or more complex measures that combine and synthesize
more than one environmental indicator or statistic and are weighted according to different
methods. (para. 1.35)
Environmental information includes quantitative and qualitative facts describing the state of
the environment and its changes as described in the different components of the FDES.
Quantitative environmental information is generally produced in the form of data, statistics and
indicators, and is generally disseminated through databases, spreadsheets, compendia and
yearbooks. Qualitative environmental information consists of descriptions (e.g., textual or
pictorial) of the environment or its constituent parts that cannot be adequately represented by
accurate quantitative descriptors. Geographically referenced environmental information provides
facts on the environment and its components using digital maps, satellite imagery and other
sources linked to a location or map feature. (paras. 1.31 and 3.288)
Environmental perception refers to individuals and groups notions of, attitudes towards and
evaluations of the environment, both as a whole or with respect to specific environmental issues.


Individuals and communities make decisions and judgments, and take actions based on
subjective perceptions of environmental information and experiences. Values and attitudes thus
filter information and transform it into perception in a culturally specific manner. (para. 3.296)
Environmental protection activities are those activities whose primary purpose is the
prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution and other forms of degradation of the
environment. These activities include the protection of ambient air and climate, wastewater
management, waste management, protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface
water, noise and vibration abatement, protection of biodiversity and landscapes, protection
against radiation, research and development for environmental protection and other
environmental protection activities. (para. 3.262)
Environmental regulation and instruments refer to policy responses to regulate and establish
acceptable limits for protecting the environment and human health. It entails both direct
regulatory and economic instruments. Direct regulatory instruments include environmental and
related laws, standards, limits and their enforcement capacities. These can be described using
statistics on regulated pollutants, licensing systems, applications for licences, quotas for
biological resource extraction, and budget and the number of staff dedicated to enforcement of
environmental regulations. Economic instruments may comprise the existence and number of
green/environmental taxes, environmental subsidies, eco-labelling and certification and emission
permits. (para. 3.275)
Environmental resources (assets) are the naturally occurring living and non-living components
of the Earth, together constituting the biophysical environment, which may provide benefits to
humanity. Environmental resources include natural resources (such as sub-soil resources
(mineral and energy), soil resources, biological resources and water resources) and land. They
may be naturally renewable (e.g., fish, timber or water) or non-renewable (e.g., minerals). (para.
Extreme events are events that are rare within their statistical reference distribution at a
particular location. An extreme event is normally as rare as or rarer than the 10th or 90th
percentile. (para. 3.195)
Fauna: The animal life of a particular region or time. It is generally regarded as that which is
naturally occurring and indigenous. (para. 3.35)
Flora: The plant life of a particular region or time. It is generally regarded as that which is
naturally occurring and indigenous. (para. 3.35)
Forest is land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy
cover of more than 10 per cent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include
land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use. (para. 3.42)


Genetic resources are defined as genetic material of plants, animals or microorganisms
containing functional units of heredity that are of actual or potential value as a resource for future
generations of humanity. (para. 3.133)
Geographic information system (GIS) is an integrating technology that helps to capture,
manage, analyse, visualize and model a wide range of data with a spatial or locational
component. (para. 1.51)
Geospatial information presents the location and characteristics of different attributes of the
atmosphere, surface and sub-surface. It is used to describe, display and analyse data with
discernible spatial aspects, such as land use, water resources and natural disasters. Geospatial
information allows for the visual display of different statistics in a map-based layout, which can
make it easier for users to work with and understand the data. The ability to overlay multiple data
sets using software, for instance on population, environmental quality, and environmental health,
allows for a deeper analysis of the relationship among these phenomena. (para. 1.72)
Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure includes
government expenditure whose primary aim is to protect the environment and manage its
resources. (para. 3.267)
Groundwater comprises water that collects in porous layers of underground formations known
as aquifers. (para. 3.145)
Human settlements refer to the totality of the human community, whether people live in large
cities, towns or villages. They encompass the human population that resides in a settlement, the
physical elements (e.g., shelter and infrastructure), services (e.g., water, sanitation, waste
removal, energy and transport), and the exposure of humans to potentially deleterious
environmental conditions. (para. 3.218)
Improved drinking water source includes the use of: piped water into dwelling, plot or yard;
public tap or standpipe; borehole or tube well; protected dug well; protected spring; rainwater
collection and bottled water (if a secondary available source is also improved). (para. 3.226)
Improved sanitation facility is defined as one that hygienically separates human excreta from
human contact. Improved facilities include flush/pour flush toilets or latrines connected to a
sewer, -septic tank, or -pit, ventilated improved pit latrines, pit latrines with a slab or platform of
any material which covers the pit entirely, except for the drop hole and composting
toilets/latrines. (para. 3.227)


Institutional dimension of environment statistics refers to the institutional factors necessary to

develop and strengthen the sustained production, dissemination and use of environment statistics.
It comprises the legal framework that establishes the mandates and roles of the main partners, the
institutional setting and institutional development level of environment statistics units, and the
existence and effectiveness of inter-institutional cooperation and coordination mechanisms at the
national level and with specialized international agencies. (para. 1.78)
Institutional strength: Government and citizen engagement in environmental and sustainable
development public policy is reflected in the extent to which institutions that manage and
regulate the environment exist and function properly at the national and sub-national levels.
(para. 3.273)
In-stream water use refers to the use of water without moving it from its source or to the use
when water is immediately returned with little or no alteration. (para. 3.148)
Known mineral deposits include commercially recoverable deposits, potential commercially
recoverable deposits and non-commercial and other known deposits. (para. 3.84)
Land provides space for natural ecosystems, human habitats and human activities. As this space
is finite, the expansion of human activities can reduce the space occupied by natural ecosystems,
thus reducing ecosystems capacity to yield ecosystem goods and services for all living beings.
From the resource perspective, land is a unique environmental resource that delineates the space
in which economic activities and environmental processes take place and within which
environmental resources and economic assets are located. (paras. 2.16 and 3.102)
Land cover is the observed (bio) physical cover on the earth's surface. (para. 3.23)
Land use reflects both the activities undertaken and the institutional arrangements put in place
for a given area for the purposes of economic production, or the maintenance and restoration of
environmental functions. Land being used means the existence of some kind of human activity
or management. Consequently, there are areas of land that are not in use by human activities.
(para. 3.104)
Livestock are animal species that are raised by humans for commercial purposes, consumption
or labour (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, Division 01). (para. 3.135)
Multilateral Environmental Agreements address, via international cooperation, environmental
problems, especially those which have a transboundary nature or are global in scope. For the
most relevant MEAs, participant or signatory countries are usually expected to report on progress
periodically, either on a mandatory or voluntary basis. (paras. C.1 and C.2)


Natural biological resources consist of animals, birds, fish and plants that yield both once-only
and repeat products for which natural growth and/or regeneration is not under the direct control,
responsibility and management of institutional units. (para. 3.115)
Nuclear radiation-related diseases and conditions: The related diseases and health conditions
may be acute or chronic. They include, but are not limited to, thermal burns from infrared heat
radiation, beta and gamma burns from beta and gamma radiation, radiation sickness or atomic
disease, leukaemia, lung cancer, thyroid cancer and cancer of other organs, sterility and
congenital anomalies or malformations, premature aging, cataracts, and increased vulnerability
to disease and emotional disorders. Exposure to nuclear radiation could occur from a nuclear
explosion or an accident involving a nuclear reactor. (paras. 3.254 and 3.255)
Other non-cultivated biological resources: These resources may include wild berries, fungi,
bacteria, fruits, sap and other plant resources that are harvested (ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, class
0230), as well as wild animals that are trapped or killed for production, consumption and trade
(ISIC Rev. 4, Section A, class 0170). (para. 3.140)
Other wooded land is land not classified as Forest, spanning more than 0.5 hectares; with
trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy cover of 5-10 per cent, or trees able to reach these
thresholds in situ; or with a combined cover of shrubs, bushes and trees above 10 per cent. It
does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use. (para. 3.42)
Protected Area Management Categories are based on the strictness of protection and serve as
the classification for protected areas. The main categories are strict nature reserve; wilderness
area; national park; natural monument or feature; habitat/species management area; protected
landscape/seascape; and protected area with sustainable use of natural resources. (para. 3.38)
Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance,
typically from aircraft or satellites. (para. 1.50)
Renewable energy is captured from sources that replenish themselves. It includes solar
(photovoltaic and thermal), hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal action, wave action, marine (nontidal currents, temperature differences and salinity gradients), wind and biomass energy, all of
which are naturally replenished, although their flow may be limited. (para. 3.95)
Renewable water resources of a country are generated by precipitation and inflows of water
from neighbouring territories and reduced by evapotranspiration. (para. 3.145)


Residuals are flows of solid, liquid and gaseous materials, and energy, that are discarded,
discharged or emitted by establishments and households through processes of production,
consumption or accumulation. (para. 3.154)
Resource management activities are those activities whose primary purpose is preserving and
maintaining the stock of natural resources and hence safeguarding against depletion. These
activities include, but are not limited to, reducing the withdrawals of natural resources (including
through the recovery, reuse, recycling and substitution of natural resources); restoring natural
resource stocks (increases or recharges of natural resource stocks); the general management of
natural resources (including monitoring, control, surveillance and data collection); and the
production of goods and services used to manage or conserve natural resources. They cover the
management of mineral and energy resources; timber resources; aquatic resources; other
biological resources; water resources; research and development activities for resource
management; and other resource management activities. (para. 3.263)
Reused water is wastewater supplied to a user for further use with or without prior treatment.
(para. 3.157)
Slums are housing lacking one or more of the following conditions: access to improved water;
access to improved sanitation; sufficient living area; durability of housing; or security of tenure.
(para. 3.235)
Soil provides the physical base to support the production and cycling of biological resources,
provides the foundation for buildings and infrastructure, constitutes the source of nutrients and
water for agriculture and forestry systems, provides a habitat for diverse organisms, plays an
essential role in carbon sequestration and fulfils a complex buffering role against environmental
variability, ranging from dampening diurnal and seasonal change in temperature and water
supply to the storage and binding of a range of chemical and biological agents. The main
environmental concerns about soil pertain to its degradation through soil erosion or nutrient
depletion, among other processes. (para. 3.17)
Soil resources comprise the top layers (horizons) of soil that form a biological system. (para.
Stocks of non-renewable energy resources are defined as the amount of known deposits of
mineral energy resources. (para. 3.92)
Stocks of mineral resources are defined as the amount of known deposits of non-metallic and
metallic mineral resources. (para. 3.84)
Sub-soil resources are underground deposits of various minerals that provide raw materials and
energy sources for humans. When considered as resources for human use, these sub-soil


elements differ fundamentally from ecosystems in that they are non-renewable. Their use thus
results in permanent depletion. (para. 2.17)
Surface water comprises all water that flows over or is stored on the grounds surface,
regardless of its salinity levels. Surface water includes water in artificial reservoirs, lakes, rivers
and streams, snow, ice and glaciers. (para. 3.145)
Technological disasters may arise as a result of human intent, negligence or error, or from
faulty or failed technological applications. The three types of technological disasters are:
industrial accidents which cover accidents associated with chemical spill, collapse, explosion,
fire, gas leak, poisoning, radiation and other; transport accidents which cover accidents
associated with air, road, rail, and water; and miscellaneous accidents which cover accidents
associated with collapse, explosion, fire, and other disasters of varied origin. (paras. 3.205 and
Timber resources are defined by the volume of trees, living and dead, which can still be used
for timber or fuel. (para. 3.117)
Toxic substances include toxic pesticides (e.g., pesticides that have teratogenic, carcinogenic,
tumorigenic and/or mutagenic effects), and toxic industrial chemicals (e.g., lead, arsenic,
mercury and nickel, among others). (para. 3.252)
Toxic substance-related diseases and health problems include, but are not limited to, chronic
illnesses of the respiratory system (such as pneumonia, upper and lower respiratory diseases,
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases), cancer, infertility, and congenital anomalies
or malformations. (para. 3.252)
Vector-borne diseases are transmitted by organisms (e.g., insects and arachnids) that carry
viruses, bacteria, protozoa and other pathogens. Common vector-borne diseases include, but are
not limited to, malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and Lyme disease. Some vector-borne
diseases are directly affected by climate change, specifically by the change in rain patterns and
floods. (para. 3.250)
Waste covers discarded materials that are no longer required by the owner or user. (para. 3.158)
Wastewater is discarded water that is no longer required by the owner or user. (para. 3.157)
Water abstraction is the amount of water that is removed from any source, either permanently
or temporarily, in a given period of time. Water is abstracted from surface water and


groundwater resources by economic activities and households. Water can be abstracted for own
use or for distribution to other users. (para. 3.147)
Water-related diseases and conditions result from micro-organisms and chemicals in the water
that humans drink. They include, but are not limited to, diseases caused by biological
contamination, such as gastroenteritis infections caused by bacteria, viruses and protozoa, and
water-borne parasite infections. (para. 3.249)
Water resources consist of freshwater and brackish water, regardless of their quality, in inland
water bodies, including surface water, groundwater and soil water. (para. 3.145)


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